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What is Education?

Mihir Patel
Education 101

There are many definitions of what exactly education is. I believe education is
composed of many different variables but combines the process of teaching and
learning. Aristotle stated, The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. There
are a lot of components which go into an effective education whether you are the
teacher or the student. At times it may be very tedious and overwhelming. However, an
education is a valuable asset and shapes the word today.
There are two types of education. One if formal and the other is informal. Formal
education refers to that which is in the syllabus and class rules. These are things
directly pertaining to the class. Informal education are things like the values taught from
the schools environment. An example of informal education would be the hierarchy
accepted within a school system. Students accept the fact they must respect and
authority and there is essentially a chain of command.
The philosophies we are accustomed to here in the United States are Western.
This means they have European or American origins. Some philosophies are
perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and social reconstruction. These four
philosophies are prominent in schools today. Perennialism deals with a curriculum
which stays the same over time and is constant with natures teachings. Essentialism
suggests there are certain skills and knowledge which everybody should have
regardless of the direction of their life. It is used for a solid foundation. Progressivism
emphasizes real-world problem solving and individual development. Social
reconstruction suggests schools, teachers, and students have an obligation to help
society. All of these philosophies are solid foundations to develop education standards.
I believe that Deweys idea on progressivism was right on point. He believed
students should learn necessary things in schools should help them in the real world.
This may relate to learning how to take orders from a teacher or eventually a boss. Ive
always believe education in certain subjects is important. I also believe learning how to
learn is even more important. It is another priceless lesson in school.
Perennialsim looks at education as being something which is very constant. By
having a specific way to teach the masses it makes things very simple. It allows a
concrete way for doing things which will stand the test of time and also allows students
to begin to think more critically. Adler believed by having a broad spectrum of courses
you could improve the intellectuality of students and get them to higher levels of
In order to create your own philosophy a person must fully understand what it is
they believe. It is these beliefs and values which will be reflected in your classroom and
it is a good idea to have an understanding on why you do things the way you do. It is
also important to understand your beliefs are subject to change as you grow as a
teacher. They will evolve and you will have to take some time to do some reflections
and evaluation on yourself. The main point for having a personal philosophy is to
develop a plan for thinking and action. My personal philosophy is that all students
should have the right to learn but learn in a way they can develop universal skills to
continue a successful life.


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