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Faust Eric is a novel written by Terry Pratchett in 1990.

Terry Pratchett is a
British satirist who has penned the Discworld series, spanning 40 books over 31
years. Eric is a satirical interpretation on the classic story o !a"st, a scholar who
trades his so"l to the #evil or knowledge and worldly pleas"res. $t ollows a 13 year
old de%onologist hacker na%ed Eric, who s"%%ons a wi&ard na%ed 'incewind
instead o s"%%oning a de%on. Eric asks 'incewind or three wishes( to r"le all
kingdo%s, to %eet the %ost bea"ti"l wo%an in history, and to live orever.
'incewind grants each wish with the snap o a )nger. Each wish takes the% to a
di*erent place in ti%e and on #iscworld, all resolving with disastro"s res"lts. The
p"rpose o the novel is to parody the original !a"st tale within Terry Pratchett+s
#iscworld, with #iscworld characters and the signat"re h"%or that Terry Pratchett
writes with. ,ne o the %ain the%e+s is h"%ans desire or power, and how desire or
too %"ch power will "s"ally t"rn o"t badly.
-y research ."estion is /0ow has Terry Pratchett+s writing evolved over the
co"rse o the #iscworld series12 $ ca%e to this ."estion ater researching Terry
Pratchett+s ongoing battle with 3l&hei%er+s disease, and also ater reading %ost o
the #iscworld series. Terry Pratchett+s writing has %at"red since the beginning o
#iscworld, beginning with parodies o classic high antasy 4think dragons and
wi&ards5, and %oving into a social political /era2( the books beco%e darker, dealing
with heavier iss"es o today+s society. !or e6a%ple, the book Eric, was Pratchett+s
ninth #iscworld book, and it+s a pretty silly book that is based on a classic antasy
story. $t was written at the high point o his antasy era, and it+s "ll o %agic,
ridic"lo"s sit"ations, de%ons, and everything a good antasy parody needs. Thud! a
book that occ"rs later in the series, oc"ses on a %a7or social change, na%ely
resolving a cent"ries8old con9ict between trolls and dwarves. $t is a darker, ."ite
sad book that deviates ro% the light8hearted h"%or o his previo"s works and
e6plores %ore sophisticated the%es and characters. The second era o #iscworld is
"ll o change, develop%ent, and the introd"ction o concepts s"ch as govern%ent
o:ces, %oney, printing presses, and everything a developing co"ntry event"ally
enco"nters. These books are still "ll o Pratchett+s signat"re h"%or, b"t that+s not
the %ain point any%ore. 3nother change that occ"rs in the series+ develop%ent is a
shit o oc"s on character and character develop%ent. /$n early books, Pratchett
reerred to several characters only by their title, s"ch as The 3rch chancellor o
;nseen ;niversity or the Patrician o 3nkh8-orpork. 3s ti%e progresses, the
characters ac."ired na%es and %ore de)nable personalities. <$n those days, the
3rch chancellor wo"ld change at least once per book. $+% a little "ncertain abo"t
=whether the patrician changed or has always been >ord ?etinari@A.Beca"se the
early ones were written in the antasy tradition. Bo" pop"late, apart ro% yo"r
heroes, with rog"es, beggars, vagabonds, lords, whoresAyo" don+t think o the% as
characters. B"t $ )nd it %"ch %ore "n to bring the% orward as characters+2.
$n concl"sion, Discworld the series has spanned 31 years and 40 books, all
written by Terry Pratchett. $t began as a parody o antasy literat"re, b"t it has
evolved, beco%ing %ore abo"t social and technological change. Terry Pratchett, as
a writer, has %at"red over the 31 years o writing this. 'eading Discworld has
helped %e %at"re, both as a reader and as a writer, and $ hope that $ have as %"ch
s"ccess in whatever $ choose to do as Terry Pratchett has had with #iscworld.

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