Falling in Your Own Trap

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Disclaimer: dont know, dont own, dont sue.

Archive: Id be honored, just tell me first and keep my name on it

Feedback: shadylady!"#$%yahoo.com
&airin': (ow let me see here) Its 'onna take a little while to 'et there but the main
parin's youre 'onna end up with are *unter+Dave Dave+,ark -indrak .-+/andy and
0hawn+1F. Audrey. 2heres too many other pairin's to mention so just read, but I will
tell you that the 3li4 is all over this one.
.haracters: *unter, 0hawn, /andy, -ericho, Dave, /ic, -indrak, (altman, 3evin, 0cott,
5al, Adam, 1F. Audrey, and mentions of -oanie, 6illy 7unn, 6rian Armstron' 8/oad
Do''9, 0helton, 6ischoff, -ason, Dwayne, 0cott :evy 8/aven9, 6ret, ,arty, ,ark
.alloway 8;ndertaker9, and if theres any others mentioned characters that I missed the
story is very lon' and I lost track and I apolo'ie<
/atin': =.>!" for se?, lan'ua'e, mentions of rape, and adult themes
0ummary: ,assive e'os alon' with a not so innocent bet spiral into somethin' neither
/andy nor *unter e?pected or thou'ht possible. *appily>ever>afters ensue after much
plottin' and plannin' and mi?>ups and fi?>ups<
(arnin': 6e warned theres talk of two different rapes one in semi>'raphic detail.
Authors =ote: 0o okay this started off as a ((@ version of A.ruel Intentions and then
chan'ed so much that I couldnt even call it that anymore. 2he be'innin' is pretty much
the plot setup of the movie 80o if you read and say B*ey this is familiarC it was supposed
to be9 but around the !"
pa'e it starts to veer off and then when it 'ets to the D$
its completely 'one. Dont worry thou'h theres still schemin' and plottin' and thin's of
that nature, its just not done to the plot of A.ruel Intentions.
Falling In Your Own Trap
By: Lovers Caress
Chapter 1 The Bet
/andy looked up curiously at the way his friend stiffened beside him on the couch when
*unter entered the room.
B*ey, Dave,C *unter called casually lettin' his ton'ue caress the name ever so sli'htly.
B*>hey, *unter. ;hm, I 'otta 'o. :ater kid.C
B:ater. 6e back in time for our match,C /andy called after him with an amused smile.
(hen the door closed he tossed the ma'aine hed been readin' onto the floor and
looked up at *unter e?pectantly. B(hat the hell is that all aboutEC
B,y 'ood looks were too much for him I 'uess.C
BAnd they sent him runnin' out of the room like a bat outta hellE .ome on, *unt, whats
really upE 2wo days a'o you two were fuckin' like cray and now all of a sudden you
cant sit in the same roomEC
B2wo days a'o he wasnt all moralistic and claimin' that he wanted an honest
relationship and not the little arran'ement we had.C
BArran'ementE 1h, you mean where you fucked him and any and everythin' else while
he watched and cried silently,C the youn'er man asked with e?a''erated confusion.
B2hats the one. 7uess he didnt appreciate it too much.C
B*e knew what he was si'nin' up for first hand when he let you fuck him. I mean,
everybody knows how you are. @specially us.C
BI know, which is why I cant 'et a hold of this shit. (hy hes actin' like it shouldve
been more or somethin'. I dont know.C
B*ow many times did you two have se? anywayEC
B1nly si? or seven over the last two months.C
/andy hesitated for a moment before continuin'. B0i? or seven is still a lot for you and
one person, *unt, even if it is over a two month period. 2hats the closest anyones ever
come to 0hawn since you made it a point not to circle back too often.C
B2hats not true. I cant even count how many times me and 0hawn have had se?.C
B6ut besides 0hawn, who in the last three years have you had se? with that many timesE I
dont think youve 'one past three with anyone else.C
*unter was 4uiet for a moment before answerin'. BDave is close ya knowEC
B.lose at hand or close in relationshipEC
B6oth. I dont know, I just didnt have a problem 'oin' back to him after the third time. It
looks like it really doesnt matter now thou'h does itE *e called it off.C
B*mm,C /andy murmured thou'htfully. B2heres a piece missin' here. Fouve 'ot that
look in your eyes.C
B(hat look is thatEC
B:ike youre comin' up with one of your 'ames.C
B,aybe I am. 0o whatEC
BFou wouldnt 'o throu'h the trouble just because he doesnt wanna sleep with you
anymore, not when you can replace him with a snap of your fin'ers. 0o, like I said
before, theres somethin' missin'.C
B*e wants a relationship and he claims hes found one,C *unter said li'htly as he sank
down on the couch ne?t to /andy.
BAh, so theres someone elseEC
BApparently,C the blonde said trailin' his fin'ers over /andys bare abdomen slowly.
B(ho could be better than you *unter,C the youn'er man asked with a sli'ht touch of
playful sarcasm as he trailed his fin'ers throu'h his friends silky blonde hair.
B0omeone he said wouldnt treat him like a se? toy,C *unter breathed nulin' /andys
neck and lettin' his hand creep down to massa'e him throu'h his trunks.
BI dont mind it much,C the youn' man moaned in response.
B1f course you dont. =o one does e?cept him. And I 'uess his little boyfriend too.C
B1oh, youre se?y when youre jealous,C /andy said with a lau'h. B3eep thinkin' about
his new man.C
BFuck off,C *unter said as he rou'hly jerked away from /andy and pushed away the
brunettes reachin' hands.

B1h, come on, *unter, I was jokin',C /andy said shakin' with lau'hter as *unter
continued to shove his hands away. B*uuuunterrrrr. 2alk to me pleeeeeeeaseEC
B(ill you shut the fuck up,C the older man said but rela?ed and let /andy run his hands
alon' his smooth chest. BI am not jealous. (hat the fuck do I have to be jealous aboutE
And before you open your mouth Im not insecure either. I just dont like the thou'h of
someone thinkin' Im not the best and that theres someone better. (e all know thats not
/andy nodded knowin' that *unter was tellin' the truth. 2here wasnt an insecure bone
in the mans body and so jealousy was a non>issue. 2hat settled he leaned over and licked
one pert nipple.
*unter shivered and continued speakin'. BIm not second best. @specially not to that
asshole -indrak.C
/andys head flew up 4uickly. BAre you shittin' meE 2hat piece of trashEC
B@?actly. Do you see where Im comin' from nowEC
B1h yes. (hat led him to that walkin' pain in the assEC
B2he fact that -indrak is a vir'in. *e just stepped out of his closet and hes not in a hurry
to fuck. *e wants to 'et close to someone first and all that shit. Dave says hes tired of
the se? and he wants to know that someone cares about him for real.C
B0ounds like the perfect couple.C
*unter smiled at the cynicism in /andys voice. BIt does doesnt itE 6ut we all know that
nothin's perfect, not here at least.C
BFou 'onna 'ive them a little dose of realityEC
B1f course. Dave is a 'ood 'uy and more importantly hes family. I think its my duty to
teach him this lesson,C *unter said in a su'ary voice.
B(hat are you 'oin' to do,C /andy asked trailin' kisses alon' *unters throat.
BIm 'oin' to fuck the shit outta ,ark. Davell walk in and catch us and itll show him
just how much he can trust his little boyfriend. *ell come crawlin' back.C
B(ont he be mad at youEC
B=o, because it wont be my fault. ,ark is 'onna come onto me and Dave knows how I
am. *e wouldnt blame me for takin' what was thrown at me,C he replied easin' /andy
into his lap.
B*ow is he 'onna know it was ,arks fault and not yoursEC
B.ause ,arks 'onna confess out of 'uilt. Ill make sure of that.C
B2hats a 'ood plan *unter, it really is, e?cept I doubt ,arks 'onna jump all over you.
*e cant stand you,C /andy chuckled as he settled comfortably on top of the muscular
B6ut if the way he moans your name in the shower is any indication, he can stand you.
And thats what Im 'onna need you to play on.C
BI couldve went the rest of my life without knowin' I was that 'uys jack>off fantasy,C
the brunette 'roaned.
BAww, poor /andy,C *unter said with a dismissive roll of his eyes. BIm 'onna need you
to pal around with him, you know, 'et in 'ood. 2hen I want you to turn him on to the idea
of bein' with me. I dont care what you have to do, just make him want me. Ill take it
from there,C he said placin' lar'e hands on /andys ass and rockin' him subtly.
/andy allowed *unter to move him as they continued to talk. B2hats all you need me
forE Fou dont want me to lead Dave to you 'uysEC
B=o, hell know we set it up if its you. Ill find somebody else to make sure were
cau'ht. &robably /ic, he hasnt really been involved in one of our schemes in a lon'
BAlri'ht. Ive been bored lately anyway.C
B6oredE FouEC
BFes me.C
B*ow the hell can you be bored when you have se? almost as much as I doE And dont
even try to tell me you dont think se? is fun anymore,C *unter said with an amused
'lance at the lar'e bul'e in /andys trunks.
BIts more than fun, theres just no challen'e to it anymore. I could 'et any 'uy here and
everybody knows it.C
B=ot any 'uy,C *unter said 4uietly.
/andy stiffened his body silently tellin' *unter to stop the rockin' motions. B(hat do
you mean not any 'uyE =ame one person I havent slept with whos worth sleepin' with
besides you.C
/andys eyebrows raised in surprise as he realied that he hadnt yet fucked the se?y
BDamn, I havent have IEC
B=ope and you wont either.C
B(hy do you say thatEC
B6ecause its true. Fou hear at least five 'uys propositionin' him a day ri'htEC (hen
/andy nodded he continued. BAnd how many 'uys have you heard bra''in' about
sleepin' with himE Gero. .hris has had his little chastity belt on for a while now and its
made out of reinforced steel.C
BI could do it.C
B2he hell you could. -ason couldnt do it and they were sharin' a room for months.
Fuckin' 0hawn couldnt do it and .hris idolies him, and hes one of the se?iest men in
the business.C *unter 'ave that statement a brief, private smile. /andy fi'ured he was
picturin' whatever it was him and 0hawn had been doin' the ni'ht before. BAt this point
I dont even think Dwayne could come back and 'et him in the sack a'ain, not without
workin' like a do'.C
BIm not -ason, 0hawn, or Dwayne. Im /andy, that says it all.C
BIt doesnt say shit. Fou cant do it.C
BI can do anythin'.C
B1oh tou'h words, 1rton. Fou wanna make it a betEC
B(hat am I 'onna winEC
BI think the better 4uestion is what do you think youre 'onna winEC
BFoure lettin' me choose my prieEC
*unter tilted his head to the side sli'htly and smiled easily. B=ame your terms.C
BFour ass. I fuck .hris and I own you for a day. Anythin' I say 'oes.C
B(hat the fuckEC
BDont worry, *unter, you know Im not into 0H, and candle wa? and shit. Althou'h, I
do like to break out the handcuffs and a blindfold every once in a while,C he said losin'
himself in a memory of his own before shakin' his head and si'hin' wistfully. BAnyway
the truth is, I just wanna be in you. I want what no other 'uy here is ever 'onna 'et.C
B=o weird painful shitEC
B=o weird painful shit.C
B-ust se? for a ni'htEC
B-ust me controllin' you for twenty>four hours. 0e? is 'onna happen, but me bein' in
control of you and the se? is what I really want.C
B2hats what you wantEC
B2hats what I want,C he assured.
B(ell I want access to your ass whenever I want. I want you on call.C
B=o fuckin' way,C /andy said rejectin' it flatly.
B(hat do you have to worry aboutE (erent you just runnin' your mouth sayin' some
shit about how youre /andy 1rton, and how you can 'et .hris with no problemE Are
you doubtin' yourself nowE 2he only reason youd turn down my terms would be
because youre scared youre 'onna have to comply.C
BIm not scared and Ive never doubted myself.C
B2hen say we have a bet.C (hen /andy still hesitated *unter leaned up to nibble his
earlobe. B0ince Ive never let anyone fuck me Im 'uessin' Im pretty ti'ht.C
/andy bit his bottom lip as he thou'ht about *unters ti'ht heat swallowin' him over and
over a'ain. *e was certain he could sleep with .hris so it didnt matter what conditions
*unter had placed on the bet. And on the e?treme off chance that he did lose the bet and
couldnt 'et .hris, he knew there were way worse thin's than sleepin' with *unter on a
semi>re'ular basis. *ell, most days he wanted to just stop their playful teasin' and move
to that ne?t level anyway. 0till thou'h, the thou'ht of someone holdin' that much power
over him made him uneasy. *e never was too 'ood at 'ivin' someone else complete
control. *e took a deep breath and made up his mind.
BI can do it,C he said to himself and *unter. BFoure on.C
B=ow before we seal this I feel that I should make myself perfectly clear. (hen I say you
have to have se? with .hris -ericho, I mean actual se?. *andjobs, blowjobs, humpin',
phone se?, none of that counts. And I dont want you lettin' him fuck you either. (ell,
you can, but it wont win you the bet. Fou have to fuck him.C
/andy thou'ht all of this over and nodded slowly. B1kay, I have no problem with that,
but you cant fuck it up. Fou cant try to stop it from happenin'. Im 'ood, but Im not on
your level and if youre workin' a'ainst me I wont stand a chance.C
BFine, I wont 'et in your way. Foud start sayin' how it wasnt fair and how you
shouldnt have to 'o alon' with the conse4uences. Im not 'onna 'ive you any e?cuse to
back out.C
B2hen we have a betEC
B1h yeah,C *unter said in a'reement. B7ame time.C
B:ets play,C /andy said back, blue eyes dancin' in anticipation.
6efore the youn'er man could re'ister what was happenin', *unter was pullin' him in
for a feverish kiss that sealed the deal.
Chapter 2 Plans In Motion
It had been three days since *unter and /andy made the bet and /andy was ready to
throw one of his two plans into action. 2he wrestlers had been split up onto two different
planes and /andy had fou'ht hard to make damn sure that he and ,ark were on one and
that *unter and Dave were on the other. *ed even 'one the e?tra mile and made sure
that all of them were seated to'ether.
*e looked around the crowded airport lobby and spotted his tar'et seated ne?t to Adam
makin' idle chitchat. *e stood and willed himself not to crin'e as he made his way over
to them.
B*ey,C he 'reeted ploppin' down in the seat ne?t to ,ark. B*ow you 'uys doin'EC
BFine,C ,ark answered with a bri'ht smile. BFouEC
/andy fou'ht off his smirk as he noticed the way ,ark sat up a bit strai'hter and heard
the sound of Adams breath catchin' a little bit. *e and Adam had fucked recently and it
had been one hell of ni'ht. 2oo bad he wasnt plannin' on circlin' back anytime soon.
B1h Im 'ood. (ell, bored as hell really. =o one to talk to.C
BFou and the 'uys have a fi'ht,C ,ark asked a little surprised.
B;sE 7od no, theyre all on the other fli'ht. Im all alone.C
B(ell you do have other friends here. 1ther good friends.C
/andy almost shook his head in dis'ust at Adams less than smooth hint. Instead he
plastered another smile on his face and fei'ned i'norance. B1f course I have other
friends. Im just used to spendin' all my time with them.C
Adams smile slipped but didnt fade completely when he thou'ht the youn'er man
hadnt cau'ht his meanin'. /andy had to stifle his lau'h as the older blonde spoke with a
somewhat disappointed tone in his voice. B1h. (ell were here for you to talk to
BFeah,C ,ark threw in ea'erly drawin' the youn' brunettes attention back to the matter
at hand. B2alk to, han' out with, whatever.C
B2hats 'reat 'uys, I appreciate it. Fou know, ,ark, come to think about it we dont ever
really 'et to talk much. I think we should han' out more, especially now that were 'onna
be seein' each other a lot more.C
B/eallyE Id like that a lot.C
/andy fou'ht the ur'e to roll his eyes. B,e too. Fou know, if thats cool with Dave and
BDaveE 1h, oh yeah, Dave. ;hm, Im sure he wont mind too much. Fou 'uys are best
friends and shit. *e wouldnt think anythin' of it.C
BFeah. And I mean, he wouldnt have to because we dont see each other like that ri'htEC
(hen ,ark didnt answer ri'ht away he pushed him in a friendly manner. B/i'ht,
B1h, yeah, not at all,C he finally mana'ed in a hoarse voice. B(hy would I want youEC
/andy didnt miss the fact that the joke was weak and fell very flat. *e went on like he
hadnt noticed anythin' out of the ordinary thou'h and lau'hed a little. B7ood to see
were on the same pa'e. *ey maybe were sittin' close to each other on the plane. (hats
your seat numberEC
B6,C /andy asked fi'htin' hard to keep the annoyance and condescension out of his
BFeah, howd you knowEC
BI was actually kinda hopin' because Im twenty>two A,C /andy said with a shy smile
that he knew ,ark bou'ht.
BAre you for realE (ere sittin' ne?t to each other<C
B(ell damn, its just 1rton. Fou didnt win the lottery or anythin',C Adam joked, thou'h
/andy could read the jealousy in his body lan'ua'e. *e wanted to roll his eyes a'ain.
B*ey, first off, fuck you,C /andy told Adam in a jokin' tone. 1nly he and Adam noticed
that his smile was almost sultry and he let their eyes meet for a second too lon' as he
lowered his eyelids almost unnoticeably. (hat could he say, he was a tease. B0econd of
all, Im happy too. I thou'ht I was 'onna 'et stuck ne?t to 2rish a'ain. 0hes a 'reat 'irl
and everythin' and I love her like a sister, but she talks A :12.C
6oth Adam and ,ark nodded sympathetically. Adam was about to speak a'ain, but the
fli'ht attendant was callin' for them to board.
B2hats us,C ,ark said jumpin' up and almost fallin' in his haste. B.ome on, /andy<C
/andy thou'ht he was 'oin' to seriously hurt himself if he had to stop his eyes from
rollin' one more time.
BAlri'ht,C he answered with an e?cited smile thinkin' how much he was 'oin' to make
*unter pay for this when he won their bet. *e could already see the older man kneelin'
in front of him sweaty and flushed be''in' for release. *e 'ave a lon' sufferin' si'h as
his 'roin be'an to ti'hten.
It was 'oin' to be a lon' fli'ht.
B*owd it 'o,C *unter asked from the couch as soon as /andy walked into the suite they
were sharin'.
/andy dropped his ba' on the floor and made it to the bed in the adjournin' room before
collapsin'. BIm 'oin' to stran'le that fucker before you even talk to him.C
B2hat bad,C *unter asked with a lau'h.
BFes. (e sat to'ether on the plane and he spent three hours smilin' at me. -ust fuckin'
smilin'. 2he idiot couldnt think of anythin' to say so I had to carry the whole
conversation and listen to him si'h and 'i''le the whole time,C /andy 'roaned. BI told
him I thou'ht he was talented and he almost went into shock. I told him I wanted to han'
out with him more often and he acted like Id asked him to be my date to the fuckin'
BDid you 'o to your &rom,C *unter asked standin' and walkin' over to the bedroom
doorway leanin' a'ainst the frame.
B2hat was random as hell, but yes, with the hottest chick there. I was voted &rom 3in'
and then I fucked ,ister ,ost :ikely 2o 0ucceed in the back of my limo later that ni'ht.C
B*mm. Almost the same as me, only I wasnt 3in'. I did fuck him thou'h.C
B(ere you voted anythin'EC
B,ost Athletic.C
BFi'ures,C /andy said with a playful roll of his eyes. 2he eye roll brou'ht him back to his
current dilemma. BI swear I was 'oin' cray.C
BIt couldnt have been that bad,C *unter said keepin' up with /andys sudden switch in
BI dont see how Dave puts up with him,C /andy 'roaned situatin' himself on the bed
more comfortably with his head on a pillow. BAnd speakin' of that, he really pissed me
off with the way he was actin' about Dave. Dave is one of my best friends and I dont
like the idea of someone usin' him. It took this asshole half a minute to remember who
Dave was everytime I mentioned him. 2he way he was actin' its obvious he doesnt
really wanna be with him. It was probably just a way to 'et to me or some shit. ,akes me
feel a whole lot better about what were doin'.C
*unter nodded. BI told you their relationship wasnt real. ,ark wants you and Daves still
hot for me. 1h, which reminds me, I had a 'reat time on the plane with him. :oved those
seats by the way.C
BFi'ured youd want somethin' in the back, out of si'ht.C
B.ame in handy. 2hank you.C
B=o problem. (hat happenedEC
B1h it was fuckin' hilarious. I told =atche all about the plan and hes 'ame. *e even
conveniently found himself another seat at the front of the plane. 0o it was just me and
Dave all the way in the back and anyone who could see us if they tried were either asleep
or distracted.C
B=ice setup.C
BI thou'ht so,C *unter a'reed. BI started off all slow you know, accidentally touchin' his
arm or somethin' until he was shiftin' in his seat a little bit. 2hen I started talkin' to him
lettin' my voice do that se?y thin' that I can play off if I have to.C
BI know that thin'. It works.C
BFes it does. *e was 'ettin' all turned on and tryin' not to show it and then I asked him
about ,ark. Ill tell you, he was a million miles away and when he heard that name he
snapped back so 4uick he almost made himself diy.C
/andy smiled at the mental ima'e. B(hat did you askEC
BI asked him how thin's were 'oin' so far and he told me they were 'ood. *e was a little
nervous about talkin' to me about it. *e asked if I was mad and I told him of course I
wasnt. I said that he obviously needed somethin' that I couldnt 'ive him and that I was
'lad hed found that with ,ark. I told him that we were friends and that if he was happy
and had real feelin's for somebody then I was happy for him. *e didnt say anythin' so I
pushed it. I said that I was 'lad he was with somebody that he could trust and that he
wouldnt have to worry about sleepin' around on him. 2hat it was 'ood that he wasnt
worryin' about what ,ark was doin' on another plane surrounded by all these other hot
'uys for three hours. 2hen I brou'ht it home sayin' that it was 'reat that he and ,ark
were so happy and secure in their relationship that he could sit there on a plane ne?t to
me for three hours and not feel any interest after all the thin's wed done to'ether.C
B1h shit,C /andy lau'hed loudly. BFou are too fuckin' 'ood. (hat did he doEC
B*e thou'ht I was bein' sincere because Id said it all with a strai'ht face and everythin'
and he didnt think I was comin' onto him at all. 0o he just nods and tried to smile before
'ivin' me a half>ass thank you and sayin' he was tired. *e turned away from me and
pretended to 'o to sleep.C
B6ravo,C /andy said turnin' onto his back and clappin' his hands rapidly.
*unter bowed a few times before smilin' and walkin' over to the bed. B*ows thin's
'oin' with .hrisEC
B*avent started yet.C
BDo I need to put a time>limit on this or whatEC
B=o, asshole. Itll 'et done.C
BFeah well hurry up and lose, Im 'ettin' hornier by the day. I think Im 'oin' to 'et you
a cell phone that only I have the number to. Ill call on that one when I wanna fuck.C
BAnd then youll wake up from that wonderful dream the mornin' after I fuck you until
you cant walk,C /andy said with a sweet smile.
B(ell see.C
B(e will,C /andy a'reed flippantly. B3issEC
B(hy not,C the blonde said leanin' down and maneuverin' himself to stretch over /andy
between his le's pressin' their lips to'ether. -ust when it was 'ettin' 'ood there was a
knock on the door followed by a familiar voice callin' out /andys name. 2he two pulled
away and looked at each other, *unter lookin' surprised and /andy lookin' smu'.
BI dont even have to look for him. *es chasin' me,C he said with a chuckle as he 'ot up
and walked to the door pullin' it open with a smile. B*i .hris. (hats upEC
2he blonde smiled apolo'etically. BI wasnt interruptin' anythin' was I,C he asked
noddin' his head towards the inside of the room.
B=o not at all, we were just 'oin' over our an'le for toni'ht. (ould you like to come
B=ah I just needed to ask you somethin'. It wont take lon'.C
B.ome on, .hris, its rude to leave your 'uests outside. ,y mama would kill me,C he said
pullin' on the blondes arm until he stepped into the room.
B*ey, .hris,C *unter said now back on the couch lookin' for all the world like hed been
watchin' 25 for the past ten minutes.
B*ey, *unter. *ows it 'oin'EC
BIts 'oin',C *unter said with an easy smile.
BI hear that,C .hris lau'hed. BAnyways, /andy, I just wanted to ask if -/ had told you
about his newest brainstorm.C
B=o, he just told me that they were thinkin' of a new opponent for me. 0aid hed fill me
in later. 2hat was about two weeks a'o.C
B(ell he talked to me earlier and told me that me and you are 'oin' to have a feud for a
while. *e said it would last throu'h at least two &ay>&er>5iews.C
BFeah. *e says he wants to launch it about three weeks from now. I fi'ured I should talk
to you about it. (e should start 'ettin' to'ether pretty soon and workin' a few thin's
B.ouldnt a'ree more, .hris,C he said barely containin' his smirk. B;h, we can start
talkin' about it toni'ht after the show. ,aybe 'rab dinner or somethin'EC
B2hat sounds 'ood,C the blonde said with a smile.
B1kay, its a date then. ;hm, were 'onna have to take your car thou'h cause I cant take
mine or all the other 'uys would be stranded. Fou know the whole limo thin'.C
B1h yeah, well thats fine I dont mind. I just hope you can handle rock cause thats all I
play in my car.C
BI know, rememberE I can deal.C
B2hats ri'ht, you can. *uh, I 'uess I for'ot,C he said with a sli'htly surprised smile
before shru''in' it off. B1kay then I 'uess Ill see you after the show.C
BAlri'ht,C /andy smiled back.
B:ater *unter.C
B6ye .hris. 0ee you around,C *unter said lookin' away from the 25 to 'ive .hris a
/andy waited until the door was closed before he let his arro'ant smirk spread slowly
across his face.
B:ike candy from a baby.C
B*uh. Fou think soEC
B3now so. 2oni'ht Im 'onna sweep him off his feet, say all the ri'ht words, do all the
ri'ht thin's, and then itll only be a matter of time before he cant stop himself from
'ivin' in.C
B(ell see,C *unter repeated with a knowin' smile.
Chapter 3 Getting To Know YouAgain
/andy rounded the corner and saw .hris, whom hed been lookin' for, standin' at the far
end of the hall with 5al 5enis. 5als body lan'ua'e indicated that he was hittin' on .hris
and .hris was obviously uninterested. /andy watched his newest mission move away
from 5al sli'htly and almost choked when he saw 5al a''ressively 'rab the blondes arm.
It annoyed /andy when someone wouldnt 'ive up, or at least switch tactics, but it just
plain pissed him off when someone touched him or invaded his personal space after
theyd been turned down. .hris reaction made it clear that he felt the same way /andy
/andy watched as .hris jerked his arm away and said a few an'ry words that he couldnt
make out. 5al lost it then and slammed the blonde a'ainst the wall hard and pinned him
there 'ettin' in his face. /andy was movin' before he even realied it.
B(anna 'et the fuck off him, asshole,C the brunette asked calmly as he strolled towards
B,ind your own fuckin business, 1rton,C 5al spat not movin' or lookin' away from
.hris. B2his doesnt have shit to do with you.C
B1h yes it does,C /andy said keepin' his cool demeanor. B.hris is my friend. =obody
fucks with my friends.C
B(hat are you 'onna do, call *unter to come and take care of me,C 5al snickered finally
meetin' /andys blue eyes and unconsciously loosenin' his 'rip on .hris.
B=o, Ill take care of you myself.C *e noticed .hris movin' his le' between 5als. *e
knew what the .anadian was 'oin' to do and he felt a smile touch his lips. B1r better yet,
Ill just watch .hris do it.C
5al made eye contact with .hris just as the blondes knee connected hard with his balls.
*e fell to the floor and curled into a whimperin' ball.
B1oh, thats 'otta hurt,C /andy said flippantly. *e turned to .hris and smiled. B/eadyEC
BFeah, I just 'otta 'et my ba'. .ome on,C .hris said tryin' to fi'ht the 4uiver in his
voice. *e was 'lad /andy didnt call him on it thou'h he could tell by the concern in the
youn'er mans eyes that he could hear it.
/andy followed sli'htly behind .hris without a word. *e knew the man was a little
upset, but that was to be e?pected after somethin' like that. 1ther than bein' a little
shaken thou'h, he seemed to be otherwise fine so /andy didnt feel the need to say
anythin'. *e just let .hris collect himself in silence and entertained himself with
watchin' the sli'ht sway of the .anadians hips in the meantime. *e was so en'rossed in
that luscious ass that he almost moaned in disappointment when they came to a stop in
front of the blondes locker room. *e walked in after .hris and barely hid his surprise
and annoyance at the si'ht of ,ark -indrak seated on the couch.
B*ey .hris< 1h, hey /andy,C he said adoptin' a lower voice as he said /andys name.
.hris nodded with a smile and /andy waved 'ettin' sick to his stomach at the way ,ark
shifted to hide his formin' erection as he looked him up and down.
B(hats up, ,arkEC
B=othin' much. (hat are you up to toni'htEC
B;h, me and .hris are 'oin' out.C
B1h,C he said with somethin' that sounded like jealousy or an accusation. /andy almost
said somethin' mean about it but .hris voice stopped him.
BFou can come too if you want. (ere just 'onna 'et some food and talk about how
were 'onna work out this thin' between us. /emember I told you what -/ said,C he
asked shoulderin' his ba' and comin' to stand ne?t to /andy.
B1h yeah,C ,ark said with a nod. BI cant make it this time thou'h, me and uh, were
checkin' out some new club, but maybe we can all 'et to'ether some other timeEC
/andy didnt miss the fact that ,ark had 'lossed over Daves name. 2he little bitch
couldnt even remember it. /andy barely contained his an'ry words as .hris be'an to
speak a'ain.
BIf its cool with /andy. Fou know me and youll be seein' each other re'ardless,C he
said with an easy lau'h.
BIts whatever,C /andy said with a shru'. BIm cool with just about anythin'.C
B-ust about,C .hris asked with a playful smile. /andy was amaed at the way his eyes
BFeah. @ven I have my reservations,C he joked back li'htly wantin' that joy to stay in the
.anadians cerulean orbs.
BDo my ears deceive meE Did The /andy 1rton just say he has reservations,C .hris
continued to tease. B(ill wonders never ceaseEC
B0hut up,C /andy lau'hed. *e turned to ,ark with a smile. B(ere 'onna 'et 'oin'.
*ave fun with Dave, tell him Im comin' to his room first thin' in the mornin' to 'et my
.D so he better be there and he better open the door.C
B(hy not just 'et it later in the day when hes awake,C ,ark asked puled.
B6ecause Dave in the mornin' is the most hilarious thin' youll ever see,C the youn'
brunette said with a 'enuine smile.
B/eally,C .hris asked with a sli'ht smile as he waved 'oodbye to ,ark.
BFes. A man his sie in teddy bear bo?ers and absolutely no coordination. Its funny,C
/andy said as he and .hris left the locker room and started down the hall towards the
parkin' lot.
B2eddy bears,C .hris lau'hed. BDaveEC
BFes, but you didnt hear it from me. 2hey were a 'ift from *unter.C
BI didnt know *unter 'ave his toys presents.C
/andy fou'ht his instinct to fiercely defend *unter. =ormally .hris wouldve been told
off and probably well into 'ettin' his ass kicked by now, but /andy kept his head. *e had
to fuck the 'uy first and he was 'uessin' that assaultin' him wasnt the best way to start
off. &lus, he still considered .hris a friend and really couldnt see himself 'ettin' overly
an'ry with him.
B2hey were a 'ift for his birthday last year. *unter and Dave are friends first and
foremost no matter what does or doesnt happen between them in the bedroom.C
BFoure ri'ht, and it was wron' of me to say anythin'. (hat you 'uys do in your little
circle is none of my business.C
B1ur little circle,C /andy asked with a soft chuckle. BIts not some bi' or'y, .hris. 2hats
back in the days when the ori'inal 3li4 ran the ((F.C
B6ut I thou'ht>C
B6oth DJ and the (olfpak fall under the ori'inal 3li4 cate'ory,C he interrupted readin'
.hris thou'hts. BIts kinda hard to e?plain. :ike, okay, @volution is)I 'uess its a
Abranch of the 3li4 if you really wanna put it like that. 0ee the 3li4 isnt a thin', its a
family and were officially part of it and were all really close to the other members, but
our Abranch isnt like the ori'inal. (e dont all fuck each other every chance we 'et.
(hen *unter put @volution to'ether he didnt make that kind of 'roup with us, that was
all 3evin and 0hawns doin' back then.C
BAnd Im sure *unter and the 'uys had a real bi' problem with 3evin and 0hawn over
that,C he muttered sarcastically.
BFoure ri'ht they didnt. In fact they practically reverenced them, still do, and so do
almost half of the 'uys in the back includin' all the members of @volution. Its really
hard not to be impressed by the fact that they were behind all that and its even harder not
to 'et hot over what they all did with each other.C (hen .hris shru''ed and nodded
/andy smiled and continued. B2hose or'ies are le'endary, but thats still not the kind of
stuff we do in @volution. =ow the other members of the 3li4, thats different. (eve all
been with the rest of them, we just havent been with each other. Feah, *unter fucks a lot
of people and, okay, I have a reputation too, but that doesnt mean all of us sit around and
fuck each other all day. .ontrary to popular belief, me and *unter dont screw like
rabbits when were not with somebody else. (eve never had se?, not even phone se?.
,e and Dave have never had any kind of relationship beyond platonic, and none of us
would ever touch /ic. 2hats just 'ross. 2he only two of us whove ever had se? with
each other is *unter and Dave.C
B(ow,C .hris said takin' in what he was hearin'. BFou and *unter have never had se?EC
BI have no clue,C he said honestly. B,aybe were too alike.C
.hris stopped walkin' suddenly and 'rabbed /andys arm to stop him as well. BI know
what the two of you are doin' with ,ark,C he said softly. It sounded like hed been
debatin' over whether or not to say anythin' about it for a while.
B(hats that,C /andy asked with perfected innocence.
BDont 'ive me that clueless shit. Im not sure e?actly what it is, but I know youre tryin'
to break ,ark and Dave up. 2hey hook up and all of a sudden you wanna start han'in'
out with him when you havent said more than two words to him the whole time youve
been hereE =o, Im not buyin' it. Fou dont start 'ettin' all buddy>buddy with him for no
reason, 1rton.C
B,aybe Im just tryin' to make nice with my best friendKs new boyfriend. (ere 'onna
be seein' a lot of him now, and I think it would be really 'ood if we were all at least sorta
BIm not stupid, /andy,C .hris said softly. BI know how your mind works, and more
importantly I know how *unters mind works. Dont try to play me.C
BFine, .hris,C he si'hed, Bwhat do you want me to sayE 2hat its all a lieE It is. Do you
want me to tell you I cant stand the 'uyE I cant, he makes me sick to my stomach and
do you know whyE 6ecause hes tellin' my best friend that he wants to be with him and
that he cares about him and then drools all over me everytime I come into the same room
with him. Fou saw him 'ettin' hard back there just like I did and he doesnt even
remember Daves name when Im around. It pisses me off. I know hes only with Dave to
'et closer to me. *e saw Dave wasnt happy and he played on that. *es usin' him and
the worst part is that he knows me and Dave are friends and he e?pects me to sleep with
him at some point knowin' that hes my best friends boyfriend. 2hats insultin' me
because he thinks Im that much of a dick and a slut and its just wron' to plan to do
somethin' like that to Dave.C
BIts not like Dave is over *unter or anythin',C .hris offered weakly. B*es just usin'
,ark to make *unter jealous.C
BAnd a relationship like that should continue because)EC
BIt shouldnt,C .hris a'reed softly.
BAnd that, -ericho, is why were breakin' it up.C
B(hy not just tell them all of thisEC
B6ecause theyd both deny everythin' and swear how much they care about each other.
2his is the only way.C
B1ur plan is fool proof. And dont worry, your boy wont 'et hurt or anythin'. *e may be
feelin' 'uilty when the whole thin' is said and done, but he deserves a little 'uilt at the
very least.C
BI promise.C
B(ould you lie to meEC
BAbout thisE =o. 2heres no reason to.C
BFou 'uys dont usually operate like this. Arent you more directEC
B0ometimes yeah, sometimes no. In shit like this were not really this careful and
strate'ic, but then a'ain Dave isnt normally involved on the other end. *es always in on
it with us which means that we have to be e?tra careful because he knows all the 'ames
we play. &lus, hes our friend and we know that he has at least a little bit of feelin's for
,ark. (e have to make sure the break>up happens in the easiest way for him to accept.C
BFou mean by makin' it look like its all ,arks fault,C the shorter man asked with a
/andy couldnt help but smile. .hris was 4uick. BFou could put it like that. (hen you
look at it, its only fair. =either one of them is innocent, but ,arks way worse. 0o why
not put it on himEC
B*e wont 'et hurtEC
BIf youre 'onna make it be his fault then wont Dave freak outE ,arks bi', but Daves
B(ell make sure Dave doesnt tear him apart,C he said dismissively. .hris cast him a
skeptical look and he felt himself smile a'ain. B.hris, seriously, you can trust me on this.
If I wanted to lie to you why would I tell you all of thisE If there was somethin' to cover
up, I wouldnt have said anythin' to be'in with.C
.hris was 4uiet for a moment before si'hin'. B1kay. I wont say anythin' to him, but if
hes hurt physically Ill personally make sure it doesnt happen ever a'ain.C
B(hoa, whoa, .hris calm down,C /andy said with a bri'ht smile. B(ere friends here
theres no need for all that. @verythin's 'onna be okay with ,ark and now me and you
are 'onna 'et some food and talk about this new an'le ri'htEC
.hris smiled a little embarrassed by his behavior. B/i'ht. Im sorry I was just>C
BFou were just takin' up for your friend and thats all there is to it. Dont apolo'ie for
that, I know all about it.C
2he two fell in step beside each other a'ain. BFeah you do. 2hank you for helpin' me
with)whatever that was back there. I dont know what the hell 5als problem is and I
dont know what wouldve happened if you hadnt been there. 0o, yeah, thanks.C
B*ey no problem. 0hit like that really pisses me off and I still consider you a close friend
so I had to do somethin'.C
BI dont 'et it. I dont sleep around at all, yet 'uys still think Im like the federation ho or
somethin'. Almost every 'uy that comes up to me and 'ets turned down 'ets all pissed
off and acts like hes the only person Ive ever said no to. Its like I shouldve been a
definite yes. Its fuckin' cray.C
BI could see how that would upset you.C
B7lad somebody does. @veryone else acts like Im wron' for bein' pissed. :ike I
shouldnt complain because I have all these 'uys han'in' all over me.C
B(hy do you turn all the 'uys downE If you dont mind me askin'.C
B6ecause almost all of them come at me like Im just their personal fuck toy or some shit.
Im not a slut and I dont appreciate bein' treated that way. It a''ravates me when 'uys
slip me a room key or ask me to meet them somewhere after a match. Im not easy. (hen
someone actually puts in some hard work, maybe Ill 'ive them a chance.C
B*uh,C /andy murmured thou'htfully. B2hats really not too much to ask.C
BI dont think so,C .hris a'reed before smilin' a sudden, bri'ht smile. B(hy am I makin'
you listen to me bitch huhE (ere supposed to be 'oin' out and havin' fun. (ell, were
'onna be talkin' about work, but its still 'onna be fun. 0o how about we leave all this
dumb shit at the arenaEC
B0ounds 'ood, but I really dont mind talkin' to you. It seems like you dont 'et to talk to
anyone about the stuff you really want to. Im always here if you need me.C
BFeah, you are arent youE I 'uess I for'ot that over the past few months.C
BI did too. I didnt realie how much Ive missed bein' there for you, havin' you close to
B/eally,C .hris asked in a surprised voice. B6e careful what you wish for 1rton, you
mi'ht just 'et it.C
B7ood thin' I really want it,C /andy said before walkin' out into the parkin' lot in
search of .hris car leavin' the blonde to trail after him still somewhat stunned by his
B)and then he slipped on it and fell on his ass,C /andy finished as he and .hris burst
into lau'hter.
B1h I bet he was pissed.C
BFou wouldnt believe how much. 2he rest of us were actually scared of him for a second
and hes pushin' si?ty.C
B*es still 'ot some life in him,C .hris said stoppin' in front of /andy and *unters door
as their lau'hter subsided into small si'hs.
BFeah he does,C /andy a'reed softly almost wishin' the ni'ht wasnt endin'.
BI had fun toni'ht, /andy. I cant believe its been so lon' since weve done anythin' like
this. 7uess you 'ot all your new evolved friends and you just pushed me to the side,C
.hris teased playfully.
B(hatever,C he replied with a smile. BIts not like you missed me much anyway. Fou 'ot
more friends than I ever will.C
BI dont know about all that. And I did miss you. (ho wouldnt miss 2he :e'end 3iller,C
.hris chuckled.
B0hut up,C /andy lau'hed pushin' him playfully. *e instantly sobered when .hris
winced. BI didnt push you that hard did IEC
BDont flatter yourself, 1rton,C .hris said crackin' a smile. BIts my back. Its a little
/andy had for'otten all about what had happened with 5al. BAre you okayEC
BFeah,C .hris said allowin' /andy to walk behind him and lift up his shirt. BIts no bi'
B0orry,C he murmured to the blonde comfortin'ly. BFou 'ot a bi' ass bruise ri'ht there.
Foure 'onna be sore for a while,C he told him as he lowered his shirt and walked back
into his line of vision. B2ake some Advil or somethin' before you 'o to sleep or youre
'onna have a fun time toni'ht.C
BFuckin' dick. I feel like kickin' his ass ri'ht now.C
BDont even worry about him. :et me handle it.C
B=o,C .hris cried immediately. *e knew how the 3li4 Ahandled thin's and he didnt
want to be the cause of anythin' like that. BDont do anythin' dumb. Im just pissed off
but Im fine. It doesnt even hurt that much. /eally.C
B.hris, Ill handle it. I promise I wont do anythin' over the top, but I wanna take care of
this for you,C he murmured touchin' his back li'htly. B&lease let meEC
.hris felt his resolve break into a million pieces at the sincere concern in his youn'er
friends eyes. *e si'hed deeply. B&romise you wont break anythin' or somethin' like
BI promise.C
B(ell in that case, youre your own man and I cant stop you from doin' what youre
'onna do,C he said with a chuckle.
B6ut Ill only ever do what you tell me I can. I wont ever assume that youll say yes.C
.hris was a'ain taken aback by his words. 2he youn'er man had been sayin' thin's like
that all ni'ht makin' him wonder e?actly how hed meant them. .hris was sure they
werent talkin' about 5al ri'ht now.
/andy played with a loch of the older mans hair. B6ecause I think youre worth some
hard work,C he answered lettin' the blonde strands slide from his fin'ers before pullin'
his room card from is pocket. B7oodni'ht, .hris.C
B7oodni'ht, /andy.C
/andy pushed the door open and 'ave .hris one last smile over his shoulder before
walkin' in and lettin' the door swin' shut behind him. *e looked out of the peephole
and smiled smu'ly at the si'ht of .hris shakin' his head sli'htly with a 'oofy 'rin on his
face before he started off down the hall.
Chapter 4 A esson Taught
BAww. 2hats so sweet.C
/andy turned with his smu' 'rin still in place and faced *unter. BI know, but not as sweet
as your ass is 'onna be once I win this bet.C
BFou think you 'ot it in the ba' dont youE .hris -ericho is not easy, /andy. In fact
youre 'onna have to do a whole lot more than take him to dinner if youre 'onna 'et in
his pants. Fou mi'ht actually have to start a relationship with him.C
BI doubt that. And no, hes not easy, but thats what makes it so fun. Im 'onna enjoy
breakin' him down.C
BAnd when you lose Im 'onna enjoy breakin' your back.C
B2hat reminds me,C /andy said suddenly all humor 'one from his voice. B(e have some
business to take care of. 7et /ic and Dave on the phone.C
B(ho or what is itEC
B(hat did he doE Did he touch you,C *unter asked in a hard voice. 2hey were all overly
protective of each other but especially over /andy since he was so youn'.
B=o, he touched .hris.C
B(hat did he doEC
B*e slammed him into a wall and put this hu'e bruise in the middle of his back. I want
that fucker to pay. I told .hris Id take care of it.C
BFoure actually an'ry about this. I 'et why you told .hris youd do it for him, but why
are you mad for realEC
B*e was hittin' on .hris and .hris told him no. 5al 'rabbed his arm first and when .hris
pulled away and told him to fuck off he slammed him into the wall and started yellin' at
B1h,C *unter said understandin'ly. 2hey all knew thin's like that pissed /andy off a lot
and truthfully it pissed *unter off like that too. 0hawn was the one who had the bi''est
problem with it out of all of them. *unter suspected that all of their reasons were a lot
alike but theyd never really discussed the subject amon'st themselves. B(ell okay, what
do you wanna doEC
B=ot too much. I promised .hris I wouldnt break anythin' or do anythin' cray. I
always keep a promise, so I fi'ure Ill kick him around a little bit. :et him know to stay
the fuck away from .hris.C
B0ounds 'ood. .all /ic and Ill call Dave.C
BIt mi'ht take Dave a while to 'et here. *es out with ,ark.C
B7ood. ,ark will know that hes leavin' him to come do somethin' for me. Itll help the
plan alon'.C
B@ver the .erebral Assassin,C /andy praised as he pressed three on his speed>dial. B*ey,
/ic, 'et over here were about to take care of somethin'))Feah))))Alri'ht, see
you in a few.C
/andy hun' up in time to catch the tail end of *unter and Daves conversation. B)(ell
if youre too busy we can 'o without you)).2he kid has somethin' he wants us to help
him with concernin' 5al.....).*e fucked with /andy and now /andys pissed and wants
to teach him a lesson. Fou comin' or notE))6eautiful, see you in a few.C
B*ow lon' will it take him to 'et hereEC
B*e said theyre at that club about ten minutes away so maybe fifteen minutes 'ive or
B7ood, now use that infamous backsta'e pull of yours and fi'ure out what room 5als in
and then 'o 'et a card from the desk clerk.C
BI hate flirtin' with chicks. 2hey 'et all 'rabby.C
B0o does 5al,C /andy said makin' his a'itation for the man known once a'ain. B7et the
fuckin' room number and Ill 'et the card it doesnt matter. I just want it by the time
Dave 'ets here so we can 'o as soon as he knocks on the door.C
*unter clicked his cell phone open and looked throu'h his numbers. *e pressed a few
buttons and waited. B*ey, -ason its *unter, uh do you know what room 5als inE)))
Feah I did but he didnt pick up his phone when I called him,C he lied easily. B))..(ell
do you know who does knowE)).Ill have to find a way to thank you later, -ason.
B0helton knows the room number.C
B2heyre probably roommates. (e can 'et him out of the room if we need to. It doesnt
really matter.C
B.all him.C
*unter pressed a few more buttons and was standin' with his phone pressed to his ear.
B*ey 0helton, its *unter))..Fine, how about youE))..(ell actually I need a room
number))))5als, do you know itE))))))2hree>seventy>four you saidE)
2hanks buddy, I appreciate it))(ell see,C *unter said with a chuckle as he clicked the
phone closed.
BFep. *e said he was supposed to be roomin' with him, but hes stayin' with somebody
else toni'ht.C
BIll be back.C
B/emember, youre just 'ettin' a key card, nothin' else.C
/andy crin'ed at the thou'ht. B7ross *unter. Fou know pussy makes me sick.C
*unter lau'hed at his friend. B*urry up.C
B2hank you,C /andy murmured to the youn' 'irl behind the desk as she handed him the
key. 0he had to be twenty>one at the oldest. BDont know where I wouldve slept
BIm sure some nice stran'er wouldve shared their room,C she said su''estively. BAll
youd have to do was ask.C
BFeah. &eople are real nice around here,C she said with a sultry smile as she leaned
forward 'ivin' him a full view down her shirt.
/andy 'lanced down only because it was e?pected of him and then looked back up with a
heated smile. BIll remember that in case I 'et locked out a'ain. (hats your name dollEC
B(ell Ill be sure to see you later, 3at.C
BI certainly hope so,C she said wavin' as he walked back towards the elevators.
/andy waited until he 'ot inside and the doors closed before shudderin'. *e could
appreciate a womans beauty and appeal on an aesthetic level, like a nice paintin', but
fuckin' a woman was one kink that even he wouldnt mess with. *e didnt see how other
'uys did it.
*e put those thou'hts aside and focused on the task ahead. 2hey now had the key and
soon theyd have the rest of the 'roup. *e had to fi'ure out e?actly what he wanted to do
once they cau'ht up with 5al. *e was 'oin' to have a hard time rei'nin' his temper and
that was part of the reason why hed wanted the 'uys there, to keep him 'rounded. *e
also wanted them there to scare the shit out of 5al and reinforce the messa'e that he was
to stay the hell away from .hris.
2hat was another thin' /andy was 'oin' to have a hard time controllin'. *is
protectiveness over .hris. 2heyd been friends once, really close friends actually, and
then their careers seemed to take them in different directions. *ed ended up with *unter,
Dave and /ic and .hris had ended up with -ason. *e hadnt even noticed how much hed
missed the bubbly blonde until now. And now that they were back on track and were
'oin' to be in each others lives for a while for several different reasons, /andy wasnt
sure how he was 'oin' to deal with all the 'uys that came at .hris the way .hris had
described. For all intents and purposes of the bet hed have to be protective and carin',
but he knew that it would have absolutely nothin' to do with that. It all came down to the
fact that nobody fucked with his friends.
2he elevator din' brou'ht him out of his thou'hts and he stepped out of it headin' for he
and *unters room. *e was almost at the door when he heard Dave call his name from
down the hall. *e looked up and si'hed in relief when he didnt see ,ark ta''in' alon'.
B(hats this shit about 5al,C Dave asked when he was almost ne?t to /andy.
B*e fucked up and now were 'onna show him what happens when you fuck up,C /andy
said pushin' the door open and walkin' in as Dave followed.
B*e didnt do anythin' to you did heEC
/andy smiled reassurin'ly at Dave to calm the sudden an'er in his voice. B=o, not me,
but one of my friends and I promised said friend that I would take care of it. 0o were
takin' care of it.C
B*unter, /ic, are we ready,C /andy asked the two men seated on the bed. (hen they
nodded he continued. B*unter wheres your wifeEC
BIn the closet,C *unter said with a sick smile. B(ill she be comin' alon'EC
B=ow would this be complete without a sled'ehammerE 1f course shes comin'.C
/ic 'ot that maniacal 'lint in his eyes and Dave looked like he was havin' a bit too much
fun with the idea of *unters Awife ta''in' alon'. *unter immediately adopted that
smooth almost hitman like attitude he had ri'ht before they were about to take care of
somethin' like this. It wouldve been unnervin' for anyone outside of the 3li4 to watch
him make the transformation but it was second>nature to the other three in the room.
/andy himself felt an?ious and jittery, almost e?cited. *e knew he probably looked like a
kid on .hristmas mornin' and he refused to think about how wron' that was and on just
how many different levels. 2hat could wait until afterwards when hed come down some.
B7et her and lets 'o.C
5al opened his door and let it close behind him before he turned on the li'ht. *e almost
had a heart>attack when he saw all four members of @volution scattered around his room.
B5al. (hat the fuck manE Its almost two oclock in the mornin',C /andy said in a slow
li'ht voice that didnt completely dis'uise the an'er he was feelin'. B(eve been waitin'
for a 'ood hour which, let me tell you, has done nothin' for my mood. Im a'itated. Fou
could even say Im)pissed off.C
5al turned towards the door only to see that Dave was now blockin' it. 1ne look into the
hulkin' mans eyes convinced him not to try to 'et throu'h him. *e looked around the
room and spotted /ic stretched out on one of the beds comfortably with an amused look
on his face. *unter stood leanin' a'ainst the wall near the rooms solitary window starin'
back at him with all of that almost fri'htenin' intensity that seemed to emanate from him
at all times. 5al shuddered and focused his attention back on /andy who was seated in a
chair ten feet directly in front of him with *unters infamous sled'ehammer stretched
across his lap.
B/andy, Im sorry about earlier. It was a misunderstandin'.C
BA misunderstandin'E *uh. Didnt look like a misunderstandin' to me,C he said standin'
up 'racefully and brin'in' the sled'ehammer with him. *e handed it to *unter with a
nod before turnin' back to 5al. BFou understood clearly what you were doin' when you
were hittin' on .hris, correctEC
B(ell yeah b>C
BAnd then you were also fully aware of what you were doin' when you 'rabbed his arm
when he started to back away from you ri'htEC
B2hat wa>C
BFeah, I was,C 5al answered softly.
B*mm. 0o I havent found the misunderstandin' yet. Did you know what the fuck you
were doin' when you 'rabbed him and slammed him into the wallEC
BIm sorry for that. I was an'ry.C
BFou were an'ry,C /andy repeated cockin' his head to the side. *e turned to look around
the room at his friends. BFou hear that 'uysE *e was an'ry.C
*unter shook his head in mock sympathy for what was about to happen, /ic smiled in
anticipation and Dave chuckled in amusement.
B(ell 'uess what, 5alE =ow Im an'ry.C
/andy moved 4uickly and cau'ht 5al off 'uard with a punch to his mouth that busted his
lip and smeared blood on /andys hand. *e followed with two punches to his stomach
and a knee to the face when the older man doubled over. *e fell to the floor with a moan
of pain.
/andy si'hed as he stood over the fallen man stretchin' lan'uidly. B=ice.C *e reached
down and wrapped his hand around 5als throat and pulled him to his feet. B1h stay
awake an'el, we have a few more thin's to talk about,C he said shakin' 5al who looked
like he was close to passin' out.
*e let 'o of 5als throat and stood back a little to re'ard him. 5al threw a wild punch at
/andy and /andy easily ducked it and almost effortlessly cau'ht him with an elbow to
the back of the head, which landed him ri'ht back on the 'round.
B2his is turnin' out to be more fun than I thou'ht,C /andy said with an almost evil smile
as he 'lanced around at his friends.
*e looked down at 5al and kicked him in his side three times, revelin' in the broken
whimpers that left the mans mouth. *e made sure not to kick the same spot twice and
not to put too much force into the kicks. *e didnt wanna crack or break anythin'.
B=ow,C the youn'est man in the room said hoistin' 5al back up. B2hink you can stand
here and behaveEC (hen 5al didnt try anythin' stupid /andy nodded in satisfaction.
B=ow how about you tell me what was 'oin' throu'h your mind when you slammed him
a'ainst the wall okayEC
*unter couldnt help the smile that spread across his face as he heard /andy talk to 5al
almost conversationally. *is voice was li'ht and steady, but there was no mistakin' the
barely withheld ra'e beneath it. *e knew it was almost perverse, but he was so proud of
his youn' friend ri'ht now.
B5alE Dont make me ask you twice now, come on man.C
BI dont know,C 5al wheeed.
BAw lets be serious, 5. Fou said you were an'ry. (hat were you an'ry aboutEC
B*e told me no.C
BAnd you think he shouldve said yes ri'htE Fou think that he was supposed to lay down
and spread his le's for you just because you asked him toE 6ecause youre 5al 5enisEC
B(as it because youre used to 'uys doin' what you say when you say itEC
B2hen whyd you 'et so pissedE (hyd you act like he didnt have the ri'ht to say noEC
BI didnt e?pect him to. I mean its, .hris.C
B(hat is that supposed to mean,C /andy asked very 4uietly.
B*es a fuckin' slut, why would he turn me down and not anybody elseEC
B(ron' answer,C the other three members of @volution murmured with different levels of
amusement and faked sympathy.
0omethin' snapped inside of /andy and his calm demeanor shattered as he nearly
cracked 5als scull open with a left hand to his ri'ht temple. 5al flew back into Daves
chest who let him slide to the floor at his feet with nothin' more than a dismissive 'lance.
BFou fuckin' prick,C /andy yelled, all pretense of control 'one, as he walked slowly over
to where 5al lay broken. B.hris doesnt sleep around and even if he did, it wouldnt
matter< *e could be fuckin' every 'uy in the business but no means fuckin' no< Fou
dont have a ri'ht to 'et pissed off if you 'et turned down< Fou especially dont have the
ri'ht to put your fuckin' hands on him either<C *e pulled 5al up rou'hly. B(hat the fuck
did you think you were 'onna do if I hadnt shown up huhE<C (hen 5al didnt say
anythin' /andy shook him violently. BAnswer me asshole<C
BI dont know,C 5al mumbled brokenly.
BFuck that, you know what you were 'onna do< (ere you 'onna rape himE<C 5al looked
down at the carpet and didnt say anythin'. /andy 'ave him a harsh slap for his silence.
BFuckin' answer me you piece of shit< Is that what you were 'onna doE<C
BI dont think it wouldve went that far. I just wanted to scare him a little bit. ,aybe hit
him a couple of times or somethin'.C
Dave noticed the dan'erous 'lint in /andys eyes and 'ave *unter a 4uestionin' look
over the brunettes head. *unter cau'ht the look and nodded to /ic who 'ot up from the
bed and 4uickly made his way over to the youn'est man in the room.
/andy was seein' red now and the visions of himself killin' 5al were not only vivid but
very achievable. *ed thou'ht up a doen different places to stash the body and was
about to start on the murder when he felt /ics hand on his shoulder s4ueein' sli'htly. It
was the only thin' that anchored him.
*e took a deep breath and pushed 5al back a'ainst Dave a'ain only this time Dave
'rabbed him before he could fall. B2ake him to the middle of the room. /ic, move the
chair. *unter)'ive her to me.C
=one of his friends hesitated to do what hed asked and soon ,isses *elmsley was a'ain
restin' comfortably in his hands. *e walked over to where Dave was holdin' 5al
followed by *unter and /ic.
B*old him up,C /andy said 4uietly.
Dave hoisted 5al up until his feet were barely touchin' the 'round. /andy held the
sled'ehammer horiontally so that he was holdin' the handle in both hands and the actual
hammer was starin' 5al in the face.
BI told you earlier that no one fucks with my friends, 5al, and I meant that. Fou crossed a
hu'e line today and that kinda shit doesnt sit too well with me. Fou need to learn what
happens when you do shit like that to people I care about.C
(ith that he drove the hammer forward.
5al let out a loud cry and slammed his eyes shut only to open them a'ain seconds later in
realiation. *e hadnt been hit. /andy had stopped it millimeters before impact. *e stared
at the steel in front of his face and then at the 'roup of men before him. 2he fear was
rollin' off of him in waves.
B2his is the first and last warnin' youll ever 'et from me do you understandE If you hit
on him a'ain, touch him a'ain, even breath wron' around him, well have a little repeat
of this and I wont be as nice. 2hose hits I 'ave you earlier will feel like a trip to fuckin'
Disney :and compared to what Ill do to you. And trust me when I say that this
sled'ehammer wont stop if I have to come back. Fou 'et meEC
5al nodded vi'orously.
B7ood. :ets 'et the fuck out of here before I do somethin' .hrisll re'ret,C /andy told
the others.
Dave shoved 5al out of his 'rasp and watched as he fell to the floor in a motionless heap
before followin' the rest of his friends out of the hotel room.
/andy and *unter walked side by side while /ic and Dave followed sli'htly behind
them. /andy was silent like he normally was after they did somethin' like this, but he
was even more stoic since hed been the only one who was really involved. At times like
this he didnt speak to anyone for unpredictable amounts of time. 0ometimes it was
minutes, sometimes hours, and sometimes even days. All the 'uys knew not to push him
to talk because it only made him mad.
(hich is why they were all shocked beyond belief at what happened ne?t.
.hris came around a corner at the very end of the hall and stopped cold when he spotted
them. It wasnt too hard for him to fi'ure out what had happened what with the way they
were all lookin' and the fact that /andy was carryin' *unters sled'ehammer and his
ri'ht hand had blood on it. 2he blonde hu''ed himself ti'htly and searched /andys face
with scared, 'uilty blue eyes.
/andy handed *unter the sled'ehammer and continued to walk towards .hris. 2he other
three men hun' back watchin' from a distance.
B/andy what happenedEC
BI took care of him.C
B6ut you promised me, /andy.C
BI know and I kept that promise. =o broken bones, no careers ended. *ell be sore for a
few days but hell 'et over it, which is a whole lot less than he deserves for what he did
to you,C he said lettin' his left hand skate across .hris back li'htly throu'h his tee>shirt.
BIt wasnt that bad.C
BIt was bad enou'h,C he said in a barely audible voice. B*e hurt you, .hris.C
BIt happens.C
BIt shouldnt.C
2he vehemence in /andys voice took .hris by surprise. BI dont know what to say.C
BFou dont have to say anythin'.C
BFes I do. =o ones ever done anythin' like that for me before. =o ones ever cared
enou'h. 2hank you,C he said hu''in' /andy close.
/andy returned the hu' and carefully ran his hands alon' .hris back before pullin'
away. B*e wont touch you a'ain, babe. I promise,C he said in a hard voice, eyes serious.
BIve never seen you like this before. Fou look so cold,C the .anadian observed 4uietly.
BI never wanted you to see me like this,C he said avertin' his eyes 4uickly in what may
have been shame before brin'in' them back to blue eyes that nearly matched his own. BI
hope youll never see me this way a'ain. 2his is a side of me I only show the 'uys, they
understand it. Its a 3li4 thin',C he added absently.
BI think I could understand it too,C .hris told him 'ently.
BI dont want you to. 2hats the only part of me I dont want you to 'et close to.C
BAnd the other partsEC
/andy smiled softly. B(ell thats a different story. (ell talk about that when Im in a
better frame of mind. I dont wanna say the wron' thin', it could cost me too much,C he
said slowly trailin' his clean fin'ers throu'h .hris silky hair. B:ets let this be the last
time toni'ht that we tell each other 'oodni'ht huhEC
B1kay,C .hris murmured in a somewhat daed state. B7oodni'ht.C
B7oodni'ht,C /andy whispered lettin' his fin'ers trail from .hris hair down his cheek in
a feather li'ht caress. BDream sweet.C
(ith that he walked past the blonde and heard his friends say 4uick hellos to him as they
passed him as well. *e smiled faintly at the way .hris eyes had seemed to 'low and he
knew that the vision would haunt him for the rest of the ni'ht.
B2hank you 'uys I appreciate it a lot. I appreciate everythin' you do for me and I hope
you all know that.C
2hey were used to this sta'e too. /andy would thank them all profusely and then crash
for the ni'ht.
B*ey no problem, kid,C Dave said rufflin' his hair a little. BIll be waitin' for you in the
/andy nodded with a 'host of a smile on his lips. BIll be there.C
B7oodni'ht, /andall,C /ic teased li'htly in a way that reminded them all of their
'randfathers, thou'ht theyd never tell him that. B0ee you in the mornin'.C
B0ee ya, /ic.C
*unter waved bye to both /ic and Dave before openin' he and /andys door and
followin' the youn'er man inside. 2hey kicked off their shoes and simultaneously
stripped down to their bo?ers leavin' trails of clothes leadin' to the bed. (hen they were
both in bed and under the covers *unter moved close to /andy but didnt touch him. *e
didnt know if /andy was ready to allow that yet.
/andy answered his silent 4uestion by movin' inward and restin' his head on *unters
pillow. *e twisted their le's to'ether and si'hed softly.
BIs this okayEC
B0ure,C *unter said softly barely hidin' his surprise.
*unter knew that the youn'er man was still shaken from what had happened and that it
had taken a lot for him to talk to .hris. *e was far from settled and so this was very
uncharacteristic. *e was never this cuddlesome after they handled somethin', he
normally held everyone at a distance until he could 'o to sleep and put it behind him. 6ut
if this was what he needed then it was fine with *unter. *e pulled the youn'er man close
and closed his eyes preparin' to 'o to sleep when /andy spoke up a'ain.
BFou wanna talkEC
*unter was sure he was hearin' thin's. *e had to be 'oin' cray.
BFeah. If you dont want to thats fine. I was just)C
B*ey, no, we can talk,C he said 4uickly when the brunette trailed off. B(hat do you
wanna talk aboutEC
/andy hesitated for a second before finally askin' the 4uestion that had been eatin' at
him for a little over a year and a half now. B(hy do I like it so much *unterEC
*unter took a lon', deep breath and thou'ht about his answer very carefully. B,aybe its
the side of you that you dont ever 'et to e?press and it needs to be let out every once in a
BIs that what it is for you and the 'uysEC
B2hats what we used to say. (e dont even bother with it anymore. It just)it is what it
is to us and we leave it at that. I know its not that easy for you thou'h. At least not yet
BIts not. I cant help feelin' like a monster afterwards. @verytime we do it I like the way
I feel when its happenin'. I like the way Im in control and the power that they 'ive me.
I like everythin' about it. And when its over and done with I feel this)deep satisfaction.
=ormally it unnerves me and I feel 'uilty for likin' it so much, but toni'ht I)toni'ht I
scared the shit outta myself.C
B6ecause toni'ht I didnt just like it, I was fuckin' in love with it. I couldve really hurt
him, even killed him, and Im not sorry at all. I dont feel the least bit 'uilty, in fact, Im
happy. Im so happy and I cant stop myself from feelin' that way)(hy is thatEC
B.hris. 0omeone hurt him and you handled it. Fou care about him on some level and its
makin' you happy because youre 'ettin' even for his pain. And every other time youve
done somethin' like that has either been because someone fucked with you or one of us.
Foure really protective of the people you care about. It makes perfect sense, dont worry
about it.C
BDo you mean itE Foure not just tellin' me what I wanna hearEC
B*ave I ever been one to tell you what you wanna hearE If you were fucked up, Id tell
you that you were and I definitely wouldnt be nurturin' and encoura'in' that behavior
the way I do. I promise youre not a monster /andy, and youre not cray either. If you
were, it wouldnt have mattered if we were there or not, you wouldnt have stopped. Fou
wouldve hurt him.C
/andy nodded acceptin' and believin' what *unter was tellin' him. BFou think I care
about .hrisEC
B,mhm. 2hats why youre 'onna lose our bet,C *unter said only half teasin'.
BIm not 'onna lose. If anythin' youre 'onna lose that sweet cherry of yours.C
B2hats stran'e. I didnt know you could dream before you even went to sleep.C
/andy lau'hed li'htly feelin' more and more like his old self. B(ell, they say all realities
be'in as dreams.C
B=ot 'onna happen.C
B(ell see,C /andy said with a smile.
B(ere sayin' that a lot.C
B(ould you like to start sayin' somethin' elseEC
B=o, thatll work.C
B7oodni'ht, kid.C
BI am twenty>four ya know,C /andy 'rumbled softly before slippin' into sleep. *e hadnt
realied how e?hausted he was.
Chapter ! "motional
In a very weird turn of events Dave, who never 'ot up until someone dra''ed him out of
bed, ended up knockin' on *unter and /andys door while they were still sleepin'.
/andy peeled his eyes open in disbelief when he heard the mans voice shoutin' throu'h
the door. At first he thou'ht he was dreamin' until he felt *unters arm ti'hten around his
B/andy, what the fuck time is it,C the blonde 'rumbled into his back.
BIts)Its four fifty>two,C he answered s4uintin' at the 'lowin' red numbers on the clock
on the ni'ht>table ne?t to the bed.
BIm 'onna kick Daves ass.C
BIll 'et it, 'o back to sleep,C /andy murmured when *unter went to roll over.
BFeah,C he said with a sleepy si'h as he sat up.
2hey heard Dave yell a'ain and the ur'ency in his voice re'istered to both their ears now
that they were at least halfway conscious. /andy felt *unter sit up strai'ht ne?t to him
and he jumped out of bed without a second thou'ht. *e threw the door open and almost
closed it a'ain when he saw ,ark standin' ne?t to Dave. *e 'ot a hold of himself when
he saw the scared look on both their face thou'h.
B(hat the hell is 'oin' onEC
B*es 'one.C
B(hos 'one,C /andy asked tryin' to calm his panic and sudden tremblin'. It was like
his body was reactin' to somethin' his mind hadnt fi'ured out yet.
B*e never came back to the room. I dont know where he is. I thou'ht he went for a drive
or somethin', but he isnt here and he wont answer his phone,C ,ark said in a fri'htened
B(ho the fuck are you talkin' about,C /andy nearly screamed. 2he blonde wasnt sayin'
any names and it was only hei'htenin' his panic especially since he knew who -indrak
was talkin' about already. *e would readily admit that the thou'ht of .hris missin' was
scarin' the shit out of him.
B*es talkin' about, .hris, /andy,C Dave cut in softly. *e was the calmest out of all of
them besides *unter who was listenin' from the bed. B,ark said he left the room at
about two>thirty to 'o 'et somethin' from -ason and he hasnt come back. 2hats when
we saw him. Did he tell you he was 'oin' anywhereEC
B=o. (e said 'oodni'ht, I assumed he was 'oin' back to his room to 'o to sleep. Are you
sure hes, like, missin'E Its only been two and a half hours.C
B*e wouldve told me if he was leavin' or he wouldve at least picked up his phone to let
me know hes okay. *e wont answer and its not in the room because Ive called it about
fifty times. Its rin'in' until his voice mail picks up so I wouldve heard it. I dont know
what to do.C
/andy was takin' deep slow breaths tryin' desperately to re'ain some of his rationality.
*e knew he would be no help if he was as hysterical as ,ark who was now cryin' and
clutchin' the hem of his own shirt.
BI just hope hes okay. I dont know what Ill do if hes not okay,C ,ark murmured tryin'
to fi'ht a fresh wave of tears.
/andy was losin' it a'ain. *e needed to 'et away from ,arks tears and emotions so that
he could rei'n his own. *e wasnt 'oin' to cry or anythin', but he was startin' to think
up worse>case scenarios which was makin' him panicky and an?ious. *e needed to calm
.alm came when he felt *unters hand s4ueee his shoulder comfortin'ly. 2he older man
was suddenly there ne?t to him takin' control and lettin' him breathe, lettin' him 'o off
into his own head and sort thin's out.
BDave, have you talked to /ic,C *unter asked calmly.
BFeah. *es down in the parkin' lot seein' if .hris car is here.C
BIs he 'oin' to call you or somethin'EC
BFeah hes supposed to call w> hold on this is probably him,C Dave said clickin' open his
cell phone. BFeahE))./eallyE) 1kay, thanks, /ic,C he said han'in' up the phone.
B*is car is here so unless he left on foot hes somewhere at this hotel,C he informed the
small 'roup.
/andy heard ,arks si'h of relief and almost replicated it. *e was very relieved that the
car was here, but the worst wasnt over. 2hey still didnt know where .hris was. *e was
about to voice that when *unter beat him to it.
B0o thats 'ood news, hes most likely here, but we still 'otta find him. I seriously doubt
he went anywhere on foot and if he did he didnt 'o too far and hes probably back by
now,C he rationalied. B2herere only so many places in this hotel that he could be so
findin' him shouldnt be too hard. *as anyone talked to -ason yetEC
B(e called him first. *e said the same thin' /andy did, that he talked to .hris for a few
minutes and then .hris left. *e thou'ht he was just 'oin' to sleep too,C ,ark warbled.
*unter nodded at that before re'ardin' Dave, easily fallin' into his authoritative role.
BDave, take ,ark back to him and .hris room and wait there to see if .hris comes back.
2ell /ic to stay in you and his room in case .hris 'oes there for some weird reason. Ill
stay here in case he comes lookin' for /andy.C *unter turned to the brunette in 4uestion
and just 'ave him a look. /andy nodded and went back into the room lookin' for
somethin' to throw on.
B(here is /andy 'onna be,C ,ark asked.
B*es 'onna 'o lookin' for .hris. (ell call you when we find him alri'htEC
B2hanks, *unter,C the youn'er blonde said with a watery smile. B0orry for wakin' you
*unter waved ,ark off with a perfectly placed smile that was about as fake as :itas hair
color and bumped fists with Dave. BIll call you later, 6. Alri'htEC
BFeah,C Dave said with a nod. *e and *unters eyes met for an electric second before he
forcefully tore his 'ae away and led ,ark down the hall.
BFou 'ot your cell,C *unter asked as he turned back towards /andy.
BFeah,C he answered walkin' up to him pullin' on his ri'ht shoe hastily. *e was in a pair
of sweatpants, one of *unters old A0crew 2he /ules tee>shirts, and his tennis shoes with
no socks. BIll call.C
B*ey,C *unter said catchin' his arm as he tried to pass him, Byou alri'htEC
BIm>Ill be okay.C
*unter looked him over for a second before noddin' and pullin' him down to kiss him
li'htly on the forehead. B*es here and hes okay.C
B*e has to be,C /andy murmured before runnin' down the hallway in the opposite
direction of Dave and ,ark.
/andy trud'ed up the stairs that lead to the roof slowly. *e was afraid to 'o up there. It
was the last place there was to possibly look and if .hris wasnt there he didnt know
what he would do. *ed been everywhere and he still hadnt found his blonde friend. It
was becomin' increasin'ly harder not to just break down out of frustration and fear. *e
wanted so badly to just sit and scream and cry or to just 'ive up and let somebody else
look while he wallowed in his insecurities and doubts over .hris safety. 6ut he knew he
couldnt do any of those thin's. 2ears never 'ot you anythin' but swollen eyes and a
headache. Doubts and insecurities 'ot you even less than that. *e had to keep lookin'.
*e opened the door that lead out onto the roof and blinked at the bri'htness of the risin'
sun. It was no later than maybe si?>forty>five. Funny, it seemed like days had passed
since hed be'an lookin' for the .anadian instead of only two hours.
*e s4uinted a'ainst the li'ht lettin' his eyes scan as much as he could see at the moment
and he almost collapsed with relief and somethin' else he couldnt name when he spotted
.hris on the 'round. *e was sittin' with his knees pulled up to his chest while his back
was restin' a'ainst an A+. vent. *is head was also titled back a'ainst the vent and his
fin'ers were runnin' back and forth alon' the cement. *e looked like he was lost in
/andy swallowed and 'rimaced as his throat burned. It was suddenly raw and achy and
hed almost choked on the lump formin' there. 0tran'ely enou'h, his eyes were dry. *e
was nowhere near cryin'. *ed never felt that way before, his body had never reacted
like that and it startled him. *e took a second to realie that in less than twenty>four
hours .hris had affected his life in 4uite a few dramatic ways without even tryin'. *e
was almost sure the blonde was clueless as to the inner stru''le he had fou'ht both
durin' and after the situation with 5al and he was more than sure that .hris was oblivious
to the fact that hed been runnin' around the hotel non>stop for the last two hours or so
searchin' for him while fi'htin' hysterics. For some reason it made him want to smile.
B*ey,C he called out as he made his way over to .hris. BFou couldve watched the
sunrise from your window. (ouldve saved you a trip and everyone else a heart>attack.C
.hris looked at him with curious eyes when he sat down ne?t to him. B(hat are you
talkin' aboutE (hat are you doin' hereEC
B:ookin' for you. (hy havent you been answerin' your phoneEC
B1h, I accidentally threw it off the side of the hotel.C
BAccidentally,C /andy asked with a sli'ht lau'h.
BFeah,C .hris said with a faint half smile. BIt slipped ri'ht out of my hands. Fouve been
BI called three times, but ,arks probably called a hundred times, maybe more. I 'uess
when you didnt show up he went and woke up Dave because they came beatin' me and
*unters door down about two hours a'o. *e was cryin' and Dave was really worried.
*e told us that youd never came back after we saw you in the hall and that you werent
answerin' your phone. And just like that, Im nearly panickin' and runnin' around the
hotel lookin' for you. 0o, now that Ive found you, were 'onna talk about what the fuck
youre doin' up here at seven o clock in the mornin'. 1kay, lets 'o,C he finished
lookin' at .hris e?pectantly.
B:ets 'o whatEC
B0tart talkin'.C
.hris stared at him in disbelief. BFoure orderin' me to tell you why Im up hereE First
off, I dont follow orders and I dont answer to you. :ast time I checked I was a 'rown
man and its none of your business or anybody elses why Im up here. I dont have to tell
anyone a 'oddamn thin'.C
/andy si'hed deeply. B.hris, Im tired, Im hun'ry, and Im very emotional ri'ht now.
,y nerves have been worn, and stretched, and theyre about to break. I dont have time to
play with you and your e'o.C
B@?cuse me if Im wron', but I dont think anyone asked you to play in the first place.
Im real sorry about your lack of sleep and food and all that, I really am, but I didnt ask
for you to 'et out of bed and come lookin' for me. I didnt ask for anyone to try to find
B6ut I did.C
BAnd why is thatEC
BI have no fuckin' clue, .hris,C /andy huffed out in a frustrated breath. B,aybe I was
worried that somethin' had happened to you. ,aybe youre my friend and I care about
you and I wanted to find out what the fuck made you take off in the middle of the ni'ht.
And maybe, just maybe, I was afraid Id never see you a'ain and I had to try to find you
and make sure you were still here with me.C
/andy stood as he finished and turned away from .hris. *e rarely admitted to fear and
even then it was only to the other 'uys. 2he fact that .hris had driven that response from
him spoke volumes about their relationship.
2he youn'er man was tryin' to 'et himself under control when he heard the sound of
clothes scrapin' a'ainst concrete. *e tensed instinctively when he felt .hris palm flatten
a'ainst his back.
B/andy,C .hris murmured softly, BIm sorry, I didnt think it had bothered you that much.
I didnt mean to upset you or anybody else, I just needed to be alone. And Im sorry for
snappin' at you. I was worked up and then the way you came at me)I just reacted. I
know youre not tryin' to tell me what to do and I know youre just tryin' to be there for
me. I really do appreciate it /andy, and I dont wanna fuck it up. I missed our friendship
a lot more than I thou'ht I did and I dont wanna lose it a'ain)&lease dont be mad at
/andy swallowed hard and thanked 7od that his back was turned. In that moment, when
.hris had asked for his for'iveness, hed almost told him about the bet. *e could almost
feel his mouth formin' the words, but he bit them back for several different reasons. *e
was too competitive for one, and he was in too deep now. *e hadnt counted on how
4uickly he and .hris would jump back into their old friendship and he wanted to keep
that. If he told him now, hed lose it forever and that couldnt happen. *e fi'ured hed
just 'o throu'h with the bet and theyd have a nice little one ni'ht thin' and then brush it
off as nothin'. =o harm no foul and theyd still be friends.
BIm not mad at you. I know youre sorry and you were just a''ravated. Im sorry for the
way I said everythin' too. I dont think about how my words sound until I say them
sometimes, you know that.C *e took a deep breath before continuin'. B.hris, I>I just
wanna help you. (ill you please tell me whats botherin' youE (hat has you up here,C
he asked with his back still to the older man.
B-ohn called me,C .hris said softly lettin' his hand slide from /andys back as he went to
sit back down.
B-ohn who,C /andy asked finally turnin' to .hris.
B(hat did he sayEC
.hris looked up into his eyes when he heard the suspicion in his voice. B=othin'.C
B2ell me what he said, .hris.C
/andy was already thinkin' of thin's to do. 2heir power and influence didnt stop at
/aw, it branched out to 0mackdown too as well as *eat. All he had to do was make a few
calls to the ri'ht people, or maybe hed take a little fli'ht.
BIts not what youre thinkin'. *e didnt do anythin' wron', he didnt say anythin' out of
line. (e were just talkin'.C
BI didnt even know you 'uys talked to each other anymore.C
B(e dont, thats why Im 'oin' throu'h all this shit.C
BAll of what shit,C he asked sittin' down beside .hris a'ain.
BI miss him a lot. I)I was in love with him when we were to'ether a while back. Fou
rememberE It was when the two of you first came into the fed before the first draftEC
(hen /andy nodded .hris continued. B(hen everythin' split and I jumped to /aw, we
just stopped talkin' after a couple of months and drifted apart until we let it die. (e never
even said we broke up, it was just understood after we didnt talk for two strai'ht months.
,e and you had just 'ot really close ri'ht about then, you remember all that shit.C
BFeah I do, you were really down for over a month. I was really worried about you but
then you were okay a'ain.C
.hris nodded. BIt hurt like hell at first but after a while I thou'ht I was over it. And now
he just calls me out of the blue and)C
BAnd now youre notEC /andy nearly jumped at the 'enuinely nervous ed'e to his own
voice. *e hoped .hris hadnt cau'ht it.
BI dont love him anymore and I dont wanna be with him a'ain, but theres always some
residual feelin' when you break up with someone you love. I wasnt prepared to talk to
him and when I heard his voice it brou'ht back lots of memories. It was weird ya knowE I
wasnt e?pectin' to hear from him especially after everythin' that happened a few hours
a'o. I just needed to be alone to think about some thin's.C
BAre you talkin' about 5alEC
B(hen you said everythin' that happened. Did you mean what happened with 5alEC
B=ot really. 2hat was part of it but I was mainly talkin' about everythin' that happened
with you.C
B(hat do you meanEC
BI dont think Im ima'inin' thin's here, /andy. Are you interested in meEC
BFeah, I am.C
BI thou'ht so,C he said with a nod to himself. B2he thin' is, Im into you too. Fou havent
done anythin' stupid and you havent pissed me off at all. Fouve done everythin' ri'ht
and I wanna 'ive you a chance. Ive been with a few people since -ohn, but not wrestlers.
After him I promised myself that I wouldnt 'et involved with anyone here in any way
unless its for real. Foure the first 'uy in the business that Ive even considered since him
which means youre the first person I think I could truly have somethin' with. I had just
come to that conclusion when he called me, hence the weird feelin's.C
B0o what are you tellin' meEC
B6ottom line, Im tellin' you that I wanna try with you, if thats what you want.C
BFes. 6ut before you say yes or no, I have to tell you that wed have to take thin's slow.
Im not 'oin' to just up and sleep with you. I know what youre used to 'uys doin' for
you and how easy you normally 'et it, but Im not like that. Im throu'h with the whole
one>ni'ht>stand and casual fuckin' thin'. I have to be sure its what I want and if you
seriously think you cant handle waitin' and that youd end up cheatin' on me or
somethin' then its okay, you can tell me and well act like this never happened. Id
rather you be honest with me now instead of cheatin' on me later.C
/andy thou'ht about what .hris was sayin', really considered it from each an'le. *e
could say yes and Abe with .hris and work on movin' thin's alon' that way, but that
would mean no se? for a while. 2hat would be hard considerin' he fucked every two>to>
three days at the very least. *e could always say yes and then sneak around with other
'uys, but he trashed that thou'ht immediately. 2here wasnt a doubt in his mind that
some 'uy who was jealous of his Arelationship with .hris would rat him out to break
them up. Adams name jumped to mind 4uickly alon' with ,arks and -asons. 2hat
would kill any chance he had at 'ettin' the .anadian in bed, not to mention their
friendship. *e could always say no and stay close to .hris as a friend and try to seduce
him that way, but the odds of .hris sleepin' with him as a friend were a lot lower than
those of .hris sleepin' with him as a boyfriend. 0o yes seemed to be winnin' by a
landslide. *e just hoped his charm and skill would make the waitin' period a lot shorter.
BFes, I wanna try with you too, .hris. I can wait because youre worth it. 2heres lots of
thin's we can do to'ether and enjoy besides havin' se?. 2heres more to you than your
looks and your body,C he said honestly. BI like bein' with you. Fou make me smile.C
.hris smiled and it was bri'hter than the sun li'htin' the sky. /andy actually cau'ht his
breath at the si'ht of it before shakin' it off.
B1kay. (ere)to'etherEC
B2o'ether,C /andy a'reed. B0o youre, like, my boyfriend.C
BAlri'ht,C .hris said noddin' slowly. B2hats 'ood.C
/andy nodded back before chucklin' at the way both of them were actin'. B7od, youd
swear we were in the si?th 'rade or somethin'.C
BI know ri'ht,C the blonde said with a lau'h of his own. *e slid his hand into /andy and
entwined their fin'ers. B(ere both mature adu>well Im an adult and youre somewhere
close so)ouch,C he s4uealed when /andy pinched his arm li'htly with his free hand.
B6e nice,C the brunette admonished.
BFoure one to talk you man>abuser,C .hris said with a pretty pout.
BId never hit you, .hris. Id never hurt you in any way okayE Fou saw me at my worst
last ni'ht and I dont want you to be afraid of me. I wont ever be that way with you.C
.hris sobered when he heard the seriousness in /andys voice. B/andy, you for'et just
how close we used to be. I know you and I dont think for one second that youd do
anythin' like that to me. I know what youre capable of both with and without the 3li4
and Im not afraid of that. @verybody has that part of them and yours is no worse than
anybody elses. Its nothin' to be ashamed of and its nothin' to hide from me. (eve all
seen what happens when Im pushed and I let 'o of my control. I couldnt even start
jud'in' you.C
/andy couldnt believe what he was hearin'. B.an I kiss youEC
B-ust a little bit,C .hris replied with a crooked smile that /andy took 'reat pleasure in
kissin' away.
.hris wasnt prepared for the 'entleness of /andys kisses just like /andy wasnt
prepared for the softness of .hris lips. It was a slow kiss of only lips in which /andy
used all of his skill and e?pertise to do as little as possible and make .hris lon' for
everythin' he could 'ive him in the future.
.hris fou'ht his moan of pleasure when he felt /andy runnin' his fin'ers throu'h his
hair. *e could feel the strain in /andys body as he held himself back and it set his blood
on fire to know that the youn'er man wanted him that much, but he cared enou'h not to
push. It reaffirmed his decision to be with him.
/andy pulled back first pantin' softly as he slowly, almost re'retfully, peelin' his hands
off of .hris. *is eyes were almost black with want and he silently cursed himself for
feelin' so much from just one kiss. 2he only other person he reacted that way to was
*unter and even then it took a little bit more. 2heir kisses were nasty and wet, but the
kiss hed just shared with .hris was sweet and soft and practically chaste. It barely
passed brotherly which didnt e?plain why he was now willin' away an erection.
B(hoa, that was)nice,C .hris breathed.
B;nderstatement,C /andy 4uipped matter>of>factly.
2hey both be'an to lau'h until /andys phone run' cuttin' throu'h their little cocoon. *e
answered it reco'niin' *unters rin'.
B*elloE)))).2he roof))))..Feah, Im 'onna jump *unter, I cant take it
anymore,C he deadpanned))))..B(ell it was a dumb 4uestion, *. I love bein' me a
little too much to do a swan dive off the side of the *yatt /e'ency and you should
already know that))))))).Fes and hes fine, he just needed to
think))))))I know, thats what I said, but you know how you blondes are,C he
lau'hed as *unter jumped on the defensive and yelped as .hris returned his pinch from
earlier. BFine, Im sorry< *unter, my new boyfriend is up here abusin' me and you know
I bruise easy)))6oyfriend)))(ho else you idiotE)))Fep, its
official))).About five minutes a'o)))))Ill tell them when we 'et back inside.
(ere on our way, I know ,ark must be drivin' you cray)))))))1h shit,C
/andy said chucklin' at whatever *unter was sayin' about ,ark. B6e nice, *, do unto
others and all that.C *e broke into lau'hter a'ain at *unters words before calmin'
himself. BFoure a bad influence on me)))))))0ure, sure, whatever. Fou can
call it what you want but we both know the truth)))Feah, were comin')/i'ht
now)))..;h, na''in' 'irlfriend routine muchE))Im playin', calm down,C he
teased with a smile as he stood and pulled .hris up too. BIll see you in about ten. 6ye.C
BFou 'uys always talk to each other like thatEC
B:ike what,C /andy asked pocketin' his cell phone.
BAll flirty and everythin'EC
/andy stopped and cast .hris a sideways 'lance. BFoure not jealous over me and *unter
are youE I told you nothin's ever happened between us.C
B=o, no, its fine. ,e and -ason are the same way. I was just wonderin'.C
B1h. (ell I 'uess so. I dont really think about it much.C
B7uess its like that with best friends. @specially when both of you are flirts.C
/andy smiled devilishly. BAre you callin' me a flirt, .hris -erichoEC
B2hats not all I wanna call you,C the blonde teased with a smirk. BFou know what you
are, dont deny it.C
BI havent defended myself once.C
BFou dont have to. Its not an attack, Im just statin' the truth. Foure a flirt, a tease, and
youre eye candy and you know it. Fou flaunt it at every chance you 'et.C
If it wasnt for .hris smile /andy wouldve thou'h the older man was mad about the
thin's he was sayin'. B1kay, and you mean to tell me that youre not a flirt, not even a
little oneE I remember all those winks you used to 'ive the bartenders to see if you could
'et free drinks all ni'ht.C
.hris lau'hed at the memories. BI didnt say I didnt flirt and I didnt say I wasnt a tease
every once in a while. *ow do you think I can see it in you so easilyEC
BI 'uess were more made for each other than we thou'ht, huhEC
B:ooks like. =ow really, lets 'et back before *unter drops his cool, calm act and rips
,arks head off.C
/andy smiled a'ain and nodded as they headed to the door to the hotel. BFou know him
B,ore well than you mi'ht think,C .hris murmured as they started walkin' down the
stairs. BI should probably tell you now that me and *unter have slept to'ether before. A
lot of times actually.C
/andy blinked a few times and stru''led for words for a moment before s4ueakin' out a
barely audible, B/eallyEC
BFeah, it was a lon' time a'o thou'h. 6efore you even came into the company. Its like
ancient history now. (ere just friends, theres nothin' there. I dont see him like that
anymore and I dont think he sees me like that either.C
B(hy notEC
BIm just not attracted to him like that anymore.C (hen /andy cocked an eyebrow .hris
couldnt help the hu'e smile that lit his face. BI mean dont 'et me wron' hes hot, hes
damn hot, but I dont wanna 'o back there. *es not what I want now and its obvious
that if youre not Dave or 0hawn then youre not what he wants either,C he said with a
sli'ht chuckle. BI think we both lost any of those feelin' for each other when we stopped
doin' whatever we were doin'. Its better this way anyway.C

B(ere you just fuckin' or was it serious or what,C /andy asked as they reached the
bottom of the stairs and opened a door that lead to the thirty>seventh floor of the hotel.
2hey started walkin' towards the elevators.
BI dont know. (e were never really too clear on that, but I wanna say it was just se?. I
wasnt seein' anyone else and I dont think he was either, but we didnt do stuff to'ether
as a couple. (e would 'o out with a lot of the 'uys and stuff like that and when we 'ot
back to the hotel we would 'o to one of our room and fuck. (e never made plans with
each other and we never put any effort into it, we would just somehow end up in bed
to'ether. It was on>a'ain off>a'ain for a couple of months and then it just stopped and
that was fine. 2hats about the time when he stopped sleepin' with the same person more
than only a few times e?cept for 0hawn. 2here were never any hard feelin's or anythin'.C
B1h,C he said before pressin' the down button on the elevator and waitin' for it to arrive.
2he doors opened with a soft Aswoosh and he and .hris stepped on to'ether.
.hris pressed the button for the twenty>second floor and looked at /andys profile. *e bit
his bottom lip for a moment before reachin' out and touchin' his boyfriends arm
hesitantly. BIs)is this 'onna be a problem between you and meEC
B=o,C the youn'er man said takin' .hris hand off of his arm and lacin' his own fin'ers
throu'h it. B2ruthfully Ive probably fucked most of you friends, so were even,C he
B,ost of,C .hris asked in mock surprise. BI think Im the only one in my circle who
hasnt e?perienced the /31 in its full 'lory.C
/andy outri'ht lau'hed at that. B/31 in its full 'lory, thats nice. ,ind if I use itEC
B0ure, but I want royalties if it becomes a t>shirt.C
BDeal,C he said as the last traces of lau'hter left his voice. /andys eyes slowly sobered
as he continued to speak to .hris, lettin' him know that he meant what he was sayin'.
B0eriously thou'h, I wont ever hold anythin' over your head that you did before we
hooked up, let alone even met, just so lon' as you dont do it to me. 2he only way your
past with *unter would ever be a problem would be if you still wanted him and you tried
to act on that while we were to'ether. 1r if you were pullin' some shit like ,arks doin'
and hookin' up with me just to 'et closer to him.C
BIm not. I dont use people for shit like that, its wron'. And I wont cheat on you,
/andy. Id break up with you before I ever cheated on you and I e?pect the same.C
BI know,C he said with a nod and then smiled. BI trust you, .hris, youve never 'iven me
a reason not to. And I promise you, that before I ever cheated on you, Id let you 'o.C
BFoure too 'ood to be true you know thatEC
B;h, yeah,C /andy said with a playful smile. BI am /andy 1rton, come on now.C
B7lad to see youve stayed so humble,C the blonde said rollin' his eyes in mock
/andy lau'hed softly.
As soon as the door opened the room went completely silent. /andy and .hris took in
their observers and 'au'ed their reactions. Dave looked tired, but relieved. /ic looked
like hed just been woken from a half>doe. ,ark looked like he was about to e?plode
from a number of different emotions. *unter had that 'lint in his eyes that let /andy
know that theyd showed up just in the nick of time. *e didnt even looked tired or
weary, he just looked close to homicidal and, without thinkin', /andy buried his face in
the top of .hris head to smother his lau'hter at that. 1ut of the corner of his eye he saw
,ark stiffen ne?t to Dave and he cau'ht Dave and /ic e?chan'in' 'lances. *e didnt
have to see *unter to know that he was smirkin'.
*e strai'htened with a smile. BFound him<C
B(eve noticed,C /ic deadpanned teasin'ly.
BFou should be proud of me,C he s4uawked indi'nantly.
B1h, 'reat job kid, you finally learned how to fetch,C Dave joined in with a lau'h.
B,aybe we can house train you ne?t,C *unter threw in as his murderous thou'hts ebbed a
B6low me,C the youn'er man said with a sarcastically sweet smile.
BAh, as so many have,C .hris said with a lau'h as he reached up to ruffle /andys short
B2raitor< Foure supposed to be on my side,C he said with wide playful eyes.
BI am on your side baby, but the truth is the truth,C .hris chuckled nulin' his face into
the brunettes shoulder throu'h *unters old t>shirt.
B.hris,C ,ark yelled loudly shatterin' the easy, playful atmosphere. BI was so worried
about you, I didnt know where you were and I thou'ht somethin' had happened and then
/andy called and then *unter told us all to come here, he said that you two were on the
roof. (hat the hell were you doin' on the roof anywayE =evermind that. *unter told us
that /andy told him that you had somethin' to tell us,C ,ark said in what seemed to be
one breath.
/andy blinked a couple of times tryin' to make sense of everythin' after B.hris.C It
wasnt workin' too well. *e ducked his head to whisper to his boyfriend.
BFou dont do that anymore do youEC
B3eep me away from coffee if its not decaf and youll be okay,C .hris murmured back.
BIll remember that,C he said with a trace of amusement in his voice as he strai'htened
a'ain and waited for .hris to answer his friend.
B.hrisE Answer me. Are you okay,C the youn' blonde whined with an ed'e of worry and
impatience. =o wonder *unter had been at the end of his rope.
BIm fine, ,ark. I just needed some me time. I went up to the roof to think. ,y phone)
it accidentally fell when I sat it down on the, uh, led'e thin'. Fou know I wouldve
answered if I couldve.C
/andy barley mana'ed to suppress his lau'h. *e could see *unter stru''lin' with it as
well. It was such an obvious lie and the funny part was that ,ark was buyin' it.
B1h. (ell I wish you wouldve told me or somethin'. I wouldnt have followed you out
there or anythin', I understand when you need to 'et away. I was just)really scared
.hris,C he ended softly. *is hurt honesty was enou'h to push the room into silence a'ain.
/andy had to look at the plush carpet knowin' all too well the fear that had been racin'
throu'h ,ark. It had ripped throu'h him tenfold and he could still fell the last traces
flowin' throu'h his veins makin' him wide>eyed and e?hausted all at the same time. For
some reason he could still touch it, still feel the fear sparkin' inside of him turnin' him
into the wreck hed been only minutes a'o. *e seemed powerless to stop it from
en'ulfin' him a'ain even thou'h .hris was perfectly safe standin' not four inches away
from him.
*e felt .hris movin' forward, probably to reassure ,ark or somethin', and he could also
sense someone movin' towards him before warm arms wrapped around him. *e
immediately knew who it was and let himself melt into the embrace.
BIts okay, /andy, you dont have to 'o back there. *es here and hes fine, you dont
have to be scared anymore.C
B2hanks, 6,C he whispered rou'hly into Daves ear. *e took comfort in Daves stron'
protective arms and thanked 7od for the umpteenth time that hed been blessed with
friends who knew his every need even when he himself was unaware. BI love you
Daves arms ti'htened around him and he bit back a comforted si'h. B:ove you too, kid.
Fou need to rest now. Fouve been takin' care of other people all day and ni'ht, now let
somebody take care of you before you fall out. 6esides, if *unter doesnt use all his
ener'y on fussin' over you Im not 'onna have a boyfriend much lon'er.C
/andy flinched at the word boyfriend and he felt Dave tense a little at his reaction. *e
couldnt hold his words back anymore. *e knew he was supposed to play supportive
friend and wait until the plan went throu'h, but he just couldnt sit back and watch ,ark
use Dave without sayin' at least somethin'.
B6, its not ri'ht. *es not ri'ht for you, you deserve better.C
BI know that.C
/andy wouldve collapsed in shock if Dave hadnt been holdin' him up. BFou whatE If
you know then w>C
B*es here. For whatever reason, hes here and the person I want isnt. And wont be.C
B1h, 6, no. Foure so much better than that. Fou dont have to settle for somethin' like
him. Feah, I know it must be hard fallin' for *unter, but dont subject yourself to this
B*es happy for me, /andy. *es con'ratulated me, he hasnt even thou'ht up a fuckin'
way to break us up yet. *e really doesnt care and)Im just tired of waitin' for him to
/andy was torn. *e really wanted to tell Dave about *unters plot, about his an'er, and
about his, what /andy suspected was, jealousy. 6ut he knew that he couldnt do that. *is
loyalty, all of their loyalty, belon'ed to *unter first and foremost and he couldnt sell him
out. 2he only thin' that 'ave him small consolation about keepin' the secret was the fact
that he knew Dave would be out of this sham of a relationship soon enou'h.
BIts 'onna be okay, Dave,C he said finally. BItll always be okay ri'htEC
B/i'ht,C Dave a'reed softly 'ivin' him one last s4ueee and lettin' him 'o.
As soon as /andy was free he looked around the room a'ain. .hris was sittin' ne?t to
,ark at the foot of the bed talkin' 4uietly with him. /ic was sittin' a'ainst the
headboard lookin' like he was 'oin' to fall asleep at any moment. And then he and
*unter locked eyes and he felt somethin' sur'e throu'h him at the intensity he saw in
those hael orbs. *unters eyes flickered between him and Dave and he suddenly placed
the emotion smolderin' in the older mans depths. It was possession. 1ver which of them
/andy didnt know, but he really hoped it was Dave for all the pain the lar'er man was in
over thinkin' *unter didnt care about him. /andy 'ave *unter that AI>=eed>2o>2alk>2o>
Fou>As>0oon>As>(ere>Alone look. *unter nodded sli'htly.
B1h,C .hris said snappin' them all out of their respective thou'hts and daes. *e stood
and walked over to where /andy and Dave were. B2hat thin' we needed to tell you
/andy suddenly remembered the main reason for returnin' to the room, besides
deliverin' .hris to their friends, and smiled. B1h yeah ri'htE Id for'ot for a second.C
BIf I didnt know you had a 'ood e?cuse I wouldve slapped you for that,C .hris warned
in a low voice as he stru''led a'ainst a smile.
BFou already pinched me. I 'uess I should e?pect the slaps to start comin' ne?t. Fou
know how older 'uys are.C
BFou pinched me first<C
BFou said I wasnt an adult,C /andy cried back.
B=ot me, sweetheart, the law.C
BIm twenty>four< (hy cant anybody remember thatEC
B6ecause you act like the numbers arent connected. :ike its either one or the other,C
.hris lau'hed.
/andy let out a choked noise that was somewhere between a surprised s4ueak and a
lau'h. B1h, you know what)C
B7od, /andy)C
BFou are such a brat,C they both accused at the same time before breakin' into lau'hter.
BIve only slept two hours out of the last twenty>five and Im still awake for this,C /ic
'roaned thumpin' his head back a'ainst the headboard. B0hit, kid, tell me youre diein',
or retirin', or one of you is pre'nant or somethin'. Fuck.C
B.hris is pre'nant,C /andy said with a strai'ht face. BIts my baby. Im>Im 'onna be a
father 'uys.C
BFeah. I found out last ni'ht, thats why I was up on the roof. (hen it finally sunk in that
I was 'onna bear his child I)I just wanted to jump,C .hris said breakin' into lau'hter
and duckin' as /andy attempted to slap him upside the head.
B1kay, fine, see if I ask you to marry me now.C
B1h, no, please dont deny me the title of /andy 1rtons *usband. (hat ever will I do
without that,C .hris deadpanned and didnt dod'e the slap upside the head this time.
BFou deserved it,C the youn'er man told him matter>of>factly.
BAnd since when do you decide what I deserveEC
B@very since I became your man thats when.C
B(ow, the last fifteen minutes have really 'one to your head havent theyE And wouldnt
it be more like since you became my boyEC
B(ell youre with me so I 'uess that makes you my dirty old man huhEC
BI 'uess it does.C
BIm not complainin',C /andy said kissin' his cheek.
B,e neither,C .hris said with a 'oofy smile as he laced their fin'ers.
A sli'ht cou'h drew them back to the present. BFeah, so, were to'ether. I mean,
obviously, but yeah,C /andy said with a 'rin. B1fficial and everythin'.C
B(oooooooooo,C /ic said with a bri'ht 'rin. B2he @volution family is 'rowin', baby<
0ince me and *unter are the only two left maybe we should hook up and all si? of us can
hit the town.C
BFoure obviously delirious with fati'ue, =atche. (hy dont you 'o ahead and 'o to
sleep,C *unter said patronied playfully with a small lau'h as everyone else, e?cept
,ark, lau'hed alon'.
BI think Im 'onna 'o and 'et some sleep too,C ,ark said standin' up and walkin'
towards the door. BIll see you later, baby,C he told Dave absently before turnin' to .hris
and /andy. *e looked at their joined hands a second before lookin' at their faces.
B.on'ratulations you two,C he said in a li'ht, almost mockin' voice that was tempered
with a sweet, fake smile.
2he open jealousy in his eyes almost made /andy say somethin', but the 'entle s4ueee
that .hris 'ave his hand held his ton'ue in check and put a smile on his face. *e couldnt
help it if the smile was a little smu'.
(hen ,ark was 'one it seemed like everyone breathed a silent si'h of relief.
BArent you 'onna con'ratulate us Dave,C .hris asked with a 'rin.
B.on'rats, con'rats. Im still in shock that you 'ot him to settle down. *e hasnt had a
boy since about a year before he went to 15(. *owd you do itEC
B&ure talent,C .hris said around a yawn.
B7o to sleep,C /andy said nud'in' him a little.
BFoure 'ettin' pretty demandin' arent you, /andallEC
B(ere not ar'uin' about this, .hristopher. (ere both about to fall on our faces and its
not really that se?y when your boyfriend passes out on you.C
BDepends on what from,C .hris said with an almost sensual smirk.
B.hris,C /andy nearly breathed into .hris ear as fire licked at his lower stomach at the
mere thou'ht of what .hris was su''estin'. BFoure playin' a very dan'erous 'ame and
I dont think you remember who youre playin' it with,C he whispered lickin' and
nippin' at his earlobe before pullin' back. 2he daed look in the blondes eyes made him
smile. B=ow, 'o to bed.C
.hris muttered somethin' about not bein' able to sleep for a lon' time and somethin'
about someone bein' a tease before coverin' it up with a sweet smile. B3iss before I 'oEC
BI 'uess,C the youn' brunette 'roaned actin' like it was a chore.
2heir lips touched tentatively before all hesitation melted away and they were kissin' as
thou'h theyd done it a thousand times. /andy made sure not to push too far and .hris
made sure not to tease too much and soon they were both pullin' back sli'htly out of
B7ood mornin',C .hris breathed takin' a backwards step towards the door.
B7ood mornin',C /andy said watchin' him. B2ry to stay in your room this time.C
B&romise,C .hris lau'hed before openin' the door and steppin' out closin' it behind him.
/andy turned to the other members of @volution and smiled sleepily as he be'an to strip
down to his bo?ers carelessly. =one of the other three tried to hide their open starin'.
B7ood mornin' everybody. (e dont have anywhere to 'o today so I will be sleepin' Atil
sometime after three in the afternoon. /ic, move out of my spot and 'oodbye. Dave,
'oodbye. *unter, 'et in the bed.C
As everyone moved into action slu''ishly /andy all but collapsed onto the bed and
crawled over to his side barely mana'in' to 'et under the covers. *e heard his friends
e?chan'in' 'oodbyes before the door closed, the bed dipped, and *unters arm encircled
him pullin' him back into his lar'e warm body.
BIs this still okay now that you 'ot .hrisEC
/andy was surprised to hear the sincerity in *unters voice. *unter was 'ivin' he and
.hris relationship respect even thou'h he knew it was only a bet. *e was too tired to
really think about that thou'h.
BIts fine.C
B0hould we talk now or laterEC
B(e need to speed up this whole plan thin'. Dave knows that ,ark doesnt really care
about him.C
B(hy is he with him if he knows that hes usin' himEC
/andy didnt want to make *unter feel bad or anythin' so he tried to say as little as
possible. B*es lonely.C
*unter snorted lettin' him know that he knew there was more but he wasnt 'oin' to call
him on it. B1kay so we speed it up. 2his is the perfect time anyway. ,arks probably
heart broken that you picked .hris instead of him. *es 'onna want to do somethin' to
spite you, or show you what you missed out on, preferably with one of us. *im and Dave
arent fuckin', I know that for a fact, and Dave isnt 'oin' to fuck him anytime soon.
2hat leaves me, unless you can find a way to 'et him hot for /ic.C
B@ven I cant do that.C
B1kay. 0o start droppin' little clues and shit. Do what you do and Ill do my part too of
course. I want him fucked inside of the ne?t two weeks.C
B1kay, thats settled. =ow, do you know what youre 'onna do to fi? this shit after its
done. I love both of you and I wanna see both of you happy. &lus I dont want tension in
the 'roup. Dave mi'ht be more hurt about this than we think. I mean, youre one of his
best friends and hes 'oin' to catch you with his boyfriend. @ven if its ,ark that comes
onto you theres still supposed to be that trust there between you 'uys. It mi'ht fuck
thin's up more than they already are. Do you have it under controlEC
BI think I do.C
BFou thinkEC
BI know.C
B1kay,C /andy said a'ain resi'nin' himself to come up with his own plan in case *unter
didnt have it as under control as he thou'ht he did.
BAnythin' elseEC
B(hy didnt you tell me youd fucked .hrisEC
*unter actually flinched a little. B6ecause it was a lon' time a'o.C
BFeah, years before I was in the business, I know. Im not mad or anythin', I just wonder
why you didnt tell me.C
BIt wasnt on purpose, it just never came up. 2heres a lot of other people Ive fucked that
you dont know about.C
/andy nodded and turned to face *unter twinin' their le's to'ether. B*e knows about the
B.alm down and hear me out. *e doesnt know everythin', but he knows were 'onna
break them up and that were 'onna make it be ,arks fault.C
B*ow could you tell him that, /andyE 2his could ruin everythin'.C
B*e basically already knew, *unter. *e called me on the fact that I was suddenly cool
with ,ark ri'ht after he hooked up with Dave. *e knows me well enou'h not to buy the
bullshit I was feedin' him so I had to tell him. I had to make him trust me a'ain anyway.
*es a little 'uarded around me now that Im with you 'uys and he knows the kind of shit
we do. If I wanted to move this alon' I had to 'ive him somethin', some kind of secret of
mine so hed see me the way he used to before I joined @volution.C
BI 'uess I 'et that, but are you sure he wont tell ,ark anythin'EC
B*e wont. *e was a little hesitant, but he doesnt like whats 'oin' on between ,ark
and Dave any more than we do. *e knows that Dave still wants you and that ,arks
usin' him to 'et to me. *e said he wont say anythin' as lon' as we keep Dave from
killin' ,ark when they break up. I told him that wed 'uarantee the idiots safety and
that was that.C
B.hris has never lied before, not about shit like this,C *unter said thou'htfully. *e finally
heaved a si'h before rela?in' completely. B1kay. I 'uess its not a problem. *e mi'ht
even help it a little since hes so close to -indrak.C
B,aybe,C /andy said around a yawn. BAlri'ht, thats enou'h talkin' for ri'ht now. Im
listenin' to Dave.C
B(hat did he sayEC
B2o 'et some rest and to let you fuss over me.C
BIm not 'onna be fussin' over you, Im 'oin' to sleep too.C
B(hen I wake up Im 'onna look half dead with those circle thin's that you hate under
my eyes. Foull be fussin' over me.C
BFeah,C the blonde said before pullin' him close and closin' his eyes, Bwell see.C
B(e will,C the youn'er man murmured on the ed'e of consciousness.
Chapter # $ewest A%%ition
/andy rolled over and cracked an eye open barely suppressin' a s4ueak of surprise and
revulsion over what he was seein'. *unter was seated on the love>seat of their suite with
none other than ,ark -indrak straddlin' his thi'hs tryin' for all he was worth to suck his
ton'ue out of his mouth.
2he brunette found himself utterly fascinated with the way *unters neck tilted as he
leaned his head back to further deepen he and ,arks kiss. *e took in the way his friends
amber hair spilled over ,arks fin'ers and his own fin'ers twitched with the remembered
feelin'. *unter had the softest hair hed ever touched ne?t to .hris. *e saw the way
*unters fin'ers fle?ed around ,arks hips and he barely repressed a si'h rememberin'
how that felt too.
Dave was 'oin' to be one very happy man when this was all settled.
(hen ,arks soft moan floated to him from across the room he felt an evil smile touch
his lips. *e closed his eye a'ain and shifted noisily on the bed to draw their attention.
(hen he was sure he had it he let a dreamy si'h slip past his lips.
B.hris,C he moaned as thou'h still in sleep. *e swore he could feel the heat of ,arks
'lare sin'ein' his back. It only made him moan a'ain and continue his charade. B.hris,
baby thats so 'ood. ,mm, so hot,C he murmured fadin' in and out to keep up the dream>
like 4uality. *e mumbled somethin' unintelli'ible before rollin' onto his back makin'
sure the sheet fell low enou'h that his hip bones were e?posed. *e was happier than hed
ever been over the fact that his bo?ers were low slun', 'ivin' the illusion that he was
naked beneath the flimsy sheets.
*e 'ot himself hard within seconds conjurin' up the vision of .hris and *unter fuckin',
somethin' that had been in his head every since .hris had confessed it to him earlier. *e
smiled faintly to make it seem like he was cau'ht up in a 'ood dream and let his
fin'ertips 'rae his lower stomach.
B2hats 'ood,C he breathed li'htly. BIm so close, .hris.C
*e knew from bein' watched for most of his life for many different reasons that both of
the men were turned on by him and that one of them was just a little hostile. It wasnt too
hard to fi'ure out which one that was.
BFuuuuuuuuck,C he breathed like he was on the ed'e before lettin' his eyes flutter open.
*e 'enuinely blinked the blurriness away and propped himself up on his elbows before
lookin' at his audience. B*unterE ,arkE (hat are you 'uys doin',C he asked in a rou'h,
sleep>coated voice that wasnt completely fake. *e saw ,ark shudder before jumpin' out
of *unters lap.
BI, uhm, I was just comin' by to, uhm)Dont tell .hris please,C he finally asked in a
defeated voice.
/andy really had to fi'ht to keep his face blank. BI really think you should be more
worried about Dave than .hris.C
BDont tell him either. &lease /andy, Im be''in' you.C
BFine, I wont. 1nly because I think thats somethin' the two of you need to work out on
your own)and because I really do understand why youre attracted to *unter.C
BIm sorr>(hatE (hat do you mean you understandEC
BFou know what I mean,C /andy replied lookin' over at *unter who looked like a wet
dream come true. *is hair was framin' his face, pulled out of its ponytail and sli'htly
rumpled from ,ark runnin' his fin'ers throu'h it. *is lips were a little swollen from the
kissin' and the heat in his eyes was very allurin'. /andy cau'ht himself lickin' his lips.
B:ook at him, hes fuckin' 'or'eous. 0e?y as hell.C
B2hanks kid,C *unter said easily.
BFoure welcome,C /andy returned in the same manner.
BFou think about him like thatEC
BFou cant really help it with him lookin' the way he does and the fact that we see each
other seventy percent of the time. If /ic thou'ht *unter were interested hed be all over
him, and we all know about him and Daves history alon' with the countless others. 2ruth
is, if I werent totally into .hris I dont think I could keep my hands off of him.C
,arks eyes narrowed sli'htly at the mention of his feelin's for .hris and /andy almost
let his smirk show. BFouve been with .hris for less than a day. (hats stopped you
B(e were always distracted with other people,C *unter said with a low chuckle that set
/andys blood on fire. *e saw ,ark shift a little and smiled inwardly. BIt looked like we
were 'onna 'et to it soon, but now that he finally 'ot his boy I could probably walk by
him buck naked and he wouldnt look away from .hris.C
BIm not that whipped. Id look out of the corner of my eye for a few seconds.C
BIve been reduced to a few seconds out of the corner of your eyeE Damn, Im slippin',C
*unter 'roaned playfully.
B=o, .hris is just that fuckin' amain',C /andy smiled with dreamy si'h included.
B*e is somethin',C *unter a'reed just to piss ,ark off even more. BFou really couldnt
have done much better kid.C
BI know,C the brunette said simply before turnin' his attention back to ,ark. B0o yeah,
uhm, I wont tell Dave. 2his time.C
,ark was about to reply when they heard .hris lau'h on the other side of the door a split
second before his knock.
BIll 'et it,C *unter said before makin' his way towards the door and openin' it. B*ey
B*elmsley,C .hris 'reeted with a bri'ht smile. B*ow lon' you been awakeEC
BAn hour or so. FouEC
B2en minutes.C
B2en minutes,C ,ark asked bumpin' fists with him as he passed by. B(hat did you do,
throw on some clothes and run over hereEC
BI brushed my teeth too,C he said with an almost shy smile.
B.ouldnt wait to see me could ya,C /andy asked playfully smu' from his position on the
B(hat can I say,C .hris said with a shru'. *e swallowed hard at the si'ht before him.
BFou, uh, you look very)invitin'.C
B2oo bad youre not acceptin' my invitation. Fet,C /andy teased with a smile lettin'
.hris know that he wasnt pushin'.
B2oo bad indeed. (hos that for,C .hris asked pointin' to the tented sheet.
BI was dreamin' about this really hot older 'uy. *es blonde with the bluest eyes Ive
ever seen and an ass that makes my mouth water.C
B1hE Anyone I know,C the .anadian asked with fei'ned innocence as he sat on the bed
beside his boyfriend.
BFeah, I think you know him pretty well actually.C
BIm 'onna 'o. Ill see everybody later,C ,ark said hastily and nearly tore the door off its
hin'es openin' and closin' it.
B(hat was he doin' here,C .hris asked the second the door closed, all playfulness 'one
from his voice.
B*onestly,C *unter asked 'ettin' up from the couch and 'oin' to sit ne?t to .hris on the
bed. 2he two youn'er men shifted over to accommodate him
B1f course.C
B*e was tryin' to suck my tonsils out.C
.hris looked at /andy who confirmed it with a nod.
B(ait a second. 2hats what youre 'onna doE Foure 'onna set it up for *unter to fuck
,ark or somethin' like that and Daves 'onna catch them to'etherEC
B&retty much,C /andy said casually.
B*ow are you 'onna make that ,arks fault, by sayin' he came onto youEC
B*e does catch on fast,C *unter told /andy with a raised eyebrow. BAnd here I thou'ht
we were 'onna have to e?plain the whole plan. *e must be readin' =ancy Drew a'ain.C
.hris flipped *unter off absently before ponderin' the situation. B(hats your role in
this, babeEC
BI was initially supposed to try to turn ,ark on to *unter, but that parts a little hay
B(hat do you meanEC
B(ell I really dont have to do much anymore. (e hadnt counted his jealousy into all of
B(hat does that have to do with anythin'EC
B2hink about it, .hris,C *unter said. B,ark thou'ht up his whole little scheme to 'et with
/andy ri'htEC (hen .hris nodded he continued. B(ell he obviously never thou'ht that
/andy would end up in a real relationship with someone, especially his best friend. =ow
he knows that theres no hope because he wouldnt do that to you and even if he wanted
to he knows that /andy doesnt want anyone but you.C
.omin' from *unter and the casual way hed said it made it sound like it was common
knowled'e amon' all of /andys friends that he was infatuated with .hris, which meant
that hed been tellin' them that for a while now. /andy knew that it had just brou'ht him
one step closer to se? with .hris and he shot *unter a small smile for slippin' that in
there. *unter tucked his hair behind his ear in one of their silent si'ns for AFoure

2he youn'er man never stopped to wonder why *unter was helpin' him alon' instead of
wishin' and hopin' for him to fail. *e just focused his attention back on the
B0o ,arks jealous,C .hris stated still confused. BI still dont see what the bi' deal is.C
B*es jealous and an'ry. *e wants to piss me off for pickin' you instead of him so he
wants to fuck one of my friends I 'uess. *es with Dave, but Dave isnt fuckin' him and
most likely wont for a very lon' time and he knows that. *es not 'oin' after /ic, for
obvious reasons, so that leaves *unter. *e probably fi'ures that since *unter has such a
reputation hell sleep with him if he throws himself at him, and I 'uess thats supposed to
hurt me even more since Im a little closer to *unter than the rest of the 'uys.C
B*uh. 2hat makes sense, e?cept for the fact that you dont care about what he does so it
doesnt really matter.C
BFoure for'ettin' that hes supposed to be /andys new buddy,C *unter said flippantly.
B:et him think /andy 'ives a fuck and that its 'oin' to crush him all he wants to. If it
'ets him underneath me then thats all that matters.C
.hris nodded and then pinched /andys nipple as somethin' dawned on him.
B1uch< (hat the fuck was that for,C the brunette asked sulkily. It didnt hurt, but he never
passed up the chance to pout. *e was hot when he pouted.
BFou were lyin' here playin' the part of eye>candy werent youE 0howin' off everythin'
that he couldnt have to piss him off even moreEC
B1h and his 1scar worthy performance of nearly havin' a wet>dream was ma'nificent,C
*unter said briefly bowin' his head to /andy to show his appreciation. B*e was moanin'
your name and everythin'. It was a must see,C he concluded with a few claps.
B2hats low,C .hris said tryin' to fi'ht off his smile and failin' miserably.
B*ed been makin'>out with *unter before I woke up for real anyway. I just wanted to
'ive him a little more, motivation, if you will.C
BIt worked,C *unter 4uipped. B*e was pissed.C
BI know, I felt his eyes drillin' me from the couch. I thou'ht he was 'onna kill me or
B*e damn near bit my ton'ue off. I had to stru''le not to hit him.C
B&oor babies. 2he thin's you 'o throu'h for Dave huh,C .hris said with a sweet smile.
BDamn ri'ht,C *unter a'reed. B2hats family, wed do anythin' for him.C
B(ish I had a person whod 'o those len'ths for me.C
B*ey,C /andy murmured lacin' their fin'ers to'ether. BFou already 'ot one, babe. And in
@volution when you 'et one, you 'et all four. -ust by bein' with me, youre part of the
family now.C
BFuck that, you were a part of it before you two even hooked up just because he cared
about you so much. :ast ni'ht we all committed breakin' and enterin' and /andy
committed a felony level assault while the rest of us committed accessory to a felony
level assault just because 5al stepped outta line with you. (e dont do that kinda shit for
just anybody, .hris. 2hats reserved for family.C
BI never thou'ht someone riskin' jail time for me would mean so much,C he joked.
6oth of them reco'nied that front. *ow many times had they joked to cover their own
feelin'sE In reality, .hris was very 'rateful and humbled. =either of them missed the fact
that his eyes were suspiciously wet when he looked at the curtains with 'reat interest, but
they didnt call him on it.

B0o, we need to fi'ure out our ne?t move,C *unter announced smoothly lettin' .hris off
the hook.
B(ell I think we can narrow down that two>week deadline to one week. 2his is obviously
movin' a lot faster than we thou'ht.C
BI think youre ri'ht. 0o, one week from today will be ne?t Friday. 2hats a desi'nated
party ni'ht, can we use that in any wayEC
2his was the brainstormin' session. .hris sat back and watched as the two of them be'an
to throw out random words.
B.lubbin',C /andy started.
B6ise?ual clubs.C
BFreak dancin'.C
B0loppy drunk.C
B2oo drunk to notice.C
B2oo drunk to care.C
B*otel room.C
B.ompany in hotel room.C
B*orny from alcohol and freak dancin' at a club,C *unter said with the be'innin's of a
smile on his lips.
B*orny from alcohol and freak dancin' with ,ark at some bi club.C
B2oo drunk to drive back to the hotel and 'et myself to my room.C
BIn hotel room with ,ark and still really horny. 2oo drunk to care that its Daves
B*e wants to sleep with me anyway and hes a little turned on from the club too, so he
doesnt try to push me away too hard when I come onto him,C *unter said with a full
smile splittin' his face.
B1ne thin' leads to another and youre fuckin'. In pops Dave and /ic ri'ht in the middle
of it<C
BIts not my fault because Im horny and Im too drunk to care who it is<C
B6ut ,arks not< =ow theres even more blame on him because not only did he cheat on
Dave, but took advanta'e of his best friends drunken state in the process<C
6y this time the two of them were nearly yellin' and finishin' off each others sentences
frantically. 6oth had hu'e 'rins on their faces and their eyes were dancin' with mischief
and a little too much anticipation for what they were plannin'.
B2hink we can do it,C /andy asked.
B1f course. (e have to work out some of the details, but its definitely the plan.C
BIs this really how it worksE 2his is how all the plans 'et thou'ht up,C .hris asked a little
awed by what had just transpired ri'ht in front of him.
B,ore often than not. (e feed off of each other so the whole brainstormin' thin' is
'ood,C *unter said.
BI wanna help.C
*unter and /andy were both speechless for a few moments before /andy shook off a
little of his shock.
BFou)you wanna help howEC
B*owever,C he said with a shru'. B(hat can I doEC
B2his is your friend .hris,C the older blonde reasoned. BAre you sure you wanna do
somethin' like this to himE 6y keepin' the secret youre lettin' it happen and thats one
thin' but, if you participate, thats makin' it happen. 2hats somethin' completely
.hris met *unters eyes calmly as he spoke. BIm fully aware of what it is, *unter, and I
really want to help you 'uys. Ive been thinkin' this whole thin' throu'h, and I pretty
much have no choice. ,ark started this whole thin' out by usin' Dave, one of the 'uys
who stuck his neck out for me last ni'ht and was worried sick about me this mornin'.
And now, whether it works or not, hes tryin' to purposely hurt /andy. And whats worse
is that in order to hurt /andy hes 'oin' to use you. @ven thou'h hes bein' set up, its all
his own idea to use you as far as he knows which makes him 'uilty. /andys my
boyfriend and way before me and ,ark ever 'ot close me and /andy were a lot closer.
And *unter, me and you have been throu'h a lot to'ether and I consider you one of my
closest friends. I cant just sit back and let this shit happen. &lus, on top of all that, you
said Im part of the family now ri'htE 0o what else am I supposed to do but help you
'uys 'et evenEC
2he smile was back on *unters face full force now and /andy was 'rinnin' like a fool.
B(ell I 'uess youre officially one of us now,C *unter said. B1nce we fi'ure out what
youre 'onna do well let /ic know that youre in and about the new plan. (ell tell Dave
about you bein' added in after this is all over with. *ell probably pick up on somethin'
ri'ht now if he knows youre in the 'roup.C
BIf thats the case hell still know that hed been set up wont heE @ven if you tell him
about me after all of this is all settled.C
B,aybe and maybe not, but either way itll be over and everythin'll be taken care of
between me and him. *e wont care if he finds out later.C
B*ow are you 'onna take care of it e?actly,C .hris asked a little unsure of *unters
BDont worry, I have it under control.C
.hris and /andy e?chan'ed a 4uick 'lance and a messa'e was passed in the blink of an
eye before they jumped back into conversation.
B2his is so fuckin' 'reat,C /andy said. BFoure in. 2his is forever you know that ri'htE
2his bond cant be broken, like, no matter what.C
BI know, me and 0hawn are real close ya knowEC (hen the other two nodded he
continued. B*e always tells me that the 3li4 is for life even if they dont see each other
for years at a time. I kinda fi'ured *unter couldnt 'et too far away from that concept,
not after the 3li4 and then DJ too. Its been pretty much instilled in him since he joined
the company.C
B*is perception is almost scary,C *unter said to /andy.
B(e can use that.C
BFeah we can. As a matter of fact, we can use it now,C he said openin' up his words to
both of them a'ain. BFou can see what ,ark is feelin' a lot better than we can since
youre closer and you have this eerie thin' about readin' between the lines. 2ell us
whatever you think can help us. Aside from that, Im 'onna need you to do what /andys
doin' for the time bein'. 7ush about /andy when youre alone with ,ark, make it look
like hes the 'reatest thin' in the world. I know it wont be too hard since you probably
already feel that way, but you know what I mean. Also, make him want me. 6rin' up our
history to'ether and all that. =ow both of you, when youre to'ether in front of him, I
want you to be as annoyin'ly sweet and cuddly and shit as you can. I dont know how
much worse you two can 'et, but do it. All of that combined should have him pissed off
and wantin' me enou'h for the plan to 'o off without a hitch.C
BAnd then Davell be free,C /andy said happily while .hris nodded.
BFep. -ust one more week, 6,C *unter said in a soft, almost inaudible voice.
2he other two men had enou'h sense not to comment on his tone or his words.
BAre you okay, babe,C /andy asked .hris 4uietly. BFour eyes are a little swollen.C
B1h, Im fine, its just from last ni'ht you knowE 6arely any sleep.C
/andy could see him fi'htin' for nonchalance but he wasnt foolin' anyone. BIve seen
you after two>and>a>half days with no sleep and your eyes never swell like that. 2hey
only do that when youve been cryin'. (hy didnt you tell me hed made you cryEC
B(hoE 5al,C *unter asked darkly. BIf that jack>off>C
B=o, -ohn,C /andy informed tersely. B*es the reason .hris was on the roof last ni'ht.C
B/andy you know thats not true,C .hris e?claimed lookin' between the two best>friends
frantically. *e didnt want either one of them concoctin' some hu'e reven'e scheme for
-ohn, not when he was innocent.
B1h its not,C the youn'er man challen'ed crossin' his arms over his chest.
.hris focused on /andys crossed arms and on the stubborn look that he now wore and
couldnt help thinkin' about how se?y he was.
B(ell, not completely. Fou know what happened.C
B(ell I dont know so could someone please e?plain it to me,C *unter re4uested.
B(hich oneEC
B.ena,C .hris clarified intendin' to continue.
B2he one he was in love with and the one who also 4uit callin' him and let the whole
relationship die off,C /andy was sure to add before .hris could speak another word.
BI told you I stopped callin' him too. It was both of our faults.C
BFou only stopped callin' because he did.C
BI was too busy with work.C
B0o your career picks up and thats your fault,C /andy snorted. B2hats bullshit, he
couldve, no shouldve, made more of an effort.C
B.hildren, please,C *unter finally interjected. B.an you stop ar'uin' over whether or not
-ohns the bi''est piece of shit in the world and tell me what happened so I can jud'e for
B(ell me and -ohn were to'ether, you know that already. I loved him, he loved me, and
then we stopped talkin' to each other when I jumped to /A(. :ike /andy said, it died
off, but in order for that to have happened that means that we both had to stop callin'
each other and makin' an effort. *e was the last person before /andy that I was involved
with here in the business and the reason for that is because I didnt wanna 'et involved
with anyone here unless I was sure that it was somethin' real.C
*e missed the look that passed between *unter and /andy at those words.
B0o how does that 'et you on the roofEC
B@verythin' that was 'oin' on with me and /andy had me thinkin'. *ard. I was
seriously considerin' bein' with him and then -ohn called me out of nowhere. I was
confused, I needed to think. I just ended up out there.C
BAnd the cryin',C /andy prompted.
B(e were talkin' about everythin', /andy. 1ur past to'ether came up and we were both
pretty emotional about it. 2hats all it was, I promise. I already told you that he didnt say
anythin' out of line or anythin' like that.C
/andy mumbled somethin' and covered it with a loud yawn. (hen .hris raised an
eyebrow at him he 'ave the blonde an e?a''eratedly confused look. B(hatE I cant yawn
B,mm>hmm,C .hris murmured doubtfully.
BFou 'uys are retarded,C *unter lau'hed and was promptly jumped on by both of the
youn'er men.
Chapter & The Plot Thi'(ens
:ater that day .hris and *unter found themselves knockin' on door four>si?teen. 2he
door opened and the man smiled broadly flippin' his amber hair back over his shoulder
absently. B(ell if it isnt my second favorite blondes in the business. If Id known you
were comin' I wouldve taken some clothes off,C he joked steppin' away from the hotel
room door to let them in.
BIf were your second then whos your first favorite blonde,C .hris asked with mock hurt
in his voice.
B,e of course.C
*unter and .hris lau'hed a little as they followed the older man in. 2hey watched him
move across the room to the bed with his normal cat>like 'race. *e rela?ed with his back
a'ainst the headboard and one le' bent at the knee, the other outstretched. *e looked both
very invitin' and very dan'erous at the same time. 2wo thin's hed become known for
over the years.
B2o what do I owe this little visitEC
B(e need some advise,C *unter said with an easiness that always manifested when he
was around the older man.
2hey both cau'ht the sli'ht confusion and the unasked 4uestion in the beautiful mans
voice. *e knew from *unters tone what kind of advise he needed and for him to ask for
it in front of someone who wasnt in any section of the 3li4 was really weird.
B.hris is in now,C *unter said with an answerin' smile.
B0ince whenEC
BAbout three hours a'o.C
BFeah. *im and /andy hooked up sometime last ni'ht.C
B2his mornin',C .hris ar'ued softly. BIt was around si?>thirty cause the sun was comin'
2he man on the bed flinched at the mentioned time. B0i?>thirtyE In the mornin'E Isnt it a
sin to be up that early when you dont have to beEC
BFeah it is,C .hris a'reed with a sli'ht chuckle, Bbut there was a whole bunch of shit that
led up to it.C
BDoes this shit have somethin' to do with 5al at allE Dont look so shocked,C he told the
other two when their eyes widened in surprise. BFou know how I make it my business to
know everythin' that 'oes on with my boys. It 'ot back to me that /andy went out with
you last ni'ht,C he told .hris. BI also heard that you,C he said lookin' at *unter, Bwere
callin' around askin' for 5als room number around the same time .hris and /andy 'ot
back. 6enoit said he saw /andy flirtin' with, and most likely tryin' to scam somethin'
out of, the chick at the desk too. I just happened to see 5al earlier today when I was 'oin'
to 'o see ,ick and the 'uy looked like hed been hit by a truck so I knew you and the
boys had 'ot a hold of him. =ow that youre tellin' me .hris is with /andy and hes also
the newest addition, I can say that 5al mustve done somethin' to .hris to piss /andy
off. (hich would more than e?plain why 5al 'ot the shit kicked out of him and why
/andy and .hris were up at that un'odly hour hookin' up and whatever else,C he said
with a teasin' smirk. BAm I ri'ht,C he asked lookin' between the two of them.
BFou know what, 0hawnE All those people who say youre just another dumb blonde are
out of their minds,C *unter said shakin' his head.
BI think you called me that two days a'o.C
B=ot the point,C *unter said 4uickly.
BAh yes the point is this advice you need,C 0hawn said 'esturin' at the chairs set up at
the small round table a few feet away. B2ell me whats up.C
.hris and *unter 'ave him the rundown on the situation with ,ark and Dave and the
new plan. 0hawn listened 4uietly, lau'hin' at some points, 'rowlin' at others, and
noddin' in>between. (hen they were done he took a moment to di'est it all before
B0o, you want my advice on how to smooth thin's over with Dave or whatEC
B(hy does everybody keep askin' me about thatE I said I have that under control.C
BAnd nobody believes you,C 0hawn told him with his usual merciless honesty. BFou
wanna know whyE 6ecause you look lost and scared everytime someone mentions it. Fou
dont know what the hell youre 'onna do after its all over and youre a little desperate.
All you have to do is tell him the truth, *unt. I promise that if you do that, itll all be
okay. And when I say the truth I mean the truth,C he said enunciatin' the word and
starin' *unter ri'ht in the eye. BFou 'ot meEC
BFeah I 'ot you,C *unter murmured 'rud'in'ly. B=ow could you please 'ive us the
advice we came here forEC
B(hich was)EC
BDo you think the plan is okay,C .hris supplied. B(ould you chan'e anythin' or is it a
'ood idea like it isEC
BI really like it, I think itll work fine. -ust make sure that you switch the rooms around as
soon as possible and keep Aem that way until Friday.C
B(hatE (hy,C *unter asked puled.
B(ell think about it. Fou have to have a reason for /ic brin'in' Dave to the room ri'htE
If its you and /andys room it would look really obvious because why would /ic be
'oin' thereEC
B(e could have /andy call him and say to come over,C .hris su''ested.
B6ut /andys not 'onna be there so how would that workE &lus, isnt /ic supposed to be
actin' like he thinks *unters out clubbin' when he 'oes to the roomE If /andys not
there and *unters supposed to be out what would /ic even be doin' in their room in the
first placeEC
BI hadnt even thou'ht about that,C *unter said with a si'h. B2hats a problem.C
BFeah, but one you can easily fi?. ;p Ktil now whos been roomin' with whoEC
B*unter and /andy, ,e and ,ark, and Dave and /ic.C
B1kay)0o now that you and /andy are to'ether it would seem normal for the two of
you to wanna room to'ether, especially with how close you 'uys are. 2hen Dave and
,ark would have to room to'ether because it would look bad if they didnt. For their
own separate reasons theyre tryin' to convince everyone that theyre a happy couple and
they cant do that if they flat out refuse to be near each other. 2hat would leave *unter
and /ic in a room and thats a perfect set up. Fou can come up with a million different
reasons for /ic to 'o up to his own room ri'htE For'ot his wallet, wants to chan'e,
anythin' works there.C
BDamn, thats fuckin' brilliant 0hawn,C .hris said with a lau'h. BAnd you came up with
that out of nowhere.C
B2hats what you 'et when you spend half your life manipulatin' people for fun,C *unter
said with a teasin' lau'h.
B1h suck my dick, youre been ri'ht there with me every step of the way,C 0hawn said
with a lau'h of his own. B&lus its all 3evs fault. *is manipulative ass corrupted me.C
BFeah, he is pretty bad,C *unter said lau'hin' with a nod. B*ey, you remember what they
all did to 6ischoff over there back in ninety>ei'htEC
B1h fuck Id for'ot about that,C 0hawn said lau'hin' heartily.
B(hat happened,C .hris asked ea'erly.
BFou were over there. Fou didnt hear about it,C 0hawn asked throu'h his lau'hter.
B=o. I hated it there. I didnt talk to a lot of people so I didnt really 'et into the whole
backsta'e 'ossip thin'. I was too focused on 'ettin' there at the last second and leavin'
at the earliest.C
B(as it that bad for you over there,C the oldest man in the room asked in amaement
borderin' on concern.
.hris barely bit back a si'h at the way 0hawn was lookin' at him. .oncern was now
radiatin' off of him in waves. *unter was lookin' at him closely now too and he didnt
want to talk about this.
BIt just wasnt fun anymore. @verybody knows (.( sucked ass and were all thankin'
7od that its over. =ow tell me what happened,C he said tryin' to divert both men from
the subject.
B1h yeah,C *unter said with renewed amusement. B2hey dressed 3id up like a chick and
sent him on a date with 6itch>e?cuse me>6ischoff. 0ean had a camera set up in his hotel
room and @ric didnt know. 2he 'uys always talkin' shit about how strai'ht he is and all
that and you remember how much he hated 2he &ak ri'htEC
B(ell 3id 'ave him the best blowjob hed ever had in his life and then stood up and
pulled off the wi'. 6ischoff almost had a heart attack when he saw who it was,C 0hawn
finished. BI wish we couldve been there to see it first hand. 2hey sent us a copy of the
tape a few weeks later thou'h.C
BAsshole 'ot what he deserved,C *unter added with a smirk.
B*e deserves a lot more than that,C .hris muttered nastily.
*unter and 0hawn both went alert. 2here was no love loss between .hris and @ric, that
was no secret in the back. *ell .hris had been bustin' his ass tryin' to help pull the
(.( out of its slump only to be screwed and pushed to the side time and time a'ain by
6ischoff until he finally left the company. *is an'er was more than justifiable but
somethin' in his voice told them that this went a lot farther than bein' screwed out of a
BFou wanna talk about it,C 0hawn asked, his voice oddly 'entle.
.hris smile was almost bitter for a second before all traces of an'er were 'one and he
was seemin'ly happy a'ain.
B2heres nothin' to talk about, I just cant stand him is all.C
2he other two almost flinched at that. 2heyd seen that mask too many times on too many
of their friends faces, but they wouldnt push. 2heyd learned time and time a'ain that
when you pushed the other person only pushed back and you end up with a bi' mess
instead of a resolved issue. 2heyd find out what was wron' in due time.
B1kay, .hris,C *unter said with a smile of his own. B0o the plans a 'o. Find /andy and
tell him about the chan'es we need to make. 2ell him to make sure he finds a way to 'et
all of our hotel rooms ri'ht near each other ne?t Friday too.C
B(ill do,C he said standin'. BFou 'onna be here a whileEC
BFeah Im 'onna stick around.C
B.ool, see you later. 6ye 0hawn.C
B6ye .hris. *ave fun with /andy.C
.hris rolled his eyes at the teasin' li'ht in 0hawns eyes as he walked out of the room in
search of his boyfriend.
0hawn smirked at *unter the second the door closed. B0pill it.C
BI bet /andy he couldnt sleep with .hris.C
BFoure workin' pretty hard arent youEC
B1f course,C *unter said with a smirk of his own.
B*ope you know what youre doin'.C
BDont I alwaysEC
BI dont think you want me to answer that.C
BFuck you.C
BFou know you want to,C 0hawn said in a low seductive voice. B.an weE I feel like
celebratin' a 'ood plan.C

BI never could deny you anythin',C *unter said walkin' over to the bed and stretchin'
out over his Abrother and all too fre4uent lover.
B2hank 7od,C 0hawn chuckled ri'ht before their lips met.
B*ey, ,ark, you seen /andy around,C .hris asked sittin' ne?t to the youn'er man. 2hey
were in the restaurant downstairs in the hotel. B*es not in the room and hes not
answerin' his cell.C
B*im and Dave are out at the pool.C
BI thou'ht the pool closed at five. Its almost seven.C
BIts open to the wrestlers since we cant swim while the other 'uests are out there. Fou
know, fans.C
B1h. (ell Im 'lad hes 'ettin' to swim. *e was talkin' about it earlier before me and
*unter left.C
B*e told me to tell you to come out if I saw you and they were still out there. 0ays to tell
you that he misses you like cray and he was debatin' stran'lin' *unter for takin' you
away from him.C
.hris fou'ht off a smirk as he listened to the bitterness just underneath the words. 1h
,ark was tryin' to cover it up, and if he hadnt been listenin' for it he never wouldve
cau'ht it. 6ut it was definitely there as well as in the youn'er mans eyes. 2he normally
li'ht 'reen eyes were darker with withheld an'er. It made .hris want to dance around the
*e didnt let himself dwell on just how cruel that thou'ht could be considered.
B*es such a sweetheart. *es really 'reat you knowEC
BFeah, whatever.C
B1h duh, I for'ot,C .hris said as thou'h he didnt hear ,arks obvious dislike for the
subject. BFou and him are friends now, of course you know how 'reat he is. Isnt he just
the sweetest, funniest, most carin' 'uy in the whole worldE I really cant believe that we
let our friendship drift apart like that for so lon'. 2hen a'ain maybe it helped because
now were so much more than that. 7od, ,ark Im so fuckin' 'lad that hes mine. *e
makes me smile and he makes me lau'h and)shit he just makes me happy.C
.hris noticed with a little surprise that he wasnt really makin' this stuff up. Feah he was
sayin' it to piss ,ark off, and it was workin' beautifully, but he really meant most of it.
(ith a soft smile for those thou'hts he turned his attention back to ,ark and decided it
was time to 'o in for the kill.
BI have to be the luckiest 'uy here. I mean, hes fucked a lot of 'uys and we all know
that, but thats not all he wants from me. *e promised not to cheat on me and he
promised to wait until I was ready. *e really cares about our relationship, ,ark. 2heres
all these other 'uys pinin' over him and hes not even 'ivin' them a second look. *e
kicked them all to the side like they were nothin' for me and me only.C
,ark stood up so fast he almost knocked the chair over. B*ey, I 'otta run.C
BFou okay buddyEC
B-ust fine.C
BAre you sureE Fou look a little flushed. Do you have a feverEC
BFeah I think I mi'ht. Im 'onna 'o lay down for a while. 0ee you when you come up.C
B1h, about that. ,e and /andy are 'onna be sharin' a room now so Im 'onna 'ive Dave
my key to our room toni'ht and then thats how itll be from now on.C
BDo you mindE I mean me and /andy are sharin' and I just thou'ht you two could finally
room to'ether. Fou dont seem too happy thou'h. Are)are you and Dave havin'
problems, ,arkEC
B=o, no, of course not,C the youn'er man scrambled. B*appy as ever. I just didnt 'et
what you were sayin' ri'ht at first. Im a little li'htheaded and shit, you know, fever and
all. 2hats fine with me. 0ee you later.C
B1kay. Im 'onna head on out to the pool with the 'uys.C
(ith a nod ,ark walked in the direction of the elevators. .hris watched him walk away
with a smirk. ,ark was beyond pissed off and to see him tryin' to play his an'er off as a
fever was almost more than .hris could handle. *ed had to bite the inside of his cheek
hard enou'h to draw blood to keep from lau'hin'. And then the mention of Dave and the
room switch had almost knocked the 'reen>eyed man on his ass. .hris was lookin'
forward to what Daves reaction would be to all of this.
B(ell lets 'o find out,C he said to himself risin' from the chair and walkin' towards the
door that led out to the pool.
.hris stepped inside the 'ate to the pool and stopped short as his mouth went dry at what
he saw. /andy was standin' at the shallow end of the pool where the water was only
comin' up to his hips. *is beautiful chest and well defined abs were 'listenin' wet in the
dull settin' sun. It was one of the most beautiful si'hts hed ever seen. *e unconsciously
licked his lips thinkin' that if he looked this 'ood ri'ht now, then how 'ood would he
look nakedE *e broke away from those thou'hts when someone cleared their throat
B2hinkin' interestin' thou'hts there .hrissy,C Dave asked archin' an amused eyebrow
from his end of the pool. BFoure droolin' hard enou'h to flood this whole pool.C
B(hatever, I am not.C
B/andy,C Dave asked simply.
B(ell you were starin' pretty hard, babe,C he a'reed 'ently and smiled at .hris
incredulous look.
BFoure choosin' his side over your own boyfriendsE 1h I can see where this
relationship is 'oin',C he said sulkily as he dramatically stomped his way over to a lawn
chair and threw himself into it with a pout.
B0hut up -erky,C /andy said lau'hin' at .hris antics. BI was just about to tell you how
much I missed you.C
BI 'ot your messa'e from ,ark. (hich reminds me. DaveEC
BDo you mind the room thin'EC
B(hat room thin'EC
B/andy didnt ask you,C .hris asked shootin' /andy an accusin' 'lare hopin' the
youn'er man would just 'o with this.
BI 'uess I for'ot,C /andy said just mana'in' to sound apolo'etic.
B,an I swear if you werent so cute,C he trailed off shakin' his head in playful
annoyance. BAnyway, /andy was supposed to ask you if you were cool with switchin'
rooms with me. (e wanna room to'ether from now on and then youll be able to room
with your man too.C
Dave was silent for half a second too lon' with that deer in headli'hts look on his face
before he cau'ht himself. *e visibly took a deep breath before noddin' with a somewhat
strained smile. B2hats fine, in fact I was just thinkin' about that a little bit a'o.C
B(ell its settled then. (ell switch keys later.C
BFeah,C Dave said before dunkin' himself under the water.
/andy had been starin' a hole throu'h .hris head tryin' to fi'ure out what all of this
was about. *e knew it had somethin' to do with the plan seein' as they hadnt discussed
anythin' about roomin' to'ether and .hris wasnt ready for se? yet. 2he fact that .hris
had came back with this little su''estion after he and *unter had 'one to consult with
0hawn pretty much 'ave it away too.
.hris finally met /andys eyes and 'ave him a look that said hed fill him in later. /andy
nodded and started to talk a'ain.
B0o wheres *unterEC
.hris shook his head frantically ri'ht before Dave surfaced a'ain.
B*ows ,ark doin',C /andy amended casually without missin' a beat.
B*es actually not feelin' very well. *e was flushed and a little li'htheaded, said he
thinks he has a fever. *e went to 'o lay down.C
/andy turned to Dave e?pectantly and the bi' man stared back blankly before it dawned
on him.
B1h. I 'uess Id better 'o see how hes doin'. I hope its nothin' serious.C
/andy almost lau'hed out loud at the monotoned way Dave had said it. *e was clearly
lackin' any compassion or sympathy for his boyfriend whatsoever as he climbed
'rud'in'ly out of the pool.
BI think hed really enjoy your company. Fou know they say that its healin' to have the
one you care about close to you in your time of need,C .hris chirped with a bri'ht smile.
B0o they say,C Dave mumbled as he be'an to towel off. BI 'uess Ill see you 'uys when
you come to 'et your stuff and switch keys,C he told .hris. B:ater, kid.C
B:ater, 6,C /andy called back and watched him disappear into the hotel. B=ow whats
this room thin' all aboutEC
.hris 4uickly recounted the restructured plan and /andy nodded in approval when he
was done.
BDamn, thank 7od for 0hawn, huhEC
B2hats what Im sayin'. (e never wouldve thou'ht of that and Dave probably wouldve
picked up on it ri'ht then.C
BI cant believe me and *unter didnt catch that,C /andy said splashin' over to the ed'e
of the pool ri'ht in front of .hris lawn chair. *e folded his arms alon' the concrete
border of the pool and rested his chin on them starin' up at his new boyfriend. B(e must
be 'ettin' sloppy.C
B(ell youve both been pretty distracted,C the blonde answered with small 'rin. B7uy
troubles and all that.C
BFoure not trouble. And if youre a distraction then you can distract me all you want to,C
he snickered. B=ow *unter on the other hand, hes havin' 'uy trouble and *unter
trouble. *es tryin' to 'et Dave back while dod'in' himself on the reason why.C
B*e could just admit to himself that he has feelin's for the 'uy.C
B2his is *unter were talkin' about,C /andy said by way of e?planation.
B1h yeah I for'ot. Nothing is ever that easy with him,C .hris a'reed in frustration.
B=ope, his pride and rep and all that. &robably why you two didnt hook up for real.C
2he words were casual but .hris could hear somethin' just beneath them. It wasnt an'er,
but it was somethin' just as important. 0omethin' like)
B6aby, are you insecureEC
.hris e?pected immediate denial from his youn' lover but he never received it. *e sat
forward in his chair when /andy simply looked away from him.
B/andy, look at me,C he pleaded softly. *e waited until he was starin' into ice blue eyes
before continuin' in a 'entle voice. BI told you we dont even think about each other like
that anymore.C
BI know, I know. Its just)I know how 'reat you are and I know how 'reat *unter is.
@ven without se? there are plenty of reasons for you to be attracted to each other, but
youve had se? so now theres even more reason. I mean, you slept with *unter, he slept
with you. I havent slept with either one of you. And then theres the fact that Im a lot
youn'er than you and hes a year older. I dont even know how to start to compete with
BFou dont have to, baby. Foud be competin' a'ainst an old memory thats startin' to
fade more and more everyday. If I wanted *unter, sweetheart I would 'o after *unter.
6ut I want you. 2he reason me and *unter didnt hook up wasnt because he was too
stubborn to admit that he had real feelin's for me. (e didnt hook up because he really
didnt have real feelin's for me besides friendship and I didnt have any for him either. It
was just se?. 7ood se?, 'reat se? even, but there was nothin' else. (e didnt click like
you and me do, we werent ri'ht. ,e and you are.C
/andy was surprised by the stren'th of .hris words. @ven more shockin' was the
stren'th of his reaction to them. *e felt a joy wash over him that he hadnt felt with
anyone outside of the 3li4 in a lon' time. It was 'enuine happiness, sta''erin' in its
amount, and he had the sudden feelin' that hed bitten off more than he could chew when
hed taken this bet.
And he was, for the most part, 'lad.
A small chuckle from above him drew his attention and he looked up at .hris curiously.
B=othin'. Its just funny how surprised you look. Im not e?plainin' rocket science here,
/andy. I thou'ht you knew how I felt about us.C
BI do,C he said 4uickly, then a little softer, Bits just nice to hear ya knowEC
BFeah, its always nice to hear that youre better than *unter at somethin',C he teased.
B2hat too,C /andy replied with a soft smile.
BI love that smile,C .hris said fondly.
B(hat smile,C he asked as it spread a little wider.
B2hat satisfied smile. Fou look content, happy. I dont see that smile much.C
B(ell, you havent e?actly been seein' me, babe,C /andy stated the obvious.
B@ven back when we were practically 'lued to'ether it was few and far inbetween.
Foure hardly ever that rela?ed and un'uarded. 2hat real.C
BFou think Im fake,C /andy stated dully. 2here was no accusation, no offense, not even
a 4uestion behind it. *e was just sayin' the words as thou'h they were a universal truth.
2he sky is blue, the moon pulls the tide, .hris thinks /andy is fake.
B=o, thats not it either. Foure not fake, not to the people who really know you. I just
think that youre so used to havin' to hide your emotions around so many people that you
for'et the ones you can show them to.C
B:ike youEC
B:ike me,C .hris a'reed. BI wanna see everythin' you are, baby. Its part of what makes
you you. (hat makes you perfect.C
BIm not perfection, .hris. 7od youd have to look a lon' way away from me to find
B=o I wouldnt. Fou dont realie just how amain' you are /andy. Foure too stuck on
the bad shit to notice the 'ood. Fou always have been. (ould I be with you if you were a
horrible personEC
/andys mouth was dry. *e was havin' the same battle hed had on the roof earlier that
mornin'. 2he ur'e to tell .hris was almost painful now and fi'htin' it was damn near
impossible. 2he truth was on the tip of his ton'ue when the door to the pools outer 'ate
swun' open and shut with a s4ueak, the noise drawin' both their attention.
0hawns face, as always, was a heavily appreciated blessin'.
B*ey there fellas. 7ot all dressed up for swimmin' and I was wonderin' if youd mind
me joinin' the party. 1r am I interruptin' somethin'EC
/andy looked to .hris for the answer and .hris smiled at 0hawn wavin' him over. BFou
know no ones ever been able to tell you no.C
BFunny, *unter told me somethin' like that not too lon' a'o.C
B(onder what you two were talkin' about when that came up,C /andy said with a smirk.
BFoure a smart kid I bet you could fi'ure it out if you tried real hard.C
BIf hes tryin' to 'et Dave back, how e?actly is fuckin' you 'onna help with that,C .hris
asked with an amused shake of his head.
BFou know whatE I have no clue, but its workin' just fine for me at the moment so lets
not brin' that to *unters attention okay,C he joked thou'h some of the li'ht was missin'
from his eyes.
B(hat are you 'onna do if and when him and Dave 'et to'ether,C /andy asked softly.
B2he only thin' I can do. Im 'onna con'ratulate them and 'racefully bow out of that
section of *unters life. 2heyre 'ood for each other, just like the two of you. =o one,
includin' me, should mess that up for them and I wont. =o matter how much I love
B2he funny thin' about *unter is that, even thou'h you know hes dan'erous and youll
most likely 'et hurt, you fall for him anyway. Its weird,C .hris said in a thou'htful voice.
BFoure in love with *unter,C 0hawn and /andy asked to'ether.
B0ort of, not the way you and Dave are,C he told 0hawn. BIts like the way youre in love
with him,C he told /andy. BFou wanna be close to him and shit, like a best>friend.C
B*ow will that hurt you,C /andy asked in confusion. B*unters a 'reat best>friend.C
BWhen hes your best>friend, yeah sure,C .hris pointed out. B*unters hurt a lot of people
here, that 'oes without sayin', and he may have associates but he only has a handful of
best>friends. &eople wanna be that close to him even thou'h they know the chances of
that are a lot less likely than the chances of them endin' up as his newest 'ame. 2heres
just somethin' about him that draws you even throu'h all the asshole...ish...ness. Fou
know what I mean.C
B(hos an asshole,C Adam asked as he entered the pool area also.
B-ust talkin' about *unter bein' *unter,C /andy said almost crin'in' at the way Adam
was eyein' him. *e knew .hris must have saw it too because .hris smiled down at him
B0o baby, would you say that our first date was last ni'ht when we went to dinnerE 1r
have we had it yetEC
B2echnically we havent had it yet since we 'ot to'ether this mornin'. 6ut if we wanted
to say it was last ni'ht we could.C
B=o, I think we should do somethin' toni'ht so we can have an official first date. 2his is
the kind of stuff we have to be able to look back on.C
BAlri'ht,C /andy a'reed with a smile at the thou'ht of he and .hris havin' a history to
look back on. *e didnt think it should appeal to him as much as it did. B(here do you
wanna 'oEC
B*ow about we 'o see a movieEC
BI like that. Fou ne?t to me in the dark)C
B(atchin' the movie,C .hris finished with a chuckle.
BAw well, a 'uy can try cant he,C 0hawn asked lau'hin' at /andys playful pout. BFou
want some company, kidEC
BFes, I hate swimmin' alone. 7et your ass in here. Id ask .hris but he looks a little too
comfortable to move.C
B(AI2< I know I mustve missed somethin' here,C Adam said lookin' back and forth
between .hris and /andy. BFou two are to'etherEC
BFes,C /andy said with a smile up at .hris.
BFor realEC
B;h hu,C .hris assured with a nod.
BF@0,C 0hawn yelled yankin' his shirt over his head and 'larin' at Adam with pure
e?asperation on his face. B2hat means that /andy is off limits, it means that if you
attempt to do anythin' with him hell kick your ass and then .hrisll kick your ass and
then itll just be downhill for you after that because me, *unter, /ic, and Dave will all be
waitin' ri'ht in line to kick your ass after them. 0o say con'ratulations, suck it up, and 'o
about your business. If its .hris that youre pinin' over, please feel free to switch him
and /andys names and apply this speech as necessary.C
Adam was so out done that all he could do was stare at 0hawn in shock before turnin'
and walkin' back towards the hotel.
B0pread the word,C 0hawn yelled after him before divin' in the pool.
B(hat was that all about,C .hris asked /andy with a raised eyebrow.
BIts 0hawn,C /andy said with a shru' before swimmin' over to where 0hawn was now
treadin' water. B*ey, 0e?y 6oy, I appreciate that.C
B=o problem. It urks me to see people mad because two people are really happy to'ether.
Its not like somethin' like that comes alon' too often. &eople should be happy when it
B2his is really botherin' you isnt it, baby,C /andy asked comfortin'ly. 0hawn wasnt
that hard to read.
BI dont know what youre talkin' about,C 0hawn murmured swimmin' over to the ed'e
of the pool and holdin' onto the wall.
/andy followed ri'ht behind him. B.ome on 0hawn, dont do that Aeverythin'>is>fine
shit. I see ri'ht throu'h it, so just tell me whats up with you.C
0hawn si'hed before lookin' away from /andy and down into the water. B,e and *unter
just had se?)and that was the last time. (hether he knows it or not, that was it, and it)
it hurts,C he said meetin' /andys compassionate eyes. BIt hurts because I love him and I
want to see him happy, and Dave deserves *unter more than anythin'. *es loved him
for so lon' with no payoff. 2heyre 'onna be 'reat for each other.C
B6ut)but I cant help feelin' like *unter was supposed to be happy with me, ya knowE
(e were supposed to have it all. After all these years and everythin' weve been throu'h
its never been more than just se?. I always kinda believed that maybe one day wed
make it. 7od, I feel so bad to even think like that now.C
B6ecause of DaveEC
BFes. I love Dave like a brother and Im 'oin' to help *unter 'et him back. And, like I
said, Im not 'oin' to interfere with their relationship at all. I just feel like Im horrible
for wantin' whats his. *ow is that bein' either of their friendEC
/andy really felt bad for 0hawn. *ed never really stopped to consider just how much
0hawn meant to *unter and how much *unter meant to 0hawn. It was almost like hed
for'otten about their entire history to'ether, all the ups and downs theyd 'one thou'h
with each other. *e never realied just how hurt 0hawn was 'oin' to be when *unter and
Dave finally did 'et to'ether for real.
And how would *unter feel about completely lettin' 0hawn 'o like thatE 2heir
friendship would always remain, and theyd always be closer than brothers, but
everybody knew that their friendship was e4ual parts love, trust, intensity, and se?. /andy
remembered *unter tellin' him that 0hawn was his only constant when it came to lovers
now, and the only lover he had that he didnt use protection with. 0hawn took major
precedence in *unters life and /andy didnt know how either of them were 'oin' to
cope with such a loss as no se? or even the playful se?uality that ooed from both of them
when they were to'ether. It was inevitable thou'h, because 0hawn loved *unter too
much to try to come between he and Daves happiness and *unter had too much love and
respect for 0hawn to try to sleep with him behind closed doors. 2hey were just 'oin' to
have to find a way to deal with it.
1r maybe they couldnt. And then where would that leave DaveE
/andy looked over to .hris chair to find it vacant. *e swept his eyes around the pool
area and spotted him on the inside of the 'ate talkin' 4uietly to *unter who was standin'
outside the 'ate. *e could tell from the slump of *unters shoulders and the way .hris
body was turned into *unters that *unter was very upset and .hris was tryin' to
comfort him. 2he way *unter was 'rippin' the iron bars was another indicator. It was
probably about the same issue. *unter was e?tra perceptive when it came to people he
was close to, especially 0hawn, so even if 0hawn hadnt told him that it was their last
time havin' se?, *unter had picked up on it anyway.
A(ell fuck, /andy thou'ht resi'nedly.
B0hawn, tell me youre 'onna be okay, baby, because I dont know what to do here. Im
startin' to freak out.C
B1h, no, dont do that,C 0hawn ordered with a parody of his normally breathtakin' smile.
BIf you had some sort of breakdown not only would *unter kick my ass, but now .hris
would too. Im 'ettin' a little too old for all that.C
/andy didnt want to push 0hawn by callin' him on his false happiness, but he didnt
want him suppressin' his feelin's either. 2hat would lead him down that same dan'erous
road hed already walked halfway down once before. /andy didnt like the idea of him
runnin' the rest of the way.
BIm here, if you ever wanna talk or anythin', you know that.C
B2hanks. I mi'ht just take you up on that sometime,C he said peckin' /andy on the lips
with a chaste kiss that /andy accepted and returned.
B2hink *unters okay,C the youn'er man asked 'lancin' back over at the two blondes.
B*e will be after Friday. Davell make him feel better.C
/andy almost si'hed at the hollowness in 0hawns voice when he said the last of that
statement. BFeah, Im sure he will.C
B(ell, enou'h an'st for one day huhE At least from me. 7o help your boy with *unter so
we can all smile and mean it a'ain,C 0hawn ordered with a forced calm that they both
knew he didnt possess.
A0mile and mean it, 0hawnE I dont think thats 'onna be happenin' anywhere in the ne?t
few minutes, /andy thou'ht sadly.
BFoull be okay while Im 'oneEC
BIm not 'onna drown myself or anythin',C 0hawn said with an annoyed roll of his eyes.
B&lus youre only walkin' ten feet away from the pool. I think I can mana'e.C
B:ove ya.C
BFeah, yeah, love you too. =ow 'o check on, *unter.C
/andy nodded and pulled himself up out of the pool and made his way over to .hris and
*unter just in time to catch the end of *unters sentence.
B)know if I can do this. It feels like Im losin' him.C
B(ell *unter you have time. =ot a whole lot, but enou'h to fi'ure out what you really
wanna do,C .hris told him comfortin'ly. BIf you cant let 0hawn 'o then you need to
decide that ri'ht now while you still can. (ell drop the plan and either come up with
somethin' new or just wait for Dave and ,ark to end on their own.C
BI cant just let Dave 'o like that either. I care about him so much and hes)hes Dave ya
knowE 6ut then 0hawn)0hawn is fuckin' 0hawn. Im so fuckin' confused. I dont
wanna see either of them hurt and Im the reason both of them are in pain ri'ht now. I
told myself Id never hurt 0hawn, Id never be like all the other pricks hes been with.
@verybody else who used him and threw him away like he was nothin'. And then Daves
been in love with me for as lon' as I can remember. *e deserves some kind of pay>off for
all the waitin' hes done. 6ut in the same li'ht, me and 0hawn have never been official.
Its been almost seven years since we started havin' se? and its always only been se?.
/e'ular se?, sure, but still just se?. Friends with benefits I 'uess. *e deserves so much
more of me too.C
/andy thou'ht it amain', once a'ain, just how close 0hawn and *unters thou'ht
processes were. *e shook his head at this new predicament theyd found themselves in.
A2he plots just thickenin' its ass off isnt it, he thou'ht sourly.
B/andy,C *unter said seemin' to acknowled'e him for the first time. B*ow is 0hawn
BAnd tell me the truth. If youve never been honest with me before I need you to be
brutally honest with me now,C he pleaded of the youn' brunette.
B(ell)hes bein' 0hawn, *unt. *es your best>friend in the whole world and hes
playin' up to that role. *es bein' supportive and happy for you even thou'h)C
B@ven thou'h whatEC
B@ven thou'h he sounds so fuckin' hollow and hurt when he says it. @ven thou'h he
feels like someone just ripped a hole in his chest. 2hrou'h all that, hes smilin' for you
and Dave.C At *unters 'uilty look /andy continued ruthlessly. B6ut then a'ain, what
else can you e?pect from himE *ed do anythin' for you.C
2he 'entle tone of /andys voice and the warmth in his eyes took all the accusation and
most of the stin' out of his words. 2hey were always mercilessly honest with each other,
but there were very few condemnations passed. *unter didnt do this on purpose and that
was well understood. (ell at least it was understood with everyone e?cept himself.
.hris echoed the lar'er blondes sentiment when he watched 0hawn swim to one of the
underwater stair cases and take a seat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his
hands. 2here was a fine tremor runnin' throu'h him lettin' .hris know just how close he
was to totally losin' it.
B2a',C /andy said with subdued humor li'htly tappin' his boyfriend on the shoulder.
BFoure it.C
B:ovely,C .hris mumbled and steeled himself with a deep breath before walkin' back
towards the pool. *unter and /andy could both understand the preparation. It was very
hard to see 0hawn hurt.
2hey watched .hris 'o over and drop to his knees and sit back on his heels at the ed'e of
the pool ri'ht beside 0hawn. 2here was deep concern etched into his beautiful features as
he ran his fin'ers over 0hawns back and throu'h his wet hair. *is mouth was movin'
thou'h his murmurs were unheard as 0hawn turned and rested his head on .hris thi'h.
.hris didnt seem to notice that his jeans were 'ettin' soaked from 0hawns hair, he just
continued to murmur and run his hands over wet, warm flesh.
/andy had never seen his boyfriend so beautiful. 2here was a carin' nature inside .hris
that he didnt show just anybody and wielded on even less than that. 2o be able to witness
him tend to 0hawn this way seemed like a private and almost sacred e?perience.
2hose thou'hts led to others and suddenly he couldnt help but picture himself in the
circle of .hris arms as the blonde held him, soothed him, and healed him that one ni'ht
so many months a'o. 2hat ni'ht everythin' had 'otten to be too much and hed let .hris
see him cry. 2hat ni'ht theyd almost kissed. *ed almost told .hris)
/andy had to shake himself and turn to *unter who looked like hed been dra''ed
throu'h *ell, one circle at a time. 6ut even as the older man suffered throu'h his own
inner stru''le, he turned a surprisin'ly shrewd eye on /andy and tilted his head
B(hats wron' with youEC
B(hat do you meanEC
BI mean you look like someone just ran over your do'.C
BFou dont look all that 'reat yourself *elmsley,C he said a bit defensively.
B6ut I have more than enou'h reason to look like shit. (hats yoursE And dont say this
situation with me and 0hawn either Acause the look just popped up when you started
starin' at -ericho.C
B-ust rememberin' somethin' from a lon' time a'o. I dont know how I could for'et
somethin' like that. I dont know how I could let myself for'et somethin' like that.C
B5ery,C /andy admitted readily.
B,aybe you wanted to for'et it. ,aybe for'ettin' was just a lot easier than dealin' with
it and why it was so important. :ord knows I know all about that,C he said as his voice
took on a self>loathin' tone.
B*unter its 'onna be okay. All of this, itll work out.C
BIm so confused.C
B6ein' in love with two people will do that to you.C
/andy had never been so bold as to actually call *unter on his feelin's for either Dave or
0hawn, no one had. *e was interested in what his reaction would be. *e was mildly
surprised when *unter didnt acknowled'e the casual remark in any way.
BI really fucked up, /andy.C
B=o you didnt, you didnt do this on purpose. Fou were just bein' you.C
B,aybe thats the problem. ,aybe its time for me to chan'e what Ame is.C
B=o,C /andy said with a harshness that startled the older man. BDont you ever chan'e,
for anybody. 2wo people, and probably a whole lot more than that, are in love with you
because youre you. I love you, youre my best>friend in the whole world because youre
you. If you were anybody else it just wouldnt work.C
BIts not e?actly workin' now.C
BI promise, this will 'et fi?ed.C
B*unter, listen to me. I. &romise. Fou. 2hat. I. (ill. Fi?. 2his. -ust trust me okayEC
BI do trust you, but)nevermind. Do what youre 'onna do.C
BI will, thank you.C /andy was happy to see that some of the darkness in *unters eyes
receded. It proved just how much trust they really did have in each other.
BAnd speakin' of doin',C the older man suddenly said with a si'nificant 'lance towards
.hris. B*ows that 'oin'EC
BI dont really know ri'ht now. I mean, were 'ettin' really close a'ain. I think were
almost back to where we were before we drifted.C
B2hats a 'ood thin', 1rton,C *unter informed him patiently.
BI know,C he a'reed hastily.
B2hen why are you back to lookin' like somebody hit /over with a semiEC
BFirst off, Id never have a do' named /over. And second,C he paused with a si'h and
studied .hris who now had 0hawn smilin' tentatively, Bits just that now Im
rememberin' a whole lot of stuff that was happenin' back then. Important stuff,
important feelin's.C
BAre you in love with him, /andyEC
*unters blunt 4uestion had the youn'er mans head snappin' towards him with enou'h
force to nearly break his neck. B(hatE (hy would you ask me thatEC
BIts just a 4uestion,C he returned with a casual shru'.
It was a convincin' performance, but not convincin' enou'h for /andy. (hile *unters
body lan'ua'e was casual and blasL his eyes were intent and calculatin'. 6esides that
fact, everybody knew that a 4uestion with *unter was never really just a 4uestion.
B(hat are you playin' atEC
BIm not playin' at anythin', kid,C he said with a disarmin' smile. BI was just wonderin'.
Fou keep 'ettin' that weird look on your face and youre starin' at .hris like youve
never seen him before. =ow youre talkin' about these feelin's you used to have way
back when that you for'ot about. I just wanna know, youre my friend after>all.C
BFoure readin' too much into that,C /andy heard himself reply with a short chuckle.
BIm>Im not in love with him. 2hats cray, this whole relationship with him is part of a
bet. (ere really close friends and Id kill and die for him, but that doesnt mean Im in
love with him.C
B=o it doesnt,C *unter a'reed easily.
BI mean, so okay, I love his smile, and his lau'h, and I kinda love that I have the power to
make him do both of those thin's, but that doesnt mean Im in love with him. Infatuated
B1r maybe just arro'ant,C *unter helped with an amused 'lint in his eyes.
/andy cast him a witherin' look. BFou dont believe me.C
B:ook, I believe whatever you believe. Fou say you dont love him, then you dont love
him as far as Im concerned.C
BI didnt say I dont love him, because I do love him. I said I wasnt in love with him.
2heres a bi' difference between those two.C
B,y mistake,C *unter said with another disarmin' smile. B0o lon' as youre happy with
him thats all that matters.C
/andy nodded before he really thou'ht about what *unter had said. And when it finally
did hit him that *unter was speakin' to him as thou'h he and .hris were in a real
relationship it was too late to correct him. And he didnt really want to anyway.
*ed think about what that implied later on.
2hey both looked back over at the two blondes just in time to see .hris look up and 'ive
them a smile that was a little ra''ed around the ed'es as 0hawn stepped out of the pool
and over to his towel.
*unter stiffened and /andy 'lanced at him sensin' his panic. 0hawn was leavin' now
and hed have to pass by them to 'et into the hotel. *unter didnt want to leave because
that would look like he was avoidin' him, but he didnt really want to stay either because
of what would happen between them when they came face to face. *e didnt want to see
the hurt in 0hawns eyes.
B0tay or 'o,C /andy asked softly.
B=ot much time,C he ur'ed.
B=o time at all,C *unter corrected in a murmur when 0hawn turned towards the 'ate and
started to make his way over.
0hawn stopped beside /andy waitin' for him to move so that he could unlatch the 'ate.
(hen he had it open he finally looked up into *unters eyes and held them. =either
moved, blinked, or even breathed until 0hawn reached up and touched *unters face
tentatively, almost reverently. *is eyes swept over him as thou'h he was tryin' to
memorie everythin' about the way he looked at that very moment before his fin'ers
drew back curlin' into empty air. *e looked away and tried to move past but found
himself pressed ti'htly a'ainst *unters solid chest instead.
BIm so sorry, 0hawn,C he whispered ra''edly into the older mans ear. BI never wanted
to hurt you, you have to believe that.C
0hawn 'ripped him just as hard. BIts okay, *unter, I do believe you. Fou didnt do
anythin' wron', you couldnt help this so dont be sorry. In fact you should be happy.
Fou and Dave are 'onna be 'reat to'ether and Im 'onna be okay. I always am ri'htEC
*unter just held him that much ti'hter.
B.ome on, lets not make this harder than it has to be, *unt,C 0hawn ur'ed desperately.
B(ell always be best>friends ri'htE =o matter whatEC
B7od, how could you even 4uestion thatE Fou never have to doubt our friendship. I love
you so fuckin' much.C
BAnd I love you more,C he replied with a certainty that hurt *unter to his heart. B(ere
fine, Im not mad at you. I understand.C
B:et me 'o, *unt. (e both know we cant hold on forever,C he said even as he s4ueeed
him closer. 2here was a double meanin' in those words that they both heard loud and
B(e can try.C
BIt wont work,C 0hawn assured in a stran'led voice. B6etter to do it now than later when
its even harder. 1n three, huhEC
=either moved for a suspended moment before they reluctantly broke apart in unison.
0hawn hurried past him and back into the hotel without a second 'lance.
BI dont wanna talk about it,C *unter told the other two without lookin' away from the
spot where 0hawn had been. BIll be fine. Im 'oin' up to my room and I dont wanna be
bothered until tomorrow mornin'. (ell talk more about Friday on the plane.C
(ith that he turned and traced 0hawns steps into the hotel leavin' /andy and .hris to
stare after him.
B0hit,C both of them mumbled.
Chapter ) *outhern *ister
+A,$I$G: ,entions of a het pairin' from this chapter forward< Also there are sli'ht
mentions of and allusion to rape here< Also the 1F. here is not me -./
B/andy its 'onna be okay,C .hris cooed as they 'ot dressed in their hotel room about an
hour later that ni'ht.
2heyd decided to 'o down to the restaurant in the hotel to have their official first date.
After everythin' that had happened at the pool neither one of them were really up for
'oin' out and doin' anythin' really flashy, so the hotel restaurant sounded like the
perfect thin'.
BI know its 'onna be okay because Im 'onna make sure it is. I just have to fi'ure out
what to do.C
BWell fi'ure out what to do,C .hris said makin' sure that /andy understood that he
wasnt alone in this. BFriday is still a week away, we can come up with somethin' in
seven days.C
/andy smiled softly as he finished tyin' his shoes. BFoure ri'ht, baby, we can. Its for
*unter and 0hawn. (e have to.C
BAnd once we 'et all of this settled, then maybe)maybe we can really take the time to
worry about us,C the blonde said slowly. B1r more specifically, certain parts of us.C
B(hat are you sayin'EC
BIm sayin' that if the ne?t seven days are anythin' like these last two have been, then I
dont think Ill have a problem takin' this to the ne?t level. If youre interested, I mean.C
/andy had to fi'ht to keep the elated e?pression off his face and school his features into a
simple pleased smile. BId like that a lot, .hris.C
B7ood,C he said stiflin' a lau'h at /andys forced maturity. B2hen lets hope and pray
that Friday 'oes off without a hitch.C
B2rust me, it will.C
2here was a new determination in /andys voice that neither one of them missed.
B(ell until then, lets 'o to dinner.C
BAfter you,C /andy said openin' the door.
B0uch a 'entleman.C
2he food was 'reat and the restaurant was 4uiet enou'h. 2heyd re4uested a table in the
back as far away from everyone else as possible. All in all it was 'oin' 'reat, e?cept)
B6abyE (hat is itE (hat do you keep lookin' atEC
/andy looked back at .hris with an apolo'etic smile. B=othin', its just)she looks like
someone I know and Im not sure if its her or not.C
B(ho,C .hris asked turnin' to look behind himself. B2he blonde in the 'reen dressEC
BFeah. It looks like Audrey.C
B*ow do you know herE I thou'ht you didnt han' out with a lot of 'irls.C
BI dont really, but shes 3li4.C
B*ow,C .hris e?claimed.
B2he usual way,C he said with a chuckle for .hris surprise.
B=o, I mean, but, where did she come fromE (hy didnt I know about herEC
B0hes not a wrestler so you wouldnt know about her,C /andy said with a casual shru' as
he looked over .hris shoulder a'ain. B0he came into the family about a month after I did,
so thats probably why youd never heard her name. 0hawn brou'ht her in literally off the
B(hich oneE ,ichaels or (altmanEC
B(hat do you mean off the streetsE (as she homelessEC
B=ot e?actly. 0hed been raped and beaten by some asshole of a boyfriend shed had
named Ale?. *ed left her outside hurt with no way to 'et help. 0hed been out there with
no food, cracked ribs and a broken wrist for three days before she just happened to
stumble out into the street in front of 0hawns car. *e almost hit her but he swerved out
of the way and she just kinda collapsed in the middle of the road. (hen he jumped out to
check on her she was delirious from the pain and the lack of food and everythin'. *e
took her to the hospital and then brou'ht her to his house in 0an Antonio when she was
released three or four days later. (e were all there to spend a few days with him when he
walked in carryin' her.C /andy shook his head at the memory. B0he was so 'one on
medicine and pain that she slept for a full thirty hours. I dont think any of us talked the
whole time. 0hawn never left her side for more than five minutes at a time and he didnt
sleep until she opened her eyes. It was safe to say that she was one of us after that.C
B2hats)thats just, damn. 2hank 7od he found her.C
/andy nodded vehemently. B(e say shes our miracle, we love her to death.C
BIs she)is she the reason you were so pissed the ni'ht 5al slammed me a'ainst the wall
and everythin'E (hen you said that stuff like that really 'ets under your skin were you
thinkin' about herEC
BFes. Id always hated the thou'ht of someone forcin' another person into anythin'
se?ual, but when I met her and saw the shape she was in mentally and physically it nearly
broke somethin' inside me. And then later, when she was healed enou'h to actually tell
us about some of the thin's shed 'one throu'h, it literally turned my stomach. I have no
tolerance for that shit. @specially when it comes to people I 'enuinely care for, like her)
and you.C
BDo you 'et to see her muchEC
2he sudden subject chan'e surprised /andy, but he went alon' with it. B=ot as much as
wed like to. 0he doesnt come out to see us on the road too often so we mostly see her
when we have our little mini>reunions.C
B*ow come no ones seen her when she comes to see you 'uysEC
/andy took another look at the 'irl over .hris shoulder tryin' to see if it was Audrey or
not. At the an'le they were sittin' he couldnt 'et a 'ood enou'h look at her to tell. *e
si'hed and answered .hris.
B(hen she comes to see us we tell her which hotel were at and we 'ive her clearance
with the desk clerks to just 'o on up and she meets us in our room. 0he doesnt like bein'
around hu'e 'roups of 'uys, especially 'uys who are really built, ya knowE *er
boyfriend was like that, and she kinda freaks out if shes not comfortable with you.
0urprisin'ly enou'h her and *unter didnt have any problems, but her and Dave really
stru''led with their relationship at first because she would just start shakin' really bad
and 'et really nervous when he was around her. 0he 'ot over it with him eventually.C
BIm 'lad to hear that. (here does she liveEC
B0he was livin' with 0hawn, of course, for about a year, but then him and 3evin and
0cott and (altman all went back to the rin' and she was there in 0an Antonio all by
herself. =obody wanted her to be in that bi' ass house like that while he was on the road
thou'h. *e considered 6illy and 6rian but shed never met them at that point and they
havent really been active with the 3li4 since DJ split up. In truth, if the bond wasnt
permanent wed say they werent even in anymore, no one really hears from them these
days. I dont really think he trusted them enou'h with her. -os been way too busy with all
her other shit so she couldnt be there for Audrey either. 0o as soon as 0cotts run in the
=(1 was over and he went back home 0hawn set it up for her to live with him at him
and 3evins house. (altman left the rin' awhile after that because his marria'e was on
the rocks and then 3evin finally left and went home a'ain too. 0he was stayin' with
0cott and 3ev for a while after that but we think seein' them all happy to'ether made her
sad because of what had happened to her in her previous relationship. 0o now she lives
with (altman since hes divorced now and has his house to himself.M
BDo you always call him (altmanEC
B=o, its just less confusin' to call either him or 0hawn by their last name when Im
talkin' about both of them at the same time.C
B1h. (ell are they to'ether, her and (altman I meanEC
B1ccasionally, when one of them really needs it, but for the most part, no. (e think shes
in love with one of us. (e dont know which one but its not him and its not /ic.C
B2hink its youEC
B=o. (e all know how I feel about women like that. 0hes smart enou'h not to fall in
love with me. Its probably not 3ev or 0cott either because of their relationship with each
other. Its pretty much a toss>up between 0hawn, Dave and *unter.C
B(hats that Ahmm forEC
B=othin')yet. (hy dont you 'o see if its your pal first and well 'o from thereEC
/andy was about to protest, but somethin' in .hris eyes made him nod. BIll be ri'ht
*e casually 'ot out of his seat and walked over to the pretty blonde takin' the empty seat
across from her. It was a bold move but he fi'ured he could play it off if he had to.
0he looked up from pushin' her food around with her fork and smiled bri'htly. B*ey,
0unshine, I was wonderin' what was takin' you so lon'. If you looked over here one
more time I think I was 'onna scream.C
BFou couldve said somethin',C he said with a blindin' smile. It was always nice to be
around his Abi' sister.
B=a, it seemed like you and .hris were havin' a coy little time. Fou finally 'ot your boy
BFeah,C he answered with a proud smile before mentally kickin' himself. B(ell,
somethin' like that. Its complicated.C
BDoesnt look too complicated, 0u'ar.C
BI swear youre 'onna run out of thin's to call me one day.C
B=o, *oney, I dont think so,C she said with a teasin' smile. BFou know I never had
anyone to say all these thin's to before you. 2heyre just dyin' to 'et out when Im
around you baby brother.C
BFou just love that youre finally older than somebody besides, 0ean.C
B*e never lets me enjoy it since its not a whole year,C she pouted before smilin' a'ain.
B6ut anyways, were off topic.C
BFeah we are. (hat are you doin' hereEC
0he 'ave a cute little chuckle before raisin' her wine 'lass to her lips. (hen she lowered
it her eyes were closed off in a way that meant she was 'uardin' her emotions as she
spoke her ne?t words. BI came to see you 'uys. Its been a lon' time and I missed you. I
see 0cott and 3ev and 3id all the time, but its been forever since Ive been around the
rest of you.C
B1nly three months,C he ar'ued 'ently while watchin' her intently.
B2hree months too lon'.C
*e never took his eyes away from hers as he reached across the table and took her hand
in his. *er eyes didnt chan'e at all even as she s4ueeed his hand 'ently.
0o he was ri'ht. It wasnt him.
B*ey, am I interruptin' anythin'EC
6oth /andy and Audrey broke their stare and slowly looked up to see .hris with an
amused smile on his face.
Audrey 'ave him a dalin' smile before motionin' to a chair at a nearby table. B1f
course not, 0weetie, pull up that chair.C
.hris did so and /andy could see his boyfriends smile turn from amused to 'enuinely
warm as he took a seat at the small table. 2he fact that .hris liked Audrey made /andy
feel a happiness that he couldnt 4uite e?plain.
BIm .hris.C
BI know, trust me. If its one thin' I know about, its you,C she told him with an amused
'lance towards /andy who was havin' to fi'ht the ur'e to drop to the floor and crawl
under the table at the way the two blondes were now smilin' at him. BIm Audrey, the
3li4 member you probably dont hear too much about.C
.hris took her offered hand in his and kissed the back of it. B=ice to meet you.C
BFou too. Ive been wantin' to meet you for awhile now, actually. Ive been hearin'
about you for the last couple of years. First 2he &ak was your own little cheerleadin'
s4uad when theyd tell me stories about (.(, then *unter would say little positive
thin's about you, then /andy was talkin' my ear off about you nonstop and then after
that 0hawn up and jumped on the bandwa'on too. I fi'ured I needed to 'et up and see for
BDo I meet your standardsEC
B0o far so 'ood. Foure cute and you have that warm vibe about you. Fou just seem like a
'ood person, honest and sincere. 3inda person Id wanna call my friend.C
B.hris is in now. ,ade it official just a few hours a'o.C
B2hen to hell with friends, 0unshine, now were family<C
.hris couldnt help the bri'ht smile that split his face in a 'ood rivalry of the Asunshine
shed just accused him of bein'.
BIm 'lad.C
BI assume youd know why hes broodin',C she asked her fellow blonde in a total
conversation chan'e that almost threw .hris for a loop.
B0omethin' happened between *unter and 0hawn today that has both of us, or really all
four of us I should say, feelin' a little down.C
2he shift in her posture was sli'ht, but both men had been lookin' for it. 2hey both
reached the same conclusion at the same time.
Dave was out too. *unter or 0hawn.
B(hat happenedE (hats wron' with, themEC
.hris saw /andy perk up a little at the sli'ht pause in her sentence before the word
Athem. 0hed had to stop herself from blurtin' out one specific name.
BFou know the situation between 0hawn and *unter and then Dave and *unter, ri'ht,C
/andy asked pausin' for her to nod. (hen she did he continued. B1kay, Dave backed out
of bein' *unters friend with benefits because he wanted somethin' more. *e ended up
with ,ark -indrak.C
Audrey made a face and .hris chuckled pickin' up the story. B0o the main problems with
that are that *unter still wants Dave because hes in love with him, Daves been in love
with *unter for so lon' its sad, and the only reason ,arks with Dave now is so that he
can 'et closer to /andy who hes been droolin' over for the last year or so.C
B0o the prick is usin' Dave to 'et to you and he really thinks youre 'onna sleep with
him even thou'h you know that hes Daves 'uy,C she asked the brunette with a dis'usted
look on her face.
BFucked up isnt itEC
BIt 'ets worse,C /andy assured. BDave knows that ,ark doesnt really care about him but
hes stayin' with him anyway. In the be'innin' he was with him just because he wanted
to see if *unter would even care, but since *unter hasnt made a move to break them up
or anythin' hes decided to take what he can 'et.C
B0o what is *unter doin' about thisE (hy hasnt he made any attempt to stop this shitEC
BAlready in the works. 2he reason Dave hasnt seen *unter do anythin' to break it up is
because thats all a part of *unters plan. *unter wants it to look like hes all supportive
of the relationship, that way when the 'rand finale comes itll make him look even more
innocent. &lus he doesnt wanna tip Dave off to the plan at all. Fou know Dave knows
how we work. ,e, .hris, /ic, 0hawn and *unter have to be really careful with this.C
B(here do you and .hris tie into thisEC
.hris 'raciously accepted /andys invitation to take over. B0ee, somewhere in the middle
of all of this deception, @volution helped me by breakin' into 5als hotel>room and
lettin' /andy beat the shit out of him for slammin' me into a wall after I turned him
down. A few hours after that me and /andy hooked up.C *e spared a soft smiled for
/andy before continuin'. B,ark didnt count on that at all. *e was pissed that his whole
little scheme was ruined by me endin' up with the 'uy he had his eye on. *e wants some
kind of reven'e on /andy for choosin' me over him and he has it in his head that itll
hurt /andy if he has se? with *unter. *e doesnt know that weve been plannin' for that
to happen all alon'.C
B(ait a second, Im a little confused here. Fou two ended up to'ether so now his little
plan thin' is overE (hy would that stop him from 'oin' after /andyE Dave bein'
/andys best>friend didnt stop it.C
B*e had no emotional attachment to Dave 'oin' into this whole thin's so he doesnt
really care about Dave and /andys relationship, but up until then me and him were best>
friends. *e still thinks we are so he still has some kind of loyalty towards me. @nou'h not
to try to mess with my boyfriend behind my back anyway.C
B1h, I see. 3eep 'oin'.C
/andy nodded and took control of the story a'ain. B(eve been rubbin' our perfect
relationship in ,arks face while we drop little hints about *unter makin' him more and
more pissed at us and drivin' him to *unter that much faster. (eve set the whole thin'
up for this comin' Friday. *unter and ,ark are 'onna end up at some bi club to'ether
and theyre 'onna dance and flirt and touch enou'h to 'et ,ark pretty horny. *unters
'onna pretend to 'et drunk and hes 'onna need ,ark to take him up to his room. (hen
theyre up there *unters 'onna come onto ,ark and we know ,arks 'onna take the
bait. I mean, a drunk and horny *unterE (hod turn that downE @specially after weve
set it up to make it look like ,arks the one who thou'ht up the whole thin' as some way
for him to 'et reven'e on me and .hris for bein' happy to'ether. Its in the ba'.C
.hris watched as Audrey nodded e?citedly with that same 'leam in her eye that seemed
to be a natural part of all the 3li4 members. It was almost a hun'ry look. 6lood>lust he
B0o then whatEC
BAfter enou'h time passes /ic, whos supposed to be doin' somethin' with Dave that
ni'ht, is 'onna claim he left somethin' in he and *unters hotel>room and ask Dave to
come up with him. (ere all supposed to think that *unters still out clubbin' or
somethin' so its 'onna come as a bi' shock to us all to see *unter, a very drunk *unter I
should add, rollin' around on the bed with Daves very sober boyfriend. All of our hotels
are 'onna be close so me and .hris and 0hawn are 'onna say all the noise brou'ht us out
of our rooms and thats why were 'onna be conveniently there to make sure Dave
doesnt kill ,ark. *unter says he has everythin' under control from there, so if all 'oes
well him and Dave should be in a real relationship by no later than 0unday.C
Audrey was beamin', but then her smile froe and dropped. B6ut what about 0hawnEC
.hris and /andys eyes locked immediately and they finally knew which 3li4 member it
was that she was in love with. 2he triumphant 'lint in .hris eyes told /andy that the
older man had been hopin' for that every since hed mentioned the possibility to him
earlier at their table. 0uddenly the pieces all started to fall in place for the youn' brunette.
.hris took her hand and said as delicately as possible. B0hawns out of the e4uation.C
B(hatE< *es known *unter way lon'er than Dave ever has< *ow can he,C she broke off
when people started to look their way because of her raised voice. (ith a hu'e effort she
mana'ed to start a'ain in a more controlled tone. B*ow can he just throw 0hawn away
like thatE 2heyve always been to'ether every since day one. Fuckin' 0hawn came back
to the rin' because *unter was so lonely here without him. (hen that bitch 0tephanie
used him and cheated on him and made him look like a moron 0hawn was there to pick
up the pieces and make him feel like he was worth somethin' a'ain. 0hawn has always
been there for him at his beck and call doin' any>fuckin'>thin' that *unter wanted him
to do.C
/andy could feel his instincts rise to defend *unter from the sli'htly resentful tone
runnin' just beneath her words, but in the same he had to admit that she hadnt said
anythin' wron' yet. 0hawn had done all the thin's shed just named and if it sounded
like she was mad at *unter it was only because she was in love with 0hawn. &lus the
situation did look pretty bad from an outsiders point of view.
B6aby, its complicated,C he tried.
BFoure damn ri'ht its complicated, /andy. 2his is the most comple? shit Ive ever heard
of in my life. (hy *unter would toss 0hawn aside like every other fuckin' person
0hawns been in love with has is hard to 'rasp. @specially since he knew everythin' that
0hawns been throu'h with 6ret and ,arty and ,ark. *ow could he do thisEC
.hris s4ueeed her hand softly and she 4uieted, lookin' at him with an an'uished
e?pression on her face. BAudrey, I want you to listen to me really hard, okayE Dont talk
ri'ht now, just listen.C 0he closed her eyes and nodded at his 'entle tone. BI know how
much you love 0hawn, and the other 'uys too, but 0hawn specifically. I know about what
hes done for you and how he helped you out back when he first met you. 2hat is an
amain' thin', a blessin' really, and I can see how somethin' like that would make you
feel stron'ly for someone.C
BIts not like that,C she said defensively. BI dont love him because he helped me.C
B*ey,C he cooed 'ently, BI didnt say thats what it was. -ust hear me out. I honestly dont
think that you would confuse feelin's of 'ratitude with love, youre smarter than that.
(hat I meant was that what happened between you two probably made you closer to him
than the rest of them. 1nce that happened love couldnt have been too far behind, I mean
he is 0hawn after>all.C
Audrey looked down with a small fond smile but didnt speak.
(hen .hris spoke a'ain his voice was softer, more intimate. BI also know that when bad
thin's happen to you, you hide from the people that you love the most. Fou dont want
them to see you in that kind of situation because you think theyll think less of you. 1r
you think that you dont deserve them because of what youve been reduced to, or what
you let happen. =o matter how many people try to tell you that its not your fault, that
there was nothin' you couldve done, you fou'ht as much as you could, you tried as hard
as possible, it still doesnt matter to you. Fou cant 'et past feelin' like it was your fault.
And now the people that you love most in the world are sad and hurt because you 'ot
hurt, because you let yourself 'et hurt, and the 'uilt of it all eats away at you more and
more everyday.C
*e paused to collect himself and to look away from the tears streamin' down her cheeks.
*e ended up lookin' to the worst anchor he could possibly think of and found himself
drownin' in blue eyes that were so full of worry and concern that it nearly hurt. *e
4uickly looked to Audrey a'ain.
BAs this happens, you draw further into yourself and try to put on a happy face for
everyone else especially that one specific person. Fou 'et so 'ood at it that they dont
even notice anymore and they 'et on with their lives thinkin' that you have too, but you
havent. Fou harbor all of that pain and fear and inade4uacy until youve completely
convinced yourself that that one special person that you love more than anyone in the
world would never be happy with someone as fucked up as you. Fou consciously push
them away as much as you do unconsciously until they end up with someone else. 2hen
you sit back and watch them be happy while your heart breaks inside your chest.C
A ra''ed breath left Audreys lun's and she looked ill for a moment. 0he desperately
searched .hris eyes be''in' for mercy. *e considered her plea and decided to 'o on to
his ne?t topic. *e didnt know how much more merciful it would end up bein', but she
had to hear this.
B0o thats where you are ri'ht now, and now I can see that youre just a little bit pissed at
*unter. And why wouldnt you beE After>all, you trusted him with the person you love
and he hurt him ri'htE 2he way you see it is that you didnt want to be the one to hurt
0hawn so you 'ave him to someone who you thou'ht wouldnt ever do that, but then
*unter turns around and does e?actly what you were tryin' to save 0hawn from. 2hat
would piss me off too. 2hen a'ain it could be somethin' completely different from that.
@arlier you were basically askin' how *unter could toss 0hawn to the side and purposely
hurt him after hed 'iven *unter his all over the last seven years. It sounds like you could
be havin' flashbacks of your past relationship and seein' 0hawn in place of you and
*unter in place of the fucker who hurt you. (hether its the first or the latter, your an'er
and fear are justified, but still unnecessary.
B(hen *unter and 0hawn both came out to the pool after they had se? today they were
both a wreck. It was the last time they were 'oin' to be to'ether that way and they both
knew it. 0hawn was completely torn up, but hes still so happy for *unter and Dave. *e
kept insistin' that he would be okay soon and that as lon' as *unter was happy then he
would be happy too. *e said that he knew it was over and that it would just take his heart
a little while lon'er to accept that than it took his brain.
B2he fact that their se?ual relationship was over with hit *unter like a fuckin' frei'ht
train. (hen he realied that he was 'oin' to be 'ivin' 0hawn up in a way that he never
thou'ht he would)it hurt him. 6ad. 2hen to see 0hawn so upset like that nearly broke
him all the way down. *e kept tellin' me how he never wanted to hurt him, how hed
never wanted to be like all those other people. *e kept tellin' me how much 0hawn
meant to him and how if he could 'o back in time hed make thin's different. Fou have to
believe me when I say that *unter never ever meant to hurt 0hawn or Dave, but
especially not 0hawn.C
B(hy are you tellin' me all of this,C she whispered.
B6ecause I wanted you to know that I know how much you love 0hawn, I wanted you to
know that what happened to you wasnt your fault, you needed to know e?actly how
today went down so you wouldnt hate *unter, and you really need to know that if you
were to tell 0hawn how you feel about him he wouldnt push you away, hed tell you he
felt the same way.C
B(hat,C /andy and Audrey asked him to'ether.
BFou heard me, both of you. I wondered why even thou'h 0hawns heart was broken
today he didnt have that hollow empty look in his eyes. *e sounded hollow when he
talked, yeah, but it wasnt in his eyes like it shouldve been. *e was way too acceptin' of
the whole thin' and it had been bu''in' me every since. Id almost convinced myself that
it was because hed been preparin' himself for it, but then /andy told me about you.
About how 0hawn had stayed with you at the hospital and sat up by you in bed for nearly
thirty strai'ht hours, and how he didnt want you in his house alone while he wasnt there
to protect you. *e went throu'h the hassle of makin' sure you had someone there to be
with you while he couldnt be. 0hawn loves hard and yeah he loves the 3li4 but hes
never taken to anyone that fast that Ive ever known about. *e 'uards himself like a
damn crowned jewel because he doesnt want to be hurt anymore. For him to let you in
like that speaks volumes. 2he fact that he would open his house up to you while knowin'
rou'hly jack about you says even more. *e loves you, Audrey. *unter couldnt
completely break his heart today because it wasnt only *unters to break. I think *unter
knows that too.C
B*e does,C /andy said, realiation dawnin' in his soft voice. B*e knew 0hawn wasnt
only his, thats why he went ahead with this bi' plan. *ad it really come down between
0hawn and Dave, and *unter was convinced that he was the only love in 0hawns life,
Dave never wouldve stood a chance and we all know it. *e let 0hawn 'o because 0hawn
never wouldve been completely happy with him, not when he was more in love with
someone else.C
BIts cruel to play with me like this.C
BIm not the type to do that kind of shit to people like you, and you know /andy
wouldnt either. Family rememberEC
B2his, this is all too much. I cant>C
B(hat are you doin' hereEC
BI already told you I was comin' to see you 'uys,C she told the brunette with distracted
B6ut whyE 1r better yet why didnt you call to make arran'ements about itE =one of us
knew you were comin'.C
BI dont know, somethin' just told me to 'et in the car and drive. I felt like I had to be
with you 'uys ri'ht now, I had to see 0hawn. Fou werent that far away so I came. I
really hate that I was ri'ht.C
BAnd you didnt callEC
BI wouldnt have known what to say,C she whispered. BI didnt e?actly plan this and by
the time I was in town I didnt know if you 'uys were even available or not.C
B*ow did you know this was our hotelEC
BI didnt know this was your hotel, I just stopped here, 'ot a room and decided to 'et
somethin' to eat before I started lookin' for you.C
B(hat did you think you were 'onna do, babyE *ow were you supposed to find usEC
BI was plannin' on callin' around to other hotels and tryin' to see if you 'uys were
booked under any of your fake names.C
B:ucky day huhE Found them on the first try.C
0he looked at .hris in somethin' close to pain. B2his is anythin' but my lucky day. *ow
am I supposed to take thisE I dont even wanna think that the two of you are ri'ht, but
then I cant help but hope and pray that you are. 7od this hurts me.C
B(hat are you so afraid of, AudreyEC
B@verythin',C she e?claimed incredulously. B1f you bein' ri'ht, of you bein' wron', of
hurtin' him, of makin' him happy. 0hit, *unter and Dave. Im scared of it all.C
B(hy *unter and Dave,C /andy asked her in a very soft voice while he took her hand.
BFou know theyd never hurt you, baby.C
2he 'rip she had on his hand told /andy that she was havin' old doubts and fears. 1nly a
momentary lapse he hoped.
BI know, I know, but the way 0hawn has to be feelin' ri'ht now is because of them. 2hey
hurt him, intentionally or not, and it scares me.C
B&eople 'et hurt Audrey, especially in situations like that. And it sucks, yeah, but it
happens. It was bound to be one of them sooner or later and at least it was the one whod
be hurt a lot less by it. 0hawn is in love with you and youre in love with him. *es in
love with *unter, and always will be in one way or another, but youre first. I 'uess its
understandable why he never told you, considerin' what had happened to you, but I
'uarantee that if you 'o up to him ri'ht now hed tell you everythin'.C
BFou can 'uarantee me that, .hrisEC
2he blondes stared into each others eyes, 'reen meetin' blue while /andy looked
between them with nervous anticipation. *e was as sure as he could be about 0hawns
feelin's for Audrey, but he didnt know if he would 'o as far as to actually 'uarantee
0hawns reaction. *e just really hoped .hris knew what he was doin'.
BI swear to you on anythin' you want me to that if you 'o up and tell 0hawn everythin'
about everythin', how you felt after what your boyfriend did to you and when 0hawn
brou'ht you into his family, how you started to develop feelin' for him, how you felt that
you werent 'ood enou'h for him, how you purposely pushed him towards *unter so you
wouldnt hurt him. I swear, if you tell him all that, hell tell you that he loves you more
than life.C
B(ell after hearin' all of that who wouldnt say that,C she said bitterly. B*e knows it
would crush me if I told him all of that and then he told me he didnt feel the same way.C
BDo you honestly believe that 0hawn would tell you that he loved you too just to make
you feel betterE Do you really think he would lie to you like thatEC
B=o,C she admitted softly.
B2hen 'o up to room four>si?teen and knock on the door. *ell be there.C
0he looked like she wanted to ar'ue but then another look crossed her face. It was one of
determination. 0he tossed her lon' blonde hair and stood up pushin' her chair in behind
her. 0he threw down a fifty dollar bill and si'hed.
BIm 'oin'.C
/andy reached out at the last minute and cau'ht her arm before she could completely
pass them by. BAre you sure, babyE I mean really sureEC
0he reached down and touched his cheek li'htly and 'ave him a semi>confident smile.
B0ure as I can be, 0u'ar. Its been a lon' time comin' and either way this 'oes at least its
out ya knowE I wont have to worry about it slippin' out or livin' with the re'ret of not
lettin' him know anymore. And hey, if it doesnt 'o the way I want it to)well Ive
'otten throu'h a lot worse ri'htEC
*urt flashed throu'h /andys eyes at the memories of her wounds and of her descriptions
of what Ale? had done to her. *e remembered ni'hts of holdin' her when 0hawn wasnt
ri'ht there in arms reach and he was. 6ut shed survived it all, and came out, for the most
part, as stron' as ever. 0he was definitely 3li4.

*is smile was soft, fond, and brimmin' with pride. BFeah you have, baby. And youll 'et
throu'h whatever else comes up a'ainst you.C
B:ove ya, 0weetie.C
B:ove ya too, sis.C
*er eyes flickered to .hris and she 'ave him an intimate smile her 'ae turnin' oddly
intense. B2hank you so much for helpin' me when you really didnt have to. And thank
you for showin' me that part of yourself when you didnt know me at all. I know it isnt
easy to 'o back to that but you did it for me, to 'ive me stren'th. Ill never for'et this,
ever, so Im 'onna 'ive you some advice in return. -ust like youre tellin' me to be
honest with 0hawn, you need to be honest with /andy. 2ell him, because I swear to 7od
his heart was in his throat the whole time you were talkin'.C
(ith that she walked away and out of the restaurant.
.hris watched her walk away before sittin' back in his chair and lookin' at his boyfriend
with a si'h that finally portrayed his weariness. B0o. Is this a 'ood first dateEC
BI dont usually do the date thin' so I really wouldnt know would IE 1f the few Ive
actually been on thou'h, I can honestly say this has been one of the more interestin'
ones,C he replied with a fond smile.
BI 'uess an Ainterestin' is a lot better than a Ano it sucks. Ill take what I can 'et.C
BDont sound so desperate, babe,C he teased. BFoure supposed to act like you couldnt
care less over how I feel about toni'ht. :ike youre not worried about it one way or the
BFeah e?cept I really, really, am.C
B(ell, you shouldnt be. Fou have absolutely nothin' to worry about, Im havin' a 'reat
time. As lon' as Im with you, it doesnt matter how the ni'ht turns out.C *is 'ae turned
serious then. B.hris, baby, I know she already thanked you, but I need to do it too. Fou
really didnt have to do that, any of it, and I want you to know that its not unappreciated.
0ince weve been to'ether its like youve been dru' into one of my schemes and
problems one ri'ht after another and I know that has to be hard on you. (e havent had
hardly any time to ourselves to 'et to e?plore our relationship and Im sorry for that. Its
BIts just that youre takin' up for your friends and thats all there is to it. Foure the one
who told me not to apolo'ie for that.C
/andy had to chuckle softly at that. BFeah I did didnt IE Damn, that seems like it
happened years a'o. *as it really only been a dayEC
BFeah it is,C .hris a'reed takin' his cell phone from his pocket and pushin' a number on
B(ho are you callin'EC
B0hawn. I dont think shes made it there yet and I wanna t>oh hey 0hawn its .hris))I
bet you are, but I didnt call to check on you, I called to tell you to unlock your
door)))Fou could say that)))I dont care what you think you want, youre
havin' company toni'ht, and thats the door ri'ht now so open it))1h and 0hawn, its
not me)))1pen the door and find out.C .hris clicked the cell>phone closed and
smiled across the table at /andy who had a sli'ht frown on his face. B(hat, babyEC
B2hats just a really bi' risk. I dont wanna see her hurt a'ain, .hris.C
BDont worry, the risk isnt too bi', you know I wouldnt have sent her up there if I
wasnt sure.C
/andy si'hed throwin' his hands up. B(hatever. =o use in worryin' about it now, well
just have to see what happens with that later on. 6esides,C he added hesitantly, Btheres
somethin' else on my mind ri'ht now.C
.hris sat up a little strai'hter and 'ot a nervous look in his eyes. B(hats thatEC
B(hen you were talkin' to her you were describin' thin's you couldnt possibly have
known about unless you really went throu'h it. And then she told you to tell me about it
before she left. Id like to know what you 'uys were talkin' about.C
.hris closed his eyes for a brief second before openin' them a'ain and lookin' at the
ceilin' of the restaurant. *ed known that openin' himself up to Audrey like that in front
of /andy was 'oin' to be a bi' 'amble, but it had been worth it to make her see that she
and 0hawn really could be to'ether. *e just really wasnt lookin' forward to this
upcomin' conversation with /andy.
B(e cant talk here.C
/andy abruptly stood and walked over to their ori'inal table throwin' a few bills down
on it. *e 'lanced at .hris when he walked up. B(here do you wanna talk thenEC
.hris reached into his wallet as well and added another few bills to the already
impressive amount. 2hey could see their waitress eyes li'ht up from all the way across
the restaurant.
B:ets 'o for a ride.C /andy nodded his a'reement and motioned for .hris to lead the
way, but .hris shook his head and stood as close to /andy as he could in public. BI
wanna be close to you ri'ht now.C
/andy nodded understandin'ly. B1kay, babe, whatever you want.C
Chapter 0 *e'rets ,e1eale%
+A,$I$G: 0emi>'raphic detailed discussion of rape here and there will continue to be
mentions of it throu'hout the rest of the story, thou'h not in any way like this I promise<
2hey walked throu'h the hotel restaurant and towards the parkin'>lot, lacin' their fin'ers
to'ether the second they could. (hen they reached the parkin'>lot .hris walked to the
passen'er side of his rental car and tossed /andy the keys over the roof.
BFou drive, Im not in the mood.C
/andy nodded and unlocked the doors. 1nce they were both in and buckled he pulled out
of the parkin'>lot turnin' off the radio in the process.
BAnywhere special you wanna 'oEC
BI dont even know what city were in,C he si'hed 'lancin' at his 'as>tank. (hen he saw
that it was three>4uarters full he turned back to /andy. B-ust drive until you run out of
road and then turn around and come back.C
0o /andy made it a point to avoid the freeways and try to find the most desolate road he
could. About thirty minutes into the drive they were on a nice little country road with
only the occasional oncomin' car passin' them by. 2hats when /andy made his first
B0o, this is pretty secluded huhEC
BFeah it is.C
BIts probably about as secluded as its 'onna 'et ri'htEC
.hris couldnt help the small smile that touched his lips. BFoure just about as subtle as
,ichaels you know thatEC
BFeah, well. Im tenacious when somethin's important to me.C
BI know, rememberEC
B2hats ri'ht, you do,C replied smilin' sli'htly at the repeated conversation.
.hris si'hed for about his fiftieth time toni'ht and reached for his boyfriends hand
thankin' 7od that hed rented an automatic. BI wont waste too much time on it so if
youre lookin' for details you wont 'et too many.C
/andy didnt know how he felt about that so he just nodded. B(hatever you wanna tell
me or whatever you can brin' yourself to tell me is fine babe.C
.hris nodded slowly at that and looked out of the windshield at the secluded road ahead
of them. BIt was back in (.(. I was doin' my best to play alon' with the stupidest
story>lines you could ever ima'ine and doin' a damn 'ood job at it too. 6ut I was always
over>looked when it came to title chan'es, when it came time for a hi'h>profile feud,
when it came to anythin' that would advance me in any way. I didnt ever really
complained about it thou'h I just went alon' with backsta'e politics and all that other
shit just hopin' that if I worked hard enou'h I would 'et my chance. It never came, but I
still loved what I was doin' so I decided not to just 4uit and to stay until my contract was
up. 2hat was probably the dumbest choice I ever made, I shouldve 4uit the first time the
thou'ht popped into my head. 6ut hey, hindsi'hts always twenty>twenty ri'htEC
/andy unconsciously s4ueeed .hris hand a little ti'hter not lickin' his foreshadowin'
one bit. (hatever he was about to say was 'oin' to be pretty bad and /andy didnt think
he could psych himself up enou'h to take it very well.
B(hat happened, .hrisEC
B2here was a little less than a year left in my contract and it was pretty clear that thin's
werent 'oin' to 'et much better. I already had 5ince callin' me askin' 4uestions and
'ivin' va'ue salary fi'ures and story>line possibilities. (e werent anywhere near
reachin' a set a'reement but I had pretty much made up my mind to jump ship. @ric
found out about that somehow, I still dont know how to this day, but thats not really all
that important.C .hris took a minute to breathe and collect himself before continuin' in a
low, almost dead voice. B*e cau'ht up with me in the locker>room before a show and told
me that he wanted to see me afterwards to talk about my upcomin' contract. I said sure,
thinkin' that maybe if I told him I was considerin' leavin' he would 'ive me more
opportunities. Didnt really happen like that.C
B*ow,C /andy paused to clear his throat, Bhow e?actly did it happenEC
BAfter the show I went to his office. *e told me to wait there because he had some
business to take care of and hed talk to me as soon as he was done. :ike a complete
idiot, I waited. I waited for forty>five minutes until just about everyone else was 'one.
(hen he came back he was pissed to say the least. *e locked the door and started to yell
at me. *e was sayin' somethin' about how the pretty ones always leave and how he 'ave
me everythin' and all I did was spit in his face. *e was completely whacked out and Im
pretty sure he wasnt even talkin' about me. Anyway, I was so shocked that I didnt even
move the first time he hit me.C
/andy stiffened and barely kept control of the car. B*e hit youEC
BFeah, a few times. (ell, no, its more like he beat the shit out of me. 2hat was before
he)he raped me.C
2he air left /andys lun's in a loud e?hale and the car did swerve then. .hris reached
over and 'rabbed the wheel helpin' the youn'er man to steady it. (hen /andy had
re'ained enou'h sense he pulled onto the shoulder of the road and turned off the car not
wantin' to 'et them killed.
=either spoke for a lon' time, .hris words han'in' heavily between them.
(hen /andy finally found breath to speak it was little more than a confused stammer.
BFou)he)I mean)you never told anyone about thisEC
B=o, I couldnt. *e told me that if I opened my mouth he would have me fired and
blackballed to the point where I would never wrestle in any federation ever a'ain. I didnt
doubt him for a second so I kept my mouth shut.C
B6abe, .hris, how did you 'et throu'h itEC
B:uckily he didnt make it a re'ular thin', just that one time, so Im not as fucked up as I
'uess I could be,C he said fi'htin' hard to keep the bitterness out of his voice. B2hat
doesnt mean it wasnt still hard thou'h Acause it was. After it happened I lost all my
passion for work and it slowly started to come out in my performances. I hardly ate and
barely slept because of the ni'htmares and it all took its toll on my body. I always had
ba's under my eyes and I lost a dramatic amount of wei'ht. 0ome of the 'uys in the back
were concerned and tried to talk to me but I couldnt tell anyone and I didnt want anyone
else to 'et too close to me.C .hris voice was 'oin' back and forth between soft and
almost hollow to full of rou'h emotion by this point. BI felt dirty, and ashamed of myself
because of what had happened. I mean, I was a 'rown man, and thin's like that normally
happened to teena'e 'irls. I couldnt 'et over feelin' that way about myself so I sure as
hell didnt want anyone else to know about it too. I was afraid theyd think I was pathetic
and weak and everythin' else I thou'ht myself to be. And truth be told I)I was scared
they mi'ht all try to do the same thin' if they knew Id let @ric.C
B6ut you didnt let him. *e raped you, it wasnt your fault .hris.C
BI know that now, and it took years of therapy for me to understand that, but back then I
couldnt 'et it throu'h my head. I just continued to blame myself. 0o I started to snap at
people when they 'ot too close hopin' they would 'et pissed off at me and stay away, but
that just made them even more concerned because that wasnt my normal behavior. 2he
&ak actually cornered me in the locker>room once and started to 4uestion me. It was like
they knew what had happened because all the 4uestions were alon' that line, especially
0ean and 0cotts. I almost told them, but before I could 6ischoff walked in and started
orderin' us around and shit tellin' us to 'et ready for our scenes and matches. I think he
knew what they were doin' because the look he 'ave me warned me not to say anythin'.
After that I was so scared of them or anyone else findin' out so I started 'ettin' to work
as late as possible and leavin' as soon as possible. I avoided everyone until my contract
was over and I left.C
BIt mustve been hell for you to work there and see his face every fuckin' ni'ht. 1h my
7od,C he said in a pained voice. B*es here now. *ow can you even stand to)fuck,C he
trailed off softly.
BIt 'ets)hard to be around him here because Ill always know what he did to me and Ill
always be able to,C he choked a little before continuin', Bto feel it like it happened
yesterday)but Im also a lot stron'er now than I was back then. I have a lot of people
here that truly care about me and make me feel 'ood about myself, my self>esteem is
hi'h enou'h that I dont let what happened reduce me to tears everytime I see him
anymore. I know now that I wasnt weak and it had nothin' to do with me, it was him.
*es a sick fuck who likes to hurt people in any way that he can. 6ack then seein' him
literally made me sick and I was scared of what he could do to my career and he held that
over my head. *e cant do that anymore and he knows that. *ere, he knows that he
would 'o way before I would. *e wont ever try to hurt me a'ain.C
BFou bet your ass he wont.C /andys voice was back to the way it had been the ni'ht
before when hed 'one after 5al and they both noticed it. *e took his boyfriends hand
a'ain and held it firmly to let him know how serious he was. B.hris, I really hope you
didnt plan on me hearin' all of this and not doin' anythin' about it, because if you were
youre 'onna be really disappointed in me.C
BIm not that naNve,C the blonde replied in a neutral voice. BIm not stupid enou'h to
e?pect you not to tell the other 'uys either. I dont mind them knowin', but I cant be the
one to say it. Fou understand that ri'htE I mean, youre the first person Ive ever said it to
besides a therapist and -ohn.C
BFou told himEC /andy couldnt help feelin' a little hurt at that knowled'e.
BI pretty much had to. I was havin' a ni'htmare about it and callin' out for @ric to stop
and tellin' him no. -ohn mi'ht act flaky sometimes but hes not dumb enou'h for me to
pass that off as a random dream.C
B(hat did he doEC
B(hat could he doE *e nearly had a heart>attack, then he 'ot all compassionate and he
held me tellin' me how it wasnt my fault and everythin', said how much he wanted to
kill him.C
B2hats itEC
B&etty much.C
B=ot enou'h,C he accused feelin' his an'er rise to that dan'erous point a'ain. *e was
keepin' it down as much as he could but with each moment he spent ne?t to .hris,
picturin' him 'ettin' beaten and raped by 6ischoff, he lost a little more control. A sudden
thou'ht occurred to him that made him that much more an'ry. B0o you mean to tell me
that you went throu'h all of that, then you come here to 'et away from it, and not only do
you have to still see that fucker but you have to deal with all these assholes treatin' you
like youre nothin' but a piece of ass tooE And then that shit 5al pulled>C
BDont 'o beat his ass a'ain you already dealt with him.C
B2hat was before I knew all of this.C
BIt doesnt matter, he didnt know about @ric either. Fou punished him enou'h for what
he did.C
B(hy are you stickin' up for himE *e hurt you.C
BI dont want that blood on my hands, /andy. Fou can beat the shit out of @ric to a point
too, but dont 'o and backtrack on 5al because youre pissed off at somethin' @ric did.
6efore you knew all of this you were satisfied with what you did to him, so stay
B@ric took his an'er out on you and you dont want me to do the same thin' to anybody
else,C /andy rationalied mostly to himself in a voice that was calmed throu'h 'reat
effort. B1kay, I 'et that.C
B2hank you. Do you wanna 'o back nowEC
BDo youE 2his isnt about me ri'ht now, babe. (ell do whatever you wanna do.C
BI want you to 'et back to the hotel and deal with this however you need to so that we can
both be okay a'ain.C
B(hy are you so worried about my needs after everythin' youve just told meEC
B2he same reason you worry about mine. And you for'et that Ive been dealin' with this
for years now, its not somethin' that just came up for me. Fou, on the other hand, had no
clue and I know its hurtin' you especially after you just saw Audrey. /i'ht now, youre
in worse shape about it than I am and I dont wanna see you like that. I understand that
you need to do somethin' to him so you can feel like youve aven'ed me and that he
hasnt just 'otten away with it. After youve done that and youve 'otten a lot of the
an'er out of your system then well be able to work on 'ettin' past this to'ether.C
B*ow did you 'et to be so stron',C /andy whispered in amaement.
B2ook a few years)and a few special people,C he added s4ueein' the youn'er mans
hand sli'htly to make sure his words were understood. BFou had no idea, but I couldnt
have made it throu'h without you. (hen bein' around him 'ot to be too much I would
'o to you and you would make me feel better without even knowin' what you were
doin'. And theres been other thin's that youve pulled me out of too. Fouve just always
made me feel cared about and special when I sometimes doubted it. =o one makes me
feel the way you always have.C
/andy looked down at their hands before meetin' .hris eyes a'ain. A lump formed in
his throat and his eyes were suddenly wet. B.hris)C
BI love you, /andy. Im in love with you and I have been for awhile now but you were
really youn' when you first came and then we ended up separated and you werent
lookin' for a relationship so I just kept it to myself. 6ut now were to'ether and
everythin' feels so ri'ht. Im not afraid to tell you now.C
B*ey, no its okay, I dont e?pect you to say it back ri'ht now or anythin'. I just thou'ht
you should know it. Im in love you.C
/andy wasnt controllin' himself as he leaned closer and pressed his lips to .hris softly
at first but rapidly 'rowin' in hun'er. 2he noises he drew from the blonde served to only
intensify his passion that much more until the only thin' he could feel was .hris and his
hands and his lips and his warm wet ton'ue. 2hen suddenly he was feelin' .hris body
too as his own hands be'an to roam over the hard planes of flesh that the blonde was
made up of. *e heard a stran'led noise as he came to a specifically hard area.
*e broke the kiss with 'reat effort and met .hris eyes sincerely. BAre you okay with
BFes, baby, that feels so 'ood,C .hris hissed archin' up into /andy hand. B&lease dont
/andy swallowed hard at the desperate tone of .hris voice and cupped him throu'h his
jeans massa'in' li'htly. BFou like that, babe,C he asked in a strained voice.
B,mm, yeah. 6een so lon'.C
BFou need itEC .hris nodded fiercely. B=o, I want you to tell me. I wanna hear you say
how bad you want me to take care of you.C
BFuck, /andy, I need this. I need you,C he 'asped when the brunette held him a little
firmer. BI>Ive wanted you to touch me like this forever, to make me cum. Dont make me
*e couldnt have waited another second if hed wanted to. *e made 4uick work of
undoin' .hris pants. B0lide the seat back as far as itll 'o,C he ur'ed as he worked the
jeans and bo?ers down around the blondes upper thi'hs.
2he remainin' two brain cells .hris had left mana'ed to rub themselves to'ether and
allow him to do what /andy was askin' him to. *e slid the seat back and spread his
thi'hs as much s he could watchin' as /andy maneuvered his way onto the floor in front
of him.
(ith some creative shiftin' and sheer determination the youn'er man 'ot comfortable on
the floor and soon had .hris deep down his throat much to the blondes deli'ht.
B1h shit, /andy, 7od thats nice.C
/andy moaned his appreciation for the compliment and took .hris a little deeper. (hen
his nose was brushin' soft blonde curls he paused swallowin' around the hard flesh over
an over a'ain, massa'in' .hris with his throat muscles.
B0hit< Fuck baby<C
/andy was lovin' the reaction he was pullin' from .hris. *ed had responsive lovers
before but none had affected him like this. *e felt proud and happy that he could do this
to .hris, satisfied that the older man was enjoyin' himself this much. =ormally all /andy
felt was smu' and superior when he made his partners s4uirm and moan. *ed always
been a 'ivin' lover and made sure that his partners enjoyed se? as much as he did but it
only ever served to boost his e'o. 2his was somethin' completely different because it
wasnt about him. *e was completely focused on .hris and his needs. It was decidedly
*e be'an to bob his head up and down lettin' his ton'ue run alon' the underside with
each stroke. *e increased his speed with each moan from .hris until he was movin' as
fast as he could and .hris was simply mewlin' in pleasure.
B/andy, baby, Im 'onna)C
/andy went down one last time and held him in his throat as he erupted with a cry of the
youn'er mans name. 2he feelin' that passed throu'h /andy as he swallowed .hris seed
was one that he couldnt describe. 2he closest word he could think to use was).
*e laid his head a'ainst .hris thi'h and pondered that word and his own feelin's until
he felt fin'ers runnin' throu'h his short hair ticklin' his scalp.
B,mmm, that was so 'ood, baby. 2hank you,C .hris murmured laily.
B=o problem,C he answered turnin' his head and kissin' the smooth skin of .hris thi'h.
B7lad you liked it.C
B:iked isnt e?actly the word Id use to describe how I felt about that,C .hris chuckled.
/andy smiled up at him and kissed his stomach. B=oEC
.hris shook his head causin' his now tousled blonde hair to sway a'ainst his shoulders
and frame his face more. /andy thou'ht he wouldve looked an'elic if it wasnt for the
dyin' heat in his eyes and the tell>tale flush of his cheeks. *e looked too wanton to be an
B(hat word would you use thenEC
BI wouldnt. 2hat takes a couple of words.C
B.are to shareEC
BId say that I enjoyed that more than any other blowjob Ive ever had in my entire life.C
BI bet you say that to all the 'uys,C /andy joked to cover his immense joy at hearin'
those words.
B6et I dont,C .hris ar'ued softly pullin' /andy up into his lap and kissin' him
thorou'hly. *e felt /andys hardness a'ainst his stomach and broke the kiss. B(ant me to
take care of that for youEC
/andy was on the ver'e of sayin' yes when a car sped by them and honked the horn
remindin' both of them that they were in a car on the side of the road.
/andy smiled and dropped one last chaste kiss to .hris 'listenin' lips. B/ain checkEC
B*ell yeah.C
BI mi'ht just take you up on that,C he lau'hed climbin' back over to the drivers seat.
BIf I dont jump you first.C
BFeel free.C *e waited until .hris had himself tucked back in and his pants buttoned and
ipped before startin' the car and turnin' back the way hed come. BFou know, Id never
'iven anybody head in a car before. Fou were my first.C
B(ow, Im honored. I know theres only so many thin's left for someone to be your first
BFou know it.C
BFoure lucky youre my boyfriend,C /andy warned playfully.
BFeah, I know I am,C .hris said softly before lacin' their fin'ers a'ain. /andy kissed the
back of .hris hand in a wordless reply and the rest of the drive back to the hotel was
spent in a mostly comfortable silence.
It was still relatively early when they made it back to the hotel, somewhere around
eleven, so /andy wasnt worried about wakin' any of the 'uys in the ne?t few minutes.
*e walked .hris up to their hotel room and made sure he was okay and that he didnt
need anythin' before he be'an to feel antsy.
BAre you sure youre okay, .hrisEC
BI said Im fine, /andy. *urry up and 'et outta here before I hit you with somethin',C he
BFoure sureEC
B7o already. -ust remember not to 'o too far alri'htEC
BFeah, yeah.C
B*ey, Im serious. &romise you wont overdo it.C
BI promise I wont overdo it,C he repeated 'rud'in'ly.
B2hank you. 1h, and can you please send Audrey over here before you 'uys do whatever
it is youre 'onna doEC
/andy smiled bri'htly at that. B0ure. Fou really like her dont youEC
B(hats not to likeEC
B,y thou'hts e?actly. Ill be back okayEC
B1kay,C .hris said layin' back on the bed and reachin' for the remote. B;hm)have fun
I 'uess.C
BIll try.C
A2T34,5* $4T"- I feel that I should say at this point that I am a rape victim myself
as well as a victim of physical abuse and that is why those themes continue to come
up in my writin's. It is a sense of therapy and an emotional pur'in' for me in a way
that may not be easy for others to understand, but I am healed enou'h to write these
thin's and that 'ives me a sense of personal triumph. &lus, even thou'h I put a few
of them throu'h hell I 'ive my characters 8or really the ((@s characters9 the happy
endin' that I have found myself.
Chapter 16 "mergen'7 *ession
/andy found himself at *unters door first, as usual, and he knocked three times.
B7o away,C he heard *unter yell.
B.ome on, *unter, open up,C he yelled back.
B(hat do you wantEC
BIts an emer'ency< 1pen the fuckin' door<C
*e heard shufflin' inside and then the door creaked open. B/andy, I told you 'uys that>C
BFeah I know all that,C the youn'er man said pushin' his way into the room, Bbut
somethin's come up and Im callin' a meetin'.C
*unter finally re'istered the ed'e to /andys voice and the an?ious way he was movin'
around. 2hen of course there was the hardness in his eyes alon' with a confusion that
*unter knew could only be linked to -ericho in some way.
B(hat happenedE (hats wron'EC
BId rather wait for everybody to 'et here so Ill only have to say it once. I dont think I
can do it more than that.C
*unter was fully alert now. B(ho all do you want me to callEC
B@verybody. 0hawn too.C (hen somethin' flashed throu'h *unters eyes /andy added
softly. B;hm, Audreys in town. 0hes in 0hawns room with him ri'ht now.C
B,e and .hris ran into her in the restaurant and we kind of sent her up there.C
*unter was 4uiet for awhile thinkin' that over. B*ow did you knowEC
BIt was actually .hris who brou'ht it to my attention, but once you think about it its
pretty obvious. (e, or more .hris, 'ave her a pep talk and sent her up there. I told you it
would 'et fi?ed.C
*unter hu''ed him hard. B2hank you. I was so worried about him.C
BI know, we all were, especially Audrey. (e thou'ht she hated you there for a minute but
we e?plained everythin'.C
B0hes not mad at me anymoreEC
B=o, but Im 'onna have to 'ive you the details later because we have a bi' issue to deal
with ri'ht now.C
B(heres .hrisEC
BIn the room. *es sittin' this one out. *ey, wheres /ic,C he asked suddenly re'isterin'
the mans absence.
B(ith Dave. I told him what happened with me and 0hawn and told him I needed space. I
knew Dave would wanna 'et away from ,ark too so I sent /ic to 'o play with him.C
B7et them on the phone.C
*unter nodded and pulled out his cell>phone as /andy went over to the hotel phone, since
hed left his cell in he and .hris room, and punched in 0hawns hotel>room. *e listened
to the phone rin' five times before the hotel answerin' service picked up. *e hun' up
and tried a'ain. 2his time a heavy breathin' 0hawn answered.
B0hawn its me, /andy))))Feah con'ratulations and everythin')))))If you
really wanna thank me then 'et over here to *unters room ri'ht now. Im callin' a
meetin' and its really important. It cant wait))))))I cant tell you ri'ht now,
just 'et over here and brin' Audrey too)))Feah, dude, he knows, hes happy, blah
blah blah. *urry up.C
*e looked towards *unter and found the blonde watchin' him intently. B2his is killin'
me /andy. (hats 'oin' onE Did somethin' happen just nowEC
B=o, not just now. Are we in the same time one as ArionaEC
*unter frowned but nodded his head. BFeah, same one.C
B7ood, call 0cott and 3evin for me.C
B-ust do it pleaseEC
*unter shook his head in confusion but pressed a number on his speed>dial and waited.
(hile he did that /andy 'ot up to answer the door. /ic and Dave were standin' there
lookin' about as confused and worried as *unter. /andy let them in and was about to
close the door when he saw Audrey and 0hawn turn the corner. *e waited somewhat
impatiently for them to 'et into the hotel>room before closin' and lockin' the door
behind them.
B/andy, whats this all aboutEC
BIll e?plain in a minute, please dont keep askin' me,C he asked /ic as politely as he
could. *e turned to *unter e?pectantly and *unter held out the cell>phone to him.
B*elloE))))Feah, its pretty fuckin' serious. I wouldnt be callin' on everybody if
this was somethin' I could handle on my own. I need somethin' fuckin' hu'e)))In a
minute. Is this your cell>phone or house phoneE))))Do me a favor, when I han' up
with you call 0ean on your cell>phone, have him call 0cott on three>way on his cell>
phone and then you call this hotel>room on three>way. Im 'onna put you all on
speakerphone so we can all talk to each other at the same time)))(altman,
3evin))))C *e looked down at the number on the hotel phone and recited it to
3evin. B2wo>three>two>seven>seven>four>nine e?tension two>seventy>three. 7ot
thatE))0ay it back to me))))))))Alri'ht. *urry up.C
*e hun' up *unters cell>phone and handed it back to the other man. *e turned to all the
other 3li4 members and studied them all in turn, his 'ae landin' on Audrey last. *er
eyes were compassionate and he was enveloped in a hu' before he knew what was
happenin'. *e hu''ed her back ti'htly.
B/andy, its 'onna be okay, I promise. *es stron' and so are you, and he sounds like hes
healed a lot. Dont worry about him so much.C
BI cant help it.C
BI know you cant, but itll be alri'ht.C
2hey pulled apart and /andy 'ave her a weak smile. B*es waitin' for you. I told him Id
send you over there.C
BI wouldve went over there anyway. Ill 'o ahead and 'o now, Ive heard all this
B2hank you,C he said and watched her walk out of the room. 6efore the door had
completely closed behind her the hotel phone was rin'in'. *e pressed speakerphone and
was 'lad when he didnt hear much static. B3evin, 0cott, 0eanEC
BFeah,C they all answered to'ether and lau'hed behind it. 0ean went on to speak. BDid
Audrey make it there alri'htEC
BFeah, her and 0hawn are to'ether now, and some other stuff happened that youll know
about later, but ri'ht now I called you 'uys for a specific reason.C
3evin took on his position as leader of the 3li4. BIs everybody thereEC
BAll of @volution and 0hawns here too. Audreys with .hris.C
BFeah, me and him are to'ether now. *es also part of the family now too and the reason
I called this meetin'.C At this point /andy was beyond carin' about whether or not Dave
was supposed to know .hris was in the family. 2hat was somethin' he and *unter would
just have to work around later if need be. BI have to do somethin'.C
B2his is 'ettin' to be a habit with you two,C Dave said. B(ho fucked with him nowE Is
he okayEC
BDepends on what you call okay,C /andy said darkly.
B*ow serious is this thin' with you and .hris, /andy,C 3evin asked in an oddly
searchin' manner.
B*e told me hes in love with me not even an hour a'o and Im 'oin' throu'h all of this
for him. *es 3li4 now. Draw your own conclusion.C
0omeone inhaled sharply over the phone.
B(ho was that,C *unter asked concerned. B(hats the matterEC
BI think I know what this is about,C 0ean said softly.
B2hats /andys place to say. If Im wron' it could cause more problems.C
B2oo bad for .hris I think youre ri'ht,C /andy said in a low voice.
B(hats 'oin' on /andyE Fou 'uys are startin' to scare me here,C Dave admitted. BAnd
when did Audrey 'et hereE And when did her and 0hawn 'et to'etherE And what the hell
were you and her just talkin' about before she leftE =one of this is makin' sense.C
/andy looked at the ceilin'. B0uffice it to say that this has been a very severely fucked up
day, with the e?ception of one or two thin's, and its about to 'et a whole lot worse
before it 'ets any better.C
B(hy,C 3evin asked over the phone.
BIm about to 'ive us all one more reason to hate 6ischoff.C
B0hit,C 0ean, 0cott and /ic all said in unison.
B/ic, you know,C 0cott asked in surprise at hearin' the older mans voice in the mi?.
BI was there too rememberE I didnt 'et involved with a lot of people in the back but I did
see shit.C
BI feel like I missed somethin' here,C 3evin said.
BFoure not the only one,C Dave a'reed lookin' at the way *unter and 0hawn were
starin' at each other. 2hat calculatin' look was in both their eyes and they were tradin'
all kinds of silent messa'es.
B(ell then let me put it to you strai'ht,C /andy said bitterly. B(hen .hris was back in
(.()6ischoff))6ischoff raped him.C
2here was silence for all of two seconds before complete pandemonium broke out.
B(*A2<C *unter, 0hawn, and 3evin all screamed loud enou'h to rival all the 0tone
.old fans in any arena. @ach broke off into their own tirades of B*ow the fuck)C and
B(hy would he)C and B2hat little bitch should)C and B(hen I catch him)C
B=o fuckin' way,C Dave yelled before pacin' around the room an'rily. B=o< I dont
believe this shit< =o fuckin' way<C
0ean was sayin' somethin' alon' the lines of, BI knew I shouldve killed that son of a
bitch when I had the chance<C
0cott was tryin' to 'et 3evin calmed down yet the an'er in his voice was unmistakable,
especially when he referred to 6ischoff as A2hat Fuckin' 6astard and A:ittle &iece 1f
/ic was busy feelin' 'uilty. B7od I shouldve done somethin'. I shouldve tried harder to
talk to him or to warn him. I knew @ric would be pissed at him for leavin'.C
/andys voice brou'ht order. B*ey, okay, so it happened and were all pretty fuckin'
pissed. 6ut just bein' pissed isnt 'onna cut it now is itE =o. (e need a plan and Im
listenin' to whatever you 'uys 'ot.C
B(hat do you wanna do,C 3evin asked in a hard voice.
B*onestlyE I wanna kill him, slowly and painfully, but I have somebody who wouldnt
appreciate that too much and I wont risk losin' him. 0o, it has to be somethin' hi'h
impact but subtle at the same time. 0u''estionsEC
BDamn, you said we cant kill him,C 0cott muttered discoura'ed. B*ow much can we
B=ot too much, most likely somethin' that he can e?plain away as an accident.C
BA car accident,C 0ean asked hopefully.
B&robably not, but I can check on that for you. .hris told me not to overdo it so Im
workin' on a limit here.C
BDefine overdoin' it,C Dave re4uested in a deceptively 4uiet voice.
/andy 'ave him a vicious smile. B&robably everythin' weve 'ot in mind so far. .hris
doesnt do too well with 'uilt and hell see everythin' that happens to @ric as blood on
his hands. I cant have that hoverin' over him like that.C
B2hen were not 'onna have much fun.C
B.ome on /ic,C *unter said finally speakin', Byou know thats not true. 2heres more
than one way to hurt someone. .hris seems to be concerned with bruises and broken
bones. 2heres ways around that little roadblock that could be way worse and everyone in
this meetin' knows that. (e just have to find the ri'ht an'le.C
B,ind>fuck him until he cant take it anymore,C 0ean said likin' the idea way too much.
B*ey wheres 0hawn,C 3evin asked in concern. BI havent heard his voice in a lon'
BIm here,C the 2e?an said softly. 2here was somethin' in his voice that made everyone
stop and listen intently. BIm just tryin' to fi'ure out a startin' point. 0ean said that we
should mind>fuck him Atil he cant take it, but I dont like that idea. Its not bad enou'h.
(e shouldnt stop when he cant take it anymore, we should stop when he feels every
sin'le shred of pain and humiliation that .hris and Audrey felt. (e should stop when he
feels dirty, and weak, and worthless, and ashamed. (hen he scrubs at himself for an
hour>and>a>half in scaldin' hot water tryin' to wash it all away. (hen he 'ets scared
everytime someone raises their voice because he thinks hes 'onna 'et hurt behind it.
(hen he keeps his head down almost all the time because hes too ashamed to look into
the eyes of Anormal people. (hen hes too afraid to 'et close to someone because he
thinks hell contaminate them. (hen he cant bear to look in the mirror anymore because
the emptiness in his own eyes makes him sick. (hen he cries every sin'le ni'ht because
his ni'htmares have made him so sick and scared that he throws up and then sleeps with
the li'ht on hopin' itll keep the dreams away. (hen hes afraid to 'o out in public
because other people touchin' him literally hurts like hell. (hen he wishes he were dead
so much that the only thin' stoppin' him from downin' the whole bottle of 5icodin is the
childOproof lock that he cant seem to 'et open to save his life. (hen he pushes everyone
away from him because he feels hes too fucked up for anyone to love. (hen all of that
happens to him, then we can stop, because then itll never 'o away. Itll just sit ri'ht
underneath the surface just be''in' to come out and fuck his life up over and over and
over a'ain. 2hats what I wanna do. Is it too over the topEC
2here was a prolon'ed silence where everyone contemplated 0hawns words and /andy
and 0hawn stared at each. 2hey were in their own little cate'ory now, /andy realied.
2hey were boyfriends of rape victims. *e wanted 6ischoff to hurt the same way 0hawn
did and he doubted that any of the others could comprehend the depth of he and 0hawns
hatred. 2hey could come pretty damn close, and their reactions just now proved that to be
true, but they would never fully understand.
BI dont think its so bad, but then a'ain Im not too level>headed at the moment,C /andy
said with a shru'.
B(hat e?actly did you wanna accomplish toni'ht,C *unter asked.
BA plan. ,y first instinct is to kick the shit out of him, and believe me thats comin'
soon, but 0hawns ri'ht. &hysical pain isnt enou'h. *e shouldnt 'et off as easy as bein'
sore for a few weeks at the most. I want to hurt him.C
BAre you fully aware of what youre askin',C 3evin asked in that tone that literally made
him the leader of the 3li4. It was firm, yet concerned and compassionate all at the same
time. BIs .hris really worth this to youE I know youre with him and I know hes family
now, but really)is he worth thisEC
/andy hesitated for a full three seconds before finally answerin' in a voice that was
une?plainably strained. BFes, yes he is.C
@veryone could almost hear 3evin noddin' over the phone. B2hen I think I have
somethin' youll like. Its a rou'h draft, somethin' I had thou'ht up years a'o for
6ischoff when he fired 0ean, but I never 'ot a chance to play it out. (ell have to tweak
it a little bit, make it worse, make it fit the situation, little shit like that. 6ut all in all I
think its a 'ood startin' point.C
B(hat is itEC
B2his is really somethin' we should all be face>to>face for. (hens the ne?t time you
'uys are 'onna be able to sit down and completely focus on thisEC
/andy wanted to say tomorrow, but he knew that @volution had its own little matter to
attend to first. B(hats today, FridayE 2hen not this comin' ,onday but the ne?t one. (e
can 'et to it ri'ht after the show and you 'uys can travel with us for a few days.C
B2hat 'ood for you, 0eanEC
B&erfect,C both (altman and ,ichaels answered. 0ean si'hed and 0hawn rolled his eyes
in mock annoyance.
B,e and 0cott are cool with that too. Anybody have any objectionsEC (hen silence
ensued 3evin continued. BAlri'ht then boys, well see you ,onday after ne?t. In the
mean time, try not to kill 6ischoff before we 'et there, and dont over>work yourselves.C
B(ell try,C *unter promised.
0ean hesitated before continuin'. B.on'ratulations. Its been a lon' time comin' and Im
happy that you two are finally happy to'ether. -ust)just promise youll take care of her
alri'htE 0hes more than a sister to me and shes wanted this a lon' time. Dont)you
know what Im sayin' ri'htEC
BFeah I do, and you dont have to worry about it, kid. Ive 'ot her now, Im not 'onna
blow it. 0hes safe.C
B0he always was with you,C 0cott said fondly. B@very person has their place and her
place has always been with you.C
B*is has always been with her too,C *unter said softly. *e and 0hawn shared another one
of those look before they both smiled softly at each other. B7lad they finally went
throu'h with it.C
BAnd on that note,C 3evin said with an odd tone to his voice, Bwere sayin' 'oodni'ht.
/andy Im sure you wanna 'et back to .hris and the rest of you need to 'et back to what
you were doin'. (ell be in touch.C
B6ye,C everyone said collectively before /andy hun' up the phone.
Chapter 11 Coming Clean
B6ye 'uys,C *unter said usherin' 0hawn, Dave, and /ic out of his room. /ic had said
somethin' about a club and Dave had muttered somethin' about sleep.
BFou stayin' here, kid,C 0hawn asked /andy before he was completely out the door.
BFor a little bit. I need to talk to him,C /andy answered from his seat at the foot of
*unters bed.
0hawn nodded understandin'ly. B(hen you 'o back to you and .hris room just send
Audrey back over.C
BFou can 'o 'et her if you want.C
B=o, .hris doesnt need to be alone ri'ht now and I think its 'ood for the two of them to
be able to talk. -ust dont end up spendin' the ni'ht over here,C he joked.
B&romise I wont. /emember we have a fli'ht tomorrow mornin' so dont pull your diva
act and cancel your wake>up call.C
BAlri'ht,C the blonde said unable to pass up the opportunity to display a small pout. BIll
see you 'uys tomorrow.C
B6ye,C *unter and /andy told him to'ether before *unter closed and locked the door.
As soon as the latch slid into place /andy si'hed layin' back on the bed and starin' at the
ceilin'. B0hit. (hen did I lose control of this, *unterEC
*unter hesitated before turnin' back towards the bed. *e knew the fact that the youn'er
man had jumped ri'ht into the problem meant that it was really serious. *e was fi'htin'
hard not to start worryin'. 2oday hadnt been one of the 3li4s better days and *unter
didnt know how he would take anymore bad news.
B(hat do you mean when did you lose control,C he finally mana'ed to ask softly as he
made his way over to the bed and sat down ne?t to where /andy lay stretched out.
B2his whole thin' started as a bet and now it turned into all this. :ook at what Im doin'
for him, what hes doin' for me. It was never supposed to be about this, I never planned
on it 'oin' this far. *e just told me that hes fuckin' in love with me, *unter. 2hat hes
been in love with me for a lon' time.C
BFouve had people tell you they loved you before ri'ht,C the older man reminded 'ently.
/andy was very emotional now, almost close to tears and *unter knew he needed to 'et it
all out.
B6ut its different with him. (hen you 'uys say it you dont mean it in that way and
everyone else whos said it that way never really meant it and they proved that. .hris,
he)fuck I dont know.C
B*e scares youEC
BFeah, he does,C he whispered brokenly. B*e means it, *unter. I dont know what to do
when someone really means it.C
2here were the tears *unter had been e?pectin'. *e and /andy had talked briefly about
/andys past relationships and *unter had come to the conclusion that there had been
only two, maybe three. 2heyd all ended badly with /andy bein' the one to 'et hurt. 2he
youn'er man had avoided relationships like 2he &la'ue every since and just went out for
se?. And even when it was just se? he made sure never to fuck the same person more than
two or three times, claimin' that anythin' more than that was a relationship. *e and
*unter had the same habits and that was the reason they had ended up the closest two
members in @volution.
.oincidentally enou'h that was the same reason theyd never slept to'ether.
(hile /andy thou'ht theyd never had se? because they were too much alike, *unter
knew it was because they were too different. *e could see that /andys perusal of
nothin' but se? was a defense mechanism, while on the other hand it was just the way
*unter preferred thin's)well until recently anyway. *e felt that if he and /andy slept
to'ether it would somehow si'nify that they truly were one in the same, and he knew that
they werent. /andy was just scared of bein' hurt and *unter couldnt pull his friend into
a cate'ory he didnt belon' in.
B/andy, if he means it when he says that he loves you then its a 'ood thin'. It means
hes not 'onna try to hurt you, or cheat on you, or play mind 'ames with you, or anythin'
else those other 'uys did.C
BI know that.C
B2hen what are you so afraid of, babyEC
BI dont know how to act with someone who really cares. Im afraid Ill hurt him. Its all I
know and I dont wanna see the pain in his eyes when I fuck up.C
*unters heart nearly broke in his chest at the open fear in /andys blue eyes. B6aby, if
you concentrate on not hurtin' him, then you wont. 2he fact that the thou'ht of you
hurtin' him is upsettin' you this much is a 'ood si'n. It means that its the last thin' you
wanna do.C
B-ust because you dont wanna do somethin' doesnt mean you wont.C
BI know you wont.C
2hat made /andy pause. *unters voice had been hard and e?tremely confident. B*ow>
how do you knowEC
B6ecause I know you, and I know your heart, and I know what youll do for someone that
you love. And if youll do all of that for someone that you only love, I cant even ima'ine
everythin' youd do for someone that youre actually in love with.C
B6ut Im n>C
B:ets cut the bullshit, okayE Foure so called Afriendship with .hris and this whole bet
thin' are both on the same level. 2heyre frauds. 2heyre both set up to hide whats really
'oin' on, and we both know whats really 'oin' on dont we, /andyEC (hen /andy
refused to answer *unter continued. BFouve had feelin's for him since you came to the
federation. I remember the way you used to look at him backsta'e durin' the 0mackdown
tapin's and everythin'. *e was the same way but hed deny it when I asked him about it.
I didnt know you well enou'h to ask you about somethin' like that so I didnt. 2hen a
few months went by and you two started 'ettin' closer, it seemed like you 'uys became
best>friends overni'ht. @verybody knew that both of you were settlin'. Fou couldnt have
each other the way you wanted so you were takin' what you could 'et. Friendship. Any
of this sound familiarEC
/andy closed his eyes as if *unters words were too much for him to bear.
BI thou'ht so,C the blonde continued. B0o then all of a sudden you two stopped talkin'. I
'uess you tried to rationalie it by sayin' its the separate ways your characters went, but
I know thats not it. 2hat stuff you said you were rememberin' earlier todayE Feah, I
remember it too. I remember watchin' you 'uys 'et closer and closer to actually bein'
to'ether, I remember the secret smiles and touches, and I definitely remember the ni'ht
you came to me drunk tellin' me how youd cried in front of him and how youd opened
up and told him about everythin' that had been havin' you so down. Fou said hed
almost kissed you and it scared the shit out of you because you wouldve kissed him back
and you wouldve told him how you really felt about him. Fou told me you didnt wanna
'et hurt a'ain. About a week after that you started to 'radually separate until you barely
even talked anymore.C
BI dont remember tellin' you all that.C
B1f course you dont, you were plastered. Anyway, it literally hurt to see the two of you
apart and we knew somethin' had to be done, hence this bet. Its the only way we could
think of to brin' you two back to'ether a'ain. (e knew that if we could just do that then
you two would pick up where you left off and everythin' would fall into place. Fou two
belon' to'ether and nothin' can stop that.C
B(ho is AweEC
B2he whole time youve been talkin' about the bet youve been sayin' Awe as in you and
someone else. (ho else was in on thisEC
B3evin. *es the one who put me up to it. (e were talkin' about it and he said that we
needed to do somethin' drastic. (e came up with the bet scenario. (e knew youd take it
because youre a competitive person and because youd be drawn to anythin' concernin'
.hris whether you were aware of it or not.C
B0o you made the bet intendin' to loseEC
BFou know me better than that. I never make a bet I cant win.C
B6ut you just said>C
BFoure not thinkin', 1rton. (hat do I always tell you about lookin' past the obviousE
Do it now.C
/andy considered it for a few moments before shakin' his head. BI 'ot nothin'.C
B(hat were the stipulationsEC
BI dont sleep with .hris you win and you 'et me on call. I do sleep with .hris I win and
I 'et control of you for twenty>four hours.C
B0o tell me, after everythin' thats been happenin' with you and .hris and with the way
that you two feel about each other, could you really see yourself sleepin' with meEC
/andys mouth dropped open. BFou sneaky bastard<C
BI prefer .erebral Assassin.C
BI>I cant believe this< I completely fell for this hook, line, and sinker<C
B(ell you did say before that youre not on my level.C
/andy flipped him off with a smile. B0o, this was all one bi' elaborate plot to 'et me and
.hris to'etherE (ow.C
BFeah, wow, but its not over yet. 2he last part is up to you. Fou have to tell him how you
really feel now, /andy. 2hat means youre 'onna have to come clean about this whole bet
and make it official.C
B.ant we just keep 'oin' like we areE *e doesnt know about the bet and he doesnt
ever have to.C
BFou know thats not true. Itll come up somehow and hell never for'ive you for not
tellin' him the truth. Fou know that.C
BFeah I do,C he a'reed 'rud'in'ly. B6ut fuck, *unt, couldnt you have tricked me in a
way that wasnt so hard to clean upE I mean, shit, how do you tell a 'uy the basis of your
relationship with him is a betEC
BIts not. 2he basis of your relationship with him is love, the bet was just to pull you two
back to'ether because youre both e?tra fuckin' stubborn. Fou can tell him about all of
this when you tell him you love him in about the ne?t five minutes.C
B(hy waitE Fou know how you feel and he knows how he feels. .lue each other in.C
*unters voice dropped to a serious murmur. B*e really needs to hear this from you
toni'ht, /andy.C
/andy si'hed and sat up. BDamn I hate when youre ri'ht.C
B=o you dont.C
B=o, I dont,C he a'reed with a smile before kissin' *unter on the cheek. B2hank you. Ill
call 3ev tomorrow and thank him too. As a matter of fact I have a feelin' that come
,onday after ne?t Im 'onna be thankin' him a lot.C
BI dont doubt it. =ow 'et out of here and send Audrey back to 0hawn before he dies
without her.C
B(ill do...(ish me luckEC
BFou never need it,C he said fondly.
B*umor meEC
B7ood luck /andy.C
/andy took a deep breath and nodded before standin' and 'oin' over to the door. *e
unlocked it, turned the handle and paused only a few seconds before pullin' it open and
leavin' the room.
2he knock on the door made Audrey and .hris pause in conversation.
BIts probably /andy,C .hris said fondly. BI bet he didnt remember his key.C
Audrey smiled at .hris words as she 'ot up and walked over to the door and pulled it
BFou were ri'ht,C she said over her shoulder as /andy walked past her into the room.
BAnd I 'uess Im leavin' now.C
BFou dont have to 'o,C .hris protested.
Audrey looked away from .hris and saw all the different emotions swirlin' around in
/andy ice>blue eyes. *er eyebrows raised in mild surprise at the intensity of them all.
0he turned back to .hris with a soft smile.
BFeah, I think I do, 0u'ar. 6ut dont worry, you wont miss me too much.C
BFoure catchin' the fli'ht with us tomorrow mornin' ri'htEC
B1f course I am. Fou think Id leave 0hawn alone without a chaperone before I put my
mark on himEC
B(hat was I thinkin',C .hris asked with a soft chuckle.
Audrey shru''ed and blew him a kiss before smilin' at /andy and headin' out the door.
/andy reached out and cau'ht her arm in a soft 'rip, always careful not to 'rab her too
rou'h or too hard, and turned her around to face him.
B(hat, no 'oodni'ht kissEC
B=ow what was I thinkin',C she asked kissin' him on the cheek.
B(hen were you headin' out, 'irlEC
BI was plannin' to 'o back home (ednesday at the latest.C
B.ancel those plans, I need you here throu'h ne?t ,onday at the very least.C
B,ondayE :ike three days from nowEC
B=o, the ,onday after that.C
BAt the least,C she asked incredulously. B/andy, thats over a week from now and I)C
0omethin' in his eyes made her protest fall short. B1kay, fine, Ill be here throu'h
,onday. At the least. 0omeones 'onna have to buy me some more clothes thou'h.C
B2hank you, and I dont think you have to worry about the clothes thin'. I hear your
boyfriends pretty rich,C he said smilin' at Audreys chuckle. BAnd speakin' of him,
0hawns waitin' for you and Im under strict orders to send you back to him as soon as
BI bet you are. And I bet hes 'onna have a few thin's to tell me when I 'et there wont
BFeah he will.C
0he nodded at that before takin' a breath and smilin' bri'htly. BAlri'ht then Ill see you
'uys in the A.,.C
B7oodni'ht,C .hris called from the bed.
B=i'ht,C /andy told her before pullin' her into a hu'.
BDont stay up too late,C she teased before openin' and closin' the door behind herself.
/andy swallowed hard when the door closed behind Audrey. *e locked the door and
turned his 'ae on .hris prayin' he could 'et throu'h this without tearin' them apart.
2he older man didnt seem to notice his sudden tension thou'h, he just continued to talk
about what a 'ood time hed had with Audrey.
B)and we talked a lot. 0hes a really nice 'irl, I feel like I can tell her anythin' you
knowE (ell, of course you know,C he said rollin' his eyes at his own stupidity. BI used to
think that whole 0outhern charm thin' was just somethin' that people said but I really
see it in her. .ome to think of it, where is she fromE I hear her accent, but I didnt 'et to
ask her where she 'rew up.C
B0he was born in Dallas, but she was raised in 0hreveport, :ouisiana,C he answered
almost absently.
.hris nodded interestedly until the tone of /andys voice re'istered in his ears. *e turned
a keener eye on the youn'er man and considered him for a moment. B(hats wron'EC
/andy didnt answer him. *e just toed off his shoes and socks, pulled his shirt over his
head, and be'an to unbutton his pants. (hen he slid his ipper down he heard .hris make
a stran'e breathy noise. *e looked towards his boyfriend and saw a heat in his blue eyes
that echoed from earlier in the car. /andy found himself catchin' his breath too. *e loved
how .hris could brin' him to this point with nothin' more than a look.
*ell he just plain loved .hris.
2hat thou'ht was enou'h to brin' him back to the task at hand. *e broke their intense
stare and hurried out of his jeans tossin' them into a chair. *e stretched and then slid
under the covers beside .hris layin' on his back.
.hris looked at him for a moment before settlin' himself down with his head on /andys
shoulder. BFou ready to talk nowEC (hen he felt /andy si'h and heard his murmur of
a'reement he continued. B*ow did it 'oEC
BAs 'ood as it could have.C
B(hat did you do to himEC
B=othin' yet. I just called a meetin' and put the situation out on the table, told them I
was open to su''estions.C
B*ow did they take itEC
B@veryones ready to commit murder. Fou know rape isnt somethin' we take too li'htly.
0hawn was the most verbal out of all of them.C
B2hats to be e?pected, I mean, considerin'.C
B0o what did you 'uys come up withEC
B2he &aks flyin' out ,onday after ne?t. 3evin said he had somethin' for me that he
thinks Ill like. (ere all 'onna start workin' it out after that show.C
BAll of you are 'onna be involved in itEC
B:ooks like it.C
BIsnt that)isnt that a bit much, babyEC
.hris knew hed said the wron' thin' when /andy stiffened beneath him and the an'er
be'an to nearly roll off him in waves.
BA bit muchE< .hris, he fuckin' raped you< ,e beatin' him to death, dra''in' his body
throu'h three states, pissin' all over it, and then han'in' it on a cross in the middle of the
rin' on /A( wouldnt be a bit much< 2hat wouldnt be enou'h<C
B(ell I really hope that wasnt one of the su''estions,C he tried to joke.
BIm serious, .hris. 2his asshole is 'oin' to pay and pay bi' and I dont ever want you to
think youre not worth it. Foure worth everythin' to me. I>I love you, babe.C
.hris was froen in shock for a suspended moment before he mana'ed to find words
BFou)you love me, /andyE :ike for realEC
*e only hesitated for half a second before answerin'. BFeah I do. I think Ive loved you
for awhile now. I was just too scared to admit it.C
.hris face remained blank for a few more moments before he slowly smiled bri'hter
than the sun breakin' throu'h the clouds. BFou have no idea how lon' Ive wanted to
hear you say that, /andy,C .hris murmured a'ainst his neck. B7od, I love you so fuckin'
/andy held him ti'ht runnin' his fin'ertips up and down .hris bare back just feelin' his
warm body a'ainst his own, lovin' the way they fit to'ether. 2hey were perfect for each
other. *e knew he belon'ed here, in this bed, in this embrace, with this man. *is past be
damned, this was ri'ht and he wasnt afraid of it anymore. *e was in love with someone
who loved him back and it felt)amain'.
BI)I dont wanna wait.C
BI told you that Friday after everythin' was done that we would 'o ahead with this. (ell I
dont wanna wait for Friday anymore. Im ready now.C
/andys fin'ers stilled on the older mans back and he looked down at the crown of his
blonde head. BAre you sureEC
.hris sat up a little so that they could see each others faces. *is eyes were solemn and
sure as he spoke. BIve never been more sure of anythin' in my life. I love you, I trust
you not to ever hurt me, and Im ready to be with you. Ive been ready for a lon' time.C
/andys throat was clo''ed with a million words all tryin' to force their way out at once.
*e couldnt even mana'e a rational thou'ht, let alone a sentence. 2hat is, until .hris lips
were on his and the wei'ht of .hris body was pressin' him down into the mattress
makin' him feel all these wonderful thin's that he couldnt allow himself to feel just yet.
B.hris, I cant,C he panted breakin' the kiss and starin' up into now dark>blue eyes.
2he older man couldnt hide all of his disappointment with his understandin' smile. BIs it
too soonEC
BFes>no>I mean,C he paused and took a deep breath. B.hris, theres somethin' I need to
tell you before we do this.C
.hris sat all the way up now and /andy did also. B2his is really important isnt itEC
/andy nodded and looked at him with near pleadin' in his eyes. BI dont know how to
tell you.C
.hris fou'ht his buildin' panic and said as calmly as he could, B2he best way is to just
say it.C
B2hats what I thou'ht. 6efore I do say it thou'h I want you to know that I love you, Im
in love with you, and the last thin' I wanna do is hurt you ever.C
B6aby youre scarin' me. (hats 'oin' onEC
B.hris)it was all a bet.C
B(hat was a bet,C the blonde asked confused.
BA few weeks a'o me and *unter were fuckin' around talkin' about 'uys ya knowE I
said somethin' about how there was no one worth while that I hadnt slept with or some
stupid shit like that and then)your name came up. *unter started talkin' about how
youve turned down every 'uy whos come at you lately and he said that I couldnt sleep
with you either. I said that I could and we)we made a bet. 6ut baby>C
B(hat were the terms,C .hris interrupted in a strained voice.
B(hat were the terms,C he repeated in a harder voice. BI think I deserve to know what
Im worth.C
/andy made a soft an'uished noise before answerin'. BIf I won then I 'ot control over
*unter for twenty>four hours. If I lost then *unter could have me on call whenever he
B0o youre usin' me to 'et to *unter but then you act so pissed when you see ,ark usin'
Dave to 'et to youE As a matter of fact you 'ave me this bi' ass speech about my past
with *unter bein' okay as lon' as Im not usin' you to 'et back to him. All that shit and
youre really the one whos after himEC
B.hris, please,C /andy pleaded his voice breakin' on the last word.
B(ell here you 'o, /andy,C he said an'rily flin'in' the covers off of himself and
'esturin' over his bo?er>clad body. BFou want *unter bad enou'h, 'o ahead and do what
you have to do to 'et to him. Dont let me stand in the way of you two any more than
B=o,C he whispered.
B=oE (hat you like it better when you have to work for itE (hen you have to screw with
my head and make me think you care about me firstE (hat, does that 'et you offE Are
you and *unter 'onna lau'h about it laterEC
B.hris, no, I swear thats not how it is. I>I never wouldve 'ot to *unter, there was no
.hris eyes filled with an an'er /andy had never seen before as he sat up once a'ain and
jabbed a fin'er rou'hly into /andys chest as he spoke. B(hat do you think Im stupid,
/andyE First you tell me about the bet now you try to say there wasnt oneE (hy are you
fuckin' with me like thisE (hy would you let me open up to you about the thin's that
hurt me the most to talk about, why would you sit here and tell me that youre plannin'
on doin' all these thin's for me, tell me that you fuckin' love me, and then the ne?t
minute tell me its all a lieE *ow could you be that cruelEC
/andys first instinct was to wipe away the tears that were flowin' freely down .hris
cheeks but he had a feelin' that that wouldnt 'o over too well. 2he only thin' about this
whole situation that 'ave him the tiniest 'limmer of hope was that .hris was still here in
bed with him. *e was hurt and pissed, but he was waitin' for an e?planation. /andy was
takin' that and runnin' with it.
B.hris, babe, you have to believe me, Im not lyin' to you. 2here really wasnt a bet to
be'in with. *unter just told me that it was somethin' him and 3evin thou'ht up to push
me and you back to'ether. *unter tricked me into takin' it but he never intended for
either of us to win or lose.C
B(hat,C .hris sniffed soundin' a little less pissed but a lot more confused.
/andy felt relief wash over him now that he had .hris listenin'. B*e said that back when
I first came in he could tell that both of us were interested in each other but we were both
too scared to try for each other so we just settled for becomin' friends instead. Fou
remember that ni'ht back when I was feelin' really shitty and I was cryin' all over you
and everythin'EC
BI almost kissed you,C .hris supplied in a neutral voice. BFou practically freaked out and
then ran out of the room.C
/andys heart broke when he thou'ht of how much that must have hurt .hris. *e
couldnt let himself dwell on it too much thou'h for fear he mi'ht lose .hris fra'ile
BFeah, well I didnt know this until just a few minutes a'o, but apparently that ni'ht I 'ot
drunk off my ass and told *unter everythin'. I told him how I felt about you and about
how much 'ettin' involved with you scared me because of my past relationships. I didnt
wanna 'et hurt a'ain.C
B(hy didnt you just tell me that instead of runnin' out of there like you didE I wouldve
BI dont even remember what was 'oin' throu'h my head that ni'ht, but I know I didnt
mean to hurt you. -ust like I dont mean to hurt you now.C
.hris stared at him for a lon' time before finally sayin', in an almost inaudible voice,
BFinish what you have to say.C
B/i'ht. ;hm, so then we just drifted apart. *unter said he and 3evin were talkin' about
it and they said they had to do somethin' to pull us back to'ether because we were too
stubborn for them to talk to or somethin'. 2hey came up with the bet thin' and they knew
Id take it because of how competitive I am and because it had somethin' to do with
BFou said that neither of you were meant to win or loseEC
BFeah, *unter just e?plained this to me. *e said that once they 'ot us around each other
a'ain they knew that we would end up to'ether for real and I 'uess sleepin' to'ether too.
2hat means that he wouldnt be able to have me on call.C
B6ut that also means that hed lose and youd 'et to sleep with him.C
B2hats what I thou'ht, but then he pointed out the fact that me and you are in love with
each other now. I would never cheat on you by sleepin' with him so it doesnt matter that
I won. It was never about the bet it was about me and you finally bein' to'ether.C
B2hats fuckin')brilliant,C .hris said in an awed voice.
/andy nodded. B0o you see now that Im not lyin' to youE @very since this whole thin'
started I>C
B(hen did it startEC
BFesterday when you came to talk to me about our new feud and I said we should 'o out
somewhere after the show. 6ut from the second I saw 5al slam you a'ainst the wall all
the way up until now Ive been completely out of control of this whole situation. It really
stopped bein' about the bet when I beat the shit out of 5al for what he did to you, but the
minute I started to realie that it was all chan'in' was when you disappeared and I
searched the whole fuckin' hotel for you. Id never felt more scared or helpless in my
entire life while I was tryin' to find you and Id never felt more relieved when I did
finally find you. And then when you 'ot mad and apolo'ied to me afterwards, I wanted
to tell you about the bet so bad it almost hurt. I knew ri'ht then that I was feelin' too
much, that this was 'oin' too far too fast, but I didnt want it to stop. Fou remember
earlier toni'ht in the carE Ive never felt that way about se? before. I just wanted to please
you, to make you feel 'ood, to make you come because of me. I didnt care about myself
at all and the first word that came to mind when you came in my mouth was complete. I
felt complete because I was swallowin' you. .hris Im so in love with you that its not
even funny. I know I never shouldve bet on you like that and Ill feel bad about it for the
rest of my life but I>C
B0hhh,C .hris murmured placin' two fin'ers over /andys lips to 4uiet him. B=o more
about this okayE I believe you and I for'ive you. ,ore importantly, I love you and before
all of this came out we were about to make love. If you dont have any more confessions
to make then Id really like to try that a'ain.C
/andy smiled throu'h the tears of relief stin'in' his eyes. *e couldnt believe .hris was
'rantin' him for'iveness. *ed really thou'ht he was 'oin' to lose him for one lon'
scary moment there. *e kissed the fin'ers at his mouth before speakin' a'ainst them.
BId like that too, babe.C
.hris smiled softly and removed his fin'ers replacin' them with his mouth for a few
seconds. B2he last ten minutes didnt just happen okayEC
B0o lets 'o back. I ask you if its too soon. And you say)EC
BAnd I say of course its not too soon. (eve been waitin' for each other forever.C
B7ood answer,C .hris whispered before fusin' their lips to'ether once a'ain in a kiss that
told /andy a million thin's, the most important bein' that .hris didnt want to wait a
moment lon'er. /andy slipped his ton'ue past .hris lips tellin' him that he wouldnt
have to.
2he only thin' runnin' throu'h /andys mind at the moment was to make this whole
e?perience perfect. *e wanted to erase every other man in .hris memory from @ric to
-ohn to whoever else there had been. *e wanted what the two of them were about to
share to shatter anythin' else .hris had ever felt. 6ut to do that, he had to know what
.hris wanted.
B2ell me what you want me to do, babe. (hat can I do to make this perfectEC
2he blondes eyes were 'lassy and nearly black with lust and other unnamed emotions as
he took /andys face 'ently in his hands. BFou can love me like I love you.C
BI do.C
B2hen whatever happens toni'ht is 'onna be perfect because of that. -ust let it happen.C
/andy nodded and laid back brin'in' .hris down to spread half on top of him. *e ran his
fin'ers throu'h .hris hair from root>to>tip over and over just lettin' himself feel close to
the older man. *e almost felt like he was in shock.
BFou okayEC
2he 4uestion had come as a murmur a'ainst his neck. 2he simple intimacy of it made him
smile. BFine.C
B:iar,C .hris chuckled raisin' his head and lettin' his hair trail alon' /andys chest as he
kissed his nose. BFou nervousEC
BFes and no. Its not the se? its just)C
B-ust what, baby,C he whispered nibblin' at /andys earlobe makin' the youn'er man
B2his is bi' for me too ya knowE :ast time I had se? with someone I called my boyfriend
he kinda told me he was leavin' me for someone else ri'ht afterwards.C
.hris paused and moved away from his lovers ear so that he could see his face. *e
stared into /andys eyes with a tender concern that broke /andys heart and 'lued it back
to'ether a'ain, only this time he was sure that a few of the pieces that had been missin'
before were back in place. 2hat thou'ht took his breath away.
BDid you love himEC
BI dont know. Ive told myself that I didnt so many times over the years that I dont
know if its really true or if I just convinced myself that it is.C
.hris slanted his head and his eyes 'ot really serious for a moment as he stared into
matchin' blue orbs. *e smiled suddenly and trailed his hand down /andys chest to rest
on his hipbone.
BI 'uess were healin' each other toni'ht then huhEC
B:ooks like it,C /andy smiled back.
.hris nodded and slid down the bed brin'in' /andys bo?ers with him. (hen he tossed
the silk material to the floor he let himself look up at the hard and leakin' flesh before
him. *e couldnt help the feral 'rin that spread across his face.
B5ery nice, baby,C he praised in a silken voice as he slowly stroked the brunette. BI think
wed said somethin' about a rain check earlier in the car ri'htEC
BI think I remember that.C
2he husky tone that /andy had adopted sent a chill up .hris spine and a spark of lust
ri'ht to his already hard 'roin. *e shivered and touched his ton'ue to the very tip of his
lovers shaft, dippin' it the slit and flickin' 'ently. /andy si'hed in response and it only
turned the blonde on even more. *e let himself take more of /andy in until the head was
incased in his mouth and then be'an to suck softly, almost reverently, at it. A sense of
power and a stron'er sense of lust ripped throu'h him when he heard /andy moan low in
his throat. 2he lust only increased ten>fold when he let the brunette slide completely
down his throat and felt fin'ers tan'le in his hair.
BFuck, .hris, stop,C /andy panted.
.hris looked up the len'th of his lovers body and cast him a confused look without
stoppin' his task. *e knew /andy couldnt be close, not so soon, and he really was
enjoyin' himself.
B&lease, babeEC
*e never could resist it when /andy be''ed. *e released him with a disappointed moan
and looked up a'ain with a pout. B(hatEC
/andy smiled fondly and 'ently tu''ed at his hair. B7et up here.C (hen the blonde
obeyed /andy kissed him thorou'hly, seekin' the taste of himself in .hris mouth until
they were both out of breath and pantin'.
BI wanna feel you. I wanna learn everythin' about your body.C
/andys hands slid to the waistband of .hris bo?ers and inched them down his le's,
somehow mana'in' to li'htly run his fin'ers alon' his skin in the process. .hris nearly
melted at that.
B0o do it, baby.C
/andy rolled them over and looked down at .hris thinkin' for the second time in the
span of less than three hours that he looked like an an'el. *is an'el. 2he thou'ht brou'ht
a smile to his lips.
B(hat are you smilin' about, -erkyEC
BFou.C *e bent and kissed .hris a'ain before he could say anythin' and then let his
kisses trail alon' his jaw down to his neck. *e paused to nibble at the flesh there enjoyin'
.hris reactions to him.
B2ease,C the .anadian accused in a low, breathy voice.
BFeah, but Ill follow throu'h,C he whispered silkily.
Any reply .hris had was cau'ht in his throat when /andy moved down and took a nipple
between his lips suckin' hard. *e laved it with his ton'ue slowly before abruptly
nibblin'. 6y the time he had the nub trapped between his teeth with his ton'ue firmly
flickin' over it .hris was archin' up off of the bed holdin' /andys head in place. And
just when he thou'ht he couldnt bear the torture anymore /andy switched to the other
nipple and started the whole process over a'ain.
B/andy, baby, pleaseEC
B&lease whatEC
.hris lost his thou'ht when his lover be'an to nibble his way down his stomach one
muscle at a time. (hen he felt /andys ton'ue in his navel he lost his breath as well. *is
fin'ers splayed across the youn'er mans muscular shoulders 'rippin' almost painfully as
his lover moved lower still.
/andy came to the neat crop of ti'ht blonde curls and nuled his lips in them, his chin
brushin' a'ainst the most needy part of .hris anatomy at the moment. *e could feel
.hris body strainin' up to thrust a'ainst his added wei'ht, but he wasnt lettin' that
happen. 2his was 'oin' to be slow if it killed them both, so he 'ave .hris cock one lon'
lick and then i'nored it all to'ether as he moved to his lovers inner thi'hs.
.hris wail of disappointment made /andy chuckle a'ainst his flesh, but he didnt move
back up, he alternated from le' to le' all the way down to .hris ankles before movin'
his way back up a'ain.
B/andy, I swear to 7od if you dont do somethin'>C
/andy sur'ed up his body and kissed him 4uiet. *e rubbed their leakin' cocks to'ether
as he moved his ton'ue in .hris mouth slow and nasty. *e could feel his lover rollin' his
hips a'ainst him and it was turnin' him on like nothin' else. .hris was made for this, for
/andy 'asped suddenly as he felt .hris hand snake between them and circle him in a
firm 'rip that had his hips pumpin' noticeably faster. A pair of lips latched onto his
collarbone and be'an to suck softly.
BIf you leave a hicky)the make>up lady)is 'onna kill you,C he panted. *e 'roaned
when his protest just encoura'ed .hris to suck a little harder.
A few moments later .hris hand stilled and his mouth left /andys body all to'ether as
he lay his head back down on the pillow lookin' up into familiar blue eyes.
B&lease, /andyEC
It seemed all the noise in the room ceased to e?ist as the two men stared at each other for
what mi'ht have been eternity.
/andy finally swallowed and croaked, BAre you sureEC
BIKm sure. ,ake love to me.C
A humbleness that /andy had never felt before spread throu'hout his body warmin' him
in ways hed convinced himself he didnt want or need. *e knew now that hed been
lyin' to himself for too many years. *e needed to receive .hris love and trust just as
much as he needed to 'ive his own to the older man. *e needed to be a part of .hris in
every sin'le way possible.
/andy swallowed hard and moved down his lovers body once more spreadin' his perfect
cheeks and lickin' at the puckered openin'. *e let the tip of his ton'ue trace around the
muscled rin' a few times until it slowly be'an to rela? for him. As .hris opened for him
little by little he be'an to let his ton'ue slide in more and more until he was slowly
fuckin' his moanin' lover with the slippery muscle.
BFuck, /andy,C .hris moaned rockin' a'ainst his ton'ue tryin' to 'et it as deep inside
him as he could. B0hit, youre so fuckin' 'ood.C
/andy felt his stomach flutter at .hris easy compliment. It spurned him on and he be'an
to eat .hris with the vi'or of a starvin' man at a buffet table.
BFuck< /andy baby thats so 'ood,C .hris 'roaned as he arched off the bed. *is stomach
was be'innin' to ti'hten at the wonderful sensations /andy was causin' in him. A few
more minutes of this and he wouldnt be able to hold off.
As if readin' his lovers thou'hts, /andy pulled his mouth away from .hris openin'. *e
smiled at the disappointed moan that action received. B*ey, its okay. -ust be patient,
(hatever smart remark .hris was about to make died on his lips when first one, then two
fin'ers entered him deftly seekin' out his prostate. *is breath cau'ht in his chest at the
feelin' and then his hands were wrapped around /andys head as the brunette leaned
down for a kiss. 2he taste of himself on /andys ton'ue sent a thrill throu'h him that
curled his toes. *e felt like he was on fire.
/andy devoured .hris mouth tryin' to taste every inch of it. *e couldnt describe the
way he felt as anythin' other than desperate. *e was desperate to feel .hris wrapped
around him, desperate to hear his lover call out his name when he came, and he was
definitely desperate to lose himself completely inside of the blonde. *e wanted them to
find that sweet release to'ether.
.hris broke the kiss and stared at /andy with a heat in his eyes that left /andy breathless.
/andy nodded and 'ently removed his fin'ers. *e spit in his hand and be'an to lube
himself hopin' that the saliva and his precum would be enou'h. *e couldnt bear to leave
.hris ri'ht now even if it was only to 'rab the lube from his ba'. *e didnt want anythin'
to break the spell theyd cast around themselves fearin' that if they did they mi'ht never
'et it back.
*e positioned himself at .hris entrance and let the very tip slip inside the ti'ht passa'e
before pausin'. B1kayEC
2here was a sli'ht hesitation before .hris nodded stron'ly, his eyes sayin' more than he
ever could have. /andy reached up lacin' he and the blondes fin'ers and pressed their
joined hands down to the bed on either side of his lovers head before he continued to
slide inside.
/andy watched the man beneath him as he disappeared inch by inch inside of him. .hris
eyes were wide open and he was starin' at /andy with pleasure and somethin' like panic
fi'htin' for dominance in his now nearly black eyes. *e looked as thou'h he didnt know
which one to 'ive in to.
BIve 'ot you, .hris,C /andy murmured leanin' down so that their lips barely brushed as
he slid the rest of the way in. B2rust me baby, Im not 'onna let anythin' hurt you.C
2ears welled in the older mans eyes and slipped down onto the pillow beneath his head
as /andys words min'led with the pleasant feelin' of fullness to provide a safe cocoon.
BI trust you.C
BI love you.C
.hris inhaled sharply when the brunette rolled his hips and brushed that spot inside that
made sparks i'nite behind his eyes. BI love you too. Ill love you more if you start
A small chuckle escaped /andy before he bit his lip and slowly pulled an inch or two out
sinkin' carefully back in. 2he slow rhythm was nearly killin' him to keep up but he
didnt care. 2he blonde had opened himself up because he trusted /andy not to hurt him.
/andy would die before he ever broke that trust.
As moments passed /andys thrusts be'an to len'then and the pace 4uickened a bit. *e
was watchin' .hris face almost unblinkin'ly the entire time willin' to stop at the first
si'n of discomfort or fear. =either emotion crossed his lovers face. .hris was lost in a
hae of pleasure. *is le's had come up to wrap around /andys tapered waist and he was
s4ueein' the youn'er mans hands with each undulation tryin' to carry the sensations
over into or'asm.
B6aby, please)Im so close,C the blonde panted. B*elp me.C
2he sli'ht whine in .hris voice alon' with the pleadin' was /andys undoin'. 2here was
just somethin' about that mans voice that could send shivers down his spine. *e released
.hris hands and backed up enou'h to reach down and hike the older mans le's over his
shoulders. (hen he pushed that time he slid deeper inside .hris than he had before and
.hris resoundin' wail proved that he was feelin' the difference.
2he heat and the ti'htness was 'ettin' to /andy by this point and that feelin' of warmth
be'an to blossom in his stomach and his balls be'an to ti'hten. *e knew he wasnt 'oin'
to last much lon'er like this. :ookin' down at .hris showed that the older man was
'oin' to either come or die. It took a moment before /andy realied that the blonde was
actually murmurin' somethin' alon' those same lines in the midst of his moans and
broken sentences.
/andy wanted more than anythin' else for them to reach that hei'ht of completion
to'ether so he deftly reached between he and .hris sweaty bodies and found his
hardness. *e be'an to stroke .hris in time with the now rapid pace of their lovemakin'.
*e was determined to 'et them both off within the ne?t minute or so.
2ime seemed to stand still when the moment finally came. .hris body tensed and
s4ueeed /andy almost to the point of pain as his warmth spread between them and over
his youn'er lovers hand. /andy released seconds after him brou'ht over the ed'e more
so by the look in .hris eyes than anythin' else. 2here had been a 'lint of pure se?ual
desire and then all of a sudden the blonde had focused and the heat in his eyes had been
replaced by a soft look of awe and wonder. *ed stared up at the youn'er man with such
a look of near innocent amaement that /andy couldnt help but cum. 2o know that he
was responsible for makin' .hris feel somethin' hed apparently never felt before was
more than enou'h to brin' him over the ed'e.
After their bodies rela?ed, and their 'rip on each other loosened enou'h for /andy to
move back, he let .hris le's slip from his shoulders and back down to the bed. 2he older
man was completely limp with the force of his or'asm as he lay pantin' beneath /andy
in one of the most beautiful si'hts the youn'er man had ever seen. *e wasted no time
settlin' down beside him on his back brin'in' .hris head to rest on his chest.
B=o shit,C .hris puffed a'ainst his heavin' chest. BI really love you now.C
B7lad to know my sparklin' conversation is the only thin' youre interested in,C he
panted sarcastically.
.hris chuckled and ran his fin'ers alon' /andys defined abs. B0hut up, brat.C
B2his isnt e?actly the pillow>talk I was e?pectin'.C
B*ow about thisE 2hank you for 'ivin' me that e?perience and for showin' me that I can
trust you with every part of me.C
BAnd,C .hris asked fei'nin' confusion. B1h yeah, and I love you more than anybody else
in the whole wide world.C
/andy let his fin'ers sift throu'h .hris sweat darkened hair as he smiled 'ently to
himself at those words. B7lad to hear it because I love you too. I also need to be thankin'
BFor whatEC
B(hat do you mean for whatE For trustin' me and 'ivin' yourself to me for one. 6ut
really)I wanna thank you for bein' my first.C
B;hm, yeah, baby I dont mean to sound mean or anythin', but you werent e?actly the
5ir'in ,ary a few minutes a'o so)C
/andy chuckled li'htly when .hris let the sentence trail off. BFeah yeah smart>ass. .an
you please focus Im tryin' to be serious here.C
B0orry,C .hris said forcin' himself to be serious. BFou were sayin'EC
BI was sayin',C /andy said enunciatin' the words a little before he continued in a sincere
tone, Bthat even thou'h youre not the first person Ive ever had se? with)youre the
only person Ive ever made love with. 2heres never been love on both sides before and
now that there is I cant even be'in to tell you how 'reat it feels. Im 'lad you were my
first and hopefully youll be my only from now on.C
B/andy)are)are you askin' me to marry youEC
/andys head snapped down to look at the top of .hris blonde head. *e was stru''lin'
to find words when he suddenly felt .hris shakin' a'ainst him in silent lau'hter. (hen
those sparklin' blue eyes met his he rela?ed in relief. ,uch as he loved .hris he didnt
know if he could just up and marry the 'uy after bein' with him for a day.
=ot to say that wouldnt come somewhere in the future)maybe)someday.
BI thou'ht you didnt want the title of /andy 1rtons *usband,C he teased playfully.
BI dont. 2hat sounds like Id just be some trophy husband for you to parade around at
B(ell your are a blue>eyed blonde with a nice ass.C
.hris decided to i'nore that remark all to'ether. BI think bein' ,r. :e'end 3iller could
be pretty damn cool thou'h. 6ut hey, if that didnt work out you could always take my
name of course.C
B,r. F#-erkyE =ah, I think Ill pass.C
BI feel so insulted,C .hris sulked.
BIm sorry. Is there any way I can make it up to you, babeEC
2he feel of /andy caressin' his ass be'an to stir somethin' inside of .hris. B;h, yeah I
think thats possible,C he murmured takin' /andys nipple into his mouth.
BI hope you werent plannin' on 'ettin' to bed early toni'ht or anythin'.C
.hris released his nipple lon' enou'h to whisper, BIll sleep on the plane.C
Chapter 12 Tra1eling Kli8 *t7le
2he ne?t mornin' 0hawn, Audrey, *unter, Dave and /ic all waited in the lobby for .hris
and /andy. 2hey were all ridin' to the airport to'ether in a 6entley stretch limo. 2he five
present in the lobby thou'ht it would be better for both .hris and /andy if they only had
to face family for as lon' as possible. (hile three of them thou'ht that was solely
because of the recent 6ischoff revelation, there were also added factors to that decision
that only *unter and 0hawn knew about.
0ince 0hawn was the only one besides he and 3evin who knew about the bet, *unter had
discussed with the older man what had happened between himself and /andy after
everyone else had left the room. 2he two blondes had a'reed that the couple would be
ridin' that se?ual+emotional hi'h from last ni'ht and theyd be really clin'y and
affectionate. =either 0hawn nor *unter wanted them to have to keep that hidden any
more than they were already 'oin' to have to. .hris and /andy would be comfortable
showin' love in front of the five of them.
2hen there was also Audrey who they all, 0hawn especially, wanted to shield for as lon'
as possible too. 2hey wanted to postpone her 'ettin' bombarded by all the 4uestions and
come>ons like they knew she would be. *unter really supported the idea of her stayin'
behind the scenes until the last possible second since 0hawn was very hi'h>strun' ri'ht
now. If someone pushed her too far and she ended up an emotional wreck, 0hawn mi'ht
just end up in prison because of it. 2hen a'ain *unter couldnt 'uarantee that he wouldnt
BDid anyone talk to 2he &ak this mornin'EC
BFeah, 3ev called me e?tra early. If hed been anybody else he wouldve been told to 'o
strai'ht to hell and then been promptly hun' up on,C 0hawn told Dave.
B(hat did he call for,C Audrey asked curiously.
B(anted to make sure I hadnt thrown @ric off the buildin' or somethin'. Apparently, I
'ave them cause to worry last ni'ht,C he answered with an annoyed rin' to his voice.
B.an you really blame him thou'h,C /ic asked with a raised eyebrow.
B(hat did you do, babyEC
B=othin'. I just 'ot a little emotional thats all.C
Audrey looked to *unter for conformation and he shook his head. B,ore like he 'ot
really fuckin' scary there for a minute.C
BAre you sayin' you dont a'ree with what I said, *untEC
B=ot at all. Im just sayin' it was a little scary.C
0hawn shru''ed and looked up when .hris and /andy stepped off of the elevator. *unter
immediately stiffened ne?t to Dave when he saw the faint smud'es under /andys eyes
and saw the sli'ht swell of .hris. *e forced himself to rela? thou'h as the couple
approached them and stopped.
.hris was timid, not at all his perky easily>confident self. *e didnt meet any of their
eyes preferrin' to stare at the carpet instead until /andy placed a comfortin' hand on his
shoulder, s4ueein' li'htly. *e looked up into the brunettes eyes and 'ave him a soft,
albeit shaky smile before nervously turnin' to the other five.
B;hm)Im s>C
Audrey rushed forward and hu''ed him ti'htly cuttin' off what she just knew was an
B2hats not necessary alri'htE Fou know that,C she murmured strokin' his hair a few
times before passin' him off to the ne?t person in line. It was *unter.
B.hris)C he trailed off hearin' his own tears in his voice. *e just s4ueeed the smaller
blonde ti'htly conveyin' everythin' he couldnt say. *e really had to bite his lip to hold
the tears at bay when .hris s4ueeed him back in answer.
*unter reluctantly released him and he was handed off first to Dave who lifted him off
his feet in a hu', and then to /ic who hu''ed him like *unter did and then pulled back to
'ive him a sad, 'uilty smile.
B(ish I wouldve been there for you kid. I wish I wouldve done somethin'.C
BDont do that to yourself, /ic. Its over.C 2he looks, and in some cases 'rowls, that he
received from the others had him amendin' his words. BAt least the time for self>blame is
B2hats ri'ht,C /andy assured darkly. B(e know whose fault it is. And thats the only
person whos 'onna catch hell behind it.C
.hris eyes met 0hawns of their own accord and what he saw made him shiver sli'htly.
2here was a raw an'er in them that he hadnt seen there for a lon' time. =ot since the last
time him and 0hawn had talked about *unter and 0tephanie. It made him happy in some
weird way, like he really was one of the family. (hen 0hawn finally stepped forward and
hu''ed him he s4ueeed the older blonde hard to show his appreciation.
B(ere 'onna take care of it, .hris, dont you even worry about it.C
BI know.C
BIm so sorry you had to 'o throu'h that. It shouldnt have happened, especially not to
someone like you.C
.hris had to blink back tears at the sadness in the older blondes voice. B=o it shouldnt
have. 6ut youll take care of it.C
BFeah we will,C 0hawn a'reed in a strained voice. BI love you, .hris.C
BI love you too 0hawn,C he murmured back and they 'ently broke apart.
.hris stepped back to /andy who looped a seemin'ly innocent arm around his shoulders
as they walked out of the massive 'lass doors of the hotel towards the waitin' limo.
2he chauffer opened the doors for the 'roup and they all piled in within seconds. .hris
found himself ne?t to /andy with his le's draped across the youn'er mans lap and his
head on his shoulder as everyone else arran'ed themselves.
/andy finally looked around in confusion. B(heres ,arkEC
B(ith Adam and -ay. *e didnt belon' here for this,C Dave said dismissively before he
abruptly thou'ht about what he was sayin'. B;nless you wanted him here, .hris. I didnt
even think about you 'uys bein' close>C
B=o, its fine,C .hris assured. BIm really 'lad hes not here actually. *e doesnt know
and I dont want him to.C
BFou have nothin' to be ashamed of, babe. Fou didnt do anythin' wron',C /andy told
him in a firm yet 'entle voice.
BI know that, its just nobody elses business. 2he people I love most know about it and
well deal with this within the family.C
0ometime durin' his words hed ended up workin' a hand underneath the front of
/andys shirt. *e was currently strokin' defined abs almost unconsciously. /andy in turn
let his hand creep up the back of .hris t>shirt and run alon' the smooth muscled planes
of his back. It wasnt se?ual, but the skin>to>skin contact was very nice for both of them.
*unter nodded his a'reement for .hris statement before reachin' to answer his rin'in'
B0o, where are we 'oin',C Audrey asked e?citedly.
B(here are we leavin' from,C /ic asked with a lau'h. BFou know none of us pays any
attention to that shit unless were in our hometowns.C
Audrey pouted sli'htly and 0hawn kissed it away. B(ere 'oin' to .alifornia.C
B6aby, were in .alifornia,C she whined.
B(here in .aliforniaEC
B2hen were 'oin' to :os An'eles.C
B=o,C Dave intercepted, Bthats ,onday.C
B2hen where are we 'oin',C 0hawn asked truly confused.
BI dont know, but I know it isnt :A.C
0hawn looked to .hris and /andy who were busy talkin' 4uietly amon'st themselves,
and then to /ic who shru''ed with a lau'h. B1h my 7od, where the hell are we 'oin'EC
B=evermind, 0u'ar, Ill just see when we 'et to the airport.C
B=o, now I really wanna know.C
B(ere 'oin' to Fresno,C *unter told him softly before turnin' back to his 4uiet
conversation with an apolo'y to whoever was on the other line.
B(hos he talkin' to,C /ic asked.
BI dont know,C Dave said softly and they all stared at *unter tryin' to decipher who it
was by his end of the conversation.
*unter looked up when he heard complete silence and noticed that all si? of his friends
were starin' intently at him. *e stuck his ton'ue out at them before smilin' triumphantly.
B2hanks, -ake, I knew you could do it)))1kay, so which desk are you workin' atE
)))I see. 0o do I just walk up or whatE))))(ell alri'ht then. 0ee you in about
an hour))1kay)),mm>hmm)6ye.C
B-akeE 2ell me you havent sunk so low as to fuck with someone named -ake,C /andy
said with a disapprovin' tone in his voice.
B2his from a 'uy named /andyEC
B*ey,C .hris protested kissin' /andys neck li'htly. BFuck off I love his name. And I
need to talk to you later, oh .erebral Assassin.C
B6et you do,C *unter lau'hed. BAnd no, infant, I havent. 2hats one of the 'uys at the
airport. I 'ot him to switch some tickets around and everythin' so were all on the same
fli'ht. I fi'ure well just have to move some people around to make sure were sittin'
to'ether. I also ran into 5ictoria this mornin' and shes a'reed to 'ive Audrey her ticket
and catch a later fli'ht out since shes not 'onna be at the house show toni'ht anyway. 1f
course I had to 'ive her the money to pay for her new ticket but I dont care.C
BIll have to thank her for that,C Audrey said somewhat distractedly as 0hawn be'an to
run his fin'ers throu'h her hair. :ast ni'ht theyd played around a little findin' each
others spots. 0hawn had fi'ured out almost immediately that his fin'ers in her hair was
one of her bi''est turn>ons. BIf you dont 4uit it)C
B;hm, not to break the mood or anythin', but theres a few thin's I have to ask about
what happened last ni'ht,C .hris said softly. (hen he was met with nods all around he
burrowed a little further into /andy and continued. B(hen you 'uys called 2he &ak, how
did>well were they surprised or did they)EC
B0ean and 0cott knew almost ri'ht away. It seemed like they had for'ot until /andy said
somethin' about you and @ric in the same sentence. 3evin was lost until /andy came out
and said it.C
.hris nodded slowly when Dave said that. BAnd you /icE Did you knowEC
BI cau'ht on when 0cotty and 0ean did. I never really knew for sure, but I had always
/andy 'ave /ic a soft smile over .hris head when the old man looked overcome with
shame and 'uilt once more.
BIts okay, /ic,C .hris assured him a'ain before si'hin'. B0o youre not 'onna touch him
until they 'et hereEC
/andys hand stilled on his back and 0hawn and *unter spoke to'ether. B2hats /andys
B2hats just how it works. *es headin' this one up. *e called the meetin', put the
situation out there, told them he wanted somethin' done about it, so he calls the shots. *e
says 'o, they 'o. If he wants to do it by himself then he will. @ither way, they dont touch
6ischoff without his say>so,C Audrey informed softly.

BFou remember what I said about over>doin' it,C .hris asked his lover 4uietly.
BFes, babe. I told the 'uys about it and we a'reed we wont beat his ass too bad.C
B.hris, Ive 'ot you,C he repeated in that same soft serious voice. B2rust me.C
.hris swallowed suddenly feelin' like his throat was filled with sand. BI trust you.C
2he emotional embers sparked back to a ra'in' fire for both of them and the kiss they
shared was as reminiscent of the ni'ht before as their words. It was tender, but the
desperation and the need was there underneath it all. 2here wasnt enou'h of it to have
them hard and pantin', but enou'h for them to press as close to'ether as they could and
for palms and fin'ers to splay across bare skin.
/andy si'hed into the slow kiss rakin' his short, neat nails li'htly alon' .hris back as
his other hand cradled the older mans hip. .hris responded inchin' his hand up to splay
across /andys smooth chest while simultaneously suckin' the brunettes ton'ue into his
mouth with an almost inaudible moan of his own.
*unter and 0hawn met each others eyes and shared a smile at havin' been ri'ht. 0hawn
broke the look and smiled down at Audrey who was starin' at .hris and /andy with a
pleased e?pression. 0he looked up when she felt his eyes on her and she leaned up for a
kiss which he had no problem 'ivin'.
*unter, cau'ht up in watchin' the other four, found himself feelin' a little lonely. 0i?
days seemed like a lifetime when he was sittin' ne?t to Dave and wantin' nothin' more
than to take him in his arms and never let him 'o. 1r maybe havin' that 'o the other way
around. At this point he didnt really care who held who as lon' as the two of them were
the ones involved.
*e was terrifyin'ly close to just breakin' down and tellin' Dave everythin' when
suddenly the lar'er man was pullin' him towards him, 'uidin' the blondes head to his
BFou look tired, *unt. (e 'ot about an hour Atil we 'et to the airport, rest a little.C
A si'h was *unters only protest as his eyes closed. *e knew without openin' his eyes
that the 'ae burnin' into him was /andys. *e 'ave a 4uick smile that he knew the
youn'er man would see before he went to sleep in the safe arms of the man he now
admittedly loved.
B*unt, were almost there,C Dave said 'ently shakin' the blonde on his shoulder.
*unter 'roaned and opened his eyes. *e found that he and Daves lips were only inches
apart and he drew in a li'ht breath. As soon as he saw the spark of lon'in' in Daves deep
brown eyes he licked his lower lip)and drew away. *e used his 'ro''iness to mask his
e?citement over the fact that Dave was still as into him as hed always been. *ed had
this fear deep down inside that maybe Dave had 'otten over him since theyd called off
their arran'ement. =ow that he was completely sure that they were still on the same pa'e
he felt his anticipation for Friday renew.
B0leep wellEC
*unter 'ave 0hawn one of their secret looks before answerin' him. BFeah. Didnt know I
needed that e?tra hour that much.C
B;p late,C /andy 4uestioned with a li'ht smile leavin' no doubt as to what he was
referrin' to.
*unter knew what he was doin' and he loved him for the setup. B=o, actually I went to
sleep pretty early last ni'ht. As a matter of fact Ive been 'ettin' to sleep early for almost
a week now.C
*is words were a direct hit. Dave sat up strai'hter and looked a little shocked before he
could school his features into his normal calm e?pression. *unter smiled inwardly and
.hris and /andy s4ueeed each others hands happily.
B(hos lookin' forward to this plane ride,C /ic asked with about ero enthusiasm as the
airport si'ns came into view.
BI am,C everyone echoed in sheer monotone.
B(hat are the odds on the rooms bein' close at the hotel,C Dave asked /andy as was
/andy 'enerally took care of the rooms and he and *unter traded off on plane tickets and
rental cars. 1f course @ric was the one who initially booked everythin', but in this 'roup
all of his plans were subject to chan'e.
B(ere at four rooms now instead of two so I know for a fact that its at least fifty>fifty.
@ric likes to keep @volution close to'ether, but now were all spread out because of .hris
and 0hawn. Fou and *unter are 'onna 'et the rooms that are close to each other because
I used to room with *unter and /ic used to room with you and that wouldve been all
four of us. 2hat only takes care of Fou, ,ark, *unter and /ic now. 0hawn normally 'ets
a room either a floor above or below us so thats where him and Audrey will be and
.hris room is normally near -asons and theyre always two floors down so thats where
well be.C
B2hink theres a chance of 0hawn and .hris rooms bein' any closerEC
BIm sure anythin's possible, but probably not,C he told *unter. BAt least not without
some outside help anyway. Do we want closer or can we live with thisEC 1ne look around
the spacious limo and he had his answer. BIll 'et ri'ht on it as soon as we land. (ere
'oin' to)EC
BFresno,C 0hawn supplied proud that he now knew their destination.
BFeah, Fresno,C *unter repeated. B2he other side of .ali. .ountry and farms.C
B-ust like home huh, /andy,C Audrey teased.
BFoure one to talk little miss 0hreveport. 0aint :ouis wasnt as country as that.C
BI love bein' a country 'irl, thank you very much.C
/andy stuck his ton'ue out at her and she returned the 'esture)until 0hawn cau'ht her
ton'ue between his lips and everyone else lau'hed. It was a 'ood moment and you could
literally see everyone soakin' it up while it lasted.
2hin's were 'oin' to 'et very serious, very soon. 0tartin' with Friday.
*unter took his seat by the window and looked up surprised when 7re'ory *elms sat
down beside him instead of Dave or /ic.
B(hat are you doin'EC
6efore 7re'ory could answer *unter, Dave appeared beside him and tapped his shoulder.
BFoure in my seat, 7re'.C
BFour seatE 6ut my ticket says this is my seat,C he said showin' the much lar'er man his
ticket in sli'ht fear.
BI dont care what your ticket says, you sittin' here is fuckin' up our seatin' plan. Foure
'onna have to move, kid,C Dave said in an uncompromisin' voice.
*elms turned to *unter who was starin' at him as thou'h hed lost his mind. B6ut>C
BIf I were you Id shut the fuck up and do what he says, *elms. 6ut that could just be
me,C /andy said in a board tone from the seat directly in front of *unter. *e didnt even
turn around towards them, just kept readin' his ma'aine. 6eside him .hris chuckled and
pulled on his headphones restin' his head on /andys shoulder and closin' his eyes.
(hen /ic appeared ne?t to Dave and *elms found himself cau'ht in three very intense
stares he 'ot up from the seat and inched past Dave attemptin' to take the seat ne?t to
him. /ic cleared his throat pointedly and 7re'ory moved aside a'ain lettin' the older
man take the aisle seat. *e 'lanced around and moved up to /andy and .hris aisle
noticin' that it was only the two of them there and that the aisle seat was free.
BDont even think about it *elms,C /andy said a'ain not lookin' up from his ma'aine.
7re'ory turned and went the opposite direction and stopped at the aisle behind *unter,
Dave and /ic where a'ain there were only two occupied seats.
B=ope. 3eep movin', buddy,C Audrey said with a shake of her head.
It looked like he wasnt 'oin' to listen until 0hawn turned his head away from the
window and stared him down. BFou heard her.C
6y this time the cruiserwei'ht looked about near tears as he stalked off towards the back
of the plane.
B7od, people these days,C /andy said to whichever 3li4 member was listenin'.
BI know ri'ht,C 0hawn called up to him with annoyance clear in his voice.
B,aybe we were a little harshE I mean it is *elms.C
@veryone, e?cept .hris who was now practically asleep, paused to consider /ics words.
B=ah,C they denied in unison as the stewardess be'an to 'o throu'h the safety procedures
for the fli'ht.
BI dont wanna work toni'ht. I wanna take a hot bath and sleep for a few strai'ht days.C
*unter 'ave .hris a discreet, sympathetic kiss to the temple as the two of them made
their way to the rental car counter. /andy was currently takin' care of rearran'in' the
rooms which meant trackin' certain people down and a lot more strenuous thin's that
.hris wasnt up for so hed opted to 'o with *unter. Dave, Audrey and 0hawn were
currently 'ettin' the food for everyone and /ic had disappeared into the 'ift>shop.
BDid /andy keep you up too late last ni'htEC
B*ell yes,C .hris said with a sly smile, Band I wouldnt mind him doin' it a'ain toni'ht.
Im not so much physically tired ya knowE Its more emotional.C
*unter nodded and looped a companionable arm around .hris shoulder. BI know it has to
be hard for you to talk about and to have this many people know. 0omethin' like that is
never easy to have out in the open and I can only ima'ine what you must be 'oin'
throu'h, .hris. I just)I know youve heard it about a million times since last ni'ht, but I
want you to know that were 'onna take care of everythin'. Dont even stress yourself
out worryin' about it.C
B0o Im not 'onna have anythin' to do with thisEC
BIts 3evins plan and we havent heard anythin' about it yet, but no, I seriously doubt
youll be in it. If youre not and you wanna be then we can make sure 3evin knows it and
hell add you. Is that what you wantEC
BI dont know. Ill have to think really hard about it.C
BI know its hard either way. Fou have awhile to think it over, just let us know what you
decide by that ,onday, okayEC
*unter smiled and removed his arm as they neared the Alamo counter.
B*ello, can I help you today sir,C the perky blonde asked with a smile.
BFes, I called yesterday and made arran'ements for three rentals.C
BFes sir, your first and last name please,C she asked as she be'an typin' away at her
B=ickolas (illiams. 2hats =ickolas spelled with a c>k not c>h.C
B1kay,C she said softly as she typed in the information. 0he bri'htened when she reached
the screen she needed. BFou rented three white fully loaded 6,( G#Ps to be returned
tomorrow mornin'.C
BFes, maam.C
B:et me just 'et you your keys and youre all set,C she said before walkin' to the back.
B=ickolas (illiams,C .hris asked with a smirk.
B:ike -osh 6ailey is so much better.C
BI look like a -osh more than you look like a =ick,C .hris ar'ued.
BFou dont look like a -osh,C *unter said e?aminin' him. BFou look more like a -ustin or
BFou dont look like anythin' other than *unter.C
BAlri'ht ,ister (illiams,C the blonde said returnin' with her ever present smile. B*ere
are your keys. *ave you ever rented a vehicle from Alamo /entals beforeEC
BFes I have.C
B0o youre familiar with the rental policy and the rules and re'ulations thenEC
BI break it, I wreck it, I satin it, I buy itEC
0he 'ave a small chuckle. B2hats just about the 'ist of it. @njoy your rentals.C
BI will, thank you,C he said with a lin'erin' 'lance that made the woman blush and 'ive a
shy smile back.
.hris chuckled to himself as he and *unter walked away from the counter. BDamn, make
her cream her thon' why dont youEC
BI cant help it,C the lar'er man said with a shru'. B(omen are so much easier to please
than 'uys.C
BI dont think you have much trouble with either one.C
BFou werent e?actly easy.C
BFou had it a hell of a lot easier than /andy did. ,e and him have known each other for
almost three years and you knew me for like one>and>a>half .C
B6ut you and me were just se? thou'h. Fou and /andy actually had to build somethin'
to'ether first. &lus I put a lot of effort into 'ettin' you in bed. Fou really had no choice,C
*unter said with a lau'h before he realied e?actly what hed said. B.hris, I didnt mean
that you had no choice. If you ever wouldve told me to stop I would have. I never
wouldve hurt you like that. I>C
B*unter, stop it,C .hris interrupted mercifully. 2he horror on his friends face would have
been amusin' in any other situation e?cept this one. *e knew this was 'oin' to come up
between him and *unter at some point. BI knew that you wouldnt hurt me the way @ric
did. If I thou'ht that you would I never wouldve slept with you. I trusted you, *unter.
Id 'otten about ten propositions in the first week I walked into this federation and it only
'ot worse the lon'er I was here. I only took up two other ones besides yours before I
ended up with -ohn so that has to tell you somethin'.C
A 'reat wei'ht lifted from *unters shoulders at .hris reassurin' words. 2hen somethin'
occurred to him. B(ho was the third personE I know there was me and Dwayne but I
didnt know about anybody else.C
B*all,C *unter asked perple?ed.
B/aven,C he asked even more lost than before. B*ow the hell did that happenEC
B(e were in some hotel bar in some city and we ended up talkin' about the bad old days
in (.(,C .hris said with a hint of sadness in his voice. *unter unconsciously reached
over and threw an arm around his shoulders but kept a friendly distance for appearances.
B*e told me that he knew @ric had hurt me. I started freakin' out because I thou'ht he
was talkin' about him rapin' me.C
B(as heEC
B=o, thank 7od. *e was talkin' about the way hed held me down and literally killed my
career there. Fou know 0cotts career wasnt e?actly stellar when he left there either. *e
understood why I 'ave one>hundred and ten percent here and he knew how scared I was
of not makin' it and endin' back up in @.( or worse. (e connected on this level that
Id never connected with anybody else on. (e shared pain.C
B(ell thats always a 'reat cornerstone to build somethin' on,C *unter said shakin' his
head a little.
B2ell me about it,C .hris said with a small chuckle. BAnyways, we had se? that ni'ht and
for awhile after that we would come to each other when one of us really needed someone
who understood.C
BI had no clue.C
B=o one did e?cept (altman and thats only because he walked in on us kissin' in 0cotts
locker>room one ni'ht.C
BIm surprised he didnt tell me. For awhile there he had it in his head that me and you
were a real couple.C
B(ell at the time he had no reason to tell you. I was sleepin' with 0cott way before I
started sleepin' with you. As a matter of fact you were the last person in the business that
I had anythin' with before -ohn. After me and your little flin' I was solo for awhile and
then I started talkin' to the drummer in my band. After him there was this one 'uy that
didnt work because of the distance and then there were like, one or two one>ni'ht stands,
then me and -ohn 'ot to'ether. And now /andy.C
*unter nodded alon' but he looked like somethin' was botherin' him.
B(hats wron', *untEC
*unter hesitated a second before si'hin'. B(ed never met before you came over from
(.( and I 'uess Im just wonderin' why you trusted me so much.C
BIts the way you carried yourself and the way you lived your life. I knew you werent
'onna rape me because if I told you no you couldve snapped your fin'ers and had
someone else ready and willin'. And then I knew 2he &ak from (.(. (e were pretty
close and I knew I could trust them. Foure all just alike so I knew I could trust you too.C
BFoure so damn perceptive, .hris.C
BI 'ot a lot more observant after @ric pulled that shit. (hen you start havin' to constantly
live in fear of someone jumpin' on you and throwin' you over the nearest piece of
furniture you end up payin' attention to thin's you never did before.C
B=o one should ever have to be that scared,C *unter whispered almost to himself.
BI a'ree, but shit happens. Im a better jud'e of character and I pick my friends more
carefully. @very since I 'ot here I made it a point to surround myself with people I know
Im safe with.C
*unter took that for the compliment that it was before rufflin' .hris hair playfully in an
attempt to li'hten the mood. BFeah, you came in and immediately chose the bi''est and
tou'hest 'uys to make friends with huh, .hrissyEC
BIt really does look that way doesnt it,C .hris asked with a lau'h. BFirst Dwayne, then
0cott, and then you. Damn I looked like a power hun'ry twink.C
B=ah. =o one knew about you and 0cott and then everybody fi'ured I was 'onna 'et to
you eventually. I kinda e?pected you and Dwayne from day one too, and I was actually
surprised it took you two as lon' as it did to 'et to'ether. I saw the way he looked at you
when you debuted and interrupted him in the middle of his speech. 2here was definitely
chemistry there between you 'uys.C
B2here was that,C .hris a'reed with a fond smile. B(e were real you knowE (e had an
actual relationship for about si? months before *ollywood called and we started seein'
each other less and less.C
BI know I remember. Fou were actually a really cute couple.C
BI wonder what hes up to. (e havent talked in a 'ood month. Its funny but our last
conversation was him tellin' me that he was 'onna beat my ass if I didnt finally tell
/andy how I felt.C
B*es always been 'reat with tact,C *unter said with playful sarcasm. B*es 'onna be
makin' an appearance on /A( this comin' ,onday.C
B/eallyE 2hey havent posted anythin' about it, how do you knowEC
B*e called me a couple of days a'o and told me. 0ince were 'oin' to :A and everythin'
5ince asked him to come on the show and 'ive the fans a little treat. *e didnt 'ive 5ince
a solid answer so its not 'onna be advertised, but he told me hes definitely comin'.C
BItll be 'reat to see him a'ain. At least now I wont have to listen to him 'ripe at me
about /andy anymore.C
B2here were a lot of people pullin' for you and the kid,C *unter said with a soft smile.
B0o I noticed. 2he top two of them bein' you and 3evin,C .hris said pointedly as they
neared the food court. Findin' their friends was 'oin' to be an adventure since it seemed
like a million people were jammed into the small area.
*unter had to lau'h. BI wondered when you were 'onna 'rill me about that. Fou have to
know that I would never bet on you like that in a real situation. @verythin' was
completely under control.C
B(hat if /andy didnt end up fallin' in love with meEC
B*es been in love with you, this isnt some recent development. *e just needed a little
help in noticin' it.C
B(ell what if he hadnt realied it or whateverE (hat if hed slept with me just because
of the betEC
B,e and 3ev had a back>up plan to make sure that didnt happen. Foure my friend,
.hris, and 3ev just fuckin' adores you. (e wouldnt have let you 'et hurt like that.C
BFou promiseEC
BI swear. 6ut it didnt 'o down that way did itE @verythin's all 'ood between you and
/andy so thats a job well done for me and 3ev. From the way youre walkin' and from
the smile on 1rtons face this mornin' I can assume that you a'reeEC
BI do appreciate it,C the blonde said with a beamin' smile as he thou'ht about the ni'ht
before. B6ut ne?t time could you 'uys not make the bet surround meEC
BI doubt therell be a ne?t time, but sure. =o more bets and you in the same scenario.C
B2hank you.C
*unter scanned the food court tryin' to find anythin' that could help them find their
friends easier. A sudden movement cau'ht his eyes as well as the sound of clatterin'
silverware. *is instincts told him to 'et there and one 'lance at .hris told him that the
other blonde felt the same way.
2he two of them pushed throu'h the crowds of people, almost throwin' some of them in
their haste, and reached the small 'roup of people where /andy was lau'hin' his ass off
watchin' Dave hold Audrey back who was stru''lin' impressively for someone so small.
0hawn was tryin' to talk her down while /ic was sayin' somethin' to =idia as she
pulled herself up off the floor.
.hris blinked in surprised amusement as Audrey yelled out to the retreatin', fri'htened
'irl. B3iss him a'ain and Ill rip your fuckin' throat out, bitch<C
0hawn said somethin' to Dave and the lar'er man released Audrey into her boyfriends
'rasp. Dave and *unter then 'ot to work on clearin' the crowd that had 'athered around
the area.
.hris walked over to the table and sat down ne?t to a still chucklin' /andy. B(hat the
hell happenedEC
BFou know how =idias been likin' 0hawn forever but never tried anythin' because of
him and *unter even thou'h she knew he went both waysEC
B(ell today she 'ot brave I 'uess and walked ri'ht up to the table and just kissed him.C
B1h no,C .hris said with a anticipatin' smile.
/andy nodded with a smile of his own. BAudrey moved so fast we couldnt even reach to
stop her. 0he 'rabbed =idia by her hair and threw her face first on the floor really hard.
0he 'ot in one 'ood kick but Dave 'rabbed her before she could do anythin' else.C
B(hat was /ic sayin' to =idiaEC
BI think he felt bad for her since she didnt know or anythin' so he told her that Audrey
was 0hawns 'irlfriend. *e told her that she should spread it around pretty fast too and
save the other 'irls some ass beatin's.C
.hris shook his head and looked back at Audrey who was noddin' at 0hawns words
while visibly tryin' to calm down. 0hawn was tryin' to hide his pleased e?pression but
he was doin' a horrible job of it. Dave and *unter returned to the table with /ic in tow
and soon 0hawn and Audrey did too. @veryone stared at the 'irl with different de'rees of
amusement and e?pectation.
0he just picked up a for'otten French fry from her plate and ate it. B0o did you 'uys 'et
the rentalsEC

0hawn had to kiss her.
Chapter 13 ast Minute Manipulations
2he hi'hly anticipated 2hursday finally arrived brin'in' with it a few very e?cited men
and one woman. 2hou'h the real show wasnt until the ne?t ni'ht, 2hursday was nearly
as important to the plan as Friday. All the 'roundwork had to be laid and the last minute
arran'ements had to be in place.
/andy and .hris were awakened by the rin'in' of their cell>phones terrifyin'ly early that
mornin' considerin' it was an off day. .hris blindly reached for the ni'ht table and
'rabbed both phones tossin' one to /andy.
B*ello,C .hris mumbled.
/andy was less polite. B(hatEC
2here was a silent moment where the two callers spoke and then simultaneously the
couple traded phones.
B*unter,C /andy asked into the receiver now that he had his own phone.
B0hawn,C .hris assumed around a yawn as he sat up in bed.
After the moment of confusion passed they were both briefed on what was e?pected of
them for the remainder of the day. 2hey were both informed that their main focus was to
piss ,ark off enou'h to do somethin' stupid while also buildin' *unter up so much that
,ark wouldnt be able to resist the older man. (hile 0hawn settled .hris with the special
task of findin' out which club everythin' was 'oin' to start off at, *unter reminded
/andy that he had to make sure everythin' with the rooms was set before they landed.
2hat meant talkin' directly to @ric today. 2hat was the part that had *unter and 0hawn
most concerned. /andy had to keep his cool with the 7eneral ,ana'er now or else he
mi'ht put 3evins impendin' plan in jeopardy. /andy had assured *unter that everythin'
was 'oin' to be fine for the moment and after five minutes of that the older man finally
believed him.
*unter and 0hawn went throu'h their objectives for the day step by step makin' .hris
and /andys jobs seem like walks in the park. 2hey also told the youn'er men about
Audreys cameo in the plan set for later that day that was sure to have a hu'e effect on
,ark. /ic had his orders as well and he was the one dealin' closely with Dave so his part
specifically had to be carried out without a hitch or else Dave would see throu'h it all.
After that the two older blondes were put on speakerphone as the final details of the
followin' ni'ht were ban'ed out. @arlier in the week a chan'e had to be made since no
one could come up with a believable reason as to why *unter and ,ark would just 'o out
to a club to'ether without it lookin' either suspicious or just plain obvious. (hen that
problem had presented itself theyd considered droppin' the whole club scene and
comin' up with somethin' else, until they found out theyd be in 5e'as that Friday.
6ecause of that helpful coincidence it had been worked out durin' the week that the
scenario was 'oin' to play out with the whole 'roup supposedly 'oin' out clubbin'
to'ether on the 0trip. Audrey and 0hawn alon' with .hris and /andy were 'oin' to play
like they were just too horny for each other and had to 'et back to the hotel therefore
leavin' *unter and ,ark behind at the club.
(hile all of this was 'oin' on /ic had to keep Dave occupied lon' enou'h for the four of
them to leave the club, for *unter to 'et supposedly drunk, and for ,ark to take him
back to the hotel and start foolin' around with him. 2o do this /ic and Dave were 'oin'
to 'o out somewhere else before they were supposed to meet up with the 'roup at the
club. /ic was 'oin' to stall and make sure that they stayed out at least an hour and a half
later than the ori'inal meetin' time while keepin' them relatively close to the hotel. 2he
task wouldnt be too hard seein' as how both he and Dave loved to 'amble at the
6lackjack table.
At the last minute *unter had backed away from the idea of actually havin' se? with
,ark, much to everyones understandin', so 0hawn and Audrey were 'oin' to keep
watch of *unters door. At the e?act moment that *unter and ,ark 'ot to *unters room
Audrey and 0hawn were then 'oin' to call /ic alle'edly tellin' him that all of them had
left the club e?cept for *unter and ,ark who were still waitin' for them. /ic was then
supposed to relay the messa'e to Dave before discoverin' that he was runnin' low on
cash and had left the rest of it in his wallet at the hotel and had to 'o back to 'et it before
they headed out to meet *unter and ,ark. 2his would 'ive *unter enou'h time to 'et
thin's started, but not nearly enou'h time for them to start havin' se?. 2he rest was
After comin' up with several backup plans and alternate endin's they were all satisfied
that it would work. (ith well>wishes and several tidbits of last minute advice they all
hun' up and be'an the tasks of 'ettin' ready for the busy day.
.hris had jumped on his laptop and made very 4uick work of scoutin' an upscale discreet
bise?ual club ri'ht on the 0trip. It had taken a lot less time than hed thou'ht it would and
now he was stuck lyin' on the bed slowly worryin' himself insane over what could be
takin' /andy so lon' to talk to @ric. It seemed like hed been 'one forever.
2he knock to his door surprised him and for reasons unknown to him he be'an to feel a
sense of panic trickle up his spine. *e felt his hands tremblin' and a churnin' in his
stomach that closely resembled nausea as his breath became painfully trapped in his
B.hris< 1pen up, 0u'ar, Im bored<C
.hris felt the relief wash over him so stron' it nearly made him diy. *e walked over to
the door and pulled it open thankful for the distraction. (ith Audrey here maybe he
wouldnt focus on all the horrible thin's that could be 'oin' on between @ric and /andy
at the moment.
B*ey yourself. Are you okayE (hat were you doin' in hereEC
BIm fine, just sittin' around waitin' for /andy to come back,C he said as nonchalantly as
he could. *e honestly didnt even know why he tried to fool her anymore, she saw ri'ht
throu'h him.
B;h hu, and I suppose thats why your face is red, youre eyes are wild and you look like
youre scared shitless ri'htE 6ecause youre fine just sittin' around waitin' for /andyEC
*e couldnt help but smile. B1kay, Ive been in here torturin' myself thinkin' that
somethin's 'one wron' and /andy and @ric are fi'htin')or worse. 2hen when you
knocked on the door I nearly had a panic attack.C
BI think it passed the nearly sta'e,C she said steppin' into the room and closin' the door
behind her. BAre those normal for youE &anic attacks I meanEC
B=ot anymore. I havent had one since about a year after it first happened. I dont
understand this.C
B2he memories are pretty fresh since you havent made yourself think about it in awhile
and youre havin' people brin' it up nearly everyday now,C she said with a shru'.
BFoure havin' to deal with it.C
BIve been dealin' with it,C he countered.
B=ot like this. Fouve been dealin' with the comin' to terms with it part. =ow youre
dealin' with the confrontation part. Fou never ima'ined youd do anythin' to @ric for
what he did to you because a small part of you still thinks that you had a hand in what
B=o it doesnt,C he tried weakly.
BFou cant bullshit a bullshitter, .hris. Fou still have to stop yourself from apolo'iin'
every few days. Intellectually, you know that it wasnt your fault but theres still that
emotional part that you havent let 'o of. 2hat bein' what it is, youve never let yourself
be an'ry enou'h at @ric to wanna really hurt him. =ow that hes 'onna be hurt for what
his sorry ass did to you, you have to come to terms with the last bit of 'uilt youre
harborin'. And you have to 'et an'ry. 2o do both of those you have to di' deep into shit
youve been makin' it a point not to think about if you dont have to.C
.hris si'hed and flopped back down on the bed starin' at the ceilin'. B(ow, Im even
more fucked up than I thou'ht.C
Audrey lau'hed and laid down with her head on his chest wrappin' an arm around his
waist and a le' between both of his when he be'an to stroke her hair. B=o more fucked
up than the rest of us.C
B2hats really reassurin' to hear, let me tell you.C
0he 'i''led a'ain. BAnyways, did you find a club for usEC
BFeah, its a really nice one too. Im 'onna show *unter and 0hawn later and make sure
they think its 'ood enou'h.C
BIm sure it is. As lon' as it isnt some run down, two>dollar cover char'e, drinks are
fifty>cents til midni'ht, techno strai'ht club, I dont think theres 'onna be a problem.C
It was .hris turn to lau'h. BFou been to many of thoseEC
B1ne or two.C
A comfortable silence passed between them after that and they lay there tan'led to'ether
feelin' the comfort and reassurance of bein' in each others arms. It did a lot to calm
.hris worryin' and Audrey just liked bein' there with him. It was 'ood to finally have
someone to comfort instead of always bein' the comforted.
2hey were lulled into such a feelin' of contentment that the pair almost missed the click
of the electronic lock before /andy walked into the room. *e 'reeted them with a smile.
B*ey babe. ;h, Audrey, I think you 'ot the wron' blonde. Fours is a little taller, 2e?as
accent, 'ot ADiva written across his forehead and answers to the initials *63. /in'in'
any bellsEC
Audrey flicked him off with and easy smile. B=ormally Id take your jealousy as a
compliment but I happen to know you have nothin' to worry about. 2his boy is one>
hundred percent in love with you.C
In a spontaneous show of his a'e, /andy jumped on the bed on .hris other side and laid
his head on his chest also. BI know, isnt it fuckin' 'reatEC
.hris shook his head a little. B2hats a 'reat answer baby, you know, as opposed to you
sayin' AIm one hundred percent in love with him too.C
/andy kissed his boyfriends neck in silent apolo'y. BFou know that 'oes without sayin'
BFeah, yeah, yeah. Fou 'uys are nauseatin'.C Audrey was stopped from sayin' anythin'
else by her rin'in' cell>phone. BFesE)))AlreadyE)))Im on my way ri'ht
now))))).hris and /andys room))))7ood. I like bein' able to talk to
him)))Feah okay. I 'otta 'o now but Ill call you when Im done)):ove you too.
B(here you headin'EC
B/ic called 0hawn and told him that Dave and ,ark are at the pool now so I 'otta 'et out
there and do my thin'.C
BI really wanna see this. (e should 'o, .hris.C
B(e have to piss ,ark off anyway, mi'ht as well start early,C .hris said with as much of
a shru' as he could muster with two people usin' him as a pillow. BAre you swimmin'EC
B,ore like Im prancin' around and bein' seen for the most part,C she said with a smile.
BFou dont have to put on swimmin' trunks or anythin'.C
/andy rolled off of .hris and off of the bed 'ivin' Audrey a hand up and then his
boyfriend ne?t. Audrey stood ne?t to them and pulled her shirt over her head revealin' a
very skimpy pink strin'>bikini top. 0he unipped and unbuttoned her little bitty blue jean
shorts showin' off a little of her matchin' bottoms.
BFeah 0howtime is where I saw that outfit the last time I watched cable at two oclock in
the mornin',C /andy said lookin' at her in shock. B(hat the hell is thatEC
BIll tell you what its not,C .hris said in the same state as /andy. BIts not clothes.C
Audrey threw her head back a little and lau'hed as she adjusted her top so that she wasnt
spillin' out as much. 0he was bi''er than 2rish in the womans best push>up bra. BFou
'uys are silly, come on.C
/andy 'rabbed her arm and pulled her back in front of him. *e saw in her eyes that she
wasnt as comfortable as she claimed. BAre you sure youre okay with thisE 2heres
'onna be more 'uys out there than ,ark and Dave.C
0he lowered her eyes to the floor for a moment before meetin' /andys once a'ain.
BDaves 'onna be out there and so are you and .hris. If somethin' 'oes wron' youll
make it ri'ht.C
BDoes 0hawn know youre 'oin' out there dressed like thisEC
0he was silent lon' enou'h for both men to know the answer to that 4uestion. B*e knows
Im 'oin' out there. 2hats all he needs to know.C
BAnd when he finds outE 6ecause you know hell find out, Audrey.C
BItll be over and hell see that Im fine and hell lecture me about it for awhile and then
'et over it.C .hris arched an eyebrow and she lau'hed a little. B(ell he wont just 'et
over it and hell probably watch me like a hawk from now on, but hell be happy that Im
okay. *ell be 'lad to know that Im 'ettin' stron'er.C
BFou dont have to push yourself just because youre with him. *es been your friend for
years and hes loved you the whole time just the way you are. *es not e?pectin' you to
start jumpin' every emotional hurdle now that hes finally in your life like this.C
0he bit her lip for a lon' moment before si'hin' and pullin' her arm from his 'rip
headin' for the door. BI have to 'et out there, /andy. Are yall comin' or whatEC
.hris saw that /andy wanted to push the issue, and truthfully he wanted him to, but the
brunette didnt. B/i'ht behind you.C
As the three stepped throu'h the door to the indoor pool Audrey immediately found Dave
and ,ark since they were the only people sittin' down instead of in the pool. 0he
surveyed the pool and 'ave thanks that there were only about si? 'uys and a few women.
All were wrestlers. 0he was still uncomfortable around lar'e 'roups of men, especially
when she was half naked and bein' o'led, but she had to do this.
0he took a few calmin' breaths and told herself that it wasnt so bad at the moment. 0ure
she was bein' stared at, but by now word had 'otten around that she was 3li4 and she
was 0hawns. 0he wouldnt be bothered much.
0he was walkin' over towards the couple when ,ark abruptly choked on his drink. 0he
thou'ht he had just swallowed too much but then she noticed he was starin' at a spot
behind her. 0he turned and smiled when she found /andy and .hris playin' around
actin' like they were 'oin' to throw each other into the pool. 0he knew it wasnt so much
the playin' that had ,ark chokin', but the position they were Aplayin' in. /andy was
standin' behind .hris with his arms wrapped around his shorter lover attemptin' to move
him closer to the ed'e. .hris was Astru''lin' a'ainst /andy conse4uently rubbin' his ass
a'ainst the brunettes crotch all the while. 2hey were basically just 'rindin' with the
occasional tu' here and there. It was cute.
BDave< *elp,C .hris shrieked as if he really wanted to be rescued.
Dave made a show of si'hin' and rollin' his eyes as he 'ot up from his chair. *e 'ave
her a hu' when he went to pass her. B.ame to swimEC
B,aybe, more to just han' out thou'h really.C
BI noticed,C he murmured lookin' at her 'enerous chest spillin' out of the few s4uare
inches of fabric that made up the top. B0hawn know youre out here like thisEC
0he sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes in a classic brat move. BI wasnt aware that
0hawn was my father. (hy is everyone actin' like I need his permission to wear a damn
bikiniEC Dave just 'ave her a look. B(hatEC
BFou know thats not what I meant. *e cares about you, Audrey. *e wouldnt want you
to do somethin' that you had to force yourself to do. *e only wants you to 'o as fast as
you can and he wont push.C
0he si'hed softly. BI hate that yall know me so well.C
B=o you dont,C he said nud'in' her a little.
B=o, I dont,C she a'reed ri'ht before .hris shrieked Daves name a'ain. 0he turned and
saw that he was now facin' /andy with a knee between the brunettes le's to supposedly
stop himself from bein' thrown into the pool. If this kept up theyd be fuckin' in five
minutes. BFou need to 'o play hero.C
BFeah, like he really needs savin',C Dave said with a chuckle. B6etter stop Aem anyway
thou'h before we 'et free porn.C
B(ould be a hell of a show,C Audrey said tiltin' her head considerin'ly.
BFeah it would,C Dave said with an appreciative smile.
B,ind if I steal your chair until you 'et backEC
B2ake it.C
2hat done she walked over to Daves abandoned chair and sat down ne?t to ,ark. B*ey
,ark looked over and 'lanced at her chest just lon' enou'h for her to tell that he was at
least sli'htly into chicks. 2heyd said hed just officially stepped out of the closet and that
he had been pinin' after /andy for a year, but he still evidently had an eye for females.
B*ey. 0hawn let you out of the roomEC
(hen she determined that he was only jokin' she let herself 'i''le a little. BFeah he
loosens the leash every once in awhile.C
B-ust doesnt want anybody else movin' in on his 'irl. .ant say I blame him thou'h. If
you were my 'irlfriend Id do the same.C
B/eallyE Fou and Dave dont seem to be very possessive of each other.C
B2hats because we know whats what. (ere secure in the fact that were faithful to each
Audrey felt a twin'e in her stomach and fou'ht hard to keep her lunch down. (hat an
asshole. B2hats 'ood, but even if you were thinkin' about cheatin' its not like anybody
around here is stupid enou'h to try to come between a 3li4 relationship anyway. (e
dont have much tolerance for people who try to break up happy homes. @specially our
happy homes.C
2here was a sli'ht hesitation on ,arks part before he tentatively asked, B(hat would
happen if somebody didEC
B*mm, the last time someone tried to slip between 3ev and 0cotty the 'uy was wearin' a
cast for si? weeks. 2he time before that the chick had a broken nose and a cracked rib.
2hats all the e?perience Ive had with it but they can tell you some more stories from
before I came into the family.C
B2hey beat up a 'irlEC
B=o, me and -o did.C
B-oanie.C (hen he still looked clueless she si'hed, B.hyna.C
B1h. 2he 'irl tried to 'et between *all and =ash tooEC
B=o, first she tried to 'et between *unter and the 3li4. 2hen she let someone come in
and 'et between her and *unter.C
B(ho was itE 2he 'irl, I meanEC
B*unts e?>wife.C
BFep, that ho. 0he always resented the fact that we had such a bi' part of *unters life, so
the whole time they were married she tried to lock him up away from us as much as she
could.C 0he chuckled suddenly, BIt mustve just killed her to know that she actually
wasnt the center of everyones universe.C
B0o you kicked her ass for that and *unter just let it happenE 2o his wifeEC
B=o. As much as we wanted to kill her for tryin' to come between us, she was married to
*unter and we respected that, no matter how fucked up and unfair she was actin'. &lus
we look out for each other and everythin', but we dont force decisions on each other or
hand>hold each other throu'h life you knowE *es a bi' boy and if he was 'oin' to let her
keep him away from us then it wouldve been just as much his fault as it was hers.C
B2hats true,C ,ark supplied with a nod.
BAnyway, as everyone knows, she ended up havin' an affair. (e mana'ed to not jump
her ass the second we heard about it, you know, just in case *unt wanted to try to make it
work. :uckily for us he filed for divorce two hours after he told us about her affair and
then told me and -o that he didnt care what happened to her as lon' as it didnt end up
with him 'ettin' fired.C
B2hat sounds a little vindictive,C ,ark observed.
Audrey chuckled at that. B2he 3li4 is the most vindictive 'roup of people youll ever
meet in your life, ,ark, remember that. And aside from that, someone needed to kick her
ass just for all the shit shes done in her life and 'ot out of with money and tears. It was a
lon' time comin'.C
BI 'uess.C
BFou havent let me finish,C she said to his sli'htly disapprovin' tone. B2rue enou'h
wed already planned to kick her ass, but then the bitch 'ave us even more reason. 0he
was tryin' to keep *unt from divorcin' her cheatin' ass by threatenin' him and 0hawns
careers. 0he actually threatened to have him fired and to have 0hawns pendin' contract
ripped up. 0o naturally me and -o had to do somethin', and since she was threatenin'
their careers we threatened her physical condition. After she ended up swallowin' enou'h
of her own blood from her broken nose, she eventually came around and si'ned the
papers and promised to stay out of 3li4 business from now on.C
BI already told you, we look out for each other and no one breaks up our happy homes.C
,ark was silent for a lon' while before he hesitantly be'an to speak. B(hat if>what if it
was one of you who like)broke up the home or whateverEC
Audrey barely held back her triumphant smile. BFou mean like if one of us sleeps with
another 3li4 members 'uy or 'irlEC
B(ell most of us have been with each other and the persons partner too. 2heres usually
a trust there so no one 'ets really mad. Ive slept with *unter, my 0hawn, the other 0ean,
-o, and 3evin. ,e and Dave have fooled around a little before too and me and 0cott flirt
like cray. 2hey all know about it and its fine. 0hawn isnt jealous or anythin' and he
knows I slept with 3id ri'ht before I left to drive out here. @verybody knows the whole
3li4+DJ or'y history too so)C she trailed off before shru''in'. BI dont know, I 'uess
mono'amys never really been a major issue as lon' as its in the 'roup.C
BI never thou'ht about it like that before,C he murmured thou'htfully.
B6ut youve been thinkin' about it thou'h huh, -indrak,C she asked allowin' herself to
smile slyly. 0he could almost see the wheels in head turnin' with that latest bit of
B=o,C he answered a little too 4uickly. BI love Dave. Id never cheat on him. *es enou'h
for me.C
B2hats really 'ood to know,C she said feelin' like she was 'oin' to throw>up at the false
sincerity in his eyes and voice. 0he could smell a liar a mile away and he was definitely a
liar. A 'ood one actually. *e mi'ht have even fooled her if she hadnt been livin' amon'
some of the worlds best manipulators for almost three years now. B*es lucky to have
someone as faithful as you, especially with the 'uys yall 'et to see everyday.C
B:ike whoEC
B(ell, *unter for one. Fou know you hes hot as hell and everybody knows that hes
fuckin' fantastic in bed. I can personally vouch for that one. :ast ni'ht me and 0hawn
actually spent like an hour debatin' over what the best part of se? with him is.C
,ark restrained himself for a full five seconds before askin' as calmly as he could,
B(hat did you 'uys decide onEC
0he couldve jumped for joy at how easily this was comin' alon'. B(e couldnt a'ree.
0hawn says its the way he teases you nearly to death. 2hat is one of the only men I know
who can touch you almost nonstop and still hold you on the ed'e for half an hour before
lettin' you cum. Its the best kind of torture and itll 'ive you one of the best or'asms
youve ever had in your life.C 0he watched ,arks eyes flicker closed for a second before
she continued. B6ut as 'ood as his teasin' is, I had to say his ton'ue. Fou think he has
wrestlin' talentE Fou aint seen nothin'. 2he thin's this man can do with just the tip of
his ton'ue are unbelievable. Funny thin' is that he doesnt even have to lick the
important parts to 'et a reaction. I think he can lick you anywhere and have you ready to
e?plode. *es just)I dont even know what to say about se? with him. 2hank 7od I
ended up with someone who can 'ive him a run for his money or else Id be ruined for
other 'uys.C
B*es that 'oodEC
BAre you blind or have you just not noticed all the people tryin' to 'et him in their bedsE
I dont think you can 'et that kind of popularity if youre not doin' you job ri'ht. If you
still dont believe me thou'h you can ask .hris, hes had se? with *unter before.C 0he
lau'hed suddenly at that thou'ht. B*ell, as a matter of fact, please ask him. Itll be nice to
hear him talkin' about se? with someone else besides /andy for a chan'e. 7od, if I have
to hear his .anadian ass talk about how 'ood /andy 'ives head one more time I think
Im 'onna>>,ark are you okay,C she asked forcin' concern into her tone when the blonde
started chockin' a'ain, this time on air.
BFine,C he wheeed as his eyes watered and he stru''led to 'et a full breath. BI dont
know what happened.C
B&robably breathed too 4uick or somethin',C she shru''ed. BIt happens.C
B*old on second,C she said as she fished her rin'in' cell>phone out of her pocket. BFesE
)));h>hu))))=ope)));hm, a bathin' suit top and shorts,C she said slowly,
hesitantly. B=o, 0hawn)))=o, 0hawn)))=o, 0hawn,C she repeated with a hint of
lau'hter creepin' into her voice. B(ould you calm down and listen to yourselfE Foure
actin' like every 'uy here is 'onna jump on me or somethin'. /andy, .hris, and Dave
are here and Im sittin' here talkin' with ,ark. I doubt anybodys 'onna try to do
anythin' unless theyre just e?tra stupid)))))Fep)))..7ood. Id even 'o as far
as to say perfect)))))).. Feah, I think so)))),mmhmm)))&layin'
around by the pool. 2ranslation, nearly fuckin' on the side of the pool. Fou know them.
Daves over there now makin' sure they dont start 'oin' at it))))))(hat are
you tryin' to say ,ister ,ichaels,C she asked in a seductive voice. B))))..1h
reallyE))(ell I think that can be arran'ed)))&ink))))Ill be up in about five
minutes,C she said clickin' her phone shut and smilin' at ,ark who was 'rinnin' back.
BI 'uess youre leavin' nowEC
B*e wants to see my bikini. Apparently, pinks his favorite color all of a sudden. 7o
BI think whatever youre wearin' is his favorite color.C
BI think youre ri'ht,C she said standin' up. BFoure comin' out with us tomorrow ni'ht
BFeah, Ill be there.C
B7ood. A ni'ht out with the 3li4 is always a ni'ht to remember.C
B0o Ive heard,C he said with a smile. BIll see you later.C
B0ee ya,C she said before walkin' back towards the door to the hotel lobby wavin' to the
three men as she passed them.
B(here are you 'oin',C Dave asked curiously. BFou just 'ot here.C
B0hawns callin' me, so...C
B;h>oh,C /andy lau'hed, BI know what that means.C
B@?actly, so you understand I dont really have time to talk. Ill see yall later.C
B6ye,C they chorused.
Chapter 14 Part 1 The Pre.Game *how
B/ise and shine<C
.hris hurriedly rolled into his pillow tryin' to 'et away from the way too cheerful, not to
mention loud, voice.
B1h, come on sleepyhead< (e 'ot a bi' day ahead of us<C
B*unter, Im 'onna castrate you with a rusty butter knife if you dont 'et the hell away
from me,C .hris 'rowled with as much venom as he could muster in his mostly asleep
B2hats a pretty evil thou'ht, .hris,C *unter said 4uietly with somethin' like amaement
in his voice. .hris thou'ht hed said the ma'ic words and *unter would 'et out of his
room, but just as 4uickly as the hope appeared it was 'one a'ain. B7lad to see youre in
the ri'ht mind frame already<C
B/andy, help,C .hris pleaded into the pillow.
B/andys been up and out of here for at least an hour already,C *unter chuckled.
B1h yeah,C he assured with a nod that .hris couldnt see. B*es been busy today. *e
stopped by Dave and ,arks room and woke them up because he just had to tell them
how cute you are when you si'h his name in your sleep and just how much he loves you
and blah blah blah. *e said ,ark almost had a heart attack. 2hen him and 0hawn had an
interestin' little conversation about how much it would cost to 'et someone to slip them
the key to 6ischoffs room ,onday ni'ht. Im not sure where hes 'oin' with that one
but it should be pretty fun. (hen I left the room him and /ic were strate'iin' the
intervention were 'onna have in the hallway toni'ht when Dave 'oes for ,arks throat.
*e sent me to come 'et you up. I have fifteen minutes to 'et back to 0hawn and Audreys
room with you so we can 'o throu'h everythin' one last time before ,ark and Dave
meet us for breakfast.C
B(hy couldnt /andy 'et me upEC
B6ecause we want you Aup as in out of the bed, not Aup as in you ready to fuck him
throu'h the mattress or vice>versa. (e only have maybe an hour before Dave and ,ark
show up.C
BFine, take all my fun,C .hris chuckled as he finally rolled over onto his back thankin'
7od that *unter hadnt completely opened the curtains. 2he sunli'ht comin' in throu'h
the slitted blinds was already enou'h to make him s4uint sli'htly. BFoure horrible
*unters 'ae was travelin' over .hris e?posed skin from his beautiful face all the way
down to his lower abs where the sheet pooled invitin'ly. *e may be in love with Dave
and doin' everythin' in his power to 'et the man back, but he wasnt dead. .hris was hot
as hell.
.hris saw the heated look in *unters eyes and felt an almost unconscious smile 'rae his
lips. BIf I didnt know any better Id swear you were checkin' me out, *unter.C
2he older blonde shook his head a little with a chuckle of his own. B7ot cau'ht up in a
memory there for a second. Fou remember that one ni'ht in AtlantaEC
.hris shuddered instantly in remembrance. *e still 'ot hard thinkin' about it. B*ell yes.
(hat was 'oin' on that ni'htE I still cant even put it into words, *unt.C
B0hit, I know. ,aybe it was somethin' in the water.C
B;ntil /andy, I swear Ive never had anythin' that could compare to that.C
BIts definitely on my top five list,C *unter a'reed with a soft smile. B=ow 'et your ass
out of that bed and 'et dressed. (e have plans to 'o over.C
BDamn it, we 'o over more plans and strate'ies than the fuckin' =avy 0eals,C .hris
'riped climbin' out of bed and paddin' naked to his suitcase.
BFou know, pretty little blondes like you shouldnt walk around naked while they bitch
and moan. 0omethin' could happen.C
.hris smiled at the bi''er blonde over his shoulder. B2hats e?actly why pretty little
blondes like me do it, *unter.C
B1nly this early in the mornin', but it was you who woke me up so you brou'ht it on
yourself,C .hris conceded with a happy little smile as he pulled out a shirt that was only
semi>wrinkled and a pair of jeans.
B=o underwearEC
B=ow why would I wear a thin' like that,C he winked as he hopped into the ti'ht jeans.
*e reveled in *unters 'roan. B0omethin' wron' babyEC
BI hate you.C
B=o you dont.C
BI really think I do. I havent had se? since me and 0hawn that day and youre prancin'
and jumpin' around here like you dont even care. If you shake your ass I mi'ht just have
to apolo'ie to /andy for my actions.C
BFou wouldnt apolo'ie to me,C .hris asked softly with a teasin' pout on his lips.
B7o away<C
B7o where,C .hris asked around a lau'h.
B7o in the bathroom or somethin'. Dont you have to brush your teethEC
BI also have to pee, wanna hold -unior for me while I do itEC
*unter threw himself on the bed with a 'roan. BFoure evil<C
BArent you 'lad Im in the ri'ht mind frame alreadyEC
*unter chunked a pillow at him as he lau'hed his way into the bathroom.
B1h hey 'uys, any lon'er and we were 'onna call one of you,C /ic 'reeted as *unter and
.hris walked into 0hawn and Audreys room.
B(e still 'ot here with two minutes to 'o,C .hris said immediately perchin' in /andys
lap in one of the plush chairs.
B(ouldve 'otten here sooner if it wasnt for him,C *unter 'rumbled 'ood>naturedly as
he took a seat beside /ic on the love>seat.
.hris just stuck his ton'ue out at the older blonde.
B(hatd he do,C 0hawn asked curiously.
B(hat he does best,C *unter said sendin' a playfully seethin' look .hris way who was
involved in a soft kiss with /andy.
/andy pulled back a little lickin' the inside of his own mouth. BFou taste like toothpaste
and)somethin' else.C
2he brunette sat 4uietly for a moment before a look of intri'ue crossed his face. In a
surprisin' burst of movement he swept .hris into a probin' kiss, runnin' his ton'ue
alon' every crevice of the blondes mouth. *e pulled back as abruptly as hed 'one in
and 'ently moved .hris out of his lap. As everyone in the room watched in curious
silence he walked over to *unter and leaned down kissin' him in the same manner much
to the older mans surprise.
/andy finished and stood there in front of his mentor with his head cocked considerin'ly
for a few moments before smilin' bri'htly and returnin' to his chair settlin' his
boyfriend back in his lap.
B0o, .hris,C he be'an conversationally, Bjust how lon' do you have to make>out with
someone before you taste like a piece of candy they ate almost twenty minutes a'oEC
B0omethin' like ten minutes,C the .anadian answered back just as casually.
B0tartin' early huhEC
B(ell you sent him over there, and when in /ome...C
B.ant ar'ue with that,C /andy chuckled.
B@?cuse meE I think I missed somethin' here,C Audrey said with a confused smile.
B1h yeah, well me and .hris were talkin' last ni'ht and we came to an a'reement about
our relationship. (hile were totally and completely in love with each other and very
secure in that fact, thin's are still 'onna 'et pretty touchy>feely around here when 2he
&ak comes on ,onday. (e decided that theres nothin' wron' with playin' around a
little bit so lon' as it doesnt 'o too far and as lon' as its in the family. If we find
ourselves wantin' to have se? with another 3li4 member well check with each other first
and if the other ones okay with it then its cool. 2he only thin' with se? is that both of us
have to be involved whether its in a threesome or just one of us sittin' out and watchin'.
It has to be a couple thin'.C
@veryone lau'hed when 0hawn and Audrey immediately looked at each other with a deep
interest in their eyes and a matchin' pair of intri'ued smiles on their lips. It was safe to
say that /andy and .hris new policy was 'oin' to manifest itself in the other two
blondes relationship pretty soon.
B0o you 'ot yourself a little jump start on these new terms, .hris,C /ic asked with a
BI was only tryin' to help. *unters 'one a whole record>breakin' week without se?. *e
was liable to blind himself if he had to jack>off anymore. I just did it for him today to
take the ed'e off, that way when him and Dave have se? he wont embarrass himself by
endin' the party a little early.C
BAw, 0u'ar, youre so sweet.C
B2he hell he is,C *unter e?claimed. B*es an evil tease. I knew there was a reason I
stopped sleepin' with him.C
B2here sure was,C /andy said with a smirk and made eye>contact with 0hawn. B*ello,
0hawn 'rinned back. B*ello, /andy.C
BFuck all of you,C *unter mumbled.
BFou almost have. -ust me and /ic left,C /andy said with a cheeky smile.
B(hat is this, 0mart>Ass DayE (e have important thin's to worry about here.C
BActually, theres no cause for worry,C /ic said finally speakin' in a serious tone.
B@verythin's been planned down to the last little detail. (eve e?cluded the whole
possibility of this thin' not workin'.C
BFeah,C Audrey said with a proud smile. B(eve 'ot a back>up plan to the back>up plan
of the first back>up plan. If somethin' does 'o wron' it would have to be a sheer act of
7od. And even then I think we have some kind of back>up plan.C
BAre you sure,C *unter asked stressin' the words.
BFes,C the other four said collectively.
B:ets 'o over it one more time anyway. I was thinkin' that maybe we should chan'e the
part where>C
B*unter,C 0hawn interrupted softly as he walked across the room and knelt down in front
of his best>friend. B:ook, I know youre nervous. ;h>uh, none of that,C he said with a
shake of his head when *unter went to deny it. BI know that theres a lot ridin' on this for
you and were all aware of what could happen if this 'oes wron'. (e wouldnt do that to
you. (eve put in so many man>hours on this its not even funny, and toni'ht were all
'onna put on the best performances of our lives. 2his is 'onna 'o perfectly, you and Dave
are 'onna confess your undyin' love for each other in a way thats 'onna make all of us
'a', were all 'onna live happily>ever>after for two carefree days, and then 3ev, 0cott,
and 3id are 'onna come and were 'onna have the most fun weve had in years. 0o no
more worryin', no more chan'in' plans, and no more askin' us if were ready. Do you
B(hen did you 'et to be so bossyEC
BDo you understand,C 0hawn enunciated.
BFes, yes, I understand. I just>C
B(e know,C they all interrupted understandin'ly knowin' hed never been able to say the
words out loud.
0urprisin'ly enou'h he continued speakin'. BI love him.C
2his was a monumental event, *unter had verbally declared his love for someone in a
way that had nothin' to do with family ties. 2hey were sure that an earth4uake was
happenin' somewhere, the blind were suddenly able to see, the lame able to walk, and
people were surely dancin' in the streets)because this was truly a miracle.
B(e know,C they all repeated softer this time.
BFunny how Im always the last one to 'et it,C *unter si'hed.
B(ell, really youre the first to last. Dave hasnt 'otten it yet,C Audrey pointed out. B-ust
another si'n that you two are meant to be. 2wo people that clueless have to end up
B2his comin' from the 'irl who finally ended up with the love of her life a week a'o,C
*unter asked with a raised eyebrow. B*ow lon' did it take you and 0hawnEC
BAlmost as lon' as its taken you and Dave, but our situation was more complicated.
&lus, we were clueless about how the other one felt, we always knew how we felt. Foure
so damn blonde that you didnt even know how you felt.C
B6ut I always knew how he felt,C *unter countered smu'ly.
B2hats even worse,C Audrey countered ri'ht back. BFou can read everyone else e?cept
B=ow thats not true,C /ic defended.
B2hanks, /ic.C
BFour welcome, *unt. Four problem isnt that you cant read yourself, its that you
i'nore half the thin's you feel because they scare the shit out of you. Fou run from
B2hanks, /ic,C he deadpanned this time.
BI dont think its runnin' so much as just not wantin' to chan'e, you know,C .hris said.
B(hen youre comfortable with your life and the way thin's are 'oin' you instinctively
fi'ht to keep them that way when somethin' comes alon' that mi'ht chan'e everythin'.C
B0o youre sayin' hes fi'htin' himself, not runnin' from himself,C 0hawn asked
curiously as he 'ot up from his position in front of *unter and went back to sit beside his
B(hat the fuck is thisEC
@veryone i'nored *unters outburst as .hris shook his head. B=o, hes not fi'htin'
himself, hes fi'htin' his)sense of self maybe.C *e took a breath before tryin' to
e?plain his theory. B:ike, okay, he didnt always love Dave, that had to happen over time.
Im bettin' he didnt feel anythin' towards Dave but friendship and lust at the be'innin',
but he knew Dave was in love with him. 2he fact the it was Dave and he was that close to
him meant that he couldnt just blow him off after a one>ni'ht>stand and that hed have to
face him and be all buddy>buddy with him after they had se?. 2he only other person who
was in love with him and had that kind of relationship with him was 0hawn. =ow we all
know how special him and 0hawns relationship is, so Im sure havin' somethin' like
that with Dave was fuckin' with his head. @specially since he already knew he was in
love with 0hawn. *e was afraid hed fall in love with Dave too and that wasnt the way
thin's were supposed to 'o, his life only had room for one relationship like that and thats
why he tried to fi'ht the whole Dave thin'. =ot entirely because the concept of bein' in
love with Dave was scary, but really because the thou'ht that the life hed built for
himself was 'oin' to chan'e and he didnt want that. *e saw himself as an unattached
bachelor who could have all the se? he wanted with no commitment, and if he fell for
Dave he wouldnt be that person anymore.C
B=ow that makes sense,C Audrey said with a nod.
BIt does, but I dont think thats the whole reason,C /andy said.
B(hat do you think it is,C /ic asked.
B@?cuse me, Doctor Freud, Im still in the fuckin' room,C *unter practically shouted.
B.an we not analye my reasons for not admittin' this soonerEC
B*unter, now that youre really bein' open about your emotions the rest of us can finally
talk about them. (eve been wantin' to do this for a lon' ass time so shut>up,C 0hawn
told him distractedly. B=ow what were you sayin' /andyEC
*unter just rolled his eyes mostly stiflin' his lon'>sufferin' si'h.
B(ell, I really think *unter just didnt wanna feel that way for Dave because he didnt
wanna be responsible for someone elses emotions on that level.C
B*uh,C everyone else, includin' *unter, asked.
B2hink about it. *ow much shit does *unter do on a daily basis to protect the familyE
*ow much hell will he put himself throu'h to make sure every one of us is okay
physically, mentally, and emotionallyE =ow knowin' that, lets consider a few thin's. *e
knows his own track>record when it comes to 'uys and hes openly admitted that hes not
e?actly relationship material. (eve all heard him say that hes a whore not a boyfriend
more times than we can count. 2hen theres Dave whos so open and honest and trustin'
with his emotions. *e never hid the fact that he was in love with *unter and that hed die
to be in a real relationship with him. 6efore *unter ever loved Dave as a boyfriend, he
loved him as a 3li4 member and he never wanted to see him hurt. *unter knew that if he
'ave a relationship with Dave a try there would be a completely different level of pain he
could inflict on him and he didnt want that to happen. *e pretty much assumed it would,
so he tried to force himself not to love him and not to want a relationship with him and it
pretty much worked until -indrak stepped into the picture.C
B*mm,C *unter murmured thou'htfully.
B=ow that really makes sense,C Audrey said.
B2hose are really 'ood theories, but theyre pretty elaborate. 2ruthfully, I just think its
the fact that Dave wasnt as safe to fall in love with as I was,C 0hawn said with a shru'.
BIve known *unt a lon' time, and I know that while hes been in love with a few people
before, he doesnt fall very often. Ive always been there, Ive always loved him, and he
knows I always will. Im 3li4 too so that just makes it that much better. ;p until a few
days a'o we were havin' se? so much its amain' either of us can walk now, and we can
talk about any and everythin' without bein' afraid well say the wron' thin' to each
other. (e both know that nothin' can stop the way we feel about each other so fallin' for
me was just easy I 'uess)plus he knew that nothin' could ever really happen between us
since I was half in love with Audrey when he finally allowed himself to fall in love with
me. :ovin' me was a safe, pressure>free situation. Dave wasnt that safe. 2here was no
one else that Dave was in love with besides him so if *unt fell, there would have to be a
relationship. =o one else is as close to *unter as I am so Im the only person he knows he
cant fuck up a relationship with. *e can fuck up a relationship with Dave and he knows
that too. Fallin' for Dave would be a lot of work and time and effort and he was a little
unsure of himself.C
B0imple,C .hris said tiltin' his head considerin'ly. B,akes a lot of sense too. Foure
probably ri'ht.C
BFoure all ri'ht,C *unter said surprisin' them all. BI was i'norin', runnin', fi'htin',
tryin' to protect my lifestyle, tryin' to protect Daves feelin's, and unsure of whether or
not I could actually pull off a relationship with him. 2hen -indrak came alon' and, even
before I suspected he was usin' Dave, I knew I couldnt let him have him. I was so
jealous that I found myself wantin' to 'rab Dave and scream at him for leavin' me for
someone else and that he was mine and that ,ark should never 'et to touch him the way
I did. I had to have him back with me and I knew that when I 'ot him I was 'onna make
sure he was only mine to keep from now on, even if it meant makin' the two of us
official. I 'uess I had to lose him before I could really understand what he meant to me
and once I understood I pushed my fuckin' pride and fears aside and vowed to 'et him
back. And I will)toni'ht.C
BFeah you will,C /andy said with a hu'e smile.
Chapter 14 Part 2.Game 4n
*unter sat on his bed between /andy and .hris who were both restin' a hand on each of
his thi'hs in a comfortin' 'esture. *e was almost embarrassin'ly nervous about the
whole thin' on the one hand, but on the other hand he could feel that inner ice slippin'
over his compassion and systematically chockin' out his warmth. It was a weirdly
welcome feelin' and he could completely understand why /andy had been stru''lin'
with it. It was shockin' to know that there was a part of you that was really this close to
bein' a sociopath.
/andy looked across *unters body to note his blondes reaction to *unters
transformation. 2his would ultimately be a turnin' point in their relationship and /andy
had been hyperaware of that fact since hed woken up entirely too early this mornin'.
;ntil now .hris had only been involved in the behind>the>scenes work and now he was
about to be thrust into a full fled'ed 3li4 production. If he couldnt accept this then
/andy knew that the two of them would be facin' a really bi' problem in their buddin'
relationship. =ot that he would let anythin' stand between them, but he didnt think he
could 'ive this up and be completely happy just like he doubted .hris could watch his
lover do somethin' he hated and be completely happy either.
B/andy, if you keep starin' at me like that Im 'onna scream,C .hris told him with an
easy smile. BIm not 'onna freak out on you about this, Ive already made my decision to
do this and Im completely okay with it.C (hen /andy looked at him in surprise .hris
scoffed, BI think I should be offended by your shock. Fou should know by now that I can
read you like a book.C
/andy couldnt help the smile that formed on his lips at those words. B2his is bi', .hris,
and I dont wanna lose you over it.C
B@ven if I were to freak out over this thin', which I wont, you wouldnt lose me behind
it. Ive been fantasiin' about you for a really lon' time and now that Ive 'ot you Im
not lettin' 'o without some serious fi'htin'.C
B,y own private stalker,C /andy mused. BI 'uess you have a weird side to you too.C
B*avin' a weird side I can 'o alon' with, but dont flatter yourself with the whole stalker
thin', babe.C
BFou wouldnt stalk meEC
BI wouldnt have to.C
BDamn ri'ht you wouldnt,C /andy said leanin' in towards .hris smirkin' a little when
*unter leaned back on his elbows to 'ive the couple room. *e and .hris kissed for a
short moment before they pulled back. B2ell me a'ain that youre okay with this.C
BI wanna nail this fucker to the wall for everythin' that hes done to Dave and for what
hes 'onna attempt to do to you toni'ht. =ot to mention *unter,C he muttered darkly.
B@ven if *unter isnt really 'onna be drunk ,arks 'onna assume he is and thats
consciously takin' advanta'e.C
6oth *unter and /andy cau'ht that implication. *unter tilted his head up to look at the
blonde above him. BFou dont do drunk se?EC
B=ot with someone Im not already sleepin' with, I think thats a little too close to rape
and that kinda makes me sick.C
2hey both nodded their understandin'. BI never really could pick up a drunk person,C
*unter said.
B,e neither, if for nothin' else than for the fact that it implied I couldnt 'et someone
sober.C .hris snickered at that and *unter rolled his eyes sli'htly. B(hatEC
BI end up with the most e'otistical 'uy I could find.C
B=ow you did date Dwayne and thats all Im sayin' about that,C /andy said holdin' up
his hands.
BDwayne happens to be one of the most well>rounded people Ive ever met,C .hris
objected with a surprised smile.
B(ith an e'o the sie of a semi,C /andy added. B*es just not a jerk about it and he
knows how to tone it down.C
BFou love Dwayne,C .hris accused.
B0ure do and so do most of the people I know, but that doesnt take away from the sie of
his e'o.C
B:ook,C *unter finally inserted, BIve known the 'uy lon'er than both of you have and
once upon a time we used to screw around with each other on a somewhat weekly basis
for awhile. 2he 'uy has an e'o thats pretty decently sied. It doesnt crowd everyone
else out of the room, but hes by no means modest and that just adds to his infamous
/andy was just about to 'loat when there was a knock on *unters hotel>room door.
*unter sat up 4uickly between the couple and checked his watch.
B/i'ht on time,C he murmured standin' and headin' for the door. *e pulled it open and
found 0hawn and Audrey there lookin' a little tense. B@verythin' alri'htEC
BFep,C Audrey said waltin' into the room breeily with an overly bri'ht smile. B(e just
had a little clash over our attire for toni'ht thats all.C
B.an you tell me Im wron',C 0hawn asked *unter in frustration as he entered the room
behind his 'irlfriend. B0eriously, just tell me Im over>reactin' and Ill apolo'ie ri'ht
All the men in the room looked Audrey up and down and si'hed. 0he was in a deep red
mini>dress that cut about four inches past her ass and hu''ed like a second skin. A strap
around her neck was the only thin' holdin' the slinky concoction up while it cut in a
dan'erously low 5 across her 'enerous cleava'e. /ed spiked heels and a thick black
leather choker closed out the outfit while her flowin' blonde hair was piled enticin'ly
atop her head in a sophisticatedly messy style. 0he didnt look sleay, but it was far too
revealin' for three overprotective Abrothers and one stressed boyfriend.
*unter just shook his head as he returned his eyes to 0hawns. B,an)look thats your
relationship and>C
B=o, fuck that. Fou feel the e?act same way that I do about that damn dress dont you,
*untEC *unter could only si'h a'ain and nod his head in response. BIm tryin' to fi'ure
out what the hell a dress like that was doin' in her lu''a'e in the first place.C
B,aybe if the choker werent there and the heels were a little lower,C .hris su''ested
with a shru'.
B,aybe if some clothes were actually there,C /andy supplied with a sarcastic lift of his
B,aybe if yall backed off and let me dress myself without a runnin' commentary like a
real 'rown up woman there wouldnt be an issue.C (hen all the 'uys opened their
mouths she continued on. BAnd if you werent clear on that it really wasnt up for debate.
=ow I believe were 'oin' to an upscale club on the 5e'as 0trip so I had to dress
accordin'ly, and if I remember ri'ht we really wont be there too lon'. 2hats why Im
dressed like this and Im not chan'in' for anyone and we have somewhere to be so if
yall are ready lets 'o.C
*er little speech was concluded with that sunny smile of hers and two pointed steps
towards the door. .hris was smilin' admirably as he stood and 'ave /andy a hand up
who was lookin' sli'htly amused. *unter was chucklin' mostly at 0hawns e?pression
which was a mi? of frustration and resi'nation.
BFine,C the 2e?an mumbled as the 'roup filed out the door, BI 'uess Im just 'onna end
up in jail toni'ht.C
B(e have the bail money, 0weetie,C Audrey replied in a voice laced with su'ar as *unter
pulled he and /ics door closed behind all of them.
B*ey,C ,ark 'reeted as he watched /andy, .hris, *unter, 0hawn and Audrey approach
him in the front lobby as planned. B/i'ht on time.C
B1f course,C *unter replied smoothly. B(heres DaveEC
B1h, he and /ic wanted to hit a few casinos before the club. *e said theyd meet up with
us there so we should 'o on ahead,C ,ark said with a dismissive shru'.
B2hat sounds like them,C /andy said with a chuckle. BFou ready for a 'ood time, babyEC
.hris looked up at his brunette with a heated smile. BI still say I could 'et that by stayin'
here with you.C
B6ut waitin's half the fun,C /andy murmured shiftin' a little closer to the .anadian.
B-ust ima'ine how much better itll be after a couple of drinks and some hot, sweaty
dancin'. =ot to mention the ride home.C
.hris was bitin' his lips by this point. B.ouldnt we just skip all that and say we did itEC
B=ope, Im evil bitch who loves to tease you. (hen youve had to wait for it youre so
much more>C
B2hats enou'h,C *unter interjected with an appreciative murmur. BAny more of that and
no one will wanna 'o out.C
B(ell hell, Im tempted to stay in myself,C 0hawn 4uipped as he looked down at his
'irlfriend tucked in the snu' dress. BI mi'ht not want you wearin' that dress out in
public, but I have no problem with you modelin' it for me in our room.C
BI always did wanna be a model,C she confessed softly. *er smile was seductive with a
hint of mischief as she asked, BFou still have that cameraEC
0hawn 'rabbed her hand and took a step towards the elevator but *unter 'rabbed the
older blondes shoulder with a lau'h. B*ey< I understand that you 'uys have some other
activities on your minds, but if you recall I dont have anyone in mind for toni'ht. At
least come out to the club with me lon' enou'h to find somebody of my own to brin'
back here.C
B&lus you 'uys have been promisin' that Id never for'et this ni'ht all week,C ,ark
added tryin' to mask his jealousy at seein' .hris and /andy act the way they were. BIve
been lookin' forward to it.C
B2hats ri'ht,C 0hawn said tryin' not to sound too smu' about that. B2oni'ht was
supposed to be our ni'ht to show you the ropes. 7uess we cant back out, baby.C
BFine,C she said with a pretty pout.
BFeah,C /andy told .hris teasin'ly. B0o suck it up.C
B(ell if we stayed here>C
B.hris,C *unter admonished with a lau'h.
BFine, lets 'o,C the .anadian said with a huffy si'h. B6ut the second you find someone
me and /andy are outta there. As a matter of fact, were takin' a separate car.C
B;s too,C 0hawn and Audrey replied in unison.
BIt doesnt make sense for all of us to take a different car,C *unter ar'ued. B2hats a
waste of 'as.
B(ell the rest of you are 'onna be stranded when I dra' him out of the club then,C .hris
informed with a shru'. BFou can call a cab or somethin' if you want.C
BAre you serious,C *unter asked incredulously and played the perfect role of shocked
when he received nods from both couples. B,ark are you takin' your own car tooEC
BI 'uess that really doesnt make a lot of sense with Dave and /ic already in a separate
care. I 'uess me and you can ride there to'ether.C
BFeah, that way on the way back I can ride with /ic in his car and you and Dave can
drive my car back.C
B7ood deal,C .hris said impatiently. B.an we hurry and 'et this show on the road so we
can 'o ahead and 'et backEC
B(hat have you been doin' to this 'uy,C *unter asked /andy with a smirk as the 'roup
be'an to make their way to the parkin' 'ara'e.
B(hat I do best,C he returned with his own si'nature smirk.
B(hat Ive been doin' ri'ht back,C .hris informed.
B(hat Im 'onna do to 0hawn when we leave the club,C Audrey threw in.
B@?actly what Im lookin' forward to,C 0hawn added.
B(ell shit thats apparently what I need to 'o find,C *unter said with a chuckle.
@veryone noticed ,arks lack of comment.
/ic felt his phone vibratin' in his pocket and didnt even bother to check it. Instead he
just placed another stack of chips on red eleven as he took in the knowled'e that the other
si? people had just left for the club.
B(oooooo< .ome one red<C *e and Dave watched the little ball spin around until it
landed on black seventeen. BDamn it< I dont know why I play /oulette its not my
Dave shook his head in mock sympathy. BFoull never catch me on this table. =ow
6lackjack on the other hand)C *e let the sentence trail off as he and /ics eyes locked.
*is smile spread slowly as /ic let out a low chuckle.
B=ow thats my 'ame,C the older man said as he collected the rest of his chips and
'estured Dave on ahead of him. B:ets 'o.C
2he trip to the club wasnt as painful as *unter had e?pected it to be and he knew that
was only because he was so focused on the plan that hed been mostly onin' out ,arks
incipit babblin' the whole way there. *e nodded when it was appropriate, chuckled
sli'htly when he heard ,ark lau'hin' and basically plaster a fake smile on his face. All
the while his mind was churnin' with what he was 'oin' to do once the whole thin' was
At first hed tried to compose his speech to Dave in his head but 4uickly trashed that idea.
If the speech was rehearsed it would clearly sound that way and Dave would think he was
just spoutin' bullshit. 2hen there was the fact that *unter desperately wanted his words
to come strai'ht from his heart where he knew they were residin'. *e didnt care if his
words came out awkward and he tripped over them, he wanted his feelin's to come out
e?actly as he felt them.
1nce that was settled hed moved on to ima'inin' an actual relationship with Dave once
the whole thin' was behind them. *e couldnt even be'in to let himself believe there
would be no relationship. Failure was not an option here and he meant that.
*e pulled himself out of his thou'hts and found himself lau'hin' at 7od only knows
what ,ark said as he pulled up into the club parkin'>lot behind the two couples cars.
BFou ready, ,arkEC
BFeah,C the youn'er man said with an e?cited smile. B.ant wait.C
B,e neither,C *unter murmured as he pulled up to valet parkin' and climbed out of the
car waitin' for ,ark to do the same. B2his is 'onna be so fun.C
*e waited until he and ,ark were side by side before the two of them walked the short
distance to the 'roup of friends.
B@verybody cool,C /andy asked to the 'roup as a whole and waited until everyone
confirmed that they were. BAlri'ht, lets head on in.C
Dave looked down at his watch as he lau'hed heartily at what /ic was tellin' him. *e
was shocked to see that they were supposed to meet the other 'uys at the club thirty
minutes a'o.
B*ey, /ic, were late man. (e were supposed to be at the club already.C
BIm not worried about the damn club ri'ht now,C /ic said with a lau'h, BIm hot<C
@veryone around the table cheered at his words. B(hy dont you have a drink and rela?E
2herere 'onna be there all ni'ht, were not missin' anythin' if were a little late.C
Dave nodded easily and 'rabbed a drink off a passin' tray. BAlri'ht, lets see if I can win
some money,C he declared to the cheers of his fellow 'amblers.
2ime seemed to crawl by for *unter as he surreptitiously checked his watch for about the
fiftieth time. *ed made sure to drink three drinks in plain si'ht of ,ark while makin'
fre4uent trips to stand near the bar just in case ,ark was lookin' for him. *e had a little
over an hour to act overly drunk, 'et ,ark horny as hell and then 'et him back to the
hotel for some foolin' around.
It felt like a lifetime.
*e si'hed and brushed past a cute redhead who was 'ivin' him Afuck>me eyes and
pushin' her breast into the side of his arm. *e hardly noticed her as he made his way
throu'h the crowd in search of his scattered friends. *e cau'ht si'ht of /andy and
weaved his way over to him and .hris makin' sure to stumble a little in case ,ark was
/andy looked up and saw *unter headin' his way and nodded at him with a smile. *is
eyes cut 4uickly to his ri'ht side before returnin' to a smilin' .hris who was dancin' in
front of him.
*unter took the hint and propelled himself forward with more force than he needed to
and fell into the youn' couple. .hris and /andy both reached out to steady him as they
lau'hed the whole time.
BDamn, *unter,C .hris yelled over the music, Byoure fucked up< Foure so drunk you
cant even walk without fallin' over<C
*unter 'rinned like a kid on .hristmas mornin' and s4uinted his eyes in a drunken
fashion as he 'lanced around. *e spotted ,ark off to /andys ri'ht just as the brunette
had indicated and he lau'hed a little too loudly for the 'reen>eyed mans benefit alone.
B=o Im not< Im just tripped ri'ht then<C
/andy lau'hed at those words. BFou cant even talk ri'ht< Foure trashed, man<C
*unter shook his head a little too hard thou'h he didnt stumble a'ain. B(ell, since
youre so worried about it,C he yelled slippin' in>between .hris and /andy, Bwhy dont
you make sure I dont fallE<C
*e was facin' .hris with /andy pressed up behind close behind him. *e heard /andy
chuckle in his ear and he could read the many words behind .hris smirk as the .anadian
was the first to move. *unter si'hed airily as .hris pushed into him enticin'ly, 'rindin'
their lower bodies to'ether in one of the best possible ways. *unter reacted immediately
and conse4uently pushed into /andy behind him. *e felt /andys e?hale in his ear and
after that the three of them were 'rindin' away for'ettin' themselves for a moment.
After some time /andys hands on *unters hips went from 'ently 'raspin' to a firm fle?
as he brou'ht his lips down to the older blondes ear. B,ission accomplished. ,arks
pretty much droolin' now.C
*unter looked over .hris shoulder and fi?ed ,ark with a heated 'lance that he instantly
saw the youn'er man reactin' to. *unter kept eye>contact with the 'reen eyed man as he
leaned down and licked the side of .hris neck in one lon' smooth 'lide of ton'ue. *e
was pleased to see ,ark shudder ri'ht alon' with .hris.
B*ey,C Audreys voice suddenly called out loud and happy causin' ,ark to jump and
look away 'uiltily and *unter to slowly turn her way. B*ow lon' has this been 'oin'
onE< And why werent we invitedE<C
*unter untan'led himself from his two friends and drunkenly made his way the few short
feet to Audrey and 0hawn. B(ell I dont wanna leave anybody out,C he said all too
loudly, even with the music over his words. B2heres way too plenty of me to 'o around<C
0hawn and Audrey both lau'hed at his words and antics as he pulled Audrey in close and
be'an to 'rind away on her. 0he went alon' willin'ly and immediately set out to walk the
fine line between dancin' and se?. 0hawn just cast an amused 'lance at /andy and .hris
and they both shru''ed their shoulder with lau'hs of their own before pullin' each other
close a'ain.
B/ic, man its 'ettin' pretty late now. (e were supposed to be there over an hour a'o,C
Dave lau'hed as /ic stared at the cards with immense concentration. B2heyre 'onna kill
B=ot now, Dave,C /ic said with a va'ue 'esture of his hand. *e turned to the dealer and
knocked on the table. B*it me.C
2he dealer flipped over a card and said in that neutral voice of hers, B2wenty>one.C
B(oooooooo< Im not 'oin' anywhere< I told you Im hot< &lus we havent even tried the
slot machines yet,C he reasoned with a hu'e 'rin splittin' his face as the crowd around
them cheered and patted him on the back. B0omebody 'et me some more champa'ne.C
Dave chuckled at /ic and a'ain for'ot about his watch as he took a few chips and headed
over to the slot machines.
*unter accepted his fourth and final drink of the ni'ht as everyone made their way to the
bar to'ether. At this point the two couples had been nearly fuckin' each other on the
dancefloor while *unter humped every woman and man he could 'et his hands on all in a
drunkenly seductive way. ,ark had been oddly 4uiet from the moment hed watched
*unter lick .hris neck. *unter had never let his eyes stray too far from the youn'er man
and with increasin' fre4uency hed found ,arks eyes on him first. @verythin' was
movin' alon' perfectly.
As he stood at the bar downin' his supposedly tenth or eleventh drink he be'an to
meticulously 'o over the timeframe he was workin' with in his head. In tou'hly five
minutes the two couples were 'oin' to leave and rush back to the hotel to 'et ready for
their ne?t scene. 2hat would leave him all alone with ,ark to work him into a freny.
After about fifteen minutes of that hed pro'ress his drunken act to the point where hed
have to ask ,ark to take him back to the hotel. After that hed have ten minutes or so to
kill while makin' sure that ,ark didnt move too fast but just fast enou'h to be cau'ht in
an incriminatin' position when /ic brou'ht Dave to the room.
2he fact that this was really happenin' hit him suddenly. 2here was no turnin' back, not
even if hed wanted to and that rush of inevitability swept throu'h him like a wave.
Adrenaline burst throu'h his veins and the sudden ima'es of he and Dave to'ether were
enou'h to make his heart pick up speed.
BAlri'ht look,C .hris said slammin' his empty shot 'lass back down on the bar, BIve
done my part and came alon' and played nice. 6ut Im horny as hell and I wanna screw
your brains out and if I have to stop myself from dra''in' in you in the bathroom one
more time Im 'onna die. (ere 'one,C he told the smilin' brunette he was wrapped
B(hat he said,C 0hawn a'reed placin' his own empty cup atop the bar and 'rabbin' his
'irlfriends hand. BIve put in over an hour, *unt. 2hat should be enou'h.C
B7uys,C *unter said with the closest thin' they would ever hear to a whine from him,
Byou cant leave now.C
B1h yes we can, 0weetie,C Audrey said as she and 0hawn be'an to step away from the
bar. B6ye.C
B(hat am I 'onna doEC
/andy 'lanced over at ,ark before smilin' at *unter. B,ark has to stay with you since
you two rode to'ether and Im sure Dave and /icll be here soon. Foull be fine without
us, I promise,C he finished liftin' his drink to his lips.
BFou 'uys are seriously 'onna leave meEC
B*ell yeah we are,C .hris said as he watched /andy swallow the last of his drink. 2he
.anadian rose up on his toes and nipped at the workin' flesh causin' /andy to moan and
nearly choke.
/andy placed the empty 'lass on the bar and pulled .hris into a nasty kiss that had a few
of the onlookers nearby murmurin' in appreciation. B1h yeah, we 'otta 'et the fuck outta
*unter watched as /andy nearly manhandled .hris to 'et him throu'h the crowd and he
drunkenly shook his head at his retreatin' friends. *e let his head slowly swivel to the
side to catch ,ark e?aminin' his profile. B(ell I 'uess its just you and me, ,arky. (hat
ever are we 'onna doEC
,ark swallowed hard in the face of *unters full attention. B;hm)you wanna dance
some moreEC
*unters sli'ht smile tilted up seductively and his eyes twinkled a little in the low li'htin'
of the club. BIm so 'lad you said that.C
Audrey happily twisted around in the passen'er seat the second 0hawn pulled onto the
freeway back to the hotel. (hen she saw /andys headli'hts she let out an e?cited yelp
and pulled out her phone dialin' .hris number.
0he put him on speaker and lau'hed happily. B2hat was fuckin' perfect<C
BFeah it was,C /andys said with a lau'h of his own.
BDid you notice how 4uiet ,ark was and how much he was starin' at *unterEC
BFeah, I saw that,C 0hawn chuckled. B*e looked like his head was 'onna e?plode every
time you and /andy kissed or somethin' too.C
B0o I noticed,C .hris said around a 'iddy lau'h. B0hit I didnt think this would be so
BFeah well its about to 'et a whole lot more serious,C Audrey said and received three
a'reeable murmurs. BDo you think *unters started wearin' him down yetEC
B*ell yeah,C both /andy and 0hawn said before /andy continued. B*e knows he cant
waste any time. *es only 'ot about ten more minutes before he has to start 'ettin' ,ark
back to the hotel. Im sure Dave has to be concerned about the time ri'ht about now and
/ic can only do so much to keep him occupied.C
BI think /ic can handle Dave just fine. @verythin' should 'o as planned unless ,ark
suddenly 'oes all moralistic or somethin'.C 2here was a pause before everyone lau'hed.
BFeah I know, ri'htEC
B*ey,C 0hawn said, Byou two just remember to stay close to your door when we 'et there.
(ere 'onna take care of callin', /ic, but you two have to be the ones to run out first.
Dont fuck up and miss your cue.C
B(e have that under control, you two just make sure to look like you were in the middle
of somethin',C .hris countered.
B2rust me,C Audrey murmured lowly, Bwere all over that.C
BFeah, yeah, well see you when we 'et there.C
B6ye,C Audrey said before clickin' her phone closed.
*unter didnt waste a second wrappin' his body around ,arks like clin' wrap as soon as
they were on the dancefloor. 2o his very mild surprise ,ark didnt even put in the token
futile effort to resist him. 2he youn'er man just wrapped his arms ti'htly around *unter
and pulled him close as they be'an to rub harshly a'ainst each other.
*unter was careful to keep up with his drunken act so he stumbled occasionally and
lau'hed a little too much, but he made sure that his lower body never lost contact with
,arks. *e 'ripped ti'htly at the back of ,arks shirt to keep him pressed almost
painfully close as he breathed warm, moist breath a'ainst the side of his neck.
BFuck, *unter,C ,ark panted harshly into his ear before bitin' his earlobe.
*unter smirked a little and pushed the youn'er man back enou'h to fuse their lips
to'ether. It certainly wasnt the best kiss *unter had ever e?perienced. ,ark was entirely
too ea'er, his ton'ue everywhere at once with no real techni4ue or finesse to speak of.
*unter had worked hard to erase their previous kiss from his mind for the fact that it had
been horrible, but this one made the first one feel like somethin' out of a fairytale. 2he
fact that this was all for Dave was the only thin' stoppin' *unter from shovin' him
In fact, it was thou'hts of Dave that had *unter pullin' ,ark closer and moanin' around
his s4uirmin' ton'ue. ,ark seemed emboldened by *unters reaction, because one of his
hands crept down the front of *unters body rapidly reachin' for his crotch.
*unter 4uickly thou'ht of every 3li4 member he could ima'ine rollin' around on a bed
to'ether in various positions and it was enou'h to 'et him hard when ,ark 'rasped him
throu'h his slacks. *unter let out a breathy 'roan ri'ht into ,arks ear that had ,arks
fin'ers fle?in' around him involuntarily.
BI think Im drunk,C *unter murmured with a half 'i''le half moan. B7et me outta here.C
,ark pulled back a little surprised at those words but he nodded and 'ripped *unters
arm and be'an pullin' him throu'h the crowd. *e had to lift *unters arm over his
shoulder when the older man stumbled and almost fell.
B(hoops,C *unter said with an e?a''erated lau'h.
,ark just lau'hed alon' with him as he maneuvered them slowly towards the e?it.
*unter stumbled down the hallway draped over ,ark like a wet blanket, his hands
roamin' everywhere. ,ark was stru''lin' a little under *unters wei'ht due to *unters
perfect portrayal of drunkenness and the distraction the older mans hands were causin'.
*unter was all but shovin' his hand down the youn'er mans pants while purposely
leavin' a lar'e portion of his wei'ht completely dead as they slowly trud'ed towards the
appointed room. 6etween tryin' to keep *unter upri'ht and walkin' and tryin' not to let
the older man 'ive him a handjob ri'ht there for anyone to open up their door and see,
,ark was havin' a bit of trouble.
*unter was lau'hin' inside as the youn'er man let out a few curses and adjusted *unters
wei'ht a'ain.
B.ome, on, *unt,C ,ark ur'ed throu'h 'ritted teeth. B-ust a few more feet. Do you have
your keyEC
*unter i'nored his 4uestion and breathed hotly a'ainst his neck, causin' the youn'er man
to shiver in response. *unter then redoubled his efforts to 'et his hand clumsily into
,arks pants. *e noticed that it took ,ark a few more seconds to halfheartedly bat his
hand away this time and while that was 'reat for the plan, he felt absolute hatred blossom
in his chest for the man supportin' him. Dave hadnt been on ,arks mind all ni'ht and
he sure as hell wasnt on his mind ri'ht now.
(hen they reached his hotel>room *unter stumbled in a way that caused ,ark to fly into
the door. *ard.
BFuck,C ,ark 'asped in pain tryin' to move *unters wei'ht off of him enou'h so that
his abused body wasnt bein' pressed so hard a'ainst the unfor'ivin' wood of the door.
BFou 'otta move, *unter.C
B0orry,C *unter murmured with drunken concern that immediately chan'ed to a small
snortin' 'i''le. *e allowed ,ark to prop him a'ainst the wall beside his door and fish
throu'h his pockets for his key. *e made sure to roll his hips up and twist towards ,arks
hand with a needy little moan that dilated the youn'er mans pupils. B*urry up.C
,ark ripped his hand out of *unters pants 'rippin' the key card like it was the *oly
7rail. *e almost dropped it in his haste to slide it throu'h the automatic lock and after
three unsuccessful tries he was able to produce a 'reen li'ht and the telltale click of the
BFuckin' finally,C ,ark muttered pushin' the key back into *unters pocket and
'rabbin' the older man a'ain. B.ome on, baby. I cant wait for this.C
*unter turned his face into ,arks neck and hid a cruel smile while mutterin' a soft and
willowy, B=either can I.C
As soon as the door shut behind *unter and ,ark, 0hawn pulled his eye away from the
peephole and fished his cellphone out of his pocket with a 4uick kiss to the blonde in
front of him. *e immediately pressed a number on speed>dial and listened to the rin's as
Audreys body slid lower and lower down his chest until her knees touched the floor. *e
took a half>step back to 'ive her room to undo his pants and he heard the click of /ics
line pickin' up just as her ton'ue 'lided over him.
BFuuuuuck,C he murmured ban'in' his forehead li'htly a'ainst the door.
B;h, did you want somethin' or did you just call to coa? me into phone se?EC
B-ust wanted to check on you 'uys and make sure *unter hadnt done anythin' stupid.C
B*unterE I thou'ht he was with you 'uys,C /ic asked in confusion.
0hawn let out a loud breath as Audrey took two inches of him into her mouth and be'an
to suck 'ently. B,mmm)uh, no we uh, we left him and)fuck baby)him and ,ark are
still at the club.C
B(heres /andy and .hrisEC
B*ere,C 0hawn said around a 'roan. B2hey left when we did.C
B1h,C /ic said with a knowin' chuckle. B(hy were you worried about *unterEC
B*es drunk,C 0hawn said 'rippin' the phone ti'htly as he slid to the back of his
'irlfriends throat. BI 'otta 'o /ic.C
BFeah okay,C /ic said with a chuckle. BI 'uess were on our way to the club now then.
Ill talk to you later.C
B:ater,C 0hawn said clickin' his cellphone shut. *e 'roaned in protest when Audrey sat
back on her heels and rested her head back a'ainst the door.
B*ow did it 'o,C she asked with a sweet smile.
BFine. /ic should be here in about ten minutes or so,C he said lookin' down at her with
dark eyes. B2hat means we have some time to kill.C
B(hat could we possibly do in ten minutes,C she asked as she reached up and pulled the
strap to her dress over her head. 0he stood 'racefully and tu''ed the dress downward
until it fell in a delicate pile around her feet.
B(e cant move far from the door, babe,C he murmured 4uickly unbuttonin' his shirt and
lettin' it fall from his shoulders.
B2hen we wont,C she replied jumpin' up and wrappin' her le's around his waist. 0hawn
stepped forward until they were a'ain pressed up a'ainst the hotel>room door causin'
Audrey to smile a'ain. B2his is a 'ood ni'ht, baby.C
B0o far,C he a'reed. BIts all up to *unter now.C
B*ell come throu'h,C she assured before s4uirmin' a'ainst him enticin'ly. B=ow come
on. (e have to look like we were in the middle of somethin' and no ones 'onna buy it if
its not authentic.C
0hawn kissed her deeply as he deftly slipped inside.
B(ho was thatEC
B2hat was 0hawn. *e said that him an Audrey and .hris and /andy left *unter and ,ark
waitin' for us at the club.C
B(hy would they do that,C Dave asked in confusion before it dawned on him. B1h,
BFeah,C /ic said with a chuckle. B0hawn sounded like he was havin' a pretty 'ood time.C
B(hat did he say about, *unterEC
B-ust that hes drunk,C /ic said with another lau'h. B*e wanted to make sure he wasnt
doin' anythin' stupid. I told him wed 'o ahead and 'et to the club.C
B2hats a 'ood idea,C Dave said with a shru' as he adjusted his suit jacket. B(e lost way
too much money already.C
BI know,C /ic said with a 'ood>natured shru'. BI dont know what happened man. 1ne
minute I was hot the ne?t I was ice cold.C
BAt least you were lucky at least part of the ni'ht. I couldnt catch a break to save my
life,C Dave said with an amused shake of his head.
B2hats the way it is sometimes. *ey you mind if we run by the hotel first so I can 'rab
some more cashE I didnt wanna brin' my whole wallet just in case I 'ot a little too
BFeah thats cool. I wish I wouldve thou'ht to leave my wallet at the hotel. I ended up
makin' a few too many trips to the A2,.C
B*ow much money did you end up losin' all to'etherEC
BAbout two 'rand.C
B2hats not too bad.C
B*ell its bad enou'h,C Dave told him as they e?ited the casino and approached the valet.
B&lus were still 'oin' out to a club. Im 'onna end up spendin' way too much money
B0top actin' like its hard to come by, Dave. Fou make what youll spend toni'ht in less
than a day so rela? man. :ive it up.C
BI 'uess.C
B*ey, toni'ht is 'onna be a 'reat ni'ht, Dave. (ere havin' fun and when we 'et to the
club well have even more fun and hopefully by the time we 'et back to the hotel Ill
have found somebody to have some real fun with.C
BFoure cray,C Dave said with a chuckle as the valet reappeared with the car. B7et in the
car, man.C
B-ust wait. I bet I wont be 'oin' back to the hotel alone.C
B(hatever, /ic.C
B0hit, /andy<C
/andy swallowed and smiled up from his knees on the floor. *e helped .hris ease down
beside him and pulled the .anadian into a heated kiss as they slowly leaned back a'ainst
the door. .hris cuddled in until his head was restin' in the crook of /andys neck and he
peppered wet, warm, sated kisses to the skin there.
BI dont answer dumb 4uestions,C .hris informed in between lay kisses.
/andy chuckled and kissed the side of .hris head lovin'ly. *e heaved a contented si'h
and trailed his hands down the blondes warm, sli'htly sweaty body. B7lad to hear Im
not losin' my touch.C
B=ever,C .hris panted with a smile of his own. BAm IEC
/andys mind swept over the hot blowjob and fin'erin' hed just received moments
earlier and he felt his body flush with heat. B*ell no youre not.C
B2hats what I like to hear,C he said twinin' their fin'ers to'ether as he fou'ht to catch
his breath.
2here was a silent moment before /andy heaved an amused si'h. B2his is 'onna 'et
pretty cray in a little while.C
BFeah it is,C .hris mused. BFou think *unters 'onna 'o throu'h with itEC
B*e has to,C /andy said with a sli'ht nod. B@ven if it doesnt end up the way he wants it
to, hes 'onna tell him.C
BFou think Daves 'onna for'ive himEC
B*e loves him, .hris.C
B2hat doesnt mean hell for'ive him,C .hris contradicted.
BFou for'ave me.C
.hris looked up into /andys beautiful blue eyes and smiled softly. BFeah I did, and if
Dave feels the same way about *unter as I do about you hell for'ive him too.C
/andy leaned down and kissed .hris slowly until they were both pullin' away pantin'
like theyd just run a few miles. BI love you.C
B:ove you too,C .hris replied readily. B3now what else I loveEC
B(hats thatEC
B2he fact that in a few minutes were 'onna 'et to crucify ,arks lyin' ass.C
B0hit yeah we are,C /andy said with a dark little chuckle.
*unter knew he had to be frustratin' the hell out of ,ark and that was enou'h to make
his entire day. @very time the youn'er man would try to take off a piece of *unters
clothin' *unter would conveniently trip, stumble, or 'o into a violent fit of lau'hter that
caused ,ark to abort the undressin' in favor of hold him up. 2o ,arks credit throu'h,
he didnt seem overly an'ry about all the delays and *unter fi'ured ,ark either just
didnt wanna piss him off, or he was so e?cited about the impendin' se? that he didnt
care if it took them awhile to 'et to it.
6y the way ,ark was actin', *unter fi'ured it was the second reason.
*e knew the 'reen>eyed man had absolutely no fines to be'in with, but this was just a
little ridiculous. *e was pawin' at *unter like a clumsy vir'in and, thou'h hed
supposedly never slept with a 'uy before, *unter knew hed been with 'irls. 2here was
just no e?cuse for this. It was all he could do to keep up the drunk faQade and not roll his
eyes at the youn'er man.
*unter couldnt help but wonder how ,ark thou'ht he was ever 'onna 'et /andy if this
was the e?tent of his skill. 2he thou'ht of /andy in this e?act same position with ,ark
was enou'h to almost make *unter lau'h out loud in pure amusement. *ed actually pay
to see /andys reaction to a 'uy who 'ot him in the bedroom and acted this pathetic. *e
wasnt completely sure /andy wouldnt react to somethin' this pitiful with physical
violence. :ord knows *unter felt like slappin' the shit out of ,ark ri'ht now.
B2he bed,C ,ark moaned tryin' with all his mi'ht to work the buttons of *unters shirt
without lettin' him fall in the process. BIf you sit down I can 'et your clothes off better.C
*unter let his eyes fall shut and conjured up a 'oofy smile while he tried to estimate how
much time had passed since he and ,ark had entered the hotel>room. *e had absolutely
no doubt in his mind that 0hawn had made the call immediately, and he also knew that
/ic had left promptly after han'in' up with 0hawn. 2hat would mean that Dave and /ic
were on the road. *e 'uesstimated the time hed been stumblin' around with ,ark in the
room to be somewhere around five minutes 'ive or take a minute.
(ith that in mind he nodded sloppily to ,ark and let the youn'er man lead him over to
the bed and push him down into a sittin' position. *e fi'ured this was a 'ood time to
start settin' up the scene that Dave would find and, he reasoned to himself lo'ically, he
could always stall if Dave and /ic took a little lon'er than planned.
B,ark,C *unter moaned softly as the youn'er man crouched between his spread le's and
a'ain went to work unbuttonin' his dress shirt. BFoure so pretty. &retty pretty, ,ark.C
,ark chuckled to himself as he removed *unters shirt hastily. BFoure fuckin' drunk,
*unter allowed his eyes to widen in mock panic. BDont stop, Im not that drunk.C
,ark kissed him hard and pulled back with a smirk. B2rust me, Im not 'onna stop.C
It took every thou'ht of Dave *unter could possibly conjure to stop him from stran'lin'
the youn'er man until those 'reen eyes of his popped ri'ht out of his head. *e held all of
his an'er and hatred back and flashed ,ark a drunken smile.
B7ood, cause I want you to suck me.C
,ark paused in the middle of pullin' *unters pants down his le's and looked up with
somethin' like fear in his eyes for the first time. B(hatEC
BFou heard me.C
BIve never done that before,C ,ark confessed somewhat shyly now as if he hadnt spent
the better part of the last half hour with his ton'ue shoved down *unters throat.
*unter leaned forward and planted soft little kisses to ,arks lips before slowly slippin'
his ton'ue inside to slide seductively a'ainst the youn'er mans. *e displayed a fair
amount of skill as he sou'ht out every crevice of ,arks mouth and practically
memoried every taste>bud on his ton'ue. *e didnt stop until the youn'er man was
moanin' and leanin' ur'ently into him.
B&lease,C he asked starin' into 'reen eyes that were almost completely taken over by
pupil. BI promise Ill make you feel so 'ood afterwards.C
,ark was so 'one at this point that he didnt stop to think about how sober *unter had
seemed in that moment. *e was simply drawn in by the se?ual promises *unter was
issuin' and that had been *unters entire purpose.
B1kay,C ,ark whispered harshly as he pulled *unters pants the rest of the way off.
BAlri'ht, Ill do it.C
*unter immediately returned to his drunken act and fell back onto the bed. *e moved
around 'roanin' and 'i''lin' until hed positioned himself back on the pillows starin' up
at the ceilin' with a 'oofy 'rin.
,ark hesitantly crawled up in>between *unters le's and eased his bo?ers down until
they were wrapped around his upper thi'hs. 2here was a lon' pause before he reached
out and 'rasped *unter in a loose e?perimental 'rip.
*unter was fi'htin' to stay hard while ,ark touched him with the ine?perience of
someone whod truly never done this before. *e was actually content to just let thin's
stay like this for awhile since the thou'ht of ,ark blowin' him was enou'h to make him
ill, but he knew they had to 'et this show on the road. ,ark and Dave would be arrivin'
any minute, and while this scene was pretty bad, *unter knew that Dave had to actually
catch ,ark suckin' him off.
B6aby, please. I need it,C *unter warbled lettin' his hand ur'e ,arks head ever so
*e watched throu'h lidded eyes as ,ark took a deep breath and nodded sli'htly before
lowerin' his head. *unter closed his eyes, not wantin' to watch himself disappear down
this assholes throat. 2he sense of What The Fuck Am I Doing was already hittin' him
like a frei'ht train and if he watched it happen he mi'ht back out.
2he second the tip of ,arks ton'ue touched the tip of his dick he almost backed out
anyway, but then he heard the faint sound of lau'hter. *e immediately moaned to cover it
from ,ark as he ur'ed the youn'er mans head down a little more. 2he smile on his face
wasnt faked anymore as he counted the seconds until the door opened.
Dave trailed down the hallway beside /ic as they lau'hed about the losses theyd taken at
the casino. Dave was havin' fun, but he was also a little desperate to 'et to the club so
that he could make sure *unter was alri'ht. *e didnt let himself 'et drunk very often
and when he did Dave was usually there to watch over him.
B*ow far away is this club manEC
BAbout as far away as the casino, just in the other direction,C /ic replied as they came to
a stop in front of he and *unters door. *e pulled out the card and slid it throu'h the lock
with a smile at Dave. B(ell be outta here as soon as I 'rab my wallet off the)C
/ic trailed off as he opened the door and the unmistakable sound of *unters moan
drifted out to them.
Chapter 14 Part 3.The Gran% 9inale
B*unterE ,ark,C /ic e?claimed with just the perfect amount of shocked surprise in his
B(hat the fuck is thisE<C
*unters head swiveled slowly towards the door and ,ark all but fell off the bed at
Daves furious tone. *unter let his head fall back to the pillow a'ain rememberin' to play
up his drunken state.
BDave, baby, I can e?plain,C ,ark tried in a pleadin' voice as he 4uickly pulled *unters
bo?ers back up before climbin' off the older man and off the side of the bed successfully
puttin' it between him and Dave.
BFou sure as hell better,C Dave 'rowled takin' another step into the room. BAnd the
e?planation better be pretty fuckin' 'ood<C
6y this time Audrey, 0hawn, /andy and .hris thou'ht it was time to intervene. /andy
and .hris stumbled out of their hotel>room first, /andy in nothin' but his bo?ers and
.hris shirtless with his pants completely undone.
B(hats 'oin' on,C .hris asked in concern as he moved closer to Dave. BDave whats
2he door ne?t to .hris and /andys opened up and 0hawn emer'ed in a state almost
identical to .hris e?cept his pants were ipped but unbuttoned.
B*ey, whats all thisEC
B0hawn,C Audrey called out in a concerned voice from inside the room, Bis everythin'
BIm not sure,C he called back never takin' his eyes off the scene in front of him.
2hey heard shufflin' inside the room and then Audrey walked out into the hall in nothin'
but the button>down shirt 0hawn had worn to the club, her red heels and leather choker.
2he shirt was inside out and buttoned wron', but it hun' nearly to her knees.
B(hat do you mean youre not s>C she trailed off when she looked around at the men
both in the hallway and in what she could see of the room. B(hat the hell is 'oin' on out
hereE I thou'ht *unter was still at the club.C
B0o did I, but apparently hes not,C Dave 'round throu'h clenched teeth. B,ark was just
suckin' his fuckin' dick.C
.hris and 0hawn 'asped in shock while /andy shook his head. BAre you sureEC
BI saw it with my own eyes and Im 'onna kick his fuckin' ass,C Dave roared takin' two
strides into the room before bein' 'rabbed by 0hawn, /ic, /andy, and .hris.
BDave, you cant do this,C /andy said throu'h 'ritted teeth as he tried to restrain Dave.
B(hy the hell notE<C
BFor one, this is *unter,C 0hawn cried incredulously. B*es family< (e dont 'o around
kickin' each others asses<C
BI dont plan on touchin' *unter, Im 'onna rip ,arks fuckin' head off<C
/elief spran' throu'h everyone in the vicinity e?cept ,ark who actually yelped. For a
second there everyone, includin' *unter, thou'ht that Dave would actually try to fi'ht
BDave, no, you cant,C Audrey cried from behind them. BIf hed do somethin' like this to
you then he doesnt even deserve your an'er< Foull 'et in more trouble than this asshole
is worth< Do you really wanna be fined and suspended and possibly put in jail behind this
prickE<C Daves stru''lin' seemed to lessen at her words. so she pushed it. BDave, you
know youre better than this. Fou dont have to stoop down to his level. *ell win
anyway. Dont 'ive him the satisfaction.C
(hen Dave stopped movin' they were all in the room now. *unter was lyin' on the bed
with a sli'ht smile plastered on his face keepin' up with his drunken charade. BDaveEC
B(hat,C the bi' man asked ti'htly.
BAre you mad,C he asked with drunken fascination.
BFoure drunk,C he stated flatly.
BI think so, yeah,C *unter said with a 'oofy lau'h.
Dave si'hed and scrubbed his hands over his face fi'htin' hard to keep some kind of
control over himself and what was left of the situation. *e could honestly say that hed
never e?pected to find his boyfriend suckin' off the man he loved when he stepped
throu'h the door with /ic. *e couldnt even be'in to try to separate all the emotions
swirlin' throu'h him makin' his heart beat wildly and his muscles tense.
BDave,C a tentative voice called breakin' the very heavy and somewhat shocked silence
in the room. It was, in essence, the catalyst for (orld (ar III.
BFou lyin' filthy piece of shit,C /ic spat dis'ustedly at ,ark. BI cant believe you have
the balls to even say his name.C
,ark wasnt terribly surprised to hear /ic speakin' to him that way, thou'h it did still
hurt. *ed always brushed the older man off as unimportant and as a result hed never
had any real interaction with /ic other than some small talk here and there. 2hat was
nowhere near enou'h to pull sympathy out of the =ature 6oy.
B*ow could you do somethin' like this,C 0hawn demanded with hatred blain' in his
stormy blue eyes. BI could rip your fuckin' throat out you sorry motherfucker< First of all
you fucked over Dave< 6ut you did it with *unter while hes drunk off his ass<C
,ark winced at the sheer volume of hatred in 0hawns every breath. *e knew 0hawn
would be pissed as well since the older blonde had never spent any prolon'ed time with
or around him. *e was sure 0hawn only knew his name because he was involved with
Dave so he doubted the 2e?an would be feelin' the tinniest twin'e of compassion.
*owever hed for'otten to factor in the stran'ely intense relationship 0hawn and *unter
had. ,ark certainly hadnt endeared himself to 0hawn any by foolin' around with
,ark desperately looked from one an'ry face to the other finally settlin' pleadin' eyes
on .hris. B.hris, pleaseE I made a mistake, Im sorry.C
2o ,arks dismay .hris eyes only hardened. BFoure damn ri'ht you did. Fou made the
bi''est mistake you could. Dave is a 'reat 'uy, a 'reat friend and youre such a selfish
bastard that instead of lookin' at what you had you went out lookin' for what else you
could 'et. And the only reason youre apolo'iin' now is because you 'ot cau'ht. If no
one knew about this would you even feel 'uiltyE Do you even care that *unters drunkE
Do you even 'ive a shit that hes Daves best friendEC 6efore ,ark could even attempt to
answer any of the 4uestions .hris be'an to speak a'ain. BFou know whatE 2his wasnt
even a mistake ,ark. 2his was a fuckin' choice that you made and a choice that youre
'onna have to live with.C
BFoure 'oddamn ri'ht youre 'onna have to live with it,C /andy finally said with all the
disdain and malice hed been holdin' at bay for over a week now. BFou stupid ass,
pathetic, whiney little bitch. Fou screwed with the wron' people this time. If it were my
choice I never wouldve stopped Dave front kickin' a dent in that empty head of yours
and if I could have it my way ri'ht now Id be the one doin' it. I cant believe youd try
to pull some shit like this and think that no one would ever find out about it. Are you that
fuckin' dumb or do you just not care about your own healthEC
,ark was 'enuinely shocked to hear /andy talkin' to him that way after the way theyd
been 'ettin' alon'. 2hey were friends, /andy had said so on many different occasions
but the 'enuine contempt in his voice seemed to run way deeper than just this moment.
0omethin' about the sudden shift in /andys behavior ni''led into a 'rowin' suspicious
which was only confirmed when the 0outhern blonde, who up until had been nothin' but
su'ar covered in honey, took a step forward with murder in her beautiful 'reen eyes.
BIve met some dumb asses in my life. *ell Ive met some people who were completely
cray, but I have never met anyone who was as much of an idiot as you,C she spat.
B*unterE Fou cheat on one of the best people in the entire world, someone whos way too
'ood for your sorry, lyin', worthless ass, and you choose a drunken *unter of all people
to do it withE (ere you tryin' to commit suicide toni'ht or just land yourself in the
fuckin' hospitalEC
,arks eyes narrowed sli'htly as his conclusion was slammed into place. BFou set me
up,C he whispered.
B@?cuse me,C 0hawn asked with an arched eyebrow and crossed arms.
,ark i'nored him and swun' his 'ae to .hris. B.hris, this is all /andys fault. Fou
dont understand whats happenin' ri'ht now, but hes not 'ood for you. *e did all of
this, they all did and theyre only 'onna do the same thin' to you.C
6efore /andy could take a step forward .hris spoke. BFuck you. Dont you ever in your
fuckin' life tell me that hes not 'ood for me or that theyll hurt me. Fou just cheated on
your boyfriend with his drunk best friend and youre tryin' to 'ive me moral lectures
about /andyE Fuck that. Fou 'ot yourself into all this shit and theres no one else to
blame but you.C
B=o, you dont understand. *e knew, .hris. *e knew that I wanted him and he acted like
we were all cool and shit. *e led me on and then he just acted like it was no bi' deal
when he suddenly ended up with you.C
@veryone in the room e?cept for Dave and a still supposedly drunk *unter 'aped at the
fact that ,ark actually had the balls to come out and admit that hed wanted /andy. 0ure
they were 'oin' to make sure that it all came out, but none of them had e?pected ,ark to
spill that little tidbit on his own.
/ic took a step closer to Dave almost unconsciously at the admission. *e wasnt sure
why they were still protectin' ,ark but that seemed to be the law in this case so he
braced himself for a potential murder attempt on Daves part. It never came.
Dave stood in the middle of the room starin' blankly at ,ark from across the mattress
with hard eyes. 2here was such a lack of anythin' there that Audrey shuddered from
where she stood ne?t to 0hawn. 0hed only seen Dave like that on a few separate
occasions and the fact that this piece of shit had pulled that reaction out of her friend was
too much for her to bear.
BI should fuckin' kill you ri'ht now,C she seethed feelin' a ra'e she hadnt felt in a lon'
time. BFoure standin' here blamin' all of this on some unre4uited school 'irl crush that
you had on someone who never 'ave a shit about you to be'in withE =ow all of a sudden
because you were usin' Dave to be'in with and it didnt end up the way you wanted it to,
you 'o and hurt Dave a'ain in the worst possible wayEC
,arks eyes narrowed at her words. *e was pissed off beyond belief now that he finally
understood what was 'oin' on. 2hat an'er was fuelin' a recklessness that probably
wasnt too wise. BFoure the one who told me to sleep with *unter<C
BI did whatE<C
B-ust yesterday at the pool you told me that it was okay for 3li4 members to sleep with
each others boyfriends and 'irlfriends< Fou told me that none of you 'uys cared and then
you told me all that shit you and 0hawn said about *unter< Fou set me up<C
BFou yell at her a'ain and itll be the last dumb thin' you ever do,C 0hawn told him in a
soft, deadly voice that was threatenin' enou'h to make ,ark swallow and take a step
back to widen the fifteen foot 'ap already between them. BAnd as for the bullshit youre
sayin', you couldnt be anymore of an idiot if you tried. -ust because she told you how
thin's 'o down in the 3li4 doesnt mean it applies to you. *ell everyone knows how we
are and it doesnt mean shit to anyone else. Foure not in the fuckin' 3li4,C the blonde
pointed out in a hi'hly pissed off voice. BAnd just because she tells you about somethin'
that me and her have done with *unter that doesnt 'ive you the 'reen li'ht to 'o and try
it and you know that. Four ass just took that and ran with it because you were lookin' for
any e?cuse you could find to screw somebody else whether it be /andy, *unter or 7od
knows who else.C
B2hat)thats not true,C ,ark contradicted as doubt be'an to creep into his voice.
BIf you really thou'ht it was okay for you to sleep with one of us you wouldve asked
Dave about it anyway,C /ic said in a hard voice. BAnd you definitely wouldnt have had
to 'o after *unter while he was too drunk to walk strai'ht.C
BIt wasnt like that. *e>C
B2heres no way to cover your ass this time, ,ark,C .hris interrupted with so much
venom in his tone that even *unter had to consciously stop himself from droppin' the
drunk faQade and lookin' over at the blonde. BFou claim that you were set up, but you
openly admitted that you were only with Dave to 'et closer to /andy in the first place.
Fou walked into the whole thin' knowin' full well that you were usin' him to 'et what
you wanted. /andy didnt 'ive your ass a second look and ended up with me.C (ith a
cruel smile he continued, B*e ended up lovin' me. 2hat pissed you off so much that
instead of you leavin' well enou'h alone and stayin' with your boyfriend, bein' faithful
to the man you were actually with, you went out with *unter, waited for him to 'et drunk
and then brou'ht him back here knowin' full well that you planned to sleep with him.
Fou have the balls to stand here and try to accuse everyone else of settin' you up when
you were fuckin' up from the start and you were fully in control of every choice you had
ever made. Foure pathetic. (hy dont you just man up and say what a sorry prick you
are and 'et the fuck out of hereEC
B.hris,C ,ark said tryin' to blink back tears. B.hris, you dont understand. I know what
this looks like, but you have to believe me when I say that it wasnt just me. I couldve
made better choices but I wasnt the only one involved. /andy knew I wanted him and
when he ended up with you I was just so an'ry at him. I wanted to hurt him. *im and
*unter were so close and then she told me that it was okay and then *unter was drunk
and he was flirtin' with me and I shouldve known but).hris Im so sorry.C
.hris shook his head at his former friend and said in the most disappointed tone he could
muster, BAfter all this, after everythin' that youve done youre still apolo'iin' to the
wron' person. Fou havent once looked at Dave and told him that youre sorry for all the
shit that youve done to him, and its because you dont care. Fou never cared and ri'ht
now I wish I werent such a 'ood person. /i'ht now I wish I could tell them to tear you
apart limb from limb, but we were friends once so I cant. 2he fact that you and me
actually had a friendship before is the only reason youre 'ettin' this pass, but I promise
you that if you ever fuck with any of us a'ain on any level that you wont be as lucky.
=ow 'et the fuck out of here. 2he ne?t time you see me were stran'ers.C
B7et the fuck out,C Dave roared sendin' ,ark in motion.
,ark moved around the room slowly so as not to touch a sin'le 3li4 member on his way
out. =one of them moved to 'ive him any space and he was terrified that .hris had been
lyin' about his non>violence pass. (hen he made it to the door blessedly unharmed he
be'an to turn over his shoulder, but /andys voice halted him.
BDont even fuckin' think about it. Fou dont deserve a last look.C
2he tears immediately fell from ,arks eyes as he opened the door and slipped out
closin' it softly behind him.
B7ood riddance,C Audrey muttered darkly.
Dave let out a loud si'h as the room fell back into silence. 2he bi' man scrubbed his
hands down his face before droppin' them at his sides and lookin' at *unter sprawled
across the mattress.
B7et up. @ven if you really were drunk youd be soberin' up ri'ht about now anyway.C
*unter sat up in a fluid motion and his eyes lost the 'laed look as he offered Dave a
smile. B2hats what I was just thinkin'.C
Dave si'hed a'ain. B0o)that was pretty bi'. 1ne of the best conclusions Ive seen to a
plan in a lon' time.C
BIt definitely had its moments,C *unter a'reed with a nod.
B*ate I was on the other side of it,C Dave said finally crackin' a smile.
*unters smile was faint as he answered, BFeah, I hate that too. Dave I)C
*unter trailed off and shook his head at himself. *e looked down at the material of his
bo?ers intently until he heard a voice bein' cleared very pointedly. *e 'lanced up and
saw the other five 3li4 members starin' at the two of them intently. *e met 0hawns eyes
and clearly read the A2ell *im 1r Ill .hop 1ff Four Dick messa'e in those clear blue>
'rey eyes. *e sent the 2e?an a meek smile before takin' a deep breath and turnin' back
to Dave.
B0o you see, heres the thin', Dave. Im in love with you and I probably have been for a
lot lon'er than Ive been aware of.C (hen Daves eyes widened almost comically *unter
weakly added, B0urprise.C
Dave stared at *unter that way for a lon' time before his eyes narrowed an'rily. *unter
couldnt say that he was especially surprised, hed had no illusions about a perfect
conflict>free conclusion. 2his was 'oin' to be a battle and he supposed he owed Dave
that much at least.
BFoure in love with meE Are you fuckin' serious, *unterEC
B(ell this isnt somethin' Id lie about,C *unter answered with a weak shru'.
BFou bastard< All this time youve known e?actly how I felt and you kept me behind the
same damn wall that you keep everybody else e?cept 0hawn behind when it comes to
your damn heart< I never e?pected anythin' from you because you repeatedly told me
that I couldnt< I was fine with that, *unter, I really was because I knew what I was
si'nin' up for< I knew there wouldnt be a relationship and when I couldnt handle that
anymore instead of tryin' to pressure you I walked away< =ow all of a sudden youre
claimin' that you love meE< Fuck you<C
BI deserved that.C
BFoure damn ri'ht you did and you deserve a whole hell of a lot more than that,C Dave
said warmin' up to his topic considerably. BFou never wouldve told me all of this if I
hadnt walked away from your bed< Fou never wouldve had to balls to chan'e enou'h
and tell me all of this if thin's were still 'oin' the way you wanted them to< Its all about
control for you isnt it *unterE< I threw a monkey wrench in the whole operation and all
of a sudden you were in lost territory scramblin' to 'et thin's back to where you could be
comfortable a'ain< 2his is all just some way to 'et me back where you want me even if it
does mean you have to sacrifice your pride and 'o a'ainst your precious rules<C
*unter had sat listenin' to Dave with his head bowed sli'htly. (hen the bi''er man
stopped talkin' *unter had hesitated to make sure his little speech was finished before he
looked up and cau'ht Daves dark eyes with his own somber ones.
B(ill you let me e?plain nowEC
BFou sure as hell better,C Dave said crossin' his arms across his bul'in' chest.
BFoure ri'ht,C *unter said simply and waited a second for it to sink in before continuin'.
BFoure completely ri'ht about everythin'. It is about control for me and everyone knows
that. Its not somethin' that I think will ever chan'e. I like knowin' where Im 'oin' and
how Im 'onna 'et there and that was workin' just fine until you came alon' and fucked
it up. It had never happened to me like that before, not even with 0hawn. I fell for him
'radually and I knew what was happenin' the whole time, but the mornin' after the
second time wed had se? I woke up ne?t to you and I just felt it. It hit me like a damn
li'htenin' bolt out of nowhere and I didnt know what to do. I was so fuckin' lost,
Dave,C *unter recanted with another shake of his head.
Around the room /ic was a'ain stretched across the spare bed watchin' the scene
intently. Audrey and 0hawn were standin' near the door with his arm around her
shoulders and her arms wrapped around his waist. 0he was leanin' her head on his
shoulder as they watched everythin' unfold. .hris and /andy were closest to *unter and
Dave but standin' off to the side so as not to disturb the pair as they watched with their
fin'ers interlaced. 2hey were all breathin' shallow breaths as they waited desperately for
the outcome.
BI tried to end it with you,C *unter spoke after another deep breath. BI put space and too
many other people between us but then you would smile a certain way or lau'h at one of
my dumb jokes or just walk in the room and I couldnt help it. I didnt know what to do.
Fou were ri'ht when you said that I never wouldve told you if you hadnt walked away.
2oo much pride, too many rules and I wasnt ready for my life to chan'e like that, but it
chan'ed anyway,C he said with a bitter chuckle. BFoud had enou'h of my bullshit and
you were walkin' away to 'o find somebody else who would appreciate you and 'ive
you what I couldnt. 2hat really fucked me up, Dave.C
Dave 'ave him a small smile for those words and uncrossed his arms. BI kinda hoped it
BI fi'ured as much,C *unter said with a small smile of his own. B2he thin' is I wanted to
be happy for you, I really did and I tried for all of about two hours before I 'ave that shit
up. 2he thou'ht of you with somebody else was killin' me and I had to find out who it
was. I made some calls and ten minutes later I found out it was -indrak. I seriously
couldnt let that shit stand. Aside from the fact that you werent with me, you were with
the 'uy whod been practically obsessed with /andy for as lon' as I can remember.C
B*ow did I not know that,C Dave asked himself more than anyone else. *e va'uely heard
/andy dis'ustedly mutter somethin' to the effect of him not bein' the only one and he
shot the brunette a comfortin' smile before focusin' his attention back on *unter.
BI knew ri'ht off the bat that he was only with you to 'et closer to /andy and it made me
want to rip his dick off and feed it to him. 6ut I still wasnt ready to tell you how I felt
about you so I couldnt just e?plain everythin' to you. I had to find another way to break
you two up, so I went to /andy and told him what I wanted done. ,e, him, and
eventually 0hawn came up with the whole plan that .hris, Audrey and /ic helped us
carry out. And so here we are.C
BFeah and here you are tellin' me you love me. Fou said you werent ready before, so
what made you so ready nowEC
B1ver the course of this whole thin' Ive had nothin' but time to think. I knew I wanted
to be with you, but I was still tryin' to convince myself that it was just because we were
friends and we were 'ood in bed to'ether. I didnt want it to be about love, I wasnt ready
even thou'h everyone else e?cept you already knew how I felt. *ell 0hawn stopped
sleepin' with me a week a'o because he knew that I was in love with you and would be
with you for real when this whole thin' was over with. If youd let me,C he added 4uickly
so as not to seem presumptuous.
BFou stopped sleepin' with 0hawn,C Dave asked incredibly surprised and turned to
0hawn for confirmation. (hen the 2e?an nodded with a sadness in his eyes that he
couldnt mask Dave was about to say somethin' to him but *unter was speakin' a'ain.
BI stopped sleepin' with anybody. ,e and .hris fooled around earlier this mornin', but it
was nothin'.C
B(ait, you and .hris did what,C Dave asked in confusion as he turned to the youn'est
couple in the room to 'au'e /andys reaction to that news. *e was surprised when his
friend only smirked somewhat heatedly at the reminder.
B2heres a few thin's well catch you up on later,C the youn' brunette told him and then
motioned back to *unter.
BAnyway, the short e?planation is that I had to make a choice. @ven if I did break up one
relationship you had with one asshole that didnt 'uarantee that youd come back to me.
If you were really sick of me and you wanted a real relationship there would really be
nothin' that could stop you. I couldnt brake up every relationship you had cause youd
probably catch on after the third one if not the second. And really, that would just be a
fucked up thin' to keep doin' to you whether I had real reasons to do it or not. (hen I
started thinkin' about that I eventually started thinkin' about the 'uys youd end up with.
Fou could easily end up with someone else who was worse than ,ark or you could end
up with someone who was as 'reat as you but theres way more assholes out there than
Dave stared intently into *unters eyes and asked very 4uietly, B0o what are you sayin'EC
BIm sayin' that I came to a crossroads. I could either take the chance that youd end up
with other 'uys and possibly assholes whod hurt you and treat you like youll never
deserve to be treated. 1r)C
B1r,C Dave prompted on a whisper.
*unter swallowed hard and jumped off the cliff. 2his was surprisin'ly harder to say than
the AI love you hed dished out at the be'innin'. B1r, I could swallow my pride and take
the chance that youd tell me loved me too and then I could treat you like youve always
deserved to be treated.C
2hey heard a chocked noise and everyone turned to find Audrey fannin' the tears in her
eyes with a bri'ht smile. B0orry, you two 'et back to your conversation,C she murmured
Daves smile was as bri'ht as the sun when he turned back to *unter. B2heres really not
much left to talk about.C
*unters smile slowly crept across his face. BAre you tellin' me what I wanna hearEC
BIf you wanna hear me say that I love you too and youd better start treatin' me the way
Ive always deserved to be treated.C
B2hats it,C *unter said pullin' Dave down on the bed.
Dave 4uickly s4uirmed out of *unters 'rasp and moved to sit beside him. B(ait, theres
a few rules, *unter. If youre really serious about this then theres some thin's we have to
'et strai'ht from the be'innin'.C
BAnythin',C *unter said with all the honesty he had in him. BI want this baby, anythin'
you want me to chan'e Ill chan'e. I swear.C
Daves smiled softly. B*ey, its not like I want you to be a completely different person. I
fell in love with you, *unter, not the person I could chan'e you into. I just want you to
acknowled'e our relationship in public. =ot to the whole world and shit like that and you
dont have to shout it from the rooftops, but I do want it to be common knowled'e around
here that were to'ether.C
BDone. I want everybody to know, baby.C
B2hats 'ood. As far as the chan'es, theres really only one thin' about you that has to
stop and its the trickin' around. If youre with me then youre with me and all the flirtin'
and fuckin' any and everybody is somethin' I wont tolerate.C
*unters eyes momentarily left his and Dave didnt have to 'uess too hard to know where
theyd ended up. @ven now he could hear Audreys voice murmurin' comfortin'ly as
well as .hris. Dave waited patiently for *unters eyes to return to his and when they did
they were still bri'ht, just a tad bit dimmer than they had been. Dave smiled the bi''est
smile he could and 'rasped his new boyfriends chin.
B*ey, I told you that the trickin' and the fuckin' any and everybody had to stop. (hen
has 0hawn ever been considered a trick or just anybodyEC
2here was a three second delay before *unter finally 'rasped what his lover was sayin'.
BAre you seriousEC
Dave nodded happily. B*es meant so much to you for so lon' that it would just be cruel
for me to take him away.C *e then turned to 0hawn and smiled bri'htly at him. B2he
relationship you two have is somethin' completely separate from me and him and I
understand that. Fou mi'ht have to take it up with Audrey, but as far as Im concerned
you two are fine with me.C Dave then turned to /andy and smiled the same bri'ht smile
at the brunette. BAnd I also know how you and *unters relationship is, /andy. Fou two
are e?tremely close and you flirt and kiss and cuddle and thats fine with me too. If you
ever do pro'ress to sleepin' to'ether I wont have a problem with that either. A'ain, you
mi'ht have to take that up with .hris.C
*unter pulled him around and pulled him into a deep, lon' kiss that was powerful enou'h
to almost mute out the loud clappin' 'oin' on around them. (hen they finally pulled
apart Dave swore he saw stars and *unter looked drunk a'ain.
B(oooooooo< Fuckin' finally,C /ic said with that smile of his as he 'ot up from the bed
headed for the door. B7uess Im takin' your room, Dave.C
BFou think ,arks out of there yetEC
BIf hes not he will be soon, dont worry.C
B.alm down, .hrissy, I remember,C the older man said with a dismissive wave of his
hand. BIm so 'lad this shit is over. Im too old to play .upid.C
BFoud better rest up cause when -o and the 3id 'et here were 'onna be ri'ht back on
the job,C *unter said with a shake of his head as /ic muttered a few curses and left the
B-os comin' too,C Audrey asked e?citedly practically jumpin' up and down.
BFeah when I talked to her she said somethin' to the effect of rippin' off the fuckers
balls that touched her .hrissy. 2hen there were a few more thin's after that that I dont
really remember. 2hat 'irl can still 'ive a sailor a run for his money,C *unter said a fond
B2hats my -o>-o,C .hris said with a soft smile. B(ell, I 'uess were 'onna 'et outta here
and finish what we had started earlier. (ere sure you 'uys wont mind that we cant
stay,C he chuckled.
B0ee you 'uys in the mornin', or whenever it is that we finally dra' ourselves outta bed,C
/andy said with a wicked 'rin watchin' .hris ass as the .anadian headed for the door.
0hawn and Audrey filed out after them sayin' somethin' alon' the same lines. 0hawn
paused to 'ive them both a very happy smile before closin' the door behind him and his
B-ust you and me, baby,C *unter said softly. B(hat do you wanna doEC
B*onestlyE I just wanna 'o to sleep. 2his has been the lon'est day of my life,C he said
with an apolo'etic smile and was surprised when *unter let out a breath of relief.
B2hank 7od, Im so mentally e?hausted I could sleep for a week.C
B(ow, couples really do have less se? than sin'le people,C Dave 4uipped as he stood and
stripped down to his bo?ers before 'oin' to turn off the li'hts.
BI wouldnt by into that stereotype just yet, David,C *unter said knowin' how much
Dave hated when he called him that. B2omorrow Ill be rested so youd better store up
some ener'y.C
BIm all over it,C he murmured when he reached the bed a'ain.
2hey maneuvered around on the bed until they were lyin' comfortably in each others
arms. *unter kissed Daves bare shoulder before whisperin', BI love you, Dave. I swear I
BI love you too,C Dave murmured back as he snu''led a little closer. BI always will,
B2hen Im 'lad I took the ri'ht chance. 7oodni'ht.C
B7oodni'ht,C Dave murmured raisin' one of *unters hands to his lips to lay a 'entle
kiss there before lowerin' it back down to the bed and driftin' into a contented sleep.
B2hanks for comin' over, *unter.C
BFeah, sure,C he said casually as he was ushered into /andy and .hris hotel>room.
B(hats upEC
B(ell,C .hris started before 'esturin' for /andy to continue.
B2heres the matter of a certain bet we made twelve days a'o,C /andy said with a sweet
smile. B0eein' as how I won, I believe I own you from now until,C he paused to check his
watch, Btwelve twenty>one tomorrow afternoon.C
B(ait,C *unter said with a shocked look, BI thou'ht we already a'reed that the bet thin'
was null and void.C
B=o, we a'reed that the bet was a fuckin' brilliant idea to 'et me and .hris to'ether, but
I dont remember officially callin' it off. 6esides, we said that I wouldnt have wanted to
'o throu'h with it because Im in love with .hris and I wouldnt cheat on him. 6ut if you
recall, me and him already a'reed that I can sleep with you as lon' as hes in the room, so
that issues pretty irrelevant ri'ht now.C
B(hat about)what about Dave,C *unter cried triumphantly. BI doubt hed like it very
much if you screwed me the day after me and him 'ot to'ether.C
BActually, I wouldnt mind too much,C Daves voice sounded as he stepped around a
corner and into the livin'>room area of the suite. BA bets a bet. If you made it before we
were to'ether then I cant 'et upset about it. &lus I like this rule about se? bein' okay as
lon' as the partners in the room.C
*unter stared at each of the three men in turn, wonderin' idly what his face looked like at
the moment. *e knew he had to resemble one of the cartoons where the characters
mouth dropped to the floor and had to be rolled up like an overhead projector screen.
BAw, come on, *unt. Dont look so horrified,C /andy said in a su'ary voice. BI promise
Ill take it easy on you. As a matter of fact)Im not even 'onna lay a fin'er on you.C
B0ee its like this,C .hris started. B(hen we were plottin' up this whole little scheme of
yours it was becomin' blindin'ly obvious that you werent too sure about what you were
'onna do once it was all said and done. 0o, me and /andy 'ot to'ether and started
thinkin' of ways to make sure you and Dave ended up with your happily>ever>after. I
mean, youd 'one throu'h so much trouble to make sure we had ours that we had to
return the favor.C
B6ut me and Dave are already to'ether,C *unter reminded slowly. BI handled it.C
B2hen call this our con'ratulations present to the two of you,C .hris said before smilin'
encoura'in'ly at his boyfriend.
/andy picked up the e?planation with a smile at his blonde. B(e were drawin' a serious
blank so we decided to use your bet scenario as our model, and then it hit us. 2he bet
thin' was so fuckin' perfect that not only did it brin' me and .hris to'ether, but it 'ave
us the perfect opportunity to make sure that you two stayed to'ether too.C
B(hat are you talkin' about,C *unter asked suspiciously.
B(hile I would like nothin' more than to watch /andy pop your pried cherry, I dont
think it would be very fair to Dave to have another 'uy be the one to deflower you.C
BAnd even thou'h Ive been fantasiin' about bein' the 'uy to do it, I had to a'ree with
my baby on this one,C /andy said loopin' an affectionate arm around .hris shoulders.
B0o, we thou'ht about it and weve decided that Im 'oin' to 'ive you to Dave until
twelve twenty>one tomorrow afternoon.C
B(hat,C *unter asked lookin' sincerely perple?ed now.
B2he specifics of the bet were that I would be in control of you for twenty>four hours.
Fou had to do whatever I said durin' that time. (ell Im sayin' that youre 'onna have to
do whatever Dave says for the duration of my control over you. 0tartin' now.C
BFou sneaky bastards,C *unter accused with far too much appreciation in his voice than
he should have at the moment.
B(e had such 'reat tutors,C .hris said leadin' /andy to the door. B(ell be stayin' in
your room toni'ht and /ic 'et Daves seein' as how you two are 'onna be occupyin' this
one for awhile. *ave fun.C
B(e will,C Dave assured for the both of them.
BIm sure,C /andy lau'hed steppin' out into the hallway with .hris. *e suddenly paused
in the middle of pullin' the door shut behind them and stuck his head back in. B1h, and
B/emember, no weird or painful shit. 2hats the only rule *unter asked for.C
B7ot it,C Dave assured with a soft, meanin'ful smile for the youn'er man. *e knew how
much /andy cared for *unter and he wanted him to know that he wouldnt hurt him.
B7ood. :ater,C /andy said soundin' relieved and happy once more as he closed the door
behind him.
B(ell I feel like an idiot,C *unter mused as he trailed back into the bedroom area, Dave
ri'ht behind him. *unter stopped in the center of the room and shook his head in pure
wonder. BIts not too often that anythin' surprises me, but low and behold Im shocked
shitless ri'ht now.C
Dave chuckled and pressed a'ainst *unters back rubbin' his hands slowly up and down
his arms. BDont feel so bad, Im pretty fuckin' surprised myself.C
*unter lau'hed out loud at those words. BI can ima'ine. *ow many times are you 'onna
'et to say that you have *unter completely at your mercy for twenty>four hoursEC
Dave easily picked up the other emotion hidden behind his lovers amusin'ly sarcastic
words. BFou know youre not really at my mercy ri'htE (e dont have to do the whole
master>slave thin'. Fou wanna call the shots you can and you already know I wont do
anythin' you dont want me to.C
BIm not scared,C *unter e?plained to the wall in front of him.
BI never said that you were, but you just told me you are.C
B=o I didnt.C
B*unter, every time someone 'ets too close, you immediately 'o on the defensive. Fou
'o out of your way to convince everybody otherwise before they even really jump to the
ri'ht conclusion. I told you that I wouldnt force you to do anythin', somethin' that any
normal boyfriend would say, and the first thin' out of your mouth is how youre not
B,aybe I just wanted you to know,C *unter murmured still starin' a hole throu'h the
wall. BIn case you were wonderin'.C
B6aby,C Dave whispered turnin' *unter around to face him. BI 'et that youre tryin' to
be stron' and confident and all that shit, but this is me youre with ri'ht now. Any front
that you put up I can see throu'h, so why dont you 'ive it a rest alri'htE If youre scared
then youre scared and thats okay. (ith all the shit we just found out about .hris and
with Audrey bein' here I know the thou'ht of bein' under someone elses control is a
little)unnervin'. 2hats why I want you to know that we dont have to do it like that. I
dont really want it to be like that anyway.C
*unter raised a challen'in' eyebrow at that. BFou dont wanna be all dominant and
demandin' while I breathlessly obey your every willEC
Daves lips twitched into a smile at that description. B(ell maybe Im not totally a'ainst
it, but I dont want it like that for your first time.C
2hose words slithered into *unters mind and wormed their way throu'h his entire
nervous system. Dave wanted to take his vir'inity. /andy and .hris had set this whole
thin' up with the belief that Dave was 'oin' to take his vir'inity. And while he knew that
one word was all it would take for that to not happen, he had no intention of tellin' Dave
no. *e was takin' the plun'e completely.
BAnd just how will my first time beEC
2here was a sli'ht pause before Dave smiled bri'htly at *unters round>about consent
and pulled the blonde into a slow kiss. *e pulled back and stared into *unters clear eyes
while he spoke. BI want it to be soft and sweet and perfect.C
BIn reality itll probably be frustratin'ly slow and awkward and painful,C *unter said
with a little lau'h.
Dave couldnt help but lau'h alon'. BFoure ri'ht, itll probably be all those thin's. 6ut
itll still be me and you.C
(ith a sli'ht roll of his eyes *unter allowed himself to take the bait and lapse into a
complete :ifetime moment. B2hen I 'uess itll be perfect anyway.C
Dave was still chucklin' when he kissed his blonde lover a'ain. *e deftly be'an to
unbutton *unters shirt not pullin' back from that warm mouth until the shirt was lyin'
carelessly on the plush hotel>room carpet.
BFuckin' beautiful,C Dave whispered almost absently while his brown eyes raked
hun'rily over *unters bare chest.
*unter smiled softly at that and reached for the hem of Daves shirt in return. *e easily
pulled the t>shirt over his lovers head and cau'ht his breath at that wide e?panse of
muscular chest.
BFou were always so 'or'eous, Dave.C
B(hos seducin' who here,C Dave asked with a lay smile as he reached down to undo
*unters pants.
*unter stood passively as Dave fully undressed him. (hen he tried to return the favor
Dave batted his hands away and kissed him slow and deep. B-ust let me take care of you,
*unter swallowed hard at the love he heard in Daves deep voice. B1kay.C
Dave fused their lips a'ain and walked *unter backwards until the back of the blondes
knees hit the mattress. *unter landed with a sli'ht bounce and a breathless chuckle that
was 4uickly swallowed by Dave as he followed *unter down and stretched out on top of
*unters arms immediately wound around Daves neck and he si'hed into the bi' mans
mouth. It wasnt often, hardly ever actually, that one of *unters bed partners was bi''er
than him. 2hat was one thin' that hed always secretly loved about Dave. (hen Dave
was on top of him he 'ot to e?perience that sweet crush of bein' pressed into the mattress
that made him feel like he was just surrounded by the bi''er man.
BDave,C *unter murmured unconsciously as Dave moved away from his mouth and
be'an to move lower down his toned body.
B0hh,C Dave whispered a'ainst the blondes Adams apple as he moved methodically
downward makin' sure to nip and kiss at every bare patch of skin he could find. BIm
here, *unter.C
*unter allowed his eyes to fall shut when Dave reached his nipples. 2hey had always
been a major ero'enous one for him and once Dave had fi'ured that out all those months
a'o hed never for'otten it. 6y the time hed finished nibblin' and suckin' at the sweet
little buds *unter was flushed and moanin' out nonsense.
BFoure ramblin', baby,C Dave informed sweetly a'ainst *unters abdomen. *e playfully
nipped around there before pullin' a patch of skin between his teeth and suckin' hard
until he was satisfied with the bri'ht red bruise hed left behind. B,ine.C
BFuck,C *unter moaned at Daves possessive 'rowl. *is head was swimmin' now and
his le's felt tin'ly already. (hite hot flashes were 'oin' off behind his eyelids and he
hadnt even come yet. *e was abstractly convinced that once Dave finally did brin' him
over the ed'e that hed e?plode into a billion particles and be consumed by the heat risin'
between them.
Dave continued on his scenic tour of *unters every muscle and curve, at least until he
reached the older mans hipbones. *e literally had to hold *unter down when he left
matchin' marks on each of the beautifully sculpted sections of skin. *ed always been in
love with *unters hipbones.
BDave,C *unter pleaded around hitchin' breaths and the occasional moan.
Dave looked up from his task and nearly came at the si'ht of his blonde lover. *unter had
pulled himself up on his elbows and was lookin' down at him with lust>blown pupils,
messy blonde hair that was stickin' to the sweat on his face in several places and lips that
red and swollen with use. 2he Afuck me vibes that were radiatin' from him were almost
too much for Dave to i'nore.
B(hat do you need, *unter,C Dave breathed ed'in' himself further down on the bed until
he was face to face with *unters pride and joy and his own late>ni'ht obsession. B(hat
do you want me to doEC
*unters eyes narrowed into slits so small he could barely take in the ima'e of Dave
swallowin' his cock in one fell swoop. As it was, once he was sheathed in Daves warm
throat his eyes screwed themselves all the way shut and the elbows that had been
supportin' him collapsed in a move that he would never remember.
Dave had been prepared for *unters initial thrust but he hadnt been prepared for the
desperate 'roan that left the blondes mouth. It sent a sharp lance of desire strai'ht
throu'h Dave like nothin' else ever had or ever could. *is own pupils blew so wide that
the brown around them was nearly indistin'uishable. *e threw all of his effort and skill
into pullin' that sound from *unter as much as humanly possible.
After countless moments of twistin' his hands in the hotel sheets and bitin' his lower lip
in a futile effort to hold back his appreciative noises, *unter finally reached down with
both hands and 'rabbed either side of Daves face. *e almost lost it completely when he
actually touched himself throu'h Daves cheek, but he forced his or'asm back and 'ave a
very subtle tu' to the other mans head.
Dave pulled back with a wet slurpin' sound that should be ille'al for the sheer fact of
what it did to *unter and the fra'ile control the older man had over his dick at that
B(hatE I was enjoyin' that.C
BDont want it this way,C *unter panted amaed that hed mana'ed a full sentence.
Daves eyes mana'ed to 'row impossibly darker at *unters words and he nodded once
in answer. *e left the bed completely, much to *unters dismay, and pulled a small tube
of lube and a condom out of the pocket of his sweatpants tossin' both onto the bed beside
his lover. *e made 4uick work of the pants and his bo?ers before crawlin' back onto the
bed between the le's *unter had laily spread for him.
BFou sure about thisE Fou can say no and Ill be fine with it.C
*unter shook his head 4uickly and pulled Dave down for a deep kiss that was more of a
confirmation than his words could ever be. Dave moaned deeply into the kiss and *unter
heard the top to the lube bein' popped open.
*unter clun' to Daves shoulders unconsciously as the first of the bi''er mans thick
fin'ers slid inside of him. 2he sensation was a little weird, but not painful and he let out a
sli'ht si'h of relief for that.
After a moment of the in>and>out motions of Daves inde? fin'er *unter nodded to his
lovers 4uestion and soon after he felt another fin'er, e4ually thick, slide in beside the
first. 2his was enou'h to make him draw in a sharp breath and tense a little.
B*ey, its okay, baby. -ust take a deep breath and rela?,C Dave whispered as he subtly
shifted his fin'ers a'ainst one another tryin' to 'et *unter more accustomed to the feel of
them inside him. BDo you wanna stopEC
B=o,C *unter 'round out forcin' himself to rela?. B7o ahead.C
Dave slowly be'an to scissor his fin'ers watchin' *unter the entire time waitin' for the
sli'htest hint of panic or chan'e of mind. (hat he 'ot was *unter 'rippin' the sheets in a
death 'rip at first and then his 'rip slowly rela?in' until his hands were just restin'
a'ainst the soft cotton material.
Dave bit back a si'h of relief when *unter slowly started to shift a'ainst his slowly
pumpin' fin'ers. *e adjusted his an'le and reached a little deeper on the ne?t thrust of
his fin'ers and smiled when *unters back jerked off the mattress.
B0hit< Fuck, Dave,C *unter nearly yelled in a breathless e?halation. B/i'ht there<C
Dave obediently tapped *unters prostate on the ne?t five 'o>rounds and was on his way
to a si?th turn when *unters hand shot down and stilled his wrist. B6aby, now. I wanna
come with you inside me.C
Daves lips were on his so fast *unter couldve missed the movement if hed blinked and
that was nothin' compared to how fast Dave had the condom open, rolled on and lubed
up. *e finally slowed when he s4uirted the remainder of the lube onto his fin'ers and
once a'ain slipped them inside of *unter to stretch the older man as much as possible.
BDammit, Dave,C *unter 'roaned. Beither 'et inside and finish me off or move out of the
way and let me finish myself.C
Dave allowed a small chuckle to slip past his lips as he lined the head up at *unters
entrance. B:ast chance man.C
BDo it.C
BI love you,C Dave murmured so softly that *unter almost didnt catch it.
BI love you too.C
Dave leaned down once more and fused their lips in a passionate kiss as he pushed
forward in a stron' and steady stroke. *e was maybe two inches in when *unter
whimpered in pain and bit down on his bottom lip hard enou'h to stay just this side of
pain. *e 'in'erly pulled away from *unters lips and teeth and stared down at his lover
with intense concern.
BFou want me to stop,C he asked even as he be'an to pull out.
B=o,C *unter cried wrappin' his muscular le's around Daves tapered waist. B-ust)just
'o ahead.C
B*unter>C Dave was cut off by his own moan when *unter used his le's to powerfully
ur'e him about two inches further. BFuck, *unt.C
B.ome on,C *unter forced throu'h 'ritted teeth as he ti'htened his le's around Daves
waist in silent encoura'ement.
At this point Dave didnt think he couldve pulled back unless one of their lives depended
on it. *e fell forward with his elbows on either side of *unters head and he rested his
sweaty forehead a'ainst *unters e4ually sweaty one and pushed the last of the way into
the blonde without stoppin'.
1nce he was fully sheathed all he could do was pant a'ainst *unters lips and concentrate
on not spillin' into the late? as the sheer heat and ti'htness of the blondes passa'e.
*unter was currently usin' every rela?ation techni4ue hed ever learned to 'et him
throu'h this moment. *e knew that after a few minutes it would 'et easier, would turn
into somethin' amain', but at the moment his ass was on fire, he felt uncomfortably
stretched and his cock was startin' to lose interest in the whole situation.
Dave happened to notice that last problem because he reached between them and be'an
to stroke *unter in stron' slow strokes while he slipped his ton'ue into the blondes
mouth for a kiss that was almost obscene.
6efore lon' *unters dick re'ained its full interest in what was 'oin' on and before he
could think about his movements, his hips were cantin' up tryin' to drive him into
Daves hand. 2his movement shifted Dave inside of him and they both inhaled sharply at
the sensation.
B*unter, baby, I 'otta)I cant)C
*unter nodded and shifted a'ainst his lover a'ain 'roanin' when Dave rotated his hips a
little before slidin' back an inch and slowly pushin' back in. *e did this three more time,
an'lin' his hips a little differently on each thrust until he hit the jackpot in the form of
*unter lettin' out a surprised moan.
B/i'ht fuckin' there,C *unter moaned 'rippin' Daves back fiercely. B&lease, fuckin'
ri'ht there.C
Dave 'ave *unter e?actly what he wanted on each thrust, pickin' up his pace more and
more and *unter be'an to buck beneath him ur'in' him on with his words and his body.
2he sweat slicked 'lide of their bodies a'ainst each other was drivin' *unter cray with
lust and Dave was oblivious to anythin' that wasnt his lovers moans or the ti'ht
sensation around his cock.
(ords of filth and love be'an to fall from their lips in rhythmless patterns on choppy
breaths as the push>pull of their timeless dance dra''ed them closer and closer to that
Daves hand wrapped around *unter a'ain and stroked him in 4uick erratic motions that
left the blonde clima?in' with a stran'led, BI love you.C
Dave thrust jerkily three more times before he crashed his lips a'ainst *unters in a
meetin' that was all teeth clashin' and ton'ues missin' each other more often than they
met and everythin' that perfection was made of.
And somewhere between his ton'ue bein' chased around Daves mouth and the bi''er
man rollin' off of him, *unter heard Dave return his AI love you.
2hey were clin'in' to each other sweaty and spent as they drifted around in the
after'low. *unter was just now 'ettin' the feelin' back in his fin'ertips and he could
hear Daves heartbeat returnin' to normal beneath his ear.
B.an I ask you somethin',C Dave asked 4uietly as his hand laily moved alon' *unters
sweaty back.
BAfter that, baby you can ask me anythin',C *unter replied with a lay chuckle
B0o, the whole ,ark thin'EC Dave immediately felt *unter tense in his arms but the older
man nodded his head in reco'nition. BFou actually had to fool around with him and shit.C
*unter e?amined those words. 2hey were a statement of fact, not a 4uestion so he really
didnt know where Dave was 'oin' with it. 2ruthfully that statement could splinter into a
thousand different possibilities and *unter knew that the majority of them werent 'ood.
BFeah I did.C
BDid you fuck himEC
B1kay,C Dave said releasin' a tiny breath. B2hats all I wanted to know.C
B2hats itEC
BFeah. I know everythin' else I need to know. 2hats the only thin' that wouldve been
an issue.C
B(ould there be an Aus ri'ht now if Id fucked himEC
Dave was silent for a lon' time, so lon' in fact that *unter started to worry. 2hen the
bi''er man let out a ra''ed breath and hu''ed *unter closer. B2hered be an Aus but
there would be a serious issue in the middle of our relationship. 2hat wouldve taken me
awhile to 'et over.C
BI couldnt do it to you or, shit, even to myself. I was ori'inally 'onna fuck him, but as
time passed on I knew I couldnt sleep with your boyfriend even if it was for a 'ood
cause. 2hen the more time I spent around him and saw how bad he treated you the
thou'ht of actually sleepin' with him made me sick. I couldnt do it.C
Dave pulled *unter into a soft kiss. BFou really do love me.C
BAbout as much as you really love me,C *unter 4uipped back with a soft chaste kiss to
his lovers lips. B=ow Im e?hausted and Im already sore in places I didnt even know
e?isted so Im 'oin' to sleep.C
B*ow romantic you are.C
B*ey,C *unter 'rouched shiftin' around to 'et comfortable a'ainst Daves hulkin' form,
Bthe last twelve days have been nothin' but one hu'e romantic 'esture and the whole
speech I 'ave you last ni'ht should be enou'h to tide you over for at least the rest of the
Dave chuckled 'ently. B0o now youre rationin' out the romanceEC
B1f course not, but Ive been 'oin' throu'h a lot so youll understand that Im tryin' to
'et my bearin's ri'ht now.C
B(ho wouldve thou'ht fallin' in love would take so much out of a 'uyE I thou'ht
fallin' in love was supposed to be easy.C
B0ome people like a little more e?citement in their lives,C *unter murmured on the ed'e
of sleep. B=ow 'o to sleep. I need rest.C
B0ir yes sir,C Dave mocked before plantin' a soft kiss to the top of *unters blonde head
and closin' his eyes. B7rab as much sleep as you can ri'ht now because we have just
over twenty>three and a half hours to 'o and I plan on makin' the most of it.C
*unter couldnt help the pleased smile that spread across his lips at the promise of
wakin' up to more of his favorite pat>time. *ell, he wouldnt even mind all the jokes he
was sure to receive tomorrow for walkin' funny
/andy i'nored the loud chirps comin' out of his pocket in favor of tryin' to touch the tip
of his ton'ue to .hris tonsils. At this point he could be 'ettin' a call from 5ince to
inform him that he was 'ettin' a million dollar bonus and he wasnt pullin' away from
.hris to accept the call.
Apparently .hris didnt think the kiss was all that important because he deftly slid his
hand into /andys pocket and removed the phone without any of the senseless 'ropin'
/andy was e?pectin' and, of course, hi'hly anticipatin'. Instead the blonde thumbed the
flip phone open and pulled away from /andys mouth with a nibble to the brunettes
bottom lip.
/andy didnt let him stray too far away thou'h. *e followed .hris lips until they were
just barely restin' a'ainst his own.
B*ello,C .hris asked breathlessly a'ainst his lovers 'listenin', full lips. 2he feel of them
makin' him less and less concerned with the damn phone and whoever was on the other
B2his isnt /andy,C an amused voice poured forth from the phone.
B=ope,C .hris murmured slowly just to feel the e?4uisite sweep of his lips over those
'listenin' lush pillows of /andys. B6ut you 'ot the ne?t best thin'.C
BA horny, blonde .anadian is second only to my favorite ,idwestern brunette. And
mi'ht I add, what a porn voice you have, ,ister -ericho.C
B2hanks, 3ev, but youre kinda interruptin' so)C
B/i'ht,C 3evin said with a chuckle. B-ust callin' to let you 'uys know that the fli'hts
have been booked and everythin's set. -os flyin' out here to meet up with us toni'ht
and 3id 'ot here yesterday.C
B(hat day are you flyin' inEC
B2omorrow ni'ht. (ell call you 'uys tomorrow mornin' with the details since Im sure
if I tell either you or *unter in the ne?t few minutes neither of you will remember.C
BFou tried callin' *unter,C .hris asked with a si'hin' 4uality to his 4uestion since /andy
'ot bored and decided to nibble at his jawline.
B7ive me a little credit please, -ericho,C 3evin asked with mock indi'nation drippin'
from his every word. BI know better than that. *e and Dave probably wont be eatin',
much less answerin' a phone.C
BFeah, me and /andy made sure of that. *unter was a little surprised at bein' played.C
BFou 'uys played, *unterEC (hen /andy found his collarbone .hris let out a low whine
that sent sparks strai'ht to 3evins dick throu'h the phone. BFuck, .hris.C
BFou mi'ht wanna hurry this up,C .hris murmured in return.
B2hats pretty much all I had to say. 6ut in re'ards to you 'uys playin', *unterE (ould
you say he was pissed at allEC
B=o, appreciative and shocked Id say. (hyEC
B1h, just wonderin' how hes 'onna take it when he finds out that me and 0cotty were
the ones who convinced Dave to stop sleepin' with him in the first place.C
B(hatE< Fou were behind that tooE<C
B:ook, I know my boys and what you all need. -ust look at how happy the four of you all
ended up and then try to tell me I missed the bulls>eye.C
.hris brou'ht /andys receiver away from his ear when the line went dead and he stared
at /andy with wide blue eyes. *e could barely hear /andys concerned 4uestions over
the realiations runnin' throu'h his head and when the happy lau'hter first bubbled out
of him it took five minutes, and some drastic measures on /andys part, to 'et it to stop.

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