Witness Testimony Zena 140718

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Witness Testimony Zena Hodgson 18

July 2014
I'm happy to confirm that I observed another very positive & developmental de-brief & consultation with
young volunteers, which you facilitated in Crewkerne on Friday !th "uly#
$his included good reference back to the consultation & planning session I'd previously observed#
$he analysis of strengths & areas for further%new development within the programme was particularly
strong & inclusive of a range of young people taking part# I was also impressed with the &uality of self '
peer assessment by the young people involved# $he positive culture of constructive challenge & support
between young people & staff that has been achieved is fantastic to see#
(s you know, I am very pleased with the developments you've managed to achieve with this )sometimes
disparate* group, by using group work skills & reviews, as well as individual reviews, feedback & goal-
+ete ,ay
Company -eg no ./01231 -eg 4ffice5 0-! 6each -oad, Chard 7usiness +ark, Chard, 8omerset $(2. F(
+ete ,ay
9:ecutive ;irector
(ctive 6earning & 8kills
3 7arberry ;rive
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$el5 .3/. /3=.>
9-mail5 pete#may?als-cic#org
A not-for-profit organisation helping young people & children enjoy, grow & learn.

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