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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1d: Demonstratin Kno!lede o" #esources
$%am&le 1: 'hen ( &lan my instruction) ( chec* out the
internet "or in"ormation to su&&lement my lessons+ ( ha,e
the student use the coo*-oo*s that are a,aila-le "or some o"
the coo*in classes+ 'hen the .
raders com&lete the
!or*sheet on Kitchen $/ui,alents) the students are allo!ed
to use any resource a,aila-le e%ce&t the ans!er sheet and
the teacher+ This includes their aendas) the te%t -oo*s) any
coo*-oo*s) &osters) and so on) and the internet+
$%am&le 2: For the 0
rade se!in unit) ( i,e the students
the list o" su&&lies recommended "or the &ro1ect+ ( also
recommend) or suest) oin to the ne!) local "a-ric store)
2anadu+ The student does not ha,e to &urchase his or her
o!n su&&lies since ( ha,e recei,ed donations "rom &arents
and sta3 o" "a-ric and other su&&lies+
$%am&le 3: The .
rade classes com&lete t!o research
&ro1ects in FCS class+ ( &ro,ide them !ith !e-sites that (
ha,e chec*ed out -e"ore class+ 'e then use the li-rary
com&uters to do our research and !rite the in"ormation into
a !ord document to -e used in our ne%t class+
#elia-le sources "or the Food Science and 4utrition unit:
#elia-le sources "or the chemical reactions in -a*in ca*es:
Susan Kline
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Kane Area Middle School

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