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Name: ____________________ Date: _______

Ms. Cartusciello/ Mr. Quinn Global 10R

Political Stability

Directions: The following below is a timeline of different political events from

1750-1850. Using them and your knowledge of social studies, answer the
following questions below.

Political Timeline: 1750-1850

• 1756-1763- Seven Years’ War (France and England, fought on
North American soil)
• 1793- Louis XVI executed (France)
• 1793-1794- Reign of Terror (France)
• 1804- Napoleonic Code; Napoleon crowned emperor (France)
• 1805- Third Coalition formed against France; battles of
Trafalgar and Austerlitz (Mainland Europe)
• 1820- Spanish Revolution begins
• 1825- Decemberist revolt in Russia
• 1830- Revolution in France, Belgium, and Poland; Serbia gains

Major Countries: England, France, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Poland,


1. In which country was there a Reign of Terror and execution of their king?

2. Which countries experienced a form of revolution?

3. According the timeline, a number of countries experienced war on their on

own soil or a revolution. Which country experienced neither on their own soil
during this period?

4. Using this timeline and your knowledge of social studies, explain why
England would be able to industrialize while other countries could not.

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