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7/30/2014, page 1 of 2, IPG - Lesson Plan


Interns: Name: Alister Mason Date:12 July 2014

Students will identify and use common words that are
opposite (antonyms) or similar (synonyms) in meaning.
Grade Level: 2

1. TEKS: 2.5C

I/we will identify and use words that are opposite
(antonyms) in meaning.
2. Big Understanding(s)
It is important that students know how to identify
synonyms to develop vocabulary and word
knowledge, think independently and increase reading

3 Assessment Evidence:
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the lesson plan by identifying synonyms.

What can you tell me about synonyms?

4. Opening Hook:
T states that we learn by what we hear, see, and do. Pay attention to what I am doing...
Teacher introduces class by holding a _______ stuffed animal on one hand and a _______stuffed animal in the
other hand.
T (shows stuffed animals) asked students what do you see up here? Can you tell the difference between the two
stuffed animals?
T listens to students responses, and tell them they have different colors and they will be learning about antonyms.
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

T (writes/shows the word OPEN) opens and closes hands (2-3 times)...What do you see?
T (writes/show the word CLOSE) what do you see? Are they the same? No, they are opposites, they are
T (shows the word Antonyms, they are opposites...Antonyms means opposite. How do you feel about
learning a new word antonym today? It is important that we learn new words? Why?

We use anonyms to make sentences more interesting. Repeating the same word all the time can get boring.

5. Instructional Strategies / Student Activities

Teacher Input/Modeling
T (pointing to the words) what is this word? What is it called? Why?
T who can read what this says? T- Let us all read it together. Let us read it as a group.
T (shows and points to the list of words) antonyms, opposites, quiet, loud, happy, sad, open, close, hot, cold, up,
down, early, late, fast, slow ... let us read it together; let us read it as group. Can you identify the
T (shows synonyms in a sentence) who can read this sentence? The food is HOT who can identify the synonym in
the sentence? Now complete this sentence? The ice-cream is ________ COLD.
T Let us all read together (whole group, small groups, and individuals).

Modeling: Let me show you.
T shows vocabulary: antonyms, opposites, quiet, loud, happy, sad, open, close, hot, cold, up, down,
Early, late, fast, slow
Look at your paper (Teacher checks students).
Look at me as I show you what to do. Teacher reviews and reads the words.
Let us all do it together (whole group, small groups, pairs, individuals).
7/30/2014, page 2 of 2, IPG - Lesson Plan
T Questions students and checks for understanding. What new word did we learn today? Give me an example? Are
the words the same? Why?

Guided Practice
Now that you have learned by seeing and hearing, we are going to do some together. Let us do some together
(whole group).
T Shows list of words to students. What does our chart say? What is the opposite of HOT?
Identify all the antonyms on your paper...Remember antonyms are what? Opposites.

This time you will work with your partner.
Look at your paper, I want you and your partner to identify the synonym on your paper and draw a picture.

Throughout the entire process, teacher is questioning students and monitoring to check for understanding and to
provide feedback.

Independent Practice:
On your practice sheet has some more activities. I want you to write the antonym for the word that is missing in the
sentence. You will do this by yourself. You have one minute to your work, give me a thumb up when you are done.

6. Materials / Resources
Antonyms PowerPoint, antonyms vocabulary, antonyms handouts, stuff animals.
***Add a short video to modify input.

7. Grouping Patterns
Whole group, pairs, individuals

8. Ending, Summary / Reflection
Who can tell me what we learned today? Give examples. Today we learned a new word...what is that word called?
Antonyms, we identified and used antonyms. Turn and share with your partner one thing you learned today.
Remember, antonyms are what? Antonyms are opposites. Allow students to express what they have learned.

Today you learned some cool stuff, when you get home share with your mom and dad play the game with them.

We will continue to learn more about antonyms and we will also learn about synonyms. Synonyms are words that
have similar meaning.
Great job champs!
9. Technology
Use PPt for visual aid, overhead or Elmo machine

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