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Globalization Essay

You have the period to write an essay that discusses globalization and takes an opinion on
whether globalization is more of a positive or negative force in our world today.
Your essay must be set up into 5 paragraphs and contain the following:
Thesis Statement
Eplanation of what globalization is and how it is impacting the world
! arguments to support your thesis
Evidence " facts to support each of your arguments
#lear connections drawn between your eamples$ details$ and thesis
Grading #riteria %&' points(
). *ntroduction+ *ntroduces topic to reader$ clearly stated thesis
,. Globalization eplanation+ #lear$ -ses eamples to show$ in logical place within essay
!. ! arguments to support thesis+ clearly stated$ connection made between them and thesis
.. Supporting details" evidence+ Each argument is supported by facts and details that prove
your eample " thesis$ these all clearly support what you are trying to prove
5. #onclusion+ /estates thesis$ etends essay to draw connection to our world today or in
the future$ how does this impact the future of our world0
&. 1rganization " 2ocus+ Entire essay is focused on proving thesis$ organized in logical
manner$ shows clarity of thought and purpose throughout
You are allowed to bring in an outline to help you write the essay. The more detailed and specific
your outline is$ the better off you will be when it comes time to write. 2ind evidence beforehand
using the articles and statistics posted on my website under 3Globalization4$ the videos from
class$ and other readings we have done.

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