Supply List

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August 14

PreK Parents Only, 6:30 7:30 pm
Kdg Parents AND Students, 6:30 7:30 pm
August 1
Students !"eet #$ur %ea&her', PreK ( )rades 1*, 11:30 am 1:00 pm
August 1+
,-rst Day $. S&h$$l
S&h$$l /$urs +:3 am 0:3 pm "$nday ,r-day
Septem1er 10
Open /$use )rades 1 ( 0, 6:30*7:30 pm
Septem1er 17
)-.ted Students Open /$use, 6:00*6:30 pm
Open /$use )rades 3, 4 ( , 6:30*7:30 pm
McMullen Booth Elementary School
2014-15 Suggested Class Supply Lists*
re-!indergarten Suggested Supply List
*Standard si"ed #ac$ pac$ - no %heels
#lan$et &or rest time 'la#eled(
complete change o& clothes 'la#eled(
1 container o& anti#acterial sur&ace %ipes
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
!indergarten Suggested Supply List
*Standard si"ed #ac$ pac$ - no %heels Container o& )and +ipes
Bath si"ed to%el &or rest time - no mats *onation to Coo$ing ,und
-uart si"e "iploc$ #aggies .allon si"e "iploc$ #aggies
Crayola /,at0 Crayons - 1-10 count '2ot 3um#o( )and Saniti"er
Crayola 4egular Crayons - 15 count ,is$ar Scissors 'child-si"ed(
Li6uid 7nti#acterial Soap 'to use %ith %ater( Elmers .lue Stic$s 'child-si"ed( 8 4-5
Bo9 o& :issues Elmers .lue 8 2 #ottles
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
,irst .rade Suggested Supply List
1 #o9 o& tissues 1 glue stic$s; %hite
1 pac$ o& <2 pencils 1 container disin&ectant %ipes
School #o9 '10 = 5 1>20( plastic 1 pair /,is$ars0 scissors
? spiral note#oo$s 1 yello% highlighter
2 Bo9es o& Crayons 8 15 or 24 count Standard si"e #ac$pac$ 'no %heels(
1 #o9 6uart si"e "iploc$ #ags 1 #ottle o& hand saniti"er
? poc$et &olders %ith clasps '4ed @ Aello% @ .reen( 1 #o9 gallon si"e "iploc$ #ags
Bnsulated %ater #ottle 'e9cept MsC Stea$leyDs class(
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
Second .rade Suggested Supply List
? do"C <2 pencils 2 composition note#oo$s
1 #ottle hand saniti"er - .irls 1 plastic #ottle o& soap - Boys
12 glue stic$s 1 supply>pencil #o9 'small(
1 #o9 tissues ? p$gs ? = ? ost-Bt notes
1 #o9 o& 24 crayons 2 oc$et &olders '1 each yello%>#lue(
1 container disin&ecting %ipes 1 pair scissors
1 #o9 sand%ich si"ed "iploc$ #ags - Boys 1 #o9 snac$ si"ed "iploc$ #ags - .irls
? E9po dry erase mar$ers '#lac$ or primary colors( 1-12 inch ruler
1 inch ?-ring #inder %ith clear poc$et &ront and poc$ets inside
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
:hird .rade Suggested Supply List 8 E9cept MrsC .lasgo%Ds Class
1 inch ? ring #inder - %hite 1 pair /,is$ar-type0 scissors - child si"ed
1 standard si"e #ac$pac$ 1 #o9 colored pencils '12 count(
.lue stic$s 1 #o9 crayons '24 count(
1 container o& li6uid hand soap 1 #o9 o& tissues
encils '<2( - not mechanical 1 sand%ich si"e "iploc$ #aggies
1 container disin&ectant %ipes
1 p$g ?0 = ?0 ost Bt notes
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
* 7 supplimental supply list uni6ue to each class %ill #e aEaila#le at Meet @ .reet
MrsC .lasgo% ?
.rade Class Fnly
2 p$gs loose lea& %ide ruled paper ? glue stic$s
1 p$g ?0 = ?0 ost Bt notes 1 hand soap
<2 pencils 8 5 1 pair scissors
1 #o9 colored pencils 2 #o9es tissues
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
,ourth .rade Suggested Supply List
2 p$gs o& loose-lea& %ide-ruled paper 2 p$gs pencils
Color pencils ? 9 ? post-it notes
4ed or Blue en Scissors
.lue stic$s 8 ? pac$ :issues
)and soap )and saniti"er
encil #o9>pouch 1 8 ? su#Gect spiral note#oo$
1 &older 8 %ith poc$ets @ #rads 1 8 1 H0 ?8ring #inder
1 composition note#oo$
1 container disin&ecting %ipes
)eadphones &or computer use '*ollar Store(
,i&th .rade Suggested Supply List
Each indiEidual teacher %ill giEe a speci&ic supply list uni6ue to their classC :his list %ill #e aEaila#le at
the /Meet @ .reet0C
23nd-4-dual %ea&hers may as5 .$r spe&-.-& suppl-es un-6ue t$ the-r &lass7 %h$se l-sts 8-ll
1e a4a-la1le at the !"eet ( )reet' $n ,r-day, August 1
, 11:30 am 1:00 pm7

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