BTS Maintenance

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Course Code:T525
1.Backhaul Network WBTMBHN210
2.BTS Measurement & Testing WBTMM&T110
3.BTS Preentie Maintenence WBTMP!M110
".BTS #larms & Trou$leshooting WBTM#&T110
%.BTS #& & PP WBTM#&P110
'.(rou) *iscussion WBTM(!*110
GSM Subsystems
+ther Networks

(SM.(P!S N0TW+!1 #!&H2T0&T3!0
GSM Network
Abbreviations for N/W Eements
MS!Mobie Station
"TS! "ase Trans#eiver station
"SC!"ase Station #ontroer
MSC ! Mobie s$it#%in& #entre
'() * 'isitor o#ation re&istry
+() * +ome o#ation re&istry
G,)S!Genera ,a#-et )adio Servi#e
SGSN! Servin& G,)S su..ort node
GGSN * Gate$ay G,)S Su..ort node
(A,/! (in- A##ess ,ro#edure /
"SSA,! "ase Station System A..i#ation ,art
S 20/3324/ITI/HAIS/4
! 2/320/ITI/HAIS/4 2"/33#/$%&TA/N%'/4
I 40/440/$%&TA/N%'/4 2*/32+/$%&TA/N%'/4
H SI&)% '%ST SHI&(A
('M ('M BTS AN$ BS' ,,/3,"/ITI/N%'/4
B ,/304/
S S%%(. S%%(. 22/30,/$%&TA/N%'/," 4/32"/ITI/N%'/4
' ('M BTS HI&& '%ST .%NITH
3/32, ,2/322/ITI/HAIS/4
('M "/32,3/ITI/N%'/4 /I%
B!' ,3/32,+/$%&TA/N%'/4
0'O$% ANI A'A$%
M 30/330/$%&TA/N%'/4
O MTN& 3/303/ITI/N%'/4
& AN$H%I $%) $%)%S1A
a23 +/30+/ITI/N%'/," 2*/32*/$%&TA/N%'/4 34/334/$%&TA/N%'/4
BTS AN5ANI SHI)!6(A N%1 $%%A5
OOM 'OM(&%0
B #/33"/$%&TA/N%'/4
! MTN& 40/440/$%&TA/N%'/4 A&I7S 'H%MB%
' AN$H%I SI&)%ST%
B a23 ,*/4,*/ITI/HAIS/4 22/422/ITI/HAIS/4
BS' ('M ('M B B&O'! B&$G9 )IHA
M#!+- (SM BSS MW *2#(!#M#T2& 420W
S2T0 2*. &0-- 2*. P+W0! P-#NT M#10. MW S5ST0M M#10. MW T!2B3T0!20S
!a6io Signal Pro)agation
)adio si&nas #an trave over vast distan#es0
)adio si&nas are affe#ted by t%e medium in $%i#% t%ey trave
t%is #an affe#t t%e radio .ro.a&ation and t%e distan#es over $%i#% t%e si&nas #an .ro.a&ate0
Some radio si&nas #an trave or .ro.a&ate around t%e &obe1 $%ereas ot%er may ony
.ro.a&ate over mu#% s%orter distan#es
T%e .ro.erties of t%e .at% by $%i#% t%e radio si&nas $i .ro.a&ate &overns t%e eve and
2uaity of t%e re#eived si&na
)efe#tion1 refra#tion 3 diffra#tion may o##ur
T%e resutant radio si&na :#ombination of severa si&nas 4traveed by different .at%s50
Si&nas may added to&et%er or subtra#ted one
T%e si&nas travein& via different .at%s may be deayed #ausin& distortin& of t%e resutant
077ects on Pro)agation

*ue to the o$8ect o$structing the wae )ath causing a$sor)tion o7 signal
*ue to the ra6io wae strikes a smooth con6ucting sur7ace
+ccurs when a wae re7lects o77 a rough sur7ace
This ha))ens when the wae )asses oer an e6ge9 such as roo7 to) or street leel that o7 a
corner o7 a $uil6ing

(SM :00 (SM1;00 (SM 1:00
;:0 ? :1% MH@ 1A10 ? 1A;% MH@ 1;%0?1:10 MH@
:3% ? :'0 MH@ 1;0% ? 1;;0 MH@ 1:30 ?1::0 MH@
&hannel S)acing 200 1H@ 200 1H@ 2001H@
No o7 &hannels 12"B1 3A"B1 2::B1
*u)leC S)acing "% MH@ :% ;0
#!<&N #$solute !a6io <re=uenc> &hannel Num$er.

T%e GSM avaiabe fre2uen#y is divided in t$o bands0 Ea#% band is divided into 266 -+7 sots #aed
A)8CN0 Ea#% A)8CN is s%ared bet$een 9 mobies1 ea#% usin& it in turn0 Ea#% mobie uses t%e
A)8CN for one TS 4Timesot5 and t%en $aits for its turn to #ome around a&ain0 A mobie %as use of
t%e A)8CN on#e .er t%e T/MA frame0 T%e #ombination of a TS number and A)8CN is #aed a
.%ysi#a #%anne0
To &et t%e )8 fre2uen#y from A)8CN use foo$in& formua
:0 8or ;66 M+7 "and: 9;6<6024N5
$%ere N is t%e A)8CN number $%i#% is from : to :2=
MTN( Mumbai is usin& >: fre2uen#ies from ;66M%7 band
and t%ere A)8CN no0 are
20 8or :966 M+7 "and: :@:602<6024N!5:25 $%ere N is t%e A)8CN number $%i#% is from 5:2 to 995
MTN( Mumbai is usin& >: fre2uen#ies from :966M%7 band and t%ere A)8CN no0 are @>? to @5@ and
9?@ to 9@5
>0 8or >G MTN( Mumbai use :;??05 M+7 for A/( 2:5?05M+7 for //(
Ma8or <unctions o7 MS&
Ca !setu.1 Su.ervision and reease
/i&it #oe#tion and transation
"iin& information #oe#tion
Inter!"SS and inter!MSC #a %andoffs0
,a&in& and Aertin&0
Mana&ement of radio resour#es durin& a #a0
Mana&e #onne#tions to "SS1ot%er MSCs and ,STN0
Home -ocation !egister ,H-!/
+() maintains t%e data on a .ermanent basis 4Servi#e subs#ri.tion information05

)eferen#e store for subs#riberBs .arameters1
subs#riber #urrent status i0e '() vaue
Su..ementary servi#es0 4subs#ribed to5

"iin& /a##ountin& information0
Cne ,(MN may #ontain one or severa +()
4isitor -ocation !egister,4-!/
'() #ontains Mobie Subs#riberBs information $%o are #urrenty in t%e servi#e area #overed by MSC/
It #ontros t%ose mobies roamin& in its area0
'() is a database and &ets u.dated $%enever a ne$ Mobie enters its area1by +() database
Cne '() may be in!#%ar&e of one or more (A
#uthentication &entre ,#3& /
AuC is asso#iated $it% +()0
Contains aut%enti#ation .arameters used for #%e#-in& of different data on SIM #ard0 Wit% t%is
#%e#-in& system understand t%at subs#riber is our #ustomer or not0
AAC is a se.arate entity and .%ysi#ay in#uded in +()
0=ui)ment 26entit> !egister
'aidation of +ard$are E2ui.ment t%at is Mobie %andsets
EI) #ontains a #entrai7ed data base for vaidatin& t%e IMEI0
Enter DE6?E on mobie to &et IMEI
Stoen / ost mobies #an be tra#ed
Cny one EI) .er ,(MN0
Base Station S>stem ,BSS/
A "ase Station System 4"SS5 is t%e system bet$een t%e Mobie S$it#%in& Centre 4MSC5 and
t%e Mobie Stations 4MSs50T%is system re2uires "ase Station Controer 4"SC5 and "ase Trans#eiver
Station 4"TS5 fun#tions and #an in#ude a o#a trans#odin& fun#tion0 T%e "SS #onsists of one or more
of t%e foo$in& sites:
"ase Station &ontroller ,BS&/
"SC .rovides t%e interfa#e bet$een t%e MSC and t%e remote "TS sites0
Contros t%e "TS #om.onents
,erforms Ca ,ro#essin&
,erforms C.erations and Maintenan#e 4C 3 M5
,rovides t%e C 3 M in- 4CM(5 bet$een t%e "SS and t%e CMC
,rovides t%e A Interfa#e bet$een t%e "SS and t%e MSC
Mana&es t%e radio #%annes
Transfers si&nain& information to and from MSs
Base Transreceier Station ,BTS/
T%e "TS net$or- eement #onsists of t%e %ard$are #om.onents1 su#% as radios1 interfa#e modues and
antenna systems t%at .rovide t%e Air Interfa#e bet$een t%e "SS and t%e MSs
T%e "TS radio e2ui.ment used must be abe to su..ort t%e ty.e of o.eration re2uired1 t%at is1 GSM;661
EGSM;661 /CS:966 or ,CS:;66
T%e "TS .rovides radio #%annes 4)8 #arriers5 for a s.e#ifi# )8 #overa&e area
T%e "TS aso %as a imited amount of #ontro fun#tionaity $%i#% redu#es t%e amount of traffi# bet$een
t%e "TS and "SC
T%e trans#oder 4FC/)5 is t%e di&ita si&na .ro#essin& e2ui.ment t%at .erforms GSM defined en#odin& and de#odin& $it%in t%e net$or-
T%e trans#oder is t%e interfa#e bet$een t%e ?= -bit/s ,CM #%anne in t%e and net$or- and t%e
:> -bit/s vo#oder 4a#tuay 2209 -bit/s after #%anne #odin&5 #%anneused on t%e Air Interfa#e
T%is redu#es t%e amount of information #arried on t%e Air Interfa#e and %en#e1 its band$idt%
(P!S Su))ort S>stem
Packet &ontrol 3nit ,P&3/
T%e ,CA is an interfa#e ada.tor %ander unit t%at .ermits t%e GSM fa#iity a##ess to t%e .a#-et
,CA needs interfa#es $it% t%e "SC on t%e GSM side1 and t%e SGSN on t%e .a#-et net$or- side
T%e ,CA mana&es t%e .a#-et radio interfa#e and aso enabes t%e interfa#e from t%e "SS to t%e
T%e ,CA itsef1 is mana&ed by t%e existin& CMC!)
P&3 <eatures
,oint!to!.oint G,)S servi#e
G,)S radio #%anne ao#ation
Medium A##ess Contro mode ! dynami# ao#ation0
Su..ort of MS #asses
G,)S #odin& s#%emes
/ynami# ada.tion of #odin& s#%emes
T$o .%ase .a#-et a##ess
En%an#ed G,)S one .%ase a##ess
8re2uen#y of ,/C+
,o$er #ontro for$nin-0
Gb interfa#e
,CA oad baan#in& and s%arin& 4Gb and "TS5
MS fo$ #ontro
Sering (P!S Su))ort No6e ,S(SN/

%andes a .a#-et data for t%e &eo&ra.%i# area #aed )outin& Area Monitors G,)S users
+andes mobiity mana&ement may be re&arded as t%e .a#-et s$it#%ed e2uivaent of t%e #ir#uit!
s$it#%ed MSC
)es.onsibe for biin&
(atewa> (P!S Su))ort No6e ,((SN/

routes in#omin& data to res.e#tive SGSN
Ao$s G,)S net$or- to #onne#t to outer .a#-et data net$or-s i-e Internet
)es.onsibe for biin&
+)erations & Maintenance &entre ,+M&/

Two t>)es o7 +M& D
CMC!) #ontros s.e#ifi#ay )adio ,art
CMC!S #ontros s.e#ifi#ay t%e net$or- S$it#%in& system or MSC0
<unctions o7 +M&
8aut mana&ement
Event/aarm mana&ement
,erforman#e mana&ement
Confi&uration mana&ement
(oad mana&ement
)emote o&in
/evi#e mana&ement
Se#urity Mana&ement0
+eriew o7 a BSS an6 its connections
T%e "SC maintains a database $%i#% it uses to mana&e .%ysi#a #onne#tions t%rou&%out t%e
"SS0 ,%ysi#a #onne#tions are made usin& E: in-s 4MMSs on MSI devi#es50 T%e .at% devi#e
.rovides a o&i#a re.resentation of a .arti#uar route bet$een t%e "SC1 and a destination
"TS0 )S( devi#es and )T8 fun#tions for a remote "TS re2uires definin& t%e .at%
bet$een t%e "SC and t%e remote "TS0 Ea#% )T8 fun#tion #an be .rovided $it% a redundant
BS& an6 BTSs
E A "SC #an su..ort u. to ;? MSI to MSI #onne#tions0
E A "SC #an su..ort u. to ;? MSI to FC/) #onne#tions0
E A "SC SITE #an #ontain u. to :@5 46 to :@=5 MSIs and FC/)s0
E A. to ten )FC/)s #an be #onne#ted to ea#% "SC1 and ten "SCs #an be #onne#ted to
ea#% )FC/)0
E A "TS #an #ontain u. to 2= #es0
E A site #an #ontain one CS8,0
E An MSI #an #ontain u. to six MMSs de.endin& on t%e #abinet ty.e0
E Ea#% FC/) #ontains one MMS0

8or desi&n and as a first order a..roximation $e assume t%at #overa&e areas are re&uar
.oy&ons Any re&uar .oy&on su#% as e2uiatera trian&e1 a s2uare1 or a %exa&on #an be used
for #e desi&n
"ut in reaity #e #overa&e is an irre&uar s%a.ed #ir#e
Exa#t #overa&e of t%e #e de.end on t%e terrain and many ot%er fa#tors
E A #e #an #ontain u. to ?= GSM Nei&%bor #es0
E A #e #an #ontain u. to :? AT)AN Nei&%bor #es0
E A #e #an #ontain u. to >: GSM Nei&%bor #es $%en t%e #e #ontains one or more
AT)AN Nei&%bors0
E A #e #an #ontain u. to four +andover Contro obGe#ts1 four ,o$er Contro obGe#ts and
one InterferA&0
0nhance6 BS& &a)acit>
T%e En%an#ed "SC Ca.a#ity feature is an o.tiona feature1 $%i#% in#reases t%e #a.a#ity of t%e
"SC from >9= #arriers and 2=66 #ir#uits 4CICs5 to 5:2 #arriers and >266 #ir#uits 4CICs50
If eit%er GSM +) and/or AM) %as been .ur#%ased and enabed1 a maximum of =966
CICs #an be e2ui..ed at an )FC/) site0
Interfa#e name Interfa#in& net$or- Main
messa&in&eements .roto#os used
Air interfa#e "TS to MS /TA,/(A,/m
Abis interfa#e "SC to remote "TS /TA,/(A,/
A interfa#e "SC to MSC "SSMA,/SCC,
" interfa#e MSC to '() on C@ F 25
C interfa#e MSC to +()/AAC MA,/TCA,/SCC, on C@
/ interfa#e '() to +() MA,/TCA,/SCC, on C@
E interfa#e MSC to MSC MA,/TCA,/SCC, on C@
8 interfa#e MSC to EI) MA,/TCA,/SCC, on C@
G interfa#e '() to '() MA,/TCA,/SCC, on C@
+ interfa#e +() to AAC MA, on C@
(b interfa#e "SS to "SS No s.e#iHed .roto#o
based SM(C "SS(A,/"SSMA,/SCC,
on C@
Microwa<e &i2k 6sa=e
As most of t%e "TSs and Node "s are instaed in t%e s%eter on t%e terra#e of t%e .rivate buidin&1
t%ey are #onne#ted to "SCs and ATM s$it#% $it% use of Mi#ro$ave in- and t%en ,CM E: (in-s0
Mi#ro$ave in-s uses fre2uen#ies from :5/:?/ :9 G+7 band $it% #a.a#ities of = E:s or
:? E:s0
W%ere mi#ro$ave #onne#tivity is not .ossibe or (CS is bo#-ed $e #an use M(/N #onne#tivity
u. to nearest ,CM station 4MTN( Ex#%an&e5 and t%en ,CM E: in u.$ard .at%
BSS >i2ks a23 co2tro> ;u2ctio2s
T%e in-s and #ontro fun#tions for t%e "SS net$or- are mana&ed at t%e "SC0
T%e (C8 fun#tions at "SCs are used to #ontro t%e MT(s bet$een t%e MSC and t%e "SC1 and t%e
)S(s bet$een t%e "SC and remote "TSs0 Assi&nment of a remote "TS to a ,arti#uar (C8 is
made $%en t%e remote "TS site devi#e is e2ui..ed0
Ea#% )S( for a remote "TS is assi&ned a .at% $%en t%e )S( devi#es are e2ui..ed0 E2ui. at east
one defaut )S(0
T%e )T8s at remote "TSs are assi&ned to a .rimary and1 o.tionay1 a se#ondary .at% $%en t%e
)T8 fun#tion is e2ui..ed
The #ir inter7ace
T%e radio #ommuni#ations in- bet$een t%e "SS and t%e MS is -no$n as t%e Air Interfa#e0T%e
GSM Air Interfa#e is a noise!robust transmission medium0 T%e s.eed of a radio #%anne used in
GSM is 2@609>> -b.s0 T%e moduation is 60> "T Gaussian Minimum S%ift Ieyin& 4GMSI50
01: Aso -no$n as CE,T:0 T%e 206=9 Mb.s rate used by Euro.ean CE,T #arrier to transmit >6 ?=
-b.s di&ita #%annes for voi#e or data #as1 .us a ?= -b.s si&nain& #%anne and a ?= -b.s
#%anne for framin& and maintenan#e0

# 2nter7ace : Interfa#e bet$een MSC and "SS0 T%e interfa#e is based on t%e use of one or more
E: di&ita in-s0 T%e #%annes on t%ese in-s #an be used for traffi# or si&nain&
Am Interfa#e bet$een t%e mobie station 4MS5 and t%e GSM/G,)S fixed net$or- .art0 T%e Am
interfa#e is t%e net$or- interfa#e for .rovidin& voi#e 3 .a#-et data servi#es over t%e radio to t%e
MS0 T%e MT .art of t%e MS is used to a##ess t%e GSM/G,)S servi#es t%rou&% t%is interfa#e0

The #$is inter7ace
T%e interfa#e bet$een t%e "SC and a remote "TS is aso a standard interfa#e0 +o$ever1 Motoroa
offers a uni2ue Motoroa Abis Interfa#e1 #aed Mobis1 $%i#% redu#es t%e amount of messa&eJ
traffi# and t%us t%e number of E: in-s re2uired bet$een a "SC and "TS

!S-? !a6io Signalling -inkD
)S( is used for si&nain& bet$een t%e "SC and "TSs0 T%e interfa#e uses a ?= -b.s timesot
$it% a (A,/ .roto#o0
!T<? !a6io Transceier <unctionD
)T8 is t%e fun#tion t%at su..orts t%e air interfa#e #%anne and t%e /)I/Trans#eiver .air0 W%en a /)I at a remote "TS1 one or more )T8s must be e2ui..ed
-#P* (in- A##ess ,roto#o /!#%anne 4/ata5:
A .roto#o t%at o.erates at t%e data in- ayer 4ayer 25 of t%e CSI ar#%ite#ture0 (A,/ is used to
#onvey information bet$een ayer > entities a#ross t%e frame reay net$or-0 T%e /!#%anne
#arries si&nain& information for #ir#uit s$it#%in&0
-#P*m (in- A##ess ,roto#o on t%e /m #%anne : A in- a##ess .ro#edure 4ayer 25 on t%e CC+
MT-! Messa&e Transfer (in-:
T%e MT( is t%e ?= -b.s ,CM timesot t%at is used to #onvey t%e SS@ si&nain& information on t%e
A interfa#e bet$een t%e MSC and t%e "SC0

+M-! C.eration and Maintenan#e (in-:
T%e CM( .rovides #ommuni#ation bet$een an CMC!) and a "SC or )FC/) for transferrin&
net$or- mana&ement 4C.eration and Maintenan#e5 data

FB(! Trans#oder to "SS (in-:
T%e #arrier #ommuni#ations in- bet$een t%e
($ Interfa#e

T%e Gb interfa#e #onne#ts t%e "SS and t%e SGSN1 ao$in& t%e ex#%an&e of si&nain&
information and user data0
T%e Gb interfa#e s%a ao$ many users to be muti.exed over t%e same .%ysi#a resour#e0
)esour#es are &iven to a user u.on a#tivity 4$%en data is sent or re#eived5 and are reao#ated
immediatey t%ereafter0 T%is is in #ontrast to t%e A interfa#e $%ere a sin&e user %as t%e soe
use of a dedi#ated .%ysi#a resour#e t%rou&%out t%e ifetime of a #a irres.e#tive of a#tivity0
G,)S si&nain& and user data are sent in t%e same transmission .ane0 No dedi#ated .%ysi#a
resour#es are re2uired to be ao#ated for si&nain& .ur.oses0

(S- D (P!S Signaling -ink ,(S-/ inter7ace.

T%e GS( #arries t%e si&nain& in- traffi# bet$een t%e "SC and a ,CA site0 T%e GS( uses t%e
Muti.e Seria Interfa#e in- 4MMS: E: in-5 %ard$are as its underyin& #ommuni#ation in-
2nter?!a6io #ccess Technolog> ,2nter?!#T/ Han6oer
Initiay1 $%en net$or- o.erators .rovide a AMTS servi#e1 t%ere may ony be sma .o#-ets of
AMTS #overa&e in a .redominanty GSM #overa&e net$or-0 In t%is situation1 $%en a AMTS
subs#riber eaves a AMTS #overa&e area1 t%e #a may be dro..ed0 AMTS subs#ribers may aso
fa#e .robems estabis%in& a AMTS #a $%en t%e traffi# in t%e AMTS #overa&e area is %i&%0 To
avoid t%ese .robems1 t%e Inter!)AT +andover feature #an be enabed0
T%e Inter!)AT +andover feature ao$s a muti!)AT mobie station 4MS5 to .erform 2G to >G
#e see#tion/resee#tion in ide mode1 and >G to 2G %andovers in #ir#uit!s$it#%ed dedi#ated
mode0 W%en t%e Inter!)AT +andover feature is enabed at a "SS1 t%e "SS broad#asts ne$
system information messa&es to ao$ a muti!)AT MS to .erform measurements on AMTS
8// 4AT)AN5 nei&%bor #es for %andover and #e see#tion/resee#tion .ur.oses0 W%en in
dedi#ated mode1 Inter!)AT +andover .rovides >G measurement #ontro .arameters to t%e MS0
W%en t%e Inter!)AT +andover feature is enabed at a "SS1 it #an t%en be enabed or disabed
for individua #es0
2nter?!#T Han6oer 6e)en6encies
T%e Inter!)AT +andover feature re2uires:
E Muti!)AT mobie stations1 $%i#% are #a.abe of a##essin& t%e Core Net$or- 4CN5 from a
AMTS #overa&e area and a GSM #overa&e area0 T%e MS must be #a.abe of o.eratin& in
eit%er GSM or AMTS #es in#udin& exe#ution of .ro#edures su#% as ,(MN see#tion1 #e
resee#tion1 measurements in ide mode and dedi#ated mode1 and so on0
E A AMTS net$or- in#udin& 2G/>G #om.atibe MSC0
E Existin& 2G CN nodes must be abe to intera#t $it% t%e >G CN nodes t%rou&% MA,
.ro#edures defined on t%e E!interfa#e bet$een a >G CN node and 2G CN node0
0nhance6 2nter?!#T Han6oer 7eature
T%e En%an#ed 2G/>G +andover and Ce )esee#tion feature 4aso referred to as t%e En%an#ed
Inter!)AT +andover feature5 .rovides su..ort in t%e "SS for:
E Cut&oin& dedi#ated mode %andover from 2G to >G 4basi# measurement!based and
servi#e!based %andover tri&&ers50
E "SS #ontro for measurement re.ortin& by muti!)AT MS1 AT)AN eary #assmar- sendin&
bind sear#% for #e resee#tion from 2G to >G0
E Inter!)AT reated .erforman#e measurements0
T%e En%an#ed Inter!)AT feature aso introdu#es a ne$ devi#e #aed a "ind Sear#% Nei&%bor1
$%i#% is su..orted under a #e1 and re.resents t%e bind sear#% nei&%bors of a #e0
BSS links an6 control 7unctions
T%e in-s and #ontro fun#tions for t%e "SS net$or- are mana&ed at t%e "SC0
8or Ty.e : or 2 "SCs1 mana&ement is s%ifted to .arti#uar (C8 fun#tions0
T%e (C8 fun#tions at ar&er "SCs are used to #ontro t%e MT(s bet$een t%e MSC and t%e
"SC1 and t%e )S(s bet$een t%e "SC and remote "TSs0 Assi&nment of a remote "TS to a
,arti#uar (C8 is made $%en t%e remote "TS site devi#e is e2ui..ed0
Ea#% )S( for a remote "TS is assi&ned a .at% $%en t%e )S( devi#es are e2ui..ed0 E2ui.
at east one defaut )S(0
T%e )T8s at remote "TSs are assi&ned to a .rimary and1 o.tionay1 a se#ondary .at% $%en
t%e )T8 fun#tion is e2ui..ed0

Path 6eices
Cne of t%e more im.ortant #on#e.ts of usin& .at% devi#es for muti.e routes bet$een t%e
"SC and a destination "TS1 is t%at to.oo&i#a terms su#% as s.o-e1 for-1 or oo. are not
#onsidered !a .at%s redu#e to a strai&%t ine0 Consider t%e oo. formed by "SC!:6!=!>!;!
"SC0 Avaiabe .at%s to "TS > are "SC!:6!=!> and "SC!;!>0
T%e "TS #ode oads on t%e MMS on $%i#% t%e )S( is e2ui..ed0 T%e )S( is e2ui..ed
on a ,AT+ $%i#% #an %ave a .rimary .at% and a se#ondary .at%0 If t%e .rimary .at%
on $%i#% t%e )S( is e2ui..ed is in servi#e 4"A5 t%en t%e "TS #ode oads t%rou&%
,AT+:Bs MSSs0
MaCimum num$er o7 BTSs
A .at% #an in#ude a maximum of ten "TSs0 8or t%is reason1 a .at% to "TS >: or >2 t%at
in#udes a 206=9 Mbit/s in- bet$een "TSs 5 and ? #annot be made sin#e tota "TSs $oud
ex#eed t%e maximum 4:5!::!5!?!:2!:?!26!:;!25!2?!>250 'aid .at%s for "TS >2 are :5!::!
5!26!:;!25!2?!>2 and :;!25!2?!>20
!T< consi6erations
W%en )T8 fun#tions are e2ui..ed1 a .rimary .at% must be s.e#ified0 Cn#e e2ui..ed1 t%is
.at% #annot be #%an&ed $it%out first t%e )T80 8or t%is reason1 #onsider t%e
future net$or- #%an&es before )T8s0
T%e o.tiona se#ondary .at% #an be s.e#ified $%en t%e )T8 is first e2ui..ed0 T%e se#ondary
.at% #an be added or #%an&ed at a ater time0
An im.ortant #on#e.t reatin& to )T8 .at%s is t%at $%enever t%ere are t$o .at%s
e2ui..ed1 t%e s%ortest .at% 4fe$er intervenin& "TS sites5 are used0 8or exam.e1 if t%e se#ondary .at%
is s%orter after bein& added or #%an&ed1 it is #%osen as t%e .rimary .at%0 W%en .at%s are e2ua in
en&t%1 t%e .rimary .at% is see#ted0 W%en t%e see#ted .at% is not avaiabe1 t%e )T8 is s$it#%ed over
to t%e aternate .at%0 T%e )T8 s$it#%es ba#- to t%e s%ortest .at% $%en avaiabiity is restored
Hori@on II BTS
+ori7on II #an be divided into t$o main areas:
E CTA2 radio
E +ori7on II ma#ro "TS #abinet %ard$are
&T32 ra6io
T%e CTA2 .rovides t%e foo$in& fun#tionaity:
E /oube density #arrier su..ort
T%e CTA2 trans#eiver %as t%e abiity to su..ort t$o o&i#a #arriers $it%in a sin&e
trans#eiver unit0 T%e number of #arriers to be su..orted #an be defined by a user usin&
t%e /)I .arameter 6riG6ensit>00
E ;66 M+7 or :966 M+70
Hori@on II macro ca$inet
T%e +ori7on II ma#ro "TS %ard$are .rovides t%e foo$in& fun#tionaity:
E Su..ort for u. to six doube density K>6929L CTA2s/CTA2!/s0
Ea#% K>6929L CTA2/CTA2!/ 8)A #an su..ort t$o inde.endent #arriers simutaneousy1
t%erefore u. to :2 #arriers #an be su..orted in a +ori7on II ma#ro #abinet0
E ;66 M+7 and :966 M+7 #abinets0
E Su..ort of MCA8 fun#tionaity $it% t%e +2SC0
E Muti.exin& fun#tionaity
To ao$ t%e +ori7on II ma#ro #abinet to be used as an extension #abinet1 an FMAF #ard
.rovides muti.exin& of data to and from t%e #ontroin& #abinet0 T%e FMAF #ard sots
into t%e +2SC sot in t%e di&ita #ard #a&e0
E Site I/C .ane
In t%e +ori7on II ma#ro #abinet1 t%e fiber #onne#tors are #onsoidated on to t%e Site I/C
E In#reased )S( fun#tionaity
T%e inte&rated NIA on t%e +2SC su..orts u. to six E: #onne#tions1 $it% u. to
four )S( devi#es .er s.an0 T%e )S devi#es #an be .rovisioned $it% eit%er :? -bit/s or
?= -bit/s #%annes0
(&-1 s>nchroni@ation
Generi# C(o#I 4GC(I5 syn#%roni7ation enabes any site to be #onfi&ured so t%at it #an
syn#%roni7e its GC(I to a -no$n &ood #o#- sour#e in an site0 T%is feature
minimi7es frame si.s and .revents t%e out.ut fre2uen#y driftin& at t%e a&ein& rate of t%e
GC(I os#iator0T%is redu#es t%e on!site #aibrations of GC(Is0
*escri)tion o7 (&-1 s>nchroni@ation
A -no$n &ood #o#- 4for exam.e1 t%e MSC #o#-5 is defined as t%e master #o#- sour#e0
T%is #o#- re2uires a fre2uen#y a##ura#y of at east 606: ..m1 $%en $ander and Gitter %ave
been removed1 and %avin& no brea-s &reater t%an 96Ms0
It is .ossibe to syn#%roni7e t%e )FC/) to t%e MSC1 syn#%roni7e t%e "SCs to t%e )FC/)1
syn#%roni7e t%e "TSs to t%e "SC1 and so on1 unti t%e net$or- is syn#%roni7ed to t%e one
-no$n &ood #o#- sour#e0 T%e site GC(I #an aso run at a set fre2uen#y 4unsyn#%roni7ed50
In t%is #ase1 t%e out.ut fre2uen#y is %ed at a .redefined vaue0
T%e feature $or-s in net$or-s #onsistin& of sites in star1 daisy #%ain1 and oo. to.oo&ies
and #ontainin& a buids of GC(I %ard$are0 Sites $it%in an NE are #onfi&ured inde.endenty of ea#%
ot%er0 It is .ossibe1 for exam.e1 to %ave some sites usin&1 and some not usin&1 GC(I syn#%roni7ation
$it%in t%e same NE0
(&-1 mo6es o7 o)eration
A GC(I #an be used in t%e foo$in& modes:
E 8ree )un0
E Set 8re2uen#y0
E Cosed (oo.0
E +od 8re2uen#y0
GC(Is are used in eit%er Cosed (oo. or Set 8re2uen#y mode0 T%ere are s%ort .eriods of
time $%en t%e GC(I %ard$are .uts t%e GC(I into +od 8re2uen#y and 8ree )un0 T%e
Cosed (oo. mode is t%e mode $%i#% a#%ieves GC(I syn#%roni7ation0 Wit%in t%is mode1
t%ere are t$o sub!modes:
E A#2uirin& .%ase o#-ed state0
E ,%ase o#-ed state0
To $egin (&-1 cali$ration mo6e at the local site
T%is #ommand is not ao$ed from remote o&in1 and is CN(N ao$ed at M!Ce and
+ori7on sites0
Ase t%e #ommand: gclkGcalGmo6e
T%e system res.onds $it% t%e foo$in&:
Site Oo#a site numberP startin& GC(I CA(I")ATICN MC/E0
4Are you sure 4y Q yes1 n Q no5R
If re.yin& $it% anyt%in& ot%er t%an >1 t%e #ommand is aborted0 If re.yin& >1 t%e GC(I
be&ins t%e #aibration mode0 No #a .ro#essin& #an o##ur $%i#% invoves t%is GC(I durin&
#aibration mode0 T%e GC(I is reset $%en #aibration is #om.ete0
*e7inition o7 an FB-
T%e .ur.ose of t%e F"( is to enabe notifi#ation of faied traffi# #ir#uits at t%e )FC/)
bein& sent to t%e "SC0 If faiures o##ur1 t%e "SC disabes t%ese #ir#uits by sendin& t%e bo#-in& messa&es to t%e MSC aon& an MT(0
T%e F"( is t%e in- bet$een t%e )FC/) and t%e "SC $%i#% .rovides faut mana&ement
#ommuni#ations in- for t%e devi#es at t%e )FC/)0 T%e F"( uses a dedi#ated ?= -bit/s
timesot on t%e )FC/) to "SC 2 Mbit/s in-0 It .rovides bi!dire#tiona #ommuni#ations
bet$een G,)CC in t%e "SC and G,)CC in )FC/)1 #onse2uenty four traffi# #%annes
4TC+5 are ost0 If muti.e "SCs are su..orted by t%e same )FC/)1 t%en t%e se#ond F"(
s%oud be e2ui..ed to a .%ysi#ay different 2 Mbit/s in- to en%an#e redundan#y0
A maximum of 26 F"(s #an be su..orted0
Prere=uisites 7or creating an FB-
To e2ui. an F"( in- bet$een an )FC/) and "SC1 an F"( devi#e must be e2ui..ed at
bot% t%e
)FC/) and "SC usin& t%e same .%ysi#a MMS and timesot0
T%e "SS reGe#ts an attem.t to e2ui. an F"( devi#e at t%e "SC1 if t%e MMS identifier
s.e#ified does not exist 4t%at is1 not in t%e )FC/) to "SC Conne#tivity Tabe50
"efore t%e F"( at t%e )FC/)1 t%e F"( must %ave been e2ui..ed at t%e "SC0
T%e "SS reGe#ts an attem.t to e2ui. an F"( devi#e at t%e )FC/) if t%e MMS identifier
s.e#ified does not exist 4t%at is1 not in t%e "SC to )FC/) Conne#tivity Tabe50
T%e Muti.e Seria Interfa#e 4MSI5 modue drives t$o se.arate interfa#e ines to and from
t%e T/M bus0
MS2 mo6ule
T%e MSI modue #an drive t$o Euro.ean 206=9 Mbit/s 4E:5 data ines0
Cne of t%e E: ines is referred to as &rou. A1 t%e ot%er E: ine is -no$n as &rou. "0
T%e E: ines #an #ome from eit%er:
S A baan#ed!ine inter#onne#t board 4"I"50
S Ty.e => 4T=>5 inter#onne#t board0
T%e MSI #an aso extra#t t%e #o#- syn#%roni7ation from t%e E: ine data stream0
An )S2>2 maintenan#e .ort1 to $%i#% a .ersona #om.uter 4,C5 #an be #onne#ted for
testin& and debu&&in&1 is .rovided at t%e to. of t%e "SA or )FA s%ef0
Cne $ire .air 4baan#ed or unbaan#ed5 e2uas one E: seria data stream0
T$o E: seria data streams 4transmit and re#eive5 e2ua one E: ine0
T%e MSI modue is fitted in:
S Sots (? to (:@ of t%e "SA s%ef assemby0
S Sots (? to (:6 of t%e )FA s%ef assemby0
An MSI or MSI2 must be o#ated in at east one of t%e "SA o#ations beo$ for "TS
initiai7ation .ur.oses0
S S%ef :5 sot :? 4Soft$are #ommuni#ates via eit%er &rou. A or &rou. "5
S S%ef :5 sot := 4Soft$are #ommuni#ates via &rou. A5
S S%ef := 4if se#ond "SA in "TS5 sot :? 4Soft$are #ommuni#ates via &rou. A5
(eneral 7eatures
T%e MSI #onverts si&nas from t%e E: ines from seria format to t%e .arae format t%at
t%e T/M %i&%$ay re2uires1 and #onverts si&nas transmitted to t%e E: ines from .arae
to seria0 T%e MSI aso .rovides sur&e .rote#tion and frame ai&nment0
Ea#% seria ine #an #arry t%e foo$in& to and from t%e a#tive T/M %i&%$ay in t%e "SA:
S Cne ?= -bit/s #%anne for syn#%roni7ation0
S Cne ?= -bit/s #%anne for #ontro si&nain&0
S T%irty ?= -bit/s #%annes t%at #an ea#% be used as foo$s:
* Traffi# 4four :? -bit/s #om.ressed voi#e/data #%annes ea#%50
* Additiona #ontro #%annes0
If a >6 #%annes are ao#ated to traffi#1 :26 traffi# #%annes are .ossibe0
T%ese #%annes #an be .a#ed in any of t%e :62= #%annes on t%e T/M %i&%$ay under
t%e #ontro of t%e G,)CC0
T%e interfa#es .rovided by MSIs de.end u.on t%e trans#odin& o#ation:
S If trans#odin& is inte&rated $it% t%e "SC1 t%e MSI .rovides t%e "SC to "TS
S If trans#odin& is not inte&rated $it% t%e "SC1 t%e MSI .rovides t%e )FC/) to "SC
and "SC to "TS interfa#es0
Warnings9 cautions9 an6 notes
T%e foo$in& des#ribes %o$ $arnin&s and #autions are used in t%is do#ument and in a
do#uments of t%is Motoroa do#ument set0
Warnin&s .re#ede instru#tions t%at #ontain .otentiay %a7ardous situations0 Warnin&s are
used to aert t%e reader to .ossibe %a7ards t%at #oud #ause oss of ife or .%ysi#a inGury0 A
$arnin& %as t%e foo$in& format:
Warnin& text and #onse2uen#e for not foo$in& t%e instru#tions in t%e $arnin&0
Cautions .re#ede instru#tions and are used $%en t%ere is a .ossibiity of dama&e to systems1
soft$are1 or individua items of e2ui.ment $it%in a system0 +o$ever1 t%is dama&e .resents
no dan&er to .ersonne0 A #aution %as t%e foo$in& format:
Caution text and #onse2uen#e for not foo$in& t%e instru#tions in t%e #aution0
A note means t%at t%ere is a .ossibiity of an undesirabe situation or .rovides additiona
information to %e. t%e reader understand a to.i# or #on#e.t0 A note %as t%e foo$in& format:
(eneral sa7et>
T%e foo$in& &enera safety &uideines a..y to Motoroa e2ui.ment:
E T%e .o$er Ga#- and matin& .u& of t%e .o$er #abe must meet Internationa
Ee#trote#%ni#a Commission 4IEC5 safety standards0
)efer to Groundin& Guideine for Ceuar )adio Instaations * ?9,9::56E?20
E ,o$er do$n or un.u& t%e e2ui.ment before servi#in&0
E Asin& non!Motoroa .arts for re.air #oud dama&e t%e e2ui.ment or void $arranty0
Conta#t Motoroa Warranty and )e.air for servi#e and re.air instru#tions0
E ,ortions of Motoroa e2ui.ment may be dama&ed from ex.osure to ee#trostati# dis#%ar&e0
Ase .re#autions to .revent dama&e0
#larm seerities
Ea#% aarm &enerated by t%e system is assi&ned a severity indi#atin& t%e im.a#t of t%e faut
#ondition0 T%e aarm severity is used to estabis% faut %andin& .riority0
A #riti#a aarm indi#ates t%e existen#e of a faut #ondition t%at #auses a oss of servi#e and
re2uires immediate resoution0
A maGor aarm indi#ates t%e existen#e of a faut #ondition t%at #auses a oss of #a.a#ity0 MaGor
aarms re2uire immediate resoution1 but $it% ess ur&en#y t%an a #riti#a aarm0
A minor aarm indi#ates t%e existen#e of a faut #ondition t%at #auses a oss of redundan#y0
Minor aarms do not re2uire immediate resoution0 )esove t%e minor aarms to avoid a more
serious faut in t%e future0
A $arnin& aarm indi#ates t%e existen#e of a non!servi#e affe#tin& a faut #ondition0 )esove
$arnin& aarms to avoid a more serious faut in t%e future
&learing t>)es
T%ere are t%ree aarm #earin& ty.es0
T%e "SS or CMC!) 8M subsystem automati#ay #ears t%e 8MIC aarms $%en t%e faut
#ondition t%at #aused t%e aarm is resoved0 T%e system re.orts every o##urren#e of an 8MIC
T%e CMC!) o.erator must #ear t%e CIC aarms after t%e faut #ondition t%at #aused t%e aarm
is resoved0 T%e system re.orts an CIC aarm ony on#e0
Intermittent aarms are transient and are not asso#iated $it% a serious faut #ondition0 After t%e
intermittent aarms are dis.ayed in t%e aarm $indo$1 t%e o.erator must %ande and #ear t%e
aarm0 T%e system re.orts every o##urren#e of an intermittent aarm uness it is t%rotted0
!emote reconHguration
A re#onfi&uration at one site #an resut in re#onfi&urations at ot%er sites0 )e#onfi&urations at
remote sites are #assified as remote re#onfi&urations0
Cause T%e re#onfi&uration is t%e resut of one of t%e foo$in& events:
E 8aut
E CMC re2uest
E (MT re2uest
E Initiai7ation
E )estoration
E )emote
C.eration T%e re#onfi&uration $as .erformed by one of t%e foo$in& a#tions:
E Ane2ui.
E E2ui.
E Ano#-
E (o#-
E S%utdo$n
#77ecte6 7unctional units
T%e im.a#t is re.orted a&ainst a 8un#tiona Anit 48A50 8As are o&i#a entities a&ainst $%i#%
reated devi#e aarms are re.orted0 T%ere are ony t$o 8As: CE(( and SITE0
An aarm re.orted a&ainst a CE(( 8A devi#e affe#ts ony t%e subs#ribers on t%e #e0 State
#%an&es on t%e foo$in& devi#es are re.orted a&ainst CE(( 8As: CE(( /)I
An aarm re.orted a&ainst a SITE 8A devi#e affe#ts a subs#ribers on t%e site0 State #%an&es on
t%e foo$in& devi#es are re.orted a&ainst SITE 8As:
"S, /+, MSI/MMS 4#ir#uit5 SITE
C"( GC(I CM( T/M
C"AS G,)CC ,AT+ F"(
2m)act list 7ormat
T%e foo$in& format is used for t%e im.a#t ist:
8A I/: Aarm im.a#t
SITE :: (oss of Ca.a#ity
CE(( 5=> 2: 6666: 6666:: (oss of Servi#e
#larm im)act
T%e im.a#t of t%e devi#e aarm for ea#% 8A indi#ates t%e effe#t on subs#riber servi#e0
-oss o7 serice
T%is is a #riti#a servi#e!affe#tin& #ondition #ausin& a oss of servi#e at a site or #e0 Immediate
resoution a#tion is re2uired0
-oss o7 ca)acit>
T%is is a #ondition #ausin& a oss of #a.a#ity 4as in traffi# #%annes51 but not #ausin& a oss of
servi#e at t%e site0 Immediate resoution a#tion is re2uired1 but $it% ess ur&en#y t%an t%at
re2uired for a oss of servi#e aarm0
-oss o7 re6un6anc>
T%is #ondition #auses a oss of redundan#y 4ba#-u. devi#es5 at a site t%at may or may not
affe#t servi#e to a site0 ,rom.t a#tion is re2uired to redu#e t%e .ossibiity of a more serious
BSP alarms
Troubes%ootin& .ro#edures for t%e "ase Station ,ro#essor 4"S,5 devi#e0
After t%e "S, s$it#%over ta-es .a#e1 t%e foo$in& o##urs:
E T%e aarm t%rottin& time is restarted0
E T%rotted aarms are re#ounted0
E T%e re&istration of .ro#esses for aarm notifi#ation is not -e.t0 T%e re&istration is
re#overed after t%e .ro#esses re&ister a&ain0
E T%e devi#es faut %istory is #eared and aarms %ander for t%e devi#es #reates ne$ devi#e
faut %istory
BSPD 00P!+M Iash 7ailure ? No ali6 $ootstra) co6e 6etecte6
&learing T>)eD CIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D ,ro#essin&
T%e Initiai7ation ,ro#ess 4I,5 %as determined t%at t%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 in
t%e fas% EE,)CM does not exist or is #orru.t0 In t%is #ase1 initiai7ation is not .ermitted0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 at t%e site is #orru.t0
E T%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 $as #orru.ted $%ie bein& do$noaded at t%e
Carry out t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure %?1 EE,)CM Sas% faiure ! No vaid bootstra. #ode dete#ted
1 /etermine if t%is aarm is o##urrin& at ot%er "SSs or ot%er sites
$it%in a sin&e "SS0
27 this alarm is occurring
ot%er "SSs Go to ste. 20
ot%er sites $it%in a sin&e "SS Go to ste. =0
2 Cbtain a ne$ CMC!) #ode bootstra. obGe#t0
27 the alarm... Then...
is #eared and does not re#ur No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
is not #eared or re#urs Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e G,)CC board0
3 /o$noad t%e ne$ obGe#t to t%e affe#ted "SSs and t%en attem.t
to #ear t%e aarm0
27 the alarm... Then...
is #eared and does not re#ur No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
is not #eared or re#urs Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e G,)CC board0
" /o$noad t%e obGe#t to t%e "SC and t%en attem.t to #ear t%e aarm0
A "SS!$ide outa&e o##urs $%en do$noadin& to t%e "SC0
27 the alarm... Then...
is #eared and does not re#ur No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
is not #eared or re#urs Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e G,)CC board0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
E T%e foo$in& detais1 as dis.ayed in t%e aarm information on t%e CMC s#reen:
8aut #ode 4devi#e identifier1 aarm number1 and aarm des#ri.tion51 so t%at
t%e reevant troubes%ootin& .ro#edure #an be 2ui#-y a##essed0
Site data0 8or exam.e1 site number1 t%e state of t%e devi#e1 t%e #a&e
number and sot numbers0
BSPD 00P!+M Iash o$8ect 7ailure
&learing T>)eD CIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D ,ro#essin&
T%e si7e of t%e user start address in t%e %eader information of t%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t
4CbGe#t :55 is in#orre#t0 As a resut1 is not initiated0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 at t%e site is #orru.t0
E T%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 $as #orru.ted $%ie do$noadin& to t%e G,)CC0
E T%e bootstra. #ode obGe#t 4CbGe#t :55 is .ro&rammed in#orre#ty $it% re&ard to t%e
G,)CC EE,)CM address s.a#e0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure %?2 EE,)CM Sas% obGe#t faiure
1 /etermine if t%is aarm is o##urrin& at ot%er "SSs or ot%er sites
$it%in a sin&e "SS0
27 this alarm is occurring
ot%er "SSs Go to ste. 20
ot%er sites $it%in a sin&e "SS Go to ste. =0
2 Cbtain a ne$ CMC!) #ode obGe#t0
3 /o$noad t%e ne$ obGe#t to t%e affe#ted "SSs and t%en attem.t
to #ear t%e aarm0
27 the alarm... Then...
is #eared and does not re#ur No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
is not #eared or re#urs Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re.a#e t%e G,)CC board0
" /o$noad t%e obGe#t to t%e "SC and t%en attem.t to #ear t%e aarm0
A "SS!$ide outa&e o##urs $%en do$noadin& t%e obGe#t
to t%e "SC0
27 the alarm... Then...
is #eared and does not re#ur No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
is not #eared or re#urs Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re.a#e t%e G,)CC board0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
Cn site su..ort re2uires:
#BSSD -ast FB- link 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%e ast #ommuni#ation in- from t%e )FC/) to t%e s.e#ified "SS %as &one CCS0
If CIC vaidation is enabed for t%e o#a )FC/)1 t%e "SC bo#-s a CICs routed t%rou&%
t%e )FC/)0 No #a traffi# is .ossibe bet$een t%e s.e#ified "SS and t%e )FC/)0
If CIC vaidation is not enabed for t%e o#a )FC/)1 t%e "SC does not bo#- CICs and #a
traffi# is not immediatey im.a#ted0 If t%e )FC/) ex.erien#es a faut #ondition #ausin& t%e
CIC to be bo#-ed1 t%e "SC is not notified0 In t%is #ase1 traffi# is im.a#ted be#ause t%e "SC
attem.ts to use t%e bo#-ed CIC resutin& in no audio0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E An e2ui.ment mafun#tion %as ta-en t%e ast F"( out of servi#e0
E T%e MMS on t%e )FC/) or "SC1 $%ere t%e F"( is e2ui..ed1 %as faied0
E An o.erator a#tion %as ta-en t%e ast F"( out of servi#e0
E T%e "SC reset0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure 2?1 )estore F"( to servi#e
1 Attem.t to restore t%e F"(1 identified in t%e aarm messa&e1 to servi#e0
27 the FB-... Then...
returns to servi#e No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
does not return to servi#e Go to ste. 20
2 /etermine if any o.erator a#tions #aused t%e aarm1 su#% as o#-in& an
MSI1 MMS or t%e ast F"( devi#e0
27 o)erator action... Then...
#aused t%e aarm After t%e o.erator a#tion is #om.ete1
return t%e F"( to servi#e0 If t%e
F"( does not return to servi#e1 &o
to ste. >0
did not #ause t%e aarm Go to ste. >0
3 )evie$ Events $indo$ to determine if a "SC reset o##urred0
27 a BS& reset... Then...
o##urred Wait unti t%e reset is #om.eted and t%en determine if t%e
F"( returns to servi#e0
If t%e F"( returns to servi#e1 no furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
If t%e F"( does not return to servi#e1
&o to ste. =0
did not o##ur Go to ste. =0
" )evie$ t%e Events $indo$ for F"( aarms0
27 FB- alarms... Then...
are .resent Troubes%oot t%e F"( aarms0
are not .resent Go to ste. 50
% )evie$ t%e Events $indo$ for aarms on t%e MMS on $%i#% t%e F"(
is e2ui..ed0
27 MMS alarms... Then...
are .resent Troubes%oot t%e MMS aarms0
are not .resent T%e .robem is not at t%e )FC/)0
A faut #ondition .robaby exists at t%e "SS0
*!2 alarms
Troubes%ootin& .ro#edures for t%e /i&ita )adio Interfa#e 4/)I5 devi#e0
/)I aarms in#ude bot% %ard$are and soft$are aarms0
/)I aarms #ontain t%e fu GSM Ce I/ 4MCC1 MNC1 (AC1 CI5 $%en transmittin& #e
information0 T%e %ard$are devi#es dete#t aarm #onditions and re.ort t%em to t%e G,)CC
a..i#ation soft$are0 In t%e G,)CC soft$are1 t%e aarm indi#ations are #oe#ted1 transated
and t%e aarm messa&es are t%en sent to t%e CMC!) and/or t%e o#a MMI0
*!2D High reerse )ower
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
An ex#essive amount of reverse )8 .o$er is dete#ted by t%e CTA2 radio0 T%e .ur.ose of
CTA2 reverse .o$er dete#tion aarm is to .rote#t t%e CTA2 from .%ysi#a dama&e due to an
ex#essive amount of reverse )8 .o$er0 T%erefore1 t%e faut mana&ement soft$are resets t%e
CTA2 immediatey0 If t%is aarm is re.eated t%ree times in :6 minutes1 t%e soft$are #%an&es
t%e state of t%e radio to be in%ibited0
#66itional in7ormation Hel6
If t%e radio is o.eratin& in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e asso#iated /)I is noted in t%e Additiona
information fied0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E SMA #abe to /A,1 feeder #abe1 i&%tenin& arrester1 or antenna0
E Externa )8 #ombiner $it% .oor )8 .erforman#e in indoor distribution system0
E (oose or dama&ed #onne#tors1 su#% as t%e SMA on t%e CTA2 or /A,1 and @/:?t%
E 8auty /A,0
E CTA2 )everse .o$er dete#tion #ir#uit0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
1 C%e#- if t%e SMA #abe bet$een )adio and /A, is oose or dama&ed0
2 C%e#- t%e antenna system0
3 C%an&e t%e SMA #abe0 Ensure t%at t%e #onne#tion is not oose or dama&ed0
T%en #%e#- if t%e aarm #ears0
" If t%e aarm #annot be #eared1 #%e#- t%e )adio TF SMA #onne#tor1 /A, TF
SMA #onne#tor1 and /A, ANT #onne#tor0
% If t%e aarm sti #annot be #eared1 #%an&e t%e /A, of affe#ted /)I or s$a.
t%e /A, of affe#ted radio $it% anot%er /A,0
' If t%e aarm sti exists1 re.a#e t%e CTA2
*!2D TF 4SW! antenna 7ault
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
Cne of t%e du.exer bo#-s %as re.orted a transmit 'SW) faut0 T%is aarm indi#ates %i&%
refe#ted .o$er eve from TF antenna N 46 to 550 T%e additiona data enumerates $%i#%
du.exer bo#- dete#ted t%e faiure0
Possi$le causes
"ro-en or missin& antenna1 #abe or .oor #onne#tion to t%e antenna0
1 Send a servi#e te#%ni#ian to t%e site0
2 Troubes%oot t%e antenna #onne#tion0
T%e du.exer #an ony dete#t 'SW) .robems $%en t%e radio is
transmittin& above a #ertain .o$er t%res%od0 T%e ran&e of vaues
are maCGtCG$ts bet$een 6 and ?0
*!2D Transmitter s>nthesi@er 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
Transmit synt%esi7er faied to maintain syn#%roni7ation o#- on t%e referen#e fre2uen#y0
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e1 a faiure of one of t%e radios synt%esi7ers %as
S>stem action
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e and t%e /)I is in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e
asso#iated /)I simutaneousy under&oes t%e same aarm transation .ro#edure0 /)I
transitions are ta&&ed to t%e initia aarm0
I&nore any additiona bytes dis.ayed0
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e1 t%e additiona data format is:
E 8irm$are Sour#e 8aut Tone0
E 8irm$are /ete#tor 8aut Tone0
E 8irm$are faut #ode0
E 8irm$are aarm indi#ation data bytes : to =0
E Carrier0
E Timesot0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e d# .o$er to transmit synt%esi7er 2 $as ost0
E T%e in.ut referen#e fre2uen#y $as ost0
E Transmit synt%esi7er 2 faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t is bo#-ed0
E T%e Contro E2uai7er "oard 4CE"5 faied0
E T%e )8 #abes are fauty0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
*!2D Transmitter s>nthesi@er 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e out.ut .o$er of transmit synt%esi7er is beo$ t%e norma .o$er ran&e re2uired for
)8 transmission0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E Transmit synt%esi7er : faied0
E T%e transmit synt%esi7er : s$it#% faied0
E T%e transmit synt%esi7er : s$it#% #ontro #ir#uits faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t to t%e synt%esi7er board is bo#-ed0
E T%e Contro E2uai7er "oard 4CE"5 faied0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
*!2D Transmitter s>nthesi@er 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e transmit synt%esi7er s$it#% faied0 T%e transmit synt%esi7er s$it#% fais $%en bot% transmit
synt%esi7er : and transmit synt%esi7er 2 fai0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e transmit synt%esi7er s$it#% faied0
E T%e transmit synt%esi7er s$it#% #ontro #ir#uits faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t is bo#-ed0
E T%e transmit synt%esi7er : and transmit synt%esi7er 2 simutaneousy faied0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
Cn site su..ort re2uires:
E )eease!de.endent #ustomer do#ument Maintenan#e Information: "SS 8ied
E T%e foo$in& detais1 as dis.ayed in t%e aarm information on t%e CMC s#reen:
8aut #ode 4devi#e identifier1 aarm number1 and aarm des#ri.tion51 so t%at
t%e reevant troubes%ootin& .ro#edure #an be 2ui#-y a##essed0
Site data0 8or exam.e1 site number1 t%e state of t%e devi#e1 t%e #a&e
number and sot numbers0
*!2D Transmitter 7ailure ? +ut)ut )ower
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e out.ut .o$er of t%e transmit ex#iter is beo$ t%e .o$er ran&e re2uired for )8
S>stem action
T%e affe#ted /)I is soft reset $%en t%is aarm o##urs0 If t%is aarm o##urs t%ree times $it%in
a :6 minute .eriod1 t%e /)I is soft reset on t%e first t$o o##urren#es and t%en .a#ed CCS
on t%e t%ird o##urren#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e trans#eiver synt%esi7er faied0
E T%e trans#eiver synt%esi7er s$it#% faied0
E T%e d# .o$er to ex#iter $as ost0
E T%e ex#iter faied0
E T%e ex#iter #ontro #ir#uits faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t to ex#iter board is bo#-ed0
E T%e )8 sta&es on ex#iter board faied0
E T%e )8 #abes are fauty0
E T%e moduator faied0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
*!2D Power am)liHer tem)erature high

&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e tem.erature of t%e transmit .o$er am.ifier is %i&%er t%an t%e safe o.eratin&
tem.erature for t%e e2ui.ment0
At %i&% tem.erature eves1 t%e unit is removed from servi#e to .revent dama&e to
)8 .o$er devi#es and ot%er ee#troni#s0
S>stem action
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e and t%e /)I is in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e
asso#iated /)I simutaneousy under&oes t%e same aarm transation .ro#edure0 /)I
transitions are ta&&ed to t%e initia aarm0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e air fo$ is bo#-ed0
E T%e #ooin& fans faied0
E T%e ambient tem.erature is ex#essive0
E T%e .o$er am.ifier #ontro #ir#uits faied0
E T%e .o$er am.ifier vota&e re&uation #ir#uits faied0
E T%e )8 out.ut #onne#tion faied0
E T%e /)I %ard$are is fauty0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
Cn site su..ort re2uires:
E )eease!de.endent #ustomer do#ument Maintenan#e Information: "SS 8ied
E T%e foo$in& detais1 as dis.ayed in t%e aarm information on t%e CMC s#reen:
8aut #ode 4devi#e identifier1 aarm number1 and aarm des#ri.tion51 so t%at
t%e reevant troubes%ootin& .ro#edure #an be 2ui#-y a##essed0
Site data0 8or exam.e1 site number1 t%e state of t%e devi#e1 t%e #a&e
number and sot numbers0
*!2D Power am)liHer )ower low $ut 7unctioning
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e out.ut .o$er of t%e transmit .o$er am.ifier is mar&inay beo$ s.e#ified imits1 but
#as may #ontinue0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e .o$er am.ifier #ontro #ir#uits ost d# .o$er0
E T%e ex#iter .o$er out.ut is o$0
E T%e .o$er am.ifier #om.onents faied0
Monitor t%e /)I and a#t a##ordin&y0
If t%e .o$er eve remains o$ for an extended .eriod of time 42= %ours51
#onsider re.a#in& t%e trans#eiver unit durin& o$ traffi# .eriods0
*!2D !eceier s>nthesi@er 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
)e#eive synt%esi7er faied to maintain syn#%roni7ation o#- on t%e referen#e fre2uen#y0
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e1 a faiure of one of t%e radios synt%esi7ers %as
S>stem action
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e and t%e /)I is in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e
asso#iated /)I simutaneousy under&oes t%e same aarm transation .ro#edure0 /)I
transitions are ta&&ed to t%e initia aarm0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e d# .o$er to t%e re#eive synt%esi7er : is ost0
E T%e in.ut referen#e fre2uen#y is ost0
E T%e re#eive synt%esi7er : faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t to t%e re#eive synt%esi7er 2 board is bo#-ed0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e C)
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e one of t%e foo$in&:
*!2D !eceier 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e re#eiver front!end faied0 T%is faiure #auses a serious oss of antenna &ain0
S>stem action
T%e affe#ted /)I is soft reset $%en t%is aarm o##urs0 If t%is aarm o##urs t%ree times $it%in
a :6 minute .eriod1 t%e /)I is soft reset on t%e first t$o o##urren#es and t%en .a#ed CCS
on t%e t%ird o##urren#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e d# .o$er vota&e to t%e front!end is out of t%e re2uired ran&e0
E T%e d# .o$er #urrent drain of t%e front!end is out of t%e re2uired ran&e0
E T%e intermediate fre2uen#y #om.onents faied0
E T%e inter#onne#t to t%e re#eiver front!end board is bo#-ed0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
*!2D !eceie matriC 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e re#eive matrix #ontro in- faied0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E 8auty re#eive matrix0
E 8auty o.en #ir#uit in t%e #oaxia #abe bet$een t%e trans#eiver unit and t%e matrix0
E S%ort #ir#uit in t%e #oaxia #abe bet$een t%e trans#eiver unit and t%e matrix0
E 8auty #ontro e2uai7er board #ontro #ir#uits0
E C.en #ir#uit in t%e front!end board matrix interfa#e0
E S%ort #ir#uit in t%e front!end board matrix interfa#e0
Monitor t%e /)I and a#t a##ordin&y0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e aarm to ta-e
a#tion and resove t%e aarm0
*!2D &ontrol )rocessor conHguration mismatch
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D ,ro#essin&
T%e #ontro .ro#essor in t%e MCA is in an o.erationa state0
+ori7on mi#ro2 and +ori7on #om.a#t2 sites0
S>stem action
T%e affe#ted /)I is soft reset $%en t%is aarm o##urs0 If t%is aarm o##urs t%ree times $it%in
a :6 minute .eriod1 t%e /)I is soft reset on t%e first t$o o##urren#es and t%en .a#ed CCS
on t%e t%ird o##urren#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A #orru.ted "SS 4or s.e#ifi# "TS5 soft$are oad0
E A momentary faut ex.erien#ed by t%e "SS soft$are or firm$are0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
*!2D 2nali6 cali$ration 6ata
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e #aibration data #annot be used be#ause it %as been #orru.ted0
S>stem action
T%e affe#ted /)I is soft reset $%en t%is aarm o##urs0 If t%is aarm o##urs t%ree times $it%in
a :6 minute .eriod1 t%e /)I is soft reset on t%e first t$o o##urren#es and t%en .a#ed CCS
on t%e t%ird o##urren#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E Corru.ted re#eive1 transmit or #abinet #aibration data0
E Caibration data #orru.ted by CMC o.erator0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
Proce6ure 1A?11; Invaid #aibration data
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I
be#omes busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit0
*!2D Power am)liHer 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e trans#eiver unit .o$er am.ifier faied0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e .o$er am.ifier is fauty0
E T%e 8M soft$are is fauty0
E T%e /)I soft$are is fauty0
E T%e )adio SubSystem 4)SS5 soft$are is fauty0
E T%e trans#eiver unit soft$are is fauty0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I0 t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed
after return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e to re.a#e Trans#eiver unit0
*!2D 2nali6 transceier cali$ration 6ata
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Warnin&
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e antennas t%at are #urrenty bein& used at a site #annot a##ess any form of #aibration
data0 AAI data for t%is aarm is in CTA2 format $%en re.orted by a CTA20
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A trans#eiver unit $as instaed at a site $it%out bein& #aibrated0
E A non #aibrated trans#eiver unit $as re.a#ed0
E T%e #aibration data $as #eared0
E A trans#eiver unit $as uno#-ed before bein& #aibrated0
Monitor t%e /)I and a#t a##ordin&y0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #aibrate t%e trans#eiver unit0 T%is
.robem #annot be resoved from t%e CMC!)0
*!2D (P!S not su))orte6 $> ra6io
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%e trans#eiver unit is not e2ui..ed to su..ort Genera ,a#-et )adio Servi#e 4G,)S5
system1 but t%e radio fun#tion assi&ned to t%e trans#eiver unit re2uires G,)S su..ort0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e trans#eiver unit is not abe to su..ort G,)S te#%noo&y0
E T%e trans#eiver unit is fauty0
E T%e trans#eiver unit soft$are or firm$are is fauty0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
1 )e.a#e t%e radio $%i#% #an not su..ort G,)S1 $it% a version t%at
#an su..ort G,)S0
2 Assi&n t%e G,)S fun#tion to t%e a radio t%at #an su..ort G,)S0
*!2D Sa7e test au6it 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%e /)I faied a safe test audit0
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e and t%e /)I is in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e
asso#iated /)I simutaneousy under&oes t%e same aarm transation .ro#edure0 /)I
transitions are ta&&ed to t%e initia aarm0
T%e foo$in& tabe .resents t%e .ossibe vaues0
<irst $>te Secon6 $>te *eHnition
66 66 8ront End ,ro#essor 48E,5 faiure0
6: CC/S, number C%anne Codin& /i&ita Si&na ,ro#essor 4CC/S,5 faiure0
62 66 Contro E2uai7er "oard 4CE"5 faiure0
6> EU/S, number E2uai7er Contro ,ro#essor 4EU/S,5 faiure0
6= 66 ,o$er Am.ifier 4,A5 faiure0
6? 66 CTA2 .ro#essor faiure0
I&nore any additiona bytes dis.ayed0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E /)I .eri.%era boards faied0
E T%e soft$are is %un&!u.0
E T%e MCA, interfa#e is mafun#tionin&0
E A trans#eiver unit %ard$are faiure0
E (oss of .o$er to t%e board0
E A trans#eiver .eri.%era board faiure0
E A .robem $it% t%e )SS!/)I interfa#e0
E 8auty trans#eiver unit data #abin&0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
27... Then...
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS 4/)I &oes disabed!uno#-ed5
)eturn t%e /)I to servi#e 4INS5 and monitor t%e /)I t%e /)I fais to &o busy!uno#-ed after
return to servi#e
t%e "SS ta-es t%e /)I CCS a&ain as a resut of t%e same aarm after t%e /)I be#omes busy!
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re.a#e one of t%e foo$in&: Trans#eiver unit0
*!2D #ctie link connection 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
Cne or more of t%e foo$in& a#tive in- #onne#tions bet$een t%e trans#eiver unit and t%e
"T, faied0
E A "T,!to!8CF #onne#tion 4ba#-.ane50
E A "T,!to!8MAF #onne#tion 4ba#-.ane50
E An MCA8 4"T,5!to!remote FMAF #onne#tion 4fiber in-50
E 8MAF!to!FMAF #onne#tion 4fiber in-50
If t%is aarm is raised on a CTA2 radio ty.e and t%e /)I is in /ua Carrier Mode1 t%e
asso#iated /)I simutaneousy under&oes t%e same aarm transation .ro#edure0 /)I
transitions are ta&&ed to t%e initia aarm0
#66itional in7ormation Hel6
T%e Additiona information fied in#udes ei&%t bytes1 as s%o$n in beo$0 T%e first four
bytes indi#ate t%e aarm #ontext0 T%e ast four bytes indi#ate t%e error #ode0
B>tes one to 7our B>tes He to eight *escri)tion
66 66 66 6: 66 66 66 6: +/(C #onne#t #onfirm0
66 66 66 62 +/(C #onne#t indi#ation0
66 66 66 6> +/(C dis#onne#t indi#ation0
66 66 66 62 66 66 6: 66 (oss of data on TCA in-0
66 66 62 66 (oss of syn#%roni7ation to TCA in-0
66 66 6= 66 An#orre#ted deay #om.ensation0
66 66 69 66 ""+ routin& data .arity error0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e trans#eiver unit faied0
E T%e "T, devi#e faied0
E T%e .ortion of t%e trans#eiver unit and/or t%e a#tive "T, board t%at su..orts t%e a#tive
"T, in- #onne#tion faied0
E A .ort on t%e a#tive 8iber C.ti# Extender 48CF5 board faied0 T%is aarm does not o##ur if
t%e entire 8CF board %as faied0
E A .ort on t%e a#tive 8iber C.ti# Muti.exer 48MAF5 board faied0 T%is aarm does not
o##ur if t%e entire 8MAF board %as faied0
E A .ort on t%e a#tive FMAF board faied0 T%is aarm does not o##ur if t%e entire FMAF
board %as faied0
E T%e #ommuni#ation fiber in- faied0
E A ba#-.ane #onne#tion faied0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
1 /etermine t%e state of t%e /)I0
27 the *!2 is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0
No furt%er a#tion is
not busy!uno#-ed Go to ste. 20
2 )eset t%e /)I0
3 /etermine t%e state of t%e /)I after t%e reset is #om.eted0
27 the *!2 is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit
or ta-e #orre#tive a#tion for t%e faiures isted in Possi$le causes0
*!2D 3nlocke6 6eice not in serice
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
An uno#-ed /)I is CCS due an uns.e#ified faut0 T%is aarm is &enerated ony if t%ere is no
.rimary aarm a#tive on t%e devi#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e system faied to brin& t%e devi#e in servi#e0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm:
1 /etermine t%e state of t%e /)I0
2 )eset t%e /)I0
3 /etermine t%e state of t%e /)I after t%e reset is #om.eted0
27 the *!2 is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re.a#e t%e trans#eiver unit 4.ossiby /)I board50
0#S alarms
Troubes%ootin& .ro#edures for t%e Externa Aarm System 4EAS50
T%e interfa#e %ard$are for t%is system is .rovided by t%e ,arae Interfa#e Extender 4,IF5
board0 T%e EAS is res.onsibe for t%e monitorin& of a #ustomer!defined environmenta
aarms0 T%e #ustomer defines t%e aarm strin& and t%e severity of t%ese aarms based on t%e
individua re2uirements of t%e "SS site0
W%en any of t%e foo$in& aarms are a#tive:
E ;=0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! Conne#tion "ro-en0
E ;@0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! )adio CCS0
E ;;0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! Aarm "oard )emoved0
A ot%er IAS and EAS aarms in t%e a#tive ist 4exe#ute 6is)Gact Jsite KL
#ommand5 are not de.endabe0
0#S site re=uirements
T%e individua re2uirements for EAS aarms are determined reative to t%e s.e#ifi#
environment of t%e "SS site $%i#% is externa to t%e #abinets0 Cabinet aarms are ty.i#ay
#assified under Interna Aarm System 4IAS5 aarms0 Some of t%e of EAS aarm
strin&s are /oor o.en1+i&% %umidity1 (o$ %umidity1 8ire and Intruder0
0Cternal #larms 26enti7ication
Aarm Number Affe#ted /evi#e/E2ui.ment

=666 "ot% Air!Con 8auty
=:66 Cne Air!Con fauty
=266 S%eter door o.en
=?66 8ire /Smo-e Aarm
=@66 8/S 8ire System fauty
5:66 )e#tifier/Modue faut
?:66 AC Mains faiure
0#SD 3neC)ecte6 $oar6 t>)e
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
A ,arae Interfa#e Extender 4,IF5 board is not res.ondin& .ro.ery $%en .oed by t%e 8M
soft$are0 T%is aarm indi#ates t%at durin& t%e #urrent .oin& of t%e EAS by t%e 8M soft$are1
t%e res.onse from t%e ,IF board $as
S>stem action
T%e system .a#es t%e EAS devi#e CCS0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e ,IF board is fauty0
E T%e sot s.e#ified for a ,IF board is o##u.ied by a board ot%er t%an a ,IF board0
0#SD Serial $us connection 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e .%ysi#a #onne#tion bet$een t%e ,arae Interfa#e Extender 4,IF5 board and t%e S"AS
devi#e is bro-en0 W%en t%is o##urs1 t%e ,IF is not abe to #ommuni#ate $it% t%e .ro#essor
to re.ort t%e EAS aarms0
S>stem action
T%e system .a#es t%e EAS devi#e CCS0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e ,IF board $as instaed0
E T%e ,IF board is fauty0
E T%e .oin& .ro#essor board is fauty0
0#SD +)tocou)ler 1?1'
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD /e.endent u.on t%e .arameter monitored
and t%e aarm t%res%od #onfi&ured0
&ategor>D Environmenta
T%e system dete#ted a #%an&e in state of an EAS sensor0 sensors
are used to re.ort user!defined environmenta #onditions at a site0
8or #ommands and .arameters reated to EAS aarm #onfi&uration1 refer to Te#%ni#a
/es#ri.tion: "SS Command )eferen#e 4?9,62;6:W2>50
#66itional in7ormation
An a.%anumeri# text strin& #ontainin& t%e user!s.e#ified EAS aarm text and t%e aarm
index number0
8or exam.e1 (o$ +umidity 4?50
In t%e exam.e1 (o$ +umidity is t%e user!s.e#ified environmenta #ondition and ? is t%e
aarm index number identifyin& t%e s.e#ifi# t%at #%an&ed states0 T%e index
number foo$s t%e aarm strin& name and is en#osed in .arent%eses0
I&nore any additiona bytes dis.ayed0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E An environmenta sensor may %ave #%an&ed due to a user!defined environmenta 4variabe5
E An environmenta sensor may %ave faied0
E A ,IF #ard may %ave faied #ausin& an environmenta sensor to under&o a state #%an&e0
)esove t%e aarm as foo$s:
1 8oo$ t%e .ro#edures estabis%ed for t%e resoution of t%e environmenta
#ondition indi#ated by t%e aarm0
2 Cear t%e aarm0
(B-D -ink 6isconnecte6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e G"( interfa#e bet$een t%e "SS and t%e Servin& G,)S Su..ort Node 4SGSN5 $as
dis#onne#ted0 A resour#es su..orted by t%e G"( are removed from servi#e0 An attem.t
is #ontinuousy made to re#onne#t t%e in-0
T%is is a G,)S servi#e!affe#tin& faut #ondition0
-ast (B- link 6isconnecte6
If t%is aarm &enerated for a G"( %a..ens to be t%e ast avaiabe in- for servi#e1 t%e (ast
G"( (in- 8aied 4"SS 2@5 aarm is re.orted0
#66itional in7ormation Hel6
T%e MMS I/ $%ere t%e G"( is e2ui..ed is dis.ayed0 8or exam.e1 t%e format is MMS 5 6 60
I&nore any additiona bytes dis.ayed0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e G"( #abe $as .%ysi#ay dis#onne#ted0
E T%e in- .roto#o #aused an unex.e#ted in- dis#onne#tion to o##ur0
E T%e MMS on t%e MSI board is fauty0
E T%e .%ysi#a media 48or exam.e1 E: in-s1 sateite in-s1 mi#ro$ave in-s1 trun-in&
e2ui.ment5 is fauty0
Attem.t to return t%e G"( to servi#e0
Proce6ure 20?1 (in- dis#onne#ted
27 the (B-... Then...
returns to servi#e No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
If t%is aarm re#urs1 it indi#ates an intermittent in- faut at t%e site0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to troubes%oot t%e in- faut0
does not return to servi#e Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to troubes%oot t%e in- faut0
(B-D NS4& 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%is aarm is re.orted $%en t%e first NS'C on a G"( fais0 It #an indi#ate t%at one or more
NS'Cs %ave faied on t%is G"(0
T%e system $i #ontinue to attem.t to brin& t%e NS'Cs into servi#e0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E NS'C .arameters do not mat#% bet$een ,CA side and SGSN side0
E ,robems $it% 8rame )eay ayer0
)esove t%e aarm as foo$s:
1 C%e#- #onne#tions and verify G"( timesots mat#% bet$een ,CA and
SGSN1 #orre#t NS'C .arameters to mat#% bet$een ,CA and SGSN sides
if not same0
2 'erify end!to!end frame reay .arameters or #onne#tions0
(&-1D &lock re7erence 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e #o#- extra#ted by t%e MSI is ost0
S>stem action
T%e system $aits for t%e .eriod s.e#ified in t%e waitG7orGreselection database .arameter to
determine if t%e MMS is in servi#e0 If t%e MMS is CCS after t%e $ait .eriod ex.ires1 t%e
system see#ts a ne$ MMS for #o#- referen#e si&na extra#tion if one is avaiabe0
If anot%er MMS is not avaiabe for #o#- referen#e si&na extra#tion1 t%e GC(I is .a#ed in
t%e set fre2uen#y mode0
T%e Additiona information fied dis.ays t%e identifiers for t%e MMS
devi#e used for referen#e #o#- si&na extra#tion1
B>te 4alue *eHnition
first 88 or :6 T%e numeri# re.resentation of t%e MMS devi#e t%at is e2ui..ed on a MSI
T%e MMS devi#e identifiers are dis.ayed in t%e next t%ree bytes in t%e foo$in& order0
se#ond 66 to >2 or 88 /evi#e I/ : ! Identifies t%e MSI $%ere t%e MMS is e2ui..ed0
t%ird 61 : or 88 /evi#e I/ 2 ! Identifies t%e s.e#ifi# MMS on t%e MSI board0
fourt% 6 or 88 /evi#e I/ > ! Serves as a .a#e%oder0
fift% : or 2 Aarm sour#e usefu ony to .ro&rammers0
I&nore any additiona bytes dis.ayed0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E E: in- ines are fauty0
E No #o#- is bein& sent from a MSI/NIA0
E No #o#- is bein& sent from an FC/)0
E A GC(I referen#e #o#- dete#tion #ir#uit faied0
)esove t%e aarm as foo$s:
1 /etermine if t%is is a re#urren#e of t%is aarm0
27 is... Then...
a re#urren#e Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to investi&ate t%e E: in-s0
not a re#urren#e Go to ste. 20
2 /etermine if an aternate MMS is avaiabe for #o#- referen#e
27 an alternate MMS is... Then...
avaiabe Go to ste. >0
not avaiabe Go to ste. =0
3 See#t an aternate MMS for #o#- referen#e si&na extra#tion0
27 the alarm... Then...
did not #ear Go to ste. =0
#eared Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to investi&ate t%e E: in-s
and/or re.a#e t%e fauty MSI board0
" )eset t%e MSI0
% /etermine if t%e aarm #eared after t%e MSI reset is #om.ete0
27 the alarm... Then...
#eared T%e faut #ondition no on&er
exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
did not #ear )e.a#e t%e MSI0 If t%e aarm is not #eared by t%is a#tion1 &o to
ste. ?0
' )eset t%e GC(I0
A /etermine if t%e aarm #eared after t%e GC(I reset is #om.ete0
27 the alarm... Then...
#eared T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
did not #ear Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re.a#e t%e GC(I0
(&-1D Phase lock lost
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e ,%ase (o#- (oo. 4,((5 #ir#uit %as ost .%ase o#- to t%e in#omin& #o#- referen#e
si&na0T%e fre2uen#y of t%is aarm is de.endent on t%e 2uaity of t%e E: in-s0 Normay1 t%is
aarm does not affe#t traffi# or si&nain& 2uaity0
S>stem action
T%e system attem.ts to o#- on t%e existin& MMS0 If it #annot a#%ieve o#-1 a ne$ MMS is
see#ted as a referen#e sour#e if one is avaiabe0 T%e .%ase o#-in& .ro#ess is automati#ay
re!initiated for ea#% MMS $it% a .riority &reater t%an 7ero0
If no more MMSs are avaiabe for #o#- referen#e si&na extra#tion1 t%e GC(I is .a#ed in
t%e set fre2uen#y mode0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E Wander or Gitter on t%e E: in- ex#eeded ao$ed G92>1 92=1 925 t%res%od #ausin& t%e
oss of o#-0 T%is is t%e most i-ey #ause0
E T%e #o#- referen#e sour#e %as faied or is out of s.e#ifi#ation0
E T%e GC(I %ard$are faied0
E T%e GC(I CCFC %as a&ed si&nifi#anty and #an no on&er foo$ t%e sour#e #o#-0
)esove t%e aarm as foo$s:
1 /etermine $%et%er t%is aarm is intermittent: if so1 send a fied
re.resentative to t%e site to #%e#- t%e in- status1 .re.ared to re.a#e a fauty in-1 GC(I
2 /etermine if any t$o Gus re.ort t%is aarm at t%e same time0
27 an> two (&-1s... Then...
re.ort t%is aarm T%is aarm $as &enerated as t%e resut of a in- .robem0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to resove t%e E: in- faut0
do not re.ort t%is aarm Go to ste. >0
3 /etermine if any MMS aarms are re.orted0
27 there are... Then...
MMS aarms T%is aarm $as &enerated as t%e resut of a MMS faut0
)esove t%e MMS aarm0 If t%is aarm is not #eared after t%e MMS
aarms are resoved1 &o to ste. =0
no MMS aarms Go to ste. =0
" /etermine if t%e "TS ost .%ase o#-0
27 the u)link BTS... Then...
ost .%ase o#- Troubes%oot t%e site0
did not ose .%ase o#- Go to ste. 50
% /etermine if t%e site re.ortin& t%e aarm is .art of a star #onfi&uration0
27 the site is... Then...
.art of a star #onfi&uration $%ere ot%er sites in t%e star o##asionay ose .%ase o#-
T%ere is an E: in- faut0 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to resove t%e E: in- faut0
.art of a star #onfi&uration1 but no ot%er sites ost .%ase o#-
Go to ste. ?0
not .art of a star #onfi&uration Go to ste. ?0
' /etermine $%at ty.e of site is re.ortin& t%e aarm0
27 the site is... Then...
an InCe site Go to ste. @0
a MCA!based site Go to ste. 90
A /etermine if bot% GC(Is are re.ortin& t%e same aarm0
27 $oth (&-1s... Then...
are re.ortin& t%e same aarm T%ere is an E: in- faut0 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site
to resove t%e E: in- faut0
are not re.ortin& t%e same aarm Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #aibrate t%e GC(I0
If t%is aarms re#urs after t%e GC(I is re#aibrated1 re.a#e t%e GC(I0
; /etermine if t%ere is a redundant MCA avaiabe0
27 a re6un6ant M&3 is... Then...
avaiabe 8or#e a s$a. to t%e redundant MCA0 If t%e aarm #ears1 send a fied re.resentative
to t%e site to re.a#e t%e fauty MCA0 If t%e aarm does not #ear1 send a fied re.resentative
to t%e site to resove t%e E: in- faut0 not avaiabe Go to ste. ;0
: T%e .robem is .robaby a bad in-0 Cbserve statisti#a data over a
2= %our .eriod at t%e CMC to #onfirm bad in-0 If t%e in- .robem sti .ersists1 send a
fied re.resentative to t%e site to resove t%e E: in- faut0 If t%e aarm does not #ear after
resovin& t%e in- faut1 re.a#e t%e MCA0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
Cn site su..ort re2uires:
E )eease!de.endent #ustomer do#ument Maintenan#e Information: "SS 8ied
Troubes%ootin& 4?9,62;6:W5:50
E T%e foo$in& detais1 as dis.ayed in t%e aarm information on t%e CMC s#reen:
8aut #ode 4devi#e identifier1 aarm number1 and aarm des#ri.tion51 so t%at
t%e reevant troubes%ootin& .ro#edure #an be 2ui#-y a##essed0
Site data0 8or exam.e1 site number1 t%e state of t%e devi#e1 t%e #a&e
number and sot numbers0
(&-1D Phase lock 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D Uuaity of Servi#e
A GC(I %as ost .%ase o#- and re.eated attem.ts to re&ain .%ase o#- %ave faied0
(&-1 har6ware reision leel &onHrmation timer setting Timeout timer setting
: ! > :6 minutes ? %ours
5 ! ; 2 minutes : %our
T%is aarm is &enerated if t%e GC(I does not a#%ieve or maintain .%ase o#- $it%in t%e
.eriod s.e#ified by t%e timer settin&s0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E GC(I %ard$are faiure0
E Co#- referen#e sour#e .robem0
E E: in- outside s.e#ifi#ation0
E GC(I #aibration re2uired0
)esove t%e aarm as foo$s:
1 /etermine if ot%er sites are re.ortin& t%is aarm0
27 other sites are... Then...
re.ortin& t%is aarm T%e referen#e #o#- si&na or t%e asso#iated E:
in- is fauty0 )esove t%e referen#e #o#- si&na or in- faut0 8or in- troubes%ootin&
.ro#edures1 refer to Maintenan#e Information: "SS 8ied
Troubes%ootin& 4?9,62;6:W5:50
not re.ortin& t%is aarm
Go to ste. 20
2 T%e GC(I is fauty or t%ere is an asso#iated in- .robem0
if t%e aarm .ersists Go to ste. >0
3 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #%e#- t%e in-0 If t%is is CI1
t%e re.resentative s%oud re#aibrate t%e GC(I0
27... Then...
t%e aarm #ears No furt%er a#tion is ne#essary0
t%e aarm .ersists Assume t%at bot% GC(Is are fauty and re.a#e
t%em $it% e2ui.ment -no$n to be &ood0
(&-1D (&-1 cali$ration re=uest
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
(&-1 har6ware reision leel -ow -T# cali$ration limit High -T# cali$ration limit
: ! > >9% 4Q5? de#5 E;% 4Q2>> de#5
5 ! @ >9% 4Q5? de#5 E;% 4Q2>> de#5
9 >9% 4Q5? de#5 E;% 4Q2>> de#5
; :A% 4Q2? de#5 E;% 4Q2>> de#5
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e #o#- referen#e si&na %as faied or is out of s.e#ifi#ation0 T%is may be due to a bad
E: in-0
E T%e MCA $as .o$ered u. for t%e first time and may #urrenty not be #aibrated0 In t%is
situation1 t%e aarm $i be dis.ayed unti it #a#uates a on&!term avera&e after 2= %ours0
Wit% ,%ase (o#- enabed1 determine if t%e -ong Term #erage
4alues are 3nsta$le 4GC(I ::5 aarm $as re.orted for t%e GC(I0
27 the (&-1 11 alarm... Then...
$as re.orted Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #%e#- t%e E: in-0
$as not re.orted Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to measure t%e GC(I
fre2uen#y $%en o#-ed0 If t%is is $it%in 56 ..b1 t%en re#aibrate
t%e GC(I0 If t%e fre2uen#y is not $it%in 56 ..b1 #%e#- t%e E: in-0
3 /etermine if t%e MCA is bein& .o$ered u. for t%e first time or $as
re#aibrated durin& t%e .revious 2= %our .eriod0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e
site to re#aibrate t%e GC(I0
(S- alarms
Ttroubes%ootin& .ro#edures for t%e ,a#-et Contro Anit 4,CA5 G,)S Si&nain& (in- 4GS(5
T%e GS( #arries t%e si&nain& in- traffi# bet$een t%e "SC and a ,CA site0 T%e GS( uses
t%e Muti.e Seria Interfa#e in- 4MMS: E: in-5 %ard$are as its underyin& #ommuni#ation
in- medium0
(S-D -ink 6isconnecte6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at a G,)S Si&nain& (in- 4GS(5 bet$een t%e ,a#-et Contro Anit
4,CA5 and t%e "SC %as been dis#onne#ted0
T%is aarm may not be raised if t%e asso#iated MMS fais1 de.endin& on t%e se2uen#e
of events:
E If soft$are determines t%e MMS in- %as faied first1 an MMS aarm is raised as
t%e .rimary aarm and you $i not see a GS( :6 aarm0
E If MMS t%res%ods are #onfi&ured su#% t%at t%e GS( fais before t%e MMS
faiure is si&naed in soft$are1 you $i first see t%e GS( :6 aarm1 foo$ed by
t%e MMS aarm0
E If t%e GS( fais due to a ayer 2 issue ony 4(A,/5 and t%e MMS is CI1 you $i
see t%e GS( aarm ony0 T%e o.erator #an use t%e CMC to determine any devi#es
.resent on t%e MMS 4in#udin& GS(s5 by #i#-in& t%e MMS aarm at t%e CMC0
-ast (S- link 6isconnecte6
If t%is aarm is &enerated for a GS( in- t%at is t%e ast avaiabe in- for servi#e1 a GS(
#ommuni#ation in-s &o Cut Cf Servi#e 4CCS5 and t%e foo$in& aarm is &enerated:
P&3D -ast (S- link 7aile60
W%en t%is o##urs1 t%e ,CA is .a#ed CCS0
If t%e ast GS( remains dis#onne#ted for more t%an >6 minutes1 t%e ,CA automati#ay
resets0 /e.endin& on t%e #ir#umstan#es1 t%is may #ear asso#iated aarms and return
t%e GS( to servi#e
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A norma in- dis#onne#t0
E Cne side of t%e asso#iated MMS is o#-ed1 #ausin& t%e remote end 4not o#-ed5 to raise t%e
(in- /is#onne#ted aarm0 T%is may o##ur $%en o#-in& any %i&%er eve devi#e 4MMS1
MSI1 G,)CC1 /,)CC50
E (A,/ in- .roto#o dete#ted faiure to #ommuni#ate $it% remote end0
E (in- faiure affe#tin& GS( timesots ony1 for exam.e $%en timesot s$it#%in& e2ui.ment
is used or fauty terminatin& e2ui.ment is .resent0 MMS #ontinues in servi#e $%ie t%e E:
timesot 6 is &ood0
E A GS( &uard timer ex.ired0
1 /etermine t%e state of t%e GS( devi#e0
27 the (S- is... Then...
busy and uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 If t%is is a re#urren#e of t%is aarm1
t%e E: in- is .robaby fauty0 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to isoate and
#orre#t t%e in- faut0 not busy and uno#-ed Continue to ste. 20
2 Attem.t to restore t%e GS( devi#e to servi#e0
27 the (S-... Then...
returns to servi#e T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 If t%is is a re#urren#e of t%is aarm1
t%e E: in- is .robaby fauty0 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to isoate and
#orre#t t%e in- faut0 does not return to servi#e Go to ste. >0
3 /etermine t%e state of t%e MMS devi#e identified in t%e Additiona
information fied0
27 the MMS is... Then...
busy and uno#-ed T%e E: in- is .robaby fauty0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to isoate and #orre#t t%e in- faut0
not busy and uno#-ed Go to ste. =0
" /etermine t%e state of t%e .arent MSI devi#e for t%e MMS identified
in t%e Additiona information fied0
27 the MMS is... Then...
busy and uno#-ed T%e MMS devi#e is fauty0
)evie$ t%e Aarm/Event $indo$ for t%e MMS aarm and initiate t%e aarm
%andin& .ro#edures0not busy and uno#-ed T%e MSI devi#e is fauty0
)evie$ t%e Aarm/Event $indo$ for t%e MSI aarm and initiate
t%e aarm %andin& .ro#edures0
Cny an ex.erien#ed o.erator s%oud attem.t to resove t%is faut #ondition0
2#S alarms
troubes%ootin& .ro#edures for t%e Interna Aarm
System 4IAS50 T%ese aarms are &enerated by t%e IAS in t%e "TS1 )FC/) and "SC
T%e interfa#e %ard$are for t%is system is .rovided by t%e .o$er distribution and aarm
system0T%e IAS is res.onsibe for monitorin& a #abinet aarms at a "SS0
2#SD Power su))l> unit 0 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
A faiure of ,o$er Su..y Anit 6 %as been dete#ted due to one of t%e foo$in&:
E ,SA in.ut faiure
E ,SA out.ut faiure
E ,SA over tem.erature
E ,SA fan faiure
E ,SA over vota&e
T%is aarm #an be raised ony on a +ori7on II ma#ro or extension #abinet0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E In.ut vota&e is out of ran&e0
E Environmenta tem.erature is too %i&%0
E In.ut vota&e is ost0
E Cut.ut su..y #abe is fauty0
E A .o$er su..y fan may %ave faied0
E An over vota&e #ondition is dete#ted on t%e ,SA0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm0
1 )evie$ t%e aarm re.ort and event o&s to determine t%e #ause of t%is aarm0
2 /etermine $%et%er t%e ,SA faiure is reated to ot%er more serious faut
#onditions0 C%e#- t%e aarm $indo$ for ot%er faiures at t%e site $it% t%e
,SA .o$er faiure0 If ot%er faiures exist for t%e site1 .rioriti7e t%e fauts
and refer to t%e reevant se#tion of t%is manua for t%e aarm des#ri.tions
and faut resoution .ro#edures0
3 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e in.ut .o$er sour#e
4e2ui.ment and/or #abes5 are fauty or t%e ,SA e2ui.ment is fauty0 Any
e2ui.ment1 t%at is fauty s%oud be re.a#ed0
T%is faut #ondition may be servi#e!affe#tin& if t%ere is no ,SA
redundan#y at t%e site0
2#SD Power su))l> unit 1 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
A faiure of ,o$er Su..y Anit : %as been dete#ted due to one of t%e foo$in&:
E ,SA in.ut faiure
E ,SA out.ut faiure
E ,SA over tem.erature
E ,SA fan faiure
E ,SA over vota&e
T%is aarm #an be raised ony on a +ori7on II ma#ro or extension #abinet0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E In.ut vota&e is out of ran&e0
E Environmenta tem.erature is too %i&%0
E In.ut vota&e is ost0
E Cut.ut su..y #abe is fauty0
E A .o$er su..y fan may %ave faied0
E An over vota&e #ondition is dete#ted on t%e ,SA0
1 )evie$ t%e aarm re.ort and event o&s to determine t%e #ause of t%is aarm0
2 /etermine $%et%er t%e ,SA faiure is reated to ot%er more serious faut
#onditions0 C%e#- t%e aarm $indo$ for ot%er faiures at t%e site $it% t%e
,SA .o$er faiure0 If ot%er faiures exist for t%e site1 .rioriti7e t%e fauts
and refer to t%e reevant se#tion of t%is manua for t%e aarm des#ri.tions
and faut resoution .ro#edures0
3 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e in.ut .o$er sour#e
4e2ui.ment and/or #abes5 are fauty or t%e ,SA e2ui.ment is fauty0 Any
fauty e2ui.ment s%oud be re.a#ed0
T%is faut #ondition may be servi#e!affe#tin& if t%ere is no ,SA redundan#y at t%e site0
2#SD *u)leCer oltage error
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Warnin&
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
Cne of t%e du.exer bo#-s %as a /u.exer /ete#t aarm0 T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%e
'SW) #ir#uitry in t%e du.exer %as no .o$er0 T%e additiona data indi#ates $%i#%
du.exer dete#ted t%e faiure0
#66itional in7ormation Hel6
T%e foo$in& additiona data enumerates $%i#% du.exer bo#- dete#ted t%e faiure:
E /u.exer bo#- number0
E 8irm$are dete#tor faut 7one0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A tri..ed #ir#uit brea-er in t%e #abinet0
E A bo$n fuse in t%e du.exer0
,erform t%e foo$in& ste.s to resove t%e aarm0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e aarm0
2 Ta-e a#tion and resove t%e aarm0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
Cn site su..ort re2uires:
2#SD Power su))l> unit ? 2n)ut 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%ere %as been a oss of a# .o$er0 /ue to t%is .o$er oss1 t%e
Cabinet %as s$it#%ed to t%e emer&en#y battery ba#-u. in.ut .o$er su..y0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
8or an indoor system:
E T%e in.ut vota&e is out of s.e#ifi#ation #ausin& t%e faiure0 4In t%is #ase1 t%e .o$er
Su..y units $oud o.erate for a sma duration unti t%e in.ut vota&e $as out of ran&e50
8or an outdoor system:
E T%e a# su..y is fauty
,erform t%e foo$in& ste. to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure 2%?3; ,o$er su..y unit ! In.ut faiure
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e in.ut .o$er sour#e
4e2ui.ment/#abes5 are fauty0
2#SD Power su))l> unit ? +ut)ut 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Minor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%ere %as been a oss of out.ut .o$er due to t%e faiure of t%e
,o$er Su..y Anit 4,SA50 It is aso .ossibe t%at t%e out.ut .o$er faiure is due to t%e
in.ut feed 4vota&e5 $%i#% is interru.ted 4or dis#ontinued5 due to fauty e2ui.ment0
T%is faut #ondition #an be servi#e!affe#tin&1 if t%ere is no ,SA redundan#y at a site0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e in.ut feed 4vota&e5 is ost #ausin& t%e out.ut faiure0
E T%e out.ut .o$er su..y #abe is fauty0
1 /etermine $%et%er t%e ,SA faiure is reated to ot%er more serious
faut #onditions0 C%e#- t%e Aarm $indo$ for ot%er faiures at t%e site $it% t%e ,SA .o$er
E If ot%er faiures exist for t%e site1 .rioriti7e t%e fauts and refer to t%is manua for t%e
Aarm des#ri.tions and faut resoution .ro#edures0
E If ot%er faiures do not exist at t%at site1 &o to ste. 20
2 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e in.ut .o$er sour#e 4e2ui.ment
and/or #abes5 are fauty or t%e ,SA e2ui.ment is fauty0 )e.a#e any fauty e2ui.ment0
2#SD BTS ca$inet oer tem)erature
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at a "ase Trans#eiver Station 4"TS5 #abinet ambient tem.erature %as
over%eated to a eve of @6VC $%i#% is beyond t%e 4safe5 tem.erature ran&e ao$ed for o.eration of "TS e2ui.ment0
T%is interna #abinet #ondition %as been dete#ted by eit%er t%e "TS Cver Tem.erature
T%ermostat or by t%e ,o$er Su..y Anit 4,SA5 $%i#% %as over%eated0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e air .assa&e $ays 4inet1 outet1 and air $ays5 is obstru#ted0
E T%e "TS over tem.erature t%ermostat is fauty0
E T%e ,SA is mafun#tionin&0
E T%e "TS +eat Mana&ement System Cver Tem.erature is fauty0 4T%is .ossibe #ause
a..ies ony to outdoor #abinets50
T%e foo$in& %a..ens if a "TS #abinet over tem.erature #ondition %as o##urred
and t%e #abinet tem.erature %as risen to 96 de&rees C:
E T%e .o$er to t%at "TS #abinet is s%ut off0 4Cnsite1 a red (E/ i&%ts on t%e
AS,M or t%e NS,M to indi#ate t%e faut #ondition50
E T%e system &enerates t%e aarm :60 )S(: (in- dis#onne#ted be#ause an
)S( in- is dis#onne#ted $%en t%e .o$er is s%ut off0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e air .assa&e $ays
are obstru#ted or if t%e ,SA1 t%ermostat or "TS %eat mana&ement system
4outdoor #abinet5 e2ui.ment is fauty0
2#SD -ow oltage 6isconnect imminent
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%ere %as been a oss of a# .o$er or t%e ,o$er Su..y Anit 4,SA5
+as faied1 #ausin& a oss of in.ut .o$er from t%e ba#-u. battery0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
T%is aarm is &enerated $%en t%e battery ba#-u. .o$er 4vota&e5 is nearin& t%e .oint $%ere
It starts initiatin& a dis#onne#tion of t%e "TS #abinets0 T%is aarm a..ies ony to outdoor
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e in.ut feed 4vota&e5 is ost #ausin& t%e out.ut faiure0
E T%e ,SA is mafun#tionin&0
1 )evie$ t%e aarm re.ort and event o&s to determine t%e #ause4s5 of
t%is aarm0
2 Investi&ate t%e a# .o$er faiure0
3 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e ,SA and/or
t%e in.ut .o$er sour#e 4e2ui.ment/#abes5 are fauty0
2#SD #ir con6itioning unit 7ailure
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at a "ase Trans#eiver Station 4"TS5 or an#iary #abinet Air
Conditionin& Anit %as faied0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
T%is aarm is &enerated $%en an air #onditionin& 4air5 inet or outet is bo#-ed #ausin& t%e
e2ui.ment to fai0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e air inet vent to t%e air #onditionin& unit is bo#-ed #ausin& t%e unit to fai0
E T%e air outet vent from t%e air #onditionin& unit is bo#-ed #ausin& t%e unit to fai0
E T%e air #onditionin& unit is fauty0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to o#ate t%e faied unit0
2 C%e#- if t%e inet/outet vents are bo#-ed0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to o#ate t%e faied unit0
C%e#- if t%e inet/outet vents are bo#-ed0
C%e#- if MC"s of t%e AC units %ave tri..ed1 t%is may %a..en if due to eart% extended to
ma#%ines0 C%e#- and #ean t%e Air!Con fiters 4t%is #an be done on#e in :5 days for smoot%
$or-in& Ta-e t%e Gas!(ea- test of t%e Air!Con for .ossibe &as ea-a&e0
Ca t%e Air!Con maintenan#e #ontra#tor offi#ia for furt%er investi&ation
2#SD &a$inet 7an 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at a "ase Trans#eiver Station 4"TS5 or an#iary #abinet fan 4or fans5
%as faied0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
T%is aarm is &enerated $%en a fan %as sto..ed fun#tionin& due to a .o$er oss or an 4air
fo$5 obstru#tion #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to sto.0 4T%e obstru#tion may %ave dama&ed t%e
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e air inet vent to t%e fan unit is bo#-ed #ausin& t%e unit to fai0
E T%e air outet vent from t%e fan unit is bo#-ed #ausin& t%e unit to fai0
E T%e air$ays is obstru#ted #ausin& t%e fan unit to fai0
E T%e ,o$er Su..y Anit 4,SA5 is mafun#tionin& #ausin& t%e fan units to sto.0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to o#ate t%e faied unit0
2 C%e#- if t%e inet/outet vents or air .assa&e $ays are bo#-ed0
3 C%e#- t%e ,SA as $e0
2#SD 4oltage stan6ing wae ratio sector 1?3 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%e 'ota&e Standin& Wave )atio 4'SW)5 unit %as faied in a
se#tor 4:!>50 T%is faiure may affe#t t%e si&na 2uaity transmitted in a se#tor0 If t%e ratio of
for$ard!to!refe#ted .o$er is not maintained and t%ere is an ex#essive refe#ted si&na1 t%e
2uaity of t%e si&na transmitted is #om.romised0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e 'SW) unit is fauty0
E T%e antenna is fauty0
E T%e Aarms 4or t%e EAS or ,IF5 board is #onne#ted to t%e 'SW) "rid&e0
E T%e Aarms board 4or #onne#tors on t%e board5 may be fauty0
E T%e antenna is #onne#ted to t%e 'SW) "rid&e0
T%e 'SW) unit is ty.i#ay #onne#ted to t%e Aarms board or EAS 4,IF5
de.endin& on t%e ty.e of .atform0 T%erefore1 t%e s.e#ifi# aarms or EAS 4or
,IF5 board or #onne#tions used may be t%e sour#e of t%is faut #ondition0 Ensure
t%at it is .ro.ery #onne#tedW #%e#- t%e #onne#tors on t%e sus.e#t board $%i#%
#onne#t to t%e 'SW) "rid&e0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine $%et%er t%e e2ui.ment
is fauty0
2 T%e fied re.resentative must be .re.ared to #%e#-1 re.air or re.a#e t%e
foo$in& e2ui.ment1 if ne#essary0 T%e 'SW) unit 4:!>5 are:
E T%e #onne#tion bet$een t%e antenna and t%e 'SW) "rid&e0
E T%e #onne#tion bet$een t%e 'SW) "rid&e and t%e Aarms board 4or
t%e EAS or ,IF board50
E T%e antenna0
2#SD Smoke alarm
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at smo-e %as been dete#ted $it%in eit%er a "ase Trans#eiver Station
4"TS5 or an an#iary #abinet0 T%is faut #ondition indi#ates t%at t%e #abinet is over%eated to
A eve $%i#% may dama&e t%e e2ui.ment inside0
T%is aarm $as &enerated be#ause an interna #abinet over tem.erature #ondition $as
/ete#ted by eit%er t%e "TS 4or An#iary5 Cver Tem.erature T%ermostat or by a ,o$er
Su..y Anit 4,SA5 t%at %as over%eated0
T%is faut #ondition is servi#e!affe#tin&0
Possi$le causes
T%e #ause for t%e smo-e aarm is fire $%i#% is #aused by one of t%e foo$in&:
E T%e air .assa&e $ays 4inet1 outet and air $ays5 is obstru#ted #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to
E T%e fan is mafun#tionin& #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to over%eat0
E T%e ,SA is mafun#tionin& or over%eatin&0
E T%e air #onditionin& unit is fauty #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to over%eat0
E T%e An#iary +eat Mana&ement System is fauty #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to over%eat0 Proce6ure
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine if t%e air .assa&e $ays
are obstru#ted or if t%e ,SA1 t%e t%ermostat1 t%e fan4s51 t%e air #onditionin&
unit or t%e An#iary +eat Mana&ement System 4outdoor #abinet5 is fauty0
2 )e.a#e any defe#tive 4or dama&ed5 e2ui.ment0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
2#SD *oor o)en
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at at a site a #abinet door is o.en $%i#% s%oud not be0
If one of t%e foo$in& doors is o.en1 t%is aarm is &enerated:
E "ase Trans#eiver Station 4"TS5 ! door or %ood0
E An#iary #abinet ! door or %ood0
E Side #abinet door0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e #abinet door is not se#ured .ro.ery0
E T%e door at#%es are defe#tive0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #ose t%e door4s50
2 C%e#- t%e #abinet door at#%esW any defe#tive at#%es must be re.a#ed0
2#SD No connection to alarm $oar6 ? !a6io ++S
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at t%e "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at a radio 4Trans#eiver Contro
Anit 4TCA55 #onne#tions to t%e aarms board are Cut Cf Servi#e 4CCS50
T%is aarm is &enerated $%en t%e ast 4fina5 radio #onne#tion &oes CCS0 In t%is #ase1 t%ere
is no #onne#tion be#ause t%e radios 4/)I 4TCAs55 are fauty0
E W%en any of t%e foo$in& aarms are a#tive1 a ot%er IAS and EAS aarms in t%e
a#tive ist 4usin& 6is)Gact Jsite KL #ommand5 are not de.endabe:
;=0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! Conne#tion "ro-en0
;@0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! )adio CCS0
;;0IAS: No Conne#tion to Aarms "oard ! Aarm "oard )emoved0
Possi$le causes
T%e ast 4or ony5 radio /)I 4TCA5 is fauty0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to #%e#- t%e radios 4/)I 4TCAs55
#onne#ted to t%e aarms board0
2 Attem.t to restore t%e fauty /)I 4TCAs5 to servi#e and re.a#e eit%er or
bot% /)I 4TCAs51 if ne#essary0
8aut mana&ement is re2uired at t%e "SS or )FC/) site0
2#SD Power su))l> tem)erature high
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at one or more ,o$er Su..y Anits
4,SAs5 in a +ori7on ma#ro "TS %as ex#eeded t%e estabis%ed 4safe5 tem.erature ran&e0
#66itional in7ormation Hel6
T%ere is no additiona information dis.ayed in t%e out.ut for t%is aarm0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e ,SA is fauty0
E T%e environmenta tem.erature is too %i&%0
E T%e +eat Mana&ement System 4+MS5 in an outdoor #abinet is fauty0
1 )evie$ t%e aarm re.ort and event o&s to #%e#- for ot%er aarms at
t%e same site0
E C%e#- for aarm1 ;%. 2#SD Heat management s>stem unit
E If 4IAS5 aarm 95 is .resent at t%e +ori7on ma#ro site1 it is
.ossibe t%e faiure of t%e +MS %as #aused t%is aarm 4:6:50
Consut t%e aarm des#ri.tion and troubes%ootin& .ro#edure for t%e ;%. 2#S aarm in t%is
2 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine $%i#% e2ui.ment
%as #aused t%is faut #ondition0 C%e#- t%e ,SAs1 environmenta #onditions1 t%e +MS and
re.a#e any of t%e above1 if ne#essary0
2#SD <an tra> 0 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at a fan $it%in fan tray 6 %as eit%er
8aied or %as not been .ro.ery instaed 4#onne#ted50
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A 2uad fan is fauty0
E T%e fan fuse is fauty0
E T%e fan tray is not .ro.ery instaed0
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine $%i#% e2ui.ment %as
#aused t%is faut #ondition0
2 C%e#- t%e 2uad fans in fan tray 61 t%e tray #onne#tions and fan fuses and
re.a#e eit%er t%e fan tray or fuses1 if ne#essary0
2#SD !ectiHer 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at t%e out.ut from a ba#-u. battery
"ox %as faied0 T%is aarm is &enerated $%en t%e re#tifier %as faied or t%e #abe from t%e
"attery box 4re#tifier5!to!+ori7on ma#ro aarm #onne#tor is fautyW or $%en t%e #abe is not
,ro.ery #onne#ted0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e re#tifier is dama&ed or fauty0
E T%e #abe from t%e re#tifier to t%e externa +ori7on ma#ro aarm #onne#tor is not .ro.ery
E T%e #abe 4or #onne#tor on t%e #abe5 from t%e re#tifier to t%e externa +ori7on ma#ro
aarm #onne#tor is fauty0
E T%e a# .o$er may %ave faied0
1 C%e#- t%e out.ut (E/s on t%e re#tifier front .ane0
2 )e.a#e t%e re#tifiers t%at are defe#tive 4if any5 from t%e .o$er #a&e0
3 If no re#tifiers are defe#tive1 #%e#- t%e #abe from t%e re#tifiers in t%e battery box to t%e
externa +ori7on ma#ro aarm #onne#tor:
E If t%e #abe is oose1 ti&%ten t%e #onne#tion0
E If t%e #abe is not .ro.ery #onne#ted1 #onne#t it .ro.ery0
E If t%e #abe is fauty1 re.a#e
2#SD Batter> $oC tem)erature high
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at t%e tem.erature in t%e ba#-u.
"attery box %as ex#eeded t%e estabis%ed imits for safe o.eration of t%e e2ui.ment0
T%is aarm a..ies ony to +ori7on ma#ro and +ori7on II ma#ro #abinets0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e air .assa&e $ays 4inet1 outet1 and air $ays5 is obstru#ted #ausin& t%e e2ui.ment to
E T%e t%ermostat is fauty0
E T%e environmenta tem.erature is too %i&%0
E T%e +eat Mana&ement System 4+MS5 in an outdoor #abinet is fauty0
E T%e #abe from t%e battery box to a #abinet is not .ro.ery #onne#ted0
E T%e #abe 4or #abe #onne#tors5 from t%e battery box to a #abinet is fauty
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine $%i#% e2ui.ment %as
#aused t%is faut #ondition0
2 C%e#- t%e air .assa&e $ays1 t%e t%ermostat1 t%e +MS1 t%e #abe 4from t%e
battery box to t%e #abinet5 and re.a#e any of t%e above1 if ne#essary0
2#SD #larm $oar6 7aile6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at "SS soft$are %as dete#ted t%at t%e aarms board in a +ori7on
"TS %as faied due to fauty 4Aarms5 board #ir#uitry or board dama&e due to #onditions in
t%e fied0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e Aarms board may %ave faied due to dama&e #aused by a .o$er sur&e0
E T%e Aarms board may %ave faied due to fauty #ir#uitry on t%e board0
1 )evie$ t%e aarm re.ort and event o&s to determine t%e #abinet I/
for t%e +ori7on ma#ro #abinet $%ere t%e aarms board %as faied0
T%e #abinet I/ is s.e#ified by t%e IAS devi#e I/ dis.ayed in t%e aarm out.ut0
2 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to re.a#e t%e aarms board0
MMS alarms
MMS 01 s>stem conHguration
/e.endin& on t%e system soft$are #onfi&uration1 t%e MMS devi#e #an be #onfi&ured as E:
4206=9 Mb.s5 in-0
T%e %ard$are used determines $%et%er t%e 4MMS5 in-s are o#ated on t%e +ori7on
Net$or- Interfa#e Anit 4NIA50
MMSD S>nchroni@ation loss 6ail> threshol6 eCcee6e6
&learing T>)eD Intermittent
Seerit> -eelD Warnin&
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%e number of times t%e MMS re#eive si&na ost syn#%roni7ation ex#eeded t%e
s>ncGlossG6ail> database eement t%res%od0
T%is aarm may be a .re#ursor to a serious faut #ondition0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e re#eive E: in- si&na is fadin& in and out due to fauty #abin& or fauty #onne#tions
To t%e T=>/"I" board0
E T%e trun-in& e2ui.ment t%at .rovides site!to!site interfa#e mafun#tioned0
E An MSI board is fauty0
,erform t%e foo$in& ste.s to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure 2:?1 Syn#%roni7ation oss daiy t%res%od ex#eeded
1 /etermine if t%is aarm is .ersistenty re.orted0
27 this alarm is... Then...
.ersistenty re.orted Go to ste. 20
not .ersistenty re.orted Cear t%e aarm0
2 /etermine if ot%er MMS or MSI aarms $ere re.orted at t%e same
27 other MMS or MS2 alarms
re.orted )esove t%e ot%er MMS or MSI
aarms and t%en #ear t%is aarm0
not re.orted Cear t%e aarm0
T%is aarm does not merit
invasive o.erator a#tion to resove
t%is s.e#ifi# faut #ondition0
MMSD Bit error ++S threshol6 eCcee6e6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%is me#%anism is a #ounter t%at is in#remented ea#% time $arnin& aarm 12. MMSD Bit
0rror *ail> Threshol6 0Ccee6e6 is &enerated0 W%en t%e "it Error CCS T%res%od
Ex#eeded 4$erGlossGoos5 t%res%od is rea#%ed1 t%e MSS is .a#ed CCS0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e noise .resent on t%e re#eive si&na #aused t%e "E) to ex#eed t%e t%res%od0
E T%e trun-in& e2ui.ment t%at .rovides site!to!site interfa#e is fauty0
E T%e in- interfa#e board is fauty0
E An MSI board is fauty0
1 /etermine if t%is aarm is o##urrin& fre2uenty0
27 this alarm is... Then...
o##urrin& fre2uenty Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e
aarm and ta-e a#tion0not o##urrin& fre2uenty Go to ste. 20
2 /etermine t%e state of t%e MMS0
27 the MMS is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 Go to
ste. =0
not busy!uno#-ed )eset t%e MMS0 If t%e aarm #ears1 &o to
ste. =0 If t%e aarm does not #ear1 &o to
ste. >0
3 /etermine t%e state of t%e MSI0
27 the MS2 is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed Go to ste. =0
not busy!uno#-ed )eset t%e MSI0
If t%e aarm #ears1 &o to ste. =0
If t%e aarm does not #ear1 send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e
#ause of t%e aarm and ta-e a#tion0
" In a TTN $indo$1 exe#ute t%e 6is)GmmsGtsGusage #ommand to dis.ay t%e
o&i#a in- devi#es assi&ned to t%e MMS0
27 logical link 6eices assigne6 to the MMS inclu6e...
)S(s Go to ste. 50
MT(s and/or CM(s Go to ste. @0
% /etermine t%e state of ea#% of t%e SITEs #onne#ted by t%e MMS re.ortin&
t%e aarm0
27 the S2T0s are... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 Go to
ste. ?0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e
aarm and ta-e a#tion0
' /etermine t%e state of t%e o&i#a in- devi#es assi&ned to t%e MMS0
27... Then...
a of t%e o&i#a in-s are busy!uno#-ed
T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No
furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
any of t%e o&i#a in-s are enabe!uno#-ed
T%is is norma for a standby CM( in- if t%e a#tive CM( in- is busy!uno#-ed0
8or MT( or )S( in-s1 an MMS in- interfa#e faiure o##urred0 Send a fied
)e.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e aarm and ta-e
a#tion0any of t%e o&i#a in-s are disabe!uno#-ed
)eset t%e in- devi#e and t%en &o to ste. @0
A /etermine t%e state of t%e o&i#a in- devi#e after t%e reset is #om.ete0
27 the 6eice is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No
furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e
aarm and ta-e a#tion0
MMSD S>nchroni@ation loss ++S timer eC)ire6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
T%e en&t% of time t%at t%e MMS ost syn#%roni7ation ex#eeded t%e s>ncGtimeGoos
/atabase eement t%res%od0
T%is is a servi#e!affe#tin& faut #ondition0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e E: in- is fauty or dis#onne#ted0
E T%e re#eive E: in- si&na faded out for a .eriod ex#eedin& t%e timer vaue due to
8auty #abin& or fauty #onne#tions to t%e T=>/"I" board0
E T%e re#eive si&na framin& $ords is #orru.t0
E T%e remote E: in- interfa#e is in#om.atibe0
E T%e in- interfa#e board is fauty0
E T%e trun-in& e2ui.ment t%at .rovides site!to!site interfa#e is fauty0
E An MSI board is fauty0
1 /etermine if t%is aarm is o##urrin& fre2uenty0
27 this alarm is... Then...
o##urrin& fre2uenty Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of
t%e aarm and ta-e a#tion0
not o##urrin& fre2uenty Go to ste. 20
2 /etermine t%e state of t%e MMS0
27 the MMS is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0
Go to ste. =0
not busy!uno#-ed )eset t%e MMS0 If t%e aarm #ears1 &o to ste. =0
If t%e aarm does not #ear1 &o to ste. >0
3 /etermine t%e state of t%e MSI0
27 the MS2 is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed Go to ste. =0
not busy!uno#-ed )eset t%e MSI0 If t%e aarm #ears1 &o to ste. =0
If t%e aarm does not #ear1 send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine
t%e #ause of t%e aarm and ta-e a#tion0
" In a TTN $indo$1 exe#ute t%e 6is)GmmsGtsGusage #ommand to dis.ay t%e
o&i#a in- devi#es assi&ned to t%e MMS0
27 logical link 6eices assigne6 to the MMS inclu6e...
)S(s Go to ste. 50
MT(s and/or CM(s Go to ste. @0
% /etermine t%e state of ea#% of t%e SITEs #onne#ted by t%e MMS re.ortin&
t%e aarm0
27 the S2T0s are... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 Go to ste. ?0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e
aarm and ta-e a#tion0
' /etermine t%e state of t%e o&i#a in- devi#es assi&ned to t%e MMS0
27... Then...
a of t%e o&i#a in-s are busy!uno#-ed
T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No
furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
any of t%e o&i#a in-s are enabe!uno#-ed
T%is is norma for a standby CM( in-
if t%e a#tive CM( in- is busy!uno#-ed0
8or MT( or )S( in-s1 an MMS in- interfa#e faiure o##urred0 Send a fied
)e.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e aarm and ta-e
a#tion0 any of t%e o&i#a in-s are disabe!uno#-ed
)eset t%e in- devi#e and t%en &o to ste. @0
A /etermine t%e state of t%e o&i#a in- devi#e after t%e reset is #om.ete0
27 the 6eice is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No
furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not busy!uno#-ed Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to determine t%e #ause of t%e
aarm and ta-e a#tion0
MT- alarms
Troubes%ootin& .ro#edures asso#iated $it%
T%e Messa&e Transfer (in- 4MT(5 devi#e0
T%e MT( devi#e .rovides t%e ?= -b.s #onne#tion bet$een t%e MSC and t%e "SC0 T%e
Conne#tion exists on a timesot on t%e MMS devi#e0 T%e #onne#tion su..orts t%e ITA!TSS
Si&nain& System @ MT, 4Messa&e Transfer ,art5 and SCC, 4Si&nain& Conne#tion
Contro ,art5 .roto#os $it% t%e variations s.e#ified by GSM0
MT-D Signaling link 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
An MT( #onne#tion bet$een t%e MSC and "SC faied0 No si&nain& information is
,assed bet$een t%e MSC and "SC over t%e dis#onne#ted in-0
T%is aarm may not be raised if t%e asso#iated MMS fais1 de.endin& on t%e se2uen#e
of events:
E If soft$are determines t%e MMS in- %as faied first1 an MMS aarm $i be
raised as t%e .rimary aarm and you $i not see an MT( 6 aarm0
E If MMS t%res%ods are #onfi&ured su#% t%at t%e MT( fais before t%e MMS
faiure is si&naed in soft$are1 you $i first see t%e MT( 6 aarm1 foo$ed by
t%e MMS aarm0
E If t%e MT( fais due to a ayer 2 issue ony 4(A,/5 and t%e MMS is CI1 t%en
you $i see t%e MT( aarm ony0 T%e o.erator #an use t%e CMC to determine any
devi#es .resent on t%e MMS 4in#udin& MT(s5 by #i#-in& t%e MMS aarm
at t%e CMC0T%is is a servi#e!affe#tin& faut $%en t%e ast fun#tionin& MT( in- is
.a#ed CCS0 If anot%er in- exists1 t%is is not a servi#e!affe#tin& faut0
-ast MT- link 6isconnecte6
If no ot%er MT( in-s are in servi#e $%en t%is aarm is re.orted1 t%e (ast MT( (in-
8aiure !Si&nain& ,oint Ina##essibe 4"SS 65 aarm is aso re.orted0 W%en t%is o##urs1
t%e "SS is .a#ed CCS0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e remote ayer 2 res.onded $it% bad (SSA 4SICS1 SIC1 SIN1 SIE5 #ausin& t%e in-
E T%e remote #on&estion timer ex.ired0
E T%e MSI a#-no$ed&ment timer ex.ired0
E T%e se2uen#e numbers may not be syn#%roni7ed0
E T%e Si&na Anit Error )ate Monitor 4SAE)M5 dete#ted an ex#essive si&nain& error
E Cne side of asso#iated MMS is o#-ed1 #ausin& t%e remote end 4not o#-ed5 to raise t%e
(in- /is#onne#ted aarm0 T%is may o##ur $%en o#-in& any %i&%er eve devi#e 4MMS1
MSI1 G,)CC1 /,)CC50
E (A,/ in- .roto#o dete#ted faiure to #ommuni#ate $it% remote end0
E (in- faiure affe#tin& MT( timesots ony1 for exam.e $%en timesot s$it#%in&
E2ui.ment is used or fauty terminatin& e2ui.ment is .resent0 MMS #ontinues in
servi#e $%ie t%e E: timesot 6 is &ood0
1 /etermine if t%e MSC or )FC/) are rebootin&0
27... Then...
t%e MSC is rebootin& Wait unti t%e MSC reboot is finis%ed and t%en &o to ste. 20
t%e )FC/) is rebootin& Wait unti t%e )FC/) reboot is finis%ed and t%en &o to ste. >0
neit%er t%e MSC or )FC/) are rebootin& Go to ste. =0
2 /etermine if t%e aarm is #eared0
27 the alarm is... Then...
#eared T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not #eared T%e faut is at t%e MSC0 Conta#t t%e MSC to resove t%e faut0
3 /etermine if t%e )FC/) returned to servi#e0
27 the !F&*!... Then...
returned to servi#e Go to ste. =0
did not return to servi#e Troubes%oot t%e )FC/) faut0
" )eset t%e MT( devi#e0
% /etermine t%e state of t%e MT(0
27 the MT- is... Then...
busy!uno#-ed T%e faut #ondition no on&er exists0 No furt%er a#tion is re2uired0
not busy!uno#-ed Go to ste. 50
' /etermine if t%ere are aarms for t%e asso#iated MMS or MSI devi#es0
27 there are... Then...
MMS or MSI aarms )esove t%e MMS or MSI aarms0
no MMS or MSI aarms Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to investi&ate t%e E:/T2
!S-D -ink 6isconnecte6
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Criti#a
&ategor>D Communi#ation
An )S( dis#onne#ted on t%e MMS0 No si&nain& information bet$een t%e "SC and t%e
"TS is .assed over t%e dis#onne#ted in-0
T%is aarm may not be raised if t%e asso#iated MMS fais1 de.endin& on t%e se2uen#e
of events:
E If soft$are determines t%e MMS in- %as faied first1 an MMS aarm is raised as
t%e .rimary aarm and you $i not see an )S(:6 aarm0
E If MMS t%res%ods are #onfi&ured su#% t%at t%e )S( fais before t%e MMS
faiure is si&naed in soft$are1 you $i first see t%e )S( :6 aarm1 foo$ed by
t%e MMS aarm0
E If t%e )S( fais due to a ayer 2 issue ony 4(A,/5 and t%e MMS is CI1 t%en
you $i see t%e )S( aarm ony0 T%e o.erator #an use t%e CMC to determine
any devi#es .resent on t%e MMS 4in#udin& )S(s5 by #i#-in& t%e MMS aarm
at t%e CMC0
T%is is a servi#e!affe#tin& faut #ondition0
#larm conteCt
T%e #ontext in $%i#% t%is aarm is &enerated determines t%e eve of #om.exity of t%e
Isoation and resoution of t%is faut #ondition0 T%is situation is more #om.ex0
T%e foo$in& fa#tors %ave t%e &reatest affe#t on t%e #om.exity of t%e tas-s re2uired: t%e
Site #onfi&uration1 ot%er aarms o##urrin&1 and t%e )S( in- avaiabiity0
W%en t%is aarm o##urs1 t%e site #onfi&uration determines t%e initia a..roa#% to isoatin&
T%e faut #ondition0 See a des#ri.tion of ea#% of t%e various site #onfi&urations in a
8ort%#omin& se#tion0
In addition1 t%is aarm is &enerated #on#urrenty $it% ot%er maGor aarms reated to t%e
)S( in- faiure0
T%erefore1 asso#iated faut #onditions must first be .rioriti7ed and t%en investi&ated0
-ast !S- link 6isconnecte6
In t%e event t%is aarm is &enerated for an )S( in- t%at %a..ens to be t%e ast avaiabe
in- for servi#e to a remote site1 t%e 4remote5 site &oes Cut Cf Servi#e 4CCS50 T%e
foo$in& aarm is &enerated: 60 Site: (ast )S( (in- 8aiure0
If t%e ast )S( in- %as faied1 t%e resutin& faut #ondition is one of t%e most #om.ex0
Cny an ex.erien#ed o.erator s%oud attem.t to resove t%is faut #ondition0
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E A norma in- dis#onne#t0
E An F"( &uard timer ex.ired0
E Cne side of asso#iated MMS is o#-ed1 #ausin& t%e remote end 4not o#-ed5 to raise t%e
(in- /is#onne#ted aarm0 T%is may o##ur $%en o#-in& any %i&%er eve devi#e 4MMS1
MSI1 G,)CC1 /,)CC50
E (A,/ in- .roto#o dete#ted faiure to #ommuni#ate $it% remote end0
E (in- faiure affe#tin& )S( timesots ony1 for exam.e $%en timesot s$it#%in&
E2ui.ment is used or fauty terminatin& e2ui.ment is .resent0 MMS #ontinues in servi#e
$%ie t%e E: timesot 6 is &ood0
E A GS( &uard timer ex.ired0
BS&?to?BTS to)olog>
S>stem characteristics
T%e "SC!to!remote "TS to.oo&y is s.e#ified in terms of t%e #ontinuous traffi# routes bet$een
t%e "SC and a terminatin& remote "TS site0 T%is #ontinuous route in#udes a intermediate
"TSs bet$een t%e "SC and t%e remote "TS site &eneratin& t%e faut #ondition0
A .arti#uar traffi# route is s.e#ified by a uni2ue ,AT+ devi#e0 4Every remote "TS site in t%e
net$or- must be e2ui..ed $it% at east one ,AT+ devi#e50 A ,AT+ devi#e s.e#ifies $%i#% SITE
devi#es and asso#iated MSI/MMS devi#es define t%e route0 And t%erefore1 $%i#% .arti#uar
E: in- is used bet$een ea#% site0
Every remote "TS site in t%e net$or- must be e2ui..ed $it% at east one )S(0 T%e )S( #arries
si&nain& traffi# bet$een t%e "SC and t%e remote "TS site0 A maximum of ei&%t )S(s #an be
e2ui..ed bet$een t%e "SC and a "TS site0 T%e additiona )S(s .rovide si&nain& traffi# oad
s%arin& 4and de.endin& on system #onfi&uration5 may .rovide redundan#y0 An )S( for a s.e#ifi#
site is asso#iated $it% a ,AT+ devi#e t%at terminates at t%at same site0
T%e foo$in& rues a..y to t%e "SC!to!"TS reations%i.:
E If a )S(s bet$een a "SC and a remote "TS site are CCS for more t%an :6 minutes1
t%e "TS site &oes CCS0
E An )S( may be CCS as a resut of t%e asso#iated MMS bein& CCS0
E An MMS may be is CCS be#ause an asso#iated MSI1 FC/)1 or Net$or- Interfa#e Anit
4NIA5 is CCS0
In t%e #ase of a "TS site t%at is .art of an o.en oo. or o.en!ended for-1 t%e oss of )S(s at a
site may be #aused by e2ui.ment faiure do$nstream from t%e faied "TS site re.ortin& t%e
aarm0 4)e#a t%at in t%is #onfi&uration1 if a "TS site &oes CCS1 a "TS sites do$nstream
from t%e faied "TS1 &o CCS as $e50
1 )efer to severa #urrent aarm re.ort o&s to determine $%et%er t%e same
)S( in- %as re.orted t%is s.e#ifi# )S( aarm re.eatedy0
If t%is aarm re#urs1 t%ere may be a 2uaity of servi#e .robem on one of t%e E: in-s t%at
#arries t%is )S(0
2 /etermine $%et%er t%is aarm %as re#urred re.eatedy and #onsistenty0
27 this alarm... Then...
%as not re#urred re.eatedy over a s%ort .eriod of time
Monitor t%is faut #ondition0
If t%is aarm re#urs #onsistenty over t%e next :6!>6 minutes0 Continue to ste. >0
%as re#urred re.eatedy over a s%ort .eriod of time
T%e )S( is not fun#tionin& and may be fauty0Continue to ste. >0
3 In a TTN $indo$1 exe#ute t%e state #ommand to #%e#- t%e o.erationa and
administrative status of t%e )S(1 SITE4s5 and t%e MMS reated to t%e )S( devi#e4s5
s%o$in& ex#essive aarms0
27 the !S- is... Then...
busyXuno#-ed T%e aarm #ondition %as #eased0
8urt%er faut resoution is not re2uired0
not busyXuno#-ed T%e )S( is CCS0 Attem.t to re!estabis% t%e in- by exe#utin& t%e
insG6eice #ommand for t%e )S(0 If t%e )S( does not return to servi#e1 #ontinue $it%
ste. =1 ot%er$ise1 dis#ontinue faut resoution0
" Exe#ute t%e 6is)Ge=ui)ment #ommand to dis.ay t%e a#tive e2ui.ment
asso#iated $it% t%e )S( and ,AT+ devi#es0
E Exe#ute t%e 6is)Ge=ui)ment !S- #ommand for t%e )S( t%at &enerated t%is aarmW
re#ord t%e uni2ue .at% identifier for t%e )S( devi#e0 T%e first )S( devi#e I/ dis.ayed
re.resents t%eterminatin& site of t%e .at% t%at t%e sus.e#t )S( is usin&0
E Exe#ute t%e 6is)Ge=ui)ment P#TH #ommand for t%e ,AT+
asso#iated $it% t%e sus.e#t )S(W re#ord t%e identifiers for ea#% site and t%e MSI/MMSs
as s.e#ified for t%e ,AT+0
% 8rom t%e "SC1 in a TTN $indo$1 exe#ute t%e state #ommand to #%e#- t%e o.erationa
and administrative status of t%e ,AT+0
27 the P#TH is... Then...
busyXuno#-ed C%e#- t%e aarm re.ort o& for ex#essive aarms reated to t%is faut
#ondition0not busyXuno#-ed T%e ,AT+ is CCS0
If t%ere is an MMS faiure aarm1 &o to ste. ?0
If t%ere is no MMS aarm1 it is .robabe t%at t%e seria data transmission #arrier is
o.eratin& at a redu#ed 2uaity0
' /etermine $%et%er t%e MMS and/or SITE devi#es s.e#ified for t%e ,AT+ devi#e are
Cut Cf Servi#e 4CCS50 8rom t%e "SC1 exe#ute t%e state #ommand for t%e site!reated
MMS t%at is s.e#ified for t%e ,AT+ devi#e0 T%e foo$in& is t%e #orre#t format:
state JsiteL MMS JMMS 6eice 2*L0
27 the MMS is... an6 the S2T0 is... Then...
INS INS It is .robabe t%at t%e data .at% is o.eratin& at a redu#ed 2uaity0
Attem.t to re!estabis% t%e in- by exe#utin& t%e insG6eice #ommand for t%e )S(0
If t%e )S( in- resumes servi#e1 #ontinue to monitor t%e system for in- aarms0
If t%is aarm #onsistenty re#urs1 ste. ? before #ontinuin&0 INS CCS It is .ossibe
t%at a devi#e %as faied0 C%e#- aarm re.orts and event o&s for a site faiureW refer aarm
.a&es in t%is manua0CCS INS It is .ossibe t%at a %ard$are devi#e %as faied0 C%e#-
aarm re.orts and event o&s for an MMS faiureW refer aarm .a&es in t%is manua0
/etermine $%i#% T=>/"I" inter#onne#t board is asso#iated $it% t%e sus.e#t
MMS0 4)efer to site!s.e#ifi# do#umentation50
CCS CCS It is .ossibe t%at bot% devi#es %ave faied0 C%e#- aarm re.orts and event
o&s for MMS and site faiuresW refer to aarm .a&es in t%is manua0
Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to servi#e t%e seria data transmission #arrier
reated to t%e fauty )S( in-0
A /etermine $%et%er t%e "SC!reated MMS in a busy!uno#-ed devi#e state0
27 the MMS is... Then...
busyXuno#-ed It is .ossibe t%at t%ere is an e2ui.ment faiure at t%e faied "TS0 8rom
t%e "SC1 exe#ute t%e state #ommand for t%e "TS t%at is t%e next one do$nstream from
t%e faied "TS0 4/o$nstream refers to t%e "TS $%i#% is t%e next "TS a$ay from
t%e "SC50
C%e#- if t%e "TS 4SITE5 busy!uno#-ed0
If yes1 use t%e state #ommand for ea#% MMS asso#iated $it% t%e Site0 C%e#- and do$nstream from t%e "SC0If no1 t%e "TS 4SITE5 is not In Servi#e 4INS51
&o to t%e ste. ;0 C%e#- if t%e reated MMS4s5 busy!uno#-ed and #%e#- for a MSI
not busyXuno#-ed It is .ossibe t%at a %ard$are devi#e %as faied0C%e#- aarm re.orts
and event o&s for an MMS faiure0 /etermine $%i#% T=>/"I" inter#onne#t board is
asso#iated $it% t%e sus.e#t MMS0 4It may be ne#essary to refer site s.e#ifi#
not busyXuno#-ed It is .ossibe t%at t%e e2ui.ment %as faied0 C%e#- t%e aarm re.orts
and event o&s for faiures of G,)CCs and/or ISWs0 C%e#- t%e aarm re.orts for
faiures of T/M "us 4T"ASs5 and GC(I4s50
T%e faiure of eit%er a G,)CC or a ISW devi#e #auses t%e site to reset0 Su#% a
reset1 may a..ear to be #aused by an )S( faiure $%en it is not0
; Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site in order to determine t%e 2uaity of t%e in-0 refer
to t%is manua for faut resoution .ro#edure4s5 re&ardin& any aarm4s5 reated to t%is
)S( faut #ondition0
: Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site in order to determine t%e 2uaity of t%e in-0
W%ie at t%e site1 t%e fied re.resentative must #%e#- t%e #abin& to t%e E: tem.erature
sensor0 If t%e E: sensor #abe is fauty1 it #oud be res.onsibe for ta-in& t%e )S( Cut Cf
Servi#e 4CCS5
Wait for :6 minutes before #ontinuin& $it% t%is .ro#edure0 After $aitin&1 if t%e aarm is
Ceared and t%e )S( #onne#tion is re!estabis%ed1 faut isoation and dia&nosti#s is not
ne#essary0 If t%e #onne#tion is not re!estabis%ed1 t%e system &oes into a Continuous
)etry mode in $%i#% #ase1 t%e system attem.ts to re!estabis% t%e in- an infinite number
of times0
Cny an ex.erien#ed o.erator s%oud attem.t to resove t%is faut #ondition0
S2T0D No clock re7erences aaila$le
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Warnin&
&ategor>D Uuaity of Servi#e
T%is aarm indi#ates t%at 8aut Mana&ement 48M5 %as dete#ted t%at t%e #urrent Generi#
Co#- 4GC(I5 referen#e for #o#- extra#tion %as faied $it%in t%e system0
S>stem im)act
W%ie t%is faut #ondition exists1 servi#e and #a.a#ity are not #om.romised uness t%is
aarm is t%e resut of an e2ui.ment faiure0 If a faiure o##urs1 ot%er serious 4Criti#a and
MaGor5 aarms are &enerated for t%e Muti.e Seria Interfa#e in- 4MMS51 Muti.e
Seria Interfa#e 4MSI51 t%e trans#oder 4FC/)5 or Generi# /S, ,ro#essor 4G/,50
+o$ever1 t%e system is affe#ted ony in t%e foo$in& $ays:
E T%e GC(I is not abe to .%ase o#-0
E More fre2uent re#aibrations are ne#essary
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E An MSI in- 4MMS5 #onne#tion may %ave faied0
E T%e MMS .rovidin& t%e #o#- referen#e sour#e for t%e site is o#-ed by t%e o.erator0
E T%e ast MMS .rovidin& a #o#- referen#e sour#e for t%e site may %ave &one Cut Cf
Servi#e 4CCS50
E A #onne#tion on t%e ba#-.ane may %ave #aused t%e faiure0
S2T0D #ctie alarm list 7ull
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD Investi&ate
&ategor>D ,ro#essin&
A ne$ aarm #oud not be added to t%e a#tive aarm ist be#ause t%e aarm ist for a
S.e#ifi# site on a "SS is fu0 T%e aarm ist #an #ontain a maximum of :26 a#tive aarms
for ea#% site on a "SS0
T%is aarm indi#ates a more serious .robem may exist due to t%e number of a#tive
After t%is aarm %as been &enerated1 any subse2uent aarms &enerated are dis#arded0
T%ey are not stored by t%e system0
T%is aarm does not affe#t t%e CMC!) be#ause it %as a different a#tive aarm ist0
Possi$le causes
T%e a#tive aarm ist is fu be#ause t%ere are :26 a#tive aarms at t%e site0
1 )evie$ t%e a#tive aarms ist to determine $%at %as #aused t%e ex#essive number of
aarms0 If a subs#ri.tion #ontainin& a#tive aarms does not exist1 one must
be #reated0
2 )esove t%e faut #onditions t%at &enerated t%e ex#essive number of
aarms and #ear t%e a#tive aarms0
Aarms #annot be #eared from t%e a#tive aarm ist unti t%e reated faut #onditions are
S2T0D N4M $oar6 7ailure
&learing T>)eD 8MIC
Seerit> -eelD MaGor
&ategor>D E2ui.ment
T%e N'M board faied or $as removed from t%e system0 T%is aarm a..ies to "SC and
Possi$le causes
T%e foo$in& are t%e ,ossibe #auses for t%is aarm:
E T%e N'M board faied0
E T%e N'M board $as removed from t%e system0
,erform t%e foo$in& .ro#edure to resove t%e aarm0
Proce6ure "2?31 N'M board faiure
1 Send a fied re.resentative to t%e site to reinsert or re.a#e t%e N'M board0
2 T%e N'M board $it% a ,CMCIA #ard inserted in so#-et : is #onsidered a sin&e 8)A0
T%is ,CMCIA #ard inserted in so#-et : of t%e N'M board is not inter#%an&eabe $it%
,CMCIA #ards used ese$%ere in t%e "SS0
monitoring range
T%e reations%i. bet$een t%e effe#tive 'SW) monitorin& ran&e $it% res.e#t to t%e
insertion oss of t%e antenna #abe 4t%e distan#e bet$een t%e 'M and t%e antenna5 #an
be ex.ressed as foo$s:
:05:: O 'SW) O Y:: $it% antenna #abe oss Q 6 * 2 d"
2:: O 'SW) O Y:: $it% antenna #abe oss Q 2 * >05 d"
>:: O 'SW) O Y:: $it% antenna #abe oss Q >05 * 5 d"
Zum.ers are .rovided on t%e side of t%e 'M to enabe t%e user to see#t t%e most settin& to #om.ensate for #abe oss
*eice an6 comman6 relationshi)
*eice &omman6s #77ecte6 Notes
e2ui.1 une2ui.1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1
dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes
+ard$are 'ersion
Number 4+'N5
o#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e Cause a %ard reset of t%e
e2ui.1 une2ui.1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1
dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes
o#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e Cause a %ard reset of t%e
CA" e2ui.1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment
CA"4,CA5 state 'aid for G,)S ony
CAGE e2ui.1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment 'aid for "SC
e2ui.1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 devi#eXaudit1 #a&eXaudit 'aid for G,)S ony
C"( e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for "SC ony
CE(( state
CIC e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1
state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1
'aid for "SC ony
CCM" e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1
state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1
CS8, state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment
e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1
/+, e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1 devi#eXaudit
'aid for "SC
and InCe "TS
dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes +'N
/,)CC e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1 devi#eXaudit
'aid for G,)S ony
*!2 e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1 devi#eXaudit1
dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes +'N
0#S e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
G"( e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for G,)S ony
(&-1 e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1
state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1
s$a.Xdevi#es1 devi#eXaudit
'aid for "SC dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes +'N
G/S e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for G,)S ony e2ui.1 une2ui.1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 devi#eXaudit
'aid for "SC dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes +'N
o#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e 'aid for "SC
Cause a %ard reset of t%e devi#e0
e2ui.1 une2ui.1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 devi#eXaudit
'aid for "SC
o#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e 'aid for "SC
Cause a %ard reset of t%e devi#e0
GS( e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
G,)S ony
o#-Xdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e 'aid for "SC
Cause a %ard reset of t%e devi#e0
(AN state1 s$a.Xdevi#es 'aid for "SC and InCe
MMS o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
M,)T s%utdo$nXdevi#e 'aid for "SC ony e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1
dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 devi#eXaudit dis.Xe2ui.ment in#udes +'N
resetXdevi#e Causes a %ard reset of t%e devi#e0
MT- e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e1
s%utdo$nXdevi#e 'aid for "SC ony
+M- e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for "SC ony
P#TH e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e 'aid
for "SC ony
,C+N state1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
,CA e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
siteXaudit 'aid for G,)S ony
PSP e2ui.1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 devi#eXaudit1 une2ui. 'aid for G,)S ony
!S- o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
)S( e2ui.1 une2ui. 'aid for "SC ony
S2T0 e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for "SC ony
FB- e2ui.1 une2ui.1 o#-Xdevi#e1 uno#-Xdevi#e1 state1 dis.Xe2ui.ment1 insXdevi#e1 resetXdevi#e
'aid for "SC ony
(ists t%e o.erationa states0
/isabed 8M %as found t%e devi#e unservi#eabe and %as ta-en it out of servi#e0
Enabed 8M %as made t%e devi#e avaiabe for use but it is not #arryin& trafH#0
"usy /evi#e is avaiabe for use and is #arryin& trafH#0
(ists t%e administrative states0
(o#-ed T%e o.erator %as ta-en t%e devi#e out of servi#e0
Ano#-ed T%e o.erator %as made t%e devi#e avaiabe for servi#e0
E2ui..ed T%e devi#e exists in t%e system0
(ists t%e devi#e states0
Not E2ui..ed T%e devi#e does not exist in t%e system0
/isabed (o#-ed 8M and t%e o.erator Hnd t%e devi#e unservi#eabe0
Enabed (o#-ed 8M Hnds t%e devi#e servi#eabe but t%e o.erator does not $ant it in servi#e0
/isabed Ano#-ed 8M Hnds t%e devi#e unservi#eabe but t%e o.erator $ants it in servi#e0 T%e
system may .eriodi#ay audit t%e devi#e 4t%e o.erator #an for#e audits5 to
determine if t%e devi#e may be AN(CCIE/0
Enabed Ano#-ed 8M Hnds t%e devi#e servi#eabe and t%e o.erator $ants it in servi#e0
"usy Ano#-ed T%e devi#e is in use0
S%uttin& /o$n T%e devi#e is bet$een t%e (CCIE/ and AN(CCIE/ states0 T%e system is
$aitin& unti a .ro#esses usin& t%e devi#e %ave terminated before .uttin&
t%e devi#e into t%e (CCIE/ state0
T%e remainin& states (CCIE/ and NCT EUAI,,E/ in Tabe >!>= #annot exist $it% any
o.erationa #om.onent0
A devi#e must be out of servi#e 4CCS5 before it #an be removed from an o.erationa
#abinet0 T%is is a#%ieved by use of t%e lockG6eice #ommand0 T%e unlockG6eice
#ommand is used to return t%e devi#e in servi#e 4INS50
If an o.erationa #abinet %as a#tive and standby 4redundant5 devi#es it is .ossibe to
s$a. t%eir fun#tionaity0 T%e swa)G6eice #ommand s$a.s t%e s.e#ified standby
devi#e $it% t%e s.e#ified a#tive devi#e0
Taking a 6eice
out o7 serice ,++S/
8oo$ t%ese ste.s to ta-e a devi#e out of servi#e0
S To ta-e a devi#e out of servi#e intrusivey1 invo-e t%e foo$in& #ommand at t%e
lockG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L
J6eiceGi62L J6eiceGi63L
WhereD JlocationL isD site id
J6eiceGnameL uni2ue devi#e
J6eiceGi61L first devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi62L se#ond devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi63 t%ird devi#e identifier
T%e system ta-es t%e devi#e out of servi#e0
(o#-in& a devi#e intrusivey .uts t%e devi#e CCS and ex#udes it from use
S To ta-e a devi#e out of servi#e nonintrusivey1 invo-e t%e foo$in& at t%e (MT:
shut6own JlocationL J6eiceL J6eiceGi6L J6eiceGi6L
J6eiceGi6L Jsecon6sL
WhereD JlocationL isD site id
J6eiceGnameL uni2ue devi#e
J6eiceGi61L first devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi62L se#ond devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi63 t%ird devi#e identifier
Jsecon6sL time imit on transition in
T%e system ets t%e devi#e #ontinue existin& #as1 but $i not use t%e devi#e for
any ne$ traffi#0 At t%e end of t%e timeout .eriod t%e system treats t%e #ommand
as a o#-0
T%e shut6ownG6eice #ommand usuay a..ies to /)IMs0
3nlocking a
To uno#- a o#-ed devi#e and .ut it INS1 enter t%e foo$in& at t%e (MT:
unlockG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L
J6eiceGi62L J6eiceGi63L
WhereD JlocationL isD site id
J6eiceGnameL uni2ue devi#e
J6eiceGi61L first devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi62L se#ond devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi63 t%ird devi#e identifier
T%e system .uts t%e devi#e into servi#e0
T%e unlockG6eice #ommand ony brin&s a o#-ed devi#e in servi#e from
a o#-ed state1 ao$in& t%e system to use t%e devi#e0 If t%e system finds
.robems $it% t%e devi#e durin& #onfi&uration1 %o$ever1 t%e devi#e $i
remain out of servi#e0
T%e system uses some devi#es of t%e same ty.e in a redundant .air0 Cne devi#e is
a#tive 4devi#e status of "ASNXAN(CCIE/5 and t%e ot%er devi#e is standby 4devi#e
status of ENA"(E/XAN(CCIE/50 If t%e a#tive devi#e fais1 t%e standby devi#e s$it#%es
to "ASNXAN(CCIE/ status0
8oo$ t%ese ste.s to determine t%e #urrent state of t%e a#tive and standby devi#es $%en
attem.tin& to s$a. devi#es0
:0 Enter t%e foo$in& #ommand at t%e (MT:
state JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62L
WhereD JlocationL isD site id
J6eiceGnameL uni2ue devi#e
J6eiceGi61L first devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi62L se#ond devi#e identifier
J6eiceGi63 t%ird devi#e identifier
T%e system dis.ays t%e status of t%e devi#e0
20 ) ste. : for any redundant devi#es0
>0 If one devi#e is "usy/Ano#-ed and t%e ot%er devi#e is ENA"(E/XAN(CCIE/1
enter t%e foo$in& #ommand at t%e (MT:
swa)G6eices JlocationL J#&T240 6eiceGnameL JST#N*B5
6eiceGnameL J#&T240 6eiceGi6sL JST#N*B5 6eiceGi6sL
WhereD JlocationL isD site id
uni2ue devi#e id of a#tive
uni2ue devi#e id of
standby devi#e
J#&T240 6eiceGi6sL first1 se#ond and t%ird
a#tive devi#e identifiers
JST#N*B5 6eiceGi6s first1 se#ond and t%ird
standby devi#e identifiers
T%e system s$a.s t%e devi#es0 No$ t%e devi#e t%at $as ENA"(E/XAN(CCIE/
$i be "ASNXAN(CCIE/0
=0 ) t%e state #ommand to verify t%at t%e devi#es %ave s$a..ed states0
/evi#es #an ony be s$a..ed $%en bot% devi#es are INS 4devi#e status of
T%e 6is)Gsite #ommand dis.ays t%e site1 "SC or "TS1 $it% $%i#% t%e o.erator is intera#tin&0
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 No
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites None
S>ntaC D6is)Gsite
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e #urrent site:
S>stem res)onse
Current site number is ?
T%e a66Gconn #ommand adds MMS #onne#tivity bet$een t%e )FC/) and t%e "SS0 Conne#tivity
may be added for a maximum of 2: MMSs at a "SC or )FC/) re&ardess of %o$ many )FC/)s or "SSs
are #onne#ted0
T%is #ommand ao$s t%e o.erator to s.e#ify t%e E:/T: #onne#tivity information identifyin& $%i#%
)FC/) is asso#iated $it% t%e E:/T: in- and t%e devi#e identity $it%in t%e )FC/) to $%i#% t%e E:/T:
in- is #onne#ted0 T%is #onne#tivity information must be s.e#iHed for ea#% E:/T: in- #onne#tin& to an
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tion5
Prere=uisites Enter t%is #ommand at t%e "SC or )FC/) ony0
S>ntaC Da66Gconn JlocalGmmsGi6G1L JlocalGmmsGi6G2L JnetworkGentit>Gi6L
2n)ut )arameters
8irst identiHer of t%e MMS at t%e o#a site0 T%e term [o#a siteB refers to t%e site $%ere t%e
#ommand is bein& entered0
Se#ond identiHer of t%e MMS at t%e o#a site0
T%e AFC/) or A"SS devi#e identiHer t%at re.resents t%e a#tua )FC/) or "SS $it% $%i#% t%is
MMS is #ommuni#atin&0
8irst identiHer of t%e MMS at t%e remote site0 T%e term [remote siteB refers to t%e site to $%i#% t%e
o#a site is bein& #onne#ted
Se#ond identiHer of t%e MMS at t%e remote site0
T%e a66Gconn #ommand #an be exe#uted from eit%er t%e "SC or )FC/)0 Tabe >!:6 s%o$s t%e
ran&es for severa in.ut .arameters de.endant on $%ere t%e #ommand is exe#uted0
Ta$le 3?10 a66Gconn vaid ran&es
0Cecution location
2n)ut )arameter
BS& !F&*!
localGmmsGi6G1 6 to 55 6 to :2>
localGmmsGi6G2 6 or : 6 or :
networkGentit>Gi6 : to 25= : to 25=
remoteGmmsGi6G1 6 to :2> 6 to 55
remoteGmmsGi6G2 6 or : 6 or :
T%is exam.e adds MMS #onne#tivity bet$een "SC MMS = : and )FC/) MMS ; 6 of )FC/) >1 $%i#%
is re.resented by e2ui..ed devi#e AFC/) >0
a66Gconn " 1 3 : 0
WhereD isD
= o#aXmmsXidX:
: o#aXmmsXidX2
> net$or-XentityXid
; remoteXmmsXidX:
6 remoteXmmsXidX2
S>stem res)onse
T%e 6is)Grt7Gchannel #ommand dis.ays t%e status of a timesots or a sin&e timesot on a
#arrier0 T%e dis.ay out.ut indi#ates $%et%er or not t%e )T8 is e2ui..ed for G,)S and EG,)S1
and if #a.abe of su..ortin& EG,)S
If eit%er AM) or GSM +af )ate #%anne mode is enabed at bot% t%e "SS eve and t%e Ce eve for a
&iven #e1 t%e "SS user interfa#e dis.ays &eneri# trafH# #%annes as TC+/G in t%e out.ut $%en t%e
6is)Grt7Gchannel #ommand is exe#uted for a %af rate )T8 in t%at #e0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
S>ntaC D6is)Grt7Gchannel JlocationL Jrt7Gi6G1L Jrt7Gi6G2L MJtimeslotGnum$erLN
2n)ut )arameter
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
T%e Hrst identiHer of t%e )T80 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to 50
T%e se#ond identiHer of t%e )T80 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to ::0
S.e#iHes t%e timesot number0 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to @0
W%en an Extended )an&e timesot number is dis.ayed1 t%e $ord [ExtendedB is a..ended to t%e
timesot number0
&arrier states
T%e #arrier states t%at #an be dis.ayed in#ude:
E ACTI'E ! t%e timesot is a#tive0
E I/(E ! t%e timesot is ide0
E INT)ANS ! t%e timesot is in transition:
O from a#tive to ide1 or
O from ide to a#tive1 or
O from unavaiabe to a#tive0
E CCS ! t%e timesot is out of servi#e0
K296@5L /ue to EG,)S ,/s on doube density CTA2 #arrier A1 t%e .aired timesots
on #arrier " $i be ban-ed out and dis.ayed as CCS0
E ANA'AI(A"(E 4+C,,ING5 ! t%e timesot is unavaiabe due to re#onH&uration0
E ANA'AI(A"(E 4I"AN/5 ! t%e timesot is unavaiabe due to a .oor interferen#e band 4Iband50
E ANA'AI(A"(E 4C,E)ATC)5 ! t%e o.erator %as sube2ui..ed an )T80
E ANA'AI(A"(E 4TE))EST)IA(5 ! t%e #arrier is unavaiabe due to a .robem $it% a
terrestria in-0
E N/A ! for a ,/TC+1 t%e timesot is not #onH&ured for G,)S0
T%e G,)S t%at #an be dis.ayed in#ude:
E SWITC+A"(E ! t%e G,)S timesot is s$it#%abe0
E )ESE)'E/ ! t%e G,)S timesot is reserved0
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e status of )T8 6 2 at Site : $%en bot% EG,)S and G,)S are restri#ted:
6is)Grt7Gchannel 1 0 2
WhereD isD
: o#ation
6 rtfXidX:
2 rtfXidX2
S>stem res)onse
Start of re.ort for )T8 6 2 at o#ation ::
6 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
: 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
2 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
> 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
= 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
5 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
? 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
@ 4TC+/85 6 ACTI'E
0Cam)le 2
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e status of )T8 6 6 at Site : $%en t%e )T8 is #onH&ured for EG,)S and is
assi&ned to a /)I #a.abe of su..ortin& EG,)S 4t%at is1 a sin&e density CTA25:
6is)Grt7Gchannel 1 0 0
WhereD isD
: o#ation
6 rtfXidX:
6 rtfXidX2
S>stem res)onse
Start of re.ort for )T8 6 6 at o#ation ::
,a#-et )adio Ca.abiities: ?=-
)T8 #urrenty #a.abe of su..ortin& EG,)SR: NES
6 4"CC+5 N/A 6 ACTI'E
: 4TC+/85 N/A 6 ACTI'E
2 4TC+/85 N/A 6 ACTI'E
> 4?=- ,/TC+5 S$it#%abe 6 N/A
= 4?=- ,/TC+5 )eserved 6 N/A
5 4?=- ,/TC+5 )eserved 6 N/A
? 4?=- ,/TC+5 )eserved 6 N/A
@ 4?=- ,/TC+5 )eserved 6 N/A
T%e 6is)GactGalarm #ommand dis.ays t%e a#tive C.erator Initiated Cear 4CIC5 aarms and
t%e a#tive 8aut Mana&ement Initiated Cear 48MIC5 aarms ony0 T%ose aarms t%at %ave been
desi&nated as Intermittent do not a..ear in t%e a#tive aarm ist0
Ea#% devi#e %as an a#tive aarm ist imit of 2660 If t%ere are more t%an 266 a#tive aarms on t%e
devi#e1 ony t%e Hrst 266 are dis.ayed and monitored0 T%is does not affe#t t%e number of aarms
dis.ayed after enterin& 6is)GactGalarm JlocationL0 T%e out.ut of t%is #ommand dis.ays
u. to 266 aarms for ea#% devi#e in t%e site0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
S>ntaC D6is)GactGalarm JlocationL MJ6eiceGnameL
J6eGi61LJ6eGi62L J6eGi63LN
6is)GactGalarm JlocationL
S.e#iHes t%e aarm o#ation:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
a S.e#iHes a sites0
/evi#e name t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e dis.ays a a#tive C.erator Initiated Cear1 and 8aut Mana&ement aarms for /)I :
6 6 at t%e "SC0 T%e #ommand does not s%o$ a a#tive aarms1 sin#e any un#eared intermittent
aarm $oud be #onsidered an a#tive aarm1 but it $oud not a..ear on any ist usin& t%e
6is)GactGalarm #ommand:
6is)GactGalarm $sc 6ri 1 0 0
WhereD isD
bs# o#ation
dri devi#eXname
: devXid:
6 devXid2
6 devXid>
S>stem res)onse
Site: "SC
Aarm Cear
/evi#e Code Ty.e Ta&4%ex5 /ate/Time /es#ri.tion
MMS 6 6 6 :2 N "it Error /aiy
4FC/)5 T%res%od Ex#eeded
/)I : 6 6 5 N M,+ Error: Counter
4/)IM5 Mismat#%:
/)I : 6 6 : N "ad +ost Messa&e
0Cam)le 2
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e out.ut $%en t%ere are no a#tive aarms at site 2:
6is)GactGalarm 2
WhereD isD
2 o#ation
S>stem res)onse
T%ere are no a#tive aarms at site 20
!elate6 in7ormation
T%e foo$in& res.onses may be re#eived $%en t%e 6is)GactGalarm #ommand is entered:
T%ere are no a#tive aarms at site Oo#ationP0
T%ere are no a#tive aarms on t%at devi#e0
An-no$n aarm devi#e
An-no$n aarm #ode
Error: Coud not retrieve aarm des#ri.tion
IN'A(I/ CE((
If t%e G,)S o.tion is unrestri#ted t%e res.onse is:
T%ere are no a#tive aarms at t%e ,CA0
T%e 6is)Grt7G)ath #ommand dis.ays a ,AT+ devi#es to $%i#% t%e )T8 is assi&ned1
t%e status of t%e )T8 on t%at ,AT+0 T%e status of t%e )T8 is s%o$n as Conne#ted or )edundant0
T%e system s%o$s $%et%er a site su..orts dynami# ao#ation0 T%e ,AT+ status in#udes t%e
desi&nation of S+A)E/ in addition to t%e CCNNECTE/ and )E/AN/ANT status0 A ,AT+s
$%i#% #oud be used to #arry t%e )T8 to t%e "SC are dis.ayed0 8or s.o-e and daisy #%ain
#onH&urations1 no redundant ,AT+s exist0
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is avaiabe ony on )T8 fun#tions t%at are
e2ui..ed on a remote "TS0
6is)Grt7G)ath JlocationL Jrt7Gi6G1L Jrt7Gi6G2L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e number of t%e "TS $%ere t%e )T8 is o#ated0 T%e ran&e of vaues is : to :260
S.e#iHes t%e :st )T8 identiHer0 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to 50
S.e#iHes t%e 2nd )T8 identiHer0 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to ::0
T%is exam.e dis.ays a t%e ,AT+ devi#es assi&ned to )T8 6 6 at "TS :2:
6is)Grt7G)ath 12 0 0
WhereD isD
:2 o#ation
6 rtfXidX:
6 rtfXidX2
S>stem res)onse
Start of )e.ort: End of )e.ort
SITE I/: :2
:st )T8 Identifier : 6
2nd )T8 Identifier : 6
,AT+ :2 6 6 Status : CCNNECTE/ "usy Ano#-ed
T%e 6is)G$ss #ommand dis.ays s.e#iH# status information for a sites in a "SS or a )emote
Trans#oder 4)FC/)5 site0 T%e "SS or )FC/) devi#e identiHer $%ere t%e #ommand is entered $i
be in#uded in t%e out.ut0
T%e status information s%o$s t%e foo$in&:
E Sites t%at are e2ui..ed and t%eir status0
E Number of se#tors1 or : if site is CMNI0
E GSM Ce I/s t%at are e2ui..ed for ea#% site0
E "road#ast Contro C%anne 4"CC+5 fre2uen#y for ea#% of t%e #es0
T%e fun#tiona Anit Status s%o$s t%e status of t%e "SC sites or of t%e asso#iated #es0 T%e .ossibe
vaues are:
E Criti#a ! indi#ates a oss of servi#e0
E MaGor ! indi#ates a oss of #a.a#ity0
E Minor ! indi#ates a oss of redundan#y0
E Cear ! indi#ates norma o.erations0
)ead t%e 8un#tiona Anit Status a#ross t%e dis.ay0 In t%e exam.e beo$1 Site 6 is in Criti#a status0
Ce =1 $%i#% is asso#iated $it% Site 6 is in Cear status1 and Ce 5 is in Criti#a status0
If t%e G,)S feature is unrestri#ted1 a ine #ontainin& G,)S information a..ears in t%e out.ut0 T%is
in#udes t%e ,CAs1 if any %ave been e2ui..ed1 and vaues of t%e )AC and "'CI asso#iated $it%
ea#% #e0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
S>ntaC D6is)G$ss
T%is exam.e s%o$s t%e format of a ty.i#a out.ut of t%e 6is)G$ss #ommand0
S>stem res)onse
C,E) STATES: /:/isabed E:Enabed ":"usy
A/MIN STATES: (:(o#-ed A:Ano#-ed E:E2ui..ed NE:Not E2ui..ed S:S%utdo$n
Status for "SS ::
!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!
6 "!A Servi#e
,CAX6 "!A Ca.a#ity
: /!A ANA'AI(A"(E
ANA'AI(A"(E 66: 6: : 4666:%5 : 4666:%5 6 N/A ,GSM 2?
ANA'AI(A"(E 66: 6: : 4666:%5 ? 4666?%5 : = ,GSM @5
2 "!A Ca.a#ity
Ca.a#ity 66: 6: : 4666:%5 > 4666:%5 2 = ,GSM >6
C(EA) 66: 6: : 4666:%5 9 4666?%5 5 = ,GSM >:
> /!A ANA'AI(A"(E
ANA'AI(A"(E 66: 6: : 4666:%5 >> 4666:%5 > = ,GSM :6
= /!A ANA'AI(A"(E
ANA'AI(A"(E 66: 6: : 4666:%5 :9 466:2%5 = N/A /CS:966 5@6
T%e 6is)GcalG6ata #ommand dis.ays t%e trans#eiver #aibration data stored on t%e trans#eiver
or in t%e "SC database on a .er /)I basis0
If t%e "SC and "TS are set for ,GSM o.eration1 :? vaues are dis.ayed0
If t%e system is set so t%at t%e 7re=uenc>Gt>)e .arameter is EGSM1 t%en a 22 vaues are
dis.ayed0 T%e Hrst six are for EGSM and t%e next :? are for ,GSM0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand is not avaiabe at an )FC/)0
S>ntaC D6is)GcalG6ata JlocationL 6ri J6eGi61L J6eGi62L MJ6eGi63LN
2n)ut )arameters
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
T%e /)I is t%e ony devi#e .ermitted for t%is #ommand0
T%e Hrst devi#e identiHer0
T%e se#ond devi#e identiHer0
T%e t%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is vaue defauts to 6 if no vaue is entered0
T%e foo$in& exam.e dis.ays t%e #aibration data for trans#eiver 5 > 6 at site 2::
6is)GcalG6ata 21 6ri % 3 0
WhereD isD
2: site
dri dri devi#e
5 Hrst devXid
> se#ond devXid
6 t%ird devXid
S>stem res)onse
/)I I/ 5 > 6
/ata read from trans#eiver
Store Caibration /ata: enabed
Caibration data 4A vaues in +ex5:
Transmit ,o$er Cffsets Q 6
)e#eiver System /ata:
Antenna Number : 2 > = 5 ?
f661 ::661 ::=d1 ::661 :6??1 :6??1
:6#d1 ::661 :6>>1 ::661 :6=d1 :6=d1
::661 ::661 :6>>1 ::661 :6>>1 :6>>1
:6e?1 ::661 :6>>1 ::661 :6:a1 :6:a1
:6#d1 :6#d1 :6661 :6#d1 :6661 :6661
:6b>1 :6b>1 :6661 :6b>1 f#d1 f#d1
:6#d1 :6#d1 f??1 :6#d1 fe?1 fe?1
:6>>1 :6#d1 f;a1 :6#d1 f#d1 f#d1
:6??1 :6#d1 f#d1 :6#d1 f#d1 f#d1
:6??1 :6#d1 f#d1 :6#d1 f;a1 f;a1
:6>>1 :6b>1 f;a1 :6b>1 f??1 f??1
:6??1 :6b>1 f#d1 :6b>1 f;a1 f;a1
:6??1 :6;a1 fb>1 :6;a1 f??1 f??1
#;a1 :6??1 db>1 :6??1 f961 f961
f;a1 :6??1 e#d1 :6??1 f>>1 f>>1
f;a1 :6661 e#d1 :6661 eb>1 eb>1
T%e 6is)GcellGstatus #ommand dis.ays information and #%anne #ounters of a sin&e GSM
#e or a GSM #es at a s.e#iH# site0
"e#ause of t%e dynami# #e mi&ration in #ase of faiure and re#overy1 a #e #an be ma..ed to
any e2ui..ed ,CA site0 T%e 6is)GcellGstatus #ommand in#udes t%e information on t%e #e
a#tive ,CA0
W%en t%e status of a sin&e #e is re2uested1 t%e cellGname is in#uded in t%e #ommand out.ut0
W%en t%e status of a t%e #es at a o#ation $it% more t%an t%ree #es is re2uested1 t%e information
on t%e Hrst t$o #es dis.ays1 t%en a .rom.t to #ontinue0 T%e cellGname is not in#uded $%en a
of t%e #es at a site are to be dis.ayed0
T%e system dis.ays an error messa&e if t%e "T8 is not in servi#e for any reason0
If bot% t%e GSM and AM) +af )ate modes are disabed eit%er at t%e "SS or Ce eve for a &iven
#e1 t%e "SS $%en &eneratin& t%e 6is)GcellGstatus #ommand1 re&ards:
E 8ree &eneri# trafH# timesots in t%at #e as free fu!rate trafH# #%annes0
E Anavaiabe &eneri# trafH# timesots in t%at #e as unavaiabe fu!rate trafH# #%annes0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
S>ntaC D 6is)GcellGstatus JcellG6escL6is)GcellGstatus JlocationL
2n)ut )arameters
T%e GSM Ce I/ of t%e #e to be dis.ayed1 .re#eded by cellGnum$erP.
T%e format for t%e GSM Ce I/ de.ends on:
E T%e system bein& used 4,GSM1 EGSM1 /CS:9661 ,CS:;66 or GSM9565
E W%et%er t%e seven .arameter GSM #e I/ format or t%e four .arameter GSM Ce I/
format %as been enabed0
T%e name of t%e #e #reated usin& t%e cellGname #ommand may be entered in .a#e of t%e
cellGnum$er0 W%en t%e #e name is entered1 it must be .a#ed inside doube 2uotation mar-s
and be .re#eded by cellGnameP0
T%is #ommand res.onds to t%e s%ortened in.ut .arameter cellP ao$in& entry of eit%er
t%e cellGnum$er or t%e cellGname $it%out furt%er deHnition0
S.e#iHes t%e eement o#ation:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
+ut)ut Hel6s
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e )outin& Area Code of t%e #e identiHer for G,)S #es50
E "arred ! A MS may not a##ess t%e #e0
E Anbarred ! A MS may a##ess t%e #e0
G,)S Status
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e status of a G,)S #e 4barred/unbarred5 and 4$%en unbarred5 $%et%er EG,)S
is avaiabe0
,/C+ Status
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e G,)S ,a#-et /ata trafH# #%anne status0
)eset In ,ro&ress
E Nes ! A reset is in .ro&ress0 T%e #e is barred $%ie a reset is in .ro&ress0
E No ! A reset is not in .ro&ress0
G,)S )eset in ,ro&
T%is Hed s%o$s $%et%er a ,CA is #urrenty under&oin& a )eset0
S,I in ,ro&ress
E Nes ! An S,I 4Si&nain& ,oint Ina##essibiity5 is in .ro&ress0 T%e #e is barred $%ie an
S,I is in .ro&ress0
E No ! An S,I is not in .ro&ress0
"SS "SSA, ,r%b
E Nes ! T%e "SS "SSA, 4"ase Station System A..i#ation ,art5 ,ro%ibited Sa& is set to
true0 T%e #e $i be barred $%ie t%e "SS "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is true0
E No ! T%e "SS "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is not set to true0
E NA ! Not a..i#abeW t%e vaue of t%is eement is not reevant to t%e status of t%e #e0
MSC "SSA, ,r%b
E Nes ! T%e MSC "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is set to true0 T%e #e is barred $%ie t%e MSC
"SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is true0
E No ! T%e MSC "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is not set to true0
E NA ! Not a..i#abeW t%e vaue of t%is eement is not reevant to t%e status of t%e #e0
S,I/MSC SCC, ,r%b
E Nes ! T%e S,I/MSC "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is set to true0 T%e #e is barred $%ie t%e
S,I/MSC "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is true0
E No ! T%e S,I/MSC "SSA, ,ro%ibited Sa& is not set to true0
E NA ! Not a..i#abeW t%e vaue of t%is eement is not reevant to t%e status of t%e #e0
A##C(ASS "ar
T%is Hed s.e#iHes t%e a##ess #ass4es5 of MSs t%at are barred from t%e #e0 T%e a##ess #ass is
.resented as a de#ima vaue1 se.arated by #ommas0 If t%e #e is barred or CCS1 t%is Hed $i
#ontain NA0 If t%e #e is unbarred1 t%is Hed #ontains None$%en a a##ess #asses %ave been unbarred0
G,)S A##Cass "ar
T%is Hed s%o$s any a##ess #ass barrin& of G,)S #es0
EG,)S C%an )e2
T%is Hed indi#ates if ::!bit EG,)S one!.%ase a##ess is su..orted in t%e #e0 E,C) is ony avaiabe
in t%e #e if t%e "CC+ )T8 is ma..ed to a CTA II radio0
8u ,o$er Mode
T%is Hed indi#ates if t%e #e is in t%e fu .o$er mode0
Ext )an&e Mode
T%is Hed s%o$s $%et%er t%e Extended )an&e 8eature is enabed 4on5 or disabed 4off50
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of Standaone /edi#ated Contro C%annes 4S/CC+5 in t%e #e1
t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Norm Cuter TC+/8: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of 8u )ate TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/85 in t%e outer 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
T%e ANA'( Hed in#udes timesots t%at are o#-ed or out of servi#e due to a faut
#ondition0 Any timesot $%i#% is unavaiabe due to bein& o#-ed or out of servi#e is
#ounted as an unavaiabe TC+ 4not S/CC+50 T%is does not in#ude entire #arriers $%i#%
are out of servi#e0
Norm Cuter TC+/8: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of 8u )ate TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/+5 in t%e outer 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Norm Inner TC+/8: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of 8u )ate TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/85 in t%e inner 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Ext Cuter TC+/8: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of 8u )ate TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/85 in t%e extended outer
#on#entri# #e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Norm Inner TC+/+: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of +af )ate TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/+5 in t%e inner 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Norm Cuter TC+/G: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of Generi# TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/G5 in t%e outer 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
Norm Inner TC+/G: 8)EEW INASEW ANA'(
T%ese Heds s.e#ify t%e number of Generi# TrafH# C%annes 4TC+/G5 in t%e inner 7one #on#entri#
#e t%at are #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
,/ C+ANNE(
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e G,)S ,a#-et /ata trafH# #%annes #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
EG,)S ,/ C+ANNE(
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e EG,)S ,a#-et /ata trafH# #%annes #urrenty free1 in use or unavaiabe0
)ES ,/C+ )e2uested
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e )ES ,/C+ re2uested0
SW ,/C+ )e2uested
T%is Hed s%o$s t%e SW ,/C+ re2uested0
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e status of Ce I/ 5 = > 2 : ?:;9? >=;== 4in de#ima and in seven .arameter
6is)GcellGstatus % " 3 2 1 '1:;' 3":""
WhereD isD
5 = > 2 : ?:;9? >=;== #eXnumber
T%e exam.e beo$ s%o$s t%e same #e number in four .arameter format:
6is)GcellGstatus %"3 21 '1:;' 3":""
WhereD isD
5=> 2: ?:;9? >=;== #eXnumber
S>stem res)onse
GSM CE(( I/ MCC 5=> MNC 2:
4de#5 ?:;9? >=;==
4%ex5 f222% 9996%
4name5 ondon!sout%
8re2uen#y Ty.e ,GSM
"CC+ 8re2uen#y :66
Status CCS
)eset in ,ro& No
S,I in ,ro& Nes
"SS "SSA, ,r%b Nes
MSC "SSA, ,r%b Nes
S,I/MSC SCC, ,r%b Nes
A##Cass "ar NA
8u ,o$er Mode C88
Extend )an&e Mode C88
!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!
S/CC+ 6 6 6
Norm Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6
Norm Inner TC+/8 6 6 6
Ext Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6
End of )e.ort0
0Cam)le 2
T%is exam.e identiHes t%e #e usin& t%e cellGname [ondon!sout%B:
6is)GcellGstatus cellGnamePQlon6on?southQ
WhereD isD
[MTN( MaroB #eXname
S>stem res)onse
GSM CE(( I/ MCC 5=> MNC 2:
4de#5 ?:;9? >=;==
4%ex5 f222% 9996%
4name5 ondon!sout%
Status "arred
)eset In ,ro& No
S,I in ,ro& Nes
"SS "SSA, ,r%b Nes
MSC "SSA, ,r%b No
S,I/MSC SCC, ,r%b No
A##C(ASS "ar NA
Ext )an&e Mode C88
!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!
S/CC+ 6 6 6
Norm Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6
Norm Inner TC+/8 6 6 6
Ext Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6
End of )e.ort
0Cam)le "
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e status of a "TS site:
6is)GcellGstatus 30
WhereD isD
>6 o#ation
S>stem res)onse
Start of re.ort for (CCATICN >6:
MCC 66: 66:
MNC 6: 6:
(AC :@ 466::%5 :@ 466::%5
CI >: 466:8%5 >> 4662:%5
,rimary 8re2 Ty.e EGSM EGSM
Se#ondary 8re2 Ty.e N/A N/A
"CC+ 8re2uen#y 5 ?=
Status Anbarred Anbarred
G,)S Status NA NA
,/C+ Status An-no$n An-no$n
)ES ,/C+ )e2uested NA NA
SW ,C/+ )e2uested NA NA
)eset in ,ro& No No
G,)S )eset in ,ro& NA NA
S,I in ,ro& No No
"SS "SSA, ,r%b NA NA
MSC "SSA, ,r%b NA NA
A##Cass "ar None None
G,)S A##Cass "ar NA NA
8u ,o$er Mode C88 C88
Ext )an&e Mode C88 C88
A#tive ,CA site NA NA
!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
S/CC+ 9 6 6 9 6 6
Norm Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6 6 6 6
Ext Cuter TC+/8 6 6 6 6 6 6
Norm Cuter TC+/+ 6 6 6 6 6 6
Norm Inner TC+/+ 6 6 6 6 6 6
Norm Cuter TC+/G := NA 6 ? NA 6
Norm Inner TC+/G 6 NA 6 6 NA 6
End of )e.ort0
T%e 6is)G)rocessor #ommand dis.ays t%e status of a .ro#essor boards at a s.e#iH# site or a
At InCe sites1 t%is #ommand aso dis.ays t%e reated devi#es and fun#tions asso#iated $it% t%e
.ro#essors0 If a G,)CC is not dete#ted on t%e (AN in InCe sites1 t%e +77 -#N vaue dis.ays0
At M!Ce and +ori7onmacro sites1 t%is #ommand dis.ays trans#eivers1 C,A numbers1 /)I I/s1
and asso#iated )T8s 4if any50 T%e )eated /evi#e and )eated 8un#tion #oumns are not a..i#abe
to M!Ce sites0 If a /)I is not dete#ted at t%e MCA ASIC1 t%e No S>nc vaue dis.ays0
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode or
durin& site initiai7ation0
6is)G)rocessor JlocationL
2n)ut )arameter
Indi#ates t%e number of t%e "TS or t%e "SC $%ere t%e .ro#essor4s5 are o#ated0
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
a A o#ations
In t%is exam.e1 t%e status of t%e G,)S ,CA .ro#essor boards are dis.ayed0
A sin&e /,)CC 4,IC,5 #onH&uration .rovides su..ort u. to 26 T)AA G/S in-s0
6is)G)rocessor )cuG0
WhereD isD
.#uX6 t%e Hrst e2ui..ed ,CA0
S>stem res)onse
MMI!)AM 6::5 !P .#uX6
NC: Not Conne#ted
C,AE ,ro#essor Name State )eason )eated )eated
C,E) STATES: /:/isabed E:Enabed ":"usy
A/MIN STATES: (:(o#-ed A:Ano#-ed E:E2ui..ed NE:Not E2ui..ed
/evi#e 8un#tion
!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
::6@ ,S, 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN N/A N/A
::6; ,S, : 6 4NC5 /!A "ad or Missin& "oard N/A N/A
::6: /,)CC 4,IC,5 : 6 "!A NC )EASCN MSI 6 6 N/A
G/S 6 6 N/A
GS( 6 6 N/A
GS( 2 6 N/A
GS( = 6 N/A
T%e 6is)Gtime #ommand dis.ays t%e #urrent rea time of t%e system0 T%e format of t%e rea
time is:
E /ay of t%e $ee-
E Mont%
E /ay of t%e mont%
E +our
E Minutes
E Se#onds
E Near
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
S>ntaC D 6is)Gtime
In t%is exam.e1 t%e system time is dis.ayed0
T%e 6is)Gtra77ic #ommand dis.ays a )S( and )T8s e2ui..ed to a .arti#uar ,AT+ at a
"TS or a GS(s e2ui..ed to a G/S at a ,CA0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%e G,)S feature must be unrestri#ted to dis.ay ,CA data0
S>ntaC D 6is)Gtra77ic JlocationL Juni=ueGP#THGi6enti7ierL
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e e2ui.ment o#ation:
.#u ,CA
: to :26 "TS
S.e#iHes t%e uni2ue ,AT+ to a .arti#uar "TS0 T%e ran&e of vaues is 6 to ::
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e )S( devi#es and )T8 fun#tions e2ui..ed on uni2ue ,AT+ > at site ::
6is)Gtra77ic 1 3
WhereD isD
: o#ation
> uni2ueX,AT+XidentiHer
S>stem res)onse
Start of )e.ort:
SITE I/: :
Ani2ue ,AT+ I/: >
)S( : 6 6
)T8 6 6 6
)T8 6 : 6
)T8 6 2 6
End of )e.ort
0Cam)le 2
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e ,CA data:
6is)Gtra77ic )cu 0
WhereD isD
.#u o#ation
6 uni2ueX,AT+XidentiHer
S>stem res)onse
Start of )e.ort:
Ani2ue G/S I/: 6
End of )e.ort
T%e 6is)Gersion #ommand dis.ays t%e version and revision numbers of t%e #urrent soft$are
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
S>ntaC D 6is)Gersion
To dis.ay t%e version and revision information:
S>stem res)onse
"S, Code 'ersion: 5060609
"S, /atabase (eve Number: >582
CS8, Code 'ersion: 5060609
CS8, /atabase (eve Number: >5E5
T%e 6is)Ge=ui)ment #ommand dis.ays t%e soft$are and %ard$are information of e2ui..ed
devi#es and fun#tions0 Information dis.ayed in#udes t%e .arameters entered for a s.e#iH# devi#e
or fun#tion usin& t%e e=ui) #ommand0
E2ui.ment #onH&urations ty.i#ay vary by o#ation1 t%erefore1 t%e devi#es and fun#tions avaiabe
for dis.ay $i vary from site to site0 T%is #ommand may be used to identify t%e site e2ui.ment
#onH&uration usin& o#ation as t%e ony #ommand ar&ument0
T%e fu o.tion .ermits %ard$are information to be dis.ayed in addition to t%e e2ui.ment
.arameters0 T%is %ard$are information in#udes t%e %ard$are version number 4%vn5 dis.ayed as a
numeri#a vaue0 A sin&e %vn may re.resent one or more -it numbers for a s.e#iH# .rinted #ir#uit
board0 T%e reations%i. of t%e %vn to t%e -it number is de.endent on t%e e2ui.ment #onH&uration0
In ater reeases1 a -it number $i be dis.ayed in .a#e of an %vn0 A -it number in#udes t%e #urrent
%ard$are and Hrm$are revisions of t%e .rinted #ir#uit board0 Iit numbers are in#remented in
res.onse to eit%er a %ard$are or Hrm$are #%an&e0 More t%an one Hrm$are version may exist for
any &iven %ard$are version of a .rinted #ir#uit board0
Iit numbers use t%e foo$in& format:
WhereD isD
S(N@:>> A uni2ue vaue identifyin& a s.e#iH# .rinted #ir#uit
" T%e %ard$are version of t%e .rinted #ir#uit board
re.resented as an a.%abeti#a vaue0
A T%e Hrm$are version of t%e .rinted #ir#uit board0
T%is #an t%en be foo$ed by furt%er information1 de.endent on t%e .arti#uar %ard$are and its
revision eve1 su#% as:
E 8 G + Ea#% etter #orres.onds to a mis#eaneous #%an&e made
to t%e .rinted #ir#uit board in t%e manufa#turin& .ro#ess
t%at did not re2uire ne$ %ard$are or Hrm$are0
)E' 6 T%is numeri#a vaue re.resents t%e #urrent revision eve
of t%e most re#ent #%an&e0
MEM 62>9 ! "IT E))C)
T%is is additiona des#ri.tive information reated to t%e
ast revision to t%e .rinted #ir#uit board0
S>ntaC D 6is)Ge=ui)ment JlocationL MJ6e.7unc nameL Ji61L MJi62LN MJi63LNN M7ullN
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e e2ui.ment o#ation:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
6e.7unc name
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e or fun#tion
8irst identiHer or t%e $id #ard #%ara#ter [DB0
Se#ond identiHer or t%e $id #ard #%ara#ter [DB0
T%ird identiHer or t%e $id #ard #%ara#ter [DB0
T%is is an o.tiona .arameter t%at may be used to dis.ay t%e %ard$are s.e#iH# information for a
devi#e in addition to t%e #onH&uration information entered $%en t%e devi#e is e2ui..ed0 W%en t%is
o.tion is used to dis.ay a of t%e e2ui.ment at a site1 t%e out.ut is a tabe $%i#% in#udes -it
and seria numbers0
T%e 7ull o.tion is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
0Cam)le 1
In t%e foo$in& exam.e1 a e2ui.ments at o#ation 6 are dis.ayed:
6is)Ge=ui)ment 0 7ull
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
fu fu o.tion
S>stem res)onse
/evi#e 8)A Iit Number Seria Number +'N
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
G,)CC 2 6 6 G,)CC2 Not A..i#abe Not A..i#abe =
G,)CC > 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
G,)CC : 6 6 G,)CC2 Not A..i#abe Not A..i#abe =
"S, 6 6 6 G,)CC2 Not A..i#abe Not A..i#abe =
CS8, 6 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
MSI 6 6 6 MSII Not A..i#abe Not A..i#abe =
MMS 6 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
MMS 6 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
MT( 6 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
)S( 2 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
)S( > 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
SITE > 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
SITE = 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
,AT+ : 6 6 Anavaiabe Anavaiabe Anavaiabe 255
"SS : 6 6 Not A..i#abe
(C8 : 6 6 Not A..i#abe
0Cam)le 2
In t%e foo$in& exam.e1 ony ISWF at o#ation 6 are dis.ayed:
6is)Ge=ui)ment 0 kswC R R R 7ull
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
-s$x devi#e/fun#tion name
D D D :st1 2nd1 and >rd identiHer $id #ards
fu fu o.tion
S>stem res)onse
Ty.e Ca&e Sot +'N
!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
ISWF 6 2: =9
0Cam)le 3
T%is exam.e s%o$s t%e vaues entered $%en )T8 6 : at o#ation 2 $as e2ui..ed:
6is)Ge=ui)ment 2 rt7 0 1
WhereD isD
2 o#ation
rtf devi#e/fun# name
6 8irst identiHer
: Se#ond identiHer
S>stem res)onse
Ca.a#ity of #arrier: 8A((
Ty.e of #arrier: NCNX"CC+
)T8 identifier: 6 :
T%e .rimary Ani2ue ,AT+ id is: 6
GSM #e to $%i#% t%is #arrier is assi&ned: 2?2 6: 5:6 2::
Carrier absoute radio fre20 #%anne: ?:
Carrier fre2uen#y indi#ators: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Carrier trainin& se2uen#e #odes: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
ISW .air t%at mana&es t%is #arrier: 6
Ce 7one: 6
Number of extended ran&e timesots ao$ed: 6
S/CC+ oad: 2
S/CC+ .a#ement .riority: 2
C%anne ao#ation .riority: 2
T%e maximum number of ,/C+s: =
T%e number of reserved ,/C+s: 2
>2-b.s G,)S T)AA ao$ed: yes
T%e 6is)G7lash #ommand dis.ays t%e version information of t%e #urrent Sas% EE,)CM oad0
Ase t%is #ommand to vie$ t%e soft$are version number1 EE,)CM #reation date1 #%e#-sum and si7e0
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites None
2n)ut )arameters
T%ere are no in.ut .arameters asso#iated $it% t%is #ommand0
T%e foo$in& exam.e s%o$s t%e version information of t%e Sas% EE,)CM:
S>stem res)onse
'ersion : :05060609
/ate : 6:/6=/;@ 2>:5:
C%e#-sum: 6x>/?;:A2
Si7e : 9>9@62 "ytes
WhereD isD
'ersion t%e version of t%e soft$are t%e system is #urrenty runnin&0
/ate t%e date and time t%e #urrent 8as% EE,)CM oad $as #reated0
T%e date is in date/mont%/year format0
C%e#-sum t%e #%e#-sum vaue of t%e #urrent 8as% EE,)CM oad0
Si7e t%e si7e of t%e #urrent EE,)CM oad1 measured in bytes0
T%e 6is)GgclkGags #ommand dis.ays t%e (on& Term Avera&e 4(TA5 vaues for a s.e#iH# GC(I0
T%e system reads t%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister of ea#% GC(I on#e every %af %our after
syn#%roni7ation if t%e GC(I is .%ase o#-ed0 A roin& avera&e for ea#% GC(I is #a#uated of u. to
=9 #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister readin&s0 T%is avera&e is t%e (TA0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand is not ao$ed for M!Ce sites0
S>ntaC D 6is)GgclkGags JlocationL JgclkGi6L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e GC(I0 'aues are:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
IdentiHer for GC(I0 'aues are 6 or :0
In t%is exam.e1 t%e (TA vaues for GC(I : at "SC 6 are dis.ayed:
6is)GgclkGags 0 1
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
: &#- id
S>stem res)onse
T%e GC(I : 6 6 8re2uen#y )e&ister vaues at Site 6 are:
96 96 96 96 98 98
(on& Term Avera&e Q 96
Sin#e t%e system reads t%e fre2uen#y every >6 minutes1 t%ese six re.resent > %ours0 T%e
Hrst vaue in t%e dis.ay is t%e odest0 ;0 is t%e vaue of a GC(I #aibrated to :?0>9= M+70
!elate6 in7ormation
An aarm $i be &enerated if 25^ or more of t%e stored #o#- fre2uen#y readin&s differ from t%e
#a#uated (TA by more t%an t%e vaue t%at is deHned by t%e taXaarmXran&e .arameter0
T%e 6is)GgclkGcal #ommand dis.ays t%e #ontents of t%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister $%en t%e
GC(I is in t%e .%ase!o#- mode0 T%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister &ives an indi#ation of t%e #aibration
status of t%e GC(I0
W%en t%e #ommand is entered t%e system dis.ays a vaue in %exade#ima H&ures0 A .erfe#ty
#aibrated #o#- dis.ays a readin& of 960 Any vaue above or beo$ 96 indi#ates t%e de&ree t%e
GC(I #aibration %as drifted0 As t%e GC(I a&es t%e vaue s%o$n in t%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister
$i drift to$ards t%e or o$er eve GC(I #aibration imits0 If t%e or o$er #aibration
t%res%ods are met or ex#eeded1 t%e system &enerates a re#aibration aarm0
Asin& t%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister vaue #an &ive a estimate of %o$ far t%e GC(I %as drifted from its
ori&ina #aibration and %o$ on& it $i be unti t%e GC(I re2uires re#aibration0 Sin#e ea#% GC(I
%as different a&in& #%ara#teristi#s1 t%is estimate is not exa#t0
E T%e eve of a GC(Is is E; 4%exade#ima50
E T%e o$er eve is >9 4%ex5 for revisions 6 t%rou&% 90
E T%e o$er eve is :a 4%ex5 for revision ;0
Ase t%e 6is)Ghar6wareGersion #ommand to vie$ t%e revision number0
T%is #ommand aso re.orts if t%e #o#- is not in .%ase o#-0
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M& (32?! No
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in t%e SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand is not ao$ed for M!Ce sites0
S>ntaC D 6is)GgclkGcal JlocationL JgclkGi6L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e GC(I:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
S.e#iHes t%e identity of t%e GC(I0 'aues are 6 or :0
0Cam)le 1
In t%is exam.e1 GC(I 6 at "SC 6 is not in .%ase o#- mode:
6is)GgclkGcal 0 0
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
6 &#-Xid
S>stem res)onse
GC(I 6 6 6 not in .%ase o#-
0Cam)le 2
In t%is exam.e1 GC(I 6 at "SC 6 is in .%ase o#- mode:
6is)GgclkGcal 0 0
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
6 &#-Xid
S>stem res)onse
GC(I 6 Co#- fre2uen#y re&ister vaue Q ;;
!elate6 in7ormation
T%e system reads t%e #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister of ea#% GC(I on#e every %af %our after
syn#%roni7ation after t%e GC(I %as .%aseXo#-ed0 A roin& avera&e for ea#% GC(I is #a#uated of
u. to =9 #o#- fre2uen#y re&ister readin&s0 T%is avera&e is t%e (on& Term Avera&e 4(TA50
An aarm &enerates if 25^ or more of t%e stored #o#- fre2uen#y readin&s differ from t%e #a#uated
(TA by more t%an t%e vaue t%at is deHned by t%e ltaGalarmGrange .arameter0
T%e 6is)Gleel #ommand dis.ays t%e #urrent se#urity eve0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites None
S>ntaC D 6is)Gleel
T%is exam.e dis.ays t%e out.ut of t%e 6is)Gleel #ommand:
S>stem res)onse
Current se#urity eve is :
T%e 6is)Glink #ommand dis.ays )FC/)1 CM(1 MT(1 and C"( in-s bet$een t$o sites0 T%e
sites are t%e "SC5 and eit%er t%e MSC1 t%e CMC1 or t%e Ce "road#ast Centre1 $%en an )FC/) is
bein& used0
Securit> leel :
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is ony avaiabe on an )FC/)0
S>ntaC D 6is)Glink
In t%is exam.e1 t%e )FC/) CM( and )FC/) MT( in-s bet$een t%e "SC and t%e MSC are
S>stem res)onse
T%e CE,T naied #onne#tions are as foo$s:!
In#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: :? Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: :?
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: :@ Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: :@
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: :9 Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: :9
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: :; Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: :;
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 26 Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 26
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 2: Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 2:
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 22 Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 22
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 2> Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 2>
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 2= Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 2=
in#omin& mms id: 6 6 Timesot: 25 Cut&oin& MMS Id : 6 Timesot: 25
8inis%ed dis.ayin& a naied #onne#tions
T%e e=ui) #ommand adds devi#es and fun#tions to t%e 8aut Mana&ement .ortion of t%e CM
database0 Sin#e ea#% devi#e and fun#tion %as s.e#iH# .arameters1 t%ere is a #orres.ondin& set
of .rom.ts0 Ea#% devi#e and fun#tion aso %as s.e#iH# restri#tions for e2ui.a&e0 /etais of t%e
#ommand .rom.ts and restri#tions for t%e devi#es and fun#tions are .rovided in
&ha)ter 29 0=ui))ing the &M 6ata$ase $%i#% aso in#udes #%arts s%o$in& e2ui.a&e %ierar#%y0
Some devi#es and fun#tions re2uire t%e system to be in t%e SNSGEN CN mode0 To enter t%is mode1
enter t%e s>sgenGmo6e on #ommand0 To exit t%is mode1 use t%e s>sgenGmo6e o77 #ommand0
Some devi#es re2uire t%e site to be o#-ed0 To o#- t%e site1 enter t%e lock #ommand0 To uno#-
t%e site1 enter t%e unlock #ommand0
If a devi#e or fun#tion .arameter is o.tiona1 t%ere is no need to enter data1 sim.y .ress t%e
ENTE) -ey at t%e .rom.t0
T%e e=ui) #ommand #an be exited at any time by enterin& 6one in res.onse to any .rom.t0
T%e e=ui) #ommand #an be entered ony at t%e "SC0 T%is #ommand does not $or- at a
"TS site0 Conta#t t%e CMC!) for %e. in settin& u. a "TS site0
T%e gclkGcalGmo6e #ommand s.e#iHes t%e syn#%roni7ation fun#tion and MCA 4Main Contro
Anit5 soft$are t%at a #aibration is to be .erformed0
A .rom.t dis.ays des#ribin& t%e resuts of enterin& t%e #ommand0 T%e .rom.t must be
a#-no$ed&ed $it% a > 4yes5 to be&in t%e #aibration0
No #a .ro#essin& #an o##ur invovin& t%is MCA durin& t%e #aibration mode0
T%e MCA resets $%en t%e #aibration is #om.ete0
Securit> leel 2
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%en in t%e SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand #an be exe#uted ony at M!Ce sites0
S>ntaC DgclkGcalGmo6e
In t%is exam.e1 t%e GC(I #aibration at t%e o#a site is started:
S>stem res)onse
Site Oo#a site numberP startin& GC(I CA(I")ATICN MC/E0
sin&e MCA site1 t%e site $i be do$n unti #aibration is #om.ete0
If t%is is a t$o MCA site1 t%e site $i be do$n unti t%e redundant
MCA ta-es over0
If t%is a Are you sure 4yQyes1nQno5R>
T%e insG6eice #ommand brin&s a devi#e into servi#e by o#-in& and t%en uno#-in& t%e devi#e0
T%e foo$in& devi#es are su..orted:
A"SS AFC/) "S, "T, CA" C"( CIC CCM" CS8, /+, /)I EAS GC(I G,)CC ISW
If t%e insG6eice #ommand is a..ied to an a#tive GC(I1 and t%e standby GC(I is .%ase o#-in&1
t%e system dis.ays an additiona $arnin& messa&e0
T%e foo$in& G,)S devi#es are su..orted if t%e G,)S feature is unrestri#ted:
/,)CC G"( GS( ,CA ,S,
If t%e insG6eice #ommand is a..ied to an a#tive ,S,1 t%e #ommand is reGe#ted0 Cny a standby
,S, #an be brou&%t into servi#e usin& t%is #ommand0
T%e foo$in& devi#e may be brou&%t into servi#e at a ,CA usin& t%is #ommand:
A %ard reset exe#utes $%en t%is #ommand is entered for t%e foo$in& devi#es:
"S, "T, /+, G,)CC
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand may be entered $%et%er t%e devi#e is o#-ed
or uno#-ed0
+)erator actions )es.ond to t%e veriH#ation re2uest .rom.t for an
A"SS1 AFC/)1 "S,1 "T,1 /+,1 G,)CC or )S(0
)es.ond to t%e veriH#ation re2uest .rom.t for an MSI or
MMS e2ui..ed $it% an CM(0
(eneral s>ntaC D insG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
8irst devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
Se#ond devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
T%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e brin&s a MSI into servi#e $it% I/ : 6 at t%e "SC:
insG6eice $sc msi 1 0 0
WhereD isD
bs# o#ation
msi devi#eXname
: devi#eXid:
6 devi#eXid2
6 devi#eXid>
S>stem res)onse
T%e lockG6eice #ommand o#-s a s.e#iHed devi#e0
Securit> leel 2
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0 T%is
#ommand is ony vaid $%en t%e devi#e is in t%e AN(CCIE/
(eneral s>ntaC D lockG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
T%e o#ation must be $sc or 0 $%en s.e#ifyin& t%e devi#e SITE0 A ,CA or a ,CA devi#e 4for
exam.e1 MSI5 #an aso be o#-ed as a o#ation0
/evi#e name t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
T%e foo$in& devi#es #an be o#-ed usin& t%is #ommand:
A"SS AFC/) "S, "T, CA" C"( CIC CCM" CS8, /+, /)I /,)CC EAS G"( GC(I G/S
T%e shut6ownG6eice #ommand is avaiabe for non!intrusive o#-in& of CIC1 /)I1 M,)T and
MT( devi#es0
If an MMS at an )FC/) is o#-ed it $i not o#- any CM(s or MT(s t%at are #arried on its
asso#iated 2 Mbit/s in-0 Any trafH# #ir#uits #arried on t%is 2 Mbit/s in- $i be bo#-ed1 %o$ever0
T%is .revents any inadvertenty o#-in& devi#es at t%e )FC/)1 $%ere t%eir existen#e on a 2 Mbit/s
in- is not visibe0
If o#-in& t%e MT( or CM( is ne#essary1 t%ey s%oud be addressed as individua devi#es0
Enterin& t%e lockG6eice #ommand $%ere t%e MSI or MMS #arries an CM( $i #ause t%e system
to dis.ay a veriH#ation re2uest before a#tuay o#-in& t%e devi#e0
(o#-in& t%e in- bet$een an )FC/) and t%e "SC MMS ma-es t%e asso#iated F"( &o out of servi#e
4CCS50 T%is means t%at F"( $i not bo#- t%e #ir#uits0
W%en o#-in& an A"SS or AFC/)1 t%e system .resents a $arnin& .rom.t and a veriH#ation .rom.t0
If F"(s are e2ui..ed on t%e Hrst and se#ond in-s1 and t%e F"( on t%e Hrst in- is o#-ed1 t%e F"(
on t%e Hrst in- $i &o CCSW t%e F"( on t%e se#ond in- $i bo#- t%e #ir#uits0
If t%e lockG6eice #ommand is a..ied to an a#tive GC(I1 and t%e standby GC(I is .%ase
o#-in&1 t%e system dis.ays an additiona $arnin& messa&e0
T%is #ommand is reGe#ted for a ISW if no standby ISW is avaiabe0 W%en a ISW is o#-ed1 a #as
#urrenty on t%e ISW are ost0 Norma #a .ro#essin& resumes $%en t%e ISW is uno#-ed0
8or remote trans#odin& "SC sites1 CICs may not be o#-ed on a .er!MMS basis $%en t%e "SC
is o.eratin& in t%e dynami# ao#ation mode0
T%e lockG6eice #ommand su..orts t%e o#-in& of extension #abinets ony of ty.e TCAX21
TCAX?1 and +C)ITCNMAC)CXEFT0 /)Is and EASs e2ui..ed to t%e #abinet are disabed0 No
ot%er #abinet are su..orted0
A %ard reset exe#utes $%en t%is #ommand is entered for t%e foo$in& devi#es:
"S, /+,
"T, G,)CC
8irst devi#e identiHer0 T%is vaue varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
Se#ond devi#e identiHer0 T%is vaue varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
T%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is vaue varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
0Cam)le 1
T%is exam.e o#-s an MSI $it% I/ : at t%e "SC from furt%er use:
lockG6eice $sc msi 1 0 0
WhereD isD
bs# o#ation
msi devi#eXname
: devi#eXid:
6 devi#eXid2
6 devi#eXid>
S>stem res)onse
T%e resetG6eice #ommand brin&s a devi#e into servi#e by o#-in& t%en uno#-in& t%e devi#e0
Additionay1 a %ard reset is .erformed if t%e devi#e su..orts a %ard reset0
T%e foo$in& devi#es su..ort soft resets:
CM( ,AT+ ,CA )S( SITE F"(
T%e resetG6eice #ommand su..orts t%e resettin& of extension #abinets of ty.e
TCAX21 TCAX?1 and +C)ITCNMAC)CXEFT0 No ot%er extension #abinet are
T%e foo$in& devi#es su..ort %ard resets:
"S, "T, /+, /)I G,)CC ISW MSI
W%en a ISW is reset1 a #as #urrenty in .ro&ress $i be dro..ed0 Norma #a
.ro#essin& $i resume $%en t%e ISW is brou&%t ba#- into servi#e0
W%en t%is #ommand is entered $%ere an MSI or MMS %as an CM(1 a $arnin& and a veriH#ation
re2uest is .resented0
W%en t%is #ommand is entered for an A"SS or AFC/)1 a $arnin& and a veriH#ation re2uest is
If t%e resetG6eice #ommand is a..ied to an a#tive GC(I1 and t%e standby GC(I is .%ase
o#-in&1 t%e system $i dis.ay an additiona $arnin& messa&e0
T%e system aso dis.ays a $arnin& messa&e if t%e resetG6eice #ommand is a..ied to t%e GC(I0
T%is a#tion s$a.s t%e GC(Is1 and #an #ause aarms on ot%er devi#es0 If t%e resetGsite #ommand
is attem.ted $%ie t%e system is initiai7in&1 t%e system dis.ays a CCMMAN/ )EZECTE/: System
sti initiai7in& messa&
8or remote trans#odin& "SC sites1 CICs may not be reset on a .er!MMS basis $%en t%e "SC is
o.eratin& in t%e dynami# ao#ation mode0
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand may be invo-ed $%et%er t%e devi#e is o#-ed
or uno#-ed0
+)erator actions )es.ond to t%e veriH#ation .rom.t t%at is .resented if t%is
#ommand is used to reset an MSI or MMS $it% an CM(0
(eneral s>ntaC D resetG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e to %ave a %ard reset .erformed or to&&ed to t%e o#-ed state:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
8irst devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
Se#ond devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
T%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
In t%is exam.e1 t%e MSI devi#e is o#-ed before t%e #ommand is invo-ed0 W%en t%e resetG6eice
#ommand is invo-ed1 a %ard reset of an MSI devi#e $it% I/Q: at t%e "SC is .erformed0
resetG6eice $sc MS2 1
WhereD isD
bs# o#ation
MSI devi#eXname
: devXid
S>stem res)onse
0Cam)le 2
In t%is exam.e1 t%e GC(I is bein& reset0 T%is exam.e s%o$s t%e $arnin& messa&e and t%e .rom.t
t%e system dis.ays $%enever t%e GC(I is reset0
resetG6eice 0 gclk 0
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
&#- devi#eXname
6 devXid
S>stem !es)onse
T%is #ommand $i #ause a s$a. of t%e GC(Is0
T%is may #ause aarms on ot%er devi#es0
Are you sure 4yQyes1nQno5R >
T%e resetGsite #ommand see#tivey reboots avaiabe sites $it%out ro&in0 Ty.i#a s#enarios
for see#tive rebootin& in#ude t%e foo$in&:
E A sites in#udin& "SC0
E A sites ex#udin& "SC0
E Muti.e sites0
E Sin&e site0
T%e allGsites1 allG$ts1 and ist of site o.tions are ony ao$ed at t%e "SC
and outside SNSGEN CN mode0
If a site ot%er t%an t%e "SC is reset1 t%e termina bein& used to enter t%e #ommand must be atta#%ed
to t%at site G,)CC to vie$ t%e out.uts &enerated durin& a reset0 T%e reset o##urs even if t%e
termina is not #onne#ted to t%e affe#ted site0
&omman6s must $e entere6 within 10 minutes a7ter the MM2?!#M ?L )rom)t
6is)la>s. 27 a comman6 is not entere69 the s>stem resets.
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites None
+)erator actions ,a#e t%e system in t%e SNSGEN CN
mode before enterin& t%is #ommand0
Note t%at t%e system does not .ermit resettin&
allGsites1 allG$ts1 or a ist of site o.tions in SNSGEN CN
S>ntaC D resetGsite MJlocationLN
2n)ut )arameter
S.e#iHes t%e site4s5 to be reset0 'aid vaues are:
aXsites a sites in#udin& "SC
aXbts a sites ex#udin& "SC
bs# "SC 4site 65
bs#1 : to :66 "SC and muti.e sites 4: to :6650
T%e bs# strin& must be entered as t%e Hrst item in a
ist of sites0 If bs# is in#uded but is not t%e Hrst item1 t%e #ommand
is reGe#ted0
: to :26 "TS
.#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA 4Note t%at .#u or ,CA entered $it%out a number $i resut
in a syntax error05
W%en in SNSGEN CN mode1 ony t%e o#a site is reset0
T%e #ommand is reGe#ted if 6 is entered for a "SC0
4eriHcation messages
Cne of t%e foo$in& veriH#ation messa&es issues .rior to exe#ution0 T%e s.e#iH# messa&e de.ends
on t%e vaue of t%e location .arameter0
WA)NING: Command $i )E"CCT t%e entire "SS0 Are you sure 4yQyes1 nQno5R
WA)NING: Command $i )E"CCT a "TS sites0 Are you sure 4yQyes1 nQno5R
WA)NING: Command $i )E"CCT t%e foo$in& site4s5::9 2: 2=
Are you sure 4yQyes1 nQno5R
WA)NING: Command $i )E"CCT site 6 4"SC or )FC/)5
Are you sure 4yQyes1 nQno5R
In t%is exam.e1 a sin&e site is reset:
resetGsite 2
WhereD isD
2 o#ation
S>stem res)onse
WA)NING: Command $i )E"CCT t%e foo$in& site4s5: 2
Are you sure 4yQyes1 nQno5R >
CCMMAN/ ACCE,TE/: WA)NING )E"CCT SITE: site 2 $i reboot no$__
T%e shut6ownG6eice #ommand non!intrusivey o#-s a s.e#iH# devi#e from furt%er use0
T%e foo$in& devi#es #an be s%ut do$n $it% t%is #ommand:
CIC /)I M,)T MT(
T%e effe#t of t%is #ommand is different for ea#% ty.e of s.e#iHed devi#e:
E 8or /)Is1 t%e devi#e is o#-ed $%en t%e s.e#iHed time ex.ires0
If t%ere are no a#tive #as on t%e /)I1 t%e shut6ownG6eice #ommand o#-s t%e
/)I immediatey0
If t%ere are a#tive #as1 no ne$ #as are ao$ed on t%e /)I1 but no #as are %anded
off unti t%e s%utdo$n timer ex.ires0 At t%is time1 t%e resour#e is freed1 and #as are
for#ed to move to anot%er #arrier in t%e same #e ony0 If t%ere are no free #arriers
in t%e #e1 t%e #a is dro..ed0
E 8or MT(s1 t%e time .arameter is i&nored and t%e devi#e is o#-ed immediatey0
E 8or remote trans#odin& "SC sites1 CICs may not be s%utdo$n on a .er!MMS basis
$%en t%e "SC is o.eratin& in t%e dynami# ao#ation mode0
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand is ony vaid $%en t%e devi#e is in t%e
AN(CCIE/ state0 T%is #ommand %as no effe#t on an aready
o#-ed devi#e0
+)erator actions Ano#- t%e devi#e to be s%utdo$n before enterin& t%is
(eneral s>ntaC D shut6ownG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62L
J6eiceGi63LJsecon6sL Mwait Jsecon6sLN
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
8irst devi#e identiHer0 T%is .arameter is devi#e de.endent0
Se#ond devi#e identiHer0 T%is .arameter is devi#e de.endent0
T%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is .arameter is devi#e de.endent0
T%e time imit on t%e transition in se#onds0 T%is .arameter is devi#e de.endent0 T%e maximum time
imit #annot ex#eed ;66 se#onds 4:5 minutes50
T%e .eriod t%e system s%oud $ait before bo#-in& a busy devi#e0
T%e wait .arameter is o.tiona for a devi#es ex#e.t t%e CIC0 It is re2uired for t%e CIC
0Cam)le T%e foo$in& exam.e o#-s a /)I $it% t%e I/s : 2 at site > $it% a time imit of 26 se#onds:
shut6ownG6eice 3 6ri 1 2 0 20
WhereD isD
> o#ation
dri devi#eXname
: devi#eXid:
2 devi#eXid2
6 devi#eXid>
26 se#onds
S>stem res)onse
T%e state #ommand dis.ays t%e #urrent status of devi#es or fun#tions in t%e system1 in#udin&
$%en it ast #%an&ed states0 T%e en&t% of time a devi#e %as been in its #urrent state is aso dis.ayed0
T%e state #ommand #an dis.ay s.e#iH# devi#es or fun#tions at one or a of t%e o#ations in t%e
system based on o.eratin& states and identiHers0 It #an aso dis.ay a of t%e devi#es at a of t%e
o#ations in t%e system by enterin& t%e state all or state all all #ommand0
T%e state #ommand does not dis.ay t%e IAS devi#e0
T%e foo$in& devi#es #an be investi&ated $it% t%is #ommand:
A"SS AFC/) "S, "T, CA" CAGE C"( CE(( C"AS CIC CCM" CS8, /+,
)S( S"AS SITE T"AS T/M F"( )FC/)
T%e foo$in& G,)S ony devi#es #an be investi&ated $it% t%is #ommand if t%e G,)S feature
is unrestri#ted:
/,)CC G"( G/S
GS( ,CA ,S,
Securit> leel :
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e A 4no o.erator a#tions5
Prere=uisites Not avaiabe on an )FC/)0
T%is #ommand is not avaiabe $%ie in
S>ntaC D state JlocationL MJ7ilterLN MJ6e.7uncGnameL J6e.7unc i6L J6e.7unc i6L
J6e.7unc i6LN MJo)tion1LN Mo)tion2N
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
a S.e#iHes a sites
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
C.tiona text strin& used to see#t devi#es or fun#tions in a s.e#iH# state0 'aid vaues are:
busy enabed!uno#-ed
ins o#-ed
oos uno#-ed
8or a CIC or ran&e of CICs1 7ilter is not avaiabe0
6e.7unc name
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e or fun#tion0 all maybe entered to s.e#ify a devi#es and
fun#tions0 In a G,)S system1 R is used instead of all0
6e.7unc i6
8irst devi#e/fun#tion identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e or fun#tion0 T%is vaue is not
vaid $%en all is s.e#iHed for t%e dev/fun# ar&ument0
6e.7unc i6
Se#ond devi#e/fun#tion identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e or fun#tion0 T%is vaue is
not vaid $%en all is s.e#iHed for t%e dev/fun# ar&ument0
6e.7unc i6
T%ird devi#e/fun#tion identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e or fun#tion0 T%is vaue is
not vaid $%en all is s.e#iHed for t%e dev/fun# ar&ument0
o)tion1 o)tion2
T%e o.tion .arameter dis.ays t%e #onH&uration ta&4s5 and t%e devi#e for t%e s.e#iHed
devi#e4s5 or fun#tion4s50
T%ere are t$o o.tions:
E Enter tags to dis.ay t%e #onH&uration ta&s0 ConH&uration ta&s are des#ribed in
Operating Information: GSM System Operation (68P02901W140
E Enter su$t>)es to dis.ay t%e devi#e subty.es0
T%e #%ara#ter strin& for t%e o.tion may be entered in u..er1 o$er1 or mixed #ase etters0 If bot%
.arameters are entered to&et%er1 se.arate t%em $it% a s.a#e0
W%en t%e tags o.tion is entered and muti.e devi#es or fun#tions are s.e#iHed1 t%e dis.ayed
)eated 8un#tion or )eated /evi#e #oumn is re.a#ed $it% t%e ConH& Ta& 4%ex5 #oumn0
0Cam)le 1
In t%is exam.e1 t%e status of t%e CA" devi#e is dis.ayed:
state A ca$ 0
WhereD isD
@ o#ation
#ab dev/fun# name
6 dev/fun# I/
S>stem res)onse
/evi#e: CA" 6 6 6
Administration state: AN(CCIE/
C.erationa State: "ASN
)eason #ode: NC )EASCN
Time of ast transition: 8ri A.r 9 66:6::>; :;;=
)eated /evi#e/8un#tion: None
0Cam)le 2
In t%is exam.e1 t%e status of a devi#es and fun#tions at o#ation @ are dis.ayed:
state A
WhereD isD
@ o#ation
S>stem res)onse
C,E) STATES: /:/isabed E:Enabed ":"usy
A/MIN STATES: (:(o#-ed A:Ano#-ed E:E2ui..ed S:S%utdo$n
(ast Transition )eated
/evi#e State )eason dd/mm %%:mm:ss 8un#tion
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
CS8, 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: :6:>?:5@ None
"T, 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:62:>: None
/)I 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:6>:55 )T8 6 6 6
MSI : 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:62:=; None
MMS : 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:6?:>6 None
)S( 6 6 6 /!A )AM (INI :?/6: 69:=?:52 None
T"AS 6 6 6 /!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:62:56 None
CAGE 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:62:2: None
CA" 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:62:2> None
SITE 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:6=:5: None
,AT+ 6 6 6 /!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:=?:5: None
,AT+ 6 6 6 "!A NC )EASCN :=/6: 69:55::9 None
C,E) STATES: E:Enabed ":"usy A/MIN STATES: E:E2ui..ed
(ast Transition )eated
8un#tion State )eason dd/mm %%:mm:ss /evi#e
!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
)T8 6 6 6 "!E None :=/6: 69:6>:=> G,)CC 6 6 6
0Cam)le 3
In t%is exam.e1 t%e status information for a sin&e MSI1 in#udin& devi#e and #onH&uration
ta&s are dis.ayed:
state 0 msi 3 su$t>)es tags
WhereD isD
6 o#ation
msi dev/fun# name
> dev/fun# I/ o.tion:
ta&s o.tion2
S>stem res)onse
/evi#e: MSI > 6 6 4MSI5
Administration state: (CCIE/
C.erationa state: ENA"(E/
)eason #ode: NC )EASCN
time of ast transition: SAT ZAN 5 :2:55::9 :;96
)eated /evi#e/8un#tion: None
Confi& Ta& 4%ex5: 6666666?
0Cam)le A
In t%is exam.e1 t%e status information for an MMS at site 2 is dis.ayedW t%ere is a faied +/S(
state 2 mms R R R
WhereD isD
2 o#ation
mms dev/fun# name
D $id#ard #%ara#ter for dev/fun# I/
D o.tion:
D o.tion2
S>stem res)onse
C,E) STATES: /:/isabed E:Enabed ":"usy
A/MIN STATES: (:(o#-ed A:Ano#-ed E:E2ui..ed S:S%utdo$n
(ast Transition )eated
/evi#e State )eason dd/mm %%:mm:ss 8un#tion
!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
MMS 6 6 6 /!A +/S( Modem bad or missin& :>/6: :@::9:6> None
MMS 6 : 6 "!A No )eason :>/6: :@::9:6> None
T%e un=ui) #ommand deetes a devi#e or fun#tion from t%e 8M .ortion of t%e CM database0
T%e un=ui) #ommand is reGe#ted if any #%id de.enden#ies exist for t%e s.e#iHed devi#e or fun#tion0
Aso t%e #ommand is reGe#ted for an )T8 or SITE if any Tra#e #riteria exists $it% s#o.e as t%e
s.e#iHed )T8 or SITE0
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites T%e une=ui) #ommand is ony ao$ed
for a o#-ed devi#e or fun#tion0
No #%id de.enden#ies may exist for t%e
s.e#iHed devi#e or fun#tion to be une2ui..ed0 If a de.enden#y
is dete#ted1 t%e un=ui) #ommand $i be reGe#ted0
See S5S(0N states beo$ for furt%er information0
K22=6@L A Tra#e Criteria $it% s#o.e as t%e s.e#iHed )T8
or SITE must be deeted before an )T8 or SITE #an be
+)erator actions (o#- t%e devi#e or fun#tion to be une2ui..ed0
,a#e t%e system in t%e SNSGEN CN mode if an C"(1 MT(1
CM81 or CM( is to be une2ui..ed usin& t%is #ommand0
Enter t%is #ommand at t%e "SC ony0 T%is #ommand does not $or- at a "TS site0 Conta#t
t%e CMC!) for %e.0
S5S(0N states
,a#e t%e system in t%e SNSGEN CN mode usin& t%e s>sgenGmo6e on #ommand0 To eave t%e
SNSGEN CN mode1 use t%e s>sgenGmo6e o77 #ommand0
S>ntaC D une=ui) JlocationL J6e.7uncGnameL Ji61L Ji62L Ji63L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e or fun#tion:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
T%e foo$in& devi#es and fun#tions may be entered:
AFC/) CS8, G/S CM( A"SS /+, G,)CC ,AT+
"S, /,)CC GS( ,CA "T, /)I ISW )S( CA" /NNET (C8 )T8
T%e une=ui) #ommand su..orts t%e of extension #abinets of ty.e TCAX21
TCAX?1 +C)ITCNMAC)CXEFT1 and +ori7on II macro .rovided t%e #abinet is o#-ed
and no /)Is or EASs are e2ui..ed to t%e #abinet0 No ot%er #abinet are su..orted0
T%e foo$in& G,)S devi#es #an be used $it% t%is #ommand:
/,)CC G/S ,CA
G"( GS(
T%e ,CA o#ation must be s.e#iHed $%en t%e G,)S devi#es1 ex#e.t for t%e
,CA itsef0 To une2ui. t%e ,CA1 s.e#ify t%e "SC for t%e o#ation0 C%id de.enden#y may
exist $%en t%e ,CA1 ex#e.t for G/S and GS(W t%at is1 G"(1 /,)CC1 MSI1
and NS'C may exist $%en t%e ,CA is une2ui..ed0
8irst identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e or fun#tion0
W%en an EAS1 ony t%e Hrst identiHer is re2uired0 T%e foo$in& ran&es of vaues
may be entered:
6 to @ InCe sites
6 to :5 M!Ce sites
Se#ond identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e or fun#tion
0Cam)le 1
In t%is exam.e1 an MSI is deeted from t%e CM database:
une=ui) 2 msi 2 0 0
WhereD isD
2 o#ation
msi dev/fun#Xname
2 id:
6 id2
6 id>
S>stem res)onse
T%e unlockG6eice #ommand uno#-s a s.e#iHed devi#e to free it for use0
Securit> leel 2
Su))orte6 $> +M&?! (32 Nes
&omman6 t>)e " 4o.erator a#tions re2uired5
Prere=uisites T%is #ommand is not ao$ed $%ie in SNSGEN CN mode0
T%is #ommand is ony vaid $%en t%e devi#e is in t%e (CCIE/
state0 T%e o#ation must be bs# or 6 $%en s.e#ifyin& t%e
devi#e1 or .#u if uno#-in& a G,)S devi#e0
+)erator actions (o#- t%e devi#e before enterin& t%is #ommand0 To uno#- a
,CA devi#e1 t%e G,)S feature must be unrestri#ted0 Aso t%e
,CA devi#e identiHer must be s.e#iHed0
S>ntaC DunlockG6eice JlocationL J6eiceGnameL J6eiceGi61L J6eiceGi62LJ6eiceGi63L
2n)ut )arameters
S.e#iHes t%e o#ation of t%e devi#e:
6 or bs# "SC
: to :26 "TS
.#u1 .#uX6 to .#uX2 ,CA
(itera t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e devi#e0
T%e foo$in& devi#es #an be uno#-ed usin& t%is #ommand:
A"SS AFC/) "S, "T, CA" C"( CIC CCM" CS8, /+,
T%e unlock #ommand su..orts t%e uno#-in& of extension #abinets of ty.e TCAX21
TCAX?1 and +C)ITCNMAC)CXEFT0 No ot%er #abinet are su..orted0
T%e foo$in& G,)S ony devi#es may be uno#-ed at t%e ,CA usin& t%is #ommand:
/,)CC G"( G/S GS( ,CA
8irst devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
Se#ond devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
T%ird devi#e identiHer0 T%is deHnition varies $it% ea#% devi#e0
0Cam)le 1
In t%is exam.e1 an MMS $it% t%e I/ 6 at t%e "SC is uno#-ed:
unlockG6eice $sc mms 0 0 0
WhereD isD
bs# o#ation
mms devi#eXname
6 devi#eXid:
6 devi#eXid2
6 devi#eXid>
S>stem res)onse
BS& (P!+&
T%e G,)CC .erforms t%e foo$in& .ro#essor fun#tions:
8aut Mana&er 48M50
Confi&uration Mana&er 4CM50
Messa&e Transfer ,roto#o 4MT,50
Si&nain& Conne#tion Contro ,art 4SCC,5 State Ma#%ine 4SSM50
)adio )esour#e State Ma#%ine 4))SM50
Ce )esour#e Ma#%ine 4C)M50
S$it#% Mana&er 4SM50
Conne#tioness Mana&er 4C(M50
)adio Subsystem 4)SS50
C.erations and Maintenan#e System 4CMS50
Maintains a #o.y of t%e a..i#ation #ode for #oo#ated .eri.%era modues0
(P!+& task grou)s an6 6eice t>)es
T%e .ro#essor fun#tions #an be &rou.ed into six tas- &rou.s de.endin& on t%e soft$are
oaded into a &iven G,)CC0
W%en a &rou. of tas-s is assi&ned to a G,)CC1 it is #onsidered to be a uni2ue G,)CC
devi#e ty.e0 T%e ex#e.tion to t%is is t%e #ode stora&e fa#iity .ro#essor 4CS8,51 $%i#% is
not #onsidered to be a uni2ue devi#e ty.e0
A Interfa#e Interfa#e bet$een MSC and "SS0 T%e interfa#e is based on t%e use of one or more E:/T: di&ita
in-s0 T%e #%annes on t%ese in-s #an be used for trafH# or si&nain&0
A> Aut%enti#ation a&orit%m t%at .rodu#es S)ES1 usin& )AN/ and Ii0
A>9 A sin&e a&orit%m .erformin& t%e fun#tion of A> and A90
A5 Stream #i.%er a&orit%m1 residin& on t%e MS1 t%at .rodu#es #i.%ertext out of .aintext1 usin& I#0
A9 Ci.%erin& -ey &eneratin& a&orit%m t%at .rodu#es I# usin& )AN/ and Ii0
Abis interfa#e Interfa#e bet$een a remote "SC and "TS0 Motoroa offers a GSM standard and a uni2ue
Motoroa Abis interfa#e0 T%e Motoroa interfa#e redu#es t%e amount of messa&e trafH# and
t%us t%e number of 2 Mb.s ines re2uired bet$een "SC and "TS0
Ada.tive Muti!)ate0 T%e #a.abiity of o.eratin& at &ross bit!rates of ::0= -b.s 4%af!rate5 and 2209 -b.s
4fu!rate5 over t%e air interfa#e0
Antenna A transmitter/re#eiver $%i#% #onverts ee#tri#a #urrents into )8 and vi#e versa0 In GSM
systems1 transmits and re#eives )8 si&nas bet$een t%e "TS and MS0
A)8CN Absoute )adio 8re2uen#y C%anne Number0 T%e GSM avaiabe fre2uen#y is divided in t$o
bands0 Ea#% band is divided into 266 -+7 sots #aed A)8CN0 Ea#% A)8CN is s%ared bet$een 9 mobies1
ea#% usin& it in turn0 Ea#% mobie uses t%e A)8CN for one TS 4Timesot5 and t%en $aits for its turn to
#ome around a&ain0 A mobie %as use of t%e A)8CN on#e .er t%e T/MA frame0 T%e #ombination of a TS
number and A)8CN is #aed a .%ysi#a #%anne0
Ater T%e interfa#e bet$een FC/) and "SC0
ATM Asyn#%ronous Transfer Mode0 A %i&%!s.eed muti.exin& and s$it#%in& met%od utiisin& Hxed!
en&t% #es of 5> o#tets to su..ort muti.e of trafH#0
AAC Aut%enti#ation Centre0 A GSM net$or- entity $%i#% .rovides t%e fun#tionaity for verifyin& t%e
identity of t%e MS $%en re2uested by t%e system0 Cften a .art of t%e +()0
""+ "ase "and Met%od of fre2uen#y in $%i#% ea#% trans#eiver at t%e base station is
tuned to a different fre2uen#y1 and t%e si&na is s$it#%ed to a different trans#eiver
for ea#% burst0
"CC "ase station Coour Code0 T%e "CC and t%e NCC are .art of t%e "SIC0 T%e "CC #om.rises t%ree bits
in t%e ran&e 666 to :::0 See aso N&& and BS2&0
"CC+ "road#ast Contro C+anne0 A GSM #ontro #%anne used to broad#ast &enera information about a
"TS site on a .er #e or se#tor basis0
"CA "ase station Contro Anit0 A fun#tiona entity of t%e "SS $%i#% .rovides t%e base #ontro fun#tion at a
"TS site0 T%e term no on&er a..ies to a ty.e of s%ef 4see BS& and BS350
"CA, "ase Controer Anit ,o$er0
"E) "it Error )ate0 T%e number of erroneous bits divided by t%e tota number of bits transmitted1 re#eived1
or .ro#essed over some sti.uated .eriod0 T%e "E) is usuay ex.ressed as a
#oefH#ient and a .o$er of :6W for exam.e1 25 erroneous bits out of :661666 bits transmitted $oud be 25
out of :65 or 25 x :6!50
"+CA "usy +our Ca Attem.t0 A statisti# based on #a attem.ts t%at a s$it#% .ro#esses durin& a "+0
"I" "aan#ed!ine Inter#onne#t "oard0 ,rovides interfa#e to :2 baan#ed 4?!.air5 :26 o%m 4>@!.in /!ty.e
#onne#tor5 ines for 2 Mb.s #ir#uits0
"earer Servi#e0 A ty.e of tee#ommuni#ation servi#e t%at .rovides t%e #a.abiity for t%e transmission of
si&nas bet$een user!net$or- interfa#es0 T%e ,(MN #onne#tion ty.e used to
su..ort a bearer servi#e is identi#a to t%at used to su..ort ot%er of tee#ommuni#ation servi#e0
"SC "ase Station Controer0 A net$or- #om.onent in t%e GSM ,(MN $%i#% %as t%e di&ita #ontro
fun#tion of #ontroin& a "TSs0 T%e "SC #an be o#ated $it%in a sin&e "TS #abinet
4formin& a "SS5 but is more often o#ated remotey and #ontros severa "TSs
"SIC "ase Trans#eiver Station Identity Code0 Ea#% #e %as a "SIC0 It is a o#a #oour #ode t%at ao$s a
mobie station to distin&uis% bet$een different nei&%bourin& base stations0 T%e "SIC is an o#tet1 #onsistin&
of t%ree bits for t%e Net$or- Coour Code 4NCC5 and t%ree bits for t%e "ase station Coour Code 4"CC50
T%e remainin& t$o bits are unused0
"SIC!NCE(( "SIC of an adGa#ent #e0
"S, "ase Site #ontro ,ro#essor 4at "SC50
"SS "ase Station System0 T%e system of base station e2ui.ment 4Trans#eivers1 #ontroers and so on5
$%i#% is vie$ed by t%e MSC t%rou&% a sin&e interfa#e as deHned by t%e GSM 69 series of
re#ommendations1 as bein& t%e entity res.onsibe for #ommuni#atin& $it% MSs in a #ertain area0 T%e radio
e2ui.ment of a "SS may #over one or more #es0 A "SS may #onsist of one or more base stations0 If an
interna interfa#e is im.emented a##ordin& to t%e GSM 6905x series
of re#ommendations1 t%en t%e "SS #onsists of one "SC and severa "TSs0
"SSA, "SS A..i#ation ,art of SS@50 ,roto#o for (A,/ or
(A," si&nain& in-s on t%e A!interfa#e0 Com.rises /TA, and "SSMA, messa&es0 Su..orts messa&e
#ommuni#ation bet$een t%e MSC and "SS0
"SSC "ase Station System Contro #abinet0 T%e #abinet $%i#% %ouses one or t$o "SA s%eves at a "SC or
one or t$o )FA s%eves at a remote trans#oder 4)FC/)50
"SSMA, "ase Station System Mana&ement A..i#ation ,art of SS@50 Ca .ro#essin& .roto#o for A!
interfa#e messa&es ex#%an&ed bet$een t%e MSC and "SS0 T%e "SS inter.rets t%ese
"T, "ase Trans#eiver ,ro#essor 4at "TS50 Cne of t%e six basi# tas- &rou.s $it%in t%e G,)CC0
"TS "ase Trans#eiver Station0 A net$or- #om.onent in t%e GSM ,(MN $%i#% serves one #e1 and is
#ontroed by a "SC0 T%e "TS #ontains one or more Trans#eivers 4T)Fs50
"urst A .eriod of moduated #arrier ess t%an one timesot0 T%e .%ysi#a #ontent of a timesot0
CA Ce Ao#ation0 T%e radio fre2uen#y #%annes ao#ated to a .arti#uar #e0
C"C Ce "road#ast Centre0 T%e #a .ro#essin& #entre for C"SMS messa&es0
C"C+ Ce "road#ast C+anne0 T%e #%anne $%i#% is used to broad#ast messa&es to a MSs in a s.e#iH#
C"( Ce "road#ast (in-0 A bidire#tiona data in- $%i#% ao$s #ommuni#ations bet$een t%e "SS and t%e
C/MA Code!/ivision Muti.e A##ess0 C/MA is a di&ita #euar te#%noo&y t%at uses!s.e#trum
te#%ni2ues0 Ani-e #om.etin& systems1 su#% as GSM1 t%at use T/M1 C/MA
does not assi&n a s.e#iH# fre2uen#y to ea#% user0 Instead1 every #%anne uses t%e fu avaiabe s.e#trum0
Individua #onversations are en#oded $it% a .seudo!random di&ita se2uen#e0
C"SMS Ce "road#ast S%ort Messa&e Servi#e0 C"SMS ao$s a number of una#-no$ed&ed &enera
messa&es to be broad#ast to a MSs $it%in a .arti#uar re&ion0 T%e #ontent may in#ude
information su#% as o#a trafH# #onditions1 t%e $eat%er1 t%e .%one number of t%e o#a taxi #om.any1 and
so on0 T%e messa&es are sent from a C"C t%rou&% a "SC to a "TS and from
t%ere on a s.e#ia #e broad#ast #%anne to t%e MSs0 T%e C"C is #onsidered as a node outside t%e ,(MN
and #an be #onne#ted to severa "SCs0 +o$ever1 a "SC is ony #onne#ted to one C"C0
CCC+ Common Contro C+annes0 A #ass of GSM #ontro #%annes used to #ontro .a&in& and &rant
a##ess0 In#udes AGC+1 ,C+1 and )AC+0
C/) Ca /etai )e#ord0 A re#ord of voi#e or data S'Cs1 $%i#% in#udes #ain& and #aed numbers1 o#a
and remote node names1 data and timestam.1 ea.sed time1 and #a faiure #ass
Heds0 T%is is t%e information needed to bi t%e #ustomer for #as and fa#iity usa&e data for #as0
Ce "y GSM deHnition1 a #e is a )8 #overa&e area0 At an omni!site1 #e is synonymous $it% siteW at a
se#tored site1 #e is synonymous $it% se#tor0 T%is differs from anao&ue systems
$%ere #e is ta-en to mean t%e same t%in& as site0
CIC Cir#uit Identity Code0 T%e uni2ue identiHer of t%e terrestria .ortion of a #ir#uit .at%0 A CIC is eit%er a
?= -b.s or :? -b.s #onne#tion de.endin& on $%et%er a site %as o#a or remote trans#odin&0 A CIC $it%
o#a trans#odin& o##u.ies a #om.ete E:/T: timesot0 A :? -b.s CIC1 at a site $it% remote trans#odin&1
o##u.ies a sub!#%anne of an E:/T: timesot0
CI)1 C/I Carrier to Interferen#e )atio0 Indi#ates t%e re#eived si&na .o$er eve reative to t%e interferen#e
.o$er eve0
Code# Coder//e#oder0 A #odin& unit t%at #onverts into a di&ita format for radio broad#ast1
and vi#e versa0 CC/EF Manufa#turerJs name for a ty.e of muti.exer and .a#-et
s$it#% #ommony instaed at t%e Motoroa CMC!)0
Coin#ident Ce A #e $%ose #e boundary foo$s t%e boundary of a #o!o#ated nei&%bour #e0 T%e
#oin#ident #e %as a different fre2uen#y ty.e1 but t%e same "SIC1 as t%at of t%e nei&%bour #e0
Con&estion Situation o##urrin& $%en an eement #annot re#eive a t%e servi#e it is re2uestin&0
C)C Cy#i# )edundan#y C%e#- 4> bit50 An error!dete#tion s#%eme t%at 4a5 uses .arity bits &enerated by
.oynomia en#odin& of di&ita si&nas1 4b5 a..ends t%ose .arity bits to t%e di&ita
si&na1 and 4#5 uses de#odin& a&orit%ms t%at dete#t errors in t%e re#eived di&ita si&na0
CS8, Code Stora&e 8a#iity ,ro#essor 4at "SC and "TS50 A G,)CC devi#e $%i#% fa#iitates t%e
.ro.a&atin& of ne$ soft$are instan#es $it% redu#ed system do$n time0
d" /e#ibe0 A unit statin& t%e o&arit%mi# ratio bet$een t$o numeri# 2uantities
d"m A d" referen#ed to : mii$attW 6 d"m e2uas one mii$att0
/CC+ /edi#ated Contro C+anne0 A #ass of GSM #ontro #%annes used to set u. #as and re.ort
measurements0 In#udes S*&&H1 <#&&H1 and S#&&H0/o$nin- ,%ysi#a in- from t%e "TS to$ards
t%e MS 4"TS transmits1 MS re#eives50
/)I /i&ita )adio Interfa#e0 ,rovides en#odin&/de#odin& and en#ry.tion/de#ry.tion for radio #%annes0
,art of "SS
/)F1 /)x /is#ontinuous re#e.tion 4me#%anism50 A means of savin& battery .o$er 4for exam.e1 in %and!
.ortabe units5 by .eriodi#ay and automati#ay s$it#%in& t%e MS re#eiver on and off0
/SI /i&ita Inter.oation0 A #om.ression te#%ni2ue t%at reies on t%e .auses bet$een bursts
to .rovide additiona #om.ression0 /SI enabes users to &ain an additiona
2:: #om.ression on t%e avera&e on t%eir ine
E: Aso -no$n as CE,T:0 T%e 206=9 Mb.s rate used by Euro.ean CE,T #arrier to transmit >6 ?= -b.s
di&ita #%annes for voi#e or data #as1 .us a ?= -b.s si&nain& #%anne and a ?= -b.s
#%anne for framin& and maintenan#e0
EAS Externa Aarm System0 T%e EAS is res.onsibe for t%e monitorin& of a #ustomer!deHned
environmenta aarms at a site0 T%e #ustomer deHnes t%e aarm strin& and t%e severity of
t%e aarms based on t%e individua re2uirements of t%e site0Indi#ations are .rovided $%en t%e aarms are set
or #eared0
Eb/No Ener&y .er "it/Noise Soor1 $%ere Eb is t%e si&na ener&y .er bit and No is t%e noise ener&y .er %ert7
of noise band$idt%0
EC E#%o Can#eer0 ,erforms e#%o su..ression for a voi#e #ir#uits0 If #an#eation does not ta-e .a#e1 t%e
,(MN subs#riber %ears t%e voi#e si&na as an e#%o1 due to t%e tota round!tri. deay
introdu#ed by t%e GSM system 4ty.i#ay :96 ms50
E#/No )atio of ener&y .er moduatin& bit to t%e noise s.e#tra density0
EI) E2ui.ment Identity )e&ister0 T%e EI) #ontains a #entrai7ed database for vaidatin& t%e IMEI0 T%e
re&ister #onsists of ists of IMEIs or&anised as foo$s: W%ite (ist ! IMEIs $%i#% are
-no$n to %ave been assi&ned to vaid MS e2ui.ment0 "a#- (ist ! IMEIs $%i#% %ave been re.orted stoen
or $%i#% are to be denied servi#e for some ot%er reason0 Grey (ist ! IMEIs $%i#%
%ave .robems 4for exam.e1 fauty soft$are50 T%ese are not1 %o$ever1 sufH#ienty si&niH#ant to $arrant a
ba#- istin&0
EI), Effe#tive Isotro.i#ay )adiated ,o$er0 T%e arit%meti# .rodu#t of t%e .o$er su..ied to an antenna
and its &ain0
eM(,, en%an#ed Muti!(eve ,re#eden#e and ,re!em.tion servi#e0T%is servi#e %as t$o .arts: .re#eden#e
and .re!em.tion0 ,re#eden#e invoves assi&nin& a .riority eve to a #a in
#ombination $it% fast #a setu.0 ,re!em.tion invoves t%e sei7in& of resour#es1 $%i#% are in use by a #a of
a o$er .re#eden#e1 by a %i&%er eve .re#eden#e #a in t%e absen#e of ide resour#es0 ,re!em.tion #an aso
invove t%e dis#onne#tion of an on!&oin& #a of o$er .re#eden#e to a##e.t an in#omin& #a of %i&%er
E2uaisation T%e .ro#ess by $%i#% attenuation and/or .%ase s%ift is rendered essentiay #onstant over a
band of fre2uen#ies1 even t%ou&% t%e transmission medium or t%e e2ui.ment %as osses t%at vary $it%
E2uaiser An ee#tri#a net$or- in $%i#% attenuation 4or &ain5 and/or .%ase s%ift varies as a fun#tion of
fre2uen#y0 Ased to .rovide e2uaisation0
Eran& Internationa 4dimensioness5 unit of trafH# intensity deHned as t%e ratio of time a fa#iity is o##u.ied
to t%e time it is avaiabe for Cne eran& is e2ua to >? CCS0 In t%e AS t%is is
aso -no$n as a trafH# unit 4TA50
E), Effe#tive )adiated ,o$er0 T%e .o$er su..ied to an antenna muti.ied by t%e antenna &ain in a &iven
Et%ernet A standard .roto#o 4IEEE 9620>5 for a :6 Mb.s baseband o#a area net$or- 4(AN5 bus usin&
#arrier!sense muti.e a##ess $it% #oision dete#tion 4CSMA/C/5 as t%e a##ess met%od1
im.emented at t%e ,%ysi#a (ayer in t%e CSI )M1 estabis%in& t%e .%ysi#a #%ara#teristi#s of a CSMA/C/
8ACC+ 8ast Asso#iated Contro C%anne0 A GSM dedi#ated #ontro #%anne $%i#% tem.orariy uses t%e
TC+ to .erform %i&% s.eed transmissions1 and #arries #ontro information after a
#a is set u.
8CC+ 8re2uen#y Corre#tion C+anne0 A GSM broad#ast #ontro #%anne $%i#% #arries information for
fre2uen#y #orre#tion of t%e MS
8/M 8re2uen#y /ivision Muti.ex0 A muti.exin& te#%ni2ue t%at uses different fre2uen#ies to #ombine
muti.e streams of data for transmission over a #ommuni#ations medium0
8/M assi&ns a dis#rete #arrier fre2uen#y to ea#% data stream and t%en #ombines many moduated #arrier
fre2uen#ies for transmission0
8/MA 8re2uen#y /ivision Muti.e A##ess0 T%e use of fre2uen#y division to .rovide muti.e and
simutaneous transmissions to a sin&e trans.onder0
8/N 8ixed /iain& Number0 T%e Hxed diain& feature imits diain& from t%e MS to a .redetermined ist
maintained on t%e SIM #ard0 It #an be used to imit #ain& to #ertain areas1
ex#%an&es or fu .%one numbers0
8EC 8or$ard Error Corre#tion0 Corre#tion of transmission errors by transmittin& additiona information
$it% t%e ori&ina bit stream0 If an error is dete#ted1 t%e additiona information is
used to re#reate t%e ori&ina information0
8MIC 8aut Mana&ement Initiated Cear0 An aarm ty.e0 If a 8MIC aarm is re#eived1 t%e faut mana&ement
soft$are for t%e net$or- item #ears t%e aarm $%en t%e .robem is soved0
8) 8rame )eay0 An interfa#e .roto#o for statisti#ay muti.exed .a#-et!s$it#%ed data #ommuni#ations
in $%i#% 4a5 variabe!si7ed .a#-ets 4frames5 are used t%at #om.etey
en#ose t%e user .a#-ets t%ey trans.ort1 and 4b5 transmission rates are usuay bet$een 5? -b.s and :05==
Mb.s 4t%e T!: rate50
8re2uen#y T%e re.eated s$it#%in& of fre2uen#ies durin& radio transmission a##ordin& to a
s.e#iHed a&orit%m0 8re2uen#y im.roves #a.a#ity and 2uaity in a %i&%y oaded
GSM net$or-0 fadin& immunity #an be in#reased by usin& different fre2uen#ies and interferen#e
#omin& from nei&%bour #es transmittin& t%e same or adGa#ent fre2uen#ies
#an be redu#ed0
8S 8re2uen#y syn#%ronisation0 A "SS fre2uen#ies and timin& si&nas are syn#%ronised to a %i&% stabiity
referen#e os#iator in t%e "SS0 T%is os#iator #an free run or be syn#%ronised to
t%e re#overed #o#- si&na from a see#ted E:/T: seria in-0 MSs o#- to a referen#e #ontained in a
syn#%ronisation burst transmitted from t%e "TS site0
8S( 8ree S.a#e (oss0 T%e de#rease in t%e stren&t% of a radio si&na as it traves bet$een a transmitter and
re#eiver0 T%e 8S( is a fun#tion of t%e fre2uen#y of t%e radio si&na and t%e
distan#e t%e radio si&na %as traveed from t%e .oint sour#e0
8u )ate )efers to t%e #urrent #a.a#ity of a data #%anne on t%e GSM air interfa#e1 t%at is1 9 simutaneous
#as .er #arrier0
G Interfa#e Interfa#e bet$een '() and '()0
Gate$ay MSC T%e MSC t%at .rovides an entry .oint into t%e GSM ,(MN from anot%er net$or- or
servi#e0 A &ate$ay MSC is aso an interro&atin& node for in#omin& ,(MN #as0
G/, Generi# /S, ,ro#essor board0 Inter#%an&eabe $it% t%e FC/) board0
G/S G,)S /ata Stream0
GGSN Gate$ay G,)S Su..ort Node0 T%e GGSN .rovides Internet $or-in& $it% externa .a#-et!s$it#%ed
GMSI Gaussian Minimum S%ift Ieyin&0 T%e moduation te#%ni2ue used in GSM0
GCS Grade of Servi#e0 A trafH# statisti# deHned as t%e .er#enta&e of #as $%i#% %ave a ,robabiity of "usy
or Uueuein& /eay0 An aternative #riterion is a maximum time for a .er#enta&e of #as to $ait in t%e busy
2ueue before t%ey are assi&ned a voi#e #%anne0
G,)CC Generi# ,ro#essor board0 GSM &eneri# .ro#essor board: a ?96>6 $it% = to :? Mb )AM of
"SS1 "TS1 "SC1 IW81 )FC/)50
G,)CC2 Generi# ,ro#essor board0 GSM &eneri# .ro#essor board:a ?96=6 $it% >2 Mb )AM of "SS1
"TS1 "SC1 IW81 )FC/)50
G,)CC> Generi# ,ro#essor board0 GSM &eneri# .ro#essor board: a ?96?6 $it% :29 Mb )AM of
"SS1 "TS1 "SC1 IW81 )FC/)50
G,)S Genera ,a#-et )adio Servi#e0 A GSM data transmission te#%ni2ue t%at does not set u. a #ontinuous
#%anne from a .ortabe termina for t%e transmission and re#e.tion of data1
but transmits and re#eives data in .a#-ets0 It ma-es very efH#ient use of avaiabe radio s.e#trum1 and users
.ay ony for t%e voume of data sent and re#eived0
G,S Goba ,ositionin& by Sateite0 A system for determinin& .osition on t%e Eart%Js surfa#e by #om.arin&
radio si&nas from severa sateites0
GSA GSM Servi#e Area0 T%e area in $%i#% t%e MS #an be rea#%ed by a Hxed subs#riber1 $it%out t%e
subs#riberJs -no$ed&e of t%e o#ation of t%e MS0 A GSA may in#ude t%e areas served
by severa GSM ,(MNs0 GS( G,)S Si&nain& (in-0
GSM Grou.e S.`#ia Mobie 4t%e #ommittee50
GSM Goba System for Mobie #ommuni#ations 4t%e system50
Guard .eriod ,eriod at t%e be&innin& and end of timesot durin& $%i#% MS
transmission is attenuated0
+ Interfa#e Interfa#e bet$een +() and AAC0
+af )ate )efers to a ty.e of data #%anne t%at $i doube t%e #urrent GSM air interfa#e #a.a#ity to :?
simutaneous #as .er #arrier
+AN/C1 +andover +AN/Cver0 T%e a#tion of s$it#%in& a #a in .ro&ress from one radio #%anne to
anot%er radio #%anne0 +andover ao$s estabis%ed #as to #ontinue by s$it#%in& t%em to anot%er radio
resour#e1 as $%en t%e MS moves from one "TS area to anot%er0 +andovers may ta-e .a#e bet$een t%e
foo$in& GSM entities: timesot1 )8 #arrier1 #e1 "TS1 "SS and MSC0
+/(C +i&% eve /ata (in- Contro0 A in-!eve .roto#o used to fa#iitate reiabe .oint!to!.oint
transmission of a data .a#-et0 Note: A subset of +/(C1 (A,!"1 is t%e ayer!t$o .roto#o for CCITT
)e#ommendation F0250
+/S( +i&% bit!rate /i&ita Subs#riber (ine0 +/S( is a data transmission me#%anism $%i#% su..orts
du.ex %i&% s.eed di&ita #ommuni#ation 4at E: rates5 on one or more uns%ieded t$isted .air ines0
+() +ome (o#ation )e&ister0 T%e () $%ere t%e #urrent o#ation and a subs#riber .arameters of t%e MS
are .ermanenty stored0
+SN Se2uen#e Number0 +SN is a index indi#atin& t%e s.e#iH# se2uen#e 4.attern5 used in
a &iven #e0 It ran&es from 6 to ?>0
+y.erframe 26=9 su.erframes0 T%e on&est re#urrent time .eriod of t%e frame stru#ture0
IAM Initia Address Messa&e0 A messa&e sent in t%e for$ard dire#tion t%at #ontains 4a5 address
information1 4b5 t%e si&nain& information re2uired to route and #onne#t a #a to
t%e #aed ine1 4#5 servi#e!#ass information1 4d5 information reatin& to user and net$or- fa#iities1 and 4e5
#a!ori&inator identity or #a!re#eiver identity0
IAS Interna Aarm System0 T%e IAS is res.onsibe for monitorin& a #abinet aarms at a "SS0
IMEI Internationa Mobie station E2ui.ment Identity0 Ee#troni# seria number t%at uni2uey identiHes t%e
MS as a .ie#e or assemby of e2ui.ment0 T%e IMEI is sent by t%e MS aon&
$it% re2uest for servi#e0
IMM IMMediate assi&nment messa&e0 IMMs are sent from t%e net$or- to t%e MS to indi#ate t%at t%e MS
must immediatey start monitorin& a s.e#iHed #%anne0
IMSI Internationa Mobie Subs#riber Identity0 ,ubis%ed mobie number 4.rior to IS/N5 t%at uni2uey
identiHes t%e subs#ri.tion0 It #an serve as a -ey to derive subs#riber information su#% as dire#tory number4s5
from t%e +()0
IN Intei&ent Net$or-0 A net$or- t%at ao$s fun#tionaity to be distributed Sexiby at a variety of nodes
on and off t%e net$or- and ao$s t%e ar#%ite#ture to be modiHed to #ontro t%e servi#es0
IW8 inter $or-in& 8un#tion0 A net$or- fun#tiona entity $%i#% .rovides net$or- inter $or-in&1 servi#e
inter $or-in&1 su..ementary servi#e inter $or-in& or si&nain& inter $or-in&0 It is a .art of one or more
o&i#a or .%ysi#a entities in a GSM ,(MN0
(AI (o#ation Area Identity0 T%e information indi#atin& t%e o#ation area in $%i#% a #e is o#ated0 T%e (AI
data on t%e SIM is #ontinuousy u.dated to reSe#t t%e #urrent o#ation of t%e subs#riber0
(AN (o#a Area Net$or-0 A data #ommuni#ations system t%at 4a5 ies $it%in a imited s.atia area1 4b5 %as
a s.e#iH# user &rou.1 4#5 %as a s.e#iH# to.oo&y1 and 4d5 is not a .ubi# s$it#%ed
tee#ommuni#ations net$or-1 but is #onne#ted to one0
(ANF (AN Extender %af si7e board0 8ibre o.ti# distribution of (AN to or from ot%er #abinets0 ,art of
"SS1 and so on0
(A," (in- A##ess ,roto#o "aan#ed0 T%e baan#ed!mode1 en%an#ed version of +/(C0 Ased in F025
.a#-et!s$it#%in& net$or-s0
(A,/ (in- A##ess ,roto#o /!#%anne 4/ata50 A .roto#o t%at o.erates at t%e data in- ayer 4ayer 25 of
t%e CSI ar#%ite#ture0 (A,/ is used to #onvey information bet$een ayer > entities
a#ross t%e frame reay net$or-0 T%e /!#%anne #arries si&nain& information for #ir#uit s$it#%in&0
(A,/m (in- A##ess ,roto#o on t%e /m #%anne0 A in- a##ess .ro#edure 4ayer 25 on t%e CC+ for t%e
di&ita mobie #ommuni#ations system0
(C8 (in- Contro 8un#tion0 (C8 G,)CC #ontros various in-s in and out of t%e "SC0 Su#% in-s in#ude
MT(1 F"(1 CM8 and )S(00
(C, (in- Contro ,ro#essor0 T%e (C, is a G,)CC or ,CMCIA board devi#e $%i#% su..ies t%e (C80
Cn#e t%e (C8 %as been e2ui..ed1 and assumin& G,)CCs %ave been e2ui..ed1 .ro#essors are ao#ated by
t%e soft$are0
(MSI (o#a Mobie Station Identity0 A uni2ue identity tem.orariy ao#ated to visitin& mobie subs#ribers
in order to s.eed u. t%e sear#% for subs#riber data in t%e '()1 $%en t%e MS)N
ao#ation is done on a .er #e basis0
(o#ation area An area in $%i#% a mobie station may move freey $it%out u.datin& t%e o#ation re&ister0 A
o#ation area may #om.rise one or severa base station areas0
(,C (inear ,redi#tive Codin&0 A met%od of di&itay en#odin& anao&ue si&nas0 It uses a sin&e!eve or
system in $%i#% t%e vaue of t%e si&na at ea#% sam.e time is .redi#ted to be a inear fun#tion of t%e .ast
vaues of t%e 2uantiHed si&na
(TA (on& Term Avera&e0 T%e vaue re2uired in a "TSJs GC(I fre2uen#y re&ister to .rodu#e a :?0>9=
M+7 #o#-0
MAC Medium A##ess Contro0 MAC in#udes t%e fun#tions reated to t%e mana&ement of t%e #ommon
transmission resour#es0 T%ese in#ude t%e .a#-et data .%ysi#a #%annes and t%eir
radio in- #onne#tions0 T$o Medium A##ess Contro modes are su..orted in GS)51 dynami# ao#ation and
Hxed ao#ation0
MACN Mobie Ao#ation C%anne Number0
Ma#ro#e A #e in $%i#% t%e base station antenna is &eneray mounted a$ay from buidin&s or above roof
to. eve0
MAIC Mobie Ao#ation Index Cffset0 T%e offset of t%e mobie se2uen#e from t%e referen#e se2uen#e of t%e #e0
MA, Mobie A..i#ation ,art of SS@ standard50 T%e inter!net$or-in& si&nain& bet$een MSCs and
()s and EI)s0
MCC Mobie Country Code0 T%e Hrst t%ree di&its of t%e IMSI1 used to identify t%e #ountry0
Mi#ro#e A #e in $%i#% t%e base station antenna is &eneray mounted beo$ roof to. eve0 )adio $ave
.ro.a&ation is by diffra#tion and s#atterin& around buidin&s1 t%e main .ro.a&ation is
$it%in street #anyons0
MMS Muti.e Seria Interfa#e (in-
MNC Mobie Net$or- Code0 T%e fourt%1 Hft% and o.tionay sixt% di&its of t%e IMSI1 used to identify t%e
Mobis Motoroa Si&nain& (in- bet$een t%e "SC and "TS0
MC/,, Mobie Cri&inated ,oint!to!,oint messa&es0 Transmission of a SMS from a mobie to a messa&e
%andin& system0 T%e maximum en&t% of t%e messa&e is :?6 #%ara#ters0 T%e
messa&e #an be sent $%et%er or not t%e MS is en&a&ed in a #a0
MS Mobie Station0 T%e GSM subs#riber unit0 A subs#riber %andset1 eit%er mobie or .ortabe1 or ot%er
subs#riber e2ui.ment1 su#% as fa#simie ma#%ines1 and so on0
MSC Mobie!servi#es S$it#%in& Centre1 Mobie S$it#%in& Centre0 T%e MSC %andes t%e #a setu.
.ro#edures and #ontros t%e o#ation re&istration and %andover .ro#edures for a
ex#e.t inter!"TS1 inter!#e and intra!#e %andovers0 MSC #ontroed inter!"TS %andovers #an be set as an
o.tion at t%e s$it#%0
MSCM Mobie Station Cass Mar-0
MSI Muti.e Seria Interfa#e board0 Intei&ent interfa#e to t$o 2 Mb.s di&ita in-s0
MSIN Mobie Station IdentiH#ation Number0 T%e .art of t%e IMSI identifyin& t%e mobie station $it%in its
%ome net$or-0
MSIS/N Mobie Station Internationa IS/N Number0 ,ubis%ed mobie number 4see aso 2MS250 Ani2uey
deHnes t%e mobie station as an IS/N termina0 It #onsists of t%ree .arts: t%e
Country Code 4CC51 t%e Nationa /estination Code 4N/C5 and t%e Subs#riber Number 4SN50
MS)N Mobie Station )oamin& Number0 A number assi&ned by t%e MSC to servi#e and tra#- a visitin&
MSA Messa&e Si&na Anit 4,art of MT, trans.ort system50 A si&na unit #ontainin& a servi#e information
o#tet and a si&nain& information Hed $%i#% is retransmitted by t%e si&nain& in-
#ontro1 if it is re#eived in error0
MT Mobie Terminated0 /es#ribes a #a or s%ort messa&e destined for t%e MS0
MT 461 :1 25 Mobie Termination0 T%e .art of t%e MS $%i#% terminates t%e radio transmission to and from
t%e net$or- and ada.ts termina e2ui.ment 4TE5 #a.abiities to t%ose of t%e radio
transmission0 MT6 is mobie termination $it% no su..ort for termina1 MT: is mobie termination $it%
su..ort for a S!ty.e interfa#e and MT2 is mobie termination $it% su..ort
for a )!ty.e interfa#e0
MT"8 Mean Time "et$een 8aiures0 An indi#ator of ex.e#ted system reiabiity #a#uated on a statisti#a
basis from t%e -no$n faiure rates of various #om.onents of t%e system0
MT"8 is usuay ex.ressed in %ours0
MT( Messa&e Transfer (in-0 T%e MT( is t%e ?= -b.s ,CM timesot t%at is used to #onvey t%e SS@
si&nain& information on t%e A interfa#e bet$een t%e MSC and t%e "SC0
NCC Net$or- Coour Code0 T%e NCC and t%e "CC are .art of t%e "SIC0 T%e NCC #om.rises t%ree bits in
t%e ran&e 666 to :::0It is t%e same as t%e ,(MN Coour Code0 See aso N&& and
N')AM Non!'oatie )andom A##ess Memory0 Stati# random a##ess memory $%i#% is made into non!
voatie stora&e eit%er by %avin& a battery .ermanenty #onne#ted1 or1 by savin& its
#ontents to EE,)CM before turnin& t%e .o$er off and reoadin& it $%en .o$er is restored0
CCFC Cven Controed Crysta Cs#iator0 +i&% stabiity #o#- sour#e used for fre2uen#y syn#%ronisation0
CM( C.eration and Maintenan#e (in-0 T%e CM( .rovides #ommuni#ation bet$een an CMC!) and a "SC
or )FC/) for transferrin& net$or- mana&ement 4C.eration and
Maintenan#e5 data0
CCS Cut Cf Servi#e0 IdentiHes a .%ysi#a state0 T%e CCS state indi#ates t%e .%ysi#a devi#e is out of
servi#e0 T%is state is reserved for .%ysi#a #ommuni#ation in-s0 Aso1 identiHes
a tee.%ony state0 T%e CCS state is used by t%e "TS devi#e soft$are to indi#ate t%at t%e "TS is #om.etey
out of servi#e0
C,C Cri&inatin& ,oint Code0 A .art of t%e abe in a si&nain& messa&e t%at uni2uey identiHes1 in a
si&nain& net$or-1 t%e 4si&nain&5 ori&ination .oint of t%e messa&e0
CSI C.en Systems Inter#onne#tion0 T%e o&i#a stru#ture for #ommuni#ations net$or-s Standardised by t%e
ISC0 T%e standard enabes any CSI!#om.iant system to #ommuni#ate
and ex#%an&e information $it% any ot%er CSI!#om.iant system0
,a#-et S$it#%in& T%e .ro#ess of routin& and transferrin& data by means of addressed .a#-ets so t%at a
#%anne is o##u.ied durin& t%e transmission of t%e .a#-et ony1 and u.on #om.etion of t%e
transmission t%e #%anne is made avaiabe for t%e transfer of ot%er trafH#0
,A/ ,a#-et Assember or /isassember fa#iity0 A %ard$are devi#e t%at ao$s a data termina t%at is not
set u. for .a#-et s$it#%in& to use a .a#-et s$it#%in& net$or-0 It assembes
data into .a#-ets for transmission1 and disassembes t%e .a#-ets on arriva
,a&in& T%e .ro#edure by $%i#% a GSM ,(MN Hxed infrastru#ture attem.ts to rea#% t%e MS $it%in its
o#ation area1 before any ot%er net$or-!initiated .ro#edure #an ta-e .a#e0
,AT+ CE,T 2 Mb.s route t%rou&% t%e "SS net$or-0
,"CC+ ,a#-et "raod#ast Contro #%anne0
,C+ ,a&in& C+anne0 A #ommon a##ess )8 #%anne .rovidin& .oint!to!muti.oint unidire#tiona
si&nain& do$nin-0 ,rovides simutaneous transmission to a MSs over a $ide
.a&in& area0
,C+N ,%ysi#a C%anne0 T%e .%ysi#a #%anne is t%e medium over $%i#% t%e information is #arried0 In t%e
#ase of GSM radio #ommuni#ations t%is $oud be t%e Air Interfa#e0 Ea#% )8
#arrier #onsists of ei&%t .%ysi#a #%annes 4or timesots5 used for MS #ommuni#ations0 In t%e #ase of a
terrestria interfa#e t%e .%ysi#a #%anne $oud be #abe
,CM ,use Code Moduation0 Moduation in $%i#% a si&na is sam.ed1 and t%e ma&nitude 4$it% res.e#t to
a Hxed referen#e5 of ea#% sam.e is 2uantised and #onverted by #odin& to a di&ita si&na0 ,rovides
undistorted transmission1 even in t%e .resen#e of noise0
,%ysi#a (ayer0 T%e ,%ysi#a (ayer is t%e o$est of seven %ierar#%i#a ayers0 It .erforms servi#es re2uested
by t%e /ata (in- (ayer0 T%e maGor fun#tions and servi#es of t%e ayer are: 4a5 estabis%ment and termination
of a #onne#tion to a #ommuni#ations mediumW 4b5 .arti#i.ation in t%e .ro#ess of s%arin& #ommuni#ation
resour#es amon& muti.e usersW and1 4#5 #onversion bet$een t%e re.resentation of di&ita data in user
e2ui.ment and t%e #orres.ondin& si&nas
transmitted over a #ommuni#ations #%anne0
,IC, ,a#-et Interfa#e Contro ,ro#essor0 A ,CA %ard$are #om.onent1 t%e ,IC, is a /,)CC board used
for net$or- interfa#in& fun#tions su#% as SGSN and "SC0
,IF ,arae Interfa#e Extender %af si7e board0 Customer aarm interfa#e1 .art of t%e "SS0 T%e ,IF board
.rovides a means of $irin& aarms externa to t%e "SS1 "SC1 or "TS into t%e
base e2ui.ment0
,(( ,%ase (o#- (oo. 4refers to .%ase o#-in& t%e GC(I in t%e "TS50 ,(( is a me#%anism $%ereby timin&
information is transferred $it%in a data stream and t%e re#eiver derives t%e
si&na eement timin& by o#-in& its o#a #o#- sour#e to t%e re#eived timin& information0
,(MN ,ubi# (and Mobie Net$or-0 T%e mobie #ommuni#ations net$or-0
,M ,erforman#e Mana&ement0 An CMC a..i#ation0 ,M enabes t%e user to .rodu#e re.orts s.e#iH# to t%e
.erforman#e of t%e net$or-0
,), ,a#-et )esour#e ,ro#ess4or50 A ,CA %ard$are #om.onent1 t%e ,), is a /,)CC board $%i#%
mana&es t%e .a#-et resour#es at t%e ,CA and is t%e .ro#essor $%ere a of t%e
radio reated .ro#essin& o##urs0 G,)S #%annes are routed to ,),s $%i#% .erform t%e )(C/MAC
.ro#essin&1 air interfa#e s#%eduin&1 and frame syn#%ronisation of t%e #%annes0
,s (o#ation .robabiity0 (o#ation .robabiity is a 2uaity #riterion for #e #overa&e0 /ue to s%ado$in& and
fadin& a #e ed&e is deHned by addin& mar&ins so t%at t%e minimum
servi#e 2uaity is fuHed $it% a #ertain .robabiity0
,'C ,ermanent 'irtua Cir#uit0 Aso1 in ATM terminoo&y1 ,ermanent 'irtua Conne#tion0 A virtua
#ir#uit t%at is .ermanenty estabis%ed1 savin& t%e time asso#iated $it% #ir#uit estabis%ment and tear!do$n0
)ACC+ )andom A##ess Contro C+anne0 A GSM #ommon #ontro #%anne used to ori&inate a #a or
res.ond to a .a&e0
)AC+ )andom A##ess C+anne0 T%e )AC+ is used by t%e mobie station to re2uest a##ess to t%e net$or-
)adio 8re2uen#y A term a..ied to t%e transmission of ee#troma&neti#ay radiated information from one
.oint to anot%er1 usuay usin& air or va#uum as t%e transmission medium0 An
ee#troma&neti# $ave fre2uen#y intermediate bet$een audio fre2uen#ies and infrared fre2uen#ies used in
radio and teevision transmission0
) nei&%bour Ased to des#ribe adGa#ent #esW ea#% bein& desi&nated as a nei&%bour of t%e ot%er0
Aso -no$n as bidire#tiona and t$o!$ay nei&%bour0
)e&istration T%e .ro#ess of a MS re&isterin& its o#ation $it% t%e MSC in order to ma-e or re#eive #as0
T%is o##urs $%enever t%e MS Hrst a#tivates or moves into a ne$ servi#e area0
)E(, )esidua Ex#ited (inear ,redi#tive0 A form of #odin&0
)E(, #oders are usuay used to &ive &ood 2uaity at bit rates in t%e re&ion of ;0? -b.s0
)E(,!(T, )E(, (on& Term ,redi#tion0 A name for GSM fu rate0
)euse ,attern T%e minimum number of #es re2uired in a .attern before #%anne fre2uen#ies are reused1 to
.revent interferen#e0 'aries bet$een #e #onH&uration ty.e and #%anne ty.e0 T%e
.attern s%o$s assi&nments of adGa#ent #%annes to minimi7e interferen#e bet$een #es and se#tors $it%in
t%e .attern area0
)Z=5 )e&istered Za#- =50 An ei&%t!$ire #onne#tor used #ommony to #onne#t #om.uters onto a o#a!area
net$or-s 4(AN51 es.e#iay Et%ernet0
)oundtri. Time .eriod bet$een transmit and re#eive instant of a timesot in t%e "TS1 .ro.a&ation
determined by t%e res.onse be%aviour of t%e MS and t%e MS to "TS deay distan#e0
),E!(T, )e&uar ,use Ex#itation ! (on& Term ,redi#tion0 T%e GSM di&ita #odin& s#%eme0 GSM
uses a sim.iHed ),E #ode#1 $it% on&!term .redi#tion1 o.eratin& at :> -b.s to
.rovide to 2uaity
)) )adio )esour#e mana&ement0 ,art of t%e GSM mana&ement ayer0 T%e fun#tions .rovided by ))
in#ude .a&in&1 #i.%er mode set1 fre2uen#y redeHnition1 assi&nments1 %andover and
measurement re.orts0
))SM )adio )esour#e State Ma#%ine0 Transates messa&es t%rou&% Ca ,ro#essin& 4C,50 A#tivates and
dea#tivates radio #%annes as #ontroed by t%e C)M0
))SM )adio )esour#e S$it#% Mana&er0
)S2>2 )e#ommended Standard 2>20 T%e interfa#e bet$een a termina 4/TE5 and a modem 4/CE5 for t%e
transfer of seria data0 Standard seria interfa#e0
)S( )adio Si&nain& (in-0 )S( is used for si&nain& bet$een t%e "SC and "TSs0 T%e interfa#e uses a ?=
-b.s timesot $it% a (A,/ .roto#o0
)S(8 )adio System (in- 8un#tion0
)S(, )adio System (in- ,ro#essor0
)SSI )e#eived Si&na Stren&t% Indi#ator0 A .arameter returned from a trans#eiver t%at &ives a measure of
t%e )8 si&na stren&t% bet$een t%e MS and "TS1 eit%er or do$nin-0
)T8 )adio Trans#eiver 8un#tion0 )T8 is t%e fun#tion t%at su..orts t%e air interfa#e #%anne and t%e
/)I/Trans#eiver .air0 W%en a /)I at a remote "TS1 one or more
)T8s must be e2ui..ed
)FC/) )emote Trans#oder0 A )FC/) is used $%en t%e trans#odin& is .erformed at a site a$ay from t%e
"SC0 T%is site $oud be at or near t%e MSC0 T%is enabes =:: muti.exin& in $%i#%
t%e trans#oded data for four o&i#a #%annes is #ombined onto one ?= -b.s in-1 t%us redu#in& t%e number
of in-s re2uired for inter#onne#tion to t%e "SCs0 See aso F&*!0
)F8 )e#eive 8un#tion 4of t%e )T850
)F(E' )e#eived si&na eve0 An indi#ation of re#eived si&na eve based on t%e )SSI0 )F(E' is one of
t%e t$o #riteria for evauatin& t%e re#e.tion 2uaity 4t%e basis for %andover and .o$er #ontro50 T%e MS
re.orts )F(E' vaues reated to t%e a..arent re#eived )8 si&na stren&t%0 It
is ne#essary for t%ese eves to attain sufH#ient a##ura#y for t%e #orre#t fun#tionin& of t%e system0
)F(E'!/ )e#eived si&na eve do$nin-0
)F(E'!A )e#eived si&na eve
)FUAA( )e#eived si&na 2uaity0 An indi#ation of t%e re#eived si&na 2uaity based on t%e "E)0
)FUAA( is one of t%e t$o #riteria for evauatin& t%e re#e.tion 2uaity 4t%e basis for %andover
and .o$er #ontro0 T%e MS measures t%e re#eived si&na 2uaity1 $%i#% is s.e#iHed in terms of "E) before
#%anne de#odin& avera&ed over t%e re.ortin& .eriod of en&t% of one SACC+ mutiframe0
)FA )emote Trans#oder Anit0 T%e s%ef $%i#% %ouses t%e remote trans#oder modues in a "SSC #abinet at
a remote trans#oder site0
SACC+ So$ Asso#iated Contro C+anne0 A GSM #ontro #%anne used by t%e MS for #onveyin& .o$er
#ontro and timin& advan#e information in t%e do$nin- dire#tion1 and )SSI and
in- 2uaity re.orts in t%e dire#tion0
SA,I Servi#e A##ess ,oint Indi#ator 4identiHer50 T%e CSI term for t%e #om.onent of a net$or- address
$%i#% identiHes t%e individua a..i#ation on a %ost $%i#% is sendin& or re#eivin&
a .a#-et0
S8+ Synt%esiser 8re2uen#y T%e .rin#i.e of S8+ is t%at every mobie transmits its time sots
a##ordin& to a se2uen#e of fre2uen#ies t%at it derives from an a&orit%m0 T%e fre2uen#y o##urs
bet$een time sots and1 t%erefore1 a mobie station transmits 4or re#eives5 on a Hxed fre2uen#y durin& one
time sot0 It must t%en %o. before t%e time sot on t%e next T/MA frame0 /ue to t%e time needed for
monitorin& ot%er base stations t%e time ao$ed for is a..roximatey : ms1 a##ordin& to t%e
re#eiver im.ementation0 T%e re#eive and transmit fre2uen#ies are a$ays du.ex fre2uen#ies0
SGSN Servin& G,)S Su..ort Node0 T%e SGSN .rovides t%e #ontro1 transmission1 CAM,1 and #%ar&in&
fun#tions0 It -ee.s tra#- of t%e individua MS o#ations1 and .erforms se#urity fun#tions and a##ess #ontro0
T%e SGSN is #onne#ted to t%e "SS t%rou&% a 8rame )eay net$or-0
SI/ Sien#e /es#ri.tor0 T%e transmission of #omfort noise information to t%e )F side is a#%ieved by means
of a SI/ frame0 A SI/ frame is transmitted at t%e end of bursts and serves as an end of
mar-er for t%e )F side0 In order to t%e #omfort noise #%ara#teristi#s at
t%e )F side1 SI/ frames are transmitted at re&uar intervas aso durin& .auses0 T%is aso serves t%e
.ur.ose of im.rovin& t%e measurement of t%e radio in- 2uaity by t%e radio subsystem 4)SS50
SI8 Si&na Information 8ied0 T%e bits of a messa&e si&na unit t%at #arry information for a #ertain user
transa#tionW t%e SI8 a$ays #ontains a abe0
SIM Subs#riber Identity Modue0 )emovabe modue $%i#% is inserted into a mobie e2ui.mentW it is
#onsidered as .art of t%e MS0 It #ontains se#urity reated information 4IMSI1 Ii1 ,IN51 ot%er subs#riber
reated information and t%e a&orit%ms A> and A90
SMS S%ort Messa&e Servi#e0 SMS is a &obay a##e.ted $ireess servi#e t%at enabes t%e transmission of
a.%anumeri# messa&es bet$een mobie subs#ribers and externa systems
su#% as ee#troni# mai1 .a&in&1 and voi#e!mai systems0 It transfers t%e s%ort messa&es1 u. to :?6
#%ara#ters1 bet$een Smts and MSs t%rou&% a SMS!SC0
SMSC" S%ort Messa&e Servi#e Ce "road#ast0 SMSC" is a servi#e in $%i#% s%ort messa&es is broad#ast
from a ,(MN to
MSs0 SMSC" messa&es #ome from different sour#es 4for exam.e1 trafH# re.orts1 $eat%er re.orts50
Messa&es are not a#-no$ed&ed by t%e MS0 )e#e.tion of SMSC" messa&es
by t%e MS is ony .ossibe in ide mode0 T%e &eo&ra.%i#a area over $%i#% ea#% messa&e is transmitted is
see#ted by t%e ,(MN o.erator1 by a&reement $it% t%e .rovider of t%e
SMS!SC S%ort Messa&e Servi#e ! Servi#e Centre0 SMS!SC is an inter $or-in& unit bet$een stationary
net$or-s and t%e GSM Net$or-0 It a#ts as a store and for$ard #entre for s%ort
SMS/,, S%ort Messa&e Servi#e/,oint!to!,oint0 T$o different .oint!to!.oint servi#es %ave been deHned:
Mobie Cri&inated 4MC5 and Mobie Terminated 4MT50 A s%ort messa&e a$ays
ori&inates or terminates in t%e GSM net$or-0 T%is means t%at s%ort messa&es #an never be sent bet$een
t$o users bot% o#ated in stationary net$or-s0
S)ES Si&ned )ES.onse 4aut%enti#ation50 T%e S)ES is #a#uated by t%e MS1 usin& t%e )AN/1 and sent to
t%e SGSN to aut%enti#ate t%e MS0
SS Su..ementary Servi#e0 A modiH#ation of1 or a su..ement to1 a basi# tee#ommuni#ation servi#e0
SS@ ITA!TSS Common C%anne Si&nain& System No0 @0 Aso -no$n as C@1 S@ or SSE@0 T%e standard
deHnes t%e .ro#edures and .roto#o by $%i#% net$or- eements in t%e ,STN ex#%an&e information over a
di&ita si&nain& net$or- to effe#t $ireess 4#euar5 and $ireine #a setu.1 routin& and #ontro0
ST, Si&nain& Transfer ,oint0 A node in t%e SS@ tee.%one net$or- t%at routes messa&es bet$een
ex#%an&es and bet$een ex#%an&es and databases t%at %od subs#riber and routin& information0
SA Si&na Anit0 A &rou. of bits formin& a se.aratey transferabe entity used to #onvey information on a
si&nain& in-0 SunCS Sun Mi#rosystems ANIF C.eratin& System0 SunCS $as
renamed Soaris0
Su.erframe 5: trafH#/asso#iated #ontro mutiframes or 2? broad#ast/#ommon #ontro mutiframes 4.eriod
SA)8 Se#tored Aniversa )e#eiver 8ront!end
syn#%ronisation burst ,eriod of )8 #arrier ess t%an one timesot $%ose moduation bit stream #arries
information for t%e MS to syn#%ronise its frame to t%at of t%e re#eived si&na0
Synt%esiser Synt%esiser is a met%od of fre2uen#y in $%i#% t%e )CAs are re!tuned
in rea!time1 from fre2uen#y to fre2uen#y0
SNSGEN SNStem GENeration0 T%e Motoroa .ro#edure for oadin& a #onH&uration database into a "TS0
TC+ TrafH# C+anne0 GSM o&i#a #%annes $%i#% #arry eit%er en#oded or user data0
TC+/A8S TrafH# C+anne0 AM) 8u rate
TC+/A+S TrafH# C+anne0 AM) +af rate
TC+/8 A fu rate TC+0
TC+/820= A fu rate TC+ at 20= -b.s0
TC+/8=09 A fu rate TC+ at =09 -b.s0
TC+/8;0? A fu rate TC+ at ;0? -b.s0
TC+/8S A fu rate TC+0
TC+/+ A %af rate TC+0
T/M Time /ivision Muti.exin&0 A ty.e of muti.exin& t%at #ombines data streams by assi&nin& ea#%
stream a different time sot in a set0 T/M re.eatedy transmits a Hxed se2uen#e
of time sots over a sin&e transmission #%anne0 Wit%in T!Carrier systems1 su#% as T!: and T!>1 T/M
#ombines ,CM streams #reated for ea#% #onversation or data stream0
T/MA Time /ivision Muti.e A##ess0 A te#%noo&y for deiverin& di&ita $ireess servi#e usin& T/M0
T/MA $or-s by dividin& a radio fre2uen#y into time sots and t%en ao#atin& sots to
muti.e #as0 T%us1 a sin&e fre2uen#y #an su..ort muti.e1 simutaneous data #%annes0
Timesot T%e muti.ex subdivision in $%i#% voi#e and si&nain& bits are sent over t%e air0 Ea#% )8 #arrier
is divided into 9 timesots0
Timin& advan#e A si&na sent by t%e "TS to t%e MS0 It enabes t%e MS to advan#e t%e timin& of its
transmission to t%e "TS so as to #om.ensate for .ro.a&ation deay0
TMN Tee#ommuni#ations Mana&ement Net$or-0 T%e .%ysi#a entities re2uired to im.ement t%e
Net$or- Mana&ement fun#tionaity for t%e ,(MN0 Aso1 TMN $as ori&inated formay in :;99 under t%e
ITA!TS as a strate&i# &oa to #reate or identify standard interfa#es t%at $oud ao$ a net$or- to be
mana&ed #onsistenty a#ross a net$or- eement su..iers0 T%e #on#e.t %as ed to a
series of interreated efforts at standard $ays to deHne and address net$or- eements0 TMN uses
t%e CSI Mana&ement Standards as its frame$or-0 TMN a..ies to $ireess #ommuni#ations and #abe T'
as $e as to .rivate and .ubi# $ired net$or-s0
TMSI Tem.orary Mobie Subs#riber Identity0 A uni2ue identity tem.orariy ao#ated by t%e MSC to a
visitin& mobie subs#riber to .ro#ess a #a0 is #%an&ed bet$een #as and even durin& a #a1 to .reserve
subs#riber #onHdentiaity0
Trainin& se2uen#e Se2uen#e of moduatin& bits em.oyed to fa#iitate timin& re#overy and #%anne
e2uaisation in t%e re#eiver0
Trans.ort (ayer0T%e Trans.ort (ayer res.onds to servi#e re2uests from t%e Session (ayer and issues
servi#e re2uests to t%e Net$or- (ayer0 Its .ur.ose is to .rovide trans.arent
transfer of data bet$een end users1 t%us reievin& t%e ayers from any #on#ern $it% .rovidin& reiabe
and #ost!effe#tive data transfer
T)F Trans#eiver4s50 A net$or- #om.onent $%i#% #an serve fu du.ex #ommuni#ation on 9 fu!rate trafH#
#%annes a##ordin& to s.e#iH#ation GSM 650620 If So$ 8re2uen#y 4S8+5 is not used1 t%en t%e
T)F serves t%e #ommuni#ation on one )8 #arrier TSC Trainin& Se2uen#e Code0 A trainin& se2uen#e is
sent at t%e #entre of a burst to %e. t%e re#eiver identify and syn#%ronise to t%e burst0 T%e trainin& se2uen#e
is a set se2uen#e of bits $%i#% is -no$n by bot% t%e transmitter and re#eiver0 T%ere are ei&%t different TSCs
numbered 6 to @0 Nearby #es
o.eratin& $it% t%e same )8 #arrier fre2uen#y use different TSCs to ao$ t%e re#eiver to identify t%e #orre#t
A/, Aser /ata&ram ,roto#o0 A/, is a #onne#tioness .roto#o t%at1 i-e TC,1 runs on to. of I, net$or-s0
Ani-e TC,/I,1 A/,/I, .rovides very fe$ error re#overy servi#es1 offerin&
instead a dire#t $ay to send and re#eive data&rams over an I, net$or-0 It is used .rimariy for broad#astin&
messa&es over a net$or-
AMTS Aniversa Mobie Tee#ommuni#ation System0 T%e Euro.ean im.ementation of t%e >G $ireess
.%one system0 AMTS1 $%i#% is .art of IMT!26661 .rovides servi#e in t%e 2G+7 band and offers &oba
roamin& and .ersonaised features0 /esi&ned as an evoutionary system for GSM net$or- o.erators1
mutimedia data rates u. to 2 Mb.s are ex.e#ted0
ANIF A mutiuser1 mutitas-in& o.eratin& system t%at is $idey used as t%e master #ontro .ro&ram in
$or-stations and es.e#iay servers0 ANIF $as deveo.ed by AT and T and
freey distributed to &overnment and a#ademi# institutions1 #ausin& it to be .orted to a $ider variety of
ma#%ine famiies t%an any ot%er o.eratin& system0 As a resut1 ANIF be#ame
synonymous $it% o.en systems0 ,%ysi#a in- from t%e MS to$ards t%e "TS 4MS transmits1 "TS re#eives5
'A 'iterbi A&orit%m 4used in #%anne e2uaisers50 An a&orit%m to #om.ute t%e o.tima 4most i-ey5 state
se2uen#e in a mode &iven a se2uen#e of observed out.uts0
'A/ 'oi#e A#tivity /ete#tion0 A .ro#ess used to identify .resen#e or absen#e of data bits0 'A/ is
used $it% /TF0 'A, 'ideotext A##ess ,oint0
'"S 'oi#e "road#ast Servi#e0 '"S ao$s t%e distribution of 4or ot%er si&nas $%i#% #an be
transmitted t%rou&% t%e #ode#51 &enerated by a servi#e subs#riber1 into a .redeHned &eo&ra.%i#a
area to a or a &rou. of servi#e subs#ribers o#ated in t%is area
'ersaT)AA Ao$s bot% voi#e and G,)S/EG,)S frames to be #ombined into one ar&e frame to redu#es
'ideotext T%e 'ideotext servi#e is an intera#tive servi#e1 t%at by means of a##ess .oints and
Standardised .ro#edures1 .rovides t%e a##ess to data base information stored in %ost #om.uters externa to
t%e ,(MN1 t%rou&% .ubi# tee#ommuni#ation net$or-s0
'irtua Cir#uit A #onne#tion bet$een t$o devi#es1 t%at fun#tions as t%ou&% it is a dire#t #onne#tion1 even
t%ou&% it may .%ysi#ay be #ir#uitous0 T%e term is used most fre2uenty to des#ribe #onne#tions bet$een
t$o %osts in a .a#-et!s$it#%in& net$or-0
'() 'isitor (o#ation )e&ister0 A GSM net$or- eement $%i#% .rovides a tem.orary re&ister for
subs#riber information for a visitin& subs#riber0 Cften a .art of t%e MSC0
'MSC 'isited MSC0 4)e#ommendation not to be used50 vo#oder Abbreviation for voi#e!#oder0 A devi#e
t%at usuay #onsists of a anayser1 $%i#% #onverts anao&ue $aveforms into narro$ band
di&ita si&nas1 and a synt%esiser1 $%i#% #onverts t%e di&ita si&nas into artiH#ia sounds0
'SW) 'ota&e Standin& Wave )atio0 In a transmission ine1 t%e ratio of maximum to minimum vota&e in
a standin& $ave .attern0 Note: T%e 'SW) is a measure of im.edan#e mismat#% bet$een t%e transmission
ine and its oad0 T%e %i&%er t%e 'SW)1 t%e &reater t%e mismat#%0 T%e minimum 'SW)1 t%at is1 t%at $%i#%
#orres.onds to a .erfe#t im.edan#e mat#%1 is unity0
WAN Wide Area Net$or-0 A .%ysi#a or o&i#a net$or- t%at .rovides data #ommuni#ations to a ar&er
number of inde.endent users t%an are usuay served by a (AN and is usuay over a ar&er
&eo&ra.%i# area t%an t%at of a (AN0 WANs may in#ude .%ysi#a net$or-s1 su#% as IS/N
net$or-s1 F025 net$or-s1 and T: net$or-s0
WWW Word Wide Web0 An internationa1 virtua!net$or-!based information servi#e #om.osed of Internet
%ost #om.uters t%at .rovide onine information in a s.e#iH# %y.ertext format0 WWW servers .rovide
%y.ertext mar-!u. an&ua&e 4+TM(5 formatted do#uments usin& t%e %y.ertext transfer .roto#o1 +TT,0
Information on t%e WWW is a##essed $it% a %y.ertext bro$ser0
F025 F0251 ado.ted as a standard by t%e CCITT1 is a #ommony used .roto#o for .ubi# .a#-et!s$it#%ed
net$or-s 4,S,/NS50 T%e F025 .roto#o ao$s #om.uters on different .ubi# net$or-s
to #ommuni#ate t%rou&% an intermediary #om.uter at t%e net$or- ayer eve0 T%e .roto#o #orres.onds
#osey to t%e data!in- and .%ysi#a!ayer .roto#os deHned in t%e CSI #ommuni#ation mode0
F025 in- A #ommuni#ations in- $%i#% #onforms to F025 s.e#iH#ations and uses F025 .roto#o 4NE to
CMC in-s50
F"( Trans#oder to "SS (in-0 T%e #arrier #ommuni#ations in- bet$een t%e Trans#oder 4FC/)5 and t%e
FC/) 8u!rate Trans#oder0 T%e FC/) is t%e di&ita si&na .ro#essin& e2ui.ment re2uired to .erform
GSM!deHned en#odin& and de#odin&0 In terms of data transmission1 t%e trans#oder interfa#es
t%e ?= -b.s ,CM in t%e and net$or- to t%e :> -b.s vo#oder format used on t%e Air Interfa#e0

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