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Embedded systems interview questions and

What is the need for an infinite loop in Embedded systems?
How does combination of functions reduce memory requirements in embedded systems?
A vast majority of High Performance Embedded systems today use RISC architecture why?
Why do we need virtual device drivers when we have physical device drivers?
What is the need for DMAC in ES?
What is Endianness of a system and how do different systems communicate with each other?
How are macros different from inline functions?
What could be the reasons for a System to have gone blank and how would you Debug it?
Explain interrupt latency and how can we decrease it?
How to create a child process in linux?
Significance of watchdog timer in Embedded Systems
If you buy some RTOS, what are the features you look for in ?
Why is java mostly used in embedded systems?
Differentiate between mutexes vs semaphores
What are the commonly found errors in Embedded Systems?
What is the need for having multibyte data input and output buffers in case of device ports?
What is the need for an infinite loop in Embedded systems?
Infinite Loops are those program constructs where in there is no break statement so as to get out
of the loop, it just keeps looping over the statements within the block defined.
While(Boolean True) OR for(;;);
Embedded systems need infinite loops for repeatedly processing/monitoring the state of the
program. One example could be the case of a program state continuously being checked for any
exceptional errors that might just occur during run time such as memory outage or divide by zero

For e.g. Customer care Telephone systems where in a pre-recorded audio file is played in case
the dialer is put on hold..

Also circuits being responsible for indicating that a particular component is active/alive during
its operation by means of LED's.
How does combination of functions reduce memory requirements in embedded
The amount of code that has to be dealt with is reduced thus easing the overhead and redundancy
is eliminated in case if there is anything common among the functions.

Memory allocation is another aspect that is optimized and it also makes sense to group a set of
functions related in some way as one single unit rather than having them to be dispersed in the
whole program.

In case of interactive systems display of menu list and reading in the choices of user's could be
encapsulated as a single unit.
A vast majority of High Performance Embedded systems today use RISC
architecture why?
According to the instruction sets used, computers are normally classified into RISC and
CISC.RISC stands for 'Reduced Instruction Set Computing' .The design philosophy of RISC
architecture is such that only one instruction is performed on each machine cycle thus taking
very less time and speeding up when compared to their CISC counterparts.

Here the use of registers is optimised as most of the memory access operations are limited to
store and load operations.

Fewer and simple addressing modes, and simple instruction formats leads to greater efficiency,
optimisation of compilers, re-organisation of code for better throughput in terms of space and
time complexities. All these features make it the choice of architecture in majority of the
Embedded systems.

CISC again have their own advantages and they are preferred whenever the performance and
compiler simplification are the issues to be taken care of.
Why do we need virtual device drivers when we have physical device drivers?
Device drivers are basically a set of modules/routines so as to handle a device for which a direct
way of communication is not possible through the user's application program and these can be
thought of as an interface thus keeping the system small providing for minimalistic of additions
of code, if any.
Physical device drivers cant perform all the logical operations needed in a system in cases like
IPC, Signals and so on...
The main reason for having virtual device drivers is to mimic the behaviour of certain hardware
devices without it actually being present and these could be attributed to the high cost of the
devices or the unavailability of such devices.
These basically create an illusion for the users as if they are using the actual hardware and enable
them to carryout their simulation results.
Examples could be the use of virtual drivers in case of Network simulators,also the support of
virtual device drivers in case a user runs an additional OS in a virtual box kind of a software.
What is the need for DMAC in ES?
Direct memory access is mainly used to overcome the disadvantages of interrupt and progam
controlled I/O.
DMA modules usually take the control over from the processor and perform the memory
operations and this is mainly because to counteract the mismatch in the processing speeds of I/O
units and the procesor.This is comparatively faster.
It is an important part of any embedded systems,and the reason for their use is that they can be
used for bursty data transfers instead of single byte approaches.
It has to wait for the systems resources such as the system bus in case it is already in control of it.
What is Endianness of a system and how do different systems communicate with
each other?
Endianness basically refers to the ordering of the bytes within words or larger bytes of data
treated as a single entity.
When we consider a several bytes of data say for instance 4 bytes of data,XYZQ the lower byte
if stored in a Higher address and others in successively decreasing addresses ,then it refers to the
Big Endian and the vice versa of this refers to Little Endian architecture.
Intel 80x86 usually follows Little Endian and others like IBM systems follow Big Endian
If the data is being transmitted care has to be taken so as to know as to which byte,whether the
higher or the lower byte is being transmitted.
Hence a common format prior to communication has to be agreed upon to avoid wrong
Usually layer modules are written so as to automate these conversion in Operating systems.
How are macros different from inline functions?
Macros are normally used whenever a set of instructions/tasks have to be repeatedly performed.
They are small programs to carryout some predefined actions.
We normally use the #define directive in case we need to define the values of some constants so
in case a change is needed only the value can be changed and is reflected throughout.
#define mul(a,b) (a*b)
The major disadvantage of macros is that they are not really functions and the usual error
checking and stepping through of the code does not occur.
Inline functions are expanded whenever it is invoked rather than the control going to the place
where the function is defined and avoids all the activities such as saving the return address when
a jump is performed. Saves time in case of short codes.
inline float add(float a,float b)
return a+b;
Inline is just a request to the compiler and it is upto to the compiler whether to substitute the
code at the place of invocation or perform a jump based on its performance algorithms.
What could be the reasons for a System to have gone blank and how would you
Debug it?
Possible reasons could be,
- PC being overheated.
- Dust having being accumulated all around.
- CPU fans not working properly .
- Faulty power connections.
- Faulty circuit board from where the power is being drawn.
- Support Drivers not having being installed.

Debugging steps which can be taken are:

- Cleaning the system thoroughly and maintaining it in a dust-free environment.
Environment that is cool enough and facilitates for easy passage of air should be ideal enough.

- By locating the appropriate support drivers for the system in consideration and having them
Explain interrupt latency and how can we decrease it?
Interrupt latency basically refers to the time span an interrupt is generated and it being serviced
by an appropriate routine defined.,usually the interrupt handler.
External signals,some condition in the program or by the occurrence of some event,these could
be the reasons for generation of an interrupt.
Interrupts can also be masked so as to ignore them even if an event occurs for which a routine
has to be executed.
Following steps could be followed to reduce the latency
- isrs being simple and short.
- Interrupts being serviced immediately
- Avoiding those instructions that increase the latency period.
- Also by prioritizing interrupts over threads.
- Avoiding use of inappropriate APIs.
How to create a child process in linux?
Prototype of the function used to create a child process is pid_t fork(void);
Fork is the system call that is used to create a child process. It takes no arguments and returns a
value of type pid_t.
If the function succeeds it returns the pid of the child process created to its parent and child
receives a zero value indicating its successful creation.
On failure, a -1 will be returned in the parent's context, no child process will be created, and
errno will be set
The child process normally performs all its operations in its parents context but each process
independently of one another and also inherits some of the important attributes from it such as
UID, current directory, root directory and so on.
Significance of watchdog timer in Embedded Systems
Watchdog timer is basically a timing device that is set for predefined time interval and some
event should occur during that time interval else the device generates a time out signal.
One application where it is most widely used is when the mobile phone hangs and no activity
takes place,in those cases watchdog timer performs a restart of the system and comes to the
rescue of the users.
It is used to reset to the original state whenever some inappropriate events take place such as too
many commands being given at the same time or other activities that result in malfunctioning of
the GUI.It is usually operated by counter devices.
If you buy some RTOS, what are the features you look for in ?
-Deterministic operating system having guaranteed worst-case interrupt latency and context-
switch times.
-Documentation providing for the minimum, average, and maximum number of clock cycles
required by each system call
-Interrupt response times should be very minute.
-Context switch time should be very low.
-Compatibility with several plugin devices.
- Overall it should be very reliable.
Why is java mostly used in embedded systems?
Java was mainly designed and conceputalised for code that can work on different platforms
without any hassles and also for being secure enough so as to not harm or corrupt other modules
of code.
Features like exception handling,simple syntax and Automatic Garbage collection all work in its
favour as the language for use in ES's.
Also that it is widely used in the form of Java applets makes it very popular confining it to the
limits of JVM.It is Dynamic in nature.
Its use is also being exploited in enterprise systems in the form of J2EE ,J2SE
J2ME in case of mobile applications.
Differentiate between mutexes vs semaphores
-Semaphores is a synchronisation tool to overcome the critical section problem.
- A semaphore S is basically an integer variable that apart from initialisation is accesses only
through atomic operations such as wait() and signal().
- Semaphore object basically acts as a counter to monitor the number of threads accessing a
- Mutex is also a tool that is used to provide deadlock free mutual exclusion.It protects access to
every critical data item.if the data is locked and is in use,it either waits for the thread to finish or
awakened to release the lock from its inactive state.
What are the commonly found errors in Embedded Systems?
- Damage of memory devices due to transient current and static discharges.
- Malfunctioning of address lines due to a short in the circuit
- Malfunctioning of Data lines.
- Some memory locations being inaccessible in storage due to garbage or errors.
- Improper insertion of Memory devices into the memory slots
- Faulty control signals.
What is the need for having multibyte data input and output buffers in case of
device ports?
Its normally the case that some devices transfer the output either in a bursty or a sequential
manner and also during input entry. If we take the example of keyboards, all the data entered is
stored in a buffer and given at a time or one character at a time.
In case of networking there may be several requests to access the same resource and all these are
queued in a buffer and serviced in the order they are received
Hence to avoid the input/output units from getting overloaded with requests, we use multibyte
What is interrupt latency? How can you reduce it?
It is the time taken to return from the interrupt service routine post handling a specific interrupt.
Interrupt latency can be reduced by writing minor ISR routines.
Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
Yes, it can be passed. However, it has several disadvantages.
What are the qualifiers in C?
Volatile- it is about instructing the compiler that a variable will change
Constant- it is about instructing the compiler that a variable will not change.
Can you have constant volatile variables?
Yes, we can have constant volatile variables

Embedded and Telecom Interview Handbook
Thursday, June 10, 2010
uC/OS-II interview questions
Hey all, Here is a collection of uC/OS-II interview questions that would be of great interest to
you !

1. Expansion of uC/OS-II ?
2. What is the footprint size of uC/OS-II ?
3. Roughly, how man lines of code is it ?
4. What type of scheduler is supported by uC/OS-II ?
5. Does uc/OS-II RTOS support nested interrupts ? To how many levels ?
6. What are the APIs that play a significant role in uC/OS-II initialization ?
7. Binary semaphore in uC/OS-II use priority cieling to address priority inversion - True/False ?
8. What is the exact context switch time in uC/OS-II RTOS ?
9. Does uC/OS-II RTOS support MMU ?
10. Is it possible to use uC/OS-II RTOS without MMU ?
11. What could be the best reason/scenario for selecting uC/OS-II RTOS ?
12. Which is the lowest prirority task in uC/OS-II RTOS ?
13. The idle task is always the lowest-priority task and can not be deleted or suspended by
usertasks - True / False ?
14. The idle task consumes some of the processor resources - True / False ? How to reduce the
resource usage ?
15. What are the various states of task in uC/OS-II RTOS ?
16. Explain Task Scheduling in uC/OS-II RTOS ?
17. Task-level scheduling and ISR-level scheduling are done by OS_Sched() and OSIntExit(),
respectively - True/False ?
18. Task level scheduling invokes a software interrupt for context switches in uC/OS-II RTOS -
True / False ?
19. Why are interrupts disabled while identifying the high-prirority ready task ?
20. Which API services Clock ticks ?
21. uC/OS-II RTOS lacks soft realtime support - True / False.
22. Does uC/OS-II RTOS support sempahore / Tell about OSSemPend and OSsemPost use ?
23. Tell about the use of mailbox in uC/OS=II RTOS ?
24. If there is already a message in the mailbox, then an error is returned, and also it is not
overwritten - True/False
25. uC/OS-II does not automatically check for the status of stacks - True/False
26. What is the use of OSTaskStkCheck() ?
27. How will you port uC/OS-II RTOS ?
28. While porting, Where do you do the compiler specific data type and processor specific
changes for porting uC/OS-II RTOS or What are the changes specific to OS_CPU.h ?
29. WHat is the use of HOOK functions / APIs ?
30. How can you identify the exten to which the CPU is busy ?
31. WHere do you do the interrupt related processor specific changes for porting uC/OS-II
RTOS ? or What are the changes to be done in OS_CPU_A.ASM ?
32. Tell about Message Queues operation ?
33. What is the difference between Mailbox and Message queue in uC/OS-II RTOS ?
34. What are hooks ?

RTOS interview questions
RTOS has become very important as it is concerned with time critical events. Okay, let me list
down few of the famous RTOS interview questions that can be helpful .

1. What is priority inversion ?
2. What are the solutions for priority inversion ?
3. What is priority inheritance ?
4. What is priority ceiling ?
5. What is deadlock ?
6. What is the famous diners problem ?
7. What is mutex ?
8. What is spinlock ?
9. Where are spinlocks used ?
10. What do you mean by atomic operations ?
11. what is a semaphore ?
12. What are the types of semaphore ?
13. What is binary semaphore ?
14. What is a counting semaphore ?
15. What is message queue ?
16. What is the role of a scheduler ? How does it function ?
17. What is the difference between a normal OS and RTOS ?
18. What is preemption ?
19. What is preemptive multi-tasking/time-sharing ? What is its difference with co-operative
multi-tasking/time-sharing ?
20. Threads are described as lightweight because switching between threads does not involve
changing the memory context - True/False ?
21.What are the factors considered for a RTOS selection ?
22. What is the use of the method of temporarily masking / disabling interrupts ? When is it used
? What should be taken care while doing this method ?
23. Since, disabling/masking of interrupts can be done whent the critical section is ONLY
SHORT,What method can be used if the critical section is longer than few source lines or if it
involves few lengthy loopings ?
24. Difference between semaphores and disabling/masking of interrupts method ?
25. Binary semaphore is equivalent to Mutex - True/False. How ?
26. How can you avoid deadlocks incase of semaphore based designs ?
27. What is Message passing method ? What is its advantages ?
28. Tell about the design of Interrupt Handler and Scheduler in RTOS ?
29. What is interrupt latency ?
30. Even if we never enables interrupts in the code, the processor automatically disables them
often during hardware access - True/False ? In this case how to reduce interrupt latency ?
31. When should we re-enable the interrupts in an ISR and why ?
32. How do you measure the latency of your system ?
33. What are First Level Interrupt handlers and Second level Interrupt handlers ?
34. What could be the typical design/implementation of FLIH and SLIH ?
35. Reentrant interrupt handlers might cause a stack overflow from multiple preemptions by the
same interrupt vector - True / False ?
36. What kind of memory allocation procedure is good for embedded systems ?
37. Is there any RTOS that has non-preemptive scheduling ?
38. What is reentrant code ?
39. What is preemptive multitasking ?
40. What does timeslice refer to ?
41. If the time slice is too short then the scheduler will consume too much of processing time -
True / False
42. What is I/O bound ? What is CPU bound ?
43. What is non-preemptive multitasking ?
44. CFS uses 'nanosecond' granularity accounting, the atomic units by which individual process
share the CPU instead of previous notion of 'timeslice' - True/False .
45. When will you use binary semaphore ?
46. When will you choose busy-wait instead of context switch ?
47. What are the possible scenarios in which context switching of threads can occur ?
48. Can you use mutex/semaphore inside an ISR ?
49. Explain a scenari that could cause deadlock ? What is the best solution for a deadlock ?
50. Will the performance of your application improve if it has only a single thread and it is
running on multiple cores of a processor ?
51. What will happen if there are more threads requesting for CPU resource such as time ?
52. What is Gang Scheduling and how is it useful ?
53. Can you sleep in interrupt handler ?
54. What is the main drawback for not considering Linux as realtime / RTOS ?
55. What is the drawback in using semaphore for synchronization ? How does spinlock help in
overcoming it ?
56. What does a semaphore consist of ? and What does a spinlock consist of ?
57. Why spinlocks are useless in uniprocessor systems ?
58. What is timeslice ?
59. What is the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing ?
60. What is parallel programming ?
61. What are the types of IPC mechanisms ?
62. What are the types of synchronization problems and what are the resources that can cause
such problems ?
63. What is data race ?
64. What is Indefinite Postponement / Indefinite blocking or starvation ?
65. What are the synchronization relationships that are present in a multithreaded or
mulitprogramming applications ?
66. How Many Processes or Threads Are Enough for an application ?
67. Tell the advantages and disadvantages of Co-operative multitasking.
67. When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore ?
Posted by super manidhan at 7:00 PM
Labels: Embedded, Interview, RTOS
1. What is priority inversion ?
Ans:- It is a situation where high priority task dont get execution time (have to wait even
if RTOS is pre-emptive scheduler) because low priority task have already acquired the
resource which is requested by high priority task.
In the above case High priority task is blocked till the resource got free. This time
is any task with middle priority is in ready state then Middle priority task will
active while High priority task is blocked.
2. What are the solutions for priority inversion ?
Ans:- below are the two approach to solve priority inversion.
a. Priority inheritance
b. priority ceiling
3. What is priority inheritance ?
Ans: It is a approach to reduce the waiting time of high priority task to get resource
which is acquired by low priority task . It is achieved by making low priority task priority
highest till it release the resource requested by high priority task.
4. What is priority ceiling ?
Ans:- It is a approach to reduce the waiting time of high priority task to get resource
which is acquired by low priority task . In this approach every resource have predefined
priority assigned, this priority is equal to the highest priority task who will request to
acquire the resource, due to this any task who acquire the resource get priority raised
equal to the resource priority till it release the resource , so resource get quickly release
and no task has to wait even if it don't request for the resource which was a draw back of
"priority inheritance" approach , in which task was getting highest priority for execution
by which other higher priority task UN-necessarily has to wait even they don't want to
acquire respective resource.

5. What is deadlock ?
Ans:- It is a situation where each task is interdependent on other resource which is
already acquired by other task for completing further execution, which results in
deadlock situation.
6. What is the famous diners problem ?
Ans:-The Dining Philosophers problem is a classic OS problem thats usually stated in
very non-OS terms:
There are N philosphers sitting around a circular table eating spaghetti and discussing
The problem is that each philosopher needs 2 forks to eat, and there are only N forks, one
between each 2 philosophers. if every philosopher try to eat spaghetti then no one can eat
its a condition of dead lock

7. What is mutex ?
Ans:- It is a technique to achieve mutual exclusion.

8. What is spinlock ?
Ans:- Here a task keep on polling to get resource acquired which is already acquired by
other task.

9. Where are spinlocks used ?
Ans:- In interrupt handler where process have sleep senario.

10. What do you mean by atomic operations ?
Ans:- An execution which not get interrupted by any thing.
11. what is a semaphore ?
ANS:- Mutual exclusion technique

12. What are the types of semaphore ?
Ans:- their are two tyes
a) counting semaphore
b) binary semaphore

13. What is binary semaphore ?
Ans:- where counting is limited to one and zero.

14. What is a counting semaphore ?
Ans:- counting is more then zero and one.

15. What is message queue ?
Ans:- It is a inter process communication (IPC) technique, to send and receive data in
multiple processes.

16. What is the role of a scheduler ? How does it function ?
Ans:- The function of scheduler is to give time to every task for the execution, It function
by adopting various scheduling policy like time slicing, per-emptive, rate monotonous .

17. What is the difference between a normal OS and RTOS ?
Ans:- Genral OS follows fairness policy where as RTOS follows time bound policy. In
genral OS every task will get chance for execution , where is inRTOS task may get starve
and their is predefined time task execution.

18. What is preemption ?
Ans:- Its a type of scheduling, where high priority task always get chance by pre-empting
low priority task for the execution.

19. What is preemptive multi-tasking/time-sharing ? What is its difference with co-
operative multi-tasking/time-sharing ?

20. Threads are described as lightweight because switching between threads does not
involve changing the memory context - True/False ?
Answer for 19) The term preemptive multitasking is used to distinguish a
multitasking operating system, which permits preemption of tasks, from a
cooperative multitasking system wherein processes or tasks must be explicitly
programmed to yield when they do not need system resources.
In simple terms: Preemptive multitasking involves the use of an interrupt
mechanism which suspends the currently executing process and invokes a
scheduler to determine which process should execute next. Therefore, all
processes will get some amount of CPU time at any given time.
In preemptive multitasking, the operating system kernel can also initiate a context
switch to satisfy the scheduling policy's priority constraint, thus preempting the
active task
21.What are the factors considered for a RTOS selection ?
a) size of foot print
b) kind of licensing like open source etc
c) Availability of support for the development
d) Need of project to get satisfied by the RTOS

22. What is the use of the method of temporarily masking / disabling interrupts ? When is
it used ? What should be taken care while doing this method ?
Ans:- while executing critical area code or atomic operation this method is used , the care
should be taken to avoid hazardous condition which may arise due to interrupts by
allotting very high priority interrupt enable.

23. Since, disabling/masking of interrupts can be done whent the critical section is ONLY
SHORT,What method can be used if the critical section is longer than few source lines or
if it involves few lengthy loopings ?
Ans:- Use semaphores for large critical section are.

24. Difference between semaphores and disabling/masking of interrupts method ?
Ans:-Semaphore is a technique for achieving mutual exclusion, where as
disabling/masking of interrupt method is used to uninterruptedly execute the code.

25. Binary semaphore is equivalent to Mutex - True/False. How ?
Ans :- True, in both only two condition are their lock and unclock

26. How can you avoid deadlocks incase of semaphore based designs ?
Ans:- By segnaling to release semaphore from other process

27. What is Message passing method ? What is its advantages ?

28. Tell about the design of Interrupt Handler and Scheduler in RTOS ?
answer 27) Message passing in computer science is a form of communication
used in parallel computing, object-oriented programming, and interprocess
communication. In this model, processes or objects can send and receive
messages (comprising zero or more bytes, complex data structures, or even
segments of code) to other processes. By waiting for messages, processes can also
The advantage of message passing is that the receiver of the message has the option to
read the required message instead of reading from the start in FIFO or pipes.

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