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Undergraduate Nursing Students

Fuad Ibrahim (MD)
Mengistu Welday (M.Sc.N., B.Sc.N)
Haramaya University
In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center, the
Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education
July 2008
Funded under USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 663-A-00-00-0358-00.
Produced in collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter
Center, the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education.
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2008 by Fuad Ibrahim, Mengistu Welday
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This material is intended for educational use only by practicing health care workers or
students and faculty in a health care field.
This pathophysiology lecture note will serve as a theoretical
guideline for undergraduate nurse and other health sciences
Pathophysiology is the study of the disturbance of normal
mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions, either
caused by a disease, or resulting from a disease or abnormal
syndrome or condition that may not qualify to be called a
disease. An alternate definition is "the study of the biological
and physical manifestations of disease as they correlate with
the underlying abnormalities and physiological disturbances.
This lecture-note will provide a summarized basis for the
students by expanding the students knowledge in the
sciences how alteration in structure (Anatomy) and function
(Physiology) disrupt the human body as a whole. It is written
for undergraduate students in nursing and other health
oriented disciplines as prerequisite course for certain courses.
The under standing of disease process is continually being
updated and cl ari fi ed by research. In thi s text of
pathophysiology, every attempt has been made to provide the
most current available information in simplified and well-
explained ways.
First of all we would like to thank The Carter Center EPHTI,
Addis Abeba for the continual and unreserved support in
solving the shortage of teaching/learning materials in the
higher teaching institutions of Ethiopia.
We especially thank the national reviewers Mr. Asrat Demisie
(Addis abeba University) and Dr. Mesele Bezabih (Jimma
University) for their intensive and meticulouse review of this
lecture note.
We extend our sincere thanks to our colleagues Dr. Musa
Husien and Mr. Biftu Geda from Haramaya University Faculty
of Health Sciences for their invaluable comments in reviewing
the lecture note.
Our heart felt thanks also goes to interinstitutional reviewers
Mr. Birara Tadeg, (University of Gonder), Mr. Alemayohu
Bayray (Mekelle University), Wezam Tesfay (Defence College
of Health Sciences) and Mr. Mewael Fikru (Hawassa
University) for their constructive comments.
Finally, we wish to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Akililu
Mulugeta whose support and encouragement made this
lecture note possible.
Titles Pages
................................................................................ Preface i
............................................................... Acknowledgment iii
............................................................... Table of Contents v
...................................................................... List of tables ix
...................................................................... List of figures x
............................................................ List of Abbreviation xi
Chapter One: ......... Alteration in cell function and growth 1
......... 1.1 Cell injury and cellular adaptive changes 1
....................................................... 1.2 Neoplasm 12
Chapter Two: ......................... Alteration in body defense 22
...... 2.1 Body defense mechanisms against injury 23
............. 2.1.1 Skin and mucus membrane 23
....... 2.1.2 Mononuclear phagocyte system 23
.................... 2.1.3 Inflammatory response 26
. 2.1.4 Immunological defense mechanism 61
........ 2.1.4A) Hypersensitivity reaction 61
.. 2.1.4B) Immunodeficiency diseases 66
- Human immunodeficiency virus 68
Chapter Three: ............. Alteration in tissue oxygenation 80
.................................. 3.1 Congestive heart failure 81
............ 3.1.4 Classification of heart failure 89
............ 3.2 Obstructive diseases of blood vessels 95
................................................ 3.3 Lung diseases 98
................. 3.3.1 Restrictive lung diseases 99
............. 3.3.2 Obstructive lung diseases 110
.... Acute obstructive lung disease 111 Chronic obstructive lung disease
....................................... (COPD) 111
Chapter Four: ... Alteration in distribution of body fluids 126
........... 4.1 Regulation of interstitial fluid volume 127
........................................................... 4.2 Edema 127
...................................... 4.3 Nephrotic syndrome 134
............................................ 4.4 Cirrhosis of liver 137
Chapter Five: .... Alterations in gastrointestinal function 143
...................................... 5.1 Peptic ulcer disease 143
..................................... 5.2 Intestinal obstruction 149
Chapter Six: ................ Alteration in endocrine function 156
........................ 6.1 Review of endocrine function 157
6.2 General aspects of altered endocrine function 159
6.2.1 Primary and secondary endocrine
................................................. disorders 160
6.3 Alterations in endocrine control of growth and
.................................................... metabolism 161
........ 6.4 Disorders of the anterior pituitary gland 162
................ 6.4.1 Growth hormone excess 162
....... 6.4.2 Hypofunction of pituitary gland 167
..................... 6.5 Disorders associated with ADH 169
6.5.1. Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
......................................................... ADH 170
............... 6.6. A;teratopms om tjurpod fimctopm 173
............................... 6.6.1 Hypothyroidism 176
............................. 6.6.2. Hyperthyroidism 180
........... 6.7. Disorders of Adrenal cortical function 183
.... 6.7.1. Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia 183
.................... 6.7.2. Adrenal insufficiency 184
... 6.7.3. Glucocorticoid hormone excess 187
Chapter Seven: ..... Alteration in genitourinary function 191
............... 7.1. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) 192
....................... 7.2. Pelvic inflammatory disease 197
.................................. 7.3. Obstructive Uropathy 199
Chapter Eight: Alteration in neuronal function, intracranial
.................. mass effect and meningitis 208
8.1 Alterations in cerebral volume and ressure
.............................................................. (ICP) 209
8.1.1 Compensatory mechanisms for raised
................................................. ICP 210
........... 8.1.2 Manifestation of raised ICP 212
................................................... 8.2 Head injury 218
Chapter Nine: ........... Genetic and metabolic disorder 225
.............. 9.1 Genetic and chromosomal disorder 225
.................... 9.1.1 Single gene disorders 225
. 9.1.2 Disorder of autosomal inheritance 227
.. 9.1.3 Disorder of sex-linked inheritance 229
................... 9.1.4 Chromosomal disorder 232
Title page
. Table 1.1: Comparison of malignant and benign tumors 15
.............. Table 2.1: Location and names of macrophages 25
............................... Table 2.2: Mediators of inflammation 32
..................... Table 2.3: Types of inflammatory exudates 33
................ Table 2.4: Local manifestation of inflammation 35
.............................. Table 2.5: Stage of febrile responses 39
Table 2.6: Regeneration ability of different types of
............................................................ Tissues 42
............... Table 2.7: Phases in Primary Intention healing 44
Table 6.1: Manifestations of Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid
............................................................. state 173
Table 7.1: Types of renal stone based on its chemical
.................................................. composition 203
Title Page
................. Figure 1.1: Types of cellular adaptive changes 8
................ Figure 2.1: Vascular response in inflammation 28
....................................... Figure 2.2: Structure of HIV cell 70
........ Figure 2.3: Mechanism of HIV entry and replication 73
Figure 3.1: Effects of angiotensin II in congestive heart
............................................................ Failure 86
...................... Figure 7.1: Causes of AUB and its effects 195
............. Figure 8.1: Types of brain edema and its effect 216
ACTH Adreno cortico trophic hormone
ADH Anti diuretic hormone
AIDS Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
AMI Acute myocardial infarction
ATP Adenosine tri phosphate
AUB Abnormal uterine bleeding
BBB Blood brain barrier
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia
CAH Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CHF Congestive heart failure
Central Nervous System
Cardiac out put
Collid Osmotic Pressie
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CSF Cerebro spinal fluid
CT Computed tomography
DI Diabetes insipidus
DNA Deoxyribonucluic acid
DUB Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
EBV Epstein bar virus
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
GH Growth hormone
GIT Gastro intestinal truct
Gestatimal Trombo Plastic Disease
Human immuno deficiency virus
HMD Hyaline membrane disease
HPV Human papiloma virus
HSV Hepes simplex virus
HZV Herpes zoster virus
ICP Intra cranial pressure
IUCD Intra uterine contraceptive device
LH Leutenizing hormone
LHF Left sided heart failure
Mycardial Infarction
Magnetic resonance imaging
Mononuclear Phagocytic System
Melanocyte stimulating hormone
OIs Opportunistic infections
PCP Pnuemo cystic carnii pneumonia
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
PKU Phenyl ketone uria
PMN Poly morpho nuclear
Purified Protein Derivative
Peptic ulcer disease
RBC Red blood cells
Reticule Endothelial System
Rheumatic heart disease
RHF Right sided heart failure
RNA Ribonucleic acide
SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of anti
diuretic hormone
SLE Systemic lupus erythematous
STD Sexually transmitted diseases
TH Thyroid hormone
TLC Total lymphocyte count
TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone
UTI Urinary tract infection
WBC White blood cells
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:-
- Discuss neop-Define cellular adaptive changes
- Explain types of cellular adaptive changes.
- Discuss causes of cellular injury and cellular changes.
lasia and abnormal cellular growth.
- Describe different types of neoplasms
- Discuss mechanisms of carcinogenesis
1.1 Cell injury and Cellular Adaptive Changes
The life cycle of a cell exists on continuum that includes
normal activities and adaptation, injury or lethal changes.
Adaptation is a normal life cycle adjustment like in growth
during puberty; changes during pregnancy or aging and
stressful life style produce physiologic changes that may lead
to adaptation or disease.
The cell constantly makes adjustments to a changing, hostile
environment to keep the organism functioning in normal
steady state which is necessary to ensure the survival of the
organism. Prevention of disease by the body depends on the
capacity of the affected cells to undergo self-repair and
regeneration i.e. adaptive-changes.
- When cells are confronted to one of the following
stimulus, they may undergo adaptive changes. The
common stimuli are:-
a) Physical agents
Trauma, Burn, pressure, irradiation, etc
b) Chemical agents
Poisons, drugs, simple compounds, etc.
c) Micro organisms
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungus
- Parasites
d) Hypoxia
- Is the most common stimuli (cause)
- Is because of inadequate oxygen in the blood
or decreased tissue
e) Genetic defects
- Can affect cellular metabolism through inborn
errors of metabolism or gross malformation

f) Nutritional imbalances
- Under nutrition or over nutrition causes cellular
injury or changes.
g) Immunologic reaction
E.g. - Hypersensitivity reaction.
1.1.1 Types of cellular Adaptive-changes

When cells are exposed to one of the above noxious-

stimulus they will undergo one or more of the following
types of adaptive changes:-
i. Increased concentrations of normal cellular
ii. Accumulate abnormal substances
iii. Change the cellular size or number or
iv. Undergo a lethal change.
1.1.2 Abnormal and normal accumulation of
intracellular substances
Intracellular accumulations often result from environmental
changes or an inability of the cell to process materials
(substances) that cannot be metabolized by the cells. These
substances may accumulate in the cytoplasm. As a result
common changes include:-
- Cellular swelling
- Lipid accumulation (Fatty change process in
the cytoplasm of cells).
- Glycogen depositions (Excess deposition of
glycogen in organs).
- Calcification (precipitation of calcium in dead or
Chronic inflammation area)
- Hyaline infiltration( characteristic alteration
within cells or in the
Extra-cellular spaces that appear as inclusion
on stained histology).
1.1.3. Changes to cellular size or numbers
- Changes in size and numbers of the cells are usually
as a result of response to adapt to harmful agents.
- The changes include:-
I) Atrophy
- Atrophy refers to a decrease in cell size.
- Causes: - Decreased work load (Disuse atrophy)
- Loss of nerve supply
- Decreased blood supply
- Inadequate nutrition
- Loss of hormonal stimulation
Eg. - Uterine atrophy after menopause.
- Physiologic Atrophy
Eg. - Loss of muscle bulk with ageing.
II) Dysplasia:-
- Dysplasia refers to the appearance of cells that
have undergone some atypical changes in
response to chronic irritation.
- It is not a true adaptive process in that it serves
no specific functions.
- It is controlled reproduction of cells, but closely
related to malignancy in that it may transform
into uncontrolled, rapid reproduction.
- It is complete loss of normal architectural
orientation of one cell with the next both in
shape and size.
- Epithelial cells are common sites for dysplastic
Eg: -Bronchial epithelium,
- Cervical epithelium, etc.
III) Hyperplasia:-
- It is defined as increase of tissue mass due to
an increase in the number of cells.
- It occurs in cells that are under increased
physiologic workload or stimulations. I.e. the
cells are capable of dividing thus increasing
their numbers.
Types of Hyperplasia
a) Physiologic Hyperplasia: occurs when there
hormonal stimulation
- Occurs in puberty and pregnancy
b) Compensatory-Hyperplasia
- Occurs in organs that are capable of
regenerating lost tissues.
Eg. When part of liver is destroyed.
c) Pathologic Hyperplasia
- Is seen in abnormal stimulation of organs with
cells that are capable of regeneration.

E.g. Enlargement of Thyroid gland due to TSH from pituitary
IV) Hypertrophy
- Is an increase in the size of individual cells,
resulting in increased tissue mass with out an
increase in the number of cells.
- It is usually response of a specific organ to an
increased demand for work.
Example: - Enlargement of muscles in Athletes
V) Metaplasia

Metaplasia is a reversible change in which one type of

adult cell is replaced by another type.

It is an adaptive substitution of one cell type more

suitable to the hostile environment for another.
Eg. - Replacement of the normal columnar, ciliated
goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa by Stratified
squamous epithelial cells in chronic smokers.
Figure 1.1 Types of cellular adaptive changes
(Cell Death)
Cell injury can be sub lethal or lethal. Sub lethal injury alters
functions with out causing cell death. The changes caused by
this type of injury are potentially reversible if the injuring stimuli
are removed.
Causes of cell injury:-
Causes of cell injury are the same causes of cellular adaptive
changes as mentioned above.
Classification of cell injury:-
Cellular injury can be reversible or it may progress to
irreversible change (Lethal change).
1. Reversible cell injury:-
Is cell injury which can be reversed when the stimulus or the
cause of injury is removed.
Ischemia refers to a critical lack of blood
supply to a localized area.
It is reversible in that tissues are
restored to normal function when
oxygen is again supplied to them, but if
late progress to ischemic infraction
It usually occurs in the presence of
atherosclerosis in the major arteries.
The classic conditions resulting from
ischemia is Angina pectoris.
2. Irreversible Cell injury
It is cellular injury that can not be corrected (reversed) after
the stimulus or cause has been removed.
a. Infarction:-
Is localized area of tissue death due to
lack of blood supply.
It is also called Ischemic Necrosis.
It is due to occlusion of blood vessels by
thrombus or embolus. Septic Infarction
is added when there is evidence of
infection in the area.
It is irreversible cellular death due to
lack of blood supply, when ischemia is
persistent or late.

Example:- Acute myocardial

infarction (AMI)

b. Necrosis:-
The term necrosis refers to cell or
tissue death characterized by structural
evidence of this death.
T h e s t r u c t u r a l c h a n g e s a r e
mitochondrial swelling, rupture of cell
membrane, shrinking of nucleus or
fragmenting, and release of lysozomal-
enzymes, etc.
Based on the structural changes,
Necrosis is classified in to two main
1. Coagulative-Necrosis

Usually results from lack of blood supply

to an area.

The cell structure and its architectural

outline is preserved, but the nucleus is
lost (structureless necrosis)

Caseouse Necrosis: - is a good

example of structureless necrosis. It is
common i n t uber cul osi s and i s
characteri zed by central area of
necrosis which is soft, friable and
surrounded by an area with a cheesy,
crumbly appearance.
2. Colliquative- Necrosis (liquefactive-
- It frequently occurs in brain tissues and
results from break down of neurons by
released lysosomal enzymes resulting
in formation of pockets of liquid, debris
and cyst like structures in the brain
Example:- Wet gangrene.
1.2. Neoplasm
1.2.1. Definition of terms:-
! Neoplasm: - New abnormal growth because of
abnormal cellular- reproduction. It is synonymously
used with tumor.
! Aberrant cellular growth:- An alteration in normal
cell growth
! Tumor: - A growth of Neoplastic cells clustered
together to form a mass. It can be benign or
! Benign tumor: - Is characterized by abnormal cell
division but no metastasis or invasion of the
surrounding tissues.
! Malignant tumor: - Abnormal cell division
characteri zed by abi l i ty to i nvade l ocal l y,
metastasize and reoccur. It is cancer cells.
! Carcinogenesis: - production or origination of
cancer cells.
! Sarcoma: - Malignant growth from mesodermal
tissues I.e. connective tissues, blood-vessels,
organs, etc.
! Metastasis: - Ability to establish secondary tumor
growth at a new location away from the primary
! Carcinoma: - Malignant growth originating in
epithelial tissues
1.2.2. Benign and Malignant Neoplasia
- The capacity of undergoing mitosis is inherent
in all cells. Mitosis is repressed or controlled
until specific stimulation for growth occurs.
Every time a normal cell passes through a
cycle of division, the opportunity exists for it to
become Neoplastic.
N.B. Cancer cells lack repression or lode
control of Mitosis I.e. cancer cells are crazy
1.2.3. Epidemiology
- Neoplastic-disease affects 1 in 4 persons in the
- Cancer can strike at any age but the chance
increase with age.
- It is the leading cause of children death aged 3-14
years old.
- The three leading death producing cancer in men
are cancer of the lung, colo-rectal and prostatic
gland. For women the most common cancers are
those of the breast, l ung, and col orectal
1.2.4. Classifications of Neoplasms
- Neoplasms are classified according to their cells of
origin and their behavior of growth as benign or
Table 1.1 A comparison of benign and malignant
Benign Malignant
- Similar to cell of origin - Dissimilar from cell of
- Edges move out word
- Edges move out ward
- Compress locally - Invade locally
- Slow growth rate - Rapi d to very rapi d
growth rate.
- Sel dom Recur after
removal by surgery
- Frequently recur after
- N e c r o s i s a n d
ulceration is uncommon
- Necrosis and ulceration
- Syst emi c ef f ect i s
- S y s t e mi c e f f e c t
1.2.5. Nomenclature of Neoplasms
- Naming of Neoplasia based on two main
important features of the tumor. These are:-
A) Based on its Behavior of growth:-
i) Benign: - Add oma at the end for connective tissue
origin tumors.
- Add papiloma for epithelial origin.
- Add adenoma for glandular origin.
ii) Malignant: Add: - sarcoma at the end for malignant
tumors of Connective tissues origin.
- Add carcinoma at the end for malignant
tumors of epithelial origin.
- Add adenocarcinoma at the end for
malignant tumors of glandular origin.
B) Based on cells of origin:-
- Neoplasms are named at their prefix by their
cells of origin and their suffixes are added at
the end to show whether they are benign or
Example: - Behavior of growth
Cells of origin Benign Malignant
- Fatty cells - Lipoma - Liposarcoma
- Bone cells - Osteoma - Osteosarcoma
- Blood vessels - Hemangioma - Hemangiosarcoma
- Fibrous tissues - Fibroma - Fibrosarcoma

C) Exceptional Naming (Malignant Misnomers)
- There are some neoplasms that are named
exceptionally to the above rules.
- Hepatoma: - malignant tumors of the liver
cel l s. It i s al so cal l ed Hepato-cel l ul ar
- Hodgkins disease: - Malignant tumors of the
lymphoid tissues.
- Multiple myeloma: - malignant tumors from
the plasma cells.
- Others:- Leukemia, Ewings sarcoma, etc.
1.2.6. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis
- There are large numbers of research done in
the world to know the etiology of cancer but
none of the theories that attempt to explain
the peculiarities of the cancer cells have been
completely successful. The following are some
of the theories on carcinogenesis:
a. Genetic Instability:-
- The theory of somatic cell mutation supports
the concept that mutational carcinogenic
agents and heredity susceptibility can induce
genetic abnormalities.
b. Carcinogens
- Carcinogens are those substances that are
capable of inducing neoplastic growth. They
are also called oncogenes. Some substances
induce neoplastic growth at higher doses and
exposur e r at es whi l e ot her s can be
carcinogenic at lower doses and exposure
The three commonly encountered carcinogens are:
1. Chemical carcinogens
- Many chemical agents are capable of causing
Neoplasms in either humans or animals.
Chemical carcinogens are grouped as:-
a. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons:-
! They are common carcinogens;
present i n t obacco smoke or
automobile exhaust, .Usually cause
cancer of lips, oral-cavity, lungs,
neck, pancreases,
b. Aromatic amines
! Commonly found in insecticides,
certain foods and Naphthalene.
Usually related with cancer of the
c. Alkylating agents
! They can cause cancer when given
in large dose. Are usually used as
therapeuti c agents. exampl e:-
Nitrogen mustard
- Mustard gas
d. Others
! Li ke afl atoxi nes, ni trosami des,
drugs, etc.
2. Physical carcinogenic agents
Ionizing radiation is a recognized cause of cellular
mutations. Damage to DNA may be direct or
indirect. A long latent period often exists between
exposure and development of clinical disease.
- Exampl e: - l eukemi a and ski n
cancers became very common long
years l at er i n Hi roshi ma and
Nagasaki,Japan;after atomic bomb
3. Viral carcinogens (oncogenic viruses)
Viruses are thought to cause some human and
Animals malignant neoplasms. Current evidence
shows that viruses alter the genome of the
infected cells, which then alter the offspring of the
host cells. Some of the oncognic viruses are:-
1. EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) associated with
Burketts lymphoma.
2. HPV (Human-papilloma-virus) associated
with cervical cancer and skin-papilloma.

4. Other Factors in carcinogenesis
Epidemiologic studies have revealed other factors
in the occurrence of neoplasms besides chemical,
physical and viral-carcinogens. Some of these
factors are dietary habits, sexuality, and other
personal habits like smoking, alcohol consumption
Review Questions
1) List the types of cellular adaptive changes.
2) Discuss the common stimuli for cellular changes?
3) Which of the following adaptive change have higher
chance of malignant transformation?
a) Hyperplasia b) Hypertrophy
c) Dysplasia d) None of the above
4) List the types of carcinogens.
5) Explain the most important features of malignant cells.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:-
- Di scuss the di fferent types of body defense
- Describe Pathophysiologic events of inflammations.
- List local and systemic manifestations of inflammations
- Describe the pathophysiology of resolution (healing)
process of Inflammations.
- Compare and contrast pathophysiology of wound
healing and fracture Healing.
- Discuss common examples of both acute and chronic
inflammatory Conditions.
- Discuss HIV/AIDS and its pathophysiology

2.1. Body Defense Mechanisms against Injury
To protect against injury and infection, the body has various
defense mechanism. These defense mechanisms are:-
2.1.1) The skin and mucous membranes
2.1.2) The mononuclear phagocyte system
3) The inflammatory response and
2.1.4) The immune system
2.1.1. The skin and mucous membranes
The skin and mucous membranes are the first line of defense
mechanisms. They serve as a mechanical barrier for
protection of the body against different injurious agents. Break
in these barriers give pave for way of injurious agents.

2.1.2. Mononuclear Phagocyte System
The mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) consists of
monocytes and macrophages and their precursor cells. In the
past, the MPS system was called the reticuloendothealial
system (RES). However, it is not a body system with distinctly
defined tissues and organs. Rather, it consists of phagocytic
cells located in various tissues and organs (see Table 2.1).
The phagocytic cells are either fixed or free (mobile). The
macrophages of the liver, spleen, bone marrow, lungs, lymph
nodes, and nervous system (microglial cells) are fixed
phagocytes. The monocytes (in blood) and the macrophages
found in connective tissue, termed histolytic, are mobile, or
wandering, phagocytes.
Monocytes and macrophages originate in the bone marrow.
Monocyts spend a few days in the blood and then enter
tissues and change into macrophages. Tissue macrophages
are larger and more phagocytic than monocytes.
The functions of the macrophage system include recognition
and phagocytes of foreign material such as microorganisms,
removal of old or damaged cells from circulation, and
participation in the immune system.

Table-2.1 Location and Name of Macrophages
Connective Tissue
Bone Marrow
Lymph Nodes
Bone Tissue
Central Nervous System
Peritoneal Cavity
Pleural Cavity
Kupffer Cells
Alveolar Macrophages
Free and Fixed macrophages
Fixed Macrophages
Free and Fixed macrophages
Microglial Cells
Peritoneal Macrophages
Pleural Macrophages
Histiocyte, Langerhans Cells
Type A Cells
The inflammatory response is a sequential reaction to cell
injury. It neutralizes and dilutes the inflammatory agent,
removes necrotic materials, and establishes an environment
suitable for healing and repair. The term inflammation is often
but incorrectly used as a synonym for the term infection.
Inflammation is always present with infection, but infection is
not always present with inflammation. However, a person who
is neutropenic may not be able to mount an inflammatory
response. An infection involves invasion of tissues or cells by
microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In
contrast, inflammation can also be caused by nonliving agents
such as heat, radiation, trauma, and allergens.
The mechanism of inflammation is basically the same
regardless of the injuring agent. The intensity of the response
depends on the extent and severity of injury and on the
reactive capacity of the injured person. The inflammatory
response can be divided in to:-
1) Vascular response,
2) Cellular response,
3) Formation of exudates
4) Healing.
After cell injury, arterioles in the area briefly undergo transient
vasoconstriction. After release of histamine and other
chemicals by the injured cells, the vessels dilate. This
vasodilatation results in hyperemia (increased blood flow in
the area), which raise filtration pressure. Vasodilatation and
chemical mediators cause endothelial cell retraction, which
increases capillary permeability. Movement of fluid from
capillaries into tissue spaces is thus facilitated. Initially
composed of serous fluid, this inflammatory exudates later
contains plasma proteins, Primarily albumin. The proteins
exert oncotic pressure that further draws fluid from blood
vessels. The tissue becomes edematous. This response is
illustrated in figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1:- Vascular Response in Inflammation
Cell Injury
Cell Death
Momentary Local Vasconstriction
Release of Kinins
Histamines, Prostaglandins
Local Vascodilation
Capillary permeability Hyperemia
Fluid Exudates
This is characterized by extravasations of leucocytes from the
lumen into interstitial tissue followed by phagocytosis.
! Extravasations involve the following sequence of
events: -
a) Margination
b) Transmigration across the endothelium to
interstitical tissue (also called diapedesis).
c) Migration in the interstitial tissues towards a
chemotactic stimulus called Chemotaxis.
a) Margination of leukocytes
! It is the adherence of leukocytes to the endothelial
cells lining. Mainly to the post Capillary venules.
b) Transmigration of leukocytes
! This is the movement of leukocytes by extending
pseudopodia through the vascular wall by a process
called diapedesis.
! Leukocytes escape from venules and small veins but
only occasionally from capillaries.
c) Chemotaxis
! It is a unidirectional leukocyte attraction within tissue
space guided by the presence of bacteria and cellular
! All granulocytes, monocytes and to a lesser extent
lymphocytes respond to chemotactic stimuli.
d) Phagocytosis
! Once the cell has reached to the site of injurious agent
(in interstitial tissue) phagocytosis ensues.
! Phagocytic cells include polymorphonuclear leukocytes
(particularly neutrophils), monocytes and tissue
! Phagocytosis involves three distinct but interrelated
1. Recognition and attachment of the particle to
be ingested by the leukocytes:
! Phagocytosis is enhanced if the material to
be phagocyted is coated with certain
plasma proteins called opsonins.
2. Engulfment
! As a resul t of f usi on bet ween t he
p h a g o s o m e a n d l y s o s o m e , a
phagolysosome is formed and the engulfed
particle is exposed to the degradative
lysosomal enzymes
3. Killing or degradation
! The ultimate step in phagocytosis of
bacteria (any foreign body) is killing and

There are two forms of bacterial killing methods:
a. Oxygen independent mechanism:
! It is mediated by lysosomal enzymes (the
primary and secondary granules) of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
b. Oxygen dependent killing of microbes:
! This is microbial killing by the generation of
oxygen metabolites such as super oxide,
, HO
, etc.
Chemical mediators of inflammation
! Chemical mediators originate either from
the plasma or from cells (neutrophils,
macrophages, lymphocytes, basophiles,
mast cells and platelets).
! Some of the chemical mediators of
inflammation include histamine, serotonin,
l ysosomal enzymes, prostagl andi ns,
leukotriens, activated oxygen species, nitric
oxide, cytokines,
! Mediators of the inflammatory response
are presented in (see table2.2
Table 2.2. Mediators of Inflammation
K i n i n s
C o m p l e m e n t
(C3a, C4a, C5a)
Prost agl andi ns
a n d
Stored in granules of
basophils, mast cells,
Stored in platelates, mast
cells, enterochromaffin
cells of GI tract
Produced from precursor
factor kininogen as a
result of activation of
Hageman factors (XII) of
clotting system
Anaphy l ax i s agent s
g e n e r a t e d f r o m
compl ement pat hway
Produced from activation
of the clotting system
P r o d u c e d f r o m
Arachidonic acid
Causes vasodi l at i on &
i n c r e a s e d v a s c u l a r
permeability by stimulating
contraction of endothelial
cells and creating widened
gap between cells
C a u s e s i n c r e a s e d
vasodilation and increased
vascular permeability by
stimulating endothelial class
and creating widened gap
between cells; stimulates
smooth muscle contraction
Causes cont r act i on of
smooth muscle and dilation
of blood vessels; result in
stimulation of pain
Stimulate histamine release;
stimulate chemotaxis
I n c r e a s e s v a s c u l a r
per meabi l i t y; st i mul at e
chemotaxis fro neutrophils
and monocytes
PGE1 AND PGE2 cause
vasodilation; LTB4 stimulate
Exudates consist of fluid and leukocytes that move from the
circulation to the site of injury. The nature and quantity of
exudates depend on the type and severity of the injury and the
tissues involved (see Table 2.3).

Serous exudates results
from outpouring of fluid that
has low cell and protein
content; it is seen in early
stages of inflammation or
when injury is mild
Cat arrhal exudat es are
found in tissues where cells
produce mucus. Mucus
production is accelerated by
inflammatory response.
Fibrinous exudates occur
with increasing vascular
permeability and fibrinogen
leakage into tissue spaces.
Excessive amount of fibrin
coating tissue surfaces may
cause them to adhere.
Hemor r hagi c exudat es
resul ts from rupture or
necrosis of blood vessels
walls; it consists of RBCs
that escape into tissue.
Skin blisters, pleural
Runny nose associated
with URTI
c el l ul i t es ( di f f us e
i n f l a m m a t i o n i n
connective tissue)
Clinical Manifestations of inflammations
The clinical manifestations of inflammation can be classified
i. Local response to inflammation includes the
manifestations of redeness, heat, pain, swelling, and
loss of function (see table 2.4).
ii. Systemic response to inflammations
1) Redness (rubor)
2) Heat (color)
3) Pain (dolor)
4) Swelling (tumor)
5) Loss of function
(function laesa)
Hyperemia from vasodilatation
I nc r eas ed met abol i s m at
inflammatory site
Change in PH; Change in ionic
concentration; nerve stimulation
by chemicals (e.g. histamine,
prostaglandins); pressure form
fluid exudates
Fluid shift to interstitial spaces;
fluid exudates accumulation
Swelling and pain
" Systemic manifestations of inflammation:-
Include leukocytosis with a shift to the left, malaise, nausea
and anorexia, Increased pulse and respiratory rate, and fever.
! Leukoctosis results from the increased release of
leukoytes form the bone marrow. An increase in the
circulating number of one or more types of leukocytes
may be found. Inflammatory responses are accompanied
by the vaguely defined constitutional symptoms of
malaise, nausea, anorexia, and fatigue. The causes of
these systemic changes are poorly understood but are
probably due to complement activation and the release
of cytokines (soluble factors secreted by WBCs that act
as intercellular messengers) from stimulated WBCs.
Three of these cytoki nes, i nterl euki n-1 (IL-1),
interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), are
important in causing the constitutional manifestations of
inflammation, as well as inducing the production of fever.
An increase in pulse and respiration follows the rise in
metabolism as a result of an increase in body
! Fever
The onset of fever is triggered by the release of
cytokines. The most potent of these cytokines are
IL-1, IL- 6, and TNF (released from mononuclear
phagocytic cells).
These cytokines cause fever by their ability to
initiate metabolic changes in the temperature-
regulating center. The synthesis of prostaglandin
E2 (PGE2) is the most critical metabolic change.
PGE2 acts directly to increase the thermostatic
set point. The hypothalamus then activates the
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous
system to stimulate increased muscle tone and
shivering and decreased perspiration and blood
flow to the periphery. Epinephrine released from
the adrenal medulla increases the metabolic rate.
The net result is fever.
With the physiologic thermostat fixed at a higher-
than normal temperature, the rate of heat
pr oduct i on i s i ncr eased unt i l t he body
temperature reaches the new set point. As the
set point is raised, the hypothalamus signals and
increases in heat production and conservation to
raise the body temperature to the new level. At
this point the individual feels chilled and shivers.
The shivering response is the bodys method of
raising the bodys temperature until the new set
point is attained. This seeming paradox is
dramatic: the body is hot yet an individual piles
on blankets and may go to bed to go warm.
When the circulating body temperature reaches
the set point of the core body temperature, the
chills and warmth- seeking behavior cease.
The classifications of febrile response
! The febrile response is classified into four stages:
Prodromal, chill, flush and defervescence.
(See Table2.5)





Nonspecific complaints such as mild

headache, fatigue, general malaise,
and muscle aches

Cutaneous vasoconstriction,
goose pimples, pale skin; feeling of being
cold; generalized shaking chill; shivering
causing body to reach new temperature set by
control center in hypothalamus

Sensation of warmth throughout body;

cutaneous vasodilatation; warming
and flushing of the skin

Sweat i ng; dec r eas e i n body

The released cytokines and the fever they trigger activate the
bodys defense mechanisms. Beneficial aspects of fever
include increased killing of microorganisms, increased
phagocytes by neutrohils, and increased proliferation of T
cells. Higher body temperature may also enhance the activity
of interferon, bodys natural virus- fighting substance.
Types of Inflammation
The basic types of inflammation are acute, sub- acute, and
In acute inflammation the healing occurs in 3 to 3 weeks and
usually leaves no residual damage. Neutorphils are the
predominate cell type at the site of inflammation.
A sub acute inflammation has the features of the acute
process but lasts longer. For example, infective endocarditic is
a smoldering infection with acute inflammation, but it persists
throughout weeks or months.
Chronic Inflammation lasts for weeks, months, or even
years. The injurious agent persists or repeatedly injures
tissue. The predominate cell types at the site of inflammation
are lymphocytes and macrophages. Chronic inflammatory
process are debilitating and can be devastating. The
prolongation and chronicity of any inflammation may be the
result of an alteration in the immune response.
The final phase of the inflammatory response is healing.
Healing includes the two major components of regeneration
and repair. Regeneration is the replacement of lost cells and
tissues with cells of the same type. Repair is healing as a
result of lost cells being replaced by connective tissue of
different origin. Repair is the more common type of healing
and usually results in scar formation.
Example of healing processes:-
A) Wound Healing
B) Fracture Healing
A) Wound Healing
Wound healing follows also either Regeneration or Repair by

The ability of cells to regenerate depends on the cell types
(see Table). Labile cells, such cells of he skin, lymphoid
organs, bone marrow, and mucous membranes of the GI,
urinary, and reproductive tracts, divide constantly. Injury to
these organs is followed by rapid regeneration.
Stable cells retain their ability to regenerate but do so only if
the organism injured. Examples of stable cells are liver,
pancreas, kidney, and bone cells.
Permanent cells do not regenerate: Examples of these cells
are neurons of the CNS and cardiac muscle cells. Damage to
CNS neurons or heart muscle can lead to permanent loss.
Healing will occur by repair with scar tissue.

Skin, linings of blood
vessels, mucous

Connective Tissue


Tendons &





Cells readily divide and


Act i ve t i ssue heal s


Regeneration possible
but slow

Regeneration possible
but slow

Cell actively regenerate

Regenerati on usual l y
possible (particularly in
GI tract )

D a ma g e d mu s c l e
replaced by connective

Co n n e c t i v e t i s s u e
r e p l a c e s s e v e r e l y
damaged muscle; some
r e g e n e r a t i o n i n
moderatel y damaged
muscle occurs

Generally nonmitotic; do
not replicate and replace
themselves if irreversibly
* Cells regeneration; scar
tissue often forms
when neurons are damaged
Repair is a more complex process than regeneration. Most
injuries heal by connective tissue repair. Repair healing occurs
by primary, secondary, or tertiary intention.
Primary Intention
Primary intention healing takes place when wound margins
are nearly approximated, such as in a surgical incision or
paper cut. A continuum of processes is associated with
primary healing (see Table2.7). These processes include three
Table-2.7. Phases In Primary Intention Healing

Initial (3 to 5 days)

Granulation (5 days to
4 weeks)

Maturation Phase &

Scar Contraction (7
d a y s t o s e v e r a l
Approximation of incision
edges; migration of epithelial
c e l l s ; c l o t s e r v i n g a s
me s h wo r k f o r s t a r t i n g
capillary growth
Mi gr at i on of f i br obl ast s;
s e c r e t i o n o f c o l l a g e n ;
abundance of capillary buds;
fragility of wound
Remodel i ng of col l agen;
strengthening of scar
Secondary Intention
Wounds that occur from trauma, ulceration, and infection and
having large amounts of exudates and wide irregular wound
margins with extensive tissue loss may not have edges that
can approximated. The inflammatory reaction may be greater
than in primary healing. This results in more debris, and
exudates. The debris may have to be cleaned away (derided)
before healing can take place.
In some instances a primary lesion may become infected,
creating additional inflammation. The wound may reopen, and
healing by secondary intention takes place.
The process of healing by secondary intention is essential as
primary healing. The major differences are the greeter defect
and the gaping wound adages. Healing and granulation takes
place form the edges inward and from the bottom of the
wound upward until the defect is filled. There is more
granulation tissue and the result is much larger scar.
Tertiary intention
Tertiary intention (delayed primary intention) healing occurs
with delayed suturing of a wound in which two layers of
granulation tissue are suture together. This occurs when a
contaminated wound is left open and sutured closed after the
infection is controlled. It also occurs when a primary wound
becomes infected, is opened, is allowed to graduate, and is
then sutured. Tertiary intention usually results in a larger and
deeper scar than primary or secondary intention.

B. Bone Healings

Bone healing occurs in a similar manner with soft

tissue healing, but it is however more complex and
takes longer time. Although the exact mechanism is
controversial; the following five stages are identified:-
1) Stage of Hematoma Formation:-
- Occurs during the first 48-72 hours following
- Develops as blood leaks from torn vessels
into the bone fragments and clotting factors in
the injured area remain to initiate the
formation of fibrin mesh work, which serves as
frame work for in growth of fibroblast and new
capillaries. Granulation tissue eventually
invade and replace the clots.
2) Stage of Cellular Proliferation:-
- Three layers of bone (periosteum, endosteum,
and medullary canal) are involved in the
- During this process the osteoblast multiply
and differentiate into fibrocartilagenous callus;
softer and more flexible than callus.
- The collar edge on either side of the fracture
eventually unit to form a bridge, which
connects the bone, fragments.
3) Stage of Callus Formation:-
- During the early stage of callus formation,
the fracture become sticky as osteoblast
continue to move in and through the fibrin
bridge to help keep it firm. Then bone
calcifies as mineral salt deposit to form true
callus in 3-4 weeks time.
4) Stage of Ossification:-
- It involves the final lying down of bone.
- This is the stage at which fracture has been
bridged and is firmly united.
- Mature bone replaces the callus and
excess callus is gradually resorbed and
appear united on X-ray.
- Cast can be removed safely at this stage.
5) Stage of Remodeling and Consolidation: -
- It involves resorption of the excess bony
callus that develops within the marrow space
and encircle the extended aspect of fracture
N.B: - Function usually returns after six months after union,
and complete function may take longer time.
Factors Affecting Fracture Healings

Factors that determine degree of fracture healing are

classified as local factors and those factors specific to
the patients: -
1) Local Factors: -
- Nature of injury
- Degree of bridge formation in the healing.
- Amount of bone loss
- Type of bone injury
Cancellous bone heals faster
Cortical bone heals slowly.
-Degree of immobilization achieved.
- Local infection
Retard healing.
- Local malignancy
-Bone necrosis
Prevents blood flow to the site.
2) Individual Factors: -
- Age:-younger healing is faster.
- Older healing is slower.
- Poor nutrition
- Debilitating diseases: Diabetes
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Coagulation disorders.
- Circulatory problems.

Common Example of Acute inflammatory Conditions

Definition: -
Microbial invasion of the lung parenchyma
evoking exudative solidification (consolidation)
of the lung tissues.

Etiology: -
Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi,
parasites or chemicals.

Classification: -
- Based on etiologic agents: -
" Bacterial: - pneumococcal, staphylococcal,
mycoplasma, etc.
" Viral: - influenza, respiratory syncythial virus
" Fungal : - Hi st ol asopasma capt ul at um,
aspergilla fumigates, etc
" Parasi ti c: -PCP (Pneumocyst i c cari ni
" Chemicals:-Gastric Aspirate,
- Based on the gross anatomic distribution of the disease:-
" Broncho pneumonia and
" Lobar pneumonia
N.B:- The best classification is etiologic based, however;
anatomic classification is also commonly utilized.

Each day the respiratory airways and alveoli are exposed to
more than 10,000liters of air containing hazardous dusts,
chemicals and microorganisms. The fate of the inhaled
particles depends on their sizes. The normal lung is free from
bacteria, and there are potent defense mechanisms that clear
or destroy any bacteria inhaled with air. Some of the defense
mechanisms are:-
" Nasal clearance-
Sneezing, or blowing.
" Tracheo-bronchial clearance
Mucocilliary action that is eventually expectorated or
" Alveolar clearance
Bacteria or solid particles deposited in
alveoli are phagocytosed by alveolar
macrophages. The macrophages are
propelled to oropharynx and swallowed.
Alternatively particle lidden macrophages
move through interstial spaces and reenter
the bronchioles or enter the lymphatic
N.B:-Pneumonia can result whenever; these defenses
mechanisms are impaired or whenever, the resistance of the
host in general is lowered. Factors that affect the resistance in
general include chronic diseases, immunologic deficiencies,
and treatment with immunosuppressive agents and unusual
virulent infections.
! The Clearance mechanisms can be
interfered by many factors including: -
# Loss or suppression of cough
reflex, as a result of:-
- Coma
- Anesthesia
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Drugs or chest pain (this may lead
to aspiration of gastric Content).
# Injury of mucocilliary apparatus:-
- Owing to cigarette smoke.
- Inhalation of hot or corrosive
- Viral diseases
# Interference with phagocytic or
bactericidal action of alveolar
macrophages: -
- Alcohol
- Tobacco smoke
- Anoxia

Morphology of lobar pneumonia

Pneumococci and Klebsiela mainly cause lobar
pneumonia and lobar pneumonia is characterized by
four stages: -
1. Stages of Acute Congestion: - lasts - 2 days.
# The lung heals dark and firm. The
alveoli are filled with eosinophilic
edema, containing many gram-positive
diplococcal and PMNs
2. Stages of Red Hepatization: - lasts 2nd to 4th day.
# Lung is dry, firm, red and granular.
The pleural surface is grey-white and
# The capillaries engorged, filled with
fibrin exudates, RBC and numerous
3. Stages of Grey Hepatization - lasts 4th - 8th day.
# Cut surface is dry, granular and grey.
Alveoli contain fibrins, dead and live
neut r ophi l s and occasi onal l y
degenerating erythrocytes (hemolysis
4. Stages of Resolution - after 8th day.
# Migration of macrophages from the
alveolar space into the exudate, which
latter liquefied by fibrinolytic system.
Complete resolution and aeration
takes 1-3 weeks, but pleural adhesion
between the two layers usually
N.B: -These classic stages (phases) of lobar pneumonia are
now infrequent owing to effective antibiotic therapy that
prevents the development of full blown lobar consolidations.
Common Examples of Chronic Inflammatory Conditions
Is prototype example of granulomatous inflammation.
Tuberculosis infects one third of world population and kills
about three million people yearly and it is the single most
important infectious disease.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis are the
regular infecting rod shaped, acid and alcohol fast, strict
aerobic, non spore forming organism with waxy coat. It has a
slow generation time (4-6 weeks) to obtain a colony of
mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis is transmitted by
inhalation of infective droplets coughed or sneezed into the air
by a patient with tuberculosis; however, M. bovis is transmitted
by milk from infected cows. M. avium and M. intracellulare
cause disseminated infection.

Primary infection: -
! Primary phase of M. tuberculosis
infection begins with inhalation of the
mycobacterium most often in the lower
segment and middle lobes of the lung. It
i s p h a g o c y t o s e d b y a l v e o l a r
macrophages and transported by these
cells to hilar lymph nodes. Nave
macrophages are unable to kill the
mycobacterium, which multiply and lyses
the host cell, infect other macrophages
and sometimes disseminate through
blood to other parts of the lung and
el sewher e i n t he body ( cal l ed
disseminated tuberculosis).
! Af t er f ew weeks T-cel l medi at ed
immunity is demonstrable by PPD
reaction. First the CD4 T cells interaction
with macrophages secretes interferons
which activate macrophages to kill
intracellular mycobacterium through
r eact i ve ni t r ogen i nt er medi at es,
including NO, NO2, HNO3.
! Second CD 8+ suppressor T-cells lyses
m a c r o p h a g e s i n f e c t e d w i t h
mycobact eri um t hrough a FAS -
i ndependent , granul ar dependent
reaction and kill mycobacterium.
! Third CD4 -CD8 (double negative) T-cell
lyses macrophages in a FAS dependent
manner without killing mycobacteria.
Lyses of these macrophages results in
the formation of caseouting granuloma
and direct toxicity to the mycobacteria
may contribute to the necrotic caseous
! The primary infection of sub -pleural
lesion, the intervening macrophage
r eact i ons wi t h i n accompanyi ng
lymphangitis and the hilar lymph nodes,
caseous lesions is called primary
complex (often called a Ghon focus).
Fate of primary complex (Ghon focus) include:-
I. Fibrosis and calcifications: -
! The response T-cell mediated immune induces
hypersetivity to the organisms and controls
95% of primary infection. This is associated
with progressive fibrosis and calcification of
persistent caseous debris. Moreover, most
bacilli are, but few remain viable for years till
the persons immune response fails.
! Ho we v e r i f t h e i n f e c t e d p e r s o n i s
immunologically immature, as in a young child
or immunocompromized as in AIDS patients,
the course of this primary infection is quite
different. Such persons lack the capacity to
coordinate integrated hypersensitivity and cell-
mediated immune responses to the organism
and thus often lack the capacity to contain the
infection. Granulomas are poorly formed or not
formed at all, and infection progresses at the
primary site in the lung, the regional lymph
nodes or at multiple sites of disseminations.
This process produces progressive primary
II. Progressive primary tuberculosis pneumonia: -
! Commonly seen in children less than five years of
age but it occurs in adults as mentioned in those
with suppressed or defective immunity.
III. Pleural effusion: -
! Sub pleural focus may discharge bacilli or antigen
into the pleural cavity resulting in the development
of pleural effusion. It is common in adolescent
infected with M. tuberculosis for the first time.
Hilar or mediastinal groups of lymph nodes may be
enlarged with caseous necrosis that may result in:-
! Obstruction of the bronchus by the enlarged
lymph-nodes leading to lobar collapse.
! The caseous hilar lymph node may penetrate the
bronchial wall and resulting in rupture of the wall
with pouring of caseous materials into the
bronchus hence, tuberculosis broncho-pneumonia
! The cascous materials may be disseminated to
other parts of the body via blood streams called
Miliary tuberculosis.
N.B- Tuberculosis can affect almost all part of the body,
Except the Enamel of the teeth.

! Leprosy or Hansen disease is a slowly progressive
infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae
affecting the skin and peripheral nerves and
resulting in deformity, loss of sensation and
ulceration. Though M. leprae is in most part
contained in the skin, the disease is transmitted
from person to person through aerosols from
lesions in upper respiratory tract.
! The bacillus is acid fast obligate intracellular
organism that does not grow in culture and it
grows best at 32-34 degree centigrade of the
t emperat ure of human ski n. Li ke M.
tuberculosis, M. leprae secrets no toxins but
its virulence is based on properties of its cell
wal l . The baci l l us produce potenti al l y
destructive granulomas or by interference
with the metabolism of cells and thereby
macrophages, disseminate through the blood
but grows only relatively on cool tissues of the
skin and extremities.
! Dissemination based on host immune
response. Leprosy is a bipolar disease. Two
forms of the disease occur depending on
weather the host mounts a T-cell mediated
immune response (tuberculoid leprosy) or is
anergic (lepromatous leprosy). The polar
forms are relatively stable but the borderline
form is unstable without treatment. It may
deteriorate to lepromatous leprosy. Patients
with tuberculoid leprosy form granuloma with
few surviving bacteria (paucibaccilary
disease). The 48 hours lepromin skin test is
strongly positive CD4 + type 1 helper T-cell
secrete IL-2 and there are also few CD8+
! In contrast patients with lepromatous leprosy
lack T-cell mediated immunity, are anergic to
lepromin and have diffuse lesions (globi
containing foamy macrophages, stuffed with
l a r g e n u mb e r s o f my c o b a c t e r i a
(multibacillary disease)
! Lepromatous leprosy lesions lack CD4+ type
I T-cell at their margins but in stead contain
many CD8+ suppressor T-cell in a diffuse
pattern. The CD8+ suppressor T-cell secrete
IL-10 which inhibits helper T-cells and may
mediate the anergy seen in lepromatous
leprosy. This CD8 suppressor T-cell also
secretes IL-4 which indicates antibody
production by B-cell.
! Antibody production is not important in
lepromatous leprosy and rather the formation
of ant i gen ant i body c ompl ex es i n
lepromatous leprosy leads to erythema-
nodosum regionosum, a life threating
vasculitis, and glomeruloneghritis.
N.B:- Because of the different parasite filled lesions
lepromatous leprosy is more infectious than those with
tuberculoid leprosy.
Immunopathology is the study of diseases, which have or
appear to have an immunologic basis. The immune system is
a two-edged sword on one hand, immunodeficiency states
render humans easy prey to infections and possibly tumors;
on the other hand, a hyperactive immune system may
cause fatal disease.
2.1.4. A) Hypersensitivity Reactions
# Hypersensitivity reactions refer to exaggerated
response of immune system to an antigen
(foreign body).
# The antigen that elicits the response is called
an allergen.
# The purpose of the immune response is to
protect against invasion by foreign organisms,
but they often lead to tissue damage. Thus, an
immune response that results in tissue injury is
broadly referred to as a hypersensitivity

Classification: -

Hypersensitivity reactions can be divided into 4 types

depending on the mechanism of immune recognition
involved and on the inflammatory mediator system
recited, which is Gell and Combs classification.

Types - I, II, and III depend upon the interaction of

antibody with the target, whereas, in type IV reactions
recognition is achieved by antigen receptors on T-cells.
1) Type-I (Immediate Hypersensitivity Reaction)

It affects those people who are susceptible to the

disease genetically.

Susceptibility to allergy is inherited and may result from

excessive IgE-production.

- The immune response is activated when
antigen binds to IgE antibodies attached to the
surface of mast cells
- Mast cells are found in connective tissue, skin,
and mucus membranes.
- The reaction proceeds when the IgE molecule
specific for a particular antigen become cross-
linked on the surface of mast cell and triggers
the release of intracellular granules.
- The granules contain histamine and other
chemotactic substances.
- Histamine causes peripheral vasodilatation and
an increased vascular permeability, resulting in
local vascular congestion and edema.
- Histamine also cause bronchospasm often
associated with allergic reaction.
Example: - Bronchial asthma, Allergic rhinitis, contact
2) Type-II (Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity)

In type-II hypersensitivity response, a circulating

antibody, usually an IgG reacts with an antigen on the
surface of a cell.

The antigen could be a normal component of the

membrane. It also may be a foreign antigen, such as a
pharmacological agent, that adheres to the surface of
the hosts own cells.

Example: - Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

-Erythroblastosis fetalis
-Drug- induced hemolysis
3) Type-III (Immune complex disease)

Immune complex disease results in the formation of

antigen-antibody complexes that activate a variety of
serum factors especially complement.

This results in precipitation of complexes in vulnerable

areas, leading to inflammatory process in intravascular,
synovial, endocardial and other membranes of the
vulnerable organs.

The antigen-antibody complexes accumulate in the

circulation and if not cleared, the complex lodge in the
tissue, where they initiate inflammatory reaction that
leads to tissue destruction.
4. Type-IV (Cell- Mediated Hypersensitivity)

Type-IV response is the result of specifically

sensitized T-lymphocytes.

Activation causes a delayed-type response.

Delayed Hypersensitivity
- It is due to the specific interaction of T-cells with antigen.
The T-cells reacts with the antigen and release
lymphokines that draws macrophages in to the area and
elicit inflammatory reaction locally.
- The tuberculin response is the best example of the
delayed hypersensitivity response and is used to
determine whether a person has been sensitized to the
disease. Reddening and indurations of the site begins with
in 12-72hours
- Example
# Contact Dermatitis
- A common allergic skin reaction
- It is a T-cell response with a delayed reaction
- It occurs on contact with certain common
household chemicals, cosmetics and plant
- The area becomes red and indurated, and
vesicles begin to appear. The lymphocytes and
macrophages infiltrate the area and react
against the epidermal cells.
# Transplant or Graft Rejection
- Rejection of tissues and transplanted organs
involves severeal of the hypersensitivity
- Rejection is defined as the process by which
the immune system of the host recognizes,
develops sensitivity to, and attempts to
eliminate the antigenic differences of the donor
- It is a complex reaction that involves both cell-
mediated and humoral responses. Cytotoxic T-
lymphocytes may either attack grafted tissues
directly or secretes chemotactic cytokines that
activate macrophages for tissue destruction.
- Humoral response involves formation of
antibodies that circulate. The antibodies causes
graft tissue destruction as they become more
2.1.4. B) Immunodeficiency diseases
The term immunodeficiency covers a group of disorder in
which defects result in impaired resistance to microbial
Deficiencies of specific immune response are divided into
primary and secondary types.
1. Primary immunodeficiency diseases:-
Are those disorders which usually manifest in early childhood
and there is a good evident that the disease is genetically
determined. Primary immunodeficiency diseases which are
almost always genetically determined are further divided into:-

Deficiencies of antibody (B - cells).

Deficiency of cell mediated (T-cells)


Combined T-cells and B-cells Deficiency

(Severe combi ned i mmunodefi ci ency

Complement factor deficiency.

2) Secondary immunodeficiency diseases
- Secondar y i mmunodef i ci ency i s def i ned as
deterioration in previously strong immune status.
- The causes are usually secondary to systemic
conditions like:-

Diabetic mellitus

Renal failure

Liver failure

Poor nutrition


Broad spectrum antibiotics


Prolonged steroid therapy

Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV/AIDS)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS)
! HIV-pathogenesis and Natural course of the
" HIV-Virology
- The virus HIV is a retrovirus, which belongs to a class Lent
- Is a single stranded RNA virus, which later transcribed to
double stranded DNA by reverse transcriptase enzyme.
- Integrates into the host genome.
- Has high potential for genetic diversity.
- It can lie dormant with in a cell for many years, especially
in resting (memory) CD4+ lymphocytes.

HIV-1: - world wide pandemic (currently about 40million


HIV-2: -Isolated in west Africa

- Causes AIDS much more slowly than HIV-, but
otherwise clinically similar.
Structures of HIV
- HIV has two parts: -
a) The viral-Envelope: -
- The outer covering of the virus.
- Contains different types of glycoprotein like
gp-120 and gp-41 on the envelopes, which
helps for binding of the virus into the host
target cells.
b) The viral core (Nucleus)
- Located centrally and contains: -

Single stranded RNA.

E n z y m e s l i k e : - R e v e r s e
- Integrase
- Protease.

Core proteins like P24.


Figure-2.2 Structure of HIV
How HIV Enters cells
- Once the virus is inoculated into the body by different
roots, the viral gp-120 envelope protein bind to CD4-
molecules of the target cells:-

CD4- molecules are found on T-cells, macrophages,

and Microglial cells.

Binding to CD4 is not sufficient for entry, the V3 loop of

gp-120 envelope protein should binds to the co-
Receptors of the target cells:-

CC R5-Receptor found on microphages.

C XCR4-Receptor found on T-lymphocytes.

" Fusion

Binding of the virus to the co-receptors results in fusion

of viral envelope with cell membrane of the target cells
(Macrophages and T-lymphocytes)

Fusion is followed by release of viral core into the host

cell cytoplasm by uncoating its envelope.
" Transcription
After the core enters to the host-cytoplasm, the enzyme
Reverse transcriptase begins to transcribe the single stranded
RNA into double stranded DNA. It occurs in the first 24 hours.
" Integration
The Integrase - enzyme integrate the double stranded DNA in
to the host DNA. Then the viral genetic material synthesizes
its own proteins for replication using the host machinery
(genetic material).It occurs in the 72-hours after exposure to
the virus.
" Assembly
The newly synthesized viral proteins are assembled in to
virions by protease enzyme.
" Budding
The assembled virions buds it self by taking cell membrane as
an envelope then released in to the circulation.
" Viral-Dissemination
The released virus in to the circulation disseminate to all
tissue of the body by binding into macrophages and T-
Figure-2.3 Mechanism of HIV Entry and replication in the
target cells
Viral-host Dynamics

About 10-billion virions are produced daily.

Average life-span of an HIV-virion in plasma is !


Average life-span of an HIV-infected CD4 lymphocyte

is 1.6days.

HIV can lie dormant within a cell for many years,

especially in resting (memory) CD4 cells.
General principles of Immune Dysfunction in HIV

All elements of immune systems are affected

Advanced stages of HIV are associated with

substantial disruption of lymphoid tissue:
- Impaired ability to mount immune response to
new antigen
- Impaired ability to maintain memory response
- Loss of containment of HIV-replication
- Susceptibility to opportunistic infections.
Mechanisms of CD4 Depletion and Dysfunction
" Direct

Elimination of HIV-infected cells by virus specific

immune responses

Loss of plasma membrane integrity because of viral


Interference with cellular RNA Processing.

" Indirect
# Syncytium formation:-
- Uninfected cells may bind in to HIV-infected
cells due to viral gp-120.
- This results in fusion of the cell membranes
and subsequent syncytium formation
- These syncytiums are highly unstable, and die
# Apoptosis:-
- Condensation of HIV-infected cells then cleared
by phagocytosis
# Autoimmunity:-
- Autoimmune destruction may happen due to
disturbance in immune-system dis-regulatory
Consequence of cell-Mediated Immune Dysfunction

Inability to respond to intra cellular infections and

This results in opportunistic infections and neoplasms. The
common opportunistic organisms are:-
" Bacteria
- Mycobacterium
- Salmonella
- Legionella
" Parasites
- Leishmania
- Toxoplasmosis
- Cryptosporidium, microsporidium, etc
" Virus
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
- Varicela- zoster virus (VZV)
- JC virus
- EBV- related lymphoma
Natural History of HIV infection
Modes of infection
- sexual transmission at genital or colonic
- Blood transfusion
- Mother to child
- Accidental occupational exposure
- Once the virus is inoculated to the host body by one of the
above modes; viral entery to the target cells occurs then the
individual passes through the following three courses of the
" Stage of primary HIV-infection
" Stage of latency
" Stage of AIDS
Stage of primary HIV-infection
- The period immediately after infection characterized by
high level of viremia (> 1million) for a duration of a few
- Associated with a transient fall in CD4.
- Nearl y hal f of pati ents experi ence i nfecti ous
mononucleosis like symptoms (fever, rash, swollen
lymph glands)
- Primary infection resolves as body mounts HIV-specific
adaptive immune response: - That is cell-mediated
response (CTL) followed by humoral immune system
stimulation clears acute viremia and then the patient
enters stage of clinical latency.
Stage of clinical latency
- During this stage the virus is already cleared by the
immune system and hide it self inside the target cells
( CD4+-cells) and other tissues like the brain, lymph
nodes and body fluids,
- The patient is clinically symptom free but the virus
keeps on replication in side those tissues. So, this is
just clinical latency but not virolagical latency.
- Immunological tests are positive and the person is also
potentially infectious.
Stage of AIDS
- AIDS develops as HIV slowly destroys CD4-cells over
years of infection.
- As the CD4-count drops, infections takes Opportunity
of this weakened immune system, resulting in
opportunistic infections (OI)
- When an individuals immune system is damaged to
the extent that these OIS Occur, the individual is said
to have AIDS.
Review Questions
1) Define different types of body defense mechanism
2) What are the common types of phagocytes based on their
3) List the systemic and local manifestations of acute
4) What are the two types of healing mechanisms of
inflammatory process?
5) List the pathophysiologic events of inflammatory process.
6) Lists the Pathophysiologic mechanisms of fracture healing.
7) Discuss the mechanism of delayed hyper sensitivity
8) Discuss the mechanisms of HIV-entry and immune
9) What Pathophysiologic changes happen in acute HIV
infection phase?
10) List stages of the febrile response febrile response

Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:-
- Identify common causes of poor tissue oxygenations.
- Discuss congestive heart failure.
- Describe pathophysiology of restrictive lunge diseases.
- Describe pathophysiology of obstructive lung diseases.
- Differentiate acute and chronic obstructive pulmonary
- Discuss pathophysiology of occlusive diseases of the
blood vessels.

All tissues in our body need persistent and adequate amount
of oxygen for normal metabolic activities. Poor tissue
oxygenation can result from severeal causes.
The common causes are:
- Congestive heart failure (CHF)
- Lung diseases
- Vascular occlusions (thrombosis)
- Air poisoning (carbon monoxide),
- Anemia
- Shock

3.1 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
3.1.1. Definition
- Heart failure refers to a constellation of signs and
symptoms that result from the hearts inability to pump
enough blood to meet the bodys metabolic demands.
- The pump itself is impaired and unable to supply
adequate blood to meet the cellular needs.
3.1.2. Causes of CHF
The causes of CHF are classified into two major classes as
underlying causes and precipitating (Secondary) causes.
I. Underlying causes
- It is the main pathological lesion that is responsible for the
heart not to pump adequately.
-These include: -
" Myocardial lesions
- Cardiomyopathy
- Myocarditis
- Myocardial infarction
" Valvular & Endocardial lesions
- Endocarditis
- Congenital valvular- heart disease
- RHD (Rheumatic Heart Disease)
" Pericardial lesions
- Pericarditis
- Cardiac-tamponade
II. Precipitating (secondary) causes.
Normally in the absence of precipitating factors or causes, an
individual heart with those underlying lesions tries to
compensate by making multiple pathophysiologic changes.
But when the precipitating causes come to the picture the
individual heart goes in to full- blown clinical signs and
symptoms of CHF. The precipitating causes are abbreviated
by a phrase heart-fails.

H = Hypertension

E = Infective Endocarditis

A = Anemia

R = Rheumatic fever (Recurrence)

T = Thyrotoxicosis

F = Fetus (pregnancy)

A = Arrhythmias

I = Infections

L = Lung problems (pathologies)

S = Stress, salts, etc.

3.1.3. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure

The onset of heart failure may be acute or

insidious. It is often associated with systolic or
diastolic over loading and with myocardial
weakness. As the physiologic stress on the heart
muscle reaches a critical level, the contractility of
the muscle is reduced and cardiac output declines,
but venous input to the ventricle remains the same
or becomes increased which is responsible for
cardiac over load.

When cardiac output is decreased; the body

undergoes alteration to compensate for the failure.
Ther e ar e t wo t ypes of compensat ory-
mechanisms for congestive-heart failure:-
I. Systemic compensatory mechanisms
A. Reflex increase in sympathetic activity.
B. Release of rennin from the kidneys.
C. Anaerobic metabolism by affected tissues.
D. Increased extraction of oxygen by the
peripheral cells.
II. Cardiac compensatory mechanisms
a. Myocardial dilatation: -
In acute or short-term mechanisms, as the end-diastolic fiber
length increases, the ventricular muscle responds with
dilatation and increased force of contraction (starlings law)
Example:- Acute myocardial infraction results in
ventricular dilatations.
b. Myocardial Hypertrophy
In long-term mechanisms, ventricular hypertrophy increases
the ability of the heart muscle to contract and push its volume
into the circulation.
Example:- Hypertension results in ventricular
hypertrophy, which maintains pumping
bl ood f or severeal years agai nst
increased after-load.
A) Sympathetic response to heart Failure:-
A decrease in cardiac out put results in decreased blood
pressure, which causes a reflex stimulation of sympathetic
nervous system (SNS). The SNS causes increased force and
rate of myocardial contraction. It also causes vasoconstriction
of arterioles throughout the body. These effects temporarily
prolong the patients life. But in the long run, it facilitates the
pr ogr es s of pumpi ng f ai l ur e ( c aus e car di ac

B) Rennin Angiotensin Aldosterone system:-
- It constantly works to maintain fluid volume and blood
pressure through the following cascades:-

Decreased perfusion of tissues.

Release of Rennin from juxtaglomerular cells of the


For mat i on of Angi ot ensi n- I ( f or med f r om

Angiotensinogen in the
liver by the action of
rennin )

Formation of Angiotensin II ( by enzyme reaction in

t h e p u l mo n a r y -
capillary bed )

Figure 3.1 Effects of angiotencin-II in congestive heart failure
NB. * After load- the arterial pressure against which the
ventricles must contract.
** Preload- It is the pressure during filling of the ventricles
or tension on myocardium due to congestion.
C) Anaerobic Metabolism

When cells do not receive adequate blood or oxygen,

metabolism decreases and alternative methods are
used to produce energy. The major alternative method
is anaerobic production of ATP, which results in
formation of lactic acid as a bi-product.

Even if the formed ATP by this mechanism could

prolong the life of the tissues, the accumulation of the
metabol i c bi -product (l acti c aci dosi s) i nhi bi ts
myocardial contractility, which facilitates the pumping

D) Oxygen extraction from RBCS

Oxygen extraction from RBCS to the tissue increases

when the circulation is inadequate and the perfusion is

Normally, about 30% of oxygen is extracted from

RBCS by the peripheral tissues, but greater amounts
can be extracted during periods of poor perfusion.
" Subsequent effects of compensatory mechanisms
All of the compensatory mechanisms described above may
preserve the life of the individual but they usually aggravate
the underlying conditions:-

Sympathetic Responses: - Preserve life by

increasing blood flow to brain and heart. But
increases the cardiac work load by increasing
after load (vasoconstriction)

Rennin- Angiotensin-Aldosterone system: -

Maintain blood volume and pressure to life
initially, but the aldosterone effect results in
increase pre-load (fluid-over load) on the heart.
A l s o i n c r e a s e d a f t e r - l o a d d u e t o
vasoconstriction effect of Angiotensin-II.

Anaerobic metabolism: - This also preserves

life by forming ATP. But its metabolic bi-product;
lactic acid accumulation results in depression of
the myocardial contractility.

Myocardial Hyper trophy and myocardial

Dilatation: - Increase oxygen demand by the
myocardium. Put more stress on the already
failed heart.
3.1.4. Classification of Heart-Failure
# -Based on clinical manifestations heart failure has
been classified into two:-
I) Left-sided Heart Failure: - Forward or low out put
syndrome dominate.
II) Right-sided Heart Failure:- The congestive
phenomenon dominates.
# But, in reality both features are present in heart failure
just as both left-sided and right-sided because the
heart and lungs are interconnected; what affects one
side of the heart eventually affects the other.
I. Left Heart Failure (LHF)
# -Left heart failure occurs when the output of the left
ventricle is less than the total volume of blood received
from the right side of the heart through the pulmonary
circulation. As a result, the pulmonary circuit becomes
congested with blood that cannot be moved forward
and the systemic blood pressure falls.
- Myocardial infraction (MI) commonest cause
- Systemic Hypertension
- Aortic stenosis or insufficiency
- Cardiomyopathy
- Mitral stenosis and insufficiency; also causes
symptoms of LHF
Pathophysiology of LHF
" Back word effects of LHF
! Because the left ventricle cannot pump out all of
its blood; blood dams back to the left atrium into
the four pulmonary veins and pulmonary
capillary bed (PCB). As the volume of blood in
the lungs increases, the pulmonary vessels are
congested and fluid starts to pass in to the
i ntersti ti al spaces and al veol i to cause
pul monary-edema. Some t i mes, acut e
pulmonary edema may occur which is a life-
t hreat eni ng condi t i on by i mpai ri ng gas
! These phenomena are congestive phenomena
of LHF that result from the volume over load of
the left ventricle. They are called the backward
effects of LHF.
" Forward Effects of LHF
! The left ventricle also cannot pump its normal
stroke volume out to the aorta. Thus, the
systemic blood pressure decreases. This
decrease is sensed by baro-receptors that cause
a reflex stimulation of sympathetic nervous
system (SNS), which results in increased heart
rate and peripheral vasoconstriction.
! Decreased cardiac out-put cause decreased
tissue perfusions, which stimulate the RAA-
system as a compensatory mechanism.
AngiotensinII correct blood pressure by Vaso-
constriction, while aldosterone increases blood
volume by sodium retention. These are called
the forward effects of LHF.
Signs and symptoms of LHF

- The earliest manifestation
- Is because of fluid accumulation in the lung
interstitial space which impairs gas exchange,
so t hat r espi r at or y r at e i ncr eased t o
- Is on exercise first then at rest on late stage.

- In ability to breathe in supine position
- Is because of l ung congesti on due to
decreased gravity effect resulting in increased
venous return while on supine positions.

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

- Is onset of acute episodes of dyspnea at night.
- The cause is unknown; but thought to be due to
improved cardiac
Performance at night during decumbency.
- The increased venous return results in
pulmonary congestion which causes acute
pulmonary edema.

Cardiac Asthma
- Refers to wheezing due to bronchospasm
induced by heart failure.
- The bronchioles may react to the increased
fluid in the alveoli, Constrict and produce
characteristic wheezing.

- Is an acute, life-threatening condition that
usually results from back ward effect of
II) Right Heart Failure (RHF)
# Right heart failure occurs when the output of the right
ventricle is less than the input from systemic venous
circulation. As the result, the systemic venous circuit is
congested and the out put to the lungs decreased.
- LHF because of back ward effect of LHF which
causes pul monary vascul ar congesti on
- Ch r o n i c o b s t r u c t i v e l u n g d i s e a s e
- Pulmonary embolism
- Right ventricular infarction.
- Congenital heart disease.
Pathophysiology of RHF
" Back ward or congestive effects of RHF
! In RHF, the right ventricle cannot pump all
of its contents forward so blood dams back
from the right ventricle to the right atrium
causing an increased pressure in systemic
venous circuit. This results in congestion of
organs like liver and spleen with peripheral
edema due to oozing of fluid.
" The Forward effects of RHF
! The right ventricle also cannot maintain its
output to the lung. This results in a
decreased pulmonary circulation and
decreased return to the left side of the
! These forward effects of RHF cause all of
the forward effects of LHF.
Signs and symptoms of RHF

Pitting, dependant edema: - on the foot ,on the

sacrum, etc

Hepato splenomegally (enlarged spleen & liver)

because of congestion.

Respiratory distress: - because of acute pulmonary


Neck veins distension: - because of congestions of the


Anasarca (generalized body swelling) occurs in severe

form of RHF.

3.2 Obstructive Diseases of blood vessels

Obstructive diseases of the arteries or veins

are common causes of alteration in tissue

The causes of vascular obstruction are

broad but in this portion emphasis is given
onl y to vascul ar obstructi on due to
coagulation disorders (i.e. Thrombo-
embolism and infarction)

Thrombo-embolisms can be :-
A. Venous-Thrombosis
B. Arterial-Thrombosis
C. Mural Thrombosis
A. Venous Thrombosis
! Clotting in the wall of the vein is called venous
thrombosis. Normally, the wall of the veins are lined
by a membrane called endothelium which has a
protective ability for platelet aggregation by
repelling (pushing) the adherence of platelet to the
wall of the veins.
! The three precipitating factors for venous
thrombosis are:-
1. Lesions of the endothelium
Lesions or inflammation of the
endothelium results in loss of
protective capacity of endothelium to
aggregation of platelet, and platelet
aggregate on the lesion sites to
enhance thrombus formation
2. Relative stasis of venous blood flow
A slowed flow of blood in the venous
blood stream is associated with
platelet aggregation. Example: -
prolonged immobilization.
3. Hypercoagulability of Blood
I ncr eased bl ood vi scosi t y or
thickness; increase coagulability of
the blood.
Increase in blood viscosity can
result from:-
- Dehydrati on, pol ycytemi a
(increased RBCs), etc.
Once the thrombi are formed the fates of the
thrombus are:-
I. Embolization: -
- Is a sudden proximal propagation after
detachment from the original thrombus
organizing sites.
- Emboli can be small or large and tend to be
lodge in the vessels of pulmonary circulation.
II. Or gani z at i ons and per manent
occlusion of the lumen:-
- This occurs in small vessels or narrow
- Compensated by collateral formations.
III. Partial fibrosis and partial lyses
This is due to the effect of naturally occurring
fibrinolysins in the blood which results in
i nvol ut i on of t he t hrombus l eadi ng t o
B. Arterial thrombosis
Clotting in the wall of the arteries is called
Atherosclerosis and endothelial injuries are
predisposing factors for arterial thrombosis.
C. Mural thrombosis
Clotting in the wall of the heart or valves are
called mural thrombosis.
The common predisposing factors are
endocardial lesions, valvular lesion and
blood stasis.
Embolism to distal organs are common like
-Brain Stroke
- Kidneys Renal infarctions.
3.3 Lung Diseases
! To live is to breathe!
! Between a newborns first breath and last
expiration is a lifetime of respiration.
! Breathing is the only bodily function that occurs
automatically and can be controlled voluntarily as
well. It is the only bodily functions that immediately
interact with unfriendly environment. Irritants,
gases, and microorganisms especially constantly
attack the lungs. Consequently, the respiratory
apparatus has developed an elaborate defense
system to protect itself and body from these
inhalants. It is when the defense systems are weak
that lung diseases ensue.
! The main function of the lungs is to take oxygen
from the air and deliver it across the alveolar
capillary membrane to the hemoglobin, which
carries it to the tissue and also to expel carbon
dioxide in to the environmental air.
! But some times this normal vital function of the
lungs can be impaired due to lung diseases, which
results in alteration in tissue oxygenation. Lung
diseases are generally classified into two main
3.2.1. Restrictive lung disease, and
3.2.2. Obstructive pulmonary disease.
3.3.1 Restrictive lung disease
# Restrictive pulmonary disease is an abnormal
condition that causes a decrease in total lung capacity
(TLC) and vital capacity. It involves difficulty in the
inspiratory phase of respiration. To make it clear,
common causes of restrictive lung diseases and their
pathophysiolgy of disease are classified based on their
anatomical site as follows: -
a) Brain cause
$Respiratory center depression - D i r e c t
depression of the respiratory center in the

Narcotic toxicity medulla


Central nervous system lesions

Head injury, etc.

b) Chest wall abnormalities
$ Thoracic deformity - De f o r mi t y o f
chest compress lung tissues and

Kyphoscoliosis limits thoracic


Pectus excavatum

Pigeon chest deformity

$Trauma tic chest wall instability - T h e
instable rib pulls area in and causes pressure

Filial chest on parenchyma

during inspiration which increase
(Fracture of groups of ribs leads to work of
Unstable chest wall)
$Neuromuscular disorders - Pa r a l y s i s o f
intercostal muscles, diaphragm and

Guillain-Barre syndrome a c c e s s o r y
muscles result in difficulty of inspiration.
(Acute toxic polyneuritis)

Duchene muscular dystrophy

C) Pleural disorders - Accumulation of
fluid, air, blood or pus in the

Pleural effusion pleural-cavity

results in limitation of lung
(Accumulation of fluid) e x p a n s i o n
during inspiration or may cause lung

Pneumothorax collapse if it is
(Accumulation of air)

(Accumulation pus)

Empyema (Accumulation of puss)

Pleural thickening (due to fibrosis)

d) Disorders of lung parenchyma
- All of these
conditions affect the lung tissues and

Lung fibrosis result in

reduced compliance and reduced lung

Pneumonia function. Thus

they are restrictive lung diseases.


Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary edema, Hyaline membrane disease (HMD),

N.B:- Some of the common restrictive disorders of the lung
parenchyma are discussed briefly as follow.
101 Atelectasis
Atelectasis is a very common, acute, restrictive
disease that involves the collapse of previously
expanded lung tissue or incomplete expansion at
birth. It is usually described as a shrunken, airless
state of the alveoli.
There are two major types of atelectasis based on causes: -
I) Compression Atelectasis
It is alveolar collapse produced by such condition as
compression from the out side, like in the case of: -
- Pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion and
- Tumors in the thorax
II) Absorption Atelectasis
It is alveolar collapse when secretions, pus, or mucosal
edema in the bronchi and bronchioles obstruct these
airways and prevent the movement of air into the
Stasis of secretion in the air way provide excellent
medium for bacterial growth and results in stasis
Atelectasis is a common postoperative complication
due to retained secretions. After surgery, the patients
cough response is decreased due to pain and
medications. This results in stasis of secretions and
then alveolar-collapse will occur.
Clinical-features: -
- Depends on the amount of Atelectasis (mild or severee

Mild case: - Asymptomatic

Severe-case: - Dyspnea
- Cough
- Fever
- May progress to broncho- pneumonia Pneumonia
It is inflammation of the lung parenchyma.
It is one of the common causes of restrictive
lung disease and occurs either when the host
resistance is defective or due to high virulence
of the organism or both.
" Pathophysiologic changes on the lung
When the lung parenchyma is inflammed by
one of the inflammatory cells and exudative
fluids accumulate in the lung tissues, which
result in solidification of the spongy elastic
lung to form what we call consolidation.
When this happens, the lung loses its normal
compliance or expansion capacity on
inspiratory phase and that is termed as
restrictive lung disease. See detail about
pneumonia in chapter 2. Pulmonary Edema
! The pulmonary vascular system has a great
capacity to accommodate blood up to three
times its normal volume. But at a critical
pressure point fluid moves across the alveolar
capillary line, and pulmonary edema occurs.
Pulmonary edema is simply an accumulation of
fluid in the tissues (interstitium and alveoli of
the lungs).
! Hydrostatic and osmotic pressures are the
major forces that affect movement of fluid
across the capillary membrane. The normal
hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillary
is 7 to 10 mmHg. And the plasma oncotic
pressure is about 25 mmHg. Therefore, the
alveoli tend to stay dry, since the oncotic
pressure opposes fluid movement into the
interstitium and alveoli.
! For pulmonary edema to occur the hydrostatic
pressure in the pulmonary bed must increase to
25 to 30 mmHg when capillary permeability is
normal and the alveolar system is intact.
Causes of pulmonary Edema

Left sided Heart failure (LHF)

- The most common cause of pulmonary edema.
- It is due to backward effect of LHF (discussed

Acut e i nf l ammat i ons ( I ncreased capi l l ary

- Any form of acute inflammation in the lung
results in increased capillary permeability due
to vasodilatation .As a result, plasma fluid
escapes easily to the alveoli and interstitium.
- Can be due to: - Poisoning gas inhalation
- Aspiration of gastric juices
- Microorganisms, etc

Fluid volume overload

- Excessive volume overload can occur due to
I.V.fluid rehydration or massive transfusion of
- May also result in brain edema as well.

Post head Injury

- Due t o sympat het i c ner vous syst em
stimulation, resulting in deviation of blood to
heart and lungs so that pulmonary edema may
occur in patients with head injury.

Decreased colloid osmotic pressure

- Due to hypo-albuminemia from: - Liver diseases
- Kidney diseases
- Wasting diseases

Drug-induced injury
- Some drugs may cause alveolocapillary injury,
which causes increase in alveolocapillary
- The drugs are: - Antibiotics (some)
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Heroin
- Oxygen toxicity it is
commonly encountered

High altitude
-Mechanism unknown
-Diffuse pulmonary edema
Clinical Features
The clinical features of pulmonary edema are directly
attributable to its pathophysiology: -

Mild- pulmonary edema

- Develops slowly
- Major symptoms are wheezing, dyspnea and
dry cough

Severe pulmonary edema

- Dyspnea
- Orthopnea: - dyspnea on supine position due to
increased blood flow to the lung.
- Wheezing
- Productive cough of frothy sputum:- (some
times blood stickled sputum because of
ruptured capillaries due to high pressures).
- Increased elastic work of breathing due to lung
stiffening and loss of compliance as the amount
of interstitial fluid increases
- Rales: - bubbling sounds heard when the lung
is filled by fluid. Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic restrictive
condition that involves diffuse fibrosis of the
lung tissue and results in severe loss of
compliance with lung stiffness.
Occupational exposure to substances such as coal
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Idiopathic (unknown causes) Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome of the
newborn (Hyaline membrane disease /HMD/)
Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) of the
newborn is the most clearly understood
abnormality that involves surfactant deficiency.
The surfactant layer develops late in fetal life,
at above the 28
to 32
week. Infants born
before the 28
weeks are at greater risk of
developing HMD.
Normally in a matured new born the alveoli are
kept patent and protected from collapse by a
chemical that fills the alveolar mucosa called
surfactant. Surfactant is produced by the
alveolar mucosa itself. But, when it is deficient
like in premature babies the alveolar mucosal
wall adheres and ensue collapse. Then the
newborn starts to manifest all symptoms of
restrictive lung diseases.

Clinical features
- Dyspnea from the first moment of life and
- Shallow respiration
- Lower ribs retraction
- Grunting
- Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the body)
3.3.2. Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
In general, obstructive pulmonary conditions obstruct
airflow with in the lungs, leading to less resistance to
inspiration and more resistance to expiration. This
results in prolongation of the expiratory phase of
respiration. Expiratory phase is more compromised
since expiration is a passive process, while inspiration
is assisted by accessory muscle of the respiration and
it is less compromised.
Obstructive pulmonary diseases are classified into two
classes based on durations as: - A) Acute obstructive Airway Disease B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease (COPD)
3.3.2. Acute obstructive Airway Disease
The classification of an acute obstructive airway
disease is dependent on the episodic nature of the
The two major entities in this classification are: -
I) Acute Bronchitis; and
II) Bronchial Asthma.
N.B. - In both cases, the obstruction is intermittent and
reversible unlike in COPD.
I) Acute Bronchitis
It is a common condition caused by infection
and inhalants that result in inflammation of the
mucosal lining of the tracheobronchial tree.
- Viruses: - Influenza viruses
- Adenoviruses
- Rhinoviruses
- Bacterial: - Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Inhalants: - Smokes
Pathophysiology of Acute Bronchitis
Inflammation of the tracheobronchial Mucosa
Results in increased mucus secretion, bronchial swelling,
and dysfunction of the cilia.
Leads to increased resistance to expiratory airflow, usually
resulting in some air trapping on expiration.

It is manifested as follows: -
! Expiratory wheezing
! Cough productive of mucoid sputum
! Bacteria may be superimposed on
the viral bronchitis.

II) Bronchial Asthma
Asthma is an episodic, acute airway obstruction
that results from stimuli that would not elicit
such a response in healthy individuals.
The person with asthma has a tendency toward
bronchospasm as a response to a variety of
The common characteristics of all asthmatic
reactions are hyper-responsiveness and an
inflammatory response in the airways.
The causes of asthma are divided in to two: -
a) Extrinsic (Allergic) Asthma
# Allergic asthma usually affects the child or young
teenagers who frequently relate family history of
allergy, hives, rashes, and eczema.
# It is usually self-limited and frequently precipitated by
exposure to a specific antigen.
# Common allergens are:
! Mite found in house dust.
! Seasonal asthma (pollen allergy) etc.
# Extrinsic asthma decrease in frequency and severeity
as the child get older.
# And less likely to remit in adult hood.
b) Intrinsic- Asthma: -
# Intrinsic asthma usually affects adults, who did not
have asthma or allergy
prior to middle adult hood.
# No family history of asthma or allergy.
# Attacks are often related to infection of the respiratory
tract or to exercise, emotions and other factors may
also play a role.
Pathophysiology of Bronchial Asthma
The pathophysiology of bronchial asthma
attack is related to the release of chemical
mediators in an IgE- mast cell interaction.
When the antigen enters the air ways

IgE are produced against the antigens
Then, the IgE binds or interacts with mast cells, so that the
mast cells are ruptured to release chemical mediators like
histamine and others.
Release of these chemical mediators results in:-
1. Bronchospasm, which involves rhythmic squeezing of
the airway.
2. Production of abnormally large amount of thick mucus,
3. Inflammatory response, including increased capillary
permeability and mucosal edema.

# Difficulty of expiratory phase of respiration
# Retention of expired air in the alveoli & lung
hyper inflation.
Clinical Manifestations
The signs and symptoms of asthmatic attack
are closely related to the status of the airways.
The mani f est at i ons ar e var i abl e and
Bronchospasm and accumulation of mucus
plugs or edema results in Obstruction of the
airways; and air trapping (due to expiratory flow
Then the patients start to manifest with: -
" Hyper inflated alveoli (lungs)
(Due to retained air)
" Expiratory wheezing (Noisy sound on
expiration created when air pass
through a narrowed air way)
" Diaphragmatic flattening: - due to
pressure created by hyper inflated
alveoli and as the result, diaphragmatic
function is limited as a major organ of
" Fatigue: - due to increased work of
(Labored breathing)
" Thick, sticky sputum: - due to increased
sputum production and dehydration.
" Anxiety (panic): - due to hypoxia or air
" Tachycardia: - to compensate for the
hypoxia etc.
N.B. Once the attack has subsided and underlying
precipitators have been cleared or treated, the lung usually
return to normal. I.e. it is reversible condition!! Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
is one of the commonest causes of morbidity
and mortality worldwide
The prevalence increase with age
COPD is similar to asthma in that expiratory
airflow is obstructed and exacerbations and
remissions are common.
COPD differs from acute obstructive lung
diseases in that lung tissues do not return to
normal between exacerbations or attacks in
chronic conditions. I, e. pulmonary damage is
progressive process.
(Irreversible lung damage)
Causes of COPD
I) Accumulation of secretion
A) Chronic Bronchitis
B) Bronchiectasis
C) Cystic fibrosis
ii) Anatomical causes
D) Emphysema
A) Chronic Bronchitis
# Chronic bronchitis is defined when a person has a
productive cough on most days for at least 3
consecutive months in 2 successive years.
# Continued bronchial inflammation and progressive
increase in productive cough and dyspnea not
attributable to specific cause.
# Usually, the inflammation and cough are responses
of the bronchial mucosa to chronic irritation from
cigarette smoking, atmospheric pollution or
! Chronic irritation by cigarette smoking, atmospheric
pollution, or infection
! This results in chronic inflammatory process in the
bronchial mucosa with vasodilation, congestion,
edema and i nf i l t r at ed by l ymphocyt es,
macrophages, PMN cells.
! These lead to thickening and rigidity of bronchial
mucosa with excessive secretion plus narrowing of
the passageways first for maximal expiration then
to inspiratory air flow.
! The final out comes of chronic bronchitis are: -
1. Increased airway resistance with or with out
emphysematous changes.
2. Right heart failure (corpulmonale)
3. Dysplasia of the respiratory epithelial cells, which
may undergo malignant changes.
Clinical Features
Cough productive of copious sputum: - due to
excessive secretion from bronchial mucosa.
Cyanosis: - Bluish discoloration of the body due to
- They are called Blue
Mild degree of hyperinflation: - due to retained
expiratory air when it pass through narrow air way.
Right side Heart failure (corpulmonare): - due to
effect of chronic hypoxia, pulmonary artery
hypertension occurs. This increase after load to the
right ventricle that lead to RHF. With different
symptoms of RHF.
B) Bronchiectasis
# Bronchiectasis is a chronic disease
of the bronchi and bronchioles,
char act er i zed by i r r ever si bl e
dilatation of the bronchial tree and
associated with chronic infection
a n d i n f l a mma t i o n o f t h e s e
Pathophysiology of Bronchiectasis
# I t i s u s u a l l y p r e c e d e d b y
bronchopneumonia that causes the
bronchial mucosa to be replaced by
fibrous scar tissue. This process
leads to destruction of the bronchi
and permanent dilatation of bronchi
and bronchioles, which allows the
affected area to be targets for
chronic smoldering infections.
# It usually affects the lower lobes due
to gravity effects and stasis.
Clinical features
# The disease is usually initiated by
infection of the affected bronchi or
# Symptoms of infection are common.
# Increased volume of mucopurulent
sputum and occasionally blood
s t i c k l e d d u r i n g t h e a c u t e
exacerbation phase.
C) Cystic Fibrosis
# It is a hereditary disorder in which large
quantities of viscous material are
# It affects the sweat glands, pancreas
and mucus secreting glands of the
bronchi and small intestine
# Not common in Ethiopia
D) Pulmonary Emphysema
# Emphysema is a permanent, abnormal
enlargement of the acinus (Portion of
the lung distal to terminal bronchiole)
with associated destructive changes.
# It is usually classified with chronic
bronchitis because of simultaneous
occurrence of the two conditions
# I n anat omi c t erms, emphysema
involves portion of the lung distal to
terminal bronchioles (acinus) where
gas exchange takes place.
# The exact cause of emphysema is
unknown but most cases are related
to: -
Air pollution
o Deficiency of " - antitrypsin
Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Emphysema
# Emphysema is due to many separate
injuries that occur over a long time
when the lung is exposed to one of the
above causes.
# The elastin and fiber network of the
alveoli and airways are broken down
the alveoli enlarge and many of their
walls are destroyed.
# Alveolar destruction also undermines
the support structure for the airways,
making them more vulnerable to
expiratory collapse.
# Destruction of elastin and fibers results
in loss of elastic recoil of lung, so that
air trapping occurs and the resultant
al veol ar hyper i nf l at i on causes
compression of the bronchi and
bronchioles, which also precipitate
expiratory collapse of the airways.
Clinical manifestation
" The onset is insidious
" It may overlap with those of chronic
" Dyspnea early on exertion later at rest
" Hyper-inflated lung due to air trapping
causes barrel chest (I ncreased
anteroposterior chest diameter)

Review Questions
1.What are common causes of poor in tissue oxygenations.
2.Discuss the compensatory mechanisms of congestive heart
3.Discus the difference between the pathophysiology of LHF &
4.What does cardiac Decompensation mean?
5.Discuss causes and pathophysiology of restrictive lung
6.How does pneumonia cause restrictive lung disease?
7.Discuss pathophysiologic changes of bronchial asthma.
8.What is the difference between acute obstructive lung
disease and chronic chronic obstructive lung diseases?
9.Discus the pathophysiologic mechanisms of venous
Learning Objectives:-
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:-
-Explain physiologic mechanisms of regulation of
interstitial fluid.
-Describe pathophysiologic mechanism of edema
-Discuss effects and classifications of edema.
-Describe pathophysiology of Nephrotic syndrome.
-Explain pathophysiology and clinical feature of cirrhosis.
4.1. Regulation of interstitial fluid volume
! Exchange of fluid between the vascular compartment
and the interstitial spaces occurs at the capillary level.
The capillary filtration pressure pushes fluid out of the
capillaries and colloidal osmotic pressure exerted by
the plasma proteins and pulls fluid back into the
capillaries. Albumin which is the smallest and most
abundant of plasma proteins, provide the major
osmotic force for the return of fluid to vascular
! Normally slightly more fluid leaves the capillary bed
than can be reabsorbed. This excess fluid is returned
to the circulation by way of lymphatic-channel.
4.2. Edema
Refers to excess interstitial fluid in the tissues
It is not a disease but rather the manifestation
of altered physiological function.
4.2.1. Mechanisms of Edema formation
! There are four major mechanisms of
edema formation.
I. Increased capillary pressure
II. Decreased col l oi dal osmot i c
III. Increased capillary permeability
IV. Obstruction of lymphatic flow.
I. increased capillary pressure
! Edema develops when an increase in
capillary pressure causes excess
movements of fluid from the capillary
bed into the interstitial space.
The common causes of increased capillary hydrostatic
pressures are:-
! Congestive heart failure
Right side heart failure: - increased
capillary hydrostatic pressure due to
increased systemic venous pressure
with increased blood volume.
Left side heart failure: - leads to
i ncr ease i n pul monar y capi l l ar y
pressure (PCP). When t he PCP
exceeds 25mmHg, pulmonary edema
can occur.
! Renal Failure
Renal failure results in edema by
increasing capillary pressure due to salt
and water retention which results in
vascular congestion.
! Liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension:-
Portal veins hypertension can occur when
there is venous obstruction like in the case
of cirrhosis, per portal fibrosis, etc. so that
capillary hydrostatic pressure of the portal
vein increases resulting in ascites (fluid in
abdominal cavity).
! Venous obstruction
Localized edema occurs when there is
venous obstruction like in the case of
phlebothrombosis (thrombus formation in
the vein).
! Increased gravitational forces: - Increased
gravitational force occurs in long standing
Leg Edema.

II. Decreased Colloid Osmotic Pressure (COP)
! Plasma proteins exert the osmotic force that is
needed to move fluid back into the capillary
from tissue space. Edema develops when
plasma protein level become inadequate
because of abnormal loss or inadequate
! When fluid moves to the interstitial space
vascular volume decrease, as a result, the
ki dney responds by secret i ng renni n-
angiotensin aldosterone hormones that cause
salt and water retention to worsen the edema.
" Hypoproteinemia:-causes decreased colloid osmotic
pressure and results from:-
Malnutrition: - example Edema in kwashiorkor.
Liver failure:-Decreased albumin synthesis by the
Protein loss:-in burn excess loss of protein occurs
when large area of skin is injured or destroyed.
Protein loosing enteropathy:-is a protein
malabsorption syndrome, which results in protein
loss with stool.
Nephrotic syndrome: loss of large amount of
protein through urine, when the glomerular
capillaries become permeable to plasma proteins.
III. Increased capillary permeability
! Direct damage to blood vessels, such as with
trauma and burns, may cause increased
permeability of the endothelial junctions.
! Localized edema may occur in response to an
allergen, such as a bee sting.
! Inflammation causes vasodilatation, which
leads to accumulation of fluids in the affected
IV. Obstruction of the Lymphatics
! Osmotically active plasma proteins and other
large particles rely on the lymphatic for
movements back into the circulatory system
from interstitial space.
! When lymph flow is obstructed lymph
edema occurs.
! The edema is usually localized.
! Common causes of lymphatic obstruction

Surgical removal of lymph nodes for


Radiation therapy

Malignant metastasis


Filiariasis (parasitic infection of the

lymph vessels)
4.2.2. Effect of Edema.
" Effects of edema depend largely on its location.

Edema of brain and lung causes acute life

threatening condition

Edema of face may limit opening of eye lid

Edema of foot and others create problem in

obtaining proper fitting shoes and clothing.

Edematous tissues generally are more susceptible to

injury and development of ischemic tissue damage.
Example: - Pressure sores.
4.2.3. Classification of Edema
" There are three types of fluid collection in the tissues
a. Pitting edema
When accumulation of interstitial fluid exceeds
the capacities of tissue gel, the tissue water is
mobile; I.e. It can be translocated with
pressure exerted by finger. An indentation
remains after the finger has been removed.
b. Non pitting Edema
Is a condition in which severeal proteins have
accumul ated i n the ti ssue space and
Often the area is firm and discolored with
progression to stasis dermatitis.
Is usually seen in lymphatic obstruction,
venous thrombosis, or following local trauma.
c. Accumulation of fluid in the serous cavities
The potential spaces are closely linked with
lymphatic drainage system.
Obstruction to lymph flow Fluid
Inflammatory process accumulation of
exudative fluid due to vasodilatation in the
potential spaces.
" Examples
! Pleural effusion:- accumulation of fluid in pleural
! Ascites: - accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal
! Pericardial effusion: - accumulation of fluid in the
4.3. Nephrotic syndrome:-
4.3.1. Definition: -
- Nephroti c syndrome i s not a speci fi c
glomerular disease, but a constellation of
clinical finding that result from increased
glomerular permeability to protein.
4.3.2. Features of Nephrotic syndrome

Massive proteinuria (daily loss of 3.5 gm or more)

Hypoalbuminemia ( less than 3gm/dl)

Generalized edema due to decreased COP.

" Generalized edema
- It is usually the first manifestation and can be so severe
as to be incapacitating.
- It results from a decreased colloidal osmotic pressure
that accompanies the loss of plasma protein.
- Other factors like increased salt and water retention may
also play a role in edema formation.
" Hyperlipidemia
- It is characterized by elevated serum level of both
triglycerides and cholesterol
- It is due to compensatory increase in albumin synthesis by
the liver; which serves as stimulant for synthesis of low-
density lipoproteins.
"-The pati ents are at hi gher ri sk of devel opi ng
atherosclerosis, due to high level of low density
" Hypoalbuminemia
- Usually less than 3gm/dl.
- It is due to proteinuria.
" Massive proteinuria:-
- It is the core phathophysiologic problem in nephrotic
- Together with proteinuria, there is also loss of the following
components in urine:-

Loss of Immunoglobulin makes them

susceptible to infections

Loss of low molecular coagulation factors like

factor IX, X XI, XII prothrombin, plasminogen,
and ant i t r opsi n cr eat es i mbal ance i n
coagulation factors makes them susceptible
for thrombosis.
4.3.3. Causes of Nephrotic syndrome
- There are two types of Nephrotic syndrome based on the
I) Secondary glomerular disease:-
- It is common in adults
- Usually due to systemic diseases like

Diabetic mellitus or

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

II) Primary glomerular diseases
- This type almost always occurs in children
under 15 years old.
- The primary glomerular lesions are
a) Minimal change disease
b) Focal sclerosis
c) Membranous glomerulopathy
d) Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
4.4. Cirrhosis of the liver
4.4.1. Definition
Cirrhosis is a general term for a condition that
destroys the normal architecture of the liver
It has the following important structural
a. Destruction of liver parenchyma
b. Separation of the lobules by fibrous
c. Formation of structurally abnormal
nodules, and
d. Abnormal vascular architecture
4.4.2 classifications of cirrhosis
1. Cirrhosis is classified according to its causative
agents and resultant pathologic configurations
as :-
a. Biliary cirrhosis
b. post necrotic cirrhosis
c. Alcoholic cirrhosis
a) Biliary cirrhosis
- It is due to an intra hepatic block that obstructs the
excretion of bile or it may occur secondary to
obstruction of the bile ducts.
- The obstruction in one area of biliary passage
results in bile stasis; that causes injury and scarring
around the hepatocytes with evidence of fibrosis.
b) Post necrotic cirrhosis
- It follows massive liver necrosis and involves the
destruction of lobules and even lobes of the liver.
- It may occur after hepatitis or after exposure to hepato-
toxins such as certain drugs.
C. Alcoholic cirrhosis
- The most common cause of cirrhosis is excessive
alcohol consumption
- At least 75% of alcohol related deaths are attributed to
" Stages in developments of alcoholic cirrhosis
1. Stage of fatty change
- Excessive accumulation of fat with
i n l i v e r c e l l s c a u s e s l i v e r
- Alcohols replace fat as a fuel for
l i ver met abol i sm and i mpai r
mitochondrial ability to oxidize fat.
- Dont usually produce symptoms
- It is reversible once the alcohol
intake has been discontinued.
2. Stage of Alcoholic Hepatitis
- It is an intermediate stage between
fatty changes and cirrhosis
- It is characterized by inflammation
and necrosis of liver cells, thus is
always serious and some times
- The necrotic lesions are generally
patchy but may involve entire lobe.
- The stage is characterized by
hepatic tenderness, paler, anorexia,
nausea, jaundice, ascites and liver
failure. Some patients may be
3. Stage of cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is the direct result of liver
injury caused by fatty liver and
alcoholic hepatitis.
The normal liver structure is
replaced by bans of fibrous tissue
with areas of regenerating cells.
As the disease progress liver
4.4.3. Clinical Manifestations of cirrhosis
-The Manifestations of cirrhosis are variable, ranging from
asymptomatic Hepatomegally to hepatic failure.
" Early manifestations:- right upper quadrant
- Sensation of fullness
" Late manifestation:-
- The late manifestations are related to
portal hypertension and liver cell
failure( Hepatocellular failure )
- Portal Hypertension:-
The f i br ot i c bands cause
narrowing of the portal vein to
cause portal hypertension
It is followed by back ward
congestion of all tributaries of
portal veins.
- Esophageal vei ns congest i on cal l ed
Esophageal varices
- Ascites:-accumulation of fluid in abdominal
cavity due to increased hydrostatic pressure.
- Splenic enlargement: - due to congestion by
- Hepatocellular failure results in:-
Decreased production of bile.
De c r e a s e d p l a s ma p r o t e i n
Decreased blood clotting factors.
1. Accumulation of metabolic bi-products
and toxins like bilirubin, ammonia and
other substances in the circulation
since the liver loses its detoxification
capacity. This is one of the reasons
for hepatic coma to occur.
Review Questions:-
1.Discuss the mechanisms of regulation of interstitial fluid.
2.List the mechanisms of edema formation.
3.What does colloidal osmotic pressure mean?
4.What are the effects of edema on our body?
5.List causes of increased capillary permeability.
6.Discuss the mechanism of edema formation in nephrotic
syndrome and liver Cirrhosis

Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:-
- Discuss back ground information about peptic ulcer
diseases (PUD).
- Explain predisposing factors and pathogenesis of PUD.
- List clinical manifestations and complications of PUD.
- Describe causes and Pathophysiologic changes of
intestinal obstructions
5.1. Peptic Ulcers Diseases (PUD)
# Peptic ulcer disease represents a break in the
continuity of the gastrointestinal tract mucosal layer.
# It is commonly categorized into two as gastric and
duodenal peptic ulcer diseases.
# Gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers with their
remissions and exacerbations represent a chronic
health problem.
# Duodenal ulcers are 5 to 10x more common than
gastric ulcer.
# Ulcers in duodenum occur at any age and are
frequently seen in early adult hood. While Gastric
ulcers tend to affect the old age group with peak
incidence in the 6
# Both types of ulcer affect men 3 to 4 times compared
to women.
# Peptic ulcers can occur in any area of GI tract that is
exposed to acid-pepsin secretions.
- Common sites are:-
1. Ulceration in esophagus caused by reflux of gastric
2. In stomach and duodenum: - the common sites.
3. In Meckel's diverticulum that contain misplaced gastric
Predisposing factors for PUD: -
Peptic ulcer represents a break in the continuity of the
mucosal layer. The following conditions are some of
incriminated predisposing factors for development of
GI mucosal ulceration: -
A. Increased level of mucosal aggressive
factors (Increased acid and pepsin
B. Inability of the mucosal barrier to resist
the destructive action of the gastric
secretions (enzymes & acids).
N.B:-It is more likely that both of the above factors
contribute to the development of peptic ulcer diseases.
A. Increased acid and pepsin production
Increased pepsin-production and HCl production is
influenced by several factors like neural and hormonal
" For Example: -
The hormone gastrin: -
! This is produced in the antrum of stomach, is
potent stimulus for HCl production. Also gastrin
hormone has been attributed to the following
actions: -
1. Increasi ng number of aci d and pepsi n
producing cells in stomach
2. Increased sensitivity of parietal cells to food
and other stimuli like alcohol, caffeine,
etc increases HCl production.
3. Excessive vagal stimulation stimulates
HCl production.
4. Impaired inhibition of gastric secretions as food
moves in to intestine.
Neural stimulations: -
! Normally gastric secretion is inhibited as food
moves in to the intestinal lumen. This reflex
inhibition of gastric secretions may be impaired in
certain type of ulcers known as Cushings ulcer
(stress ulcer): -which occur in association with
severe brain injury, severe burn or neurosurgery.
(By causing increased central stimulation of vagus
nerve, severe brain injury and neurosurgery
resulting in unresponsiveness to the reflex
mechani sms that normal l y control gastri c
B. Inability of the mucosal Barrier to Resist Gastric
! The defense of the mucosal surface depends on an
adequate blood flow and intact mucosal barriers.
This is suitable to hydrogen ion.
! Basic abnormality in person with gastric-peptic
ulcer is an increased permeability of the epithelial
layer of the stomach to hydrogen ion.
The following conditions affect mucosal barrier
integrity: -
# Chronically diseased mucosal membrane is
unable to secrete sufficient mucus to form an
effective barrier
# Reflux of bile from intestine to stomach has
been implicated in peptic ulcer.
# Also numbers of drugs are recognized as a
barrier- breaker both aspirin and alcohol are
known to damage this barrier.
# Anxiety and stress sympathetic stimulation
inhibition of glands (Brunners gland) that is
important to produce mucus secretions.
# Identification of a gram-negative, S-shaped
bacterium called helicobacter pylori. Which
colonize the mucus secreting epithelial cells of
stomach and duodenum and digest the
protective mucus secreting membranes.
Clinical Manifestations and complications of PUD
! The clinical manifestation of uncomplicated peptic
ulcer focus on discomfort and pain. Pain, which is
described, as waning, gnawing or crampy like, is
usually rhythmic and frequently occurs when the
stomach is empty. The Pain is usually over small area
near the mid-line in the epigastrium and may radiate
below the costal margins in to back or rarely to the
right shoulder.
! Food or antiacids relieve the pain.
! A peptic ulcer can affect one or all layers of the
stomach or duodenum. An ulcer may penetrate only
the mucosal surface or it may extend in to the smooth
muscle layer.
! Spontaneous remissions and exacerbations are
common. Healing of muscularis layer involving
replacement with scar regeneration is often less than
perfect in which repeated episodes of ulceration occur.
! Complications of peptic ulcer includes:
" Hemorrhage: - results from erosions of the
- Cause upper GI-bleeding (Hematemesis &
" Perforation hemorrhage: - is from granulation
tissue or from erosion of an ulcer in to an artery
or vein
" Obstruction: -is caused by edema, spasm or
formations of scar tissue interfere with free
passage of gastric contents through the pylorus
or adjacent area. Epigastric fullness, heaviness
after meal with severe case of obstruction
vomiting of undigested food. The presence of
an over night gastric residual of 50ml of
undigested food indicates severee obstruction.
" Perforation: - occurs when an ulcer erodes
through all the layers of the stomach or
duodenal wall.
! With perforation, GI-contents enter the
peri toneum and cause peri toni ti s or
perforated adjacent structures such as
! Sudden on set of severe epigastric pain that
radiates to back, restlessness, inadequate
pain relief from eating foods or taking
antiacids in persons with long standing
history of PUD may signify penetration.
5.2 Intestinal obstruction

Definitions: -
An impairment of movement of intestinal
content in cephalocaudal direction.

The cause of intestinal obstruction could
be categorized under two headings: -
1. Mechanical (dynamic) causes.
2. Ref l ex par al yt i c ( adynami c)
Mechanical obstruction
Extrinsic factor: -
" Adhesions of peritoneum
" Hernias
" Volvulus (Twisting of the bowel
Intrinsic factors, which encroach on the
patency of the bowel.
" Te l e s c o p i n g o f t h e b o we l
" Fecal impaction
" Stricture of the bowel
" Tumors
" Ascariasis bolus

Types of mechanical obstructions: -
There are 3-t ypes of Mechani cal
" Simple No alteration in blood
" Strangulated there is obliteration
in blood flow
" Closed when bowel is obstructed
in both ends.
Reflex paralytic (adynamic) Obstructions
Usually affects small bowel since the
ileum has the narrowest lumen and is the
most prone site to obstruction.
Paralytic ileus is seen most commonly
following abdominal surgery or trauma.
It occurs early in the course of peritonitis
and can result from chemical irritation
caused by bi l e, bact er i al t oxi ns,
electrolyte imbalance (hypokalemia) &
vascular insufficiency.
Pathophysiology of Intestinal Obstruction

Obstruction of the intestinal lumen

Loss of fluid and electrolytes to the area with gas
accumulation in the intestinal lumen proximal to the
obstructed part leads to distension of the proximal lumen

Results in dehydrations and hypovolemic shock. The
mechanisms of dehydrations in intestinal obstructions are:-
1. Intestinal obstruction interfiles with reabsorption of 7 to 8
liters of electrolyte rich extra cellular fluid in
small bowel.
2. Lost in the vomitus of 7 liters to 8 liters which represent
about half of the extra cellular fluid volume of an
average adult can occur in 24hours or less
following acute intestinal obstruction.
3. The patient can not drink fluids.
If untreated, the distention resulting from bowel obstruction
tends to perpetuate itself by causing atony of the bowel &
further distension is aggravated by the accumulation of gases.
About 70% of these gases are estimated to be due to
swallowed air. As distension moves proximally involving
additional segments of bowel.
The increased pressure within the intestinal lumen
compromise mucosal blood flow necrosis/ exudation
of the bowel eventually strangulation, gangrenous
change and ultimate perforation of bowel with bacterial over
growth Release of endotoxin & bacterimia
Clinical Manifestations of Intestinal Obstructions
The manifestation of intestinal obstruction depends on the
degree of obstruction and its duration. With acute obstruction
the onset is usually sudden and dramatic but with chronic one
onset is more gradual. The cardinal symptoms of intestinal
obstruction are:
1. Pain: - which is colicky, especially with mechanical
obstruction. It is due to increased peristalsis as the
intestine attempts to move the content forward.
- Also there is increased bowel sound.
2. Absolute constipation: - failure to pass feaces and
3. Abdomi nal di st ent i on: - due t o gases
accumulations and atonia of the Smooth muscles
in the intestinal lumen
4. Vomiting: - leads to fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
- The vomitus may contain feculent matter
Signs of Gangrenous Changes or Strangulations:-
If an acute intestinal obstruction left untreated for long
duration, usually above 72 hours, strangulations and
gangrenous change is the rule. The following are
clinical signs of gangrenous changes:-
- The patient becomes weak and prostrated.
- Development of fever
- Tachycardia
- Absence of peristalsis (bowel sound)
- Increased abdominal tenderness.
N.B: - with development of strangulations mortality rate is
increased by 25%.
Reviews Questions
1. What are the two important predisposing factors for
development of PUD?
2. List the causes of intestinal obstructions.
3. What are the most important Pathophysiologic effects of
intestinal obstructions?

Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able
- Describe primary and secondary endocrine disorders
- List effects of excessive secretion of growth hormone
on different organs/systems
- Discuss the clinical features of follicle stimulating
hormone and luetenizing hormones
- Describe diabetes insipidus
- Compare and contrast the hypo and hyper state of
thyroid function.
- Describe the pathophysiology of graves disease.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of cushings syndrome
6.1 Review of the endocrine system
Hormones are generally thought of as chemical messengers
that are transported in body fluids.
Structural classification
Hormones have diverse structures ranging from single
modified amino acids (epinephrine and thyroxine), poly
peptides (growth hormone and insulin), and glycoproteins
(follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone) to lipids
(steroid hormones such as cortisol).
Hormones do not initiate reactions; rather they are modulators
of body and cellular responses. Hormones can produce either
a generalized or a localized effect. For example, thyrotropin
acts selectively on the thyroid gland, where as epinephrine
affects the function of many body systems.
Protein and peptide hormones are synthesized in the rough
endoplasmic reticulum and stored in granules or vesicles
within the cytoplasm of the cell until secretion is required. The
lipid-soluble steroid hormones are released as they are
synthesized ( smooth endoplasmic reticulum).
Hormones are delivered from cells of the endocrine gland to
target cells:
1. Blood-borne delivery
2. Neurocrine
3. Neuroendocrine
4. Paracrine
Hormones secreted by endocrine cells must be continuously
inactivated to prevent their accumulation. Both intracellular
and extra cellular mechanisms participate in the termination of
hormone function. Some hormones are enzymatically
inactivated at receptor sites where they exert their action.
Rate of reaction
Hormones react at different rates. The neurotransmitters, such
as epinephrine, have a reaction time of milliseconds. Thyroid
hormone, on the other hand, requires days for its effect or
Mechanisms of action
Hormones exert their action by binding to specific receptor
sites located on the surface of the target cells. The function of
these receptors is to recognize a specific hormone and
translate the hormonal signal into a cellular response.
Control of hormone levels
Hypothalamic pituitary regulation
Because the integration of body function relies on input from
both the nervous system and the endocrine system, it seems
logical that input from the nervous system would participate in
the regulation of hormone levels. In this respect, the
hypothalamus and the pituitary (hypophysis) act as an
integrative link between the central nervous system and the
many endocrine mediated functions of the body.
Feedback mechanisms
The level of many of the hormones in the body is regulated by
negative feedback mechanisms.
6.2 General aspects of altered endocrine
Most endocrine disorders fall into one of four categories:
1) Too little hormone (hyposecretion);
2) Hypersecretion;
3) R e d u c e d r e s p o n s e o f t h e t a r g e t c e l l s
(hyporespansiveness); and
4) Hyperresponsiveness.
It can also be seen in two ways:
- Hypofunction and hyper function
Hypofunction of an endocrine gland can occur for a variety of
Causes congenital defects
- Distraction of the gland
- Aging
- Gland atrophy
- Receptor defects
- Biologically inactive hormone
- Hyperfunction is generally associated with excessive
hormone production
This can result from:-
- Excessive stimulation and hyperplasia of the endocrine
- Hormone producing tumor of the gland
6.2.1 Primary and secondary disorders
Endocrine disorders can generally be divided into two groups-
primary or secondary. Primary defects in endocrine function
originate with in the target gland responsible for producing the
In secondary disorders of endocrine function, the target gland
is essentially normal, but its function is altered by defective
levels of stimulating hormones or releasing factors from the
hypothalamic pituitary system.
Diagnostic methods
There are a number of techniques for assessing endocrine
function and hormone levels.
Effect of a hormone on body function
e.g. blood glucose reflects insulin level.
Radio immunoassay
6.3 Alterations in endocrine control of growth
and metabolism
Growth hormone (GH)
Growth hormone, also called somatotropin, is a 191-amino-
acid polypeptide hormone synthesized and secreted by
special cells in the anterior pituitary referred to as
somatotropes and stimulates the liver to produce insulin-like
growth factor -1(IGF-1) also known as somatomedin c.
Effects of GH
- Linear bone growth & cartilages
- Growth of visceral organs
- Growth of endocrine organs
- Growth of skeletal and cardiac muscles
- Development of skin and connective tissue
Aside from its effects on growth, GH facilitates the rate of
protein synthesis by all of the cells of the body; it enhances
fatty acid mobilization and increases the utilization of fatty
acids for fuel; and it maintains or increases blood glucose for
GH is, in summary, an anabolic hormone, promotes protein
synthesis and free fatty acids. Growth hormone is stimulated
by hypoglycemia, fasting, starvation, increased blood levels of
amino acids and stress conditions.
Growth hormone is inhibited by increased glucose levels, free
fatty acid release, cortisol, and obesity.
6.4 Disorders of the anterior pituitary gland
6.4.1 Growth hormone excess
Normally IGF-1 signals the anterior pituitary to reduce GH
production. Overproduction of GH is almost always caused by
a benign pituitary tumor (adenoma). The pitutitary tumor
secretes GH despite elevated IGF-1 levels, leading to the
unwanted growth of bones and other soft tissues:
Overproduction of GH also causes elevation of blood glucose
through insulin antagonism. Prolonged glucose levels
associated with an elevation in GH leads to glucose
In children, the excessive secretion of GH results in gigantism.
When the onset of GH excess occurs before closure of the
epiphyses, the long bones are still capable of longitudinal
growth. The excessive growth seen is usually proportional.
These children may grow as tall as 240 cm and weigh more
than 136kg.
In adults, excessive secretion of GH results in acromegaly.
Acromegaly is characterized by an overgrowth of the bones
and soft tissues. Since the problem develops after epiphyseal
closure in adults, the bones are unable to grow longer.
Instead, the bones increase in thickness and width.
Acromegaly is relatively rare.
Clinical manifestations
Manifestations of acromegaly begin gradually, usually in the
20s and 30s.
Individuals experience enlargement of the hands and feet. The
fingertips develop a tufted or clubbed like appearance. The
enlargement of the bones and cartilage may cause symptoms
that range from mild joint pain to deforming, crippling arthritis.
Changes in physical appearance occur, with thickening and
enlargement of bony and soft tissues on the face and head.
Enlargement of the mandible causes the jaw to jut forward.
The paranasal and frontal sinuses enlarge, as does the bony
tissue of the forehead. Enlargement of soft tissue around the
eyes, nose, and mouth results in a coarsening of facial
features. Enlargement of the tongue results in speech
Sleep apnea may also occur and is related to upper airway
narrowing and obstruction resulting from increased amounts of
pharyngeal soft tissues.
The skin becomes thick, leathery, and oily.
Women may develop menstrual disturbances.
Individuals with acromegaly are more likely to develop polyps
in the colon and colon cancer.
The enlarged pituitary tumor gland can exert pressure on
surrounding structures within the brain, leading to visual
disturbances and headaches.
Because GH mobilizes stored fat for energy, it increases free
fatty acid levels in the blood and predisposes the patient to
atherosclerosis. The hormone also antagonizes the action of
the insulin and causes hyperglycemia.
Left untreated, acromegaly can lead to a number of changes
in the body. Effects on the cardiovascular system include
cardiomegaly, left ventricular hypertrophy, angina pectoris and
hypertension. Other systems that under go change include the
respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal,
and nervous systems.
Diagnostic studies
- History
- Physical examination
- Plasma IGF-1, IGF binding protein-3 levels
- GH response to an aral glucose challenge
- MRI- pituitary tumor
- CT
Management includes surgical (hypophsectomy), radiation
and drug therapies.
Excesses of other tropic hormones
An excess of tropic hormones and the over production of a
single anterior pituitary hormone usually produces a syndrome
related to hormone excess from the target organ. For
example, if adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is increased,
cushings disease results; if thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) levels are excessive, hyperthyroidism develops.
Prolactinomas (prolactin- secreting adenomas) are the most
frequently occurring pituitary tumor. Common manifestations
experi enced by women wi th prol acti nomas i ncl ude
galactorrhea, a dysfunction (anovulatory, infertility), menstrual
dysfunction (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea), decreased
libido, and hirsutism. In men, impotence and decreased libido
and sperm density may result.
The affected patient may also experience headaches and
visual problems. The visual problems are secondary to
pressure on the optic chiasm.
Since prolactinomas do not typically progress in size, drug
(Dopamine agonist) therapy is usually the first-line treatment.
6.4.2 Hypofunction of the pituitary gland
Hypopituitarism: is a rare disorder that involves a decrease in
one or more of the pituitary hormones. A deficiency of only one
pituitary hormone is referred to as selective hypopituitarism.
Total failure of the pituitary gland results in deficiency of all
pi t ui t ar y hor mones - a c ondi t i on r ef er r ed t o as
panhypopituitarism. The most common hormone deficiencies
associated with hypopituitarism involve GH and gonadotropins
(eg. LH,FSH)
The most common cause of pituitary hypofunction is a pituitary
tumor. Autoimmune disorders, infections, pituitary infarction
(Sheehan syndrome), or destruction of the pituitary gland (as
a result of trauma, radiation and surgical procedures)also can
cause hypopitutarism. Sheehan syndrome is a postpartum
condition of pituitary necrosis and hypopituitarism that occurs
after circulatory collapse from uterine hemorrhaging.
Clinical manifestation
Common symptoms associated with a space occupying
lesion include head aches, visual changes, anosmia and
Adults with GH deficiency often have subtle nonspecific
clinical findings. They have truncal and decreased muscle
mass causing reduced strength, decreased energy, and
exercise capability; Depressed mood as well.
Children with idiopathic growth hormone releasing factor have
adequate somatotropes, whereas children with pituitary
tumors or agenesis of the pituitary lack somatotropes. Child
with GH deficiency have short stature, proportion of weight to
height is normal retarded bone and tooth development &
delayed sexual maturity.
FSH and LH
FSH and LH deficiencies in the adult women are first
manifested as menstrual irregularities, diminished libido, and
changes in secondary sex characteristics (eg decreased
breast size). Men with FSH and LH deficiencies experience
testicular atrophy, diminished sperm atogenesis, loss of libido,
impotence, and decreased facial hair and muscle mass.
A deficiency of ACTH and cortisone often produces a
nonspecific clinical picture. Sings and symptoms may include
weakness, fatigue, headache, dry and pale skin, and
diminished axillary and pubic hair. Individuals may have
postural hypotension, fasting hypoglycemia, diminished
tolerance for stress, and poor resistance to infection.
The clinical presentation of an individual with thyroid hormone
deficiency associated with hypopituitary is similar with primary
hypothyroidism, common symptoms include cold intolerance,
constipation, fatigue, lethargy and weight gain.
Diagnostic studies
- In addition to history and physical examination
- Radiologic texts: MRI and CT
- Direct and indirect determination of pituitary hormones
- Surgery or radiation for tumor removal
- Life long hormone replacement
6.5 Disorders associated with antidiuretic
hormone (ADH)
The two primary conditions associated with ADH secretion are
a result of either over production or underproduction of ADH.
Over production of ADH results in a condition known as
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).
Underproduction of ADH results in a condition referred to as
diabetes insipidus (DI).
ADH, also referred to as orginine vasopressin ( AVP), is
synthesized in the hypothalamus and then transported and
stored in the posterior pituitary gland. It plays a major role in
the regulation of water balance and osmolarity.
6.5.1 Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone (SIADH)
SIADH results from an abnormal production or sustained
secretion of ADH and is characterize by fluid retention, serum
hypo osmolality, dilutional hyponateremia, hypochloremia,
concentrated urine in the presence of normal or increased
intravascular volume, and normal renal function. This
syndrome occurs more commonly in older adults.
Clinical manifestations
Excess ADH increases the permeability of the distal tubule
and collecting duct, which leads to the reabsorption of water
into the circulation. Consequently, extra cellular fluid volume
expands, plasma osmolality declines, the glamour filtration
rate increases, and sodium levels decline (dilutional
hyponatremia). Hyponatremia causes muscle cramps and
weakness. Initially, thirst, dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, and
dulled sensorium may be evident. The patient with SIADH will
experience low urinary out put and increased body weight. As
the serum sodium level falls, manifestations become more
severe and include vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle
twitching, and seizures. As plasma osmolality and serum
sodium levels continue to decline, cerebral edema may occur,
leading to lethargy, anorexia, confusion, headache, seizures,
and coma.
Diagnostic studies
Simultaneous measurements of urine and serum osmolality.
Diabetes insipidus (DI)
Diabetes insipidus is associated with a deficiency of
production or secretion of ADH or a decreased renal response
to ADH. The decrease in ADH results in fluid and electrolyte
imbalances caused by increased urinary output and increased
plasma osmolality.
There are several classifications of diabetes inspitdus. Central
DI (also known as neurogenic DI)occurs when any organic
lesion of the hypothalamus, infundibular stem, or posterior
pituitary interferes with ADH synthesis, transport, or release.
Nephrogenic DI describes a condition in which there is
adequate ADH, but there is a decreased response to ADH in
the kidney. Lithium is one of the most common causes of
dr ug- i nduced nephr ogeni c DI . Hypokal emi a and
hypercalcemia may also lead to nephrogenic DI.
Psychogenic DI, a less common condition is associated with
excessive water intake. This can be caused by a structural
lesion in the thirst center or may be caused by psychiatric

Clinical manifestations
DI is characterized by increased thirst (polydipsia) and
increased urination (polyuria). The primary characteristic of DI
is the excretion of large quantities of urine (5-20 L per day)
with a very low specific gravity (< 1.005)and urine osmolality of
< 100 mosm/kg (< 100 mmol/kg). Serum osmolality is elevated
as a result of hypernatremia due to pure water loss in the
kidney. Most patients compensate for fluid loss by drinking
large amounts of water so that serum osmolality is normal or
only moderately elevated. The patient may be fatigued from
nocturia and may experience generalized weakness.
6.6 Alteration in thyroid function
An alteration in thyroid function can represent either a hypo
functional or hyper functional state. The manifestations of
these two altered states are summarized below.
Table 6.1 Manifestations of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid
Level of
Hypo state Hyper state
Basal metabolic
Decreased Increased
Sensitivity to
Decreased Increased
General features Myxedematous
feutures keep voice
impaired growth
Exophthalmos lid
lag decreased
Blood cholesterol
levels general
Increased mental
retardation (Infant)
Mental & physical
irritability anxiety
Decreased cardiac
output Brady cardia
Increased cardiac
out put tachycardia
and palpitations
Gastro intestinal
decreased appetite
Diarrhea increased
Respiratory function Hypoventilation Dyspnea
Muscle tone and
Decreased I ncr eased, wi t h
t r e m o r a n d
fibrillatory twitching
Cold intolerance Heat intolerance
Skin and hair D e c r e a s e d
sweat i ng coarse
and dry skin and
Increased sweating
thin and silky skin
and hair
Weight Gain Loss
Disorders of the thyroid may represent a congential defect in
thyroid development or they may develop later in life, with a
gradual or a sudden on set. Goiter is an increase in the size of
the thyroid gland. It can occur in hypothyroid, euthyroid, and
hyperthyroid states. Goiters may be diffuse, involving the
entire gland without evidence or nodularity, or they may
contain nodules. Diffuse goiters usually become nodular.
Goi ters may be toxi c, produci ng si ngs of extreme
hyperthyroidism, or thyrotoxicosis, or they may be notoxic.
Diffuse nontoxic and multinodular goiters are the result of
compensatory hypertophy and hyperplasia of follicular
epithelium secondary to some derangement that impaires
thyroid hormone output. The degree of thyroid enlargement is
usually proportional to the extent and duration of thyroid
deficiency. The increased thyroid mass usually achieves a
normal, or euthyroid, state eventually. Multinodular goiters
produce the largest thyroid enlargements and are often
associated with thyrotoxicosis. When sufficiently enlarged they
may compress the esophagus and trachea, causing difficulty
in swallowing, a chocking sensation, & respiratory stridor.
Such lesions may also compress the superior vena cava,
producing distention of the veins of the neck and upper
extremities, edema of the eyelids and conjunctiva, and
syncope with coughing.
6.6.1 Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism can occur as a congential or as an acquired
defect. The absence of thyroid function at birth is called
cretinism. When the condition occurs later in life it is called
Congenital hypothyroidism
Congenital hypothyroidism is perhaps one of the most
common causes of preventabl e mental retardati on.
Hypothyroidism in the infant may result from a congenital lack
of the thyroid gland or from abnormal biosynthesis of thyroid
hormone or deficient TSH secretion. With congenital lack of
the thyroid gland, the infant usually appears normal and
functions normally at birth since hormones have been supplied
in utero by the mother. Thyroid hormone is essential for
normal brain development and growth, almost half of which
occurs during the first six months of life. If untreated,
congenital hypothyroidism causes mental retardation and
impairment of growth. Long-term studies show that closely
monitored thyroxine supplementation begin in the first six
weeks of life results in normal intelligence. However, if
treatment is delayed to between three months and seven
months, 85% of these infants will have definite retardation.
Fortunately, neonatal screening tests have been instituted to
detect congenital hypothy roidism during early infancy in
developed countries. In this test, a drop of blood is taken from
the infants heal and analyzed for T4 and TSH.
Myxedema (acquired hypothyrotidism)
When hypothyroidism occurs in older children or adults it is
called myxedema. The term myxedema caused by an
accumulation of a hydrophilic mucopoly saccharde substance
in the connective tissues throughout the body. The hypothyroid
state may be mild, with only a few signs and symptoms, or it
may progress to a life-threatening condition or dysfunction of
the thyroid gland (primary hypothyroidism) or as a secondary
disorder caused by impaired hypothalamic or pituitary
Primary hypothyroidism may result from thyrodiectomy
(surgical removal) or ablation of the gland with radiation.
Certain goitrogenic agents, such as lithium carbonate (used in
the treatment of manic-depressive states) and the antithyroid
drugs propylthiouracil and methimazole in continuous dosage,
can block hormone synthesis and produce hypothyroidism
with goiter. Large amounts of iodine can also block thyroid
hormone production and cause goiter, particularly in persons
with autoimmune thyroid disease.
Probably the most common cause of hypothyroidism is
Hashimatos thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder in which the
thyroid gland may be totally destroyed by an immunologic
process. It is the major cause goiter and hypothyroidism in
Hashimatos thyroiditis is predominantly a disease of women.
The course of the disease varies. At the onset only a goiter
may be present. In time, hyprothyroidism usually become
evi dent . Al t hough t he di sor der gener al l y causes
hypothyroidism, a hyperthyroid state may develop mid course
in the disease. The transient hyperthyroid state is due to
leakage of performed thyroid hormone from damaged cells of
the gland.
Myxedema affects almost all of the organ systems in the body.
The manifestations of the disorder are largely related to two
1. The hypometabolic state resulting from thyroid
hormone deficiency and
2. Myxedematous involvement of body tissues.
Although the myxedema is most obvious in the face and other
superficial parts, it also affects many of the body organs and is
responsible for many of the manifestations of the hypothyroid
The hypometabolic state associated with myxedema is
characterized by a gradual onset of weakness and fatigue, a
tendency to gain weight despite a loss in appetite, and cold
intolerance. As the condition progresses, the skin becomes
dry and rough and acquires a pale yellowish cast, which is due
primarily to carotene deposition, and the hair becomes coarse
and brittle. There is loss of the lateral one-third of the
eyebrows. Gastrointestinal motility is decreased, giving rise to
constipation, flatulence, and abdominal distention. Nervous
system involvement is manifested in mental dullness, lethargy,
and impaired memory.
As a result of fluid accumulation, the face takes on a
characteristic puffy look, especially around the eyes. The
tongue is enlarged, and the voice is hoarse and husky.
Myxedematous fluid can collect in the interstitial spaces of
almost any organ system. Pericardial or pleural effusion may
develop. Mucopolysaccharide deposits in the heart cause
generalized cardiac dilatation, bradycardia, and other signs of
altered cardiac function.
- Low serum T4
- Low resin T3
- Elevated TSH
- Antithyroid test- if hashimatos is suspected
- TRH stimulation test in secondary hypothyroidism
Myxedematous coma
Myxedematous coma is a life-threatening end-stage
expression of hypothyrodism. It is characterized by coma,
hypothermia, cardiovascular collapse, hypoventilation, and
severe metabolic disorders that include hyponatremia,
hypoglyoemia, and lactic acidosis. It occurs most often in the
elderly and is seldom seen in persons under age 50. The fact
that it occurs more frequently in winter months suggests that
cold exposure may be a precipitating factor. The severely
hypothyroid person is unable to metabolize sedatives,
analgesics, and anesthetic drugs, and these agents may
precipitate coma.
6.6.2 Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism, or thyrotoxicosis, results from excessive
delivery of thyroid hormone to the peripheral tissue. It is seen
most frequently in women 20 to 40 years of age. It is
commonly associated with hyperplasia of the thyroid gland,
multinodular goiter, and adenoma of the thyroid. Occasionally
it develops as the result of the ingestion an overdose of
thyroid hormone. When the condition is accompanied by
exophthalmos and goiter, it is called graves disease. Thyroid
crisis, or storm, is an acutely exaggerated manifestation of the
hyperthyroid state.
Many of the manifestations of hyperthyroidism are related to
the increase in oxygen consumption and increased utilization
of metabolic fuels associated with the hyper metabolic state as
well as the increase in sympathetic nervous system activity
that occurs. The fact that many of the signs and symptoms of
hyperthyroidism resemble those of excessive sympathetic
activity suggests that the thyroid hormone may heighten the
sensitivity of the body to the cadecholamines or that thyroid
hormone itself may act as a pseudo catecholamine. With the
hypermetabolic state, there are frequent complaints of
nervousness, irritability, and fatigability. Weight loss is
common despite a good appetite. Other manifestations
include tachycardia, palpitations, shortness of breath,
excessive sweating, and heat intolerance. The person
appears restless and has a fine muscle tremor. Even in
persons without exophthalmos there is an abnormal retraction
of the eyelids and infrequent blinking and patients appear to
be staring. The hair and skin are usually thin and have a silky
appearance. Hyperthyroidism can be treated by surgical,
radioactive iodine or the use of drugs.
Graves disease
Graves disease is a state of hyperthyroidism, goiter, and
exophthalmos. The cause of graves disease and the
development of the exophthalmos, which results from edema
and cellular infiltration of the orbital structures and muscle, is
poorly understood. Current evidence suggest that it is an
immune disorder characterized by abnormal stimulation of the
thyroid gland by thyroid stimulating antibodies that act
through the normal TSH receptors. The exophthalmos is
thought to result from an exophthalmos-producing factor
whose action is enhanced by anti bodies. The ophthalmopathy
of Graves disease can cause severe eye problems, including
paralysis of the extraocular muscles, involvement of the optic
nerve with some visual loss, and corneal ulceration since the
lid do not close over the protruding eyeball.
Thyroid storm
Thyroid storm (crisis) is an extreme and life threatening form
of thyrotoxicosis.
It is often precipitated by stress, such as infection, by diabetic
ketoacidosis, by physical or emotional trauma, or by
manipulation of a hyperactive thyroid gland during
thyroidectomy. Thyroid storm is manifested by a very high
fever, extreme cardiovascular effects and severe central
nervous system effects. The mortality rate is high. Thyroid
storm requires rapid diagnosis and implementation of
6.7 Disorders of Adrenal cortical function
6.7.1 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (adrenogenital
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) describes a congenial
disorder caused by an autosomal recessive trait in which a
deficiency exists in any of the five enzymes. It is a defect in
the synthesis of cortex that results in increased levels of ACTH
and adrenal hyperplasia. The increased levels of ACTH over
stimulate the pathways of steroid hormone production,
particularly those involving the production of adrenal
androgens. Mineralocorticoids may be produced in excessive
or insufficient amount, depending on the precise enzyme
deficiency. Both males and females are affected. Males are
seldom diagnosed at birth, unless they have enlarged genitalia
or lose salt and manifest adrenal crisis; in female infants, an
increase in androgens is responsible for creating the
virilization syndrome of ambiguous genitalia.
6.7.2 Adrenal insufficiency
There are two forms of adrenal insufficiency: primary and
secondary. Primary adrenal insufficiency, or Addisons
disease, is due to the destruction of the adrenal gland.
Secondary adrenal insufficiency is due to a disorder of the
HPA system.
Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease)
Addisons disease is a relatively rare disorder in which all the
layers of the adrenal cortex are destroyed. Most often the
underlying problem is ideopathic adrenal atrophy, which
probably has an auto immune basis.
Addisons disease is a chronic metabolic disorder that requires
lifetime hormone replacement therapy. The adrenal cortex has
a large reserve capacity, and the manifestations of adrenal
insufficiency do not usually became apparent until about 90%
of the gland has been destroyed. These manifestations are
primarily related to:
- hyperpigmentation resulting from elevated ACTH levels
- mineralo corticoid deficiency and
- glucocorticoid deficiency
Hyperpigmentation in addisons disease, ACTH levels are
elevated in response to the fall in cortisone. It is important to
note that the amino acid sequence of ACTH is strikingly similar
to that of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH): thus,
hyperpigmentation is seen in about 98% of persons with
Addisons disease and is helpful in distinguishing the primary
and secondary forms. This hyperpigmenation becomes more
pronounced during periods of stress.
Mineralocorticoid deficiency: minerals corticoid deficiency
caused increased urinary losses of sodium, chloride, and
water along with decreased excretion of potassium. The result
is hyponatremia, loss of extra cellular fluid, decreased cardiac
out put, and hyper calemia. There may be an abnormal
appetite for salt. Orthostatic hypotension is common.
Dehydration, weakness, and fatigue are often present as early
symptoms. If loss of sodium and water is extreme
cardiovascular collapse and shock will ensue.
Gluco corticoid deficiency: Because of a lack of
glucocorticoids, the patient has poor tolerance to stress. This
deficiency causes hypoglycemia, lethargy, weakness, fever,
and gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea,
vomiting and weight loss.
Secondary adrenal insufficiency
Secondary adrenal insufficiency can occur as a result of
hypopituitarism or because the pituitary gland has been
surgically removed. However, a far more common cause than
either of these is the rapid withdrawal of qluco-corticoids that
have been administered therapeutically. These drugs
suppress the HPA system, with resulting adrenal cortical
atrophy and lack of cortisol.
Acute adrenal crisis
Acute adrenal crisis is a life threatening situation of addisons
disease is the underlying problem, exposure to even a minor
illness or stress can preciptate nausea, vomiting, muscular
weakness, hypotension, dehydration, and vascular collapse.
The onset of adrenal crisis may be sudden, or it may progress
over a period of several days. The symptoms may also occur
suddenly in children with salt-losing forms of the adrenogenital
syndrome. Massive bilateral adrenal hemorrhage cause an
acute fulminating form of adrenal insufficiency. Hemorrhage
can be caused by meningococcal septicemia (called water
house-friderichsen syndrome), adrenal trauma, anticoagulant
therapy, adrenal vein thrombosis, or adrenal metastases.
Adrenal i nsuff i ci ency i s t reat ed wi t h repl acement
glucocorticoid therapy.
6.7.3. Gluco corticoid hormone excess
(cushings syndrome)
Cushing syndrome is characterized by a chronic elevation in
glucocorticoid ( and adrenal androgen) hormones. Because
the condition is more frequenctly caused by increased ACTH
production, the mineral corticoids are usually not involved in
the syndrome.
Cushings syndrome can result from either overproduction of
hormones by the body or long term therapy with one of the
potent pharmacologic preparations of glucocorticoids
(iatrogenic cushings syndrome) Three important forms of
cushings syndrome result from excessive gluco corticoid
production by the body. One is a pituitary form, which results
from excessive production of ACTH by a tumor of the disease
cases, and since this form of the disease was the one
originally described by Cushing, it is called Cushings Disease.
The other forms of excess glucocorticoid levels are refereed to
as Cushings Syndrome. The second form is the adrenal form,
caused by an adrenal tumor. The third is the ectopic cushings,
due to an ACTH- producing tumor such as occurs in some
branchagenic cancers.
The major manifestations of Cushings Syndrome represent
an exaggeration of the normal effects of cortisol. Altered fat
metabolism causes a peculiar deposition of fat characterized
by a protruding abdomen; subclavicular fat pads or buffalo
hamp on the back; and a round, plethoric moon face. There
is muscle weakness, and the extremities are thin because of
protein breakdown and muscle wasting. In advanced cases,
the skin over the forearms and legs becomes thin, having the
appearance of parchment. Purple striae (stretch mark), from
stretchi ng of the catabol i cal l y weakened ski n and
subcutaneous tissues, are distributed on the abdomen and
hips. Osteoporosis results from destruction of bone proteins
and alterations in calcium metabolism. With osteoporosis
there may be back pain and rib & vertebral fractures.
As calcium is mobilized from bone, renal calculi may develop.
Derangements in glucose metabolism are found in some 90%
of patients, with clinically overt diabetes mellitus occurring in
about 20%. The gluco corticoids possess mineralocorticoid
properties; this causes hypercalemia as a result of excessive
potassium excretion & hypertension resulting from sodium
retention. Inflammatory and immune responses are inhibited,
resulting in increased susceptibility to infection. Cortisol
increases gastric secretion, and this may provolce gastric
ulceration and bleeding.
An accompanying increase in androgen level causes
hirsutism, mild acne, and menstrual irregularities in women.
Excessive levels of the gluco corticoids may give rise to
extreme emotional labiality.
The treatment of Cushings Syndrome, whether by surgery,
irradiation, or drugs, is largely determined by the etiology.
Review questions
- List the organ/system which are affected by excess
secretion of growth hormone.
- Discuss the Pathophysiology of diabetes insipidus.
- Compare and contrast the hypo and hyper state of
thyroid function.
- Discuss the Pathophysiology of Cushings Syndrome.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this Chapter the students will be able to:
- Explain pathophysiology of abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Discuss pathophysiology of Dysfunctional Uterine
Bleeding (DUB).
- Describe pathophysiology of pelvic inflammatory
Diseases (PID)
- Explain Pathophysiologic effects of obstructive
- Di scuss pathophysi ol ogy of Beni gn prostati c
hyperplasia (BPH).
- Describe pathophysiology of renal stone

7.1. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)
! Any form of bleeding from reproductive tract other
than the normal menstrual bleeding is called abnormal
uterine bleeding (AUB).
! The normal menstrual bleeding is because of regular
shading (sloughing) of the endometrial wall when the
serum estrogen and progesterone level are low.
! The normal menstrual bleeding is characterized by:-
" Bleeding lasting for about 5 days.
" The blood should be non-clotted blood.
" The amount of blood loss in average is about
30 to 150ml.
" The bleeding is every 21 to 35 days and in
average every 28days.
! Any form of bleeding from genital tract other than the
above normal characteristic of menstrual bleeding is
called abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)
! Abnormal uterine bleeding is usually symptom of some
underlying disease process rather than a disease
entity by itself.
7.1.1. The Different patterns of AUB
! Menorrhagia (hyper menorrhea): - Excessive
menstrual blood flow (More than 150 ml per menses).
! Metrorrhagia (Intermenstrual bleeding): - Bleeding
between period-Irregular menses
! Polymenorrhea:- Abnormally frequent menstrual
bleeding (Usually before 21 days).
! Oligomenorrhea:- Abnormally infrequent menstrual
bleeding (Usually beyond 35 days)
! Amenorrhea: - Absence of menstrual bleeding for
three consecutive cycles.
! Perimenopausal bleeding: - Irregular bleeding before
! Postmenopausal bleeding: - Bleeding that occurs
one or more years after menopause.
7.1.2. Causes of AUB
- There are many causes of AUB, and are classified in to
four classes:-
a. Complications of pregnancy


Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy out side the uterus)

GTD (gestational trophoblastic diseases)

b. Organic Lesions

Benign lesions of genital tracts:-

- Vaginal tumors
- Cervical polyps
- Cervicitis
- Endometrial polyp
- Myoma.

Malignant lesions
- Vaginal cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Endometrial cancer
c. Constitutional Disease
- Bleeding disorders (like platelet abnormality &
coagulation factor defect)
- Hypertension.
d. True dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
- It is uterine bleeding associated with endocrine
Figure: 7.1 Causes of AUB and its effects
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
!The term dysfunctional uterine bleeding refers to
abnormal bleeding that is as the result of endocrine
!Fifty percent of DUB occurs in women over age of 40
years (peri menopausal ) and 20% occurs i n
adolescent under 20 years.
!It is often associated with absence of ovulation
(persistent unovulatory period)
!When there is no ovulation, there is no corpus luteum
formation, this result in inadequate production of
!Deficiency or absence of progesterone in the circulation
results in absence of secretary changes in the
endometruim. The endometruim becomes hyper
plastic due to the effect of estrogen alone.
!As estrogen levels decrease from degenerating follicles,
with drawl bleeding occurs.
!Psychogenic uterine bleeding may be included in DUB.
Emotions also may directly affect the uterine blood
vessels and produce bleeding. Emotional disturbance
may stimulate hypothalamus and has resultant
influence on gonadotrophic hormones.
7.2. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
-Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is defined as
any infection of upper reproductive tract (above
the inner cervical-os). I.e. it includes:-

Endomet r i t i s: - i nf l ammat i on of t he

Endopar amet r i t i s: - i nf l ammat i on of

parametrial structures.

Salpingitis: - inflammation of fallopian tubes.

Oophoritis: - inflammation of the ovaries.

Pelvic peritonitis (abscess):- inflammation of

the pelvic peritoneum and puss collections.
!Causes (Etiology)
-Etiologies of PID are categorized into four classes:-
a) Post STD PID
-These are caused by ascending serious
bacterial infection
acquired through sexual intercourse.
- Included: -


Chlamydia trachomatis

b) Post abortal PID
# Post abortal PID is due to ascending normal floras
of the vagina following opening of the cervical os.
Normally, the upper genital tracts are sterile and
bacteria can not ascend easily due to the effect of
tightly closed cervix and thick cervical secretions.
# When cervix is opened for abortion, this will a pave
the way for the normal floras of the vagina to
# The risk increases with criminal abortion.
# Organisms: - Polly microbial (all normal floras)
-Both aerobic and anaerobes.
c) Post partal PID
# Post partal PID takes place following delivery.
# The mechanism is the same with post abortal PID;
it is due to ascending normal flora from vagina to
the sterile upper genital tract following cervical
dilatation in delivery.
# The risk increase with prolonged duration of labor
and operative deliveries
# Organism: - Pollymicrobials (Normal floras of
- Aerobic organism,
- Anaerobic organism.
d) Post Intrauterine Devices (IUDS) - PID
Insertion of IUDs also gives a chance for
bacteria to ascend to the upper genital tract.
!Clinical Features of PID
-Triads of PID are: -
" Fever with chills and rigor (>38 degree
" Severe pelvic pain (sudden onset)
" Heavy, purulent, offensive vaginal
-Specific Histories: -
" History of sexually transmitted disease
" History of abortion or pelvic surgery
" History of delivery
" History of IUCDS-uses
7.3. Obstructions in urinary tract (Obstructive
Obstructive disorders may cause considerable renal
dysfunction, including hemorrhage, renal failure, if they are left
Normally urine is formed by the nephrones in the renal
parenchyma, then collected in the renal pelvic to flow through
the ureter and reaches urinary bladder.
When the bladder becomes full, urethral sphincters are
opened then urine passes through urethra to be voided out.
Any form of obstacle to urinary flow can cause obstructive
Causes: -
- There are many causes of urinary flow obstruction; but the
principal obstructive conditions are: -
a) Benign prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
b) Renal calculi
c) Renal tumors
d) Urethral strictures; etc.
a) Benign prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
-Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects the majority of men
over 50 years old.
-The prostatic size increase due to hyperplastic
proliferation of glandular and cell tissues
-Normally, the prostate gland weights 20gm, surrounds the
urethra, and consists of four lobes.
-By age 70years, the prostate may weigh from 60 gm as
much as 200gm.
- The cause of BPH is unknown but it is believed to result from
an imbalance between serum testosterone and estrogen
level that occur with advancing age.
- As age increase the level of both testosterone and estrogen
decreases, but the rate of estrogen reduction is rapid than
testosterone reduction; and the testosterone level is
elevated relative to estrogen level, which stimulate
hyperplastic growth of prostatic gland.
Clinical Features
- Acute urinary retention
- Symptoms of prostatism (frequency, urgency, dribbling,
dysuria, etc)
- Chronic retention over flow incontinence, and renal
b) Renal calculi (stone disease)
- Calculi can form in various areas of the renal system.
- Crystallization in the renal pelvis is called nephrolithiasis
- Urolithiasis refers to stone any where in the urinary tract.
Etiology: - Not clearly known
- It is common in hot environmental condition. The proposed
etiologies are: -

Urinary stasis the excreted material will be

Due to obstruction

Infection disturbs the PH of urine crystallization of

particles stone

Lack of inhibitors for stone formation:-Normally there are

inhibitors for stone formation in urine, decreased or
lack of inhibitors cause stone.
Types of Renal calculi
Table 7.1 Types of renal stones based on its chemical
Calcium oxalate Triple phosphate Urate stone Cystine stone
-They are irregular
with sharp
-Cause bleeding
-Formed by
magnesium and
calcium phosphate
-Grows in infected
alkaline urine
-Tends to be very
large (stag horn)
-Dirty, radio-
- multiple
- hard, smooth
- Radio-lucent
-Congenital error
of metabolism
- Cystinuria
- contain sulfur.
- Radio-opaque
Clinical Features
-Symptoms are variable
-Silent calculi may cause no symptoms but progressive
destruction of the renal parenchyma.
-Bilateral stones may cause uremia (renal failure) due to
-Pain (75%) located in renal angle
-Hematuria (bloody urine).
-Repeated urinary tract infection (UTI)
C) Renal Tumors
- Renal tumors are not common.
- Tumors of the renal system can cause damage to the renal
parenchyma whether they are benign or malignant.
" Benign Renal Tumors
- Not very common
- Includes: Adenoma of renal parenchyma
- Papilloma of renal parenchyma
- Lipoma, etc
- Hematuria and dull pain in the flank are common
" Malignant renal tumors
- Include: - wilms tumor: - it occurs in children
- Renal cell carcinoma: - it occurs in adults
- Clinical features
- Pain and hematuria are the earliest symptoms.
-Symptoms of metastatic disease occurs more
frequently such as Varicocele and hypertension.
d) Urethral strictures
! Definition: - urethral stricture is defined as narrowing
of the urethral lumen due to fibrous band formation.
! Cause

Congenital urethral structures:- from birth

Post STD urethral stricture:-

- It is due to sexually transmitted diseases.
- It occurs 10-15years after gonorrheal or
chylamydrial urethritis
- It is because of healing of the inflammatory
process by formation of excess fibrous bands.

Post procedural urethral stricture:-

- It occurs following urologic procedural like
catheterizations. Minor trauma to the urethral
mucosa may heal by forming strictures years
after the procedure.
! Clinical features
- Acute or chronic urinary retentions.
- Urine stasis and back-flow of urine: - Results in
hydronephrosis and Renal- failure
- Symptoms of renal-failure (uremia).
Pathophysiologic Effects of Obstructive Uropathy
Obstruction to urinary path way (flow)
Stasis of urine and back flow $ Bacterial over growth
# #
Hydronephrosis #
# #
Mechanical compression and $ RENAL FAILURE
distension of the renal pelvis.

Review Questions
1. What is abnormal uterine bleeding?
2. List the causes of AUB?
3. List the mechanisms of pelvic inflammatory diseases.
4. What are the Pathophysiologic effects of obstructive
5. List the causes of Obstructive uropathy.
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:
- Discuss Pathophysiology of increased intracranial
- Explain causes of increased intracranial pressure
- List manifestations of increased intracranial pressure
- Mention complications of increased ICP
- Describe types and pathophysiologic effects of head
- List types of intracranial infections.

8.1. Alteration in cerebral volume and
pressure (ICP)
- Intracranial pressure (ICP) is a pressure in the cranial
- Cranial cavity contains blood vessels, brain tissue, and
CSF within the rigid confines of non-expandable skull.
- The normal intracranial pressure is 50 200mm H
0 (4-15
- Small increase in one component can be compensated in
decrease in volume of one or both of other components of
the cranial cavity.
- Normal fluctuation in intracranial pressure occurs with
respiratory movement and activities of daily living such as
straining, coughing and sneezing.
- An abnormal variation in intracranial volume with
subsequent change in ICP can be caused by a volume
change in any of the three intracranial components.
An increase in tissue volume results from brain
tumors, brain edema, or bleeding into brain
An increase in blood volume develops when
there is vasodilatation of cerebral vessels or
obstruction of venous out flow.
Excess production, decreased absorption, or
obstructed circulation of CSF affords the
potential for an increase in CSF component.
" Brain tumors change in volume occurs
" But from head injury change in volume
develops rapidly.
8.1.1. Compensatory Mechanisms for Increased ICP:-

CSF and blood volumes: are capable of

compensating increased ICP.

CSF production is constant but reabsorption can

vary for adjustment (by pressure difference
between CSF in subarachnoid space and blood in
dural sinuses). Because changes in ICP produce
an increase in CSF pressure with out increasing
dural sinus pressure reabsorption of CSF will

The impact of increase in blood, brain tissue or

CSF volume on ICP varies among individuals and
depends on the amount of increase that occurs, the
effectiveness of compensation mechanisms and
cerebral elasticity and plasticity.

Bl o o d v e s s e l s : e l a s t i c

B r a i n t i s s u e s : - p l a s t i c

CSF: - Reabsorption.
$ When the CSF and blood can no longer compensate
for increased volume and the excess space in the
cranial cavity is filled, the ICP rises sharply and may
result in cerebral hypoxia or brain shift.
$ When the pressure in the cranial cavity approaches or
exceeds the mean systemic arterial pressure, tissue
perfusion becomes inadequate, cellular hypoxia results
and if maintained, neuronal death may occur.
$ The highly specialized cortical neurons are the most
sensitive to 0xygen deficits decreased in level of
conciseness is one of the earliest and most reliable
sign of Increased ICP.
$ The increased cellular hypoxia leads to general
neurological deterioration. The level of consciousness
may deteriorate from alertness through confusion,
lethargy, obtundation, stupor, and coma.
$ One of the late reflexes seen with marked increased in
ICP is CNS ischemic response; which is triggered by
ischemia of vasomotor centre in brain stem. Neurons
in vasomotor centre respond directly to ischemia by
producing a marked increase in mean arterial blood
pressure. Some times up to 270mmHg is accompanied
by widening of pulse pressure and a reflex slowing of
the heart rate. These triads of signs some times called
the Cushing reflex is important but late indicator of
increased ICP.

8.1.2 Manifestations of Increased ICP
- Indirectly the following clinical features can serve as
physiologic parameters to asses raised ICP:-
" Cushing Reflex: -
-Raised Blood Pressure
-Slow Pulse Rate
-Widening of pulse pressure.
" Pupillary response alteration, and
" Change in level of consciousness that change
with increase in ICP.
" Projectile vomiting.
" Severe global head ache.

Definition: -
One form of increased volume in the cranial
cavity is hydrocephalus, which is defined as an
abnormal increase in CSF volume within any
part or all of the ventricular system.
Causes: -
" Decreased absorption of CSF: -
-Decreased absorption of CSF can be caused by
two Mechanisms: -
1) Block in CSF path way to arachnoids villi (None
communicating hydrocephalus)
Common causes are:-
-Congenital malformations
- Infections, and
2) Failure of Villi to transfer CSF to Venous System
(Communicating hydrocephalus)
" Over production of CSF: -
-Adenoma of choroid plexus can cause an over
production of CSF.
- It is less common than decreased absorption.
Clinical manifestations of Hydrocephalus: -
- The signs of ICP elevation are associated with
age of onset, type of hydrocephalus, and
extent of pressure rise.

In infant and children: head enlargement

I n adul t s: no head enl argement

symptom depends on whether it appears
rapidly or slowly.
- Rapidly: - increased ICP
- Slowly: - less apt to develop
increased ICP
Cerebral edema (Brain swelling)
Definition: -
An increase in brain tissue volume secondary to
abnormal fluid accumulations.
Types of Brain Edema:-
There are two types of brain edema:-
a) Vasogenic Brain Edema:-
- Increased extra cellular fluid that surrounds brain cells.
-Occurs in conditions like: - Brain tumors
- Prolonged ischemia
-Infectiousprocess (meningitis)
-Impaired function of Blood Brain

Barrier (BBB) following injury.
-Occurs in the white mater of the brain.
- Can displace cerebral hemisphere (Herniation)

b) Cytotoxic Brain Edema:-
- Actual swelling of brain cells them selves.
- Neurons, glial cells and endothelial cells
- Results from hypo osmotic state from
water intoxication.
- Occurs in both white and gray mater.

Figure 8.1 types of brain edema and its effect
Clinical Features of Brian Edema:-
The manifestations depend on the brains
compensatory mechanisms and the extent of
the swelling.
May cause: - Herniation
Change in mentations (stupor, coma)
Brain Herniation
Displacement of brain tissue under the tough dural
folds of falx cerebri, tentorial cerebri towards the less
dense area.
Classifications: -
There are two broad categories of herniation:-
1. Supratentorial Herniation.
2. Infratentorial Herniation
" Supratentorial Herniation
There are three subtypes based on sites.
" Infratentorial herniation :-
Results from increased pressure in the brain compartment
and often progress rapidly. Cause death because it is
likely to involve the lower brain stem centre that control
vital function.

8.2 Head injury
-There are three major components of head injury:-
- Scalp injury
- Skull fracture, and
- Brain injury
Skull Fracture
-One of the most serious types of direct head injury is skull
" Simple linear skull fracture: break in
continuity of the bone.
" Depressed skull fracture:--- When bone
fragments are imbedded into brain tissues.
" Basilar skull fracture: -fracture of base of the
skull and may be associated with: Leakage of
CSF from nose (rhino rhea)
- Leakage of CSF from ear (Otto rhea)
- Laceration of vessels of durra leads to
intracranial bleeding.
Brain Injuries
Injury to the brain parenchyma:- There are two types of brain
a) Primary Head injury
b) Secondary Head injury

a) Primary Head Injury: -
# Primary head injury in which damage is due to
the impact.
# Includes Concussion and contusions.

Concussion: -
Momentary interruptions of brain function with or
with out loss of consciousness. Recover within 24
hours. Headache, irritability, insomnia, poor
concentration could persist for months.
(Post concussion syndrome)

Contusion: -
In severe head injury; there is cerebral contusion,
tearing and shearing of brain structures which may
lead to neurological deficits like hemiplegia. Injuries
to the blood vessels cause accumulations of blood
in the cranial cavity.
N.B:- Since brain floats freely in the CSF, bouncing of brain in
this closed confined rigid skull results in concussion or
contusion called Coup and counter coup injury.
" Coup: - injury on the side of impact (below
site of impact).
" Counter coup: - injury in opposite side of the

b) Secondary brain injuries
- It is brain injury that develops subsequently after the
impact has gone.
- The causes are: -
" Intracranial hematoma
" Brain Edema, and
" Infections
Intracranial Hematoma
- Is bleeding in the cranial cavity.
- There are four common types based on the site
of bleeding:-

Epidural hematoma:- bleeding

outside dura

Subdural hematoma:- bleeding

below dura

Subarachi noi dal hematoma:-

bleeding below the arachnoids

Intraparenchymal hematoma:-
bleeding inside the brain tissues.
N.B: - The final consequence of intracranial bleeding is
formation of intracranial Space occupying mass effect, which
is manifested by sign and symptom of raised intracranial
pressure (ICP).
- Intra cranial infection one of a common and
fatal condition.
- It may occur fol l owi ng head i nj ury or
- There are two types of intracranial infections:-
a) Meningitis: - infection of Meninges
b) Encephalitis: - infection of brain parenchyma.
a) Meningitis:-
" Definition:-Inflammation of pia mater, sub-
arachnoids mater & space.
Caused by infection, but chemicals could also cause.
" Classifications: -

Acute meningitis.

Sub acute meningitis.

Chronic meningitis.
$ Acute Meningitis
" Causes

Acute pyogenic Meningitis: bacterial

-Streptococcus pneumonia.
- Neisseria meningitides
- H. influenzae- in children below
5 years old.

Acute lymphocytic Meningitis viral

- Coxsackie virus
- Mumps virus
- Epstein Bar virus (EBV)
- Herpes simplex type- II virus (HSV-II)
" Risk factors for Meningitis

Head trauma: - basal skull bone


Upper respiratory tract infection: -

-Otitis Media,


Systemic sepsis,

Immune compromised host.

" Most common symptoms and signs: -

Fever, chills: - due to release of

i nf l ammat or y medi at or s and

Headache: - due to raised ICP as the

result of inflamed Meninges.

Photophobia: - due to raised ICP

Nausea & vomiting: - due to raised


Neck pain & neck stiffness

Positive Meningeal signs:-

" Kernigs sign resistance to
extension of leg while the
patient is lying with the hip
flexed at right angle.
" Brudzinski sign: when forcible
flexion of the neck results in
flexion of hip and knee.
N.B The path physiologic mechanisms of these signs are
due to stretching of inflammed meninges, which results in pain
upon performing the maneuvers.
Review Questions
1. What is the normal expected value of intracranial
2. What are the three components of the intracranial
3. What are the manifestations of raised ICP?
4. Mention the compensatory mechanisms of increased
5. List the types of head injury & their features.
6. What are the predisposing factors for meningitis?
Learning Objective
At the end of this chapter students will be able to:
- Describe genetic and chromosomal disorders
- Differentiate dominant and recessive disorders
- List autosomal and sex- linked disorders
- Describe disorders of sex- linked inheritance
- Discuss chromosomal disorders
9.1 Genetic and Chromosomal Disorders
Genetic disorders represent changes (or mutations) in gene
function or changes in chromosomal structure. A genetic
disorder can involve a single gene trait or it can involve a
polygenic trait.
The effects of an abnormal genetic trait may present at birth or
may not become apparent until later in life.

9.1.1 Single gene Disorders
Single gene disorders may dominant or recessive, and genes
located on the non sex chromosomes (Autosomal genes) or
those located on the sex chromosomes may be affected.
Disorders of the Y, or male, chromosome are extremely rare.
Some disorders of Single- gene inheritance
Autosomal dominant
" Achondroplasia
" Adult polycystic kidney disease
" Huntingtons chorea
" Hyper cholestrerolemia
" Marfans syndrome
" Multiple neurofibromatosis
" Osteogenesis imperfecta
" Spherocytosis
" Von willebrands disease
Autosomal Recessive
" Color blindness
" Cystic fibrosis
" Glycogen storage diseases
" Oculocutaneous albinism
" Phenylketonuria(PKU)
" Renal glycosuria
" Sickle cell disease
" Tay- sachs diseases
" Wilsons disease
X- Linked recessive
" Bruton- type agammaglobilinemia
" Classic hemophilia
" Duchenne- type muscular dystrophy
9.1.2 Disorders of Autosomal Inheritance
The autosomes are represented on 22 homologous pairs of
chromosomes. The auto somes on each chromosome are
arranged in strict order, with each gene occupying a specific
location or locus, and in pairs, with one maternal and one
paternal member. The two members of a gene pair are called
alleles. If both members of a gene pair are identical then the
person is homozygous for the locus; if they members are
different, then the person is heterozygous. Any gene-
determined characteristic is a trait. Eg If the trait is only
expressed in the hetrozygote, it is said to be dominant and if it
is only expressed in the homozygote, it is recessive.
In autosomal dominant disorders, a single mutant allele from
an affected parent is transmitted to an offspring regardless of
sex. The unaffected relatives of the parent or unaffected
siblings of the offspring do not transmit the disorder. The
affected individual has a 50% chance of transmitting the
disorder to each offspring. Autosomal dominant disorders are
characteri zed by reduced penetrance and vari abl e
expressivity, and age of onset that is later in life (eg.
Huntingtons chorea), and a mutant gene that tends to involve
a structural or a regulatory protein. Although there is a 50%
chance of inheriting a dominant genetic disorder, there can be
wide variation in gene expression.
Autosomal recessive disorders are manifested when both
members of the gene pair are mutant alleles. In this case, both
parents may be unaffected but are carriers of the defective
gene. Autosomal recessive disorders affect both sexes. The
occurrence risk in each pregnancy is one in four for an
affected child, two in four for a carrier child, and one in four for
a normal (non carrier, unaffected) homozygous child. With
autosomal recessive disorders, the expression of the gene
tends to be more uniform than with autosomal dominant
disorders; the age of onset is frequently early in life, and in
many cases enzyme proteins are affected by the mutation.
9.1.3 Disorders of Sex- Linked Inheritance
Sex- linked inheritance is almost always associated with the X,
or female, chromosome and is predominantly recessive. The
common pattern of inheritance is one in which an unaffected
mother carries one normal and one mutant allele on the x
chromosome. This means that she will have a 50% chance of
being carriers of the mutant gene. When the affected male
procreates, he will transmit the defect to all of his daughters,
who will then become carriers of the mutant gene. Since the
genes of the Y chromosome are unaffected, the affected male
will not transmit the defect to any of his sons and they will not
be carriers or transmit the disorder to their children.
Many single gene disorders result in inborn errors of
metabolism. These biochemical defects involve the formation
of abnormal structural proteins, abnormal biochemical
mediators or enzymes, or abnormal membrane bound
transport system or receptor proteins.
Structural protein defects are usually manifested as autosomal
dominant disorders. An example is marfans syndrome, it is a
disorder of the connective tissues that is manifested by
changes in the skeleton, the eyes, and the cardiovascular
system. Characteristics of the skeletal defects are a long thin
body hyperextensive joints, arachnodactyly (spider fingers),
and scoliosis. Defects of the eye include the upward
displacement of the lens and the potential for retinal
detachment. Involvment of connective tissue in the
cardiovascular system may lead to mitral valve disease and a
tendency for development of a dissecting aortic aneurysm.
Abraham Lincolns exteremely long legs and the unequal
lengths of his thumbs suggest that he may have been mildly
affected by marrfans syndrome. Both Abraham Lincoln and a
distant male cousin, who was diagnosed as having marfans
syndrome, are descendants of Mordecai Lincoln II. Although
Mordecai almost certainly had the gene for marfans
syndrome, he showed no signs of the disorder, probably
because in him the gene had low expressivity.
Primary enzyme defects are usually autosomal recessive.
These enzyme defects may result in any of the following:
1. Deficiency of a metabolic end product
2. Production of harmful intermediates/ toxic by products
of metabolism or
3. Accumulation of destructive substances with in the cell.
In albinism, the basic biochemical defect is the absence or
non- functioning of the enzyme tyrosinase. This enzyme is
necessary for the production of melanin, the pigment that
gives skin its color. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is another
genetically inherited primary enzyme defect. In this disorder,
there is a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase, the
enzyme needed for conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine,
and as a result of this deficiency, toxic levels of phenylalanine
accumulate in the blood. Like other inborn errors of
metabolism, PKU is inherited as a recessive trait and is
manifested only in the homozygote. Infants with the disorder
are treated with a special diet that restricts phenylalanine
Taysachs disease is caused by an accumulation of
ganglioside GM
(a glycolipid) in body tissues due to an
enzyme deficiency (hexosaminidase AO
) resulting in
gangliosidosis. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive
disorder. Infants with Taysachs appear normal at birth but
begin to manifest neurologic signs at about 6 months of age.
These neuralgic manifestations eventually lead to muscle
flaccidity, dementia, and finally death at about 2 to 3 years of
9.1.4 Chromosome Disorders
Chromosome disorders involve a change in chromosome
number or structure that results in damage to sensitive genetic
mechanism or in reproductive disorders.
I. Alterations In Chromosome Duplication
Mosaicism is the presence in one individual of two or more cell
lines characterized by distinctive karyotypes. This defect
results from an accident during chromosomal duplication
II. Alterations in Chromosome Number
A change in chromosome number is called aneuploidy. Among
the causes of aneuploidy are failure of separation of the
chromosomes during or genesis or spermatogenesis. This can
occur in either the autosomes or the sex chromosomes and is
called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction gives rise to germ cells
that have an even number of chromosomes (22 or 24). The
products of conception that are formed from this even number
of chromosomes wi l l have an uneven number of
chromosomes, either 45 or 47. Monosomy refers to the
presence of only one member of a chromosome pair. The
defects associated with monosomy of the autosomes are
severe and usually cause abortion.

Monosomy of the X chromosome (45, X/O), or Turners
syndrome causes less severe defects. Polysomy, or the
presence of more than two chromosome to a set, occurs when
a germ cell containing more than 23 chromosomes is involved
in conception. This defect has been described for both the
autosomes and the sex chromosomes. Trisomies of
chromosomes 8, 13, and 21 are the more common forms of
polysomy of the autosomes. There are several forms of
polysomy of the sex chromosomes in which one or more extra
X or Y chromosomes are present.
Trisiomy 21 (Downs syndrome) is the most common form of
chromosome disorder. It has an incidence of 1 in 800 births.
The condition is usually accompanied by moderately severe
mental retardation.
The risk of having a baby with downs syndrome is greater in
women who are 35 years of age or older at the time of
The physical features of a child with Downs syndrome are
distinctive, and there fore the condition is usually apparent at
birth. These features include a small and rather square head.
There is upward slanting of the eyes, small and malformed
ears, an open mouth, and a large and protruding tongue. The
childs hands are usually short and stubby with fingers that
curl inward, and there is usually only a single palmar (simian)
crease. There are often accompanying congenital heart
defects of particular concern is the much greater risk that
these children have for the development of acute leukemia.
Monosomy X (Turners syndrome)
Turners syndrome describes a monosomy of the X
chromosome (45, X/o) with gonadal agensis, or absence of
the ovaries. There are variations in the syndrome, with
abnormalities ranging from essentially none to webbing of the
neck with redundant skin folds, non pitting edema of the neck
with redundant skin folds, non pitting edema of the hands and
feet, and congenital heart defects (particularly coarctation of
the aorta). Characteristically, the female with Turners
syndrome is short in stature, but her body proportions are
normal. She does not menstruate and shows no signs of
secondary sex characteristics. Administration of estrogen may
cause the secondary sexual characteristics to develop. The
infertility associated with turners syndrome can not be
Poly somy X (Klinefelters syndrome)
Klinefelters syndrome is characterized by an x- chromatin-
positive (47,x/x/y) male and is associated with testicular
dysgenesis. In rare cases, there may be more than one extra
X chromosome for example, 47x/x//x/y. The condition may not
be detected in the newborn. The infant usually has normal
male genitalia, with a small penis and small, firm testicles.
Hypogonadism during puberty usually leads to a tall stature
with abnormal body proportions in which the lower part of the
body is longer than the upper part. Later in life, the body build
may become heavy with a female distribution of sub-
cetaceous fat and variable degrees of breast enlargement.
There may be deficient secondary male sex characteristics.
There may be sexually dysfunction, along with complete
infertility and potency. Replacement hormone therapy with
testosterone is used to treat the disorder.
III. Alterations in chromosome Structure
Aberrations in chromosome structure occur when there is a
break in one or more of the chromosomes followed by
rearrangement or deletion of the chromosome parts. Among
the factors believed to cause chromosome breakage are the
1. Exposure to radiation sources, such as X- rays
2 Influence of certain chemicals
3 Extreme changes in the cellular environments and
4 Viral infections
A number of patterns of chromosome breakage and
rearrangement can occur. There can be a deletion of the
broken portion of the chromosome.
Review Questions
1. Give two examples of autosomal dominant disorders.
2. Compare and contrast the autosomal and sex- linked
3. Describe taysachs disease.
4. List the conditions as a result of primary enzyme
5. Describe the pathophysiology of one among the
disorders of primary enzyme defects.
1. Barbara L. Bullock (1992). Pathophysiology: Adaptation
and Alteration in
Function. 3
edition.J.B. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia.
2. Carol Mattson porth. (1990). Pathophysiology: Concept of
altered health state.
edition.J.B. Lippinocott Company. U.S.A.
3. Catherine paradise (1992). Lippincotts review series
Pathophysiology. J.B
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
4.Dinarello CA: Thermoregulation and the pathogenesis of
fever, Infect Dis Clin
North Am, 10; 433, 1996.
5.Gyton (2005). Human physiology and mechanism of diease.
edition. J.B.
Lippinocott Company. U.S.A
6.Jackson M, Rickman LS, Pugliese : Emerging infectious
diseases, Am J Nurs,
100: 66, 2000
7.Lee El l en, C. Copst ead (1995). Perspect i ve on
Pathophysiology. W.B
Saunders Company, Philadelphia
8.Muirs (1992). Muirs Text book of pathology. 13
Roderick MN
Macsween and Kiewth Whaley.
9. Niocll LH: Heat in motion: evaluating and managing
temperature, Nursing
32(suppI): 1,2002.
10.Robbins and cotran (2005).Pathologic basis of diseases.7

edition. Elsevier
11. Suzanne C. Smeltzer and Brenda Bare.(2004). Brunner
and Suddarths text book of Medical Surgical nursing.10

edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
12.WHO (2005).TB/HIV manual of clinical practice.

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