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Lesson Plan for George Moses Hortons Poem Lincoln is Dead

Using North Carolina Literary Map

Jennifer Stith

1. Gaining Attention:
Did you know that slaves here in North Carolina wrote poetry? Well a man named
George Moses Horton was able to learn about and create poetry even when he was a
slave here in North Carolina.
2. Informing the Learner of the Objective:
Today we are going to learn more about George Moses Horton, who is also called the
Black Bard of North Carolina. Quickly ask class- what is a bard?
Objective is to learn more about this poet and to look at his poem: To look at his poem
Lincoln is Dead in order to answer: How do you think George Moses Horton felt about
Lincolns assassination?
3. Stimulating Recall of Prior Knowledge and 4. Presenting Information:
Class discussion: Pull on previous Civil War History knowledge and what the students
know about how Lincoln was killed. How was Lincoln killed? What did he do while
president? What was the Civil War about?
5. Providing Guidance:
Step one:
NC Literary Map
Where is the poet from? (Star it on the map handout)
How old was George Moses Horton when Lincoln was assassinated?
George Moses Horton was emancipated in 1865, how old was he when he was
finally a freed man?

Step two:
Read poem Lincoln is Dead
After reading the poem what are 5 adjectives to describe how George Moses felt
about Lincolns death?
Why do you think he felt that way, based on what you know about what Lincoln
did and George Hortons life?

6. Elicit Performance:
Work in pairs to answer the questions.
7. Providing Feedback and 8. Assessing Performance:
Pairs share their results with the class in facilitated class discussion. Instructor
assesses classs findings.
9. Enhancing Retention and Transfer:
Ask students to write a short poem about a time when they felt the adjectives they used
to describe how George Moses Horton felt in his poem.

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