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Forced to be a Ponygirl

(Jan 16, 2012 at 04:32 AM) -

Forced to be a Ponygirlby AmyH
Synopsis: Young Amy is forced to be a ponygirl and fetish slut for many. This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always
dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go…
Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A
handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette
who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then
there had been something about going home in a taxi, and then everything went blank…
She wished she could remember, because it might give her a reason as to why she was currently stripped naked and
locked in a small cage. A cage. It was a steel cube of three or four feet, not nearly enough for her to stretch out in. The
only semi-comfortable way she could fit in the cage was to bring her knees up to her chest and wrap her arms around her
legs. She was cold and shivering in the cage, and looking around her, it looked like a medieval dungeon. This was not
good, Amy thought, and shivered and squirmed in her nakedness.
“Amy Henderson. Twenty-three years old. College student, third year of a liberal arts degree. Your marks
aren’t too bad. Parents live in California. A long way from this place. Two brothers, one younger, one older.
Haven’t had a boyfriend in a few months.”
Amy lifted her head to try and see who was speaking, but only succeeded in banging her head on the bars. She craned
her neck and still couldn’t see. “But…how do you know all that?” she asked, her voice broken
and raspy from the cold as well as her fear.
“We’ve been watching you for a while, Amy. Six months, in fact, we’ve watched you and gathered
information on you, kept tabs on where you were going and what you’ve been doing. We think you’re the
perfect sort of girl for this. You should be honoured. Not many girls are chosen for the program that you’ll be
She sniffled. “What program do you mean?”
The speaker came into view. It wasn’t the handsome man from the bar, it was an older man, perhaps in his fifties.
What frightened her more than anything else was that this man was dressed in leather, with chains and other implements
dangling from his belt. His leather jock didn’t hide much of the huge bulge that was at his crotch.
“Why, Amy, you’re going to be made into the perfect ponygirl.”
She knew enough to start screaming for help.
“No one’s going to hear you, Amy, you’re deep underground here. And if you scream too much,
perhaps we’ll just do what we did to the last girl. We just didn’t like her after all that screaming, and so, I
believe it was even using the cage that you’re currently in now, we just dropped the cage into a vat of boiling
Amy was immediately silenced.
“We’re putting you to sleep now. There’s no use resisting. When you wake up, you’ll be a
little sore, but you should be just what we want.” The chloroform gas filled the cage and despite her frantic efforts
to stay awake, Amy was out like a light.

Groggily Amy awoke. She was in the cage again. It must have been a while since the last time she was awake, but she
had no way of telling the time in this underground dungeon. And she was sore all over. And she felt strangely full in some
Her blurred vision coming into focus, Amy noticed that for the first time, her tits were almost always in her field of vision.
Her tits! They had enlarged them by half a dozen cup sizes! Where once they had been a cute B-cup, now they were
obscenely huge, almost like twin basketballs. They must be at least a double FF-cup now. She felt a sore pang at each
of her nipples and realised with growing horror that whoever had done this to her had also pierced them. Thick gold rings
now adorned her nipples, so big they were an inch in diameter.
The pain and shock didn’t end there. Lower down, and with growing reluctance as she just knew she would
encounter something she didn’t like, Amy found that her labia was pierced with a gold ring as well. Her feet
didn’t feel quite right either; she couldn’t quite straighten them as normal. It was as if her Achilles had been
shortened or tightened somehow.
Realising all that had happened to her – and the permanent nature of all these modifications – Amy began
to cry. There was absolutely no way that she could return to her old life now. Her parents likely still thought she was in
college, and would for the next six months before she was due back at home. People disappeared from college every
now and then, to travel or on emergencies. She wouldn’t be missed there much either. Sobbing, Amy leaned
against one side of the cage, futilely trying to lift the top from its hinges but finding it securely locked shut.
“There, there, Amy,” came a voice, and it was the older man from before. Within a few moments he was
beside the cage, and reaching a hand in to fondle her sore breasts. Amy shied away but he insistently squeezed the
huge mounds.
“These tits are perfect. Just as we ordered them. And having your tits pierced was a nice welcome addition too.
Saves so much trouble later.” As both her tits were being felt up from the guy behind her, Amy was disgusted at
feeling a great big bulge at her back. Clearly his cock was erect.
A bright red ball gag was produced from one of the man’s hands. Amy fought, but inside the confines of her tiny
cage it was impossible to stay ungagged for long. In a few seconds a bright red ball gag was in her mouth and securely
locked behind her head. - The Human Pony Registry Powered by Mambo Generated:20 November, 2013, 10:52
“I’m going to let you out, Amy, but you must be obedient and not run away. The dungeon door is locked,
just in case you were hoping to escape quickly, and there’s no other way out, so I suggest you do as I
Slowly the top of the cage was unlocked and Amy was coerced to her feet. She almost toppled over; not used to the
changes in her legs, she couldn’t stand up properly. The man laughed.
“Oh, I had forgotten we did the Achilles adjustments. Darren!” he shouted, and the door swung open, was
swiftly locked behind, and a younger man came in the dungeon. He was the handsome young man from earlier, but he
looked predatory as he saw Amy tottering on her feet.
“Hold her up, while I lace up her armbinder.” Darren did this, crushing Amy’s huge tits against his
own chest as the older man took both her arms, and forced them into a leather monoglove behind her back. Amy
protested with whimpers through her gag, but the older man laced it up tighter and tighter before securing the straps
around her shoulders that would ensure the armbinder was completely tight and unescapable.
Now helpless and still gagged, Amy could only watch in horror as the two men worked to encase her feet in thigh-high
leather boots. What was frightening was that the boots weren’t even usual high heels; they were ballet boots,
which forced her toes pointing to the ground while having an 8” stiletto heel. They laced the boots so tightly that
she could feel right up to her thighs being squeezed and encased by the tight leather.
“Perfect! Darren, you can go.” The young man departed quickly. The older man came around to face Amy
now, who was balancing precariously on her new ballet boots, naked except for the boots and armbinder.
“From now on, you may call me Master Jeremy. Well, you won’t call me often, because almost ninety
percent of the time you’ll be gagged, but you’ll know me as Master Jeremy anyway,” he chuckled.
“Before we get you all completely fitted out as a ponygirl, I need to take you on a bit of a tour of the facilities here
so you get to see what we’re about.”
It was then that Amy saw he had a long chain in his hands. But there was no leash and collar…instead, Jeremy
threaded the chain through the two nipple rings she had in her enhanced tits. He braced a hand against her chest to
balance her and gave an experimental tug. Amy cried out into her gag and he smiled.
“Come follow.” He pulled on the chain and Amy was forced to follow, hobbling in her ballet boots and her
arms tightly secured behind her.
“This is to encourage you to be as obedient as you possibly can. The life of a ponygirl isn’t a bad one,
Amy, and after a while you may even return to a relatively normal life. If you please us.” Jeremy’s
conversational tone was at odds with the scene that lay before her. Amy was at the doorway of another dungeon room,
and this time, there was someone else in it.
She looked to be a blonde girl, one of those types who used to be a busty high school cheerleader. She clearly would not
be a cheerleader now, though, because her arms had been amputated, leaving her only with two legs.
“This is Hayley, Amy,” Jeremy said, and Amy was horrified to see that Hayley responded, looking up with a
ball gag in her mouth, similar to Amy’s. God, the girl was still alive and they’d just taken her arms off.
“Hayley has been like this for about a year. She wasn’t a very obedient pony, and so we made the decision
to remove her arms, to make her a bit more compliant. Now she has no way of fighting or resisting any of the men who
come in here to enjoy her. You’ll notice her tits are still ripe and delicious, and her pussy is still shaved and her
ass is still tight – it’s everything a man wants.
“Hayley doesn’t see the outside so much anymore. Usually older men have just paid a few thousand
dollars to have Hayley all to themselves for a night. We like to tease her by not locking the door. She still hasn’t
figured out how to open it with her mouth yet. One day she went on a hunger strike but we just fed her through an IV line,
and we’ve kept her alive like this for a year. And will keep her for a few more. You wish you had obeyed now,
don’t you, Hayley?”
The sad, forlorn blonde girl nodded vigorously. Her eyes met Amy’s for a brief moment, and they told the brunette
girl, “Just do what they say. Don’t end up like me.”
Amy learnt her lesson that day. She was reluctant, but she’d have to obey.
Later that day, Jeremy had fitted her with more items. Instead of the ball gag that had occupied her mouth earlier, Amy
now had a black bridle with bit gag attached to her head. The weight of the whole thing kept her off balance for a while
until she had learned to adjust. Her thigh-high ballet boots remained securely fastened on, as well as her leather
armbinder. A thick posture collar ensured her head was held up high, and the leash attached to the collar ran through her
two nipple rings before coming out the top of her collar, ensuring her huge breasts were stimulated and lifted high. A
latex waist-cincher clasped her slender frame; but it did not have cups for her tits nor reach down to her crotch and
merely served to decorate her midriff.
“We need you all dressed up and ready, because we have the inauguration tonight. Every time a new ponygirl
arrives, we introduce her to the group.”
Jeremy led her into another room – this one still below ground, but well-lit. It seemed more like a den than a
dungeon, with various creature comforts like sofas and lights and thick carpets. There were about ten different pairs in
the room – each pair consisting of one male master and a submissive ponygirl, all dressed more or less the way
that Amy was.
“Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Amy here. Formerly Amy Henderson, but now you will know her as Amy
the pony slut with the biggest tits in the group!” Jeremy laughed. “Amy Big Tits here has the biggest rack
that Dr Jansen has done in any of his operations with this fetish club.”
There were appreciative murmurs around as Jeremy led Amy into the centre of the room. “Please, fellow
ponygirls, make Amy feel welcome.” - The Human Pony Registry Powered by Mambo Generated:20 November, 2013, 10:52
Amy didn’t know what was worse. All the male masters ogling her, eyeing her tits and her fine derriere, knowing
she would later be completely helpless and at their mercy…or the submissive ponygirls closing in on her now, many
of them expertly trained over many months and even years. They looked at her longingly and lovingly, some ponygirls
rubbing their breasts against her body, others nuzzling at her legs. One particularly enthusiastic ponygirl was busy
rubbing her nose deep in between Amy’s buttocks, while another rubbed up against her crotch. Amy found herself
blushing as she almost enjoyed the attentions of the other ponygirls.
That is, until one master had firmly grabbed her leash and yanked on it hard. Her huge breasts were drawn taut and her
nipples stretched, and Amy gave a muffled scream from behind her bit gag. The ponygirls had withdrawn again and now
it was the turn of the masters to have a fondle, and they were much rougher about it. One master pulled hard at the gold
rings in her nipples, seeing how far they would stretch, while another came up behind her and cupped those huge tits in
his hands, squeezing and bouncing them up and down.
What was worse was that another master had snuck up behind her, and suddenly Amy felt something very cold nestle up
against her anus. She shrieked and her body was immediately straight and taut, inching higher and higher in an effort to
get away from the lubricant-coated finger that was slowly but surely penetrating her buttocks. While this was going on,
another man was spanking her tight little posterior and more than one cock was being taken out into full view.
“We know better than to sample a new ponygirl’s mouth before she’s been properly trained,”
Jeremy explained, “So these nice men are just going to have to be content with pounding your bottom and
thrusting deep inside your pussy for the rest of the night. And you know, a good ponygirl always knows how to take it up
the ass – and they almost invariably take it up the ass doggystyle.”
Amy protested and screeched through her bit gag but the men were forcing her down to her knees, and before long a
man had found a short chain which he attached to a hook in the floor. He passed it through her nipple rings before
securing it back to the floor, and with her arms behind her in the monoglove, Amy was now helpless, her face and
shoulders pushed into the carpet and the short chain preventing her from lifting her nipples more than six inches off the
ground. She was going to be stuck in this humiliating position with her ass up in the air forever until someone would
detach the chain for her. Otherwise even raising herself up a few inches would hurt as her huge breasts were tugged on
by the chain.
She could see nothing, and so was completely surprised at the first cock that speared up inside her. Her poor little ass
was stuffed completely full by a throbbing member that felt like Amy to be thicker than a baseball bat, although it was
really only of pornstar-size proportions. Thrusting slowly and deeply, whoever was mounting her was enjoying sliding all
ten inches of his dick deep within her ass, fucking her bottom. He held her and caressed her tits gently, in comparison to
the fluid, unrelenting motion of his thrusting deep within her ass. Amy felt her anal ring was going to burst – it
couldn’t take that much punishment! Just as she felt her pucker was going to explode and kill her, the man blew
his load deep within her guts and got up again.
Amy was sobbing into her bridle, unable to even lift her head high enough to see what was going to happen next. This
time, it was a little gentler as the next man decided to take her pussy instead. Expertly teasing her folds, the man
managed to coax some natural lubricant from her pussy by first sliding his fingers in and out in a relaxing, slow motion.
Amy couldn’t help herself rocking back and forth in timing to his fingering. He knew his way around a girl’s
pussy so well. And then his fingers were replaced by a cock just as large as the first, if not larger. For a full fifteen
minutes the man pounded her in the doggystyle position, his balls slapping up against her crotch from time to time, and
occasionally with an exploratory thumb spreading her buttcheeks apart and finding its way into her fleshy, tight rectal
The third man who took her ordered his ponygirl to kneel in front of Amy, and soon her head was buried in another
ponygirl’s crotch. This ponygirl must have been a wanton slut from watching the activities, as she almost
suffocated poor Amy through her enthusiasm, her juices flowing freely and her hands relentlessly holding Amy’s
head against her pussy. She could do very little licking with the bridle in her mouth, but the ponygirl used Amy’s
face as a surface for rubbing her pussy, and holding Amy’s head so securely in her hands, Amy was too busy
trying to take gasps of breath to realise that someone was now plundering her asshole with renewed vigour.
The night continued on for what seemed like endless hours, until Jeremy detached her tits from the floor by unlinking the
chain. Amy staggered to her feet, and then collapsed to her knees again. Her face was covered in cum. Many of the
masters had chosen to degrade her by drenching her face and her hair with their sticky loads, and Amy could smell their
seed all over her. Still sobbing and half-crying, Jeremy smacked her glistening ass, where cum had been sprayed too.
Cum was all over her body. Her humiliation was complete when one of the masters began taking photograph after
photograph of all of this. Presumably to put up on a website somewhere so everyone would see the big-titted Amy as a
cum-drenched ponygirl.
“I hope you enjoyed the night,” Jeremy said, though he was insincere. “I counted thirteen loads in
your ass, eight loads in your pussy, and seven drenched on your face and hair. You should wear that cum like a trophy,
pony slut.” He didn’t let her clean herself up. In fact, she was simply allowed to sleep where she was.
The next day Amy awoke in the carpeted orgy room, dried cum all over her sweet body and over her aching breasts. Her
hair was a tangled mess; usually her long brunette locks were a cause for pride, but not now, with cum all over them.
Wearily she saw one of the night’s ponygirls coming over to her, although she was without her ponygirl attire and
was instead completely naked.
“I’m Melinda,” she introduced herself, and began stroking Amy’s hair, keeping Amy’s
head in her lap. Gradually she managed to get Amy out of her ponygirl fetish gear, with the hated ballet boots coming off
and her monoglove armbinder also being removed. Amy moaned in pain as feeling returned to her arms again, and she
felt unable to physically move with all the soreness. She could barely walk as is, her ass having been ploughed so - The Human Pony Registry Powered by Mambo Generated:20 November, 2013, 10:52
roughly last night that she literally couldn’t walk straight. Melinda finally took the bit gag off, leaving Amy naked
but able to talk for the first time in 24 hours.
“I’m Amy,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from days of not using it. “Can you help
me?” she begged.
Melinda smiled – a smile that confirmed Amanda was quite content with her lot as a ponygirl and as a submissive
slave to her master. “Not in the way that you want, Amy, but let’s get you cleaned up.”
She was taken for a cold shower that only served to make her nipples even more erect. Melinda was an expert massager
and soon Amy was pristine, completely clean. Melinda couldn’t resist that delectable, inviting bottom and playfully
slipped a finger up it when she was soaping Amy up. Amy cried out from all the soreness up her butt and whimpered for
Melinda to stop. She stroked Amy’s washed hair and said she’d only stop if she did something very special
for her.
Melinda bent over and presented her perfect, small ass towards Amy. Amy reluctantly knelt, and used her small hands to
spread Melinda’s buttcheeks wide. The puckered anus of her temporary mistress opened wide and Amy
tentatively put her tongue out and licked it. Melinda urged her on and soon Amy was kissing and worshipping
Melinda’s ass.
“Turning our Amy into a nasty little buttlicker, I see,” Jeremy said, as he came into the room while Amy was
still performing her submissive rimming duties. “Of course, I fully approve. Thank you Melinda, you may go. Amy,
you can continue rimming, this time on me.” He sat back on a couch and spread his legs.
Poor Amy soon was manhandled and both of Jeremy’s hands were on her head in a vice-like grip, forcing her into
his butt. It was not at all like Melinda’s gorgeous bottom, and instead was a filthy mess that Amy still had to lick
and kiss and worship. As she did this, Jeremy began talking out loud about their plans for later that night.
“After you’ve had a good rest, we’re going to go to one of the fetish clubs nearby. I’ve been
offered a very tidy sum to have you installed in one of the public rooms. Now don’t worry, I haven’t offered
them your ass – although that wonderfully tight back passage of yours surely would have collected a few more
thousand dollars for the night – and I haven’t offered them your pussy, as I expect you’d be sore
after last night’s all-night orgy and sex romp.”
Amy was a little confused as to how this could mean she was out for public use, although she assumed this meant she
would be forced to give a ton of blowjobs. Jeremy didn’t say anymore, and she wasn’t able to ask any
more questions as she was promptly ball-gagged again. Before they went out for the night, Jeremy made her wear some
rubber maid gear. The ponygirl ballet boots were back on, and she was made to wear long, elbow-length rubber gloves,
as well as a latex corset that emphasised her bust. Jeremy allowed her to wear a heavy coat when they were
approaching the club.
It was a popular fetish club by the looks of it – a long line was waiting outside to get in. Jeremy must have had
privileges because he was immediately escorted to the front of the line. Amy could feel people’s eyes on her and
more than a few had tried to catch a glimpse of her bare tits underneath the coat. Jeremy had taken note of this as well.
Just as they were about to go in, Jeremy spun her around to face the crowd, opened up her jacket, fondled her huge, FF-
cup tits and said to the crowd, “She’ll be in one of the public rooms for three hours tonight!” to many
cheers from the line. Amy felt humiliated and degraded, and blushed as Jeremy dragged her inside.
But worse was to come. Amy was led into a seemingly pristine, white room. She didn’t realise what it was for, until
Jeremy forced her down on her haunches. There was a huge dildo that was secured to the floor. It must have been at
least 10 inches high, if not more, and it protruded up from the ground near one of the walls.
“Amy dear, this dildo goes up your ass. You need to kneel down on it and let it go in. I’ve brought some
lubricant to make it a bit easier for you.” Jeremy’s fingers went to her ass, and oiled it up, and soon eased
the head of the huge cock between her asscheeks. Slowly it went in, with her master insistently pushing down on her
shoulders to force it right up her tight squirming butthole.
He took some straps and secured them with rings in the floor, strapping her thighs down against the floor so she could
not raise her legs or remove herself from the dildo. A strap around her waist secured her against the wall, and then a
metal clasp was fastened around her neck and locked to the wall. She was now completely secured in a kneeling
position. Jeremy completed the ensemble by producing a huge ring gag. Forcing it between her lips, Amy now felt like
her jaw was being wedged wide open, the ring gag easily keeping her mouth open by miles.
“You might not understand this all yet, Amy,” Jeremy said, almost apologetically. “But you’re
stuck here for the next three hours. And if it helps, I think out of the corner of your eye, you can probably just see that
sign above the door.”
Amy craned her neck in her bondage to try and read the sign. It said, “Welcome to Amy Big Tits, Tonight’s
Toilet Slut. Please only urinate on her, although you are allowed to cum on her face, or go for a titfuck. If you’re
wondering, her tits are a full, 32FF cup. Master Jeremy’s property.”
Jeremy patted her on the cheek. “See you in three hours, big tits.”
After a few minutes, a small crowd had gathered. Men were laughing as Amy futilely tried to avoid the streams of piss
that were hitting her. Soon her hair was a sopping wet mess, with the stink of urine, and with the ring gag holding her
mouth open, some even forced her to drink their piss, filling her reluctant mouth with their yellow liquid. There were many
men who took advantage of her defenceless, bare tits that were on offer. Most titfucked her while pushing her huge
breasts together with their hands, while others pulled on her nipple rings while rubbing their cocks in her deep cleavage.
Three hours seemed to go on forever, until Jeremy returned.
“I’ve got a special request from someone, we’ll need to take you to a private room.” Jeremy
began unbuckling her from the toilet slave position, much to the dismay of several young men who were waiting in line for - The Human Pony Registry Powered by Mambo Generated:20 November, 2013, 10:52
a chance to fuck Amy’s tits. He dried her off with a towel, and replaced her ring gag with a more conventional ball
gag. “He’s paying some big money to fuck your ass.”
In the private room, Amy got the shock of her life. It was Professor Byrne from college! He was one of her college
professors. The academic had a broad grin on his face as Jeremy led a near-naked Amy into the room.
“I believe you know this one?” Jeremy said.
“Indeed I do,” Byrne said, without a hint of regret. “Amy Henderson…who knew you had it in
you to be such a slut. If I’d known you were this slutty and were going to get huge inflated tits like this, I would
have had you in my office long ago, and I would be pounding your bottom out while you got straight A’s in my
classes. We could’ve both had something out of it! But now, I’d rather just take your ass.”
“I’ve always dreamed of humping your sweet bottom, Miss Henderson,” Byrne went on, as he
coaxed Amy onto her back on the carpeted floor. He had her push her legs up by her ears and fetched a black rope. With
growing alarm, Amy realised he intended to fuck her in a most uncomfortable position.
Amy had done gymnastics before, and so was reasonably flexible. Byrne was testing that to the limit. He put a hand at
each of Amy’s ankles, and then pushed, gently but firmly, until her ankles were up at her ears, and then behind
her head. He then securely tied her ankles behind her head with the rope, so that Amy was a tightly-tied bundle, her ass
painfully exposed.
Byrne pushed and squeezed her enormous tits, tucking a pinky finger in each of the rings and pulling up sharply. Amy
had to arch her back, to ease the pain, made even harder with her legs tied behind her head. Roughly Byrne forced her
back down to the ground, and whipped out his cock. It was a 10 inch monstrosity. Amy moaned as he eased it into her
tight anus, the huge pecker popping in with ease as he brutally rammed the rest of his length home.
“All that time, you wearing those hotpants, or those really tight sexy jeans, I’ve always wanted to have your
ass, and now I do have it.” Byrne was clearly enjoying fucking the shit out of his student’s ass.
“You’re such an anal slut. I wonder how much Jeremy would sell you for.” He continued to
mercilessly pound her bottom, Amy’s tight buttocks squeezing and clenching around his cock involuntarily. Her
rectum was a warm, tight delight.
After a few more minutes, Byrne exploded in her bottom, streams of cum flooding her rectum. Amy could only shudder
and writhe on the floor in agony as Byrne untied her from her strict bondage and feeling flooded back into her tired limbs.
“She’s a good fuck, Jeremy,” Byrne remarked to Amy’s master.
“Oh yes, she is. I expect I’ll be plowing her ass most nights for the next year or so!” Jeremy
laughed. “There’s still a lot of training to go yet. But I think we’ve initiated her in the things that
matter. Come on, big tits. Let’s get you some rest. You can fuck some more guys tomorrow. There’s
always tomorrow.”
And that’s how Amy’s first few days as a ponygirl slut ended. With her big tits and that surgically-enhanced
figure, she was sure to be the cum bucket of many more loads in the future! - The Human Pony Registry Powered by Mambo Generated:20 November, 2013, 10:52

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