Douglakm Resume 2014

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Kendra Douglas

109 Bethaara Lane Cary, North Carolina 27513

CELL (919 !55"5977 E-MAIL Dougla#$%li&e'un('edu
Kendra Douglas is a $ulti"/lat0or$ 1ournalist 2ho is a 0ull"ti$e student at the
3ni&ersity o0 North Carolina at Cha/el 4ill /ursing a (areer in 5/orts 6ournalis$'
Douglas has shot, edited and /rodu(ed digital and audio $edia /ie(es 0or nu$erous
/ro1e(ts' 5he is in&ol&ed in the Carolina (o$$unity as an assistant 2ith the North
Carolina 5(holasti( 7edia 8sso(iation and as a $e$9er o0 3NC:s ;ra(# and ,ield
/rogra$' <ithin the /rogra$ she has 9een in&ol&ed 2ith ser&i(e /ro1e(ts, in(luding
8do/t"8",a$ily' Douglas is the +utrea(h Chair o0 the Ka//a +$i(ron Cha/ter o0
Delta 5ig$a ;heta 5orority -n(or/orated= a sorority that has 2on re/eated
re(ognition as Cha/ter o0 the >ear, highest grade /oint a&erage and $ost
(o$$unity ser&i(e' 5he is the (reator o0 the ?rst ne2sletter to engage alu$nae
$e$9ers in the ser&i(e 2or# o0 the (ollegiate (ha/ter
8lso, Douglas is (o$0orta9le using &ideo editing tools su(h as ,inal Cut )ro, 8do9e
)re$ier and 8do9e 8udition'
2013 @ 2015 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Ba(helor
o0 8rts degree, 3NC 5(hool o0 6ournalis$ and 7ass Co$$uni(ation=
0o(using in the .le(troni( Broad(ast 6ournalis$ 5eAuen(e
2011 @ 2013 Western Carolina University: 7a1ored in 7ass
Co$$uni(ations= trans0erred a0ter so/ho$ore year
True Religion eans !"#! $ !"#%
8s an e$/loyee o0 a s/e(ialty high"end store, esta9lished as a leading
sales/erson, (reated $a1or i$/a(t, rea(hing to/ three in $onthly
sales, only sur/assed 9y $anagers
Hollister & Co' !""( - !"#!
8 4ollister store $odel, sales/erson, $ar#eting (lothing to the /u9li(
and assisting (usto$ers in $a#ing sele(tions= as a (ashier
re/resentati&e, 2as res/onsi9le 0or $anaging transa(tions and lea&ing
(usto$ers 2ith a /ositi&e eC/erien(e
)tu*ent Athlete+ UNC Tra,- Tea. !"#%-!"#/
5(holarshi/ athlete on an 8thleti( Coast Con0eren(e tea$ re(ogniDed
0or its (o$$it$ent to 9oth a(ade$i(s and athleti(s
WWCU-0M 1o2er ("'/ 3n-Air 1ersonality !"#!-!"#!
Co"host and (o"(reator o0 radio sho2, Aaron and Kendra in the
Afternoon, geared to2ards a di&erse student audien(e listening during
the /re"e&ening hours
o4 )ha*o2 !"#!
6o9 shado2ed Ealonda Callo2ay, host o0 My Carolina Today at <NCN in
*aleigh, North Carolina' 8(ti&ely engaged in learning $ore a9out
te(hni(al dire(ting, 9eing on set li&e, and in(or/orated $y athleti(
#no2ledge into the sho2= a(ti&ely in&ol&ed in a ne2s story 2ith a
0or$er in$ate 2ho 2as 2rongly /rose(uted
Me.4er+ WCU T5 6! 1ro*u,tion !"#!-!"#%
<estern Carolina 3ni&ersity on"(a$/us tele&ision station, /arti(i/ated
in (a$era 2or# 0or nu$erous &olley9all ga$es and inter&ie2s= edited
and /rodu(ed
1restige 1ortraits !"#"-!"##
5er&ed as a /hoto assistant and s(heduler as 2ell as a student
a$9assador 0or the /ortrait studio, $odeling 0or /i(tures dis/layed on
high s(hool (a$/uses, in the studio and in the senior /ortrait
9ro(hures= re(ei&ed a national s(holarshi/ a2ard
7elta )ig.a Theta )orority In,' !"#%-!"#8
8 $e$9er o0 the Ka//a +$i(ron Cha/ter 2hi(h has 2on re/eated
re(ognition as Cha/ter o0 the >ear, highest Frade )oint 8&erage and
7ost Co$$unity 5er&i(eG outrea(h (hair= (o"(hair o0 -nternational
82areness /rogra$= led Auarterly audits, /ro&iding ?nan(ial re&ie2s
and a(ti&ely gathering suH(ient e&iden(e to (o$/are (ash su$$aries'
8lso, (reator o0 the ?rst ne2sletter to engage alu$nae $e$9ers in the
ser&i(e 2or# o0 the (ollegiate (ha/ter
North Carolina ),holasti, Me*ia Asso,iation !"##-!"#%
8ssisted 3ni&ersity staI and /ro0essors, tea(hers and students in the
state2ide high s(hool $edia (on0eren(e at the 3ni&ersity o0 North
Carolina at Cha/el 4ill
1ro9,ient: <indo2s 7 J Eista J B) J 2000, 7i(roso0t +H(e (<ord,
.C(el, )o2er)oint
)o,ial Me*ia (;2itter, ,a(e9oo#, ;u$9lr, -nstagra$, )interest, 5#y/e,
:no2le*gea4le: 7a( +5, 8do9e 8udition, Foogle 8nalyti(s, ,inal Cut
109 Betha9ara Lane Cary, North Carolina 27513 CELL (919 !55"5977 E-MAIL

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