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Intent Search: Capturing User Intention for One-Click

Internet Image Search

Web-scale image search engines (e.g. Google Image Search, Bing Image Search)
mostly rely on surrounding text features. It is difficult for them to interpret users search
intention only by !uery "ey#ords and this leads to ambiguous and noisy search results
#hich are far from satisfactory. It is important to use $isual information in order to sol$e
the ambiguity in text-based image retrie$al. In this paper, #e propose a no$el Internet
image search approach. It only re!uires the user to clic" on one !uery image #ith the
minimum effort and images from a pool retrie$ed by text-based search are re-ran"ed
based on both $isual and textual content.
%ur "ey contribution is to capture the users search intention from this one-clic"
!uery image in four steps.
(&) 'he !uery image is categori(ed into one of the predefined adapti$e #eight
categories, #hich reflect users search intention at a coarse le$el. Inside each category, a
specific #eight schema is used to combine $isual features adapti$e to this "ind of images
to better re-ran" the text-based search result.
()) Based on the $isual content of the !uery image selected by the user and
through image clustering, !uery "ey#ords are expanded to capture user intention.
(*) +xpanded "ey#ords are used to enlarge the image pool to contain more
rele$ant images.
(,) +xpanded "ey#ords are also used to expand the !uery image to multiple
positi$e $isual examples from #hich ne# !uery specific $isual and textual similarity
metrics are learned to further impro$e content-based image re-ran"ing. -ll these steps are
automatic #ithout extra effort from the user. 'his is critically important for any
commercial #eb-based image search engine, #here the user interface has to be extremely
simple. Besides this "ey contribution, a set of $isual features #hich are both effecti$e and
efficient in Internet image search are designed. +xperimental e$aluation sho#s that our
approach significantly impro$es the precision of top ran"ed images and also the user
Existing System
In +xisting system, one #ay is text-based "ey#ord expansion, ma"ing the textual
description of the !uery more detailed. +xisting linguistically-related methods find either
synonyms or other linguistic-related #ords from thesaurus, or find #ords fre!uently co
occurring #ith the !uery "ey#ords.
Propose System
In .roposed system, #e propose a no$el Internet image search approach. It
re!uires the user to gi$e only one clic" on a !uery image and images from a pool
retrie$ed by text based search are re-ran"ed based on their $isual and textual similarities
to the !uery image. 'he "ey problem to be sol$ed in this pro/ect is ho# to capture user
intention from this one-clic" !uery image.
Amin !oule
'his module #ill facilitate the admin to populate the images facilitated to the user
to be searched using the intent search mechanism. -long #ith the images the user #ill be
re!uested for a set of tags associated #ith the image along #ith some of its $isual
features. 'his #ill include capturing of $arious details related to images as #ell re!uired
for populating the facilitating the search. It #ill include of the follo#ing features0
&. -uthentication
). Image 1pload
*. Image 2anagement 2odule
Search !oule
'he application #ill include a search mechanism #hich #ill be open to all users
of the application. It #ill in$ol$e the follo#ing steps of output generation 0
"# Image Search
In this module, many Internet scale image search methods are text-based and are
limited by the fact that !uery "ey#ords cannot describe image content accurately.
3ontent-based image retrie$al uses $isual features to e$aluate image similarity. %ne of
the ma/or challenges of content-based image retrie$al is to learn the $isual similarities
#hich #ell reflect the semantic rele$ance of images. Based on this, this module facilitates
user interaction and image search feature.
$# %uery Categori&ation base on clicke image etails
In this module, the !uery categories #e considered based on a certain set of
properties related to the images stored #ithin the system. 'his module facilitates the
search based on "ey#ords specified by the users. 'he features #e used for !uery
categori(ation are0 existence of faces, the number of faces in the image, the percentage of
the image frame ta"en up by the face region, the coordinate of the face center relati$e to
the center of the image,
'# (isual %uery Expansion base on clicke image etails
In this module, the goal of $isual !uery expansion is to obtain multiple positi$e
example images to learn a $isual similarity metric #hich is more robust and more specific
to the !uery image. We aim at de$eloping an image re-ran"ing method #hich only
re!uires one-clic" on the !uery image and thus positi$e examples ha$e to be obtained
Images )etrie*e by Expane +ey,ors
In this module, considering efficiency, in this image search, only re-ran" the top
N images of the text-based image search as #ell as $isual clic" information resulting in a
small number of rele$ant images #ith the same semantic meanings as the !uery image in
the image pool. 4isual !uery expansion and combining it #ith the !uery specific $isual
similarity metric can further impro$e the performance of image reran"ing.
Image -etails
'his module facilitates user to $ie# details of the final image that is selected
based on the filtered structure created.
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