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In March 18th , 1925 it stroke…

 It was the worst tornado in history…

 The tornado destroyed buildings,
houses and also the humans that
lived there…
 The tornado moved really fast…
 The tornado went to a lot of different
places in the tri-state area…
 Missouri: (where the tornado touch the
 Ellington: 1 person (killed)
 Annapolis & Lea Danna: 2 people killed and
75 injured. Losses in both towns were
around $500,000.
 Altenburg: 1 child killed while attending
 Bollinger County: 32 children were injured
in school.
 Illinois: (highest damage and deaths)
 the tornado.
 The path of 219 miles was the
longest in history
 Traveling speed of 50 to 62 mph is
double than the average tornado.
 Sustained winds of 261 to 318 miles
per hour plus damage made it a F5..
(violent tornado)
 Destroyed 164 square miles which is
50% more than the average tornado.

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