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Susan Kline

KMS Family and Consumer Science

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1f: Designing Student Assessments
Example 1: I clarify expectations for students by
a) Exemplary student work - Before the students begin the 8

grade nutrient research poster I sho! the students a pile of
posters and explain !hy each is exemplary o"ay or not
acceptable and lea#e the posters on display !hile the
students are organi$ing their thoughts and information%
&o!e#er I put the posters a!ay before the students begin
creating their posters as I don't !ant the students to copy
from another person's !or"%
b) Rubrics ( Shortly after the )
graders begin putting their
se!ing pro*ects together I !ill hand out the e#aluation sheet%
As the student completes most steps the student is to
e#aluate his or her e+ort and result% By the time the pro*ect is
completed the student has "ept up !ith the e#aluation and
"no!s !hat I am expecting on the pro*ect%
c) Explicit directions ( ,or the classes that ha#e se#eral learning
support students I !ill brea" do!n the directions into speci-c
smaller steps% .hen I !ill obser#e ho! !ell the students are
!or"ing% If I ha#e to repeat or rephrase the directions I !ill
get e#eryone's attention because I -gure most of them need a
little more guidance or direction than they got% If the
directions !ere too #ague I !ill admit to that and rephrase
the directions so that they are more understandable%
d) Modeling ( During the se!ing unit I !ill model ho! to
complete each step and !hat is good and !hat is not
acceptable% I !ill sho! the students ho! some students mess
up and ho! they can straighten or re-do the !or"%
e) Student repetition of details ( ,or some of the classes I !ill
as" students to repeat !hat !as already said either by me or
by classmates% I !ill sometimes as t!o or three students to
repeat the details or directions% Sometimes I !ill do this !ith
t!o or three details/steps and then go bac" to some of the
students to repeat the information%
Example 0: I gi#e my 8
graders a 1ui$ on the common coo"ing terms%
I ha#e three di+erent 1ui$$es that I hand out% .he ability of the student
determines !hich 1ui$ I !ill hand to him or her% ,or the lo!er ability
students or those !ho ha#e di2culty remembering facts I ha#e a 1ui$
on the nine most common terms% I ha#e another that includes a !ord
ban"% I also ha#e one that re1uires the student to list foods !ith !hich
the term !ould apply%

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