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Error Analysis Parent Signature _____________________

You must complete an Error Analysis if you score below an 80% on your Unit Test.

Name ____________________________________________ Date ___________________ Period _______

Unit Test # __________ORIGINAL GRADE __________Error Analysis DUE DATE ___________________

Left Side of Paper Right Side of Paper

1) Explain in WORDS the error you made in the
original problem. I dont know or anything like
that will not be accepted!
2) If you run out of space continue the left side/
right side process on notebook paper.
1) Copy down the original problem missed. Do
this for EACH problem missed.
2) Re-solve each problem & SHOW YOUR WORK.
3) Draw a line separating each problem.
FINAL STEP: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions IN COMPLETE
SENTENCES. What are you still struggling with? What questions do you still have about this unit?
Error Analysis Parent Signature _____________________

Left Side of Paper Right Side of Paper

3) Explain in WORDS the error you made in the
original problem. I dont know or anything like
that will not be accepted!
4) If you run out of space continue the left side/
right side process on notebook paper.
4) Copy down the original problem missed. Do
this for EACH problem missed.
5) Re-solve each problem & SHOW YOUR WORK.
6) Draw a line separating each problem.

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