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Ingrid Stallworth

Opening Class
By: Ingrid Stallworth
State the procedure:
Today we will learn what needs to be done at the opening class.

General Rationale:
The purpose of discussing this is to get everyone doing the same thing and
organized before the opening of class. This is important because it gets
everyone prepared for instruction time without delays.

Explain and model the procedure:
Once the bell has rung everyone should be seated and working on warm up
exercise posted.
Roll will be taken after the tardy bell.
Homework should be on your desk ready for review or collection at the
start of class.
Discuss warm up and homework.
Continue with objectives for the day.
Check for Understanding:
What assignment should be on your desk when the bell rings?
When is homework due and where should it be?
Several students (3-5) will model for the others the procedure for opening
the class.
Let them know how they did and what needs to be worked on.

Remind them daily on what they did correctly and if there corrections to be
made discuss them with the students.

Ingrid Stallworth

Closing Class
By: Ingrid Stallworth
State the procedure:
Today we will learn what to do to get ready to close class to leave.

General Rationale:
This is important because you should know what is expected before you
walk out of the class. The purpose of this is to make sure that everyone is
prepared for what is due the following day and how to exit.

Explain and model the procedure:
About ten minutes before
Roll will be taken after the tardy bell.
Homework should be on your desk ready for review or collection at the
start of class.
Discuss warm up and homework.
Continue with objectives for the day.
Check for Understanding:
What assignment should be on your desk when the bell rings?
When is homework due and where should it be?
Several students (3-5) will model for the others the procedure for closing
class at the end of class.
Let them know how they did and what needs to be worked on.

Remind them daily on what they did correctly and if there corrections to be
made discuss them with the students.

Ingrid Stallworth

Entering the Class
By: Ingrid Stallworth
State the procedure:
Today we will learn how to enter the classroom.

General Rationale:
This is important because it will allow class to start promptly without many
questions and having to get the class under control.
The purpose of discussing this is to make sure everyone knows what is expected
of them when entering the classroom.

Explain and model the procedure:
You will be greeted as you enter the classroom.
Go quietly and immediately to your respective seat. Must be in your seat when the bell
Get prepared for todays class; check the board for a predictable organizing exercise
(Todays Task)
o Open your textbook to specified page
o Get out pencil and paper. Sharpen if needed
o Copy tonights homework assignment into your planner
o Place last nights homework on your desk
o Read objectives for today
Complete a warm-up activity.
Continue with objectives for the day.
Check for Understanding:
What should you be working on when the bell rings?
Where is homework place and when?
Several students (3-5) will model for the others the procedure for entering the
Let them know how they did and what needs to be worked on.

Remind them daily on what they did correctly and if there corrections to be made
discuss them with the students.

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