Super Accelerated Learning Theory

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Super Accelerated Learning Theory (SALT):

Its Application in the Classroom


Dr. Pandit Ramadheen Ramsamooj
Center for Indic Studies and 3 R's Foundation

Wednesday, February 18
11:00 12:00 pm
Indic Center Conference Room (Viol 201)

Food will be served after the presentation

SALT, the Super Accelerated Learning
Theory, is based on the physiological
development of the brain with
respect to memory, learning and
processing of information. It is a
whole brain phenomenon. A school
model based on SALT allows students
to retain information in their long
term memory instantaneously and
therefore reduces repetition and
revision allowing students to
accelerate their learning, resulting in early graduation. This seminar will explore
the theory, methodology, and application in the classroom.

Sponsored by:
Center for Teaching Excellence
Center for Indic Studies
School of Education, Public Policy, and Civic Engagement

Please register with Rita Girard at CTE ( or 508-999-9182) or Maureen
Jennings at Indic Center (

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