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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4d: Particiatin! in a Pro"essional Community
#$amle 1: % am a mem&er o" the district's (ellness
Committee )hich met this srin!* This )as to create
district olicy "or the sellin! o" snac+s and other "oods
durin! the school day and at a"ter school "unctions*
#$amle 2: This "all, % articiated in a )e&inar a&out
CT# teachers' role and articiation in %#P meetin!s* -ne
handout "rom the )e&inar is a list o" s+ills needed "or CT#
classes* %t )as recommended that the CT# .FCS/ teacher
ro0ide the Secial #ducation 1eartment chair and 2 or
the teacher in char!e o" the %#P meetin! ha0e a list o"
s+ills needed in the 0arious FCS classes* % tried sharin!
this list )ith the other KMS "ocus teachers &ut they
)eren't interested* % )ill &e sharin! the list )ith the hi!h
school FCS teacher*
#$amle 3: At the &e!innin! o" the school year, % so+e
)ith the three KMS Science teachers a&out ho) % can
incororate more science concets in my classes* %
recei0ed some in"ormation "rom Ms* 3arner re!ardin!
sanitation and hy!iene and a list o" science terms "rom
the deartment* As a result o" this sharin! o"
in"ormation, % added a ne) lesson to my 4
!rade Food
Science and 5utrition 6nit called 7Chemical 8eactions in
Susan Kline
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Kane Area Middle School
Ca+es9* % ha0e attached memos "rom t)o science
teachers a"ter % reorted to them ho) % incororated this

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