Pass Year Questions

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**|an|ang Matematk dan gemetrk **

1) Wrte down the pattern connectng the number of posts and ras for the
ength of fence.


2) Maron has RM8.00 eft after takng RM6.00 to pay for her brary nes. When
she arrves at the
brary she dscovers that they are havng an amnesty on brary nes and she
does not have to
pay. Maron therefore has RM 14.00.
Use a number ne to ustrate your souton. (4 marks)
3) Expan brey wth dagram the two meanngs of fractons.
Fractons as parts of a unt whoe (3 marks)

Fractons as parts of a set of ob|ects. (3 marks)
Sn=n/2(a+(n-1)d) Tn=a+(n-1)d
(a) adaah tang pertama
(d) adaah tang yang kedua
= =
Contoh :
Set semesta = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Set A = {no genap}
= {2,4,6}
= satu perdua darpada enam
4) The meanng of percent s "fractons wth denomnaton of 100". Create
actvtes n cassroom to
show the meanng of fracton. (10 marks)
Daam satu dewan ada 100 orang pea|ar. Kta dmnta mencar bangan pea|ar
eak dan menukar kepada bentuk peratus. |umah pea|ar danggap sebaga
penyebut. Seepas mengra pea|ar eak, mendapat se|umah 45 orang pea|ar
teah dkenapast.

Pea|ar eak
|umah pea|ar
5) What s the vaue of the dgts 4. In base ten, n the number ?
(a) 40
(b) 100 (Betul)
(c) 225
(d) 400
5) 13,17,p,23,q,31
(p dan q prme number)
P+q = 48
6) A has RM x and Ahmad has 4 tmes more than A, whe Susan has RM 250
more than Ahmad. If the tota sum of ther money s RM 700 nd the amount of
money Ahmad has.
(a) 200 (betul)
(b) 250
= x 100
4x + x 4x + 250
Ahmad = 4 A
Ahmad + 250 =
(c) 300
(d) 350
7) If the products of the ntegers n each row are the same, nd one of the vaue
x + y
-2 -2 -3
-2 +3 2
x y 2
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5(betul)
-3 + 2 +2 = 1
-2 +3 +y = 1
-2+ (-2) +x = 1

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