09.08.09 Worship Bulletin

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Worship 09.08.

09 CORNERSTONE Sermon Notes

Songs of Worship
Above All community church
He Leadeth Me
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Proclamation of the Word of God
How To Listen To The Shepherd’s Voice to all first time visitors.
John 10:1-21 - Part 2 Please sign
our guest book
and fill in the ‘Ministry Card’
Postlude found on the information
table in the foyer and
place it in the offering box.
We would like to acknowledge
your presence and provide
 some information about
If you do not own a Bible and would
like one, please let us know - we
would like to give one to you as a gift
and our ministry to you.

All our announcements are online:

(under c3 contents 2008) or call the
church. In addition our growth
group materials can be
found here.

Devote Yourselves To Prayer - Colossians 4.2

Seek God’s help so that we may continually be clothing ourselves in righteousness as we study and
apply the Scripture in our day to day walk.  Take time before the Lord to thank Him for opening
our eyes to our need of Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour from our sins. May He be praised for the
riches of His grace and glory through Christ.  Pray that we be on guard against sinful heart
issues like gossip, criticism, false expectations, envy, strife that will seek to invade our lives. 
Continue to lay before the Lord the plans that we have been praying about for our future growth,
that the Lord would lead the steps of all involved.  In the face of the seeming threat of elections,
pray for our government leaders that they make the right decisions and more importantly come to
the knowledge of the Sovereign over all nations, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:1-6)


 Growth Group - our Bible study group will meet this Saturday August 15th at
Judy’s place. Please come and join us for fellowship and a time in God’s Word.
If you are interested please contact the church. There will be no meeting on
September 5th, due to the long weekend.  Special Congregational Update
Meeting - will be held after our worship to discuss church ministry progress, on
August 16th.  Helpers needed - to escort and supervise an outing for our
children at the local park during our worship time. If you are interested to serve in this way
please contact Pastor Keon or use the Ministry Card.
WALKING IN THE TRUTH: As Christians we are responsible to live out God’s Word in our daily life (John 13:17; James 1:22-
Leadership: Pastor Tim Champ - Elder, Pastor Steve Van Vleck - Elder, Pastor Keon Lum - Pastor-Teacher 25). Upon studying and being taught God’s Word we need to ask: ‘How can I apply, in a practical way, the divine truths and
Sunday Worship 2:30pm . 8886 Hudson Street . Vancouver . British Columbia . V6P 4N2 . phone: 604. 842.77.C3 (23) principles of God’s Word that I have learned today?’ ‘What changes do I need to make in my attitude and actions, in order to
email: c3.cornerstone@yahoo.ca . web: www.GraceToYou.ca . good news: www.GraceBeToYou.blogspot.com be more Christ-like?’ Please turn over for more..

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