Module 5 Pathophysiology or physiopathology is a convergence of pathology with physiology. Pathology is the medical discipline that describes conditions typically observed during a disease state, whereas physiology is the biological discipline that describes processes or mechanisms operating within an organism. Pathology describes the abnormal or undesired condition, whereupon pathophysiology seeks to explain the physiological processes or mechanisms whereby such condition develops and progresses. Pathophysiology can also mean the functional changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury. Another definition is the functional changes that accompany a particular disease.[1]

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A nurse recalls a leading cause of death in developed worlds is:

A) cardiovascular disease.
B) cancer.
C) strokes.
D) sarcomas. B) cancer.

A nurse is discussing benign tumors. Which information should the nurse

A) Cells in a benign tumor are undierentiated.
B) Benign tumors are usuall! surrounded b! a capsule.
C) Benign tumors have a tendenc! to invade surrounding tissue.
D) Cells in a benign tumor occasionall! metastasi"e to l!mph nodes. B)
Benign tumors are usuall! surrounded b! a capsule.

Which statement indicates the patient understood the teaching regarding

malignant tumors? #alignant tumors have a tendenc! to:
A) grow slowl!.
B) be encapsulated.
C) invade surrounding tissues.
D) sta! locali"ed and not metastasi"e. C) invade surrounding tissues.

A patient has a sarcoma. $he nurse reali"es sarcomas are cancers that arise
A) connective tissues.
B) glandular tissues.
C) epithelial tissues.
D) l!mphatic tissues. A) connective tissues.

A patient has a cancer that originated in the blood%forming cells. What

diagnosis will the nurse observe documented on the chart?
A) &!mphoma
B) Carcinoma
C) &eukemia
D) 'arcoma C) &eukemia

A patients cancer report reads (Cervical carcinoma in situ(. $he nurse

interprets this )nding as the cervical carcinoma:
A) usuall! progresses to cervical cancer even after treatment.
B) contains cancer cells that have not invaded the surrounding tissue.
C) refers to cervical cancer that has metastasi"ed to the liver.
D) cannot be detected using available medical tests. B) contains cancer cells
that have not invaded the surrounding tissue.

A nurse is discussing cancer and anaplasia. What is the nurse describing

when using the term anaplasia?
A) &oss of cellular dierentiation
B) *apid growth of cells
C) +ndependence from normal cellular controls
D) ,ctopic production of hormones A) &oss of cellular dierentiation

Which patient will the nurse monitor most often even though the tumor is
benign? $he benign tumor is located in the:
A) muscle.
B) connective tissue.
C) skin.
D) skull-cranium. D) skull-cranium.

$he nurse is describing the cell. ras. What t!pe of cell is the nurse discussing?
A) /roto%oncogene
B) 0ncogene
C) $umor%suppressing gene
D) +nactive gene A) /roto%oncogene

A patient has a tumor that has distant l!mph node involvement but no
evidence of distant metastasis to other tissues. 1ow will this be classi)ed on
the chart?
A) 'tage +.
B) 'tage ++.
C) 'tage +++.
D) 'tage +2. C) 'tage +++.

A nurse is describing an aggregation of cancer cells that accumulates faster

than its non%mutant neighbors. Which term is the nurse discussing? Clonal:
A) selection.
B) stimulation.
C) e3pansion.
D) reuni)cation. C) e3pansion.

Which of the following statement indicates the nurse needs more teaching
about cancer cells? A t!pical characteristic of cancer cells is:
A) loss of cellular self%destruct mechanisms.
B) unlimited replication.
C) autocrine stimulation.
D) decreased responsiveness to growth signals. D) decreased responsiveness
to growth signals.

A nurse is discussing how cancer cells obtain o3!gen and nutrients. Which
information should the nurse include? Cancer cells ensure ade4uate suppl! of
o3!gen and nutrients b! releasing:
A) apoptosis.
B) l!sosomal en"!mes.
C) telomerase.
D) angiogenic factors. D) angiogenic factors.

A nurse is asked to de)ne a proto%oncogene. Which is the nurses best

response? A proto%oncogene is:
A) a normal. nonmutant gene.
B) a frameshift mutation gene.
C) an inactive gene.
D) a tumor%suppressor gene. A) a normal. nonmutant gene.

+f a patient e3periences cancer%causing mutations of a proto%oncogene. what

result does the nurse e3pect to occur?
A) Apoptosis
B) +ncreased cell division
C) /roduction of monoclonal antibodies
D) Decreased cell responsiveness to growth factors B) +ncreased cell division

A nurse is asked about immortalit! in cancer cells. 1ow should the nurse
repl!? +mmortalit! in cancer cells is obtained through the production of:
A) growth factors.
B) apoptosis signals.
C) telomerase.
D) tumor markers. C) telomerase.

A nurse recalls the normal function of tumor suppressor genes in an

individual without cancer is to:
A) prevent apoptosis.
B) control production of anti%growth signals.
C) stimulate cell replication.
D) prevent cancer%causing mutations. B) control production of anti%growth

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6or the function of a tumor suppressor to be lost. which of the following

mutational routes is most likel! to cause cancer in a patient?
A) /oint deletion on one chromosome
B) Chromosomal translocation
C) 7ene ampli)cation
D) #utation of both copies of a tumor suppressor gene D) #utation of both
copies of a tumor suppressor gene

A nurse is preparing to teach about gene p89. Which information should the
nurse include? :ormall!. the tumor suppressor gene p89 induces:
A) apoptosis.
B) growth in cells.
C) the formation of oncogenes.
D) paraneoplastic s!ndrome. A) apoptosis.

An oncologist is presenting information on the mutation of *A'. What

response does the nurse e3pect to occur?
A) ;nregulated proliferation of cancer cells
B) $umor suppression starts on cancer cells.
C) Apoptosis begins to kill cancer cells.
D) &oss of hetero"!gosit! initiates cancer cells. A) ;nregulated proliferation of
cancer cells

Which of the following terms should the nurse use to describe a genetic event
capable of activating oncogenes?
A) /leomorphisis
B) &oss of hetero"!gosit!
C) Ampli)cation
D) :ecrosis C) Ampli)cation

Which of the following factors predisposes a patient who has chronic

in<ammation to the development of cancer?
A) +n<ammator! chemicals cause damage to en"!me c!cloo3!genase%= >C0?%
B) 7rowth factors are released during the resulting in<ammation.
C) Cells divide more slowl! to replace damaged tissue.
D) 'uppression of tumor%associated macrophage is a ke! factor in chronic
in<ammation. B) 7rowth factors are released during the resulting

A nurse is describing the process of when a piece of a chromosome is moved

to another chromosome. What term should the nurse use to describe this
A) $ranslocation
B) /oint mutation
C) 7ene ampli)cation
D) 'ilencing A) $ranslocation

A patient has chronic active hepatitis B infection. Which t!pe of cancer should
the nurse assess for in this patient?
A) &ung tissue
B) Blood
C) /ancreatic cells
D) &iver D) &iver

Which of the following viruses will the nurse e3pect to see on the lab report of
a patient who has developed cervical cancer?
A) 1epatitis B virus
B) 1uman immunode)cienc! virus >1+2)
C) ,pstein%Barr virus
D) 1uman papilloma virus D) 1uman papilloma virus

A patient has a 1elicobacter p!lori infection. Which t!pe of cancer should the
nurse assess for in this patient?
A) &!mphoma
B) Colon cancer
C) 7astric cancer
D) Bladder cancer C) 7astric cancer

A nurse is discussing the genes that maintain gene integrit!. Which gene is
the nurse describing?
A) 0ncogenes
B) #utant
C) Caretaker
D) /rotector C) Caretaker

A patient is receiving brach!therap! for cervical cancer. 1ow should the

nurse e3plain this t!pe of therap!?
A) Chemotherap! will be given intravenousl! >+2).
B) $he aected area will be cut out during surger!.
C) $he cervical cancer will be fro"en and removed.
D) $he radiation source will be inserted internall! into the cervi3. D) $he
radiation source will be inserted internall! into the cervi3.

A nurse is discussing the retinoblastoma gene. What t!pe of gene is the nurse
A) An oncogene
B) A tumor%suppressor gene
C) A caretaker gene
D) A growth%factor gene B) A tumor%suppressor gene

What screening test can the nurse suggest to a patient who wants to detect
cervical cancer earl!?
A) /ap test-smear
B) #ammogram
C) /,$ scan
D) /'A blood test A) /ap test-smear

While a nurse is reviewing lab results. the patients B*CA@ is elevated. What
t!pe of cancer does the nurse suspect the patient has?
A) /rostate
B) Breast
C) &iver
D) Adrenals B) Breast

A nurse knows the most common tumor suppressor gene mutation that
causes cancer b! resisting apoptosis is in:
A) B*CA=.
B) cancer cells.
C) p89.
D) carcinoma in situ. C) p89.

An oncologist is discussing the process of metastasis. Which information

should the oncologist include? 6or metastasis to occur. tumor cells must be
capable of:
A) withstanding e3treme temperatures.
B) detecting elevated calcium levels.
C) surviving in the bloodstream.
D) eliminating l!mph nodes. C) surviving in the bloodstream.

A patient originall! had cancer in the liver and the cancer is now in the lungs.
What stage will the nurse observe documented on the chart?
A) @ or +
B) = or ++
C) 9 or +++
D) A or +2 D) A or +2

An oncologist is using the $:# s!stem to stage a cancer tumor. $he nurse
reali"es the : will denote:
A) number.
B) nodes.
C) neoplasms.
D) name. B) nodes.

A patient is e3periencing paraneoplastic s!ndrome. Which principle should

guide nursing care?
A) /araneoplastic s!ndrome is self vs. non%self antigenic marker.
B) $he eects of this s!ndrome are angiogenic.
C) $he in<ammator! response will be depressed.
D) 1ormones are probabl! causing the signs and s!mptoms. D) 1ormones are
probabl! causing the signs and s!mptoms.

A patient is preparing to receive adBuvant therap! for cancer. What should the
nurse tell the patient to reinforce teaching? $his t!pe of therap!:
A) is given after cancer surger!.
B) is given before cancer surger!.
C) enhances proto%oncogenes.
D) inhibits proto%oncogenes. A) is given after cancer surger!.

A nurse is discussing the process of triggering new blood vessel formation in

a tumor. What is the nurse describing?
A) ,r!thropoiesis
B) Atherosclerosis
C) Angiogenesis
D) 'eeding C) Angiogenesis

When cancer e3tends to distant tissues and organs. what term should the
nurse use?
A) Apoptosis
B) Benign
C) #etastasis
D) #alignanc! C) #etastasis

A patient has metastatic cancer and is receiving chemotherap! and radiation

therap!. What is the priorit! complication the nurse should assess for in this
A) Alopecia
B) +nfection
C) /araneoplastic s!ndrome
D) /ain B) +nfection

A cancer patient is e3periencing pain. $he nurse wants the patient to be

independent in managing the pain. Which techni4ue should the nurse
A) :utritional supplements
B) Antiemetic medications
C) Adult stem cells
D) +ndividual%controlled analgesia D) +ndividual%controlled analgesia

A patient with cancer has poor muscle functioning and fatigue. Which
c!tokines-in<ammator! mediators does the nurse suspect is causing these
A) +nterleukin%C and $%cell necrosis factor
B) B%cell stimulating factor and interleukin%A
C) $umor necrosis factor and interleukin%@
D) +nterleukin%D and tumor stimulating factor C) $umor necrosis factor and

When an oncologist determines the si"e of the tumor. the degree of node
involvement. and the e3tent of distant metastasis. what is the oncologist
A) Categori"ing
B) 'taging
C) 6actoring
D) /rocessing B) 'taging

A nurse is describing the process of metastasis. Which information should the

nurse include? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is necessar! for metastasis to occur.
A) Decreased cellular motilit!
B) Decreased cell adhesions
C) $emporar! cessation of cell division
D) /ro3imit! to bod! cavities B) Decreased cell adhesions

A nurse is teaching the sta about the pathoph!siolog! of tissue loss in

cancer wasting. Which information should the nurse include? A factor that
contributes to the tissue loss in cancer wasting is:
A) the release of c!tokines.
B) malabsorption of iron.
C) direct invasion of the bone marrow.
D) defects in er!thropoietin production. A) the release of c!tokines.

A patient has colorectal cancer with chronic bleeding and iron de)cienc!.
Which lab tests are most important for the nurse to monitor?
A) &iver tests and protein from a liver pro)le scan
B) ,lectrol!tes and urinal!sis from panel screens
C) 0ncogenes and albumin from a dierential test
D) *ed blood cell count and hemoglobin from a complete blood count D) *ed
blood cell count and hemoglobin from a complete blood count

A patient is receiving ondansetron. Which assessment )nding will cause the

nurse to administer this drug?
A) :ausea and vomiting
B) Anemia
C) 7ranuloc!topenia
D) 6atigue A) :ausea and vomiting

While assessing a patient with cancer. which of the following is the most
commonl! reported s!mptom?
A) 6atigue
B) Anore3ia
C) :ausea
D) Depression A) 6atigue

Which statement indicates the nurse needs more instruction regarding cancer
pain? #echanisms that cause cancer pain include:
A) direct pressure on tissues.
B) metastases to bone.
C) cancer cells residing in l!mph nodes.
D) release of in<ammator! chemicals. C) cancer cells residing in l!mph

While assessing a patient with pain which individual response to pain should
the nurse monitor?
A) Cultural
B) /s!chologic
C) /h!siologic
D) All of the above D) All of the above

A cancer patient is complaining of pain. Which pharmacologic therap! for

pain management will the nurse implement?
A) Antibiotics
B) ,r!thropoietin
C) Antiemetics
D) :arcotics-opioids D) :arcotics-opioids

Which of the following statements indicates a patient needs more teaching

about cancer pain?
A) :on%pharmacologic therapies such as meditation and rela3ation are
eective for cancer pain management.
B) #ost patients with cancer e3perience pain earl! in the disease process.
C) Cancer pain management re4uires a multimodal and multidisciplinar!
D) When )rst diagnosed with cancer. man! individuals sa! that severe pain is
their biggest fear. B) #ost patients with cancer e3perience pain earl! in the
disease process.

Besides monitoring for diminished ph!sical energ!. what other assessment

)ndings should the nurse assess for in a patient with cancer%related fatigue?
A) Average intellectual performance
B) :ormal concentration
C) 'trong motivation
D) Depression D) Depression

A patient asks what causes fatigue related to cancer and cancer therap!. 1ow
should the nurse respond? 0ne possible cause is:
A) direct pressure on tissues.
B) normal sleep patterns.
C) immunosuppression.
D) malnutrition. D) malnutrition.

A patient is e3periencing the wasting s!ndrome associated with cancer and

cancer treatment. What term should the nurse use when documenting this
A) Cache3ia
B) Anemia
C) Cushing s!ndrome
D) Anabolism A) Cache3ia

Which s!mptom will surprise the nurse when assessing a patient with
A) Anore3ia
B) Weight loss
C) 1eart murmur
D) Weakness C) 1eart murmur

A patient has thromboc!topenia from the cancer and cancer treatments.

Which condition should the nurse monitor for in this patient?
A) /ain
B) 6atigue
C) Anemia
D) 1emorrhage D) 1emorrhage

When a cancer patient has a hemoglobin of F mg-d&. what condition will the
nurse observe documented on the chart?
A) 1!pogl!cemia
B) $hromboc!topenia
C) &eukopenia
D) Anemia D) Anemia

A nurse remembers neuromuscular d!sfunction and the release of

in<ammator! mediators such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukin%@ are
thought to be responsible for which of the following assessment )ndings of
A) Cache3ia
B) $hromboc!topenia
C) #etastasis
D) 6atigue D) 6atigue

Which of the following alterations in metabolism does the nurse e3pect to

)nd in people with cancer?
A) +ncreased basic metabolic rate
B) Decreased fat breakdown
C) +ncreased anabolism
D) 0verproduction of protein A) +ncreased basic metabolic rate

Which statement indicates the nurse needs more instruction regarding

anemia and cancer? Anemia in individuals with cancer can be the result of:
A) decreased er!thropoietin.
B) chronic bleeding.
C) fatigue.
D) iron de)cienc!. C) fatigue.

Which of the following treatments to help cancer%related or chemotherap!%

related anemia should the nurse discuss with the patient?
A) ,3ercise
B) Chemotherap!
C) ,r!thropoietin
D) Calcium and magnesium supplements C) ,r!thropoietin

A patient is e3periencing leukopenia from cancer and chemotherap!

treatment. Which condition should the nurse assess for in this patient?
A) Allergic reactions
B) Autoimmune disease
C) Bleeding
D) +nfection D) +nfection

Which principle should the nurse use to guide nursing care when
administering chemotherapeutic agents? Chemotherapeutic agents primaril!
A) all cells.
B) cancer cells onl!.
C) cells that are incapable of mitosis.
D) all rapidl! dividing cells. D) all rapidl! dividing cells.

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When a patient asks the nurse how radiation therap! provides an eective
means for treating some forms of cancer. how should the nurse respond?
A) +oni"ing radiation damages the cancer cellGs D:A.
B) 1eat generated b! radiation is thermall! to3ic to cancer cells.
C) $he resulting in<ammator! response destro!s the tumor.
D) 1igh%energ! waves cause cell membrane inBur!. A) +oni"ing radiation
damages the cancer cellGs D:A.

A patient has a mutation in the A/C gene. Which t!pe of cancer will the nurse
monitor for in this patient?
A) Breast
B) Colon
C) &iver
D) 'tomach B) Colon

An oncologist is describing the process of gene silencing. Which process will

the oncologist discuss?
A) D:A meth!lation
B) Chromosome translocation
C) #utagen amplication
D) 7ene anaplasia A) D:A meth!lation

A patient loses hair from chemotherap! treatment. What term should the
nurse use when describing this condition?
A) 6olliculitis
B) Alopecia
C) ,r!thema
D) 'terilit! B) Alopecia

A patient is receiving neoadBuvant therap!. What should the nurse teach this
patient regarding this t!pe of therap!?
A) $his will help shrink the tumor before surger!.
B) $his will completel! remove the tumor.
C) $his t!pe of treatment will occur after surger!.
D) $his t!pe of treatment uses onl! surger!. A) $his will help shrink the tumor
before surger!.
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