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Name: Gaurav Dhir
Education:.B. Tech Computer Science
Yea o! "a##in$ out: 2005
Duation o! Tota' (o) e*"eience:
Com"an+ 'a#t (o)ed !o:
Overall: 99.53
Verbal: 95.55
uantitative: 9!.90
D"#$ea%onin&: 9!.!!
""' C call%: (GD'#(GDC'#,OT- ,ot.
)inal call%: (GDC'
GD#(" venue: *e+ Delhi
Topic o, the GD: +omen activi%t% ruinin& the cau%e o, +omen/.
*o. o, participant% in the GD: !010
Time 2imit an3 an4 other in%truction%: 12015 minute%.
5hether a%6e3 to %ummari7e the GD: 8e%
5hether a +ritten %ummar4 o, the GD +a% a%6e3: *o
T-E GD EXPERIENCE: 9plea%e provi3e at lea%t 5 line% o, 3e%cription:
5e ha3 a health4 3i%cu%%ion +ith not much o, a ,i%h mar6et. ;ver4 one participate3. .ll e<cept one 9Vipin
Gupta: %po6e a&ain%t the topic. .lmo%t ever4one ,rom m4 GD &roup &ot ,inal call% ,rom ""' C.
" %tarte3 on a poor note. " opene3 m4 mouth to %tart the 3i%cu%%ion but &ave +a4 to %ome one el%e. But
later " brou&ht in a ,e+ &oo3 point% an3 one or t+o e<ample%. .lthou&h one o, m4 be%t point% +a%
hi&h=ac6e3 b4 the onl4 la34 in the &roup. (eople %po6e about ho+ +omen activi%t% provi3e a voice to
,ello+ +omen to .rin3hati $o4 an3 'e3ha (at6er bein& icon%. Vipin %po6e about ho+ the +omen
activi%t% onl4 loo6 ,or a plat,orm to attain popularit4. "n the en3> +e +ere a%6e3 to %ummari7e in a
%peci,ie3 time. (eople +ere calle3 in a ran3om or3er. 'e an3 *i%chal 'ohnot 9100 percentile:
%ummari7e3 +ithin our allotte3 time +herea% mo%t other% over%hot their %tipulate3 time.
How would you rate the Chaos level in the GD (on a scale of 1-10, 1 being most peaceful 10 being most
chaotic: 5#10
!ny observations on mista"es you committed in the GD: " let m4 point% %lip a+a4. " al%o %tarte3 but then
6ept ?uiet +hen other% too6 the lea3
!ny observations of what you could have done better in the GD: Coul3 have been more a%%ertive
!ny tips for GD preparation: "t pa4% to be +ell rea3. .n3 it i% e?uall4 important to 6no+ ho+ to li%ten.
No o! inte0ie(e# in t.e Pane': 2
Li#t o! t.e 1ue#tion# a#)ed and +ou e#"on#e#:
9"ntro ?ue%tion%#aca3 ba%e3 ?ue%tion%#+or6 e<perience ba%e3#&eneral a+arene%%#per%onal ?ue%tion%:
" +a% a%6e3 ?uant ?ue%tion%. @ in all. 2 +ere pic6e3 %trai&ht ,rom that 4earA% C.T paper. " %olve3 the 1
but coul3nAt %olve the other%. "n ,act " ma3e a ver4 %ill4 mi%ta6e o, tr4in& to 3i,,erentiate <B. Then the pro,.
ma3e me reali7e that it +a% a 3i%continuou% ,unction. "n ,act> a% %oon a% he %a+ that " +a% ,alterin&> he
%tarte3 puttin& pre%%ure an3 b4 the time " &ave up on the @
?ue%tion> " +a% thorou&hl4 un3er %tre%%. B4
thi% time> " ha3 ha3 a ver4 pathetic intervie+. Then the pro, a%6e3 me about +hether bottle3 +ater %houl3
be allo+e3 or not 9there +a% a Cinle4 bottle 6ept on the table:. 5e ha3 a 3i%cu%%ion on private pla4er% in
Then " +a% a%6e3 to 3o a S5OT anal4%i% o, m4%el,. " ,altere3 an3 then the pro, a%6e3 me to li%t out 3
%tren&th% an3 3 +ea6ne%%e%. " coul3 &ive onl4 2 each. )inall4 the pro, a%6e3 me a ?ue%tion to te%t m4
!ny observations on mista"es you committed in the #$% $ot #te##ed too ea#i'+
!ny observations of what you could have done better in the #$% TRY NOT TO GET STRESSED
!ny tips for #ersonal $nterview preparation%
(ic6 out 4our ,avorite %ub=ect% in en&ineerin&#&ra3uation an3 prepare them +ell. Concentrate on ho+ 4ou
e<plain the tech4 concept% to the panel in a %impli,ie3# illu%trative manner. )or e<ample> i, 4ou are a
comp %ci en&ineer> thin6 o, ho+ 4ou +oul3 e<plain a techie ,un3a li6e Data encr4ption to 4our 6i3 brother
at home. 8ou can chec6 o, ho+%tu,, to practice thi%.

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