CG MT-02 2013-14

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PAPER ID: 2167 Roll No.

Hindustan College of Science & ec!nolog"# $a%a!# &at!u%a

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SE&# )Info%*ation ec!nolog"+
&ino% est,2 )2-1.,1/+
Co*0ute% 1%a0!ics )ECS,(-/+
i*e: 1 Hou% otal &a%2s: 1(
Note: Atte*0t all 3uestions.
1. Atte*0t all 0a%ts. )14.5.+
a+ Write 3D rotation matrices about three coordinate axes.
6+ What is difference between orthographic and oblique projection.
c+ What is vertical retrace of the electron beam?
2. Atte*0t an" t!%ee 0a%ts. )1.(4.5/.(+
a+ Explain Sutherland!odgman pol"gonclipping algorithm. Wh" this algorithm wor#s for
onl" convex clipping region
6+ Derive window to viewport transformation matrix.
c+ Show that two successive reflections about either of the coordinate axes is
equivalent to a single rotation about the coordinate origin.
d+ Derive oblique projection matrix for an" pol"hedron object.
.. Atte*0t all 0a%ts. )2.(4.57.(+
a+ $eflect the triangular pol"gon whose vertices are % &'( )*( + &3( ,-* and . &'( ,,*
about the line "/x03 b" using transformation matrices.
%ppl" 1iang +ars#" 1ine .lipping %lgorithm to clip the following lines. .oordinates of
Window are as2 1eft+ottom coordinate are ),8-#,(-+ and $ight3op coordinates are
),2-# 7-+. 3here are 4 lines as A ),(-#,7-+# ' )1-# .-+# and C ),/-# 9-+# H )1-# 8-+.
6+ Determine five points on the +e5ier .urve with equidistant parametric values( having
three control points &'( '* &3( ,* and &4( '*.
%ppl" .ohen Sutherland 1ine .lipping %lgorithm to clip the following lines.
.oordinates of Window are as2 1eft+ottom coordinates are )1-# 2-+ and $ight3op
coordinates are )/-# /-+. 3here are ' lines as A )2(# 1-+# ' )/(# .-+# and C ).(# (-+#
D )6-# .(+.
c+ Derive perspective projection transformation matrix. .
Draw the bloc# diagram of implementation of 3D viewing( while converting 3D
world coordinate output primitive to 'D device coordinate. %lso explain the
functionalit" of each bloc#.

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