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1. Write an essay, in about 800 to 1000 words, on any one of the following:
(100 marks)
(a) How far has the UN Accomplished its Declared Objects?
(b) Move for Ecological Security
(c) Interlinking of Rivers: A Mixed Blessing.
(d) Womens Reservation Bill.
(e) Panchayati Raj and Rural Development.
2. Write a report on measures which should be taken by your country to prevent water
(50 marks)
Write a letter (signing yourself as X) to the editor of a newspaper demanding severe
checks on
cyber terrorism.
3. Attempt a precis of the following passage in your own words using no less than 180 and
no more
than 205 words. The exact number of the words used must be mentioned. If the precis is
not written
on the special precis sheet, it shall be marked down.
(75 marks)
4. Rewrite the following sentences correctly, choosing the appropriate words given below:
(15 marks)
loose, except, lose, accept, stationery, stationary.
(a) Good ............................ is expensive.
(b) Do not ............................ the money.
(c) The banks ............................ deposits of money.
(d) His sandals were ............................
(e) Everyone ............................ Gopal passes the test.
5. Rewrite as directed (without hanging the meaning):
(30 marks)
(a) It (be) fourteen years since I saw him)
(Supply the correct tense).
(b) His health is ............................ too good.
(Insert no , none, or nothing in the blank space)
(c) The sun has ripped the fruit.
(Turn the sentence into Passive voice)
(d) The lecture was well-attended.
(Insert fairly at the right place)
(e) We ............................ nothing to eat since eight oclock this morning.
(Fill in the blank space with the correct tense)
(f) What you would do if you ............................ attacked by a bandit?
(Fill in the correct verb)
(g) Write the exercise ............................ ink.
(Use the appropriate preposition)
(h) This is the person. I gave the money to him.
(Combine the sentences by using as infinite)
(i) H was rude to say that
(Rewrite the sentence by using an introductory it and an of adjunct)
(j) She cares for the sick. She cared for the wounded.
(Express the ideas in one sentence by using both)
6. Supply no, none, not or nothing in the blank spaces:
(12 marks)
(a) They had ............. warm clothing.
(b) There is ............ a stupid scholar in the class.
(c) He is ............... older than I am.
(d) We arrived .................. too soon.
(e) An elephant is ............... like a giraffe.
(f) We were ............. the worse for our experience.
7. Rewrite the following sentences removing the errors, if any:
(18 marks)
(a) Father comes at home at five oclock.
(b) I have had my dinner an hour ago.
(c) I did not see him since last January.
(d) Ring up me at 3.30.
(e) It is not very warm today, isnt it?
(f) She is making her prayer.

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