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Working with Community Groups

The Polesworth Collecton

A study of Polesworth Abbey & Gatehouse
Client Polesworth Abbey
Community based flm project to raise awareness of the future of the
Polesworth Abbey underwent an extensive
restoraton in 2010 and to celebrate this
event a series of flms were commissioned as
part of the overall interpretaton.
Producton of four flms:
A historical documentary/reconstructon
tracing the development of the gatehouse
from medieval tmes to present.
A flmed record of the gatehouse
A virtual tour of the fully restored gatehouse
Gatehouse Voices - a oral history flm based upon the
memories of locals.
We with the community we developed a script for the
historical flm. The community helped to write the script
and also acted in the fnal flmand.
The flms were made into The Gatehouse Collecton
DVD and sold to raise funds.

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