Domain 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 3: Instruction
3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Example 1: I use various methods to ensure that all
students are respected as they ofer solutions to problems.
First i! a student is put"do#n by other students !or his input
I step in and in!orm the others that they o#e the $rst
student an apology and #ait until they give it. %econd I try
to model respect during presentations and expect it !rom
the other students. I remind students that i! a person is
presenting or a group o! music students are per!orming !or a
concert you #ait until the presentation is over be!ore
moving &to sharpen a pencil blo# a nose or clean hands or
to return to their seats'. (hird i! a student is unable to
provide an ans#er even i! given extended #ait time I #ill
allo# the student to get assistance but #arn the student
that I #ill come bac) to the student !or the ans#er. I give
him or her the chance to *phone"a"!riend+ call on a
classmate to help *poll the audience+ or some other
techni,ue #hich ta)es the pressure of the student. -!ter
receiving a correct ans#er and getting the supporting
in!ormation I ma)e sure to go bac) to the $rst student and
as) again.
Example .: rigorous relevant and related to real li!e.
/y !oods labs #here recipes are !ollo#ed and !ood prepared
are relevant to real li!e 0 1
and 2
graders. (he 3
inspect and evaluate children4s toys !or educational value
ho# it helps a child gro# and learn and !or sa!ety. /any 1

graders relate the 5oor plan pro6ect to activities their
!amilies have already participated in #hile remodeling rooms
in their houses. %ome 1
and 3
graders see the value o!
the se#ing units and continue to use their s)ills at home to
ma)e clothing pillo#s and blan)ets. %ome o! those students
either bring in photos o! their pro6ects or the ob6ects
themselves !or me to see.
Susan Kline
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Kane Area Middle School

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