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Harris 1

Makeda Harris
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1101-103
16 July 2014
Greek Life Source (REVISION)
Community service is a great task to perform no matter what organization that you may
belong to. Greek organizations work revolves around many service activities because they are
such service-oriented groups. According to national statistics, Greek organizations volunteer
approximately 10 million hours annually (Student Involvement). This proves that they not
only have a great time during their step shows, yard shows, and parties but also during their time
of serving the community.
People all around the world constantly participate in community service activities; in high
school the Crosby Scholars program required students to complete at least 5 hours. Would you
believe that Greek organizations volunteer 10 million hours every year (Student Involvement)?
It seems like there is more to these organizations than just partying and stepping; they really
know how to get the job done in their communities as well.

Citation Example on Works Cited:
"Student Involvement." Fraternity & Sorority National Statistics.University of Missouri-Kansas
City, n.d. Web. 15 July 2014.

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