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The fmal section was, for me, the

most enjoyable because of the topics

chosen for discussion. Every high
school student should supplement his
history text with the chapter dealing
with the Great Depression. I was also
glad to see Nash point out Social
Security for what it is: a state-spon-
sored pyramid scheme. The first to get
in gets the most and the last harvest the
whirlwirtd. However, Nash poses a
solution to the crisis destined to break
forth when the 1950's baby boomers
retire in the early part of the next
century (p. 153 ff) which makes for
interesting reading.
Nash's chapter on money and mam-
mon is a good introduction to Biblical
stewardship but again, there is no at:.
tempt made to relate our giving to the
clear guidelines of the Scriptures. Chris'-
tian charity must be discriminating and
the principles applied are unfortunately
not forthcoming from Poverty and
Wealth. .
Finally, Nash tackles the sacred cow
of poverty in America and the Third
world. He relies heavily on Charles
Murray's work, Losing Ground, which
if yoU: do not have the time to read you
will find well sununarized by Nash in
the chapter on Poverty in America .. On
the foreign front, Nash indicates the
shortcomings of foreign aid are that it
often hinders economic development, is
often misappropriated, and . has little
tangible evidence. of aiding those who
were targets of the aid. The author then
lists examples of third world countries
that have the highest growth rates have
received little or no foreign aid, i.e.
Hong Kong, Indonesia, etc. A second
factor in thifd world poverty is the
workers themselves. Void of a Chris-
tian work ethic, enmeshed in pagan or
secular deterministic systems leaves
little incentive to prosper and even if
they do prosper, as Hong Kong, they
. prosper to heap God's judgment in
resisting Him who has given them t!Je
power to gain wealth.
With the reservations that I have
noted above I would still encourage
Christian college students, high school
st.,.deots and those seeking a better
un<Jerstanding of capitalism to pick_!P
Poverty and Wealth. U
Becky Morecraft Presents
Painting to Husband, Joe, and
Announces Contest
In iate October, 1986, just a couple
of weeks before the election in which
Joe Morecraft was running for Georgia's
7th district congressional seat, Becky
More craft presented a painting to Joe
for his birthday. The painting depicts an
actual scene which Becky had n()ticed in
her travels throughout the 7th district
during the campaign. There, on the
front wall of the old Lost Mtn. Store
were campaign signs supporting two
men who have been dear to those of us
at Chalcedon Presbyterian Church. One
said "Joe Morecraft - U.S. Congress".
The other one was a Larry McDonald
sign from the past; probably from
1982, the last election year in which
the late congressman ran and won re-
election before his tragic death a year
later on KAL flight 007 at the hands of
the Soviets.
Becky commissioned award winning
water colorist Carol Bomer, of
Asheville, North Carolina, to do the
painting. Carol's husband, Norm, is
editor of the God's World publications
read in Christian schools throughout
the country.
A number of people have expressed
an interest in purchasing a print of the
painting, and it is being made available
for a price of around $40.00. A contest
is being held from now through April
1st, to name the painting. The person
whose suggested name is chosen will
receive a free print.
October :0, 19!16- IS:ky Moret.nft presents painting
to bcr busbllnd, Joe, at a surprise birthday puty.
Contest details on next page
The Counsel of Chalccdon, March, 1987 _____ __,
16" X 18"
Warm wood
and blue skies
Rural Georgia on a hot summer afternoon - politics on the front porch - a lazy old dog
asleep in a puddle of sunlight- baskets of orange yams wait to be baked and buttered- the
old Fina gas tank and rusty Coca Cola sign remmd us that this has been happening here for
years. In contrast, the political yard signs posted on the walls are slick and sliiny - names of
men who promise to take us into the uncertain future by preserving the good things from our
past- men who will honor history. This is America- at her best.
Help us name this painting and receive a FREE print.
The person with the winning name will receive a free print (16" x 18") of this color painting.
Contest ends April 1st. Prints will be tentatively available around April lOth.
The cost will be approximately $40.00.
I would like to submit the following name for the painting:

Telephone ..1...---L-------
If you would like to reserve a print, please check hereD
Send this fmm to:
P.O. Box 888022
Dunwoody, GA 30338

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