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1. Open fle tnsnames.

ora in path
D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\confg\dbclient of the target !M
ser"er# and "erif$ if there are %&' entries for both source and target !M user
!M%&' )
*D+',-./%.O& )
*0DD-+''_1.'% )
*0DD-+'' ) */-O%O,O1 ) %,/2*O'% ) h3e1de".alpha.lftltd.net2*/O-%
) 145122
*,O&&+,%_D0%0 )
*'+-6.,+_&0M+ ) !.&0&,+_70%2
*'+-6+- ) D+D.,0%+D2
'taging )
*D+',-./%.O& )
*0DD-+''_1.'% )
*0DD-+'' ) */-O%O,O1 ) %,/2*O'% )*/O-% ) 145122
*,O&&+,%_D0%0 )
*'+-6.,+_&0M+ ) +1D+652
*'+-6+- ) D+D.,0%+D2
;here 'taging is the source sche(a and !M%&' is the target sche(a.
5. Open the !M 0pplication ,op$ 7tilit$:
<. 'elect &e=t:
>. 'elect ,op$ an e=isting !M application and then choose &e=t:
4. ,hoose use 7D1 fle option and then select the 7D1 fle *see 0ppendi= for
7D1 fle creation2 alread$ prepared for source application. 'elect &e=t:
9. ,hoose the application to be copied and select &e=t:
8. ,hoose use 7D1 fle option and then select the 7D1 fle *see 0ppendi= for
7D1 fle creation2 alread$ prepared for target application. 'elect &e=t:
?. Defne the target application and select &e=t:
:. 'elect 0d"anced Options:
1@..n Database Options tab# select appropriate Data and .nde= tablespaces for
the target user sche(a. 'elect OA and then &e=t:
11.'elect &e=t:
15.;ait for the cop$ing process co(pleted.
1<.'elect OA and then ,lose to co(plete the application cop$ing.
1>.'elect 6iew 1og !ile to "iew the process log# or choose !inish to Buit the
Create a UDL fle
1. ,hoose a path in ;indow +=plorer on the target !M ser"er. -ight clic3 to
create a %e=t docu(ent.
5. /ro"ide a fle na(e for the fle# and change the fle e=tension to .udl.
<. Double clic3 the fle and in tab /ro"ider select the database pro"ider for
the source or target database.
>. .n tab ,onnection pro"ide the %&' na(e in Data source bo=# database
user na(e and password. ,hec3 the 0llow sa"ing password option and
test the connection. ,lic3 OA to fnish.

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