Kangen Water - Brochure

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Powerful hexagonal water for fighting the 3 root causes of all disease and for hydrating the bodys 70+ trillion cells:
Dehydration Acidosis
Since 1974, a Japanese
company called Enagic
has been changing the
way we think about life.
Micro-clustered Water (Increase Hydration)
Breaks large water clusters into small clusters. Water is
easily absorbed by cells to enhance delivery of nutrients.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
More negative (MINUS) value of ORP, the healthier.
Disarm Free Radicals
Rebuild body tissue damage to its original state.
Produce High Negative ORP (Antioxidants)
Reduce inflammation and bodys aging process.
Kangen Water is Loaded with Antioxidants!
Balance Bodys pH (Alkaline / Acid)
pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. The colors relate to
pH values when testing a liquid or your cellular pH.
A pH of 7 is neutral; pH less than 7 is acidic (poor
health); pH greater than 7 is alkaline (better health.)
Make Tap Water Alkaline (pH of 8.5 - 9.5)
Change drinking waters acid pH to alkaline pH.
Restore Bodys Alkalinity
Detoxify & neutralize acidity.
Its as Smooth as Silk to Drink!
Tastes Great - Kids Love It!
Convenient - Water at Home!
(No more going to a store for water.)
Research Sites
Search for ERW and Alkaline Water.
Discover what pesticides are on your food.
Watch Kangen Water Demonstration.
Kangen Water Technology!
At the push of a
button t he SD501
unit makes 5
different waters
from your tap.
Besides drinking the worlds healthiest and safest
water, youll discover how to utilize the powerful
11.5 pH Strong Kangen Water to remove the
pesticides from your fruits and vegetables, leaving
your food clean and chemical-free. Youll create a
greener environment for your family by eliminating
toxins found in your home and plastic bottles.
Make Kangen Water part of your daily routine. It
doesn't take a dramatic change to start improving
your health. Pure, clean, Kangen Water is at
your finger tips.
The uses for the 5 different typesof waters from
the Enagic SD501 are endless.
Kangen Water -
used for cooking /
drinking to maintain
your bodys health.
Beauty Water - used
as astringent, toner
and for skin irritations.
Clean Water - used
for infants and for
taking time-released
Strong Kangen
Water (11.5 pH) -
used for food
preparation / cleaning.
Strong Acidic Water (2.5 pH) - used for
disinfecting, sanitizing, etc.
Kangen Water is radically
changing the lives of so
many around the world.
Kangen means return to
origin and that's exactly
what this water does.
What Experts Say!
When it comes to your health, it
pays to invest in the best. If I had
to have surgery, Id get the best
surgeon. The Enagic SD501 gets
the best Kangen Water results."
- Dr. Dave Carpenter, N.D.,C.C.I., C.A.C.
"I have administered over 5,000
gallons of this water for about every
health situation imaginable. I feel
that restructured alkaline water can
benefit everyone.
- Theodore Baroody, Author, Alkalize or Die
No disease, including cancer, can
exist in an alkaline environment."
Japanese medicine has proven this
over the last decade.
- Dr. Otto Warberg, 1931 Nobel Prize for
discovering the cause of cancer
"Kangen Water is alkaline-rich
water (pH of 8 9) and is
considered the very best drinking
water because of its incomparable
powers of hydration, detoxification,
and antioxidation."
- Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Colonoscope Inventor,
Author, The Enzyme Factor, Page 159
The SD501 Ionizer is so effective, its the ONLY unit approved as a medical device by the Japanese Ministry of Health (Japanese equivalent of the FDA)!
All tap water contains chemicals,
heavy metals, parasites, and
chlorination that pose health risks.
We can filter out these poisons
prior to drinking, or we force our
body to become the filter.
We Have a Water Problem!
1 in 5 Americans drinks water that's contaminated
with toxins, microbes or other pollutants.
- Natural Resources Defense Council
The World Health Organization estimates 75%-
80% of cancer may originate in our water
- Forever Living
Beware of Bottled Water!
Many brands of bottled water are nothing more
than filtered municipal tap water. Tests conducted
by the Natural Resources Defense Council found
about 25% of the bottles tested contained bacteria,
arsenic and chemicals that exceeded FDA levels.
Environmental -wise, about 38 billion bottles are
filling up in our landfills each year.
Does Water Type Matter?
Absolutely! Water contains toxins, but alkaline pH
water can be effective in removing these toxins
from the body. If we dont consume alkaline water,
we can develop diseases and accelerate aging.
There are three root causes
of all disease:
Dehydration causes enzyme activity to slow down.
Its estimated that 75% of the population is not
adequately hydrated. Less energy is a first sign of
dehydration because the cells of the body are the
first to lose water. For every one percent drop of
water inside your cells, energy production is cut by
10 percent. Since humans are made up of about
75% water, we have to be sure that we are not
losing that vital balance.
Oxidation produces chemicals called 'free radicals',
causing the body to age, resulting in degenerated
organs, bones, muscles, etc. Free Radicals have
been linked to heart and liver disease and cancer.
Acidosis (more acid than the body can process)
Premature Aging
Hormone Imbalance
All Forms of Cancer
High Blood Pressure
Immune Deficiencies
Heart Attacks
High Cholesterol
Prostate Problems
Why Drink Alkaline Water?
Water is the most essential nutrient involved in
every function of the bodys 70+ trillion cells. Our
bodies are composed of 75% water. The brain
is 85% water. In order for our bodies to function
properly, water must be consumed daily (your
body weight in ounces is recommended.)
Because of its high hydration, antioxidant, and
alkalinity properties, Kangen Water is considered
the worlds best drinking water to help restore your
tissues and cells properly.
As Kangen units become more popular,
you will find a flood of CHEAPLY MADE /
NON-MEDICAL GRADE ionizers on the web.
They copy our trademarked names into their
search engine to misinform you about
Enagic. These claims are deceptive by
design to drive you to buy their so called
just -as-good knock-off units from China,
Taiwan, and Korea for half-price.
Enagic, made in Japan, is the only unit
capable of producing Real Kangen Water!
Make your own pure, healthy, Kangen Water rich
in minerals, purged of impurities, chlorine free,
in your own home from your tap!
Your Next 5 Steps:
1. Visit www.KangenDemo.com to see demo
2. Listen to recording (512)-404-1244, opt. 1
3. Request Free Why Kangen? DVD or CD
4. Try Kangen Water Free for up to 21 days
5. Order an SD501 Ionizer for your family
For more Kangen Water info contact:
Peter Tong
These statement s have notbeenevaluatedbytheFoodandDrugAdmini stration.
Thesestatements arenotintendedtodiagnose, treat,cureorpreventanydisease.
Are You Drinking
Toxic Water?
YES, if it comes from your tap,
in a bottle or from reverse osmosis,
because these waters are acidic!
Your body cries for alkaline water.
Watch the Shocking Truth about Bottled and
Tap Water and How You Can Protect Yourself!
Change Your Water,
Change Your Life!
Discover Green Living With
Kangen Water
Worlds BEST Alkaline Water!
Infuse Kangen Water into your daily routine,
from drinking to cleaning and disinfecting, to pet
care, gardening, cooking, personal care, and so
much more! Discover how Kangen Water can
help you live a greener, cleaner and healthier life.
(408) 807-6249
Email: Kangenliving@gmail.com
Web: www.KangenDemo.com

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