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M.A., F.R.S.,









[All riyhts restri;ed.]
Pu rornas. V'lSn n up ukq no.. u.n(^

t i







H. H. WILSON, M.A., RR.S.,




VOL. v., PART IL Index.

[All rights reserved.^
The circumstances which have operated to retard the appear-

ance of the following pages are such as hardly to admit, in this

place, of any statement except that, if my pleasure had been

consulted, the publication of this Index would have followed

immediately that of the volumes to which it relates.

That it is free from mistakes is very much more than I ven-

ture to suppose. Beyond question, if I had enjoyed access to

books and manuscripts additional to those in my own limited

collection, I might often have done otherwise than simply repeat

that which I strongly suspected, and still so suspect, of being


To the fourteen pages with which the Index concludes, the

attention of the inspector is particularly invited. With much
else that concerns him, he will there find materials for occasional

emendation of the admirable Sanskrit lexicon for which we

are indebted to the unrivalled research of the learned Messrs.

and Roth,
F. II.

Marlesforu, Wickuam Makket,

Novttn^er 1, 1876.


»% The abbreviation P. denotes the Preface to the work here indexed. The volumes
of the work are denoted by larger Arabic numerals ; their pages, and likewise
tho5e of the Preface, by smaller.

Abala, variant of Sunfta, 4. 176. Abhirodna, a J^ishi in the i?ixth

Abhaya, * fearlessness,' son of Manwantara, 3. 12.

Dharma, 1. iii. Abhimdna, the term, 1. 33 ; 5.

Abhaya, son of Idhmajihwa, king 198 (note §§).

of Plaksha-dwlpa, 2. 193. Abhimdnin, an Agni, eldest son of
Abhaya, a region inPlaksha-dwipa, Brahmd, 1. 155 (where correct
2. 193. the .spelling) ; 5, 387.
Abhayi, a river in Krauncba- Abhimanyu, son of Chdkehusha.
d-wlpa. 2. 198. the Manu, 1. 177.
Abbayada, son of Manasyn, 4. 127 Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna, son of
Abhidhdua, the term explained, 5. Pdnd'u, .3, 321, 326; 4. 159,
14. 160, 163.
Abhidhina-chintdmani, a vocabu- Abhinaman (I?), variant of Atind-
lary, referred to, 3. 122, 246. man, 3. 12.
Abhidh^na-ratnarm^lA, a vocabu- Abhinamin, a Kishi in the sixth
lary, referred to, 2, 160. Manwantara, 3. 13.
Abhijana, what, 3. 143. Abhinivesa, what, 1. 69.
Abhijit, son of Vyoman, 4. 68. Abhiras, Abhfras, peoples, 2. 133,
Abhijit, variously genealogized, 134,167,168, 184, i85;4.222,
4. 98. 224j 5. 157-159, 162, 164.
Abhijit, a certain asterism, 2. 264, Abhiras, a race of kings, 4. 202,
&c., 308. 205-208.
Abhijita, variant of Abhijit, 4. 98. Abhisdras, a people, 2. 174, 175.
AbhijnAta, son of Yajnabd,hu, king Abhishava, what, 3. 196.
of S'dlmala-dwfpa, 2. 195. Abhiyukta, a caste in Ku^a-dwlpa,
Abbijndta, a region in S'Almala- 2. 197.
dwlpa, 2. 195. Abhrayantl,- a KfittikS, 2. 337.

Abb\imi, son of Chitraka, 4. 96. A'dbi-bhautika, what, 5. 60, 203.

A^bhutanayas, variant of AbLVi- A'dhi-daivika, what, 5. 60,203
tarajas. 3. 9. Adhikdngft', adhikdngi, what, 3.

A'bhutarajas, a class of gods in the 104.

fifth Manwantara, 3. 9, 10. Adbi-purusha, 'supreme spirit,' 1.

Abbiitarajases, variant of Abhii- 170,

tarajas, 3 9, to. Adhirajya (?), a country, 2. 165.
A'bhutararaas, variant of Abliu- Adhir^sht'ra (?), a country, 2. 165.
tarajas. 3. q Adhiratha, son of Satyakarman, 4.

A'bhutarayas, variajit of Abhit- 126

tarajas, 3. 9. Adlii.sdinsikrishna (?), variant of
Abhyudaya-.4r;idillta, a certain Adhisimakfishna, 4. 163.

raortuflry rite, 3. 99, 338, Adhisiniakrishiia,. son of Aswa-

Abiria, the dassical name of the medhadatta, 4. 163.

country of Ihc Abhiras, 2, 185. Adhisoraakrishna, variant of Adhi-

Abj^, daughter of Bh^rgava, 3. fclmakfishna. 4. 163.
23S. Adhiviihana. variant of P^ra, 4.

Abjabhava, the same as Abjayoni, 123.

4. III. Adhivdjya (??), a country, 2, 165.
Abjayoni, an epithet of BrahmA, 1 AdhivAjyakuUdya {'th, a country,
17; 3. 250, 251 ; 4. i j 5. ^96, 2. 165.
250. Adhokshaja, an epithet of Vishnu
Abu, a mountain in Central India, or Krishna, 1. 28; 4. 25235. 11.

4, 225 See Arbuda. Adhomukha = AdhaKsiras, a hell,

Achala, a Devarshi, son of Pratyd- 2. 218.
Bba, 3. 68. Adhrisht'a, variant of Anddhmhti,
Achala, variant of Snnlta, 4. 176. son of Sura, 4. loi.
Achara, the terra defined, <tc., 3, Adhrishyi, a river, 2, 149,

86. T07, 338. Adhwaryu, a sort of priest, 3. 43,

Ach^ra-chanorikA. a law-book, re- 343-

ferred to, 3. 198, Adhyas, variant of Andha?, 2. 170.
Achchhod^ daughter of the Ag- Adhy^tma-rdraiyana, a part of the
nishwittas, 3. 160. BrahmAnd'a-pur46a, P. 84.
Achyuta^ a name of Vishnu or Adhyatniika,what,5. 60, 202,203.
KHsbtia, its etymology, <kc.j L Adi-bhdta, what, 3. 230.
15, 162, et ])assim. A'di-krit, what, 5, 195.
Adbhuta, an Indra in the ninth Adina, son of Sahadeva, 4. 44.

Manwantara, 3. 25. Adi-purada = Brahma-purdna, P

Adbahsiraa, a hell, 2. 215. 27.
Adinarma, 'vice,' son of Brahmd, Ad'lra (f), Ad'fra, variant* of An
I 101. Ill, 112. d(d'a, 4. 117.

Adhl, daughter of Daksha, and Agha, an Asura, Kams-Va generalis-

wiie of Kasyapa, I. 147, 151; simo, 0. 1 r.

2. 26. 27, 259; 3. 18-20, 230; Aghora, a Kalpa, P. 62.

4. 265,318: CSS, 90,92, gsf Aghor Astra, a weapon borne b^
96, 97- S'iva , 5. 1 »8.

AdUi, one of the Vis we devaa^ 3. A'gneya, a kind of cloud, 2. 279.

Agnoya = Kiktik^, an asterism,
Aditya. the sun, P. 3 ; 3. 56, 1 1 7 ;
2. 277 ; 4. 235,

4. 74. 75: 103 ; 5. 383. A'gneya - purana = Agni-purina,

Aditya,S; certain gods, twelve in !'•
23> 58; 3. 65, 67 (where
number. 1, izj, 123, 125; 2. correct the 3p3l]ing), 338.
27, 285, 286, <tc. : 3.3, 13, 15, Agneydstra, 'a fiery weapon,' 5. 81.
18; 4. j;49. 272, 293; .5. 2, Agneyi, wife of Uru, 1. 177,
143, J47. Their chief, Vishiiu. Agni, god of fire, son of Angiras.
2. 85. i'-3. 21, 58; 1. 154, 155. 192;
Aditya, A'ditya. Pniiarvasu, an 2- 306,307; 3. 2, 28, 128, 162,
asterism. 2. 2C6.. 276. 166; 4.235,249, 254; 5. roo,
A'ditya-upapuiina. P. 87. 158, 382. King of the Pitfis,
Adi-iipapiiriiia, P, 91. 2. 86. His city, 2. 112, 118.
Adrava (?), variant of Araav'at, 3. Agni, the Vaidik, 2. 79.

191. Aguis, forty-nine in number, I.

Admvas (f), variant of Aroavat, 3 141, 156; 4. 249, 358, 272;

T90, 191 5. 143.
Adfiki, &Q Apaaras, mistress of Ag,ni, a J^ishi in the fourth Man-
Vasu, 2. 81-83 ; i- M9- wantara, 3. 8.
Adfisyaiitf, -wife of S'akti, and Agni, a star so called, 2. 506.
mother of Pari&ara, ). 8. Agni, a Kalpa, P. 67,
Adwaita, what, 2, 90. Agni (J), variant of Nimi, 4. 72.

AdwiJA, what, 4. 222. AgnibAhu, son of Priyaviata and

Adyas, a class of gods in the sixth KamyA, 2. 100, loi.
Manwantara, 3. 12. Agnibihu, a Jlishi in the four-
Adya. variant of Apas, the Rak- leentii Manwantara, 3. 28.
sbasa, 2. 293 AgnJdagdbas, certain Pitfis 30
Agada, '
alexipbarmacy,' 4. 33. called, 1. 156, 3. 166, 339.
Agada-tantra = Agada, 4. 33. Agnfdhra, son of Priyavrata and
Agasti,. the same as the next, (i) KAmya, and king of Jambu.
'\ 128. dwipa, 2, TOO, 6ic. ; 3. 2.

Agastya, son of Pulastya, P- 72, Agnidhra, variant of Gfidhra, the

86; (54; 5. 3.87.
1. flishi, 3. 28.

Agastya, or Canopus, an asterisra, A'gnidbraka, a foshi in the twelfth

2. 263, 268, 308. Manwantara, 3. 27

Agni-hotra, a sort of sacrifice, 3. Agnivarchas, descended from Bha-

40, 113, 117, 213. radwdja, and discipie of Roma-
Agni-kSrya, a particular ceremony, harshana, 3. 64-66.
3. 189. Agnivarna, son of Sudarsana, 3.

Agni-linga, an epiphany of S'iva, 314, 321, 325.

as a fiery phallus, P. 6 7. Agiiivdyu, variant of Agnibdhu,
AgnimAchara, variant of Agnima- the ^ishi, 3. 28.

t'hara, 3. 45. Agnivesya, a form of Agni, and

Agnimdthara disciple of BAshkali, son of Devadatta, 3. 336.
and teacher of the Rig-veda, 3. Agnivesydyanas, certain Brdh-

44, 45-
mans, 3. 336.
Agnimdtura, variant of Agnimd- Agnyddheya, a particular sacrifice,

t'hara, 3. 45. 3. 113.

Agnimitra, disciple of Bdshkali, Agrahara, what, P. 105.
and teacher of the Rig-veda, 3. A'grahdyana = Mdrgaelrsha, a

44. month, Nov.-Dec, 2. 261 ; 3.

Agnimitra, son of Pushpainitra, 114, 168.

4. 172, 190, 191. Agrahdyanl, a particular sacrifice,

Agnin6vara {V), disciple of Bash- .3. 113.

kali, and teacher of the l^ig- Agrayaiieshlfi, a particular sacri-
veda, 3. 44. fice, 3. 113.
Agni-purdna, analysis of it, &c., Ahalyd, daughter of Badhryaswa,
P. 20, 24, 58, &c. ; 190;
3. and wife of S'aradwat or Gau-
5. 3i5» 327, 381- See Vahni- tama, 3. 316; 4. 146.

purdna. Ahamkdra, particulars touching,

A^nisht'oma, son of Chdkshusha, 1- 33-35. *fcc., 76, 140, 169,

Manu of the sixth Manwantara, 172; 2. 94, 232; 5. 94, 199.
1. 177-179- Ahammdna, what, 5. 223, 225.
Agnishtoraa, a kind of sacrifice, Aharnj'dti, son of Samydti, 4. 128.

its origin, &c., 1. 84, 85 ; 3. Ahan, *

day,' a body of Brahmd, 1

"3 Si,
Agnisht'ut, variant of Agnisht'oraa, Ahdrya, variant of Mahdvfrya, 4.

son of Chdkshusha, 1, 179, 137-

Agnisht'ut = Agnisht'oma, the A'havaniya, a certain holy fire, 3.

sacrifice, 1. 85, 175; 4. II ; 5. 114.

Agnishwdttas, a class of Pitris, Ahi, 'serpent,' whence the term,
variously genealogized, 1, 156 ; 1.83.
2. 303. 343; 3. 159, 160, 163, Ahi, variant of Swdhi, 4. 61.

339. Ahichchhatra, two regions so call

Agnitejas, a Rishi in the eleventh ed, 2. 161.

Menvrantara, 3, 26. Ahichchhatrd, a city, 2, i6t.


Abikshatra, a region, 2. i6i ; 4. Ailavila, variant of Ilavila, 3. 311.

145- Ailina, son of Tainsu, 4. 130, 131.

AhimsA, what, 3. 77 ; 4. 294; 5. Aindras (V), a people, 2. 341.
229. Aindra - Indra-dwipa, a portion of
Ahi'na variant of Adina, 4. 44. Bhdratavarsha, 2, r 1

Ahfnagu, son of Devdnika, 3. 320, Aindra = Jyesht:hii, an asterisui,

321, 323- 2. 265.

Ahlnara, son of Udayana, 4. 165, Aindriyaka, what, 1, 74.
166. Ainila, variant of Ailina, 4. 130.
Ahinara, variant of Ahlnagu, 3. Air, presiding over the skin, 1. 38,
321. Airdvata, king of elephants, pro-
Ahfrs, the vernacular corruption duced, by churning the ocean,
of A'bhiras, 2. 208. and appropriated by Indra, I.

Ahirbudhna, a Rudra, 2, 24, 25, 136, 147; 2. 85; 4. 317, 319,

337- 321; 5. 87, 89, loi.
Ahirbudhna = Uttara-bhddrapadd, Airdvata, a serpent, son of Kas-
an asterism, 2. 277, yapa, 2. 74, 285, &c,
Ahirbudhnya = Ahirbudhna, the Airdvata, three certain triads of
Kudra, 2. 24, 25, 337. asterisms, 2. 265, 267.

Ahirvradhna, corrupted from Ahir- Airdvatd = Airdvati, a certain triad

budhnya, 2. 24, 25. of asterisms, 2. 276, 277.
AhitA, variant of Mahitd, 2. 148. Airdvati, a certain triad of aster-
Ahordtra, the term explained, 5. 47. isms, 2. 265, &c., 277.

Ahuka, variously genealogized, 4. Airdvati = Irdvatf, a river, 4. 118.

Aishikas, variant of Ishlkas. 2.
98, 99, 114; 5. 150.
A'hukl, variously genealogized, 4. 173-
98. Aitareya-brdhmaiia, the, or its

Ahdtas, a class of Apsarases, 2. 75. commentary, referred to, 2. 135,

Ahuti, variant of Dhfiti, son of 170, 339, 342, 343; 3. 231,
Babhru, 4. 67. 244, 248, 256, 257, 338, 340;
Ahuti, what, 3. 181. 4. 27; 5. 81.

Aid'as, certain Rdjarshis, 3. 70. Aja, a Rudra, 2. 25.

Aid'avid'a, variant of Ilavila, 3. Aja, same as the last, (X) 2. 16,

Aid'ivid'a, variant of Ilavila, 3. 3 1 r. Aja, son of Auttami, the third

Aikshwdkas, certain Rdjarshls, 3. Manu, 3. 6.

70. Aja, variously genealogized, 3. 313,

AikshwAkas, a dynasty, 4. 171, 3T4, 3165^4. 124.
181, 184. Aja, son of Urdhwaketu, 3. 334.
Aila, metronym of Pururavas^ 3. Aja = Purva-bhddrapadd, an aster-

168. isnij 2. 276, 277.


Ajagava; the bow of S'iva, 1. 183, Akapivat a Bishi m the fourth

18G. Manwantara, S. 8.

Ajagava. variant of Jaradgava,. 2. A'kasa., particulars regarding. 1. 34,

267. 36 > 2. 232. 235; 5 198, 254

Ajaikapdd, a Radra, 2. 24, 25. A'kasagSTigi a river, 2. 2S0, 28 j

Ajaikapild - Purva-bhMrapad% an A'kby^na, Akhyiinaka, defined. 2.

asterism. 3. 167. 95 ; 3 63, 66 (note §).

Ajaka, variously genealogized, 4. A'krlra (l\ variant of A'ndld'a, 4.

14. J[5- ir?.

Ajaka, sou of Yadu, 4. 53. Akris4swa, son of SartihatAswa,
Ajaka, variant of Janaka, 4. 179. 3. 265, 266.
Ajaniid'ba, variously genealog'zed, Akfitabrana, sprung from Kas
4. 138-140, 142, 144, 145. yapa, and disciple of Romahar
147, 148, 153. sharia, P. 19; 3, 64-66
Ajcfpala - Aja, 3. 314. A.kfitavrata, variant of Akfita-
Ajasyama, son of Suknmdra, 4. brana, 3. 66.

163. Akriya, sprung from Kauibha, son

AjAtasatru, variously genealogized. of Ayus, 4. 43,
4 181, 182, 186. Akrodhana, son of Aywtaniyin, 4
AJava 0), variant of Kath^Java, 128.
3. 50- Akrodhana, son of Ayutdyus, son
Ajavfthi, a certain triad of aster- of A'r^vin, 4. 153.
isms, 2. 263, &c., 308. Akrura, son of S'waphalka, 4. 80,
A jay a, variant of Udaydswa, 4.182. 82, 84, 86, (Jfc, 94, 96, 335,
Ajigarta, father of SunaKscpha, 3$<>, 338; 5. 1, 4, 5, 8-13
4. 25-27. 16-18, 23, 26, 148.
Ajika, son of Yadu, 4. 53. AkshagandhA, an Apsaraa, 2. 82.

Ajina, son of Havirdh^na, 1. 193. Akshara, what, 6. 2Ji.

Ajilas, a class of gods in the first Aksha-sutrakft, *
rosary, 5. 239.
Manwaiitarft; 2. 26 ; 3. 2. Akalauhiiif, the term explained,
Ajita, a form of Vishnu ijj the se- 4. 250 5. 50, 140.

cond Mauwantara, 3. 17. Aksha-valaya = Akaha-sfitraka. 5

Ajita, a Rishi m the fourteenth 239.
Manwantara. 3. 29. Aksha-vit'a, what, 5, 26.

Ajita, .son of Yadu, 4. 53. Akshaya, what, 5. 51.

Ajita, son of Punarvasu, 4. 98. Aksbepa, variant of Upeksha; 4.

Ajyapas, a class of Pilfis, varioosly 96.

genealogized, 1. 123, 157; 3. A'kuti, daughter of SwAyarnbhuva
160. 164, 339. Manu, and wife of Ruchi, 1.

Akapi a ifeishi in the fourth Man- 108; 3. 1 6 (where correct the

wantara, 3 8, spelling) j 5 390

Akdii; wife of Chakshus, son of Amara-loka = Deva-loka, 5. 145.

Vyusht'a, 1. 178. Amarasimhaj an author, P. 7, 10,
Alaki, the capital of Kubera, and Arc; 3. 73, 207;5. 259,266,274,
city of tlie Gandharvas, 4. 6 324, 332 See Amara-kosa,
5. 386. Amaravati, the city of ludra, 1.

Alakananda, a river, 2. 112, 120, 137, 2. 240; 3. 253; a. 57.

122, 2]2. Amaravati, a city in Berar^ 5. 69
Alaksbmf, goddess of mlafortune, Amarsha, sou of Susandhi, 3. 325
daugbter of Lakshrai, 1. 147. Amarshaha, varmut of Ainaisha,
Is called offspring of Adharma, 3. 325.
1. 712. Am4vasu, son of Pururavas, 4
Alambana, what, 5. 231. 13, 14, 138, 139,
Alambi, disciple of Vaisampdyana, Amdvasu, son of Kusa, 4. 15.
and teacher of the Yajur-veda, Amavdsya, etymology of, Ac, 2.

3.52. s6o, 301.

Alambushi, an Apsuras, mistress of Amavat (l) oic of tbe Viswe
Trinabindu, 2 8t, 82 ; 3. 246. devas, 3. 19 1.
Alarka, variously genealogized, 4. Amiyas, eon of Pururavas, 4. 13.

36-39- Ambas, a people, 2. 136.

j/{[a,yk (1). a river. 2. 146. Ambd, a Kthiiki, 2. 337.
Alindas, a peo^^k, 2. iSo. Ambaliki, daughter of a king of
AlpA C?). a river, 2. 196. thft Kaiis, 4. 15S.
Xma, son of Kriahiia and Satyd, Ambarlsha, eon of Pulftha, 1. 155
5. 79. Ambiirisha, son of Nikbhaga. 3,
Ama, son of Qhritaprishtha, king 238, 239, 256, 257.
of Krauncha-dwipa, 2 198. AmijArlsha, on of Mdndhdlfi, 3
Ama, a region in Krauncha-dwlpa, 268, 280, 281 ; 5. 391.
2. 193. Ambarisha, variously genealogizetf,
Ami, a -ray of the sun, 2. 301. 3. 303, 314, 315.
AmAhaka- Avyanga, 5. 383. Ambarisha, king of Ayodhy4
AmalajA, daughter of RaudrA^wa, (which ot tte Ambavlshas named
and wife of Prabhaltara, 4. 1 29. above?), 4. 25, 26,
Amantravit (?\ variant of Ami- Ambarisha (who?), P. 49, 68
ttdL}\t i 169. Ambasht'has^ A'mbashfhas, a
Aniaras, tlie^odg," 5. 252. people, 2. 133, 135, J 36, 340 i

AmaraJcantaka, a moiinUiu so 4 12?

called, 5. iij3. Ambashlba, a city, 4. 122
A mara-ko^a, a vocabulary, referred Arabashtliya. a king named in the
to, 2. 22, 54. T42, 147, 149. Aitareya-brahiuaiia, 135 2.

"^<^; 3, 7^, 102. 328, 5, 50. Auibhaihsi, four classes of beings

5^; 300. See Amarasirfjhi so Pilled, 1. 80,

Ambhogiri, variant of Asta, 2. 199. Aihda, an A'ditya, 2. 27, 286,

AmbiLi, an Apssnu, 2. Si. 291, <tc.

Ambika, Kife of Bhava, tiie Rudra. Amsa, variously genealogized, 4.

1. 1 17; i. 262. 69.
Ambika, daughter of a king of the Amsa, what, 4. 234.
Kisis. -i. 158. Anisaka, what, 4. 66.
Ambika = ludrdni, (?) 5. 70. Aniiamsa, what, i. 240.
Ambikcra(l), variant of A'mbikeya. Amsamsavatara, what, 4. 247.
2. 199. Am3haspands, the, referred to, 2.

Ambikeya. a mountain-range in

SAka-dwipa, 2. 199. Amsu, variant of Amsa, the A'ditya,

Ambupa = Varuna. 2. 112. 2. 27, 285, 286, i-c.

Ambuvahini, variant of Madhu- !

Ainsu. variant of Aiisa, 4. 69, 70.

rdhini, 2. 150, Amsudatta, an author, referred to

Ameya, what, 5. 4. the c jurt of King Vikramaditva,
Ameyatman. what. 3. ;:c6 ; -i. 304. P- 9-

Amit^bhas, two classes of gods, so Anisumat, son of Asamanja, 3.

called, 3. 9. 33, 29S, 301-303.

Amltrajit, son of Suvarna, i. 169. Amurta, what, 6. 232. 236.

Aiiiii4ya = Teda. b. 9. Amurtarajas. son of KuJa, 4. 15.

Auuitds, a class of Apsarases, 2. Am^rtArajasa (?), son of Kusa, 4.

82. 15
Amrita, father of the Auifius, 3. Amtirtaraya, son of Kusa, 4. 15.

Sa. Amurtarayasa (correct the spell-

Arafita, son of Idhmajihwa, king insd, variant of Amiirtarajasa {V),

of Plaksha-dwipa. 2. 193. 4.^15.

Amfita, a region in Plaksha-dwipa. Amurtimat. son of Kusa, 4. 15.

2.193. Amuriirajas, son of Antinara, 4.

Amfita, the ocean churned for it, 130.

1. 142, ic. Drunk by the god5, Amunirava, variant of Amiirta-
1. 145. Stored in the moon, raya. 4. 15.
2. 300. Drunk by the Pitfis, Anadhita,variautof .^nn,4. 153.
2. 302. Its character, 2. 30c, An^dfishi (?), variant of Ana-
Amfita, a river in Plaksha-dwipa, dhfishti. 4. 1 01.
2. 193. Anadhfishfi, son of S'ura, 4. 10 1,
AmfitAbhas, a class of gods in tixe 113-
fifth Manwautara, 3. ro. Anadhf ishtl = Matinara, 4. 130.
Amfitaprabhas, a class of gods in Anaga, variant of Maaingi, 2. 154.
the eiguUi Manwantara, 3. 24. Anagha. son of V&sishtha, 1. 155.
Amritaugbi, a river in Krauacha- An&gha, a Eishi in the eleventh
dwipa, 2. 198. Manwantara, 3, 26.

Anagha, variously geuealogized, 4. Ananta, variant of Bbarata, 4. 57.

132. Anautaka, sonof S'asabindu, 4. 63.

AnaghA (1), an Apsaras, 2. 81. Auapiliia, Anapdna, Anapfuiga,
Anaghd, a river in S'^a-dwipa, 2. variants of Para, 4. 123.
200. Anaranya, father of Pushkarini,
Auagnidagdhas, certain Pitfis so wife of Chakshusha, 1 .
177; o.

called, 1, 156; 3. 166, 339. 38S.

Anaka, son of S'lira, 4. 101. Anaran)'a, variously genealogized,
Anakadundublii = Yasudeva, slain by Ravaiia, 3. 283, 284,
father of Krishna, 4. 79, loi, 297.
108, no, 268, 269 ; 5. 8, 154. Anaranya, sou of Sarvakarman,
Auakad undubhi = Tamas, &c., 4. 3. 305. 314-
98. Anartas, a people descended from
Anala, a Vasu, 2. 23. A'narta, next named, 2. 171.
Anala (the same as the last 1), 4. Anarta, son of S'aryati, 2. 172 ; 3.

III. 24S, 349; 5. 390.

A'nalavi (?), variant of Alanibi, 3. Anarta, son of Vibhu, 4. 37.
52- A'narla, a country, 3. 249.
Anamitra. father of Chakshusha, Anarta (I?-), variant of Bhaiata, 4.
the Maau, 3. it. 57-
Anamitra, son of Nighiia, 3. 305, Anarya, what, 5. 178.
314- Anasuya, '
good-wiil,' daughter of

Anamitra, variously genealogized, Daksha, and wife of Atri, 1,

4. 73, 74. 93i 94i Joo. 109' 135. 153- 111 1- no, she
Andmndya, what, 4. 251. is called daughter of Kardama.
Ananda, son of Medhatithi, king Anavadya, an Apsaras, 2. 81, 82.
of Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191. Anavaratha, son of Madhu, 4. 69.

Anauda, a region in Plaksha- Anavasa, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

dwipa, 2. 191. Anavfisht'i, what, 3. 285 ; 4. 87.

Anandagiri, a commentator, re- Anavfisht'i, variantof AnddlnHsht'i,

ferred to, 3. 175. son of S'lira, 4. loi.

Ananga = K4ma, P. 65 ; 4. 107; Anaya, variant of Anagha, the

5. 72, 76. ikishi, 3. 26.

A nan ta = Vishnu, 2. 313; 3. 78; Anayus, daughter of Daksha, and

5. 15, 214. wife of Kasyapa, 2. 26, 73, 74.
Ananta = S'esba, a form of Vishnu, And'a-kat'dha, what, 2. 204, 231.
2. 211-213; 3. 252 5. 3, 65. ;
Andhas, a people, 2. 1 70,

Ananta, one of the Viswe devas, Andhakas, a people, 2. 159 ; 5.

3. 192. i45. i47» 14S, 150, 159.

Aoantra, variant of Ananda, the Andhaka, an Asura, P. 79, 82.

r«gion so called, 2. 191. Aiidhaka, a Naga, 2. 38


Audhaka, sou oi Nabusha, 4. 46. Angas, a j>eople, 2. 166, 170.

Aridhaka, variously gencdogized, Anga, son of Uru, 1.177. He is

4. 71, 87, 88, 96, 99, 5. ixo, son of Ulmuka, 1, 178; and
132, 163. is descended from Atri, 1 179.
Audhaka {11}, sou of Aihsu, 4. 69. Anga, son of Bali, 3, 289, 4.

Andhaka, variant of Mahidhiaka^ 122, i'33, 126.

3. 332- Anga, a country, 2. 166; 4. 125,
Andljaka (?), variant of Dhanaka, 126, 162 ; 5. 161,

4.54. Angas. six supplements to the

Audhakaraka, son of Dyutimat, Veda, 3. 67, 174.
king of Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 197. Angada, son of Luksbmada, 3. 31S.
AndbakAraka, a region in Krauu- Angada, a country, 3. 319.
cha-dwfpa, 2. 197. A'ngadl, a city in Kdrapatha, 3,

Audhak4raka, a mountain-range in 319-

Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 197. Anga-dwipa, a certain island, 2.

Andhakupa, a hell, 2. 215. 129.

Andhatdraiara, a hell, 2. 215. Angaja, sprung from Brahrad, 1

Andhatdmisra, what, in philo- 102.

sophy, 1. 69. Angoras, a people, 2. 178.
Andhras, a people, P. 109, 112; Angdraka, a Rudra, 2. 25.
2. 170, 184; 4. 194, 195,203- Angiiraka - Lohitanga, or Mars, 2.

205, 207, 208, 210, 216, 220, 226, 308

221, 231, 232, 234-236. Ang4rasetu, variant of Setu, 4.
Andhra, variant of Pond'ra, 4. 122. 118.
Andhta, variant of Od'ra (?), 4. Angarasetu, variant of Aradwat,
2^1. 4. 118.
A'ndhra, variant of Ardra, son of Angiras, variously genealogized,
Vibwagaswa, 3. 263. 1. 100, 122, 153, 158, ifec. ; 2.

Andhrabhfityas, a dynasty, 4. 19.4, 285, &c. ; 3. 68, 163, 245,

195, 199, 201, 202. 2S7-2S9» 280, 281, 297, 342:
Andhrajd,tiyas, a dynasty, 4. 194. 4, 2, 39, 145. Hia wife, 1.
A'ndida, sou of Kariitthdma, 4. 109, no. Hia offspring, 1.

117. 153; 2. 259.

And{ra, variant of A'ndfd'a, 4. 117. Angiras, son of Dakaha. 1. 103,
Andras (1), a people, 2. 184. 123; 3. 2. 3, 8, II, 15, 28.

Andraka, variant of A'rdraka, son For wives and offspring of some

of Vasumitra, 4. 191. Angiras, see 2. 21, 28.

Anenas, son of Kakutstha or Aagiras, son of Uru, 1. 177 He

Puranjaya, 263 3. is said to be son of Ulumka, 1

Anenas, son of KshemSri, 3. 334. 178.

Anena3, son of Ayj3, 4. 30, 43. Angiras, a lawgiver, 3. 14S.

Angiras (apparently another), 3. Anjana, son of Kani, 3. 331.

62. (Some of the references Anjana, father of Buddha, 5. 178.

und«r tlie AngirAses are very Anjika, son of Yadu, 4. 53.

iikely raisphced. To discri- Aiijika, variant of Anjaka, 2. 71.

minate these peracns seems all Anjita, son of Yadu, 4 53.

but impracticable.) Aiindda, son of Krishna and
Angiras = Maadhitfi (?), 3. 2S1. Mitraviudd, 5. 79,
Angirases, descendants of Augiras, AnnapAna, variant of Para, 4. 123.

3. 341; 4. 31. AnriiiA, variant ofAmich^nA, 2. 81.

Angirases, certain Brdbmans rank- Anfita, 'Tintruth,' son of Adhaima,
ing as Kshattriyaa, 3, 258, 259, and husband of Nikfiti, 1. iii.

280. Antach4ras, a people, 2. 185.

A'ugirasas, a class of Pitfis, 3. 159. AntachAri, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

Angirasa (1), a Veda of the Magas, Antailkarafia, what, 3. 202.

5. 383- AntaKpranin, what, 3. no (where

Angirasf, a river ia Piaksha-dwlpa, correct the spelling).

2. 193. AnlaHsild, variant of Anlra^ili, 2.

An^iila = AnguH, 4. 10. 151.

Angiill, finger-breadth,' 2. 204. Antaka-Yama, 2. 112 ; 4, 241 ;

Aulha, variant of Ahinagu, 3. 323. 5. 15, 207.

Anila, a Vasu, 2. 23 ; 5. 387. Antaka, differenced from Yam a,

Anila, sen of Krishna and Mitra- 1. i88.

vindA, 5. 79. Antaka, variant of Ardraka, son of

Anila = Viyu, 2. 112; 4. 102; 6. Vasumitra, 4, 191,

391- Antara = Manwantara, 3, 40.

Anila,variantofAiIina,-t. 130,131. Antardhiua, ' disappearance,' a
Anilatmaja - Hauumat, 1. 117, form of Br ah ra A, 1. 82.

Animals, creation and classification Antardhdna - Antardhi, son of

of, 1. 84. Pfithu, 1. 192.
AnindaSjVariantof Alindas, 2. 180. Antardhi, son of Pfithu, 1. 192.
Aniruddba, son of Pradyuinna, 3. Antariksha, the Vyisa of the thir-
i66; 4. 112; 5. [6, 83, 84, teenth Dw/ipara age, 3. 34.
86, 108, IT I, 112, 120, 141, Antariksha. son of Kimnara, 4. 168.

148, 150. Antdyus, son of Pururavas, 4. 13.

Anisht'akarman, variant of Arish- AntinAra, variant of Rantindra, 4

t'akarman^ 4. 197. 129.
Anjaka, son of 'Viprachitti, 2. 71. AntrasiJi, a river, 2. 151, 340.

Anjala, sprung from Brahma, I. Antyas, variant of Andhas, 2. 170.

102. Ann, Aiiu (?), oon of YayAti, 3.

Anjana, a serpent, son of Kasyapa, 289; 4. 46, 48, 50, 119, 120,

2. 74. t23, 129.


Anu, variously genealogized, 4. 69, Aiiupranin, what, 3. ijo.

70, 99. AnurMh4, an asterism, 2. 265,

•Ann, variant oi Bhava, sou of &c.; 3. 132.
Vilomai), 4. 97. Anurata, variant of Anuratha, 4.

AuucMriA, an Apsaras, 2. 81. 69.

AnugA, an Apsaras, 2. 81. Anuratha, son of Kuruvatsa, 4. 69.

Auugangd, a certain tract of coun- Anuru = Aruna, 2. 28.

try, 4. 219. Anuruddhako, Ti\i name of a king,

Anugralia, a Sarga so called, 1. 4. 182.

75. 76.
Anusbanga-pdda, a part of the
Anuha, Aniiha, sou of Vibhrdja, V4yu-purAna, P. 37, 38.
4. 141. Anusblii, a river, 2. 149.
AnublAda - AuubrAda, 2. 30. AnusbAA, variant of AnuinlocbA,

Anubotra, variant of Suhotfi, 4. 2. 293.

136. Anusht'ubh, a metre, its origin, 1.

AnubrAda, son of Hiraiiyakasipu, 85, 86. It is identified with a

2. 30, 69. horse of the Sun, 2. 239
an Apsaras, 2. 81.
Aniikd;. Anuta, son of Anu, 4. 69.

Anukalpa, wbat, in ritual matters, Anut^paua, son of Kasyapa^ 2. 70.

3. 175. AimtaptA, a river in Plaksha

AnukraniaiiikA, or Index, to the dwipa, 2. 192.

l^ig-veda, referred to, 3. 242, Anuv^da, what, 2. 95.

284; 4. 31. Anuvatsara, a kind of year, 2. 255

Anumati, daughter of x^ngiras, 1. Anuvinda, son of Jayasena, 4. 103 ;

,153; 2. 261, 342; 3. 117. 5. 82.

Anumati, a river in S'Almala-dwlpa, Anuvrata, a caste in S'dka-dwlpa,

2. 200.
2. 193
Anumati, the first day of the Anuvrata, variant of Suvrata, 4.

moon's wane, 2. 261. 175-

Anumitra, variant of Anaraitra., Anwagbb^nu, son of Raudrdswa,
4. 73, 100. 4. 127.
Anumlocbd. an Apsaras, 2. 81, Anwdh^ryapacbaua, a specific holy
fire, 3. 175.
83, 285, 288, 291, 293.
Anumlocbanti, an Apsaras, 2. 81, Anwiksbikl, what, 1. 148 ; 4. 310,

82, 83. Any;l (1), a river in Kusa-dwfpa. 2.

AniinA, an Apsaras, 2. 81. 196.

Anupadeva, variant of Upadeva, Ap, variant of Apas, the Rdkshasa,

4. 96. 2. 28S, 292, 293.

Anupadeva, variant of Upadeva A'pa, a Vasu, 2. 23.

(another), 4. 98. Apachiti, daughter of Pauriiamaiia,

Anupavfittas, a people, 2. 169. 1. 153-


Apakshaya, what, 5. 254. Apftaka, variant of Ivilaka, 4.

Apdmmi'irti, a Ahhi in the tenth 196, 200.

Maiiwautara, 3, 26. Apomiirti, son of Atri, I. 154.
ApAoa, what, 5. 231. Appayya Dlkshita, a modem
Apara, what, 4. 252 ; 5. 232. author, quoted, 5. 391.
Aparachinas, a people, 2. 1 76. Aprakdsa, what, 1. 139.
Apardditya, a commentator, refer- Apramada. ' hcedfulnesPi,' son of

red to, 2. 343 ; 3. T02, 173,187, Dharma, 1. iii,

Aparajita, a Rudra, 2. 24, 25. Apr.'iraeya, what, 4. 249; 5. 153.
Apardjita, son of Krishna and Apranasta, what, 3. 133.
Lakshman.i, 5. 81 (where Pard- Apratdpin, variant of Ayutdyu.'j,
jita is to be corrected). 4. 173.

ApardjitA, a river in S'dka-dwipa, Apratimaujas, a l^ishi in the tenth

2. 200. Manwantara, 3. 26.

Aparakdsia, a people, 2. 161. Apratlpo (?), variant of Ayutdyus,

Aparakuntis, a people, 2. 163. son of S'rutavat, 4. 173.
Aparamatsyas, a people, 2, 158. Apratiratha, son of Ilantindra, 4.

Aparantas, a people, 2, 168. 129, T30, 140.

Aparapdra, what, 2. 6. Apratisht'ha, a hell, 2. 215.
Aparavallabhaa, a people, 2. 180. Apsarascs, *
nymphs,' their ori-

Aparigraha, what, 3. 77; 5. 229. gin, &c., 1. 87, 144, 147 ; 2.

Aparimeya, what, 5. 139. 75, 81, &c. ; 3. 281; 4. 59;

Apariiidmin, what, 1. 27. 5. 83, 92, 165, 246, 247.
Aparitas, variant of Apardntas, 2. Classed and named, 2. 75, 80,
168. kc. Their cl)ief, 2. S6, 285, (fcc.

Apas, a Prajdpati in the second Cursed by Ashtavakra, 5. r66.

Manwantara, son of Vasisht'ha, Aptorydma, a certain sacrifice, its
3.5. origin, <fec.. 1. 85 ; 3. 113.
Apas, a Rdkshasa, 2. 285, 288,292. A'ptorydman = Aplorydma, 1. 85.
Apasarpidl, variant of Avasarpinl, Apurana, a Yaksha, 2. 285, 288,
2. 192. 292; 5. 251.

Apaspati, son of Uttanapdda, 1. A'purayat, variant of A'purana, 2.

159- 289,
A'pastamba, an ancient lawgiver, Apiirva, what, 2. 273.
referred to, 3. 113, 114. Apyas, variant of A'dyas, 3. 1 2.

Apatra, what, 3. 120. Apydyana, son of Yajnabdliu, king

A'pava, a name of Vasisht'ha, 1. of S'dlmaladwipa, 2. 195.

106; 4. 56. A'pydyana, a division of S'diniala-

Apavdhas, a people, 2. 165. dwipa, 2. 105.
Apilaka, A'piiaka, variants of A'rabdha, variant of A'radwat, 4.

Iv{laka, 4. 196, 202.


Arada, variant of Aradwat, 4, 1 18. Arhat, a king of the Konkas, Ac,

A'raddha, variant of A'radwat, 4. 2. 104, &c.
ii8. Arhatas = Bauddhas, or else
ArAdhin, variant of Ardvin, 4. 153. Jainas, P. 79 ; 3. 209 (where
A'radwat, son of Setu, 4. 118, correct the spelling);^. 286, 287,
Arihii, Ar4hu, variants of RAhu, 322, &o., 350, Ac, 3O0, Ac,
4. 30. 370. 388. 390-
Araui, the teim explained, &c., Aridyota, son of Dundubhi, 4. 99.
3. 330; 4. 265; 5.96. Ariha, son of Dev4tithi. 4. i2o.

Aranya, variant of Anaranya, Ariha, son of Avdchina, 4. 1 28.

father of Puabkaridf, 1. 179; Arijit, son of Krishna and Bhadri^
5. 388. 6. 82.
A'atni, the ulnar aide of the hand, Arijit (<), variant of Aridyota, 4.
5- 37. 99.
A'rat't'a% a people, 2. 339. Arikshipa, son of S'waphalka, 4.

Arat't'a, a country, 4. rrS. 96.

Aratft'a, variant of A'radwat, 4. Arimardana, son of S'waphalka, 4.

118. 95. 96.

ArivaU, a certain moiintaiu-range, Ariuiardana, son of Kuril, 4. 148,
2. 141. Arimejaya, son of S'waphalka, i.
A'rivin, son of Jayasena, 4. 153. 94, 95> 96.
Arbudas. a people, 2. 133, 134; Arimejaya {correct Aninxejaya).
4. 224. son of Kuru, 4. 148; 5. 391.
Arbuda, Mount Aboo, 2. 132, Arifljaya, variant of Ripunjaya, 4.

142 ; 4. 222 ; 5. 248. 176.

Archis, wife of Kris^swa, 2. 29. Arisht'a, a king, son of Vaivaswata.

Ardbaketu, a Rudra 2. 25. the reigning Maan, 3. 13, 231,

Ardhaganga-- KAveri, 2. 1/8, 256, 342.
ArdhajAhnavf = Kiverl, 2. 148. Arisht'a, a Dailya, son of Kaayapa,
Ardia, son of Viswaf^aswa, 3. 263. 2. 70; 4, 250, 272, 320, iss,
A'rdrA, an asterism, 2. 265, &c., 335 ; 5. 34, 87. Slain by
308; 3. 167, 169, Krishna, 4. 334.
A'rdraka, son of Vasnmitra, 4. 191, ArishtJi, daughter of Dak? ha, wife
Ardraka, variant of Ardra, 3. 263. of Kasyapa, and mother of the
Ardrava(t), variant of Ainavat, 3. Qandharvas, 2. 26, 7^ ; 3. 281.
190, 191. Her eight daughters, 2. 82.
Argala, a hell, 2. 215. Arishtfakaiman, son of Piilumat,
Arghya, what, 3. 269. 4 197
Arhat. a certain Buddha, 0, 370. Arishtakarna, Arisht'akarni, vari-
Arhat=- Jina, P. 80 ; 5. 364, 375, ants of ArishCakarman, 4. 197.
376. 388. Arishtanemi, a Praj^pati, 1. 102.

ArisWaiiemi - Kasyapa, 2. 28 ; 3. I Artha-sAstra, defined, <fec., 3. 68,

297. Hip wives, 2. 21, His 338.
offspring, 2. 28. Arthasiddhi, variant of Dhniva-
Arisht'auemi, a YaksUa, 2. '285, sandbi, 3. 325.
«bc. Aruddha, A'ruddha, variants of
Arishfanemi, variously genealo- Aradwat, 4. 118.
gized, 3. 334, Aruna,son of Ka^yapa and Kadrii,
Arishfanemi. son of Chitraka, 4. 2. 28. His mother is Danu, 2.
96- 70 Vinatd, 2. 73. An Aruna

A'ljava, disciple of Baslikali, and is named in 5. 383.

teacher of the I^iig-veda, 3. 50. Aruria, a Yaksha, 2. 288, 292.
ArjikiyA= Yipas, the river, 2. 121. Aruria, father of Udddlaka, 3. 49.
Arjita, variant of Ajita, the Rishi, Aruiia, son of Haryaswa, 3. 284.
3 29. Aruria, a caste in S'^lmala-dwipa^
Arjuna, son of Kfitavlrya, 4. 2, 2. 194.
22, 55. 56, See Kditavlrya. Aruria, a lake in Chaitraratha,
Arjuna, son of Pdnd^a and Pfith4, Kubera's grove, 2. 112.
P. 40, 55.; 2. 72; 3. 83, 84, Aruna, variant of A'ruui, the
3^6; 4. 102, 159, 160, 163, ^ftishi, 3. 26.

^46. =47, 320,3^1; ^' 62, 134, Aruria, a river in Plaksha-dwipa,

140, 149-151, 154-163, 166, 2.193.
167, 226. AruriA, variant of Anrind, 2. 81.
Arjuna, son of Raivata, 3. 11. Aruriapriya, an Apsaras, 2. 81.
Arjuna, variant of Anjana, son of Arundhatf, daughter of Kardama,
Kuni, 3, 334. and wife of VasishtTia, 1. 110,
Arjuna Misra, commentator on the 200, She is said to be daugh-
Mahibhdrata and Harivamsa, ter of Daksha, and wife of
referred to, 1. 5 ; 3. 265 ; 4. 39. Dharma, 2. 21, 23.
Arjunl = Bdhudd, the river, 2. 142. Amrii, a Rishi in the eleventh
Arka, variant of Chakshua, 4. 144, Manwantara, 3. 26.
A'roga, a certain sun, 5. 191. Arurii (?), a Sddhya, 2. 22,

A'rsha, a form of marriage, 3. 105. A'rurii, disciple of Vaisampdyana,

Arshabhf, a certain triad of aste- and teacher of the Yajur-veda,
risms, 2. 265, &c. 3. 52.
Arehineswa, son of S'ala, 4. 31. Arurii, variant of Traiydrurii (?),

Arsht'L&heua, variously genealo- 3.37.

gized, 4, 30, 31. Arurioda = Aruria, the lake, 2. 117.
Artaparna - Suddsa, 3. 303. A'rushf, daughter of Manu, and
Artha, son of Dharma, 1. iii wife. of Chyavana, 3. 80. The
Artha, the pin of the Sun's yoke. same as Sukanyd. (1)
2. 238 Arvdgwasu Faijanya, 2.

Arrdksrotas, what, 1, 73-75, ^9- Asht'a, variani: of Ashtaka, 4. 27

Arvarlvat, a Risbi in the second Asht'aka, variously genealogized,
Manwantara, variously genealo- 4. 27, 28.
gized, 1. 154; 3. 5, 8. Ashtaka, a certain sacrifice, 3.

Arvarlvat, son of SJlvariii, Manu 113, 260. The four great Ash-
of the eighth Manwantara, 3. 24. t'akds, 3. 168.

Arvariyat, variant of Ai'varivat, A8ht'akarnakas(?), a people, 2. 162.

both first and second, 1. 154; Asht'dratha, son of Bhfmaratha, 4.
3. 24. 36.
Arvavasu, variant of SarvAvasu, 2. Asht'dvakra, son of Kahod'a, 5,
297, 298. 164-166.
Aryas, a people, 4. 225. Asl, a small stream near Benares,
A'ryas, variant of Adyas, 3. 12. 2. 152.
A'ry4 == Yoganidrd, 4. 262, Asikni, daughter of Virana, and
Arya, the word, and its cognates, wife of Dakalia, &a, 2. 12, 19.
&c., 2. 141 ; 5. 132, Asikni, a river, 2. 121, 131, 149,
Aryaka, a caste in Plaksha-dwfpa, Aslma, variant of Asanga, 4. 93.
Asfmakfiahna, son of Aswame
Aryak4, a river in Kvauncha- dhaka (Aswamedhaja '?^), 4. 163
dwlpa, 2. 198. Asipatravana, a hell, 2, 214, 215,
Aryakulya, a river, 2. 130, 154, 219.
Aryanian, an A'ditya, 2. 27, 285, Asita, son of Bharata, son of Dhru.-
(fee, 306 ; 5. 15. An Arya- vasandbi, 3. 297 ; 4. 238.
man is named
190 in 1. Asita, a Muni, 4. 238.
Aryama^, one of the Viswe devas, AsitA, an Apsaras, 2. 82, 83.

3.179- Asitoda, a lake, 2. 117 (where

A'sdditya, a writer on law, referred correct the spelling), 339. See
to, 3. 40, III. S'wetajala.
Asamanja, son of Sagara, 3. 298, Asleshd, an asterism, 2. 259, <fec.,

299, 301. 308.'

Asanianjas, Asainanjasa, variants Asmakas, a dynasty, 4. 184.
of Asamanja, 3. 298. Asmakas, variant of Aiwakas, 2.

Asauiaujas, son of Kambalabar- 164,

hisha, 4. too. A^maka, son of Sauddsa,- 3,310,
Asana, what, 5. 240. 314, An Asmaka is named in
Asandi, what, 3. 125. 4. 162.
Asanga, son of Yuyudhdna, 4. 93. Asmaka, a country, 2, 164.

Asanga^ son of S'waphalka, 4. 96. Asraaki, wife of S'lira, or else of

Asaucha, the term defined, 3. 130. Devamid'husha, 4. 100.
Ashad'ha, a month, June-July, 2. A^malas, variant of A^Wakas, 2.

261, &c. 164.


Asma-uirghdta, wliat, 5. 37. Aswa, son of Daksha, 1. 103.

Asmas^rin, minister of King Aiwa, son of ChitraJca, 4. 96.
DevApi, 4. 155, 156. A-jwabAh\i, son of Chitraka, 4. 96.
Aamitd, wliat, 1. 69. Aswagrlva, son of Chitraka, 4. 96.
Aioka, variant of Asokavardliana, Aswagriva= Uayagrlva, 5. 3.
4. 188, 189, 205. Aswahanu, sou of Grinjima (1), 4.

Asoka, variant of Suyasas, 4. 188. "3-

Asokavardhana, son of Bindusdra, Aswajit, variant of Vi^wajit, 4,

4. 187. 140.
Asoko, P.^ill for Asoka, 4. 1S8. Aswakas, a people, 2. 164.
A'srama, what, P. 6;^, 104 ; 3. gr. AswalAyanas, of the fog-veda, 3.

Ajridh, cue of tlie Viswe devas, 3, 51-

179! Aswaldyana, compiler of a S'dklii^

Asruta, variant of Asrutavraria, 1. 3. 48, 50.

152. i^swaldyaua, author of a Gfihya-
Asrutavrana, son of Dyutimat, 1. sdtra, 3. 112, 114, i63, 2S1,
152. 338; 5.386.
Asta, a mountaiu-rauge in S'Aka- Aiwamedha, a ' horse-sacrifice,' P.

dwipa, 2. 199. 32 ; 3. 40.. 213, 234; 4. 162 ;

Asta-dosha, what, 5. 215. 5. 248, 249, 252.

Astagiri, variant of Asta, 2. 199. Aswamedhadatta, Son of S'atdirika,

A'starada, what, 5. 33. 4. \6i.

Asterisms, daughters of Daksha, Aswamedhaja (Aiwamedhaka bet-

and wivea of Soma, 2. lo, 21, ter?), son of Sahasrdnika, 4.

265, <fec. 163.

Asteya, what, 3. 77 ; 5. 229. Aswasena, sc>n of Krishda and
Abti, daughter of Jardsandha, and Satya, 5. 79.

wife of Kaiiisa, 5. 50. Aswasiras, aji epithet of NdrAyaiia,

Astra, what kind of weapon, 5. 5. 3.

147. Aswaiiras, a demon so called, 5. 3.

Astra- pray oga, the term explained, Aswatara, a serpent, son of Kasyapa
5. 47. and Kadni, 2, 74, 285, <fcc, _; 0.

Asumati, son of Pk,antindra, 4. 129. 251.

Asuras, the, P. 56, no; 1. So, Aswatlrtha, a certain holy place,
82, 142, 147 ; 3. 311; 4. 82, 4. Lb.

272 ; 5. 5S, no, n8-i20, &c., Aswatthdman, son of Droiia, 3.

&c. Their origin, 1. 80. 23 ; 4. 147, 160 ; 5. 148.

A'sura, a form of marriage, 3. 105. Aswavati, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
Asurasudana, an epithet of KfisL- Aswavati, a river, 2. 339,
na, 5, 48. A^wayuja = A'swina, the month, 2,

Asurendra, '
great Asura,' 5. 136. 285, 288,

Aswayuji, a certain sacrifice, 3. Atikfishnd, variant of Anushfia, 2.

113. 149.
Asw^yus, son of Pururavas, 4. 13. AtimAra (?), variant of liantinara,
Aswins, son of Vivaswat and San- 4. 129.
jnd, 1. 122, 123, 14/ ; 2. 306, Atindman, a l^ishi in the sixth

308, 343; 3. 15, 21,248, 322, Manwantara, 3. 12, 13.

342, 343 ;• 4. 249. 258, 293 ; 5. A.tinira. variant of RantinAra, 4.

2. 43, 143, 247. They preside 129.

over the nose, 1. 38. Atiratha, variant of Apratiratha,
Aswins, two of the Viswe devas, 4. i?9^ 130.
3. 1 79. Atirdtra, AtMtra, son of Chakshu-
Aswin = As winl, tlie asterism, 2. sha, Manu of the sixth Manwan-
277. tara, 1, 177, 178 (where read
Xswina, a month, Sept.- Oct., 2. AtirAtra):
261, <kc. ; 3. 114. Atiratra, a kind of sacrifice, its

A'swina-graha, what, 3. 343 origin, (fee, 1. 85 , 3. 113.

As'Wini, an asterisra, 1. 122, 141 ;
Ati-sankirna, what, 3 125.
2. 265, &c. ; 3. 132, An As- At,i-t4na, what, 3. 249.
winf named in 4. 159.
is AtitAra, variant of Tlantindra, 4.
Assviui Kumaras (?) - Aswins, I. 129.
T41 ; 3. 248. Atithi, son of Kusa, 3. 320.
Atala, a T'atAla, 2. ^09. Atithi- bhojana, a kind of sacrifice,

At'araAna, variant of Patumat, 4. 3. 114.

196. Atisfibhuti, son of Khaninetra, 3.

At'avin, A'taviu, variants of At'e-
vin, 3. 57. A'tman, what, 1. 3 ; 5. 14, 91,
AKavliikharas, a people, 2. 169. 201, 212, 242.
A't'avya, variant of Atevin, 3. 57 A'tma-prakd6a, a commentary on
At'eviu, a teacher of the Yajur- the Vishnn-purina, P. 115.
veda, 3, 57, Atma-prayatna, what, 5. 227.
Atharvan, his wives, 1. no. 200. Atma-vidyd, what, 1. 148.
Atharv4ngirasl, a Samhitd so A trey as, a people, 2. 187.
called, 3. 42. Atreya, a medical authority, 4.

Atharva-veda, its origin and its

divisions, <kc., 1. 85 ; 2. 338 ; 3. Atri, son of Brahini, 1. 8, 100,

6r, 62 ; 5. 210, 388. Offspring 135, ifec; 2. 113, 285, Ac; 3
of Satl, 2. 29. 3» 4, 8, n, 13, 15, t6, 23, 68,
Atibh.'lnu, son of Krishna and 16 r ; 4. 2, 55. 129, 249. His
•SatyabhAra^, 6. 8i. wife, 1. 109, 1 10. His offspring,
Atibhira (?), variant of Eantindra, I; 153-
4. 129. Attiktt, variant of Adrika, 2. 81.

Atyagnisbt'oma, a sort of sacrifice, Avantl, a city,. 2. 145, 171 , 3,

3. 113. 346; 4. 59; 5.46, 82.
Atyantaniadaiiapriya, an Apsaras, Avanti, a river, 2. 155.
2. 82 Avantya (?), disciple of Sukar-
A'tyantika, what, 1. 113. raan, and teacher of the SAma-
A'tyantika-laya, what, 5. 169, 186. veda, 3. 59-61.
AuUras, a people, 2. 177, 184; Avantyas --- Avaniis, 4. 58, 103
4.. 220. iiai. {note ""*),
Auka(?),va/iantofUktba, 3. 321, Avaraha, what, 1. 36.
Aupasana-homa, a sort of sacrifice, Avaj-ivat (?), variant of Arvarlvat,
3. 1 [4. the 6ishi, 1. i5:|..

Auri\avabha Acbarya, bis opinion A'/artana. an island, 2. 129 (where

referred to, 3. 19 correct the spelling), 339.
Aurva, a 6,ishl of the second Man- Avartis. variant of Avantis, 4. 5S.
waiitura, <fec., variously geneaJo- Avartyas, variant of Avantyas, 4.
gized^ 3. 3. 4, 80, 81, 84, (fee, ro3 (note **).
ayo, 291, 298. A vasarpiiif, aperiod of time, 2. i 92.
AuisaDasa-upapnraha, P. 87. Avasathya, a certain holy fire, 3.
Auttania, variant of Auttatni, 3. 5. 175; 5. 114, 115,
Auttaiui, Manu of the third Mun- Avastba, what, 1. 13.
wautiira, son of Priyavrata, 3. Avasthdnas of the sun, what, 2.

Avabhfiti, a city, 4. 205. AvasyAya, '
hoar-fiost,' 5. 35.
Avabhrityas, a branch of the Avataihsaka, what, 4, 283; 5. 12,
A'bbfras, 4. 205. 13-
Avabodha, what, 4. 265. Avat'anirodhana, a hell, 2, 215.
Avabfitbii, what, 3. 220. Avatara.s, 'epiphanies.' Alluded
AvAchina, son of Jayatsena, 4. 128, to in the Vedas, P. 3. Twenty-
Avadamiia, wliat, 5. 33. eight of S'iva, and twenty-four
Avadbiita. what, 5. 36. of Vishnu, P. 68. See also
A'vdha, son of S'wapJialka, 4. 95 Ku rma-purdna, ]\Iatsya-purana,
(where correct the spelling), 96 ; VAmana-purana, Varaha-pnrdua,
">• 391- Krishna, Nfisimha, Rdma, &c.
Avaksiinjima (i), variant of Srin- Avayava, what, 4. 66.

jaya, 4. 113. Avi (??), son of S'utakarni, 4. 202.

AvAk'irotas, the word suggested, Avi (?/), variant of Sauddsa, 4. ro2.
I- 73- Avlchi, two hells so called, 2. 215.
Avanta, son of Nirvfiti, 4. 6S. Avidyd = Yoganidra, 4. 260.
Avanu3, a people, 2. 162 , 4. 222, Avidyii, what, 1. 69.
224. See also 4. 58, 59. Avijnatagati, son of Anila, 2. 23 ;

Avanti, a country, 4. 57, 103, 141. 5. 387.


Avikdra, what, 1. 14; 3. 279. Ayomukha, son of Kasyapa, 2. 70.

Avikshi, Aviksliit, Avikshita, son Ayonija, AyonijA, what, 2. 8 ; 3,

of Karandhamiv, 3. 243, 244; 316.

4. 240. Ayu, son of Puruhotra, 4, 69.
Avikshita, /Avikshita, ^ Marutta, Ayu, variant of Ardra, 3. 263.
244 4. 240, 241.
; Aru, variant of A'yus, son of Purd-
Avimardana, variant of Arimar- ravas, 4, 13.
dana, son of S'vvaphalka, 4. ^5. Ayurdd, a river in S'dka-dwipa,
Avimakta ~ VarAnasi, or Beiiares, 2. 200,
5, 126, 129. Ayur-veda, defined,1, 148 , 3, 67.

Avyakfifca, what, S. 59. Ayug, son of Puniravas, 4r. 9, 13,

Avyakta, what, 1, 15, ^S, 39. 30.43, U7, ^3^, 139-


Avyakta-karana, what, 1. 22, Krishna and Jlohini,

A'yus, son of
Avyanga, what, 6. 385, 384. 5. 79.

Avyaya, a Kishi in the thirteenth Ayu&hmat, son of Uttinap4da, 1.

Manwantara, 3. 28. 159; 5- 387-

vyaya, what, 1. 17, 27; 3. 78, Ayushmat, sou of SamhrAda, or elso
205 ; 5, 50, 191, 20I, 2iij of Anuhrada, 2. 69.

225, 254. Ayuta, son of Radhika, 4. 153.

Avyayatman, what, 3. 183, 252. Ayutajit, son of Bhajamina., 4. 72.
Aya, a Prajdpati in the second AyutAjit, variant of Ayutdswa, 3.
Manwantara, son of VasishtTia, 303.
3. 5. AyutanAyin, son of.MahAbhauma,
Ayahpdna. a hell, 2. 215. 4. 128.

Ayaiia, what, L 48, 49. Ayutdswa, son of Sindhudwlpa,

AyAsa, what, 0. 172.
Ayitayamaa, certain texts of the Ay utdyus,son of Bhajamdua, 4. 7 2.

Yajur-veda. 3. 57. Ayutdyus, son of Ardvin, 4. 153.

Ayati, son of Nahusha, 4, 45. Ayutdyus, son of Srutavat, 4. 173,

A'yii.ti, son of Nahusha, 4. 45, 46. Ayutayus, variant of Ayutdswa,

Ayati, daughter of Meru, and 3. 303
wife of Vidh.Ufi, 1. 152, 157, A'yuvatyas, a chxss of Apsarases^
AyodhyA, a city, P. 106, 107 ; 2. 2. 82.

172, 173; 3. 261, 297, 30^,

317, 320J 4.25,26, 168, 170; Babhravya, son of some Babbru,
5. 82. 3. 239.
A'yogava, a caste sprung from Babbrus, Kausika Brahmans, 4.

S'lidra males and Vaieye fe- 28.

males, 4. 216. Babhru, son of Angiras, disciple

Ayogava, the name of a bow of S'aunaka, &c,, and teacher
snapped by Ki-ishria, 5. 23. of the Atharva-veda, 3. 62^

Babhru, son of Romapdda, i. 67, ravf, 4. 108,109 ; 5. 131. 134.

Babhru, son of Dev^vridha, 4. 72, See Vi,hlika, the less correct
73,84 5. 142, 148, 149.
; form.
Babhru, son of Drubyu, 4. 118. Bdhu, son of VrUca, 3. 289, 290.
Babhru (who?), 4. 84 (note J). Bihubddhas, a people, 2. 1 75.
Eabliro, variant of Andhakii, 4. Bahubhumi, son of Chitraka, 4.96.
97» 99- Bahudd, two rivers so called, 2.
Babhrusena, variant of Babhru, 142, 151, 340; 3. 266.
son of Druhyu, 4. ii8» Bahugava, son of Sudyumua, 4.
Babhrosetu, variant of Babhru, 128.
son of Driihyn, 4. 118. Edliuka, variant of Bahu, 3. 28^
Babhru vdhana, son of Arjuna, son Bahula, a Prajdpati, 1. 102.
of Pdnd'u, 4. r6o. Bahuld, a river, 2. 150.
Bidarftiiyas(?), Kauaika Brahmans, Bahula, variant of Bfihadbala, 3.
4, 29. $21.
Badar^yaiia = Vy^sa, 3. 23. B.ihula, "rariant of Bdtula, 4. 169.
BAdarayaila, an astronomer, re- Bahulaswa, son of Dhfiti, 3. 335,
ferred to the court of King B^hu-nighat't'ana (?), what, 5, 37.
Vikrarniditya, P. 9. Bahuputra, a Prajdpati, 1. 102.
Badarl-Badarikdsrama, 5. 146. His wives, 2. 21. His daughters,
Badarikd = Badarikdsraraa, ?>. 146, 2, 28.
Bftdarikisrama, a certain place of Bahuradas (?), variant of Bdhuba-
pilgrimage, P. 75 ; 5. 146, dhas, 2. 175.
Bftddha-pdlay what, 2. ^i 7. Bahuratha, sou of Nripanjaya, 4.

Badhas, 'imperfections,' of twenty- 144.

eight kinds, 1. 71. Bahunipa, a Budra, 2. 24, 25.
Badhnas, a people, 2. 175. Bahur&pa, son of Medbdtithi,
Badhryasv^a, variously genealo- king of S'dka-dwfpa, 2. 2cc.
gized, 4. 145, 146, 343 (where Bahurtipa, a region of 8'dka-dwipa,
it is once misspelt Bhadryaswa), 2. 200.
Bahanakas, certain barbarians, Bahurdpaka, variant of Bahurupa,
their origin, 1. 182. the Rudra, 2, 25.
Bahikas, a people, 2. 167, 175, Bahuvddin, variant of Abamjdti,
339. 340. 4. 128.
BAhlka, a country, 2. 167, 175. Bahuvddyas (?), variant of Bihubi-
Bahiahpavamdna, a certain text of dhas, 2. 175.
the ilig-veda, 3. 343. Bdhuvat, son of Punarvaau, 4. 98,
Bihlikas, Bdhlikas, a people, 2. Bahiividha, variant of Bahugava.
167, 175, 181 ; 4. 212-215, 4. 128.

345- Bahwi-ichas, promulgators of he

Bdhiika, Bahllka. father of Pau- Bahwiichi, 3. 50, 268.

Eahwricbii, a Sjutihitti of the jfjig- pancratiast, 5. 39. Repairs to

veda, 3. 42. Vraja, 5. 63. Corapeli? the
Laliwricha-brahmana, the, referred river Yitinund to attend liiui, 6.

to, 4. 26. 66. &«. Slays Prince Kukmiii

BiihyA, a river, 2. 156. and others, 5. 36. Rescues
lUhyas, variant of Bodhas, 2. 1 56, Samba. 5. 134. Slays Dwivida,
Eilhydswa, variant of Haryaswa, an Asura, 5 138. Resumes the
4. 144. form of S'esha, 5. 150. See also
Baid'dla-vratika^ -what, 3. 22?. 4. 84, Ac.j 5.
5, 9, 30, 32,35,
Bakaa, a people, 2. 179. 36, 41, 42, 51, 70, 116, 130,
Uala - Balabhadra, 4. 91, 109, 285, 13 ^,344' See,further,Bala.Bala-
297' 300,304, 305, 316; 5. S, deva, Balarama, HalAyuda, San-
13, 84-86, 113, 116, 130-132, karshana, Sfrin, Tillaketu, &c.
135-^38- Balabhadra, a mountain lu Saka-
Eala, son of Krishna and Laksh- dw/pa, 2. 200.
miifik, 5. 81. Balabhid, an epitJict of Jndra, 4.
Eala, a demon so called,, 4. 316, 316.
334- Balada, daughter of RandrAsva.
Bda, a horse of the Moon, 2. 299. and wife of Prabliikara, 4. 139.
Bala, daughter of Kaadraswa, and BaladevasBalabhadi-a, P. 55, 56 j
wife of Prabbakara, 4. ) 29 u. 253 ; 4. 81, 82, Ac, 109,
B.-ila, variant of Vata, a R-ikshasa. 396, 304 ; 5. 20. ^3, 39, 48,
2. 293 ^3, ^5, 67, 85, 86, U3, J31,
Baia, variant of CKliala, 3. 321. T34, i37i 139, 140-
Bala, variant, of Dala, 3. 321, 323. Bala-gopdla = Krishda, as a child,
Bala {]), variant of Bbava, aoii of P. 2z; 284, 285, 342, 345.

Viloman, 4. 97, 98 Bal.ihaku, a serpent, son of Kasyapa

Balabandbu, son of Ralvata, M*nu and Kadru, 2. 74,
of the Manwantara. 3. n.
tiftb Balabaka a horse of Krishna, 4. 8^.
Balabhadra, son. of Vasudeva and Balahaka, a mountain-range in
Devakf, 4. 11 1, 260. An epi- S'dlmala-dwfpa, 2. 194.
phany of S'esha, 2. 211, 2r2; Balaja, a river, P. 29.

4. 260; 5. 12, J 39. Marries Baldka, disciple of S'd.kapuni, <tc.,

Bevat/, daughter of Faivata, 3. 3. 48, 50.

254 ; 4. J 09. His sous by her. BalAka, son of Puru. 4. 15.
4. 109. Is brought up by Balaka, son of Fulika, 4. 1 78.
Nanda, 4. 275, &c. Is offended Balakd.4wa, son of Ajaka, 4. 15.
with Krishna, 4. 83. Slays Balakdswa, variant of BalAswa, 3^.

Dhenuka; a DAnava, 4. 297, <kG. 243-

Slays Pralamba, an Asura. 4. Balakraraa, a rnountain, 2. 142
300, &c. Slays Mushtika, a (where correct Vulakraomj, 340.

Balam't'a, a commentator, Balwala.-^, variant of Kalkalas, 2.

P 36, 48
referred lo i8o
BalandharA, wife of Bhlmaseua, Bana, son of Bali, and slain by
4- '59: 345- Krishna, 2. 69 ; 4. 250 ; 5.
Balararaa = Balabhadra, P. 12; 108, 109, 111-119.-
3. 354 i 4. 81, loS, 250, 258, B^iia, sou of Vikukshi, 3. 297.

^h> 289, 300, 301, 305; 0. Bdiiapura = S'onitapura, 5. 112.

12, 13, 16, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, Bandha, variant of Budha, son of
84, 85, 123, T30, 132, 135- Vegavat, 3. 245.
»37, 139- Baudhavat (??), variant of Ban-
Balasani (??), son of Yadu, 4, 53, dhumat, 3. 245.
BaUswa - Karandhama, 3. 243. Bandhu, variant of Budha, son of
Edidyani (?), disciple of B^sbkali, Vegavat, 3. 245.
and teacher of the Aig-veda, 3. Bandhu, the term defined, 3. 155.
49. Bandhumut, son of Kevala, 3, 245.
Baleyas, certain BrAhmana named Bandhupalita, son of Kusdla, 4.
from Baii, 4. 123. 189.
Bali, a Daitya, and also an Indra Bandhydswa, son of Indrasena, 4.
iu the eighth Mauwantara, son 145, 146.
of Virochana, P. 76 ; 2. 55, 69 ;
Bangas = Vangas, 3. 293.
3. 19, 23; 4. 123, 250; 5.6, Banga, son of Bali, son of Sutapas,
108, 115. His abode, 2. 211. 4. 122.
Bali, son of Sutapas, 4. 122. Biingangd, the popular name of
Bali, variant of B^lin, the monkey, the S'aravatl, a river, 2. 147.
3. 316 (where correct the spell- Banjula, a river, 2. 155.
i"g), 343- BaujuJd, a river, 2, 155,
Bali, a certain offering, 3. 118, Barbaras, a people, 2. 176; 3.
220 5. 290. 292,
Bali = Vali, 5. 32. Barbara, a country, 2. 179.
Bali-karman, a certain sacrifice, 3. Barbard, a river, 2. 341.
93, 114- Barbarl, a river, 341. 2,

Balin, a monkey-chieftain slain by Bdrhadrathas, descendants of Bri-

BAma, 3. 316. hadratha, 4. 177, 184, 231.
Balin, variant of Sindhuka, 4. 195. Barhandswa, variant of Saniha-
Balivindhya, son of Eaivata, Manu tdswa, 3. 265.
of the fifth Manwantara, 3. 1 r. Bdrhaspatyas, sectators of Bribas-
Balivfishahan, son of Nirvviti, 4, pati, 3. 212.

68. Barhis, variant of Dharmin, 4.169.

Bali-yajna, a certain sacrifice, 3. Barhishads, a class of Piti'is, vari-

93, 118. ously geuealogized, 1. 156 j 2.

Baluv^hini, a river, 2. 155. 202',^. 159,160,161,163,339.

Bofhishacl, son of HavirdhAna, 1. Bhadra, variant of Madraka, son

'93- of S'ibi, 4. 122.
Barhishmatl, daughter of Vidwa- Bhadrd, wife of Vasudeva, 4. 109,
karman, and wife of Priyavrata, 110.
eldest son of Swdyambhuva, 2, Bhadrd, daughter of S'rataklrtti,
lOO. and wife of Krishna, 5. 82, 83.
Barsam or Barsom, identified with Bhadrd, daughter of Randraiwa,
Varsma, 5. 384. and also called daughter of
Bdslikalas, Kausika Brdhmans, 4. Prabb&kara, 4, 129.
28. Bhadra := Yoganidrfi, 4. 262.
"BiishkaJas, of the Rig-veda, 3, 51. BhadrA, a river, 3. 112, 120, 122,
Bashkala, son of Samhrdda, 2. 69, 272.
where he is also called son of BhadrA, variant of Chandrd, a
AnuhrAda. river in S'Almala-dwlpa, 2. 194.
Bashkala, two or more persons, Bhadrabdhu, son of Vasudeva,
one a disciple of Paila, another 4. 109.
a son of Bharadwdja and dis- Bhadracbaru, son of Krishna and
ciple cf Satyaiii, &c.. 3. 44, Rukmiiii, 5. 78.
337. And see Bashkali, Bhadrudeha, son of Vasudeva and
B^shkali, variant of Bishkala (the DevakJ, 4. iro.
last named), 3. 44, 45, 47-50. Bhadradeva, variant of Bhadra-
Bathing, rules of, 3. 113, &c. deha, 4. no.
Bauddhas, religionists, P. iii ; 3, Bhadraka, variant of Madraka, son
201, 207, 210, 211, 223 ; 4. of S'ibi, 4. 122.
225 r ^- 359) 36T-363, &c Bhadraka, variant of iifrdraka, 4.
Baudbdyanas, of the Yajur-veda, 191.
3. 57. Bhadrakdlf, a form of PArvati, P.
Baudhdyana, a lawgiver, 3. gO, 89 ; 1. 133 ; 4. 262.
Bhadramanda, variant of Bha-
Bdiidhya, disciple of Bdshkali, 3 dravinda, 5. 107.
44. Bhadrapada, a month, August-
Benares, bnmt by the discus of September, 2. 261, &c.; 3. 197.
Kfiahna^ 5. 128, Bhadraratha, son of Haryanga, 4.
Bhadras. a people, 3. 185. 125.
Bhadras. a class of gods iu the Bhadrdsana, what, 5. 230.
third Manwantara, 3. 6. Bhadrasdra, variant of Biudu-
Bhadras, variant of Madras, 2. 133. edra, 4. 188.
Bhadra, son of Vasudeva and De- Bhadrasena, sou of Vasudeva and
vaki, 4. iro. Pevakf, 4. TIC.
Bhadra, son of Krishna and K4- Bhadrasena, variant of Bhadra-
Und{> 5. 7Q. SreAya, 4. 54.

"Bhadrji^reTlya, son of Mahishmat. 3- 17, 83, 379; 4. 77, 79, 8o>

4-34-3^- 54- 92, &c., 101, 259, 269, 320;
Bhadrfiswa, son of Agnidhra, and 5. I, 2, 146, 152, 185, 209,
king of a region, 2. io2. 212, 213, 234, 239, 244, 246.
Bhadraswa, son of Vasudeva, 4. The word etymologized, 5. 212.
109, Bbagavata, son of Vajramitra, 4.
Bhadrdswa, a region to the east oil T92.
Mount Mem, 2. 112, 116, 120, Ehdgavata = Bhdgavata-purdna, 3.

125, 125, 126, 207 ; 5. 3. 67.

Bhadris wa, variant of Chand rds wa, Bhdgavatas, an heretical sect, 5.

t5. 265. 379-

Bhadr-aswa, variant of Raudrdswa, Eh4gavata-kath£-sangraha, a com-
4. 128, position, quoted, or referred to,
Bhadraswa, variant of Havyaswa, P. 49 ; 3. 62, 66.
4. 144. Bhigavata-purAna, analysis of it,

Bhadraturaga, a country lying be- (fee, P. 17, 20, 22-24, 26, 32.
tween Milyavat and the sea, 2, .3"4-36, 39, <^c-, 53, 57, 58, 67,
Til. 68, 80, 88, no, 1 14 J
5, 264,
Bhadravinda, son of Kri^Aa and 277, 278, 284, J22, 327,332,
Nagnajilf, 5. 107. 343, 358. S^9- Its probable
Bhaga, an Aditya, 1. 131 ; 2. 27, age, 2. J 06.
?85, &c, Bhdgavata-upapurSria, P. 87.
Bhaga, one of the Tiiwe devaa, 3, Bhdgavatl-samhita, a part of the
T79. Klirma-purAaa, P. 77.
Bhaga (?), variant of Bharga, son Bhaglratha, son of Dilfpa, 2. 119;
of Vahni, 4, 116, 3. 3^3, 315 ; 4. 241.
Bhdga, variant of Bhdgavata, son Bhag/rathi, the Ganges proper, 2,
of Vajramitra, 4. 192. r2o.ii2i; 3, 217, 303, 343;
Bhagadatta, a king, 5. 54, 55. 5. i34-
Ehagadheya, variant of Ndbhine- Bhdguri, an ancient writer, 3. 113;
disbtlia, 3. 227. 5. 2sa
Bhaganetra, au epithet of Indra, BhaiUa=Surya, 2, 150.
1. 134. Bbaimarika, sou of Krishna and
Bhagavad-gitd, ox its commentary, Satyabh4ma, 5. 107.
referred to, or quoted, P. 15, Bhairava, a god, P. 79, 90.
33; 2. 49, 86; 3. 65, 126, Bbairavas, an heretical sect, P.
253; 5. 226, 389, 79,80; 386, 287, 375, 380.

Bhaga vad-git4-mdhd.tmya, a com- Bhairavis, a class of Apsaraaes, 2.

position, referred to, P. 33. 82.
Bhagavat = Vishnu or Krishna, P. Bhajamdna, son of Satwata, 4. 7 1,

40;. 1.45,46; 2. 63, 65, &c.; 72.


BLajaraiiua,vAriouslygenealogii5ed, BhAnu, son of DivSrka, 4. 168.

4. 97, 99.
BhAnu, son of K f ishna and Satya
BhajamAua, variant of S'amin, 4. bhiinid, 5. 81, 107.

99, TOO.
Bhdnucbandra, variant of Bhfiuu-
Bhajana, variant of Bhajin, 4. 72. ratha, son of Chandragiri, 3. 3 2 1

Bbajaraa ('?), variant of BhrAjiras, Bhanula, variant of R^tula, 4.

3. 28. 169.
Bhiijeratha, a country, 3. 343. Bbdnumat, variously genealqgized,
Bbaji, variant of Bhajin, 4. 71. 3. 333.

Bhajin, son of Satwata, 1. 71, 72. Bbdnninat, son of Bharga, son of

BhAjiras (I), variant of BhrjVjiras, Vahni, 4. ri6.
3. 28. Bbdnumat, son of Krishna and
Bhajya, disciple of Baslikali, 3. 49. SatyabhSmA, 5. 81.
Bhakta, 'rice,' 3, 150. Bbauuniat, variant of Biidnuratha,
Bbakti, what, P. 32, 52 ; 5. 244, 4. 168.

247. Bbdnuniitra, variant of Bhanura-

Bhaktichcliheda, the term ex- tha, son of Chandragiri, 3. 321.

plained, 5. 22. Bhinuratha, son of Chandragiri, 3.

Bhakti-yogya, >vhat, 2. 336. 321,

Bliaiandana, variously genealogizcd BhAnuratba, son of Bfibadaswa,
3. 34O; 342. 4. 168.
BhalUda, variant of Bhallat'a, 4. Bhara, what, 4. 76,

142. BhAra, variant of Nabblra, 4. 214.

Bhallika, variant of BhaUat'a, 4. Bharadwajtts, a people, 2. 187
142. BharadwAja, a fosbi, son of Bri-
Bballara (?), variant of Bhallat'a, baspati, 2. 285 &c. ; 3., 13, 15,
4. 142. 16, 23, 48, 66;

BlialUt'a. son of Udaksena, 4. 142, Bharadwajc, a medical authority,

143- 4. 33» 40-

Bhanandana (1), variant of Bhalan- Bhaiadwiija, the Vydsa of the

dana, 3. 241. tvveifth Dwapara age, 3. 34,

Bhind'a, an Asura, P. 86. BharadwAja, the VyAsa of the nine-

Bh^nd'ira, a sort of tree, 4. 299, teenth DwApara age, 3 35, 37.
301. BharadwAja, variant of Bhdra-
Bhanus, a class of gods in the dwiVja, the Vydsa, 3. 34.
third Manwantara, 3, 6. Sons Bhdradwdja, variant of Bhara-
of Dharma and Bhdnu, 2. 22. dwdja, the VyAsa, 3. 35.

Bhinu, daughter of Daksha, and BharadwAja, variant of Satya-

wife of Dharma, 2. 21, 212. dhwaja, 3.
BhAnu, variously genealogized, 4. Bharadwdja, variant of Brihadraja,
116 4. 169.
BhAradwjlji, a river, 2. 151. Bhargas, a people, 2. 170, 171. ,

Bharani, aa asterism, 2, 259. kc, Bharga, variously genealogized. 4.

337- 37, 39-

Bharatas, a Iribe, 4. 59. Bharga, son of Vahni, 4. 1 16.
Bharata. a Muni, autbor of the Bhdrofa, variously genealogized, 4.
Gindharva-veda, 3. 68 ; -l. 324, 38-
346- Bharga, variant of Oarga, son of
Bharata, son of l^ishabha, and a Pratardana, 4. 36.
king in the first Manwantara, Bhdrgabhumi, variously genealo-
?. 97 ; 2. 103, 105, 106, 127; gized, 4. 37-39.
4. 38. India is called, from Bhirgavas, a people, 2. 170.
hira , - Bh aratava rsha. Bhdrgava, a descendant of Bhfigu,
Bharata, son of Dusbyanta, 4. 117, 1. 152; 5. 218. Applied to
i3«-^3<^» 320. various persons, 2. 39; 3. 23,
Bharata, son of Dasaratha, 3. 315, 238 ; 4- 39
318. Bhirgava, sou of Vahni, 4. 116.
Bharata. king of Asmaka, 2. 164 Bhargava = Farasin-ima, 4. 22.

Bharata, son of Tdlajangha, 4, 5 7, Bh^,rgava, variant of Bharga, 4.

S9 38
Bharata, son of Dhruvasandhi, 3. BhArgavabhiimi, variant of Bhdr-
297; 4. 238. gabhumi, 4. 38.
Bhai-ata (who ?), P. 42. See also Bhdrgava-purdAa, P. 90.
2. 312, &c. Bharmyas, who, 4. 146.
Bharatd, an Apsaras, 2. 82. Bharmya, patronym of Mudgala,
Bhdrata = Bh4r»tavarsha, or India, 4.146.
P. 97; 2. 105, 114, IIS, BharmyAiiwa, variant of Harya&wa,
120, 123, 125-127, 129, 132, 4. 144, 146.
336-i38> ^54. 207. Bhfi,ru, variant of BhAnu, son of
BhArata= MdbAbharata, P. 46^ 50, Krishna, 5. 107.
54. Bharuka, variant of Kuruka, 3.
Bharatamalla, a modern commen- 289.
tator, referred to, 2. 22. BbAsi, daughter of Ka^yapa, and
Bharatavarsha, India, P. 97 ; 2, wife of Garud'a, 2. 73.
107, III. 112, i?7, 133, 135, Bliasi, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

137 EbAskara, the Sun, 3. 56; 4. 192

Bh4rata-yuddha, what. 3. 326 : 4. Bhaskara Acharya, an astronomer,
321. quoted, 2. 110, 129.
Bh4ratf -
Bharata varsha, India, 2. BhAswat, variant of BhAskara, 4
JC7. T02.
Bharat). variant of Gabhasti. 2. Bhat'ta, the title, 5. 385-

»99- Bhatt'dcharya, the title, 5. 385.


Bhat'tfa Utpala, an aatroaomer, re- Bhavishyat ==; Bhavishya-pur&Aa, 3,

fen-ed to 2. 275,
277 67.
Bhauina = LohiUnga, 2. 304. Bhavishya-upapurdna, P. 87.
Bhaucoa (T), a country, 4. 220. Bhayishyottara-purana, P. 63, 64.
Bhautyas, a dynasty, 4. 93. Bhavyas, a class of gods in the
Bhautya, the Manu of the four- sixth Manwantara, 3. 12.
teenth Manwantara, veo-iously Bhavya, son of Dhruva, 1. 177.
genealogized, 3. 28, 29, He 13 Bhavya, a T^ishi in the ninth Man-
called Manu of the tenth Man- wantara., 3. 25.
waxitara, 3. 25. Bhavya. son of Priyavrata, and
Bhautya (?), son of Bhautya, 3. 2^. king of S^ika-d^ipa, 2. 100, &c.,
Bhauvana, son of Mauthu 3, 1 07. 19S.
Bhava, a Rudra, or form of S'iva, 1. Bhdvya, variant of Bhdnuratha^
116, 117, T26, 137; 2. 25; 4. sou of Bf ihadaswa, 4. 168.
251 ; 5. 386. Bhavyaratha, variant of Bhdnu-
Bhava, a Sadbya, 2. 22. ratha, son of Brihadaswa, 4.
Biava, a Muni, 1. 109. 168.
Bhava, son of Viloman, 4. 97. Bhaya, 'fear,* son of Anfita, 1,
Bhava, variant of Bhuva, 2, io6. III, 112.
Bhavds 0, a class of Apsarases, 2. Bheda, what, 5/52,
82. Bhekurayas (?), a class of Apsa-
Bhiva, one with Mahat, in philo- rases, 2. 82.
sophy, 1. 32. Bhf, ' fear,' daughter of Kali, and
Bh4va-bli4vaod, what, 233, 237. 5. wife of Mfityu, 1. iii.
Bhavaka, son of Skandaswati, 4. Bhikshu = Parivrdj, 3, 279,
202. Bhillas, a wild race, their origin,
Bhavana, son of Swdrochisha, and 1. 182.
a l^ishi in the second Manwan- Bhfma, a Rudra, 1. n6} 2, 25;
tara, 3. 5. 5. 386.
BhAvani, what, 5. 222, 233, 240, Bhima, son of PAMu and Prithd,
245- 4. 102; 5. 134, 159. 167. In
Bhavanmanyu, son of Vitatha, 4, a former birth, son of Anila or
^35- VAyu, 4. 102, 132; 5. 391.
Bh^va-pushpas, the, enumerated, Bhima, variously genealogized, 4.
4. 294. 14.
BhAva-sSra = Avyanga, 5. 383. Bhlma, variant of Urukshaya, 4.
Bhiivin, a caste in Piaksha-dwipa, 137-
2. 193. BLirad = Bhlmarathf, 2. 14S,
Bhavishya-purina, analysis of it, Bhlmaratha, son of Ketumat, 4.
(fee, P. 20, 23, 24, 62, (kc. ; 5.
33 36, 343-
319,365. 381, 383» 384- Bbimaratha, son of Vikriti, 4. 68.
BhimaratL^, variant of Bhitna- Bhojyi, valiant of MArishd, 4. 100.
rathl, 2. 130. Bhokhyaka (I ]), variant of Mi\shika»
Bblmarathi, the river uow called 4. 222.
Beenia, 3. 130, 132, 147, 148, Bhokshyaka, variant of Mushika,
Bhimasena, variously geuealogized, 4. 222.
4. 152, 162. Bhr/ija, a sun, 5. 191.
Bhimasena, son of l^iksha, 4. 153. Bhr4jira8, a class of gods in the
Bhimasena = Bhfma,son of PdncTu, fourteenth Manwantara, 3. 28,
4. T02, 159, 345. Bhrdjiahtta, son of Ghf itapf-ishtha,
Bhishma, son of S'jintano, P. 30 king of Krauncha-dwlpa, 2.

3, 75, 201; 4. 144, T57; 5. 198.

130* ^3i> 134, 135- Slain by BhrijishtTia, a region in Krauncha-
Arjuna, 5. 157, 161, 163. dwipa, 2. 1 9 8.
Bhfshma, king of the Vidarbhas, Bhramaras, their origin, 1. 1S2
5. 69. (where correct the spelling) ; 5
Bbishmaka = Bhfahraa, king of the 388.
Vidarbhas, 4. 112; 5. 69. Bhrdiui, *
revolution,' daughter of
Bhogavat(, a city in RasAtala, an S'isuindra, and wife of Dhruva.
underworld, % zii. I. 178.
Bhogin, sou of S'eshandga, (?) 4. Bhfigu, son of Brahma, P. 88;
2 12. 1 100, 125, 131, 150-152; 2.

Bhogin, van'aut of Bhajin, 4. 72. 113, 259, 285, <kc. ; 3. 3, 8,

Bhojasj a people, or peoples, 2. 1 58, II, 14-16, 23, 35, 68, 80-82,.

159; ^ 5^» 59» IZ^ ^6, 260, 98, 162. 291, 338,342; 4. 16,

27 li 6. 148, 382, 392. 17, 19, 23. 25, 31, 39, 40.; o.
Bhojas, certain kings, 2 159. 76, 218, 250. His wife, 1,

Bhoja, king of Dhird, 4. 59. 109, no, 11^, His offspring,

Bhoja, variant of Swayaiiibhoja, 4. 1 152,2,276. LordofLaksh-
99, ii3, 248. nifpura, 1. 150. Teacher of
Bhoja =^ Bhojakat'a, 2. 159. the Dhanur-veda, 3. 67.

Bhojakas, certain descendants of Jihfigu, variant of llibhu, 2, 330,

the Bhojas of DwArakd, 5. 382. Bhfigubhumi, variant of Bhaiga-

Bhojaka, variant of Swayambhoja, bbunii, 4. 39.
4. 99. Bhfigukshetra, a holy spot on the
Bhojakat'a, a city founded by river Narmadd^ 2. 151.
Rukmin, 159 ; b. 71, 84,
2, Bhrigutunga, a certain forest, 4. 49.

Bhojana, a mountain in Krauucha- Bhiingarit'i, an attendant of S^iva,

dwlpa, 2. 198. P. 89.
Bhojapuris, a tribe in Western Bhrinjin C^),
son of STira, 4. 10 1.
Behar, 2. 159, Bhfiti (?), variant of Dhriti, 4. 67
Bhojarija = Kamsa, 4. 260, 271. Bhujingas (?), a people, 2. 163.

Bhuman, son of Pratihartri, 2. 107. origin, kc, 1. 82, 83 ; 2. 74,

Bhumanyu, son of Bbaiata, son 75; 3 120, 216; 5. 127, 144
of Dusbyanta, 4. 136, 138. T'.cir king. S'ulap^.hi, 2. 86.

Bhumanyu, variant of Bhuvan- Bbiita, a patriarch, 2. 25. Hi;j

manyu, 4. 136. wives, 2. 21.

Bliumi, wife of Visliuu aa Para- Bbiita, son of Yasudeva, 4. 109.

flurania, 5. 87, 88, 90. See Bbiita, what, in philosophy. 1. 140.

Dharanl. Bbiita-bbAvana, tip bat, 5. 91, 386.

Bhiimi, variant of Tuiii, 4. 93. BbutAdi, what, 1. 33, 34, 169; 2

Bb<imi - khaAcfa, a part of the 232 ; 5. 94, 198, 199.
Padnia-purAiia, P. 30. Bliutajyotis, son of Sumati, 3. 335.

Bhuniiinitra, son of Kaiiwdyana, Bhrttaketu, sou of DaksbasAvarria,

4.181. 3. =5.

Bhuuiiraitra, son of Vasudeva, 4. Bbdtunaada, a Yavana king, 4.

z\i 213.

Bhuaiinanda, son of Vangava (?),

Bhiitanayas (??^, variant of A'bbu-

4, 2:2. taiajad, 3. 9.

Bhiimiputra, variant of Bhiiirai- Bbiitaruyas (??), variant of Abhu

mitra, 4. idi. tiirajas. 3. 9, lo.

Bhuiniti*, variant of Bbuminutra, Bhrttasaitlapana, son of Hiran-

4. 193..
yaksha, 2. 69.

BbupatLs, variant of A'bbutarajas, Bbuta-sorga, what, in philuat)phy^

3. 1. 74

Bhurbhiira, variant of Jhaijhara Bhiitatman, «vbat, 1. 3 ; 5. 91.

?.. 60. Bhuta-vidya, what, 4, ^^.

Bhurbliiiva, valiant of Jhaijhara, ^huta-yajna. a certain sacrifice. 3.

2. G9. 40, ir8.

Bhiiri. son of Somadatta, 4. 157 ;

Bbiitesa, an epithet of VishnU; 1.

5. 134. 42.
Biiuri, variant of Dhnni. 2. 23. Bhtiti, son of Anglras, 3. 28, 29.

Bhiirijycsht'ba, vsuiant of Ushna^ Bbuti = Lakshnif, 1. 119; 3. 28

4. 164. (where correct the spelling

Bhurisbeiia, son ot Brahma- Bhi'itl).

sAvarni, 3. 26. Bhiiti, variant ofTiii'ii, 4. 93.

Bhurishena, sonof'S'aryjlti, 3. 249. Bhuti, what, in philosophy, 1. 148

Bbiiri^ravas, son of Soiuadatta, 4. Bhutigaurl, variant of Gauri, -5.

157; <'>• 134. 387-

Bbiir-loka, the earth, 2. 113, 225. Bhdtiinitra, variant of Bbumimi
Bhushiliiia, variant of Miisbikas, tra, 4. 193.

4, 222. Bhiitinauda, a king, 4. 212.

Bhtitas, certain evil spirits, their Bhuva, son of Pratihartri, 2. 106.


Bhuvana, a Rudra, 2. 25. Bopadeva (another 1), 3. 1 74.

Rbuvaneiwara, an epithet of S'iva, Bradhna, son of Bbautya, Manu
P. 73- of the fourteenth Manwantara,
Bhuvaumanyu (?1), variant of Bha- 3. 29.
vanmanya, 4. 136. Brahm^s = Brahmarshis, 1. 100.
Bhuva-Ioka = Bhuvar-loka, 2. 113. (tc.

Bhiivar-Ioka, the space between Brahma, the supreme nonentit}',

the earth and the sun, 2. 225 ; unthinking thought and what
5. 192. See Bhuvo-loka. not. Typified by Om, 1. 1.

Bhuvo-ioka - Bhuvar-ioka, 2. 230 ;

One with Vishnu, <fcc., 1. 3.
5 192, T94. Possessed of properties, and the
Bija, vhat, in the Yoga pTiilosophy, source of creation, 1. 44, Two
5. 230, 231. states of, 2. 92. Endowed with
BimbasA.ra, variant of Bimbis^ra, form, and formless, 5. 232.
4. 171, 181. Etymology of the word, 1. 30 ;

Bimbisara, king of Rljagriha in 3. 37, 38. See also 1. 3, 18,

Magadha, variously genealo- 21, <kc., 45 4. ?93 (misprinted

gized, 4. 171, 180, iSt, 1S6, Brahmd), 326, 346; 5. 12, 15,
Bindumat, son of Marlchi, 2. 107. <kc., &c.
Binduniati,daughter of S'asabirdu, Bralim^, the first hypostasis of
and wife of MAndli4tfi, 3. 268. Brahma. The same as Vishnu
Bindumatl, wife of Vidiiratha, 3. in his character of creator, 1.

268; 4. 153. 41. The duration of his life,

Biudusdra, king of Pataliputra, 1. 46. His various creations,
variously geuoalogized, 4. 181, 1. 68, Sic. The four castes
f86, 187, r88. proceed from him, 1. 89, &c.
Bindnsena (
?), variantof Bimbisdra.. llis mind-born sons, 1. 100, Ac
4. x8o, i8r. Parent of the Rudra.s, 1. 115,
Birth, ceremonies ordained at. 3. Ac. Toe sarafe as Mahat, 1.

98, 99. 29, «kc. The first teacher of

Bodhaa, a people, 2 156. the Vishnu-purana, 1. 5. Ho
Bodba, Ron of Dharma, 1 no. arranges the Veda, 3. 34. His
Bodha, variant of llodha, 2. 214. city, 2. IT 2, 118 He praises
Bodhas, variant of Sod has, 2. 163. Vishnu, 4. 251, &c. See also
Bodhana, a hill, 2. 142. P. 4, 21, &c.. <fec. ; 1. 13, 22,
Bodhya, disciple of Bashkali, and 30, 39, 40, .kc. .; 3. n, 37,
promulgator of the !6ig-veda, 38, 297; 4. 266, 292, 293,
3. 44. 319, 346; 5 2, 3, II, 14, 15,
Bopadeva, an author, his time, &c., 43» 59j 94, 95. » M, t 18, ire, «fec.

P. 44, 48, 50, 51, 88; 5. 277, Brahma, a Kalpa so called, 1. 53 :

278,327. 3. 66.

Brdhma, a Pralaya so called, 1. 3. 67, 187 .(where correct the

113, &c. spelling); 5. 308, 319 (where
Brahma, a form of marriage, 3. correct the spelling), 3^0, 392.

105. Brahm&iid'a-upapnriAa, P. 87.

Brabuia, 'sacred philosophy,' 1. Brahmdiii, a river, 2. 153.

85. Br^hmani, a sacred spot named in
Brahmabali, disciple of Devadar^a, the Mah^bhdrata, 2. 153,
Ac, aud teacher of the Atharva- Brahmanya-deva, what, 2. 57.
veda, 3. 6t, 62, BrahnaApeta, a Rakshasa, 2. 285,
Brahma-bhiita, what, 2. 89; 5. &o.

17, 153- Brahmapura, the city of BrahmA,

BrahmabodhyA, a river, 2. 151, situated on a peak of Mount
152, 340. Meru, 2. n 2.

Brahmach4i-in, what, 3. loi. Brahma-puxdna, analysis of it, &c.,

Brabmacharya, what, 3. 77: 5. P, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, &o., 58,
t8r. no; 6. 282, 284, 292, 298,
Brahmadaiid'a, son of Naravdhana, 305-3MS 3i7» 319. 320, 3^5,
4, 166. 327, 344; 351-
Brahniadatta, variously genealo- Brahma-purdna — Brabma-purdfta,
gized, 4. 142. P. 23, 27 3. 66. :

Brahmaja, a kind of cloud, 2. 279. Brahmaputras, what, 1. 100,

Brahma-l:hand'a, a part of the Brahmaputra, a river, 2. 154.

Brahma- vaivarta-purdna, P. 65, Brahmarita, father of Yijnaval-

67- kya, 3. 53.
Brahmakosa = Atri, 3. 1 5. Brahmarshis, * Bribman saints,'

BrahmOrloka = Satya-loka, P. 66 ; their abode, &c., 1. 100 ; 3.

1. 58; 2. 227-230; 3. 198; 69, 271 ; 4. 52, 246; 5. 121.

4. 2O6; 5. 193, 195. Brahmarshidoia, a region in Cen-
Brahma-maya, what, 5. 253. tral India, 2. 143.
BrahmamedhyA, a river, 2. 152, Brahmaaavarna, BxahmaiAvanu,
34<3- the Manu of the tenth Manwan-
BrAhmans. Prodviced from the tara, and son of UpaiSloka, 3.

mouth of B»ahm^, 1. 89. Their 25. He is called son of Brahra^,

'duties, 3. 86. Families of, 4. 3. 24.
28. Early settlemeuts of them Brahma- siras, a fiery weapon so
in India, V. 102. calkd, 3, S^, 84.

Brahman, a sort of priest, 3. 43, BrahmAstra, a fiery weapon so

44. called, 3. 84, 338; 4. i6o.

Brahm^Ad'a, what, 1. 170, Brahma-varaha, P. 65.

.Brahmanda-purina, analysis of it, Brahmdvarta, a district in Central

&c., P, 20, 2^, 24, 84, &c. India, P. 105; 2. 143.


ErfthraA-valvarta-puiAna, analysis i liribadJiiaiius, variant of Brihad

of it, &c., P. 20, 21, 23, 24, vasu, 4.. 140.
65, &c., J 10; 3. Gj ; 5. 264, Brihaddharniaii, Viuiaut of Briliad-
269, 270, 282, 284, 298, 316, vasu, 4 140,

3'9. Z^h 327, 342, 343 Bfihaddhwaja, variant of Vfijin^

Braluna yajua, a sort of sacrament, vat, 4 61
.3. 40, 93. Brihadishu, son of Ajamfd'ha, 4,

Brahiiii Satalutd, a parti of the 140.

Kiirma-purdha, P. 77. 78. Brihadishu, son of Haryaswa. 4.

Bialijuislat'ha; son of Kausalya, 3 144,

324- Rf-ihadraja, variuuely gencalogized,
Bralimopeta, variant of BrahmA- 4. 169.
peta, 2. 292, 293. Bfihadrada, variant of Biihat-
Brahmottara-khancta. a part of the kshaiaa, 4. 167.
Skanda-purAna, P. 27, 73. Brihadrathas =^ BAiLadrathas, 4.

Brahmottara-puraiia, P. 27. 178.

Brihad-Araiiiyaka-upanishad, tho, Bfihadratha, variously gtnealo-
or its commentary; referred to, gized, 4. 125. A Briliadratha
o. xrj, 122, 197,338 ; 5. 388. IS named in 4. 24.
BrihadaSwa, a S^dhya, son of Bfihadratha, son of Va:.u, and
Sddhya, 2. 22. king of Magadha, 4. 140^ 150,
Bribadaswa, son of SVavasta, 3. 173. 177, 344, 345
264. Bfihadratha, sun ot Tignia; 4, i6«j..

Brihadaawft, sou of Sahadtiva, 4. Bfihadratha, son of Bfibatkslwna,

168. 4. 167.
bfihadaswa, sou of S'atadhara, 4. Bfihadratha, sou of S'atadiiaiiwan,
189. 4 1S9, 190.
B/ihadaswa, variant of Pfishad- Brihadratha, variant of Bfihaduk-
asvra. 3. 284. tha. 3. 331.
Biihadtala, variously geuealogized Bfihadratha, variant of Dfid'haia-
3. 32t, 325; 4. 167, 172. tha, 4 126.
Brihadbhduu, variously genealo- Bfihadratha,variantof Jayadratha,
gized, 4. 125. 4. 140.

Biihadbhanu, son of Krishna and Bfihadratha, variant of Asokavar-

SatyabhAinA, 5. 81. dbana, 4. 187.
Brilidddarbha, variant of Brihad- Bfibaduktha, son of DevaiAta, 3.

bh&nn, 4. 125.

Brihad-devatA, an ancient eoroposi- Bfibadvasxi, son of Brihadishu, 4.

tion, referred to, 3. 48. 140.
Bfihaddbanua, variant of Brihad- BfihadvLshnu (1?), variant of Bii
isliii. sou of Ajamidlia, 4. 1 40. badvasU; 4. 140

BribadwatI, one or more rivers, 2. Bfihatkarman, sjon of Bfihadvasu,

151, 152. 4. 140.

Briiianmanas, son of BfihadbhAnu, Bfihatkarman, son of Sukshattra,

4 125. • 4. 174.

Brihaumauas (?), a king between Bfihat-kathd,acomposition,2. 177,

Nanda and Cliandragupta, 4. 211. See Kathd-sarit-.sdgara.

345- Bfibatkdya, variant of Bfihatkar-

Biiban-Manu, an ancient lawgiver, man, 4. 140.
quoted, 3. 151. Bfibatkshaiia, son of Bfihadbaia,

Brihan - ndiadlya - purdna, P. 51, 4. 167.

<tc. Bfihatkshattra, son of Dhfisht'a-

Bfihaspati, son of Angiras, P. 38 ketu, 4. 103.

1. 141, 188, 190; 2. 24; 3. Bfihatkshattra, son of Bhavan-

16, 244, 245 ; 4. 2-4, 42, 123, manyu, 135, 138, 139.

1 34, 1 3 5. Author of the Artlia- Bfihatkshaya, variant of Bfihat

sAstra, 3. 68. Identified, as a kshana, 4. 167.
planet, with Jupiter, 2. 226, Bfihatkshetra, variant of Bfibat-

259, 308. His cycle, 2. 255. kshana, 4, 167.

Brihaspati, the VyAsa of the fourth Bfihat-Pardsara, an ancient law-
DwApara age, 3. 34, 36. giver, quoted, 3. 180.

Bfihaspati, a jfeishi in the second Bfihat-sdman, a portion of the

Manwantara, 3. 4. SAma - veda, its origin from
Bfihaspati, founder of an heretical Brahmi, 1. 84.
sect, 3, 213. Bfihat-samhitd, an astronomical
Bfihaspati-smfiti, an ancient code work, referred to, 2. 190, 275 ;

of law, referred to, 3. 1 89-1 91 4- 153.

Bf ihat, a portion of the Siiua-v^jda, Bfihatsena, son of Kfishna and
295, 343- BhadrA, 5, 82.
Bfihat, a Kalpa, P. 51, 52. Bfihatsena, variant of Bfihatkar-
Bfihat (I?), variant of Bfihat- man, 4. 174.

kshattra, 4. 137, 139. Bfihatsena, variant of Df id'hasena,

Bfihatf, wife of Ripu, sou of 4. 175, 176.
S'lisht'i, 1. 177. Bfihattejas, a name of Bfihaspati,
Bf ihati, daughter of S'ibi, and wife son of Angiras, 2. 259.
of Kfishna, 5, 83. Bf iahada^wa (T»), variant of Pf isha-
Bfihatl, a metre, its origin from da^wa, 3. 284,
BrahraA, 1. 86. Identified with Buddha, founder' of a religion,

a horse of the Sun's cai*, 2. P. 72; 3. 235, 236; 4. 170,

239- 187, 188; 5. 322, &c., 375.
Bfihatkarman, variously genealo- Fanciful etymology of his name,
gized, 4. 125. 3. 210, 211 ; 4. 5; 5.350^361.

368. A form of Vish nUj 5, 178, Cliaitanya, founder of a sect, P.

323, 378. And see Anjana. 22; 6. 318, 343, 345.

Buddbi, 'intelJect/ daughter of Ghaitra, two foshis, of the second
DaTisha, and wife of Dhanua, J and fourth Manwantaras, vari-

109, 110, ously g'enealogized, 3. 5, 8.

Buddhi, what, in philosophy, 1. Chaitra, a month. March-April,

2, 261, <fec. ; 3. 114-
Buddhism, 5. 177, 178. And see Ohaitra (^j, '<•. mountain-range in
Buddha. Kraancha-dwfpa. 2. 197.
Biidha, or Mercury, son of S'iva, Chaitraratha, Kubera's grove on
1. 117; 2.225.258, 304, 308; Mount Mandara, 2. 1 1 1, r 16 j

3. 236 ; 4. 5, 60. He is also 4. 6; 5. 137.

said to be son of Soma, 2. 259 ; Chaitravatf, variant of Chandra-

4.4. bhaga, 2. 147.

Budha, son of Vegavat, 3. 245. Chaitri, a certain sacrifice, 3. 113,

Budha, variant of Vadba, a lU- Chakora, a city, 3. 318.

kshasa, 2. 287. Ch3kora('?),ahill,2. 142. SeeKora.

Btidha, * wise naan,' 5. 239. Chakora, variant of Chakora SUta-

Budhna, variant of Bradhna, 3. 29. karnin, 4. 197, 198.

Budhnya, variant of Bradhna, 3. Chakora S'Atakarniu, Chakora-

29. swatikarna, Ac, son of Sundara

Bukbdras (?), a people, 2. 186. S'dtakarnin, Jjc, 4. 197, 201,

Caste.'!, four, their origin IVom Chakras, a people, 2. 165.
Brahrui., 1. 89, 171. Their Chakra, a mountain in Kusa-
primal state, 1. 90. Divided by dwipa, 2. 197,
occupations, 1. 96, 97. Their Chakra vartin, what, 1, 183; 3.

future abodes, 1. 97, (to. Their 31, 267J 290; 4. 60.

duties, 3. 85, &c. Instituted Chakrin, an epithet of Krishna,
by different kings, 4. 31, 32, from his chakra, '
discus,' 4.

38. 123. 82 : 5. 1, 69, 70, 82, 107, 108,

Catbsei, the, a tribe of Kshattriyas, 116, 127, 149, 161.

2, 184. Chakshu, the river Oxus, 2. 112,
Caumojees, a tribe, 3. 292. See 120-122, 272.
Kimbojas. Chakshu, variant of CbAkshuaha,
Ceremonies, at birth, &c., 3. 98, son of Anu, 4. 120.

&c. Chakshus, son of Vyusht'a, 1. 178.

Chaidyas, a people, 4. 65. Chakshus, son of Purujinu, 4. 144.

Cbaidyas, certain kings, 4. 67. Ch^kshushiiS, a class of gods in

Ohaidyoparichara, an epithet of the fourteenth Manwaatara, 3.

Yasu, son of Kfitaka, 4, 149. 28.


Chakahuaha, son of Ripu, 1. 177. Chaj'id'l, ruled over by KAkavaiAa,

ChAkshusha, Mauu of the sixth 4. 180.
Manwantara, variously geiiealo- Ciia^d'i - p^t'ha, a part of the

177,178; 2.26,2753.
gized, 1. MArkaiid'eya-purAiia, P. 56; 3.
i, II, 12, 14, 17, 18, 192; 4. 5. 22.
Chdkshusha, son uf Anu, 4. 120. Chandra = Soma, 1. 131 ; 2. 304 ;

Cliaksbuslia, the sixth Manwaiv • 4. 293.

tara, 2. 9, 11, 27, 258. 259, et Chandra, son of Krishna and
passim. Saty^, 6. 79.
Chala - Lakshmi, 1, 110. Chandra, a mountain - range in
Champa, son of Prithulaksha; 4. Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191.
125. Chandr^l, a river, 2. 194.
Champa, variant of Chunchu, 3. Chandra, CLandra, valiants of
289. Ardra, sou of Viswagaiwa, 3.

ChauipA, a city, tlie ancient capi 263.

tal of Anga, 2. 166; 4. 1245 Cliandra, variant of Chi'iru, 5. 78.
125, 221. Chandrabhdgd, the river Cheiiab,
ChainpApuri = Champa, 3. 289; 2- 130J i3i> 142, i44> M7 ^ ;

4. 125. ri8, 223 (where correct the

Chanipavati - Champi, the city so spelling), 224; 5. 381.. 385,
called, 4. 218, 219. 392-
ChftDuko, Pali for Ghaiiakya, 4. Chandrabhanu. son of Krishna and
185- Satyabh.^tuiA, 5. 81.
GLiiriakya - Kaut'ily.v, 4. 186. Chaudragiri, son of Tdrdpld'a, 3.

Chanclm, valiant of Chuuchu, 3. 321.

289. Cbaadragupta, sou of Nanda (T),

Chaudagutto, PAll for Chandra- P 109; 4. 186-188, 203, 205,

gnpta, 4. 185. 2»9^ 232, 345; 5-
Chalid'ala, what, 3. 120. Chandrakctu, son of Lalcshmaiia,
Chandana, a certain mountain, 2. 3.318.
Obandrakfctu, lang of Cliakora. 3.
Chandana, a species of tree, 2. 200. 318.
Chandana, a river, 2. i^^. Chandraketu, a country near the
ChandanI, a river, 2. 155. HiniJilayas, 3. 319.
Chandanodakadundubhj, <kc., vari- Chandramd, a river, 2. 151.
ously genealogized. 4. 97. ChandrApfd'a, son of SuiyApida.
Chandapradyota('l?),a king, 5. 391. 4. 163.
Chalid'asrliitakarni (??), variant of Chandrdpld'a, king of Cashmere,
Chandra sri, 4. 201. 4. 223.
Charid'i= KM, a S'akti, P. 56; I. Chandrasrl, eon of Vijaya, son of
104. Yajna^ri, 4. 199.

Ouindra^uklA, an island, peibaps Charmakhdnd'ikas, variant of

fabuions, 2. 129. Cbarmama/id'aleis, 2. 169.

Cii.'iijclrdswa, son of KuvalayAswii, Channainand'alas, a people. 2,

3. 265. 169.
Cliandraraktra, a city near the Charmanwati, the rivev Chnmbul,
Hiniiilayas, 3. 319. 2. 131 (where correct the spfU-
ChandrAvaloka, son of Sahasraswa, i»g), 147, 359; 4. 137-
Chdru, son of Krishna and Euk-
Chanthavijna, variant of Chan- minl, 5. 78, 148,
drasrf, 4. 199. ChAruchandra, variant ol Chjrn-
Cljangeri, what;, 5. 33. virido, 5. 78.

Ohaniita, a famous paiieratiast, ChArudeha, son of Kfi3l)ifia a)id

BJaiii by Kfis^hiia, 4. 335, 337; Ptukuiinl, 5. 78.

5. 2^, 28, 35, 36, 38-40, 87. Charudeshna, son of Krishna and
Chapa (1), variant of A pas, a Knkmini. 4. 112, 113; 5. 78.
KAkshasa, 2. 288. Cliarudbarman, variant of Chdru.-
CharHchara, what, 5. 385. vflunan, 5. 148.

Cliarakaa - Cbarakddhwatyus, 3. Charngupta, son of Krishna and

RukniiAl, 5. 78.
54, 55-
Cbaiaka, a teacher of the Yajui- Chcuuhdsinl, wife of Krishna, 4.

veda, 3. 55. 112; 5, 69, 79. The same as

Charaka. an ancient medical an- Lakshmaha, C?) 6. 81.
thority, 4, 33. Chdruka -Chdru, 5. 148.
Charakadhwaryiis, of the Yajur Cbaruraatf, daughter of Krishna
veda, 3. 54.
and Kukmini, 5. 78.

Chara/ias, ' panegyrists of the Ch&rupada, variant of A.bhayad'r

gods,' 2. 124, 213 ; 4. 266. 4. 127.

Charaiia, a technicality, explained, Chdrusravas, son of Kfishna and

3. 121. Rukmirii, 4. 112.

Charaua-vyubd, a composiiion re- Charuvarman, associated with

ferred to, li 5 t Samba, Akriira, and others. 5.

•Charauta, son of A'rshtishena, 4. T48.

Cbaruvesha, son of Ki-ishna and
Chariots. Of the Sun, 2. 237. OJ Kukminf, 4, 112.

the Moon, 2. 299. Of Mars, Charuvinda, son of Krishna and

Jupiter, Saturn, Rdhu. aud Rukmiiil, 5. 78'
Ketu, 304, 305.
2. Charuyasas, son of KrjjihAa and
Charishiiu, son of Ki'rtlimat, 1. Rukra)nl, 4. 112.
Chatakas, of t))e Yajur-vcda, 3. 55.
Charma, a country in the north of Chatuh'aHng3,amountain in Knsa
India, 2. 169. dwipa. 2. 197.

Chaturanga, son of RomapAda, 4, Chbesraaka (11), variant of CJihi^-

124, 125. m&ka, 4. 195.

Chaturhotra, variant of Anuba, Cbhismaka, a king, 4. 195, 201.
4, 141. Chidi (H), variant of Chedi, 4. 67.
ChAturmAsyas, certain eacrifices, Cbikitsi, .'the practice of laedi-

3. 40, 113. cine,' 4. ^i.

Cbaturvedaa, a class of Pit fis, 3. Chfnaa, a j>eople, the Chinese, 2,

339. 176, 181, 183, 184 : 3. 293»

Chaulas (??) = Cholas, 3. 292: 295-
Chaulimaheswara, a town on the Chiti, the same as Mahat, 1. 32.
iTver Narmadi, 2. 167. Chit -para, what, 1',
Chayana, a certain ceremony, 3. Chitri, an Apsaras, 2. 81'.

174. Chitra, an asterisro, 2. 265, dec

Chedis, a people, 2. 157 ; 5. ChilTHblianu, or Fire, 4. 56.
118. CbitrabhAnw, variant of TraisAmba,
Chedi, variously genealogixed, 4. 4. 116.
67. Chitragu, sou of Krishna and
Chedi, a country in Central Indio, SatyA, 5. 79.
2. 132, 157; S. 157 ; 4. 65, Cbitragupta, recorder of hell, 2.

104, 107, 149, 150, 159. 216.

Cliedipa, son of Vasu, son of Ki'i- Ohilraka, variously genealogized,
taka, 4. 150, 4. 94, 96.
ChekitAna, son of Dhfieht'aketu, Chitraketu, son of Vasisht'ha, I.

4. 103. 155-
Chasht'ita, what, 5. 206. Chitraketu, son of Krishna and
Chliala, variously genealogized, 3. J-lmbavatl, 5. 79.
321. Chitraketu, variant of Chandra-
Ciihanipana, variant of S'ankha- ketu, the region so called, 3.3 19.
ndbhrj, 3. 322. Chitrdksha (I?), variant of Nri-
OhbandajaSj certain classes of chakshus,'4, 164.
deities go called, 2. 29. ChitrakiU'a, a hill in BundeJkhand,
Clihandas, ' metre,' an Anga of the 2. 141, 153, 155.
Veda, 3. 67. Chitrakut'a, a mountain in Kusa-
Chbandoga, a Saihhit^ of the dwipa, 2. 197.
Silma-veda, 3. 42. Chitrakut'd, a river, 2, 155.
Chhandogya-upanishad, the, re- Chitralekhd, an Apsaras, 2, S2,
ferred to, 3. 175; 5. 345. 286.
Chbanna, what, 5, 31. ChitralekhA, daughter of Kuin-
Chbdyi, daughter of Viswakar- bhanda, 5. 1 09-1 11.
man, and mistress of Vivaswat, Chitramanas, a horse of the Moon,
3. 20y &,o. 2. 299.

Chitranatba, son of Dbrisht'a, 3. the Vi^^hhu-purAna, P. 115; o.

Clutrdiigada, a Gandharva, 4. 158. Chitti, daughter of Kardania, and
ChitrSngada, son of S'Antanu, 4. wife of Atharvan, 1. no.
Chivilika, variant of Ivllaka, 4.
Chitraratha, chief of the Gm- 196.
dharvas, 1. 188; 2. 86; 5. 66. Cholas, a people, 2. 178; 3. 292.
Chitraratha, son of Gaya, 2. 107. Chola, sprung from Turvasu, 4.

Chitraratha, son of Rushadgu, 4. 117.

61. Cholaraaud'ala, the country on the

Chitraratha, son of Dbarmaratha, Coromandel coast, 2. 178.

4. 124. Chronology, system of, 1. 46, <fec.

Chitraratha, variously geuealo- That of the kings of the Kali

gized, 4. 163, 164, age, 4. 239, &c.

Chitraratha, king of Mrittikivati Chiid'Akaruiddika, what, 3. 149.

(identiiiable with aome preced- Chulakd, a river, 2. 148.

ing Chitraratha?), 4. 19. Chull Maheswar, a place, 2. 167.

Cbitrarathd, a rivef, 2. 153. Chulukd, variant of Cbulakji, 2.

Chitraratha, variant of Sanjaya, 148.

3 334. Ohunchu, son of Harita, 3. 289.

Chitraratha, variant of Chitraka, Chunchulas, Kau^ika BrAhmans,
4. 94. 4. 29.

Chitrarepha, son of Medhdtithi, Chupuiiikii, a KfittikA, 2. 337.

Chyavana, a Rishi, P, 64 3. 80,
king of S'dka-dwlpa, 2 200, ;

Chitrarepha, a region in S'Aka- 239, 248, 282, 342. Referred

dwlpa, 2. 200. to the second Manwantara, 3. 4.

Chitraseiia, a Gaudbarva, 2, 285, Chyavana, son of Mitrayu, 4. 147.

&c ; 3. 281. Chyavana, son of Suhotia, 4. 149.

Manu Cities of the gods, 2. 1x2, 118,
Chitrasena, son of Rauchya,
of the thirteenth Manwantara, 239, 240.
3. 28. Cleanliness, rules of, 3. 109, «fcc.

Clepsydra, the, described, 5. 189.

Chitrasena, son of Narishyanta, 3.
Clouds, how formed, classes of
ChitrasenA, a river, 2. 146. them, &c., 2. 279, &c.

Chitravahi, a river, 2. 145. Colonization of India, P. 102, <fec.

ChitropaU, a river, 2. 153. Cooay, popular name of the Kosi.

Cosmogony of the Hindus, 1. 20,
Chitrotpald, a river, 2. 153.
Its analogies to ancient
Chitsukha (same as the next?), «fec.

author of the Bhdgavata-kathA- cosmogonies, 1. 27.

Countries and kingdoms, how

sangraha, P. 49.
named in pure Sanskrit, 5. 80.
Chitsukha Yogin, commentator on

Creation. Accounts of it, 1. 23, 68, the gods, 1. 145. Obtain the
«fec., 79. Of nine kinds, 1. 69, sovereignty of the earth, 2. 34.
&c. In three divisions, I. 76, Overcome the gods, 3. 201, &c.
«Sfc. Mode of primary cieation, Fall into heresy, and are sub
1. 27. Course of, 1. 29, &c. dued, 3. 207, &c. Oppress the
Various kinds of, 1. 72, (fee. earth, i. 250. See also P. 76',

Periods of secondary creation, 82; 1. 142, 143, 190; 2. 70;

1. 55, At. Ki?idsof, 1. 70, <Vc. 4. 265, 266, 273, 339 ; 5. 94,
Of the .immortals, 1. 72. Of 109, 113, 115-117, 119, &c ;
mankind, 1. 73. Of properties, 234, 246, ?47.
1.75, &c. A property of Brali- Daiva, a form of marriage, 3. 105.
m», 1. 44. A function of Vishnu Daivarakahitas, sprung from Deva-
as BrahaiA, 1, 41, &c. rakshita, king of the Kosalas,
4. 220.
DadilivAdaras, Kausika BraLnians, DaivarAti -Janaka, 3. 53.
4 28. Daivata, variant of Devaja, 3, 247.
DadliJcba, a sage. 1. 124, 125 ;
Daiva-tlrtha. what, 3. 99, 148,
5. 250. Daivika-srAddha, a particular cere-
Dadlifchi= Dadhfcha, P. 68, 69. mony, 3. 147.
Dad Iiima/itfa, a sea of whey, around Daksha, a Prajapafci, 1. 100. Chief
Krauncha dwfpa, 2, ry8. of the PrajApatis, 2. 85. Bora
Dadhivdhana, king of Champa, 4. from Brahma's thumb, 1. 102 ;

124. 2. 10; 3. 230. Marries Pra-

DadhivAhana, variant of Pira, son siiti, :. and hao twenty - four
of Anga. 4. 1 24 daughters by htc, 1. 108, 109.
Dailhividarbhas, variaot of Dasi- His Sacrifice, 1. 120, <fec. ; 4.

vidarbhas, 2, 181. 262. It is spoiled by Yira-

D4has, variant of Vaidfhas, 2. bhadra, 1. 130. He propi-

177. tiates S'iva, 1. 133, See also

Dah.ina, a Rudra, 2. 25. P. 28; 1. 31, 37, 38, 75, 89,
DahanA = Vai^wauari, 2. 276, 277. 96, 108. 117, 122, 126; 2. 2,
Dahrdgni - Agaslya. 1. 154 &c., T08 ; 3. 24, i<)2 ; 4. 339
Dai£;anQbaras, an heretical sect, 5. 5. 48, 77, 386, 387-

379> 3^0 See fJigainbaras Daksha, son of the Frachetascs,

Daihitra (i), variant of Dauhitra, 2. 9. Marries Aaiknf 2. 12.
the king so called, 4. 213. His ofTspring, 2. to, 13, 20.
Daitcyas - Daityas, 3. 211; 4. Daksha, an A'ditya^ 2. 27, 2 36.
114; 5. 515. Daksha, one of the Viswe devas,
Daityas, eldest p^on-s of Kasyapa 3. 179, 189 192,

by Diti, 2. 30. Their chifif, Daksha, a lawgiver. 3. 1 1 r.

Frahldda, 2. 85. Defeated by Daksha. son of Chitrasena. 3. 335.


Daksba, variant of HAhA, a Gan- l>r\inaliptn, a city in Svihma, 2. i 77.

dharva, 2. .>88. DiimaliptaB, variant of TAmrahp-

Daksha, variant of Ratliaswaha, a takas, 2, 177.

Yakaha, 2. 289. Dainayanti, daughter of Bhima,

Daksba, variant of 6iksha, Yyiia-i king 6i Vidatbha, 2. 171.

of the twenty-fourth DwApara Dambha, * hypocrisy,' son of

age, 3. 35. Adharma, 1. iii.

Daksha, variant of Darva, 4. 121. Dan^blia, variant of Rambha, son
Dakshaputra, according to one of Ayus. 4. 30.
account, the Manu of the ninth Dainbhobbi, variant of Dattoli, 1.

Manwantara, 3. 337. See 154

Dakshasivarha. Dainbholi, variant of Dattoii, 1.

Dakshasavar6a„ the Mahu of the 154: 3. 4.

ninth Manwaiitara, sou of Va- Damin, a caste in Kusa-dwlpa, 2.

runa, 3. 24.
Daksha.<54varAi ('), variant of Dak- Ddmodara, an epithet of Krishna.
ahas«4varhaj 3. 24. 4. 281,283,310,317, 326; 5.

Dakaha-siuHti, a code of Jaw, 64, I2C.

quoted, 3." iii. T)am3h t'rin, *
f anged,' a terra ap-
Dakshina — Dakshinagni, 3. 175; plied to the progeny of Kio-
4. II ; 5. 114. dhavasA, 2. 74.
Dakshini, * honorarium,' daughter Danavaa, enemies of the gods.

of Rnchi, 1. 108. Sons of Kasyapa and Da)i;i, 2.

Dakshinibdhi, ' the southern sea,' 70. Their chief, P/ahlada, 2.

5.53. 85,. 86. See also 1. 138, 143,

DakhhinAgni = Aowaharya pach- 144, 190; 2. 71; 4. 261, 323,
175 ; 5. 126.
ftna, 3. 5- 115. 247.387-
Dakshiudpatha, Southern India, 2, Ddhavrata, a caste in S'aka-dwipa,

145 J
3. 240; 4. 205 ; 5. 53. 2, 200.
Dak, son of PdripStra, 3. 321. Darj^yiTS, variant of Aniyus, 2.

DAlaki, disciple of Sikapiini, and .^6,73.

teacher of the l^ig-veda, 3. 49. Danda, punishment,'
son of
Ddlbhya, a "ftishi in the third Dhanoa, 1. no; 5. 386.
Manwantara. 3. 7. Danda, son of Ikshwaku, 3. 259,
Dama, son of Brahma, 1. 103. 259,260. Slain by Sudyumna,
Dama, son of Narishyanta, P. 57 ;
3. 238.
3. 245, 336. Diiiid'a, a measure of time, vari-
Damabbdta C?), son of Vasudeva, ously estimated, 1. 48, 49.
4. 109. Danda, variant of Praihsu, 3. 232.
Damaghosba, a Cbaidj'a king, 4. Dancfaka, variant of Dand'a, soi;

67, 104. of Ikshwaku, 3. 238, 260.


Darpa, 'pride,' sou of Dharraa, 1.

Dand'aka, a certain forest, 2. 144 ;

3. 238.

Dand'aoaya son of Dharina, 1. Darsa, son of Krishna and Ka-

lindf, 5. 79.
nt ; 5. 368. See Daiid a niti.

Dand'a-niti, what, 202 Darsa, a Sildhya, 2. 22.

1. 149 J 2. ;

4. 3J0. Darsakas, a people, 2. 174.

Dand'a- pida - nipAtana =T)aTid'a- Dargaka, variant of Darbhaka, 4.

pdta, 4. 291. 182.

DandapAni, variously genealogiaed, Dartja-paurna-rndsa = Darsa piirna-

4. 165.
masa, 3. 40.

DandapAiii, son of a king of the Darsa-puri^a-rajlsa, a fortnightly

Kdsis, 5. 126. sacrifice, 3. 113.

I>and'a-pAta, a disposition of the Darsa-srAddba, worship of one's

feet in dancing, 4. 291. ancestors* manes, 3. 160,

Dafid'a-pAta (another), what, 5. 52. Diruka, Krishna's charioteer, 5.

Da^d'Asana, what, 5. 230. 148-151.

Dand'asena, variant of Udakseua, DAruna (1), a hell, 2. 215.

4. 142. Darvas, a people, 2. 175.

Dand'asrl, variant of Chandrasri, Darvas a people, 2. 174, 175 ; 3.

4. 199. 292.
Dand'asrl Sdtakarni, variant of Darva, son of Uslnara, 4. 121.

Chandrasri, 4. 199. Darv4, wife of Uslnara, 4. 121.

Dandasuka, a hell, 2. 215. DarvAbhisAras, a people, 2. 174.

DaYid'in, a modern author, his Darvakas. a people, 2. 174.

relative age, 4. 347. Darvl (??), a country, 2. 175.

Dantavftktra, son of Vfiddhasar- Darvi, variant of Darva, 4. 121.

man, 4. 103, 104 ; 5. 70 (where Darvlchas {%), a people, 2. 175.

correct the spelling). Darvik^=DevikA, a river, 4. 223.

Daiitobhi, variant of Dattoli, 3. 4. Pasa, a name appropriate to a

Dantoli, variant of Dattoli, 3. 4. S'lidra, 3. 99.

Danu, daughter of Daksha, and Dasagrlva = lUvana, 4. 104.

wife of Kasyapa, 1. 144 ; 2. 26, DasabarA, an autumnal festival in

55, 70; 4. 250; 5. 87,387.^ honour of DurgA, 4. 336.

Dara, variant of Hari, a mountain Dabaka, son of BhajamAna, 4. 7 a.

in Kusa-dwipa, 2. 196. Dasaka (1), variant of Darbhaka,

Daradas, a people, 2. 181, 184- 4. 182.

186 ; 3. 295. DAsaketu, variant of Dlptiketu;
Darbha, variant of Rambha, son of 3. 25.

A'yus, 4. 30. Dasa-kumapa-charita, a moden*

Darbha, variant of Darva, 4. 121. work, referred to, 2. 157, 177.
Darbhaka, son of Ajitasatru, 4, 1 8 1 DasaniAlikas, a people, 2. 183.

Pa^attidnas, a people, 2. 1 85. DattAtri, variant of Dattoli, 3, 3.

Daiinana ^ lUvanOy 4. 104, 107, DattoV)hi, variant of Dattoli, 3. 4.

341. Dattobhri, variant of Dattoli, 1.

Daiapax^was, vaiiant of Daearnas, 154.
Dattokti, variajit of Dattoli, 3. 4.

Da^aratha, son of Aja, and father Dattoli = Agastya, 1. 154, 155.

of Rdraa, 3, 313, 314, 316; 4. He appears as a Ilishi in the
124. first Manwautava, 3. 3-5.
Dasaratha, son of MiUaka, 3. 310, Dattoni, variant of DattoH, 3. 4.

Dattorl, variant of Dattoli, 3, 4.

I)a^aratha,sonofNavaratha, 4. 68. Dattoiti, variant of Dattoli, 1. 154.
Daiaratha, son of RomapAda, 4. Dattotri, variant of Dattoli, 1.

1 84. 154; 3. 4.
Dasaratha, son of Suyasaa, 4. 188- D&uhitra, a Idng, 4. 212, 213.
190. Dauhitra, the term explained, &c.,
Dasarathi, patronym of K^niA, 4. 3. r86, 1S7.
107. Daiihitrya, variant of Dauhitra, the
Da^Aihas, a people, 2. 176, 178. king so called, 4. 213.
DaMrha, son of NirvHti, 4. 68. Danrvasasa-upapuraiia, P. 87.

r>a.sArha (I), a country, 4. 65. Day. Of the gods, 49.1. Of

Dasarnas, peoples, 2. 159, 162, Brahma, 1. 52. Of a Manu, 1.
176, 178. 54. Divisions of the day, Ac,
Dasiriia;, a country, 2. 159, 160; 2. 253, &c.
3. 245 ; 4. 65. DayS, ' clemency,' daughter of
DasAinA, a river, 2. 155, 160. Daksha, and wife of Dharma,
Da^a-n'ipa, tie, a modern drama- 1. no.
turgical work, referred to, 3. DAya-bh.iga, a celebrated work on
inheritance, quoted, or referred
Dasavadya (?), an Apsaras, 2. 82. to, 3. 102."

Da^a-varmaji, variant of Devavar- Deities, thirty-three in number, 2.

man, 4. 189. 29.
DAsi, a river, 2. 151. DesamAnik:iSj a people, 2. 183.
Dast'vidarbhaa, a people, 2. 181. Devas = Adityas, 2. 284, 292,
Dasra, son of Aditya, 4. 103, ^58. Deva = Indra, 2. 125.
Dasyu, what, 5, 166. DevOjSon of Vi9\vdmitra^4. 27, 28.
Datta = Dattitreya, son of Atri, Dcva - Devikd, the river, 2. 144,
1. 154. 147-
Datt^li, variant of Dattoli, 1. 154, Dova, variant of Devavat, son of
Dattdtreya, son of Atri, 1. 154 ; 3. Akrura, 4. 96.

96; 4. 21, 55. Deva^ variant of Devavat, son of

DaitAlreya, variant of DaJtoli, B. 4. Devaka, 4. 98.

iJevabfihu, varixJit of VecUUhu, of Vasudevii, ami inolUcr of

3. ic, 11.
Kfisbna, i. 98, log, 1x0, &c :

1. 155;
4.ioi, 248, 259-261, 264, 268-270,
Dcvabhc'iga, son of S'ura,
273^ 329» 335; ^' 8, 26, 27,
DevabliAmi, variant of Dcvabhiiti, 35, 42, 44, 89, 100, 154, 345;
Called an incarnation of Aditi.
4. 192.
4. 318.
Devabburi, variant of Devabbiiti,
Devaksbattra, son of Devarita, 4.
4. 192.
Devabbiiti, son of Bhagavata, son 68, 69.

of Vajramitifl; 4. 192.
DevakulyA, daughter of Paurna-

Devatkrsa. disciple of Kabnndba,

mdsa. 1. 153.

and tcachGr of the Alh«jrVca-veda, Devakiifa, a men ntain -range con-

necting Nila and Nlshadba, 2.
3. 61.
Devadatta, son of Urusravas, 3. 123, 124.
Devabis, Kansika BrA,bmans, 4.
son of Vi^wdinilra^ 28.
Dcviideva (/),

4, 27, 28.
Devala, a Rishi, son of Pratyiisha,

D^vadbAni, Indra's city, according the Vasu, 2. 23.

to the Bbdgavata - purAna, 2.

Devala, son of K.risi^swa, 2. 29.

Devala, author of an ancient code

Devadharman, variant of Soina- of law, 2. 276, 343.

sarman, 4. 190. Devala, son of Reua, 4. 27, 28.

Devadyumna, son of Devati'ijit, 2. Devalaka, a Brahman who ministers

107. to idols, 3. 176.

Dcvagarbh/i, a river in Ku.4a- DevAUu'd'ha. variant of Kriti, son

dwlpa, 2. 197, of Kritaratha, 3. 331.

Devagiri, popularly called Deogur, Devamidba, variant of Devami-

d'husba, son of Hfidika, 4. 100.
a mountain, 2. 141.
Devabuti, daugbter of Swaydih- Devainfd'baka, variant of the sa)ne

bhuva Mann, P. 42 ; 1- 108, Devaniid'husba, 4. 100

no. Deramld'hiisha, sou of "Vfishtii, 4.

Devaja, son of Saiiiyama, 3. 247. 73. 74. 94.

Devaka, son of Abuka, 4. 98, n 1, Devaniid'hnsha, son of Ilridika,

248. 4. 99, 100.

Devaka, son of YudUisbthira, 4. Devamid'husha, son of S'lira, 4.


Deraka, a caste in Krauncba- Devaniid'hnsbil, daughter of S'ura,

dwlpa, 2. 198. i. TOO.

Devaka, variant of Devaja, 3. 247. Devaniitra - Salcalya, 3. 45.

Dova-kbAla-jala, wbat, 3. 1/3. Devaiia(?), son of Devakshattra (?}.

Devakl, daugbter of Devaka, wife 4. 69.


Devanakshatra; variant of Dcvak- Devarata, variant of BrabuiarAta,

sbattra, 4. '68. 3. 53.
DevimdniaJi, a ruler iti Kusa- Devardta (I), variant of Dasaratba,
dwlpa, 2. J 97. son of Navaratba, 4. 68,
Dfcvandman, a region in Kusa DevArba.variaiitof Devamfdhusha,
dwlpa, 2. 197. son of ITiidika, 4. 100.
DevAnika, a king, son of Dhar DevArhana, variant of the same
masdvarnika, 3. 27. DevajnldhueliA, 4. 100.
DevAnika, son of'Kshemadhanwan, Devarsbis, ' divine sages,' their
3. 320, 32J abode, djc, 3. 69; i. 52.
DevAnika, a monntain in Kusa- DevasAvanii, Mann of the thir-
dwipa. 2. 197. teentb Many/antara, 3. 25, 27.
Devapala, a mountain in S'aka- Devasravas, son of S'AlAvati. 4. 28.

dw/pa, 2, 200. Devasravas, son of S'Vira, 4. loi,

DevApi. variously genealogized, 4. 113-

^S3~T^57- He is still living, Dsva^re.sbt'ha, son of Savania,

tbrough force of devotion 4. Mann of the twelfth Man wan
tara, 3. 27.
DevApi, variant of DevAtitbi, 4.
Devairi, variant of Vedasri, a
fehi in the- fifib Manwantara,
DevarAj, a title of Indra, 3. 259. 3. io.

Devaraj. variant of DevriraCa, son Devastava, variant of Deva.^ravas,

of Karambhi, 4, 68. Hon of S'lira, 4. loi.
DevarAja, a title of Indra, 4. 3?i Devatdjit, sen of Sumati 2 107.

6. q-j. DevAtitbi,. son of Akrodbana, 4,

Devarakshita, son of Dcvukii, son 128.

of Xbuka, 4. 98. pevatitlij, varioasly genealogized.

Devaraksbita. king of the Ko-

srtjas, 4. 2j8, 220. Devavaidbana, vaiiant of Deva-
Devaralcshita, daugbter of Devaka, rak&hiti, pon of Devaka, 4. 98
and ^.ife of Viisudeva. 4. 98, Devavaiinan, si>n of Indrapalita,
13 0, rii. 4. i8q.
Devardtas, Ka'ueika Brahrnans, 4. Dovavarsba, sou of Yaj)iababu,
28. king of S'aluiala-dwipa, 2. 195.
Devardta ~ Sunalisepha. son of Devavarsba, a region in S'ahnala-
Vii^*Amitra, 4. 25, 26 (where dwipa, 2. 195.
correct tbe spelling), 27, 25^^ Dovavat, sou of Savarna, Mann of
the twelfth Manwantara, 3. 27.
DcvarAta, son of Siik«tu, 3. 331. Devavat, son of Akri'ira, 4. 96.

DevarAta, son of Karainbhi, 4. Devavat, son of Devaka, son of

68 Abuka. 4. 98.

Dev^vridha, son of Satwata, 4. Dhana, variant of Yadha, a RAk-

sbasa, 2, 289,
Devavfit, a limitary mountain Dhanada, an epithet of Kubera,
range in Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 3. 22, 246.

197. Dhanadhamita fi). vamnt of

Beva-yajna, a particular sacrifice, Dhanadharman, 4. 2t2.
3. 40, 93. Dhanadharma, variant of Dhana-
Devayfinf, daughter of U^anas,and dharman, 4 212.
wife of Yaydti, 4-.
46, 47. Dhanadbarnian, a king, 4. 212,
Devendra = Indra, 1. 119; 4.316, Dhanaka, son of Durdama, 4. 54,
320 ; 5. 104, 247. Dhanakaplvat, variant ol Vana-
Devl= Uni^, DurgA, PArvati, &c., kapivatj 1. 155.
P. 60, 61, 65, 89, 90 ; 1. 126, Dhananando, Pall for Dhanauanda,
128, 130, 133; 3. 22; 4. 260, a king, 4. 185.
262 ; 6. 88, 261, 263, &c., 310, Dhananjaya ~ Arjuna, son of
347- PAAdu, 5. 158, 226.
Devi (?), an x\psaras, 2. 8t. 82. Dhananjaya, a serpent, son of
Devi ^ SanvswatI, or Savitrf (1), Kasyapa and Kadni, 2. 74,
2. 21. 285, &c.
Devi, wife of Ki'ishna (??), 5. 79. Dhanaujayn, Vydsaof the sixteenth
Devi-bliagavata-purdna, P. 24, 45, DwAparaage, 3. 35, 37.
iic, 47-50. 80, 86-88 ; 5. S3^- Dhananjaya, named in the Kasf-

DevikA, daughter of Govisann, and khand'u, 3. 329.

wife of Yudhishtfhira, 4. 159. Dhanapati, an epithet of Kubera,
DevikA, a river, the Deva or 5. 15.
Goggra, 2. 144, 147, 330; 4. Dhandyus, son of Puriiravas, 4.
Devikot'a ^ S'onitapura, 5. 1 1 3. Dhaneswara = Knbera. So, for
Supposed to be Devicotta. '*
Kubera," has the original of
Deviratha (who <}, 4. 24. 1. 119; 5. 387.

Devimahitmya ~ Durga-mAhdt- Dhanoyu, son of Raudraswa, 4.

mya, 3. 22 ; 5. 311. 128, 129.

Devotion of contemplation, 5. DhanishthA, a certain asteriam, 2.

225, &c. 259, (Sec, 308 3. 167, 169. ;

Dhair^'a, what, 1. 138; 4. 265. Dbanur-veda, military science,'


DhAman (?), variant of DhAtfi, a 3. 67; 4. 71; 5. 47.

Riabi in the fourth Manwan- Dhauusha, son of Satyadlirita, 4.

tara, 3. 8. 150.
Dhamani, "wife of Ilr.^da, 2. 69. Dhanwantari, instructor in medical
Dhammisoko, PilH for Asoka, 4. science, 3. 67 ; 4. 32. Produced
188. from the ocean, when it was

cburned, I. I44> Born as son Dharma, son of Haibaya, 4. 54.

of Dlrgbatamas, 4. 32. See Dharma, son of Chitraka, 4. 96.
also 1. 145, 147; 3. ti8,- 4. Dharma, son of Qandh^ra, 4. 119;
33- Dharma, son of Suvrata, 4. 175.
Dhanwantari, an author referred Dbarma, son of Ramachandra, 4,
to the court of King Vikmoi/i- 210.
ditya, P. 8. Dharma, variant of Dharmanetra,
Dhanyd, wife of Dhruva, 1. 178. 4- 54.
Dhanya, a caste in Krauncba-
. Dharma, variant of Tamaa, 4. 63.
dwlpa, 2. 197. Dharma, the Sun's flag, 2. 338.
Dh&nya-m&na^ what^ 3. 171. Dharma, * law/ an Anga of the
Dhara, one of the Vasus, son of Veda, 3. 67.
Dbarma and Yasu, 2. 25. Dharmabhfit, son of Chitraka*, 4.
Db4r^, now Dfadr, a city iu Central 96.
India, 4. 59, 209. Dharraabbrit, variant of Dharma-
Dhdrana, DbAraiia, what, in the dbrLk, 4. 95, 96.
Yoga philosophy, 1. 164, 200; Dharma-dherm, what, f*. 21 8, 220.
5- 237, 338, 240, 241. Dharmadiifik, son of S^'waphalka,
Dhirani, a certain mystical sym- 4. 95, 96.
bol, 2. 308. Dbarmadhwaja, or Janaka, son of
Dharani = Bhtimi, consort of Kusadhwaja, 3. 333 ; 5. 217.
Visbiiu as Parasurdma, 1. 151 ;
Dharma dogdhrf, variant of Dhar-
5. 91. nia-dhenu, 5. 218.
Dbdrani, daughter of the Pitfis, Dharmaketu, variously genealo-
and wife of Meru, 1. 157, gized, 4. 37.
Dhflrma,. a Prajdpati, and son of Dharmakshetra, variant of Dharma,
Brabmi, 1. loi, &c. Marries son of Suvrata, 4. 175.
thirteen daughters of Daksha. Dharmanetra, variously genealo-
1. 109. Their children, 1. gized, 4. 54.
no, &c. Marries ten daughters Dharmanetra, variant of Aiiina,
of Daksha, 2. 10, 20. Their 4. 130, 133.
children, 2. 21, tkc. See also Dharmanetra, variant of Dharma,
1. It I (where correct the son of Suvrata, 4. 175.
spelling); 2. 200, 259, 306, Dharmapattana = S'rAvasti, a city,

307 ; 3. 24, 68, 19T ; 4. 103, 3. 264.

HI, 159, 234; 5. 387, Ac. Dharmaputra* according to one ac-
Dharma, according to one account, count, the Mann of the eleventh
the Vy4sa of the thirteenth Manwantara, 3. 337. See
Dwdpara age, 3, .;7 DharmasAvarnika.
Dharma, son of Dfrg\istapa5, 4. Dharmar^ja, an epithet of Yama,
32- 3. 118; 5. 167.

Dharniaiiija, an epitliet of Yudlii- DhAtri, an asi>fot of Brahiai, I..


shthira, 5. 167. 87; 2. 88; 3. 75, 1233 5.

Uharjtinra,nyA, a city fouinlcd by
Amiirlar.ijas, 4. 15. DhAtfi, son of Bbrigu and KhyAti,
Dharinaratha. sou of DiviialUa, i 1. 118, 152, 157; 2. 307; 3.

124. 118,

Dhaiina-soriihita, the, a metrical Bhitii(l), a 6ishi in the fourth

law-book, <|iioted. 4. 62, Mannvantara, 3. 8.

DharmasJlrathi, son of Anenas, 4 Dhatri, au Adilya, 2. 27, 284, &c,

Dbi'ktf:, au epithfit applied to
Dharmasavar^iika, Maim of the Vishnu, 5. 15, 214.

elovcntli ManwauUra, 3, 2&. Dhavali, a river, 2. 142.

Dharin;iseiia,viiriaHtof Aiabarisha, Dhavat. variant of Arvarivat, 3. 3.

sou of MaudhAtH, 3. 268. Dheuuka, a Diuava, slain by

Dharmaautni, vanaut of Dharma. Daiabhadra, 4. 250, 272, 297,
sou of Siiviata, 4. 175. 298, 325, 335 ; 5. 34, 87.
Dhaimatautra, vuiiaut of Dhai- Dhenuki, wife of Klrttimat, 1.

rnanetra, 4. 54. ^54-

Dharmavatl, daughter of Ugrasena, DlienukiS, a river in S'aka-dwipa,

«. 99. 2. 199,
DharraavrkMha, sou of S'wa- Dheuuka, variant of Dhaiiaka, 4.

phaikn. 4 96. 54-

Dharma vfiddha, variant of Ksliat- Dhi. wife of Maiiyu, a BnJra, 1.

travfiddha, 4. 30. m;
Dhaimeyn, son of Raiidriiswa 4 Dhiuiat, a Rishi in the fourth

127-129 Mauwautara. according to one

Dbannin. son of Bfihadrdja, 4, account, 3. 8,

169. Dhlmat, 3on of Viraj, 2. T07.

Dhaimin, varianl of Yatidliarman^ Dlu'uiat, sou of Pmaravas, 4. 13.

4 96. Dhishaiii^ descendant oi Agni, and

Uh^irahfiakft; iu place of Dharshlaka wife of Havivdliftna^ 1. 192.
elsewhere, 3. 255. Dbisliaii*, wife of KrisJlswa, 2. zg.

Dli^rshtfakfl, a race descended from Dhishuya, what 2. 305.

Dhrishta, 3. 255, 256. Dhisbuyddhipati - Dikpihi, 5.

Dlialakl, 30u of Savana, Viiig ol 247-

rnr.hkara-dwipa 2. 2or. Dh/isbafta, variant of Vfisbaiia, 4.

Dbafaki, sou of Vitihotra, king of 57-

Pushkura-dw^pa, according to DhrishAa (?<), vaiiaut of Yrishana,
one account, 2. 203,
DbAtakl/ a region in Pushkara- Dbfislif'iokla (??) variant of Vfish-
dw(pa, 2. 201. ai'ia. 4. 57.

DhfishAu (1), in place of DLfisht'a, Dhfita, son of Dbaima, son of

son of Vaivaswata, 3. 13 (where Gdndhdra, 4. 119.

correct Dlifisht'u), 3. 232, 233, Dhfita, variant of !6,it&, son of

255> 337» 342.

ChdkBhusha, the ivlanu, 1. 178.

DLfishAu (?), variant of Vf isbt'a, 4. Dhfitadevd, daughter of Dovaka,

97. and wife of Vasudeva, 4. 98,

DLfisht'a,son of Vaivaswata, Manu no. III.
of the current Manwaiitara, 3. Dhf itadevi, variant of Dhf itadcvd,
13,14,232,233,239,255,256, 4. no.

335. 342.
Dhf itahavya, variant of Vitahavya,
Dhfishtfa, son of Nfiga, 3. 335. 3.335.
Dhfisht'a, son of Suva^a, 4. 100. Dhf itaka, variant of Vf ika, son of

Dhfishta, variant of Vfisha^a, 4. 5 7. Ruruka, 3. 289.

Dhfisht'a, variant of VfishAi, son Dhf itaketu, sou of Dakshasdvartia,

of Kunti, 4. 68. Manu of the ninth Manwan-

Dhfisht'a, variant of Vfish6i, son tara, 3. 25.

of Bhajaifidna, 4. 72, 74. Dhfitardshtra, a king, son oi

Dhfisht'a (correct the spelling), Kf ishiia-dwaipdyfiua, by Vichi-

variant of Vfisht'a, 4. 97 5. 391. ;

travirya'a widow, 4. 84, 142,
Dhfisht'adyumua, son of Drupada, 158, 232; 5. 391.
4. 148. Dhfitardshtra, a serpent, son of

Dhfisht'aka, variant of Dhfislifa* Kasyapa and Kadni, 1. 18S

ketu, son of Nfiga, 3. 335. 2. 74; 5. 250.
Dhfisht'aketu, son of Dhfishtfa, Dhfitardsht'ra, a Gandharva, 2.

son of Vaivaswata, 3. 255. 285, tfec.

Dlifisht'aketu, son of Satyadhfili, Dbfitardshtrf, daughter of Kas-

3. 331- yapa, wife of Garud'a, and
Dhfisht'aketu, son of Nfiga, 3.335. mother of geese, ducks, <kc., 2.

Dhfishtaketu, variously genealo- 73"

gized, 4. 37, 38. Dhfitasandhi, variant of Dhruva-
Dhfisht'aketu, son of Dhfisht'a* sandhi, son of Susandhi, 3. 297.
dyumna, 4. 148. Dhfitavati, a river, 2. 149.
Dhfishtaketu, a Kaikeya king Dhfitavrata, a form of Badra, 1.

(different from any preceding 117.

Dhfishtaketu?), 4. 103. Dhf itavrata, son of Dhfiti, sou of
Dhfishthi (??), variant of Vfishni, Vijaya, 4. 126,
son of Bhajamina, 4. 72. Dhfiti, *
steadiness,' daughter of
Dhfisht'i, variant of VfishAi, son of Daksha, and wife of Dharuia,
Kunti, 4. 68. 1. 109, no; 4. 265.
Dhf ishtokta, variant of Vf ishana, Dhfiti, wife of Manu, the Rudra,
4.57. 1. 117.

Dbriti, son of Jyotishmat, king of Legend of him, 1. 159, <fco.

Kusa-dw'lpa, 2. 195. Vishnu raises him to the pole-

Dhfid, son of Vltahavya, 3. 335. star, I. 174. - As the pole-star,
Dhfiti, son of Yajna, son of Anan- 2. 205, 225-227, 230, 239, 243,
taka, 4. 63. 270, 278, 298, 305, 306, 6ic.

Dhfiti, son of Babhra, son of Eo- His year, 1, 49. See also P.
mapada, 4, 67. 42, 52, 96; 1. 158, &c., 177;
Dhfiti, son of Ahuka, 4. 98. 2. 2, (fee, 99; 3. I, II,

Dhfiti, son of Vijaya, son of Jayad- Dhruva, one of the Vasus, son of
ratha, 4. 125. Dharma and Vasu, 2. 23.
Dhfiti (1), son of Sdrana, 4. 109. Dhruva, son of Medhdtithi, king
Dhfiti, a region in Kusa-dwlpa, 2. of Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191.

195- Dhruva, son of Viswdmitra, 4. 28.

Dhfiti, a fabulous grove so called, Dhruva, son of Nahusha, 4. 45.
2. 112. See GandhaniAdana. Dhruva, son of Vasudeva, 4. 109.
Dhfiti, variant of Vishnu, a !6,ishi Dhruva, son of Rautindra, 4. 130.
in the eleventh Manwantara, 3. Dhruva, a region in Plaksha-
26. dwipa, 2. 191.
Dhfiti, variant of Mahddhfiti, 3. Dhruva, variant of Bhuva, 2. 1 06.

332- Dhruvasandhi, son of Susandhi, 3.

Dhfitiketu, variant of Dbfitaketu, 297.

3. 25. Dhruvasandhi, son of Pushya, 3.

Dhfitiraat, a Rishi in the thir- 324-

teenth Manwantara, 3. 28. Dhruvdswa, variant of Bf ihadaswa,
Dhfitimat, son of Klrttimat, 1. son of Sahadeva, 4. 168.

154- Dhumaketu (?), variant of Dbum-

Dhfitimat, son of Puriiravas, 4. raketu, 3. 246.

13- Dhumapas, a class of Pitfis, 1.

Dhfitimat, son of Yavlnara, 4. 123.

142. Dhiiminl, wife of Ajamld'ha, 4.

Dhfitiraat, variant of Paruvat (1), 140.

3. 190, 191. Dhumornd, wife of Yama, 1. 119,
Dhfitimat, variant of Vfishnimat, Dhumrakosa, son of Pfithu, son of
4. 163. Vena, 1. 192.
Dhfitimatl, a river, 2. 152. Dhumrakesa, son of Kf isdswa and
Dhrutapdpd (?), variant of Dhiita- Archis, 2. 29.

p4pd, 2. 196. Dhumrakesa,3onof Kasyapa, 2. 70.

Dhruva, son of Utt4nap^.da and Dhumraketu, son of Trinabindu,
Sunlti, 1. 161. Directed to 3. 246.
worship Vishnu, 1. 162, »fec. Dhilrardksha, son of Heraachand-
Performs penance, 1. 165, ifec. ra, 3. 247.

DhTimrAksba, variant of Dhum- sophy, (fee, 1. 151, 164; 2.94;

T&iv/a,, 3. 247. 4. 294; 5. 12, 240, 241.

Dhiinir4iilka, son of MedliAtithi, Dhydnajapyas (so correct the spell-
king of S'^ka-dwlpa, 2. 200. ing), Kausika BrAhmans, 4. 28.

Dhiimrdnika, a region in S'Aka- Dhyushitilswa, son of S'ankha-

dwipa, 2. 200. ndbha, 3. 322-324.
Dhumrdswa, son of Suchaudra, and Diganibaras, religionists, 3. 201,
king of Vaiadli, 3. 247. 207. See Daigambaras.
Dhdraravarna, son of Ajamld'ha, DikkaravdsinI, an epithet of Deri,

4. 148. 5. 88.

Dhuud'hirdja, a modern author, Dikpd,las, * regents of the direc-

quoted, 3. 136. tions,' 3. 171; 5. 247. . See
Dhundhu, an Asura, slain by Directions, &c.

Kuvalaydswa, 3. 264, 265. Dikshd, wife of Ugra, the Eudra,

Dhundhu, variant of Chunchu, 3. 1. 117. In the same page, she
289. is called wife of the Rudra V4-
Dliundhum4ra, an epithet of Ku- madeva.
valaydswa, 3. 264, 297. Dlkshd, what, P. 59; 5. 315.
Dhundu (?), variant of Sudyumna, Dilipa, variously genealogized, 3.

4. 128. 311, 314, 316. He is called

Dhuni, son of Apa, 2. 23. Khat'wdnga, also.

Dhuni (1), variant of Dhwani, 3. Dilipa, son of Amsumat, 3. 303.
191. Dillpa, Bon of Duliduha, 3. 305.

Dhur (n), son of A'pa, 2. 23. Dilipa, son of Bhlniasena, 4. 153.

Dhurandharas, a people, 2. 160. Dillpa, a king (different from any

Dhuri, variant of Dhuni, son of Dilipa named above 1), P. 32.

Apa, 2. 23. DIpa-kalikd, the, a commentary on

Dhuri (?), variant of Dhwani, 3. the Ydjnavalkya-smriti, quoted,

189-191. 3. 90.

DhusulyA (]), variant of Purdvatl, Dipawamso, the, a Singhalese work,

2. 149. referred to, 4. 185, 187, 189.

Dhiitapdpd, a river in India, 2. Dlptaketu, variant of Diptiketu,

146. 3. 25.

Dhutapdpj^, a river in Kusa-dwipa, Diptiketu, son of Dakshasdvarna,

2. 196. ilanu of the ninth Manwantara,

Dhwajiuyutsavasanketaa (??), a 3. 25.

people, 2. 178. DIptimat, a Kishi in the eighth

Dhwani, one of the Vis we devas, Manwantara, sprung from Atri,

3. TOO, 191. 3. 23.

Dhwani, variant of Dhuni, 2. 23. DIptimat, son of Krishna and
Dhyina, what, in the Yoga philo- Ptohini, 5. 79, 107.

Directions, regents of the, 2. 112, DivdTfit (?), variant of DevAvfit,

118, 239. See Dikpdlas. 2. 197.
Dirgbab&bu, variously genealo- Divijdta(?),son of PurilravaB, 4. 13.
gized, 3. 313, 314. Divllaka, variaiit of Ivilaka, 4
Dirghasatra, what, 1. 179- 196.
Dirgbatamas, sou of Uchatliya or Divinities. Those who preside
Utathya, 3. 16; 4. 122, 123, over the senses, 1. 38. Classes

134. of them, 2, 29. Those of the

Dirgbatamas, variously genealo- various Mauwantaras, 3. 2, &c
gized, 4. 32. Diviratha, son of Para, 4. 1 23^ 1 24.
Dirgbatapas, variant of Dirgbata- Divoddsa, son of Bblmaratha, king
mas, 4. 32. of the Kdsis, P. 72 ; 4. 33, &c.
Dis, a river so called, 2. 147. Divodasa, son of Badhryaswa, 4.

Dis, *
space,' presiding ovec the 145-147, 343-
ear, 1. 38. Divya, son of Auttami, Mauu of
Disas, wife of Bbima, the Rudra, the third Manwantara, 3. 7.

1. 117. Divya, son of Satwata, 4. 71,

Disbt'a, a king, son of Vaivaswata, Divyd (?), an Apsaras, 2. 83.
Manu of the current Manwan- Dohadas, variant of KAlavas. 2.

tara, 3. 13, 14, 231, 232, 240, 180.

24X, 256, 336, 342. Doshd, wife of PushpAiAa, 1. 1;^,
Dissolution, four kinds of, 1. 113, Dragons, offspring of Kasyapa and
<fcc. ; 3. 72 ; 5. 186, 196. See Surasd, 2. 73.
Pralaya. Drakshal4, a river, 2. 146.
Diti, daughter of Daksha, and wife DraunAyani, patronym of Aswat-
of Kasyapa, 1. 62, 138,
144 ; 2. th4man, 4. 147. (Note \\
in 3.

26, 70, 77, 78,80; 3. 211 ; 4. 23, perhaps is hasty.)

265, 269. Mother of the Drauni, a llishi ia the eighth
Maruts, 2. 22, 78, 79. Mother Manwantara, 3. 23.
of the Daityas, 2. 30. Drauni, the Vydsa of the next
DivAkara, a Rdksbasa, 2. 293. Dwdpara age to come, 3. 36,

Div.-lkara, son of Prativyonia, 4. Draupadl, wife of the five PdAd'us,

168. P. 5S; 3. 83; 4. 159.
DivAkirttyas, certain Brdhmans, 3. Dravavasu, son of Madhu, son of
343- •Devakshattra, 4. 70.
Dlva-loka, one of the seven hear Dravid'as, Drdvid'aa, a people, 2.

veus, 1. 98. 177, 180,184; 295 ;4. 117. 3.

Divdrka, variant of Div^kara, son Dravid'a, son of KfishAa and Jim-

of Prativyoma, 4. 168. bavati, 5. 79.
Divaspati, the Indra of the thir- Drdvid'a, a country in the south of
teenth Manwantara, 3. 28. India, 2. 177.

Dravina, «on of Ppitlm, son of daughter of Himavat, wife of

V«na, 1. 192. Akfisdswa, and mother of Pra-
Dravina, 6on of Dbara, 2. 23, seuRJit, (fee, 3. 265, 266, 284.
Dravina, a caste in Kraunclia- Dfisbt'adbarraa, variant of Drish-
dwfpa, 2. 198. t'asarman, 4. 95.
Dravina, a mount^n in Ku^- Df isbt'asarraan, son of S'waphallca,
dwlpa, 2. 197. ^•95-
Dfid'hadbanus, son of Senajit, 4. Drona, father of Aewatthdman, 2.

141. 160; 3. 23, 36,83; 4. 147; 5.

Drid'babanu, variant of Dfid'faa- 13O' 131. 134. 135- Slain by

dhanus, 4. 141. Arjuna, 5. 157, 161, 163.
Df id'banidna(?). See 4. 1 9 7(notett). Dro6a, a certain hill in India, 2.

Dfid'banemi, son of Satyadbfitj, 4. 141.

142, 143- DroAa, a mountain,range in S'4l-

Dfid'haratba, son of Jajadratha, mala-dwlpa, 2. 194.

son of BfibanmaQ8«, 4. 126. Drona, variant of Prdna, son of
Drid'baratba, variant of Dasaratha, Bhfigu, 3. 3.

son of Navaratba, 4. 6S. Dronakaa, variant of Prosbakas, 2.

Drid'barucbi, a ruler in Ku^a- 187.

dwipa, 2. 197. Druhya, variant of Drubyu, son of
Dfidbarucbi, a country in Ku^- Yayiti, 4. 46, 119.
dwipa, 2. 197. Drubyu, son of Yayiti, 4. 46, 48,
Dnd'baseoa, son of Susrauia, 4. &c., 118,

175. 176. Drubyu, son of Matin^ra, 4. 130.

Dfid'bdswa, son of Kuvalay^wa, Drum4, a river, 2. 155.

3. 365. Drupada^kingofPancbala, 2. i6o.

Dfid'hdawa ((jonrect the spelling), Drupada, son of Priabata, 4. 144,

variant of D^id'badbanus, 4. 147, 148.

141; 5. 391. Duduha (?X Bon of Durgama, 4.

DHd'h4yu«, »on of Pur^ravas, 4. 119.

13- Duhkha, '
pain,' son of Naraka
Dfishadaswa (?), variant of Vie- 1. 112.
w«^aswa, 3. 263. Duhsaha, P. 56. And see Dus-
Dfishadwatl, wife of Divoddsa, son saha.
of Bblmaratba, 4. 34. DuHsald, daughter of Dhfitardsh-
Dfisbadwatf, wife of Uslnara, 4. t'ra, 4. 158.
121. Duhs^sana, son of Dbfitar4sht'ra,
Drisbadwati (dififerent from any 4. 158; 5. 134.
named above ?), 4-28. DuU, a Kfittikd, 2. 337.
Drisbadwati, a river, tbe Caggar, Duliduha, son of Anaraitra, son of
P. 104; 2. 143-144. Called Nighna, 3. 305.

Dumldnas, Kausika Brdhmans, i. Durgd-mdhdtmya, a part of the

28. Mdrkand'eya-purdna, recounting
Dundubhi, son of Dyutiraat, king the exploits of the goddess
of Krauncha-dwlpa, 2. 197. Durgd, P. 21, 56; 3. 22; 4.

Dundubhi, son of Andhaka, 4. 260, 261.

99. Durgd-pujd, a festival in honour of

Dundubhi, a region in Krauncha- the goddess Durgd, P. 57.
dwlpa, 2. 197. Duritakshaya, variant of Uru-
Dundubhi, a, mountain-range in kshaya, 4. 137.
Plaksha-dwfpa, 2. 191. Durjana-mukha-chapet'ikd, a con-
Dundubhi, a mountain-range in troversial work on the Bhd-
Krauncha-dwlpa, 2. 197. gavata-purdna, P. '47.

Durbala, variant of Mfidu, 4. 165. Durjana-mukha -mahd-chapet'ikd,

Durbhakshaya (?), variant of a controversial work like the
Urukshaya, 4. 137. last, P. 47.
Durdama, son of Bhadra^renya, Durjana - mukha -padma- pddukd,
*t: 34-36, 54- another similar controversial
Durdama, variant of Durgama, son work, P. 47, 88.
of Dhf ita, 4. 119. Durjaya, variant of Vfisha and
Durdamana, variant of Udayana, Sujdta conjointly, 4. 57.

4. 165. Durjayanta, a certain hill in India,

Durgd, a S'akti, P. 21, 56, 71, 78, 2. 142.

S6, 90 ; 1. I, 104; 3, 22, 288; Durmada, son of Vasudeva, 4. 109.
4. 260, 262, 336; 5, 117, 267. Durmada, variant of Durdama, 4.
Her exploits alluded to, 4. 261. 54.
She is worshipped at Plt'ha- Durmada, variant of Durgama, son
sthdnas, 4. 261. of Dhfita, 4. 119.
Durgd, a river, 2. 151. Durmitra, son of Pushpamitra, 4.

Durgd, a river (another), 2. 153. 213-215.

Durga, '
stronghold,' 1. 94. Durmukha, a serpent, son of Ka^-
Durga Achdrya, a commentator, yapa and Kadrii, 2. 74.

quoted, 3. 18. Durukti, ' evil speech,' daughter of

Durgaha, father of the Purukutsa Krodha and Himsd, and wife
of the Kig-veda, 3. 268. of Kali, 1. III.
Durgalas, a people, 2. 172. Diirva, variant of Mridu, 4. 165.
Durgama, a king, father of the Durvd, what, 3. 112,
Manu Raivata, according to Durvdsas, a sage, son of Atri, P.
one account, 3. 9. 32, 64, 68; 1. 135, &c., 146,
Durgama, son of Vasudeva, 4. 109, 154; 3. 257; 4. 102; 5. 151,

Durgama, son of Dhfita, spa of 381.

Dliarma, 4. 119. Durvi (]), variant of Mridu, 4. 165.

Duryodhana, son of DbrltaiAsht'ra, Dvvijati, the term explained, 3. 96.

1. 6; 4. 8i, 84, 158; 5. 130, Dwinud'ha, son of Hastin, 4. 140.

131, 134. Slain by Krishna, 5. Dwimidha, son of Bballdt'a, 4.

1.6 1. 142.
Dushana, a EAkshasa, slain by Dwimiirdban, a Ddnava, son of
riama, 3. 316. Kasyapa and Danu, 1. 188 ; 2.

Duslimanta, variant of Dushyanta, 70.

4. 116, 132. Dwlpas, '
insular continent.?,' the
Dushyanta, variously genealogized, seven principal named, vi:2.,

4. n6, 117, 130, 132, 133. Jambu (or Jambu), Plaksha (or

Dussaha, (DuHsaba is better), Gomedaka), S'dlmali (or Sil-

variant of Trasadasyu, 3. 282 ;
mala), Kusa, Krauncba, Saka,
5. 391. Pushkara, 2. loi, 109, no.
Duties of castes and orders, 3. 85, Snecilications of their sove-
reigns, divisions, inhabitants,

DwAdasAkshara, a certain spell of (fee, 2. 191, ike.

twelve syllables, 1. 99. Dwivida, a certain powerful mon-

Dwddasarchis = Bribaspati, or key, slain by Balabhadra, 5.

Jupiter, 2. 257, 258. 136-13.9-

Dwaipdyana, a Vydsa, P. 38; 3. Dynasties. Of the Sun, 3. 23 1.
23- Of the Moon, 4. 13, &c. Of •

D wdUki(?), variant of DAlaki, 3.49. future kings, 4. 162, (fee.

DwApara, an age of the world. 3. Dyumat, son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155.

3i» 33. 34, 36,40, 41, 254; 4. Dyuniat^ another name of Pratar-

237; 5- 58, »70' iSi, 185, &c., dana, 4. 33.

&c. Its duration, 1. 50, Dyumatsena, variant of Diid'ha-
Dw4rak4, a city, P. 107; 2. 135, sena, 4. 175.

172; 3. 249, 253; 4. 75, 78, Dyumna, son of Chd.kshusha, the

79, 81,84, 87,88; 5. 63,64, Manu, 1. 178.

68, 77, 86, 87, 89, 92, 97, 104, Dyumni, variant of Tuni, 4. 93.

105, iio, III, 120, 123, 126, Dyuti, variant of Dhfiti, son of
127,134, 140, 143-146, «S:c.,&c., Babbru, 4. 67.

381, 382, 384. Built by Dyutiniat, son of P4ridu (or of

Krishna, 5. 56. Submerged by Prdna?), 1. 152.
the sea, 5, 155. Dyutimat, son of Prij^-avrata, and
Dwiiravatf = DwdrakA, 5. 63, 77, kingof Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 100,

87, 104, no, 112, 126, 127, (fee, 197.

151, 155' "^^^ ^c*''"^ DwArdvatf Dyutimat, a foshi in the ninth
5. 15 1, is not without authority. Manwantara, 3. 25.

Dwesha, what, 1. 69. Dyutimat, a mountain in Kusa-

Dwijarshi - Erahmarshi, 4. 52. dwipa, 2. 196.

Eartb. The element, 1. 35. Fa- Elements. Evolution of them from

bled as raised by the VarAha, 1. primary matter ; 1. 29. As
57-61. Subdued by Pfithn, 1. subtile rudiments, how pro-
186, &c. Milked by varioua duced, 1. 34. Further particu-
beings, 1. 187, <tc. Description lars of them, 1. 35, «fcc. Dis-
of it, 2, 109, &c. Supported position of them, 2. 232, &c.
by S'esha, the serpent, 2. 213. Successive resolution of them
Destruction of it, 5. 190, <fec. into their origin, 5. 196, <fec.

Earth, the goddess, glorifies Elina, variant of Ailina, 4. 130.

Viflhdu as the VarAha, 1. 59, &c.. Erak4, what, 5. 142, 147.
Her song, 4. 238, 239. Op- Esht'ayas (1), a class of Apsarases,
pressed by the Daityas, she ai> 2. 82.

plies to Brahra^, 4. 249. As Ether, the element. See Akdia.

mother of Naraka, she propi- Expiation, efficacy of, 2. 222,
tiates Krish6a, 5. 90, 91. «fcc.

Egg of the world, how formed ; a

common symbol among the an- Faring!, '
Frank,' used as syno-
cients ; the abode of Vishnii as nymous with Hiina, 2. 134.
BrahmA ; how composed ; in, Fever, its contention with Krishna,
vested by the principles of 5. 113, 114.
creation, 1, 38, <fec. Fire, as presiding over speech, 1.

Eka, synonym of Mahat, 1. 32. 38. The original fires forty-nine

Ekachakra, a Ddnava, son of in number, 1. 156. The one
Ka^yapa and Danu, 2. 70. original fire made threefold by
Ekachdrin, what, 4- 272. Pururavas, 4. 11. Holy fires,
Ekalarya, son of Devasfavas, but 3. 1 75. Worship of fire referred
brought up among the Nisbddas, to, 5. 384. See also Agni and
4. 113; 5, 123. Tejas.
Ekdnekarijpa, what, 1. 15. Food, rules for taking, distribut-
E.kap4dakas, a people, 2. 162. ing, &c.,«kc., 3. 125, &c. Offered
Eka{)4duka3 (t), a people, 2. 162, at S'rdddhas, 3. 148.
Ekasfingas, a class of Pitfis, 3, 339,
Ekatwa, a kind of emancipation, Gabhastala, a Titih or under-
5. 242, world, 2. 209.
Ekavimsa, a collection of hymns, Gabhastl, a river in S'4ka-dwlpa,
originated from Brahmd, 1. 85, 2. 199.
Ekoddisht'a, a particular S'rdddha, Gabhastiniat, a portion of Bhira-
0. 146, 153, 154, 156. tavarsha, 2. 112, 129.
Elapatra, a serpent, son of Kas- Gabhastimat, a Pdtila or under-
yapa and Kadru, 2. 74, 285, world, 2. 209.
287, <fcr. ] 5. 251. Gabhira, son of Bhautya, Manu of

the fourteenth Manwantara, 3. sect worshipping GaAesa, 5.

29. 280. See GaAapatyas.

Gabhlra, sprung from iRambha, 4. GaAapati = GaAesa, 5. 280,
Gdnapatyas, a sect worshipping
Gachchhas, variant of Kakshas, 2. Gane^a, P. 91. See Gdnapatas.

176. GanAvard, variant of GunAvard, 2.

Gada, sonsofVaaudevaand Rohinl, 81.

4. 109, Gand'aka (vulgarly, Gunduk) =

Gada, sou of Vasudeva and De- Gand'akl, 2. 103, 146, 149, 313;
varakshiti, 4. iii. 3. 330. Its affluents, 2. 146.

Gada,son of Vasudeva and Bhadri, Gand'akl, a river, 2, 121 (where

4. 110. correct the spelling), 146, 313,

Gadavarman, son of S'ura, 4. 99. 339. See Gand'aka.

Gddhi, variously geuealogized, 3, Gandha -- GandhamAdana, the

16 ; 4. 16. mountain-range extending from

Gablots, a tribe now in Central Mount Meru, so called, 2. in,
India, 4. 344. GandhakAraka (?), variant of An-
Gajd = Gajiivlthl, 2. 276. dhakilraka, son of Dyutimat,
Gajavithl, a certain triad of asta- and also a region in Krauncha-
risms, 2. 265. &c. dwlpa, 2. 197.
GAlavas, Kausika BrAhraans, 4, Gandhamdda, son of S'waphalka,

28. 4, 96.

GAlava, a ]feishi in the eighth Man^ Gandhamddana, a mountain-range

wantara, sprung from Kusika, extending from Mount Meru, 2.
2. 11^ J 3. 23. J 1 7, 122, 123 (where once
Gdlava, son of Renu, 4. 38, 39, 50, correct the spelling), 140, 141,
.G4lava, teacher of the White Yajur- 339.340; 5. 388.
veda (different from Gilava the Gandhamddana, a mountain, 2.

:feishi?), 3. 57. Ill, 115 ; 4. 22 ; 5. 62, 146.

Gdlava, variant of Gokh^lu, 3. 46, Gandhamddana, a forest to the east

Gambhlra, the same as Gabhira, of Mount Meru, 2. 116, 117.

son of Bhautya, the Manu, 3. 29, (There is no little difficulty as to

Gambhirabuddhi, son of Indrasd- the various Gaindhamddanas.)

varni, Manu, by one account, of Gandhamjidana, a country, the
the fourteenth Manwantara, 3, same as Ketumdla-varsha, 2.
29. 102, 123.
Games, public, celebrated, by Gandhamocha, son of S'waphalka,
Kamsa, 5. 24, <kc. 't- 95-
Gana-devas, certain classes of demi- GAndhAras, a people, 2. 169, 174.
gods, 2. 227. G^ndhilra, sprung from Turvasu,
GA/iapatas (in correct spelling), a 4. 117,

GandhAra, son of A'radwat, 4. ii8. Ganesa-khand'a, a part of <e

Gandhdra (I?), Gdndhdra, a coun- Brahma-vaivarta-purdna, P. 65,

try, Candahar, 3. 319; 4. 118. 67.
GdndhArl, wife of Vfishni, 4. 73, Ganesa-purdna, P. 90.

74- Gaiiesa-upapurdna, P. 90; 5. 118.


GAndhdri, wife of Dhfitar4sht'ra, Ganeyu, son of RaudiAswa, 4. 128.

the king, 4. 158. Gangd, the river Ganges.
Gandharvas, celestial musicians, ter of Himavat and Mend, 1.

tfcc. Their origin from Brahmd, 157. Daughter of Daksha, and

1. 82, 83. Offspring of Kas- wife of Dharma, 2. 21. Re-
yapa and Arisht'4, 2. 75. Still garded as daughter of Jaht\u,
differently derived, 2. 27 (note 4. 14. Her descent from the
3). Their chief, Chitraratha, 2, foot of Vishnu, 2. 119, 272.
86. Those of the Veda, 2. 83. Divides into four rivers, 2. 120.
Twelve naijied, in connexion Divides into seven rivers, 2.

with the montlis of the year, 1 20 (note i). A river in BbAra-

2. 285, (kc. They assail the tavarsha, 2. 142. Its sanctity,

Ndgas, 3. 281, 282. See also 2. 273. Brought down to earth

1. 18852.76, 77; 4. 266,323; by Bhaglratha, 3. 301, &c. See
5. 12, 14, 59, 94, lOI, I02, also 1. 122, 145; 2. 121, 142,
109, 234, 236, 246, 247, 386. 271; 3. 303; 5. 164.
Gdndharva, a portion of BhArata. Gangddhara, a modern author,
varsha, 2. 112, 129. quoted, 1. 5.

Gdndharva, the heaven of S'iidras> Gangddwdra, a town, 1. 122, 123;

1. 97, 98. 4. 219
Gdndbarva, a form of marriage, Gangdsdgara, at the mouth of the
3. 105. Ganges, 5. 118.
Gandharva-veda, 'musical science,' Gdngeya, a descendant of Gangd,
3. 67. 5. 164.
Gdndharvl, an Apsaras, 2, 82. Gangu, the same as Kuhii, 2. 342.
Gandharvf, daughter of Kasyapa Garbhastl (?), variant of Gabhasti,
and Surabhi, and mother of 2. 199.
horses, 2. 75. Gardabhila, father of Vikramd-
GAndinl, daughter of a king of the ditya, 5. 392.

Kasia, 4. 88, 94. Gardabhilas, variant of Garda-

Gdnd'lva, Arjuna'3 bow, 5. 158, bhins, 4. 20?, 203, 205, 206.
t6i, 162. Gardabhins, a people, 4. 203, 205,
Gand'usha,son of S'lira, 4. 10 1, 113. 209.
Gariesd, son of 'S'iva, P. 65, 89, Garga, an ancient astronomer, 2.

91 ;5. 118,261, 263, 270,321, 113, 213, 276, 277,343)5. 58.

347- Garga, a priest of the Yddava;?,

lii3 offices for Krishna and analysis of it, «kc., P. 20, 23,
Balabhadra, 4. 279, 280. 24, %z, &c. ; 3. 67 J
6. 309,
Garga, variously genealogized, 4. 316.
136, 137- Garutmat = Garud'a, son of Kas-
Garga, son of Bhuvanmanyu, 4. yapa, 5. loi, 120, 123, 125.

136, 137- Gdthd, defined, &c., 3. 66, 197,

Garga, son of Pratardana, 4. 36. 338, 340.
Garga, a Brdhman, father of KAla- GAthin, old form of GAdhi, 4. 16,

yavana, 5. 53, 54. Gati, daughter of Kardama, and

Gargas, variant of Gdrgyas, ntc, wife of Pulaha, 1. no.
4. 137. 138- GAtra, son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155;
Gargabhurai, son of Gdrgya, soo 3. 8.

of Veiiuhotra, 4. 38. G^travat, son of Krishna and

Garga-samhitd, an ancient astror LakshmanA, 5, 81, 107.
nomical work, 2, 213. Gaud'a, countries so called, 3.

Gdrgyas, sprung from Garga, son 263.

of Bhuvanmanyu, and trans- Gaura, 'the white deer,' 1. 72.

formed from Kshattriyas into Gaurakfishiia, son of MeghaswAti,

Brdhmans, 4. 137. 4. 200.
GArgya, son of BkUka, disciple Gauramukha, family - priest of

of Bdshkali, and teacher of the Ugrasena, 5. 382.

^ig-veda, 3. 50. Gaurl, a S'akti, wife of S'iva, 1.

GArgya, son of Venuhotra, 4. 38, 104, 119; 5. 108. See aibu

39- PArvatl and Bhiitigaurt

Gdrgya (]), variant of Garga, father Gaurl, wife of Virajas, 1. 153 ; 2.

of Kilayavana, 5. 53, 54. 262.

Girhapatyas, a class of Pitfis, 3. Gaurl, variously genealogized,

339- mother of MAndhAtfi, 3. 266 ;

Gdrhapatya, a particular holy fire, 4. 130. Changed into the
3. 175; 4. II ; 5. 114. river BAhudA, 3. 266.
Garud'a, sonKasyapa and
of Gaurl, sister of S'isirAyaiia, and
Vinatd, 2. 73. King of birds, wife of Garga, 5. 53.
1. 198; 2. 85. Bidden by Gaurl, a river in BhAratavarsha,
Vishnu, 3. 205. His city, on 2. 149.

Vaikanka, 2. 118. See also Gaurl, a river in Krauncha-dwlpa,

P. 83, 84; 2. 28, 66] 4. 251, 2. 198.
287, 295, 317; 5. 89^ 92, 93, Gaurl, the terra, used of a girl,

98, 100, loi, 105, 113, 115, defined, 3. 102, i97,*i98.

t20, 123-125, 382. Gaurika, metronym of JIAndhAtfi,
Garud'a. a Kalpa, P. Z:^. 3. 266.
Garudfa-purAna, Gdrad'a-puraiia, Gautama, a PrajApati, son of

Brahmi, 1. loi, 137; 2. 285, origin from Brahma, 1. 86. Re-

&c. ; 3. 327; 4. 24. His her- garded as a horse of the Sun, 2.

mitage, where, 3. 331. 239-

Gautama, a Rishi in the current Gehlots = Gahlots, 4. 59, 344.
Manwantara, 3. 13. Gems, fourteen great, 4. 61, 62.
Gautama, an ancient lawgiver, Gepa (]), variant of S'esha, 5. 383.
quoted, or referred to, 3. 89, GeshaC?), variant of S'esha, 5. 383.

Ii3» "4, 338- Ghanakaplvat, variant of Vauaka-

Gautama, the Vyisa of the twen- pivat, 1. 155.

tieth DwAparaage, 3. 35, 37. Gbana^yAma, an epithet of Kfish-

Gautama = S'aradwat, 3. 16 ; 4. na, 5. 13.

146. Gharma, variant of Dharma, son

Gautama = Buddha, 4. 5, 325. of Gdndhdra, 4. 119.

Gautaraa-smriti, the, an ancient Ghalfakarpara, a poet, referred to

code of law, quoted, or referred the court of King VikramAditya,

to, 3. 89, 113. P. 8.

Gautamiputra, variant of Gotamf- Gbat'asfinjaya«?, a people, 2. 180.

putra, 4. 198, 201. Ghat'ik^ a measure of time, 1.

Gavavartis {?), variant of Mdla- 47 ; 3. 120, 187 (note f).

vartis (?), 2. 157. Ghatfotkacha, son of Bhimaaena,

Gavavartilas, variant of MAlavar- son of P4nd'u, 4. 159.
tis 0), 2. 157. Ghora, a hell (], or the epithet of

Gaveshana, son of Chitraka, 4. 96. one]), 2. 216.

Giivya, *
produce of kine,' offered Ghoratd, 'terror,' a property of

to the Pitfis, 3. 193. sensible objects, 1. 37.

Gaya, son of Ulmuka, 1. 178, Ghosha, son of Dharma and

Gaya, bod of Havirdhdna, 1. 192. LambA, 2. 23.

Gaya, son of Nakta, 2. 107. Ghosha, variant of Ghoshavasu,

Gsya, son of Sudyumna, 3. 237. 4. 192.
Gaya, son of Vitatha, 4, 136. Ghoshavasu, aon of Fulindaka, 4.

Gayd, a town, P. 60 ; 3. 194, 197, 192.

237; 4. 189. Ghf-ita, the sea of boiled butter

Gaya, variant of S'ala, 3. 321, around Kusa-dwlpa, 2. 197.

Gayii-mdhdtmya, a part of the Ghfita, variant of Dhfita, eon of
Agni-pur4na, P. 60. Dharma, 4. 119.
Gdyatra metre = GAyatrl, 1. 84. Ghi-itAchi, au Apsaras, 1. 145 >

GAyatrl, the holiest vrt"se of the 75,81-83,285, 28S, 291,293;

Vedas, P. 39,49; 2. 250, 251, 4. 128, 129.

38; 10 6. 290, GhfitachyutA, a river in Kusa-

295; 3. 4. i

308. dwipa, 2. 197.

GAvfttn', a metre so called. Its Ghfitapfisht'ha, son of Priyavrata,

and king of Krauncha-dwipa, Gods, proceeded from BrahmA, 1.

2. loo, 198. 79. They are overcome by the

Glifitasthald, an Apsaras, 2. 8r. demons, 1. 138. They churn
Ghfitavatl, variaut of Dhfitavatl, the ocean, 1. 143. Inferior
2. 149. gods, offspring of Dharma and
Gbriteyu, sou of Eaudrdswa, 4. of Daksha, 2. 21, <fcc., 26, &c.
128, 129. Thirty-three in number, 2. 29.
Giri, son of S'waphalka, 4. 95, 96. Thirty-six thousand, three hun-
GirijA, a form of PArvatl, P, 89. dred, and thirty-three, iu num-
GirikA, wife of Vasu, sou of Kri- ber, 2. 300.
taka, 4. 149. GodAvarl, a river, P. 76 ; 2, 130,
Girikshipa, variant of Ariksliipa, 132, 142 ; 5. 1.12, 389.
4. 96. Godhas, variant of Sodhas, 2. 163.
Girirakshas, sun of S'vvaphalka, 4. Godhana, son of S'waphalka, 4. 96.

95» 96.
Goghnatas, a people, 2. 163.
Girivraja = RAjagfilia, a city in Gokdmukha, a mountain in India,

Magadha, 4. 15, 180. 2. 141.

Giriiar, the popular name of a Gokhala, variant of Gokhalu, 3. 46.
range of mountains in Western Gokhalu, diaciple of S'Akalya, and
India, 2. 141. teacher of the Ilig-veda, 3. 46.
Glrv^jia-pada-manjari, the, a mo- Gokhalya (1), disciple of S'4kalya,

dern work, quoted, 3. 136, 222. 3. 46. See Gokhalu.

Glrv4na-sabda-pada-manjari, the Gokula, a place, 4. 260, 275, 276,
same as the last, 3. 136. 279, 289, 290, 305, 315-317,
Girvdna-vag-manjari, the same as 335, 342 ; 6. I, 4, 9, 43.
-the last, 3. 136. GoladhyAya, the, an astronomical
Gltd = Bhagavad-gM, 5. 185. work, referred to, 2. 113.
Gnosticism, referred to, 4. 326. Golaka, disciple of S'Akalya, and
Go, daughter of the Barhishads, teacher ef the flig-veda, 3. 46.
3. 161. Golava, variant of G4lava, teacher
Go, daughter of Kikutstha, and of the White Yajur-veda, 3. 57.

wife of Yati, 4. 45. Gold, soil of, 2. 204.

Go, wife of Brabmadatta, 4. 142. Goloka, a region, the heaven of
Go = Govlthi, 2. 276. Krishna and of kine, P. 66 ; 1,

Gobhdnu, son of Vahni, son of 98; 2. 230; 4. 318, 319.

Turvasu, 4. 116. Gomanta, a hill in India, 2. 142 ;

Gobhila, eponymist of the tribe of 5, 66.

Gahlots, 4. 344. Gomantas, variant of Goghnatas,

Gochapald, daughter of Haudrds- 2. 164.
wa, and wife of Piabhdkara, 4. Gomatl, a river in Oade, 2. 2,

129. 121, 146; 4. 34.-36.


Gomatf, a river in Naiinislia, P. Gotama, an ancient lawgiver. See

52; 3. 170. Gautama, the correct form,
Goniatl, a river affluent to the Gotamlputra, Gotamfputra S'rlsd-

Sindhu, 3. 170. takarni, son of S'ivaswdti, 4.

Gomatfputra, variant of Gotaml- 198.
putra, 4. 198. Gotra, what, 3. 121, 152, 196; 4.

Gomeda, a mountain-range in 28, 58.

Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191. Gova, a country in India, 2. 164.
Gomedaka, a certain Dwlpa or Govar^sht'ra, now popularly called
continent, 2. 110. Goa, 2. 179.
Gomukha, variant of Gokhalu, 3. Govardhana, a modern author, a
46. work of his named, 6. 379.
Gopas, inhabitants of Gokula, 4. Govardhana, a hill in India, 2. 141

279, &c. Associates of Krishna 4.3i3» 315-317.322,325,335;

in his disports, 4. 285, &c. 5. 34, 45. The Gopas worship
Gopa (T), a country, 2. 164. it, 4. 312. It is lifted up by
GopajAld, daughter of Raudrjiswa, Krishna, 4. 315.
and wife of Prabhakara, 4. 129. GovAsana, king of the S'ibis, 4.

Gopdla, an epithet of VishAu or 159-

Krishna, 5. 34. Govinda = Vishnu or Krishna, P.
Gopdla Bhat't'a, a modern mathe- 22; 1. 60, 65, 119, 164; 3.

matical writer, referred to, 1. 48. 80; 4. 277j 295, 300, 301,
GopAlaka, variant of Pdlaka, 4. 318, 324, 339, 340, 342 ; 5.
178. 8-10, 22, 38, 41, 46, 56, 57,
Gop^lakachchhas, variant of Go- 64, 89, 90, 92, 97, 100, <kc.,
pdlakakshas, 2. 176. dec. Fanciful etymology of the
Gopdlakakshas, a people, 2. 176. word, 4. 318.
Gopardsht'ras, a people, 2. 1 64. Govlthf, a certain triad of aste-
Gopati, son of S'ibi, 4. 24. risms, 2. 265, &c.

Gopis, mistresses of Krishna, P. Grains, esculent and sacrificial,

66, &c. &c. ; 4. 322, <fec. Their their names, 1 .

94, <fec.

grief at Krishna's departure, 5. GrAma, what, 1. 94.

8, &c. Grdmanf, the same as Yaksha, an

Gorakshd^wasri (I), variant of attendant on the Sun, 2. 284,
Gaurakrishna, itc, 4. 200. &c., 290, &c. ; 5. 251.
Gosava, a certain sacrifice, its Graphics, remarks on, 1. 94 ; 2.

origin, 1. 85. 100, 179, 187, 193, 195, 196;

Gosht'hl, a particular S'rdddha,3. 3. 27, 46, 221, 241, 323 ; 4.

147. 109, 112, 121, 141, 164, 203,

Gotama, sprung from Utathya, 3. 206; 5. 24, 39, 77, 83, 105,
16. 115, 117, 247, 255.

Greeks, called Yavanas or Yonas, foulness, and darkness,- 1. 26,

2. 181. 68.
Gfidhra, son of Krishna and Mi- Gunamukhyd, an Apsaras, 2. 81.
travindi, 5. 79. GuiiAvard, an Apsaras, 2. St.

Gfidhra, a fiishi in the fourteen tli Guptas, a dynasty, P. 109, in;

Manwantara, 3. 28. 4. 2i8, 219, 224.
Gf idhrakiit'a, a mountain in India, Gupta, a name appropriate to a
4. 24. Vaisya, 3, 99.
Gridhramojdndhaka (U), son of Gurganas, variant of Tanganas, 2.

S'waphalka, 4. 96. 181.

GfidhrI = GfidhrikA, 2. 73. Guru, variant of Ruchiradhl, 4. 137.
GfidhrikA, daughter of Kasyapa Guru, 'spiritual guide,' 3. 92, et

and T4mrA, and mother of vul- passim.

tures, 2, 73. Gurudhf, variant of Ruchiradhl,
Gfihastha, * householder ' His 4. 137.

duties, 3, 93. His fixed duties, Gurukshepa, son of Bfihatkshaiia,

3. 107, &c. His miscellaneous 4. 167.
duties, 3. 135, &c. Gurund'as, a dynasty, 4. 206.
Gfihya-siitras, various, referred to, Guruvirya, variant of Ruchiradhl,
3. 112-114, 168, 338. 4. 137.
Gfinjima (?), variant of Sfiiijaya, Guru-vydkhya, the, a metrical
4. 113. gloss, quoted, 5. 379.

Gfitsamada, son of S'unahotra, Gwdlpdra, the popular name of a

&c., 4. 30-32, 40. town in Assam, 5. 113.
Gritsamati, variant of Gfitsamada, Gypsies, speculations touching the,
4. 136. 4. 58.

Gfitsatamas, variant of Dlrghata-

mas, 4. 32. Hdhd, a Gandharva, 2. 285, «fec.

Guhas, a people, 4. 220. 3. 249.

Guha, a prince of the NisbAdas, Hdhdka, variant of Hdhd, 2, 286.
4. 220. Haihayas, a tribe. They conquer
Guha= Kdrttikeya, 3. 22 j 5. 115, Bdhu, 3. 289. They are con-
116. quered by Sagara, 3. 291, 292.
Guhila = Gobhila, 4. 344. Parasurdma triumphs over them,
Guhyakas, servants of Kubera, 1. 3. 316. They invade the king
122; 3. 116; 4. 52, 266, 281 of the Kdsis, 4. 40. Five divi-
5. 138. sions of them, 4. 58. Of Scy-
Guhya-vidyd, *
knowledge of mys- thian origin, 4. 60. Began
tical prayers and incantations,' from Haihaya, father of a hun-
1. 148. dred sons, 4, 46. See also i.

Gunas, '
qualities,' viz., goodness. 21, 24, 61.

Haihayas, a dynasty so called, 4. Hamsapadi, an Apsaras, 2. 83.

184. Hanta, a mystical exclamation, 3.

Eaibaya, sou of Vatsa, aud father 122, 123.

of the hundred Haihayas, 4. 40. Hantakdra = Hanta, 3. 122.
Haihaya, variously genealogized, Hanuman-ndtaka, a drama, re-

53. 54-
4- ferred to, 2. 231.
Ilairna-koia, tlie, a vocabulary, re- Hanumat, the monkey-god, names
'ferredto, 2. 148, 149, 154, 156, of, &c., P. 50 1. 117; 5. 387.

157, 160, 167, 172-174, 177, Hara, a form of Iludra or Siva, L

179. See Heniacliandra, the 134; 2. 24,25; 4. 272; 5.53,
name of its author. 108, 115, 386.
Haiiua^aila, variant of Hemasaila, Harake^, variant of Harikesa, 2.

2. 196. 297.
Haimavati, a S'akti, P. 79. Haris, a class of gods in the fourth
Hair, how worn by ancient na- Manwantara, 3. 7, 17. Their
tions, 3. 294. origin, 2. 26.

Haitukas, a sect, 3. 222. Hari, or Krishna, a form of VishAu,

HAla; variously genealogized, 4. and son of Vasudeva, P. 21, (fee;

197, 201. 1. 13, 41, 118, Ac; 3. 17, 75,

Hala, 'ploughshare,* 5. 51, 67, &c. ; 4. 106, no, 251, 257,
134? 137' Compare Slra, 259, 264, 272, 276, 289, 295,
Hdlah^la, a specific poison, 1, 147. 315, 317, 322, 331; 5. 2-4,8,
Haldyudha, an epithet of Bala- 10, II, 21, 22, 35, 36, 39, 44,
bhadra, 5. 63, 85, 133, 135, 45. 50. 51. 58, 62,64, 70, 76,
137. 84, 87, 89, 90, 93, 93, 99, 102,
HAleya, variant of Hdla, 4. 197. &c. (fee.

Halin, an epithet of Balabhadra, Hari, an author, referred to tlie

5. 84, 135, 137. court of King Vikramdditya,

Hamsa, son of Vasudeva, 4. 1 1 P. 9.

( where correct the spelling) ; 6. Hari, a mountain in Ku§a-dwlpa,

391. 2. 196.
Hamsa, a caste in Plaksha-dwlpa, Haii, variant of Harita, 4. 64.

2. 193- Haridwdra, a town, now Hardwdr,

Hamsa, a horse of the Moon, 2. 1. 123; 3. 303.
299. Harikesa, a certain ray of the sun,
Hamsa, a mountain-range to the 2. 297, 298; 5. 191.

north of Mount Mera, 2. 117, Harimedhas, father of Hari, father

123 (where correct the spelling), of the Haris, 3. 1 7,

339- Harinl, mother of Hari, father of

Hamsamdrgas, a people, 2. 187. the Haris, 3. 1 7.
HaiiisapAdil, an Apsaras, 2. 82. Haripura, a city, P. 34.

Harischandra, son of Tri^auku, 3. Harsha, son of Krishna and Mi-

261, 287 ; 4. 25, 27. EleTated, travindd, 5. 79.

with bis subjects, to heaven, P. Harsha, a king (one with Harsha-

56; 3. 28S. vardhana?), 2. 341.

Harishena, son of Brahmasdvarni, Harsha, a king (different, per-

Manu of the tenth Manvtrantara, haps), 4, 190.

3. 26. Harsha-charita, the, a medieval

Hari^rivA, a river, 2. 151. chronicle, referred to, 2. 164;
Haritas, a class of gods in the 3. 268, 318, 340; 4. 137, 172,
twelfth Man\^ntara, 3. 27. 180, 191, 217 ; 5. 389.
Haritas, HAritas, a race sprung Harshaka, variant of Darbhaka,
from Harita, son of Yuvandswa, 4. 182.

3. 280, 281. Harshakf it, son of Bliajamdna, son

Hiritas, a people (the same as the of Satwata, 4. 72.

last?), 2. 186, 339. Harshana, variant of Haryanga,

Hariu. son of Vapusbmat, king of 4. 125.
S'almala-dwipa, .2. 193. Harshavardhana, son of Yajua-

Hirlta, disciple of l.yinaharshaAa, krita, 4. 44.

and teacher of the Pur^nas, 3. Harshavardhana, a medieval king,

65- 2. 341.
Harita, Hirlta, son of Yuvaii^wa, Haryi, mother of the gods called
3. 280, 281. Haris, 3. 17.

Harita, son of RohitA^wa, 3. 288. Haryadwana, son of Jaya,-4. 44.

Harita, variously j?enealogized, Haryaksha, son of Prithu, 1. 192.

king of Videha, 4. 63, 64. Haryanga, son of Champa, son of

Harita, a division of S'^lmala- Pfithuldksha, 4. 125.
dwlpa, 2. 193. Haryaswas, five or ten thousand,
HArlta, variant of Hantaka, 4. sons of Daksha, 2. 13, <kc.

28. 1 Harya^wa, variously genealogized,

Hirltaka, variously geuealogizeJ, 3. 265.
4. 28. Haryaswa (another), variously

Haritdiwa, son of Sudyumna, 3. genealogized, 3. 284.

237- Haryaswa, son of Dbrisbt'aketu,

Harivaihsa, a mythological work, son of Satyadbfiti, 3. 331.
its character, P. 43, 92. Haryaswa, king of the Kdsis, 4,

Harivarsha, son of Agnldhra, and 40.

king of Nishadha, 2. 102. Haryaswa, son of Chak^hus, son of
Harivarsha, a region far north of Purujinu, 4. 144.
Bhdratavarsha, 2. ixt, 114. Haryaswa, variant of Harshavar-
Harsha, 'joy,' son of Kduia, 1, dhana, son of Yajnalcfita, 4.

111. 44

Haiyasvvata, variously genealo- Havya, variant o^ Bhavya. the

gized, 4. 43, 44. 6ishi so called, 3. 25.
Haryatas, a tribe ia Ceutral India, Havyavahana, son of S'uchi, sou
4.' of Yahni,
58. 1. 156.
liaryatman = Uttamn, the VyAsa, Hayas (?), a tribe, 4. 60.
3. 35- Haya, variously genealogized, 4.

Haryavana, variant of Harya- 53. 54-

dwana, 4. 44. Hayagrlva, son of Ka^yapa, P. 49;
Kasta, son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155. 2. 70. His abode, 2. 211.
Haeta, a certain asteritsni; 2. 265, Slain by Vishnu, 5. 3, 90.

&c. ; 3. 132. Hayagrlvaban, an epithet of Vish-

liastin, variously genealogized, 4. nu, 5. 3.

138-140. j
Hayasird, daughter of Vaiswduani,
HiistiuApara, Hdstinapura, a city. !
and wife of Kratu, 2. 71.
Founded by King Hastin, 4. Haya^iras, daughter of Vfisha-
139. Where situated, 4. 139. |
parvan, 2. 70.
Washed away by the Ganges, 4. Hayasiras = H^ayaslrsha, 2. 125
164. Undermined by Bala^ (where correct the spelling),

bhadra, 5. 134. See also P. 339 ; 5. 3.

40, 107 : 4. 145; 5. 131, 135, Hayaslrsha, a form of Visbnvi, 5.

160. 2, 3-

HastisomA, a river, 2. 147. Hayasiraha-pancharAtra, a metrical

HavihsaiJisthcis, certain sacrifices, work, quoted, 3. 223.
3. 112, 113. Hells, different, etc., 2. 214, <fec.

Havlndhra, a Praj&pati in the 5. 207, &C.

second Manwantara, son of Ileraa, son of Ushadratha, 4.

Vasisht'ha, 3. 5. 122.
Havirbhii, daughter of Kardama, Heuia, an Apsaras, 2. 82, 83.
and wife of Pulastya, 1. no, Hema, a river, 2. 149.
154- Hemachandra, son of Visala,. 3.

Havirbhujes = Havishmats, 3. 162. 247.

Havirdhdna, sou of Antardhdiia, Hemachandra, author of a voca-
son of Pfithu, 1. 192, 193. bulary, <fec. &c., 2. 82, 141-
Havishmats, a class of Pitfis, sons 143 ; 8. 122, 246; 4. 171 ; 5.

of Angiras, 3. 163. 364. See Haima-kosa,

Havishmat, a liishi, or !^ishis, in Hemddri, titular author of the
the sixth and eleventh Manwan- S'rdddha-kalpa, P. 50, 51 ; 3.

taras, 3. 12, T4, 26. 148, 166, 189-191, 198, 199,

Havya, son of Atri, 1. 154. 339-
Havya, '
boiled butter offered to Hemaka, a Daitya (?), his abode,
the gods,' 2. 58. 2. 211.

HenmkiU'a, a mountain-range, 2. Hiranmaya = Hiranwat, 2. 102.

102, III, 114, 282. Hiranmayii, a region lying to the

Hemasaila, a mount:*' a in Kusa- northof Siddhapura,&c.,2. 11;,
dwlpn, 2. 196. US'
Hema^f inga, a mountain, on which Hiranwat, son of Agnldhra, king
stands the city of BruhmA, 2. of Jambu-dwipa, himself ruling
118. over S'weta, 2. 102 (where cor-

Heretics. Sects of them, 1. 96. rect the spelling), 339.

Jainas, Bauddhus, &c., 3. 206, Hiranwatl, a river, 2. 149, 339.

<kc. The sin of intercourse witli Hiranyagarbha, a form of Visbiiu,
them, 3. 225. 1. 13, 164.
Hermit, the duties of a, 3. 94, 95. Hiranyagarbha -^ BrahmA, 1. 106 ;

Heti, a RAkshasa, presiding over 2. 229, 317; 3. 6, 121, 230;

the month of Madhu, <tc., 2. 5. 231, 233, 234, 236, 247.
285, (fee. Hiranyagarbha = Agni, 3. 1,62.

Hid'iniba, wife of Bhlmasena, son Hiranyakasipu, son of Kasyapa

of P^nd'u, 4. 159. and Diti, and a king of the
Hiina, a country to the south of Daityas, 2. 30. His power, and
Himavat, 2.- 102, 103. his enmity to Vishnu, 2. 34, &c.
Himdchala - Himalaya, 3. 254; Vishnu, as Narasimha, puts him
to death, 2. 64, 65 4. 104,
4. 3°3, 304- ;

Himadri = Himalaya, 1. 129; 2. 106. See also 2. 71 ; 3. 201 ;

127. 4. 250, 259.

. Himagiri, a mountain-range to the Hirany^kshas, Kau^ika Brdhmans,
north of Lank^, 2. 1 1 1 4. 28.
Himalaya, a range of mountains, Hiranydksha, a celebrated Daitya,
1. 8; 2. 130; 3. 254. son of Kasyapa and Diti, 2. 30.
Himavat, husband of MenA, and His city, where, 2. 211. See
father of Sati, 1. 118. See also also 1. 62 ; 2. 69-71 ; 4. 132.
!• I57> ^9^y 3. 265, Identi- Hlranydksha, son of S'Aldvati, 4. 28.

fied with a mouutaiu-range, 1. Hiranj aloman = Hiranyaroman, 2.

122 ; 2, 86, 114, 118, 130, 282. 262.
King of mountains, 1. 188. HiranyanAbha, son of Viswasaha,
Hiraavat-khand'a, a part of the discipte of Jaimini, and teacher
Skanda-purAna, P. 73. of the SAma-veda, 3. 58-61,
Himsd, ' violence,' wife of Adh- 323, 324; 4. 143.
arma, 1. iii. Called daughter Hiranyapura, a city floating in the
of Lobha, and wife of Krodha, air, inhabited by certain Daityas,
1. HI. 2. 72.

Hindus, their origin, and their first Hiranyaratha, variant of Dhar-

settlements in India, P. lor, 6ii\ maratha, 4. 124.

HiraAyaretas, son of Priyavrata, Householder, the duties of a, 3.

and king of Ku^a-dwlpa, 2. loo, 94, &o., 107, <kc., 135, &c.

Hr^da, son of Hiranyaka^ipu, 2.

Hiranyaroman, a Kishi in tlie fifth 30, 69; 3. 201; 5. 349

Manwantara, 3. 10. Hraswaroman, son of Suvariiaro-
Hiranyaroman, a LokapAla, son of man, 3. 332.

Parjanya and MddchI, 1. 154; Hri, *

modesty,' daughter of Dak-

2. 263. Regent of the north, sha, and wife of Dharma, 1. no.

2. 86. Dwells on the Lokd- Hfidika, son of Swayambhoja, 4.

loka mountains, 2. 262. 99, 100.

Hiranyasht'hiva, a mountain in Hridlka, variant of Hfidika, 4. 99.
Plaksha-dwlpa, 2. 193. Hfishikesa, a title of Vishnu, 1.

Iliranyavatl, the Hirana or Little 2, 3; 2. 8, 94; 4. 278; 5. 93.

Guuduk river, 2. 149, Huhu, Huhu, Huhu, or Huhii, a

HitAswa, variant of Samhatdswa, Gandharva, 2. 285, 286, <kc. ;

3. 265. 3. 249.
HlAda = Hrdda, 2. 30, 69. Hiiiias, a people, 2. i33-i3S»
HUdini, a river, 2. 120^ 121. 182 ; 4. 60, 206, 209.

Homa-dhenu, what, 5. 218. Hiindes, the now current name

Hord, what, 4. 66. of the country where Lake
Horse of Indra, and that of the MAnasarovara is situated, 2.340.

Sun, produced at the churning Hunus = Huiias, (?) 2. 340.

of the ocean, 1, 147. Seven Hutabhuj = Agni, L 180.

horses of the Sun, 2. 239. Hutahavyavaha, son of Dhara, 2.

Horses of the Moon, 2. 299. 23-

Budha's eight horses, 2. 304. HutAsa, what, 4. 254.
S'ukra's ten horses, 2. 304. Hutdsana, the god of flam e,'
* 1. 1 38.

Bhauma's eight, 2. 304. Bri- Hylozoisni, as treated by Cud-

haspati's eight, 2. 304. S'anais- worth, L 66.

chara's, the number unspeci- Hymns. To Vishnu, by Earth,

fied, 2. 304. RAhu's eight, 2. 1. 59, &c. By Brahmi and
304. Ketu's eight, 2. 305. the gods, 1. 139, &c. To S'rl,
Krishna's four horses, S'aibya, by- Indra, 1. 148, <kc. To
Sugrlva, Meghapushpa, and Vishnu, by Dhruva, 1. 169,
Balahaka, 4. 83. &c. By the Prachetasas, 1.

Hospitality, the duties of, 3. 120, 196, (fee. By Prahldda, 2. 57,

121. ic. By the Pitfis, 3. 170,
Hotraka, son of Kdnchana, 4. 14. 197 ; 5. 249. By BrahmA, 4.

Hotri, a sort of priest who chants 251, «kc. To Krishna, by KA-

hymns of the l^ig-veda, 3 43, liya, 4. 293, &c. By Aknira,

5. 14. &e. By Aditi, 5. 93, &c.

Hypostases, three, of VisLnu, 1. 13. Ikshurasoda, Ikshiuasodaka, a

sea of molasses, surrounding
Id'a = IIa, 3. 70, 234. Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 193, 194.
Id'4, variant of Ivi, 2. 26. Ikshwdkus (?), a people, 3. 343.
Id'aspati, a title of Vishnu, 2. 1 7, Ikshwdku, son of Vaivaswata, the
Id'avid'a, son of Dasaratha, son of Manu, 3. 13, 231-233, 297.
Miilaka, 3. 311. Generated by a sneeze, 3. 259.
Id'avid'a, daughter of Tfinabindu In the Kfita age, son of Kshu-
and Alambushd, and wife of pa, 3. 243. A king in the
Yisravas, 1, 154 ; 3. 246. current Manwantara, 3. 13, 14.
Called wife of Pulastya, and A Edjarshi, 3. 68. A hymn
mother of Visravas, 3. 246. by him, 3.
of the Pitris, heard
See lUvild and Ivid'd. 197. Performs an Aswamedha,
Id'avila, variant of Id'avid'a, 3. 3 1 1. 3. 234. Has a hundred sons,
Idhraajihwa, son of Priyavrata, 3, 259. His sous probably
and king of Plaksha-dwipa, 2. colonizers of various parts of
100, 193. India, 3. 260. First king of
Id'ivid'a,variant of Id'avid'a, 3. 3 1 1. Ayodhyd, P. 106 ; 3. 261. See
Idwatsara, a certain cyclic year, also P. 107,; 3. 238, 304, 309,

2. 255. 326, 327, 343 ; 4. 18, 125,

Ignorance, fivefold, and the origin 130, 167, 170, 171, 172, 237,
of beings, 1. 69. The nature 240.
and cause of it, 5. 223, &c. II or Ilus of the Phoenicians, iden-
Ijiktts, a people, 2. 173. tified with Ila, 3. 235.
Ijyd, ' oblation,' an emanation Ila, son of Vaivaswata, 3. 234-236.
from Brahmd, 1. 85. lid, wife of Ugraretas, the liudra,
Iksha (??), variant of Ikshn, a river 1. 1:17.

in S'aka-dw/pa, 2. 199, lid, daughter of Vaivaswata, wife

Ikshu, a river in Bhdratavarsha, of Budha, and mother of Punl-
2. 155. ravas, 3. 168, 232, 233, 236,
Iksliu, a river in S'Aka-dw(pa, 2. 237; 4. 5, II. Changed into
199. a man, 3. 234, 235.
Ikshu, the name of a sea. See lid, wife of Vasudeva, 4, no.
Ikshurasoda. lid, variant of Ird, 2. 26.
Ikshudd, a river, 2. 146, ILd, variant of Ilinl, 4. 131,
Ikshnkd, a river, 2, 155. Havila, variant of Id'avid'a, 3.

IkshuU, a river, 2. 146. 3", 3M-

Ikshumdlavl, a river, 2. 145, 155. Uavild, variant of Ilivild, 3. 246.
Ikshumdlini, variant of Ikshumd- See Id'avid'd.
lavl, 2. 146. Hdvfita, son of Agnidhra, and
Ikshumati, a river, 2. 155, 318. king of Hdvfita, constituting

the circumjacencies of Mount embryo of Diti, 2. 78. The

Meru, 2. 102. VyAsa of the seventh Dw.4para
Ildvf ita, a region, in the centte of age, 3. 34, 37. Is born as GA-
which stands jNIount Meru, 2. dbi, 4. 16. Is vanquished by
Ill, 115, 116,122, i24;3. 234. the sons of Raji, 4. 42. He
Ilbana, variant of Ilvala, 2. 71. recovers his power, 4.' 43. Is
llin, a king, 4. 131. worshipped by the Gopas, 5.

Ilina, variant of Ailina, 4. 131, 308, (fee. He rains angrily on

132. Gokula, 5. 314, &c. He pays
IlinI, daughter of MedhAtithi, or •Jiomage to Krishna, 317, kc, 5.

else of Yaraa, and wife of Tam- (kc. He contends with Krishna

su, 4. 131. for the PArijata-tree, 5. 97, <fec.

Ilirila, variant of Ilivil.-i, 3. 246. Is defeated in his attempt, 5.

Ilivil4, daughter of Trinabindu, 102, &c. His city, Vaswauka-

3. 246. See Id'avid'ii. sAra, its situation, <fec., 2. 112,
Ilivila, variant of Id'avid'a, 3, 311. I iS, 239, 240 and : sec AmarA-
Ilus. See II. vati. His sphere, 1. 97 ; 4.
Ilwala, a celebrated demon, son of 217 : and see Indra-Iok.a. A
HrAda, 2. 69. Called son of personification of the iirma-
Viprachitti, 2. 71. mont, P. 3. His bow, tlie

Ilwaiia, variant of Ilwala, 2. 71. rainbow, 4. 284, 299 ; 5. 13,

Immortala. creation of the, 1. 72. 22. Is called Sahasrak&ha,
Impurity, periods of, for tlie dif- with allusion to an unclean
ferent castes, 3. 153. legend, according to the PurA-
India, civilization and coloniza- nas, 4. 261, 321, 334. See
tion of, P. IC2, ifcc. also P. 84; 1. 50 ; 2. 307 ; 3.

Indras, deities present in the u8, &C. ; 4. 102, 272, 293,

various Manwantaras, 3. 3, 6, 341 ; 5. 2, 15, 43, 45, 46, 87,
7, 9, 12, 13, 33-28. 89, 93, 96, 99, 1 00, «kc. (fee.

Lidras, gods attended by the See also Maghavat, S'akra,

winds, sons of Diiarma and S'atakratii, S'atumakha, ikc.

Marutwati, 2. 22. Indra, an A'ditya, 2. 27, 285, &c.

Iiidra, king of the gods, 2. 85. Indra-dhwaja-samutthAna = S'ak-
rre.^iJes over the hands, 1. 38. rotthAna, 4. 308.
Husband of Indranf or S'aclil, Indra-dwlpa, a portion of BhArata-
1. 1 19, 136; 5. 70. He slays varsha, 2. 129.
tlie demon 'Vritra, 2. 79; 4. Indradyumna, associated Avith

2585 5, 354: and see Vfitra- Vishnu incarnate as a tortoise,

lian and Viitraripu. Is cursed P. 76, 78-

by Durvi^.sas, 1. 136. Praises Indradyumna, son of Snmati, 2,

S'rl, 1. T46. &c. Divides the 106.


Indradyurana, a modern king, 5. Irdvat, son of Arjuna, 4. 160.

344- Irivat, variant of AirAvata, the

Indiagopa, an insect. 4. 284 j 5. serpent, 2. 393.
194. Irivati, wife of K4la, the Rudra,
Indrakila, a mountain in India, 1. 117.
2. 141. IrAvatl, the river Rdvl or Hydra-
Tndra-loka, same as Swarga,
the otes, 2. 121, 144.

the heaven of Indra and of Isa = S'iva, 1, 124; 2. 112. Sea

Kshattriyas, 1. 97, 98. I^vvara.

IndrAnl = S'achl, wife of Indra, 1. Isa, a SAdhya, 2. 22.

119 ; 5. 70. tsa = Vishnu, 5. 43.

Indrap^lita, son of BandhupAlita, Isdtia, a form of lludra or S^iva,

4. 189. 1. 116; 4. 267 ; 5. 386, 387.

Indrapramati, disciple of Paila, Isana, a mountain in S'dka-dwlpa,

and teacher of the Rig-veda, 3. 2, 200.

44-46, 49. Is4,na, a Kalpa, P. 58, 67.

ludraprastha, a city on the Jumna, Isdna, a title of Visbiiu, 4. 267.
near Delhi, 3. 302 ; 5. 82, 150, Isana-bali, a certain sacrifice, 3,

154, 160. 114.

Indrasavarni, Mana of the four- Isba, son of Vatsara, 1. 178.
teenth Manwantara, 3. 25, 28, Isha = A'swina, a month, Sept.-
ludrasena, son of Piirva, 3. 335. Oct, 2. 261.
Indrasena, son of Maudgalya, 4, Isbd-dand'a, what, 2. 237.

146. Ishandhura, a caste in S'Almala'

Indraseni, wife of Maudgalya, 4. dwlpa, 2. 195.
146. Ishfkas, a people, U, 173.

Indrasena, a mountain in Plakshar Ishlkd, what, 4. 4.

dwipa, 2. 193. Ishlraiha, ancestor of Kusdmba,

Indravsiha, another name of Pu- son of Kusa, 4. 15.

ranjaya, 3. 263. Isht'i, what, 3, 233.

IndrAvaraja, a name of Krishna, 4. Isht'i-srdddha, a certain mortuary

318. ceremony, 3. 189, 190.

Indriya, a species of creation, \. Ishukil, variant of S'uchikd, 2.

74. See Aiudriyaka. 81.

Indriya-nigraha, what, in philoso- Iswara, the same as S'iva, 3. 235 ;

phy, 4. 294. 5. 307.

Indriy^tman, a name of Vishnu, Iswara, son of Brahmd, worshipped

1.3. in Ketum^la-var'-ha, 2. 126.

Indu = Soma, 2. 2 1 ; 3. 1 18 ; 4. 4. Iswara, a Rudra, 2. 25.

Ir4, daughter of Daksha, and wife Iswara, son of Pdru. son of Yaydti,
of Kasyapa, 2. f6, 75. 4. 127.

lawara, in theology, wLat, 1. 3. Jahnu, a !6,ishi in the fourth Man-

What, in pliilosophy, 1. 32. wantara, 3. 8.

Iswara-gltd, a part of the Kurraa- Jahnu, son of Suhotra, anddrinker-

purSna, P. 79 ; 2. 86. up of the Ganges, 4, 14, 15,

Iswara-praAidhdna, what, in ethics, 138, i39» 343-

3. 77. Jahnu, son of Kuru, 4. 148, 152,
Iswarasena, son of S'ivadatta, 4. 153. 240.
208. Jahu, son of Puahpavat, 4. 1 50.

Iti, variant of Dhfiti, son of Ba- Jaimini, a Yogin, disciple of

bhru, 4. 67. Vydsa, and teacher of the Sd-

Itihdsa, ' historical tradition,' a ma-veda, P. 33, 54, 55 ; 3. 42,
terra for the Mah4bh4rata, &C., 58, 60, 323-325.
P. 45, 61, 98 ; 1. 85 ; 3. 42. Jainas, religionists, P. 33, 79,
Itfkas, variant of Ijikas, 2. 173. III. 1. 96 ; 2. 159, 161, 165,
Itthana, variant of Ilwala, 2. 71. 192 ; 3. 41, 196, 201, 207, 209,
Ivid'd (?), mother of Visravas, 3. 340; 4. 286,288, 299,
225 ; 5.

246. See Id'avid'd and llivila. 322, 359, &c., 388.

<fec., &c.,

Ivllaka, son of Lambodara, 4. 196. Noticed, or alluded to, in the

Bhdgavata-purdna, 2. 104, 105 ;

Jdbdlas, students of a branch of 4. 43-

the White Yajur-veda, 3. 57. •

Jaitra, the name of Krishna's
Jagaddhdtrl, a name of Saraswati, chariot, 5. 149.

4. 264, 266. Jdjali, disciple of Pathya, and

Jagad-yoni, what, in cosmogony, teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3.
1. 21. 62.
Jaganndtha, a name of Vishnu or Jalada, son of Bhavya, king of
Krishna, P. 22, 28, <fec, &c. ;
S'dka-dwlpa, 2. 198.
341 ; 5. 90, 282.
*• 3^-5^ Jalada, a region in S'dka-dwlpa, 2.
Jaganndtha Tarkapanchdnana, a 198.
modern legal writer, 3. 103, 142. Jalddhdra, a moimtain-range in
JagatI, a metre, its origin, 1. 85, S'dka-dwlpa, 2. 198.
86. Regarded as a horse of the Jalagambu, sou of Si\rya and
Sun, 2. 239. Nishkumbhd, 5. 382.
Jagatpati, variant of Yajnapati, 5. Jdlahdsinl, variant of Chdnihisinl,

177. 4. 112. And see 5. 83, note §.

Jaghanjaya, son of Pradyota, 4. Jalaja, variant of Jalada, as doubly

178. denotative, 2. 198.
J.^hiiavl, metaphorical patronym Jalandhara, an Asura, the story
of Gangd, the Ganges, 1. 136 of, P. 33-

3. 285; 4. 14, 157; 5. 180. Jdlandhara, a name of Trigarta, 2.

Mistress of S'dntanu, 4. 157. 179.


JAleewaratlrtha, a place of pilgri- gold, used by the Siddhas, 2.

mage on the river Narmadd, Ill, ii6.

5. ii8. Jambiiiiadi, a river, 2, in, 121.
Jaleyu, son of Raudrd^wa, 4. 127, Jdmbunadf (the same as Jambu-
128, 129. nadl?), a river, 2. 151.
Jalpa, a ]l^isbi in the fourth Man- Jdmi, Jdmf, variant of YAmi or
wan tara, 3. 8. Yimi, 2. 21.
Jamadagni, a !l^ishi, son of !6.ichl- Janaka, or Dharmadhwaja, son of
ka, and father of Para^urdma, 2. Kusadhwaja, 5. 217.
285, <fec. ; 3. 13, 15, 16, 80; Janaka, son of Nimi, 3. 45, 53,
4. 18, 19, <fec. Is slain by the 316, 330, 331, 335.
sons of Kdrtavlrya, 4. 22. Janaka, king of the Kdsis, 3. 220.
Jdinadagnya, patronym of Para- Janaka, of Videha, father of Sfti,,

6urdma, 3. 23 ; 4. 23. 3. 331; 4. 84, 146, 238.

Jdmbavat, king of bears. He Janaka, son of Vis4khayupa,4. 1 79.
slays the "lion that killed Pra- Janaka, son of Mitadhwaja, or
sena, 4. 76. He contends •with, Khdridika, 5. 214, 217.
and is overcome by, Krishna, 4. Janaka (one of the Janakas already
78, 79. Krishna accepts his named 1,), 5. 88.
daughter Jdmbavatl as a bride, Janaka, a title (1), 5. 217. (It

4. 79. may be added, that the persons

Jimbavati, daughter of Jdmbavat, named Janaka are not always
and wife of Krishna, 4. 79, easily distinguished.)

112; 5. 78, 79, 82, 97, 107, Janaki, patronym of SitA, 4. 107.
130, 142. Identified with Ro- Janakpur, the popular name of a
hi61, 5. 79, 81. city now in ruins, 3. 331.

Jambha, a demon slain by Indra, Jana-loka = Jano-loka, 1. 52, 59,

4- 3» 334. 62, 98; 2. 113, 227, 228; 5.
Jambu, a river so called, 2. 116. i93» 195-
See JambnnadL Janamejaya, variously genealo-
Jambu, Jambu, a certain tree. On gized, 3. 247.
Mounts Sugandha, Gandham.A- Janamejaya, son of Puranjaya, 4.

dana, and Merumandara, ac- 120.

cording to differing authorities, Janamejaya, son of Dfid'haratba,
2. Ill, 116. 4. 126.
Jambu - dwlpa, Jambii dwlpa, - a Janamejaya, son of Puru, 4. 127,
continent so called, 3. loi, &c., 128.
109, no, «fcc.; 136, 138 j 5. 382. Janamejaya, son of Parikshlt, P.
Jambiimarga, a forest so called, 44; 4.142, 152, 153, 162, 163.
2.316; 5. 389. Janamejaya, son of Chandrdpfd'a,
J4mbunada, JAmbiinada, a sort of son of SurySpfd'a, 4. 163.

Jiinamejaya, variant of Arimcjaya, 171, 173, 273, 344; 5. 54,69,

son of S^waplralka, 4. 96. 70, 145. He besieges Mathuri,
Jandrdana = Vislinu or KrishAa, 5. 50, &c.
P. 76; 1. 118, 151 ; 2. 198, Jartikas, a people, 2. 339 ; 4. 58.

200; 3. 30, 76, 77, 85, 203, Jdrudhi, a mountain-range lying

204, 217 4. 89, 268, 277,
; to the west of Mount Meru, 2.

32,0, 321, 333, 2>Z^, 340; 5. 117, 123,

13,30, 42, 48, 50, 57, 97» lo^ Jdt's, speculations touching the
105, &c. (fcc. Etymology of tribe of, 4. 58.

the term, 1. 41 ; 2. 198. Jdtas (??), a tribe, a branch of the

Janas = Jana-loka, 2. 231. Haihayas, 4. 59,

Jdugalas, a people, 2. 156 (note t). Jdta, son of Brahmd, in SVeta-

Jannidsht'amf, a particular festival, dwipa, 2. 200.
JAta-karman, a certain ceremony,
Jano-loka, a region inhabited by 3. 146, 291, 338.
sons of BrahniA, 2. 226 ; 4. 266, J4tavedas, * fire,' worshipped in
Jantu, variously genealogized, 4. Kusa-dwlpa, 2. 197.
69, 70. Jdtayu, son of Aruna and Syenf,
Jantu, son of Soniaka, son of Sa- 2. 73.

hadeva or SaudAsa, 4. 148. Jat'haras, a people, 2. 162.

Jantu, son of Sudbanwan, son of Jat'hara, a mountain -range con-

Satyadhrita, 4. 150, necting Nlla and Nishadha, 2.

Jdnujangha, son of Tdmasa, Manu 117 (note II), 123, 124. Jat'hara,
of the fourth Manwantara, 3. 8. where first named, is left un-
Jduu-nirgbdta (1), what, in the rendered by the Translator.
pancratium, 5. 37. Jat'hardgni, a name of Agastya, 1.

Janyii, variant of Juhnu, the 154-

:^ishi, 3. 8. j4ti = Rupa, 2. 328 ; 5. 15, 200.
Japa, what, 1. 164; 2. 93. Jatu, what, 4. 80.
Jar^, a certain ghouless, 4. 150, Jdtukarna, Vydsa of the twenty-

344, 345- seventh Dwapara age, 3. 36, 37;

JAradgava, three certain triads of h. 25. See Jdtukarnya.

asterisms, 2. 265, 267. jAtukarna, a name of Agnivesya,
Jaradgavl, a certain triad of aste- 3. 336.

risms, 2, 265, (fcc. Jdtukarnya, disciple of S'akalya,

Jaras, a hunter so called, 5. 143, and teacher of the ^ig-veda, 3.

152. 48.
Jaras (?) (where correct Jard 1), Jdtukarnya (?), a Vydsa, 3. 36 ;

Bon (?) of Mrityu, 1. 112. 5.* 25 1 . See Jdtuk.inia.

J<iTA<<andha, king of Magadlia, Javlnara (?), variant of Pravira,
vaiiously genealogized, 4. 150, son of Haryaswa, 4- 144-

Jayas, twelve gods so called, creat- eon of Vidiiratha, 4. 153, See

ed by Brahmd, 2. 26. Jayatsena.
Jaya, son of Vatsara, son of Jayasena,. variant of Jayatsena,
Dhruva, 1. 178. son of Adfna, 4. 44.
Jaya, one of the Vi^we devas, 3, Jayatsena, son of Adina, <fec., 4.

190. 43, 44-

Jaya, variously genealogized, 3. Jayatsena, son of Sdrvabhauma, 4.

334, 335- 128, See Jayjisena.

Jaya, son of Pururavas, 4. 13. Jayatsena, variant of XJgrasena,
Jaya, son of ViswAmitra, 4. 27, 28- the Gandharva, 2. 293.
Jaya, variously genealogized, 4. Jayatsena, variant of Jayasena, son

43, 44- of SArvabhauma, 4. 153.

Jaya, sonof Bliavanmanyu,4. 136. Jbarjhara, son of Hiranyiksha,
Jaya, son of Krishna and Bhadra, the Daitya, 2. 69.
5. 82. Jillilcas, a people, 2. 178.
Jay4, daughter of Daksha, and Jimiita, son of Vapushraat, king
wife of Kfisjlswa, 2. 29, 337 ;
of S'dlmala-dwipa, 2. 193.
3. 82. Jiniiita, son of Yyoman. 4. 68.

Jayd, handmaid of DurgA, 3. 288. Jimiita, a division of S'dlmala-

Jay4, wife of Priyavrata, 337. 3. dwipa, 2. 193.
Jaya, variant of Asanga, son of Jimiita, a kind of cloud, 2. 279.
Yuyudhdna, 4. 93. Jiniutavdbana, a writer on inheri-
Jaya, variant of Sriiija3'a, son of tance, quoted, 3. 102.

Haryaswa, 4. 144. Jina, the god of the Jainas, P. 80 ;

Jayadhwaja, son of Arjuna, son of 5. 322, (fee, 364, 367, 375»

Kritavlrya, 4. 57, 58. 376, 388.
Jayadratha, son of Brihanmanas, Jina, a Buddha, 5. 376.
4. 125, 126, Slain by Arjuna, Jina, son of Yadu, 4. 53.

5. 157. Jishnu, the same as Indra, Q) 1.

Jayadratha, sou of Brihatkarmau, 123.

4. 140. Jishnu, the same as Arjuna, 5.

Jayadratha, king of the Sain- 159, 160.

dhavas and Sauvlras, 5. 389. Jishnu, an author, referred to the
Jayanta, a Rudra, 2. 25. court of King VikramAditya, P.
Jayanta, son of Indra, 2. 72. 9-

Jayanta, ancestor of Yudhajit, 4. Jita.swa, son of Sanjaya, 3. 335.

94. Jitavrata, son of Havirdlidna, 1

Jayanta, a city, founded by Nimi, ^93-

Jivan-raritaka, what, 3. 293.
Jayasena, an A'vantya, 4. 103. Jivdtman, what, 2. 328 ; 4. 253;
Jayasena, son of Sirvabhauma, 5. J4, 228.

Jlve^wara, the term explained, 1. Manw^mtara, son of VasishtJha,

172. 3.5-
Jnina, * wisdom,' epithets of it, Jyotis, 'astronomy,' an Anga of
according to the Yoga philo- the Veda, 3. 67.

sophy, 2. 90, 91. Jyotishimat, a sun, 5. 191.

Jndna-miirti, what, 5. 200. Jyotishmat, son of Priyavrata,
Jn4na-yoga, what, 5. 201. and king of Ku6a-dwipa, 2. 100,
Jfimbhaiia, * yawning,' a form of &c., 195.
Brahm4, 1. 82. Jyotishmat, a foshi In the ninth
Junagur, the popular name of a Manwantara, 3. 25.

town in Western India, 4. 198. Jyotishmat, a mountain in Plak-

JwAUraukhl, aPlt'hasth4na,4. 262. sha-dwipa, 2. 193.
Jwalana, a name of Agni, 2. 1 1 Jyotishmat (»), variant of Jyoti-
(where correct the spelling), 339. shimat, 5. 191,
Jyaisht'ha, the name of a month, Jyotisht'oma, a certain sacrifice, 1.

May-June, 2. 261, <kc. 85; 3. 213.

Jyimagha, variously genealogized, Jyotis-tattwa, the, a modern law-
4. 6^, 64, «fec. Conquers Ma- book, referred to, 3. 328.
dhyadesa, 4. 64. JyotsnA, '
dawn,' a body of Brah-
Jyesht'hd, the same as Alakshmi, m&, 1. 81 ; 4. 265.
a goddess churned from the
ocean, 1. 147. Ka = Praj^pati or Brahmd, 2. 112;
Jyesht'hd, an asterism so called, 3. 99. Presides over the gene-
2. 265, (fcc, 308; 5. 248. rative organs, 1. 38.
Jyesht'bA-miila, what, 5. 248, 249. Ka (11), a wind so called, 4. 304.

Jyeshtfha-sdma-ga, a singer of the Kabandha, disciple of Sumantu,

Jyesht'ha-sAraan, 3. 175. and teacher of the Atbarva-
Jyeshtha-saraan, a certain passage veda, 3. 61.
of the Veda, 3. 175. Kabandha, a monster slain by
JyotirathA, a river, 2. 150. Rdma, 3. 316.
Jyotirbhdsin, a certain celestial Kachchha, a country, 2. 164.
region, 3. 161, Kachchhas, variant of Kakshas, 2.

Jyotirdhdman, a Kishi in the 169, 176.

fourth Manwantara, 3. 8. Kachchhanlra, a serpent, presiding
Jyotir-nibandba, the, a law-book, over the month of Mddhava, 2.

quoted, or referred to, 3. 103. 2S5, (to.

104. Kachchhapa, variously genealo-

Jyotirviddbharana, the, an astrolo- gized, 4. 27, 28.
gical work, quoted, ot named, Kachchhiyas, a people, 2. 169.
. P. 8, 9; 5. 381. Kad'a (1), son of S'llra, son of Vi-
Jyotis, a PrajApati in the second diiratha. 4. loi.

Kadamba, a certain tree. On Kai^ilya, variant of Kau^aly a, 3. 58.

Mount Mandara, 2. 1 16, Yields Kait'abha, one of two demons that

a spirituous extract, 5. 65. carried off the Vedas, 5. 3. The
Kddambarl, daughter of Cbitrara- other was Madhu.
tha and Madira, 5. 66. Kaivartas, a caste, sprung from
Kddambarl, the, a medieval prose- Nishdda males and Ayogava
composition, referred to, 2. 82. females, 4. 216, 217.

Kadni, daughter of Daksha, wife Kajijikas (]), variant of Kalingas,

of Kasyapa, and mother of the 2. 187.

serpent-tribe, 2. 26, 28, 74. Kikas, variant of Kintikas,2. i8k.

Kahld (?), daughter of Ugrasena, K^kalikd., an Apsaras, 2. 82.

4. 99. KAkamukhas (?), a people, 2. 162.

Kahod'a, father of Asht'ivakra, 5. Kdka-paksha, what, 4. 283.

164. Kiikavariia, son of S'iiundga, 4.

Kaichchhikilas, variant of Kaila- 180.

kilas, 4, 209. Kdkavarnin, son of MuAd'a, son of
Kaijava, variant of Kenava, 3. 49. Udayibhadra, 4. t86.

Kaikaya, a certain faraily, 3. 287. Kikola, a hell, 2. 215.

Kaikaya, variant of Kaikeya, 4. Kakshas, a people, 2. 169, 176.

103. Kaksheyu, son of Raudrdiwa, 4.

Kaikeyas, a people, 2. 169 ; 4. 120, 127-129.

103. The five Kaikeyas, 4. 103. Kakubh, daughter of Daksha, and

And see Kekayas. wife of Dharma, 2. 21 5. 388. ;

Kaikeya, son of S'ibi, son of Usi- Kakubha, a mountain, 2. 141.

nara, 4. 121. See Kekaya. Kakuda, variant of Kukura, 4. 97.

Kaikeya, intended to designate the Kakudmat, a mountain-range iu

country of the Kaikeyas, 4. 103. S'4lraala-dwlpa, 2. 194.

Kailakilas, a branch of the Ya- Kakudmati, daughter of Hukmin,

vanas, 4. 208, 211. and wife of Piadyumua, 4. 112;
Kail^a, a certain mountain-range, 5. 83.
1.122, 129, 136; 2. 123, 124; Kakudmin = Raivata, son of Re-

5. 5. vata, 3. 249, 255.

KailAsa, the city of 8^iva, or else Kakutstha = Puranji'.ya, 3. 263,

of Kubera (?), situated on a peak ?6o ; 4. 241.

of Mount Mem, 2. 112, 118, Kakutstha, son of Bhaglratha, 3.

230; 5. 123. 315.

KailAsa-ydtrA, certain sections of Kakutstha, father of Go, 4. 45.

the Harivaihsa, 5. 123. Kalas, a class of Pitfis, 3. 339.

Kailikilas, variant of Kailakilas, Kkh, a form of Rudra, 1. 1 1

4. 209. ! Kala,8onofDhruTa,theVa3u,2. 23.

ILiiisika, variant of Kausika, 4, 67 ;
Kala, a Gandharva, 3. 2.

K41a, one of the Vi^we devas, 3. Kcilanemi, an Asura, son of V'iro-

189, 190, 191. chana, 4. 250, 259. His abode,

Kald, daughter of Kardama, and 2. 211.
wife of Marlchi, 1, no. Kdlaiijara, a mountain-range to

Kahi, daughter c.f Daksha, and the north of Mount Meru, 2.

wife of Kasyapa, 2. 26. 117, 118.

Kdia, *time,' 'fate,' &c., P. 94, Kdlanjara, a mountain in Bun-
1. 18, 19, 25, 27, 91, 96; 5. delkhand, 2. 316.
133. ' Space/ 2. 247. Kaldpa, a certain village on tho
KalA, a period of thirty Kdsht'h4s, skirts of the Himdlayas, 3. 197,
1- 47; 2. ^53 i
5. 189. 325 ; 4. 237. See Kaldpadwlpa,
Kali, a digit of the Moon, 2, 301, Kaldpagrdma, and KdUyadwlp.i.
302. Kaldpadwlpa, variant of Kaldpa,
Kdl*, variant of T41a, a heU, 2. 3. 325-
216. Kaldpagrdma - Kaldpa, 4. 157.
Kdladas, variant of Kilavaa, 2. 1 80. Kdlasambara = S'ambara, 5. 73,
Kiildgni, what, 1. 128; a, 192. 75-
Kilajoshakas (1), variant of KAla- Kdla-samyama, what, 2. 317.
toyakas, 2. 168. Kdla-saukalitd, the, an astrono-
Kdlakas, a dynasty, 4, 184. mical work, referred to, 2. 255,
Kdlakd, daughter of Vai^wdnara, 302.
and wife of Kasyapa, 2. 71, 72. Kdldsoko, the Pdlf name of a cer-
Kilakanjas, variant of KdLakhan- tain king, 4. 185, 187.
jas, 2. 71, 72.
Kdlasutra, a hell, 2. 215 (where
KAlakeyas, variant of Killakhan- j
the spelling is once wrong), 2 1 9,
jas, 2. 71, 72, 337. 342.
Kdlakhanjas, Ddnavas, sons of Kdlasiitraka = Kdlasiitra, 2. 215.
Kasyapa, 2, 71. Kdlatoyas, a people, 4. 221. See
KAlakiit'a, a certain virulent poisoj), the next.
1. 147. Kdlatoyakas = Kalatoyas, 2. 168;
Kdlamukhas (]), a people, 2. 162. 4. 221.
KdlanAbha, son of Hiranydksha, 2. Kdlavas, a people, 2. 180.
70. Kdldyani, disciple of Bashkali, and
KAlanAbha, eon of Viprachitti, the teacher of the llig-veda, 3. 50.
DAnava, 2. 71, Kdlayavana, son of Garga, 5. 54.
Kilanadi, a river, 4. 16. King of the Yavanas, 5. 54.
Kdlinala, variant of KAldnara, 4. Invades Mathurd, 5. 55, <tc.

120. Is .slain by Muchukunda, 5. 57.

KAlanara, variant of Kdldnara, 4. Kdleyas, variant of Kdlakas, 4. 1 84.

120. Kali, ' wickedness,' son of Krodha,
Kdldnara,Bonof Sabhdnara, 4. 120. '
wrath,' 1. III.

Kill, a fonn of PArvati, P. 21, 56, Kalinga, a country, P. 107 ; a.

89 ; 1, 104 ; 5. 267. 134, 153, 156; 3. 75, 79; 4.

Kali, the last Yuga or age of the 160, 220; 5, -84-86,
world. Its beginning, 4. 233, K&Vmgi, wife of Taiiisu, 4. 131.
&c. ; 5. 155. Its duration, 1. Kdll Sindhu, a river, 3. 148.
50, &c. Kings of it, 4. 162, KAliya, KAllya, a huge serpent, sou
&c. Vices of it, 4. 234, Inc.. of Ka^yapa, 2. 74. His abode,
5. 171, &c. Redeeming traits 2. 211. Krishna fights with
of it, 5. 180, «fcc. See also P. and overcomes him, and ordera
9» i7> 2,Z, 44, 100, 102, 112; him to depart from the river
3. 31 ; 4. 228-230, 232 ; 6. 62, Yamund to the sea, 4. 286, &c.
170, 247, 251, 252. See also 4. 292, 295, 298, 322,
Kill = Satyavatl, wife of S'Antanu, 325, 335 ; 5. 34.
(fee, 4. 150. Kdllyadwfpa, variant of Kalipa-
Kali (?), variant of K4la, a Gaii» dwlpa, 3. 325.
dharva, 3. 2. Kalkalas, a people, 2. 1 79.
K&H, variant of Kiii, wife of Kalki, the future epiphany of
Bbimasena, 4. 159. Vishnu, 3. 31 ; 4. 229.
Kiiidasa, an author, referred to, KalmAshAnghri - Kalmdshap4d;i,
P. 8. 31, 118; 2. 286; 3. 322, 3. 305-
323; 4, 5, 190. KalmAshapada, variously genealo-
KAlighdt', the popular name of a gized, 1.8; 3. 304-306, 308,
village near Calcutta, 4. 262. 3f3»3i5-
Kiilika-upapurAna, P. 87, 89. The Kalpa, son of Dhruva and Bhrami,
K4lika is erroneously called a 1. 178.
Purdna in P. 89 ; 5. 316. Kalpa, in chronology, calculation
Kdlikeyas, variant of KAlakhaiijas, of, 1. 51, &c. Equivalent to a
2.71. day of BrahniA, 1 . 5 2. The past,
Kalinda, the mountain where the or P4draa, Kalpa, 1. 53. Tiie
river Yamuni rises, 4. 286. current, orVAriha, Kalpa, 1. 54.
Rdlindi, daughter of the Sun, and Kalpas innumerable, <fec., 1.
a wife of Krishna, 5. 78, 79 Minor Kalpas, as Samvarta, &c.,
(where expunge the first sen- 1. 53. Duration of a Kalpa,
tence of note *), 107. One 3. 30 ; 5. 190. See also P. 37,
with YamnnA, 4. 286; 5. 12, 52, 68, 80, 85, 93; 1. 41, 80,
82, 249. Identified with Mitra- 8S, 91, &c. ; 3. 30; 5. 169,
vind4, 5. 79. 170, 186, 193, 196.
Kalingas, a people, 2. 132, 156, Kalpas, digests of ceremonial rules,
163, 166, 187. five, of the Atharva-veda, «tc.,
Kalingas, a dynasty, i. 184. 3. 63, 67. See Kalpa- .siitra,
Kalinga, son of Bali, 4. 122. Kaipildhikdriii, what, 2. 2*8.

Kalpadruma, a famous mytholo- KAmdkhyA = Kim^kshl, P. 90

gical tree, 6. 95. (where correct the spelling) ; 5.

Kalpa-druma-kalikd, tbe, a compo- 88,385.

sition, referred to, 2. 163, 165 ;
Kimdkshl, one with Durgi, as
4. 124, 171. worshipped in Assam, P. 90.
Kalpa-^uddhi, a technicality, de- See KiiuikhyL
fined, 3. 66. KAmal^, an Apsaras, 2. 83.
Kalpa-sutra, what, 2. 95, See Kamald = Lakshmi, 1, 151.
Kalpas. Kamal4chay&, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

Kalpataru, the, a law-book, refer- KamalAkara Bhatft'a, a modern

red to, 3. 187. author, referred to, 3. 89, 90,
Kalpavarsha, son of Vaisudeva and 103.
Upadevd, 4. iii. Kamal4saaa, what, in the Yoga .

Kdma, tlie God of Love, 1. 102, philosophy, 5. 230.

III ; 3. 189, 190 j 5. 72, 76, Knmalodbhava, an epithet of

77. Sou ofDbarma and S'rad- BrahmA, 5 2c;o. Compare

dh4, 1. no. Son of Dharma Abjabhava and Abjayonl
and Laksbml, 2. 21. Son of KAraariipa, a country, 2. 132, 134,
Dharma and Visw4, and one of 5. 55, 88.

the Vi^we devas, 3. 191. See K^manipa-tlrtha, a place of pil-

Ananga and K^madeva. grimage in Assam, P. 90,

Kdma, the pin of the Sun's axle, KAmanipinI, wife of Krishna, (??)

2. 238. 6. 79.

KAmadeva, son of Sahishriu and Kambala, aN4ga, son of Kasyapa,

YasodharA, 1. 155. King of 2. 74, 285, «tc. : 5. -'5r.

the Apsarases, 2. 86. See also Kambala, variait of Keiaia, 2. 165.

P. 75, 82, and KS,ma. Kambalabarhis, sod of Csanas,

KAmadeva, a form of Vishnu wor- , (fee, 4. 6^, 64-
shipped in Ketomila, 2. 126. K.imbalabarhisha, son of Andh?ka,
Kdmadhenu, the fabulovis Cow of 4. 97, 100.
Plenty, 2.
339} 4. 318. Kambojas, Kiiinbojas, a people, 2.

Kdmadugha = Kdmaduha, 3. 164. 176, 181, 182, 184, 339; 3.

K^maduha, a region tenanted by 2yo, 294, 295. Conquered by

the Pitfis called Ajyapas, 3. Sagara, 3. 291. One with ihe

164, 221, Caumojees, (?) 3. 292.

K4maga = KAmaduha, 3. 164. Kimboja, a country, 6. 92.
KAmagamas, a class of gods in KampanA, a river, 2. 149.
the eleventh Manwantara, 3. 26. KAmpilya, son of Harya^wa, son
Kiimagiri, a hill, 2. 142. of Chakshus, 4. 145.

K4maja3, a class of gods in tlie KAmpilya, a city, 2. 161, 341 ; 4.

eleventh Manwantara, 3. 26. 141, 144, MS-


Katfi<!a, a DAnava, son of Ugra- Kdnchana, son of Bhlnia, 4. 14,

snna, 4. 98. Is warned of his ^39-
own destruction, 4. 2 (.8. He KdiichanakA, a city, 4. 212, See
destroys the children uf Vasu- Kdnchanapuri.
deva, 4. 259, (fee fie sends Kdnchana prabha, variant of Kdn-
demons to discover and destroy chana, 4. 14.

Krishna, 4. 272, &c He de- Kdnchanapurl, a city, 4. 2 1 2. See

spatches Aknira to bring Kfish- Kdnchanakd.
Aa to MathurA, 4. 335, «fec. He Kduchl, a city, now popularly
holds public games, &c., 5. 23,, called Conjeveram, P. 86.
&c., &c. Is slain by Krishna, Kand'u, a Muni, the legend of
5. 41. See also 4. no, (where him, 2. 2, &c.
correct the spelling), 249, 250, Kanganlla, variant of Kankaj'uka,
258^264, 269, 270 271, 320, 2. 293.
339> 341, 344; 5. 6,9, II, 18, Kdnlna, a name of Agnivesya, 3.

21, 43-45> 50> 87, 33^'

KamsA, daughter of Ugrasena, 4. Kdiiina, the term, as used in law,
99. defined, 4. 102.
Kamsavatf, daughter of Ugrasena, Kanisht'has, a class of gods in
4. 99. the fourteenth Manwantara, 3.
K&my4, mother of Uttdnap^da, 28.
&c., 1. 108. Kankas, a people, 2. 186.
KkvayA, daughter of Kardama,and Kankas, a dynasty, 4. 206.
wife of Priyavrata, 1. 155 ; 2. Kanka, son of Ugrasena, 4. 98.
99, 100, 263. Kanka, son of S'ura, son of Deva-
KAmyS, an Apsaras, 2, 8r. mld'husha, 4. xoi.
Kdmya, what, as regards cere- Kanka, a mountain-range in S'dl-
naonies, 3. 160. mala-dwipa, 2. 194.
Kdmya-karman, what, 4, 257. Kankd, variant of Kanki, 4. 99.
KAmya-srdddha, defined, 3. 147, Kankanlka, a serpent, presiding
189, 190. over the months of Madhu and
Kfinas (?), variant of Kanakas, 4. Mddhava, 2. 293.
221. KankaAlra, variant of Kankanika,
Kanakas, a people, 4. 221. 2, 293.
Kanaka, variant of Dhanaka, 4. 54. Kankl, daughter of Ugrasena, 4.
Kanakhala, now Kankhal, a vil- 99.
lage near Hardwir, 1. 123. Kdntdpuri, variant of Kdntfpurf,
KanArka, 5. 312. See Kondrka, 4. 217.
the proper spelling. Kdnti = Lakshmf, the goddess so
Kanavaka, variant of Karundha- called, 5. 68.
ka, 4 113. Kdntlkas, a people, 2. i8r.

K4ntlpurl (correct the epelliug), tage, 2, 318; 3. 302. He de-

K^utipurl, a city, 4. 217, 219 ;
stroys the sixty thousand sons

5. 392. of Sagara, 3. 300.

Kaiiur^djadaa (1), a people, 2. Kapila, son of Kardama, son of

178. BrahmA, 1. 108.

KAiiwaa, a race, 4. 145. Kapila, a Ddnava, eon of KnS-

Kaiiwas, a dynasty, 4. 178, 192- yapa and Dauu, 2. 70.

See EanwAyanas, Kapila^ son of Jyotishmat, king

194, 232.
for which Blauwas seems to be of Kusa-dwlpa, 2. 195.

an error. Kapila, son of Vasudeva, 4. no.

Kauwa, disciple of Ydjnaviilkya, Kapila, sou of Vitatha or Bhara-
and teacher of the Yajur-veda, dw4ja, 4. 136.

3.57. Kapila, a serpent, son of Kas-

Kanwa, son of Apratiratha, 4. yapa and Kadni, 2. 74. ^

130; 5. 141. Kapila, a caste in S^Almala-dwlpa,

Kauwa, son of Ajamld'ha, 4. 2. 194.

140. Kapila, a city, 4. 170. See Kapi-

KanwAyanas, a dynasty, 4. 193, lavastu,

194, 203. See Kan was. Kapila, a region in Kusa-dwlpa,

Kanw4yana, son of Ajitasatru, 4. 2. 195.

i8i. Kapila, a mountain-rang6 to the'

Kinwdyana BrAhmans, sprung west of Mount Mem, 2. 117.
from Kanwa, 4. 130, 140. Kapila, a mountain inKusa-dwIpa,
Kanyi (]), daughjter of Kardama, 2. 197.
&c., 2. 99, 100. KapiU, a river, 2. 151.

Kanyd, the term defined, 3. 103, Kapild, what, predicated of a cow,

5. 252.
197, 198.
Kanyakdguiias, a people, 2. 173. Kapila, variant of Kapi, son of
Kap&las, KApdlas, an heretical Urukshaya, 4. 138.

287, 375, 380.

sect, 5. Kapila, variant of KimpUya, son
Kap4lin, a Rudra, 2. 24, 25. of Haryaswa, 4. 145.
Kapila-samhit4, a part of the
Kapardin, a Rudra, 2. 24.

Kapi, a ilishi in the fourth Man- Skanda-purdna, P. 73.

wantara, 3. 8. KapiUsrama, Kapila's-hermitage,'

Kapi, son of Urukshaya, 4. 137. where, 3. 302.

Born a Kahattriya, he becomes Kapildswa, son of KuvalayAswa,
a Brdhman. 3. 265.
Kipl, a river, 2. 149. KApila-upapurfiiia, P. 87.

Kapila, a llishi, portion of Vishnvi, Kapila vastn, the capital of King

S'addhodana, 4. 170.
P. 42; 1. 5, 79; 2. 325; 3.
His hermi- Kapinjald, a river, 2. 150.
31, 299, 301, 302.

Kapivat, a il^isbl in the fourth K&ri&hus (t), Kausika Brdhmans,

Mauwantara, 3. 8. 4. 28.

Kaootaroman, variously genealo- Karltis, a people, 2. 164.

gized, 4. 97. Karkara, variant of -Thurjhara, 2.

Karabhaiijakas, variant of Kara- 69.

bhanjikas, 2. 187. Karkat'aka, variant of Karkot'aka,
Karabhanjikas, a people, 2. 187. 2. 289.
Karakas, a people, 2. 178. Karkot'aka, a serpent, son ot"

Kdrakukshlyas. the same as SAl- Kasyapa, 2, 74, 285, &c,

was, 2. 156. Karmajit, variant of Senajit, 4,
Kararabha, Karambhaka, variants 174-
of Karambhi, 4. 68, Karmdnga, certain ceremonies, 3.

K-arambhi, son of S'akuni, 4. 68, 147-

Karandhama, variously genealo- Karma -pradfpa-bhdshya, the, a
gized, 3, 243, 244. •^'ork by Xsdditya, referred to, 3.

Karandhama, son of Traisdniba, 40, III.

4, 116. Karmasa, variant of Kardama,
Karanin, what, in philosophy, d. son of Pulaha, 1, 154.
241. Karmasresht'ha, sou of Pulaha, 1.

Karaiithas, variant of Kuiit'hakas, 155-

2. 180. Karniavat^, daughter of Ugrasena,
KdrApatha, Kdrapatha, a countryj 4. 99.

3, 319. Karna, king of Anga, variously

Karat'as, a people, 2. 1 80. genealogized, 4, 102,. 126, 142;
Kardtaba, a country, 2. 179, 5^ 130. 131* ^33- Slain by
K.iratoyA. a liver, 2. 149, 154. Arjuna, 5. 157, 161, 163,
Karavlra, a mountain-range to the Karri^iprdvaranas, a people, 2. 162.
south of Mount Meru, 3. 1 24. Karndt'a, sprung from Turvasu,
Kardama, son of BrahniA, P, 42 ;
4. 117,
1. loi, lie. ; 2, 86. Called son Kariidt'a, a country, the Carnatic,
of Daksba, 1, 103, 108, no, . 2. 178.
157; 2. 99, (fee, 263; 3, 164. Karndt'akas, a people, 2, 178
Kardama, a Devarshi, son of Pu- (where correct the spelling) ; 5,

laha, 1. 154,155 3. 68. ; 389*

Kardama, a Lokapdla, (?) 2, 263. Karnikd, an Apsaras, 2. 81.

Kareiiumatl, wife of Nakula, 4, Karnikas, variant of Jillikas, 2.

159, 160. 178.

Karishakas, a people, 2. 1 75. Karnin, a sort of arrow so called,
Karishinl, a river, 2. 145. 2. 218.
Karlshini (another), a river, 2. Karishaka, a wind so called, 4.

148. 3"3-

KArshni.patronym of Pradyumna, Kasera, a Bhdrgava so called, 5.

5, 75, ii6, I20.


Kdrta (]), variant of Kunti, son of Kaseru, a portion of BhAratavar-

Dhurmanetra, 4. 54. sha, 2. 112, 129.

Kdrtavlrya, patronym of Arjuna, Kaserumat = Kaseru, 2. 129.

son of Kfitavlrya, 4. 21. He Kasetu, variant of Kaseru, 2, 129.

carries off Jamadagni's cow, &c., KAseyas, variant of KAlakas, 4,
4. 21, <kc. He takes Rdvana 184.
prisoner, 4. 56. He by
is slain KAseya, variant of Kd^^', son of

Parasurdma, 4. 22, 56. See KA^a, 32, 40.


also 2. 20 4. 55, 57, 59» 241. KAseyl, variant of KAsl, wife of


Edrti (]), variant of Kunti, son xjf Bhlmasena, 4. 159.

Dharmanetra, 4. 54. KAsheyas, variant of, KAlakas, 4.

Kdrttika, a month, Oct.-Nov., 2. 184.

261, «kc.; 3. 168, 217. Kasht'anlra, variant of Kachchha-
KArttika-mdhdtmya, a part of the nlira, 2. ^9,
Padma-purAna, P. 33; 2. 2^5. KAshthA, thuighter of Daksha, and
Kdrttikeya, son of the Kfittik^, wife of Kasyapa, 2. 26.
by a father variously named, P. KAshtfhA, a measure of time, vari-
76, 82, 87, 89; 2. 23, 118, ously estimated, 1. 47, 48 j 2.

119; 3. 22 J 4. 283; 6. 115, 253 ; 5- 189.

116. See also Kraunchad&rana, KAsis, a people, and certain kings,
Kraunchari, Shad'dnana, and 2. 161 ; 4. 38-40, i37-i39»
Skanda. 181, 343; 5. 46, 389, 390.
Karundhaka, son of S'lira, son of KAsi, son of KAsa, 32, 39, 137.

Devamld'husha, 4. loi, 113. KAii, patronym of KAsa, 4. 344.

Kartisbas, KAnishas, a people, 2. KA^l, wife of Bhfmasena, son of
i33» 134, 158, 170; 3. 239, PAAd'u, 4. 159.
240; 4. 103; 5. 122, KAsi or KAsi, doubt as to whether
Kanisha, son off "Vaivaswata, 2. any city or kingdom was an-
158; 3. 14, 232, 233, 239. ciently so called, &c. &c., P. 72,
Kdrdsha, variant of Karfisha, 3. 1073 2. 163; 3.218, 221,328,
232. 333; ^' 33. 36, 37*40, 345;
K4aa, son of S^unahotra, 4. 30, 32, 5. 46, 122, 124-128, 349, 389,
40, 137- 390-
KAsajas C?),
a people, 2, 341. KA^ika, variant of Kausika, son of
KAsakas, vamntof KAUkas, 4. 184. Vasudeva, 4. 113.
KAsAra, a promulgator of the 6ig- Ka^ika, variant of KAsa, 4, 136.
veda, 3. 49. KAsikA, the, a grammatical work,
KAsaya (1), variant of K&il, son of referred to, 2. 135.

Kdsa, 4. 32. KAsl-khand'a, the, a part of the


Skanda-purdiia, P. 72, &c. ; 1. 307; 3. 3, 4,8, 11,13, '5. 18-

127, 132; 2. 228, 229, 230 20, 23, 64, 68, 117, 230, 281,
(wherecorrect the spelling), 342; 297; 4. 23-25; 5. 87. See
3. 328; 4. 33. Arisht'anemi.
Kdsi-kbaiitfa-dipikd, the, a com- Kasyapa, son of Parvasa, 1. 153.
mentary, referred to, 2. 229. Kasyapa, an astronomer, referred
a people, 2. 157, 172.
-K&^ikoiialas, to, "2. 276, 277.
Kfii^l-mAh^tmya, the, a part of the Kasyapa, son of Arshtlrskcna. 4.

Kiirma-purdna, P. 79 ; 3. 224- .31-

K^iin&tha Bhat't'a, a modem au- Ki^yapa, patronym of Akfita-
thor, referred to, P. 47-49. brana, 3. 64-66.
K4^ipati, the same as Kdsiraja, 6. Kasyapa, a star so called, in the

124, 126. tail of thfi S'isumdra or celestial

Kdsipurl, the city of the Kisis, 5. porpoise, 2. 306.
125. Kdsyapa = Aditya, the sun, 3. 117.
K4sir4ja, t.c, king of the Kasis, Kdsyapa (?), variant of Kasyapa,
4. -87 ; 5. 122, 124,127. And son of Marlchi, 2. 288.

BO the word should be under- Kathd, technical use of, 5. 182.

stood in 4. 32, 33, 39, 343- Kathdjava, disciple of Bdsbkali,

345. But see 4. 137 (note **). and promulgator of the Big-
K&slya, variant of K^si, son of veda, 3. 50.
Kd^, 4. 32 (where correct the KatTiaka, a section of the Black
spelling), 343. Yajur-veda, 3. 173.
Kdsmlras, peoples so called, 2.173, Kathd-sarit-sdgara, a composition,
184. referred to, 2. 177, 211 ; 4. 163.
Kismira, a country. Cashmere, 4. Katlia - upanishad, or the com-
223, 224. mentary on it, quoted, or re-
Kastaka (?) = Karshaka, 4. 303. ferred to, 3. 174, 175, 224.
Kdsya, son of Senajit, 4. 141. Kati, son of S'dldvatl, 4. 28.
Kiiyi, variant of Eamyi, the Kdtydyanas, sprung from Kati,
Apsaras, 2. -81. 4. 28.
Kd^ya, variant of KAsa, 4. 30. I^dtydyana, the grammarian, re-
Kd^y4, variant of Kdsl, wife of ferred to, 2. 188, i8g.
Bhimasena, 4. 159. Kdtydyana, his !6igveddnukrama-
KAsya, * of the KAsi tribe," 5. 46. nikd referred to, 4. 343.
Kasyapa, son of Marlchi, 1. 153, Kaukundakas, variant of Kau-
Self-bom, 2. 338. Called son kut't'akas, 2. 178.

of Brahmd, 3. 343. His wives, Kaukuiid'ihi, a liishi in the 'third

2. 10, 20, 26. His offspring, 2. Manwantara, 3. 7.

27, &c., 69, <kc. See also 1. Kaukuntakas, variant of Kau-

102; 2. 27, T08, 285, (fee, 306, kut't'akas, 2. 178.

Kaiikut't'akas, a people, 2. 178. Kausdravi, patronym of Maitreya,

Kaulut'as, variant of Kolulcas, 2. 1. 6.

174. Kaushltaki, a S'dkhd of. the tUg-

Kaumdra, a Sarga, or kind of crea- veda, 3. 50.
tion, 1. 76, 77. Kauiihliaki-brdhmana, fhe, referred
Kaum4ra-bhrit}'a, ' mirlwifery and to, 3. 246.
managenjent of children,' 1. 2^. Kaushltaki - brdhmana-upanishad,
Kanmouaki, a mace borne by the, referred to, 3. 50, 338 ; 4.
Krishna, 5. 51. 120, 181.
Kaumuda = Kdrttika, the month, Kauaijas, a people, 2. 160.
i. 268. Kausikas, the, a family, P. 108 ;

Kaunkanas — KonkaAaSj 2. 178. 4. 26, 28, 138, 139.

Kauntalaa = Kuntalas, (1) 3. 293. Kausika, son of Vidarbha, 4.'
Kaunteya, raetronym of Arjuiia, Kausika, son of Visudeva, 4. no,
son of Pdiid'u. 5. 150, 155, 113-
158. Kausika = Viswdraitra, 3. 293 j 3.
Kauntl, a country (?), 4. 224. 23. ^

Kauravas^ descendants of Kuru, Kausiki, rivers so called, 2. 143;,

3. 5. 131, 133-135, 164* 146, 151. Affluents of one of
Kauravyas (1), a people, 2. 175, them, 2. 146. Satyavatl be-
341. comes one of them, 4. 18.
Kauravya, a serpent, father of Kausilya (?), variant of Kausdlya,
Uliipl, 4. 160. or Hiranyandbha, 3. 58, 324.
Kaurma-purdria = Kurma-purdna, Kaustubha, a jewel, produced from
P- 23, 77,78; 3. 67. the ocean, and possessed by
Kaurma-upapurdna, P. 87. "Vishnu, 1. 147 ; 2. 94.
Kausa = Kuaa-dwipa, 2. no. Kaut'ilya, destroyer of the Nandas,
Kausall, variant ot Vaisdlf, 4. no. 4. 185, 1 86.
Kauealya = Hivanyandbha, 3. 58, Kdveri, a river, daughter of Yuva-

59, 324- ndswa, and wife of Jahnu, 2.

Kausalya =
Ydjnavalkya, son of 130, 148; 4. 14, 343.
Brahmardta, 3. 324. Kdveri (another), a river, 2. 148.
Kausalya = son of Hirafiyandbha, Kavi, son of Chakshnsha, 1. 177.
an error in the Raghnvamaa, 3. Kavi, son of Prdna, 1. 200 ; 4. 47.

324- Kavi, a l^ishi in the fourth Man-

Kausalyd, wife of Satwata, 4. 71. wantara, 3. 8,
Katisaiyd = Bhadrd, wife of Vasa- Kavi, son of Vaivaswata, 3. 232.
deva, 4. 109. Kavi, son of Kvishiia and Kdlindl,
Kausalya, * of Ko^ala,' 5. 82. 5. 79.
Kausdrabi, a city, 2. 15b, 341-; 4. Kavi (another?), 3. 28.
15, 124, 164; 5. 135. Kavi (still another?), 3. 162.

Kavi, variant of Kapi, son of Kesari, Kesarin, variants of Ke-

Urukshaya, 4. 138. ^arin, 2. 199.

Kiiviratha, variant of S'uchidratha, Kesarin, a '

mountain - range in

4. 164. Saka-dwlpa, 2, 199.

Kavyas, Kivj'as, a class of Pitfis, Kesava - Vishnu or Krishna, 1.

2. 303; 3. 163, 164, 166, 63, 119, &c. «fec. ; 2. 7 (where

339- correct the spelling twice), &c. ;

Kavyas, from Kavi (or

sprung 3. 79, "^S. 253; 4. 88, 277,
Kapi?), sou of Uruksbaya, 4. 289, 297, 306, 322, 334, 341 ;
138. 5. 2,8-1 1, 23, 3S, 45, 70, 77,
Kavya, a iihhi in the fourth Man- 83, 86, 89, 97, 104, «fec. Ac,
wantara, 3. 8. 388. Etymology of the word,
Kivya — Usanas, 4. 47. 4.341.
K^vya (1), variant of Kdsya, 4. Kesidhwaja, son of Kfitadhwaja,
141. 3. 333; y-'2i3. 'i-c.

Kavya, v?hat, 2. 58; 3. i8t. Kesiki, mother of Jahnu, son of

Kavyavdhana, fou of Pavaka, (I) Suhotra, 4. 14.

1. 156 ; 5. 387. KeBin, son of Va;<itdevd, 4. 109.

Kdya-suddhi = ChikitsA, * medi- Kesin, a Daitya, 4. 250, 272, 320,
cal treatment,' 4. 33. 335> 339-341 ;
5. 8, 34, 87,
KAya-tirtha, what, 3. 99, 1-48. 97. Slain by Krishna, 4. 340.

. K^yavadha, the same asK^lanemi, Kcsinl, wife of Visravas, 1. 154.

the Asura, 4. 250. Kesiul, daughter of Vidarbha, and
Kedireswara, a place of pilgrim- wife of feagara, 3. 297, 298.
age in the Himalayas, P. 75. Kesini, wife of Ajainld'ha, 4. 140.
Kekayas, a people, 2. 169; 4. Kesini, variant of Kesikl, 4. 14.

io3> 121. See Kiiikeyac: Kesisudana, an e])itbet of Krishna,

Kekaya, variant of Jvaikeya, 4. 5. 8, 97. See Kesin, tBe Daitya.
82, 121 ; 5. 103. Ketus, a hundred in number, 2.

KelikiU, variant ol Kilikil^, 4. 72.

211. Kctu, a DAnava, the descending
Kenava, disciple of S'Akapuni, and node, son of Viprachitli and
teacher of the liig-veda, 3. 49. Simhikd, 1. 148; 2. 72, 258,
Kennedy, Col. Vans, his contro- 259/ 305* 30^; 5. 387. Ketu
versial correspondence with is also calledson of Mfityu, 2.
Professor Wilson, 5. 257-380. 259-
Kenilas, a people, 177 ; 3. 293. 2. Ketu, son of Tdmasa, Manu of the

Kerala, sprung from Turvasu, 4. fourth Manwantara, 3. 8

117. KetumAla, son of Agnidhra, and

Kerala, a country, 2. 165, 179, king of Gandhamadana, 2. 102.

341 ;
4. 24. KetumAlo,, a region between the

Gandhamdclaua mountain and Khdnd'ika, patronym of Mita-

the sea, 2. H2, 120, 122, 123, dhwaja, 5. 217.
125, 126, 207. Khdnd'ikya, patronym of Janaka,
KetumAlaka — Ketumdla, the re- son of Mitadhwaja, 3. 333 ; 5.
gion, 2. III. 213, (fee, 2i7,<tc. See Janaka.
Ketumat, a Lokapdla, son of Rajas, Khdnd'ikyajanaka - Janaka, son of
1. 155; 2. 86, 262, 263. Mitadhwaja, 5. 217, 220, 223.
Ketinnat, sou of Aiubarfsha, son Khaninetra, son of Vivimsa, 3. 243.
of Nabhdga, 3. 257. Khanitra, son of Kalmdshapdda,
Ketumat, son of Dhanwantari, 4. 3. 314.
33. Khanitra, son of Prajdni, 3. 242,
Ketumat, son of Kshema, sou of 243.
Sunitha, 4. 37. Khara, a Hdkshasa slain by Kdma,
Kevala, son of Nara, 3. 245. 3. 316 ; 4. 297.

Kevala (?), variant of Kerala, the Kbarvat'a, what, 4. 266.

country, 2. 165, Khasd, daughter of Daksba, wife
Kha = j^kdsa,. 5, 198,255. of Kasyapa, and mother of the
Kbagana, variant of S'ankhandbha, Yakshas audi Rdkshasas, 2. 26,
3-322, 323. 75-
Khald, daughter of Raudrdswa, Kbasas, a people, 2. 184, 186,
and wife of Prabhdkara, 4. 129. 339 ; 3- 292.
Khaldya, Khdldya, variants of Khasdkas, variant of Khasiras, 2.

Khdliya, 3. 46. 186.

Khdliya, disciple of S'dkalya, and Khasikas, variant of Khai^iras, 2.

promulgator of the 6ig-v«da, 3. 186,

46, Khasiras, a people, 2. 185.

Khdliya. variant of Khdliya, 3. 46. Kbasfima, son of Viprachitti, the

Khanapana, variant of Pdra, 4. Ddnava, 2. i.
123. Khat'wdnga, a royal sage so called,
Kharid'as, * Of the
portions.* 3. 303.
f'adma-purdrta, P. 30. Of the Khat'wdnga = Dilipa, son of Aiii-
Skanda-purdda, P. 72 -74. Of sumat, 303. 3.
Bhdratavarsha, (kc, 2. 112. Khat'wdnga = Dillpa (another), 3.
Khaiid'as, variant of Shaild'as, 2. 3"-3i3-
164. Khat'wdngada, the same as the
Khand'apdni, son of AT.luara, 4. last, 3. 313.
165. Khet'a, what, 4. 266.
Khand'avayanas, certain Brdh- Khet'aka, ' hamlet,' 1. 94.
mans, 4. 23. Khydti, son of Ulmuka, 1. 178.
Khii'id'ika, patronym of Dharraa- Khydti, sou of Tdmasa, Manu of
dlnvsia. 5. 217. the fourth Manwantara, 3. 8.

KhyAti, 'celebrity,' daugliter of Kimpurusha, a region between

Daksha, and wife of Bhfigu, 1. Himavat and Hemakiita, 2.

109, 118, 150, 152.. Called 103, 114, 125. See Kiifinara-
daughter of Kardama, 1. 110. varsha.

Kbydti, a river in Krauncha-dwlpa, Kings. Of diflfereut orders of be-

2. 198. ings, 2. 85, 86. Of the Solar

KhyAti, variant of Swdti, son of race, 3. 229, &c Of*Vais4H,
Vxh, 1. 178, 179. 3. 246, &c. Of Mithild, 3

Khydti, variant of Sw^hi, 4. 61, 327, &c. Of the Lunar race, 4.

Khy4ti, what, in philosophy. 1. 32, 13, &c. Of the K^ais, 4. 30,
Kikatas, peoples so called, 5. 178. dec. Of Mdhiehmati, 4. 52, <fec.
Kikat'a, a country, South Behar, Of Chedi, 4. 67, &c. Of Anga,
5. 178, 351. 4. 123, <&c. Of Alagadha, 4

Kilagila, a certain mountain and 150, 151, 173, &c., 210, 2t8
fortress (1), 4. 21 1. Of future periods, 4. 162, A
Kilakalas, variant of Kailakilas, Of Vidisa, 4. 213. Of the Me-

4. 211. fcalas, 4. 213, &c. Of the Vin

Kilakilas, variant of Kailakilas, 4. dhya race, 4. 213, &c, <)t the

209, 211, 212. Mahishas, Of Kosiid,

4. 214.

Kila-nipdtana, what, in the pan- 4. 214, 215 (note *). Of the

cratium, 5. 37. Naishadhas, 4. 215. Of Pad-
KilikiU, a city, 4. 211. mdvatl, 4. 217. Of the sea-

Kilikilas, variant of Kailakilas, shore, 4. 219. Of Kalinga, 4.

4. 211. 220. Of the Naishddas, 4. 221.

Kilinakilas, variant of Kailakilas, Of the Kali age, iu general, 4.

4. 211. 224, &c.

Kimnaras, horse-headed creatures, Kinkina, variant of Kfikana, 4.

their origin, «kc., 1. 82, 87 ; 2. 72.

45, 124, 213 ; 5. 59, 247. Kirdntis, the now current name of
Kimnara, son of Sunakshatra, 4. an Himalayan tribe, 2. 130
168. Kirdtas, a people, 2. 129, 130,
Kimnaravarsha — Kimpurusha, a 162, 171, 176, 184, 1S7 3. ;

region to the north of Bh^ra- 295; 5, 88. Their origin, 1.182.

tavarsha, 2. iii. Kinltakas = KirAtas, 2, 186, 339.
Kimpurushas - Kimnaras, 3. 234; Kirmira, a demon, his abode, 2.
4. 52. 211.
Kimpurusha, son of Agnldhra, Kirtti, 'fame,' daughter of Daksha,
and king of Hemakiita, 2. 102. and wife of Dharma, 1. 109,

Kimpurusha, a Rishi in the second no; 2. 21.

Manwaetara, variously geneaio- Kirtti, variant of Kunti, son of

gized, 3. 5. Dharmanetra, 4. 54.


Kfrttimat, sou of Angiras, 1. 154. Konkas, a people, 2. 104, 105.

Kirttimat, son of Utt4napdda, 1. Konkanas, a people, 3. 293.
159- Konkana, districts so called, 2.

Kirttimat, son of Vasudeva, 4. 110. 179; 4. 211, 222.

KlrttirAta, son of Mah^dhriti, 3, Kontalas(?) = Kuntalas (1), 3,293.

33^- Korwa = Kollaka, a certain moau-

Kfrttiratha, son of Pratlndhaka, tain, 2. 141.

3. Kora, a certain hill, 2. 142.
Kisddhyas, vamnt of Sukut'y.-vs, Kosi a river, 2. 153.

2. 157. Kosalas, Kosalas, a people, 2. 157,

Kishkindbas, a people, 3. 293. .172* 173. 34t;4. 215, 219,
KitaVas, a peopip, 2. 1 85. 220.
Klesa, 'affliction of soul,' 1. 69. Kosala, Kosala, countries so called,
Kodavf, variant of Kot'avf, 5. 1 1 7. 145, 172, 173; 3. 264, 318,

Kok4, variant of Kosd, 2. 153. 319' 323' 324; 4. 171; 5. 82.

Kokabakas, a people, 2. 179 KosaU, Kosald, a city, 2. 172 4. ;

(where correct the spelling),34i. 215, 216.

Kokanakhas, variant of Kokarakas, Kosl (^1), vulgarly Coosy, a river,
2. 179. and its affluents, 2. 146 ; 3. 330.
Kokarakas, a people, 2. 179. Kot'avl, a goddess so called, 5. 117.

Kolas (1), a people, 3, 293.

Kot'^varsha = S'onitapura, 5. x 1 2.

Kola, sprung from Turvasu, 4. 1 1 7. Kott'avl, variant of Kot'avi, 5. 117.

KuUbala, a certain mountain, 3. Kovida, a caste in Kusa-dwipa, 2.

2ig. ^
KolAhala, variant of K4linara, 4. Krakacha, a hell, 2. 215.
120. Kramana, variant of Kfikatia, 4.

Kolakilas, variant of Kailakilas, 72.

4. 211. Kramn, a river in Plaksha-dwipa,

Kclasarpas (?), a people, 3. 293. 192,

Kolikilas, variant of Kailakilas, 4. Krainunja, a mountain-range run-
211. ning eastward from Mount
-XoUaka, a certain mountain, 2. Meru, 2. it 7.

141. Kratha, son of Vidarbha, 4. 67.

Koliikas, a people, 2. 174. Kratw, son of Brahrad, 1. 8, 100,
Komal4 (1), variant of Ko^aU, 4. &c. ; 2. 285, &c. ; 3. 3, 68. His
216. v.ife, 1. 109, no. His off-

Kondditya, apparently an epithet spring, 1. 155.

of Vishnu, P. 28. Kratu, son of IJru, 1. 177. Called
KoriArka, evidently the right read- son of Ulmuka, 1. 178.
ing, and synonymous with Kratu (who ?), husband of Haya-
Kon/iditya. See Kanarka. ihk, 2. 71.

Kratu, one of the Vis we devas, 3. Kfikana, son of Bhajamdna, son of

189-191. Satwata, 4. 71.
Kratu, son of Krishna and J4m- Kfikaneyu, son of Raudrdswa, 4.

bavatl, 5. 79. 128.

Kratu, a certain star, 4. 233. Krimi, son of UMnara, 4. 121.
Kratu = Indra (??), 1. 123. Kfimf, wife of Usinara, 4. 121.
Kratudhwaja, variant of Rita- Kiimi (?), a river, 2. 146.
dhwaja, 1. 117. Kfirai, variant of Nimi, 4. 72.
Kratujit, va,riant of l^itajit, a Kfimi, variant of Kritaka, son of
Yaksha, 2. 289, 292. Cbj'avana, 4. 149.
Kratujit, variant of Ritujit, son of Kfimibhaksha = Kfimibhojana, 2.

•Anjana, 3. 334. 217.

Kratumat, son of Vi^vvdmitra, 4. Kfimibhojana, a hell, 2. 214, 215.

28. Kfimild, a city founded by Kfiau,

Kraturita, variant of Klittirdta, 3. sou of Ufeinara, 4. 121.
332- Kfimildpuri = Kf imUd, 4. 122.
Kratusthala, an Apsaras, 2. 81- Kfimildfiwa, variant of Kdmpilya,
83» 285, 291. son of Haryaswa, 4. 145.
Krauncha, disciple of S'4kap<ini, Kfimipfiyavaha, variant of Pilya-
and promulgator of the ]feig- vaha, 2. 218.
veda, 3. 47. Kfimisa, Kfimi^a, a hell, 2. 214,
Krauncha, an Asura, slain by 217.
Kdrttikeya, 2. 119. Kfipa, a liishiin the eighth Maii-
Krauncha, a mountain-range in wantara, son of S'aradwat, 3.

Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 118, 119, 23; 4. 162.

197. Kfipa, variously genealogized, 4.
KraunchadAraria, an epithet of 146, 147 ; 5. 135.
KArttikeya, 2. 119. Kiipd, a river, 2, 155.
Krauncha-dwfpa, a fabulous conti- Kf ipa6a, variant of Kfikana, 4.72.
nent so called, 2. loi, 109, no, Kiipl, variously genealogized,
197, (fee. wife of Drona, 4. 146, 147,
Kraunchdri, an epithet of Kdrtti- Kfipf C?),
variant of Kfitwl, 4. 142.
keya, 2. 119. Kfisdngl, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
Kraunchf, daughter of Kasyapa, Kf iedswa, his wives, 2. 21, 337.
wife of Garud'a, and mother of Hb offspring, various weapons,
curlews, <fec., 2. 73. «fec., 2. 29 ; 3. 81, 82.
Krausht'uki, named in the MAr- Kf isdawa, variously genealogized,
, kahrfeya-purdna, P. 56 5. 381. ; 3. 247.
Kravydda3,a classof Pit'ris, 3. 339. Kfisdswa, sou of Samhatdswa, 3.

Krfd'A-khaAd'a, a part of the 265, 266.

Ganesa-purAria, P. 91;
K fishna, son of Vasudeva a \d

Devakf, 4. iii, 268. An Kalnsa's elephant, 5. 29, 30.

epiphany of Vislmu, P. 4, 15, Slays ChSnura, a pancratiast,
28, «kc.; 4, 247 ; 5. i. Identi- 5. 39. Slays Kamsa, 5. 41.
fied with the ^ishi Ndrdyaua, Inaugurates Ugrasena king, in
and alao with the supreme the place of Kamsa, his son, 5.
Brahma, 4. 247. An imper- 45. Studies the science of arms
sonation of a i)Uick hair of under Sdndipani, 5. 46, 47.
Vishnu, 4. 258, 259. HLs birth, Slays the Daitya Panchajana,
4. 268, &c. Is brought np by and possesses himself of the
Nanda and Yasodd, 275, &c. 4. conch-sheli Pdnchajanya, 5. 48.
He slays Piitand, a female fiend, Is besieged, in Mathurfi, by Ja-
4. 276. He overturns a wag- rdsandha, 5. 50, &c. He builds
gon, 4. 279. He throws down the city of Dwdraka, 5. 56. He
two Arj una- trees, 4. 281. He destroys Kdlayavana,the Yavana
contends with, overcomes, and king, 6. 57. Repairs to Dwd-
banishes, Kaliya, a formidable rakd, 5. 63. He is falsely sus-
serpent, 4. 286, <kc. Is hymned pected of having killed Prasena,
by the serpent, 4. 291, <kc. He in order to come by the Sya-
dissuades Nanda from worship- mantaka jewel, 4. 76. He re-
ping Indra, 4. 308, &c. He covers the jewel from Jdmbavat,
lifts up Mount Govardhana, and king of the bears, 4. 79. He
supports it for seven nights, 4. slays Sfatadhanwau, the Yddava,

315 ; 5, 34. Is made, by Indra, 4. 83. He discovers the Sya-

monarch of kino, 4. 318, itc. Is mantaka jewel in the possession
known asUpendra,<tc., and why, of Akrdra, 4. 90. He is ac-

4. 318, «kc. He sports with the quitted of the theft of it, 4. 91.

Gopis, 4. 323, <tc. He slays the He falls in love with,, and car-
demon Arisht'a, in the form of a ries Rukmiiif, 5. 69, &c.

bull, 4. 333, 334. Is attacked He marries Jambavati, daughter

by, and slays, the demon Ivesin, of the bear Jdmbavat, 4. 79.
in the form of a horse, 4. 339, He marries Satyabhdma, daugh-
340. Is landed by the Brdhman ter of Sattrdjita, 4. 80. His other
Narada,4.34o, &c. Is hymned by wives besides Kukminl, &c., 5.
Akrura, 5. 14, *kc. Is conveyed, 78, &c. He slays Mum, a
by Akrura, towards Mathurd, demon, 5. 89. He slays Naraka,
5. 17, i8. He slays Kamsa's another demon, 5. 90. Is
washerman, 5. 18, 19. Blesses hymned by Aditi, 5. 90, &c.
a polite flower-seller, 5. 19, 20. Visits the garden of Indra, and
Straightens a crooked maid- carries awa,y the Pdrijdta-tree,
servant of Kariisa, 5. 21, 22. 5. 93, ^c. Hi,s 16.100 or

Breaks a bow, 5. 23. Kills 16.108 wive.s, 4, 112; 5. 82,


T05. His 180,000 sons, 5. 108. KrishnAngl, vaiiant of KrisAngf,

Rescues Aoiruddha from B/ina, 2. 82.

5. 112, &c., &c. He over- Krishnasiitra, a hell, 2. 215.

powers Siva, 5. 115, &c. la IviishnavenA - KaishiiaveAf, 2.

propitiated by him, 5. 119, 120. 130, 150, 152.

He slays Paund'raka, the false Kfishnavenl, two rivers so called,
Vasudeva, 5. 125. He burns one of which is the KiFislinsl,

Bonares, 5. 128. Is recalled, popularly called Kistna, 2. 130,

by the gods, to heaven, 5. 143. 132, 144, 150, 152-

He brings about the destruction Krita, son of Samnatimat, and
of the Y4d.T,vas, 5. 149. Is disciple of Iliranyandbha, 3. 60,

shot by a hunter, Jaras by 61 ; 5. 390. He compiled six,

name, 6. 152. He is burned, or else twenty four, SaihhitAs of

and his wives with him, 5. 154. the Sdma-veda, 4. 143.

See also 1. 42, 53, 143, 151 ;
Kfita, son of ViswAmitra,!. 27, 28.
Kiita, son of "Vasudeva, 4. 109,
2. 50.57 53.83,84; 4.7s, &c.,
230, 234, 235, 245, &c. &c. ICfita, the first age of the world,
Kfish£a,sonof Havirdhdna, 1. 193. 1. 96; 3. 29,31; 4. 157, 229,
Kfishna, a king, variously genea- 236. 237; 5- 170, 179. iSr,
logized, 4, 195, 200, 201. 184, 185. Its duration, &c.,

Kiishna, a hell, 2. 214, 219. 1.49, 50.

Krishna, a caste in S'Almala-dwipa, Kfita, variant of Yajnakf ita, 4. 44.

2. 194. Kfita (I), variant of Kfiti, sou of

Krishna - VySsa, 5. 162. See Kirttiratha, 3. 331.

Kfishnadwaip4yana. Kfita (1), variant of I^ita,

3. 335.

Kf ishna, variant of Madhu, son of Kfita (?), variant of Kfitaka, son

Arjuna, 4. 57. of Chyavana, 4. 149.
Kfishnd C?)
= Kiishnavenl, a river, Kfitadbarnia, variant of Kfita-

2. 132, 141, 144, 150, 152- varman, 4. 55.

KHshriadwaipdyana, son of ParS- Kf itadharman, son of Sankf iti, 4.

iara and Satyavati, 4. 158. The 44.

last VyAsa, 3. 36, 37. Author Kfitadhwaja, son of Dharma-
of the Mahdbh^rata, 3. 41. He dhwaja or Janaka, 3. 333 ; 5.

divided the original Veda into 217.

four, &c., 3. 43. Sea also P. KfitAgni, son of Dhanaka, 4. 55.

17, 98; 5. 183. Kiitaka, son of Vasudeva, 4. 109.

Kfishna-janma-khand'a, a part of Kfitaka, son of Chyavana, son of

the Brahma- vaivarta-pur46a, P. Suhotra, 4. 149.
65, 67 ; 4. 245. Kfitaka, variant of Kfikana, 4. 72.

Kfishniksha {f), variant of Vfi- KfitamdU, a river, 2. 130, 132,

shaua, 4. 57. 155.


eon of Dharma, son

Ivi'itan^jindana, Kfiti, variant of DLfiti, son of
of Rdmacbandra, 4. 211. Babbru, 4. 67.
Kiitaojaya, Vydaa of the seven- Kfitimat, variant of Dhfitiraat,
teenth Dwdpara age, 3. 35, 37. sou of Yavlnara, 4. 142.
Kfitanjaya, son of Dharrain, 4. Kiitin, variant of i'liAajya, 3. 35
169 K^itin (?), variant of Kfita, son of

Kritaratha, variant of Kirttiratha, Samnatimat, 4. 143.

3. 331. Kfitin, variant of Kfitaka, son of
Kiitasariiian,variantof Vii^wasalia, Cbyavana, 4. 149.
3. 314. Kfitirata, variant of Klrttirdta, 3.
Kiitasmara, a certain hill, 2. 142. 332.
KfitasthdU, variant of Kratusthal4, Kfitiratba, variant of Kirttiratha,
2. 285, 292. 3. 331-

Kf itasthall, variautof Kratusthali, Kfitiroman, variant of Mabjiro-

2. 28.5. man, 3.
Kfitaujas, son of Dbanaka, 4. 55. Kiitsna, variant of Kutsa, son of
Kfitavarman, sou of Dbanaka, 4. Chikshusba, the Manu, 1. 178.
55, 80, 82. Kfittikds, certain stars so called,
Kfitavarman, son of Hfidika, 4. 2. 23. Their names, as early
99; 5. 148. reckoned, 2. 337.
FCfitavatf, variant of Dbfitavatl, Kfittikd, a certain asterism, 2.256,
2. 149. &c. j 3. 132 ; 4. 234, 235.
Kfitavirya, son of Dbanaka, 3. Kf ittira'.ba, variant of Kirttiratha,
81 ; 4. 2, 54-56. 3. 331-
Kfitavrata, disciple of Lomahar- Kf itwl, daughter of S'lika, •
sbana, 3. 65. variously wedded, 4. 142.
Kfitayajna, variant of Kfitaka, son Kfityd, a river, 2. 146.
of Cbyavana, 4. 149. KfityA, a certain being produced
Kfiteyu, son of liaudrdswa, 4. 128, by magic, 5. 126-128.
129. Kriy4, 'devotiin,' daughter of
Kriti, son of Kirttiratba, sod of Daksha, and wife of Dharma, 1.
Pratlndhaka, 3. 331, 109, no. Called daughter of
Kiiti, son of Bahuldswa, 3. 335. Kardama, and wife of Kratu, 1.

Kriti, son ofNabusha, 4. 45. no.

KHti, wife of Sambrdda, 2, 69. Kriy4-yoga-sAra, a reputed portion
Kfiti (?), variant of Krita, son of of the Padma-pur4da, P. 30, 33,
Samnatimat, 3. 60, 61 ; 4, 143 ; 34.
5. 390. Krodba, 'wrath,' 1. 102. Called
KHti, variant of Yajnakfita, 4. 43. son of Daksha, 1. 103. Called
Kfiti, variant of Babbru, son of son of Lobha, 1. 1 1 1 . Also called
KomapAda, 4. 67. son of Mfityu, 1. 112.

Krodli4 = Krodhava64, 2 74,75- Kshattraujas, variously geuealo-

Krodhana, sou of Ayi'ta. son of gi/ed, 4. 180, 181.

Rddika, 4. 153. KshattravHddha, son of Xyue, son

Rrodhava^i, daughter of Daksba,, of Puniravas, 4. 30, 38, 43, 44,

Tvife of Kaayapa, and mother of 13S, 344-

sharp-toothed monsters in gene- Kshattravriddha (11), variant of

ral, 2. 26, 74. Kshattradharman, 4. 44.

Krodhodana, variant of S^uddho- Kshattriyas, * the martial caste.'

dana, 4. 169. Born from the breast of Brahnid,

KroshtH, variant of Kroshtfu, 4. 1. 89, 90. Their duties, 3. 86,

87. Destroyed by Parasur^ma,
Krosht'ii, variant of VfishAi, 4. 4. ^3. How preserved, 4. 24,
&c. Races of them converted
74, 94-
Krosht'u, son of Tadu, 4. 53, 61. into Biahmans, 3. 258, 259; 4.

Ksham^ • patience,' daughter of 29, 130, i37r MS-

Daksha, and wife of Pulaha, 1. Kshattropakshattia (11), son of
S'waphalka. 4. 95.
109, 154-
KshamA, one of the Bhiva-piish- Kshattropeta(?), sou of S^waphalka,
4-: 95-
pas, 4. 294.
Kshamdvarta, son of Devala, the Ksbaya, variant of Gurukshepa, 4.

fehi, 2. 24. 167.

Kshana, a measure of time, Kshema, * prosperity,' son of Diiar
variously estimated, 47, 48. 1. ma, the Praj.4pati, 1. no, in.
Kshiinti, variant of Khy^ti, the Kshema, son of Idhmajihwa, king
river so called, 2. 198. of Piaksha-dwlpa, 2. 193.
K-shapanaka, an author, referred to Kshema, son of Sunltha, 4. 37.
the court of King Vikramdditya, Kshem4, an Apearas, 2. 81, 83.
P. 8. Kshema, a region in Plaksha-dwipu,
Ksli&rakardama, a hell, 2. 215. 2. 193-
Kshatadhdman (1), variant of Kshema, variant of K-shemya, son
;6.itadhAman, 3. 27. of Ugriyudha, 4. 143.
Kshattra (1), son of S'waphalka, Kshema, variant of Kshemaka, son
*• 95- of Niramitra, 4. 166.
Kshattradharma, variant of Kshat- Kshema, variant of Kshemya, son
travfiddha, 4. 43. of S'uchi, 4. 174.

Kshattradharma, variant of K^hat- KshemabhTimi, variant of Deva-

tradharman, 4. 44. bhiiti, 4. 192.

Kshattradharman, variously genea- Ksheraadhanwan, son of Pun-

logized, 4. 43, 44. d'arlka, 3. 320.

Kshattradharman, variant of Kshemadharman, son •£ KAka-

Kfihattravfiddha. 4. 43. van'ia, 4. 180.
9f. im>E\
Kshetrajna, * embodied spirit,
KsL«'i..4«lLi, variant of Kslieinari.
form of Vishnu, 1. 29 ; 5. 241.
Kshemajit, variant of Kshattraujas, Kshetropeksha, son of S'waphalka,
4. i8o. 4. 96.

Kshemaka, son of MedhAtithi, Kshipraka, variant of Slpraka, 4.

king of Plaksha-dwfpa, 2. 191. 194-
Kshemaka, son of Niramitra, 4. Kshlra, a sea of milk,encompassing
166. S'^ka-dwlpa, 2, 201.
Kshemaka, a RAkshasa, slain by Kshudhi, sou of Krishna and Mi-
Alarka, 4. 37. travindd, 5. 79.
Kshemaka, a division of Plaksha- Kshudra, ' elated by petty gain,*

dwlpa, 2. 191. 3. 135-

Kshemakarf, variant of KBhemau- Kshudrabaka, variant of Kshu-
karl, 4. 262. draka, 4. 170,
Kslicmakarniaij, variant of Kshe- KshudrakajSon of Prasenajit, 4.

madhaiman, 4. j8o. 170.

Kshemankari, lue same aa Yoga- Kshulika (?), variant of KuAd'aka,
nidrd, 4. 262. 4. 171.

Kshemdrchis, variant of Kshat- Kshullaka, variant of Kuiattaka, 4.

tranjas, 4. 18:. 171.
Ksliemdri, Ron of Sanjaya, son of Kshupa, variously genealogized, 3.

334. 3. 242, 243.
Kshemavarman, variant of Kshe- Kubera, god of wealth, a Devarslii,
madharman, 4. 180. son of Visravas, 1. 119, 122,
Kshemavat, variant of Kshemdri, 154; 2. 86, 112; 3. 22, 68,

3. J34- 116, 246, 273 ; 4. 281 ; 5. 15,

Kshemavit, variant of Kshattrau- ICO, 137, 138, 386, 388. His
jas, 4, 180. city, 2. 112, 118.
Kr>heraya,son of Ugrd}'udha,4. 143. KuchchhilA, variant of PichchhilA,
Keheniya, son of S'uchi, son of 2. iSi.

Vipra, 4. 1 74. Kuchfdi (?), variant of Kushidin,

Ksbemy4 - YoganidrA, 4. 262. 3. 60.
Kshepaka (I), variant of Kshe- KuchlrA, a river, 2. 150.

maka, son of Niramitra, 4. 166. Kud'mala, a hell, 2. 215.

Kfthepana, what, in the pancra- Kuhaka, a NAga, 2. 38.

tium, 5. 36. Kuhii, daughter of Angiras, 1. 153.

Kshetra = Nakshatra, 2. 257. Kuhu, a river in India, 2. 155.
Kshetradharman, variant of Kshat- Kuhii, a river in S'Almaladwipa,
tradharman, 4. 44. 2. 195.
Kshetrajna, variant of Kshattrau- Kuhii, '
the last day of the moon's
jas, 4. 180, wane,' 2. 261, 342.

Kujambha, a demoii, blaiuby India, Mdnavadliarma-^dstra, referred

to, or cited, 1. 194; 2. 134, 143,
K\ij4mbha, a Daitya, slain by 215, 216, 303 ; 3. 89, 100, 104,
Vidiiratlia, 3 242. 107-109, 114, 131, 138, 148,
Kukicuras--DapArha8, 2. 178. 154, 168, 174, 176, 179, 187,
Kukkurdngdras (?), a people, 2. 225; 4. 26 ; 5. T15.

178 K ulpa {?), sprung from Turvasu,

Kuk.sheyu, variant of Kaksheyu, 4. 117.

4. 128. Kul;itas, 'a people, 2. 174.

K akshi. disciple and

of Paushpiiiji, Kulut'as (1), variant of Utiilas, 2.

pionnilgator of the Sdma-veda, 174.

3. 61. Kulya, disciple of Paushpinji, and
Kukshi, son of Ikshwdku, 3. 297. promulgator of the Sdma-veda,
KukshI, daughter of Piiyavrata, 3. 61.
'?. 100. Kumdlaka — Sauvira, 2. 174.
Kukuras, a people, 2. 162, 178; Kumdras, certain saints so called,

5. 147, 150. 1. 77, &c., 115.

kukura, son of Andhaka, 4. 96, Kumdra, a Prajdpati, 1. 102.

97; 5. 132. Kumdra, son of Agni or Anala, 2.

Kuldchald -= Kula-parvata, 2. 113, 23. See Kdrttikeya, especially
125- in 4. 283.
Kiilicharya, what, 3. 260. Kumdra, son of Bhavya, king of
Kulachchas (?), variant of Kulat- S'aka-dwlpa, 2. 198.
thas, 2. 182. Kumdra, a division of S'dka-dvrlpa,

Kulddya (H), a country, 2. 165. 2. 198.

Kula-guru, what, 3. 292. Kumdrd, a river, 2. 131.

Kulaka, a caste in Kusa-dwlpa, 2. Kumdragupta, a king, 4, 219.
197. Kuradra-sambhava, the, a poem by
Kulaka, variant of Kuiid'aka, 4. Kdliddsa, referred to, 2. 181.

171. Kumdrasimha, an astronomer, re-

Kiilakas, variant of Kdlakhanjas, ferred to the court of King Vi-
2. 7r kramdditya, P. 9.

Kuldla, variant of Kusdla, 4. 189. Kumdra-tantra = Kaumdra-bhfi-

Kula-parvata, '
a mountain-range,' tya, 4. 33.

2. 127 Kumdri, a river in India, 2. 154.

Kulatthaa, a people, 2. 182. See Kumdrd.
Kulika, variant of Kund'aka, 4. 1 7 1. Kumdri, a river in S^dka-dwlpa, 2.

Kiilika. a king, 4. 171. 199.

Kulindas, a people, 2. 180. Kumirl, Cape Comorin, 2. 127.

Kulindopatyakas, a people, 2. 176. 132.

KuUuka, a commentator on the Kumdrl(1?) = Kumdrd, 2. 131, 132.

Kumdrik^, a portion of Bhdrata- Kunda, a mountain in S'4lmala-

varsha, 2. 112, 129. dwlpa, 2. 195.
Kumirikd-khai^d'a, a part of the Kund'aka, son uf Kshudraka, 4.

Skanda-purAria, 4. 195. 171.

Kiundrl-plSjA, what, 5. 316, 332. Kund'alA, a river, 2. 148.
Kumbhaka, what, in the Yoga Kund'alas, variant of KuA^hakas,
philosophy, 4. 308; 5. 231. 2. 180.
Kurnbliakarna, sou of Visravas, 1. Kuiid'asiu, what, 2. 218.

'54- Kund'ina = Condavir,2. i59(where

Kumbhaiid'a, minister of Bina, son correct the spelling) ; 5. 69-71,
of Bali, 5. 109. 389-
Kumbhi, variant of Kunti, son of Kund'inapura, the same as Kun-
Kratha, 4. 67. d'ina, and yet identified, by Pro-
Ivumbhipdka, a hell, 2. 215. fessor Wilson, with Kundapoor,
Kuniodaka, an epithet of Krishna, 5. 69.
5. 51. Kuni, son of Satyadhwaja, 3. 334.
Kumuda, disciple of Pathya, and Kuni, variant of Tiini, 4. 93.
teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3. Kunika, son of S'renika, 5. 391.
62. Kuntas (?), a people, 2. 169.
Kumuda, a mountain to the north Kuntala, countries so called, 2.

of Mount Meru, 2. 115, 116; 157-

3. 9. Kuntalas, peoples, two or more, 2.

Kumuda, a mountain-range in 157, 172, 178.

S'Alniala-dwlpa, 2. 194, 195. Kuntalas, variant of Kulatthas, 2.

Kumudiidi, disciple of Pathya, arid 182.

teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3. Kuntala S'Atakan'n, son of Mahen-
62. dra S'dtakarni, 4. 202.
Kumuda-dwfpa = Kusa-dwfpa, the Kuntalaswati (J),
variant of Kun-
mythological island so called, 2. talaswdtikania, 4. 200.
129. Kuntalaswdtikania, son of Mfi-
Kumuddhi (?), variant of. Kumu- gendra, 4. 200.
dadi, 3. 62. Kuntaprdvaranas, a people, 2. 169.
Kuniuddri, variant of Kumudddi, Kunt'hakas, a people, 2. 180.
3. 62. Kuntis, a people, 2. 162.
Kumudwatf, a river in India, 2. Kunti, variously genealogized, 4.

Kumudwatf, a river in Krauncha- Kunti, son of Kratha, 4. 67.
dwipa, 2. 198. Kunti, son of Krishna and Satyd,
Kunakas, variant of Karatas, 3, 5. 79.
180. Kunti, wife of PdAd'u, 4. 80, 159,
Kunakhin, what. 3. 176. 321 ; 5. 96, 150, 155.

Kunti, a country, 2. 164. Kuruj4ngala, a country, 2. 176.

Kunti, a river, 2. 132. Kuruka, variant of Ruruka, 3. 289.
Kunti = Kuntibboja, 4. loi. Kurukbet, where situated, 76 P. ;

Kunti = Kacbchha, 2. 164. 2. 143. See Kurukshefcra, of

Kuntibhoja, father of PfitbA, 4. which it is a popular corruption.
loi, 321. Kurukshetra, a district, P. 55, 76 ;

Kuntijit, variant of Ritujit,334. 3. 2. i33» 143; 3.343; 4.8, 148,

Kuntikas, variant of Kuntalas, 2. 164, 5, 248. See Kurukhet.
178. Kuryiid'i, a l^isbi in the third Man-
Kupatbas, a people, 2. 182. wantara, 3. 7.

Kurara, variant of Kurari, 2. 117. Kurura, variant of Kuru, a caste

Kurarf, a mountain-range to the so called, 2. 193.
east of Mount Meru, 2. 117. Kurutthdraa, variant of Varuttba,
Kurat'as, variant of Karat'as, 2. 4. 117.
180. Kuruvamsa, son of Madhu, son of
Kuravas (?), a class of Apsarases, Devakshattra, 4. 70.

2. 82. Kuruvamsaka - Kuruvamsa, 4. 70.

Kiircba, what, 5. 2^^. Kuruvarnakas, a people, 3. 176.

Kdrma, an epipbany of Visbiiu as Kuruvasa, son of Madhu, son of

a tortoise, P. 78. Devakshattra, 4. 69.
Kiirma-purdna, analysis of it, ^'c, Kuruvat, variant of Puruvat {'<),

P. 20, 24, 26,76, <kc.^ 83; 5. 286, 3. 191.

i88, 298, 301, 322, 325, 375. Kuruvatsa, son of Anavaratha, 4.

Kurus, a people, 2. 132, 133, 143, 69.

156, 182. Kusa, son of Rdma, 2. 172, 173 ;

Kurus, a dynasty, 4. 184; 5. 132, 3. 318-320.

133. 140- Kusa, variously genealogized, 4.

Knru, son of Saiiivarana, 1. 191 ; i5» 16, 343.

3. 79; 4. 145, 148, 152, 237; Kusa, variant of Lesa, 4. 31, 43,
5- 131, i33> i34> 1505 164. 343-
Kuru, son of Agnldbra, and king Kusa, variant of Kausika, son of
of a country abutting on the Vidarbha, 4. 67.
S'fingavat range, 2. 102. Kusa, variant of Kusdmba, son of
Kuru, a region, 2. iii, 123, 125, Vasu, 4. 149.
126, 156, 176, 207. Kusabindus, a people, 2. 176.
Kuru, a caste in Plaksha-dwipa, Kusacbira, a river, 2. 149.
2. 193. KusadbdrA, a river, 2. 149.

Kuru (?), variant of Kuruvasa, 4. Kusadhwaja, variously genealo-

69. gized, 3. 333.

Kurujdngalas, a people, 2, 156, Kui^Adhyas, variant of Sukut'yas,

176. ifcc, 2. 157, 165.

Ku^di {?), variant of Kusbldin, 3. Kusastamba, vai-iant of Kusdmba,

60. son of Kusa, 4. 15.

Kusa-dwipa, a fabulous continent, Kusasthall = Dwdraka, P. 107 ; 2.

surrounded by a sea of wine, 2. 172; 3. 249, 253, 255, 320;

loi, 109, 195, «kc. See Kausa. 5. 56.

Kusa-dwlpa, an island, the same Koiasthall = Kus4vatl, 2. 172 ; 3.

as Kumuda-dwlpa, 2. 129. 319, 320-

Kusdgra, son of Bfihadratha, son KusA^wa (11), variant of Kuadraba,
of Vasu, 4. 150. son of Kusa, 4. 15.

Ku^dgrya (f), variant of Ku^agra, Ku^ivatl, a city, 2. 172 ; 3. 320.

4. 150. See KuaasthalL
Kusajas, variant of Kusalas, 2. Ku6avlr4, variant of Ku^chlrd,
172, 341. 2. 149.
Kusalas, a people, 172 4. 216.2. ; Kusesaya, a mountain id KuSa-
Kusalas, a caste in Ku^a-dwlpa, dwlpa, 2. 196.
2. 197. Kusbldin, disciple of Paushpinji,
Kusala, son of Dyutimat, king of and teacher of the S4ma-veda,
Krauncha-dwlpa, 2. 197. 3. 60.
Kusdla, son of Asokavardhana, 4. KushmS6d'a3, Kushmind'as, cer-

189. tain demigods, 1. 166; 3. 116;

Kusala, a region in Krauncha- ,4. 277; 5, 94.

dwipa, 2. 197. Ku^lda, disciple of Paushpinji,

Kusala (1), variant of Kusumoda, son and teacher of the Sdma-veda,
of Bhavya, and a region. 2. 198. 3. 61.
Kusala, variant of Sumdlya, 4. Kusldi (?), variant of Kusbldin, 3.

185. 60.
Kusalyas, variant of Sukut'yas, Kusldin ('?), variant of Kusbldin,
itc, 2. 157. 3. 60.

KusAmba, son of Kusa, 4. 15, 16. Kusika, a family named from the
ivu^mba, son of Vasu, 4. 149, 150. father of Viswdmitra, 3. 16, 23.

Kusandbha, son of Ku^a, 4. 15, 16. Kusika (1), variant of Rushadgu,

Kuiandbha, variant of Pramsa, 3, 4. 61.

232. Kusika, son of Kusa, 4. 15, i6.

Kusandra, variant of Kusadhdri, Ku^in C?),
variant of Kusbldin, 3.
2. 149. 60.
Ku^and'as, variant of Sukut'yas, Kuslti (?), variant of Kusbldin, 3,

Sic, 2. 157, 165. 60.

Ku^anku, variant of Rushadgu, 4, Kusumapura - Pdt'aliputra, a city,
i3i. 4. 182, 204.
Knsarava, patronym of Maitreya, Kusumi (1), variant of Kuthumi,
3. 60.

Kupvimi, variant of SubLvimi, son Kiivalaydswa = Pratardana, 4. 36.

of Ugraseua, 4. 99. KuveiiA, variant of TungavenA, 2.

Kusumoda, son of Bhavya, king of 150.

S'iika-dwipa, 2. 198. Kuvlrd, variant of Kuchird, 2.

Kusumoda, arsgiouin S'dka-dwlpa, 150.

2. 198.
Kiit'a {]?), a mountain-range to the Laghiman, the term defined, 3.

north of Mount Meru, 2. 117. 311-

Soe S'ankhakiitfa. Laghu, a measure of time, 1. 48,
K), -what, 5. 194. 49.
Kut'akas, a people, 2. 104, 105. Laghu-siva-purdna, a mythological
K<it'aka, a mountain, 2. 141. work, P. 36.
Kutapa, the term explained, 3. Lagua, in astrology, 4. 66.

187, 188. Laiuga-purAAa = Linga-puriiia, P,

Kiit'asaila, a certain hill, 2. 14 2. 23, 67 ; 3. 67.

KdtfaBAlmali, a hell, 2. 215. Lajj4, ' modesty,' daughter of

Kuthami (?), variant of Kuthumi, Daksha, and wife of Dharma,

3. 60. i. 109, no.
Kuthapravarayas (0, variant of Lajjddhdra, variant of Jal4dh4ra,
KuntaprAvaraiias, 2. 169. 2. 198.

Kuthurai, disciple of Paushpinji, Lakshana, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83.

and teacher of the Sama-veda, Lakshniana, son of Dasaratha, son
3. 60, 61 of Aja, 3. 314, 316, 318; 4.

K'dti, what, 5. 30. 24T.

Kut'iU, a river, 2. 155. Lakshmana, an Apsaras, 2. 81.

Kutaa. son of Ch^kshusha, Manu Lakshman4, daughter of the king
of the aixth Manwantara, 1. 178. of the Madras, and wife of

Kut't'ipardntaa, a people, 2. 169. Ki'ishna, 5. 78, 80, 81, 83, 107.

Kutt'apracharanas, a people, 2, 169. LakshmanA, daughter of Duryo-

Kut't'apri,varanas, a people, 2. 169. dhana, 5. 130.

Kuva, variant of Gova, 2. 1 64. Lakshmi, "

prosperity,' a goddess.

Kuval48wa, variant of Kuvala- Daughter of Daksha and Pra-

y^swa, 3. 264. siiti, I. 109. Wife of Dharraa,
Kuvalaya, Pratardana's horse, 4. 1 cio: 2. 21. By another

36. account, daughter of Bh/'igu

Kuvalay^pfd'a, a Daitya, in the and KhyAti, and wife of Nar4-

form of an elephant, slain by yana or Vishnu, 1. 118, &c.,
Krishna, 4. 320, 336, 337; 5. 152. By still another account,
24, 87. born from the ocean, when
Kuvalaydswa = Dhundhum^ra. churned, arid taken by Vishnu,
son of Bfihadaswa, 3. 264 '
1. 144, 145 A S'akti of Vicsh-

Au, P. 71 ; 1. 104, 142, Hymned Lank4, an island, 2, 129; 3. 318;

by S'akra or Indra, 1. 147, (fee. 5. 284.

See also P. 100 ; 5. 68, 289, Lankd, a city, 2. in, 113, 207;
291, 387. Other names of 4.56.
Lakabmi are Bbiiti, CbalA, Lankdpura = LankA, the city, 2.

Kamald, Kdnti, MA, M4dbavl, 113-

Padmd, Sri, &c. LArgas, variant of Bhargas, 2. 171.

Laksbml, a Kalpa, P. 77. LAsya, variant of Lesa, 4. 30.

Laksbml NArdyana, a combina- LAt'a, a country, 2. 159.

tion of Laksbml and Ndrdyana, LaugAkshi, disciple of Paush-

P. 32. pinji, and teacher of the SA-
Lakshmipura, the city of Bbrigu, ma-veda, 8. 60, 61.
on the river Narmadd, 1. 150. Lauheyl, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
Lakshmlvallabha, a modern au^ Lauhi, son of Alarka, 4. 38.
tbor, referred to, 2. 163, 165; Laubitya, a river, 2. 154.
4. 124, 171. LaukAkshi (1), variant of LaugAk-
Ldkulas (]), an heretical sect, 5. shi, 3. 60.

380. Lava, son of HAma, 3. 318, 319.

Ldlibbaksha, a hell, 2. 215, 218. Lava, a measure of time, 1. 48.

Lalit4 Devi, a form of Durgd, P. Lavana, a RAkshasa, son of Ma-
86. dhu, L 165 ; 3. 318.
LambA, '
an arc of the heavens,' Lavana, variant of Savana, a hell,

daughter of Daksha, and wife 2. 214, 217.

of Dharma, 2. 21, 22, Lay a, what, 5. 244.
Lambd - Kot'avf, tfec, 5. 117. Lekhas, a class of gods in the
Lambana, son of Jyotishmat, king sixth Manwantara, 3. 12.
of, 2. 195. Length, measures of, L 92, t.fec.

Lambana, a division of Kusa- Lc^a, son of S'unahotra, 4. 30, 43,

dwlpa, 2. 195. 343» 344-
Lambodara, son of S'iitakarni, 4. Libations, how offered, 3. 115.

196, 200, 202. Liberation, when it is effected, 5.

Land, measures of, 1. 92, <kc. 241.

Langalas, variant of Jangalas, 2. Light, orfire, the element, L 35.

176. Lightnings, the, their origin, 2.

LSngala, variant of RAtuIa, 4. 170. 28.
LAngali, disciple of Pauslipinji, Likhita-smriti, the, a code of law,
and teacher of the SAma-veda, quoted, or referred to, 3. 1 89, 1 9 1.
3. 60, 61. LllA, what, 4. 267, 326.
LAngalin = Hab'tyudha or Bala- LilAvatf, the, a work on arith-

bhadra, 5. 65, 66. metic, referred to, 5. 84, 188.

LAngulini, a river, 2. 155. Linga, the, or ' phallus,' the type
INDEX. 103

of S^iva, P. 67, &c. ; 5. 283, LokapAlas, four, or eigbt, in num-

338, 341. 354- ber, 1. 153-155; 2. 86, 112,
Linga-purdiia, analysis of it, <fec., 118 ; 3. 171, 172.
P. 20, 24, 67, <fcc., 71, 79, 83, Lokdyatas, an heretical sect, 5.

89 6. 264,* 294, 298, 306,

380. And see 3. 211 (note t).

308,327, 341, 379. Loniaharsbana = Romabarshana,

Lobha, cupidity.' Sprung from
* P. 17-19, 28, 30, 45; 3. 42,
Brahmd, 1. 102. Called son 43» 64, 65.
of Dliarma, 1. no. Called LouiapAda, variant of RomapAda,
son of Dambha, son of Vidarbba, 4. 67.

Lochana (?), variant of Kochana, Lomapdda, variant of RomapAda,

3. 191. son of Chitraratha, 4. 124.
Lohacbdrinl, variant of Lobatd- LopdmudrA, wifeof Agastya, 4. 36.
rinl, 2. 147. Lunar days held sacred by the
Lobaddraka, a hell, 2. 215. Vaisbiiavas, 2. 67.

Lobamixklias, a people, 2. 162.

Lobasanku, a hell, 2. 215. Md = Laksbmi, 5. 387.
Lohi4;as, a class of gods in the Mada, insanity,' sprung
* from .

twelfth Manwantara, 3. 27. Brahmd, 1. 102.

Lohitas, certain Kausika Brdh- Madabhuta (?), son of Vasndeva,
mans, 4. 28. 4. 109.
Lohitddbipa = Lobitdnga, 2. 259. Madana =^ Kdma, 5. 72.

Lobitdnga, or Mars, son of S'arva Madanotsava, a certain festival, P

and Vikesi, 1. 117; 2. 259. 64.

Lobitdrcbis = Lobitdnga, 2. 259. Madayanti, wife of Sauddsa, son

LobatArani, variant of Lohatdrinl, of Suddsa, 3. 308, 310.

2. 147- Mddbava -- Vishnu or Krishna, .1

Lobatdrinf, a river, 2. 147. 60; 2.313; 4.327, 329 .5. 75. ;

Lobita, a river, 2. 154. Mddbava, commentator on tbe

Lc/hitdrna, son of Gbfitapfi.sbt'ba, Parasara-smviti, quoted, 3. 103.
king of Krauncba-dwlpa, 2. 198. Mddbava, founder of a religious

Lobitdriia, a region in Krauncba- sect. See Mddbwa.

dwlpa, 2. 198. Mddbava - Vaisdkha, a month,
Lohitoda, a bell, 2. 215. April-May, 2. 261.
LobityA, a river, 2. 154. Madhavi, patronym of Pradyumna,
Lokas, '
worlds,' or * spheres,' 5- 75-

various, P. 31 ; 2. 225, <fec. Mddbavl =: S'rl or Lakshmi, con-

LokAksbi(?), variant of Laugdksbi, sort of Mddbava or Vishnu, 1.

3. 60, 6r. 60.

liokaloka, a fabulous zoniforni Madhu, a ^ifeishi in the sixth ]\I;ui-

mountain, 2. 204, &c., 261, 263. wantara, 3. 12, 14.


Madhu, a K^kshasa, slain by Madhunishiidana = Madhusiidana,

Krishna, 1. 165 ; 2. 52, «fec. ; 3. 4. 301.
34, 318; 4. 78, 278, 324, 330, Madhupadhwaja, variant of Jaya-
338 ; 5- 3» 40, 45. 58, 100, loi, dhwaja, 4. 57.
106, 114. Madhupriya, an epithet of Aknira,
Madha, son of Bindumat, 2. 4. 338.
107. Madhurd, variant of Mathurd, 3.

Madhu, variously genealogized, 4. 318.

57, 58- Madhuraha, son of Ghf itapf isht'La,
Madhu, son of Arjuna, son of Kfi- king of Krauncha - dwipa, 2.
tavirya, 4. 57. 198.
Madhu, the family of, named from Madhuraha, a division of Krauncha-
Madhu, its founder, 4. 58. dwipa, 2. 198.
Madhu, son of Devakshattra, &c., Madhusiidana, an epithet of Krish-
4. 68-70. na, 1. 112,119; 3. 75; 4. 278,
Madhu, son of Purudwat, 4. 69. 279, 286, 291, 301, 317, 320,
Madhu = Chaitra, a month, March- 324; 5. 8, 38, 41, 71, 86, 87,

April, 2. 261. 100, loi, 106, 127, (fee, &c.

Madhu AchSrya, founder of a sect, Madhuvdhinl, a river, 2. 150.
his time, P. 16 ; 5. 258, 338, Madhuvana, a grove on the river

347, 356. Yamun4, 1,, 165; 3. iJiS ; 5.

Madhuchchhandag, variously ge- 388.
nealogized, 4. 26, 28. Madhuvidwish, an epithet of Vish-
Madhudhwaja, variant of Madhu, 6a or Krishna, 6. 117. Com-
son of Arjuna, 4. 57. pare Madhusiidana.
Madhudwish, an epithet of VishAu Mddhwa, or M4dhava, founder of
or Krishna, 5. 117. Compare a sect, P. 49, 50.
Madhusiidana. Madhwdchdrya. See Madhu A'chdr-
Madhuhfin, what, 2. 219.
Madhukd, variant of DhenukA, the Madhya, '
a thousand billions,' 5.
river, 2. 199. 188.
Madhukulyd, a river in Kusa- Madhya-desa, the country along the
dwlpa, 2. 197, river Narmad4, 4. 64, 169.
MAdhumatas == Kdsmlras, 2. 173, Madhyamdsht'akd, a certain holi-

341- day, 3. 109.

Midhumati, a river, 2. 341. Madhyamikas, Mddhyamikas, a
Madhumattas, a people, 2. 173. Bauddha sect, 3. 210.
Madhunandi, a king, 4. 212. Madhyandina, son of Pushpdrna,
Madhunighdtin, an epithet of 1. 178.
Vishnu or Krishna, 4. 330. Madhyandina, teacher of the Yajur
Compare Madhusiidana. veda, 3. 57
INDEX. »o5

Madira, wife of Vasudeva, son of Magadha, a country, 2. 134 ; 4. 15,

S'lira, 4. 109, 1 10. 149, ^5h 171, i73> 191, 203,

Madir^ = VAruui, goddess of wine, 204, 208, 218, 231, 273, 345;
5. 65, 66. 5. 50, 51, 56.
Madras, peoples so called, 2. 133, Magadha, a city (?), 4. 216.
135. 163, 180, 339; 3. 293; MAgadba, a '
bard,' or the namo
5. 80. of one, the origin of, 1. 184,
MadrA, daughter of RaudrAswa, &c.
and wife of Prabhdkani, 4. i 29. Mdgadha, a measure. 5. 189, 190.
Madra, a country. 2. 156, 163 ; 4. Magasas, the Kshattriyas of S'dka-
5, 159; 5. 80, 83. dwipa, 5. 382. See Migadhas.
MadrA, a river, 2. 155. Maghd, the tenth lunar asterism,
Madrabhujingas, a people., 2. 161. 2. 258, &c. ; 3. 197 ; 4. 230,
Mddrakaa, Madrakas, a people, 2. 233^ 234, 236.
163, 339; 4. 121, 217. Mdgha, a month, Jan.-Feb., 2.

Madraka, son of S^ibi, son of Usf- 261, &c. ; 3. 109, 168-170.

nara, 4. 122. Mdghada, a caste in S'dka-dwljia,
M4dravas(??), variant of Amavat (J), 2. 200.
3. 189, 191. Maghavat = Indra, 1. 173; 2. 78,
Mddreyajdngalas, a people,
Midrl, wife of Vfishni,

Magi, tbe, identified with the Ma-
Bhajamdna, 4. 73, 74, 94. gas and the Mughs, 5. 384.
MAdri, wife of P4nd'u, 103, 159.
4. Mahdbahu, a Daitya, or else a
M&dri, patronynij apparently, of Ddnava, 4. 272, 320.
SuMU, Lakshmand, and Mitra- Mahdbdhu, variant of MahAbhoja,
vinda, wives of Kfishiia, 5. 80- 4. 72.

83, 107. MahAbala (1), son of Krishna and

Madura, variant of Mfidura, 4. Rukminl, 5. 78.
94, 96- Mahdbala, variant of Vipra, son of
Magas, heliolaters in S'dka-dwipa, S'rutanjaya, 4. 174.
corresponding to terrestrial Mahilbhadra, a lake in the grove
BrAhmans, P. 64 ; 2. 200 ; 5. called Dhfitij 2. 117. See Ma-
381-385- hdhrada.
Magadhas, MAgadbas, a 'people, Mahabhaga, variant of Mahabhoj a,
2. 132, 165, 170; 4. 218; 5.56. 4. 72.
MAgadhas, a dynasty, 4. 184. Mahdbhdrata, the, a celebrated
Miigadhas, the Kshattriyas of heroic poem, its composition, 3.

S'4ka-dwipa, 2. 200. See Maga- 41. See also P. 4, et jyassim.

sas. Mabilbhashya, tbe, a grammatical
Mdgadha^ a Rishi in the fourteenth coinmeiitary, referred to, 2. 152.
Jtan'S'antara, 3. 28. Mabdbhauma, son of Ariba, 4. 128.
io6 INDEX.

Mah^bhoja, son of Satwata, 4. 71- Mabdnablia, son of Hiraiiydkslia,

73- the Daitya, 2. 70.

MahA-buddhi, the same as Mahat, Mahdnada, a river, 2. 131, 142,

5. 199. 148, 155-
Mahabulipoor, the popular name MahAnadl, a river, 2. 313.
of a town on the Cororaandel Mabdnaadi, variant of Mahdnan-
coast, 4. 316. din, 4. 182.

!MahdcbittA, an Apsaras, 2. 82. Mahanandin, son of Nandivar-

Mahideva, Rudra or S'iva, P. dhana, 4. 182, 183.

89; 1. 104, T16, 122, 124, 128, Mahdnaraka, a hell, 2. 215.

129, 134, &c. &c. ; 4. 262; Mahdnasa, a mountain ii3~Kdka-
5. 53, 386. dwlpa, 2. 200.
IMahddevd, variant of Sahadev^, Mahdnila, a serpent, son of Kaa-
4. 98. yapa, 2. 74.

MahAdhfiti, son of Vibiidha, 3.332. Mahdniraya, a hell, 2. 215.

Mahddrama, son of Rhavya, king Mahdnta, son of Dhlraat, son of
of S'4ka-dwlpa, 2. 198. Virdj, 2. 107.

IMahAdruma, a region in S'^a- Mahdpadma, king of Magadha, and

dwlpa, 2, 198. onewithNanda,4. 171,184, 185.
JMahdgauri, a river, 2. 153. Mahdpadma, a serpent, son of
MahAhaya, variant of Haya, 4. 53. Kasyapa, 2. 74, 285, &c.
Mahdhrada, a lake in the grove Mahdpadma, what, in numeration,
called Dhx-iti, 2. 112. See 4. 184: 5, 189, 392.
Mahabhadra, Mahdpadmapati. — Mahdpadma,
MahAjwdla, a hell, 2. 214, 217. or Nanda, 4. 184.
MahAkalpfi, a certain vast measure Mahdpagd, variant of Mahoparad,
of time, 1. 53. 2. isi.
^lahamanas, son of MahAmani, 4. Mahapatba, a hell, 2. 215,
120. Mahdpaurava,son of Sarvabhauma,
MahAmandfala, son of Tulakuchi, 4. 143.
4. 186. Mahdpralaya, what, 1, 23, 24 ; 5.

MabAmani, son of Janamejaya, son 169.

of Puranjaya, 4. 120. JMahdpurusha, *
great spirit,' a title

MahAinAyi, a form of PArvatf, P. of Vishnu, 3 2. 308.

1. 2, ;

89. Mabarana, one of the Viswe devas,

TklabamAyjl, the same as Yogani- 3. 192.
drA, 4. 260. Mahd-ranga, what, 5. 32,
IMaliamoha, what, in philosophy, Mabdrdsbt'ra, a country, 2. 165,
1. 69. 341 ; 3. 136 ;
MahSmuni, a Ilishi in the fifth Mahdra,tha, variant of Brihudra-
Manwantara, 3. to, ii. tba, son of V;isu, 4. 149.
INDEX. 107

Mah4r4trf, a S'akti of S'iva, 1. 104. Mdhitmya, what, P. 20, 29, 60,

Mahdraurava, a hell, 2. 215. &C. &c., 100.
Mahar-loka, a region where dwell Mahatsena, variant of Sumati, son
the saints who outlive the de- of Dfid'hasena, 4. 176.
struction of the world, 1. 52, Mahat-tattwa, what, in philosophy,
65, 98; 2. 113, 226, 228,231; 1. 74.

4.266; 5. 192, 193. Mahdvichi, a hell, 2. 215.

MahAroman, son of KfrttirAta, 3. Mahdvideha, a country, 2. 165.
332- Mahd-vidyd, what, in philosophy,
Maharshi, 'great ;6,ishi,' 3. 264. 1. 148.
Mahdsa,son of Krishna and Mitra- Mahdvfra, variant of Mahdvlta, 2.

vindA, 5. 79. 201.

Mahdsaila (11), a monntain-range Mahdvira-charitra, the, a drama,
in Krauncha-dwipa, 2, 197. referred to, 4. 171.
MahAsakti, son of Krishna and Mahdvifya, son of Bfihaduktha,
LakshmanA, 5. 81. 3. 331.
MahdsAla, variant of Mahamani, Mahavirya, son of Bhavanmanyu,
4. 120. 4. 136, 137.
Mahdsila, variant of MahAmani, Mahdvishuva, '
the great equinox,'
4. 120. 2. 257.
Mahaswat, son of Amarsha, 3. 325. Mahdvlta, son '-of Savana, king of
Mahat, a Rudra, 1. 117 2. 25. ;
Pushkara-dwlpa, 2. 201.
Mahat, son of Matinara, 4. 130. Malidvlta, a region in Pushkara-
Mahat, variously genealogized, 4. dwipa, 2. 201.

143- Mahdwamso, the, a Singhalese

Mahat, * intellect.' The first pro- work, referred to, 4. 1 70 (where
duct of Pradhdna, 1. 29. KSyno- correct the spelling), 181, 182,

nyms and definitions of it, 1. 185-188, 345.

29, <kc. The source of three- Mahd-yajnas, five certain sacrifices,

fold Ahamkdra, 1. 32, <kc. See named, 3. 40, 93.

also 1. 74; 139, 140, 170; 2. Mabd-yuga, a vast period of time,
58, 234, 235; 3. 38; 5. 196, 1. 50; 4. 157.

198, 199. Mahendras. See 4. 220 (note ^).

MahAtala, a Pdt^la, or underworld, Mahendra - Indra, 1. 128, 137;

2. 209. 2. 306 3. 226; 4. 311, 315,

Mahd-tamas, what, in philosophy, 318; 5. 102.

1.69. Mahendra, Mdhendra, a mountain
Mahdtejas, eon of Madhu, son of range, 2. 113, 127, 131, 140,
Devakshattra, 4. 69. 154, 155-
Mahdtman, variant of Mahtlnta, Maliendra, a mountain (same as
2. 107. the last 1), 4. 24.
io8 INDEX.

MahendrA, a river, 2. 148. Maliirihaka, what, 2. 219.

Mahendra, a star in the tail of the Mahishikas, variant of MAUisha-
S'iaumira, or celestial porpoiae, kas, 292, 293.
(1) 3.

2. 306. Mabishikd, variant of Mdhiahiki,

Mahendra S^4takarni, son of Cha- 2. t66.
kora S'Atakarni, 4. 202. Milhishikf, a river, 2. 166 ; 5. 389.
Maheia, an epithet of S^iva, 2. 80. Mabishins, a people, 4. 214.
Maheaha, a certain demon, 2. 167. MAhishmas, variant of MAhishakas,
Maheswara, an epithet of S'iva, P. 4. 220.

67, 68, 72, 79, 89; 1. 126, 128, Mabishmat, son of S4hanji, 4. 54.
130, <fec, &c.; 3. 316; 5. 113, MAbisbmati, a city, 2. 166, 167;
127, 341. 4. 36, 54, 55' 59-

Maheswara-HiAhatmya, part of the Mahitd, a river, 2. 148.

Vdyu-purdria, P. 37 Mahodarl, daughter of Maya, a
Miheawara-upapurdria, P. 87. Ddnava, 2. 72.
Maheswarl, a S'akti of S'iva, P. 79. Mahodaya, the same as Kanoj, a
M4heyas, a people, 2. 1 69. city, 4. 15.
Mahl, a river in India, 2. 155, Mahopama, a river, 2. 151,

169, 170. Mahyas, variant of Swaksbas. 2.

Mahl, a river in Kuaa-dwfpa, 3. X65.

196. Mabyuttaras, a people, 2 170.
MaLldhara, a title of Vishnu, 4. MainSka, son of Himavat, 1. 157.
278. Identified with a mountain in
Mahldhraka,variantof Mahddhriti, Centrallndia, 2. 141. 15X, 154,
3. 332 340.
Mdhikas, a people, 2. 166. Mainakaprabhava - S'ona, the
Mahik4, variant of Makarf, 2. 149. river Sone, 2, T41
MahimnAra, son of Senajit, 4. 141. Mainda, conquered by Krishna, 5.

Mahinasa, a form of Rudra, i. 117. T39-

Mahlrata, variant of Ahlnara, 4. Maithilas, a dynasty, 4. 184.
165. Maitbila, 'of Mitbila,' P: 106 ; 5.

^tfahisba, an Asura, son of Anu- 217

hr4da, 2. 69, 119. Maitra = AnuradbA, an asterism,
Mahisha, a mountain -range in 2. 265, 277; 3, 167.
S'41mala-dwlpa, 2. 194 Maitra, variant of Mitra, an Aditya,
Mahishas, variant of Mdhikaa, 2. 2. 289
166. Maitreyaa, a tribe of BrAbmans (?)
Mihishas, variant of MAhishakas, descended from Mitrayu (?), 4.

4. 220.
Mahisbakas, a people, 2. 166, 178; Maitreya, a KisLi, son of Kusarava,
4. 220. and discir.le of ParAsara, i. 6.
INDEX. 109

He relates the Visbnii-puidna, Malavinaras, variant of Milavd-

and one of the interlocutors
is nakas, 2 178.
of the Bhdgavata-purana, 1. 6. MAlavartis, a people, 2. 137.
See also P. 41 ; 1. 7, &c. &c. ;
MAlavikdgnimitr.a, the, a drama,
5. 130, 136, 167, &c., 251. referred to, 4. 190.
Maitreya, son of Mitriyu, 4. 147. Malayas, a people, 2. 165.
Maitrl, *
friendship,' daughter of Malaya, a mountain-range in the
Daksha, and wife of Dharma, south-west of India, 2. 113, 127,
1. no. i30> 132, 140. 155-
MAjavas, variant of Malavas, 2. Malina, variant of Ailina, 4. 130,
180 13^-
Mdkandl, a city on the river Milini, the old name of Champd,
Ganges, 161 ; 4. 145.
2. 4. 125,
Makara, a mountain-range to the MAlini, variant of Mdninl, 3. 27.

north of Mount Meru, 2. 124. Malivas (J), a people, 2. 180.

Makaravdhini, variant of Manj uld, Mallas, a people, 2. 165, 166.
2. 153- Maila, a sort of pancratiast, 4.

Makari, a river, 2. 149. 337; 5. 39.

Makhesa, a title of Vishnu, 1. 124. Mallaga, variant of Manuga, 2.

M41&S, a people, 2. 156, 157. 197,

Mila, a country, 2. 157. MallarAshtra, a country, 2. 165,
Maladas, a people, 2. 157. 341-
Maladas, a people (the same as Mallavas {1}, a people, 2. 180.

the lastl), 2. 170. Malla-yuddha, what, 5. 23, 39.

Malad4, daughter of Raudr^swa, Mallinsitha, a commentator, re-

and wife of Prabhikara, 4. 1*29. ferred to, 2. 134; 3, 322.

Mdladh&nya, variant of Mani- Malukas, variant of KArdshas, 2.

dhAna, 4. 221.
Malajas, a people, 2. 170. MAlyavat, a mountain-range to the
Malajas, variant of Malayas, 2. east of Mount Meru, 2. in,
166. 117, .122, 123.
Milakas, variant of MAlavas, 2. Mamddha (/), variant of M4gadha,
180. 3. 28.

M^lati-mddhava, the, a drama, re- Mamatii, wife of Utathya, 4. 123,.

ferred to, 2. 340, 341 ; 4. 219. J34-

M4kvas, peoples, 2. 133, 134, Mamata, the term defined, 3. 275,

15S, 180, 341 ; 4. 224. 276.

Mdlava, a country, P 9, 4. 224, Mamatwa, the same as the last, 4,

225. 239. 241 j 5. 223.

Mdlavd, a river, 2. 339. Mdmsasht'ak4 = MadhyamAsh-
M41av4nakas, a people, 2. 178. takA, 3. 109, 168.

M4na, what, 5. 253. Mdnava, a Kalpa, P. 70,

M4nadas, variant of Maladas or MAuava, the name of a weapon
Mdladas, a people, 2. 157, 170. used by RAma, 3. 315.
Mdnaratha, variant of Mlnaratlia, M4nava-dharma-pA,stra, the legal

3. institutes of the Maiiava family,

Manas, a Gandharva, 2, 83- 2)assim.

Mauas, 'mind.' A synonym of Mdnavalakas, variant of Mana-

Mabat, 1. 29. Definition of it, varjakas, 2. 170.

1-35. Mdiiavarjakas, a people, 2. 170.

Manasas, the Vaisyas of S'4ka- MAnavartikas, variant of Gavavar-
dwlpg,, 2. 200; 5. 382. tilas, 2. 157.
Minasas, the same as SukAlas, (1) Manavasas, son of Madhu, son of
3. 165. Devakshattra, 4. 69.

M^nasa, a form of Visbiiu, 3. 1 7, Mdnava-upapurdna, P. 87.

227. ,
Mdnavf, variant of Tdmasl,. 2. 152.
M4nasa, son of Vapushmat, king Maucha, platfornj,' 5. 27, 28, 30,

of S'almala-dwlpa, 2, 193. 32.

MAnasa, a division of S'dlmala- Mancbdgiira, what, 5. 33.

dwlpa, 2. 193. Mancha-vdtfa, what, 5. 30-32.

Mdnasa, a region inhabited by the Mandagas, the S'udras of S'dka-
Somapas and Suk^las, 3. 162, dwipa, 2. 200; 5. 382.
165. Mandaga, variant of Manuga, 2.

Mdnasa = Minasottara, a mytho- 197.

logical mountain-range, 2. 237, Mandagd, a river, 2. 155.
239- Mandakas, a people (the same as
MAnasa, a lake in the gi-ove called the next?), 2. 163.
Nandana, 2. 112, 117; 4. 6. Mand'akas, a people, 2. 180.

M4nasa, what, in philosophy, 3. Mandakinl, rivers so called, 2. 153,

159- 154-

Minasa-sarovara, a lake in Undes Mand'alaka, variant of Pattalaka,

or Hiindea, 2. 340. ttc, 4. 197, 201.

M4nasottara, a fabnlous moun- Mandara, son of Moru, 1. 157.

tain-range, 2. 201, 203, 205, Identified with a mountain-

239, 242. range to the east of Mount Meru,

Manaswin, son of Devala, 2. 24. 1. 129, 142, 143; 2. 2, III,
Manaswinl, wife of Mfikand'u, 1. 115, 116; 5. 88, 137.
152. Mandara, a mountain in Kusa-
Mauasyu, son of Mahdnta, 2. 107. dwipa, 2. 196.
Manasyu, son of Pravira, 4. 127. Mandarahariria, an island, perhaps
Mdnava, a portion of BhAratavar- fabulous, 2. 129.
sha, 2. 129. Mandavdhinl, a river, 2. 153.

Mandehas, a class of RAkshasas, Maningd (i), a river, 2. 153.

inimical to the Sun, 2. 249, Mdninl, an Apsaras, daughter of

250, 252. Pramlochd, 3. 27.

Maudehas, a caste in Kusa-dwipa, Maiiipiira, a city on the sea-coast

of Kalinga, 4. 160.
Mdndhdtfi, variously genealogized, Manlahin, variant of Senajit, 4.

3.265-271, 273-275,280-282, 174.

Manittha, an astronomer, referred
297; 4. 130, 240, 241 ; 5. 57.
Mand'ukas, variant of Mand'akas, to the court of King Vikramd-
2. 180. ditya, P. 9.

MdiWukdyanas, of the ]!lig-veda, Manivdhana = Kusdmba, son of

3. 51- Vasu, 4. 149.

M4nd'iikeya, son and disciple of Maiiivaka, son of Bhavya, king of
Indrapramati, and promulgator S'dka-dwipa, 2. 198.
of the ^ig-veda, 3. 45. Maiiivaka, a region in S'dka-dwipa,
Marid'ukeya, variant of MAiid'ii- 2. 198.
keya, 3. 45. Manjuld, a river, 2. 153.

Mangalaprastha, a hill in India, 2. Manjiishd, the term defined, 4. 126.

141- Manmatha = Kdma, the God of

M^ngali, disciple of Paushpiiiji, Lo^re, 5. 76.

and teacher of the S4ma-veda, Manodhfiti (?), variant of Dhfiti,

3. 61. son of Vitahavj-a, 3. 335.

Mangu, son of S'wa halka. 4. 94, Mauohard, wife of Dhara, a Vasu,
96. 2. 23.

Maiii, a serpent, son of Kasyapa, Manohard, variant of Manoramd,

2. 74. 2. 81.
Mani, an author, referred to Hhe Manojavas, a class of gods in the
court of King Vikramdditya, eleventh Manwantara, 3. 26.
P. 9. Manojava, son of Isdna, a form of
Manidhdna, a king, 4. 221. Rudra, 1. 117.
Manidhdnya, variant of Mani- Manojava, son of Anila, 2. 23 ;

dh^na, 4. 221. 5. 387.

Manidhduyaka, variant of Mani- Manojava, son of Medhdtithi, king
dhdna, 4. 221. of S'dka-dwipa, 2. 200.

Manidhdra, variant of Manidhdna, Manojava, an Indra in the sixth

4. 221. Manwantara, 3- 12.
Manidhdva, variant of Ma-6idhdna, Manojava, a region in S'dka-dwipa,
4. 221. 2. 200.
Manigrlva, son of Kubera, 4. 2&1. Manojavd, a river in ^auncha-
Manikiit'a, a mountain in Plakaha- dwipa, 2. 198.
dwipa, 2. 193. Mano-maya, what, 5. r 7.

Manorami, an Apsaras, 2. 8i, 82. Manu, sou of Madhu, sou of

Manovati, au Apsaras, 2. 81, 82. Devuiia C?),

4. 69.

Maiitilaka, variant of Mand'alaka, Manuga, son of Dyutiinat, king

4-. 201. of Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 197.

Manthu, t.on of Vlravrata, 2. 107. Manuga, a region in Krauncha-

Mantru, what, P. 32 ; 1. 164 ; 2. dwipa. 2. 197.

338 j 6. 243. Manuja, variant of Araavat (?), 3.

Mantra, the twelve-syilabled, what, 190, 191

1. 99; 5. 212, 383. Manushya-yajna, a certain sacri-

Mautradruina, an Indra in the fice, 3. 40.

sixth Manwantara, 3. 12. Manu Swdyaiiibhuva. See Manu,
MantramAlA, a river in Kusa- son of Brahma.
dwlpa, 2 197. Manuvasa, son of Madhu, son of
Mantia-snAna, a ceremony, de- Devana {1), 4. 69.
fined, 3. 114. Manwantara, patriarchate,' a long

Manus, fourteen, sages presiding period of time, so called. Tlie

over periods called Manwan- nature and duration of one, 1.

tar£^s, ' patriarchates,' 1. 49, 49, 51, &c. The Mauwantaras

82, 103 ; 6. 190, 193, 300. named, 3. 1-32, See also P.
Their names, as given in 3. 7, 10, 28, 30, 37, 38, 42, 43,
1-32, are, as generally enume- 56, 57, 76, 79> 97 ; 2. 9, <fcc-

rated, as follows : — ,1. Swdyam- «fec. ; 5. 6, 169, 244, 246, 259,

bhuva ', 2. SwArochisha ; 3. 299,311.
Anttarai ; 4.Tdmasa ; 5. Rai- Manwat, son of Purushaprabhu,
vata ; 6. ChAkshusha ; 7. Vai- 4. 70.
vaswata ; 8. Savarni ; 9. D:ik- Manyu, a form of Rudra, 1. 117.
shasdvarna ; lo. BrahmabAvar- Manyu, variant of Bhavanmanyu,
na : 11. Dharmasdvari^aka ; 12. 4. 136.
Sivarna ; 13. Rauchya ; 14, Maraka, what, 4. 87.
Bhautya Marasuhha Deva, a king of the
Manu, son of Brahmd, 1. lo) Son , Konkan, 4. 21
of Vivaswat, tlie Suit, and hence Mirgas, variant of Mfigas, the
called Vaivaswata, 3. 231, 297. caste so called, 2. 200.
Reputed author of the M^nava- Miirgaslrsha, a month, Nov. -Dec,
dharma-6dstra, P. 4, c< passim. 2. 285, ike- 3. 16S.

See also R 62, 80, 3i, 95 , 1. Muricha, son of Sanda, 2. 69.

104, (fee, 159, 16^, &c., 187 ;

M.iricha, in the guise of a golden
3 34, 230, ice; 4. 237. 239, deer, slain by Rdma, 3. 315.
240 ; 5. 210. Marlchi, eon of Brahmd, P. 27,
Manu, a form of Riidra, 1 . j 1 7. 28 i
1. 100, 135, ^c, 153 ;

Mana, son of Kfi^^wa, 2. 29. 2. His wives, 1. 109, no;


3. i6o, 297, 343. His offspring, Mdrsht'i, wife of DuKsaha, P, 56.

2- 503. Mam, son of S'lghra or S'ighraga,
Marfclii, son of SamrAj, son of 3. 314. He is still living, 3.
Chitraratha, 2. 107. 325. See Devdpi.
MArlchl, an Apsaras, 2. 81, 82. Maru, son of Haryaswa, 3. 331.
Mdrlchi, wife of Parjanya, son of Mara (??), sprung from Ikshwdku,
Agni, 1.154; 2. 263. 4. 237.
Mdrfcbi, patronym of Kasyapa, Marubhaumas, variant of Merii^
2. 71. bhiitas, 2. 169.
Marichigarbhas, a class of gods iu Marubh^imis, a people, 2. 169.
the ninth Manwantara, 3. 24. Marubhumi, a country, 2. 169;
Marichigarbha, a region tenanted 4. 222.
by the Pitfis called Havishniats, Marudeva, son of Supratfka, 4.
3. 163. 168.
Mdrishas (1), a people, 2. 178. Marudvfidhd, a river, 2. 121.
Marishd, daughter of Katid'u, and Mdrukas, variant of Kdnishas, 2.
wife of the Prachetases, 2. 2, ^33-
&c. Marul-loka, the same as Deva-loka,
MdrishA, wife of S'lira, son of De- 1. 98.
vaniid'husha, 4. 100. Marunandana, variant of Pulin-
MdrishA, a river, 2. 154. daka, 4. 192.
Mdrjas, variant of Bhargas, a peo- Maruiid'as, variant of Munind'as,
ple, 2. 171. 4. 2o6.
Marjdri, variant of SomApi, son of Marund'dchl(?), variant of Makarf,
Sahadeva, 4. 151, 173. 2. 149.
IMArkand'a-purdna = Mdrkand'eya- Maruts, 'winds.' Sons of Ka-
purdiia, P. 53. i^yapa and Diti, 2. 78-80.
Jtldrkand'eya, son of Mfikaiid'u, Called sons of Rudra and Pfisni,
P- 44, 53> 54» &c.; 1. 152, 2. 79, 80. Forty-nine in num-
155- ber, 2. 79, 80; 8. 15. Their
Mdrkand'eya (it), variant of Mdii- chief, Vdsava, 2. 85. Ety-
d'likeya, 3. 45, mology of the word, 2. 79, 80.
Mdrkand'eya-purdria, analysis of See also 1. 142 (where correct
it,<fec., P. 20, 21, 23,24, 53, &c., the spelling), 200; 2. 22; 3.

59,60; 3.67; 5.311,319,327. X4, 244; 4. 134, 135, 249,

Mdrkand'eyi, wife of Rajas, son of 293; 5. 2, 43, loi, 143, 234.
Vasisht'ha, 1. 155; 2. 263. Maru tas =^ Maruts, 3. 158.
Marriage, rules for, ike., 3. loi, ildruta, a heaven, assigned to
&c. diligent Vaisyas, 1. 97, 98.
Miirshi, son of SdraAa, 4. 109. Maruta, variant of Maru, son of
Marshimat, son of Sdraiia, 4. 109. S'lghra, &c., 3. 325.
114 INDEX.

Maruta, variant of Marutta, son 1. 131 ; 5. 386. For their

of Usanas, «fec., 4. 63, 64. names, Khydti, &c., see 1. 109.
Marutta, son of Avikshit, 3. 243- Matsyas, peoples so called, 2. 156,

245' 33^ > '^- 25' 240- 158, 172.

Marutta, son of Usanas, &c., 4. 63. Matsya, disciple of S'akalya, and
Marutta, son of Karandhama, 4. promulgator of the 6,ig-veda,
116. 3. 46.
Marutwats, sons of Dharma and Matsya, son of Vasu, son of Kfi-
Marutwatl;thelndras,2. 21,22. taka, 4. 150.

Marutwat = Hanumat, 1. 117. Matsya, 'fish,' an epiphany of

Marutwatl, daughter of Daksha, Vishnu, P. 81.
and wife of Dharma, 2. 21, 22. Matsya, a district in India, 2.

Mdshf, variant of Mirish^ wife of 143. 158-

S^iira, 4. 100. M4tsya = Matsya-purina, P. 80 ;

M4si 4r4ddhani, a particular sacri- 3.67.

fice, 3. 114. MAtsya (??), variant of Matsya, dis-
Mitali, Indra's charioteer, who ciple of S'dkalya, 3. 46.
visited PAtdla, 2. 209. Matsya-dwlpa, a certain island, in
Mathuri, a holy city in India. Paurdnik mythology, 2. 129.
Founded by S'atraghna, 1. 165 ; Matsya-purdAa, analysis of it, &c.,
3. 318. Sub4hu and S'drasena P. 7, 17, 19, 20, 24-28, 35,
reigned there, 3. 319. See 36, 5i» 52> 54. 60, 62-64, 66,
also P. 12, 70, 71, 107; 4. 68, 75, -/?, 78, 8o,&c., 84, 86,
218, 269, 275, 338; 5. 9, 10, 89; 5. 270.
18, 23, 42, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57, Mauddki, son of Bhavya, king of

63, 64, 160, 248, 249, 382. S'dka-dwCpa, 2. 198.

Mathujri, a district (?), 2. 156. Mauddki, a region in S'aka-dwlpa,
Matburi-mih4tmya, a part of the 2. 198.
VarAha-purina, P. 71. Mauddkin, variant of Mauddki, as
Mati, understanding,' a synonym
* doubly denotative, 2. 198.
of Mahat, 1. 32. Maudga, disciple of Devadar4a,
Matindra, son of ^^iksha, son of and teacher of the Atharva-veda,
Ariha, 4. 128. 3. 61.
Matin&ra, variant of Rantin&ra, Maudgalddi, variant of Modosha,
3. 266 (where correct the spell- 3. 62.
ing) ; 4. X 29-1 3 1 ; 5. 390. Maudgalyas, certain Br&hmans,
Matkuh^, a river, 2. 155. 4. 145-
Mitr4, 'moment of time,' 5. 189. Maudgalya, son of Mudgala, son
See Nimeaha. of Haryaiwa, 4, 146.
Mitf is, mothers,' daughters of
* Mauhiirtikas, the same as Muhiir-
Daksha and Prasuti, &c., P. 82 ; tajas, 2. 22.

Maulas (??), variant of Mauuaa, the Medha = Medhas, 2. loi.

dynasty, 4. 206, 210. MedhA, 'intelligence,' daughter of
Maunas, a dynasty, 4. 204, 206, Daksha, and wife of Dharma,
207, 209, 218. 1. 109, no, 148.
Maunas, variant of Pauras, 4. 210. Medhddhf iti, a ifeishi in the ninth
Maunda, variant of Maudga, 3. Manwantara, 3. 25.

61. Medhas, son of Priyavrata, 2. 100;

Mauneyas, certain Gandharvas, 5. 388. See Medha.
sprung from Muni, 3. 281. Medhdtithi, son of Priyavrata, 2.

Maunind'as, the same as Munin- IOC. King of Plaksha-dwfpa,

d'as, 4. 209. 2. 10 1, 191. But, by another
Mauryas, a dynasty, 4. 186, 187, account, king of S'dka-dwlpa,
190, 203, 205, 232. 2. 200.
Mdvella, son of Vasu, son of Kfi- Medhdtithi, son of Kaiiwa, 4. 130,
taka, 4. 149. 131, 140.
Maya, an Asura, son of Viprachitti, MedhAtithi, a law-commentator,
P. 82; 1. 190; 2. 72. referred to, or cited, 3. 89, 104,
M4yjl, * deceit,' daughter of Adhar- 107, 131, 138, 168, 174, 176.
ma, 1. III. Called daughter Medhatithi {11), Medh&tithi (??),

of Anfita, and wife of Bhaya, variants of Medhidhfiti, 3. 25,

1. 112. See also 1. 188, 190; 227.
3- 73, 83; 5. 316. Medhdvin, variously genealogized,
MAyA, the same as Yoganidri, 4. 4. 164, 165.
260. Medical science, eight branches of
Mdyd, 'personified active will of Hindu, 4. 33. Teachers of it,
the Creator,' 1. 46, See also
P. 41 ; 1. 17, 25, 28. Medinl-kosa, a vocabulary, referred
MAy&deyi, wife of S'ambara, 5. 74, to, 2. 286 (where correct the
75. She marries Pradyumna, 5. speUing), 343.
76. NArada pronounces that Medlya (?), variant of Modosha, 3,
formerly she was Kati, 5. 76, 77. 62.
MAyAmoha, Buddha so called, 3. Meghas, a people, 4. 216.
206-209; 5. 349, 350, 377. Megha, son of Nahusha, 4. 46.
Miydrati, variant of Mdyivatf, 5. Megha (1), variant of Gboahavasu,
74. 4. 192.
MAyAvatf = MAyAdevl, 5. 74-76. Megha-duta, the, a poem, referred
M4yu8, son of Puniravas, 4. 13. to, 2. 150, 157, 160; 3. 246;
Measures, of time, ] . 47, &c. Of 4. 137.
land, 1. 92, iic. Meghamdla, a mountain in Plaksha-
Medaairas, variant of S^ivasri Si- dwlpa, 2. 193.
takanfiin, 4. 198. MeghaprisbtTiajSon of QhHtapfish-
ii6 INDEX.

t'La, king of Kraunclia-dwlpa, Meru, wife of Ndbhi, 2. 103.

2. 198. Meru, a fabulous mountain in the
Meghapf isht'ha, a region in Kraun- centre of Jambu-dwipa, 2. 109-
chadwipa, 2. 198, III. Its dimensions and form,
Meghapushpa, a horse of Krishna, 2. iii,&c. Its mountain-ridges,
4.83. 2. 117. The cities of the gods
Meghaswdti, variously geuealo- in and around it, 2. 118. Its

gized, 4. 196, 200. rivers, 2. 120. Its situation,

Meghaswdti, son of Pulomdvi, 4. boundaries, &c., 2. 121, &c,

200. &c. See also P. 97 ; 1. 40,
Meghayantf, a Kfittikd, 2. 337. 120, 152, 157, 188; 2, 102,
Meghayjlti, son of Nahusha, 4. 46. 112-116, «fec., 205, 207, 208,
Mekalas, a people, 2. 159, 160. 236, 239, 242-244, 272; 3.

Mekalas, a dynasty, 4. 215, 216. 24, 53» 259; 4. 249, 259; 5.

Mekala, a Kishi, connected, per- 28, 165, 248, 386.
haps, with the people called Merubhiitas, a people, 2. 169.
Mekalas, 2. 160. Merumandara, a certain mountain,
Mekala, a mountain in Central according to the Bhdgavata-
India, 2. 151, 160,340! purdna, 2. 115, 116, 122.
MekalA, a city in Central India, Merusdvariiis, four Manus so called,
4. 64, 214-216. the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
Mekalii = NarmadA, 2. 160; 4. twelfth, 3. 24.

215- Merusdvarni, a Manu, son of

Mekahidri - Mekala, the moun- Brahmd, 3. 25.

tain so called, 2. 160, Metres, origin of certain, 1. 86.

Mekalakas, variant of Mekalas, the Michitd, variant of Nischitd, 2.

dynasty, 4. 215. 146.

= Narmadd, 2. 1 60.
!NtekalakanyA Mid'hwas, son of Daksha, sou of
Mekalakanyaka = Narmadd, 2, Chitrasena, 3. 335.
160. Mihira, a family so called, 5. 382.
Men, proceeded from Brahmd, 1. Mimdmsd, hermeneutics,' referred

81. to, 3. 325; 4. 252.

Mend, wife of Himavat, variously Minaratha, son of Anenas, son of
genealogized, 1. 118, 157; 3. Kshemdri, 3. 334.
159, 162. Mind, an organ of sense, 1. 38.
Mend, an Apsaras, 2. 83. Misht'duna, what, 2. 218, 331.
Mend, a river, 2. 149. Misrakesl, an Apsaras, 2. 75, 81,
Menakd, an Apsaras, daughter of 82 ; 4. 129.
Brahmd, 2. 75, 81-83, 285, Mita, a ^^ishi in the third Man-
286. 291, 293, wantara, 3. 7.

Mendicants, duties of, 3. 95, &c. Mitadhwaja, son of JDharma-

INDEX. 117

dhwaja or Jnnaka, 3. 333 ; 5. Mitrayu, descended from Vasish-

217. t'ha; a disciple of Romaharshana,
Mitakshard, the, a law-commen- and a teacher of the Puriinas,
tary, referred to, or quoted, P. P. 19; 3. 64-66.
60; 2. 2i6; 3. 38, 88, 104, Mitrayu, Mitrdyu, son of DivodAsa,
126, 151, 174, 175, 224, 338. sou of Badhryaswa, 4. 147.
Mithi, the same as Janaka, or Mitrdyu, variant of Mitrayu, Va-
Janaka's father, according to sisht'ba's descendant, 3. 64, 65.
varying accoiints, 330, 331, 3. Mitreyu, variant of Mitrayu, sou
Mithil4, a city, capital of Videha, of Divoddsa, 4. 147.
2. 341 ; 3. 330 (there miscalled Mlechchhas, degraded Kflhattriyas^
a country), 331, 335; 4. 83, 3. 295. Peoples in various parts
344; 5. 225. 296; 4. 117, 119.
of India, 3.
Mitra, an i^ditya, 1. 188; 2. 27, Kings of them, 4. 207, 210,
285, ifcc, 306; 338; 5.381.
3. 225, 226, See also P. 33, 41;
Presides over the anus, 1. 38 1. 182; 2. 141, &c. ; 4. 229;
3. 109. Associated with Va- 5- S4> 5S> 159-
runa, 3.172, 233, 234, 328; 4. 5. Moda, disciple of Vedasparaa, and
Mitra, son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155. teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3.

Mitra, one of the Vis we devas, 3. 61.

179. Moddki, variant of Maud^ki, as
Mitra =Bhaga, the A'ditya, Q1) 1. doubly denotative, 2. 198.
Moddsha (1), variant of Modosha,
Mitra = Vasisht'ha, 3. 305. 3.62.
Mitra, variant of Niramitra, 4. Modosha, disciple of Vedadarsa,

174. and teacher of the Atharva-veda,

Mitraghna, variant of Mitrayu, son 3. 62.

of Divoddsa, 4. 147. Moha, infatuation,' sprang from


Mitraaaha = Saud^a, son's son of Brahm^, 1. 102.

Sarvakama, 3. 305, 306, 309. Moha, what, in philosophy, 1. 37,
Mitrasena, variant of Chitrasena, 69 ; 5. 202.
the Gandharva, 2. 293. Mohinl, a female form assumed by
Mitravana, a grove so called, 5, Vishnu, 1. 147.
381. Mohinl, will-born daughter of King
Mitravindd, vife of Krishna, 5. Rukmdngada, P. 52.

78, 79, 02 (where she is called Moksha, what, 1. 186, 187; 2.

drughter of RdjMhidevi, on I 14; 6, 187.

know not what authority). The Monotheism of the Pur^nas, al-

same as S'aibyd, (?) 5. 107. leged, 1. 41, 42.

Mitravindd, a river in Kusa-dwipa, Months. Four kinds of, 2, 254.
2. 197. Named, 2. 261, 285, 291,
ii8 INDEX.

(fee. Appropriation of Adityas, Mfigavlthi, a certain triad of aster-

Bishis, &c., to them, 2. 284, isms, 2. 265, die., 276, 277.
Mfigavlthika, the same as Mfiga-
Moon, the. Produced from the vlthi, 2. 276.

ocean, when churned, 1. 144. MfigavyAdha, a Rudra, 2. 24, 25.

Its chariot and horses, 2. 299. Mfigendra (1), variant of Mfigen-
The source of a celestial bever- draswitikarAa, 4. 200.
age called SudhA, .2. 300. Mf igendrasw4tikarna, son of Skan-
Mot of the Phoenicians, its analogy dhaswdti, 4. 200.
to Mahat, 1. ;^;^. Mfigl, daughter of Ka^yapa, and
Mountains. Bounding the earth, mother of wild animals, 2. 74,

2. 114. Of Meru, 2. 117, 121, Mf ikaAd'a (?), variant of Mr ikaAd'u,

&c. Of Bhdratavarsha, 2. 126. 1. 152.
Of the various Dwfpas, 2. 191, Mr ikand'u, son of Vidhdtfi, son of
&c. (fee. Bhfigu, 1. 152.
Mountaineers, tribes of, I. 182, Mf ishA, *
falsehood,' wife of Adhar-
183. ma, 1. in.
Mfichchhakat'ik^, a drama, re- Mfishi (?), variant of Kf imi, son of
ferred to, 4. 195. Uslnara, 4. 121.
Mfida, a form of Rudra, 5. 386. Mfittikdvana (11), variant of Mfit-
Mridara, variant of Mfidura, 4- tikdvata, 4. 73.

94, 96. Mfittikdvata, a city, 4. 344. See

Mfidu, son of Nfipanjaya, 4, 165. Mfittikdvatl.
Mfidu, variant of Mfidura, 4. 94. Mfittikdvatl, a city on the river
Mfidu, variant of ;^iju, 4. no. Narmadd, 4. 19, 64, 344.
Mfidura, son of S'waphalka, 4. 94, Mfityu, Sprung from
96. Brahmd, 1. loz. Called son uf
Mfiduri, variant of Mfiduvid, 4. Kali and Durukti, 1. in. Also
96, called son of Bhaya and Mdyd
Mfiduvid, son of S'waphalka, 4. 96. 1. 112.
Mfiga, a horse of the Moon, 2. Mfityu, a Rudra, 2. 25.
299. Mfityu, father of S'ikhin or Ketu,
MrigA, the same as Mfigavlthi; 2. 2. 259.
277. Mfityu (j|.nother ?), father of Su-
Mfigas, variant of Magas, 2. 199 . nlthd, 1. J 79.
6- 382. 385. Mfityu (another 1), a Vyj^a in the
Mrigasiras, a constellation so sixth DwApara age, 3, 34, 36.
called, 1. 132; 2, 265, <kc. Muchakunda (?), variant of Muchu-
Mfigaslrsha, the same as Mriga- kunda, 3. 268.
siras, 2. 308. Muchukunda, son of MAndhdtfi
Mfiga-tfishhd, what, 5. 60. and Bindumatl, 3. 268. Ha
INDEX. 119

destroys Kdla3-avana by a glance Muktd, variant of S'uklA, a river

of his eye, 5. 5 7. Lauds Kfishfia, in S'dlmala-dwipa, 2. 194.
5. 58. Goes to Gandhamddana, Mukti, what, 5. 229.
to perform penance, 5. 62. Muktimatf, a river, rising in the
Mudas, a class of Apsarasee, 2. 82. Iliksha mountains, 2. 153.
Muda, pleasure,' son of Dharma,
Mukunda, variant of Kramunja, a
1. III. mountain- range running east-
Mudgala, disciple of S'dkalya, and ward from Mount Mem, 2. 117.
promulgator of the :6ig-veda, 3. Mukunt'has, a people, 2. 165.
45. 46. Mula, a certain asterism, 2. 264,
Mudgala, son of ReAu, 4, 28. (kc, 308; 5. 248.
Mudgala, variously genealogized, Miiladeva, assassin of Sumitra, son
4. 144-146. of Agnimitra, 4. 172, 191.
Mudgala-purMa, P. 90. Miilaka, son of Asmaka, son of
Mudr4-rfikshasa, the, a drama, re- Sauddsa, 3. 310, 311, 314.
ferred to, 4. 186. Mummies, prepared by the Hindus,
Mugh, connected with Maga, P. 3. 328, 329.

64 (where correct the spelling); Munchdtas, Kausika Brdhmans, 4.

5. 381, 384. 28.
Muhisha, variant of Mahisha, the Mund'as, certain kings, 4. 203.
mountain-range so called, 2. Mun(fa, son of Udayibhadra, 4.

194. ^86.
Muhiirtd, daughter of Daksha, Mundo, the PAH name of the son
and wife of Dharma, 2. 3^1, 22. of Anuruddhako, 4. 182.
Muhurta, a measure of time, vari- Muni, son of Dyutimat, king of
ously estimated, 1. 47, 48; 3. Krauncha-dwipa, 2. 197.
121, 187; 2. 253 ; 5, 190. Muni, daughter of Daksha, wife
The Muhurta of Brahm4, when, of Kasyapa, and mother of the
3. 108. Apsarases, &c., 2. 26, 75, 81
Muhilrtajas, sons of Dharma and 3, 281.
Muhurta, 2. 22. Muni, a region in Krauncha-dwipa,
Miika, son of Upasimda, 2. 69. 2, 197.
Muk^, » town, in Mahdvideha, 2. Muni, 'sage,' 1. 7, et passim.
165. Muni, variant of Mahdmuni, the
Mukhyas, a class of gods in the l^iahi,. 3. II.
eighth Manwahtara, 3. 23. Muni, variant of Dhwani, 3.
Mukhya, its technical sense, 1. 70; 190, 191.
5. 386. Muni, variant of S'uchi, son of
Mukhyd = Sukhi, Varuna'a city, S'atadyumna, 3.
2. 240. Munika (?), variant of Sunika, 4.
Mukta, variant of Yukta, 3. 29. 178.

Munja, his capital, where, 5, 112. Miishikas, a people, 2. 1 78 ; 4. 222.

Munja, what, 383. 5. Miishika, a country, 2. 178.

Munj4, variant of Manjuld, 2. 153. Musht'ika, a famous pancratiast,

Munjakcsas, of the Atharva-veda, slain by KfishAa, 4. 335, 337 ;

3. 62. 5. 23, 28, 35, 36, 39, 40, 87.

Mura, slain by Krishna, 5. 90. Mushtfi-nipita (?), what, in the

Mur4, wife of Nanda, father of pancratium, 5. 36.

Chandragupta, 4. 187. Must (corrupted from the Persian

Mura, variant of Muru, the demon mast), what, 5. 29,

so called, 5. 90. Mutibas, a people, 2. 1 70.

Murala = Kerala, the country so

called, 2. 341. Nabdnazdista, of the ancient Pdr-
Murald, a river, 2. 341. sls, 3. 231.
MurAri, an epithet of Krishna or Nabha, son of Swdrochisha, and a
Vishnu, 2. 112. I^ishi in the second Manwan-
Murdhanyd, wife of M4rka6d'eya, tara, 3. 5.

1. 152. Nabha, son of Viprachitti, 2. 71.

MiirdhAvasikta, a caste, sprung Nabha = Nabhas, the month so
from BrAhnian fathers and called, 3. 168.

Ksh&ttriya mothers, 4. 213. Ndbha, variant of Ndbhdga, 3. 13.

Miirta, what, 5. 161, 235, 238. Nabha, variant of Madhu, the
Murtaya, son of Kusa, 4. 15. l^ishi, 3. 14.

Miirti, a PrajApati of the second NAbha, variant of Ndbhiga, 3.

Manwantara, and son of Vasish- 303'

t'hii, 3. 5. Nabha, variant of Nabhas, son of
Mdrti, 'form,' daughter of Dak- Nala, 3. 320.
sha, and wife of Dharma, 1. no, Ndbhdgas, a class of R^jarshis
III. sprung from Manu, 3. 70.
Miirtimat, what, in philosophy, 5. Ndbhdga, two persons, variously
198. genealogized, 3. 13, 14, 231-
Muru, a demon, slain by Krishna, 233» 239, 241, 256, 257. One
5. 5S» 89, 90. of them becomes a Vaisya, 3.
Muru, a country (T), 5. 55. 240.
Muruiid'as, Munind'aa, a dynasty, N4bh4ga, a ;6ishi in the tenth
4. 206, 209. Manwantara, 3. 26.
Musala, a sort of club, borne by Ndbhdga, variously genealogized,
Balabhadra, 5. 51. 3. 303. 3M, 315-
MusalAyudha, an epithet of Bala- Nabhdga, variant of Ndbh^ga, «fec.,
bhadra, from his club, 5. 67, 3. 13, 231. 256-258.

131. 134. NAbhaga, variant of Nabhaga, 3.

Mushakas, a people, 2. 178, 180. 13-
INDEX. 121

NAbhaga, variant of N4bhAga, 3. Nabhlra, a Bdhlika king, 4. 214.

13- N4d'I - Ndd'ikd, 2. 253.
NdbhAga Arislit'a, the same as Ndd'ikA, a certain measure of time,
NdbhdgAriaht'a, 3. 233, 240, 1. 48; 5. 189, 190.

256. See N4bh4nedisht'ha. Nadlna, variant of Adlna, 4. 43,

Nabh^gadisht'a, NAbhdgadisht'a, Nad'wald, daughter of VairSja,
3. 231, 241, 256. See N4bli4- and wife of the Manu Chdk-
nedisht'ha. shusha, 1. 177.
N4bhdganedisht'ha, son of Vai- Ndgas, * serpent-gods,' sons of Kh-
vaswata, 3. 231, 256. See ^yapa and Kadru, P. 42 ; 1.

Ndbhdnedisht'ha. 144, 188; 2. 28, 284; 5. 236,

NibhAgdrisht'a, son of Vaivaswata, 251, 383. Their king, 2. 86.
3. 231, 232, 240, 241, 256. They are harassed by the Gan-
See NdbhAnedisbt'ha. dharvas, 3. 281, 282. See also
Nabbakdnanas, variant of Nala- Sarpas.
kdnanas, 2. 178. NAgas, a people, 4. 212.
NAbhAnedisht'ha, named in the Ndgas, kings reigning at PadmA-
fog-veda and elsewhere, 3. 13, vatl, Edntipuri, and Mathuri,
231, 256, 257, 340, 341. 4. 212, 217-219.
Nabhas, son of Nala, son of Ni- Ndga, a serpent, son of Kasyapa
shadha, 3. 320. and Kadrfi, 2. 74.
Nabhas = S'rdvaiia, a month, July- N4ga, a mountain-range running
August, 2. 261 ; 4. 261. northward from Mount Meru,
Nabhas = Akisa, 2. 232. 2. 117.
Nabbasa, son of U'rja, son of Sa- NAga, a range of hills to the east
tyahita, (?) 4. 150. of Ramgarh, 2. 142.
Nabhas- tala, what, 5. 194. NAga = N4ga-dwlpa, a portion of
Nabhaswatf, wife of Antardhdna, Bhdratavarsha, 2. 112.
son of Pfithu, 1. 193. NAga, variant of Rambha, a ser-

Nabhasya, son of SwArochisha, pent, 2. 287, 293.

and a l^ishi in the second Man- NAgadAsako, the PAH name of a
wan tara, 3. 5. son of Muiid'o, 4. 182, 185.
Nabhasya = Bhddrapada, a month, NAga-dwlpa, a portion of BfaAra-
August-September, 2. 261. tavarsha, 2. 129.
Ndbhi, son of Agnldhra, and king NAga-kanyAs, what, 2. 211.
of Hima, 2. 102, 103. NAga-panchami, a certain festival,

Ndbhigupta, son of Hiranyaretas, P. 64.

and a ruler in Kusa-dwipa, 2. Nagara, defined, 1. 94.

197. NAgara-khaiid'a, a section of the

Ndbhigupta, a region in Kusa- Skanda-purAna, 3. 339.
dwipa, 2. 197. NAgasena, a king, 4.217.
122 INDEX.
NdgavltLi, daughter of Dharma Naimittika-pralaya, the, what, 5.
and Y4mi, 2. 22. 196.
Nigavlthl, a certain triad of as- Naimittika-srAddha, a certain mor-
terisms, 2. 264, <kc., 337. tuary ceremony, 3. 146.
Nigesa Bhat't'a, quoted, or nameH, Nairf-itas, a people, 2. 171.
P. 84; 5.379. Nairfita, or Rakshas, hia city,
Nagnas, 'naked/ certain misbe- where, 2. 112.
lievers, 3. 196, 201. See also Naishddas, a people, 4, 221. See
3, 208, 225. Nishddas.
Nagnajit, king of Kosala, and Naishadhas, a dynasty, 4. 215,
father of NAgnajitl or Sutyd, 216, 221. See Nishadhas.
5. 79, 82. NAkas, a dynasty, 4. 218, 219.
Nignajitf, patronym of Satyd, NAkAla, what, 3. 125.
wife of Krishna, 5. 79, 82, 107. NAkapfishtfha, the highest of the
Nagnikd, the term defined, 3. 102. heavens, 3. ^98.
Ndhusha, a serpent, son of Ea- Nakhavat, a king, 4. 212.
sy apa and Kadrd, 2. 74. Nakshatras, *
lunar asterisms,'
Nahusha, son of Ayus and PVabhd, twenty^even number, daugh- in
2, 70 ; 4. 30, 44, 45, 24a ters of Daksha, and wives of
Nahusha, son of Ambarisha, 3. Soma, 2. 10, 21, 28.
314; 4. I, Nakshatra-siichaka, what, 2. 218.
Naigama, diseiple of S'jikapiini, Nakshatra-yoginis, the stars of the
and "promulgator of the ifeig- twei>ty-(8even lunar mansions,
veda, 3. 49. daughters of Daksha, and wives
Kaigameya, son of Kum^r^k, son, of of Chandra^ 2. 28.

Agni, 2. 25. Nakta, son of Pfithu or Pfithu-

NaikapfishtTias, a people, 2., ^6o. shena, 2. 107.
Naikavakri, a deformed damsel Nakula, son of NAsatya, 2. 136
made straight by Krishna, 5y 3.. 74, 7^ ; 4- 103. 159. 160,
21, 165. 163 ; 6. X34.
Naimisha = NaamishAranya^ 3*,. Nakula, variant of lUtula, 4.
170. 169.
Naimisha-gomAtl, a riirer in, ]^dia, Nala, son of Nishadha, 2. 171 ; 3.
3. 170. 303. 304;, 320;" 4. 216.
Naimishdraiiya, a fofjest on the Nala, son of Virasena, 3. 304.
river Gomatl,P, 28, 30, 57, Nala, son, &i Yadu, son of Yaydti,
40, 52, 58, 65, 88. 4. 53-
Naimishiranya-niibdtmya, a part N414, a river in India,, 2. 152.
of the V6yu-pur4iia, P. 39^ Nala, variant of Dala, 3. 321.
Naimishikas, a people, 4. 221. Nala, varia-nt of S'ala, son of Su-
Naimittika, what,. 1. 113; 5. i86. dhanwaja, 3. 321.
INDEX. 123
Nala, variant of Bhava, son of Nandana, a Kumdra, 1. 79.
Viloman, 4. 97. Nandana (?), son of S'lira, son of
Nalakdlakas, variant of Nalakd- Devamld'husha, 4. 10 1.
nanas; 2. 178. Nandana, the grove of Indra,
Nalakdnanas, a people, 2. 178. situated on Mount Sugandha, 2.
Nalakiibara, son of Kubera, 4. 281. 112, 116; 4. 293; 5. 97.
Nalapura, a fortress in Bundel- Nandana, a mountain in ICrauncha-
khand, 2. 171. dwfpa, 2. 198.
Nalinl, a river in India, 2. 120, NandasAra, variant of Bindus4ra,
121. 4. 188.
Nalinf, a river in S'dka-dwlpa, 2. Nandd-upapurdna = Nandi-upapu-
199. rd£a, P. 87.
Nalinl, variant of Nllinl, 4. 144. Nanddyaniya, disciple of Bdshkala,
Nalopdkhyana, the, a poem, re- and promulgator of the ]^ig-
ferred to, 2. 1 7 1. veda, 3. 50.
N4man, 'essence' (?), &c., 4. 346 ;
Nandi, a bull, attendant of S'iva,
5. 14, 15, 200. P. 89; According to
5. 116.
Namasyu, variant of Manasyu, son the Vdyu-purdna, he was son of
of Pravlra, 4. 127. Kasyapa and Surabhi, 2, 75.
Names for persons of different See Nandin and Nandi^wara.
castes, 3. 99, 100. Nandi, 'delight,' wife of Kdma,
Namuchi, son of Viprachitti, 2. 1. III.
70, 71. His abode, 2. 211. N4ndlmukhas, a class of Pitf is, 3,
Nandas, the nine, a dynasty, 4. 98, 148, 149.
185-187, 232. Ndndi-mukha, a certain mortuary
Nanda, a certain cow-herd, Kfish- ceremony, 3. 149, 190.
Aa's foster-father, 4. 1 11, 270, Nandin = Nandi, 1. 122, 125; 5.
274, 276, 278-281, 288-290, 116. See Nandi and Nandl-
29^, 309, 3^0, 31?, 314, 316, Bwara.
3^^'33^> 337; 5. h 9, 10, 25, Nandi-purdna, the, quoted, or re-
40, 63. ferred to, 3. 163, 164, 166, 339.
Nanda, eon of Vasudeva, 4. 109. Nandlsa = Nandi, 5. 116,
Nanda, son of Mahdnandin, 4. Nandl^wara = Nandi, 1. 122, 125.
183-187, 229-231, 234. Nandi-upapurdna, P. 87; 3. 164,
Nanda, son of Prasenajit, 4. 186, 166.
345- Nandivardhana, son of Uddvasu,
Nand^, the story of, P. 87. 3- 33^-
Nanda, a mountain in Krauncha- Nandivardhana, son of Janaka, 4.
dwlpa, 2. 198. 179.
NandA, a river in ^dlmala-dwipa, Nandivardhana, son of UdayAswa,
3. 195- 4. 1 82.
124 INDEX.

Nandiyasds, son of Dharma, son of NArada-purdna, analysis of it, <fec.,

Rdmachandra, 4. 211, 212. P. 24, 51, &c. And see Ndra-

Naras, 'centaurs,' their origin from dfya-purd,na.
Brahmi, 1. 87. NAradlya = Ndrada, son of Brah-
Nara, a name of Vishnu, 1. 56, m4, P. 87.
&c. Ndradiya-purdna = Ndrada - pura-
Nara, a Devarshi, son of Dharma, iia, P. 20, 23, 51, 58, 87; 3.

son of Brahmd, 1. 1 11 ; 3. 68 ; 67; 5. 327.

4. 247. Arjuna identified with Ndradiya-upapurAna, P. 87.
him, 5. 62. Naraka, 'heU,' son of Aufita, 1.

Nara, a king, son of Tdmasa, Manu Ill, 112.

of the fourth Manwantara, 3. Naraka, son of Viprachitti, 2. 7 1 ;

8. 5. 87.

Nara, son of Gaya, son of Nakta, Naraka, son of VishAu and Bhurai,
2. 107. and slain by Krishna, 4. 250,
Nara, son of Sudhfiti, 3. 245. 320; 5. 55,87, 88,90-93, 105,
Nara, son of Uslnara, son of Ma- 113, 136.
h&manas, 4. 121. Naraka, a country (]), 5. 55.
Nara, son of Bhavanraanyu, 4. Naraka, a particular hell, 1. 99
136., 137- 2. 215.
N4rada, son of Brahmi, 1. loi, Narakas, or *
hells,' 1. 99 ; 2. 214,
&c. Called son of Kasyapa, by &c. See Niraya.
one of Daksha's daughters, 2. Nara-medha, a certain sacrifice, 1.

18. Denominated a Devarshi, 84.

3. 68. Dissuades the sons of NaranArdyana = KfishAa, 5. 62,
Daksha from propagating their 146.
kind, 2. 13. Is cursed by Dak- Nararatba, variant of Navaratha,
sha, 2. 14. Is cursed by Brah- 4. 68.
mA, 2. 17. Warns Kamsa of Narasimha, VishAu as a man-lion,
his danger from the birth of P. 80.
Krishna, 4. 259. He lauds Narasimha-purAna, P. 24, 87.
KfishAa, 4. 340, 341. See NArasimha-upapurdna, P. 87.
also P. 41, 46, 51, 52, 64, 65, NaravAhana, son of Niramitra, 4.

75, 87; 1. 122; 3. T41, 288, 166.

342 ; 4. 42, 248, 335 ; 5. 54, NArdyaAa «= Yishiiu or Krishna.
74, 76, 103, 112, 123, 128, Why so called, &c., P. 48, 53
141, 381, 382. 1- 52^ 55» 56, Ac. ; 8. 262 ; 4.
Nsirada, a Gandharva, son of Vari- 90, 247, 249, 251, 277; 5. 3,

ddsa, 2. 20, 285, &c. 307. His wife, 1. 118, 120.

N4rada, a mountain-range in Plak- NArAyana, the same as Brahmd, 5.
sha-dwlpa, 2. 191. 307-
INDEX. 125

NArdyana, a Devarehi, son of Ndstika, what, 6. 178.

Dharraa, P, 65 ; 1. in, 139; Nature, a habit, 1. 66.
2. 306, 308 ; 3. 68 ; 4. 247 ;
Naurikfishna(??), variant of Gaura-
5. 250. Krishna identified with krish^a, 4. 200.
him, 5, 62. Navd, wife of Uslnara, son of Ma-
Ndrdyana, son of Bhiimimitra, son hdmanas, 4. 121.
of Vasudeva, 4. 193, 194. Nava, variant of Bhava, son of
Ndrdyana, a commentator on S'dn- Viloman, 4. 97.
khdyana, referred to, 3. 113. Nava, variant of Nara, son of
Ndrdyaiia-saras, a lake near the U^lnara, son of Mahdmanas, 4.
mouth of the Indus, 2. 15, 17. 121.
NdrdyaAa-upanishad, the, referred Navardsht'ras, a people, 4. 121.
to, 5. 345. Navardsht'ra, the kingdom ruled
Ndrlkavacha, an epithet of Miilaka, by Nava, 4. 121, 122.
3. 310. I^avaratha, variously genealogized,
Narishyanta, two persons so called 4. 68.
(1), P. 57 ; 3. 13, 14, 232, 233, Navdrchis = Lohitdnga, or Mars,
245. 335, 336. 2. 257, 258.
Narishyat = Narishyanta, 3. 336. Naya, ' polity,' son of Dharnia, 1

Ndriyas, variant of Sanlyas, 2. 180, no; 4. 265; f). 386. See

Narraadd, the river Nerbudda. Dand'anaya.
Daughter of Mekald, 2. 160, Naya, variant of Anagha, 4. 132.
Mind-bom daughter of the So- Naya, what, 1. 118.
mapas, or of the Sukdlas, 3. 162, Nedisht'ha, son of Vaivaswata, 3.
165. Called sister of the Ndgas, 231, 232, 240, 256, 336.
3. 282. Wife of DuKsaha, 3. Nemichakra, variant of NicLakru,
283. Prayer to her, 3. 283, See 4. 163.
also P. 107; 1. 150; 2. 128 NemikfishAa, variant of Arishtfa-
(where correct the spelling), karman, 4. 197.
130, 131, 142, 151; 3. 207; Netra, son of Dharmanetra, 4, 54.
4. 56,59* 64, 65, 215, 344; 5. Netra, variant of Subala, son of
71, 118, 250, 350, 388. Sumati, 4. 176.
Narmadd-mdhdtroya, a part of the Nichakru, son of AdhislmakfishAa,
Matsya-purdna, P. 82, 4. 163.
Ndsatyas = Aswins, sons of Vivas- Nichitd, a river, 2. 147.
wat and Sanjnd, 2, 343 ; 3. Niddgha, son of Pulastya, story of,
158; 4. 258. 2. 330, &c.
Ndsatya, son of Aditya, the Sun, Nidhis, nine, of Kubera, what, 3.
4. 103, 258. 273-
Ndsik, the popular name of a town Nidbfiti, variant of Nirvfiti, 4.
in Western India, 4. 19S. 68.

NiJrA, *
sleep,' a female form of Nilakant'ha, author of the S'rdd-

Brahmd, 1. 82. Produced from dha-mayiikha, referred to, 3.

the ocean, when churned, 1. 148.

147. Nllakant'ha-stotra, part of the

Nidr4, the same as Yoganidrd, 4. Vdyu-purAAa, P. 37.
260. Nllalohita, a form of S'iva, 1. 77,
Nigada, a SamhitA, the same as 115.
the Yajur-veda, 3. 42. Nilinl, wife of Ajamld'ha, 4. 144.

Nighant'u,. the, a vocabulary, Nimesha, ' a twinkling of the

quoted, 1. 5. eye,' the smallest measure of
Nighna, son of Anaraiiya, son of time, 1. 47, 48 ; 2. 253. And
Sarvakarman, 3. 305, 314. see Mdtrd.
Nighna, son of Anamitra, &c., 4. Nimi, son of Ikshwdku, 3. 259,
74, 100. 260. Is cursed by Vasisht'ha,
Nih'sattwa, what, in philosophy, 3. 327, 328. Is placed on the
1. 138. eyelids of men, and is the
Nijadhfiti, a river in S'dka- cause of their winking, 3. 329.
dwlpa, 2. 200. Named in 5. 225.
Nikfiti, '
immorality,' daughter of Nimi, son of Bhajamdna, son of
Adharma, and wife of Anfita, Satwata, 4. 71.
1. III. Also called daughter Nimi, variant of Niramitra, son of
of Dambha, and wife of Lobha, KhaMapAni, 4. 166.
1. III. Nimisha, 'wink,* its fancied ety-
Nikshubhi, daughter of !ftijw&ha, mology, 329. 3.

and wife of Agni and Aditya, Nimitta, what, in philosophy, 1.

5. 385- 66, 67 ; 5. 196.

Nikumbha, an attendant of S'iva, Nimlochd, variant of Anumlochd,

4. 34. 2. 292.
Nikumbha, son of Haryaiwa, 3. Nimlochanl, Varuna's city, by one
265. account, 2. 240.
Nlla, son of Yadu, son of YayAti, Nimlochi, variant of Nimi, son of
4. 53- Bhajamdna, 4. 72.
Nlla, son of Ajamld'ha, 4. 144. Nimna, variant of Nighna, son of
Nlla, a mountain-range to the Anamitra, 4. 74.

north of Mount Meru, 2. 102, Nine gems of King Vikramiditya,

III, 114, 121-123. P. 7, <fec.

Nlla, a mountain-range in Orissa, Nlpas, a race, 4. 142, 143.

2. 141. Nlpa, son of PAra, 4. 141- 143.
Nlla, a mountain (different from Nlpa, son of Kritiu (1) or Ktita,
the first Nlla just mentioned ?), 4. 143.
1. 61. Nlpd, variant of Koik, 2. 153.
INDEX. 127

Nir^raaya (if a name), son of 188, 190, 191, 198, 199, 338,
DakshasAvarna, 3. 25. 339-
Niramitra, son of Nakula, son of Nirfita, a Rudra, 2. 25.
Ndsatya, 4. 160. Nirfiti, a Rudra, 2. 25.
Niramitra, Nirdmitra, son of Nirfiti, * calamity,' offspring of
Khand'apdni, 4. 165, 166. Adharma, 1, 112. Adoptive
Niramitra, Nirdmitra, son of mother of Dambha and M4yA,
Ayutdyus, son of S'rutavat, 4. 1. III.
174. Ninid'ha-paiu-bandha, a certain
Niraya, * hell,' son of Mfityu, 1. sacrifice, 3. 40, 113.
III. Nirukta, '
glossarial comment,' an
Niraya = Naraka, the infernal re- Anga of the Vedas, 3. 46, 67 ;

gions generally, 2. 112. 4. 252.

Nirblja, what, in the Yoga philo- Nirukta, the, a certain dictionary
sophy, 6. 230. so called, referred to, 1. 58 ; 2.
Nirdhfiti, variant of Nirvfiti, 4. 121, 297 ; 3. 46 ; 5. 178.
68. Niruktakrit, title of some unnamed
Nirguna, what, in philosophy, 1. disciple of S'4kapiiui, and author
153; 2.328. of a glossary to the fcg-veda,
Nirmdnaratis, a class of gods in 3. 48.
the eleventh Manwantara, 3. Nirupddhi, wh8,t, in philosophy,
26. 1. 25.

Nirmogha, variant of Nirmoha, Nirutsuka, a ilfeishi in the

son of Sdvarrii, 3. 24. thirteenth Manwantara, 3. 28.

Nirmoha, a ;^i,ishi in the thirteenth Nirvaktra (f), variant of Nichakru,

Manwantara, 3. 28. 4. 163.

Nirmoha, son of SdvarAi, Manu Nirvdna, what, in philosophy, 3.

of the eighth Manwantara, 3. 84, 210.

24. Nirvd6a-maya, what, in philoso-
Nirmoka, a ;6,ishi in the thirteenth phy, 5. 225.
Manwantara, 3. 28. Nirvdnaruchis, by one account, a
Nirmoka, son of Sdvartii, Manu class of gods in the eleventh
of the eighth Manwantara, 3. Manwantara, 3. 26.

24. Nirvindhyd, a river, 2. 130, 155.

Nirmoka, variant of Nirmoha, son Nirvlrd, a river, 2. 146.

of SAvarAi, the ^^ishi, 3. 24. Nirvishaya, what, in philosophy,
Nirmukta, what, 5. 33. 2. 91 ; 5. 226.
Nin&aya-sindhu, the, a law-book, Nirvfiti, variously genealogized,
referred to, or quoted, 3. 10 1, 4. 68.

103, 104, 146, 147, 149-15 '>

Nirvfiti, variant of Susfama, 4.

153, 163, 166, 174, 177, 187, 175-

128 INDEX.

Nirvf itti, variant of Nirvf iti, 4. 68, Mount Meru, 2. iii, 114, 117,
Nirvyiiha, what, in architecture, 122, 123.
5. 31. Nishadhd, a river, 2. 155.

isAcharas, * lemures,' 2. 289, Nishad'ha (t?), variant of Nisat'ha,

296. 4, 109.
NisatLa, son of Balabhadra, son of Nishadhdswa, son of Kuru, sou of
Vasudeva, 4. 109 ; 5. 68. Samvarana, 4. 148.

Nischala, variant of Nischara, the Nishddin, epithet of Ekalavya,

first named below, 3. 3. and whence, 4. 113.
Nischara, a l^ishi in the second Nishka, a certain weight of gold,
Manwantara, 3. 4. 5. 84, 85.
NiiSchara, a I^ishi in the eleventh Nishkumbha, one of the Viswe
Manwantara, 3. 26. devas, 3. 192.
Ni^chlra (HI), variant of Nischara, a Nishkumbhd, variant of Nik-
^feishi in the second Manwan- shubhd, 5. 382, 385.
tara, 3. 5. Nishndtas, Kausika Brdhmans, 4.
NischirA, a river, 2. 146. 28.

Nischitd, a river, 2. 146. Nishprakampa, a il^ishi in the

Nishddas, a people in the Vindhyas, thirteenth Manwantara, 3. 28.
1. 181, «fec. ; 2. 171; 4. 113, Nisi C?),
variant of Nimi, son of
220 ; 5. 123. See Nishdda, the Bhajamdna, 4. 72.

caste so called. Also see Nai- Nisitha, son of Pushpdrna, 1. 178.

shddas. Nisritd, variant of Nischitd, 2. 146.
Nishdda, progenitor of the Nishd- Nisumbha, a demon, slain by Yo-
das, his origin, 1. 181. ganidrd, 4. 261.
Nishdda, a caste, consisting of Nisunda, son of Hrdda, 2. 69.
fishermen, &c., 4. 216.. See Nitala, a particular Pdtdla, or un-
Nishddas. derworld, 2. 209.
Nishadhas, a people, 2. 171. See Nitdna, son of S'ura, son of Vidi'i-

Naishadhas. ratha, 4. 99.

Nishadha, son of Atithi, 3. 304, Nitatni, a Kfittikd, 2. 337.
320.. Niti, what, 1. 118; 4. 265,
Nishadha, a country, 3. 304; 4. Niti-nianjarl, the, a book, referred
216. to, 2. 80.
Nishadha, a country (??), 2. 102, Nlti-mayiikha, the, a law-book, re-

The original, Naishadfuiih var- ferred to, 2. 131, 132, 146, 155,
skam, may mean '
the region 156, 339; 3. 190.
called Naishadha,' or 'the region Nitya, what, in philosophy, 1.

Naishadha (mountains).'
of the 113; 5. 186.
Nishadha, a mountain - range, Nitya-karman, a certain religious
placed both south and east of duty, 4. 257.
INDEX. 129

Nitya i^rdddha, a certain mortuary Nfiga, son of Usinara, son of Ma-

observance, 3. 114, 146. hdmanas, 4. 121.

Nivdpa, what, 3. 93. Nfig^, wife of Uslnara, son of

Nlvdrd, a river, 2. 148. Mahdmanas, 4. 121.
NivAtakavachas, aclassof Ddnavaa, Nfihari, the same as Nfisimha, 2.

sprung from Prahrdda, and 66.

dwelling in the depths of the Nf imand, a river in Plaksha-dwlpa,
sea,, 2. 72. 2. 193.
Nivfitta, what, in religious phrase- Nfipanjaya, son of Suvlra, son of
ology, 5. 200. Kshemya, 4. 144.
Nivfittasatru^ son of Anddhfisht'i, Nfipanjaya, son of Medhdvin, 4.

son of S^iira, 4, 113. 164, 165.

Nivfitti, a river in S^dlmala-dwlpa, Nfisimha, a form of VishAu, half
2. 194. man and half lion, 2. 34, 66 ;

Nivfitti, variant of Nirvfiti, 4. 68. 4. 106, 277; 5. 3.

Nivfitti, variant of Susrama, 4. Nfiswadhdtu (i), variant of Pra-

175- heti, 2. 292.
Niyama, precept son of Dharma,
Nfi-yajna, a certain religious ob-
1. no. servance, 3. 93.
Niyama, the term defined, 3. 77 ;
Numeration, terms ofj specified,
5. 222, 227, 230, 240. . 5, 187, «kc;

Niyati, daughter of Meru, and Nyagrodha, son of TJgrasena, son

wife of Vidhdtfi, 1. 152 ; 5. of A'huka, 4. 98.

387. (Correct, on the warrant Nyagrodha, 'the Indian fig-tree,'

of the Bhdgavata-purSria, the 1. 171 ; 2. 116, 202 ; 3. 285.

order in which Niyati and Ayati Nyarbuda, '
one hundred mil-
are named in 1. 157.) lions,' 5. 188.
Niyut, wife of S'iva, the Rudra, Nydsin, *
religious mendicant,' 1.

1. 117. 98.
Nfibandhu, variant of Nichakru, Nydya, a certain system of philo-
4. 163. sophy, 3. 222.
Nfibandhu, variant of !^icha, 4. Nydyaka, Nydyika, adjective of
164. Nydya, 4. 252.
Nfibhfita, variant of Susrama, 4.
175- Oblations, daily, with fire, to
Nfichakshus, son of 6icha, 4. 164. Brahmd, 3. 117.
Nficbandra, sou of Antin4ra or Obsequies, rites of, three kinds,
Rantindra, 4. 130. and by whom performed, 3. 155,
Nfiga = Nabhaga, 3. 13, 231, &c.
232, -256. Changed to a lizard, Ocean, the churning of the, 1. 143,
3. 335-
130 INDEX.

Od'ras, a people, 2. 177 ; 3. 295 ;

Padma - purdna, Pddma - purAna,
4. 220. analysis of it, <fec., P. 18-20, 22-

Od'i-a, a country, now called Orissa, 24, 26, 29, 30, &c., 34, 40, 58,
3. 293; 4. 122, 221. 83, 85, 87 3. 66, 67 5. 285,
2. J 77; ; ;

Od'ra, variant of Pund'ra, son of 298, 310, 319, 327, 378.

Dirghatanias, 4. 122. PadmAsana, what, in the Yoga
Ogbavat, son of Pratlka, 3. 335. philosophy, 5. 230.
Oghavat (IT), variant of Vegavat, Padmdvatl, Padmavatf, a city, 4.

son of Bandhumat, 3. 245. 217-219.

Oghavatl, daugliter of Pratlka, Padmayoni = Abjayoni, an epithet
and wife of Sudarsana, 3. 335. of Brahmd, 6. 1 96.
Oghavatl, a river, 2. 148. Pddoddhiita, what, in the pancra-
Oja, son of Krishna and Lak- tium, 5. 37.
shman^, 5. 81. Padukas, a people, 4. 221.
Ojaswin, son of Bhautya, Manu Padamas, variant of Padukas, 4.

of the fourteenth Manwantara, 221.

3. 29. Pad'umdyi (1), variant of Pat'umat,

Ora, a mystical and initiatory syl- 4. 196.

lable; the monosyllabic Brah- Padur^viC?), variant of Pat'umat, 4.

ma ; a type 6f the three worlds, 196.

of BrahmA, and of the Vedas, Pahlavas, a people, 2. 168, 184,

1. I, &c, ; 3. 37, (fee. A type of 187, 339; 3. 290-292, 294,

Vdsudeva, Krishna, or Vishnu, 295; 4. 15. See Pahnavasi
3. 39. Se^ also P. 68 ; 1. 140, Pahnavas, by error for Pahlavas,
142; 2. 250, 252; 3. 56. (?) 2. 168, 185, 187; 3. 292,
Omkara = Om, 1. i, 61 ; 2. 250, 295'
252. Paija, disciple of Jdtiikarnya, and
Orders, duties of the four,3, 92, (fee. promulgator of the 6,ig-veda, 3.

Orissa. Seo Od'ra. 48.

Osht'hakarnakas, a people, 2. 162. Paila, disciple of Vydsa, and teacher,

Oxydracae, the classical, perhaps &c., of the fog-veda, P. 45 ; 3.

one with S'lidrakas or Sudras, 41, 42, 44, 49-51-

2. 184, 185. Pdlngangd, the modern name of an
Indian river, 2. 144, 145.

Padmd - Lakshml, 1. 119. 147, PaippaUyani, disciple of Veda-

dar^a, and teacher of the Athar-
Padinjf, a Kalpa, P. 68 (where cor- va-veda, 3. 62.
rect the spelling); 1. 53, 55, Paisdcha, a form of marriage, 3.

78; 2. 2t. 105.

Pad ma, what, in numeration, 6. Paitdlaki, variant of Vaitdlaki, 3.

188, 1S9, 392. 47-

INDEX. 131

Pait'hinasi, a lawgiver, quoted, 3. Panchadhanus, son of Sl'injaya,

102. son of Haryaswa, 4. 147.

PAka, a Daitya, slain by Indra, 4. Panchahasta, son ,of Dakshasd-

317- varna, Manu of the ninth Man-
F^ka-samsthds, certain sacrifices, wan tara, 3. 25.
3. 112, 113. Panchajana, a Daitya, son of Sam-
Pdka-6Asana, an epithet of Indra, hrdda, 2. 69. Slain by Kfishiia,

4. 317. 5. 48, 90.

Pdka-yajnas = Pika-samsthds, 8, Panchajana, the same as Vfrana,
87, 114; 5. 182. 2. 15, 16.
Paksha, ' fortnight,' 2. 254. Panchajana, an epithet of Asa-
Paksha, variant of Chakshusha, manjas, 3. 298.
eon of Auu, 4. 120. Pdnchajanya, an island, perhaps
Paksha, variant of Kshemya, son fabulous, 2. 129.
of S'uchi, 4. 174. Pdnchajanya, a conch-shell cap-
Pakshaja, a certain kind of cloud, tured and appropriated by
2. 279. Krishna, 5. 48.

Pilaka, son of Nahusha, 4. 46. Panchakas, a caste, established by

Pdlaka, son of Pradyotana, 4. 178. Viswasphdni, 4. 217.
Pdlaka, son of Chandapradyota (11), Panchaka, sou of Nahusha, 4. 46.

5.391- Pdnchdlas, Panchdlas, peoples, 2.

PaU^inl, a river, 2. 132, 148. 132,^34/156, 160; 4. I45»i47-

PAlin, sou of Pfithu, son of Vena, Panchdlas, a dynasty, 4. 184.
1. 192. Pauch^la, countries so called, 2.

Pdlita, variously genealogized, 4. 143, 160; 4. 141, 145.

63, 64. Pancb^lakas = Panchdlas, a people,
Palita, variant of PAlita, 4, 64. 4. 146.

Pallavas, variant of Pahlavas, 2. Pancha-lakshaAa, what, as applied

187. to a literary composition, P. 7,
Pallipanjakas, variant of Sunayas, 10, 29, 92; 5. 259, 261, 274,
2. 181. 275-
Pampd, a river, 2. 141, 155. Panchamf (?J), a river, 2. 150, 152.

Pamschi (??), variant of Panchi, 4. Panchanada, a country, the Pun-

46 (where correct the spelling). jab, 5. 156.
Pimsurdsht'ras, a people, 2. 164. Panchanada, a certain place of pil-

PaAava, variant of Kfikaiia, 4. 72, grimage, 5. 156.

Panchachiid'd, an Apsaras, slan- Panchapadi, a river in S^dka-dwlpa,

derous of womankind, 3. 141. 2. 200.
Panchadasa, a certain collection of Pdnchardtras, an heretical sect, 5.

Vaidik hymns, its origin from 379-

Brahmd, 1. 84. ^
Panchdrchis, synonymous with
132 INDEX.

Budha, or the planet Mercury, Pannagini, variant of Pannagdri,

3. 50.
2. 257 (foot of page).
Panchasikha, sou of Brahmi, 2. Pannagdri, disciple of Bdshkala,

200. and promulgator of the Kig-

Panchiawa, variant of Badhryaswa, veda, 3. 50.

4. 145. Panthina, a hell, 2. 215.

Pancha-tantra, the, a collection of PApa, a hell, 2. 215.
apologues, quoted, or referred PApaharA (1), a river, 2. 148, 153.
to, 3. 102, 104, 197. Pdpamochana, a Tirtha at Benares,
Panchi, son of Nahusha, 4. 46. P. 75-
Pancratium, the Hindu analogue PAras, Paras, a class of gods in the

of the, 5. 39, 40. ninth Manwantara, 3. 24.

PAiid'ara, a certain hill in India, Pdra, son of Anga, son of Bali, 4.

2. 142. 123.
Pand'avas, descendants of Pdnd'u, PAra, son of Samara, 4, 141.

P. 12; 4. 147, 159, 232, 246; Para, variously genealogized, 4.

5. 82.86. See Pdrid'us. 141.

P^nd^ava, patronym of Arjuna, son PArd, two rivers, so called, 2. 131,

of Pdnd'u, 5. 150, 166. 147.

Pdnd'avdrani, an epithet of Kuntl, Pard, a river, 2. 147.
wife of PAnd'u, 5. 96. Para, 'the duration of Brahma's
Pind'us, certain persons, and a life,' 1. 46; 5. 188.
people, P. 55; 5 '140. See Para and Pdra, what, in philo-
PAiid'dvas. sophy, &c., 2. 6; 3. 251 ; 4.

Pdnd'u, son of Kf ishnadwaipdyana, 253; 5. 119. 232.

3. 229; 4. 80, loi, 102, 126, Para (1?), variant of Piiru, 3. 13.

158, 232; 5. 167. Parabhii, variant of Parasu, son of

Pdnd'u, variant of Pr^na, 1. 152, Auttami, 3. 6 (where correct

155- the spelling).

PAiid'ya, sprung from Turvasu, 4. Para-brahman, what, 4. 107, 252 ;

117. 5. 2IO.
Pdnins, Kausika Brdhmans, 4. 28. Pdradas, a people, 2. 168, 18 r,
PAnini, the grammarian, his age, 183-1S5; 3. 290-292, 294,295.
&c., P. 60, 61; 2. 135, 136, Par^jit, variant of Pardvfit, 4. 64.

187, «kc. 3. Para-jndna-maya, what, in philo-

47, 48, 54, 55.

Pankti, a metre, its origin from sophy, 2. 328.

Brahmd's marrow, 1. 86. Iden- Paramakshara, synonymous with
tified with a horse of the Sun, Om, 3. 56.

2. 239. Paramdnu, a measure of time, I.48.

Pannagas, synonymous with Sar- Paramanyu, variant of KaUuara,
pas, 5. 94. 4. 120.

Paramapaddtmavat, what, 3. 205. Parasakti, a certain divinity, P.

Paramarshi, what, 3. 205. 86.
Paraindrtha, what, 2. 39, 326 ; 3. Parasanchdrakas, variant of Sama-
208 ; 4. 292 ; 5. 242. vegava^as, 2. 179.
Paramdrthdrtha, what, 2. 62. Pardsara, grandson of VasishtTia,
Paramdrtharupin, what, 2. 6. 1. 6. Son of S'akti, 1. 6, 8
ParamAtman, a name of Vishnu, 3. 35, 36. Disciple of Kapila,
the term explained, &c., 1. 3, 1.5. He is taught the Vishnu-
41, 56, &c. ; 2. 328; 3. 312; purdiia by Pulastya, 1. 9, &c.
4. 253; 5, 14, 91, 211. He relates it to Maitreya, 1. 1 1.

Paramekshu, son of Anu, son of (Perhaps the Pardsara, disciple

Yaydti, 4. 120. of Bdshkala, and also Pdrdsarya
Paramesa, the term etynaologized, (I), named below, are the same
5. 387. person.) And see P. 1 7, 34, 41
Paramesht'hin, an epithet of Brah- 3. 37> 74. 79; 4. 24, (fee. &c.

ma, 2. 19, 330. Pardsara, disciple of Bdshkala, and

Parameshlhin, an epithet of Vish- promulgator of the Kig-veda,
nu, 4. 264, 8.45.
Pararaeshthiu, son of Indradyum- Pardsara, an astronomer, referred
na, 2. 106. Called son of Deva- to, or quoted, 2. 255, 277.
dyumna, in the Bhdgavata-pu- Pardsara (I), 3. 60. See Pdrd-
rdna, 2. 107. sarya.
Paramesial, variant of Paramekshu, Pdrdsara, variant of Pardsara, dis-
4. 120. ciple of Bdshkala, 3. 44.
Parameswara, the term explained, Parasara-smfiti, a code of law, re-
&c.,P. 77; 1.41, 172; 3. -51; ferred to, 3. 103.
5. 14, 200. Pdrdsara-upapurdiia, P. 87.
Paranjaya, variant of Puranjaya, Pdidsarya (i), son of Kuthumi, and
3. 261, 263. promulgator of the Sdma-veda,
Pariintas, a people, 2. 168. 3. 61.
Parapaksha, variant of Paramek- Parasikas, Pdrasikas, ' Persians,'
shu, 4. 120. 2. i33» 136, 182, 183.
Pdrapdra, wliat, 2. 6. Parasu, a jfeishi in the third Man-
ParapArabhuta, what, 2. 6. wantara, son of Auttami, 3. 6.

Pardparesa, what, 5. 214. Parasu, what, 4. 22.

Parapuranjaya, son of S'esha, king Parasurdma, a !6,isbi, son of Jama-

of the Ndgas, 4. 212. dagni, 4. 18. Beheads his own
Parapuranjaya, variant of Puran- mother, Renukd, 4. 20. Slays
jaya, 4. 210. the Kshattriyas, 4. 23. Gives
Pardrdha, ' the duration of half of the earth to the Brdhmans, 4.

Brahmd's life,' 1.47; 5.187,188. 23. Retires to Mount Mahen-

134 INDEX.

dra, 4, 24. See also P. 108; P. 40, 41, 44; 4. 148, 152,
1. 151 ; 2. 72, 1 19 3 3. 23, 160-163, 229-234, 236; 5.
311, 316; 4. 21, 56, 184; 5. i55> 167. The Bh4gavata-pu-
283. rdna narrated to him, P. 53.
ParasurAmakshetra, a region on Parikshita, variant of Parikshit, 4.

the Malabar coast, 2. 179. 162.

Pdratakas, variant of PArasikas, 2, Pdrimardana {?), variant of Ari-
182. mardana, son of S'waphalka, 4.

Paratangarias, a people, 2. 181. 95-

Paravallabhas, a people, 2. 176. Parindma, 'digestion,' 3. 128.
ParAvasu, a Gandharva, 2. 293. Pariiidma, * decay,' &c., 5. 254.

P^rivatas, a class of gods in the Parindmin, an epithet of Pradhdna,

second Manwantara, 3, 3. 1. 27.
Pardvfit, son of Rukmakavacha, Pdripdtra, the northern portion of
4.63. the Vindhya chain of moun-
Par4yana, a promulgator of the tains, 2. 127, 128, 130, 133,
White Yajur-veda, 3. 57. 141, 144, 152, 155, 340; 3.

Pdribhadra, ruler over the realm of 240,321. See Pdriydtra.

Pdribhadra, and son of Yajna- Pdripdtra, variant of Pdriydtra, 3.
b4hu, king of S'dlmala-dwipa, 320, 321.
2. 195. Fdriplavas, a class of gods in the
Piribhadra, a region in S^ilmala- fifth Manwantara, 3. 10.
dwlpa, 2. 195. Pariplava, son of Sukhdbala, 4.

Paridh^na, what, 3. 95. 165.

Parigha, variant of P4lita, 4. 64. Parisraya, variant of Pariplava, 4.
Pdrijdta, a tree produced from 165.
churning the ocean, 1. 144, 147 Paritas, variant of Pardntas, 2.

5. 97. Krishna takes it away 168.

from Indra's. garden, at the in- Parivatsara, a certain cyclic year,
stigation of S'achl, 5. 98. It 2. 255^
returns to heaven, 5. 155. See Parivettfi, the term defined, 4.

also 2. 200; 5. 102-105, 113, 155-

133- Parivitti, the term defined, 4. 154.
Parikara, what, 4. 287. Parivrdj, what, 3. 96, 123, 215.
Pariksha, variant of Parikshit, 4. See Bhikshu.
162, Pdriydtra, variously genealogized,
Pariksha (?), variant of Parikshit, 3. 321, 323-
4. 152. Pdriydtra, a mountain-range to the
Parikshi, variant of Parikshit, 4. west of Mount Meru, 2. 123,
162. 124.
Parikshit, variously genealogized, Pdriydtra = Pdripdtra, part of th^
INDEX. 135

Vindhya mountains, 2. 113, Parvata, a Devarshi, son of Kas-

128; 3. 321. yapa, 1. 122; 2. 20; 3.68.

Tarjanya = Indra, 2. 44 4. 309. ;

Parvatl - UmA, or Satl, daughter
King of clouds, <fcc., 2, 86 4. ;
of Himavat, P. 32, 71, 89; 1.

156, 157- 157; 2. 80, 234; 4. 33; 5.

Parjariya, a Prajapati, son of Agni, loS, 109, 321.

1. 154; 2.86,263. Parvati = PAra, a river so called,

Parjanya, a ^^ishi in the fifth 2. 147, 340.

Manwantara, 3. 10. Parvatiyas, a people of mountain-

Parjanya, an Aditya, 2. 285, &c. eers, Z. 177.

Parjanya (who?), 2. 8^. See Parydvartana, a hell, 2. 215.

Arvdi'wasu, Paryushita, what, 3. 126, 196.

Pariia, a promulgator of the White PA^ivAt'as, a people, 2. 180.

Yajur-veda, 3. 57. Pasu, 'sacrificial animal,' 1. 84; 3.

Parnas, variant of Shand'as, 2. 158; 5. 59, 94, 234, 236, 247.

164. Pasu = Pasu-bandha, 3. 40.
Pasus, variant of Pattis, 2. 186.
PariUsa, a river, 2. 152; 4, 73.
Parnikd, variant of Pariiinl, 2. 81. Pasu-bandha, a certain ceremony,
Parninl, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83. 3. 40 (where correct the spell-

Paroksha, variant of Paramekshu, ing). 337-

4. 120. Pasu-bharti-i, what, 1. 124.

PAsupatas, an heretical sect, 5. 3S0.
Paroksha, variant of Yavakshd, 2.

Pasupati, a form of Rudra, 1. 116,

Pdrtha, metronym of Arjuna, son 122 ; 5. 59, 386. Kriohna

of PAnd'u and Pfith^, 4. 28 ; 5. identified with him, 5. 15.

156, i59> 161-164. Pasu-yajna, a certain ceremony, 3.

Pdrthivas, Kausika BrAhraans, 4. 40.

28. PAtAlas, 'underworlds,' 2. no,

Parushni, the same as Irdvati, a 207-209, &c., 231; 5. 191,

river, 2. 121. 192, 196.

ParvakAriu, what, 2. 219, PAtala, one of the Pdtdias, P. 3 1 ;

Parvans, certain ceremonial days, 1. 145; 2. 209; 3. 19, 24, 299;

5. 6, 191, 251. Its king, Bali,
3. 143, 147-
PArvana, a particular sacrifice, 3. according to one authority, 2.
113- 21 I.

PArvana-sraddha, a certain mor- Pat'ala, variant of Pat'ax-a, 5. 191,

tuary observance, 3. 147, 173, PatAla-kband'a, a section 01 the

189, 190. Padma-purAna, P. 30, 31, 34.

Parvasa, son of Paurnamtlsa, 1. PataiAvati, a river, 2. 148, 34c.

153- Pat'aiiputra, capital of Magadba,

ParvasS, "wife of Parvasa, 1. 153. 4. 182, 186, 204.

136 INDEX.

Patanga, a caste in Plaksha-dwlpa, Pauloml, patronym of S'achl, wife

2. 193. of Indra, 5. 99.

Patanga, a mountain-range extend- Pauloml, wife of Bhrigu, 1. 152 ;

in £j eouthward from Mount 5. 99.

Meru, 2. 117. Paund'ras, a people, 3. 1773 3.

Patanga, a sun, 5. 191. 295 ; 4. 220, 221 ; 5. 121.

Patangl, daughter of Daksha, wife Paund'ra, the same as Pauiid'raka,
of Kasyapa, and mother of epithet of the false VAsudeva, 5.
grasshoppers, 2. 28. 129.
Pdtanjala, the Yoga philosophy so Paund'ra, variant of Piiiid'ra, son
jpalled, 3. 325. of Dirghatamas, 4. 122.
Pataiijali, a teacher of the Yoga Paund'rakas, a people, 2. 177, 184;
philosophy, 6. 226, 240. S, 295 ; 4. 220, 221.
Pat'ara, a sun, 5. 191. Paund'raka, epithet of Vdsudeva
Path, heavenly, of the Pitfis, 2. the impostor, slain by Krishna,
264. Of the gods, 2. 269. Of 5. 70, 121-125, 128, 129.
Vishnu, 2. 270. Paund'raka, variant of Pund'ra, son
Pat'hitanga, what, 5. 383. of Dirghatamas, 4. 122.
Pathya, disciple of Kabandha, &c., Paund'rikas, a people, 2. 17753,
and teacher of the Atharva- 295-
veda, 3. 61, 62. Pauras, a dynasty, 4. 207, 209,
Pattalaka, son of Hdla, 4. 197. 210.
Pattanas, a people, 2. 180. Pauravas, a dynasty, 4. 144,
Pattan Sorandtli, the popular name 184.
of the site of a once celebrated Pauravl, daughter of Bdhlika, and
temple, 5. 47. wife of Vasudeva, 4. 1 08-1 10.
Pattis, a people, 2. 184. Pauravl, variant of Yaudheyl, 4.
Pat'ns, a caste, established by Vis- 159-
wasphani, 4, 217. PaurnamSsa, son of Marlchi and
Pat'umat, son of Meghaswdti, 4. Sambhuti, 1. 153 } 3. 17.
196. Paurnamdsa, a Sddhya, 2. 22.
Pat'umdvi (I), variant of Pat'umat, Paurnamdsa, variant of Piiriiot-

4. 196. sanga, 4. 195.

Pat'uraitras, a dynasty, 4. 212, PaurnamasI, day of fuU moon,' 2.

214, 215. 26c.

Pat'umitra, a king, 4. 215. Paurusha, variant of Paurusheya,
Paulomas, certain D^navas, sons of 2. 289.
Kasy.'ipa and Pulom^, 2. 71. Paurusheya, a Rdkshasa, 2-. 285,
Identified with the Nivdtaka- &c.
vachas, and slain by Arjuna, 2. Pausha, a ni.">ntb, Dec. -Jan., 2.

261, &c. ; 3. i68»

INDEX. 137

Paushna = Revati, an asterism, 2. Pavitrd, a river in India, 2. 148.

277. Pavitrd, a river in Kusa-dwlpa, 2.
Paushpanji, son of Pushpanja, dis- 196.
ciple of Sukarman, and teacher Pavitra, what, in the religion of
of the SAma-veda, 3. 58-61. the Magas, 5. 384.
See Panshpinji. Pavitra vati, a river in Krauncha-
Pausbpinji, disciple of Hira^ya- dwlpa, 2. 198.
ndbha, and teacher of the Sd,nia- Payas, '
fluid/ 2. 203.
Teda, 3. 58, 59. (Almost with- Payoda, son of Yadu, 4. 53, 57,
out doubt, Paushpiiiji and Payoshni, a river, or rivers, so
Paushpanji are one, and Paush- called, 2. 130, 144-147, 171.
piiiji is the right name.) Paj'^oshiiika, the same as Payoshdl,
Pava, son of Nahush.a, 4. 46. 2. 144.
Pdvaka, son of Vahni or Agni, 1. Perfection, its eight varieties, 1.

141, 156, T93; 283; 5.387.

4. 91.
Called son of Antardhina, 1. Phdiguna, the same as Arjuna, son
193. Chief of the Vasus, 2. 85. of PMd'u, 3. 84; 6. 140, 160.
Pdvakis, the, who, 4. 283. Phdlguna, a month, Feb.-March,
Pdvaki, patronym of K4rttikeya, 4. 2. 261, (fee; 3. 168.
283. Pheda, variant of Hema, son of
Pavamdna, son of Vahni or Agni, Ushadratha, 4. 122.
!• 156, 193. Called son of An- Phenapas, a class of Pitfis, 3. 339,
tardhdna, 1. 193. PichchhilA, a river, 2. 151.
Pavamdna, ruler over the realm of Pld'a, in astronomy, * occultation,'
PavamAna, and son of Medhd- 3. 164.
tithi, king of S'Aka-dwlpa, 2. 200. Pindka, the name of S'iva's bow,
Pavamina, a region in S'aka-dwipa, 1. 141.
2. 200, Pindkadhfik, an epithet of Vira-
Pavana, son of Auttami, Manu of bhadra, 4. 339,
the third Manwantara, 3. 7. Piiid'as, 'balls of food oflFered to the
Pdvana, son of Krishna and Mi- manes of relatives,' 3. 148.

travindd, 5. 79. Pirid'a^miilaka, what, as a vege-

Pavana = V4yu, 5. 46. table production, 3. 195,
Pavana, a mountainrrange to the Pind'draka, son of Vasudeva and
west of Mount Meru, 2. 124. Rohini, 4. 109 ; 6. 141.
Pavandsin, what, 5. 12. Pind'draka, a place of pilgrimage
Pavana-tanaya, '
son of Pavana,' in Gujerat, 5. 141.
the same as Hanumat, 1. IJ7. Pind'ini, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

Pdvani, a river, 2. 120, 121. Pingdksha, a sort of bird, P. 55.

Pavitras, a class of gods in the Pingala, a Rudra, 2. 25.
fourteenth Manwantara, 3. 28. Pingala, a writer on prosody, P. 60.
»38 INDEX.

Pinjal4, a river, 2, 1 50. Yama, 2. 85 ; but Agui, 2. 86.

Pippala, a region in Sudar^ana or Classes and kinds of, 1. 123;

Jambu-dwfpa, 2. no. 3. 157, &c., 339, 340. Their
PippalA, a river, 2. 148. songs, 3. 170, 197 ; 6. 249 :

Pippala, a certain great tree, where and see Pitf i-git4. Food grate-

specially growing, according to ful to them, 3. 193. See also

various accounts, 2. in, 116. P. 37, 38, 81, Ss 82, 97, ; 1.

PippalAda, disciple of Devadarsa, 156, 188; 3. 56, 98, 119, 146,

and teacher of the Atharva-veda, 148, 149; 5. 193.
3.61. Pitfi-gana, what, 1. 119.
Pippaldvatl, variant of Pdt'alAvatl, Pitfi-gltA, <kc., a certain kind of
2. 148. hymn, 3. 66 (note§), 170, 197,
Piaichas, certain goblins. Created 340 ; 5. 249.

by Brahmd, 1. 87. Offspring heaven of the Pitfis

Pitfi-loka, 'the

of Ka^yapa and KrodhavasA and of Brdhmans,' 1. 97, 98.

or else Pisdchd, 2. 74, 75. See See Pr4j4patya.
also 1. 82 ; 3. 116, 119 ; 4. Pitfi-yajna, a particular sacrifice,

250; 6. 94, 203. 3. 40, 93.

PisAchd, daughter of Daksha, wife Pitfi-y4na, '
path of the Pitfis,' 2.

of Kasyapa, and mother of the 264, 269.

Pis4chas, 2. 26, 75. Pitryi = MaghA, a certain aster-
Pis4chik4, a river, 2. 155. ism, 2. 258.
Pishpal4da (?), variant of Pippa- Pivara, a .^shi in the fourth Man-
]4da, 3. 62. wantara, 3. 8.

PisitAsin, what, 2. 87. Pivara, ruler over the realm of

Pitas, a caste in S^dlmala-dwlpa, 2. Pi vara, and son of D3rutimat, king
194. of Krauncha-dwlpa, 2. 197.
PitAraaha = Brahmd, 1. 141 ] 4. Pivara, a region in Krauncha-
4, 251; 5. 114. dwlpa, 2. 197.

PitAmaha, an ancient lawgiver, Plvarl, wife of Vedasiras, variously

cited, 3. 108. genealogized, 1. 152, 155; 3.

Plt'ha-sthAna, 'a spot where the 160, 161. Etymology of the

goddess Devi is worshipped,' P. word, 2. 342.
90; 4. 261, 262. Piyadasi, P4H of Priyadarsin, 4.
Pitfis, certain demigods. Their 189.
origin from BrahmA's side or Piyadassano, Pdli, the same as
armpits, 1. 156 ; 3. 340.
80, 81, Piyadasi, 4. 189.
Sons of Angiras and SwadhA, by Plaksha-dwlpa, a continent, parti-
another account, 2. 29. Their culars regarding, 2. loi, 109,
wife, Swadhd, 1. 109, 1
56. Their 191, &c.
offspring, 1. 157. Their king. PlakshagA, a river, 2, ;2i.
INDEX. 139

Plakshavatl, a river, 2. 339. He presides over the tongue, 1.

Poison. Produced from the ocean, 38.

1. 144. Swallowed by S'iva, 1. Prachetas, variously genealogized,
147. 4. 119.
Prabala, son of Krishna and Laksh- Prachetas, the same as VaruAa, 5.
ma£d, 5. 81. 88.
Prabhd, wife of PushpArna, 1. 178, Prdchetasa, the same as Daksba,
PrabhA, daughter of Swarbhdnu, 1. 102.
and wife of Namuchi, 2. 70 ; 4. PrAchlnabarhis, son of Havir-
30- dbdna, 1. 157, 192, «kc. Of the
Prabhd, wife of Vivaswat, son of family of Atri, 1, 193.
Kasyapa, 3. 20. Prachinwat, son of Janamejaya,
Prabhdkara, ruler over the realm of son of Piiru, 4. 127.
Prabh4kara, and son of Jyotish- Prdchinwat, the same as Prachin-
mat, king of Kusa-dwlpa, 2. 195, wat, on the authority of the
Prabhdkara, a ^^ishi, sprung from MahAbhdrata, 4. 128.
Atri, 4. 129. PrAchyas, a people, 2. 178.
Prabhdkara, a region in Ku^a- Pradarsanas, a class of gods in the
dwlpa, 2. 195. third Manwantara, 3, 6.

Prabhdnu, son of Krishna and Prddhd, wife of Kaayapa, son of

Satyabhdmd, 5. 81. Marlchi, 2. 81.
Prabh4sa, a Vasu, 2. 23. His wife, Pradhdna, * primary matter,' 1. 4.

2. 24. His sons, Devarshis, 3. A form of Vishnu, 1. 18, 19.

70. Properties of it, 1. 20, &c The
Prabhisa, a place of pilgrimage same as Prakfiti, 1, 20. '
on the coast of Gujerat, 5. 47, poise of the three qualities,' 1.

146, 147. 26 ; 5. 199. One with Brahma,

Prabh4ta, son of Vivaswat, son of 1. 23, &c. Agitated, influenced,
Kasyapa, 3. 20. or entered into, by Purusha or
Prabhava, a Sddhya, 2. 22. Vishnu, 1. 27, (fee. Merges into
PrabhavApyaya, what, in philo- spirit, 5. 199.See also P. 94;
sophy, 1. 21, 56. 1.67, 75, 164,169, 172; 2.37,
Prabh^vatl, an Apsaras, 2. 82. 232-235; 3. 129, 202;
58, 94,
Prabhu, variant of Vipra, son of 4.258; 5. 260.
S^rutanjaya, 4. 174. Pradhdnitman, a name of Visbdu,
Prabhiitas, variant of Prasutas, 3. 1-3.
12. Pr4dh4nika, what, in philosophy,
Prachetases, ten sons of Pr4chlna- 1. 24.

barhis, 1. 102, 127, 157, 195, Pradosha, son of PushpArAa, 1. 1 78.

&c. ; 2. I, &c., 337; 3. 230. Pradyotas = Pradyotanas, 4. 178,
Prachetas, son of Angiras, 3. 297. 179.

Pradyota, variant of Pradyotana, Prahwa-swAgatokti, what, 3. 130.

4. 178, 231. PrajAni, son of PrAmsu, 3. 242.

Pradyotanaa, certain kings, 4. PrajApatis, 'mind- born sons of

179. BrahmA.' Variously enumerated,
Pradyotana, son of Sunika, 4. 178. and originating from various
Pradyurana, son of ChAkshusha, 1. parts of BrahmA's body, &c.,

178, 179. 1. 100, <kc. Married to the

Pradyumna, son of Krishna and daughters of Daksha, 1. 109.
Rukmini, 5. 71. Is carried oflF, Their chief, Daksha, 2. 85. See

when six days old, by S'ambara, also P. 42, 95, 96; 1. 78, 79,
a demon, 5. 73. Is reared by 89, (kc, no, 131 ; 2. 9; 5. 144.
Mdyddevl, 6. 74. Slays S'am- PrajApati = BrahmA, 1. 55, 97,
bara, 5. 75. See also 3. 166; 100, 130; 2. 249; 3. 93, 99,
4. 112; 5. 16, 72, 75, 76, 83, 115. "7> 340; 5. 183, 234,
107, 108, no, 113, 115, 116, 236.
118, 120, 141, 148. PrajApati, the same as Ka^yapa,
Pradyurana, variant of S'atadyum- 2. 21.

na, 3. 333. PrajApati, the same as Daksha, 2.

Prddyumni, patronym of Anirud- 29; 3. 82.

dha, 5. 84, 120. PrajApati, the VyAsa of the second

Praghosha, son of Krishna and Dwapara age, 3. 34, 36. (On

LakshmanA, 5. 81. what authority is he identified
Prigjyotisha, the same as Assam, with Manu, in 3. 34?)
5. 55> 88-90, 113. PrajApati (which of the PrajApatis
Praharana, son of Krishna and named above is intended]), 2.

BhadrA, 5. 82. 123, 148, 307.

Praheti, a RAkshasa, 2. 285, <fcc. PrajApati (which of the PrajA-

PrahUdas, a people, 2. 166. patis ?), presiding over the geni-

Prabl4da, son of Hiranyakasipu, tals, 1. 38.

2. 30. His descendants, 2. 69. PrajApatipati = BrahmA, 1. 55 ; 2.

His devotion to Vishnu, 2. t,6. 86.

Is persecuted by his own father, PrajApati-yajna, a certain sacrifice,
2. 38. Vishnu appears to him, 3. 93.

2. 62, <kc. He becomes king of PrAjapatya (who?), 3. 166.

the Daityas and DAnavas, 2. 64, PrAjApatya, a ieaven, 1. 98 ; 5.

85. His abode, in a division of 183.

PAtdla, 2. 2 1 1. See also P. 43, PrAjApatya, a certain wind, 5. 204.

52, 96; 1. 188; 3. I, 19; 4. PrAjApatya, a form of marriage, 3.

And see PrahrAda.

41. 105.
Prahrida = PrahUda, 1. 190; 2. PrAjApatya-tlrtha, what, as applied

30. to the hand» 3. 99.

INDEX. 141

Prajas, variant of Aja, son of Pramada, a iftishi in the third

Auttami, 3. 6. Manwantara, 3. 7.
PrajAti, variant of Prajdni, 3. 242. Pramatha, an attendant of S'iva,

Prajni, a synonym of Mahat, 1. 5. 113, 115, 116, 128.

32- Pramdthinl, an Apsaras, 2. 81.
Prdkdra, what, in architecture, 5. Pramati, son of Rantindra, 4. 129.

57, 128, 134. Pramati (who ?), 5. 251.

Prdkkosalas, a people, 2. 172. Pramati, variant of Pnijdni, 3. 242.
PrakoshnA^ variant of Pramlochd, Pramati, variant of Sumati, 3. 247.
2. 293. Pramdtfi, 'mother'smother,'3. 115,
Pr^kiita, what, in philosophy, 1. Pramita, variant of Pramati, 5.

24, 26, 74, 76, 78, 114, 251.

Prikfita-pralaya, what, 5. 169, PramU, variant of PramlocuA, 2.

2or. 81.
Prakritis, the seven, what, in the Pramloch4, an Apsaras who be-
Sankhya philosophy, and in the guiles the sage Kand'u, 2. 2, &c.,
PurAnas, 5. 199. 75, 81-83, 285, 287, 291, 293 ;

Prakriti, what, P. 93 ; 1. 18, &c., 3. 27,

109. 139, 140, 172, 197; 2. Pramlochantl, an Apsaras, 2. 81,

232, 233, 235, 316, 320, 325, 83-

328 ; 4r. 254, 264 ; 5. 186, 198- Pramlovd (i), variant of Pram-
200, 214, 225, 260. See Pra- lochA, 2. 287.
dhdna, Pramoda, 'hilarity,' sprung from
PrAkfitika, what, in philosophy, Brahm4, 1. 102,
1. 113; 5. 186. Pramoda, son of Dfid'hdswa, son
Prakfiti-khand'a, a part of the of Kuvalayaswa, 3. 265.
Brahma-vaivarta-purdria, P. 65, PrAmsu, son of Vaivaswata or
67. S'raddhddeva, the Manu presid-

Prakriya-pdda, a part of the VAyu- ing over the current Manwan-

purdna, P. 37. tara, 3. 14, 232, 233.

Pralamba, a Daitya, subject to Prdmsu, son of Vatsaprl, 3. 242.

Kariisa,4 250, 272, 300, 301, Pramucha, a Muni, fosterer of the
322, 335. Slain by Balabhadra, nymph Revatl, 3. 9.

4. 304, 305- Prdna, son of Dhdtri and Xyati,

Pralaya, '
dissolution.' Fourfold, 1. 152.
1. 113, &c. Account of, 5. 169, Prana, son of Dhara, a Vasu, 2. 23.
ifcc. Three kinds of, 5. 186. PrAria, a Kishi in the second Man-
Incidental, 5. 186. Elemental, wantara, variously genealogized,
5, 195, &c. Final, 5. 202. See 3. 3, 4-

also P. 81 ; 1. 4. See also Prdna, a certain measure of time,

Dissolution. 1.48.
i4a INDEX.

Pr46akf iBh6a-i4abd4mbudLi, 3. 131. Prasenajit, son of MahAmaAd'ala,

(The more correct name of the 4. 186.

work intended here follows.) Prasenajit, the same as Renu, 4. 19.

PrdAakrishlUya-^abd^bdhi, a mo- Prasiddhaka, variant of Pratlu-

dem Sanskrit dictionary, re- dhaka, 3. 331.
ferred to, 5. 390. See the last PraskaAwa, descended from Me-
article. dhdtithi, son of Kanwa, 4. 130.
PrAAarodha, a hell, 2. 215. Prasna-upanishad, commentary on
Pranava, the same as Om, 3. 38. the, referred to, 3. 340.

PrAndydma, what, in the Yoga Prasraya, * affection,' son of Dhar-

philosophy, 2. 89, 272 ; 3. 55 ;
ma, 1. HI (where correct the
4. 308; 5. 230-232, 240. spelling) ; 4. 265.
Pranetfi, 'promulgator,' 3. 30, 39. PrasfisUtfd, Prasrisht'a, what, 6. 37.

PranidhAna, what, iu the Yoga Prasfita, son of Vasudeva, son of

philosophy, 6. 229, 239(note§§). S'lira, 4. 1 11.

PrApti, daughter of Jardsandha, Prasfitas, variant of Prasiitas, 3.

and wife of Kamsa, 5. 50. 12.

Prasdda, '
favour,' son of Dharma, Prasfiti, Manu SwAro-
son of the
1. Illy and a iki&ld in the second
Prasama, son of Vasudeva, son of Manwantara, 3. 5.
S'lira, 4. iii. Prastiira, variant of Prastdva, 2.

Prasandhi, son of Mann in the 106.

Kfita-yuga, 3. 243. Prastdva, son of Udgltha, 2. 106.
Prasannateyu, eon of Raudrd^wa, PrAstdvi, variant of PrastAva, 2.
4. 128. 107.
Prasanneyu, son of RaudrAswa, 4. Prastiitas (11), variant of Prasiltas,
128. 3. 12.

Prasena, son of Nighna, son of Prasuhmas, a people, 2. 165.

Anamitra, 4. 74, &c. Is killed Pra^usruka, son of Maru, son of
by a lion, 4. 77. S'lghra or S'ighraga, 3. 314.
Prasena, variant of Devavat, son See Prasusruta.
of Aknlra, 4. 96. Prasusruta, variant of, or later sub-
Prasenajit, son of ViswasAhwan, stitute for, Pra^usruka, 3. 325.

3. 325- Prasiitas, a class of gods in the

Prasenajit, variously genealogized, sixth Manwantara, 3. 12.
3. 265, 266, 297. Prasiiti, daughter of Swdyaih-
Prasenajit, son of RAtula, 4. 170. bhyva, and wife of Daksha, 1.

Prasenajit, king of Kosala, son of 108; 3. 162; 5. 386.

Mahdpadma, 4. 171. Prdsyas, variant of PrAchyas, 2.

Prasenajit, king of Magadha, 4. 178.

171. PrdtaH *
dawn,' son of PushpArAa,
INDEX. 143

1. 178 (where correct the spell- Pratikshattra, son of S'amiu, 4. 99.

ing) ; 2. 253. Pratimdsyas, a people, 2. 172.
PrAtaK, a Yaksha, 2. 285, 287, Pratimatsyas, variant of Pratimi-
292, 293. syas, 2. 172.
PratApa-mdrtand'a, a work on law, Pratlndhaka, son of Maru, son of
referred to, 2. 153. Harya^wa, 3. 331.
Pratardana, son of Divoddsa, son Pratlpa, son of DiUpa, son of Bhl-
of Bhlmaratha, 4, 24, 33-36, masena, 4. 153.
39» 40, 343- Pratlpaka, variant of Pratlndhaka,
Pratardana, son of Manwat, 4. 70. 3. 331-
Pratardanas, variant of Pradiir- Pratipaksha, son of Kshattradhar-
sanas, 3. 6. ma or Kshattradharman, &c., 4.
Pritastana, variant of PrAtaK, son 43. 44.
of Pushpdrna, 2. 253. Pratipdewa, variant of Supratlka,
Prati, variant of Pratikshattra, 4. 4. 168.
44. Pratiratba, son of Chyavana, son
PratibAhu, son of S'waphalka, 4. of Mitrayu, (I) 4. 147.
96. Pratiratha (?), variant of Apratir-
Pratibdhu, son of Vajra, son of atha, 4. 130.
Aniruddha, 4. 113. Pvatisanchara, what, 1. 52; 6.

Pratibandhaka, variant of Pratln- r86, 196.

dhaka, 3. 331. Pratisarga, * secondary creatiou/
Pratiblidnu, son of Krishna and P- 63, 93 ; 1- 55-
SatyabhAmA, 5. 8r. Pratisht'hdna, a town, or towns, P.
Pratlha, son of Paramesht'hin, son 107; 2. 165; 3. 237, 238.
of Devadyumna, 2. 107. See Pratlta, son of Bhinuratha, son of
Pratihdra and PratihartfL Bfihada^wa, 4. 168.
Pratihdra, son of Paramesht'hin, Pratlt^swa, son of Bhinuratha, son
son of Indradyumna, 2. 106. of Bfihadaswa, 4. 168.
See Pratlha and Pratihartfi, Prativiha, son of S'waphalka, 4.

Pratihartfi, son of PratihAra, 2. 95. 96.

106. He is called son of Pra- Prativindhya, son of Yudhisht'hira,
tlha, 2. 107. 4. 159.

Pratlka, son of Vasu, son of Bh\i- Prativyoma, son of Vatsavyuha,

tajyotis, 3. 335. 4. 167.
Pratlka, variant of Pratlndhaka, 3. Prativyxiha, variant of Prativyoma,
331- 4. 167.
Pratlk4swa, variant of Supratlka, Pratyagra, variant of Pratyagraha,
4. 168. 4. 149, 150.

Pratikshattra, variously genealo- Pratyagraha, son of Vasu, son of

gized, 4. 43, 44. Kritaka, 4. 149.
144 INDEX.

Pratyagratha, variant of Pratya- Pravlraka, a certain Yavana king,

gralia, 4. 149. 4. 211.
PratydhAra, what, in the Yoga Pr6vfisheyas, a people, 2. 170.
philosophy, 4. 307 ; 5. 199, 232, Pravfitta, what, as an epithet of
240. * works,' 6. 200.
Pratyangirasas, certain !6,iches or Praydga, a sacred city, now Alla-
verses, sons of Angiras, 2, 28, habad, 3. 246 ; 4. 218, 219 ; 5.

29. 248.
Pratyatmya, ' reflexion/ a form of Prdyaschitta, '
expiation,' proceed-
Brahmd, 1. 82. ing from Brahmd, 1. 85.
Pratyaya, a Sarga, 1. 76. Prekshdgdra, '
theatre,' 5. 29, 33.

Pratyiisha, a Vasu,2. 23 ; 3. 68. Prema-sdgara, a Hindi translation

Pravd, instead of Arishia, daugh- from the Bhagavata-purdda, re-

ter of Dakshay and wife of Ka- ferred to, 4. 246.

syapa, according to the Vayu- Pretas, 'ghosts,' 3. 119.
puriiia, 2. 26. Preta-kalpa, a part of the Garud'a-
Pravaha, a certain wind, 2. 305, purdna, P. 84.
306. Preta-kdrya, ' funeral ceremonies/
Pravdhas, variant of Apavdhas. 2. 5- 155'
165. Preta-rdja, an epithet of the god
PravAhita, a !lfeishi in the third Yama, 5. 61.
Manwantara, 3. 7. Pfishadarbha, variant of Vfisha-
Pravard, a river, 2. 140 : 5. 389. darbha, 4. 121.
Prdvaranas (?), a people, 2. 169. Prishadaswa, sou of Vinlpa, 3.257.
Pravarasena (1!), variant of Pravira, Pfishadaswa, son of Anaranya, 3.
son of Dharma, 4. 212. 284.
Pravasu, son of Ailina or Ilina, 4. Pfishadhra, son of Vaivaswata,
132. Manu of the current Manwan-
Pravijayas, a people, 2. 166. tara, 3. 14, 232, 233, 238, 239.

Pravilasena, son of Pattalaka, 4. Pfishata, grandson of some Nlpa,

197. 4. 143, 144.

Pravillasena (?), variant of Pravila- Pfishata, son of Somaka, son of

sena, 4. 197, 202. Sahadeva, 4. 148.
Pravira, variously genealogized, 4. Pf ishokta, variant of Vf ishaAa, son
127. of Arjuna, 4. 57.
Pravfra (another), variously genea- Pfisht'haja, son of Kumdra, son of
logized, 4. 132. Agni, 2. 23.
Pravira, son of Haryaswa, son of Pfisni, variously genealogized. 4.
Cbakshus, 4. 144. 94.
Pravira, son of Dharma, son of Pfisni, 'earth,' mother of the
Bamachandra, 4. 211, 2x2, 214. Maruts, 2. 79,
Pfithi, daughter of S'lira, son of PfithudhJtfi, variant of Pfithu-
Devamld'husha, and wife of ddna, 4. 6^.
Pind'u, 4. loi, 102, 126, 320, Pfithugas, a class of gods in the

321; 5, 156, 164, 167,, sixth Manwantara, 3. 12.

Pfithagas, variant of Pfithugas, 3. Pfithujaya, son of S'a^abindu, &c.,

12. 4. 62, 63.

Pf ithivl, ' earth.' The element, Pfithukas, variant of Pfithugas, 3.

produced from the rudiment of 12.

smell, 1. 35, 36. Turns into a Pfithukarman, son of S'asabindu,

cow, and is milked, 1. 187, &c. &c., 4. 62, 6^.

Whence the name, 1. 1S8. Pfithukirtti, son of S'asabindu, 4.

Mother of the Maruts, 2. 80. 62, 3.

See also Diti and Mamts. Lauds pfithukirtti, daughter of S'lira,

Vishnu incarnate as a boar, 1. son of Devamld'husha, and mo-

59, &c.
ther of Dantavaktra, by one
Pfithu, one of the Viswe devas, 3. account, 4. 104.

192. Pfithula, variant of Pfithuldksha,

Prithu, accordingto the BhAgavata- 4. 125.

purAna, son of Tdmasa, Manu of PfithuUksha, son of Chaturanga,
the fourth Manwantara, 3. 8. 4. 125.
Pfithu, a itishi in the fourth Man- Pfithumat, son of S'asabindu, 4.

wantara, 3. 8. A descendant 63-

of Kasyapa, according to the Pf ithunjaya, variant of Pfithujaya,

V^yu-purina, 3. 8. 4. 62.

Pfithu, son of Vena, son of Anga, Pfitliu-rai-charitra, a poem in old

P. 42; 1. 178, «fec.; 2.85; 4. Hindi, referred to, 3. 207.

Pfithurukraa, variously genealo-
240 ; 5. 388.
Pfithu, son of Prastdva, 2, 107. gized, 4. 6s, 64.

See Pfithushena. Pf ithusas (??), variant of Pfithugas,

Pfithu, variously genealogized, 3. 3. 12.

Pfithusattama, son of Pfithu-

263, 297.
Pfithu, son of Kuchaka, 4. 64. sravas, son of S'asabindu, 4. 63.

Pfithu, son of Chitraka, 4. 96; 5. Pfithusena, son of RuchirAswa, 4.

148. 141.

Pfithu, son of P^ra, son of Sa- Pfithushena, son of Vibhu, son of

mara, 4. 141. Prastdva, 2. 107.

Pfithu, variant of Chakshus, son Pfithushe6a, variant of Pfithusena,

of PurujAnu, 4. 144. 4. 141.

Pf ithuddna, son of S^a^bindu,4. 63. Pfithu^rava (?), son of Dakshasd-

Pf ithudharma, variant of Pfithu- varAa, Manu of the ninth Man-

karman, 4. 62, 63. wantara, 3. 25.
146 INDEX.

Pritliu^ravas, instead of Pfithu- Pulaha,a Praj4pati,son of BrahiDd,

srava ('?),accordin5 to the Vdyu- 1. 8-10, tkc, 100, &c., 2. 103,
puriiiia, 3. 25. 285, (fee; 3. 3, 8, II, 68, 160,

Pfithurfravas, son of S'asabindu, 164. His wife, Kshamd, 1. 109,

<tc., 4. 6^. no. His offspring, 1. 154.

Pfithusravas, son of Eaghu, son of Pulaha, a certain star, 4. 233.

Dirghabdhu, according to the Pulaka, variant of Pattalaka, 4.
Bhagavata-purAna, 3. 313. 197.
Pfithuyasas, son of S'a^abiudu, 4. Pulastya, a Prajdpati, son of

62. Brahmd, P. 30, 31, 41, 75; 1.

Piiti, 'affection,' daughter of Dak- 8, 9, 100, &c. ; 2. 103 ; 284, Ac.,

sha, and wife of Puiaatya, 1. 330. 3. 3-5, 8, II, 68, 160,
.109, 154. 161,164,246. His wife, Pri'ti,

Priyd, daughter of Daksha, and 1, 109, no. His offspring, 1.

mother, by one account, of four 154. Progenitor of the Rak-

Manus, known as the Merusd- shasas, 1, 10.
vaniis, 3. ^4. Pulastya, variant of Vasisht'ha, 5,
Priyadarsand, one of Krishna's 251-
wives (1), 5. Si. Pulika, variant of Sunika, <fec., 4.

Priyadarsiu, the same as Asoka, 4. 178.

189 (where correct the spelling), Pulimatj son of Gotamfputra, 4,

345- 198.
Piiyamedha, son of Ajamld'ha, 4. Pulindas, certain barbarous people,
140. 2. 159, 160, 170, 179, 341; 4.
Priyamukhyd, variant of Guna- 217. Their origin, 1. 182.
mukhyi, 2. 81. Pulinda, variant of Pulindaka, 4.
Priya^ishyd, an Apsaras, 2. 82, 192.
Priyavrata, son of SwAyanibhuva Pulindakas, the same as Pulindas,
Manu, 1. 107, &c., 155, 159; 2, 159-
3. 2, 5, 7, It ; 5. 250. His Pulindaka, son of A'rdraka, son of
offspring, 2. loo, 108, 193, 195, Vasumitra, 4. 192.
197, 198, 200, 203. Pulindasena, variant of Pravila-
Properties of sensible objects, 1. sena, 4. 297.

37- Pulomii, daughter of Vaiiwdnara,

Proshakas, a people, 2. 187. wife of Kasyapa, and mother of
Prosht'has, a people, 2, 179. the Paulomas, certain Ddnavas,
Ptolemy Eaergetes, name of, in 2. 71, 72.
an ancient Indian inscription, 4. Puloman, a Ddnava, son of Kas-
189. yapa, 2. 70 ; 5. 99. His abode,
Pudakas, variant of Padukaa, 4. 2. 2 1 1 (where correct Pulomat)
221. 5. 389.
Puloman, son of Viprachitti, son 2- 57> 94; 3. 204; 4. 104,289.
of Kasyapa, 2. 72. 340-
Puloman, variant of Puloradrchis, Pund'arlkanayana = Puiid'arlkA-
4. 199, 202. ksha, 4. 104, 112.
Pulomdrchis, son of Chandrasri, Pund'arlkavat, a mountain -range
and the last of the Andhra- in Krauncha-dwipa, 2, 197.
bhritya kings, 4. 199. See Pund'ras, a p&ople, 2. 132, 170,
Pulomat. 185. See Pund'rakas.
Pulomat, variant of Pulimat, 4. Pund'raj son of Vasudeva, eon of
1985 201. S'ura, 4. iio^
Pulomat, variant of Pulomdrchis, Purid'ra, son of Bali, the Daitya,
4. 199, 201, 203, 204, 231, 236. 4. 122.
Pulomdvi, son of SwAtikariia, 4. PuAd'ra, countries so called, 2. 134,
200. 170, 171, 177 ; 4, 221.
Pulomdvit (??), variant of Pulo- Pund'ra, a fabulous city, between
mdvij 4. 200. the Himavat and Hemakutfa
PulovApi (ll), variant of Pulo- mountains, 2. 282.
mdrchis, 4. 199. Punid'rakas^ a people, 4. 220. See
Puiils, 'spirit,' <fec., 1. 3, 23, &c. : Pund'ras,
2- 223, 323j 332; 3. 202; 4. Punjal, a festival j observed in the
258; 5. 59, 199. And see Pu- south of India, 4. 313.
rusha; Punjikasthald, an Apsaras, 2. 81-
Punarvasu, son of Puru, son of 83, 285, 286, 291, 292.
Madhu, 4. 69. Punjikasthali, variant of Punjika-
Punarvasu, variously genealogi;;ed, sthaU, 2. 286.
4. 98, 99. Punndmnyfiksha; an epithet of
Punarvasu, Punarvasiij a certain ten patticular asterisras, 3. 132.
asterism, 2. 265, &c., 308; 3. PuiiyA, daughter of Kratu, and
132, 167. wife of Yajnavdma, 1. 155
Puiid'arlka, a serpent, son of Ka- (where Correct the spelling),

^yapa, son of Marichi, 2. 74. 200.

Pundarika, son of Nabhas, son of Punyd, a river, 2. 154.

Nala, 3. 320. Punyajanas, certain Rdkshasas, de-

Pulid'arlkd, daughter of VasishtTiaj stroyers of the city of Kusa-
and wife of Pdnd'u(or of Prdna ?), sthali, 3. 255.

1. 152. 155- Pur, synonymous with Mahat, 1.

Pund'arlkd, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83. 32.
Pund'a,rfk/i, a river in Krauncha- Pura, 'city,' its extent, form, &c.,
dwipa, 2. 198. 1. 94.

Pund'arlkdksha, 'lotos-eyed,' a title Purajdnu, variant of PurujAnu, 4.

of Vishiiu or KHshna, 1. 1-3 ; 144.

148 INDEX.

Furajit, son of Aja, son of Ur- fying *

enemy of Pura,' a demon
dhwaketu, 3. 334. so called, 2. 112.

Pi^raka, 'inspiration,' in the Yoga Purdvati, a river, 2. 149.

philosophy, 4. 30S ; 5. 231, Purlkashena, variant of Pravila-

PuramAlinl, a river, 2. 148. «eua, 4. 197.

Purana, son of ViswAmitra, 4. Parikdya, Purlkdya<, a certain king,
28. 4. 213.
Purdnas, * mythological digests,' Purikdyd, a city (I), 4. 213.
P. 7 ; 6. 300. Their scope, &c.> Pur;(mat^ variant of Pulimat, 4.

P. 5, <kc. ; 3. 72, 73. Subjects 19B.

of them, P. 7. Their probabk Purindrasena, variant of Pravila-
age, P. 16. Their extent, P. 24. sena, 4. 197, 201.

Their names, P. 20, 23 ; 3. 66, Purlshabhlru, variant of Pravila-

67. Classes of them, P, 19, &c. sena 4. 197.

Notices and analyses of them, Purishasena (1), variant of Pravi-

severally, P. 27-86. Taught by lasena, 4. 197.

Vydsa, 3. 42. Taught by Siita, Purishataru (?), variant of Pravila-

3. 64. Original Sa.]nhit4s of sena, 4. 197.

them, 3. 64, &c. Purishi, a particular holy flre^ 1.

PurdnArnava, the title of a work 85 (where correct Purlshin).

connected with the PurAnas, P. Pilrnd, a river, 2. 145*

Pilriid, a river, (another), % 154.
Purand'as, variant of Purund'as, 4. Pjirnaka, what, in the worship of

206. the Magas, 5. 384.

Purandara, the Indra of the current Purnamdsa, son of Krishna and
Manwantara, 3. 13, 18; 5. 46. Kdlindl, 5. 79.

Puranjaya, son of Vikukshi, 3. Piirndsd, a river, %. 152 (where

261-263. correct the spelling) ; 5. 389.
Puranjaya, son of BhajamAna^ son Piiniotsanga, son of S'rl^atakarni,

of Satwata, 4. 72. 4, 195, 200, 202.

Puranjaya, son of Sf injay a, son of Purod'a^a, ' a sacrificial cake of
Kdldnara, 4. i2o. ground rice,' 1, 119.

Puranjaya, son of Vindhyasakti, Purohita, '

priest,' 4. 62.

4. 210. Purojava, ruler over the realm of

Puranjaya, variant of Nripanjaya, Purojava, and son of Medhdti-
son of Suvira, 4. 144. thi, king of Kdka-dwlpa, 2. 200.
Puranjaya, variant of Nripanjaya, Piirojava, a region in S'dka-dwlpa,
son of Medhdvin, 4. 165. 2. 200,
Puranjaya, variant of Ripunjaya, Piirta-kamaldkara, the, a work on
son of Vi^wajit, 4. 176. law, referred to, 2. 131, 132,
PurAri, an epithet of S'iva, signi- 339 ; 3. 190
INDEX. 149

Piiru, Puru, son of ChAkshuslia, 1. makes it threefold, 4. 10. Tra-

177, 178; 3. 13. ditions of hiiu, 4. 1 1, See also
Pdru, an incarnation of Dharma, P. 107; 3. 168; 4.30,31,343.
and son of Vasudeva, 4. 1 1 1. Punlravas, king of the Madras,
Puru, son of YayAti, 3, 266 ; 4. 4.5.
46,48, «fec., 116, 117, 120, 126- Pururavas, variant of Puruvat (?),

128, 130, 133, 139, 152, 237. 3. 189-191.

Puru, son of Jahuu, sou of Su- Purushas, a caste in Krauncha-
hotra, 4. 14, 15, 24. dwlpa, 2. 1 9 8-.
Puru, son of Madhu, son of Deva- Purusha, 'the male portion of
ksbattra, 4. 6g. Brahmd,' 1. 106. See Viraj.
Purudwat, variouiily genealogized, Pui'usha, 'spirit.' A form of Vish-
4. 69, 70. nu, 1. 16; 2. 295; 3. 72, 83,
Puruhotra, variously genealogized, 252. For '
disciple,' 4. 73. See
4. 69. also P. 94; 1. 3, 4, 27, 58; 2.

Puruliuta, son of Dravavasu, 4. 70. 37, 58; 5. 200, 201. And see
Puruja, variant of Purujauu, 4. Pums.
144. Purusha, son of Chdkshusha, Manu
Purujdnu, son of Susdnti, 4. 144. of the sixth Manwautara, 3. 13.

PurujAti, variant of Purujdnu, 4. Purushakutsa (11), variant of Puru-

144- kutsa, son of Mdudhatfi, 3. 268.
Purujit, 6on of Rucbaka, son of Puriishaprabhu, sou of Madhu, sou
Usanas, 4. 64. of Devakshattra, 4. 70.
Purujit, son of Krishna and JAm- Purusha-swarupin, what, 3. 252.

bavatf, 5. 79. Purushavara, variant of Puniravas,'

Purukutsa, son of Mdndhdtfi, I. son of Budhd, 3. 237.
17 ; 3. 268, 281-283 j ^' 250. Purushottama, '
supreme spirit,' a
Purukutsa, son of Durgaha, 3. 268. of Vishnu, P. 73 ; 1, 16, 27,

Purukutsa, son of Anu, son of 61, 167, 170, 196, &c. ; 2. 57,
Purudwat (1), 4. 69. kc. &c. ; 3. 282, 299; 4. 75,
Purumld'ha, son of Hastin, 4. 140, 247, 248, 256; 5. 2, 7, 119,
Purund'as, Purund'as (1), a dy- 161, 166, 184, 200, 216, 254,
nasty, 4, 2c6. 344-
PuruDJas, variant of Purund'as, 4. Purushottama, a disquisitionist on
206. the Bhdgavata-purdna, referred
Punlravas, son of BudhA and lid, to, P. 48.
-3. 236 ; 4. 5. His progeny, 4. Purushottama, a region (1),
•13. The city of Pratisht'hdna tana,' of Vishnu, 2. 5.

is bestowed on him, 3. 237. Purushottama-kshetra, a holy place

Becomes enamoured of Urvasl, in Orissa, sacred to Purushot-
4. 6, &c. Strikes fire, and tama, P. 28, 73.
»so JNDEX.

Puruva^a, sou of MaMtejas (1), 4. Pushkara, a famous lake, near

69. Ajraere, P. 30 ; 2. 96 ; 4. 26 ;

Puruvat (1), one of the Viawe 5. 248.

devas, 3. 191. Pushkara, variant of Kimnara, son
Puruvatsa (1), variant of Puruvasa, of Sunakshatra, 4. 168.
4. 69. Pushkara-dwipa, a certain conti-
Piirva, son of Mld'hwas, 3. 335. nent, 2. loi, 109, no, 201,
Piirva-bh^drapadd, a certain aster? (fee, 245.
ism, 2. 268, <fec. ; 3. 132, 167, Pushkara-mdhdtmya, a PaurdAik
170. composition, 2. 12.

Purv&bhirdmA, a river, 2. 148. Pushkardru/ii, variant of Push-

Piirvachitti, an Apsaras, 2. 75, karin, 4- 138.

81-83, 285, 288, 293. Pushkardvartaka, a kind of cloud,

PiirvAhna, 'forenoon,' 2. 295. 2, 280.
PiirvaJH, an epithet of Vishnu, 1. Pushkardvati, a city, identified

2, 3-
with Arriait's Peukelaotis, 3. 3 1 9.

PurvajA = Aswipf (1), an asterism, Pusbkarin, son of Urukshaya, 4.

2. 264. 138.
Purva-phdlguni, an asterism, 2. Pushkariril, daughter of Anaranya,

259, &c. and wife of Chakshusha, 1. 177,

Piirva-prosht'hapadd = Purva-bbA- 179. Called daughter of Vi-

drapadA, 2. 265. rana, and also wife of Vyusht'a,

PiirvAshdd'hd, an asterism, 2. 259, 1. 178.

&c., 308; 4. 230, 234. Pushkarinl, wife of Bhumanvu, 4.

Pdshan, an Aditya, 1. 131, 141, 138.

180; 2. 27, 285; 4. 339. Pushkasas, a dynasty, 4. 206.
Pushkalas, a caste in Krauncha- Piishpadamsht'ra, a serpent, son of
dwlpa, 2. 197. Kasyapa, 2, 74.
Pushkalas, variant of Mushakas, 2. Pushpajdti, a river, 2. 155.
178. Pushpamitras, a dynasty, 4. 212,
Pushkala, variant of Pushkara, son 214, 215.
of Bharata, 3. 319. Pushpamitra, the first S'unga king,
Pushkala, variant of Rdtula, 4. 4. 189-191.
169. Pushpamitra, king of MekaU, 4.
PushkalAvart^ka = Pushkardvar- 213, 215; 5. 392.
taka, 2. 280, Pushpanja, father of Paushpanji,
Pushkaras, the Brdhmans of 3.58.
Krauncha-dwfpa, 2, 197, Pushpdrna, son of Vatsara, sou of
Pushkara, son of Bharata, son of Dhruva, 1. 178.
Dasaratha, and king of Pushka- Pushpavarsha, a mountain in S'dl-
rdvatl, 3. 319. mala-dwlpa, 2. 195.

Pnshpavat, variously genealogizeJ, Putravat, variant of Pushpavat, 4.

4. 150. ^150.
Pushpavat, a mountain io Kusa- Puyavaha, a hell, 2. 215, 218.
dwlpa, 2. 196. Piiyoda, a hell, 2. 215.
Pushpavenl, a river, 2. 154.
Pusht'i, ' daughter of
tkriving,' Qualities, three, Satya, Rajas,
Daksha, and wife of Dharraa, Tamas, 1. 3, 13, 26. See
1. 109, no. Gunas.
Paslit'i, daughter of Paurnamdsa,
1- 153- Piabhasa, sprung from Rambha,
Pusht'i, daughter of Dhruva, 1. son of Ay us, 4. 43.
178. Rddbit, wife of Krishna, P. 21, 22,
Pushfimat, variant of Tushtimat, 66, <fec.; 4. 245, 329, 330; 5.

4. 99. 264, 269, 283, 285, 321,342,

Pusht'i-sr^ddha, a particular mor- 345-
tuary ordinance, 3. 147. RadhA, wife of Adhiratha, 4-. 126,
Pushya, son of Renu, 3. 297. 143; 5. 391.
Pusbya, variously genealogized, 3. Radheya = Karna, and why so
324- called, 4. 126, 142.
Pushya, a certain asterism, 2. 259, Radhika, son of Jayasena, son of
308 ; 3. 132, 167 ; 4. 229.
&c., Sdrvabhauma, 4. 153.
Pushya = Pau.<iba, the month so RAga, '
attachment,' its place in
called, 3. 168. philosophy, 1. 69.
Pusbya, variant of Satyadhfita, 4. Riigbava, patronym of Rama, 1.

150. 151 ; 3. 81 ; 4. 104, 241

Put, a hell, that of the souless Raglius, the, descendants of Ra-
dead, 1. 183. gbu, 4. 240.
Piitand, a she-demon, daughter of Ragbu, variously genealogized, 3.

Bali, 2. 69. Is slain by Kfishria, 305^ 313-316; 4. 241.

4. 272, 276, 278, 281, 335; 5. Ragbu, son of Yadu, son of Yaydti,
33, 87. And see 4, 272. 4- 53-.

Putana, variant of Jharjbara, 2. Ragbunandana, a modern law

69. compiler, 3. 328.
PutimfittiJia, a hell, 2. 215. Ragbuvamsa, the, a poem, referred
Putisrinjayas, variant of Ghat'a- to, P. 9, 30, et jidssim.
si'iujayas, 2. iSo. RabasyA, a river, 2. 147.

Putra, son of VasishtTia, son of Rahasya, the term explained, 5.

BrahniA, J. 155. 47.

Putra, son of Priyavrata, 2. 100, RAhu, son of Viprachitti and
lOI. Simhikjl, 2. 55, 72 : but see 5.

Putra, son of Brahmisht'ha, 3. 324. 387. King of meteors, 2. 86.

152 INDEX.

His car aud horses, 2. 304. Raivataka, a mouutain-range in

Eclipse personified, 2, 308. S'^ka-dwfpa, 2. 198.
A'yus, eldest son of Pururavas, Raivataka, a lake on Mount Eu-
marries his daughter Prabh4, muda, 3. 9.

4. 30. At the churning of the Raja, son of Viraja or Virajas, 2.

ocean, he obtains a portion of the 107. See Rajas.

Amf ita, is beheaded by Vishnu, R4jd (rdjan), king,' its etymology,
is transferred to the skies, &c., 1. 184.
1. 147, 148. See also 2. 258, Rdja-bhat'a, what, in legal termin-
259. Another name of R4hu is ology, 2. 217.
Swarbhdnu, Rajddaswdti (?]), variant of Cha-
Rdhula, variant of R^tula, 4. 169, koraswdtikariia, 4. 201.
170. RAjddhidevl, variously genealo-
RdhulasiijthesameasS'^kya, 4. 1 70. gized, wife of Jayasena, the
Raibhyas, a class of gods in the Avantya, 103; 5. 82
4. loi,
fifth Manwantara, 3. 10. (where she should have been
Raibhya, sou of Sumati, son of caXhd paternal aunt of Krishna).
Rautinira (?), 4, 130. R^jagfiha, a city in Magadha, 4.

Rain. How formed, 2. 379. Kinds 171 (where correct the spelling),
of it, 2. 280. l8o, 181, 345^
Raiva, variant pf Revata, 3. 249. Rajaka, 'dyer'(l), 5. 18..

Raivata, a, Rudra, 2, 24, 25. Rdjaka, variant of Janaka, son of

Raivata, a Manu in the fifth Man- Visdkhanipa, 4. 179.
wantara, variously genealogized, RAjanl, a river, 2. 148.
2. 100; 3. I, 9, II, 17, 18, 20, Rajaul, a river in S'dlmala-dwlpa,
227, 337- 2.195.
Raivata, son of Revata, king of Rdja-nighaiit'u, the^ a metrical
the Anartas, 3. 249, He founds work, referred to, 2. 147.
and dwells ^n the city of I^usa- Rdjanyas, the same as Kshattriyas,
fithall, 3. 249 ; 5. 56. He visits 3. 90, 153.
BrahmA, 3. 249, &c Bala- Rdjarshis, royal sages,' theirabode,

bhadra marries his daughter, &c., 3. 69, 262 ; 4. 104.

Revati, 254; 5. 68. And
3. Rajas, son of Vasishlfha, son of
see 5. 137. Another name of Brahm4, 1. 155; 2. 86, 263;
Raivata is Kakudmin. 3. 7.
Revata (1), variant of Viloman, 4. Rajas = Raja, son of Viraja or
97- Virajas, 2. 107.
Raivataka = Raivata, son of Re- Rajas, *
quality of foulness, pas-
vata, 3. 249, sion, activity/ P. ^o; 1. 4, ^^,
Raivataka, a mountain-range, 44.
branching off fro.m the Vin- Rajasas, a class of gods in the fifth
dhyas, 2. 141. >fa"wantara, 3. 17.
INDEX, »53

Rijasa, adjective of Rajas, P. Rakshases, the same as Rdkshaeas,

20-22; 5. 267, 285, 310, 317, 5. 247.
&c. Rdkshaa, son of Kasyapa and
Rijasravas, RAjasravas, Vydsa in Khasd, and progenitor of the
the twenty-second Manwantara, Rdkahasas, 2, 75.
3. 35. He is assigned to the Rakshas, the same as Nairfita, 2.
twenty- first Manwantara, 3. 37. H2.
RAjasiiya, a particular sacrifice, 3. Rdkshasas, certain demons. De-
288; 4, 2. scendants of Pulastya, 1. 10.
Rdju-taranginl, the, a metrical his- They proceed from Brahmd, 1.
tory, referred to, 2. ^78, 179, 82. Originate from Kasyapa
186 ; 4. 223. and Surasd, 2, 74. Offspring
Rdjavat, son of Dyutimat, son of of Kasyapa and Khasd, 2. 75.
PdMu (or of PrAiia ?), 1. 153. Sprung from Rdkshas, son of
Rdjeyu, variant of iftiteyu, 4. 128. Kasyapa and Khasd, 2. 75.
Raji, son of Ayus, son of Purii- Twelve of them named, 2. 285,
ravas, 4. 30, 40, 41, &c. &c. Etymology of the word, 1.
Rdjin, a horse of the Moon, 2. 299. 82, S^. And see 1. 87, 188; 4.
Rdjlvalochand, daughter of Jard- 250,266, 277; 5. 94, 203, 246,
sandha, and consort of Kamsa, 247, 385-
4. 273. Rdkshasa, a form of marriage, 3.
Rdjnl, daughter of Raivata, the 105; 5. 71, 72.
fifth Manu, and wife of Vivas- Rakshoganabhojana, a hell, 2. 215.
wat, 3. 20. Rakshoghna-mantra, the term ex-
Rdjydbhishekapaddhati, a modern plained, 3, 182.
work, on the consecration of Rakshoha (?), variant of Heti, 2.
kings, referred to, 2. 339; 3. 292.
190, Raktapfiya, a hell, 2. 215..

Rdjyddhideva, variant of Rdsht'rd- Rdmas, a people^ 2. 133, 135,

dhideva, 99. 4. Rdma, son of Dasaratha, P. 4, 15,
Rdjyavardhana, a medieval king, 3^3»»59, 62; 1. 165; 3. 81,

2. 34K 248, 314-318, 320, 332; 4.

Rdjyavardhana, son of Dama, son 220, 259.
of Narishyanta, 3. 245. Rdma, the same as Parasurdma, 1.
Rdkd, ' day of full moon,' daugh- 151; 3. 23, 311; 4. 19, 20,
ter of Angiras, 1. 153 ; 2. 261. &C,.
Rdkd, a river in S^dlmala-d'wlpa, Rdma = Balardma, 4. 280, 283,
2. 195. 285, 286, 288, 291, 297, 298,
Rdkhl-piirnimd, the Hindi name of 305. 306, 323, 335, 236; 5.
a certain festival, 4. 276. 8-11, 17, 18, 20, 23, 35, 48,
RaksLd, 'amulet,' i. 276. 50, 51, 54, 64, 66-68, 70, 84,

no, 116, 120, 130, 134, 135. genuine and the spurious, re-

&c. ferred to, P. 4, (fee. iiC.; 2. 1 20,

138, (fee.

R&md, an Apsaras, 2. 83. 145-147, 150, 151, 153-164,

Rdmachandra, 1. 157 5. 283, ;
166-17S, 180-183, 185-^87,
337,339;3. 317 :5.
284. See RAma, son of Dasar- 189, 190,
atha. 280, 281, 284.
Rimacbandra, son of Puranjaya, Rambba, a serpent, 2. 285, 287,

son of Vindhya^akti, 4. 210. 291, 293; 5. 12.

Rdmachandra, a certain king, 4. Rambba, son of Vivimsati, 3. 243.

212. Rambba, son of Ayus, son of
R^magangd, another name of the Pururavas, 4. 30, 43.
river Suvdma, 2. 151. Rarabhd, an Apsaras, 2. 75, 81-S3,
RAniagiri, variant of K^magiri, 2. 285, 287, 289, 291, 293 5. 165. ;

141. Rdmeswara, the same as Setuban-

R^makf ishna, a writer on cxequial dha, 3. 328.
ceremonies, 3. 190. Ramya, so.n of Agiildbra, and king
RamAnas, a people, 2. 182. of Ramyaka, the country be-
Ramana, son of Dbara, a Vusu, 2. tween Mount Meru and Mount
23- Nil a, 3. 102.
Ramadaka, ruler over the kingdom Ramyaka, a fabulous region, to the
of Rama6aka, andsonof Yajna- north of ^^ount Meru, 2. tii,
bdhu, king of S'4lmala-dwipa, 114.
2. 195. Ramyaka, the same as Ramya, 2.

Ramanaka, son of Yltibotra. 2. 102.

203. Rariachhor, the Hindi name of a

Ramanaka, a region in S'^lmala- modern form of Krishna, 5. 156.

dwlpa, 2. 195. Ranadhf ishta, son of Dhrisht'a, son
Ramanaka, an island, perhaps of the Manu Vaivaswata, 3. 255,
fabulous, 129; 4. 2S7.
2. 256.
Ri,raan4tha, a commentator on the Ranadhfisht'a, son of Ni-iga or

Kdsi-khan^a, referred to, 2. 229, Nabbaga. 3, 335.

RAmdnuja, a religious reformer, Ranadhfislit'a, by one account, son
bis time, «fce., P. 16, 71 ; 5. of Vfisbni, son of Kunti, 4. 68.

257» 338, 347, 35<^- Ranaka, variant of Kund'aka, 4.

RAmdsrama, a commentator on, the 171.

Amara-kosa, referred to, P. 7. Raiianjaya, son of Kiitanjaya, son
Pirimdsraraa, a dissertator on the of Dharmiii, 4. 169.
Bbagavata-purAna, referred to, Ro/iastambabhramara, a district in

P. 47- India, 2. 158.

Ptdmat'has, a people, 2. 183. Ranastambha (I?), a district in

Rdm?\yaii.'\, a famous poem, the India, 2. 158,

INDEX. »55

Randawa, son of SamhaWswa, 3. RAsbtfrabhfit, an Apsaras, 2. 81.

265. Rdsbt'rddhideva, son of Viduratha,

RdnAyanlya, disciplo of Laugdksbi, son of Bhajam4na, 4. 99.

and promulgator of the Sdraa- Rdsht'rapdla, son of Ugrasena, son

veda, 3, 60, 61. of A'buka, 4. 99.
RAndyanlyi, son of RAn.iyanlya, RAsbt'raodlA, variant of Rdsht'ra-
3. 61. pdli, 4, 99.

Raudhra, variant of Bradbna, 3. 29. Rdsht'rapdll, daughter of Ugra-

Rangavatl, wife of Rantideva, 4. sena, son of A'buka, 4. 99.

137. Rdsbt'ravardbana, variant of Rdj-

Rangopajivin, what, 2. 218. yavardhaua, 3. 245.
Rantibbdra, variant of Raiitindra, Rasmipas, a class of Pitf is,
3. 339.

4. 129. RasoUdsd, what, according to the

Rantideva, son of Sankfiti, son of Yoga philosophy, 1. 91.
Nara, 4. 137. Rathabhfit, variant of Rathakfit,
Rantinara, son of Riteyu, 3. 266 2. 293.

(where correct the spelling) ; 4. Rathachitra, a Yaksha, 2. 285, <fec.

129 ; 5. 390. Rathachitrd, a river, 2. 150.

Raptee, tne popular name of a Rathajit, in the Linga-purdna, in-
river of which the RohiAi is an stead of !^titajit, the Yaksha, 2.

affluent, 4. 170. 293-

Rdsa, a sort of dance, practised by Rathakfichchhra, in the Vdyu-
Krishna and the Gopia, 4. 324, purdna, instead of Rathakfit, 2.

32S, 329- 291.

RasAdu (??), variant of Rushadgu, Rathakfit, a Yaksha, 2. 285, &c.
4. 61. Ratbamitra, variant of Rathachitra,
Kasakulyd, a river in Kusa-dwipa, the Yaksha, 2. 293.
2. 197. Rathantara, a Sddhya, 2. 22.

Rdsa-mand'ala, a sort of dance, 4. Rathdntara, corrupted fron\ Rathl-

329- 33°- tara, the same as S'akapuiii, 3.

Rasdtala, a PatAla, or underworld, 45-47. so-

1. 62; 2. 209; 3. 281, 282; 4. Rath antara, a Kalpa, P. 65, 66.
251 ; 5. 118. Rathantara, a portion of the Sdma-
Rasawdhinl, the, a Pdli work, re- veda, 1. 128; 2. 295, 343; 3.
ferred to, 4. 189. 48. Its origin from Brahma,
Rasdyana, '
alchemical therapeu- 1. 84.
tics,' 4. 33. Ratbasthd, a river, 2. 121.

Rasa-ydtrd, a certain annual fes- Ratbaswana, a Yaksha, 2. 285,

tival, 4. 330. &c.
^asht'ra (?), son of Kasi (?), 4. 32, Rathasyana, variant of Rathaswana,
343- 2. 289.
156 index;

Kalbaujas, a Yaksha, 2. 285, &c Raubineya, metronjm of Bala^

Aatbavara, sou of Bbitnaratha, son bbadra, 4. J89, 300-302.
of Vikfiti, 4. 68. Raumas, a class of demigods, orF-

Ratha-y^trd, a festival so called, ginating from tbe pores of Vfra-

P. 64, 71. bhadra's skin, 1, 130.
Rathltaras, a race descended from RaupyanAbba, a Rdksbaka, 1.
Rathltara, 3. 259. 1 88.

Ratbitarai son of Pfisbadaswa, son Raurava, a bell, 1. 112; 2. 214-

of Viriipa, 3. 258, 259. 216; 3. 198; 5. 386.

Ratbitara = S'i.kapuni, 3. 45, 47, Rdvana, son of Visravas, 1, 10,
48. 154.. He slays Anaranya, 3.
Rati, daughter of Daksha, and 284. Carries off Sltd, 3. 317..
wife of K'dma, 5. 76. 77. See Is taken captive by K^rtavirya,
Nandi. 4. 56. His former existence as
Ratnagarbba Bhat't'^cbirya, a com- S'isupdla, 4. 104, ic6.
mentator on tbe Visbna-purdna, Ravaiia (??), variant of Ramana, 2»
P. 115, ij6< 23-
Ratnakiit'l {%!}, daughter of Rau- Ravi, tbe same as. Siirya, 1. 180.
d.ri^wa, -^nd wife of Prabb4kara, And see Sun.
4. 129. Rays of tbe sun, 2v 297, 298; 5.
Ratnapdla, a certain king, 4. 223. 191.
RatndvaH, a drama, referred to, 2. Raya, son of Puriiravas, son of
341. Budba, 4. 13-
Ratboragas (1), a people, 2. 175, Rdydnayiya (11), variant of Rkni-
R4tti, '
night,' a body of Brabm^ yaniya^ 3. 6ot
1.81. Rechaka, what, in the Yoga phi-
Rdtri, a river in Krauncba-dwlpa, losophy^ 4. 308 5. 231. ;

3. 198. Rechaka, a certain disposition of

Ritula, variously genealogized, 4 the feet in dancing, 4. 29 x.
169, 170, Religion, periods of tbe Hindu, P.
Raucbya, Manu, according to vari- I, (kc
ous accounts, of tbe ninth, and Renus, certain Kausika Brdbmans,
of tbe thirteenth, Manwaiitara, 4.28.
son of Rucbi and Minini, 3. Renu, son of Vikuksbi, 3. 297
25. 37. 4. 18, 28.
Raudra = Ardr4, an asterism, 3. Renuka, son of Redu, 4. 28.
167. Renuk4, daughter of Renu, and
Raudr&swa, variously genealo- vjrife of Jamadagni, 4. 18,19

gized, 4. 127, 128. Renukd, a river in S'dka-dwlpa, 2.

Baudri-saiSibitd. See Rudra-sam-
bitl Reva, variai^t/of ^i^evata, 3; :J49.
INDEX. 157

Rev4-kba<id'a,a partof the Skanda- :6ig-vidhdna, a work connected

pui-dna, P. 73, 87, with the !6^ig-veda, referred to,

Rev4-m4liAtinya, a composition, P. P. 60.

24, 35. So, 87. !lfeijisha, a hell, 2. 215.

Revd-mdhdtmya, a composition j^iju, son of Vasudeva, son of S'lira,
(another), 2, 132, 144, 148, 4. no.
i5i»34i; 5- "8. ^ijudAsa, son of Vasudeva, son of
Hevanta, son of Vivaswat, son of S'dra, 4. no,
Ka^yapa, 3. 20, 21. l^ijwdhwa, a sage of the Mihira
Revata, variously genealogized, 3. family, 5. 382, 385.
i49. ilfeiksha,sprung from Bhfigu, and
Revata, variant of Viloman, 4. 97. Vydsa in the twenty-fourth
Revati, an Apsaras, 3. 9. Dwdpara age, 3. 35.
Revati, daughter of Raivata, and l^iksha, son of Ariha, son of DevA-
wife of Balabhadra, 3. 249, tithi, 4. 128.

254 J
4. 109; 5. 68, 137, 154. ;6.iksha, son of Ajamfd'ha, 4. 148,
Revati, an asterism, 2. 258, -&c. 153-
3.9. foksha, son of Devdtithi, 4. 152,
ilibhus, a class of gods in the cur- ,
rent Manwantara, 3. 1 5. BikshA, wife of Ajamld'ba, 4. 148.

:6^ibhus, variant of Bliavyas, the l^iksha, a chain of mountains in

gods so called, 3. 12. Central India, 2. 127, 128, 130,
ifeibhu, mind-born son of Bralimd, 141, 144, 145, iSi> 153. ^55'
1. 77. . Legend of him, 2. 330, 171; 4. 24.

&c. He receives the Vishnu- l^iksha (correct the spelling), va-

pur&na from Brahm^, 5. 250 riant of Chakshus, son of Puru-
(where correct the spelling), 392. jAnu, 4. 144; 5. 391.
Miches, ' hymns of the ;^ig-veda,' 3. ;^ikshaka, the same as foksha, the

43. Thirty-five particular ones, chain of mountains so called, 2.

accounted children of Angiras,

2. 28, 29. Rikshavat, the same as Rikslia,
;6,ich, the same as !^ig-veda, 5. 2 1 1. the chain of mountains so called.
Richa, son of Sunltha, son of 2. 145, 160, 340; 4. 64, 77.

Sushena, 4. 164. ;^ikshya (?1),variant of Riksha the

]feicheyu, variant of l^iteyu, 4. 127. Vydsa, 3. 35.

128. l^iiiadya, variant of ;6.inajya, 3. 35,

;6,ich{ka, son of Urra, 3. 80 ; 4. ]^inajya, Vydsa of the eighteenth

16, 17, &c, 25, 26. Dwdpara age, 3, 35.
ilig-veda, the, its origin, P. 2 ; 1. ;^iliavya (11), variant of ^^iAajya, 3.

84, 171. Its Saifihitds, &c., 3. 35-

40-51 ; 5. 200. foiiin {% variant of Rinajya, 3. 35
153 INDEX.

i77- Also of them, 3. 68. Appearing in

Ripu, sou of £>lishtfi, 1.

various Manwautaras, 3. 2, &c.

called 8on of Uddradhi, 1. 178.

llipu, son of Yadu, son of Yay^ti, «fec. As an asterism, 4. 230-

4. 53-
236. One with Ursa Major, 2.
226, 269, 307. Their year, 1.
Ripu, son of Babhru, sou of Dru-
hyu, 4. 118. 49. Mocked by the Yddavas,
Ripukaydn (?]), a king, 4. 213. 5. 142. Whence their name, 3.

Ripunjaya, son of S'lisht'i, 1. 177. 68. See also P. 38; 1, 174,

Ripunjaya, son of Viswajit, son of 1755 5- 193, ^95. 247-

Satyajit, 4. 170, )7i, 176, flishi-anukraniana, a work con-

178. nected with the Vedas, by S^au-

Ripunjaya, variant of Nfipanjaya, naka, referred to, 4. 31.

son of Suvlra, 4. i44- :6,ishikas, peoples so called, 2. 167,

Ripunjaya, variant of Vipra, son 181. See ^^isht'ikas.

of S'rutanjayit, 4. 1 74. :^ishik4, a river, 2. 132 (where

llishabhaa, a caste in Krauncha- correct the spelling), 154, 167,

dwlpa, 2. 198. 339-

^{.ishabha, son of NAbhi, 2. 103. foshikulyA, a Hver, 2. 130-132,
Has a hundred sons, 2. 103. 154-
A.dopts a religious life, &c., 2. ikishikulyi. = Gangd, the river

103. Is the first tcaclier of ^

Ganges, 2. 154.
Jaiua doctrines, 2. 104, &c. l^isht'ikas, in the genuine R4m4-
Ittishabha, a 6isbi in the second yana, perhaps tho same as

Manwantara, variously geneulo- l^lishikas, 2. 167.

gized, 3. 3, 4. l^isht'ishena, father of Devapi, ac-

AisUabba, father of S'waphalka, 4. cording to the IR.ig-veda, 4. 153.

l^ishya, variant of iliksha, sou of
93. 94-
flishabha, son of Kusdgra, 4. 15c. DevAtithi, 4. 153.

l^ishabha, a mountain -range run- /{ishyamuka, a mountain in the

ning north from Mount Meru, Deccan, 2. 141.

2. 117. Rishyanta, variant of Sushyanta,

Aishabha ('I), a mountain in India, 4. 132-
2. 141, 340. See Vi'ishabha. ]6,ishyasringa, a ^ishi in the eighth

Aishabhd - Arsbabhl, certain aa- Manwantara, sprung from Ka,s-

terisms so called, 2. 277. yapa, 3. 23.

;6,i8habha(]]), variant of Rushadgu, iiishyasringa, a hermit, named in

4.61. the RdmAyana, 4, 124.

iftishis, seven in number, the same jfeita, son of Chdkshusha, Manu of

asPrajdpatis, 1. ioi,»fec. Twelve the sixth Manwantara, 1. 178.

in number, and attendants on l^ita, son of Vijaya, son of Jg-ya,

the Sun, 2. 284, &c. Classes 3. 335.

INDEX. 159

6ita {11), son of Dharma, the Pia- ^itusthaU, an Apsaras, 2. 81, 83.
jipati, 1, III. i^itwig, *
superintending priest,' 3.

^ifcitadh^man, Manu, by cne account, 327-

of the thirteenth Manwantara, Rochaka (1), variant of Rochana
3. 25. 3. igo, 191.
!6itadh^man, Indra of the twelfth RocbamAna, son of Anarta, son of
Manwantara, 3. 27. S'arydti, 3. 249.

^itadhwaja, a form of Rudra, 1. RochamAna (?) variant of Rochana,

117. 3. 190, 191.
fotadhnaja, son of S'&tinjit, 4. 36 Rochana, one of the Vi^we devas,
(where correct the epelling). 3. 189-19X.
Kitadhwaja, another name of Pra- Rochand, wife of Vasudeva, son of
tardana, son of Divod^sa, 4. 36. S'lira, 4. no.
flitadhwaja, variant of Kf'ita- Rodha, a hell, 2. 214, 216.
dhwaja, 5. 217. Rohl, a river, 2. 151.
;^itajit, a Yaksha, 2. 285, &c. Rohinl, wife of Mahddeva, the
l^itaiiibhard, a river in Plaksha- Rudra, 1. 117.
dwlpa, 2. 193. Rohinl, daughter of Kasyapa and
6-itaparna, variant of !6,ituparda, Surabhi, and mother of horned
3- 303- cattle, 2. 75.

lAitavdch(?), a Manu, who brought Rohini, wife of Vas\ideva, son of

down Revatf from heaven, 3. 9. S'ura, 4. no, in, 259, 260,
Kitavlrya, variant of Kfitdgni, 4. 264, 275, 280, 289, 300-302 ;

55- 5. 141, 154.

;6.itavratas, a caste in S'^ka-dwlpa, Rohinl, or Pauravl, wife of Vasu-
2. 200. deva, son of S'lira, 4. 708, 109 ;

^^.itJiyus, son of Purdravus, son of 5. 79 (where, in note **, it

Budha, 4. 13. should have been specified that
Riteyu, son of Raudn^^wa, 4. 128, Krishna had two stepmothers
129. named Rohinl).
flitu, Manu, by one account, of Rohini, wife of Kfishna, 5. 78, 79,
the twelfth Manwantara, 3. 25. 81, 83, 107.
flitujit, son of Anjana, son of Rohinl, a river, 4. 170.
Kuni, 3. 334 (where correct the Rohini, an asterism, 2, 265, &c.
spelling; 5. 391. 3. 132.
fotuinAli, variant of KfitamdU, 2. Rohini, denoting a young woman,
132. the term defined, &c., 3. 102,
flituparna, son of Ayutaswa, 3, 197, 198.
303. 304, 315- Rohitas (1?) a caste in S'ilmala-
:6ituparna, king of AyodhyA, 3. dwlpa, 2. 194.

304. Rohitas, instead of Lohitas, a class

x6o INDEX.

of gods in the twelfth Manwan- Ruchaka, son of U^anas, 4. 6$

tara, 3. 27. (correct the spelling)391. ; 5.

Rohita, ruler over the realm of Ruchaka, a mountain-range run-

Rohita, and son of Vapushmat, ning south from Mount Meru,
king of S'dlniiila-dwipa. 2, 193. 2. 117.
Rohita, eon of Hari^chandra, 4. Ruchaka, variant of Ruruka, 3.

27. 289.
Robita, the same as Dakshasd- Ruchi, a Prajipati, 1. loi, 108;
vardi, Manu of the ninth Man- 3. 16, 27.

wantara, 3. 24. Ruchi (1), variant of Richa, 4. 164.

Rohita, a division of S'Alraala- Ruchird, a river, 2, 155.

dwlpa, 2. 193. Ruchira, variant of Ruchi rdswa, 4.

Rohita, variant of Rohitaswa, 3. 141.

288, 289. Ruchiradhi, son of Sankfiti, son
Rohitapura, a city, founded by of Nara, 4. 137.
Rohita or Rohitdswa^ 3. 288.- Ruchirfi^wa, son of Senajit, son of
RohitAs, the same as Rotas, 3. 288. Viswajit, 4. 140. 141.
RohitAswa, son of Harischandra, RudhirAmbbas (1?)^ variant of
3. 288. Rudhirdndha, 2. 214.
Romas, variant of Rdmas, 2. 133. Rudhirindha, a hell, 2. 214, 219.
Romaharshana, disciple of Vydsa, Rudiment, or element of an ele-

&c., R 17, 19, 46; 3. 42, 64, ment, 1. 37. Sec TanmAtra.
65, 227. See Lomaharshana Rudras, born from BrahmA, 1. 115.
and Stita, Eight in number, 1. 1 1 6. Eleven
RomaharshanikA, a Paurdnik Sam- in number, and sons of Kai§-
hit4, 3. 66, 227. yapa and Surabhi, &c. &c., 1.
Romaka, a city, 2. 1 1 1, 1 13. It is 116, 117, 124; 2. 24, 25, 29.

situated in Ketumdla, 2. 207. Sons of Kasyapa and lU, 2.

Romans, a people, 2. 176. 75. The Maruts identified with
Roraapdda, son of Vidarbha, 4. 67 them, 2. 79. A class of gods
(where correct the spelling in in the current Manwantara, 3.

note 4); 5. 391. 13, 15. See also 1. 141; 4.

Romapdda, another name of Chit- 249, 258 ; 5. 100, 143, 234,

raratha, son of Dharmaratha, 4. 388.
124, 125. Rudra, one with S'iva, P. 35, ^6,

Ropans, variant of Romans, 2. (fee. Born from the forehead

176. of BrahmA, 1. 103. Becomes
Rot&, the pQpular name of a fort androgynous, and parts into
in Behar, 3. 288. eleven male forms and as many
Ruchap, a class of Apsarases, 2. female, 1. 104. Has a thou-
82. sand and eight names, 2. 25.
INDEX. i6i

Etymology of the word, 1. 115; Rukmeshu, variously genealogized,

2. 80. See also 1. 13, 41, 60, 4. 6^, 64.
77, 78, &a, 103, <fcc., 115, &c. Rukmin, son of Bhlshmaka or
3. 22, 24, 27, 83, 252; 4. 2,3, Bhlshma, king of the Vidarbhas,
293; 5, 2, 43, 113, 120, 191- 4. 112; 5. 69, 70, 83, 85.
193> «47, 3S6. Founds and dwells in the city
RudrA, wife ot Vasudeva, son of of Bhojakatfa, 2. 159 ; 5. 71, 84.
S^ilra, 4. no. Slain by Balabhadra, 5. S6.
Rudrd, daughter of Raudr&swa, Rukmiirii, daughter of
and wife of Prabhdkara, the king of the Vidarbhas, 5. 69.
jfeishi, 4. 129. Is aflSanced to S'ieupdia, 5. 69.
Rudras, variant of Puiid'ras, 2. Kfishiia abducts her, 6. 70
132. but with her own consent, 5. 72.
Rudraddraan, a king of Surdsht'ra, Is married to Krishna, 5. 71.
4. 205. One of Krishna's principal
Rudrakdli, a form of Um4, the wives, 112; 5. 79. Gives

sanguinary goddesa, 1. 130. birth to Pradyumna, 5. 71, 108.

Rudra-loka, a supernal region, 2. Her other children by Krishna,
230. 5. 78. Burns herself with him,
Rudrdiiis, certain goddesses, wives after his death, 5. 154. Is
. of the Rudras, eleven, their identified with S'rl, 1. 151. See
names, <fec., i. 117. also 5. 75-77, 86, 97, 103, 107.
Rudiiiiif, (?]), goddess of the Dai- Rumanwat, son of Jamadagni, 4.
tyas, 5, 117. See Kolfavl. 20.
Rudra-samuitd, an appendage to Riipd, variant of Kfipi (?), the
V4yu purAna, 2. 151.
the river, 2. 155, 164.
Rukma, son of Ruchaka, son of Riipa, its import, 3. 205, 252 ; 5.
U^anas, 4. 64. 15-
Rnkrnadhara, son of Mahdpaurava, Rvipapas (?), variant of Riipasas,
4- 143 2. 164.
Rukmakavacha, son of Slteshu, Riipasas (?), a people, 2. 164.
&c., 4. 63, 64. RfipavAhikas, a people, 2. 164.
Rukmdngada, a king, father of Rupavdsikas, variant of RfipavA-
Mohini, P. 52. hikas, 2. 164.
Rukmangada-charita, said to be a Rupavatf, a river in Krauncha-
part of the S'fl-ndrada-purdna, d-wipa, 2. 198.
P. 51- Ruru, one of the Vis we devas," 3.
Rukmaratha, son of Mahat, 4. 192.
143- Ruro, son of Ahlnagu, 3. 320.
Rukmavatj, the same as Kakud- Ruru, variously rendered, as the
matl, 5. 83. name of an animal, 1. 72; 3. 193.
j62 INDEX.

Ruruka, son of Vijaya, son of SAchl (?), variant of Somd, an Ajv-

Chuncbu, 3. 289. saras, 2. 81, 82.

Ru.4adratha(??), in the Bbdgavata- S'achlpati, * lord of S'achl,' an epi-

purAiia, instead of Rushadratha, thet of Indra, 4. 320; 5. 46,

4. 122. 133-
Rusanjl, wife of Maliinasa, the Saddchandra, a king, 4. 213.
Ptudra, 1. 117. SadAchdias, certain observances so
Ruseku (?]), ia the Bhdgavata- called, enumerated, 3, 107, <fec.

puriina, instead of Rushadgu, Sadaikarupa, what, in philosophy,

4. 61. 1. 15.

Rushadgu, son of Swdhi, son of Saddkdntd,, a river, 2. 149.

Vfijinlvat, 4. 61. Saddniri, two rivers so called, 2.
Rushadratha, in several PurA- 149.
nas, instead of Ushadratha, 4. Sadasaddtmaka, what, in philo-
122. sophy, 1. 20.
Saddsiva, the same as S'iva, P. 32.

S'abala (?), variant of Savana, 2. Saddswa, Sadaswa (]), son of

214. Samara, 4. 141.

S'abaUswas, a thousand, sons of Sddhus, '
pious men,' 3. 107,
Daksha, 2. 14, 16. Sddhyas, certain gods. Sons of
S'abaras, a people, 2, 1 70. Dharma and Sddhyd, 2. 22.

Sabda-brahraa, what, 4. 252, 253 ;

Personified rites and prayers of
5. 210. the Veda, born of the metres,
S'abda-kalpa-druma, the, a diction- 2. 22. A reproduction of the
ary, referred to, 2. I47 ; 3. 71, Jayas, 2. 26, 27. See also 1.

108, 131, 187, 293; 4. 309; 82, 123, 141, 142 ; 3. 7, 14;
5.3. 4. 249 (where " the Saints " re-

Sabhdnara, son of Anu, son of presents Sddhyas); 5. loi, 143,

Yaydti, 4. 120. 247.
Sabhoga, a country, 3. 221. Sddhyd, daughter of Daksha, wife
Sabhya, a certain holy fire, 3. 175 ;
of Dharma, and mother of the
5. 114, 115. Sddhyas, 2. 21, 22.
Sabya, what, in the Yoga philo- S'ddhya (^1)^ variant of S'dkya, 4.

sophy, 5. 230. 169.

Sacas. See S'akas. Sad-vesa-dhdrin, what, 4. 228.
Sachaitanya, what, 5. 204. Sadwatl, daughter of Pulastya,
S'achl, daughter of Puloman, and and wife of Agni, 1. 154, 155.
wife of Indra, 1. 136 (where Sagara, a sage, son of Bdhu, 3.
correct the spelling), 200 ; 2. 289-291. Subdues sundry bar-
72; 4. 320; 5. 46, 97, 99, 3. 291.
barous tribes, Imposes
102, 133. See S'akrMf. marks upon them, 3. 294. His
INDEX. 163

sixty thousand sons destroyed, Saharaksha, son of Pavamdua, 1.

3. 298. See also P. 53 ; 2. 156.

272; 3. 80, 81, 85, 98, &c., Sahas =^ MArgaslrsha, a month,

297, &c. ; 4. 60, 240, 241 ; 5. JSIov.-Dec, 2. 261.

388. Siihasrabala, variant of SahasvAS-

Sdgara, the * ocean,' why 9o called, wa, 3. 321.

3. 302. Sahasrada, variant of Sahasrajit,
SAgara, an island at the mouth of sou of Yadu, 4.-'
53, 54.
the Ganges, 3. 302. Sahasrajit, son of Yadu, 4. 53.

Saha, son of Kfishiaa and Lak- Sahasrajit, son of KfishJ^a and

shmand, 5. 81. Jdnibavatl, 5. 79.
Saha = Sahas, a month, Nov.- Sahasrdjit, son of Bhajamdna, sou
Dec, 2. 291, 293. of Satwata, 4. 72.
Sahadeva^ son of Sfinjaya, 3. 247. Sabasrdksha, an epithet of Indra,
Sahadeva, son of Basra, 4. 103, 4. 261, 321, 334. (Compare
159; 5. 134. Bhaganetha, another epithet of
Sahadeva, variously genealogiied, the same god.)
4. 147, 148. Sahasrdnika, son of S'atdnlka, 4.

Sahadeva, son of Jardsandha, 4. 163.

15°: ^U, 177, 23^- Saliasrdri (??), variant of Vatsaprl,
Sahadeva, son of Bhdnuratha, 4. 3.242.
168. Sahasrasrotas, a mountain in S'dka-

Sahadevi, son of Divdkara, son of dwipa, 2. 200.

Prativyoma, 4. 168. Sahasrasrutij a mountain in S'al-

SahadeVa, son of Saddsa, 4. 148. mala-dwlpa, 2. 195.

SahadevA, daughter of Devaka, Sahasrastuti, a river in S'aka-

son of Ahuka, and wife of Vasu- dwlpa, 2. 200.

deva, son of S'llra, 4. 98, no, Sahasrdiwaj son of Ahlnagu, 3.

III. 321.
Sahadevl (1), variant of Sahadevdj Sahdsrdya, variant of Sabasrdiwa,
4. 98. 3.321.
Sahajanyi, an Apsaras, 2. ^5, 81- Sahaswat, variant of Mahaswat,
83, 285-287, 29T, 293. 3. 325-
Sdhajit, variant of Sihanji, 4. 54. Sahasya = Pausha, a month, Dec-
Sahdlin, son of Kdkavarnin, 4. 186. Jan., 2. 261.

Sahalya variant of Sumdlya, 4. Sdhi (?), variant of Swdhi, 4. 61.


185. Sahishriu, son of Pulaha, 1. 155.

S^hanja, variant of Sdhanji, 4. 54. Also called son of Vanakapivat,

Sdhanjanipurl, a city, the capital 1- 155-
of King S6,haTija, 4. 54. Sahishnu, a !6,ishi in the sixth Man-
Sdhanji, son of Kunti, 4. 54, wantara, 3. 12.
164 INDEX.

Sabltd, variant of Mahitd, 2. 148. S'aineya, the aarao aa Saiyaka (?),

Sahya, a monntain-raj)gc in Wesi- 5. 148.
ern Jndia, 2. 113, 127, 128, 130, S^aiiiyas, a dynasty, pprung from
140, 155 ; 5. 66. S'ini, 4. 137. And see S^aine-
Sahya, variant of Satya, a ifeislii yas,
in fcbe tenth Manwantara, 3. 26, S'aishiri (?1), vatianL of S^aisiri, 3.
iSi'.hya (IT), variant of Bhavya, the ^57-
jflisiii, 3. 25. S'aisikas, S'aisikaa (?), a people, 4.
S'aibaa, a people, 4. 121. 221.
S'aibya, a tribe, 4-. 159. Saisikatas (?), a people, 2. 177.
S'aibya, a horse of Krishna, 4, S;^. Saisluas, variant of S'aisikas, 4.
S'aibyji, wife of S'atadhanu, 3. 2 1 7, 221.
Ac. S^aisireya, disciple of S'dkalya, and
S'aibyd, wife of JyAmagha, 4. 65^ promulgator of the ;6.jg-veda, 3,
&c. 46.
S^aibyd, wife of Kfishna, 5. 107. S'aisiri, teacher of the Yajur-veda,
S'aibyd ^ Sudattd, wife of Krishna, 3. 57.

(?) 5. 82. S'aisitas, variant of S'aisikas, 4,

S'aibyd, a river, 2. 149. 221.
S^aibyd, variant of Sumati, daugh- S'aisundgas, a dynasty, sprung
ter of Arisht'anemi or Ka^yapa, from S^isundga or S'isundka, 4.
3. 297. 171, 182, 183, 186, 231.
Sailildvatl, a district somewhere SCaivdlas, S'aivalas, a people, 2.
in India, 2, 165. 175-
Saimhikeyas, a class of demons. S'aiva-purdAa, ^ S'iva-purdiia, P.
sons of Sirahikd, 2. 72. 23> 35» 36 ; 3. 66.
Saiudbavas, a people,2. 133, 134; S'djya (i?), variant of S'dkya, 4. 169.
5. 389. And see Sindhus. Sakas, a people, P. 9; 2. 165, 171,
Saindhavas, of the Atharva-veda, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186,339;
3. 62. 3. 290, 292, 294,
295,336; 4.
Saindhava, a teacher of the Athar- 60, Vanquished by King Sa-
va-veda, 3. 62. gafa, 3. 291. Kings of their
Saindhavdyanas, Kausika Brdh- race, 4. 184, 202, 206. Iden-
mans, 4. 28. tified with the classical Sacas,
Saiudhavdyana, descendant of 4. 208.
Saindhava, disciple of S'aunaka, S'dka-dwlpa, a continent, P. 64;
<fcc., and teacher of the Atharva- 2. loi, 109, no, 198, &c.; 5.
veda, 3. 62. 382, 385.
S^aineyas, a branch of the Yddavas, Sakdkola, a certain hell, 2. 215.
descended from S'ini, 4. 93, 137 S'dkalas, of the ilig-veda, 3. 51.
^where correct the spelling). S'dkala, the capital of the Bdhlkas,
INDEX. 165

a city in the Punjab, idenfcifipd Sakridgrahad, a people, 2. 182.

with liio Sagala of Ptolemy, 2. Sakfidgixhas, v.iriant of Sakrid-

^33,- ^355 340. grahas, 2. 182.

S'Akaiya, son and disciple of M4n- Sakficlwabas, variant of Saki'id-

d'likeya, &c., and promulgator o{ grahas, 2. 182.

the Eig-veda. 3. 45, 48, 50. S', a festival so ofilled,

S'Akapiina, faiber of B'iikapuni, 3. in honour of ludra, 4. 308.

47- S'akrotthdnadhwajotsava — S'a-

S'Akapiini, an author, son of S'Aka- krotth^na. 4. 308.

piina, disciple of SaiyasrI, and S'r.krn, son of S'lira, son cf Vidii-
promulgator of the Kig-veda, 3. ratha, 4. 99.

18, 46-48. And see S'akapiirni S^ksha (1), a certain king, 4. 214
and Eathdntara. (aote II).

SAkapurni, corrupted from Saka- S'aktas, worshippers of &"^akti, P,

piini, 3. 46-50. 2 1. 79, 80, 86, 88-90; 5. 267,

S'akavarna, S'^kavarna, variants of 280, 286, 299, 309, 310, 316-
K^kavariia, 4:. 180. 319, 326, 348, 380.
S41s.eta (1), a city, 4. 218. S'akta, son of Manasyu, 4. 127.

Sdketu, variant of SAketa, 4. 218. S'akti, '

the female double of a
Sakha, son of Kuni^ra, son of god.' The Saktis of Eudra or
Agni, 2. 23 ; 4. 283. S'iva, white and black, 1. 104;
S'akh^, '
a subdivision of the Ve- 4. 260. Vaishnavl, a S'akti

das,' 3. 49, 51, «fec. of VishnU; 4. 260. E^dh^, a

S'akra -
Indra, P. 77 ; 1. 50, 125, S'akti of Krishna, 5. 264. See,

136, &c. : 2. 78, 79, 240, 293 ; further, in explanation of the

3. T, 3, 30, 123, 202, 252; 4. term, <fec., P. 21, 22, &c. ; 5.

3. 102, 159, 261, 284, 308- 23s. 245, 267, 2S5, 310,
310, 314, 317, 320, 322, 341 ;
316-318, (to.

5. 13, 87, 89, 93, 99, 100, S'akti, Vyasa in the twenty-nfth
&c., «kc. Dwdpara age, son of Vasisht'ha,

S'akra, an Xditya, 2. 27. and father of Par^sara. ]. 8;

S'akradhwajotthana - S'akrot- 3. 35-37, 306. Slain by King

thana, 4. 308, 309. KalmdshapAda changed to a

S'akra-gopa, a certain insect, 2. Eakshasa, 1. 8.

284. S'aktimat (1), variant of S'uktimat,

S'akrajit, son of S'ura, son of Vidii- a inountain-range, 2. 140.

ratha, 4. 99. S'aktiputra, patronyrn of Pard^ara,

S'akrajit (?), variant of Suttr^jita, 3. 36.

4. 74. Saktu, what, 3. 127.
S'akr4ni = S'acbl, wife of Indra, S'aliuni, son of HirariyAksha, 2.

5. 96. 69.
1 66 INDEX,

S^akuni, son of Iksbwdku, 3. 259, S^dlavdAakas, variant of Mdlavd-

260. nakas, 2. 178.

S'likuni, son of Da^aratha, son of S'dldvatl, mother of Deva^ravas,
Navaratha, 4. 68. <tc., 4. 28.

S'akuni, daughter of Bali, the S'dligotra (??), variant of S'dlihotra,

Da it) a, 2. 69. 3. 60, 61.

S';»kuni, variant of KuAi, 3. 334. S'dlihotra, teacher of the Sdma-
S'akuni, 'bird-seller' and ' orni- vcda, 3. 61.
tliomancer,' 2. 219. S'dlin, teacher of the Yajur-ved«,
S'akunfaU, an Apsaras, wife of 3. 57.
Dushyanta, 2. 81 ; 4. 133. S'dliai'ika, variously genealogized,
S'ikuntala, the, a drama, referred 4. 190.
to, 4. 133. S'dlivdhana, liing, P. 61.
S'Akyas, a tribe, 4. 187. S'dllya, disciple of S'dkalya, and
S'dkya, S'akya (1?), a Buddha, vari- promulgatoi^ of the Kig-veda, 3.
ously genealogized, 3. 246 ; 4. 4^.
5, 169, 170, 171, iSi, 182, S'dlniala-dwlpa, a continent, 2. loi,

186, 187; 5. 178. 109, no, 193, &c.

S'akyaraAnibhava (?), a king, 4. S'dlraali, S'Almalf, a certain hell,

214. 2. 215.
S'ala, sor^ of Somadatta, 4. 157; S'dlmali, S'dlmali, a certain tree, 4.

6. 134. 240; 5. loi.

S'ala, variant of Chhala, 3. 321. S'dlmali-dwlpa = S'dlmala-dwlpa,
S'ala, variant of Lesa, 4. 30, 2. loi, 109.
S'ala (1?), variant of S'ut'ba, 4. 109. SAlokya, a kind of emancipation,
S'aladd, daughter of Raudrdswa, 5. 242.
and wife of Pra,b^4kara, the Salomadhi (11), variant of Pulo-
^ishi, 4. 129. mdrchis, 4. 199, 204.
S'dlagrdma, a certain place of pil- S'dlwas, Sdlwas (?), a people, 2.

grin^age, 2. 103, 106,312,313, 133-135. 156; 3. 293.

&c. S'dlvva, king of the Saubhas, 5. 70.

S^4lngr4ma, 'ammonite,* a stone S'dlvya,a country, 4- 158.

held sacred by the Hindus, P. S'dlwasenis, a people, 2. 179.

34; 2. 313. S'filyas, variant of S'dlwas, 2. 135.

S'dlA.kya, ' treatment of external S'alya, son of Viprachitti, 2. 71.
organic affections,' a branch of S'alya, * extraction of extraneous
surgery, 4- 33- bodies,' a branch of surgery (??),

S'dlankAyanas, Kdu6ika Brdhmans, 4. 33.

4. 28. S'dlya (r?), variant of S'dlwa, 6. 70.
S'ilanki-ityas, K^^U3i^a Brdhmans, Sama, son of Dharma^ the Prajd-
4. 29. pati, 1. in.
INDEX. 167

S'ama, what, in ethics, 4. 294. SAmba, son of Krishna and Kuk-

S'ama (1), variant of S'ucbi, son of miiii, L 112. Called son of
Andhaka, 4. 97. Kfishna and JAmbavatl, 5. 79,
S'anift (?), variant of Nara, son of 107, 130, 142. Is taken cap-

Uslnara, 4. 121. tiveby the Knrus, 5. 130. Is

S'ama (11), variant of Susrama, recovered by Balabhadra, 5.
4. 175- 134, 135. Is cursed by the

Samddhi, what, in the Yoga philo- !lfeisbis, .5. 142. He introduces

sophy, 2. 91, 315; 3. 21, 298, heliolatry into the north-west

307; 5. 228, 230, 240, 241. of India, 5. 381-385. See also

Sinian, the same as SAma-veda, 1. P. 64 (where correct the spell-

171. ing) ; 5. 131, 132, 148.

S4man, what, in the sdence of Sambandhin, what, in legal lan-

polity, 6. 52. guage, 3. 175.

Samdnasalilas = Samdnodakas, 3. Sdmbapura, a city so called,
151. founded by Sdmba, son of Krish-
Samangaa, a people, 2. 178. na, 6. 382.
Saminodakas, ' relatives by offer- S'ambara, an Asura, son of K&i-
ings of water,' 3. 151. yapa, 2. 31, &c., 52, <kc., 70; 5.

Samantapancbaka, a boly spot in 73-76. Carries off Pradyum-

Kuruksbeti-a, 4. 23. na, and is slain by him, 5. 72,

Samantaras (??), variant of Bhargas, 75-

2. 171. S4mba-upapurAna, P. 87 (where
Samara, variously genealogized, 4. correct the spelling).

141. Sambhala, S'ambhala (]?), a village,

Samaratha (?1), variant of Mlna- where Kalki is to be born, 4.
ratha, 3. 334. 229.
Sdmarsbanas, Kausika Brdhmans, S'Aiiibhavas, an heretical sect, 5.

4. 28. 380.
Samdsa-samhitd, the, an astro- Sarhbhava, variously genealogized,
nomical work, quoted, 2. 277. 4. 150.
Sariibhavya, variant of Susam-
Samasht'i, mystical explanation of,
viz., to denote Vasudeva, 5. 215. bhAvya, 3. 11.

Samaujas, son of Asamaujas, 4. S'ambhu, a lludra, or form of S'iva,

1. 180; 2. 24, 234; 5. 108,

Sima-veda, the. Its origin, 1. 85. III.

its divisions, &c., 3. 58-60 ; 4. S'ambhu, Indra of the tenth Man-

5. 200, 321. wantara, according to the Bhi-
143 ;

Samavega\'aia8, a people, 2. 179. gavata-purdna, 3. 25.

Samaya, '
precept,' son of Dharma, S'aihbhu, son of Ambariaha, son of

1. rii. NAbh.iga, 3. 257.

i68 INDEX.

S'aiiibhn, wife of Dhruva, son of S'amlkaj sen of S'lira, son of Dera-

UttAnapdda, 1. 177. mld'husha, 4. loi, iij.
S'ambhu (?), variant of Sudyumna, S'amin, variant of S^uchi, son of
son of Abhayada, 4. 128. Andhaka, 4. 97.

Saifibhiita, son of Trasadasyu, 3. Strain, son of S^iira, son of Vidd-

283, 284. ratha, 4. 99.
Sambhiiti, son of DuKsaha, 3. Simipya, a kind of emancipation,
283. 5.. 242.
Sambhiiti, 'fitness,' daughter of Samiras, a people, 2. 173.
Daksba, and wife of Marlchi, Sammada, the sovereign of the
1. 109, 153; 3. 17, 227. fish, 3. 268, 276.
Sambh<iti, wife of Jayadratha, 4. Samraardana, son of Vasudeva,
125. son of S'lira, 4. no.
Samhana (?), variant of Sdhanji, Sammati, son of Harsha, 4. 190.
4. 54- Sammati, a river in Kusa-dwipa,
Samhanana, son of Manasyu, 4. 2. 196.
127. Sammita, a 6ishi in the third
SamhAra, what, in cosmology, 5. Manwintara, son of Vasisht'ha,
196. 3. 7.
Saihhdta, a certain hell, 2. 215. Samnaddha, a certain ray of the
Samhata (1), variant of Sdhanji, 4. sun, 2. 297 (where correct the
54- spelling).
Samhatdswa, son of Nikttmbha, 3. Samnateyu, son of Raudriswa, 4.
265, 266, 127, 128 (in both which places
Samhitd, '
collection.' Applied to correct the spelling). See San-
the Veda, 3, 42, 44, &c. How tatateyu.
it differs, in later literature, Samnati (correct Sannati), son of
from Purina, P. 19, 78. Alarka, 4. 37.
Sainhitdiwa (11), variant of Samha- Samnati, 'humility,' daughter of
tiswa, 3. 265. Daksha, and wife of Kratu, 1.

Samhldda, the same as Sai&hrida, 109, 155; 4. 265.

3. 30, 69. Samnati (?), variant of Samna-
Samhr&da, son of Hiraiiyakasipn, timat, 4. 143.
2. 30, $9. Samnatimat, son of Sumati, son of
S^ami (]), variant of S'uchi, son of Supdr^wa, 4. 143.
Andhaka, 4. 97. Samnipdta, what, in wrestling, 5.
S'ami (11), variant of Nara, son of 36.
U^fnara, 4. 13 r. Sampadwasu, a certain ray of the
S'amfka, a Muni to appear at the sun, 2, 298; 5, 191 (where cor-
end of the Kali age, P. 55 ;
rect the spelling, and expunge
251. the mark of interrogation).
INDEX. 169

Saihpira, son of Samara, 4. 141. Samvarta, a wind so called, 1. 54.

Sampiti, son of Aruna and S'yenl, Sainvartakas, certain clouds so
2. 73. called, 4. 314; 5. 193 (where
Saifipdti, variant of Saihydti, 4. erase note t).
128, Samvatsara, a certain cyclic year,
Sampratdpana, a certain hell, 2. 2. 254, 255,306. As personi-
215. fied, king of times and seasons,
Samrij, son of Chitraratha, son of 2. 86.
Gaya, 2. 107. Sanivid, what, in philosophy, 1.
Samraj; daughter of Priyavrata, 2. 32, 172.
100. vSAiaya, what, as one of the Sid-
Samraj, the term, as used in theo- dbis, 1. 91.

logy, explained, 1. 170, 172. Saiuyadwasu, or Sacrifice (?), 2. 83.

S'dmsapayana, disciple of Roraa- Samyania, what, in the Yoga phi-
harshana, and a promulgator of losophy, 1. II, 26, 114, 171;
the Purdnas, P. 19; 3. 64, 65, 216, 231, 245.

332. Samyama, variant of Sarauaddha,

S'dmsapAyani, variant of S'dmsa- 2. 297.
pAyana, 3. 64, 66. Sariiyama (??), variant of Srinjaya,
Samskdras, certain ceremonies at 3. 247.
birth, &c., P. 63 ; 3. 100, 147. Samyamanl, Yama's city, where
Samskfiti, variant of Saiikfiti, 4. situated, 2. 240. And see 2.

137- 112.
Samudra, * ocean,' king of rivers, Samydti, son of Nahusha, son of
1. 157; 2. 86; 6. 388. Ayus, 4.45, 46.
Samudragupta, a certain king, 4. Samyati, variously genealogiaed,

219. 4. 128.
Sdmudri, daughter of Samudra, Samyoga, what, in the Yoga phi-
and wife of Prdcblnabarhis, ]. losophy, 5. 227.

157. See SavarnA. Sana, a mind-bom son of Brahmd,

Samuttaras (??), variant of Bhargas, 1. 78.

2. 171. Sauadhwaja, according to the Bh4-

Samvarana, variously genealo- gavata-purdiia, son of S'uchi,

gized, 4. 145, 148. son of S'atadyurana, 3.

Sdmvara6i, a Muni named in the S'anaischara, or Saturn, son of
]^ig-veda, 3. 337. Eudra, &c., 1. 117; 257, 2.

Samvarta, a lawgiver, referred to, 258, 304. Called son of the

or cited, 3. 96, 198. Sun and Sanjna, 2. 259. Called
Samvarta, son of Angiras, 3. 244, son of the Sun and Chlidyd, 3.
245. 21. See S'ani, Saptdrchis, and
Sainvarta, a Kalpa so called, 1. 53. Saura.
170 INDEX.

Sanaka, a mind-born son of Brah- Sandrocottus, Sandrocoptus, Chan-

m4, 200; 5. dragupta identified with, 4. 186.
1. 59, 77; 2.

195- Sanga (]), variant of Asanga, son

Sananda, a mind-born son of of Yuyudhdna, 4. 93.

Brahm4, 1. 77, 79; 2. 200. Sangata, son of Dasaratha, son of

Sanandana, a famous sage, son of Siiya^as, 4. 189.

Brahm4, 1. 61. He dwells in Sangati (1), variant of Sammati,

Jano-loka, 1. 6;^ ; 2. 226, 228. the river so called, 2. 196.
See also 5. 13, 233. Sangava, 'forenoon/ 2. 253.
Sanitana, a mind-bom son of Sangba (1?), variant of Megha-
BraUniA, 1. 77 ; 2. 200, swdti, 4. 200.

Saiidtana, a Loka, the abode of Sanghdra (I?), variant of Sarfipdra,

the Vairdjas, Pitfis so called, 3. 4. 141,

159- Sanghdta, a certainhell, 2. 215.

Sanatkum^ra, son of Brahin<4, P. Sanghatdntargata, what, in legal

72, 88; 1. 77, 78, 1,2.2; 2. phraseology, 3. 155, 156.

200; 3. 168; 4. 12. Sangraha, th,e technicality, as

SanatkumAra-saiiihitA, a part of used of literatnre, explained, 5.

the Skanda-purdna, P. 73. 47-

Sanatkuindra-upapurdna, P. 87. Sangrdmajit, son of KHshna and
Sandamaa, a certain hell, 2. 215, Bhadrd, 5. 82. Son of Kfisbna
220. and S'aibyd, 5. 107.

Sandhi (1?), variant of Susandhi, S^ani, son of A^tri, 1. 154.

3. 325. S'ani, the same as S'aura, 2. 259.

Sandhyd, ' twilight,' 4c. A form Sanlka (??), S'anlka (n), variants

of Brahma, 1. 81. Daughter of S'amlka, the Muni, 5. 251.

of Brahmd, P. 89. Prayer to S'auika (?), variant of S'amlka,

be uaed at it, 2. 250-252. Du- son of S'lira, 4. loi.

ration of it, 2. Z53. The period Sanlyas, a people, 2. 180.

preceding a Yuga, 1. 49, 50. Sanjdtas (?), variant of Siijatas, 4.

See also P. 632. 249 ; 3. 129,; 59-

135; 5, 12, 384, Supdrswa, 3. 334.
Saiijaya, son of

Sandhyd, a rivet in Krauncha- Sanjaya, son of Dhfitahavya, 3.

dwlpa, 2, 198. 335-
SandhyAiB^a, the period succeed- Sanjaya, Eon of Bratikshattra, 4.

ing a Yuga, 49, 50. 1. 44.

S'dnd'ilya, an heresiarch ao called, ^anjaya, son of Rananjaya, 4. 169.
Sanjaya (?), variant qf Sdhanji, 4.

Sdndlpani, a teacher of the science 54.

of arras, 5. 46-48. Sanjaya (?), variant of Asanga, son
Sandoba, what, 4. 312, of Yuyudbdna, 4. 93.
INDEX. 171

Sanjaya (??), variant of Sfinjaya, 4. S'ankha, son of Vasisht^a, and a

144- l^ishi in the third Manwantara,
Sanjivana, a certain hell, 2. 215. 3. 7.

Sanjiviul, 'the herb of immor- S'ankha, a mountain-range, 2. 117

tality,' 1. 146. (note §). See S'ankhakiit'a.
Sanjn4, variously genealogized, S'ankha, a forest so called, 2. 118.
wife of Vivaswat, 2. 259 ; 3. 20, S'ankha, variant of Vdtsya, dis-
&c. ciple of S'akalya, 3. 46.
Sanjueya, variant of S^banji, 4. 54. S'ankha, variant of S'ankhandbha,
Sanjnita (1), variant of Sabanji, 4. 3. 322.
54. S'ankba-dwipa, an island, perhaps
Saiika (??), variant of S'anku, son fabulous, 2. 129.
of Ugrasena, 4. 98. S'ankliakut'a, a mountain - range
Sankalpa, a Prajdpati, son of Brali- running north from Mount
md, 1. loi. Meru, 2. 117.
Sankalpa, son of Dharma and San- S'ankhana, variously genealogized,
kalpd, 2. 23. 3. 314, 322, 323.
Sankalpd, daughter of Daksha, Sankhana (1), variant of S4hanji,
and wife of Dharma, 2. 21, 23. ^- 54-
Sankalpa, what, in phUosopby, 4. S'ankliandbha, son of Vajran4bha,
241. 3. 322.
S'ankara, a form of Rudra or S'iva, S'ankhapd, variant of S'ankhapdd,
1. 13, 119, 134, «kc. ; 2. 118; 2. 261, 262.
i. 3; 6. 108, m, 115, n6, S'ankhapAd, the Lokapdla of the
119, 126, 386. south, son of Kardama and
S'ankara, son of |Lasyapa, 9on of S'ruti, 1. r55 ; 2. 86, 261-263,
Maricbi, 2. 70. 338 ; 5. 387. (Correct S'ankha-
S'ankara Achdrya, a writer and p^da, wherever found.)
religious reformer, his time, <tc., S'ankhapdd, one of the Vi^we
P. 16, 48, 49; 1. 125; 3. 113, devas, 3. 192.
174, 191, 223, 340 ] 5. 177, S'ankhapdla, a serpent, presiding
257. 337, 347, 356- over the month of Bhddrapada,
Sankarsbana = Balabhadra, son &c., 2. 285, &c.
of Vasudeva, 2. 211, 212; 3. S'ankha-smfiti, the, a code of law,
166; 4. no, III, 260, 297, referred to, 3. 190.
301; 5. 10, 40, 44, 144, 215. S'dnkhdyanas, of the ^^ig-veda, 3.

See S'esha. 51-

Sinkdsyd, a kingdom, its situa- S'dnkhAyana, compiler of a S'4kh4
tion, 3. 333. of the !6.ig-veda, 3. 49, 50.
S^ankha, son of Easyapa and Ka- S'dnkhiyana, author of a Grihya-
dni, 2. 74, eiitra, 3. 113, 168.
lya INDEX.

SAnkhya, a system of philosophy, S'ankura C?),

variant of S'ankara,
referred to, P. 12, 41, 42, 94; son of Ka^yapa, 2. 70.
2. 14, 43 ; 3. 39 ; 4. 253. S'ankusiras, son of Kasyapa, sou of
SAnkhya-kdfikA, the, quoted, or Marichi, 2. 7c.
referred to, 1. 20, 33, 34, 37, S^dnta, son of Idhmajihwa, king

69, 71, 76; 2, 43; 5. 60, 199, of Plaksha-dwlpu, 2. 193, See

202. S'dntabhaya.
Sankhyd-parimdna, the, referred S'dnta, daughter of Dasaratha, son

to, 1. 48. of Aja, and wife of Kishya-

Sinkhya-pravachana, the, referred ^ringa, 4, 124.

tO| 1- 33, 37 ; S. 202. S'dnta, a region in Plaksha-dwlpe,

Sdnkhya-pravachana-bhashya, the, 2. 193. See S'dntabhaya,

referred to, 1. 31 ; 5. 378. S'dntabhaya, son of Medhdtithi,
Sdnkhya^sdra, the, referred to, 1. king of Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191.
33-35 ; 3. 301. See S'dnta.
Sankirna (?), variant of Sankirndra, S'dntabhaya, a region in Plaksha-
2. 292. dwipa, 2, 191. See S'dnta.
Sanklrndra, a serpent, presiding S'dntahaya, son of Tdmasa, Man a
over the months of Madbu and of the fourth !Man wan tara, 3. 8.
Mddhava, 2. 291. S'dntakarna (??), variant of S'rlsdta-
Sankocha, what, in philosophy, 1. kartii, 4. 195.
Santdna, son ci Ugra, 1. 117.
Sankritis, a branch of the Kdvyas, Sdntdnika a Jjoka, tenanted by
4. 138. the Vairdjas, Pitfis so called,
SAnkfiti, son of Re6u, 4. 28. 3. 159-
Sankfiti, son of Jayatsena, soa of S'dntanu, S'antanu, son of Pratlpa,
Adlna, 4. 43, 44. 4. 144, 146, 152, 154-iSS.
Bankfiti, son of Nara, son of Bha- S'antanu (?), variant of Sutauu, 4.
vanmanyu, 4. 137. no.
Sdnkfityas, Kausika Brdhmans, 4. S'dntaraya, sprung from Anenas,
29. son of Ayus, 4. 43,

S'ankus, Kausika Brdhmans, 4. Santardana, son of Dhfisht'aketu,

28. the Kaikeya, 4. 103.
S^anka, an author, referred to the Santardana (??), variant of SaA-
courtof KingVikramdditya,P. 8. mardana, 4. no.
S'anku, son of Ugrasena, son of Santateyu, son of Piaudrd^wa, 4.
A'huka, 4. 98. 128, 129. See Samnateyu.
S'anku, son of Krishna and SatyA, S'unti, Indra of l^he tenth IManwan-
5. 79. tara, 3. 25.
Sanku (?), variant of S'anku, son of S'unti, disciple of Angiras, son of
Ugraseaa, son of Ahuka, 4. 98. Daksha, 3. 28, 29.
INDEX. 173

S'dnti, son of Nlla. son of Aja- Saptada^a, a certain collection of

mld'ba, 4. 144. hymns, its origin from Brahmi'a
S^dnti, son of Krishna and Kdlindl, wester:^ mouth, 1. 85.
5. 79. Saptajib (?), variant of Safcyajit, 2.

S'Auti, * placidity,' daughter of 289.

Daksha, and wife of DLarmay 1. SaptaketuC), variant of Satyaketu,
109, no. Called daughter of 3. 26.

Kardama, and wife of Atharvan, SaptArchis = S'anaischara, or Sa-

turn, 2. 257, 258,
C?) 1. 110, 200.
S'jlnti, a certain ceremony, 3. 44 Sdptataatavas, a sect so called, 3.

(where correct tho spelling) ; 5. 340.

390. Saptavddins, the Jainas so called,
S'duti, -what, in philosophy, 1. 37. 3. 209.
S'anti (1), variant of Swdhi, 4. SAras (?), a people, 2. 179
61. Sarabha, a fabulous animal so
S'AutidevA, daughter of Devaka, called, 1. 63, 72, 8s, 84.

son of Ahuka, and wife of Vasu- S'aradwat, a !6ishi in the current

deva, 4. 98, no, in. Manwantara, son of Gotama, 3.

S'intidevi, variant of Si5,ntidevd, i5> ^6, 23; 4. 146.

4. 98. S^dradwati, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83.
S'^-ntihavya (f), vai-iant of S'Anta- SaraniA, daughter of Daksha, and
haya, 3. 8. wife of Ka^yapa, son of Marichi,
S'dntihaya (I), variant of S'Anta- 2. 26, 73.
haya, 3. 8. Sdra-:narr», the same as Avyanga,
Santimat (?), variant of Sumati, 4. 5. 383-
143. Sdrameya (?), variant of Arimejaya,
Santoiha, *
content,' son of Dhar- son of S'waphalka, 4. 96.
ma and Tusht'i, 1. no. Sdrameyadana, a certain hell, 2.

Santosha, what, in ethics, 3. 77. 215.

S'dpemiu (?'f), variant of S'ripeyin, Sdrana, S'drana, son of Vasudeva,
^- 57- son of S'lira, 4. 109.
S'dpeyin, teacher of the Yajur- Sdraai-vyiiha(??),what, in architec-
veda, 3. 57.^ ture, 5. 30, 31.

Sapiudas, certain relatives, in legal Sdra-pradhana, the same as Avyan-

phraseology, 3. 151. ga, 5. 383.

Sapiud'ana, a certain S'r4ddha, 3. Sara-saugraha, the, referred to, 3.

147. See theiiext. 191.

Sapindfi-karaiia = Sapiud'ana, 3, Sdraswatas, a people, P. 104; 3.

154, 156, 157- 70, 71.

Saptahhangins, the Jainas socalled, Sdrasw.ita, an epithet of Kapila,
3. 209. the Eishi, 1. 5, 17 ; 5. 250.

SAraswata, Vydsa of tlie niutix S'Arngadhanwan, an epithet of

DwApara age, 3. 34, 37. Kfisbna, derived from the name

Sdraswata, a Rishi, son of Saras- of his bow, S'irnga, 6. 113, n6.
wati, the goddess so called, P. S'drngin,an epithet of Krishna,
104; 3. 70. derived from the name of his
SAraswata, a modification of San- bow, S'drnga, 5. 114.

skrit, P. 104. Saro-radbdtmya, a part of the Vd-

Sdraswata, a Kalpa so called, P. mana-purdna, P. 75.

40, 49.
Sarpas (?), a people. 3, 293.
Saraswatl, a S'akti of S'iva, P. 71 ;
Sarpa, a Ptudra, 2. 25.

1. 104. Sarpa, a R^kshasa, presiding over

Saraswatl, goddess of learning, the month of Nabhas, &c., 2.

daughter of Daksha, and wife 285, 288, 292, 293.

of Dharma, P. 105; 1. 131, Sarpa, *
serpent,' whence the term,
148; 2. 21 ; 3. 70. As one 1. 83.

with various rivers, P. 46, 104- Sarpa-bali, a certain sacrifice, 3.

106; 2. 121, 142-144, 154, 114.

3. 71, 170. Sarpapungavaj in place of Ram-

155 J

Saraswatl, wife of Matinira, 4. bba,a serpent presiding over the

montlis of S'ukra and S'uchi, 2.

Saraswatl, a river in S'ilmala- 293-

dwfpa, 2, 195. Sarpis, wife of ;6.itadhwaja, a form

S'ardvatl, a river, 2. 147. of Rudra, 1. 117.

S^arftyu, a river, the Sarjoo, 2. Sarpis, 'clarified butter,' 2, 109.

i2i (where correct the spel- Sdrsht'i, a kiud of emancipation,

172, 340; 5. 242. (It is very inadequately
ling), 147, i49» •5-

388. translated in 270.)


Sarga, what, P. 93 5 3. 72 ; 9. Sar^ipJl, wife of Bhiita, the patri-

259> 299-
arch, and mother of the Rudras,
Sarga, variant of Swarga, son of 2. 25.

Bhlma and Disas, 1. 117. Sdnlpya, a kind of emancipation,

Sarlsfipa, what, 1. 84 ; 2. 55, 92 ;
5. 242.

158; 162, 203, S'anitha (?), variant of Varuttha,

3. «">•
59. 94,
236, 247. 4. 117.

S'arman, a name appropriate for S'arva, a Rudra, 1. 116; 2. 24,

a BrAhinan, 3. 99. 272 ; 5. 121, 386.

S'armisht'hi, daughter of Vfisha- S'arva, son of Dhatiusha, 4. 150.

parvan, and wife of Yay^ti, 2. Sdrvabhauma, son of Ahamy4ti, 4.

4. 46-48. 12S.
70 ;

bow borne by Krishna, Sdrvabhauraa, variously genealo-

S'Amga, a
gizefl, 4. 143.
5. 113, 116, 125.
INDEX. 175

Sirvabhaunia, son of Vidiiratlia, Sarvatraga, son of Bhlmasena or

4- 153- Bhlma, 4. 159.

Sirvabhauma (1), variant of Sarva- Sarvatraga (?), variant of Sarvaga,
kdma, 3. 304. son of DharraasivarAika, the
Sarvablnita = Sarvdtman, 5. 34, Manu, 3. 27.

164, 246. Sarvdvasu, a certain ray of the

Sarva-bhuta-dayd, what, 4, 294. sun, 9 ?
Sarvadamana, epithet of Bharata, Sarvavega, son of Dharniasdvar-
son of Dushyanta, 4. 134. nika, the Manu, 3. 27.

Sarva-dar^ana-sangraha, the, quo- S'aryAta, a race descended from

ted, 3, 213. S'arydti, son of Vaivaswata, 3.

Sarvadharman,. a king, son of 255-

Dharmasdvarnika, the Manu, 3. S'drydta, son of Manu, 3. 248,
27. 342.
Sarvaga, son of Paurnamdsa, son S'arydti, son of Nahusha, son of
of Madchj, 1. 153. Xyus, 4. 46.
Sarvaga, a king, son of Dhanna- S'arydti, Sarydti (i), son of Vaivas-
sAvarnika, the Manu, 3. 27. wuta, the Manu, 2. 172 ; 3. 13,

Sarvaga, son of Bhimasena or 14, 232, 233, 248, 255 ; 4. 40.

Bhlma, by one account, 4. 159. S'asa, a portion of Sudar^ana, the

Sarvaga, what, in philosophy, 1. 27. continent, 2. no.
Sarvagata, instead of Sarvatraga, S'asabindus, a tribe, 4. 61.

in the BbAgavata-purdaa,4. 159. S'asabindu, son of Chitraratha, son

Sarvagata, what, in theology, 3. of Rushadgu, 4. 61, 63.

251- S'asiida, an epithet of Vikukshi, 3.

Sarvajit (11), variant of Satyajit, 261, 262.

son of Sunlta, 4. 176, S'asAda ({?), variant of Viihsati, 3.
Sarvakdma, variously genealogized, 260.
3. 304, 305> 315- S'a^i (0, variant of S'ucLi, son of
Sarvakarman, variant of Sarva- Andhaka, 4. 97.

k4ma, 3. 305, 314; 4. 24. S'asigupta, a certain king, 4. 219.

Sarva-unirti, what, 5. 200. S'asikas, a people, 2. 167.

Sarvasangd, a river, 2. 154. S'asikdntd, variant of SaddkdntA,

Sdrvaseni, daughter of a king of 2. 149.
the Kaiis, 4. 136. S'jisin, the same as Kubera, 2. 112.
Sarvatman, what, in theology, 1. S'astra, technical use of, in theo-

142. logy, 1. 85, 200; otherwise, 5.

Sarvatobhadra, a mountain in 38, M7-
Krauncha-dwlpa, 2. 198. S'astra-devatds, 'deified weapons,'

Sarvatobhadra, a fabulous grove, sons of Ki-isd^\va, 2. 29 (where

so called, 2. 117, 122. correct the spelling), 5. 388.
176 INDEX.

S'Alwata, son of S^ruta, 3. 334. S'atajit, son of Krishna and Jdm*

S'atabala (?), a river, 2. 148, 153. bavatl, 5. 79.

S'atabaldka, disciple of S'Akapiini, SAtakarni, S'dtakarni, variously

and promulgator of the Eig- genealogized, 4. 195, 200, 202,
veda, 3. 49. 205.
S'atabliishA, the same as S'ata- S'atakarni, son of Yautramati (11),

bhishaj, 2. 308. 4. 202.

S'atabhishaj, an astorism, 2. 265, Sdtakarnij <kc., variants of Sun-
A;c. ; 3, 167, i6g. dara-&A,takaruin, 4. 197.

S'atadhanu, a certain king,. 3. 217, Sdtakarni (11), variant of Vijaya,

ifec. son of Yajua^rl, 4, 199.

S'atadhanus, eon of Hridika, 4. S'Atakarrii ('?), variiint of Sw4ti, 4.

82, 90, 99. He slays Sattrd- coo.

jita, 4. 8 J. Is slain by Krishna, S'atakesara, a mountain in S'dka-

4. 83. See S^atadhauwan. dwipa, 2. 200,

S^atadhanus, for S^atadhanwan, son S'atakratu, an epithet of Indra, 1.
of SumaHarman, 4. 190. 150; 4. 42, 309; 5. 43.
S'atadbanwaxi - S'atadhanus, son S'atakumbhd, a river, 2. 147.

Hfidika, 4. 80, &c., 99. S'ataraakha, an epithet of Indra,

S'atadhanwan, son of Soma^ar* 2. 112.
man, 4. 190. S'atdnanda (as the name doubt-
S'atadhanwan (?), variant of Bindu- less should be v?rltten), a l^ishi
sdra, 4. 188. ill the eighth Maawantara, ac-
S'atadhara, son of Devavarraan, 4. cording to one account, 3. 33.
189. S'atdnanda, son of S'a.radwat or
S'atadhwaja (1), variant of Sa^-ya- Gautama, 4. 146.
dhwaja, 3. 333. S'atdnjfka, a king of the Pd/id'a
S'atadrii, S'atadru, the river Satlej, family, P. 63.
2. 130, 131, 142, 144; 3. 170; S'atAnika, king of KausdmW, 4.

4. 118. 124, 165,

S'atadyumaa; a king, son of Cha- S'atdnika, son of Nakula, 4. 159,
kshasha, the Manu, 1. 177 ; 3. 163.
13- S'atAnlka, son of Jananiejaya, 4.
S^atadyumna, son of BhAnumat, 3. 162, 163, 166.
333- S'atAnika, son of VasudAna, son of
&atajit, son of Raja, 2. 107, Also Brihadratha, 4. 165.
called son of Viraja, 2. 107. S'dtAnika, son of Sattrdjit, 4. 165.
S'atajit, variously genealogized, 4. S'atdnkni (?), daughter of XJgra-
53. sena, son of Ahuka, 4. 99.

S'atajit, son of Bhajam4na, son of Satapaa, a class of gods in the

Sutwata, 4. 72, eighth Manwantara, 3. 23.
INDEX. 177

S'atapatlia-brdlimana, the, referred ter of Kardarea, 1. no. She

to, or cited, 1. 45 ; 3. 35, 244, burns herself, 1. 127.

342; 4. 11,247. Itslengtb, 3. 63. Sati, wife of some Angiras, 2. 29.

S'dtaprasiitijSon of Kambalabarhis, Satlrthas, variant of Saniyas, 2.

4. 6-'. 180.
S'ataratha, variant of Da^aratba, Satlyas, variant of Saulyas, 2.

son of Mulaka, 3. 314. 180.

S'atardpd, the first woman, the Satkarman, variant jof Satyakar-
female portion of Brahma, wife man, 4. 126.

ofSwdyaiabhuva Mauu, <fec., P. Sdtpud'A, a mountain-range, popu-

larly so called, in India, 2. 128,
95 (where twice correct the
spelling); 1. 104, &c. M4, i5o> 339-
S^atasankhyas, a class of gods S'atrughna, son of Dasaratha, son

in the tenth Manwantara, 3. of Aja, 1. 165; 3.315,318,319.

25- S'atruglma (who?), 4. 85.

S'atasfinga, a mountain in S'Al- Satrugbna, sou of S'waphalka, 4.

mala-dwipa, 2. 195. 95' 96.

S'atatejas, Vydsa of the twelfth S'atrughna, son of Devasravas, son
Dwdpara age, according to one of Sura, 4. 113.

account, 3. 37. S'atruhan, variant of S'atrughna,

S'atavapus (1,1), variant of S'iteshu, son of S'waphalka, 4. 95, 96.

4. 63. S'atrujit, epithet of Pratardana,
S'atdvarl (1?), variant of S'ardvatl, son of Divoddsa, 4. 34, 35.
2. 147. S'atrujit, son of Vatsa, son of Pra-
S'atayajna (1), variant of S'rutan- tardana, 4. 36.
jaya, 4. 174. Sattd, what, in philosophy, 5. 200.

S'atdyus, son of Purilravas, son of SattAmdtrdtman, what, in philo-

Budha, 4. 13. sophy, 3. 312.
S^atAyus, son of Bhajamdna, son of Sattrdjit, father of some S'atdnfka,

Satwata, 4. 72. 4. 165.

S'at^yus (??), variant of S'rutdyus, Sattrdjit, variant of Sattrdjita, 4.

son of Arisht'anemi, 3. 334. 74, 100.

S'at^yus (^?), variant of S^iteshu, 4. Sattrdjita, son of Nighua, and friend
63- of Aditya, 4. 74. Receives the
S'at'ha, son of Vasudeva, son of Syaniantaka jewel, 4. 75. Gives
Sura, 4. log. his daughter SatyabhduiA to
Sati, a S'akti of S'iva, P. 79 5. 32 1. ; Krishna, in marriage, 4. 80. Is
Satl, *
truth,' daughter of Daksha, slain by S'atadhauwan, 4. 81.
and wife of Bhava, &c., P. 89 ;
See also 4. 112 ; 5. 81, 148.
1. 109, no, 117, &c., 157; 4. Sdttrdjitl, the same as Satyabhdmd,
261, 262. Also called daugh- 5. 81.
178 INDEX.

Sattwa, what, in philosophy, P. jita, and wife of Krishna, 4. 80,

20; 1. 3, 35, 74, 138. 81, 91, 92 (where the Sanskrit
Sdttwika, adjective of Sattwa, has Satyd, another person,
what, P. 20, 21 ; 1. 34, 74; 2. wherefore note * should be al-
296; 5. 285, 310. tered), 112; 5. 78, 79, 81, 89,
Satwa, variously genealogized, 4. 92, 96-99, 102, 103, 105, 107,
69, 70. 148, 154.
SAtwatas, a dynasty descended Satydbhidhdyin, what, in tueology,
from Satwata, 4. 70. 1. 73, 89.
Satwa'^a, Sdtwata, a Yddava king, .
Satyadharman, a king, son of
variously genealogized, 4. 69- Dharmasdvarnika, the Manu, 3.

71, 74, 86. 27.

Satyas, certain gods, appearing in Satyadhrita, son of Pushpavat, 4.
the third and fourth Manwan- 150.
taras, 3. 6, 7, 17. Their origin, Satyadhriti, son of Sdrana, 4. 109.
2. 26 ; 3. 17. Satyadhf iti, son of Dhritimat, son
Satya, a form of Vishnu, 3. 1 7. of Yavinara, 4. 142.
Satya, one of the Vi^we devas, 3. Satyadhriti, son of S'atinanda,
189-191. son of S'aradwat, 4. 146.

Satya, two Rishis, appearing in Satyadhriti, variant of Sudhfiti,

the ninth Manwantara, and in son of Mahdvlrya, 3. 331.
the tenth, respectively, 3. 25, Satyadhwaja, son of UrjavAha, 3.

26. 333-
Satya, son of Havirdhdna, 1. Satyahita, son and disciple of
193- Satyasravas, and promulgator of
Satya, an astronomer, referred to the !lfeig-veda, 3. 45.
the court of King Vikramdditya, Satyahita, variant of Satyadhrita,
P. 9. 4. 150.
Satya (?), son of SiraAa, 4. 109, Satyajit, a Yaksha, 2. 285, &c.
Satya, the same as Satya-loka, 2. Satyajit, Indra of the third Man-
231. wantara, by one account, 3. 6.

Satyi, mother of Tushita, 3. 1 7. Satyajit, son of Sunlta, 4. 176.

Saty4, or NAgnajitl, a wife of Satyajit (??), variant of Jaya-
Krishna, 92; 5. 78, 79,
4. 91, dratha, son of Brihatkarman, 4.
82. Confounded with Satya- 140.
bhdmd, 5. 97, 99, 104. Satyajita (?'?), variant of Satya-
SatyA, wife of Brihanmanas, 4. dhrita, 4. 150.
125. Satyakas, a class of gods in the
Satya, what, in philosophy, 3. 7 7 fourth Manwantara, according
4. 294. to one account, 3. 7.

Satyabh«^mA, daughter of Sattrd- Satyaka, a king, son of Raivata,

INDEX. 179

Manu of the fifth Manwautara, Satyasri, son and disciple of Satya-

3. II. . hita, and promulgator of the

Satyaka, son of S'ini, 4. 93. flig.veda, 3. 45-47. 5°-

Satyaka, son of KfishAa and Ro- Satyavdch, son of Clidkshusha,

hii'il, 5. 79, 148. the Manu, 1. 177.
Satyaka (?), variant of Andhaka, Satyavat, son of Chdkshusha, the

4. 96. Manu, P. 83; 1. 178.

Satyakarman, son of Dhfitavrata, Satyavati, wife of Harischandra,

son of D'afiti, 4. 126. 3. 288.

SatyakarAa, son of Janamejaya, Satyavatf, daughter of Vasu, and

son of Chandidpld'a, 4. 163. wife of S'dntanu and of Pard-

Satyaketu, a i^ishi in the tenth ^ara, 4. 150, 157, 158 ; 5. 181.

Maiiwantara, 3. 26. Satyavati, daughter of Gddhi, 4.

Satyaketu, variously genealogized, 16, &c. Becomes the river

4. 37, 3S-
KauBikl, 4. 18.

Satyaki = Yuyudhdna, 4. 93 ; 5. Satyavratas, a caste in S'dka-

123, 148. dwlpa, 2. 200.

Satya-loka, *
the world of infinite Satyavratas, a class of gods, ap-

wisdom and truth,' 1. 98 ; 2. pearing in the third Manwau-

113, 227, 228; 4. 319. tara, according to one account,

Satyambhard, a river in Plaksha- 3. 17.

dwipa, 2. 193. Satyavrata, a Manu (??), 3. 236.

Satyanetra, son of Atri, 1. 154. Satyavrata, or Trisanku, variously

Satydngas, a caste in Plaksha- genealogized, 3. 284, 286.

dwipa, 2. 193. Satya-yajna, a particular sacrifice,
Satyaratha, son of Minaratha, 3. 3. 93.

334- Satydyu, son of Puniravas, son of

Satyaratha, son of Eomapdda, son Budha, 4. 13.

of Dharmaratha,< 4. 124. Satyeyu, son of Raudrdswa, 4,

SatyarathA, wife of Harischandra, 127-129.

3. 287. Saubalyas, a people, 2. 157.
Sdtyarathi, son of Satyaratha, son Saubhas, a people, 5. 70.

of Minaratha, 3. 334. Saubhari, a ifeishi, legend of, 3.

Satyasena, a form of Bhagavat or 268, (fee.

Vishnu, in the third Manwan- S'aucha, what, 3. 77.

tara, 3. 17. Sauddmini, daughter of Kasyapa
Satyasravas, son and disciple of and Viiuitd, 2. 73.

Mdndukeya, and promulgator Sauddmini, an Apsaras, 2. 8r.

of the ilig-veda, 3. 45. Sauddsa, son of Suddsa, son of

Satyasravas, son of Vltihotra, 3. Sarvakama, 3. 304-307, 310;

4. 24.
i8o INDEX.

Sauddsa, son of Sad&sa, sou of Saunanda, a famous club which

Chyavana, 4. 147, 148. came down from heaven, 5. 51.
Sauddsa, son of Apllaka or Ivl- Sauparna-pur4na = Garud'a-purd-
laka, 4. 202. lia, P. 24.
S'auddhodani, patronym of S'Akya, Saura (correctly), the same as S'ani,

4. 170. or Saturn, 2. 259.

Saudhas (?), variant of Sodhas, 2. Saurapatas (in correct spelling),
163. a sect worshipping the sun, 5.

Sauhfidas, a people, 2. 178. 280.

Saukara C??),
variant of S'likara, 2. Saura-purdiia = Brahma-purdna,
214. P. 27.
S'aulkdyani, disciple of Devadarsa, Saura-samhitd, a part of the
<fec., and teacher of the Atliarva- Skanda-purdiia, P. 73.
veda, 3. 61, 62. Saurdsht'ras, a people, 2. 133, 134;
S'aulkydyani (??), variant of S'aul- 4. 222, 224.

kdyani, 3. 61. Saura-upapurAiia, P. 87,

Saumas, an heretical sect, 5, 380. S'auri, a name of Vishnu or
Saumadatti, patronym of Sdvarni, Krishna, 1. 119 ; 4. 323 ; 5. 22,

disciple of Komaharshana, 3, 84, 87, 115, 121, 125.

66. Sauri =^ S'ani, or Saturn, 2. 226,
Saumaka (Ti), variant of Somaka, 259-
2. 191. Saurl-samhitd, a part of the Kur-
Sauraanaaya, 8on of YajnabAhu, ma-purdna, P- 77.
king of S'dlmala-dwlpa, 2. 195, Sausalyas, variant of Saubalyas,
Saumanasya, a region in S'dlmala- 2. 157-
dwlpa, 2. 195. S'ausitas, variant of S'aislkas, 4.
Sauraa^ushmdyana, Vydsa in the 221.
twenty- third Dwipara age, 3. 35. Sausratas, Kausika Brdhmans, 4.
Saumitri, teacher of the SAma- 28.
veda, 3. 60, 61. Sausruta, a medical work, by Su^-
Saumyas, a class of Pitfis, 2. 303 ;
ruta, referred to, P. 60, <fec.

3. 166. Sausulyas (11), variant of Saubal-

Saumya, a portion of Bhdratavar- yas, 2. 157.
sha, 2. 112, 129, Sauti, son of Siita or Lomahar-
S'aunaka, disciple of Pathya, and shana, 3. 43.
teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3. Sautrdmani, a particular sacrifice,

62, 72; 4. 163. 3. 109, 113.

S^aunaka, variously genealogized, Sauvlras, peoples so called, 2. 133,
4. 31. 32, 40- 134, 174; 5. 389.
S'aunakdyani (??), variant of S'aul- Sauvira, a country, 2. 174, 318;
kdyani, 3. 62. 5. 389.
INDEX. t8i

Savana, son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155. Sdvitra, a Rudra, 2. 25.

Savana, son of Prijavrata, and Sdvitra, a peak of Mount Meru,
king of Pushkara-dwlpa, 2. 100, 1. 120.
&c., 201. Savitfi = Parjanya, &c., an A'ditya,
Savana, a Rishi in the ninth Man- 1. 142 (where correct the spell-
wantara, 3. 25. ing), 200; 2. 27, 250, 251; 3.
Savana, a hell, 2. 214. 56, 117-
Savarna, Manu of the twelfth Man- Savitfi, Vyasa of the fifth Dwd-
wantara, son of Rudra, 3. 27. para age, 3. 34, 36.
Savarnii, daughter of Samudra, Sdvitrl, wife of Satyavat, P.
and wife of Prdchinabarhis, 1, Sdvitrl, daughter of Daksha, and
194 (where 'ocean' represents wife of Dharma, 2. 21.
Samudra). See Sdmudri. Sdvitrf, a river in Plaksha-dwlpa,
SAvarna, variant of Sdvarni, the 2. 193.
Manu, 3. 22. Sdvitrl, a form of the Gdyatrl, 1.
Sdvarriaka, variant of Sdvariiika, 108.
3. 23. Sdya, son of Pushpdrna and Doshd,
Sdvarni, Manu of the eighth Man- 1. 178.
wantara, son of the Sun and Sayana Achdrya, a commentator,
Chhdyd, 3, 21-24. referred to, 3. 338; 5. 178.
Sdvarni, descended .from Soma- S'ayanottama, what, in architec-
datta (?), disciple of Romahar- ture, 5. 33.
shana, and a teacher of the Pu- Seas, seven, surrounding the seven
rdnas, 3. 64-66. Dwlpas, 2. 109, no. That of
Sdvarni (whol), P. 65. salt water, 2. 191. That of
Sdvarni (who?), 2. 113. cane-juice, 2. 193. That of
Sdvarni (?), variant of Sdvariia, 3. wine, 2. 195. That of clarified

27. butter, 2. 197. That of whey,

Sdvariiika, the eighth Manwantara, 2. 198. That of milk, 2. 200,
3. 23. 201. fhat of fresh water, 2.
Sdvarnyas, of the Atharva-veda, 202.
3. 62. Sena (11), variant of Hema, son of
S'dvasta {??), variant of S'rdvasta, Ushadratha, 4. 122.
3. 263. S'end (??), variant of Mend, the river
S'dvasti (??), variant of S'rdvasta, so called, 2. 149.
3. 263. Senajit, a Yaksha, 2. 285, 288,
S'dvasti (Tl), variant of S'rdvastl, 3. <kc.

263. Senajit, son of Viswajit, son of

Savibhdsa (IT), variant of Vibhdsa, Jayadratha, 4. 140.
a sun, 5. 191. Senajit, son of Bfihatkarman, son
Savisha, a hell, 2. 215. of Sukshattra, 4. 1 74.
[8. INDEX.

Senajit, the same as Prasenajit, 3. or Venus, the planet so called,

265. 2. 257, 258.
SenAnl, a Rudra, 2. 25. Shod'a^in, a particular sacrifice, 1.

Sarpas, *
serpents.' Transformed 85; 3. 113 (where correct the
hairs of BrahmA's head, 1. 83. spelling).
Offspring of Ka^yapa and Ka- S'ibapura (??), a city, ruled over by
dru, 2. 74. Their king, S'csha, S'ibi, son of Uslaara, 4. 121.
2. 85 ; but Takshaka, 2. 86. S'ibi, Indra in the fourth Man-
Twelve of them named, and wantara, 3. 7, See S'ikhi.

their function mentioned, 2. S'ibi, son of Chdkshusha, the Manu,

285, &c. 1. 178.
Sense, organs of, how produced, S'ibi, son of Samhrdda, or else of
and by whom presided over, Anuhrdda, 2. 69.
and the number of them, 1. S'ibi, son of Uslnara, 4. 121, 122.
38. S^ibi (who ?), 4. 24.

S'esha, son of Ka^yapa and Kadni, S'ibi (who 1), 5. 82, 83.
2, 74. King of serpents, 2. 85. S'ibi (11), variant of S'ini, son of
See also P. 42 ; 4. 269 ; 5. 12, Garga, 4. 137.
65> 13O' 139. 149. 192. 19s, S'ibikd,, the weapon of Kubera, 3.

393. A
form of Vishnu, dwell- 22.
ing below the seven Pdtdlas, Siddhas, a people in India, 2. 1 76.

supporter of the world on his Siddhas, a sort of sages, 1. 122,

head, and a teacher of astro- 144; 5. 14, 59, 88, 94, 105,
nomy, and .also the couch of i5o» 195. 246, 247.
Vishnu, P. 31; 2. 211-213; 3. Siddha, son of Dharraa, the Pra-
30, 31 : 4. 260. See also Bala- jdpati, 1. m.
bbadra (bis). Siddhakshetra, a. region in India,
S'esha, a Prajdpati, 1. 102. 5. 118.
S^esha, a king, 4. 212. Siddhapura, a fabulous city, 2.

S'eshandga (??), a king, 4. 212, Ill, 113.

218. Siddhdrtha, an epithet of S'dkya,
Setu, variously genealogized, 4. 4. 170.
118. Siddhdrtha, variant of Rdtula, 4.

Setubandha, a place in the south 169.

of India, 3. 328^ Siddhfisana, in the Yoga philo-
Shad'Anana, an epithet of Kdrtti- sophy, 5. 230.
keya, 2. 118. Siddhi, * perfection,' daughter of
Shadja, a note of the musical Daksha, and wife of Dharma, I.

scale, 2. 329. 109, no.

ShaAd'as, a people, 2. 163. Siddhis, '
attributes of perfection,'
Shod'ai^archis, an epithet of S'ukra, eight, specified, I. 91. See also,
INDEX. 183

for other senses of Siddlii, 2. 7 ;

Simsapdyana (fl), variant of S'dmsa-
5. 146. pdyana, 3. 64, 65.
Siddbiuianwantara, a place of pil- S'imsapdyana, variant of Vaisara-
grimage on the river NanuadA, pdyana, 3. 66.
2. 151. Sindbus, a people, 2. 159 ; 5. 389.
S'lghra, the same as S'ighraga, 3. See Saindh;ivas.
325- Sindhu, the river Indus, 2. 120,
S'lghrA, a river in India, 2. 151, 121, 142 ; 3. 170; 4. 118,
S'ighraga, son of Agnivarria, 3. 223; 5. 381.
314. See S'lghra. Sindhu, a river (another), 2. 148,
S'ikhand'inl, wife of Antardhdua, 341.
1. 192. Sindhudwlpa, variously genealo-
S'ikhand'inl, two Apsarases so gized, 3. 303, 315.
called, 2. 80, 81. Sindhuka, a king, 4. 195. See
S'ikhi, variant of S'ibi, Indra in S'ipraka.
the fourth Manwantara, accord- Sindhupulindakas (?), a people, 2.
ing to one account, 3. 7, 158, 159-
S^ikhi, a river in Plaksha-dwipa, Sindhusauvlras, a people, 2. 134,
2. 192. 173; 5. 389.
S^ikhin, the same as Ketu, *the S'ineyus (??), variant of S'iteshu,
descending node,' 2. 259. 4.63.
S'ikhivAsas, a mountain-range ex- S'ini, son of Vfishiii, eon of Bha-
tending westward from Mount jamdna, 4. 73, 74, 93.
Meru, 2. 117. S'ini, son of Anamitra, 4. 93, 94.
S'iksbd, an Anga of the Veda, de- S'ini, son of Garga, son of Bhavan-
fined, 3. 67 ; 4. 252. manyu, 4. 137.
S'ikya (?), a certain king, 4. 214 S'ini
variant of S'uchi, son of
(note 11). Andhaka, 4. 97.

S'ila, son of T&nyktra, 3. 321. S'ini (IT), variant of Pratikshattra,

S'ilpa-^Astra, *
mechanics, sculp- son of S'aniin, 4. 99.

ture, and architecture,* 1. 148. S'inibdhu, a river rising in the

Simha, the same as Nf isiiuha, 5. 3 Vindbya mountains, 2. 155.
Siriiha, son of Krishna and Lak- S'inlka (??), variant of S'amlka, a
shmand, 5. 81. future Muni, 5. 251.
Simhala, an island, 2. 129. Siulvdlf, daughter of Angiras, 1.

Simhikd, daughter of Kasyapa, 153-

and wife of Viprachitti, ber half- SinlvdH, a river in S'dlmala-dwlpn,
brother, 1. 148 ; 2. 30, 55, 71, 2. 195.
259- Sinivdlf, * the day when the new
SiihhikA, daughter of Daksha, and moon is first seen,' 2. 260.
wife of Kasyapa, 2. 26. S'iphd, a river in India, 2. 155.

S'iprd, a river, 2. 131 (where cor- S^isundga, the same as S'isundka,

rect the spelling), 155, 339. 4. 180, 185, 231.
S'ipraka, founder of the Andhra- S'isundka, a king, 4. 180. See
bhfitya dynasty, 4. 194. also S''aisundgas.

Sira, '
ploughshare,' 3. 332 ; 5. 51. S'isunandi, a Yavana king, 4. 211,
Compare Hala. 212.
Siradhwaja, ati epithet of Balabha- S'isupdla, son of Damaghosba, 4.

dra, 3. 253. 67, 104-106, 246, 316; 5.69,70.

Slradhwaja, an epithet of Janaka, Sltd, daughter of Janaka, and wifo
son of Hraswaroman, 3. 332, of Edma, 1. 151 ; 3. 316, 317^
333- 33^, 332; 4. 146.
SirAlds (11), variant of Pdsivdt'as, Sltd, Sitd, a river, the Sihoun (?),

2. 180. 2. 112, I20-I22, 272; 5. 388.

SlrAyudha, an epithet of Bala- Sltd-kund', the popular name of a
bhadra, 3. 254. hot well near Monghir, on the
Slrin, an epithet of Balabhadia, Ganges, 4. 286.
4. 82 ; 5. 137. S'ltduta, a mountain-range extend-'
S'isbt'i (11), variant of Slisht'i, son ing eastward from Mount Meru,
of Diiruva, 1. 179. 2. 117, 124.
S'ishyanandi (]?), variant of Sushi- S'iteshu, son of Usanas, 4. 63, 64.
nandi, 4. 211. S'iteyus (?), variant of S'iteshu, 4. 63,
S'isira, son of Dhara, a Vasn, 2. 23. S'itikshu QT), variant of S'iteshu,
S'isira, son of Medhdtithi, king of 4- 63.
Plaksha-dwlpa, 2. 191. S'ivas, a class of godg in the third
S'isira, disciple of S'Akalya, and Manwantara, 3. 6.

a promulgator of the flig-veda, S'iva, a god of the first order. The

3. 46. same as Vishiiu in the character
S'isira, a region in Plaksha-dwlpa, of destroyer, 1. 41;. Born, as a
2. 191. Kumdra, from Brahmd, in every
S'isira, a mountain-range extend- Kalpa, and differing, in each, in
ing southward from Mount colour, 1. 77-79. King of the
Meru, 2. 117. Bhutas, 2. 86. His city, &c., 2.
S'isirdyana (rightly, S'aisirdyana), 112, 230. Spoils Dfiksha's sacri-
son of S'isira, 5. 53. fice, 1. 120., &c. Bears the river
S'isu, soil of Sdraua, 4. 109. Alakanandd on his head, 2. 272.
S'isuka, son of Pharma, (fee, 4. Intercedes for Bdna, 5. 118, &c.
211, 213. See also P. 4. <fec. &c. ; 1. i,

S'isuka (1?), variant of Sindhuka, &c.; 5. 14, 76, 92, 94, 108,
4. 195, 200. 114, &c. &c. And see Hara,
S'isuradia, what, in astronomy, 2. Isa, Iswara, Mahddeva, Mahesa,
3^A 307- Maheswara, Ndiayann, S'ankara,
INDEX. i8s

S'iilap^ni, Tnlociiana, Umjipati, S'ivasrla^takar6in, son of Fuliinat,

he. 4. 198.
S'iva, a Kudra, 1. 11-7 ; 5. 3S6. S'ivasvvdmin, variant of S'ivaswdti,
S'iva, son of Uru, son of Chdkshu- 4. 198.
sha, the Manu, 1. 177, S'ivaswdti, son of Chakoraadtakar-
S'iva, son of MedhatitLi, or else of Ain, <fec., 4. 197, 201.
Idhmajiliwa, king of Piakshii- Sivatas (??), variant of Pd:5ivdt'as,
dwlpa, 2. 191, 193. 2. 180.
S'iv4, a S'akti, spri^ng fro in S'iva, S'iva-tantra, a corrposition, quoted,
and wife of Isdna, P. 79 ; 1. 117. 2. 206.
S'ivd, wife of Anila, the Vasu, 2. S'iva-tattwa-viveka, the, by Ap-
23 : 5. 387. payya Dikshita, quoted, 5. 391.
S'iva, a region in Plaksha-dwipa, S'iva-upapnrfena, P. 36^ 87, 88.
2. 191, 193. Skanda = Ivdrttikeya, P. 72; 4.

S'ivA, a river in India, 2. 149. 283.

S'ivA, a river in Ku5a-dv,-ipa, 2. 196. Skanda., a Prajdpati, 1. 78.
S'iva, the name of a Kalpa. P. 74. Skar.da, son of Pasupati, a form
S'ivadatta, a king of the XbhlraSj of Rudra, 1. 117.
4. 208. Skanda-purdiia, Skanda-purdna,
S'iva-dharma, a part of the Skanda- analysis of the, &c., P, 20, 23,

purdiia (?), 2. 216, 221. 24, 27, 72, &c., 7?, 85i 3. 67;
Siva-dharma-iipapu! «,na, P. 87. 5.264, 316.
S'iva-gltd., a poem encomiastic of Skandaswdti, son of Avi (?1), son
S'iva, 3. 65. of, 4. 202.
S'ivapura, the city of S'iva, P. 38. Skandhastambhi, son of Purnot-
For S'iva's city, see 2. 112. sanga, 4. 200.
S'iva-purAna, P. 20, 24, 35, 88, 89. Skandhaswdti, son of Swdti, 4,

And see S'aiva-purdiia. 200.

S'iva-rahasva-khand'a, a part of the Skaridhaswdti (??), variant of S'iva-

Skanda-purdna, P. 73. skandha, 4. 201.

S'iva-rdtri, a certain festival, P. 89. Sleeping, rules of, 3. 131, <fec.

S'iva-samhitd. Sec Rudra-samhitd. S'lisht'i, sonof Dhrava, 1. 177 ; 5.

S'ivaskanda {}f), variant of S'iva- 388.

skandha, 4. 198. Smdrtas, a religious sect, 5. 340,
S^ivaskandasdtakarni, kc. (??), va- 342-
riants of SCivaskandha, 4. 201, Smaya, ' wonder,' son of Dharma,
202. 1. III.
Slvaskandha, variously genealo- Snirita, a Prajdpati, son of Va-
gized, 4. 198, 202. sisht'ha, 3. 5.

S'ivasrl, variant of S'ivasr^sAtakar Smfiti, memory,' daughter of


iiin, 4. 201. Daksha, and wife of Angiras,

1 86 INDEX.

1. 109, 155. Called daughter Som4, an Apsaras, 2. 81.

of Dharma, 1. m. Somadatta, son of Kfi^d^wa, 3.

Srafiti, what, in philosophy, 1. 32. 247.

Snehas, a caste in Kusa-dwlpa, 2. Somadatta, son of Panchadhanus,
195- 4. 147 j 5. 134.

S^obhayantyas, a class of Apsa- Somadatta, son of Vdhlika, 4.

rases, 2. 75, 82. 157.

Society, origin and progress of, 1. SomAdhi (1), variant of SomApi,
92, &c. son of Sahadeva, 4. 151, 173.
Sodhas, a people, 2. 161. Somaheushmiyana, &c., variants
Sohanji (11), variant of S4hauji, 4. of Sauma^ushmAyana, 3. 35.
54- Somakas, a family sprung from
S'oka, '
sorrow,' son of Mrityu, 2. Soraaka or Ajamld'ha, 4. 147.
112. Somaka, a second birth of Aja-
Soma, son of Atri, 1. 154 ; 2. 1 1 mld'ha, 4. 147.
4. 2, 129. Called son of Dhar- Somaka, son of Sahadeva or Sau-
ma, 2. 259. Called son of the dasa, 4. 148.
ifeishi PrabhAkara, 4. 129. Somaka, son of Eliishna and K4-
Churned from the ocean, 2, i r. lindi, 5. 79.

By origin, a Brdhman, 5. 388. Somaka, a mountain- range in

His wives, 2. xo, 21. His off- Plaksha-dwipa, 2. 191.
spring, 2. 28. Carries off T4rd, Soma-loka, a region tenanted by
wife of Brihaspati, 4. 2. Has various classes of Pitfis, 3. 159,
Budha, or Mercury, by her, 1. 160.
174; 2. 259.; 4. 4. His city, SomanAtha, the temple of, 5. 47.
Vibhdvari or Yibhd, 2. 1.1 8, Somapas, a class of Pitfis, sons of
240, 24^^ Sovereign of the Kavi and Swadhd, 1. 123, 157;
vegetable world, 2. i. Monarch' 3. 159, 160, 162, 165, 174,
of the stars and planets, of Brdh- 339-
maus and of plants, of sacri- Somdpi, son of Divod4sa, son of
and of penance, 2. 85 ; 4.
fices Badhryaswa, 4. 147.

2. Lord of progenitors, 3. 181. SomApi, son of Sahadeva, son of

One with the Moon, P; 3 ; 2. Jardsandha, 4, 151, 173.
337 ; ^^ 47> ^<^- One with the Somasads, a class of Pitfis, sons
moon-plant. 2. 337, 342. See of Vir4j, 3. 159..
also 1. 188, 19.0; 4. 3, 4, 103, Soma-sarusthds, certain sacrifices,
104, &c. &c. 3. 112, 113.
Soma, a Vasu, 2. 23. Somasarman, son. of S'ilisfika, 4,
Soma,oneof theViswe devas,3. 1 79. 190.
Soma (?), variant of Devakshattra, Somasushma, named in the S'ata-
4. 68. patha-brdhmana, dec, 3. 35.
INDEX. 187

Soma-tfrtha, a place of pilgrimage <kc. Monthly S^rdddha for de-

on the coast of Gujerat, 5. 47. ceased relations, 3. 153, <fec.

Somdvarta, the region between the Annual S'rdddha, 3. 154. Occa-

river Payoshiil and Vdrdha, 2. sional S'rdddhas, 3. 157, «kc.

144- Brdhuians to be entertained at

Somavit (if), variant of Somdpi, S'rdddhas, 3, 173, ifec. Prayers
son of Sahadeva, 4. 151. to be used at S'rdddhas, 3. 181,
Soma-yajna,a particular ceremony, «fec. Things sacred at S'rdd-
3. 40. dhas, 3. 186, &c. S'rdddhas
S'oiia, an Indian river, the Sone, how vitiated, 3. 194, <fcc.

2. 141, 151, 340. S'raddhddeva (correctly), an epi-

SonAksba (IT), variant of Prati- thet of Vaivaswata, 3. 13,

kshattia, son of S'amln, 4. 99. 337-

Sondswa C?]), variant of Piati- S'rdddhadeva, an epithet of Yama,
kshattra, son of S'amin, 4. 99, 3. 337-
S'oAi, son of S'ura, son of Vidii-- S'rdddha-gana-pati, the, a work on
rath a, 4. 99. exequial law, referred to, 3.

S^onitapura, Bdda's city, 5. 112, 190.

118. S'rdddha-kalpa, a part of the Vdyu-
S'oshayantyas, a class of Apsarases, purdna, P. 38.
2. 82. S'rdddha-kalpa, the, a work on
Sparta, the pancratium of, 5. exequial law, referred to, or
40. quoted, 148, 189, 199, 339.

Spheres of the sun and planets, 2. S'rdddha-mayiikha, the, a work of

224, <fec. like character, referred to, 3.

Sphurja, a Kakshasa, 2. 285, <Xrc. 148, 198.

S'raddhd, '
faith,' daughter of S'ldddha-tattwa, the, another simi-
Daksha, and wife of Dharma, lar treatise, referred to, 3. 190.

1. 109, 110. Called daughter S'rauia, son of Apa, 2. 23.

of Kardama, and wife of An- Srdnta, son of Apa, 2. 23.

giras, 1. no.. See also 1. 148; Srastara, the term defined. <fcc., 3.

3. 121. 13IJ 150; ^- 204-

S^raddhd, wife of Vaivaswata, 3. S'rava (?), one of the Vi^we devas,

233-235^ 337- 3. 191.

S'r^ddha, 'devotion to the manes S'rdvaka, what, among the Bud-

of one's progenitors,' 3. 113, dists, <kc., 3. 41.

&c. For prosperity, 3. 98, 99, S'ravana, S'ravana, a certain aster-

146, &c. Kinds of S'rdddhas, ism, 2. 265, Ac, 308 ; 3. 132.

3. 146, 147. The perpetual Sravaiia, a month, July-Aug., 2.

S'r4ddha, 3. 122. S'rAddha for 261, <kc. ] 3. 114; 4. 261, 276.

a certain sacrifice, 3. 113.
kindred newly deceased, 3. 149, S'ldvaiif,
i88 INDEX.

S'rAvanti, error for S'rdvastl, noted S'rlmallakarni, variant of S'rf^dta-

as 3uch, 3. 264. karni, 4. 2co.
S'rivasta, son of Yuvandswa, 3, S'rl-ndrada-purdna, a mythological
263, 264. work, P. 51.
S'rdvastf, S'ravastl (1), a city, its S'rindthdwdr, a temple so called in
position, 3. 263, 264, 319. the living languages of India,
S'ravisiit'hd, the same as Dbanish- P. 22; 5. 318.
tfli4, an asterism so called, 2. S'fingavat, the same as S'Hngin,
259- 2. 102, III, 256.
S'reAika, tlie same as Bimbisdra, S'fingin (rightly), a mountain-
4. 171. range to the north of Mount
S'renika (another?), 5. 391. Meru, 2. 114, 115. See S'fin-

S'reyas, what, in theology, 2. gavat.

326. Sfini (??), variant of Tiini, 4. 93.
Svi, daughter of Bbfign, and wife Sfinjayas, a people, 2. 180; 4. 144.
of Vishnu, 1, 2, 118, 135, 142, Sf injay a, son of Auttami, the
144, &c. &c. ; 5. 99. Hymned Manu, 3. 7.

by Indra, 1. 148, ifec. See Lak- Sfinjaya, son of Dhiimrdswa, 3.

shmf (at the end of the article) 247.

and RukminL Sfinjaya, son of S'lira, son of De-
S'rl BhAgavata, S'rl Bhdgavata- vamid'husha, 4. loi, 113.
purdna. See Bhdgavata-purdna. Sfinjaya, son of Kdldnara, 4. 120.
S'rlbhinu, son of KfishAa and Sa- Sfinjaya, son of Haryaswa, son of
tyabhdm.4, 5. 81. Chakshus, 4. 144, 147.
S'riddman, a friend of Krishna, 4. Sfinjayd, the name of two wives
300. of Bhajamdna, son of Satwata,
S'ridevd, daughter of Devaka, son 4. 72.

of Xhuka, and wife of Vasudeva, Sfinjaya, variant of Sanjaya, son

son of S'lira, 4. 98, no, in, of Pratikshattra, 4. 43 (where
S'rldevi (?1), variant of S'rldevd, 4. correct S^finjaya), 44, 344.
98. S'rlparvata, a mountain in Telin-
S^rldhara, the sam& as Vishnu, 1. gana, 2. 141 ; 4. 208. See
119. S'rlsaila.

S'ridhara Swimin, the same as S'rlparvatlyas, a branch of the

S'rldhara Yati, R 46, 47, &c., Andhras, 4. 208.
114, &c. S'rlranga, the temple of, in the
S'rldhara commentator on
Yati, Deccan, P. 34.
the Vishiiu-purdna, P. 11 4- 11 6, S'risaila, a mountain near the river
et passim. See S'rldhara Swdmin. Kfishr.d, 2. 141; 5. 118. See
SfijavAna, son of Dyutimat, son of S'rlparvata.
Pdnd'u (1), 1. 152. S'rlsdntakarna (11), S'rlsdntakanii
INDEX. 189

(Ti), variants of S'llddtakai-Ai, 4. S'rutadevd, daughter of S'&ra, son

195- of Devamid'husha, variously

S'rl^itakarAi, S'rlsMakarni (?), son married, 4. loi, 103, 104.
of Krishna, brother of S'ipiaka, S'rutadharas, a caste in S'Aimala-
4. 195, 196, 198, 201, 202, 345. dwlpa, 2. 195,
Sfisht'i {11), variant of Yuddha- S'rutakarman, son of Sahadeva,
musht'i, 4, 99. son of Dasra, 4. 159.
S'rishti (??), variant of Slisht'i, son S'rutakarman (11), variant of S'ruta-
of Dhruva, 5. 388. sravas, son of SoniApi, 4. 151.

Sfisht'i-khand'a, a part of the S'rutaklrtti, son of Arjuna, son of

Padma-purdna, P. 30, 83. PAnd'u, 4. 159.
Sfisht'i-llld, 'sport of creation/ R S'rutaklrtti, daughter of S'lira, son
41. of Devamid'husha, and wife of
S'rl-siikta, a supposititious Vaidik Dhrisht'aketu, king of the Kai-
hymn, 1. 144. keyas, 4. loi, 103 ; 5. 82.

S'ritalaj a Pdtdla, or underworld, S'rutanjaya, son of Senajit, son of

2. 209. Biihatkarman, 4. 174.
Sfitanjaya (11), variant of S'ratan- S'rutasarman {11), variant of S'ruta-
jaya, son of Seuajit, 4. 174. sravas, son of Somdpi, 4, 151,
S'rlvatsa,a mystical mark borne an astronomer, referred
by Krishna, 2. 94; 4. 268; 5. to the court of King Vikramd-

5, 13, 35, 124, 238. ditya, P. 9.

S'rlvatsa, the Jaina mystical mark S'rutasena, variously genealogized,

so called, 5. 1 24. 4. 152, 162.
S'roni, a river in India, 2. 155. S'rutasena (??), variant of S'lirasena,
S'ronl, variant of YonI, the river son of S'atrughna, 3. 319.
so called, 2. 194. S'rutasena (?), variant of S'ruta-
Srotas, S'rotas (1), substituted, soraa, 4. 159.

perhaps wrongly, for Prdtah, S'rutasoma, son of Bhlmasena or

the Yaksha, 2. 287, 292. Bhlma, sou of Pind'u, 4. 159.

S'rotriya, the term defined, 3. 174- S'rutasravas, son of Somdpi, son

176. of Sahadeva, 4. 151, 173.

S^ruta, * sacred tradition/ son of S'rutasravas, daughter of S'lira,

Dharma, the Praj^pati, 1. no. son of Devamid'husha, and wife

S'ruta, son of Bhagiratha, 3, 303, of Damaghosba, 4. loi, 103.
315- S'rutavat, the same as S'rutasravas,
S'ruta, son of Upagu, 3. 334. son of SomApi, 4. 173.
S'ruta, son of Krishna and Kdlindl, S'rutavindd, a river in Kusa-dwlpa,
5. 79, 107. 2. 197.
S'ruta (11), variant of Su^ruta, son S'rutdyu C?),
variant of S'rutdyus,

of Subhdsa, 3. 334. son of Puri\ravas, 4. 13.

19° INDEX.

S'rutAyus, son of BhAnuratba, son Sthdnii, a name of Rudra or S'iva,

of Chandragiri, 3. 321. 1.103 ; 5. 389.

S^rutdyus, son of Arisht'auemi, 3. SthAnu, a Tirtha sacred to S^iva,

P. 75.
S'rutdyus, son of Puriiravas, son of Sthdiiwlswara, a district in India,
Bud ha, 4. 13. 2. 143 ; 5. 388.
S'rutdyus (1?), variant of AyuU^wa, Sthdvara, what, in philosophy, 5.

3. 303- 236.
S'raUyus {".1), variant of AyutAyus, Sthirdtman, what, in philosophy,
son of S'rutavat, 4. 173. 1- 59-
S'ruti, daughter of Atri, and wife Sthiti, what, in philosophy, 3. 31,
of Kardaraa, 1. 154, 155; 2. 315 ; 5. 169.
263. SthiUa-maya, what, in philosophy,
S^rutiratha (??), variant of Klrtti- 1. 60 (where correct the spell-

ratha, 3. 331. ing) ;

5- 3^^-
Staniba, variant of Stambha, a Stoma, ' hymn,' sprung from Brah-
liishi, 3. ^. mi, 1. 85, 200.
Stambaraitra (f), variant of Tam- S'trirdjya, 'a polyandroua king-
bamitra, 5, 250, dom,' 4. 222.
Stambha, a jflishi in the second Student, duties of a religious, 3.

Manwantara, variously genealo- 92, 93-

gized, 3. 3-5, Stuti, *
prayer,' sprung from Brah-
Stanabdlas, variant of Tanabalas, md, 1. 85.
2. 180. Stutyavrata, ruler over the realm
Stanapas (??), variant of Tanayas, of Stutyavrata, and son of Hi-
2. 181. ranyaretas, sovereign of Kusa-
Stanapdyikas, variant of Stanayo- dwlpa, 2. 197.
shikas, 2. 187. Stutyavrata, a realm in Ku^-
Stanaposhikas, variant of Stana- dwlpa, 2. 197.

yoshikas, 2. 187. Subdhu, a Yaksba, 2, 293.

Stanayodhikas, variant of Stana- Subdhu, son of S'atrughna, son of
yoshikas, 2. 187. Dasaratha, 3. 319. Slain by
Stanayoshikas, a people, 2. 187. Edma, 3. 316.
StAvds (?1), a class of Apsarases, Subdhu, son of Cliitraka, 4. 96.
2. 82. Subdhu, son of Krishna and Kk-
Sthala {11), variant of Chhala, 3. liudl, 5, 79.

321, 323- Subdhil, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83.

Sthaleyu, son of Raudrd^wa, 4. Subdhu (11), variant of Bahugava,
128, 129. 4. 128.
Sthand'ileyu, son of Raudrdswa, Subdhu (??), variant of Dhruva,
4. 127, 128, son of Rantindra, 4. 130,

Sabdhuka = SubAhu, the Yaksha, Subhdswaras, a class of Pitfis, 3.

2. 293. 339-
Subala, son of Bhautya, the Manu, Sublidvya (W), variant of Subhdsa,
3. 29. 3- 334-
Subala, Subdia (?), son of Saraati, Subhlmd, wife of Kfishna, son of
son of Dfid'faasena, 4. 176. Vasudeva, 5. 83.
Subaldswa (1), variant of Bald^wa, S'ubhra, husband of Vikuntfhd, 3.

3. 243. 17-
S'ubhds (?), a class of Apsarases, Subhujd, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
2. 82. Subhiimi, son of Ugrasena, son of
S'ubha, son of Dharma, the Prajd- A'huka, 4. 99.
pati, 1. III. Subhiimi, variously genealogized,
S'ubha, sou of Sahasrdswa, (?) 3. 4. 96.

321. Subhushana (??), variant of S'anku,

Subbadra, ruler over the realm of son of Ugrasena, 4. 98.

Subhadra, and son of Idhma- Substance, imperceptible, how per-

jihwa, 2. 193. ceptible, 1. 66.
Subhadra, son of Krishna and Suchakshu, variant of Chakshu,
Bhadrd, 6. 82. the river Oxus, 2. 120 (note ||),

Subhadra, a division of Plaksha- 126.

dwfpa, 2. 193. Suchandra, son of Hemachandra
Subhadrd, daughter of Vasudeva, son of Visdla, first king of Vai
son of S'ura, 4. no; 5. sdli, 3. 247.
344. Suchandrd, (11), variant of Subha-
Subhadrd, granddaughter of Ruk- drd, granddaughter of Rukniin,
min, and wife of Aniruddha, 4. 4. 112,
112 ; 5. 84. Suchard, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
Subhadrd, wife of Arjuna, son of Suchdru, son of Pratibdhu, son of
Pdrid'u, 4. 159, 160. Vajra, 4. 113.
Subhagd, an Apsaras, 2. 81, S2. Suchdru, son of Krishna and Ruk-
Subhdgd, daughter of Raudrdswa, mini, 4. 113; 5. 78, 148.
and wife of Prabhdkara, the Suchchhdyd, wife of Slisht'i, 1.

l^ishi, 4. 129. 177-

S'ubhanchards, a class of Apsarases, Suchetas, son of Prachetas, son of
2. 82. Durgama or the like, 4. 119.
Subhdnu, son of Kfishna and S'uchi, son of Vahni or Agni, 1.

Satyabhdmd, 5. 81. 156, 193. Also called son of

Subhdsa, son of Sudhanwan, son Antardhdna, son of Prithu, 1.

of S^dswata, 3. 334, 193-

Subhdshana (??), variant of Su- S'uchi, Indra of the fourteenth
bhdsa, 3. 334. Manwantara, 3. 28.
192 INDEX.

S'uchi, a td&hi in the fourteenth Suddsa, variously genealogized, 3.

Manwaatara, 3. 28. 303. 304> 3=^6. 315-

S'adiL son of S'atadyumna, son of Suddsa, son of Chyavana, son of

Blid,nui.iat, 3. 3.33.
Mitrayu, 4. 147.

S^uchi, sprung from Aiienas, son Suddsa (]?), variant of Vasuddna,

of A'yu3, 4. 43. son of Bfihadratha, 4. 165.

3'uclii,Ron of Andhaka, 4. 97. Sudattd, one with Mitravindd,

S^vchi, sua of Yipra, son of S'ru- wife of Kfisbiia, (11) 5, 82.

tanjaya. 4. 174. (The IXarivarhsa clearly dis-

S'uclii, daughter of Kasyapa, son tinguishes iSudatti and Mitra-

of Marielii, mother of water- vindA.)

fowls, 2. 73. S'uddha, a Klsbi in the fourteenth

S'uchi ^ A'shdd'ha, a month, June- Muiiwantara, 3. 28.

July, 2. 261, 286. S'ud.lba, sprang from Anenas, son

S'uchi, variant of Kavi, son of of A'yus, 4. 43.

ChAkshnsha, 1. 179. S'uddhi-srriddha, a certain mor-

S'uchidratha, Suchidratna {ll), tuary ceremony, 3. 147.
S'uchidrava, variants of S'uchi- S'uddhi-tattwa, the, a law-book,
ratha, 4. 164. referred to, 3. 131.

an Apsaras, 2. 81, 82.

S^uchikd, Suddhoda (H), variant of S^uddho-
Suchimukha, a certain bell, 2. 215. daiia, 4. 169.

S'uchiratha, son of Chitraratha.. S'uddhodiina, variously genealo-

son of Ushi'ia or the like, 4. 164. gized, 4. t;, 169, 170, 181.
S'uchisravas, ^ Prajdpati, 1. 102. S'uddhodauasuta, patronym of

Sudaksbina, son of a king of the KAkya, 4. 170.

Kdsis, 6. 126, 128, Saddhodano, Pdli of S'uddhodana,

Sudilnvuis, a people, 2. 1715. 4. 170.

Sudarnsht'ra, son of Samaujas, 4. Sudellas, a people, 2, 166.

100. Sudeshnas (Sudesht'as ?), variant

Sudantd, an Apsaras, 2. 82. of Sudellas, 2. 166.

Sudarsana, variously genealogizcd, Sudeshna, son of Krishna and

3. 314, 3-5- liukminl, 5. 78.

Sudarstiiia (vvho 1), 3. Sudesht'as, a people, 2. 171. See

Sudarsana, son of Ajamld'ha, 4. Sudeshnas.
148. Sudeva, son of Chunchu, 3. 289.
Sudarsana, a namo of Jambii- Sudeva, son of Haryaswa, king of
dwlpa, 2. no. the Kilsis, 4. 40.
Sudarsana, Krishna's discus, 2. Sudeva, son of Devaka, sou of
52; 5. 89, loi, 117, 127, 128. Ahuka, 4. 98.
Sudils, ancestor of certain Bhojas, Sudhd, wife of Vdmadeva, the

2. 159. Rudra, 1. 117.

INDEX. 193

Sudb^, 'certain divine food,' 2. Sudhanwan, sou of Supdrswa, 4.

148, Compared with Amrita, 143-
2. 300, See also Sudhdmfita. Sudhanwan, son of Satyadhfita,
Sudhdmans, certain gods in the 4. 150.
third and tenth Manv>'antaras, Sudhanwan (?), variant of Sam-
3. 6, 25. bhuti, son of Dulisaha, 3. 283.
Sudhdman, a Lokapdla, son of Vi- Sudhanwan (??), variant of Sud-

rajas or Viraja, Sec, 1. 153 ; 2. yumna, son of Abhayada, 4. 1 28.

261, 262. See Sudhanwan, the Sudhanwan, variant of Sudhanus,
LokapAla. 4. 148.
Sudhdman, ruler over the realm Sudhanwan (??), variant of Subala,
of Sudhdman, and son of Ghrita- son of Sumati, 4. 1 76.
pfisht'ha, king of Krauncha- S'udhdrd (??), variant of Sutdrd, 4.
dwipa, 2. 198. 95-
Sudhdman, two ^ishis so called, Sudharmd, the same as Sudhar-
in the fifth and sixth Manwan- nian, Ugrasena's palace or hall,
taras, 3. 10-12. 5. 46.
Sudhdman, a division of Krauncha- Sudharmans, certain gods in the
dwipa, 2. 198. ninth apd thirteenth Manwan-
Sudhdman, a mountain in India, taras, 3. 24, 28.
2. 142. Sudharman, a king, son of Dhar-
Sudhdmfita, what, 2. 300-302 ;
masdvarnika,the eleventh Manu,
3. 56. 3. 27.

Sudhanu (??), variant of Sujantu, Sudharman, one of the Viswe

4. 14. devas, 3. 192.
Sudhanus, son of Kuru, son of Sudharman, son of Sqpdrswa, 4.

Samvaraiia, 4. 148. 143-

Sudhanwan, a Lokapdla, son of Sudharman, Ugrasena's palace or
Vairdja, 2. 86, 262, 263. See hall, 5. 46, 155.

Sudhdman, the Lokapdla. Sudharman (??), variant of Su^ar-

Sudhanwan, son of Sambh\ita, 3. man, 4. 193.
284. Sudharmdtman (?1), variant of
Sudhanwan, son of Ahlnagu, 3.. Safvadharman, 3. 27.

321. Sudhdsiika, son of Chitraka, 4. 96.

Sudhanwan, lord of Sdnkdsyd, 3. Sudhdvats, a class of Pitfis, 3.

333- 339-
Sudhanwan, son of S'dswata, 3, Sudhls, a class of gods in the
334. fourth Manwantara, 3. 7.

Sudhanwan, the same as S'ata- Sudhfit, in the Bbdgavata-purdiia,

dhanwan, son of Hridika, 4. alternative of Sudhfiti, son of

83. Mahdvlrya, 3. 331.

194 IXDEX.

Sudhriti, son of Rdjyavardhana, 3. Sudyumna, son of Abhayada, 4. 1 2 7.

245- Sudyumna (??), variant of S'atadyu-
Sudbfiti, son of MaliAvlrya, son of mna, son of Bhdnumat, 3. 333.
Brihadukth.i, 3. 331. Sugandha, in place of Gandhamd-
Sudhriti (?), variant of Dhfiti, son dana, the mountain so called, 2.

of Babhru, 4. 67. III.

S'lidras, a people, 2. 133, 183- SugandhA, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83.
185 ; 4. 222. See Sudraci and Sugandhi, mistress of Yasudeva,
Sudrakas. son of S'lira, 4. no.
Sudras, Hlic servile caste.' Sprung Sugavi, variant of Susandhi, son
from the feet of Brahmd, 1. 89, of Prasruta, 3. 325.

90. Their duties, 3. 87. Names Sughora, husband of Upaddnavl,

fitting for them, 3. 99, 100. by one account, 4. 132.

And see tlie article last pre- Sugriva, a horse of Krishna, 4. 83.
ceding. Sugrlvf, daughter of Kasyapa and
Sudrd, daughter of Baudriswa, Tdmrd, and mother of liorses,.
and wife of Prabhdkara, the camels, and asses, 2. 73.
l^ishi, 4. 129. Suhmas, a people, 2. 165; 4. 122.
Sudraci, the, of Pliny, S'lidras, 2. Suhma, sou of Bali, son of Su-
185. tapas, 4. 122.
S'lidra-dharma-tattwa, the, a law- Suhma, a country said to lie to
book, on the duties of S'lidras, the east of Bengal, 2. 165, 177 ;

referred to, or cited, 3. 89. 4. 123.

S'lidrakas = S'lidras, the people so Snhotra, variously genealogized,

called, 2. 184. 4. 138-140.
S'lidraka, a king named in the Suhotra, son of Kanchana, 4. 14,
Harshacharita, 3. 318, 138, 139-
S'lidraka, a king (another ?), named Suhotra, son of Sudhanus, 4. 148.
in the Skanda-purAAa, 4. 195, Suhotra, son of Sahadeva, son of
S'lidrakamaldkara = S'lidra-dhar- Dasra, 4- 159-
ma-tattwa, 3, 89. Suhotra (J?), variant of S'ruta, son

Sudyota (??), variant of Pradyo- of Bhagfratha, 3. 303.

tana, son of Sunika, minister of Suhotra (1), variant of Sujantu, 4.
Eipunjaya, 4. 178. 14.
Sudyu (]?), variant of Sudyumna, Suhotra, variant of S'unahotra. 4.

son of Abhayada, 4. 128. 30, 3h 138, 139- Peculiarly

Sudyumna, or lid, offspring of genealogized, 4. 136.
Vaivaswata, the Manu, P. loi, Suhotf i, son of Vitatha or Bhara-
107 ; 3. 234-237, 239. dwdja, 4. 136.
Sudyumna, son of Chdkshusha, Sulni (U), variant of Subhidmi, son
the Mann, 1. 177 3. 13. ; of Ugrasena, 4. 99.
INDEX. 195

Sujabnu (??), variant of Sujaiitu, Suketu, variously genealogized, i.

4.14. 37-
Siijantu, son of Jalinu, son of Su- Suketu (??), variant of Bhavan-
hotra, 4. 14. manyu, 4. 136.
SujAtaa, a tribe, 4. 59. Sukha, '
enjoyment,' son of Dliar-
Sujita, son of Bharata, sou of ma, tbe PrajApati, 1, no, in.
TAlajatiglia, 4. 57. SukhA, Varuna's city, 2. 240. See
Sujyesliflia, variously genealo- Mukhyd, «tc., named in the
gized, 4. 191, same page.
S'uka, son of, P. 4c, 41, 46, Sukhjlbala, son of Nfichakshus, 4.

49» 53i ^'^; 4. 142, 230. 164, 165.

S'uka (H), variant of Asokavar- Sukhada, a division of Plaksha-
dhana, &c., 4. 188. dwlpa, and ruled over by Su-
Sukdlas, sons of Vasislit'ba, Pitfis khodaya, 2. 191.
of tLeBrAhmans, dwelling in tLe Sukhinala {??), variant of SukhA-
region called Manasa, 3. 159, bala, 4. 165.

163, 165. Sukhinandi (??), variant of Sushi-

SukAlins, the same as Sukdlas, 3. nandi, 4. 211.
163, 165, 339. Sukhodaya, ruler over the realm of
Sukandakas, a people, 2. 173. Sukhada, and son of Medhdtithi,
Sukanyd, daughter of S'aryAti, sou sovereign of Plaksha-dwlpa, 2.

of the Manu Yaivaswata, and 191.

wife of Chyavana, the llishi, 3. S'uki, daughter 01 Kasyapa. wife
248, 342, 343- of Garud'a, and mother of par-
S'ukara, Siikara (ll), a hell, 2. 214, rots, o\yls, and crows, 2. 73.
216. See the next. S'ukla, son of Havirdhdiia, 1. 193,
Sukaramukha (??), a hell, 2. 255. S'ukla, a mountain in Krauncha-
See the last. dwlpa, 2. 198.
Sukarmans, certain gods in the S'ukla, the same as S'weta, a moun-
twelfth and thirteenth Manwan- tain in India, 2. in.
taras, 3, 27, 28. S'uklA, a river in S'c^lmala-dwipa,
Sukarraau, son of Sumantu, <fec., 2. 194.
disciple of Jaimini, and teacher S'ukld, a river in Krauncha-dwipa,
of the Sdma-veda, 3. 58, 60, 61. 2. 1 98.
Sukarman, son of S'waphalka, 4. S'ukra, son of Bhava, 1. 117. Said
96. to have sprung from Bbrigu, 2.
Sukesf, an Apsaras, 2. 82. 259. Preceptor of the Daityas,
Suketana (W), variant of Suketu, 3. 19. Identified with the
4. 37. planet Venus, <tc., 1, 117, <tc. ;

Suketu, son of Nandivardhana, 4. 2, 47. His car and horses,

son of Udivasu, 3. 331. 2. 304. And see Usanas.
196 INDEX.

S'ukra, son of Vasishtfha, the Pra- Sukumdra, ruler over the realm of
j4pati, 1. 155. Sukum^ra, and son of Bhavya,
S'ukra. son of Havirdhdnft, 1. 192. king of S'Aka-dwlpa, 2„ 198.

S'ukra, a kishi in the fourteenth Sukumdra, variously genealogized,

Manwantara, 3. 28. 4. 37, 38.

S'ukra, the same as Jyaishtlia, or Sukumdra, son of S'wetakarna, 4.

else Ashdd'ha, a month, 2, 261, 163.

286. Sul^umdra, a division of S'dko-
S'ukr4 variant of 3'utU, a river dwipa, 2. 198.

in S^dlmala-dwlp3, 2. 194- Sukumdraka, son of Jdmbavat, 4.

Sukfita, a Prajdpati in the second 76, (fee.

Manwantara, son of VfVsisht'ha, Sukumdrl, a river in S'dka-dwiY'.'v,

3. 5. .
2. 199.
SukfitA, a river in Plaksha-dwipa, Sukut'yas, a people, 2. 156.

2. 192. S'lilapdni, an epithet of S'iva, 5.

Sukfiti, a flishi in the tenth Man- J 1 9. JCing of the Bhiitas, 2.

wantara, 3. ?6. 86.

Sukfiti, son of Pfithu, son of Pdra, S'lilapdni, an author, cited, or re-

4. 141. ferred to, 3. 89, 90, 102.

Sukfiti (??), variant of Kfitwl, 4. S'lilaprota, a hell, 2. 215.
142. Sulochand, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

Sukshattra, son of Niramitra, son SnmdUn, a Rdkshasa, 1. 188

of 4-yut4yus, 4. 174. (where correct the spelling).
Sukshetra, son of Brahmasdvarjia, Sumallikas, a people, 2. 175.
3. 26, Sumdlya, son of Nanda, son of
Sukshetj-a (11), variant of Sukshat- Mahdnandin, 4. 185.
tra, 4,, 174. Sumdlyaka, the same as Jildlyavat,

S^ukti (11), variant of S'ukla, a 2. III.

river iij S'Almala-dwipa, 2. 194. Sumand, wife of Dama, son of
S'ukti,thesaniea$S'uktimat, 2. 1 13. Narishy^nta, 3. 245.

S'uktiraat, a mountain-chain in Sumanases (plural of Sumanas), a

India, the east and north por- class of gods in the twelfth Man-
tions of the Vindhya range, 2. wantara, 3, 27.

127, 128, 131, 132, 140, 141, Sumanas, son of yru, 1. 177. Also
i53-i55» 340; 4. 64. called son of Ulrauka, L 178.
S'uktimati, a river in India, 2. Sumanas, son of Harya^wa, 3. 284.
132, 153- Sumanas, a mountain-range in
S'uktimati, a city near the Rik- Plaksha-dwlpa, ?. 191.
shavat mountain, 4. 64. Sumanas (11), variant of Sudhan-
Snkulya (??), variant of Sumdlya, wan, son of Satyadhfita, 4. 150.
4. 185. Sumangd, a river in Ipdia, 2- i54-
INDEX. 197

Suiliahta (?1), variant of Sush- Sumedhas, a class of Pitris, sons

yanta, 4. 132. of some Kardama, 3. 164.
Sumantra (fi), Tariant of Suvarna, Sumedhases (plural of Sumedhas),
son of Autariksba, 4. 169; a class of gods in the fifth Mau-
Sumanta (who 1), rehearser of the wantara, 3. 9.

Bhavishya-purfina, P. 63. Sumedhas, a Rishi in the sixth

Sumantu, disciple of Vyjisa, and Manwantara, 3* 12.
teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3. Sumeru, the same as Meru, the
42, 61, 62. fabulous mountain, 1. 129; 5.

SumantUj sou and disciple of Jai- 387.

mini, and teacher of the Sama- Sumitra, son of Vrishni, son of
veda, 3. 58. Satwata, 4. 73, 74.
Sumantu (I?), variant of Sujantu, Sumitra, father of a Chitraka, ac-
4. 14. cording to the Linga-purdna, 4.

Sumati, the fifth Tirthakara, or 94.

Jaina saint, son of Bharata, sou Sumitra, instead of Chitraka, in
of ^ishabha, 2. 105-107* the Bb4gavata-pur4fia, 4. 96.

Sumati, descended from Atri ; dis- Sumitra, son of Suvarna, son of

ciple of Homaharshana, and Antariksha, 4. 169.
teacher of the Pur^uas, 3. 64, Sumitra, son of Suratha, son of
Kund'aka, 4. 172. He is the
Sumati, variously genealogized, 3. last of the race of Ikshwdku.
247, 24S. Sumitra, son of Agnimitra, son of
Sumati, son of Nfiga or Ndbhdgcii, Pushpamitra, 4. 172, 191,
3- 335* Sumitra, son of 'Krishna and Jam-
Sumati, in the Bh^gavata-purdna, bavatl, 5. 79.

instead of Taihau, 4. 129, 130, Sumitra (11), variant of Sukshattra,

Sumati, variously genealogized, 4. 4. 174.

143- Sumukhl, an Apsaras, 2. Si-83.

Sumati, son of Dfid'hasena, 4. 176. Sumiirtyas (11), variant of Maur-
Sumati, daughter of Kratu, and yas, 4. 190.

wife of Yajnavdma, 1. 155. Sun, the. Offspring of Kasyapa

Sumati, daughter of Kasyapa, son and Aditi, 2. 27, 259; 3, 117,

of Marichi, and wife of Sagara, 230, 231, 296, 343. Called

3. 297, 298. son of Brahmd, 3. 343. His

Sura&tya (??). variant of Sumdiya,
wife and progeny, 3. 20 ; 4.

4. 185. 102, 103, 126. An object of

S'umbha, a demon slaiu by Yo- worship in the Veda, P. 3. An

ganidrd, 4. 261. object of worship in the Pu-
Sumbba variant of Suhma, rdnas, P. 27; 3. 56, 116, 117;

son of Bali, 4. 122. 5. 261, 263, (fee. Especially

198 INDEX.

worsliipped by the Magas, 6. 4. 74, 75. See also Xditya,

381-385. Originator of the Adityas, A^win8,BhA8kara, Kas-
(Solarian dynasty, 3. 230, «fec. yapa, Ndsatyas, Bavitri, Ravi,
His car and seven horses, the lat- Siirya, Vivaswat.

ter being the metres of the Veda, Sundbha (?1), variant of Suniiman,
or Gfiyatri, Bfihatf, Ushriih, 4. 98.

Jagatl, Trisht'ubh, Anusbt'ubh, Sunaha (1?), variant of Sujantu, 4.

Pankti, 2. 239. His city, on 14.

Mount Mem, 2. 118, 124. S'unahotra, son of Kshattravfid-
Called lord of cattle, 4. 249. dha, 4. 30, 31. See Suhotra.
He presides over the eyes, 1. S'unaKsepha, variously genealo-
38. His dixunal course, 2. 242. gized, 3. 289 ; 4. 25, <kc.

His northern declination, and S'unaka, disciple of Pathya, and

liis southern, 2. 245, 246, The teacher of the Atharva-veda, 3.

cause of rain, 2. 279 ; 4. 249. 62.

His attendants in the several S'unaka, son of Gfitsaraada, 4. 31,
months of the year, 2. 284, «fec.
32, 40.
Mystical account of hira, 2. 295, S'unaka (another 1), 5. 218.
&c. His functions, 2. 297. His S'unaka (11), variant of Sunaya, son
seven principal raj's, 2. 297, of fota, 3. 335.
298. At the end of the, world, S'unaka (11), variant of Sunika, 4.
his rays dilate into seven suns, 176, 178.
called Aroga, Bhrdja, Pat'ara, Sunakshatra, son of Marudeva, 4.

Patauga, Swartiara, Jyotishlmat, 168.

and Vibhdsa, according to the Sunakshatra {IT), variant of Su-
Taittiriya - draiiyaka, but else- kshattra, 4. 174.
where named somewhat ditfer- Sundman, son of Ugrasena, son of
ently, 6. 191. He has his teeth Ahuka, 4. 98 5. 41. ;

knocked down his throat by SunamnI, wife of Vasudeva, son

Vlrabhadra, 1. 131; 4. 339. of S'lira, 4. no.
He is harassed by the Mande- SunandA, daughter of Vidiiratha,
has, certain lldkshasas, 2. 249, and wife of Vatsaprf, 3. 242.
250, 252. He is placed on a SunandA, characterized as SArva-
lathe, by Vi^wakarman, and an seul, wife of Bharata, sou of
eighth part of his effulgence Dushyauta, 4. 136.
isground off, 3. 21, 22. In the Sunandana (I?), variant of Sun-
form of a horse, he communi- darasiltakarnin, 4. 197.
cates the White Yajur-veda to Sunasd, a river, 2. 151.
Yajnavalkya, 3. 57, He be- Sunayas, a people, 2. 181.
and bestows
friends Sattrdjita, Sunaya, son of ;^ita, son of Vijaya,
the Syamantaka jewel on him, ^' 335-
INDEX. 199

Siinrtya, son of P.iriplava, 4. 1G5. teacher of the Sdma-veda, 3, 58,

Sunda, son of Nisunda, 2. 69 ; 4. 60.
250. S'linyabandhu, son of Tririabindu,
Sundura (11), variant of Kukura, 3< 24C.
4. 97. Sunydti (1?), variant of S'arydti,
Sundaras4takarnin, Sundaraswi- son of Panchi (?), 4. 46.
tikariia, son of Pravilasena, «fec., SupAras (11), variant of Tdras, a
4. 197, 2or, 202. class of gods so called, 3. 27.
Sundari, daughter of Vaii^wdnara, Suparna, the same as Garud'a, son
2. 71. of Ka^yapa, 1. 191 ; 2. 73, 74.
Sundari (??), variant of SutArd, 4. Suparnd, the same as Vinatd, 2,

95- 28, 73-

Sunetra (1), variant of Dharnia, Suparna, a mountain in Plaksha-
son of Suvrata, 4. 175. dwipa, 2. 193.
Sunetra (11), variant of Drid'ba- Suparna, variant of Suvania, son
sena, 4. 175. of Antariksha, 4, 169.

Sunetra {11), variant of Susraina, Suparn4, variant of PuiiyA, the

4. 175- river, 2, 154.

Sunetra, variant of Sunita, 4. 176. SupArswa, son of Suvarchas, 3.

S'ungas, a dynasty, 4. 190, 192, 334-

203, 212, 232. SupArswa, son of S'rutAyus, son of
Sunika, minister of Ripunjaya, 4. Arishtfanemi, 3. 334.
178. SupArswa, variously genealogized,
Sunita, son of Subala, sou of Su- 4. 143.
mati, 4. 176. SupArswa, a mountain serving as
Sunltha, son of Samnati, son of buttress to Meru, on the north,
Alarka, 4. 37, 2. Ill, 115, 116.

Sunltha, son of Sushena, 4, 164, SupArswa (11), variant of Suyasas,

SunlthA, daughter of Mfityu, and 4. 188.

wife of Anga, a descendant of SupArswaka, the same as SupAr-

Atri, 177, 179.
I. swa, son of S'rutAyus, 3. 334.
Sunltha (11), variant of Sunita, 4, SupArswaka, son of Chitraka, 4.

176. 96.
Suniti, wife of Utt4napAda, 1. Suparvas, a class of gods in the
159, <fec. twelfth Manwantara, according
Silnfitd, wife of Uttdnapdda, 1. to the VAyu-purAna (??), 3. 27.

159. i75» 176. (TAras maybe the correct name.)

Siiufiti, an Apsaras, 2. 82, 83. Suparvan, one of the Viswe devas,

Sunuta Ctt), variant of Sujantu, 4. 3. 192.

14. Suparvan (11), variant of Suvariia,

Sunwat, son of Sumautu, and son of Antariksha, 4. 169.

200 INDEX.

SuprabLa, ruler over the realm of S'lira, a king (who 1), 4. 126.

Suprabha, and son of Vapush- S'lira, son of Ailina or llina, 4.

mat, king of S'dlmala-dwfpa, 2. 132.

194. S'lira, son of KfishAa and Bhadrd,
Suprabhd, wife of Kfii^^wa, 337. 2. 5. 82.

Suprabha, a division of S'almala- Surd, the goddess of wine, 1. 147.

dwipa, 2. 194. See Madird and Vdruiil.
Suprabhd, variant of Prablid, Surd, a zoniform sea of wine, sur-
daughter of Swarbhdnu, 2. 70. rounding S'almala-dwfpa, and
(Probably Suprabh4 is the pre- surrounded by Kusa-dwfpa, 2.

ferable reading.) 195-

Suprabh^tA, a river in Plaksha- Surabhi, daughter of Daksha, wife
dwlpa, 2. 193. of Kasyapa, and parent of cows
Supraiilta (??), variant of Supratika, and buffaloes, 2. 25, 26, 75.
4. 168. Surabhi, a fabulous cow, yielding
Supratika, variously genealogized, every desire, produced when the
4. 1 68. ocean was churned, 1. 144, 147.
Supratika, a Bdhlikaking, 4i 314. Kdrtavirya carries her off, 4. 21.
Supratlpa, son of PratlkAswa (11), Comes from Goloka, in company
4. 168. with Indra, and visits Krishna,
Supratisht'hitd) an Apsaras, 2. 82. 4. 319.
Suprayogd, a river in India, 2. 1 48. S'lirabhii (??)> variant of Sutanu,
Supreme condition of Vishnu, 2. daughter of Ugraseua, son of
90. Abuka, 4i 99.

Supriy^, an Apsaras, 2. 8ik Suradhi (I'i), variant of Ruchira-

Suras, a general term for the gods, dhl, 4. 137.
4. 147, 190; 5. 109, 247. S'liraka (?]), variant of S'lidraka, 4.

S^ilras, a people, 2. i33> 134, 185 ; 195-

4. 222, 224. Suraksha^ perhaps the name, in
S'liras, a tribe, 4. 61. the V^yu-purdiia, of the Vydsa
S'lira, son of Arjuna^ son of Kfi- in the fourteenth Dwdpara age,
tavlrya, 4. 57. 3. 37.
S'lira, son of Bhajamdna, son of Surakshaya (?]), variant of Guru-
Satwata, 4. 72. kshepa, 4. 167.
Sura, son of Viduratha, son of Suramd (11), variant of Surasd, the
Bhajamdna, 4. 99, 100. Apsaras, 2. 8r.
S'lira, son of Devarald'husha, son Suramld'ha (??), variant of Puru-
of Hfidika, 4. 100 (where once mid'ha, 4. 140.
correct the spelling); 5, 391. Surand, a river in India, 2. 151.
S'ura, son of Vasudeva, sou of Surangd (d), variant of Maningd
S'fira, 4. 109. (??), 2. 154.

Suripaa C??),
variant of Tdras, a Surathd (1?), variant of Suras4, an
class of gods so called, 3. 27. Apsaras, 2. 81.

Surdraiii, an epithet of Aditi, Surendra, an epithet of Indra, 4.

daughter of Daksha, 5. 96. 314-
Surasd, daughter of Daksha, wife Surcswara, a Rudra, 2. 25.

of Kasyapa, and mother of a Surgery, branches of, specified and

thousand many-headed serpents defined, 4. 33.
or dragons, 2. 26, 73, 74. Siirrayd, wife of Anuhrdda, 2. 69.

Surasd, an Apsaras, 2. 81-83. Surnitd (11), an Apsaras, 2. 82.

Surasd, daughter of Raudrdswa, Surochana, ruler over the realm of

and wife of PrabhAkara, the Surochana, and son of Yajiia-
!^ishi, 4. 129. bdhu, king of S'Almala-dwlpa, 2.

Suras A, a river in India, 2. 130, 195-

132. Surochana, a division of S'dlmala-
S'lirasenas, a people, inhabiting dwlpa, 2. 195.

Mathura, 2. 156, 173, 341. See Surochis, son of Vasishtfha, the

Suraseni. Praj4pati, 1. 155.
S'lirasenas, a dynasty, 4. 184. SurottamA, an Apsaras, 2. 82.
S'urasenas, a tribe, 4. 58. S'lirpdraka, a certain maritime
Siirasena, S'urasena (??), son of S'a- district, of uncertain locality,
trughna, 3. 3191, 4. 24.

S'lirasena, son of Arjuua, son of Suruchi, a Gandharva, 2. 285, (fee.

Kdrtavirya, 4. 57. Suruchi, wife of Utt4nap4da, 1.

S'lirasena, the upper part of the 159, (fee; 3. 5.

Doab, 2. 143. Sunind'as (??), variant of Gurun-

Suraseni, the, of Arrian, identified d'as, 4. 206.
with the people called S'lira- Sunipas, a class of gods in the
senas, 2. 156. fourth Manwantara, 3. 7.

Surdsht'ras, a people, 2. 169. Sunipas (It), variant of T^ras, a

Surdsht'ra, a country, now popular- class of gods so called, 3. 27.
ly called Surat, 4. 205. Suriipi,, an Apsaras, 2. 81, 82.

Suratha, a king, subsequently born Siirya, the Sun, P. 27; 2. 124;

as the Manu Sdvarni, 3. 22. 3. 56; 4. 75, 126, 249, 339;
Suratha, variously geuealogized, 5. 261, 263, &c <kc., 381, 382.
4- 152, 153- See Sun.
Suratha, son of Nfibandhu, 4. 164. Siiryaka (T(), variant of Janaka,
Suratha, son of Kuiid'aka, 4. 171. son of Visdkharupa, 4. 179.
Suratha (11), variant of Dhruva, Siiryakdnta, a certain precious
son of RantinAra, 4. 130. stone, 4. 85.
Suratha (11), variant of Sunaya, SdryApld'a, son of Parikshit, 4.
son of Pariplava, 4. 165. 163.
202 INDEX.

Siirya-siddhdnta, the, an astro- Sushumua, a certain ray of the

nomical work, referred to, 1, sun, 297, 298; 3. 55; 5. 191.

51; 2. 207; 3. 163. Sushyanta, variously genealogized,

Siiryavarchas, a Gaudharva, 2. 4. 132.
285, «tc. Susild, daughter of a Madra king,
SusambhAvya, son of Eaivata, and wife of Kfishiia, 5. 78, 81.
Man II of the fifth Manwantara, (If the PurAnas harmonize, of

3. II. the various Madris it is not

Susamedhases (?), variant of Sume- Suslik, but MitravindA, that is

dhases, 3. 9. referred to in 5. 107.)

SusanAgo, Pall name of a king, 4. Susima, son of Bindus^ra, 4. 186.

185. (He is confounded with Susratna, son of Dharma, son of

the S^isunAga or S'isunAka of the Suvrata, 4. 175.
PurAAas.) Susravas, a Prajapati, according
Susandhi, son of M4nd}i4tfi, 3. to the Vdyu-pur^na, 1. 102.

297, Susruta, a writer on medicine, his

Susandhi, son of Prasusruta, 3.325. probable age, Ac, P. 61} 4.

Sus4nti, India of the third Man- 33-

wantara, 3. 5. Susruta, variously genealogized,
Sus4nti, son of ^4nti, son of Nila, 3. 334-
4. 144, Susruta (J1), variant of Su^rama,
Su^armans (I?), variant of Sutrd- 4. 175-
mans, 3. 28. Sustuta, son of Sup^rswa, son of
Suiarman, son of N4rAyana, son Suvarchas, 3. 334.
of Bhiimimitra, 4. 193, 194. Suswadhas (??), a class of Pitris,
Sushena, a Yaksha, 2. 285, «fec. sons of Kardama, 3. 159, 164.
Sushena, son of Jamadagni, 4, 20. Suswadhd, the same as SwadhA,
SusheAa, son of Vasudeva, son of *a benediction,' 3. 185.
S'lira, 4. no. Siitas, a caste, comprising genea-
Sushena, variously genealogized, logists, bards, and charioteers, 4.
4. 163, 164. 126.
Sushena, son of Kfishria and Ruk- Siita, the original herald, or bard,
minl, 5, 78. his origin, 1. 184, &c. See also
Sushinandi, son of Dharma, son P. 18, 30, and Siitas.
of K^machandra, 4. 211. Siita, the same as Romaharshana,
S'ushiriiandi (IT), variant of Sushi- P. 18, 33, 37, 38, 40, 52, 58,
nandi, 4. 211. 65, 77, 78, 8i ; 3. 42, 64, 65,

S'ushmins, a caste in Ku^a-dwlpa, 72, 332. Called son of Loma-

2. 195. harshaAa, P. 45.
SushomA, the same as Sindhu, the Suta (??), one of the Viswe devas,

river Indus, 2. 1 2 3. 192.

INDEX. 203

S6taka, what, in legal phraseology, Sutrdmans, a class of gods in the

3. 130. thirteenth Manwantara, 3. 28.

Sutala, a particular Patdla, or un- S'utudri, the same as S^atadrii, 2,

derworld, 2. 209. 121.

Sutanu, son of Ugrasena, son of SuvAmd, a river, identified, by
Ahuka, 4. 99. Colonel Wilford, with what is

Sutanu, daughter of Ugrasena, now known as the RdmgangA,

son of A'huka, 4. 99. 2. 151.
Sutanu, mistress of Vasudeva, son Suvaihsa, sou of Vasudeva, son of
of S'lira, 4. no. S'lira, 4. Ill (where correct the
Sutapas, a class of gods in the spelling), 344.

eighth Manwantara, according Suvapus, variant of Vapus, an

to the Bhdgavata-purdna, 3. 24. Apsaras, 2. 81,
Sutapas (identifiable with Sutapas, Suvarchah-i, wife of Rudra, one of
a Rishi, named below ?), son of the Rudras, 1. 117.
Vasisht'ha, 1. 155. Suvarchas, son of Swdgata, 3.

Sutapas, a king, son of Taniasa, 334-

Manu of the fourth Manwan- Suvarman, son of Chitraka, 4. 96,
tara, 3. 8. Suvarman, son of Dfid'hanemi, 4.

SuUipas, a l^ishi, or fliahis, so 143-

Ciilled, in the twelfth and thir- Suvarna, son of Antariksha, son of
teenth Manwantaras, 3. 27, 28. Kimnara, 4. 169.
Sutai)as, son of Hema, son of Suvarna> a weight of gold, equi-
Ushadratha, 4. 122. valent to 80 Raktis, or about
Sutapas (?'!), variant of Tanayas, 2. 175 grains Troy, 2. 216 ; 5. 84.

181. Suvarnaroman, sou of Mahdroman,

Sutapas (??), variant of Sunaya, son 3. 332-

of Pariplava, 4. 165. SuvdrthAchi (1), a river in India,

Sutapas (?]), variant of Suvarria, 2. 149.
sou of Antariksha, 4. 169. Suvasa, son of Sudamshlfra, 4. 1 00.

Sut^rd, daughter of S'waphalka, 4. Suvasinl, the term defined, 3. 124.

95- Suvastrd, variant of Suvdstu, 2.

Siita-samhitd, a part of the Skanda- 149.

purina, P. 73. Suvdstu, a river in India, 2. 149,

Sulejas (??), variant of Sudeva, son 340-

of Ghunchu, 3. 289. Suvasu, an Apsaras, 2. 83.

Siitikd, what, in legal phraseology, Savdtd, an Apsaras, 2. 83.

3. 196. Suvela, the same as Trikiit'a, the

Sutirtha (??), variant of Sunitha, mountain, 2. 141.
son of Sushena, 4. 164. i
Suvibhu, son of Vibhu, son of
Sutoya, son of Suvarchas, ^. 334. I
Satynketu, 4. 37, 38.
204 INDEX.

Suvidarbhas, a people, their origin, Pitfis, particularly of the Agui-

4. 121. sh wdttas and Barhiehads, 1. 109,
Suvira, son of S'ibi, son of U^l- IT 9, 156, 157. A name of Vish-
nura, 4. 121. nu, 5. 253. Identified with a

Suvira, son of Kshemya, son of mystical ejaculation, 1. 148; 3.

Ugriyudha, 4. 144. 123, 186; 4. 267 ; 5. 179. See
Suvira (11), variant of Pravlra, 4. also 1. no, 188, and SuswadhA.

127. Swadhd, wife of Angiras, accord-

Suvrata, son of Kritanjaya, son of ing to the Bhdgavata-purJiAa, 2.
Dhannin, 4. 169. 29.

Suvrata, son of Kshemya, son of Swadhdnians, variant of Sudhd-

S'uchi, 4. 175. mans, 3. 6.

Suvrata, eon of Nfibhfita, 4. 175. Swadhiman (?•?), variant of Sudhi-

Suvrati, an Apsaras, 2, 83. man, the tiishi so called, 3. 10.

Suvratd, daughter of Daksha, the Swadhls (1?), variant of Sudbia, 3.

Praj4pati, 3. 24. 7.

Suvrata, variant of Darva, son of SwMhy^ya, what, 3. 77; 5. 137,

Uslnara, 4. 121. 216, 229.
Suvrata, variant of Susrania, 4. Swagata, variously genealogized,
175- 3. 334.
Suvfittd, an Apsaras, 2. 81 (where SwAhd, '
offering.' Daughter of
correct the spelling), 82, 337. Daksha and Prasiiti, and wife
Suyajna, variant of Tamas, soji of of Vahni, 1. 109. Wife of Abhi-
Pfithusravas, 4. 63, mdnin, one of the Agnis, 1. 155,
Suyasd, an Apsaras, 2. 81. 156. A name of Vishnu, 5. 253.
Suyasas, son of Asokavardhana, Identified with a mystical eja-
4. 188. culatioHj 1. 148; 3. 123, 181,
Suyodhana, variant of Anenas, 338. See also 1. no, 119; 4.

son of Kakutstha or Puranjaya, 267 ; 6. 179.

3. 263. Sw4h*, wife of Pa^upati, the
Swabhiva, what, in philosophy, 1. Rudra, 1. 117.
68. SwdhaC??), variant of Swdhi, 4. 61.

S'wabhojana, a certain hell, 2. 215, Swdhi, son of Vfijinivat, 4. 61.

220. Swairatha, ruler over, the realm of

Swabhiimi (1), variant of Subhdmi, Swairatha, and son of Jyotish-
son of Ugrasena, 4. 99. mat, king of Kusa-dwipa, 2.

Swadhd, oblation.' Daughter of

Daksha and Prasiiti, 1. 109, Swairatha, a division of Kusa-
119. Daughter of Agni, wife dwipa, 2. 195.
of Kavi, and mother of the Swaketu, variant of Suketu, sou
Somapas, 3. 162. Wife of the of Nandivardhana, 3. 331.
INDEX. 205

Swakshas (11), variant of Submas, times identified with Meru, 2.

2. i6s. 113, 225, 231 ; 5, 192. See

SwAloya (IT), variant of Khilllya, Swarga.
3. 46. Svr.arnabhdj, variapt of Swarnara,

Swaruati (?), variant of Sumati, 3. 5. 191.

"247. Swarnuprastha, an island, perhaps
S'waphalka, variously genealo- fabulous, 2. 129.
gized, 4. 87, (kc, 93, 94, 335 Swarnara, a certain sun, 5. 191.
(where the accent is broken off). Swariiarekbd, a river in India, 2.
S^wdphalki, patronym of AkrAra, 154.
4- 88. Swarnaroman, the same as Suvar-
Swa-prakAsa, a commentary on the naroraan, 3. 332.
Yisbnu-purana, P. 115. Swarnaronjan variant of Swar-

SwarJlj, the same as BrahmA, 1. nara, 5. 191.

170, 172. Swarochis, son of K^la, the Gan-

SwarAj, a certain ray of the sun, dharva, 3. 2.

2. 297, 298. Swarocbisha, Manu of the second

Swarand'as (]?), variant of MuruA- Manwantara, variously genealo-

d'as, 4. 206, gized, 3, I, 2, II, 16, 17.

Swarapuranjaya, variant of Para- SwArqcbisba, a Manwahtara, P.

puranjaya, son of S'esha, 4. 212. 76; 1. 153; 2.26, io8; 3. 22.
Swarasa, a mountain in S'^lmala- Swanipas (1?), variant of Surupas,
dwlpa, 2. 195. 3.7.
Swar^sht'ras (?1), a people, 2. 169. Swarupa, what, in philosophy, 1.

See Sur4slit'ra!5. 68.

Swarbhdnu, sou of Kasyapa, son Swarvlthi, wife of Vatsara, son of
of Marlchi, 2. 70. Dhruva, 1. 178 ; 5. 388.
SwarbhAnu, the same as Rdhu, son S'wdsa, 'asthma,' 5. 202.

of Viprachitti, 2. 71, 259, 304; Swasambh4vya (11), variant of Su-

4- 3O5 343- sambhavya, 3. 11.

Swarbh^nu, son of Krishna and Swastika, a particular diagram

SatyabbAmA, 5. 8r. used in mystical ceremonies, 2.

Swarga, son of Ehima, the E,udra, 211.

1. 117. Swastikdsana, what, in the Yoga

Swarga, the same as Indra-loka, philosophy, 5. 230.
SwastyAtreyas, certain Brsibman
1. 98; 3. 143,302; 5.93,144.
On Mount Meru, 2. 125. And families, 4. 129.

see Swar-loka. Swastyayana, defined as a prayer

Swarga-khand'a, a part of the to avert all evil, 4. 278.
Swaswadbas (??), variant of Su-
fadma-purana, P. 30, 31.
medhas, certain Pitfis, 3. 164.
Swar-loka^a supernal region, some-
206 INDEX.

Swdti, son of Uru, 1. 177, 179. S'weta, ruler over the realm of
Swdti, son of MeghaswAti, 4. 200. S'weta, and son of Vapnshmat,
Swdti, Swdtl (??), a certain aster- king of S'dlmala-dwipa, 2. 193.
ism, 264, 265, &c. ; 3. 167.
2. S'weta, a country in Jambu-dwipa,
Switikarna, son of Kuntalaswdti, 2. 102.

4. 200. S'weta, a division of S'almala-

SwAtin (11), variant of Swdhi, 4. dwlpa, 2. 193.

61. S'weta, a niountain-range in India,

SwAtishena, son of KuntalasAta- 2. 102, 114, 115, 256. See

karni, 4. 202. S'wetddri.

Swavarehald variant of Suvar- S'weta, the last of thirty-three


chaU, 1. 117. Kalpas, tluit in which S'iva was

Swayambhoja, a Yadava chieftain, born with a white complexion,
son of Pratikshattra, son of P. 35> 37-
S'amin, 4. 99. S^wetadri, a niouutain-raiige, 4,
Swayambhii,an epithet of Brabrad, 260, See S'weta, the mountain-
P. 63 (where correct the sj^ell- range.
S'weta-dwlpa, white island,' a
55 (where correct the
ing) ; 1,

spelling) ; 5, 386U Tlic Vydsa certain continent, according to

Dwdpara age, 3. 34.

of the first the Kunna-pur4na, 2. 200.

But see Swdyambhuva, 3. 36. S'wetajala, a lake in the grove

Swayambhu, an epithet of the first called Yi^ibhrAj a, 2. 112.

Mann, (!) 3, 96. S'wetukarna, son of Satyakartia, 4.

Swayambhu, a synonym of Ivjabat, 163.

1. 32 (where correct the spell- S'wetaketu, son of Senajit, son of

ing). Viswajit, 4. '141.

SwAyaitibhuva, an epithet of the S'wetalohita, a Knmdra, in the
first Manu, 95; 1. 104.
P. 42, twenty -jnirnth Kalpa, 1. 79.
107, 109, &c., 159, 174; 3. I, S'wetdswatara - upanishad, the,

2, 7 (in which three pages cor- quoted, 4. 253.

rect the spelling), 97, 107. S'wetavdhana, according to the
Swdyaihbhuva, for Swayambhu, Vdyu-purii^aj son of S'ura, son
Brahmd, as the first Vydsa_, in of Vidiiratha, 4, 99.
a passage from the Kurma-pu,- SyddyAdins, the Jainas so called,
rana, 3. 36. epithetically, 3. 209.

Swayambhu va, the name of tliQ S'yalantas (11), Kaueika Br.dhmans,

first Manwantara, P. 42, 56, 96 ; 4, 28.

1. 154; 2. 9, II, io8; 3. 2, S'yiima, son of S'lira, son of De-

&c. &c. vamld'husha, 4. lo^;, 113.
S'weta, a serpent, son of Kasyapa, Sy4nia, a mountain-range in S'd-

son of Marfcbi„ 2. 74. ka-dwipa, 2. 199.

INDEX. 207

S^ydmaka, the same as S'yAma, son of Mdricha, whom, also, Rdma

of S'ura, 4. loi. slew.
Syamantaka, a certain very valu- Taijasa, adjective of Tejaa, 'fire,'
able jewel. Aditya, the Sun, &c., 1. 33.
presents it to Sattrdjita, 4. 75. Tairyagyonya, the name of a crea-
It has power to yield gold, and tion, that of animals, 1. 75.
to prevent t!ie incursion of por- Taitiri (??), variant of Taittiri, 4.
tents, wild beasts, fire, robbers,
97; ^

pestilence, famine, and dearth, Taittiri, son of Viloman, accord-

4. 76, 85. Jilmbavat, king of ing to one MS. of the Vishiiu-
the bears, purloins it, and takes puriina, 4. 97.
it to his cave, 4. 76. It is pre- Taittiri (?), variant of Viloman,
sented, by JAmbavat, to Krisk- <fec., 4.
97, 98.
na, after a conflict between them Taittiriyas, of the Yajur-veda, 3.
which lasts for twenty-one days 54.
and Krishna then restores it to Taittirlya, a S'dkhA, the same as
Sattrdjita, 4. 78, 79. S'atadhau- Taittirlya-sarhhitd, 3. 54.
wan slays SattrAjita in his Taittirfya-draiiyaka, the, referred
sleep, and possesses himself of to, 5. 191.
it, 4. Si. Sattrdjita surrenders Taittirlya-brdhmaria, the, referred
it to Aknira, 4. 82. It remains to, 3. 171.
in Aknira's keeping, 4. 92. See Taittiriya-sanihitd, the, referred to,
also 4. 336 ; 5. 148. or cited, 3. 113, 257, 341; 6.

S^ydmdyani, disciple of Vaisam- 386.

pAyana, and promulgator of the Taksha, king of Takshasild, sou of
Yajur-veda, 3. 52. Bbarata, son of Dasaratha, 3.

S'yeud (1), variant of S'roiif, the 319-

river, 2. 155. Takshaka, a serpent, son of Kas-
S^yenajit (?]), variant of Senajit, yapa, son of Marichi, P. 44
the Yaksha, 2. 289. 1. 188, 191 ; 2. 38, 74, 285,
S'yenl, daughter of Kasyapa, wife &c. King of serpents, 2. 86.

of Aruna, and mother of hawks, His abode, 2. 211.

2.73. Takshaka, son of Prasenajit, son
Syuvakas (??), variant of Pasivat'as, of Viswasdhwan, 3. 325.
2. 180. Takshaka, the same as Taksha,
son of Bbarata, 3. 319.
Tachari. Ssee Jochari. Takshasild, a city, capital of King
Tadaikya^ f i4entification or unity, Taksha, 3. 319.
5. 227. Takwa, the same as Bdhika, 2.

TAd'aki, a she-demou, slain by 167.

R4ma, 3. 3 1 5. (She was mother Tald, daughter of Raudrdswa,
2o8 INDEX.

wife of PrabbAkara, the l^ishi, Timasa, Manu of the fourth Man-

4. 129. wantara, son of Priyavrata, 2.

Tdla, a certain hell, 2. 214, 216. 100; 3. I, 7, 8, 10, II, 337

T^lajangbas, a tribe in Central (note on p. 11).
India, 4. 58, 59, 61. They TamasA, a river in India, now
vanquish B^huka, son of Vrika, popularly called the Tonse, 2.

3. 289. They are all but ex- 151-

terminated by Sagara, 3. 291. TAmasa, adjective of Tamas, the
See also 3. 292. philosophical term, P. 20, 21,
TAlajanghas (misprinted Tdlan- 59; 1. 34; 2. 2323 5. 198,
jaiighas), one hundred sons of 285, 310, &c.
TAlajangha, son of Jayadhwaja, TAmasl, a river in India, 2. 152,
^- 5. 391. 34<i-
57 i

TAlajangha, son of Vatsa, 4. 40 ; 5. Tambamitra, recipient of the Vish-

391. (The same as the next ?) liu-purdiia from Bb4guri, 5.
T&,lajangha, sou of Jayadhwaja, 4. 250.
57. (The same as the last ?) Tambhamitra (IT), variant of Tam-
Talaka (11), variant of Pattalaka, bamitra, 5. 250.
4. 197. Tamisra, a certain hell, 2. 215 ; 3.

Tdlaketu, an epithetical name of 130.

Balardma, 3. 254. Tdmisra, '
gloom, a kind of igno-
TaUtala, a PAtAla, or underworld, rance,' 1. 69.

2. 209. TAmrd, daughter of Daksha, and

Talottama, ' a couch or bench with wife of Kasyapa, son of Mari-
cushions,' 5. 33. chi, 2. 26, 72,

Tdluki (1?), variant of VaitAlaki, TAmrA, a river in India, 2. 151.

3.47. TAmraliptas, a people, 4. 220.
Tdmaliptas (It), variant of Tiiui- See Tdmraliptakas.
raliptakas, 2. 177. TAmralipta, a country in Eastern
Tamas, son of Daksha, the Prajd- India, 4. 220.
pati, 1. 103. Ti,mraliptaka8, a people, 2. 177.
Tamas, son of Pfithusravas, son of See Tdmraliptas.
S'asabindu, 4. 63. Tdmraliptl, a sea-port at the west-
Tamas, a certain hell, 2. 215. ern mouth of the Ganges, 2.

Tamas, quality of darkness, igno-

rance, inertia,' &c., P. 20; 1. Tdmrapaksha, son of Krishna and
4, 35. 69- Kohini, 5. 107.
Tamas (if), variant of Bhava, son Tdmraparna, a division of Bhdra-
of Viloman, 4. 97. tavarsha, 2, 112, 129.
T4masas (1), variant of Tomaras, 2. TdmraparAf, a river in Tini^ivelly,
187. 2. 130, 132, 155.
INDEX. 209

Tdmrarasd, daughter of Raudr^s- called, P, 6, 21, 32, 59; 4.

wa, and wife of Prabhjikara, the 261, 262; 5. 263, 316, 317,
!6.i8hi, 4. 129. 326, 338.
Tdmratapta, son of K.fishna and Tantrija (]T), variant of Tandrija,
Rohinl, 5. 79. 4. 113.
TAmravariia (?), variant of T4mra- TantripAla (W), variant of Tan-
pariia, 2. 129. dripAla, 4. 113.
TAraravarria (??), variant of Tdm- Tdntrika, adjective of Tantra, P.
rapaksba, 5. 107. 21, 79, &c. ; 5. 285, &.C.

TAmrdyaAa C?), promulgator of the Tanwi, the same as Sudattd, (?) 5.

White Yajur-veda, 3. 57. 82.

Tamsu, variously genealogized, 4. Tapana, T^pana, a certain hell, 2.

129-132. 215.
Tainsurodha, variant of TaiJisu, 4. TApanl, the same as Vetrdvati, a
130-132. river, 2. 147.

Tamsurodya (??), variant of Tamsu, Tdpaniyas, of the White Yajur-

4. 130. veda, 3. 57.

Taiiisurogha (??), variant of Tamsu, Tapas, the same as Tapo-loka, 2.

4, 130. 227, 231.

Tanabdlas, a people, 2. 180. Tapas, the same as Mdgha, a
Tanapas (??), variant of Tanayas, month, Jan. — Feb., 2. 261.
2. 181. Tapas, what, in philosophy, 2.

Tanayas, a people, 2. 180. 338; 3. 11,20,77,95; 4. 294.

Tandri, *
sloth,' a form of BrahmA, Tdpasa, 'an ascetic,' 5. 183.

1. 82. Tapaswin, a ;6ishi in the twelfth

Tandrija, son of Kanavaka or Manwantara, 3. 27. (See the

Karundhaka, 4. 113. next name.)
Tandripila, son of Kanavaka or Tapaswin, son of Chdkshusha, the
Karundhaka, 4. 113. Manu, 1. 177. (The same as
Tanganas, a people, 2. 181. the last 1)

TankaAas, a people, 2. 181. Tapaswin, 'an ascetic,' 3. 307.

Tanmdtra, ' rudiment or type of Tapasya, the same as Phdlguna, a

an element, devoid of qualities, month, Feb, —March, 2. 261.
and the same as the properties Tapatl, wife of Samvararia, 4. 148.
of an element,' 1. 37, 74; 5, Tapatl, the same as Tdpf, the
199. Taptee, 2. 144; 3. 21.

Tantija (??), variant of Tandrija, TApf, the river popularly called

4. 113. Taptee, daughter of the Sun
TantipAla (It), variant of Tandri- and Chhdyd, 2. 130, 132, 144,
pAl% 4. 113. 148; 3. 21; 4. 59.
Tantras, certain mystical works 80 Tdpl, the same as Yamund, 2. 148.

TApinl, the same as Tdpl, the TArakd, an elongated form of TArd,

Taptee, 2. 147. 4.3.
Tapodhana, a KLshi in the twelfth TAraka, variant of Kdlandbha, son
Manwantara, 3. 27. of Hiranydksha, 2. 70.
Tapodhfiti, a ]^ishi in the twelfth TarakAraaya, the term explained,
Manwantara, 3. 27. 4.3.
'Tapodyuti, a flishi in the twelfth TArakAyanas, Kau^ika BrAhmans,
Manwantara, 3. 27. 4. 28.

Tapo-loka, '
the world of the seven Taraksha (?J), VyAsa of the four-
sages,' 'the sphere of penance,' teenth DwApara age, by one
inhabited by the incombustible account, 3. 37.
gods called Vair^jas, 1. 98 ; 2. TArApid'a, son of ChandrAvaloka,
1 13,. 227-229 ; 3. 159 ; 4. 266. 3. 321 (where correct the spell-

Tapomula, son of T^masa, accord- ing) ; 5. 391.

ing to divers Purfirias, 3. 8. Tarka, '
logical reasoning,' 4. 310.
Tapomurti, a ^ishi in the twelfth TArksha, a name of Kasyapa, son
Manwantara, 3. 27. •
of Marlchi, 2. 21, 28, 66, 73.
Taporati, a flishi in the twelfth TArksha, (??), variant of TArksbya,
Manwrantara, 3. 27. 2. 288, 292.
Taptab4luka, a certain hell, 2. 215. TArkshya, a certain Yaksha, 2.

Taptakumbha, a certain hell, 2, 285, (fee.

214, 217. Taru, son of ChAkshusha, the

Taptaloha, a certain hell, 2. 217. Manu, according to the Matsya-
Tapta-mudrA, ' stamping with a purAna, 1. 178.
hot iron the name of Vishiiu on Tatpurusha, a particular Kalpa, P.
the skin,' P. 34 (where correct 72.
the spelling). Tattwadarsa, a llishi in the thir-
Taptas;irmi, a certain hell, 2. 215. teenth Manwantara, according
TAras, a class of gods in the twelfth to the BhAgavata-purAna, 3. 28.
Manwantara, 3. 27, 227. See the next name,
T&T&, wife of Bfihaspati, son of Tattwadarsin, a ^^ishi in the thir-
Angiras, 4. 2. She is carried teenth Manwantara, 3. 28. See
off by Soma, whence a war, 4. the last name.
2, 3. Is mother of Budha, 4. 4. Tauiid'ikeras (??), variant of TuA-
TAr^dhlsa, variant of Tdrdpld'a, 3. d'ikeras, 4. 59.

321. Tejas, 'fire,' 'heat,' 'light,' 'energy.'

Tdraka, son of Kasyapa, son of It is produced from the rudi-
Marlchi, 2. 70. (For mention ment of form or colour, and
of a TAraka, see also P. 82 produces the rudiment of taste,

2. 119.) 34,36-

T&Tiikk, daughter of Sunda, 2. 69. Tejeyu, son of RaudrAswa, 4. 127.

INDEX. 211

Tewar, the modern corruption of Tishyas, a caste in Krauncha-

Tripurf, 5. ii8. dwlpa, 2. 197.
Thanesar, the modern corruption Tishya, the same as Pushya, the
of Sthdnwlswara, P. 76. asterism so called, 2. 258, 259 ;

ThogarL See Tochari. 4. 229.

Tigma, son of Mridu, sou of Nfi- Tithi-tattwa, the, a law-book, re-
panjaya, 4. 165. ferred to, or cited, 3. 89, 9^ ,

Tigmaketu, son of Vatsara, son of 4. 309.

Dhruva, 1. 178. Titikshi, * long - suffering,' * pa-
Tigm^tman, variant of Tigma, 4. tience,' daughter of Daksha,
165. and wife of Dharraa, 1. no.
Tilabhdras, a people, 2. 173. Titikshu, son of Mahdmanas, 4.

Tihvka (11), variant of P4laka, son 120, 122.

of Pradyotana, 4. 178. Tittiri, disciple of Ydska, and pro-
Tilakanijas (??), variant of NalakA- mulgator of the Yajur-veda, 3.

nanas, 2. 178. 54.

Tilottanid, an Apsaras, 2. 75, 81- Tittiri (1), variant of Viloman, son
83,285,289, 291, 293; 5. 165. of Kapotaroman, 4. 97.
Time. Measures of, 1. 46, &c. ; 2. Tochari, a tribe of the Sacae or
253, &c. j 5. 170, 187, <kc. As- S'akas, identified with the Tu-
trological divisions of, 4. 66. A kh^ras, 2. 186.
form of Vishnu, 1. 18 : see Tokhdras (1), variant of TukbAras,
K^la. Hymn on, 2. 338. 3. 293.
Timi, daughter of Daksha, and Tomaras, a people, 2. 187,
wife of Kasyapa, son of Marfchi, Toi^ala, the same as To^Iaka, 5.
2. 26. 39-
Timi, instead of Tigma, in the Tosalaka, Tosalaka, a famous pan-
BhAgavaitB-purAna, 4. 165. cratiast, slain by KHshna, 5,

Tiragrahas, a people, 2. 172. 39> 40-

Tirtha, '
a place of pilgrimage,' P. Toshala (?), the same as Tosalaka,

31, 38, 71; 2. 150; 4. 227. 5. 39.

Tlrthakara, the same as Tlrthan- Toshalaka(]), the same as Tosalaka,
kara, 2. 105. 5.39.
Tirthankara, a synonym of Jina, ToyA, a river in India, 2. 155.
o.. 364.See Tlrthakara. Toy4, a river in S'4lmala-dwlpa, 2.

Tlrthavatl, a river in Krauncha- 194.

dwlpa, 2. 198. ToyAmbudhi, a sea of fresh water

Tiryaksrotas, what, in cosmology, in S'weta-dwlpa, 2. 200.

1. 71. 74. Toyesa, an epithet of Varuiia, 5. 15.

Tishmas (?), variant of Tishyae, 2. Traigartas, the same as Trigartas,

197. 2. 180.
212 INDEX.

Trairdjya (??), variant of Strlrijya, 4. II, 237; 5. 170, 181, 185.

4. 222. Its duration, 1. 50.

Trai^^li (11), variant of Traisimba, Tretdgni, *

a triad of holy fires,

4. ii6. 4. II.

TraisAmba, son of Gobhdnu, 4. Tribandhana, son of AruAa, son of

ii6. Ilaryaswa, 3. 284.
Traishfubha metre, the same as Tribhdnu, instead of Trai^dmba, in
Trisht'ubh, 1. 84. the Bhdgavata-purdna, 4. 116.
TraiyAruifia (1), tbe VyAsa of the Tridasapati, an epithet of Indra,
fifteenth Dwipara age, 3. 34. 5. 15.
See Tryaruna. Trideva (1), variant of Rantideva,
Transmigration, stages of, 2. 221. 4. 137.
Trasadasyu, son of Purukutsa and Tridhdman, Vydsa in the tenth
Narmadd, 3. 283, 284. Dwdpara age, 3. 34, 37.
Trasaddasyu, the same as Man- Tridhdman, ' triple-gloried,' &c.,

dhdtfi, 3. 266. 2. 252.

Trasaddasyu, variant of Trasadas- Tridhanwan, variously genealo-
yu, 3. 283. gized, 3. 283, 284.
Trasarenu, a measure of time, Tridivd, a river in India, 2. 145,
equivalent to three Anus, 1. 48. 146.
Trasu {11), variant of Tamsu, 4. Tridivd, a river in Plaksha-dwlpa,
129, 130. 2. 192.
Trayl, 'the three Vedas collec- Tridivdlayd, a river in India, 2. 146.
tively, or the doctrines they Trigartas, a people, 2. 179.
teach,' 4. 310. Trigarta, a country, the same as
TrayyiruAa, sou of Tridhanwan, Jdlandhara, 2. 179.
3. 284. Trikakud, sprung from Anenas,
TrayydruAa, son of Urukshaya, 4. son of Ayus, 4. 43.

138. TrikdAd'a-^esha, the, a vocabulary,

Trayydruna (??), variant of Trai- referred to, 2. 148, 172, 178;
yAruna, (1), 3. 34. 3. 264.
Trayydruni, disciple of Lomabar- Trikiitfa, a mountain-range running
shaua, 3. 65. southwards from Mount Meru,
Trayydruni (1), variant of Traiy4- 2. 117.

ruAa (1), 3. 34. Trikiit'a, a mountain, the same as

Trayydruni (fi), variant of Trayyd- Suvela, 2. 141.
ruAa, son of Tridhanwan, 3. 284. Trilochana, an epithetical name of
TrayyAruni (1), variant of Trayyd- S^iva, 1. 141 ; 5. iii.
ruiia, son of Urukshaya, 4. 138. Trilochana, an author, referred to
Tretd, the second age of the world, the court of King Vikramdditya,
1. 84, 91; 3. 31, 254, 261; P 9.
INDEX. 213

Trimadhus, certain Erdhmans so Trisanku (11), variant of Swdhi, 4.

called, 3. 173. 61.
Trimadhu, a certain passage of the Trisdjiu (?), variant of Traisimba,
;^ig-veda, 3. 173, 174. 4. 116.
Trimadhu, a certain rite, 3. 173 Trisiiri (1), variant of Traisdmba,
(note t). 4. 116.
Tfi^abindn^^ son of Budha, son of Trisarvf (ff), a certain usage, 4.
Vega vat, 245 (where correct
3. 162. See Triswachl (1).

the spelling), 246, 248 ; 5. 390. Tfishnd, ' thirst,* daughter of

Tfinabindu, Vydaa in the twenty- Mfityu, sprung from Brahmi,
third DwApara age, 3. 35, 37. 1. 112.
Trindchiketas, certain Brdhmans Trishlfubh, a metre, originating
so called, 3. 173, 174. from Brahmd's southern mouth,
Triiiichiketas, a portion of the or, by another account, from

KdtTiaka branch of the Yajur- his flesh, 1. 84, 86. It is iden-

veda, 3. 173, 174. tified with a horse of the Sun,

Trinetra, variant of Dfid'hasena, 2. 239.
4. 175- Trisikha, according to the Bhdga-
Tripati, the hill of, in the Deccan, vata-purdna, Indra of the fourth
2. 141. Manwantara, 3. 7.
Tfipti, mental satisfaction, or
* Trisfinga, a mountain-range, its

freedom from sensual desire,' position with reference to Mount

one of the eight Siddhis, or attri- Mem, 2. 123, 124.
butes of perfection, 1. 91. Trisuparnas, certain Brdhmans so
Tripura, an Asura, -conquered by called, 3. 173, 174.

S^iva, P. 82, 89; 6. 118. Trisuparna, a certain portion of

Tripura (11) Asuras, the,349. 5. the Veda, 3. 173, 174.
Tripurl, the capital of the Chedis, Triswachl (]), a certain usage, 4.

where situated, $. 118, 162. See Trisarvl (HI).

Tripurikshetra, a sacred spot, Trita, son of ChAkshusha, the

where situated, ii. 118, Manu, 1. 178.
Triiakti-mdhdtmya, a part of the Trivakrd, tke same as Naikavakrd,
VarAha-purdna, P. 71. 5. 21, 165.
Trisdrad, a river in India, 2, 13Q, Trivakshya (1), variant of il^icha,

I32r 4. 164.

Trisanku, the same as Satyavrata, Trivikrama, an epithetical desig-

3, 284; <fcc., 297. Vi^wdmitra nation of Vishnu, P. 74; 3.

elevated him to heaven, 3. 285- 18.

287. Trivfisha, according to some

Trisanku, a certain Buddhist, 3. accounts, Vydsa in the eleventh

34P. D.wdpara age, 3. 34, 37.

214 INDEX.

Trivfishan, Vyisa in the eleventh Tungana8(1?), variant of T&ngaAas,

Dwdpara age, 3. 34. 2. 181.

Trivfit, a certain collection of Tungaprastha, a mountain, 2.

Vaidik hymns, its origin from 142.

BrahmA's eastern mouth, 1. 84. Tungavend, a river (one with the
Triydru/ii (?), for Traiydruiii (?), Tungabhadrd ?), 2. 150, 152.
3. 37, 221 (where correct Tri- Tiirii, son of Asanga, son of Yu-
ydruAa), 340. yudbAna, 4. 93.
Truthfulness, obligation of, 3. 144. Turanya, a horse of the -Moon,
Trut'i, a measure of time, equi- 2. 299.

valent to three TrasareAus, 1. 48. Turvasa, the old form of Turvasu,

Tryambaka, a Rudra, 2. 24, 25. 4. 46, 48, 116.
Tryambaka, an epithet of AparA- Turvasu, son of YayAti, 4. 46, 48,
jita, the Rudra, on one inter- «kc., 116, 117. See Turvasa.
pretation, 2. 24 (note 2). Turvasu {71), variant of Turvasu,
Tryaruna, old form of 'Traiydruna 4. 116.
(?), found in the flig-veda, 3. Turya (??), variant of U'rja, the

36, 65, 284. flishi so called, 3. 3.

Tukhdras, a people, 2. 176, 186 ; Tushadratha(l]), variant of Ushad-

4. 203. See Tushdras, Tush- ratha, 4. 122.
karas, &c, Tushiras, a dynasty, 4. 203, 206,
TuU (1), an Apsaras, 2. St. 208. See Tukhdras, Tushkaras,
Tulakuchi, son of Sahsllin, 4. 186. &c.
Tulasl, a certain shrub, sacred to Tushdras, variant of Tukhiras, 2.

KfishAa, P. 34, Produced from 186; 3. 293.

the ocean, when churned, i. 147. Tushitas, a class of gods, variously
Tulunga, a country, 2. 179. ..genealogized, appearing in vari-
Tuluva, the same as Tulunga, 2. ous Manwantaras, 1. 109 ; 2.

179. 26, 27; 3. 3, 17, 18.

TulyatA, ' similarity of life, form, Tushita, a form of Vishnu, in the
and ffiature,' one of, the eight third Manwantara, 3. 17.
Siddhis, or attributes of perfec- Tushitd, wife of Veda^iras, <kc., 3.

tion, 1. 91. 3.17-

Tumbaru, variant of Tumburii, 2. Tushkaras, Tushkdras (]?), variants

284, 292, 293 ; 4. 98. of Tukhdras, 4. 203, 206, 208.

Tumburu, a Gandharva, 2. 2 84, See Tushdras.
<fec. ; 4. 98. Tusht'a, son of Ugrasena, son of
Tuiid'ikeras, a tribe, 4. 58, 59. Ahuka, 4. 99,

TungabhadrA, a river, popularly Tusht'avu (??), variant of Tumburu,

called Toombudra, P. 34 ; 2. 2. 293.
150- Tusht'i, '
satisfaction,' daughter of
INDEX. 215

Daksha, and wife of Dharraa, Udaradhf, father of Ripu, by one

1. 109, no. account, 1. 178.
Tusht'i, daughter of PaurnamAsa, UdAravasu, son of Uddvasu, 3.331.
son of Marlchi, 1. 153. Uddsin (P.), variant of Udayd^wa,
Tushtfiniat, son of Ugrasena, son 4. 182.
of Ahuka, 4. 99. Uddvasu, son of Janaka, son of
TwAsht'ra, a section of the Bhavish- Nimi, 3. 330.
ya-pur6,na, P. 63. Udaya (1), variant of UdayA^wa,
Twasht'fi, the same as Viswakar- 4. 182.
inan, 1. 24; 3. 20. In 3. 273, Udayagiri, a mountain-range in
the divine artist " is substi- S'dka-dwlpa, 2. 198, 199.
tuted for Twasht'fi. Udayana, king of Kau^mbl, son
Twashtfi, a Rudra, 2. 24. of Sahaardnlka, 2. 158 4. 163. ;

Twasht'fi, anAditya, 2. 2 7,285,<fec. Udayana, son of S'atdnlka, son of

Twashtfi, son of Manasyu, son Vasuddna, 4. 165.
of Mahdnta, 2. 107. Accord- Udayana, a common variant of
ing to the Bh4gavata-pur4na, UdayAswa, 4. 182.
he is son of Bhauvana^ 2, 107. Udaydswa, son of Darbhaka, 4.
TwishA. daughter of Pauriiamdsa, 182.
son of Marlchi, 1. 153. Udayibhaddako, Pill for Udnyi-
bhadraka, 4. 182.
Ubhayaspfishtfi, a river in S'ika- Udayibhadra, the same as Udayi-
dwlpa, according to the Bhdga- bhadraka, 4. 186.
vata-purA,na, 2. 200. Udayibhadraka, son of Aj4ta^atru,
IJchathya, the old form of Uta- 4. 182. See the last.

thya, 3, 16. Uddyin, son of Vasudeva, son of

Uchchaihsravas, a horse created S'lira, 4. no.
at the churning of the ocean, UdAyin, son of Ki'inika, 5. 391.
and appropriated by Indra, I. Udayin, variant of Udaydewa, 4.

147, King of horses, 2. 85. 182.

Uchchhra (11), variant of Ushna, Ud^yus (11), variant of SomApi,
son of Dyutimat, king of Kraun- son of Sahadeva, 4. 151.
cha-dwipa, 2. 197. Udbhava, son of Nahusha, son of
Udadhi (??), variant of Uddyin, son Ayus, 4. 46.
of Vasudeva, 4. no, Udbhida, ruler over the realm of
Udaksena, son of Viswaksena (see Udbhida, and son of Jyotish-
it), son of Brahmadatta, 4, 142. mat, king of Kusa-dwlpa, 2.195.
Uddmbhin (1), variant of Uday4s- Udbhida, a division of Kusa-
wa, 4. 182. dwfpa, 2. 195.
Udipi (?1), variant of Somdpi, son Uddala, teacher of the White
of Sahadeva, 4. 151. Yajur-veda, 3. 57.
2 I 6 INDEX.
Udddlaka, son of Aruna, accord- Ugrasena, son of Parikshit, 4. 152,
ing to the Vedas, 3. 49. 162,
UddAIaki {]), variant of DAlaki, Ugrasenl, wife of Akriira, 4. 96,

3. 49. Ugrasravas, son of Lomaharshana,

Udddlin (W), variant of Uddala, P. 30-
3.57. Ugrdy udha, variously genealogized,
Uddhava, son of DevabhAga, P. 4. 142-144.
43; 113; S- 146, 147- Ujjayinl, a city in Central India,
Udgdtfi, ' a priest who chants now popularly called Oujein, 2.
Sdmans,' 3. 43. 159; 3. 246; 4. 59; 5. 392.
Udgitha, son of Bhuva, 2. 106. Ukta (??), variant of Ushna, 4. 164.
Also called son of Bhiiman, 2. Uktha, son of Chhala, 3. 321.
107. Ukthya, a particular sacrifice, its
Udibhi (]?), variant of Udaydswa, origin from Brahmd's southern
4. 182. mouth, 1, 84, 85 ; 3, 113.
Ud'ras, the same as Keralas, 2. Ulbaiia, son of Vasisht'ha, son of
177. Brahmd, 1. 155.
Ud'ras, variant of Pnnd'ras, 2. 132, Ulmuka, son of Chdkshusba, the
Udras (??), variant of Od'ras or Mauu, 1. 178.
Aud'ras, 4. 220. Ulmuka, son of Balabhadra, 4.
Udra, a country, 2. 177. 109 ; 5. 68.

Udravatsara, a certain cyclic year, Uliikf (?), daughter of. Kasyapa

2. 255. and Tdmrd, (?) 2. 73.
Ud'umbaras, Kausika Brdhmans, Uliipi, daughter of Kauravya, and
4. 28. wife of Arjuna, son of Pdnd'u,
Ud'upati, an epithet of Soma, son 4. 160.
of Atri, 4. 4. Uljit'as, variant of Utiilas, 2.

Ugra, a Iludra, 1. u^ ; 2. 253 174.

5. 386. UmA, daughter of Himavat and
Ugrajit, an Apsaras, 2. 81. Mend, 1, ^57; 3. 159. Con-
UgrampasyA, an Apsaras, 2. 81. sort of S'ivaor Ndriyaria, P. 76,
Ugraretas, a form of Kudra, 1. 82; 1. J18, J25, 133; 2. 118;

117. 4, 247 ; 5. 76, 83, 118, 119.

Ugrasena, a Gandharva, 2- 285, See Pdrvatl, Satl, and Ushas.
«kc. Umd, a S'akti of S'iva, 1. 104.
Ugrasena, son of A'huka, 4. 76, (The same as the last?)

84, 87, 88, 98, 114, 250, 337, Umd (??), variant of Ushas, wife of
341; 5. 8, 41, 45, 46, 49, 63, Bhava, 1, J17,

131-134, 142, 143. 150* 382. Uradpati, an epithet of S'iva, from

He burns himself at the exe- the name of his consort, 1. 130;
quies of Krishna, 6. 154. 5. 1 18, 1 19.
INDEX. 217

UmAvana, a synonym of S'onita- Upadevd, daughter of Devaka. sou

pura, 5. 112. of Ahuka, and wife of Vasudeva,
Umbrella produced from the ocean, son of S'lira, 4. 98, 1 10, 1 1 1.
when churned, appropriated by Upadevl {^X), variant of UpadevA,
Varuria, 1. 147. 4. 98, no.
UmlochA, an Apsaras, 2. 81. Upadwfpas, 'minor Dwipas,' 2.

UmlochA, variant of AnumlochA, 129,

2. 288. Upagu, son of »SAtyarathi, 3. 334.
Undes, the same as Hiindes, 2.340. Upagupta, son of Upagu, 3. 334.
Unmdda, 'insanity,' a form of Upagupta (ll), variant of Upagu,
Brahmd, 1. 82. 3. 334-
Unndbha, son of S'ila, according Upagupta (??), variant of S'ruta,
to the Raghuvamsa, 3. 321, son of Upagu, 3. 334.
Unnata, variant of Uttaraa, the Upaguru (??), variant of Upagu,
Eishi, 3. 12. 3. 334-

Unnata, a mountain-range in S'dU Upahdlakas, the same as Kujitalas,

mala-dwfpa, 2. 194. 2. 157-
Unnati, ' loftiness,' daughter of Upahjitas, a synonym of Havish-
Daksha, and wife of Pharma, mats, 3.
163, 339.
1, no. Up^khydna, ' a minor story or
Upabarhana, the same as NArada, tale,' 3. 63, 66.
the Gaudharva, 2. 20. Upaksha, son of S'waphalka, 4.

Upabarhana, a mountain in Kraun- 96.

cha-dwlpa, 2. 198. Up^ikshattra (?), son of S'waphalka,, 'material cause/ 1. 66. 4. 95-

Upaddnavl, daughter of Vfishar Upamadgu^ son of S'waphalka, 4.

parvan, the Daitya, 2. 70 ; 4. 94-
132 (where correct tbe state- Upamangu (?i), variant of Upa-
ment as to this Upaddnavl's madgu, 4. 94, 96.
being wife of Hiranydksha). Upauanda, son of Vasudeva, son
Upaddnavl, daughter of Vaiswd- of S'lira,, 4. J09.
nara, and wife of ^i^anydksha, Upanandana, a Kumdra, or trans-

2. 71. formation of S'iva, 1. 79.

Upadilnavl, wife of Tamsu, and of Upanidhi, son of Vasudeva, son of

Sughora (1), by various accounts, S'lira, 4. no.
4. 132. Upanishads, the, P. 2; 5. 261,
Upadeva, son of S.dvarna, the &c., 288, 291, 308, 315, 345,
Manu, 3. 27. 354-
Upadeva, son of Akri;ra, 4. 96. Upapraddna, 'the giving of pre-
Upadeva, son of Devaka, sou of sents,' one of the four devices

Ahuka, 4. 98. of policy, 5. 52.

2l8 INDEX.

Upapur46as,tlieir character, names, tFrdhwaroman, a mountain in

(fee, P. 22, 27, 36, 83, 86, &c.

Kusa-dwlpa, 2. 197.

Uparichara, the same as Vasu, son tFrdhwasrotas, the third of tlie

of Kfitaka, 4. 149, 150. creations, that of the divinities,

Upasamh4ra-p4da, a part of the ^

1. 72, 74, 75-
V4yu-pur&na, P. 37, 38. tlrdhwavaktras, a class of Viswe
Upasamhf iti, * the end of all devas, 3. 149.

things,' 5. 169, 184. tirdhwAyaiias, a caste in Plaksha-

Upailoka, father of Brahmasivar- dwlpa, 2. 193.

na, acording to the Bhdgavata- tlrjas (1), a class of Apsarases, 2. 82.

purAAa, 3. 25. tFrja,sonof Vatsara,sonof Dhruva,

Upasunda, son of Nisunda, 2. 69. 1. 178.

UpavAhas C?), variant of ApavAhas, tJrja, a GrdmaAl or Yaksha, 2.
2. 165. 291 (where correct the spelling),
UpavenA, a river in India, 2. 150. 292, 343-
UpAvfittas, a people, 2. 169. tirja, a ^ishi in the second Man-
UpAyas, the, four schemes of wantara, variously genealogized,
policy, 2. 54. And see 5. 52 3. 3, 4 (where correct the spell-

and note \\).

(text ing), 5, 337-

Upayuta, son of Upagupta, 3. 334. tlrja, son of Satyahita or Satya-

Upendra, the same as Krishna (?), dhfita, 4. 150.
presiding over the feet, 1. 38; tlrjA, 'energy,' daughter of Dak-
4. 318, 319. (Perhaps the pre- sha, and wife of Vasisbt'ha, 1.

sident of the feet differs from 109, no, 155 ; 3. 7. Called

Krishna.) daughter of Kardama, 1. no.

UpendrA, a river in India, 2. 150. tlrja, synonym of KArttika, a

TJpodghAta-pAda, a part of the month, Oct.— Nov., 2. 261.
Vdyu-purdna, P. 37. tJrja (fl), variant of tirjavdha, 3.

Uragas, synonym of Sarpas, 2. 333-

213 ; 5. 110, 246. tlrjas (??), variant of Urja, the Grd-
UragAri, 'enemy of snakes,' an manl, 2. 292,
epithetical designation of Ga- tlrjaswatl, daughter of Daksha,
rud'a, 4, 87. and wife of Dharma, 2. 21.

t^rdhwabAhu, son of VasishtTia, tlrjaswatl, daughter of Priyavrata,

son of Brahmd, 1, 155. 2. 100.

tJrdhwabAhu, a ]6,ishi in the fifth tirjavdha, tlrjavaha, son of S'uchi,
Manwantara, 3. 10. son of S'atadyumna, 3. 333.
tirdhwaga, son of Krishna and tirjba (??), variant of Jantu, son of
LakshmaM, 5. 81. Sudhanwan, 4. 150.!
lJrdh\Tclrftn. ?oti of Sanadh^aja, Urihara (1), variant of Jharjhara,
INDEX. 219

Orjita (1?), variant of S'l^ra, son of Urva (11), variant of Urja, the
Arjuna, son of Kfitavfrya, 4. 57. ;^ishi, 3. 3.

tirmis, six in number, namely, Urva (?), variant of Mfidu, son of

hunger, thirst, sorrow, stupefac- Nripanjaya, 4. 165.

tion, decay, death, 2. 4. Enu- UrvarAvat (11), variant of Arvarl-

meration of them in Sanskrit, vat, son of Sdvarni, 3. 24.

2. 337- Urvarlvat, probably the true read-

l!lrn4yu, a Gandharra, 2. 285, <tc. ing for Arvarlvat, the ^^ishi, 3.

tFru,son of Chdkshusha,the Manu, 5-

1. 177; 3. 13 (where correct Urvarlvat, variant of Arvarlvat,
the spelling), 337. son of S4vartii, 3. 24.

Uru, tiru C??), son of Bhautya, the Urvasl, an Apsaras, daughter of

Manu, 3. 29. Nardyana, and mistress of Puri^-
Urubuddhi, son of Indrasi-varni, ravas, 2. 75, 80-83, 285, 288,
the Manu, 3. 29. 291, 293; 3. 328; 4. 5, (fee,

Urukriya (11), variant of Guru- 343. Mistress of Satyadhfiti,

kshepa, 4. 167. son of SatAnaiida, 4.*i46.
Urukshat (11), variant of Uru- Uryds (?), a class of Apsarases, 2.

kshaya, son of Mah4vlrya, 4. 82.

137- Usand, wife of Mahicasa, a form

Urukshaya, son of MabAvirya, son of Rudra, 1. 117.
of Bhavanmanyu, 4. 137- Usanas, an ancient author, referred
Urukshaya (?), variant of Guru- to, 1. 174. (Possibly he is the

kshepa, 4. 167. same as the next, if not Che

Uruksbepa (?1), variant of Guru- lawgiver so named).
kshepa, 4. 167. Usanas, son of Bhfigu, 1. 122,

Urunjaya (11), variant of Uruksha- 152^ 175; 2. 53; 4. 2, 3, 46.

ya, 4. 137. Called son of Kavi (not of Ve-

Urunjaya (??), variant of Qurukshe- dasiras), 1. 200. Identified

pa, 4. 167. with the planet Venus, 2. 225,

Urusanku{l?),variant of Rushadgu, 259» 3°^-
4. 61. Usanas, the Vyasa of the tliird
DwApara age, 3. 34, 36. (Per-
Urusravas, son of Satyairavas, son
of Vltihotra, 3. 335. haps this is Usanas, son of

Urusfinga, a mountain in S'Aka- Bhfigu.)

dwlpa, 2. 200. Usanas, variously genealogized, 4.

Uruvas, son of Madhu, son of 63-

Devakshattra, 4. 69. Xjshi, daughter of B4na, and

tJrva, grandfather (where correct enamoured of Aniruddha, 5.

father) of Jamadagni, 3. 80 ; 5. 108, 109, no, 112.

Ush4. See Ushas, wife of Bhava ;
220 IJfDEX.

and see 2. 249 (note *), and Usinara, son of Mahdmanas, 4.

342 (oa that note). 120, 121.

Ushd, part of the uight. See Usrayus, son of Punlravas, son of
Ushas. Budha, 4. 13.

Usbadgu {IV}, variant of Ruahadgu, Utanka {11), variant of Uttanka, 3.

4. 61. 264.
Ushadratha, son of Titikshu, 4. Utathya, son of Angiras, 1. 154 ;

122. 3. 16; 4. 123, 134.

Ushas, wife of Bhava, 1. 117, Utkalas, a people inhabiting part
(where correct Ush^,); 387.
5. of Orissa, 2. 159.

Ushas (later, VsH), part of the Utkala, son of Sudyumna, who at

night, 2. 249, 342. first was a woman, 3. 237.
Ushat (??), variant of Usanas, 4. Utkala, a country included in what
is now called Orissa, 2. 153,
Ushdvana (1), variant of Um^^ana, 160; 3. 237.
5. 112. Utkala-khaiid'a, a part of the
Ushij (?]), variant of S'iva, son of Skanda-purdna, P- 73.
tiru, 1. 179, Utp9,ldvati, ft river, 2. 1 54. (See
tlshmAnaya (1?), variant of tlshmd- the next.)
paria (1), 3, 37, Utpalavatl, a river, rising in the
dshmapas, Ushmapas {11), a class Malaya mountains, 2. 155.
ofPitfis, 1. 123; 3. 162, 339. (The same as the last 1)
tJshmdpana (?), 3. 37. See Sau- Utsarpi6i, a certain period of time,
masushmdyaiia. a term used by the Jainas, 2.

Ushna, ruler over the realm of 19?.

UshAa, and son of Dyutimat, Utsavasanketas, a people, 2. 179.
king of JCusa-dwlpa, 2. 197. Uttdlaka {11), variant of Pattdlaka,
Ushiia, variously genealogized, 4. 4. 197.
163, 164. Uttamas, a people, 2. 159.
Ushna, a division of Kuaa-dwipa, Uttama, a ]feishi Man-
in the sixth

2. 197. wan tara, 3. 12, 14.

UshAih, a metre, its origin from Uttama, Vydsa of the twenty-first
the hairs of Brahma's body, 1. Dwdpara age, 3. 35.
86. Copsidered as a horse of Uttama, son of Uttdnapdda, 1.

the Sun, 2. 239. 159, <kc.

Ushlfrakarjiikas, a people, ?. 162. Uttama, variant of Auttami, son

Usika, son of Kfiti or Dhfiti, 4. of Priyavrata, ^. ioq; 3, i, 5,

67. 8, II, 337-

Uslnaras, a people, 4. 120. Uttamarnas, a people, 2. 160.
Usinara, son of Vasudeva, son of Uttamaujas, son of Brahmas^v^rna
S'ura, 4. J 09, or Brahmasivarrii, 3. 26,
INDEX. 221

Uttdnabarbis, son of S'arydti, son of Vdch, daughter of Daksha, and

Vaivaswata, the Manu, 3, 249. wife of Ka^yapa, son of Marlcbi,
Uttinahaya (?), variant of Venu, 4. 2.26. Mother of tbo Apsarases
53- and Gandharvas, according to
Utt4nap4da, son of Swdyambhuva, the Padma-purdria, 2, 75, 81.
1. T08, 159, <kc. ; 2. 99, 306, Vdchaspati, substituted, by the
307; 3. 2, 5, 11; 5. 386. His Translator, for Bfiliaspati, 2. 24.
offspring, 2. 108. Vdcbdvriddhas, a class of gods in
Uttanka, a certain Maharsbi, 3. the fourteenth Manwantara, 3.
264. 28,
Uttard, "wife of Abbimanyu, son Vdcbdvfittas (??), variant of Vdcbd-
of Arjuna, 4. 160. vfiddbas, 3. 28.
Uttarabbddrapadd, an asterism, 2. Vada, a Veda of the Magaa, or
268, <kc. ; 3. 132. heliolaters in S'dka-dwlpa, 5.

Uttara-khand'a, part of the Padma- 383-

purdda, P. 20, 30, 32, 34; 4. Vad'abhi, the same as Valabhi, 5.

245- 27.
Uttara-khand'a, part of the Brahma- Vadasrl (?1), variant of Chandrasri,
purdiia, P. 29. 4. 201.
Uttarakosalaa, a people, 2. 172. Vad'avd, mistress of Vasudeva, son
Uttarakosala, a country, 3. 319. of S'ura, 4. no.
See Kosala. Vdd'ava, a fire so called, -which
Uttarako^aU, a city in the region devours the water of the ocean,
just named, 2. 172. 4. 303. See the next article.

Uttarakunis, a people, 2. 339. Vad'avAnala, the fire called Anala,

Uttarakuru, a region, 2. 112, 115, where, 2. no.
120, 123 ; 3. 21. Vadha, a Rdksbasa, 2. 285, 287,
Uttardpatha, 'the regions to the 291, 293.
north of the Vindbya moun- Vaggmin, son of Mauasyu, son of

tains,' 3. 240. Pravfra, 4. 127.

Uttaraphdlguni, an asterism, 2. Vahlnara (11), variant of Ahlnara^

265, (fee. son of Udayana, 4. 165.

Uttaraprosht'hapadd, the same as Vdhinl, a river in India, 2. 153.
Uttarabbddrapadd, 2. 265. Vdhlikas, Vdblfkas, probably
Uttara-rima-cbarita, a drama, re- wrong for Bdblfkas, supposed
ferred to, 3. 81, 3^7. to be the people of Balkb, 2.
Uttardshdd'bd, an asterism, 2. 265, 175; 4. 157,345-
&c., 308. Vdhllka, Vdhlika (?), son of Pra-
Uttarlyaka, *a man's upper gar- tlpa, 4. 154, 157. (Bdhlfka is

ment,' 3. 95. the more correct form.)

Utiilas, a people, 2. 174. Vdbllswara kings, the, seven in
222 INDEX.

number, sons of VAhllka or Vaidhfita, Indra of the eleventh

B&lillka, according to the Matsya- Manwantara, according to the
purAiia, 4. 157. (Probably Bhdgavata-purdna, 3. 26.

B^hliswara is the better reading Vaidhfitis, a class of gods in the

of the name.) fourth Manwantara, according

Vihna-purdna, the same as Agni- to the BhAgavata-pur46a, 3. 7.

purAiia, P. 24. Vaidis^, perhaps intended for Vi-

Vahnayas (?), a class of Apsarases, disA(?), 3, 218, 221, 243.

2. 82. Vaidura, a country, 4. 216.

Vahnis, the same as Agnis, 4. Vaidiirya, a mountain-range lying

249. to the west of Mount Meru, 2.

Vahni, 'fire.* His wife, SwdhA, 117,

1. His offspring, 1, 156
109. ;
Vaidurya, a mountain, part of the
for he seems to be identified southern Vindhya range, 2.

with Abhim^nin, eldest son of 144, 150.

Brahm4, 1. 155. He has his Vaidyuta, ruler over the realm of
hands cut off by Virabhadra, L Vaidyuta, and son of Vapush-
131. He gives deadly arrows mat, king of S'^lmala-dwfpa, 2.

to Arjuna, 5. 158, See Agni.

Vahni, son of Turvasu, 4. 116. Vaidyutaj a division of S'ilmala-
Vahni, son of Kiishha and Mitra- dwlpa, 2. 193.
viiidd, 5. 79. Vaidyuta, 'electric fire,' 1. 156.
Vahni (??), variant of Vfishtfa, eon See Pdvaka.
of Kukura, 4. 97. Vaijayantf, the name of Vishnu's
Vannijwdla, a certain hell, 2. 215, necklace, 2. 94.
220. Vaikanka, a mountain-range run-
Vahni-purdAa, the, referred to, 3. ning eastward fromMount Meru,
340, 342; 5. 381. 2. 117. Qarud'a has his city
Vaibhojas, a kingless people, who there, 2. 118.
travel on rafts, sprung from Vaikdrika, '
pure,' ' productive, or
Druhya or Druhyu, son of susceptible of production,' an
Yay4ti, 4. 119. epithet of Ahaihkara, 1. 33, 34,
VaibhrAja, a mountain-range in 74. See Sdttwika.
Plaksha-dwlpa, 2. 19T. Vaikhdnasa, synonymous with Yk-
VaibhrAja, a grove on Mount Su- naprastha, 3. loi, 279.
p4rswa, 2, 112, 116. Vaikf ita, *
secondary,' adjective of
Vaidehas, a people, 2. 177. Vikfiti, 1. 76, 78. One of the
Vaideha, an epithet of Janaka, son creations has this epithet.
of Nimi, 3. 330. Vaikunt'has, a class of gods in the
Vaidheya, promulgator of the fifth and sixth Manwantaras, 3.
White Yajur-veda, 3, 57. 9, 10, 18. They were trans-
INDEX. 223

formed from the Jayas, created the LokapAla, according to the

by Brahm4, according to tbe VAyu-purdiia, 2. 262.
Vdyu-purMa, 2. 26. Vairdja, father of Ajita, 3. 17.
Vaikunt'ha, a raetronyra of VishAu, Vairdmatl, variant of Vairdvatl,
as specially manifested, 3, 17, 2. 200.
18 (where correct the spelling) Vairatha, variant of Swairatha,
4. 278; 5. 390. son of Jvotishmat, and the
Vaikunt'ha, the name of Vishnu's name of that son's kingdom, 2.

city. It stands highest of all 195-

the Lokas, P. 31 ; 1. 98. It VairAvatl, a city in S'weta-dwlpa,
is surm^ounted by Ndkapfisht'ha, 2. 200.
3. 198. It stands on Mount Vairivira (??), variant of Ilavila or
Meru, 2. 112. See also 1. 62 ;
Id'avid'a, 3. 314.
2. 230. Vair;ipas, certain verses of the
Yaimdnika-devas, certain gods so SAma-veda, their origin from
characterized, and why, 1. 175. Brahmd's western mouth, 1.
Vainadl (^?), variant of VinadI, 2. 85-
150. Vaisdkha, a month, April — May,
Vainahotra, son of Dhfisht'aketu, 2. 261, (fee. ; 3. 168.
4. 38. Vaisdkhl, wife of Vaaudeva, son
Vainateya, apparently an Asura, of S'lira, 4. no.
his abode, 2. 211. (The name VaisAlaka, adjective of VaisAlI (11),

signifies son of Vinatd ; but

' 3. 248.
I find no mention of Vinatd as Vai6411, Vaisalf («), wife of Vasu-
mother of an Asura.) deva, son of S^ilra, 4. no.
Vainya, patronym of Pfithu, 1. Vaisdli, a city, founded by Visdla,
186; 5. 388. son of Trinabindu, P. 106 ; 3.

Vair^jas, a class of Pitfis, 3. 158, 221, 246, 247, 248.

159, 339. They inhabit Tapo- Vai^ampAyana, disciple of Vydsa,

loka, 2. 227, 229; but Satya- and teacher of the Yajur-veda,
loka, 2. 228. The term etymo- 3. 41:43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57;
logized, 2. 229. 4. 153, 162.
Vairdjas, sundry verses of the VaisampAyana, disciple of Lonia-
SAma-veda, produced from Brah- harshaiia, 3. 66. (Is he the

md's northern mouth, 1. 85. same as the last 1)

Vairdja, son of VirAj or Brahmd, VaishnavdkdtachandrikA, a com-

and one with Manu, 1. 106 ; 2. mentary on the VishAu-purdiia,
262; 3. 159. P. 116.
VairAja, a patriarch, 1. 177; 2. Vaishriava-purina, the same as

86. See Virajas. Vishnu-purdna, P. 23, 34 ; 3.

Vairdja, the same as Sudhdman, 66, 67.

224 INDEX.

Vaishfiavi, a S'akti of VishAu, 4. genealogized, P. 57, 106, 107;

260, 2. 27; 3. 2, 3, 13, 14, 20, 22,
Vaishnavl-samhitA, a part of the 34, 79» 181, 231, 237, 248,
Kiirma-puraAa, P. 77. 256; 5. 390. His wife, S^raddbA,
Vaisravana, patronym of Kubera, 3. 233. Hence he is called
1. 122, King over kings, 2. S'raddhddeva, 3, 337.
85. How employed, -wlien the Vaivaswata, a Manwantara, P, 43^
earth was milked, 1. 188. 56, 69 ; 2. 108, 259.
Vaiswadeva, a particular sacrifice, Vaivataka (11), variant of Raiva-
in worship of the Vis we devas, taka, a mountain-range in S'Aka-
2. 330; 3. 114, 130, 178, 186. dwlpa, 2. 199.
See Vai^vvadevika. Vijapeya, a certain sacrifice, its

Vaiswadevahoma, a particular origin, &c., 1.85; 3. 113.

sacrifice, 3. 114. Vdjasaneyi, the same as the White
Vaiswadevika, the same as Vais- Yajur-veda, 3. 57, 6^^ 325; 4.

wadeva, 3. 185, 190. 162.

VaiSwdnara, a Ddnava, 2. 71. Vdjasrava, VAjasrava (11), VdjaSra-
Vai^wAnara, three certain triads vas (11), variants of Rdjai^ra-
of asterisms, 2. 265, 267. vas, a VyAsa, 3. 35,
Vaiswduarf, a certain triad of Vijfkarana, ' the use of aphro-
asterisms, 2. 265, &c. disiacs,' 4. ^^.

Vaisyas, 'members of the third Vdjimedha, a synonym of Aswa-

caste,' 1. 89. Sprung from the medha, 5. 252.
tliighs of Brahmd, 1. 90. Their Vdjins, students of the White
duties, 3. 87. Yajur-veda, 3. 57.

VaitMa, disciple of J^.tiikariSya, Vdjinl (V), variant of Rdjanl, a river

disciple of S'ikalya, 3, 48. in India, 2. 148.
Vaitiilaki, disciple of S'Akapui^i, Vajra, a Yadava prince, son of
and promulgator of the llig- Aniruddha and Subhadrd, 4.
veda, 3. 47. 113. Son of Aniruddha and
Vaitdna, 'rules for oblations ac- UshA, 5. 108, 150, 151, 155,
cording to the Vedas,' 3. 63, 160.

338. Vajr4, daughter of Vaiswiuara,

Vaitand'ya, son of Apa, a Vasu, according to the Padma-purdiia,
2. 23. 2. 71.
Vaitaraiil, a river in India, 2. T53. Vajrak&mi, daughter of Maya, 2.

VaitaraAl, a certain hell, 2. 215, 72.

219. VajrakantfakasAlmali, a certain
Vaivaswata, a Rudra, 2. 25. hell, 2. 215.
Vaivaswata, the Manu of the Vajrakilt'a, a mountain in Plaksha-
seventh Manwantara, variously dwlpa, 2. 193.
INDEX. 22$

Vajramitra, son of Ghosh avasu, 4. Vallabhas, a people, 2. i8o.

192. Yallabha, a religious reformer, his
Yajrandbha> variously genealogized, time, «kc., 1. 16, 22; 6. 258,
• 3.
321, 323. 318, 338, 343-345. 347. 356-
Vajva-uipatana, what, in the Yaliabbagani, a lexicographer, re-
Hindu pancratium, 5. 37* ferred tOj 3i 102, 197.
Vajrfesana, what, in the Yoga Yaliabhl, a city in Central India,
philosophy, 5. 230. 2. 180.
Vajravat (11), variant of Vfijinlvat, Yallirdsht'ra (??), variant of Malla-
4. 61. rdsht'ra, 2. 165.
Vajrin, an epithet of Indra, 5. Ydlmlka (??), variant of BAhlika,
13S. 4. 109;
Vajrivan (11), variant of Vaprivan, Yalmiii, Yydsa of the twenty-
3. 34. fourth Dwdpara age, 3. 35, 37.
Vakras, variant of Chakras, 2. Yiilmiki, author of the Rdmdyana,
165. 3. 317.
Yakrd^tapas, a people, 2. 165. Yamas, an heretical sect, P. 79 ;

Vakrayodhin, variant of Yaktrayo- 5. 286, 287, 325, 326, 3.75,

dhin, 2. 72. 380.
Yakshu, the OxaSj 5. 388. See Ydmas (11), variant of Rdnias, 2.

Yankshu, 122; Suchakshu,


2. 126; &c. kc. (Chakshu looks Vaina, a Rudra, 2. 25.

very like a graphical corruption Ydma, son of Krishna and Rohinf,
of Yakshu.) 5. 79.

Vaktrayodhin, son of Yiprachitti, YAma, a hoi-se of the Moon, 2.

2. 72* 299.
Valabhi, what, in architecture, 5. Ydmd, the same as Suvdmd, a
27. 30. 31- river, 2. 151.

Yalaka (11), variant of Bal4ka (I), Ydmdchdrins, a sect, 1. 125 (where

otherwise BalAkd^wa, 4. 15. correct the spelling) ; 5. 290

Yalaka (11), varia)it of Yanaka, a (where correct the spelling),

flishi, 3. 8. 392-
Yali, what, in architecture, 5. 32. Ydmadeva, a Rudra, 1. 79, 103,
Ydlikhilyas, Devarshis, sons of 117.
Kratu, 1. 98, 155 ; 2. 253, 289, Ydmadeva, a mountain in S'dlmala-

296; 3. 68. dwfpa, 195 2.

Yilakhilya, a Sariihitd of the l^ig- Ydmaka, son of Bhajamdna, son

veda, 3. 49 (where correct the of Satwata, 4. 72.

spelling), 68. YAmana, dwarf,' son of Kasyapa


Yalkajas, variant of Kalkalas, 2, and Aditi, and a form of Yishiiu,

I So. 3. 18, 19; 4. 123 ; 5. 3.
326 INDEX.

V^mana, a mountain -range in Vanaukas, the same as Vdnapras-

Krauiicha-dwlna, 2. 197. tha, 1. 98.

Vdmana (1?), variant of DAlaki, 3. V^Jiavas, a people, 2. 175.

49, Ydnavadarvas (?), a people, 2. 175.

V^mana-purMa, analysis of it, Vanavdsa, the same as Vdiiii-

<fec., P, 20, 23, 24, 74, <kc. ; 3. prasftha, 5. 174.

67; 5. 270, 319, 327. Vanavdsakas, a people, 2. 178.

Vamra, son of Vikhanas, 3. 337. Vdnavdsikas (j?), variant of Va-
Vamrivan ((1), variant of Vaprf van, navdsakas, 2, 178.
3. 34. Vdnavasins (??), variant of Vana-
Vamsadh4ril, a river in India, 2.
1 55. vdsakas, 2. 178.
Vamsaka, variant of Darbhaka, 4. Vandyavas ('??), variant of Vdtd-
182. yanas, 2. 176.
Vimaavinaka (?}), variant of Vatsa- Vdndyuses (correctly), variant of

b^Iaka,' 4. loi. Vdtdyanas, 2. 176.

Vainsavartins (tlie flpeiling to be Vandyus, son of Pururavas, son of
corrected), variant of Vaaavar- Budha, 4. 13.

tins, 3. 6 ; 5.
390. Vanchu (?1), variant of Chakshu,
Yana (1?), variant of Nf'iga, son of the Oxus, 2. 120.
Uslaara, 4. 121. Vaneyu, son of Raudrdswa, 4.

Vanaka, a Ritshi in the fourth 127-129.

Mauwantara, 3. 8. (But, very Vangas, a people, 2. 166; 3. 293.
likely,Varada is the preferable And see Bangas.
reading.) Vangara, variant of Vardnga, 4.

Vanakaplvat, son of Pulaha, 1. 211.

155; 3.8. Vangava (?), a king, son of Vara-
Vanaplt'ha (??), variant of Akapl- dharrain, 4. 212.
vat, 3. 8. Vaugiri (?), a king, 4. 211.
Vinaprastha, *
hermit/ his duties, Vdnl, variant of Pard, a river, 2.

<kc., 3. 279; 5. 174. And

95, 147-
see Vanaukas and Vanavdsa. Vanju (]1), variant of Chakshu,
Vanardji, mistress of Vasudeva, the Oxus, 2. 120. See Vakshu.
son of S'lira, 4, no. Vankf iti (T?), variant of Vikriti, soa
V^jsarAsyas, variant of Vdrap^sis, of Ji^miita, 4. 68.
2. 165. Vankshu, variant of Chakshu, the
Vanaspati, ruler over the realm of Oxus, 2. 120, 122, 239- See
Vanaspati, and son of Ghfita- Vakshu.
pfishtlia, king of Krauncha- Vankshu (11), variant of Nficha-
dwlpa, 2. 198. kshus, 4. 164.
Vanaspati, a region in Krauncha- Vanyd (?), a river ia Kusa-clwlpa,
dwfpa, 2. 198. 2. 196.
INDEX. 227

Yanya (11), variant of Pr^iiiau, son news the world, 1. 65. See
of Vaivaswata, 3. 232. also P. 42, 66, 70; 5. 88.

Yapovaji (11), variant of Vaprivan, Vdrdba, a district iu Itidia, 2.

3. 34. 144.
A^aprlvan, Vydsa in the fourteenth Vdrdha, the name of a Kalpa, that
Dwdpara age, 3. 34. now current, P. 34; 1. 53, 54,
Vapus, body,' daughter of Daksha,
' 69; 2. 108; 3. 66.
and wife of Dharma, 1. 109, Vardha-dwlpa, an island, perhaps
no. fabulous, 2. 129.
Vapus, an Apsaras, 2. 81. Vardhamihira, an astronomer, re-

Vapushmat, son of Priyavrata, and ferred to th^ court of King

king of S'ilinala-dwlpa, 2. 100, Vikramdditya, P. 8; 2. 190,
<fec., 193. 275» 277; 4. 153.
Vapushmat, a Aisbi in the eleventh Vardha-purana, Vdrdha-})urdAa,
Manwantara, 3. 26. analysis of it, «fec., P. 20, 23,
Vapushmat, one of the Viiwe 24, 70, &c. ; 8. 67; 5. 327.
devas, 3. 192. Varaka (If), variant of Dhanaka,
Vapushmat, slain by Daraa, son 4. 54-

of Nariahyanta, 3. 245. Varalatta (??), a country in the

Vara, son of S'waphalka, 4. 96. south of India, 2. 179.
Var^, a river in India, 2. 1 49. Vdramatha, son of Kshemavat, 3.

Varadas, a people, 2. 185. 334.

Varadi, a river in India, popularly Vdra-mukhyd, '
a courtesan,' 5. 25.
called Wurda, 2, T45, 155. Varaiia (11), variant of Raraaiia, 2.
Varada, a common variant of Van- 23-
aka, a !^ishi, 3. 8. Vararid, a river in India. 2. 152.

Varada Bhat't'a, the same as the Vardnand, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

next, 3. 223. Vdrdnasl, Varanasi, Vardnasl,

Varadardja, an author, 3. 136, Benares, 2. 152, 163; 4. 180;

222, 224. And see the last 5. i2ij 127, 129. Burning of,
article. 5. 128.
VaradharniiiJ, a king, son of Vdrandvata, an ancient city, 4. 80,
Nakhavat (1), 4. 212. 81.

Vardha, an epiphany of Vish/iu, Vardnga, son of Dharma, son of

in the form of a boar, for the Edmachandra, 4. 211.

recovery of the earth, 1. 59. Vdrapdsis, a people, 2. 165.

Is lauded by the earth, 1. 59- Vararuchi, an author, referred to

61. Raises the earth from the the court of King Vikramdditya,
waters, U
61, &c. His form, P. 8.

1. 61-6^. He typifies the ritual Vdravdsis (11), variant of Vdrapdaib,

of the Vedas, 1. 63. He re- 2. 165.

228 INDEX.

VdrAydsis (??), variant of Vdrapdsis, ferred to, 2. 113 (where correct

2. 165. the spelling).

Varcha (??), a name of the Sun (i), V^arshayantl, a Krittilcd, 2. 337.
5. 383. Sec Varcbas. Vdrshneyas, the same as Vfisli-

Varchdrchas, au epithet of the nis, 4. 58.

Magas, 5. 383. Varsman, what, among the Magas,

Varchas, '
light,' son of Soma, the 5. 384 (where correct the spell-
Vasu, 2. 2^. ing)-
Varchas, a particular ray of the sun, Vartivardhana (?), variant of Nan-
5, 191. And see 2. 297, 298. divardhanaj son of Janaka, 4.

Varchaswin, son of Varchas, 2. 23. 179.

Varchdvasu, a Gandharva, 2. 293. Vdrttd, 'the S^ilpa-sdstra, mecha-
Vdrddrliiasa, the name of some nics, sculpture, and architecture,'
bird, 3. 194, 1,148. Inconsistently rendered
Vardhamdna, a mountain in by "the Purdnas," 2. 202. The
Krauncha-dwlpa, according to word has another sense in 4.
the Bhagavata-purdna, 2. 198. 310.
Vardhana, son of Krishna and Varuha, '
god of the ocean,' P. 3 ;

Mitravindd, 6. 79. 1. 119, 141, 147, I77.178, 180;

Varenya-nipa, what, in theology, 2; 44,76, 77.85; 3. 118, 166,
as characterizing Vishnu, 4. 288; 4. 5, 27> 56, 258; 5. 15,

254- 51, 55, 65, 68, 88, 92,93, 100.

Varga QT), variant of Vahni, son of His city, Vibhdvari, Sukhd, or
Turvasu, 4. 11 6; Nimlochani, according to vari-
Variddaa, a Gandharva, 2. 20, ous authorities, where situated,
Vdridbdra, a hill in India, 2. 141. 2. 112, 118, 239, 240. He
Vdris4ra (il), variant of Bindusdra, gives a thousand horses to

4. 188. 6,ichlka, .4. 1 6. Other names

Varlyaa, son of Pulaha, a Prajd- ofhim are Ambupa, Prachetas,
pati, 1. 155. and Toyesa.
Varraan, a name appropriate for a Varuna, an Aditya, 2". 27, 285,
Ksbattriya, 3. 99. <fec., 306.

Varndid, two rivers so called, 2, Varuna, one of the Viswe devas, 3.

152. 179.
Varpeyu, son of Raudrdswa, 4, Varuna, a Yaksha, 2. 288, 293.
128. Varuna (who 1), father of the ninth
Varsama (??), the same as Varsman, Manu, according to the Bhd-
5. 384. gavata-purdda, 3. 24.

Varshas, divisions of Jambu-dwfpa, Vdruna, a portion of Bhdratavarsha,

2. 102, 114. 2, 112, 129.
Vdrshdyani, an ancient author, re- Vdruna, the same as S'atabhishaj,
INDEX. 229

an asterism, 2. 265 ; 3. 167 tion, deified, «fcc., 1. 60, 142 ;

(where correct the spelling), 2. 29; 3. 295; 5. 137, 179.

169; 5. 390. (In several of the passages re-
Varuna ('?), variant of Vanaka, tlie ferred to, it is variously and
^ishi, 3. 8. very erroneously translated.)

Tarurid (??), variant of Varand., a And see Yashat'.

river, 2., 152. Vasin, according to the Bhdgavata-
V^runa-upapurana, P. 87. purdna, son of Kriti, son of
V4ruiy, 'the goddess of wine, Bahuldswa, 335. 3.

produced fronri the ocean, when Ydsishtlias, seven sons of Yasish-

churned, 1. 144, 147; 2. 212 ;
t'ha, the Prajdpati, 1. 155 ; 3.

5. 65, 66. Other names of her 5. 6, 7-


are Madird and Siinl. Yasisht'ha, a Prajdpati, Brah-

VAruni, variant of A'runi, the marshi, or son of Brahmi, 1.

flishi, 3. 26. 100. His wife, tirjfi, 1. 109,

Varuthini, an Apsaras, 3. 2. 155 ; but Arundhati, by a dis-
Varuttha (?), sprung from Turvasu, crepant account, 1. no, 200.
4. 117. His seven Bons, according to
Vasa, a river in India, 2. 152. conflicting accounts, 1. 155; 3.

Vasaud, '
imagination,' 5. 224. 5, 6, 7. He has another son,
Vaaana (??), variant of Savana, son S'akti, father of Pardsara, 3.

of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155. 35) 365 306. The Barhishads,

VasAti (1?), Vasdti (??), variants of certain Pitris, are regarded as
Vimsati, son of IkahwAku, 3. his sons, .3. 161; and so are
260. the Sukdlins, other Pitfis, 3.

V^sava, a name of Indra, 1. 136 ; 165. He figures as a Rishi in

2. 239; 6. 45, 89, 99, lor, the current Manwantara, 3. 13.

234. King of the Maruts, 2. His hermitage, where, 2. 132.

85- He allays the wrathj^of Pardsara,
Vdsava, the same as Dhanisht'ha, 1. 7. He curses Pdvaka and
an asterism, 3. 167. others, 1.^193. Is family-priest

VdsavaJattd, the, a tale, its Pre- to the house of Ikshwdku, 3.

face referred to, 2. 158, 159, 164, 260, 261. Priest of Manu, 3.

341; 3. 268,318, 340; 4. 137, 234. Ghostly adviser of Pf-ish-

172, 178, 180, 191, 217; 5. adhra, 3. 239. Is family-priest

81. of Sagara, 3. 291, 292., Dis-

Yasavartins, a class, of gods in the putes with Viswdmitra, P. 39,

third Manwantara, 3. 6, 56, 108 ; 1. 7 : 3. 261, 306 ; 4.

Yashat', the same as Yashatkara, 22. His cow by Satya-

is killed

1. 60; 2. 29 ; 3. 123, 234. vrata or Trisanku, and the con-

Vaabat^ira, a mystical exclama- sequences, 3. 286. Yiswdniitra
?30 INDEX.

curses him, and be is changed ditia, son of Bfihadratha, 4.

into a starling, 3. 288. He 165.

curses Saudisa, 3. 307, 310. He Vasus. Sons of Dharma and
curses Nimi, 3. 327. Is cursed Devi, 2. 21. Sons of Dharma
by Nimi, 3. 328. See also P. and Vasu, 2. 22. Eight, and
32> 33, 58, 64; L 6, &a, 137, their names, 2. 23. Their
ic. ; 2. 285, &c. ;' 3, 3, 4, 8, chief, Pdvaka, 2. 85. Their
II, 23, 68, 20c, 233, 237,285, descendants, 2. 23. See also
287, 292, 305; 5. 251. Ety- 1. 121, 142; 2. 29; 3.
mology of the word Vasisht'ha, i3> i5> 123,158; 4. in, 249,
as ngalnst Vasisht'ha, a common 255, 272, 293; 5. 2, 100, 143,
corruption of it, 2. 339. An- 234, 247, 3^8.
other ntime of Vasisht'ha, is Vasus, variant of Viswas, 5. 143.
said to be Mitra, 3. 305. Vasu, the same as Apasp^ti, son
Vasisht'ha, VyAsa of the
the of Uttdnapdda, 1. 159.
eighth Dwdpara age, 3. 34, 37. Vasu, son of Vatsara, Bon of
(The same as the last 1) Dhruva, 1. 178.
Vasisht'ha, or Apava, son of Var Vasu, ruler over the realm of Vasu,
ruria,,god of the ocean, 4. 56. and son of Hiranyaretas, king of
VAsisht'ha, patronym of S'akti, Kusa-dwipa, 2. 1^7.
father of Pardsara, 1. 7. Vasu, a Rishi in the ninth Man-
Vasisht'ha, patronym of Mitr^yu, wantara, 3. 25.
3. 66. Vasu, one of the Viswe devas, 3.

Vasisht'ha, variant of Mahimuni, 189, 190, 191, 192.

3. II- Vasu, son of Bhiitajyotis, 3. 335.
Vasisht'ha-samhitd, tb«, referred Vasu, son of Puniravus, son of
to, 3. 190. Budha, 4. 13.
Vasisht'lia-smfiti, the, a code of Vasu, so,u of Kuaa, 4. 15.
law, quoted, or referred to, 3. Vasu, son of Jaraadagni, 4. 20.
102, no. Vasu, son of Vasudeva, sou of
VAsishtfha-upapurina, P. 87, S'lira, 4. 1 1 j.

Vastri, variant of V^stu, a river, Vasu, son of Kf itaka, eon of Chya-

2. 149. vana, 4. 149.
VAstu, a river in India, 2. 149, Vasu, son of Kfishiia saxd Satya,
Vastu, variant of Babhru, son of 5. 79.

Romapada, 4- 67. Vasu, daughter of Daksha, and

VastU'bhCita, what, in philosophy, wife of Dharma, 2. 21, 22.
2. 309. Vasu, a region in Kui^a-dwipa, 2.

Vaatudeva (11), variant of Dcyavat, 197.

son of Aknira, 4. 96. Vasu, a certain ray of the snr., 5
VastunidiV (1?), variant of Vusu- 191. And see 2. 297, 298.
INDEX. 231

Vasu (?|), variant of Taihsu, 4. Vasudevn, a Kansa king, 4. 192,

130. 193. 194-
VasubhridyAna, son of Vasisht'lia, Vdsudeva, Paiu'idViika, an impos-
1- 155- tor, 5. 121, 124.
Vasuddman, variant of Vasudana, Vdsudeva, atitle, 5. 122, 123, 129.
son of Brihadratha, 4. 165. Vasudevd, variant of SutArd,
VasudAna, a king named in the daughter of S'waphalka, 4. 95.
Revd-radhdtmya, 2. 151. Vasujyeshtha, according to the
Vasudina, ruler over tiie kingdom Matsya-purana, son of Piiahpa-
of Vaauddna, and son of Hiraii- niitra, 4. 191.
yaretas, king of Kusa-dwlpa, 2. Ydsuki, a serpent, son of Knsyapa
197. and Kadrii, 1. 142, 143; 2. 74
Vasuddna, son of Bfihadratha, son 210, 21T, 285, dec; 5. \2, 251,
of Tigma, 4, 165. 383. King of the Kdgas, 2.

VasudAna, a region in Kusa-dwipa, 86. His abode, in one of the

2. 197. . Pdtdlas, 2. 210, 211.
Vafiudeva, sou of S'ura, son of V^asumanas, son of Rohidaawa, 3.

Devaraid'husha, 4. 100, loi. 284.

Marries tlie seven daui'bters of Vasumanas, variant of Sumajias,
Ahuka, 4. 98. Becomes father son of Haryaswa, 3. 284.
of Krishna or Yishnu, 4. 268, Vasumat, variously genealogized,
269. Is previously imprisoned, 3. 14, 15, 232.
with his wife Devaki, by Kamsa, Vasumat, son of Krishna and
4. 259. He burns himself witli Jdmbavatl, 5. 79.
Krishna's corpse, 5. 154, See Vasumitra, variously genealogized,
also 3. 84; 4. 108, I TO, 113, 4. 191.
233, 248, 249, 260, 261, 370, Yasundharas, a caste in S'dlmala-
273» 275. 279, 299, 335, 3:^6, dwipa, 2. 195.
337; 5. 18, 26, 35, 40, 42, 44, Vasuruchi, a Gandharva, 1. '^88.

58, 76, 141, 149, 150- He has Vasusomadhi (?), variant of Som-
the epithet A'nakadundubhi. dpi, son. of Sahadeva, 4. 151
Vdsudeva, patrcnym of Krishna or (note §).

Vishnu, P. 41, 46,54. 55; 1- ^ Vasusresht'ha, variant of Vasujye-

2, 17, 18, iig, 163 2. 59, ;

shtha, 4, 191.
^c-; 312; Vasuvarchas variant of 8u-
3. 39, 77> 166, 205, (??)

4. 81, 82, $3, (tc. III ; '). 4, dhanwan, son of S'aswata, 3.

5,. 16, 57, 122, 126, ic. &c. 334-

One with the three Vedas, and Vaswasanta (?]), variant of S'av

also one with Om, 3. 39. The wata, son of S'ruta, 3. 334.
word etynioiogized, 1. 2, 17 ;
Vaswaukasdrd, the same .as Amar-
5. 213. dvatf, Indra's city, 2. .->40.
232 INDEX.

Vaswokasaii, a river in India, 2. Vatsahanu, son of Senajit, son of

121. Vihwajit, 4. 141.
VAta, a Rdkshasa, 2. 285, &c. Vatsak.n, son of S'ura, son of
Vat'a, a tree, the Ficus Indica, 2. Devamfd'husha, 4. loi.
116. Vatsandbamaka (11), variant of
Vdta, variant of S'amin, son of Vatsab^/iaka, 4. loi."
Sura, 4. 99. Vatsaprl, son of Bhalandana, 3.

VAt'adhauas", a people, 2. 167. 241, 242.

VdtajAmas (1), a people, 2.175. Vatsaprlti, the same as Vatsaprl,
VAtajdniarathoragas (?), a people, 3. 241, 242.
2. 175. Vatsara, son of Dhruva, son of
Vat'aka (It), son of Chakora or Uttdnap^da, 1. 178.
Chakorasdtakarriin, 4. 198. VatsAra, sprung from Kasyapa,
VAtApi, son of Hrdda, 2, 69. son of Marfchi, 3. 15.

Called son of Viprachitti, 2. Vatsara, a certain cyclic year, 2.

71. 255-
Vatdyanas, a people, 2. 176. Vatsar^ja, *
king of Vatsa,' intend-
Vdtdyudha (?), variant of Ahhaya- ing Udayana, 2. 158; 4. 163.
da, 4. 127. Vatsasri (V), variant of Vatsaprl,
Vatsas, variant of Matsyas, 2. 3. 242.
158. Vatsavat (11), variant of Vatsabd-
Vatsa, a Ndga, 2. 287 ; 5. 351. laka, 4. 113.
Vatsa, son of Prutardana," son of Vatsavriddha (11), variant of Vat-
Divoddaa, 4. 24, 36. savyiiha, 4. 167.
Vatsa, the same as Pratardaua, Vatsavyuha, variously genealo-
son of Divod^sa, 4. 35. (Per- gized, 4. 167.
haps this is the Vatsa named Vdtsya, disciple of S'dkalya, and
in 4. 40.) promulgator of the :^ig-veda, 3.

Vatsa, son of some Vatsa, accord- 46.

ing to the VAyu-purdna, 4. 38. VAtsya, promulgator of the White
Vatsa, the same as VatsabLumi, (?) Yajur-veda, 3. 57.
4. 38, 39- VAtsydyana, the same as Kaut'ilya,
Vatsa, son of Urukshepa, son of 4. 186.
Bfihatkshana, 4. 167. VAyavlya-purAna = Vayii-purAna,
Vatsa, a region in India, 2. 15S. P. 35, 36.
Vatsa (Ti), variant of Vatsahanu^ VAyavya, the same as SwAti, an
4. 141. asterism, 2. 277.
VatsabAlaka, son of Sura, son of V4yu, wind.' Produced from the

Devamfd'husha, 4. roi, 113, rudiment of touch, produces the

Vatsabhiimi, variously genealo- rudiment of form, 1. 35, 36.

gized, 4. 37-39- As a god. P. 3, 35, 37, 38, 86 ;

INDEX. 233

1. 180; 2. 79, 80; 3. 118; 4. Anfita, and wife of Raurava,

159. Is king of the Gandhar- 1. H2.

vas, 2. 86. Krisbna sends hini Ved^ngas, *
sciencfis dependent on
on an errand to Indra, 5. 45, the Vedas.' These, six in num-
46. A form of Vishiiu, in S4l- ber, are enumerated in 3. 67.
niala-dwipa, 2. 194. His city, See also 174 ; 5. 2.

as a LokapAla, 2. 112, 118. VedAnta, a system of philosophy,

Vayuna, son of KfisAswa,. 2. 29. P. 41, 94; 1. 172, 199; 2. 6,

VAyu-purdiia, analysis of it, <fec., 95 ; 4. 253, 256 ; 5. 4, 200.

P. 7, 1.7, 18, 24, 26, 35,86,87, Veddnta-paribhAshA, a Vedinta
89 ; 1. 121 5. 308. ; treatise, quoted, 2. 337.

Vdynputra, patronyn; of Hanumat, Vedasinl, a river iij India, 2. 131,

1. 117. 145, 146.
Vedas. Their main scope, P. 1, Vedasira, son of Kfis4s*'a, 2.

&c. Their extent, 3. 63. Typi- 29.

fied bv Om, 1. I, 2. Their Vedasiras, son of M^rkaAd'eya, 1.

various parts produced from 152, 155-

various parts of Brahma's body, Vedasiras, ison of Prdna, son of
1. 84-86. Divisions and pro- Dhdtfi, 1, 200.
mulgators of them. «kc. «fcc,, 3. Vedasiras, according to the Bhi-
33-63. Division of one original gavata-purAAa, a Rishi in the
Veda into the four Vedas, 3. fifth Manwantara, 3. 10.

31, ;^^. The original Veda a Vedasiras, a Muni who became

composition containing one master of P^tdla, and who aided
hundred, thousand stanzas, 3. in transmitting the Vishnu-
40, purAna (identical with some
Ved4, a river in India, 2. 145. Vedasiras before mentioned ?),

Vedabdhu, sou of Pulastya, 1. 5. 25;.

155- Vedasiras (who?), 3. 3, 17.

Vedabilhu, a Rishi in the fifth Vedasmfitd, a river in India {one

Manwantara, 3. 10. with the Vedasmfiti "J), 2, 144,
Vedadarsa, disciple of Sumantu, 340.
and teacher of the Atharva- Vedasmfiti, a river in India (now
veda, 3. 61, 62. called the Beo&l), 2. 130, 131,
Vedagarbhd, a female form of 339, 340.
Vishnu, 4. 262, 265. Vedasparsa, disciple of Kabandba.
VedakA, an Apsar^s, 2. 82. and promulgator of the Athar
Vedaraitra, another name of S'A- va-vfeda, 3. 61.

kalya, promulgator of the ilig- Vedasri, a ]^ishi in the fifth Man-

veda, 3. 45. wantara, 3. 10.

Vedand, ' torture,' daughter of Vedasrutas, according to the Bha-

234 INDEX.

gavattt-purdna, a class of gods Vena (ri), (who?), 3. 7a

in the third Manwantara, 3. 6. Veiia, a river in India, 2. 150.
VedAswft, a river iu India, 2. 151. Vena, variant -of PrAthsu, sou of
VedavainAsikd, a river in India, Vaivaswata, 3. 232.
2. 145, 146. Vena (II), variant of Vena, son of
Vedavati, an Apsaras, 2. 82. Anga, and of the VyAsa, respec-
Vedavati, a river in India, 2. 144, tively, P. 42 ; 3. 35.
146, 339- VeiiA, variant of ParA, a river, 2.
Vedavit, *a Brdhman who under- T47-

stands the meaning of the text Veni, a river in India, 2. 150.


of the Vedas,' 3. 174, 175. I

Venkas, a people, 2. 104, 105.
Vedavydsa, 3. 31, ;i^, 41 ; 5. iSo. ! Venkat'aa (?]), variant of Venkas,
See VyAsa, 2, 104,
Vedha, equivalent to one hundred Veukat'a (11), a country, 2. 104.
Trut'is, 1. 48. Venkat'a, a hill in India, 2. 141.
Vedhaka, a hell, 2. 218. Venkat'a Adhwarin, a modern
VedbaS, another name <Jf BrabmA, author, referred to, 2. 134.
1. 83, 100; 3. 56. Venkat'Adri, the temple of, in the
Vedikd, what, in architecture, 5. Deccan, P, 34.
31- Venn, son of Vaivaswata, the
VegasAras, a people, 2, 179. Manu, 3. 232,
Vegavat, son of Bandhuiuat, 3. Venu, a YAdava king, variously
245- gene^logized, 4. 53, 54.
Vegavat, son of Krishna and Veriuhaya, variant of Veiiu, the
SatyA, 6. 79, YAdava king, 4. 53.
Vegavati, a river in India (noW Venuhotra, according to the
called the Vyki), 2. 155. BhAgavata - purAna, son of
Vegavatyas, a class of Apsarases, Dhrisht'aketu, son of Satyaketu,
2. 75, 82. *• 37-39-
Vegetables, creation of, and kinds Venuboti-i (11), variant of Venu-
of, 1. 70. hotra, 4. 37.
Vegipuyavaha (]?), variant of Pii- VeiiukA, variant of RenukA or
yavaha, 2. 218. DhenukA, the river so called,
VelA, daughter of Meru, and wife 2. 199.
of Samudra, 1. 157. Venumat, ruler over the kingdom
Vena, son of Anga, son of Uni, of Venumat, and son of Jyotish-
I\ 42 (where correct the spoil- mat, king of Kusa-dwfpa, 2. 1 95.
ing) ; I. 177, (fee. See Vena (tl). Venumat, a division of Kusa-
Vena, VyAsa of the twenty-second dwipn, 2, 195,
DwApara age, 3. 35. See Ra- VetAla, his devotion to Devi, P.
jairavas. See Vtina (??). 90.
INDEX. 235

Vetdlabhat't'a, an author, referred power or dignity,' <fcc. kc, 2.

to the court of king Vikramd- 89; 3. 251; 4. 256.

ditya, P. 8. Vibhuti, variant of Ativibhdti, (t) 3.

Vetaainl (11), yariant of Vedavati, 243-

the river so called, 2. 145. Vibudha, son of Kfita (1) or Kfiti,
Vetravatl, Vetrdvatl, the river now son of Klrttiratha, 3, 331.
popularly called the Betwa, 2. Viehakshus (??), variant of Nicha-

131, 143, 147, 340. kru, 4. 163, X 164.

Vetravatl (1?), variant of Chandra- Viehdru {f(), variant of Susheria,
bhdgA, 2. 147. son of KHshha, 5. 78.

Vet't'ahaya (11), variant of Venu, Vichitra, son of Rauchya, th«

the Yddava king, 4. 53. Manu, 3. 28.

VibhA, the same as Vibhdvarl, 2, Vichitra, variant of Pavitrti, a

240. river in India, 2. 1 48.

Vibhasa, one of the sevea sujia, 5. Vichitravirya, son of S'inttvnu, 4.

191. 157. 158.

VibhAvarf, Soma's city, where Vidagdha, promulgator of the

situated, 2. 240. Etymology White Yajur-veda, 3. 57.

of the word, 2. 342. Viddman (I'i), variant of Anenas,

Vibhdvasu, a Ddnava, son of Ka- son of A'yus, 4. 30.

syapa, son of Marichi, 2. 70. Vidarbhas, a people, 2. 164 ; 5. 69,

Vibhivasu, * fire," 5. 197. Vidarbhas, variant of Sunayas, 2.

Vibhdvasu (1), variant of Vibhdsa, 181.

5. 191. Vidarbha, a king, father of Ke-

Vibhishana, a RAkshasa, according sinl, 3. 297.
to the Bhagavata-puraiia, son of Vidarbha, son of Jydmagha, 4. 64,
Visravas, sou of Pulaatya, 1. 66.

154- Vidarbha, -a country, now called

VibbrAja, son of Sukriti, son of Berar, P. 107 ; 2. 144, 145, 157,

Pfithu, i. 141. 171, 173; 3.285; *• 112, 134;

Vibhu, a transformation of Vishnu, 6. 69-71.

when he appeared as son of Viddhisdra (??), variant, of Bimbi-
Veda^iras and Tushita, 3. 17. p4ra, 4. 180.

Vibhu, Indra in the fifth Man- Videhas, a people, 2. 165.

wantara, 3. 9. Videha, a country, 3. 221,330;

Vibhu, son of Prastiva, 2. 107. 4. 64, 84, 344.

Vibhu, variously genealogized, 4. Videhd (?), a city (?), 2. 341.

Videsa (1), a country, 4. 213. See
37, 38-
Vibhu, variant of Vipra, son of Vidisa.

S'rutanjaya, 4. i74- Vidh4tfi, 'Bralimd, as protector,*

Vibhuti, 'superhuman or divine 5. 15.

236 INDEX.

Vidhitfi, son of Bhfigu, 1. 118, Viduratha, son of Suratha, son of

152. 157; 2. 307; 3. it8. Jahnu, 4. 153.

VidhAtfi, the same as Vishnu, or Viduratha (1?), variant of Vipf ithu,

an epithet of him, 5. 1 1 (where son of Chitraka, 4. 96.
" BrahmS," in the text, must Vidut (??), a Veda of the Magas, 5.

be wrong), 214. 383-

Vidhideva (??), son of Vasudeva, Vidyds, certain branches of know-
son of S'ura, 4. no. led go, of four kinds, particular-

VidhisAra (I?), variant of Bimbi- ized, 1. 148.

sdra, 4. 180. Vidyddharas, a kind of demigods,'


Vidhfiti, 'a holy ordinance,' 2. 338. 1. 82, 122 ; 5. 246.

Vidhfiti (?1), variant of Dhyushi- Vidyddharis, '
a- kind of demigod-
tiswa, 3. 322, 323. desses/ 1. 135.
Vidhu {fl), variant of Vipra, sou of Vidydvatl, an Apsaras, 2. 82.

of S'rutanjaya, 4. 174. Vidyudambh4 (il), variant of Vi-

Vidisa (]), VidisA (?), a country, dyudarabhas, 2. 196.
3. 221 ; 4. 191, 213, See Vidyudambhas, a river in Kusa-
Vaidisi. dwlpa, 2. 106.
Vidisd, a. river in India, perhaps Vidyudushni (?), variant of Vid-
that now popularly called the yudambhas, 2. 196.
Bess, 2. 150. Vidyudwariid (??), an Apsaras, 2.
VidisAra (IJ), variant of Bimbisara, 82. .

4. 180. Vidyut, a RAkshqsa, 2. 285, &c.

Vidmisdra (??), variant of Bimbi- VidyutparnA, an Apsaras, 2. 81,
sAra, 4. i8o, i8r, 186. 82.
Vidrnma, a mountain in Kusa- Vihangamas, a class of gods in the
dwipa, 2. 196. eleventh Manwantara, 3. 26.
Vidula, son of Duigama (]), son of VijAti, according to the Linga-
Dhfita, 4. 119. puraria, son of Nahusha, son of
Vidupa, son of Durgama (?), son A'yus, 4. 46.

of Dhfita, 4. 119. Vijayas, a people, 2. 166.

Vidura, son of Krishnadwaipd- Vijaya, variously gehealogized, 3.
yana, P. 41 ; 4. 158. 289.
Vidiiratha (who?), father of Su- Vijaya, son of Jaya, 3. 335.
nanda, 3. 242. Vijiiya, son of Pururavas, son of
Viddratha, a king (who?), 3. 268 Bud ha. 4, 13, 14.
4. 153 ; 5. 70. Vijaya, son of Jaya or Vijaya, 4.
Viduratha, sprung from Fiiru, son 43, 44. (Perhaps this is the
of Jahnu, 4. 24. same as Vijaya, sou of Jaya,
Vidiiratha, son of Bhajamana, 4. named abov^. The doubt here
99. may begin as far back as Aue-
INDEX. 237

nas ; for, by Aiienas, son of Vikesi, wife of S'arva, tlie Rudra,

Kshemiri, and Anenas, son of and mother of LohitAnga, 1.

Ayus, one and the same person 117; 2. 259.

may be intended.) Vikhanas, father of Vamra, 3. 337.
Vijaya, variously genealogiaed, 4. ;
Vikram4ditya, King, son of Gar-
125, 126. dabhila, P. 7-9 ; 1. 61, 62 ; 5.

Vijaya, an Andbra king, son of 337, 392. (Perhaps two per-

Yujnasrf, <feci, 4. 199, 20 r. sons are intended, and one of
Vijaya, son of Krishna and J6inba- them fictitious.)

vatf, 6. 79. Vikramorvasl, the, a drama, re-

Vijayi, daughter of Daksha, and ferred to, 2. 287 ; 4. 5.

wife of Kfid^swa, 2. 29, 337 ;

Vikrdnta, a Praj^pati, according
3. 82. to the Vdyu-purAna, 1. 102.

Vijayd, wife of Sahadeva, eon of Vikfisbna (?), variant of Gaura-

Dasra, 4. 159. kfishria, 4. 200.

Vijayaiiagara, a city in Sonthem Vikfita, son of Daksha, the Pra-

India, P. 34. jApati, 1. 103.

VijitAswa, the same as Antar- Vikfiti, son of Jimiita, son of

dhdna, son of Pfithu, 1, 192. Vyoman, 4. 68.

Vijnina, ' internal sensation or Vikfiti, what, in philosophy, 1. 76.

intelligeaice,' 3. 210, 218; 5. Vikukshi, surnamed S'asAda, son

204. of Ikshwdku, 3. 259-261, 297.

VJjnAneswara, a commentator on Vikunt!hii, wife of S'ubhra, and

YAjnavalkya, 3. 102, 187. mother of Vishnu, 3. 17 ; 4.

Vikala, a measure of time, equi- 278.

valent to six Pr^nas, 1. 48. Vilohita, variant of Vimobana, 2.

Vikala (n), variant of Vikfiti, son 214 (where coiTCct the spelling).
of Jlmuta, 4. 68. Vilomaka (]), variant of Viloman,
Vikala {IT), variant of Ivllaka, or 4. 97.
Apllaka, 4, 196. Viloman, a Yadava king, variously
Vikalpas, variant of Vikaiyas, 2, genealogized, 4. 97.

178. Vilwisara (tt), variant of Bimbi-

Vikalpa, what, in Vaidik litera- sira, 4. 181.

ture, 3. 62, 69. Vimala, son of Sudyumna, son

Vikalpa, what, in philosophy, 4. of Vaivaswata, 3. 237.

241. Vimati (11), variant of Vimsati, 3.

Vikaiyas, a people, 2. 178. 260.

Vikarni (1), variant of Chakoras4- Viraochanl, a river in S'4lra*la-
takarAin, 4. 197. dwfpa, 2. 194.
Vikartfi, '
transformer,' 6. 90, Vimoha, the same as Vimohana,
VikAsa, what, in philosophy, 1 . 39. 2. 217.
238 INDEX.

Viinohanft, a certain hell, 2. 214. Vindhyapdlakas, variant of Vin-

See the last. dhyachulikas, 2. 179.
VimSa, variously genealogized, 3. Vindhya^kti, a certain king, 4.

242, 243. 210, 212, 213.

Vimsaja, a certain Iting, 4. 212. Vindbyaseiia (?), variant of Bim-
Vimi^ati, son of Ikghwaku, 3. 260. bisAra, 4. 180.

Vimukti, what, in theology, 5.242. VindbyavAsinl, a place near Mir-

Yinky a river in India, 2, 148. zapore, on the Ganges, 4.

Vinadf, a river in India, 2. 150. 262,

Vinata, son of Sudyumna, sen Vinita, son of Pulastya, according
of Vaivaswata, 237. 3. to the VAyu-purAAa, 1. 155.
VinatA, .daughter of I)ak3ha, and VipipA, a river in India, 2. 143,
wife of Kasyapa, otherwise 153. 340.
called Tiirksha, P. 83 ; 2. 26, VipApA, variant of VipAsA, a river
28, 73; 3. 298. in Plaksha-dwlpa, 2. 192.

Vinatiswa, son of Sudyumna, son VipApman (1), variant of Anenas,

of Vaivaswata, 3. 237. son of A'yus, 4. 30,
Vinaya, 'prudence,' son of Dharma Yiparyaya, what, in philosophy,
and Kriyd, 1. no. 1. 69.
Vinaya, son of Sndyunnja, son VipAs, a river in India, 2. 121.
of Vaivaswata, 3. 237. (This is the ancient name of the
Vinda, son of Jayasena, the Avan- VipAsA.)
tya, 4. 103; 5. 82. VipAsA, a river in India, the ByAsA
VindhusAra (11), variant of Bim- or Beas, popularly so called, 2.

bisAra, 4. i"i. 143, 144, 169; 3. 170; 4. 118.

Vindhyas, a race, 4. 213-215. (It ia identified with the Hypha-
Vindhya, a mountain-range in sis or Bibasis, And see the
Central India, P. 55, 107; 1. last article.)

181; 2. 113, 127, 128, 130, Vipasa, a river in Plaksha-dwlpa,

141, 339; 3. 240, 260, 319; 2. 192.

^- 59. 77» 219, 221 ; 5.387. Indra
Vipai^cliit, in the second
Viiidliyachulikas (as, probably, Manwantara, 3. 3.

the name should be written, and Viplava, 'disappearance,' 3. 29.

not Vindhyachulukas, Vindhya- Vipra, son of Slisht'i, 1, 177.

chulakas, or the like), a people, Vipra, son of S'rutanjaya, 4. 1 74.
2. 179. Viprachitti, son of Kasyapa and
Vindhyaraauleyas, a people men- Danu, 1. 145, 148; 2. 30, 55,
tioned in the .M^rkaAd'eya-pu- 70, 71 ; 5. 87. King of the

rina, 2. 180. DAnavas, 2. 86.

Vindhyamiilikaa, variant of Vin- Viprachitti, an Apsaras, 2. 81, 83,
dlyachulikas, 2. 179. 291.
INDEX. «39

Viprarshi, the same as Brahmar- Virdj, '

Vishnu, as the first mule,'

shi, 5. 12 1.
' Brahm4, tho creator,' Ac, 1.

Vipfisht'a, according to the Bhd- 59, 105, ike, 170, 172 ; 2. 229,
gavata-purdna, sou of Vasudeva, 342; 3. 159.
son of S'lira, 4. ii.i. Virdj, son of Nara, son of Gaya,
Vipfithu, son of Chitraka, 4. 96 ;
2. 107.
5. 148. Virajas, according to the BhAga-

Vipula, son of Vasudeva, son of vata-purdAa, a clasu of gods in

S'lira, 4, 109. the eighth Manwantanv, 3. 24.

Vipula, a mountain serving aa (On Viraja, as a corruption, see

buttress to Mount Meru, to the 2. 107, note f.)

west, 2. Ill, 115. VirAja, the same as BrahmA, 3.

Vipura, what, in philosophy, 1. 159-

31. 32- VirAja, a PrajApati, 3. 158, 159.*
Vlras, according to the Bh^avata- Viraja, son of Twasbt'ri, 2. 107.
puriiia, a class of gods in the Viraja, father of SudhAiuan, 2.

fourth Manwantara, 3. 7. 262.

Vlra, sonof SwAyambhuva, 1. 108, Viraja, according to the BhAga-
Vira, son of Grinjima ('?), 4. 113. vata-puraria, disciple of •
Vira, according to the Bhigavata- karnya, 3. 48.

purdna, son of Krishna and Viraja, wife of Nahusha, son uf

KAliudl, 5. 79. Ayu3, 3. 164 4. 45. ;

Vira, according to the BhAgavata- VirajA, mind-born daughter of the

purdna, son of Krishna and Ajyapas, 3. 164.
Nagnajitl or Satyd, 5. 79. Viraja-loka, according to the VAyu-
Viri, a river in India, 2. 148. purAna, a region tenanted by
Vira (?), variant of Viih^, son of the AgnishwAttas, 3. 160.
Kshupa, 3. 242. Viraias, one of the saints called
Virabhadra, created by Mahe- KuniAras, 1. 79.
^wara or S'iva, is a subordinate Virajas, son of PaurnamAsa, son-
of the goddess Devf, i. 121, of Marlchi, 1. 153; 2. 262. See
128, 130, 339. He
&c. ; 4. VairAja.
mauls the gods and goddesses Virajas, son of Vasisht'ha, the

cruelly, 1. 131. See Pin.'l- PrajApati, 1. 155.

kadhfik. Virajas, a i^islii in the si.Tth Man-
VirAdha, a Rdkshasa slain by wantara, 3. 1 2.

RAma, 3. 316. Virajas, son of SAvarni, Manu of

Viraholras, variant of Vllihotras, the eighth Manwantara, 24 3.

4. 58. Virajaska, in the BhAgavata-pu-

Vlrah<rtra, variant of Vitihotra, rAi'ia. instead of Virajas, son of
i. 57- Savaini, 3. 24.
240 INDEX.

Yiraka, according to the BhAga- Vfryadharas, a caste in S'4lniala-

vata-pur46a, a flishi in the sixth dwlpa, 2. 195.
Manwantara, 3. 14. Viryavat (??), variant of Dharmin,
Virana, (whol), father of Piish- son of Brihadrdja. 4. 169.
kariiil or Virarii, 1. 178. Viryavat (?), variant of Vipra, sou
Virana, a patriarch, father of Asik- of S'rutanjaya, 4. 174.
nf, 2. 12, &c. For his identity Vis, the same .is Vai.sya, 3. 86.
with Pancbajana, see 2. 15. Visada (11), variant of Viswajit,
Virana (??), variant of Ylranin, 3. son of Jayadratha, 4. 140.
57- Vis4kha, son of Kumdra, son of
Viranagara, a city lying on the Agni, 2. 23 4. 283. ;

river DevikA, 2. 330. Vis4kb4, an asterism, 2. 256, «kc.

Vlrarilj daughter (]'!) of some 3. 167.'

Vlraiia, 1. 178. See Push kariiii, Vi.s4khadhi\pa (1), VisakbapApa (1),

her other name. variants of Visakhanlpa (1),

Viraiiin, a promulgator of the 4. 179.

White Yajur-veda, 3. 57. Visdkhanipa (1), son of Palaka,
Virankard, a river in India, 2. son of Pradyotana, 4. 179.
149. ViMkhasiipa Visakhayupa (f),

Viraratha, variant of Bahuratha, variants of Visakharupa {?)j 4.

4. 144. 179.
VirAsana, a certain posture, in the VisAla, son of Triiiabindu, son of
Yoga philosophy, 3. 140; 5. Budha, 3. ^43, 244, 246.
230. Vis414, an Apsaras, 2. 82,
Vlresena, father of a Nala, 3. 304, VisAlA, a name of Ujjayinf, 3, 221,
Viravati, a river in India, 2. 149. 246;
Viravrata, according to the BhA- Visamana (1?), variant of Visasana,
gavata-purina, son of Madhu, 2. 214.
son of Bindumat, 2, 107. Visasana, a certain hellj 2. 214,
Vlri6a (1?), variant of Varuna, 215, 218.
ancestor of Pushkaririi, 1. 179. Vishdmau (??), variant of Bushad-
Virochana, a Daitya, son of Prah- gu, 4. 61.
Idda, 1. 188; 2. 69; 3. 19, 23; Vishnu, a god of tiie first order.
4. 123, 250; 5. 6. The same as Brahma, Iswara,
Viruddhas, a class of gods in the spirit ; the cause of creation,
tenth Manwantara, 3. 25. preservation, and destruction ;

Vinipa, son of Ambarfsha, son of the parent of nature, and the

NAbbAga, 3. 257. material of the univ^erse ; the
Vinipikshu, a Rudra, 2. 25. origin, and substance of
Yin\piksha, a DAnava, son of the world, 1. 3-11. His nature,
Kasyapa, son of Marfchi, 2. 70. 1.13, «fec. Four forms of hiai.
INDEX. 241

L 17, «&c. ; 2. 88. TLe same by the Prachetasns, 1. 196-198.

with BrahmA, VishAu, and S'iva, Is praised by Akriira, 5. 13-16.
as creator, preserver, and de- General laudation of him, clos-
stroyer, respectively, 1. 41-43. ing the Vishnu-purdna, 6. 254,
He is all that is, with particu- 255. He is worshipped by Prah-
lars, 5. 247, 248. He is one 14da, 2. 36. The gods pray to
with Brahma, or supreme spirit, himj 3. 201-205. ^^^ directs
2. 236. He is the asylum of the gods to churn the ocean, 1.

all spirit and- spirits, 237. 5» 142. He deceives the Daityai

His energy encompasses the and the J)dnavas, assisting him
universe, 2. 232, &c. Particu- therein, 1. Again he de-
lars of its immanence, 2. 294, ceives the Daityas, 3. 206 and :

Ac. He is the same as Aditya, see Mdydnioha and 5. 378, re-

the Sun, 3. 18. Forms of him ferred to already. Various
in the four ages of the world, names of him, Achyuta, Ananta,
3. 31, 32. Forms of him wor- Govinda, Hfishlkeia, Kesava,
shipped in different Varshas, 2. M4dhava, Yajnesa, &c., 2. 313.
125. He sleeps on the serpent He. has a thousand names or
S'esha, in the midst of the ocean, epithetSj 1. 5, 41. The word
5. His world or station,
1951 Vishnu expounded and etymo-
where, 230, 270.
2. His orna- logized, 1. 4, 5 ; 3. 19. Besides
ments and cognizances, 2. 94. the names specified above,
Is incarnate as Krishna and Vishnu is called Bhagavat,
Balabhadra, 4. 258, 259. Is Bbutesa, Hari, Isa, Jandrdana,
combined, in all forms, with Mahldhara, Makhesa, Murdri,
S'rl, or Lakshmi, »5ic., 1. 118- Nara, Ndrdyana, Purusha, Pu-
120. Is worshipped in the rushottama, S'drngadhauwan,
foi'm of Vdyu, or Wind, by the S'drngin, Satya, Satyasena,
inhabitants of S'dlniala-dwipa, 8'auri, Swadlid, Swdhd, Trivi-

2. 194. Is embodied in every krama, Tushita, Vaikuiit'ha,

Vydsa, 3. 33. Is disguised under Vibhu, Vidhdtf i, Viswabhdv uia,

the form of Buddha, fur the de-, Viswarupa, Yajna, Yaju.ur.i^rti,
struction of the Daily as, 5. 378. Yajnapati, Yajnapums, ~ jca-
Remembrance of him is the best purusha, Yajndrddhya, Yajuea-
expiation, 2. 222, 223. Howhis wara, kc. &c.
true worshippers are recogniz- Vishnu, an A'ditya, 2. 27, 285, kc.
able, 3. 76. He is hymned by Pfi- Chief of the A'dit. 2.85.
thivr, or Earth, 1. 59-61. He is Vishiiu, a !^ishi in the eleventh
lauded by the gods,1. 139, 140; Manwantara, 3. 26.

4. 251-256. He is praised by VishAu (??), variant of Dhfisht'a,

Dhfuva, 1.169- 173. la hymned son of Vaivaswata, 3. 13.
24- INDEX.

Vishiiubhd, the same aa S'ravana, Visoka, ' exemption alike from

an asterisni, 2. 276. infirmity and from grief,' 1. 91.
Vishnudharina, a composition, Visrauta, a king named in the
quoted, 2. 222. Mdrkaiid'eya-purdna, 3. ii.
Vishnudharmottara, a composition, Visravas, son of Pulastya. the Pra-
quoted, 339. 3. jdpati, 1. 10, 154; 3. 68, 246.
Vishnngupta, the same as K'aut'il- Visruta, according to the Bhdga-
ya, 4. 186. vata-purdna, incarnation of the
Vishnu-loka, the site of, 2. 230. Vasus, and son of Vasudeva,
And see Vishnupada. son of S'ura, 4. iii.
Vishiiupada, the station of Vish- Visruta (1?), variant of S'ruta, son
Au,' its situation, 2. 270. It of Bhagiratha, 3. 303.
is represented as being a moun- Visruta (11), variant of Vibudha,
tain, or as situated on one, in 4. 332-

124 (note i). And see Vishiiu- Visrutavat, son of Mahaswat, 3.

ioka. 325.
Vishhu-pur^na. Size of it, P. 24, Vistdra, 'diameter,' 2. 206.

34, 35 •
1. 9. Analysis of it, Visuddhas (11), variant of Virud-
P. 92, <kc. Its approximate dhas, the gods so called, 3. 25.
age, P. 112. Its origin and Viswas (11), a class of subordinate
extent, 3. 66, Merit of hearing- gods, 3. 14; 5. loi, 143. See
it, 5. 246, &c. How commu- Vis we devas.
nicated, 5. 250, (fee. Its cha- Viswd, daughter of Daksha, and
racteristics, «fcc., 5k 264, 272, wife of Dharnia, 2. 21. Mother

273, &c. &Ci And see Vaish- of the Viswe devas, 2. 21 ; 3.

Aava-purAna. ^
Vishnu vfiddhas, a race sprung Viswabhdvana, a title of the god
from Vishnuvfiddha, 3. 284. Vishnu, its import, tkc, 1. i-
Vishnu vfiddha, son of Sambhiiti, 3-
son of Purukutsa, according to Viswabhdvana, a Kumdra, 1. 79.
the Linga-purdna, 3. 284. Viswdchf, an Apsaras, 2. 75, 81-
VishniiyasaSj a BrAhman in whose ^3. 285, 2S8, 291,
293; 4. 48.
family Kalki is to be born, 4. Viswadevas, intending Viswe de-
229. vas, which see, and also 3. 178

Vishturdswa {11), variant of Viswa- (note Ii).

gaswa (rightly, Vishwagaswa), Viswadbdia, ruler over the realm

3. 263. of Viswadhara, and son of Me-
Vishwagjyotis, eldest of the hun- dhdtithi, sovereign of S'dka-

dred sons of S'atajit, son of Raja, dwlpa, 2. 200.

2. 107. Viswadhdra, a division of S'dka-
Visoka, a Kumdra, 1. 79. dwlpa, 2. 200.
INDEX. 243

Viswaga (??), variant of Viswa- sena), Manu of the fourteenth

gaswa (riglitly, Visbwagaswa), Manwantara, according to some
3. 263. Purdnas, 3. 25.

Viswagandhi (fl), variant of Viswa- Viswaksena (rightly, Vishwak-

ga^wa (rightly, Vishwagaswa), sena), son of BrahmadAtta, 4.

3. 263. 142: 6. 158.

Viswagaswa (rightly, Vishwagas- Viswamahat, according to tlie

wa), sou of Pfithi!, son of VAyu-purAiia, son of Viswasar-

Aneuas, 3. 263. man, and husband of Ya^odA,
Viswagata (??), variant of Vi^wa- mind-born daughter of the Upa-
ga^wa (rightly, Vishwagaswa), hiitas, 3. 163.

3. 2631 Viswdmiti-a, son of GAdhi, 3. 16 ;

Viswa-gochara, what, in philo- 4. His dfescendaiits, 4. 25,

sophy, 5. 234. &c. His elder sons cursed to
Viswaguiiddarsa, the, a modern become progenitors of most
Sanskrit composition, referred abject faces, as Andhras, &c,,
to, 2. 134. 2. 170. A Rajarshi, or foyal
Viswajit, son of Jayadratha, son Rishi, 3i 68. He figures as
of Brihatkarttiati, 4. 140. Rishi in the current Manwan-
Viswajit, son of Satyajit, son of tara, 3. 13, President over a
Siinita, 4. I76. month, 2. 285, &c. He is

Viswajit (?), variant of Janame- changed into a crane, by a

jaya, son of Dfid'haratha, 4. 1 26. curse, 3. 288. He raises Tri-
^'iswaka (7?), variant of Viswa- lianku to heaven, 3. 285-287.
gaswa (rightly, Vishwagaswa), He induces Kamadhenu, tlie

3. :i6^. cow, to produce certain nations

Vilwakarman, the architect of the for him, the Pahlavas, S'akas,
gods, son of PrabhAsa, the Vasu, &c., 3. 339. His variance with
1. 145; 24; 3. 70, 253, 272;
2. Vasisht'ha, P. 39, 56, 108 1. ;

5. 344, 343< (A Viswakarman, 7 ; 3. 306; 4. 22. HisTirtha,

this, Of some other, is named in 2.150. See also 3. 15, 315 ; 4.

. 3. 20, (tc.) 19) 22, 39, 51, 138; 5. 141.

Viswakarraan (who 1), father of ViswAmitrA, a river in India, 2.

Barhishmatf, according to the 150.

Bhdgavata-purAna, 2. loo, Viswananda, a mind-born son of
Viswakarman, wind,' 2. 83. *
BrahniA, 1. 79.

Vi^wakarman, a certain ray of the Viswara, a teclinicality of the Yoga

sun, 2, 297, 298] 5. 191. philosophy, 1- 32.
Viswakdrya. a certain ray of the Viswanipa, *
universal substance,'
sun, 2. 298. &c., an epithet of Vishnu, 1.

Viswaksena (rightly, Vishwak- 42 ; 4. 257.

244 INDEX.

Vi^waidp.i, self-bora son of ViswAvasu, one of the Vi:iwe devas,

Twasht'fi, the Rudra, 2, 24. 3, 192.
Vii^wariipa (?]), variant of Viriipa, Vi^\y4vasu, son of Jamadagni, 4.
son of Ambarlsha, 3. 257. 20.
Viswariipadbara, rendered by "uni- ViswAvasu, son of Purikavas, son
versal," 4. 257 (note *). of Budha, 4. 13.
Viswariipin, rendered by " who is Viswavyachas (11), or *'
San " (11),

the substance of all things," 5. 2. 83. (Error for Viawavar-,

103. chas 1)

Vi^wasaha, variously genealogized, Viswdyus, son of Pururavas, son

3.311,314. of Budha, 4. 13.
Vi^wasaha, son of Dhyushitdswa, Vi^we, 5. loi (note *). See Vi^we
3. 323; 5. 391. devas.
Vi6was4hwan (1?), variant of Vis- Vi^we devas (not Viswadevas see :

rutavat, 3, 325 ; 6.
391. 3. 178, note II),
certain gods.
Viswa^arman, father of Viswa- Sons of Dharma and Viswjl, 2.

mahat, according to the Vdyu- 21, 22. Specified as five, ten,

purAna, 3. 163 (note ||).
twelve, &c., by various Purdnas,
Vi^was[)hdni, Vii^waspliArni (1?), 2.22; 3. 189-192. Eight per-
Viswasphdt'i (I'i), variants of sonages, and the A'swins, named
Vi^wasphat'ika, 4. 217. together in the Rig-veda, are
Viswaaphat'ika, a king in Maga- considered as Viswe devas, 3.

dhd, 4. 216 ; 5. 392. 179, Daily offerings to them,

ViswasphMi (??), Vi^wasphtirji (11), 2. 22 ; 3. 179. They are wor-
variants of Viswasphatfika, 4. shipped at S'rAddhas, 3. 158,
217. 178. See also 1. 141, 142; 3.
Vi^wasphiirti (11), variant of i5>87, 113, 149. 154, 179-181,
Vi6wasphatfika, 4. 217, 219, 185, 186, 188 ; 5. 247. It is
222. vaguely rendered "all the gods,"
Viswitman, rendered by "univer- in 3. 118, 119, 182; and see
sal spirit," 5. 201. 3. 185, text and note J. See,
Viswatryarchas, a certain ray of further, Vaiswadeva, Vaiswa-
the sun, 2. 297 ; 5. 191 (where devilca, Viswas, Viswadevas,
correct ViiSwavyarchas). and Viswe.
Vi^wavada, a Veda of the Magas, Viswe^d, the same as Viswd, in
5. 383. (It has been identified two PurMas, 2. 21.
•with the Visparad of the Zoro- Vis wesa, a philosophical term, 1.3 1

astrians.) Vlt'A, what, as variously explained,

Vi/Jwdvasu, two Gandharvas so 2. 104.
called, 1. 122, 144, 190; 2. Vltahavya, son of Sunaya, son of
285, &c. ; 4. 7. 6ita, 3. 335.
INDEX. 245

Vitahavya, (wlip?), a king of the VivddabliangArAava,avery modern

Haihayas, who became a Brdh- digest of law, referred to, 3.
man, 4. 40. -
Vltatotras, a dynasty named with Viv.ihu, a mind-born son of Brah-
the Bfihadrathas, 4. 178. mA, 1. 79,
Vltahotra (??), variant of Vaina- Vivaswat, 'the Sun,' son of Ka-
hotra, 4. 38. syapa and Aditi, 3. 20, 230,
Vltahotra (??), variant of Vltihotra, 231. Called son of Brah niA, 3.

4. 57. 343 : and see 3. 297, note %>
Vitala, a Pitd,Ia, or underworld, throughout. Is called, in the
2. 209. Vdyu-purAna, a PrajApati, 1.

Vltamaya (V), variant of Abhayada, io». Yama is his son, 5,. 48.
4. 127, Is reckoned an Aditya, 2. 27,
Vitasokha, a town in SaililAvati, 259. 2S5, &c. ; 3. 56, 1.16. Is
2. 165. counted among the LokapAlas,
Vitasta, a river, the Jhelam or Hy- and, as such, has a city near
daspeg, 2. 121, 14.', 339 ;4,ii8. Mount Meru, 2. 118. See
Vitatha, successor of some Bha- Vaivaswata, the Manu, his son.
rata, 4. 38. Vivaswat (1?), variant of Havish-
Vitatha, the same as Bbaradwdja, mat, 3. 14.

son of Bfihaspati, 4. 134-136, Viveka, what, ia philosophy, 5.

139. 210.
Vithi, *a triad of asterisms,' 2. Viviktandraan, ruler over the
267, «fec. The Vlthls are ^ons kingdom of Viviktandman, and
of Bhrigu, 2. 276, 337. sun of Hiriinyaretas, sovereign
Vitihotras, a tribe of .
Haihayas of Kusa-dwlpa,. 2. 197,
dwelling near the Vindhya moun- ViviktanAman, a region in Kusa-
tains, 4. 58, 59. dwlpa, 2. 197,
Vitihotras, a dynasty comprehend- Vivilaka (??), Vivilika C??), variants
ing twenty kings, 4, 184. of Ivllaka, 4. 196.
Vltihotra, according to the Bhd- Viviihsas, a caste in Plaksha-
gavata-pur^na, son of Priya- dwipa, 2. 193.
vrata, and once king of Push- Vimsa, 3. 243.
yiviiasa, son of
kara-dwlpa, 2, 1 00, 203. yivimsati, in the BbAgavata-pu-
Vltihotra, son of Indrasen^i, gon rdna, instead of Vivijjasa, 3. 243.
of Piirva, 3. 335. Viyati, Viyiti (W), son of Nahushu,
Vltihotra, sou of Sukum^ra, 4. 37. son of Ay us, 4. 45, 46.
Vltihotra, son of Tdlajangha, son Vod'hu, son of Brahma, in S'weta--
of Jayadhwaja, 4. 57. dwipa, 2. 200.
Vitrisbn^, a river in S'^Iniala- Vraja, son of Havirdhana, 1. 193.

dwlpa, 2. 194. Vraja, a district in India, .4. 276.

246 INDEX.

281, 282, 287^289, 296, 306, vata-purAria, son of Devami-

308, 312, 316, 321-323, 326, d'husha, son of S^iira, 4. loi.

33 1» 335» 342; 5. II, 64, 68. Vfika, son of Kfishna and Mitra-
Vrata, son of ChAkshusha, the vindA, 5. 79. But son of Krish-
Mann, 1. 178. na and MAdri, 5. 107.
Vrata, an observanoe of a specific VfikadevA, daughter of Devaka,
. kind, P. 63, 64, 82, 84, 99. son of Ahuka, and wife of Vasu-
Vrata (ll), variant of Darva, 4, deva, son of S'ura, 4. 98.

121. Vfikadevl (11), variant of Vfika-

VratacharyA, translated by "the devA, 4. no.
diligent observanoe of self- Vfikala, son of Slisht'i, 1. 177.
denial," 5. 181. Vfikatejas, son of S'lisht'i, 1. 177.
Vrateyu, son of Raudrdiwa, 4. Vfikshas (?), variant of Kfishnas,
128, 129. the name of a caste in S'Almala-
Vf iddha-chAnakya, the, an ancient dwipa, 2. 194.
composition, referred to, 4. 42. VfindAvana, a certain famous
Vfiddha Garga, ^in astronomer, 2. forest, P. 22, 66, no; 4. 246,
255- 282, 283, 286, 325, 329, 335,
Vfiddhakarmau, variant of Viswa- 339 ; 5. 65, 285, 345.
saha, 3. 314. Vfisha, Indra of the eleventh
Vfiddha^rnian (who?), 3. 164. Manwantara, 3. 26.

Vriddhasarmau, sou of Ilaviia, 3. Vfisha, according to the Linga-

311. 3M' purAiia, son of Nfiga or Na-
Vfiddhasarman, a KAriisha king, bhaga, 335. 3.

4. 103, Vfisha, son of Bharata, son of

Vfiddhasarman ('??), variant of TAlajangha, 4, 57.

Kshattravfiddha, son of Ayus, Vfisha, according to the Hari-

4. 30. vaihsa, son of Vfishasena, 4.

Vfiddhi-srAddha, * a sacrifice on an 126.

accession of prosperity,' <fcc., 3. Vfisha, son of Kfishna and KA-
99i 147, 149- lindi, 5, 79.
Vfijinavat (??), Vfijihivat (??), Vfisha, sou of Kfishna and SatyA,
Vfijfnivat (11), variants of Vfi- 5. 79,
jinivat, 4. 61. Vfisha, a horse of the Moon, 2.

Vfijinavat, son of Krosht'u, 4. 61. 299.

Vf ikas, a people, 2. 1 79. Vfisha (11), variant of Vfika, sun
Vfika, according to the BhAga- of Vijaya, 3. 289.
vata-purAna, son of Pfithn, son Vfisha (11), variant of Vfishana,
of Vena, 1. 192. son of Surasena, 4. 57.

Vfika, SOD of Ruruka, 3. 289. Vfisha (11), variant of Vf ishtii, son

Vfika, according to the BhAga- of Kfikana, 4. 72.
INDEX. 247

Vi-isbabha, king of kine, 2. 85. Vfishni, son of Kunti, son of

Vrishabh;^, a^, riyer iu India, 2. Kratba, 4. 68.

152, 340, VfisbAi, son of Satwata, 4. 71,

Vfishabhd, the same as Arsbablu, 73. 74, 93. 116.
2. 276, Vfishni, son of Bhajamdna, son of
Vri shabby, the older word for iki- Satwata, 4. 72.
sbabha, the mountain so called, Vfishni, son of Anamitra, 4. 94.
2. 340. Vfishni (??), variant of Vishnu, the
Vfisbabha (f?), variant of Vf'ishata, J^ishi so called, 3. 26.
Bon of Arjuna. 4.57, Vfishni (0), variant of Vfisbana,
Vfisbabha (??), variant of ]6.isha- . son of Arjuna, 4. 57.
bba, son of Kusdgra, 4. 150, Vfishni (?), variant of Pfi^tii, 4.

Vfishadarbbas, a people sprung 94.

from Vfishadarbba, 4, J2i. Vfishni (??), variant of Vfisbt'a,
Vfisbadarbba, son of S'ibi, son of son of.lvukura, 4. 97.
Usinara, 4, 12^, Vfisbnimat, son of S'ucbiratba, 4.
VfishadevA (??), variant of Vfika- 164.
devi, 4- 98. Vfisbt'a, son ofKukura, 4. 97.
Vfisbakd, a river iu India, 3. 154. Vfisbt'adbarina, variant of Dfish-
VfisbakAbway^ (?'?), a river in t'asdn^ian, 4, 96.
India, 2. 154, Vfisbt'i ('??), variant of Vfisht'a,
Vfishdkapi, a Rudra, 2. 24, 25. son of Kukura, 4. 97.
Vfishab', definitioJi of, 3. 176. Vfisbfimat (11), variant of Vfisbni-
Vfishj^na, son of Arjuna, son of mat, 4. 164.

Kfitavirya, 4. 57. Vfita (11), variant of Vfisbilii, son

Vfisbana (??), according to some of Kunti, 4t 68.
authorities, son of Madbu, 4. Vfita (?), variant of Mfidura, 4.

58, (The better rejiding seems 96.

to be Vfishni.) Vfita (??), variant of Dbfita, son
Vxishaparvan, a D^nava, son of of Dharma, 4. 119.
Kasyapa, son of M^rfchi, 2. 70; Vfitaka (?), variant of Vfika, son
*. 46, 47. 132:. of Ruruka, 3. 289.
Vfishasd, variant of VfisbakA, 2, Vfiteyu (11), variant of Ghfiteyu,

154- 4. 129.
Vpisbasena, ^n of Karna, 4. 126, Vfitra, an Asura or demon slain
V^isbnis, a people, 2, 159; 5. 150, by Indra, P. 40, 56; 2. 79; 4.
159- 258; 5. 354-
Vfishnis, a family sprung from Vfitraghni, a river in India, 2.

Vfishiii, son of Madbu, 4. 58. 155.

Vfishni, son of Madhu, 4. 58; 5. Vfitrahan, an epithctical designa-
565 no, 163. tion of Indra, 5. 354.
248 INDEX.

Vritraripu, an epithetical desig- KrishAadwaipAyana. Ofhiason,

nation of Indra, 4. 258. S'uka, P. 40, 46 ; 4. 142 : and
Vfitti, jrariant of Dhflti, wife of > see S'uka. His conjectured

the Rudra Manu, 1. 117. time, 4. 232. The twenty-

Vjidhi, 'disease,' son of Mfi- eighth Vydsas, their names, (fee,

tyu, 1. 112. 3. 33-:37. The present Vyisa-

Vydghra, a Rdkshasa, 2. 285, &c. cominunicates the Kriyd-yoga-
Yydghrasweta, variant of VyAghra, sAra to Jaimini, P. 33. He
2. 292. distributes the Veda, P. 39 ; 3.

Vyighrlvan (fl), variant of Vaprl- 43. He teaches the Bhdgavata-

Tan, 3. 34, .
purdna to S'uka, P. 46. He
Vyihfitis, three certain mystical arranges the Vedas, Itihdsas,

terms so called, 3. 38, 39. and Purdnas, P. 98; 3. 41, 42.

Vydkarana, 'grammar,' an Anga He gives an account of the

of the Vedas, 3-67. Magas to Sdmba, 0. 383, 384.
Vyakta, what, in philosophy, P. See also 4. 161, 162 ; 5. 160-

94; 1. 15, 19. 162, 167, 180, 181, 184, 278.

VyAla, the term defined, 3, 138. Vydsa-gltd, the, a part of th«
Vydmias, a class of Pitfis, allotted Kiirma-purdna, P. 79.
to the lowest castes, 3. 163, Vydsa-siitra, the, quoted, 3. 224.
Vyasht'i, mystical explanation of,
Vyamsa, soi> of Viprachitti, 2. 71. 5. 215.
Vyangala (W), variant of Vardnga, Vyatala (11), variant of Atala, 2,

4. 211. 209.
Vyanjana, ' pot-herbs and the Vyatipdta, Vyatlpdta, what, in

like,' 3. 181. astrological termiiiology, 3. 163,

VyApin, what, in philosophy, 1. 169.

201. Vyavasdya, *
perseverance,' son of

Vydpta (11), variant of Vyoraan, Dharma, the Prajdpati, 1. xio.

son of DasArha, 4. 68. Vyaya, what, in philosophy, 1. 27.
VydptimAtra, what, in philosophy, Vyoma C^?),
variant of Vyoman,
2. 91. son of Dasdrha, 4. 68.

Vyisa. The generic name of a Vyoman, son of Dasdrha,^ 4. 68.

transformation of Visjinii, and Vyoman, the same as Akdsa, 5.
arranger of the Vedas, in every 254. And see Kha.
Dw^para age, 3. 33. The sixth Vyomin, a horse of the Moon, 2.

Vyisa, a Rishi, son of Pardsara 299.

and Satyavatf, in the current Vyviha, the technicality explained,
Dwaparaage, especiallyso called, 5. 16.

P. 17; 3. 23; 4. 150, 158: see Vyiikas (?1), variant of S'akas, 2.

BAflorAyana, Dwaip.iyana, and 179-

INDEX. 849

Vyushta, son of PusbpArna, 1. is king of the south, 4. 49. His

178. descendants, 4. 52, <fec., 3. 289,
Vyushtfi, part of the day, 2. 249. 319; 4. 47, <fec., 61, 247; 5.

44, 46, 53, 56, 58, 63, 112,

War. Between the gods and the 131, 137, <^c. Ac, 382.
demons, 3. 201. Between the Yadu, according to the MahAbbi-
same, in the Tretd age, 3. 261. rata, son of Vasu, son of Kfi-
Between the gods and the Dai- taka, 4. 149.
tyas, an account of Turd's being Yadu (^1), variant of Turvasu, 4.
abducted by Soma, 4. 3. 116.
Water. Produced from the rudi- Yadudhra (ll), variant of Mahi-
ment of taste, producing the muni, a !6,ishi, 3. ii.
rudiment of smell, &c., 1. 35, Yadu-nandana, an epithet of Akni-
36. Why the waters are called ra, 5. 5.

N4r£H, I. 56. Yajiia, 'sacrifice,' son of Ruchi, 1.

Wife, due qualifications required 108. He marries his twin sis-

in a wife, 3. 101-105. ter, Dakshind, '

donation to a
Wind or air. See VAyu. Brdhnian,' 1. 108. Is personi-

Wine from the Kadamba-tree, 5. fi^ed as sacrifice, and is decapi-

66. tated, 1. 131. Furnished with

World, the. Its dimensions, 2. the head of a deer, he is trans-

205, 206. The destruction of formed, by Brahma, into the

it, 5. 190, &c. constellation Mfigasiras, 1. 132.

Wrestling, modes of, 5. 36-38. The principal kinda of Yajnas

or sacrifices, 3. 40, 93, 112-
YAdavas. A tribe descended from 114.
Yadu, son of Yay^ti, 4. 58. Yajna, a form of Vishnu, 3. 15,

They become very numerous, 4. 16.

114. They go to Prabhdsa, 5. Yajna, son of Anantaka, 4. 63.

146, 147. There, Krishna and Yajiiab4hu, son of Priyavrata, and

DAruka excepted, they are de- king of S'4lmala-dwipa, 2. 100,

stroyed, 5, 149. See also P. 12, ^95-

% 159; 4. 59, 65, 77, 78, Yajnahotra, son of Auttanii, and
&c., 87, 88, &c., ii3,-<fec., 246, a Bislii in the third Manwan-
271, 280, 335, 337: 5. 34, 45, tara, according to the Bhdga-
vata purAna, 3. 7.
46, 50. 52-56, lo, 84, 86, 105,
112, 123, 130, 131, 138, 140, Yajnakfita, son of Vijaya, son of

<kc. &c., 382. And see Yadus. Sanjaya, 4. 44.

Yadus, a people, 4. 217; 5. 64. Yajnamiirti, *

the form or personi-

See Y4davas. fication of sacrifice,' an epithet

Yadu, son of YayAti, 4. 46. He of Yishriu, 1, 61.
250 INDEX.

Yajnapati, an epithet of Vishnu, texts of the Yajur-veda, and to

1. 60; 6. 177. a favourable result, 3. ,55-57.
Yajudpeta, aRdkshasa, 2. 285, &c. He has dk dispute with Vaisani-
Yajna-puma, '
the male of sacri- pdyana, 4. 162.
fice,' an epithet of Vishnu, 6. Ydjnavalkya, a writer on the Yoga
200. philosophy, quoted, or referred
Yajnapurusha, 'the male or soul to, 5. 228, 230.
of sacrifice,' an epithet of Vish- Ydjnavalkya-smfiti, the, a code of
nu, 1. 61, 163 (note *), 180, law, referred to, or quoted, <fcc.,

181 ; 2. 136; 3. 237; 4. 14; 2. 343 ; 3. 89, 90, 99, ?oi,

5. 2, 4. 102, 104, 112, 126, 148, 151,
Yajnfirddhya, < who is to be pro- 169, 173, 177, 178, 184, 187,
pitiated by sacrifice,' a title of 3,38-
Vishtiu, 1. 61. Yajnavdma, son of Parvasa, 1,

Yajnasarman C?]),
variant of Kshat- 153. 155-
travfiddha, 4. 30. Yajna-vidyd, rendered "knowledge
Yajnasrl, son of S'ivaskandha, &c,, or performance of religious

4. 198, 201, 203, rites," I, 148.

Yajnasrlsdtakarni, variant of Yaj- Yajnesa, *

lord of sacrifice,' an epi-
nasrl, 4. 198, 202. thet or title of Vishnu, 1. 124
Yajnaarlsitakariiika, variant of (note +) ; 2. 313. And see
Yajnasrl, 4, 201. Yajneswara.
Yajna^risdtakarnin, variant of Yaj- Yajneswara, 'lord of sacrifice,' an
nasrl, 4. 198. epithetical designation of Vish-
Ydjnavalkyaa, Kausika Brilhmans, nu, 3. 183; 5. 200, 253. And
4. 28. see Yajnesa and the synony-
Yijnavalkya, an ancient writer on mous Makhesa.
law, referred to, P. 60. See YajnopetQ, variant of Yajn^peta,
Ydjnavalkya-smfiti. a Eikshasa, 2. 292, 293.
YAjnavalkya, disciple of B^shkali, Yajur-veda, the. Its origin from
and promulgj^tor of the !]^ig- BrahmA's southern mouth, 1.
veda, 3. 44. He defeats S'k- 84, It was the original Veda,

kalya in a disputation, and the 3. 43, Its composition, and

latter thereupon dies, 3. the division of it into four
YAjnavalkya, a foshi, son of Vedas, 3. 43. The Samhitas
Brahraardta, disciple of Vai- and teachers of it, 3. 52-57.

sampdyana, early promulgator The Taittirlya, or Black Yajur,

of the White Yajur-veda, iic, 3. Veda, 3. 54; 4. 162. The V4-
52. 53' 323. 324- He propi- jasanayi, or White Yajur, Veda,
tiates the Sun, in order to re- 3. 57; 4. 162. Sec 1.

cover possession of the lost 171 ; 5. 200. And see Yajus.

INDEX. 251

Yajus, equivalent to Yajur-veda, il8,239, 240. It is visited by

3. 57, »fcc. Etymology of the Krishna, 5. 48. His place in

word, 3. 43, 44. the S'isumilra, 2. 308. Is pre-

Yajus (]?), variant of Mahdmuni, Bxding deity over Bharanf, the
a Rishi, 3. 1 1. asterism, 2. 337. He bears a

Yajwin, correctly, ' sacrificing club, which, in combat, Ktisbna,

priest,' 2, 136. with his own, knocks down and
Yakfilloraans, a people, 2. 166, breaks, 6. 100. On another
Yakshas, a sort of gods. Tlieir occasion, Virabbadra breaks it,
origin from Brahma, 1. 83, 1. 131. He reviles ChhAyd, and
Sprung from Kasyapa and Kha- would kick her she curses him ;

sA, 2. 75. Their king, Kubera, with sores and worms in tbe
1.122; 2.86. Twelve of them leg his father gives him a cock

named, 2, 285-289. Etymo- to eat the worms, <fec., 3. 21.

logy of the word, 1. 83. See See also 1. 119, 142, 180; 2.
also 1. 82, 188; 2, 284; 3. 34; 4. 133, 241, 258; 5. 15,

116, 119, 203; 4. 52, 250, 207, How men may free them-
59, 94. 234> 23<5, ?46,
selves from subjection to him,
323 ;

247, 251. And see Gr^manls, 3, 74, &c. Yama has the epi-
thets of Antaka, Dhannardja,
a synonym of Yakshas, and also
(In 4, 266, Pretardja, S'r^ddhadeva, which
3. 255, (note *),
Yakshas is vaguely represented see. (In 3. 34, the Translator

by *' fiends.") wrongly identifies Mfityu with

Yaksha, son of Kasyapa, sou of him,
Marlchi, and, by one account, Yama, an ancient lawgiver, quoted,
progenitor of the Yakshas, 2, 75. or referred to, 3. 96, too.
Yama (who V), father of Hind, 4.
Yaksha, son of S'waphalka, 4. 95.
Yakshman, consumption personi- 131.
119. Yama, the term, as used in ethics,
fied (?), 3.
Man- defined, 77; 5. 222, 227,
YAmas, a class of gods in the 3.

Avantara of Swayariibhuva, sons 230, 240.

Ydma, 'a watch of the day or
of Yajna and DakshinA, twins,
(where correct night,' 1. 48.
1. 109, 166 ; 3, 2
They Yama (??).. variant of Dama, son of
the spelling) ; 6, 390.
Narishyanta, 3. 336.
reside in Mahar-loka, 2. 227.
Yainadiitas, Kausika Brdhmans,
Yama, son of Vivaswat and Sanjn^,
216 4. 28.
3. 20. God of hell, 2. ;

Yama-dwlpa, an island, probably

3. 21. King of the Pitfis, 2.
of fabulous, 2. 129.
85. He obtains the rank
His Yama-gltd, a passage in the Vish-
Lokapahi, 2. ti8; 3. 21.^
Au-purdna, so called, 3. 79.
city. Sarayamanl, where, '- 12,
253 INDEX.

Yaniakotfi, a city in Bliadr^swa, 2. YAska, an ancient author, quoted,

207. See the two next names or referred to, 2. 1 21 ; 3, 18,
following. 46, 48, 54; 5. 178.
Yamakot'ipattana, the same as Yasodd, mind-born daughter of
Yamakot'i, 2, ni> the Upahiitas, certain Pitfis,

Yamakot'ipuri, the same as Yama- and wife of Viswamahat, 3.

kot'i, 2. 113. 163, 164.

Yimalas, an heretical sect, P. 80 ;
Yasodd, wife of Nanda, the cow-
5. 286, 287, 375, 380. herd who fosters Krishna, 4.

Y&mi, Y^mi, night,' daughter of

' III. She brings forth Yoga-
Daksha, and wife of Dharma, nidrA, who is changed for Krish-
2. 21, 23,
337. na, 4. 270. See also 4. 261,
Yaml, daughter of Vivaawat and 265, 276, 279, 280, 288-290,
Sanjnd, 3. 20. See Yamun4, 296, 335-
intending the same. Yasodevl, wife of Bfibanmanaa,
Ydminf, daughter of Daksha, and son of Bfihadbhdnu, 4. 125.

•wife of Ka^yapa, son of Marlchi, Yasodhara, son of Krishna and

2. 28. Rukminl, 4. 112.
Ydmunas, a people, 2. 171. Yasodhard, wife of SahishAu, son
Y4muna, a mountain named in the of Pulaha, 1. 155:
RAmAyana, 2. 171. Yasonandi, a king named in the
YamunA, daughter of Vivaawat Bhdgavata-pur^ria, 4. 211.
and Sanjnii, and one with the YAtanA, * torture,' daughter of
river now popularly called the Mfityu, 1. III.
Jumna, 3. 20 ; 5. 82. Krish- Yathd-sankhyd, a rhetorical figure
na's compulsion with her," 5. of speech, exemplified, 5, iqi.

65-68, 130. She meets him at yati, Ydti {11), son of Nahusha, son
Indraprastha, and claims him of Xyus and PrabhA, 4. 45, 46,
as husband, 6. 82. See also 1. Yati, one who practises selfiCon-

165; 2. 121, 142, 148, 171; straint,' 1. 155 ; 3. 177 j 5.

3. 257 ; 4. 40, 269, 286-288, 20Q, 230.

327; ". 17. 249- Yatidharnian (IT), variant of Dfish^

295. 322, -*>•

Other names of the YamunA t'asarman. 4. 96.

are K4lindl and TApi. Ydtrd-sr/iddlia, 'a S'rAddha held

YAmya, YAmyA, the same as Bha- by a person going on a journey,'

ranl, the asterism, 2. 265, 266, 3. 147-

277> 337- YAtudhdnas, a sort of demons,

Yantram4ti (1'?), son of SwAtishena, sprung from Kasyapa and Su-
4. 202. rasd, 2. 74. Twelve of them
Ya^as, 'reputation,' son of Dhanna, enumerated, 2. 291, 292, where
1. III. they are made one with Ed-
INDEX. 253

See also 2. 284 3. Yaviisara (J1), variant of Pravlra,

kshasa?. ;

son of Haryaiiwa, 4. 1 44.

183, 196. .

Yaviyasi, a very young woman,

Yaudheyag, a people founded by

121. 3. 102.
Nfiga, son of Usiuara, 4.
Yay^ti, son of Nahusha, son <>f
Yaudheya, son of Yudhislit'hira,

Ambarisha, 314; 4. 1. 45" 3.
Yaudheya, a kingdom named m 53, 117, 120, 240; 6. 45-

the V&yu-purdna, 4, 122.

Yayu, a horse of the Moon, 2. 299.
Year. Of mortals, 1. 49. Of the
Yaudheyl, wife of Yudhisht'hira,
gods, 1. 49. Of the flishis, 1.
4. 159- .
Of Dhruva, 1. 49
Yauvandiwa, patronym of Amba- 49 (note i).

(note i). Of BrahmA, 1. 53.

rteha, 3. 280, 281; 5. 391.
Of a Manu, 1. 54- Year* of
YavakshA, a river in India, 2. 151.
five kinds, namely, Samvatsara,
Yavanas, a people, or peoples,
Parivatsara, Idwatsara, Anuvat-
sprung from Turvasu, 4. 117.
sara, and Vatsara. 2. 254, 255.
Identified with the lonians or
Yoga> '
contemplative devotion,
Greeks, &c., 2. 130, 162, 181 ;
resulting in mystical union.*
3. 292.Dwelling to the west,
Kings Personified as son of Dharma,
of Bharatavarsha, 2. 129.
1. III. How Yoga is effected,
. of their race, 4. 203, 206, 208,
opposes them, 2. 92, 93. Soine particulars
209, 211. Sagara
regarding 1. 164. The Yoga
3. 291. He makes them shave it,

philosophy, 3. 325 ; 4. 253.

their heads entirely, 3. 294.
Certain terras of the Yoga philo-
Characterized as " wise and pre-
sophy, 2. 90. The practice ex-
eminently brave,"' 2. 339. Push-
plained at length, 5. 225, «fec.
pamitra engages with them on
&c. Etymology of the term, 5.
the Indus, 4. 191. See also 2.
5.53- 226. See also P. i4» 29, 38,
182, 184; 3. 290,295 ;

43, 70, 79, Si, 89; 1. 163;

328; 3. 323 5.
61, 270,
Yavana, an Asura, the same as
2. ;

2 1 6, &c. «kc. And see Pdtan-

K4layavana, 5. 54.
jala and Patanjali.
Yavandswa («), variant of Yuva-
Yogdchdraa, a Bauddha sect, 3.
n^awa, 3. 263.
Yavayasa, ruler over the realm
Yo^a-c^^min, rendered by "endow-
Yavayasa, and son of Idhma-
ed with magic power," 5. no.
jihwa, king of Plaksha-dwlpa,
YoganidrA, 'personified delusion.'
2. 193.
in Plakaha- Sprung from Vishnu, 4. 260.
Yavayasa, a region Her
His ministress, 4. in.
dwipa, 2. 193. She
son exploits, as Durgi, 4. 261.
Yavlnara, son oi Dwimid'ha, Her
is born of Ya.4odA, 4. 264.
of Bhallit'ft, 4. 142-
254 INDEX.

further proceedings, mockery of Yuddhasfisht'i (11), variant of

KaiiiBa, and disappearance, 4. Yuddhamusht'i, 4. 99.

269-271. And see 5. I95, text YudhAjit, variously genealbgized,

and note ** Other names of 4^ 73, 74, 94-

Yoganidrd are Mah^mdyA and YudhAjita (11), variant of Yudhdjit,

Nidr4 ; and she is called Am- 4. 94,
bik4, AryA, BhadrA, Bhadrak^li, Yudhisht'hira/ son of PAAd'u and

Durg^j Kshemankarl (or Kshe- PrithA, 4. 1 01, 102. His chil-

Kshemyd, Vedagarbhd,
niakari), dren, 4. 159. 3ee also P. 65
also, 4. 262, ( where correct the spelling); 4.

YogasiddhA, sister of Bfihaspati, "3, 232, 234, 341, 321; 5..

son of Angiras,- and wife of Pra- 134, 167.

bliAsa^ a Vasu, 2. 24. Yuga, '
cycle.' One of five years,
Yoga-tdrdj the term defined, 8.167. 2. 255. The MahAyuga, its
Yoga-yuj, '
a novice in the practice length, 1. 50. The four Yugas
of Yoga,' 5. 228, 234, 237. termed Kfita, Treta, DwApara,
YogiHj 'a performer of Yoga*' and Kali, their duration, <fec.,

How he attains final liberation, 1. 49, &c.

2. 89, Ac. Yogins of two Yuga, a measure of spatial length,
classes, the novice and the 'ftmr cubits,' 3. 144 (note *).

adept, 5. 2.?8< See also P. 38 ;

Yugddya, the term denned, 3^ i68.
1.154; 2. 271 3. 175, 180, ;
Yugandharas, variant of Dhuran-
188; 4. 306, 307; 5. 4, 57, dharas, 2. 162.

61, &c., 200, 231, 253, 241, Yugandhara, son of Tiliii, 4j 93.
Ynkta, a l^ishi in the fourteenth
253. 291.
Yokhalu (??), variant of Gokhalu, Manwantara, 3. 29.
3. 46. YuvanA^wa, son of A'rdra, son of
YonarAja, a king named in an old Viswagaswa (rightly, Vishwa-
Hindu inscription, 2. i8t. gaswa), 3. 263.
Yonl, a river in S'Alraala-dwlpa, 2. Yuvandswa, variously genealogized,
3. 265-268, 280-^282, 297 ; 4.
Yoni-sAstra?, certain scriptures so 14. (Possibly, two persons are

called, 5. 287 (where correct the intended.)

spelling), 288. Yuyudban {11), variant of Sudhan-

Yudakas {IT), variant of Padukas_, wan, son of S'Aswata, 3. 334.

4. 221. YuyudhAna, son of Satyaka, son
Yaddha, according to the Vdyu- of S'ini, 4. 93; 5. 148. See
purAna, son of Ugrasena, son of SAtyaki.
Ahuk.a, 4. 99.

Yuddhamusht'i, son of Ugrasena, Zoroaster and the Magas or Magi,

son of Ahuka,'4. 99. 5. 383-

With few exceptions, it is only of proper names thiat account is taken

in what follows. Moreover, it is not professed that the illustrations of
the points treated of are by any. means exhaustive.
Professor Wilson, in the work here edited, usually employed n to
represent equally a vowel and the combination of the Nigari symbols
for r and i. To represent the former, I have substituted

ri. Again,
where, in his translettering, he did not entirely ignore visarga,^ he
allowed a simple h to stand for it. I have preferred h'. A third alterav
tion which I have introduced consists in denoting anuswdra, followed
by a nasal, a sibilant, y, or h, by m, —used elsewhere, also, —and not
by 7t.

As to accents and diacritical marksj 1 have supplied many thousands

which before were wanting. Of the former I have, besides, removed
a great many which were intrusive, and not a few of the latter, as
well.' Further, in At^visikharas (sic),^ for At'avi'sikharas, 2. 169, and
in VyushtA (sic), for Vyusht'i, 2. 249, the dash belonging to a con-
sonant was shifted to the vowel following it ; while in Jdtahasinl (sic),

for Jjilahdsinl, 4. 112, and in Srijdvana (sic),^ for Srijav^na, 1. 152,

the accent of a vowel was transferred to a consonant.

^ For instances where he so ignores it, see the middle of p. 261, infra.
' Thisintended to indicate, that the vpord which it follows is recognized aa

containing some deviation from accuracy over and above that for which it ia topi-
cally adduced. Thus, in Atdvisikharas, the first i is unaccented.
In Professor Wilson's own Index, we have Ativisikbaras, in which, compared with
the name as given in his text, one mistake is redressed, one is added, and one is
That Index, while silently amending a host of minor faults, originates perhaps
an equal number, if not even more.
^ Srijdvana is the still more erroneous form which Professor Wilson inserts iu

his Index.

Numerous errora which I have rectified may be traceable, as many

of those just adverted to are unqaestionably traceabiC, to the indistinfct
way in which Professor Wilson wrote certain letters, to his momentary
forgetfulness, ot else to his negligence in correcting the press.
His a and n were, I conjecture, often much alike.^ If so, we may see
why we find Anavinda, for Anuvinda, 4. 103 Dhutl (sic),2 for what he ;

would optionally have written DhAtd (my Dhdtfi), 2. 27 ; Krosht'i, 4.

53 ; ^ MaAidhanu {sic), for Manidbdna, 4. 221 Nichakra, for Nicbakrn, ;

4. 163; NyUrvuda (stc), for Nyarbuda, 5. 188; Punnagas, for Pannagas,

6, 943 Puru (sic), for Pura, 4. 109;* Purujit, for Purajit, 3. 334;
Ritudh4md (sic),^ for ;6,itadhdman, 3. 27 ; S'atrujit (sic), for Sattrdjita,
5. 81; Sulomadhi, for Salomadhi, 4. 199; Suvarni {sic)j for Sdvarni,

3. 64 ; Vipritha (sic), for Vipf itha, 4. 96.®

His n and' r must sometimes have closely fesetnbled each other.
Hence, presumably, Aniinejaya, for Arimejaya, 4. 148;''^ Anjuna, for
Arjuna, 3. 326; Sanydti (sic), for S'arydti, 3. 13 ;* S'AryAti, for what
he would have written Sanydti (my SarnyAti), 4. 46*
Confusion between a manuscript a and o may be the ground, in part,
or wholly, of Ardga, for Aroga, 5. 191 ; Kulinddpatyakas, for Kulindo-
patyakas, 176; Tapa-loka, for Tapo-loka, 1. 98.^^

If his written a and i were very similar, the dot over the lattei' —
being not seldom omitted, —
we have only to suppose, additionally^ that,
at the press, one was taken for the other, and an error in each of the

* His Index to the VishAu-purdAa authorizes one to be pretty positive on this

* This is referred to again at pp. 257 and 260, infra.
' My annotation there does not express my present opinion. I am now dis-
posed to think tl>at Professor Wilson took Kroshtu to be wrong, and fireferred
the Kroshtfi of the Bhdgavata-purnna ; that he wrote, indistinctly, Kro8h(4
and that the printer mistook this for KroshCi. In 4, 61, Kroshfri {sic), which
appears twice, is intended, I surmise, as the scliolarly substitute for his former
* But see the note there. I hare aseunied that Piiru was intended by " Puru."
This is referred to again at p. 259, infra.
* In his Index, Professor Wilson has amended Anavinda, but has reproduced

Nichakra, Sulomadhi, and Vipritha. instead of Dh6t!, Maliidhanu, and Ritu-

dhtLmi, we there have DhtTiti, Maoidhiina, and Bitudb^man, all of them still faulty,
OS substitutes
' Corrected in 5. 391.
* See 3. 337.
* See note ft there.
^' All three of these errors, however, are copied into Professor Wilson's Index.

word3 following is accounted for : Chitrika,i for Cbitraka, 4. 96 ; Da-

dbichi, for Dadhlcha, 5. 250 ; Daksbasdvarni (sic), for DakshasAvariia,
3. 24; Dbarman, for Dharmin, 4. 169; Dbritamati (sic), for Dbriti-

luati, 2. 152 ; Divaratha, for Diviratba, 4. 133 Bhiiti (sic),^ for Db^td ;

(my Dhdtfi), 2. 27 ; GarddhalDas (sic), for Gardabhins,^ 4. 202 Kd- ;

likd, for Kalakd, 2. 7i;*Kuradrl, for Kumdrd, 2. 131, 132; Mabd-

nanda,.for Mabdnandin,^ 4. 183; Mahislias, for Mabisbins,^ 4. 214;

Naimittaka, for Naimittika, 5. 186; Parvasl, for Purvasd, 1. 153;
Savarrii, for Sdvarna, 3. 27, &c. ; S'llavatl (sic), for S'dldvati, 4. 28;
Sujdti, for Sujdta, 4. 59; SujStl (sic), for Sujdta, 4. 57; Tdmrdyani
{sic), for Tdmrdyana, 3. 57 ; Vikunt'bi, for Vikunt'bd, 3. 17 ; Vitihavya,
for Vitahavya, 4. 40 (bis) ; Vyusbt'a, for Vyusht'i, 2. 249. That the
wrong forms here specified originated as above suggested, is, however,
nothing but theory.* In the case —supplementary to the preceding
list, — of Sukhibala, for Sukbdbala, 4. 165, it is pretty evident that
Professor Wilson allowed his choice of lection to be influenced by the
reading of the Bhdgavata-puj'dtia, and by the translation of the Vish^u-
purdna which was prepared for him at Calcutta and his substitutions ;

for Daksbasdvarna, Kdlakd, Kumdrd, and Sdvarria were, I apprehend,

Other errors, probably arising from the printer's having taken one
letter, unclearly written, for another, are seen in Amtrasild,^ for
Antrasild, 2. 151; Dhava, for Dhara, 2. 23; Ghat'okkacha, for Gha-
t'otkacha, 4. 159; Gohamukba {sic), for Gokdmukha, 2. 141; Jdta-
hashil (sic), for Jdlahdsinl, 4. 112 ; Jayatl, for Jagati, 2. 239 ; Kakkud-
wat {sic), for Kakudmat, 2. 194; Kakudwatl, for Kakudmatf, 4. 112 ;

Kasyata, for Kasyapa, 1. 153; Magh, for Mugh, P. 64; Matlmara

^ Professor Wileon had Chitraka in 4. 94, and in his Index. However, among
the names here grouped together, only this and one or t-^-o others are eflfectually
set right there.
* what I have said of this at p. 256, supra atul at p. 260, infra.
See, also,
3Professor Wilson would have written G-irdabhis, MahiiL-.iudi, and Mabishia,
or else Qardabhis, &c., most probably. I refer to this point at p. 259, infra.

He actually had Mahftnandi ia 4. 182 ; and it passed into his Index. And thera ia
Gardhabas, too, which is nothing.
With reference to JIahanandi, see further, note 12 to p. 259, infra.
* Nevertheless, it is a theory well supported by close inspection of his Index to th*

VUhnu-purdda. There, to name one instance out of fifty adducible, he has made
Satrtljit —
corrupted from Sattr^jit, the reading of some Purdnaa for Sattrdjita,
and Satrujit into one word.
* This, with Ghatokkacha and Jayati, is corrected in Professor Wilson's own

Index; but Dhava and Kasyata are there, and Gohamukba is further worsened
into Gohamuka.

(sic), for Matin&ra,^ 3. 266; Salapalka (sic), for S'atapatha, 3. 63;

Salpa, for Jalpa, 3. 8 ; &c. <kc,

la a multitude 01 instances, I have, on good warrant, put a b instead

of Professor Wilson's v or w. Alterations have thus been effected of
his Kambalavarhioii (.sic), Kokavakas, Kuvera, Nalakuvera (sic), Nyur-

vuda (sic), Prdchlnaverhis (sic), S'aivas (from S'ibi), S^aivya, S'aivyd,

Samvara (sic),^ S'asavindu, S'atavaldka, Sauvalyas, SavaUswas, S'ivi,
Suvala, Trinavindu (sic), Ulwana (sic),^ Upavarhana (sic), Uttdnavar-
hish Valdka, Valakdswa, Valakrama, Vdrhadrathas, Virhaspa-

tyas, Varbish (sic),* Varhishad, Varhishads, Varhishmatl, VAshkala,

VinduDiati, VindusAra, Vopadeva, Vrihaspati (sic), Vrihat (sic), Vrihati
(sic), and all names, &c., which he began with Vrihad- (sic), Vrihan-

(sic), and Vrihat- (sic). On the other^hand, I have changed to v

b in Bajikaraua (sic),^ Bdravd (sic), Chitrabahd,^ Gandhar^a, Gan-
dharbas, Gdndharba, Gandharbl, and his bh in Mahdvishubha.
Lapsing iiiio Sir William Jones's capricious fashion of sometimes
denoting the inherent vowel by e, he wrote Prdchinaverhis (sic), for

Prdchinabarhis, 193; Selu, for Salu, 2. 151, 340 j^ Sherga

1. 192,
(sic), for Shadja, 2. 329 ; Siiryaverchchas, for Sury:ivuichas, 2. 289 ;

Vasavertis (sic), for Vasavartins, 3. 6 ; Viswakerm4 (sic), for Viswa-

karmftn, 1. 145.
In Bengal, and elsewhere in Indiaj the lingual d (3) has much of
the sound of r. Compliance with this corruption is exhibited in
his B&rav4 (sic), for Vadavd, 4. no; Drdviras (sic), for Drdvid'as, 2.

177; Drdriras («tc),' for Dravid'as, 3. 29^, and 4. 117; DrirhamAna

(sic), for Drid'ham^na (1), 4. 196 Kahora, for Kahoda, 5. 164; Ndriki,

for Nildika, 1. 48; Sherga, (sic)^ for Shadja, 2. 329; Sorasi (sic),^ for

Shodasin, 1. 85.
Conforming to the old unscientific mode, he generally put -sh at the

1See 5. 390.
•According to Professor Wilson's Index, "Sambara," who carried off Prti-
dyumna, diflFers from ** Samvara," son of Kasyapa and Danu. One person, under
diflFereut names, is thus made into two.
Professor Wilson's Index has Ulwarfa, which is right as to its nasal letter.
• This we had in 4. 169, but Varhis in 1. 192, and ia the reference to It in his

• Bijikaraila, tut etill wrong, in Professor Wilson's Index.
• In Professor Wilson's Index, Ohitrabslhdl, importing a fresh error.
' It is ihown, in 2. 340, that no proper name ia intended in the original.
' Thic form appears in Profeesor Wilson's Index; and so does N^riki, men-
tioned just below.
• Thi» is mentioned again at p. 260, Infra.

end of substantives, instead of -«. I have altered his Andyush, Archiah,

Bhiitajyotish, Chakshush,i Dan4yU3h,Drid'hadhanu3h(aic), Kambalavar-
hish (sic), Prachinavarhish (sic),^ Pulom^rcbish, Surochish, Swarochisb,
UttAiiavarhish {sic), Varhish (sic),^ Viswagjyotish (sic), Yajush, <fec. &c.

With regard to nouns terminating in -an, his mode of spelling

them was not uniform. This is virtually acknowledged by his " PUshA
or Piishan," 339, and by his Viswakermd (sic),* 1. 145, and

karmd (sic), 2. 24 (fcijj)^ but Viswakarman (sic), 2. 100, and Viswa-

karman, 2. 298, and 3. 272;^ The accent of the nominatival form he
also omitted frequently. Sudh&mas (now corrected), 3.
Hence we find

6, 25, but Sudhdmans, Sudharmas (now corrected), 3.

3. 28, note*;

24, but Sudharmans, 3. 28; Sukarmas (now corrected), 3. 27,

Sukarmans, 3. 28.8 I have altered AtmA and Bhiit4tm4, 1. 3 Har- ;

yAtmd, 3. 35 IndriyitmA, ParamdtinA, and PradhAnitmA, 1. 3; Ritu-


dhdrad (sic),'^ 3. 27 ; and also Parvas, 3. 143, 147; SudAmaSj 2. 175 ;

Sudhdma, 2. 142 ; Yakrillomas (sic), 2. 166.

In like manner, he was far from rigid as to nouns ending with -in.
He had both Pdliu^ and Pdli in 1. 192 ; Kesin, 4. 250, &c. &c., but
Keai (sic), 5. 97 ]^ S'amin.^o 4. g^^ tjut S'ami, 4. 97. I have regularized
his Dkmis, S'ringi (sic), Vaktrayodhl,ii &c. &c. And here, too, he
largely omitted the accent ; thus producing such forms, now redressed,
as, to specify a few only, Kesi, mentioned just above; Kriti (sic), 4.
149 ;
Mahdnandi,i2 4. 182 ; S'ami, mentioned just above ; Saptabhangis

In and in Professor Wilson's Index, under Akdti (rightly, Ak\iti).
1. 178,
» In and twice in Professor Wilson's Index, though referring to pages
1. 157,
where the forms used are Prdchlnaverhis and Prdchinavarhia.
' See note 4 to p. 258, iupra.

* Here, as often below, I copy the form for which I have substituted the cor-

rect one.
the name
Further, in his Index, Professor Wilson gives Viswakarmi (sic) as
of the artist of the gods, and Vis'wakarman as that of a certain solar ray.
Professor Wilson's Index, and
Both Sudhamas and Sudhdmans are entered in
they differed and so both Sukarmas and Sukarmans but.
Sudharmas only.
as if ;

Index, Professor
7 This has already been referred to at p. 256, supra. In his
Wilsou has Ritudhdman.
* This is the form which he registers in his Index.

» Sendni, 2.
25, is correct ; but, in his Index, it
becomes Sendnin, from mistake
aa to its declension.
1" Corrupted, in hja Index, into 6imin.
II In his Index, this is changed into Vaktrayodhi.
Possibly, however. Professor Wilson meant to write thus, complying with the
and did not intend to stiggest the nominutive
lection of the Bkdgavata-purd/ia,
of Mahdlnandin, namely, Mahinandi.

and SaptavAdis, 3, 2og ; Sbrasi (for Shod'asiu), 1. 85 Sumali, 1. 188 ; ;

SyAdvAdis, 209; Vasavertis {sic), 3. 6; Yogi, 5. 228, 230, «fec.


Instead of the crude form, he had the nominatival, in Dhitd,^ }.

118; Pratihartta, 2. 106 ; Vidli^td,- 1. 118 Samrdt (sic), and Swardt :

(sic), 1. 170; YhAt(sic),^ 1. 59, 105, &c., 170, and 2. 107 ; HanumAn,

P. 50, &c. ; MahAn, 1. 117 ; MAlyavdn, 2. 117, &,c. ; Jar4, 5. 143, 152 ;

PuinAn, 1. 3, 23, &c. ; Samvit {sic),* 1. 32 SatyavAk, 1, 177 Swarna-

; ;

bhAk,^ 6. 191. A'yushmanta, for A'yushmat, 1. 1519, and Havishman-

tas,*^ for Havishmats, 3. 163, are impossible. They remind one of,
for instance, Hanumanta, which is common, in Hindi poetry, for
Such of his plurals as Angirasas, Apsarasas, &c., it seemed to me too
bold to disturb, more especially as they were dictated by a fixed prin-
ciple. In my own annotations, and in my Index, however, I have,
everywhere written, for example, Angirases and Apsarases; the singu-
lars of these words being Angiras and Apsaras, not Augirasa and

A little heed should have prevented the presentation of solecisms, «fec.,
like Ahichchatra, for Ahichcbhatra, 2. 1 6 1 Avasatthya, for Avasathya,

5. 115; Dadicha, for Dadhlcha, 5. 250 ; Dharbaka, for Darbhaka, 4

182 ; Dhrisht'asarman, for Drisht'asarman, 4. 95 ; Dhydnajydpyas, fon
DhyAnajapyas, 4, 28; 148; Gach-
Drisht'aketu,'^ for Dhfisht'aketu, 4.
chas, for Gachchhas, 2. 176; Garddhabas, for Gardabhins, 4. 202 ;<
Garddhabhin, for Gardabhin, 4. 209 ; Gavedukd, for GavedhukA, 1. 95 ;
Ghritsamada, for Gfitsamada, 4. 31 ; Ghritsamati, for Gfitsaraati, 4.

136; Ghritsatamas, for Gfitsatamas, 4. 32 ; Gomantha, for Gomanta,

5. 66; Hiranyagarbha, for Hiranyanabha, 3. 324; Kachanlra, for
Kachchhanlra, 2. 286; Kachcbas, for Kachchhas, 2. 169, 176; Kaclj-

^ How DhutI came to appear for Dbdtd, in 2. 27, has been conjectured at
pp. 256 and 257, sup7-a.
^ DMtri {sic) and Vidbiitri {sic) were found in 1. 152.
3 Properly written, these three words have -i in the nominative case singular.
In 1. 105, Professor Wilson had both Virat {sic) and the correct Vir^j in 2. ;

229, the latter. In bis Index, he has three articles, instead of one, to-wit, on
Virdj, on Vir^t, and on Virdt. After Virdj, he adds, in brackets, "or Viddj,"
There is no such word.
The right form, in -d, was used in 1. 172.
' This, I assume, was before the printer, whose senseless SwamdbhJik Professor

"Wilson not only allowed in his text, but inserted in his Index.
* Both Ayushmanta and Havi.sbmantas are in the Index of Professor Wilson.

^ Dhrishtaketu {sic), in Professor Wilson's Index, where, however, occur Dhri-

(ihanemi (sic), and Dhridhilswa (sic), though the names, in his text, contain no h.

chapa, for Kachchhapa, 4. 27, 28; Kaclichiyas, for Kaclicbhiyas, 2.

169 ; Kakkiidwat, for Kakudmat, 2. 194; Kakutshtba, for Kakutstha,

3. 315 ; Mdbibaka, for M^hishaka, i. 220; Modhasinis, for Medahiras,
4. 198; Mitravrindd, for MitravindA, 5. 79; Mlechchas, for Mlech-
chhas, 1. 182 (bis); NAbhAgarisht'ha, for NdbbAgArishtfa, 3. 231,
Ndbhanidkht'a, for NdbbAnedisht'ba, 3. 13, 227 ; NavalA, for Nad'waU,
1. 177; N^disbt'a, for Nedisht'ha, 3. 232, 256, 336; Niryati, for
Niyati, ]. 152, and 5. 387; S'dkhya, for S'akya, 3. 246; S'ankana, for

S'ankhana, 3. 314; Saudbodani, for S'auddhodani, 4. 170; Savarga,

for Sarvaga (or Sarvavega?), 3. 27, 227 ;.Sadanstra, for Sudamsbt'ra, 4.
100; Ucbattbya, for Uchathya, 3. 16; Utatthya, for Utathya, 3. 16 ;
Uttathya, for Utathya, 1. 154; VAvriddhas, for Vachdvf iddhas, 3. 28 ;
Yajnawalk^, for YAjnavalkya, 3. 45 ; Yajnyawalkya, for Ydjnavalkya, 5.
228 j Yuddhamusht'hi, for YuddhamHsht'i, 4. 99, And due regard for
grammar would bave precluded, besides most of tbe foregoing words,
Adho^iras, for AdbaUsiras, 2. 215; Antj^ssiU for Antab'sili, 2. 151;

Apa, for Apali, 1. 57, 58; Dukba, for DuUkha, 1. 112; Marut-loka,
for Marul-loka, 1. 98; NdrA, for Ndrdli, 1. 57, 58 Taiiava, for Tana-

vafa', 1. 57; Ucbchaissravas, for Ucbcbbaibsravaa, 1. 147; Uchcbai-

sravas, for tbe same, 2. 85.^
Most, if not all, of tbe errors which follow are less susceptible of
arrangement according to subject-matters, than those which are dealt
with above ; and they have, therefore, been disposed alphabetically.
A fair share of them have to do witii authors and books quoted by
Professor Wilson, or by myself ; and some of them testify to my own
ignorance or oscitance. Occasionally, where a point is of particular
interest, I have drav/n upon, or referred to, the preceding Index,^ in

Of the errors collected in this paragraph, besides that referred to in the last
note, Qomantha, Kakutshtha, Mlechchas, ^dkhya, and Yuddhamushihi are cor-

rected in Professor Wilson's Index, which repeats, however,

Dharbaka, Gachchas,
Ghritsamada, Kachchas, Kachchiyaa, Mitravrindii, NavaM, Nedishfa, Saukana,
Vdvriddhas, Yajnawalka ; Adhos'iras,
ipa, Dukha, Marut-loka, Nari. Niyati and
have said before,
Yijnawalkya, there, are half-corrections ; Gardhabas is, as I
none at all ; and Uchchraissravas is as bad.
» To take leave of professor Wilson's own Index, lest I may be supposed, by
wrong, where I do
any one who compares it closely with mine, tp be, presumably,
of specifications from it,
not reproduce its statements exactly, I annex a sample
have omitted, with all
which I have displaced in favour of others, or which I
son of Vitihotra
deliberateness. Such are Air^vata, king of serpents ; Bharata,

Brahmabah, teacher of the

Bbdri sou of Bihlika ; Bhdrisravas, son of Bdhlika ;

wife of Kalpa Jyotish-

Sama-veda ; Dhatr'i, son of Vishnu aud Lakshmi Dosbd, ; ;

Maruts, sons of Marut-

mat king of ^aka-dwipa; Madhu, killed by Satrughna ;

Niyut, wife of Mabau (,ir)

Nakula, son of Pdndu ; Ni.'itha, son of Kalpa ;

which, for the rest, abundant inadvertencies of various kinds have

already been indicated.

Abhyutthildswa, for Dbyushit^s- Aripu, for Ripu, sou of Yadu, 4.

wa, 6. 323. 53-

Adliarma, for Dharma, son of Arsht'isena, for Arsht'isheiia, 4. 3 1

Rdmachandra, 4. 210. Arvarlvas, for Arvarlvat, son pf

Adbyushitdswa, AdhyiishitAswa, Savarni, 3. 24.

for Dhyushitdswa, 3. 322, 323. Aryamat, for Aryaman, an Xdi-

Abichhatra, for AhichchhatrA, a tya, 2. 286, 306.
city, 2. 341. Asimakfishna, substituted, from
Ahiksbetra, for Ahikshatra, 2. adopting the reading of the

161 ; 4. 145, Bhagavata-purina, for Adhi-

Aikshwdkava, for Aiksll-v^ka, a slmakfishna, 4. 163.
dynasty, 4. 171, kc. Asmarisdrin, for Asiuasdrin, 4.

Alindayas, for Alindas, 2. 180, ^55-

Ambd, for Anibikd, daugliter of a Atimukta (not, as printed, Ati-

king of the K4sis, 4, 158. mukti), for Avimukta, from

Amitadixwcija, for Mitadhwaja, 3, mistaking a careless Ndgari v
333; 5. 217. for t, 5, 129.

Amitrasaha, for Mitrasaha, 3. 305. Avarttana, for Avartana, 2. 129.

Amurttarajasa, for Amurtarajas, 4. See 2.

15. Ayati, daughter of Mem. Seo
Amurttaraya, for ISturtaya, 4, 15. the preceding Index, under Ni-
Araurttaya, for Amiirtaraya, 4. yati.

Aparyantabala, no name, but an B^Hkala, for Bdshkala, 3. 44.
epithet, 5. 55, Biilikali, for B4shkali, 3. 44.
Arhat, for Arhata, 3. 209 (note 2); B4hu, for Pratibdhu, son of Vajra,
6. 390. 4. 113.

Paraineshtbin (mietaken for Paramekshu), Bon of Anu ; Patbya, teacher of 'thg

Sdma-veda Prabh^, wife of ICalpa Pradosha, B»n of Kalpa Ilibhu, son of
; ; ;

Rudra Ripu and RipiiDJaya, eons of Dbruya BudrdtiJ, wife of a Rudra Rudra-
; ; ;

B^varrii, twelfth Sahadeva, soo of Pandu

Mauu ;
^ala, son of BSibUka Sarpi
; ;

{sic), wife of Siva; Sdya, son of Kalpa; Sujiiti (error for SujiLta), son of Yitibotra;

Sumati, son of Sagara Taru, son of Dbruva ; Tf isbrid, son of Mrityu ; Vidhitri,

son of Vishnu and Laksbnii; Vipra, son of Dbruya; Vrika, son of Vijaya ;
Vr'ikala,son of Dbruva; Vr'ikatejas, son of Dbruva; Vr'isba, son of Vitibotra;
Vyusbta, son of Kalpft. Vinata is described a« wife of Kas'yapa, and ako as wife
of Tiirksba Kas'yapa and T^rkeba are tbe same person.
And b»t the reader
inspect, thougb ever so cursorily, tjifi following pages, to tbe end.

Bah was wa, for Badhryaswa, 4. Dharmasdvarui, for Dharmas4var-

iiika, 3. 26.
145, 146.
Bhairika, for Bhaimarika, 5. 107, Dhatakl {i.e., Dhdtakin), for DhA-
where, in note t. the origin of taki, son of Savana, 2. '201,

the error is po'.nied uut. where see note +. for Dhitaki,

Bhajina, for Bhajin, 4. 71. the name of a region, left unre-

Bhayada, for Abhayada, 4. 127. presented.

Bhlras, for Abhlras, 2. 133, Dhf isht'u, for Dhfishnu, 3. 13.337-

134- Dhiimaketu, for DhumraUesa, 2.

Brahm4, where the original has 29.

VidhAtfi, that is to say, Vishnu, Diis4, for Disas, 1. 117.

5. II Dnptiketu for Dlptiketu, son of

Dakshasdvarna, 3. 25.
Chakshn. for Chakshus, son of DurvAsasa, for DaurvAsasa, P. 87
Purujdnu, 4. 144. (line 2) ; 1. 199.

Chakshupa, tor Kshupa, 3. 242. Durydman, for Durgama (?), 4.

Cha and,' was mistaken for

' 119.
part of a name. Dushitdswa, for Dhyushitiswa. 3.

Cb^kshusha, a gross blunder, in 322, 323.

the Bh^gavata-purana, for chq,
('and') Kshupa, 3. 242. Gahwaras (H), a people, 2. 187.

Chamr>aka. mistaken for pancha- Gdnapdtas, for Ganapatas, 5. 280.

ma, nfth,' 4. 40.
' Gandhamojav4ha, two names, with
Champamdlinl, for Cham])4 or the first corrupted, run into o)ie,
Mdliri 3. 2^9; 4. 12^. 4. 95, where see note
Chandravjjaya, for Chandravijna, Gara, for Nara, 4. 121, where see
4. pote t, on the probable origin
Chedyas, for Chedis, 2. 157, of the error.

Chit-sukha-yoni, for Ohitsukha Gardabhinas, for Gardabhins, 4.

Yogin, P. 115; 5. 385. 203.

Gautan^a, for Gotama, sprung from
Utathya, 3. 16.
Dalaya, for DAlbhya, 3. 7-
Girigahwaras, no name of a people,
Dand'anaya, for Dand'a and Naya,
1. Ill 5. 386. 2. 186.

Goswalu, for Gokhalu, 3. 46,

DArvan, foy Darva, 4. 121.
where see note *. for the origin
Devamld'hush. for Devamid'husha,
of the error.
son of Vrisum, 4. 73.
Gotama, for Gautama, the VyAsa,
Devamld'hush, for Devamid'husha,
son of S'lira, 4, 100. 3.35.
Dharmadhris, for Dharmadhfik,
Harl, for Haryd, 3. i 7.
4- 95-

Hayagrlva, confounded witk Haya- Kritajaya, for Kfita and Jaya, 4.

slrsha, a form of Vishnu, P. 27.

86 ; 5. 2, 3. Kroshtfi {kic), for Krosht'u, 4. 53.

Hayasird, for Hayasiras, daughter Vide supra, p. 256, note 3.

of Vfishaparvan, 2. 70. Krosht'ri, for Kroshtfu, 4. 61.

Hayasiras, for HayasirA, daughter Vide siipra, p. 256, note 3.

of Vaiswdnara, 2. 7 1 (bis). Krosht'uki, for Krausht'uki, 5.

Himdhwa, for Ilima, 2. 103. 381.

Kshatropakshatra, for Kshattra
Jdngalaa, no such people named a7id Upakshattra (1), 4. 95.
in the Vishnu-pur Ana, 2. 156, Ksheml, for Kahemyd, 4. 262.
176. Kubhdnd'a, for Kumbhdnd'a, 5.

Jaratkaru, for JAt\ikar6a, a VyAsa, 109. Probably there was, in-

3. 36. stead of ni in a conjunct, an

Jat'hara. See the preceding Index. annswdra, dimly written, or

Jayantapur (si'c), for Jayanta, a else unnoticed.

ci<;y. 3. 331. Kubjd^ no name, but au epithet,

JrimbhikA. See 1, 82, note t. 5. 2r, 22.

Kukkuras, for Kukuras, 5. 147.

Ka, no wind so called, 4. 304, Kukkura, for Kukura, 4. 97 5. ;

where, in note 1!, the origin of 132.

the error is shown. Kuiid'inapura. See the preceding
Kakud, for Kakubh, 2. 2X ; 5. Index.
388. Kuravas, for Kurus, 4. 184.
K4lik4-purdna. See KiUikA-upa- Kuru, for tlrva, grandfather of
purana, in the preceding Index. Jaraadagni, 3. 16, 80.

KamdkshyA, for Kdmdkhyd, P. 90. Kusa, for Urva, grandfather of

Kambalavarhish, for Kambalabar- Jaraadagni, 3. 16, 80.
hisha, 4. 97, 100. Kusdswa. See 4. 15, note
Kanaka, for Kanavaka, 4. 113.
Kanarka, for Koi'idrka, 5. 311. Lakshand, for Lakshmand, 5. 83.
See Koiidrka, in the preceding Lavana, for Lambana, doubly de-
Index. notative, 2. 195, where, in note
Kadwas, for Kanwdyanas. See I, the origin of the error is de-
the preceding Index. monstrated.
Kausala, for Kausalya, ^ of Ko- Lomaliarslia, for Lomaharshana,
sala,' 5. 82. 3. 64.
Kharadiiahana, for Khara and Lunation, misuse of the term, P
Diishana, 3. 316. 64; 5. 109, 249.
Kodrava, for lioradusha, 1, 95 ;

5. 386. Madhwat, for Mid'hwas, 3. 335.


Madhyama, for Madhya, 3. i88. Mithili,, not the name of a country,

Madra, Madraka, 4. 122.
for as in some places said to be, \.

M4dreyas, no name, 2. 156. 344-

Magadha, for MagadhA, a city (1),

4. 216. Ndbhin, for NAbha, variant of

MagadhA, for Magadha, a country, NdbhAga, 3. 303.
P. 107; 4. 151 ; 5. 50 (where, Najava, for Nahusha, 3. 232.

in note |, read * Magadh4 '). Ndla, error for TAla, a measure so

Magadh4, for the Mag9,dha8, 4. called, 1. 93. A NAgari t must
218, where see note t, for the have been mistaken for n.
origin of the error. Naraka, erroneously substituted
Mahdnandi, 4, 182. Vide supra, for Raurava, 1. 112; 6, 386.

p. 259, note 12. NirAmaya, no name (1), 3. 25.

Mahdndhraka, corrupted from Ma- See the preceding Index.
hldhraka, 3, 332. Niryyilha, for Nirvyuha, 6. 31.
Mahdsaila, no proper name (?), 2. The Sanskrit corresponded, in

197. the former edition.

MahAvanyd, no name, 2. 196. Nishat'ha, for Nisat'ha, 5. 68.
Maitreya, error for Mitrayu, 3. 64, Niyati. See the preceding Index.
note ||.
Nrichakshu, for Nricbakstius, 4.

Mandahira, for Mandaraharina, 2. 164.

Manichaka, for Manivaka, from Pahnavas. See the preceding
mistaking for ch the Ndgarl v Index, and 2. 187, note §.

carelessly written, 2, 198. Pininas, for PAnins, 4. 28.

MArsht'i, for Mdrshi, 4. 109. Panschi, for Pancbi (]), 4. 46.

MArsht'imat, for Mdrshimat, 4. ParAjita, for Apardjita, sou of

109. Krishna, 5. 81.

Maruts, for Marutwats, 2. 21, 22. Pdravas, for PAradas, 3. 290.
Medha, for Medhas, 2. 100; 5. Paushyinji, for Paushpinji, 3. 58,

388. 60, 61.

Medhatithi, Medhdtithi, for Me- PippaUyaai, for Paippaldyani, 3.

dhddhriti, 3. 25, 227, where the 62.

origin of the error is pointed PrAjdpati, for Prdjdpatya, a wind

so called, '5. 204.
Menda, for Mainda, 5. 139. The Prastiitas (K), for Prasutas, 3. 12.

Translator seems to have been Pratibimba. See 1. 82, note t.

misled by M. Langlois's Mpnda, Prativyoman, for Prativyoma, 4.

Meru, substituted, by the Trans- 167.

lator, for Sumeru, 1. 129; 5. Pritliurujcraan, for Pfithurukma,

4. 64.

Priyainedhas, for Priyamedha, 4. S'dntAkbya, for S'dntaraya, 4. 43.

140. Santati, for Saifinati, 4. 37, per-
Pulomat, for Piiloman, 2. 211. haps from mistaking a Ndgari
Purana, for A'piiraiia, 5. 251. t for n.

Purishin, for Purfsbi, 1. 85. Saranga, for S'drnga, 5. 125.

Pnrujit, for Ruchaka, son of Usa- S'Arimejaya, for Arimejaya, 4. 95.
nas, 4. 63. Sarpi, for Sarpis, 2. 109.
Sarpl, for Sarpis, 1. 117 (where
Ratnya, no name, but an epithet, expunge, in note jj,
" Sarpi . . .

2. 199. neuter ").

Rasalomd, for Ru3au4, 4. 117. S'aru, for S'at'ha, from reading as ru

Riithlnara, for Rathltara, son of the Ndgari letter for f7j, 4. 1 09.
Pfishadaswa, son of Virupa, 3. Sarvapapabard, no name, but an
258. A Nilgari t was mistaken epithet, 2. 196.
for n. S'asadharman, for S'atadhanwan,
Ratnagarbha Bhat't'a, for Ratiia- 4, 190.
garbha Bhat't'AcbArya, 5 385. S'atdbhishd (rightly, S'atabhisha),
Riju, for jftijwAhwa, 5. 382, 385. substituted, by the Translator,
Rina, for Rinajya, 3. 35. for S'atabhishaj, 2. 268 ; 3.

Rishikesa, for Hrishlkesa, 4. 278. 167, 169.

Rom^nas, for Romans, 2. 176. S'atadhanu, for S'atadhauus, son
Ropdnas, for Ropans, 3. 176. of Hridika, 4, 99.
Rukman, for Rukma, 4. 64. Satrdjit, Sifcrajit, for Sattrdjita, 4.

Rushadru, for Rushadgu, from 74; 5. 148.

reading as drxi the Nigari con- S'atmijit, for Sattrdjita, 5. 81.

junct letter for dgu. Saubhima, for Subhlmd, 5. 83.

Saudattd, for Sudattd, 5. 82, St,.

S'aktri, error for S'akti, son of Saurapatas, for Saurapatas, 0.

Vasisht'lia, 1. 6-8, 155; 3. 35, 280.

36, 306. Savala, for Savana, son of Priya-
Salak4, for S'AUkya, 4- 33. vrata, 2. 100, where, in note t,

Salu (Selu), no word (for khalu), the origin of the error is demon-
2. 151, 340. strated.
S'alya, tor S'&iwa, king of tbe Sau^ Selu. See Salu.
bhas, 5. 70. Simdlakariii, Simalakarni, for
S'alya, for S'ala, son of Somadatta, S'rlmallaLarni, 4. 195, 200.
5. 134. S'isirayana, for S'aisirdyaha, 5. 53,
Sam parAy aria, for Pariyana, 3. 57. note *.

S'ankhap^da, for S'ankbauid, the S'itoda, for Asitoda, 2. 117.

LokapAla, 1. 155; 2. 86, 263, Somasushmdpana, for Sauina-
338. Bushmdyana, 3. 35.

S'rdvanti, error for S'rAvastl (noted Trayyaruna, for Tryarurta, 3. 65.

as such), 3. 264. Trayydruna, for Tryaruna, 3. 284,

S'rlvaswdni, no name, most pro- note I.

bably, 4. 196, 200. Trina, no name, 4. 121.

StliAneswara, for Stli^iiwlswara, Triydruna, for TriyAruni (?), 3.

2. 143 ; 5. 388. 221, 340.

Sudhdmans, for Sutr^nrans, 3. 28.
Sudhanush, for Sudhanu, 4. 148. Udayiubhadraka, for Udayibhad-
Sudhanwan, substituted, by the raka, 4. 182.
Translator, for S'atadhanwan, 4. Ujasi, no name, most probably, 4.

89. 123.
Sudhanwat, for Sudhanwan, 4. Urddhabdhu, for UrdhwabAhu,
148. son of Vasisht'ha, 1. 155.
S'udhinandi, for Sushtuandi, 4. Urddhabdhu, for tirdhwabdhu, a
211. ]^ishi, 3. 10.

SukiimAra, substituted, by the Urn, for tlrva, grandfather of Ja-

Translator, for Sukumdraka, 4. madagiii, 3. 16, 80.

76, ikc. Utsavamauketas, for Utsavasan-

Sumalin, for Sundman, 5. 41. ketas, from mistaking a broken
Sumallis, for Sumallikas, 2. 175. Ndgari s for m, 2. 179.
S'unahsephas, for S'unafisepha, 3. Uttarakuru, substituted, by the
289; 4. 25. Translator, for Kuru,» 2. 123.
Sunanda, for Sunandana, 4. 197.
Supratltba, for Supratlka, 4. 168, Vdbllkas, Vdhlikas, See the pre-
S'lirdbhiras, error of M. Langlois, ceding Index.
for S'liras aiid Abhfras, 2. 133. Vaideha, for Videha, 3. 330.
Susuma, for Susrama, 4. 175. Vdma Yamdchdrin, for Vimdchd-
Suvlthi, for Swarvlthi, 5. 388. rin (?), 5. 326, 392.
Swadhd, for SudhA, wife of VAuia- Vapra, for Vaprlvan, 3. 34.

deva, 1. 117. Vapu, for Vapus, daughter of

S'ydla, no name of a person, 5. 53. Daksha, (fee, 1. 109, no.

Vardnasl, Vardudsi, for Vdrdnasi,
Tdlaka, for Pattdlaka, 4. 197, (fee, 5. 121.

note t. Vasahanu,"for Vatsahanu, 4. 141.

Tamasitra, for Tambamitra, 5. Vedasira, 2. 29. See the preceding

250. Index, where the words "rightly,

Timrapakshi, for T^mrapaksha, 5. Veda^iras" require explaining.
107. The advertent corruption in the

Tomalaka, for Tosalaka, from mis- 3h4gavata-purdlia is Vedasira,

taking a broken NAgarl s for for which the Translator substi-

m, 5. 39. tuted Vedasiras.


'VibhrAtra, for Vibhr^ja, 4. 141, Vrihadbr&jaj for Bfibadrdja, 4.

Viraja, for Vair4ja, 2. 86, 262. 169.

Viswagaiwa. See the preceding Vrihadrathantara, for Bfihat and
Index. Rathantara, 3. 295^ 343.
Viswagiyotiah, for Visliwagjyotis, Vrishak4hwd, for Vfishakd, 2.

2. 107. 154-
Viswaksena. See the preceding Vrishasdhw^, for VfishasA, 2

Index. 154.
Vi^waphiirji, for Viswasphiirji, 4. Vyushit^wa, for Dhyushit^swa,
217. 3. 322, 323-
Viswasaha, for ViswasAhwan, 3. Vyutthitdswa, for Dhyushitdswa,
6.391. 3. 322, 323.
325 ;

Viswavyarchas, for Viswatry-

archas, 5. 191, which see in the Yajnakrit, for Yajnakfita, 4. 44.
preceding Index. Yaunf, for Yonl, 2. 194.
Vivinsati, for Vivimsa, 3. 243. Yuyudhiina, for Yuyudhan, 3.

Vraja, for Vajra, son of Anirud- 334, note ttt.

dha, 5. 108.


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