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Riset Kualitatif

Data Collection Methods

Written narrative
Participants observation
Field note
Audiovisual materials

Purpose: explore the experience of the
phenomena of interest
Use open-ended questions; depth interviews
Face to face
In space and time: most comfortable for the
Participant must trust to researcher
Tools: recorder (tape or handy-camp)

To collect information on variety topics
Effective FGD consist of 812 members
Conduct in comfortable room
Tools: recorder, book note, white board
A written narative
Narrative permits participants to think about
what they wish to share
Important to be clear about what it is
researcher wish the participant to write about
Directions be focused to get the desired
Establish mechanism to request clarification in
the event that written document provided
Participant observation
An anthropological tradition
Used in ethnography
1. complete: researcher is a full observer of
participants activities, there is no interaction
2. Observer as participant: the predominant activity of
the researcher is to observe and potentially to
interview. The majority time spent in observation, it
may engage in some activities with the participant
3. Participants as observer: the researcher becoming
part of the group

Field note
Notations ethnographer generally make to
document observation
Notation can also be use document
participant non verbal responses for
interviews of focus group
The notes become part of data analysis
Including the researcher are heard, seen,
thought, experienced
Various data collection techniques can be
chosen depend on the purpose of the study
and kind of approach the researcher use
The researcher needs to be understand the
strength and weaknesses each technique

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