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Get Flat Abs and Slim Body without fad diet My miracle water.

September 26, 2!2"n#lishdiet, healthy, miracle $uice, miracle water, slim

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.han% to Allah S/. ,0 ha'e no problem in maintainin# my a'era#e wei#ht.
"'en thou#h 0 am not li%e those s%inny1thin models where as my BM0 is barely
22, 0 am satis3ed enou#h. 0n fact, 0 don4t want to loo% so s%eleton1li%e at my
a#e now. .he best thin# is that 0 am able to %eep my stomach almost 5at.
)ep6 0 won4t blu7 by sayin# it is totally 5at li%e teena#ers. But, so far 0 ha'e no
problem in choosin# any dress to wear. +nly that , 0 am no lon#er prefer to
wear se-ily by showin# my aurat.
Anyway, 0 am afraid 0 can assume that, it is what most people especially
women want in their life. 8o too fat not to s%inny, $ust nice to loo% at.
.he problem is that 9 in our busy life we for#et that time #oes by 'ery fast.
.ic%,tic%,tic%..and you are already :;;; but your worst eatin# habit is still
maintained while your physical acti'ities are almost reduced to <ero. )our
metabolism rate is slowin# down with a#e. By the time you reali<e it, your are
already ! lbs e-tra. 0 always hear women sayin# why their wei#ht %eep on
risin# up. /hy they don4t ha'e this problems when their a#e at 21(.
.he same #oes to me. =a'in# my a#e o'er : ma%es maintainin# my ideal
body wei#ht 'ery hard. >aily e-ercise which 0 li%ed to do before is no lon#er
my priority. /ith my new hobby of internet blo##in#, 0 can say that it4s almost
a year 0 s%ipped the e-ercise acti'ities e-cept for my house%eepin# routine
and #ardenin#. 0 become a couch potato with laptop.
?nowin# my body metabolism is no lon#er as #ood as 0 was youn#, 0 need to
ma%e some other alternati'e habits in maintainin# my wei#ht especially my
abs. After searchin# throu#h many tips and #uidelines on how to reduce the
abs si<e, 0 ha'e found this solution which is 'ery #ood and e7ecti'e. /hy did
0 say #ood@ Because you can see the result Auite fast. +ne or two days after
ha'in# throu#h the process, you can see the proof and it surely moti'ates
you to %eep doin# it as a routine. .hen, you reali<e that you don4t ha'e to #o
throu#h all those cra<y diet pro#rams that ma%e your poc%et empty. 0t4s all
$ust part of your daily diet habit.
/hy those commercial diet formulas or slimmin# pills fail you@
For me, not all those slimmin# diet and formulas are fraud. Some are really
#ood. .hey actually do not fail you but it is their e-pensi'e price that do. For
e-ample, if you are ta%in# the slimmin# pills, let say you buy the cheapest
one at normally about ,M( per bottle and it is $ust for half supply. So !
month is about ,M 6.. )ou ha'e to put aside such amount of money e'ery
month for that and of cause no matter what they say, you want to see the
result as soon as possible. 0f not, ha'in# to waste your money will surely
demoti'ate you to continue. .hen you stop entirely. ,emember, on a'era#e,
most of us are not that rich man4s wife. And this is only e-ample but we all
%now 'ery well that the actual cost is way too much more e-pensi'e
especially those with spa style pac%a#es.
.hat is why 0 prefer to simply ma%in# my own diet recipes. 0f consume
e'eryday it become habit li%e you drin% co7ee or tea. 04'e been doin# it for
almost ten years now and e'ery time my friends as% me the secret to
maintain 5at abs, 0 don4t ha'e a clue to answer. For me it4s nothin# else
e-cept for chan#in# my eatin# habit.
Bear in mind, only a seriously committed person in reducin# body wei#ht can
see result and %eep up those result. From my e-perience, people who fail
always #i'e a lot of reasons without e'en tryin# it 3rst. .hose people who
ha'e tendency to fail areB
!. >on4t want to chan#e their eatin# habit simply because they feel loss not
to #et to eat much of their fa'orite food.
.hey prefer eatin# what they li%e rather than what are ri#ht for them.
/ell..this type..hi ..hi bye..bye.. 0 don4t understand why we don4t want to
reduce the portion si<e of our food inta%e where as we ha'e been eatin#
them for as lon# as we %now ABC. /e ha'e already en$oyed those unhealthy
food in lar#e Auantities for !1( years so 0 thin% there should be no problem
in reducin# the amount. /e are not s%ippin# them entirely, for #od4s sa%e6
2. Dery pessimistic.
As we all %now, only proacti'e person can #et the bonus. .he same #oes
here. Some people want to slim down but don4t want to do anythin#. )et,
they e'en lau#h at others for doin# so. .his type of person is ha'in# a $ealous
(. *refer a comfort <one. Eero physical acti'ity .
8owadays , most wor%in# women ha'e maid in their house. So they lea'e
e'erythin# to the maid. 8ot doin# any house%eepin# wor%s and wor%in# in an
air1condition oFce may add e-tra pound to our waist.
0 don4t ha'e maid when 0 was still wor%in# as an en#ineer in the oFce, 0 don4t
ha'e now and insyaallah will not ha'e in the future. Chan#e you perspecti'e.
0 prefer to do all the house%eepin# and #ardenin# by myself cause 0 can see
the positi'e impact it #et on me, my wei#ht and my o'erall health. 0 once
heard this ad'ice from A Malaysian Supertar , Anita Serawa% when she was
still wor%in# in Gas De#as many years a#o.
0 was the en#ineer at wor%, a housemaid, a #ardener and e'en a technician
doin# house maintainin# li%e water plumbin#, electrical system etc , you
name it. My husband came into rescue only if 0 fail. Some friends as%ed me
why 0 am not ashamed of doin# those man4s $ob. /hat is to be ashamed of@ 0
am not tal%in# behind people4s bac% or ma%in# hell of other people4s life. 0 am
$ust en$oyin# myself with those acti'ities that 0 don4t ha'e to do any speci3c
e-ercise. And belie'e me , this acti'ities can be a stress releaser. 0 li%e to
ima#ine that 0 am pullin# my boss hair while 0 was pullin# the #rass out of my
#arden. After 04'e done with the #rass, all the stresses were #one.
8ormally , when 0 meet these type of people babblin# on their wei#ht
problem, 0 %eep my mouth shut. 8o point in su##estin# anythin#. So here we
are. /hat type are we@ /e can chan#e anytime. +ld sayin# is always
rele'ant9 /hen there is a will, there is a way.

Fast .rac% >eto- ,ecipe
So here is my simple slimmin# recipe. 0 bet, some people may not li%e its
taste. But normally you will o'ercome the taste after se'eral days.
0 call it My miracle drin%. )ou can call anythin# you li%e and modify the recipe
to suit your taste. )ou can ma%e a ! day , ( day or H day1 fast trac% deto-
usin# this recipe. All you ha'e to do is to ma%e fastin# with only this water.
0nsyaallah, you will see the di7erence.
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Ea<a miracle drin%B
! !I2 litre of hot water

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