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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4b: Maintainin Accurate !ecords
"#am$le 1: % &ee$ my o'n attendance lo usin
an "#cel s$readsheet( % )nd this 'or&s best since %
don*t see all students e+ery day( % ha+e my o'n
&ey as to 'here the students are so % can tell i, the
students are in school and not in my room or i,
they are not in school at all( A sam$le o, this is
"#am$le 2: % use -rade .uic& to &ee$ trac& o,
scores and rades( This allo's the students to
&ee$ trac& o, their rades online either in school or
at home( % not only &ee$ a co$y o, the radeboo&
s$readsheet but a summary o, each class*s rades(
% ha+e attached a co$y o, one class*s in,ormation(

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