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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
2d: Managing Student eha!ior
"#am$le 1: My classroom rules are $osted on the %ulletin
%oard near the re&rigerator' (uring the )rst class e!ery
student is gi!en a co$y o& the rules and $rocedures and *e
go o!er them together' +$on re,ection- the rules may %e
too !ague to many students e!en though they all act as i&
they understand the rules' . might as/ the class to re-*rite
the rules in terminology they understand and &or them to
suggest other rules that the class &eels im$ortant to them'
The students currently ha!e no o*nershi$ to the rules since .
hand the list to them rather than ta/e time to see *hat is
im$ortant to them' . am sure they *ould %e a%le to come u$
*ith a com$ara%le- $ertinent list o& rules'
"#am$le 2: The most $ersistent %eha!ior $ro%lem .
encounter in my classroom is %ac/ tal/ing- sometimes *ith
ina$$ro$riate language' . start %y catching the cul$rit0s
attention and letting him or her /no* it is not acce$ted'
+sually . do this *ith a nod or sha/e o& my head' 1hen
necessary . ta/e the student aside to *arn him or her- or .
*ill say something 2uietly to the student' This usually gets
e!ery one 2uiet since they *ant to hear *hat . am saying to
the one $erson' .& the %eha!ior3language doesn0t sto$- . try
to isolate the student in the room or in the hall close to the
door' . *ant to get the $erson out o& the limelight' .& that
doesn0t sto$ it- . *ill *rite a (isci$line 4e&erral Form' . ha!e
tried to /ee$ trac/ o& %eha!ior %ut o&ten don0t remem%er to
use the &orm . /ee$ in the class &older'

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