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Facilities Management and

Building Services Provider

Project Services Summary
After years of planning, fundraising, and building,
the new museum opened to the public on the
31st May 2013.
The Museum is based in a 16th century dock
within the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, with
the new build constructed around an delicate
centrepiece; the HMS Victory.
Tasked by Warings contractors, EIC provided
full mechanical and electrical services at the
historic site. This project presented a number
of challenges since part of the museum is built
around the large ship.
The project commenced with the dismantling of
the original temporary shell, dating back to the
1980s, and the construction of a new 21st century
museum. The water systems and ventilation
services were modifed during the construction
process to allow continuous spraying of the hull
throughout the construction process, ensuring
it was kept at the correct temperature. As part
of the team EIC carried out the installation of
mechanical, electrical, fre protection, security
and door entry systems.
Scope of the work -
Mechanical and Electrical services for the new
iconic Mary Rose Museum incorporating Henry
VIIIs fagship remains.
Sector - Public
Site/Location - Mary Rose Museum
Project duration - 2 years
Principal contractor - Warings Contractors
Contract value - 5M
A stunning new and unique
space home to historic beauty
Mary Rose
In spite of the challenges presented by this
historical project, the work was completed
smoothly through adoption of innovative
working practices from the earliest stages. EICs
involvement was instrumental in the completion
of the museum and in creating enduring and
effective protection for the priceless 16th century
artefacts and hull.
This highly technical project required
that conservational works to the ships
hull continued throughout the new
build process and, on completion, was
awarded Building Project of the Year
and shortlisted for a Construction News
- Colin Crowther, Construction Director, Bouygues

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