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Ex 1: Cho dng thc ng ca ng t trong ngoc:

1.Ann,we (go) to town. (You/coe) w!th u"
#. $he (ha%e) co&&ee &or 'rea(&a"t e%er) orn!ng
*. $he "oet!e" ('u)) %egeta'+e at th!" ar(et
,. - (tr)) to +earn .ng+!"h &or )ear, 'ut - (not "ucceed) )et
/. 0ar) (re"t) !n the garden a++ da) 'ecau"e "he ('e) !++
1. 2hat 'oo( (+!e) on the ta'+e &or wee(" .You (not read) !t )et
3. 0ar) (+o"e) her hat and "he (+oo() &or !t unt!+ now
4. - ("ee) that &!+ "e%era+ t!e" 'ecau"e - +!(e !t
5. 2hat 'rown "u!tca"e ('e+ong) to 6r. 7!ce
18. 0!chea+ (wor() th!rt) e!ght hour" a wee(
11. 9ow an) t!e" )ou ("ee) h! "!nce he went to .ng+and
1#. :; to the ;re"ent, we (wr!te) a+o"t e%er) +e""on !n the 'oo(
1*. <e w!++ go when the ra!n ("to;)
1,. - ("ta)) here unt!+ he (an"wer) e
1/. <a!t unt!+ - (catch) )ou
11. $he (not coe) unt!+ )ou ('e) read)
13. 0!"" 9e+en (he+;) )ou a" "oon a" "he (&!n!"h) that +etter toorrow
14. - (coe) and ("ee) )ou 'e&ore )ou +ea%e
15. -& )ou (&!nd) a wa++et !n the "treet, what wou+d )ou do w!th !t=
#8. - (he+;) )ou !& - cou+d, 'ut - a a&ra!d - can>t
#1. $hou+d - "ee h! +ater, - (g!%e) h! )our e""age
##. <ere - )our age, - (do) th!ng" d!&&erent+)
#*. - u"t hurr). 0) &r!end ('e) anno)ed -& - (not 'e) on t!e
#,. -& - were )ou, - (not wa!t). - (go) now
#/. :; to the ;re"ent, he (do) good wor( !n th!" c+a"".
#1. $he u"ua++) (wear) a '+ue dre"", 'ut toda) "he (wear) a red one.
#3. 9er '!c)c+e ('e) "to+en.
#4. ?eo;+e (";ea() .ng+!"h and @rench !n Canada.
Ex 2:
1. At n!ne o>c+oc( )e"terda) orn!ng we AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA &or the 'u".
A. wa!t B. wa!t!ng C. wa" wa!t!ng 6. were wa!t!ng
#. At th!" t!e toorrow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA o%er the At+ant!c.
A. we &+)!ng B. we >++ 'e &+)!ng C. we >++ &+) 6. we to &+)
*. 6on>t worr). - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 'e here to he+; )ou.
A. not B. w!++ C. w!++n>t 6. won>t
,. CDet >" goE <hat >" ta(!ng )ou "o +ong=C
C- >++ 'e there a" "oon a" - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ) (e)".C
A. &ound B. w!++ &!nd C. &!nd 6. a &!nd!ng
/. 0) &r!end AAAAAAAAAAAAA the an"wer to the Fue"t!on.
A. !" (now B. (now C. (now!ng 6. (now"
1. C<hen !" 0r. Ga ;+ann!ng to ret!re=C
C$oon, - th!n(. 9e AAAAAAAAAAA here &or a +ong t!e. 9e >++ ;ro'a'+) ret!re e!ther
neHt )ear or the )ear a&ter that.C
A. ha" wor(ed B. had 'een wor(!ng C. ha" 'een wor(!ng 6. !" wor(!ng
3. <h!+e - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2I +a"t n!ght, a ou"e ran acro"" the &+oor.
A. watch B. watched C. wa" watch!ng 6. a watch!ng
4. C-" !t true that ";aghett! d!dn>t or!g!nate !n -ta+)=C
CYe". 2he Ch!ne"e AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ";aghett! d!"he" &or a +ong t!e 'e&ore
0arco ?o+o 'rought !t 'ac( to -ta+).C
A. ha%e 'een a(!ng B. ha%e ade C. had 'een a(!ng 6. ade
5. A&ter Je""!ca AAAAAAAAAAA her degree, "he !ntend" to wor( !n her &ather >"
A. w!++ &!n!"h B. w!++ ha%e &!n!"hed C. &!n!"he" 6. !" &!n!"h!ng
18. B) the t!e - go to 'ed ton!ght, - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ) wor( &or the da).
A. w!++ &!n!"h B. ha%e &!n!"hed C. w!++ ha%e &!n!"hed 6. &!n!"h
11K2he +!tt+e g!r+ a"(ed her &r!end.
AKha" ha;;ened BKha;;ened CKhad ha;;ened 6Kwou+d ha%e 'een
1#KJohn LLa 'oo( when - "aw h!.
AK!" read!ng BKread CKwa" read!ng 6Kread!ng
1*K9e "a!d heLL.return +ater.
AKw!++ BKwou+d CKcan 6Kwou+d 'e
1,KJac( L..the door.
AKha" Mu"t o;ened BKo;en CKw!++ ha%e o;ened 6Ko;en!ng
1/K- ha%e 'een wa!t!ng &or )ouLLL.
AK"!nce ear+) orn!ng BK"!nce 5 a.CK&or two hour" 6Ka++ are correct
11K0) "!"terLL.&or )ou "!nce )e"terda).
AK !" +oo(!ng BKwa" +oo(!ng CKha" 'een +oo(!ng 6K+oo(ed
13KJac(LLthe door.
AKha" Mu"t ;a!nted BK;a!nt CKw!++ ha%e ;a!nted 6K;a!nt!ng
14K2he tra!n LLLha+& an hour.
AKha" 'een +ea%!ng BK+e&t CKha" +e+t 6Khad +e+t
15K<e LLL6or!" "!nce +a"t $unda).
AKdonNt "ee BKha%enNt "een CKd!dnNt "ee 6KhadnNt "een
#8K<hen - +a"t "aw h!, heLL.!n Dondon.
AKha" +!%ed BK!" +!%!ng CKwa" +!%!ng 6Kha" 'een +!%!ng
#1KA&ter -LLL+unch, - +oo(ed &or ) 'ag.
AKhad BKhad had CKha%e ha" 6Kha%e had
##KB) the end o& neHt )ear,!"h &or # )ear".
AK w!++ ha%e +earnedBKw!++ +earn CKha" +earned6Kwou+d +earn

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