Foods Lab Report of The Cakes Activityname

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Kitchen Color/Type of Cake

Directions: Answer the following questions or complete the statements; do not leave any blanks; you may use the back
or lined paper, but remember to label the answers with the corresponding number and letter.

1. Participation in Lab:
a. What job(s) did I do during the making of the cake?
b. What job(s) did I do while cleaning the kitchen/room?
c. Suggestions I would make if my class were to do this lab again are
2. Following a Recipe:
a. What ingredient(s) did I measure or was I responsible for?
b. What tool(s) did I use and how well did I use them?
c. What cooking terms did we, as a group, use in making the cake?
d. How well was I able to follow the directions in the recipe? What problems did I encounter while
following the recipe?
3. Information before the Lab:
a. What research information did I find useful while making the cake?
b. How did finding the cost of the cake affect me in my attitude or knowledge of making the cake?
4. Evaluation of overall activity:
a. Suggestions I would make for the next class to do this:
i. Research of chemical reactions:
ii. Chemical Reactions experiments:
iii. Cost Analysis of ingredients:
iv. Preparing the cake:

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