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Listen And Imitate
- Based on the teacher provided
models student listen and repeat to
imitate them
(Example : lap, tap and map -
phoneme [a] in the closed syllable)
Phonetic Description
- Using articulation descriptions,
phoenetic alphabets and sound
charts to describe the language
Minimal Pair Drills
- helps the students distinguish
between similar sound in the target
language through listening
(Example : hill-heel, fill-feel)
Visual Aids
- Use charts, pictures, mirrors and
real things to enhance the
pronunciation training
Developmental Approximation Drills
- Students acquire pronunciation by
substituting some sounds instead of
the other.
(Example: wed-red, witch-rich)
Practice Of Shifts
- rhythmic exercises develop rhythm
of utterance
(Example: this thimble is thick for a
thin finger)
- Give passages for practice and
ricitation with the focus oin stress,
timing and intonation
Board Game
- Pronunciation teaching in pairs or
small groups by game based

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