Olimpiada de Limba Engleza - Faza Pe Scoala

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Olimpiada de limba engleza faza pe scoala

I.A Put the following paragraphs in the right order, filling in the grid under the
text :
a) One winter afternoon, she was buying something in a little antiue shop in
!ur"on #treet. $he man showed her a little box, an exuisite enamel box.
%osemary li&ed it 'ery mu(h..
b) %osemary )ell was not exa(tly beautiful. Pretty* +ell, if you too& her to
pie(es,but why be so (ruel as to ta&e anyone to pie(es. #he was young,
brilliant, extremely modern, exuisitely well-dressed.
() .!harming/0 1ut what was the pri(e* .$wenty-eight guineas, madam.0
$wenty-eight guineas. 2'en if one is ri(h, .+ell, &eep it for me 3 will
d) .4adam, would you let me ha'e the pri(e of a (up of tea*05 .A (up of tea*
$hen you ha'e no money at all*0 as&ed %osemary.
e) $he door shut with a (li(&. %ain was falling and with the rain it seemed the
dar& (ame too. #uddenly, at that moment, a young girl, thin, dar&, shadowy 3
where had she (ome from* 3 was standing at %osemary6s elbow and said
a b ( d e
1. !ir(le the right answer
7. %osemary )ell was:
a) a beautiful woman8 b) an ugly, selfish woman8 () uite pretty and 'ery well-
9. %osemary wanted:
a) to borrow a little enamel box8 b) to brea& a little enamel box8 () to buy the box
:. #he thought of the box that it was:
a) too expensi'e8 b) too (heap8 () uite expensi'e
;. In the passage, the author des(ribes the weather as being:
a) sunny and warm8 b) snowy with bli""ards8 () rainy and dar&
<. $he poor young girl would ha'e li&ed money for:
a) a mug of mil&8 b) a (up of (offee8 () a (up of tea
II. 4a&e ad=e(ti'es adding the suffixes ful, -less, -y, -ly or ish. Pay
attention to the spelling/
7. $he $imes appears e'ery day. It6s a ,,,...paper.
9. >is (ase is gi'ing no hope. It6s a ,,,,,.(ase.
:. $his engine has great power. It6s a ,,,,engine.
;. $he little boy needs sleep. >e feels,,,,,..,
<. #top beha'ing li&e a (hild/ #top being,,,,,../
?. $hese things ha'e no use. $hey6re,,,,things.
@. >er hair is more or less red. >er hair is,,,,..
A. It was an atmosphere whi(h (aused me to feel at home. It was
B. $he result ma&es me feel doubt. It6s a ,,,,,.result.
7C. $hey threw away a lot of trash. $hose things were,,,,,
III. Put the 'erbs below in the appropriate tense:
7. I Deat) many pan(a&es every day.
9. #he Ddrin&) !o&e right now.
:. #he Dtea(h) us that lesson yesterday.
;. While they Dwor&) in the yard, the front door bell rang.
<. 4ary Dalready5 send) the post(ard to her grandparents.
?. I D(lean) the room since this morning. I still do it now.
@. $hey left after they Darri'e) at the party.
A. $he wind had started blowing two days before and it was still blowing.
B. 4other D(oo&) tur&ey at dinner tomorrow evening.
7C. If she wore that dress, she Dloo&) gorgeous.Dtype II)
IE. Put the 'erbs in bra(&ets in the right tenses in the following (onditional
(lauses. Pay attention to their types D I, II, III):
7. If your phone Dnot wor&), you (an use mine.
9. +e6ll loo& for your &eys and if we find them, we Dgi'e) you a ring.
:. If I Dsee) the signal, I6d ha'e stopped.
;. If Fohn had been there, what he Ddo)*
<. >e won6t get lost if he Dha'e) a map.
?. If the weather is good, we Dgo) for a wal&.
@. If she wears a hat, I Dnot re(ogni"e) her.
A. If I had &nown you were short of money, I Dlend) you some.
B. Gou won6t be late if you Dget up) early.
7C. If 4ary said that, she Dbe) right.
E. $urn the following senten(es from the A(ti'e Eoi(e into Passi'e Eoi(e:
7. .Gou (an use my telephone0, she said.
9. .$he bus is late again0, said Peter.
:. .+e6ll wait for him0, they said.
;. .I6ll lend you all the ne(essary money0, she said.
<. .I6m ready for dinner0, said the young man.
?. .+ho6s &no(&ing at the door*0, Fohn as&ed me.
@. .>ow long will they stay in Hondon*0, he as&ed.
A. .+ill you be ba(& for dinner*0, I as&ed them
B. .I want to share my life with you0, he told her.
7C..I am writing my homewor& now/0, he said.
Synopsis: I.A8 I.1. 3 9C points
II 3 7C points
III 3 9C points
IE 3 9C points
E 3 9C points
10 points in addition

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