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Learning Guide Module II

Module Name: Inspire A Shared Vision

Course Name: The Leadership Challenge Workshop
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, you will e ale to!
Identify the components of a vision.
Outline techniques for creating a personal vision
Diferentiate between vision statements and mission statements
Learning Resources
"e#uired "esources
Chapter $ in The Leadership Challenge
%r& 'artin Luther (ing )I *a+e A %ream,
Additional "esources
"esources for Leadership
'ission and Vision Statements
*ow to Create 'ission and Vision Statements
-orm adapted from Smith, "& '& Conquering the Content& San -rancisco! .ossey/0ass, 1223&
Learning Activities
Acti+ities for This Lesson
%iscussion oard participation
Create a presentation 4utili5ing Animoto)
Create a personal +ision
%iscussion 6uestions
Listen to and analy5e the 7I *a+e A %ream Speech8 share your 9ndings on the
discussion oard& 4Students will respond to two of their classmates&:
%iscuss +arious applications of mission and +ision statements for personal and work
applications&4Students will respond to two of their classmates:

Check your understanding
Can you identify the commitments associated with Inspire A Shared Vision&
Can you identify the components of a +ision
-orm adapted from Smith, "& '& Conquering the Content& San -rancisco! .ossey/0ass, 1223&
Can you write a +ision statement
Lesson valuation: Graded Assessments
Vision Techni#ues presentation
;ersonal +ision creation
-orm adapted from Smith, "& '& Conquering the Content& San -rancisco! .ossey/0ass, 1223&

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