S.No Built in Function or Built in Methods Description String List Tuple

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Built in function or
built in methods
Description String List Tuple
1 Append()
Add an item to the end
of the list

2 Insert(i,x)
Insert an item at a given
3 Join()
joins the elements of the
list into a single string
4 List(seq) onvert a string to a list
! "emove()
"emove the first item
from the list
# "epla$e(old,ne%&'$o(nt))
"et(rn a $op* of the
string %ith all
o$$(rren$es of s(+string
old repla$ed +*
new(optional argument-
, -op(i)
"emove the item at the
given position in the list,
and ret(rn it
. /ort()
/ort the items of the list,
in pla$e
0 "everse()
"everse the elements of
the list, in pla$e
11 2ind(sub', start', end)))
"et(rn the lo%est
index in the string %here
s(+string sub is fo(nd
11 Len()
3o find the
12 /plit()
splitting a string into a
m(lti4element list
13 o(nt(x)
"et(rn the
n(m+er of times x
appears in the list
14 Islo%er()
"et(rn tr(e if all
$ased $hara$ters in the
string are lo%er$ase
1! swapcase()
"et(rn a $op* of
the string %ith (pper$ase
$hara$ters $onverted to
lo%er$ase and vi$e versa

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