Kat - Doc Mars

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Mars is the 4
planet away from the sun. It is 141,!!,!!! mi away from the
sun. The a"era#e temperature on Mars is $ %! &e#rees '. In the winter it #oes
&own to $ 1() &e#rees '. On a summer &ay the temperature may #o up to *!
&e#rees ' near e+uator, ,ut at ni#ht it #oes into ne#ati"es. Mars is a
terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere ha"in# surfa-e features of the impa-ts
-raters, "ol-anoes, "alleys, &eserts, an& polar i-e -aps. It -onsists of minerals
-ontainin# sili-on, an& o.y#en, metals, an& other elements that ma/e up ro-/.
It is &es-ri,e& the 0Re& 1lanet2 ,e-ause of the iron o.i&e that #i"es its re&&ish
appearan-e. Mars is half the &iameter of 3arth.
Mars an& 3arth ha"e appro.imately the same lan& mass. It has 1)4 of 3arth5s
"olume an& 114 of mass. 6i+ui& water -annot e.ist on Mars &ue to low
atmospheri- pressure. The two polar i-e -aps appear to ,e ma&e lar#ely of
water. Mars has two moons -alle& 1ho,os an& 7eimos. There names mean fear
an& pani- in 6atin. On Mars the sun appears to ,e half the si8e as it &oes on
3arth. Mars ta/es his name from the Roman #o& of war. Mars is home of the
tallest mountains in the solar system. Mars has the lar#est &ust storms in the
solar system that -an last up to months an& -o"er up the whole planet. My
most fa"orite fa-ts are9 the month of Mar-h is name& after Mars an& no
human -oul& sur"i"e the low pressure of Mars. If you went to Mars without
appropriate spa-e suit, the o.y#en in your ,loo& woul& literally turn to
,u,,les, -ausin# imme&iate &eath.

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