Class in England, (1844) - Engels Toured England and Reported How Working Conditions Had An

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Name: ____________________ Date: _______

Ms. Cartusciello/ Mr. Quinn Global 10R

Life Expectancy by Social Class, 1840

Background: The following data is from Frederick Engels in his book Condition of the Working
Class in England, (1844). Engels toured England and reported how working conditions had an
effect on the lifestyle of the average person.

Urban Upper Urban Middle Urban Rural

Class Class Lower Class Population
Average age of Death, 35 22 15 Not
Liverpool, England available
Percent of Children who Not available 20% 54% 32%
die before age 5,
Manchester, England

Averag e ag e o f d eath, L iverp o o l, P e rc e n t o f C h ild re n w h o d ie b e fo re a g e

E ng lan d , 1840 5 , M a n c h e s te r, E n g la n d , 1 8 4 0

40 60%
30 40%

20 30%

10 10%
0 0%
Urban Upper Urban M iddle Urban Lower U rban M iddle U rban Low er R ural
Clas s Class Clas s C las s C las s P opulation
Cla ss C la ss

1. What was the average life span of an urban lower class person living in Liverpool in 1840?

2. What percentage of rural population children lived past their 5th birthday?

3. Describe the type of life lower class children may have had during the Industrial Revolution
in England:

4. Using these charts and your knowledge of social studies, explain why these charts are a
reflection of the Industrial Revolution.

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