Domain 3d Using Assessment in Instruction

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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 3: Instruction
3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
Example 1: I show the 7
graders examples of exemplary
students work and poor eforts efore they egin their
sewing pro!ects" I want them to see se#eral diferent $uilt
lock patterns and to see what happens if you follow the
directions and if you choose to or !ust can%t follow the
directions and don%t ask $uestions or get help" I show the &
graders exemplary work during the 'oor plan pro!ect in the
(ousing and Interior )ecorating unit and during the lesson
on *itchen E$ui#alents when they ha#e to color the locks of
e$ui#alent units" Another time I show exemplary work is to
the +
graders efore they egin their ,utrient -esearch
Example .: I use teacher/created rurics to e#aluate the +th
grade ,utrients -esearch poster0 the 7
grade sewing
pro!ects0 and the &
grade sewing pro!ects0 the
presentations0 and their 'oor plan pro!ects" 1ometimes0 I
pass the rurics to the students ahead of time2 sometimes I
use them ut read the re$uirements eforehand"
Example 3: I try to get papers graded and handed ack to
the students the next class or as soon as possile" If I am
unale to get the papers ack $uickly0 I let the students
know that it may e a while and gi#e the students a time
frame in which to expect the papers ack" 3hen I ha#e
concerns aout a student%s grade or missing work0 I call the
student to the teacher%s desk and discuss the grade0 missing
work and what needs to e done for the student to catch up"

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