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Susan Kline

Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Kane Area Middle School
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4f: Showin !rofessionalism
"#am$le 1: %hen no o&her &eacher s&e$$ed forward' (
)olun&eered &o cha$erone a $e$ *us oin &o Clarion
+ni)ersi&y for &he hih school irls, *as-e&*all semi-.nal
ame in Fe*ruary' on a )ery cold nih&/ (& was an 0eye
o$ener1 &o see s&uden&s who a)e middle school &eachers
di2cul&ies show res$ec& &oward each o&her and &he
"#am$le 2: ( cha$eroned 2 school dances: &he 345S
dance and &he S&uden& Council dances in &he fall/ A&
&hese dances ( sold snac-s &o &he s&uden&s and moni&ored
&he cafe&eria/
"#am$le 3: ( am )olun&arily leadin a rou$ of s&uden&s
&o "uro$e in &he summer of 2016/ ( am headin &he
fundraisin' &he $a$erwor- and all &he o&her wor- &ha& is
in)ol)ed in a 7rou$ 8eader,s &as-s for such a &ri$/

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